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Present Perfect

We use the Present Perfect Tense:
For an action that happened in the past but to which we never refer. What concerns
us is the action itself. The tense does not concern us or maybe we do not know it.
Theyve bought a new car.
For an action that happened in the past but the results of which are obvious in the
present or infuence it in some way.
Shes lost weight and she looks very nice.
Dads broken his glasses, so he cant read the newsaer.
For an action that started in the past and has been continuing until now or for a
state that has applied for a long time and that still applies now.
Weve known each other for years.
To talk about experiences: what somebody has or has not done during his lifetime.
!ve visited "any countries.
To ask whether somebody has done something during his lifetime, we often use
#ave you ever ridden a ca"el$
f we have not done something during our lifetime, we often use never.
Weve never %own in a hot air balloon.
f we want to emphasi!e that we are doing something for the "rst time, we use
never and add before at the end of the sentence.
!ve never eaten &hinese food before.
There is another way to talk about something that we are doing for the "rst time in
our life. We use this is ' !ts the (rst ti"e ) resent erfect.
This is the (rst ti"e ! have ever eaten &hinese food.
!ts the (rst ti"e ! have ever eaten &hinese food.
For an action that has #ust "nished.
The lay has *ust (nished.
Ti"e "arkers:
The time markers that we usually use with the resent erfect are:
+UST: The train has *ust left the station.
,-T: She hasnt honed yet. #ave you seen hi" yet$ .,-T is used in the
negative and in a /uestion.0
123-1D,: Weve already (nished our work.
453: ! havent seen her for ages.
S!6&-: They havent been here since last su""er.
-7-3: #ave you ever read 8Treasure !sland9$
6-7-3: :y grand"other has never used a co"uter.
3-&-6T2,: They havent visited us recently.
12W1,S: !ve always wanted to go to Disneyland.
#5W 256; <$ : #ow long have you known each other$
21T-2,: =lti"a"ente. ! have not lately gone to school.
$u% diferencia hay
entre if y whether &si'
(et en preguntas es
1lready s+lo se usa en tiempos compuestos y se coloca
entre el verbo auxiliar y el verbo principal: We have
already eaten. Ya hemos comido.
,ecently- .ace poco,
0ver- nunca, #am1s. 0n interrogativos o negativo
)alguna ve!*
2ince- desde entonces &adverbio', desde &preposici+n',
desde 3ue .ever0 since ! saw her, desde 3ue la vi4 ya
3ue, puesto 3ue: since you>re so clever..., ya 3ue eres
tan listo... &5on#unci+n'.

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