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Serial Number: SE

Candidate ID: 60936354

Employee No:
Year: FY 204 ! 205
SE&' IC E () &E E$ EN%
% * I S S E &' I CE ( ) & E E $ E N% executed on [ ] is with effect from Date of
Joining 4
day o, -uly 204 to the successful completion of Foundation Programmed Training and up to
a period of 12 months from the Date of Allocation to a Practice Unit at nfos!s "imited #hereinafter
referred to as the $%er&ice Period'(
. E% / EE N:
)*s+ nfos!s "imited a ,ompan! incorporated under the ,ompanies Act+ 1-./0 ha&ing its registered office
at Plot 1os+ 22 3 -4 A0 5rd ,ross0 P+6+ 7lectronics ,it!0 8osur 9oad0 :angalore ; ./< 1<<0 represented
=! its manager #89D( )r+ 9ichard "o=o0 hereinafter referred to as the C " $ 0( N Y #which term shall
unless repugnant to the context mean and include its successors>in>interest and permitted assignees( of the
" NE 0(&%:
$12 (poor3a &ai45ar6 daughter of $r2 &2 72 &ai45ar6 aged a=out 22 year16 currentl! residing at
In,o1y1 #imited6 $y1ore6 hereinafter referred to as the E n 8 ineer #which term shall unless repugnant to
the context mean and include his*her heirs0 legal representati&es0 assigns0 executors and administrators( of
the S E C " ND 0(&%:
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!
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$r2 &2 72 &ai45ar0 son of #ate S+ri S2 #2 &ai45ar6 aged a=out 45 Year16 currentl! residing at :9;6
Data Colony6 (irport &oad6 .+opal < 462 036 hereinafter referred to as the S9& E% Y #which term
shall unless repugnant to the context mean and include his*her heirs0 legal representati&es0 assigns0
executors and administrators( of the % * I &D 0(&%
The following terms shall ha&e the following meanings for the purpose of this %er&ice Agreement?
2 Date o, (llo=ation : s the date when the 7ngineer is allocated to a Practice Unit for 6n the Jo=
22 0ra=ti=e 9nit : Practice Unit refers to indi&idual =usiness unit * hori@ontal =usiness unit
*department where the 7ngineer is posted0 usuall! after the completion of Foundation Program Training+
A Practice Unit ma! =e a deli&er! unit or =usiness ena=ler function * department+
32 "n!t+e!-ob %rainin8 : Training imparted to the 7ngineer on allocation to a Practice Unit+
/* E& E(S
The 7ngineer applied to the ,ompan! for the designation of %!stem 7ngineer Trainee+ Pursuant to such
application0 the ,ompan! appointed him*her as a %!stem 7ngineer on the terms and conditions contained
in the offer letter together with this %er&ice Agreement0 under which he*she is reAuired to undergo training
as ma! =e determined =! the ,ompan!B
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!
0a8e 2 o, 6
A1D C8797A% the 7ngineer recogni@es and accepts that at the time of appointment as %!stem
except exposure to academic Dnowledge0 he*she has recei&ed no formal0 effecti&e0 technical or practical
training to independentl! function as a %!stem 7ngineer who is commerciall! &ia=le to the ,ompan!B
A1D C8797A% the 7ngineer further recogni@es and accepts that prior to and at the time of Eoining the
,ompan!0 he*she has not =een exposed to and0 therefore0 has not acAuired an! management or
communication sDills0 which are essential to for performance of duties =! the 7ngineer which meet the
current =usiness needs0 parameters0 standards and efficienc! le&els reAuired =! the ,ompan!B
A1D C8797A% conseAuentl! and in order for the ,ompan! to utili@e the sDills of the 7ngineer0 the
7ngineer would need to undergo formal and extensi&e training in accordance with courses0 modules and
programmes prescri=ed or conducted =! the ,ompan!B
A1D C8797A% the 7ngineer is aware that the ,ompan! would =e expending su=stantial sums of mone!
and incurring costs0 expenses0 man hours etc+ in the process of selecting and appointing him*her as %!stem
7ngineer and thereafter imparting training to such 7ngineerB
A1D C8797A% the 7ngineer recogni@es and accepts that the ,ompan! would suffer su=stantial
financial loss0 incon&enience0 loss of resources0 man hours0 computer time etc+0 in the e&ent the 7ngineer
fails to complete the training as prescri=ed hereunder and*or lea&es the ,ompan! during the %er&ice
Period+ n such e&ent0 the 7ngineer here=! agrees to reim=urse and compensate the ,ompan! in the
manner enumerated in clause . of this %er&ice AgreementB
16C T8% %79F,7 AG977)71T CT17%%7% A% F6""6C%?
