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Akhand Singh Email:akhands@gmail.

Mob: +91-9890803336
To be in a responsible position in an organization that encourages me to grow with
the company in a direction that maximizes both the job satisfaction and career
Professional Summary
Possess total 3 year 10 months of IT experience and 3 years of experience wor!ing
extensi"ely as #racle $ystem %&'( which includes acti"ities li!e 11g )* )'+( '$,
setup-installation( standalone %atabase Installation( creation( .pgrade( )efresh(
,igration ),'/ %atabase +loning( Physical $tandby creation( ),'/
&ac!up-reco"ery( %ata 0uard setup( performance tuning and .ser-Tablespace
e"ersity Percentage 1ear of
&2 3awaharlal %arda Institute of 2ngg 4 Tech(
56.56 *007
#rganization %esignation %uration
,phasi$ 8 an 9P +ompany 'ssociate $oftware
2ngineer- #racle %atabase
#ctober *00: ;
'ugust *01*
+ybage $oftware P"t <td $r. Production $upport
2ngineer- #racle %atabase
'ugust *01* ; Till
Technical Skills
#perating $ystems <inux( $olaris( 'I=( .nix( >indows =P( >indows ?ista(
>indows 5
<anguages +( +( 3a"a
$cripting <anguage ./I= $hell $cripting
@uery <anguage $@<( P<$@<
%atabase #racle 11g-10g %atabase 'dministration( $@< %atabase
%atabase Tool $@<APlus( Toad 4 $@< %e"eloper
Platform 'dministration .nix( >indows
1B080C1 #racle %atabase 11g $@< Dundamentals
1B080C* #racle %atabase 11g 'dministration 8 I
Training ttended !n "phasiS # an $P Company
Training /ame $tart %ate 2nd %ate
Introduction to )%&,$8#racle &atch *:8#ct8*00: 308#ct8*00:
$@< 318#ct8*00: 0C8/o"8*00:
P<8$@< E#racle &atchF 0G8/o"8*00: 13/o"8*00:
#)'+<2 10g %&' 138/o"8*010 1183an8*010
./I= E#racle &atchF 1:83an8*010 3183an8*010
Project Profle
Project /o. 1. Production $upport
+lient $P)I/T .$
)ole #racle %atabase 'dministrator
#rganization ,phasi$ 8 'n 9P +ompany
Period 3'/ *0108 '.0 *010
Team $ize G
%escription In the project we support all database administration part.
&ac!up( )eco"ery( 2xport Import of databases( %atabase
.pgrade to 11g( %atabase )efresh( $chema )efresh(
Performance Tuning.
%ole & %esponsibilities
1. Production $upport *6=5
*. Ta!ing routine &ac!up of #racle %atabase.
3. %atabase )efresh from Production %atabase to %e"elopment %atabase and
Testing %atabase.
6. #nce in a month $chema )efresh.
C. Performance Tuning and @uery #ptimization.
G. 'lert ,onitoring and Table space monitoring.
5. +onHgured the ),'/ bac!up and implemented in cronjobs.
Project /o. *. Production $upport
+lient +2/T.)1<I/I formerly 2,&')@ .$
)ole #racle %atabase 'dministrator
#rganization ,phasi$ 8 'n 9P +ompany
Period $2P *010 8 '.0 *01*
Team $ize 1* EIncluding #nshoreF
%escription Pro"iding production <1 4 <* support
%ole & %esponsibilities
1. Production $upport *6=5
*. Preparing daily tas! ; list and distributing tas! to team.
3. ,onitoring 4 conHguring ),'/ bac!up.
6. 2diting 4 applying the cronjob for ),'/ bac!up.
C. ,onitor the jobs that whether they ha"e been completed properly or not using
2,&')@ %atapoint Tool.
G. .nix scripting and automation wor! Einclude data Hle path change used in %&
5. %atabase )efresh from Production %atabase to %e"elopment and Testing
7. Performing $chema( Table and full database refresh.
:. >or!ing and managing the )'+ instances.
10. Performing %atabase ,igration from one ser"er to another ser"er.
11. Performing %atabase decommissioning.
1*. Performing the %atabase refresh using the $@< &'+IT)'+I tool.
13. Performing $@< &'+IT)'+I <icense !ey upgrade.
16. Performing %atabase upgrade. E )'+ databases as well as single instance %& F
1C. +reating $) ; $er"ice )eJuest for #racle $upport using #racle metalin!.
1G. 'lert monitoring and Table space monitoring.
15. $upporting all "ersions of databases right from :i )'+ to 11g )'+.
17. +loning database using ),'/ controlHle bac!up.
1:. 9andling '$,( 0)I% 4 )'+ databases running on C nodes.
*0. +reating 4 $ynchronizing $tandby databases.
*1. +reating Test databases for testing purpose of 'pplication Team.
Project /o. 3 Production $upport
+lient 0lobe8$weden
)ole #racle %atabase 'dministrator
#rganization +ybage $oftware P"t <td
Period '.0 *01* ; to present
Team $ize 5 EIncluding #nshoreF
%escription Pro"iding production <1 4 <* support
%ole & %esponsibilities
1. Production $upport *6x5.
*. $upporting all 2n" $T-$IT-.'T-P2T-P)#%.
3. 11g )* '$,( 0)I% 4 )'+ setup 4 installation( ),'/ bac!up-)eco"ery 4
Dlashbac! implementation.
6. Installing( creating standalone database.
C. )esponsible for end*end support for the %& related issues right from $T till
G. %iscussing 4 understanding issues from application team at object le"el and
5. Installing 4 setting up )'+ databases( applying P$.s..
7. +reating 4 managing users 4 Pri"ileges.
:. ,onitoring 4 implementing scripts for Tablespace and bac!up alerts.
10. %atabase ,igration-)estoration from ),'/ bac!up( cold bac!up( hot bac!up
and logical bac!up.
11. %atabase Performance monitoring and tuning.
Personal 'etails
/ame '!hand Pratap $ingh
%ate of &irth 0G 3uly( 1:7C
2mail Id a!
,arital status ,arried
<anguages 2nglish( 9indi and ,arathi
'ddress '81 - 506 LPrestige PanoramaM Iesha" /agar
Pune 8 611003G
I hereby declare that all the information stated abo"e is true to the best of my
P<'+2N P./2
E'!hand $inghF

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