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TeOMASINO: Thomasian Theology Quiz
Logo Design Contest
UST is a Catholic University so that Theology courses are required. As it instills
in the students competence, compassion and commitment, it is ftting to
determine, in a manner competitive, how much students have acquired from the
theology classes.
TeOMASINO assesses through collegiate and inter-collegiate friendly
competitions how far students have imbibed Gospel values, and how they make
critical decisions in defense of faith and morals.
General Objective
Search for the best Thomasian Theology students.
To develop through academic competition a new from of evangelization.
Specifc Objectives
To identify the best teams of Theology students from among the represented
colleges and faculties
To conduct a quiz competition open to students of all year levels by an
elimination contest by college or faculty in the university
To determine the over-all champion in the fnal inter-collegiate competition
In view of the foregoing, the Institute of Religion needs a logo for the
TeOMASINO: Thomasian Theology Quiz that will embody and symbolize its
purpose and objectives and will render a permanent character to it.
1. The contest is open to bon fde students of the University of Santo Tomas.
2. Aside from the logo, the entry should include a corresponding narrative
explanation of the logo design.
3. Digital entries are preferred. Entries must be in scalable vector graphic format
or with a resolution of 300 ppi for raster format. The width and height must be at
least 700 pixels. Layout maybe in landscape or portrait. Use colors that work for
both RGB and CMYK mode. Submitted entries maybe in PDF, JPEG, ONG, EPS
or A1 format. Use your name for the flename (e.g. JuanDelaCruz.jpeg).
4. Entries should be printed in an 8.5 x 11 bond paper. In a separate sheet, the
corresponding narrative explanation and rationale of the logo design should also
be written. Along with the printed form, those fles (Logo design and the
rationale) should be saved in a compact disk (cd). All the aforementioned
requirements should be gathered in a short folder. Written at the front page of
the folder containing the entry fles of the participants is the label
TeOMASINO: Thomasian Theology Quiz logo design contest, with the
participants complete name, address, contact details, faculty/college, course and
year level.
5. Please send or submit the folders containing the entry fles to the Institute of
Religion, University of Santo Tomas, Espana, Manila. Look for Mr. Benjie
Bautista or Ms. Judith R. Redondo.
6. Participants are entitled to a maximum of two (2) entries.
7. By entering the contest, the participant declares that the logo design is his/her
original work, has ensured that the design has no distinct similarity with other
local or international logos, has not be submitted to any other contest, and does
not infringe on any third partys copyrights. All entries automatically become the
property of the Institute of Religion.
8. The Institute of Religion will have the exclusive rights to the winning logo,
publish it and use it in other media and correlated materials. Further, the
Institute of Religion reserves the right to make refnements on the fnal design
of the winning entry.
9. Deadline for submission of entries is on or before December 14, 2012. Entries
beyond this date will no longer be considered.
10. The winner will be posted at the institute of Religion website
www.ustir.jimdo and notifed through email and phone call.
11. The decision of the judges is fnal and non-appealable. The logo design will
be judged based on the following criteria:
Overall concept 50%
Originality and Uniqueness 25%
Presentation (Clarity, Layout) 25%
12. The winning entry will receive a cash prize of P7,500.00 and a certifcate while
the college/faculty he/she represents will also receive a certifcate.
Call 406-1611 local 8285 and look for Mr. Chito Sawit
or text 09228699756

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