1+ The 7ngineer has =een appointed as a %!stem 7ngineer on training with the ,ompan!+
The 7ngineer will undergo Foundation Programmed Training #$the FPT'( as detailed in ,lause
5 of this agreement at the ,ompan!Hs location at )!sore0 ndia which will commence on the
7ngineer Eoining the ,ompan!+ The %er&ice Period also includes the FPT period as detailed in
,lause 5+ f the 7ngineer taDes lea&es on loss of pa! #$"6P'(0 such lea&e period shall not =e
included within the meaning of %er&ice Period+ The 7ngineer here=! acDnowledges and agrees
that his*her %er&ice Period shall =e extended =! the num=er da!s of lea&e taDen on "6P+
2+ The 7ngineer shall =e paid a total monthl! fixed compensation of 9s+1I05<1*> As
a( :asic %alar! ?9s+ /022<*>
=( Dearness Allowance ?9s+ 101<<*>
c( :asDet of Allowances ?9s+ -0244*>
d( :onus * 7x>Gratia ?9s+ 10.<2*>
n addition to the monthl! fixed compensation0 the 7ngineer is eligi=le for a training performance
linDed incenti&e #$TP'(0 =ased on the performance of the 7ngineer during
5+ The 7ngineer agrees to undergo training immediatel! upon Eoining+ The o=Eecti&es0
methodolog!0 content and e&aluation procedures of the FPT are detailed in the assessment and
e&aluation polic! which is a&aila=le to the 7ngineer for inspection with the 7ducation 3 9esearch
#$739'( department+ The duration of the FPT would normall! range up to a period of 25 weeDs for
7ngineers with non computer science =acDground and 2< weeDs for 7ngineers with computer science
=acDground unless otherwise expressl! prescri=ed =! the ,ompan!+ FPT period will =e determined
=! the ,ompan! on the =asis of educational Aualification of the 7ngineer at the time of entr! into the
,ompan! and =usiness reAuirements of the ,ompan!+ The 7ngineer is expected to Aualif! in the
FPT0 which is intended to render him * her competent to undertaDe software de&elopment tasDs that
ma! =e su=seAuentl! assigned to him * her+ All modules of the FPT are compulsor!+
Upon successful Aualification in the FPT0 the 7ngineer ma!0 at the sole discretion of the ,ompan!0 =e
deputed for 6n>the>Jo= training to a Practice Unit for such period as ma! =e specified =! the
1otwithstanding an! other pro&ision0 in certain cases0 =ased on the =usiness reAuirements of the
,ompan!0 the ,ompan! shall depute the 7ngineer for $6n>the>Jo=' training =efore undergoing or
prior to completion of the FPT+ 8owe&er0 within one !ear of the 7ngineerHs date of Eoining the
,ompan!0 the 7ngineer will =e pro&ided with the opportunit! to undergo and complete the FPT+
2+ %!stem 7ngineers undergoing training are reAuired to peruse the assessment and e&aluation
polic! which is a&aila=le with the 739 department+ The content shall =e presumed to =e
within the Dnowledge of the 7ngineer upon reporting for training+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
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.+ The 7ngineer accepts0 agrees and admits that the ,ompan! has incurred expenses and costs in
the process of recruitment0 such expenses =eing in the nature of ad&ertisements0 implementation of
selection procedures0 inter&iews0 tra&el0 etc+ The 7ngineer is aware that in the e&ent of his * her not
completing the %er&ice Period0 the ,ompan! would0 without option0 =e constrained once again
to incur0 similar expenses0 which would =e a direct result of him * her lea&ing the ,ompan!
prematurel!+ The 7ngineer further accepts0 agrees and admits that the nature0 Aualit!0 intensit!
and content of training #$7xhi=it A'( to =e imparted =! the ,ompan! is not a&aila=le or imparted =!
an! other compan! of a similar nature+ the FPT is designed to satisf! the exclusi&e
reAuirements of the ,ompan! and that the opportunit! to =e trained in computers0 with pro&ision for
exclusi&e worDing on computers is not a&aila=le with or pro&ided =! an! other compan! of similar
nature+ The 7ngineer is further aware that the ,ompan! would ha&e earned considera=le re&enue =!
hiring out computer time instead of imparting such FPT training thereon to the 7ngineer+ The
7ngineer admits and recogni@es that the technical and management training in&ol&es su=stantial
training costs0 man hours0 resource utili@ation and is the result of the ,ompan!Hs pro>acti&e policies in
encouraging leadership Aualities+
The 7ngineer0 therefore0 agrees that in the e&ent of his * her lea&ing the ,ompan! =efore completion
of the %er&ice Agreement Period with the ,ompan! for an! reason whatsoe&er0 he * she shall =e lia=le
to pa! to the ,ompan! compensation * damages calculated as follows and * or reim=urse all costs and
expenses incurred in or connected with the training?
a+ Fixed cost of &12 236000 which includes 9s+ 1.0<<< 9ecruitment cost and 9s+ I0<<< Training cost+
=+ 4.J of fixed salar! #7xcluding PF and Gratuit!( paid =! the ,ompan! to the 7ngineer during
FTP period0 which is calculated at &12 45> per day #A&erage calendar da! per month is
considered at 5< da!s+ n case the 7ngineer resigns in middle of an! month0 the num=er of da!s
worDed in that month would =e considered for calculating the J of salar! amount deducta=le(+
c+ .<J of Total computer time utili@ed is calculated at &12 625per da! #A&erage worDing da!
