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Historical | Root zone | Nutrition
DIY | Aquaponic | Passive
Following pertains to plant minerals and pH levels. Dilute 1
tablespoon of fertilizer in a gallon container with water at a time
before adding to system. (Adding too little is safer than adding too
much). For non-hydroponic fertilizers use 1/10 of the dosing on
the label, with the amount of water in the container in mind. The
hoagland solution provides a basic reference point. (Please do
more research on this).
Essential elements
Calcium, carbon, hydrogen, magnesium, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, potassium, and
sulfur are essential macro-elements. Oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon are obtained from
water and air.
Nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur can be fixed by certain endophyte bacteria.
Boron, chlorine, copper, iron, magnesium, molybdenum, zinc and possibly nickel are
essential micro-nutrients.
Hard tap water contains many plant nutrients.
Nonessential minerals
There are other minerals used or taken up by plants, but they are not considered
essential. Some nonessential minerals are contaminants to plant or human health.
Sodium bicarbonate helps buffer pH levels, and fortunately some may already be present in tap water.
Measuring the conductivity of the water (using a multimeter) is a way of analyzing the
total dissolved solids. This indicates whether the water solution is within range, but this
method doesn't test for nutrient imbalances. Test paper, or a pH and nutrient meter is
required for more testing.
1 ppm=1mg/l
The weight ratio of an essential element within a nutrient compound needs to be found,
and the atomic weight of these elements and a chart is helpful to solve this.
Do not add mineral tablets (except calcium?) not made for fertilizer purposes to the
nutrient solution. The nutrient solution should be clear when the system is set up.
Article Sources and Contributors
Article Sources and Contributors
Hydroculture/Nutrition Source: Contributors: QuiteUnusual, Sidelight12, Xania, 1 anonymous edits
Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors
File:Fertigation (fertilizer and irrigation).jpg Source: License: Creative Commons
Attribution-Sharealike 2.0 Contributors: graibeard
File:Brassica oleracea Cauliflower Bloemkool stikstofgebrek.jpg Source:
License: GNU Free Documentation License Contributors: Anna reg, Ies, Rasbak, Viriditas
File:GETOE is Liquid Organics Fertillizer.jpg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution
3.0 Contributors: Alamgetoe
File:Taschenphmeter.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Gmhofmann
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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