Evaluation Parameters Course Code: ECE505B Course Title: Dissetation L: 0 T

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Course Code: ECE505B Course Title: Dissetation L: 0 T :

0 P: 0 Cr. : 15
Weightages :
1. Course O!e"ti#e:
Each student has to write M.Tech Dissertation to be submitted in Current Term.
Two hard copies and one soft copy of the Fina !esearch Dissertation are to be
submitted in the Department in the prescribed format. M.Tech Dissertation
woud be e"auated for 50 mar#s by Department M.Tech Committee $DMC% on
the parameters of &b'ecti"es( Methodoo)y( !e"iew of *iterature and
!eferences. Fina M.Tech Dissertation to be e"auated for 50 mar#s by Fina
Dissertation E"auation Committee. This committee wi incude 5.
$. Para%eters o& E#aluatio':
1st E"auation
+nd E"auation -0,
-rd E"auation 50,
Tota 100,
.n each of these e"auations( a e/aminers wi aot mar#s independenty on the
foowin) parameters :
1arameter Mar#s
1 2mount of wor# done 5
+ 3uaity of wor# done 10
- 3uaity of written report +0
4 !esponses to the 5uestions as#ed in
presentation 6 "i"a
Total )*
+010 T+
P$ Th P
* *
+* * )*
+. Who ,ill e#aluate i.e. a si'gle &a"ult- or a .a'el/ i'ter'al or e0ter'al
The 7i"a87oce e/amination on the dissertation sha be conducted by a Board of
minimum 2#e e/aminers consistin) of :
i. The 9ead of the concerned Facuty Department as Chairman
ii. &ne Facuty member of the Department who is not from the 0choo of the
iii. Two nominees of the Dean of Facuty
i". Candidate:s 0uper"isor
0tudent performance sha be e"auated on the basis of two components "i;.
Continuous 2ssessment and End Term practica each carryin) 50, wei)hta)e.
The <rst two e"auations wi comprise of the Continuous assessment and the
e"auation wi comprise of the End Term
4. Periodi"it- 3 4re5ue'"- o& e#aluatio' 6Please adhere to .oli"-
guideli'es as a..li"ale7:
.n this term the student starts his M.Tech Dissertation wor# aon) with the
coection of iterature. The pro)ress of the student after 5th wee# is e/amined
and e"auated out of +0 Mar#s. 2fter 10th wee# a)ain the pro)ress of M.Tech
Dissertation is e"auated out of -0 Mar#s. 2fter the submission of M.Tech
Dissertation at the end of second term e/terna e/aminers are appointed by the
7ice Chanceor in consutation with 9&D8F6C&D8F and the M.Tech Dissertations
are sent to them. The same e/terna e/aminers then are caed to conduct "i"a8
"oce e/amination. The e/terna e/aminer aon) with the members of DMC
e"auates each M.Tech Dissertation out of 50 mar#s.
). Pedagog- 89o, ,ill the "ourse e taught 3 "o'sultatio' e do'e: :
0tudent wi meet with his6her super"isor and discuss the sub'ect in schedued
time. 0tudents can a"ai the e/pertise of .nterna = E/terna 2d"isors.
>. A'- other i'&or%atio' rele#a't to the "ourse : No
+010 T+

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