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Have a wonderful
Fourth of July!
Aug. 9Picnic with
Canyon Democrats!
Laguna Niguel Lake

Sept. 10First meeting
at our new location,
Dana Point Community
24642 San Juan Avenue

Map on next page


Laguna Niguel Lake is the site
again for our second annual
SOCDC/Canyon Club
Fundraiser Picnic. Bring the
family for fun and good eats at
the same location where we
held the extremely successful
event last summer. Meet
fellow Democrats and get to know candidates for office in
November 2014. This is an election year, so please plan to attend
this important gathering. Guests are welcome.

Laguna Niguel Lake is located at
28241 La Paz Rd., Laguna Niguel.
Shelters, tables and benches are
available but you can bring your
own lawn chairs.

Beginning with our September meeting, we can luxuriate in our new space in Dana Point. Not only
is it a bargain, but well be able to stay at our meetings as long as we want. One of the great
things about our new space is that there is no rush to be out at 8 p.m. because there is no staff at
that location. This also means that we will need volunteers to show up early to help set up and
stay late to help tear down. If you are able and need a little exercise, well add your name to the
meeting coordinators list. We will need two or three folks to commit to arriving 20 minutes
early to set up tables and chairs, and a few people who will need to stay after to clean up, take
out the trash, etc. Think of it as a way to extend the social opportunity.

Fly the Flag! June 2014

July 2014


Assemblyman Das Williams (D-Santa Barbara) co-authored a bill which was approved by the California State
Senate Tuesday, June 24, that would allow restraining orders to remove guns from the possession of individuals who
are judged by a family member, medical workers, or the police to be a risk to themselves or others. The bill
addresses the rampage carried out by Elliot Rodger on May 23 at Isla Vista, near the University of California, Santa
Barbara, and campus.

Flaws in the current legal system prevented action against Rodger in the months before the killings even though
family members and others saw warning signs. Using weapons including guns,
Rodger killed six people near the campus. Family members recognized the signs and
took action but they had no legal tools to prevent the mass killing, Williams told the
Senate Public Safety Committee. AB 1014 provides an option for family members
and loved ones to temporarily separate those who may be a danger to themselves and
others from firearms. Mentally unstable individuals should not have access to
firearms. Under the legislation, law enforcement can ask a court to issue a
restraining order preventing individuals from possessing guns if the officers, family
members or medical workers can provide evidence that there is a substantial
likelihood of violence.
Beginning in September, general meetings will be held at the Womens Community Center, 24642 San Juan Ave. in
San Juan Capistrano. Were excited about our new location, set in the heart of San Juans business and restaurant
district with plenty of parking. Members are asked to help with set-up and take-down when we meet for our monthly
general meetings, setting up tables and arranging chairs. The meeting coordinator is expected to coordinate this
responsibility among volunteers every month.
Its a good chance to get to know our members and support speakers, and to help keep Democratic principles and
honest reporting out there in South Orange County. Please contact Chair Shelly Blair at


Great News!! We have a new
SOCDC Meeting Place for

Dana Point Community House
24642 San Juan Avenue
Dana Point

Fran Sdao, president of the Canyon Democratic Club, spoke at the June 11
general meeting and is planning to introduce Democratic candidates and guests at
the picnic on August 9. The SOCDC and the Canyon Club work together to host
special events throughout the year, bringing attention to issues that are important
To Orange County Democrats.

The SOCDC general meetings are inclusive. We encourage guests, especially
young folks who will vote for the first time in November 2014, to hear our
speakers, ask questions, and get to know Democratic candidates. Theres an
opportunity on August 9 to meet candidates, members of the Canyon and South
Orange County Democratic clubs and other Democrats at the picnic at Laguna
Niguel Lake.


The Jun1 11 general meeting was our last at the
San Juan Capistrano Community Center. We are
moving to the SJC Womens Community Center,
a comfortable and established meeting place with
full amenities and lots of parking, more freedom
to hold longer meetings and a more visible
presence to residents of South Orange County

The SOCDC general meeting June 11 hosted Julio Perez,
executive director of the Orange County Labor Federation. The
son of immigrant parents from Mexico, Perez comes from a
union family and graduated from UCI in international studies,
earned a masters degree in public policy at the University of
Michigan. Hes worked as a union organizer in Orange County
and was elected to his position with the OCLF in December

Mike Getto, former president of SOCDC, and his
son, Michael, at the June 11 general meeting.

Michael is deputy director for the Committee for
Open Democracy. Over the last 20 years he has
monitored elections in: Moldova, Kenya,
Armenia, Lithuania, Georgia and now Ukraine.
He has been in Kiev for the past year and
supervised the recent elections in eastern


In 2002, historic legislation was enacted to extend disability compensation to cover individuals who take time off of
work to care for a seriously ill child, spouse, parent, or registered domestic partner, or to bond with a new child.
Senate Bill 1661 established Paid Family Leave (PFL), also known as Family Temporary Disability Insurance
program, to be administered by the State Disability Insurance (SDI) program. An estimated 13.1 million California
workers who are covered by the SDI program have also been covered for PFL benefits as of July 1, 2004. For
California workers covered by SDI, PFL provides up to six weeks of benefits for individuals who must take time off
to care for a seriously ill child, spouse, parent, or registered domestic partner, or to bond with a new child.
Beginning July 1, 2014, California workers may be eligible to receive PFL benefits when taking take time off of
work to care for a seriously ill parent-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, or sibling. For more information, view Senate
Bill 770 (Chapter 350, Statutes of 2013).
Recent allegations about the failure of the Veterans Administration, especially in Phoenix, AZ, to treat veterans in
need of health care, rehabilitation and counseling, have resulted in Congressional hearings, televised on CSPAN.
The Senate may move ahead quickly to pass bipartisan legislation to correct these conditions which put the welfare
of service men and women at risk. Questions have been raised about executive pay, and the following website lists
these salaries at the VA Hospital in Phoenix.
=&perpage=100. To open the website, put your cursor on the URL above, and click on Control/Enter. The website
is, a free app. The information is courtesy of American Transparency, a 5013 nonprofit.