per month is considered at 22 da!s+ n case the 7ngineer resigns in middle of an! month0 the
of da!s worDed in that month would =e considered for the
/+ The 7ngineer0 ,ompan! and %uret! accept0 agree and admit that the amounts calculated on
the aforementioned =asis is a genuine0 fair and reasona=le estimate of the damages0 loss and expenses
that the ,ompan! would suffer on pro&iding training to the 7ngineer+
4+ The 7ngineer agrees that he * she shall faithfull! and diligentl! undergo and im=i=e the
training prescri=ed as per the FPT+ The 7ngineer acDnowledges that failure to complete the FPT
successfull! or lea&ing the ,ompan! within the %er&ice Period shall mean and include?
a] Failure to complete FPT =! =eing a=sent for an! reason#s( whatsoe&er from the ,ompan!B
=] "ea&ing the ,ompan! for the purpose of higher studies0 research0 alternate emplo!ment0
alternate training or an! other purpose during the %er&ice Period+
c] Dismissal of 7ngineer =! the ,ompan! for an! act of misconduct0 indiscipline0 a=sence0
refusal to o=e! orders0 =reach of internal policies of the ,ompan! or unsatisfactor! response
of the 7ngineer during the %er&ice Period+
I+ The %uret! here=! undertaDes and accepts that his * her lia=ilit! is co>extensi&e with that of
the 7ngineer+ The %uret! shall =e Eointl! and se&erall! lia=le with the 7ngineer for pa!ment of all
amounts that ma! =ecome due and pa!a=le under this %er&ice Agreement+ The %uret! here=!
acDnowledges that he*she is aware and accepts the special nature and character of deputation of the
7ngineer as well as the manner of computation of damages * compensation enumerated in clause . of
this %er&ice Agreement+ The %uret! here=! agrees and accepts that the ,ompan! shall =e at li=ert! to
enforce this guarantee furnished =! him*her without necessaril! seeDing to enforce the same against
the 7ngineer in the first instance+ The %uret! here=! agrees and accepts that the ,ompan! shall =e
entitled to proceed either against the 7ngineer or %uret! or =oth for reco&er! of an! amounts due
under this %er&ice Agreement+ The %uret! here=! agrees and accepts that an! demand made on the
7ngineer under this %er&ice Agreement shall =e deemed to =e sufficient notice of such demand to the
%uret! also+ The %uret! and 7ngineer here=! state that the! ha&e entered into this %er&ice Agreement
&oluntaril! and after =eing full! aware of all legal conseAuences arising out of this %er&ice Agreement+
1 C T 1 7 % % 7% C 8 7 9 7 6 F the parties ha&e signed this %er&ice Agreement on the date0 month and
!ear first a=o&e written =efore the following witnesses?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
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C T 1 7 % % 7 % ?
C T 17 %% 1 ,6)P A1K
C T 17 %% 2 71G 17 79
C T 17 %% 5 %U97T K
N " % (& Y :
#Please ticD the appropriate =ox and initial * sign against the chosen
The 7ngineer has signed =efore me
The %uret! has signed =efore me
The 7ngineer 3 %uret! ha&e signed =efore me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
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E? +ibit (
T he Fo und atio n P ro gr a mme Tr ainin g # FP T (
The FPT ma! consist of se&eral training modules #hereinafter the terms $module' and $programme'
are used interchangea=l!(+
,urrentl! there are two training modules0
namel!? #i( Technical TrainingB and
#ii( )anagement %Dills Training
Technical Training further comprises of 2 distinct modules
#i( Generic %treamB and
#ii( Technolog! %pecific %tream
All references to $Technical Training' shall include =oth Generic %tream and Technolog! %pecific
+ T ec hnical T r aining?
The 7ngineer would =e reAuired to undergo Technical Training in all or an! of the following
,ompan! designed courses as a specified programme+ The curriculum ma! =e modified
=ased on the ,ompan!Hs reAuirement from time to time+ At present there are two modules
#also called stream programmes( of technical training as enumerated =elow?
a( Ge n e r ic %tre a m P ro g r a mm e ? programming principles0 data=ase concepts0 Aualit!
s!stems concepts0 computer hardware 3 %Lsoftware0 U design issues and other su=Eects+
=( T e c hn o log ! % p e c ific %tre a m P ro g r a mm e ? mainframe s!stems or internet =ased
s!stems or open s!stems or A%2<< s!stems0 stream proEect and other su=Eects+
+ )a nage me nt % Dill s T r ainin g?
7&er! 7ngineer shall undergo pre>determined management sDills programme during and as a
part of the FPT+ These programmes would co&er communication sDills and =usiness sDills and
such other components as the ,ompan! ma! determine from time to time depending upon
&ar!ing =usiness reAuirements of the ,ompan!+
t is mandator! that e&er! 7ngineer Aualifies in the manner specified =oth in Technical T r ai n in g and
)anagement % D il l s Training+ All e&aluation criteria and training process * methodolog! shall
=e exclusi&el! determined =! the ,ompan! and ma! =e re&iewed =! the ,ompan! from time to time+
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