Editors Note

Over 30,000 people attended the commencement ceremonies at Angel Stadium on Sunday, June 15. One of the
graduates was chosen for special mention, Aaron Anderson, an injured war veteran and a graduate in international
studies. Aaron graduated summa cum laude and is my son-in-law.

Aaron is a hero, not only to our family but to all who know him. After 9/11, he finished his fall semester at a
community college and was sent to basic training in early 2002. As a Green Beret he served in Afghanistan and in
2006, while on patrol in a Humvee, was injured when an IED exploded under the vehicle. At Walter Reed Hospital
in Washington, D.C., one doctor wanted to remove his right leg, so he asked for another doctor. After 23 surgeries,
he kept his leg and his foot. Aaron is determined and has a strong will. He was medically retired in 2008, and says
hed consider chopping off his leg if it meant being able to be more active.

Aaron returned to California, opened a security company and founded the Green Beret Foundation in July 2009. In
June 2010 he married my daughter, Alexandra, returned to college, graduated and now works for an investment
company in Newport Beach.

They call themselves the A Team, Aaron, Alex and their 2-year-old son Atticus. And Aaron plays ball with his
son, and their laughter fills my heart. He gives thanks for miraculous healing to God and his own hard work. L.R.


In America, one out of three homes with children has a gun, and nearly 1.7 million children live in a home with a
loaded, unlocked gun. Every year thousands of kids are killed and injured as a result.

The ASK (Asking Saves Kids) Campaign promotes a simple idea with the potential to help keep kids safe. It
encourages parents to ASK if there is an unlocked gun in the homes where their children play.

ASK encourages parents to ask this question: Is there an unlocked gun in your house? Its a simple question, but
has the power to save a childs life.

Parents care about the safety of their children. ASK allows parents to play an active role in keeping kids safe. Any
parent can make a difference by ASKing, and encouraging others to do the same.

For more information, go to

(Note: Its my understanding that there are nefarious people taking advantage of the horror of gun violence, and
you may receive requests from various organizations for support and money. Please make sure you check these out
before making donations. The safest avenue is The Brady Campaign, which was established under the title The
National Council to Control Handguns. After other evolutions it was renamed The Brady Campaign in 2001 after
Jim Brady, President Reagans press secretary, was shot in 1981 during the assassination attempt on the President.
For more information about the Brady Campaign, go to

New Member: Richard G. Murray, Mission Viejo

Immigration Reform: How did YOU get here?

Help pass comprehensive immigration reform by sharing your familys immigration
Story in a California Democratic Party project. Sharing your story can help remind
Republicans in the House that this is about families and about a whole new generation
of Americans who are already here and already contributing to our nation every day.

To share your story visit and help send a message to those
who are blocking the path of comprehensive immigration reform.


CDP Chair Burton Pens Open Letter to Rick Perry

Chairman John Burton wrote an Open Letter to Texas Governor Rick Perry after the Associated Press
reported Perryfor all his California-bashingmay be planning a move to the Golden State after his term
as Texas Governor ends.

Open Letter to Texas Gov. Rick Perry
June 19, 2014
Governor Rick Perry
Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 12428
Austin, Texas 78711-2428


The Associated Press has reported that for all of your incessant California-bashing, you may be considering a move
to the Golden State after your term as Governor of Texas ends. We dont blame you. California has a lot to offer.
From some of the best coastline in the world, national parks like Yosemite and Joshua Tree, from Hollywood to
Silicon Valley, from San Diego to the crown jewel of San Francisco, this is simply the place to be.

That said, you really ought to know what youre signing up for here. It may not be your scene. Here in California
we dont stick our heads in the sand or twiddle our thumbs when it comes to Global Warming. We know its real,
and our Governor Jerry Brown is leading the way to combat the threat we all face. California signed the Climate
Change Pact together with the Governors of Oregon, Washington State and British Columbia. Were building the
nations first high speed rail system and we passed the Global Warming Solutions Act close to ten years ago.

Then theres the matter of you equating homosexuality with alcoholism. Rick, it will take more than marching in
this months San Francisco Pride Parade for you to begin to walk those comments back, but if youre planning to
make the move, it couldnt hurt to start there.

This is California, the home of Harvey Milk. Were a national leader in the fight for equal rights and marriage
equality. Our Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom threw the gauntlet down way back in 2004 when, as mayor of San
Francisco, he decided enough was enough and fought to give gay and lesbian couples the right to get married (and
divorced for that matter) just like everyone else.
You should also know our minimum wage is set to go up to $10 an hour here thanks to our Democratic legislators
and Governor Jerry Brown. We understand even our states harshest critics would love to call California home, and
apparently youre no different. Were just saying it wouldnt hurt to do a little research before you load up the U-
Haul and head west.

Peace and friendship,

John Burton, Chairman
California Democratic Party

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