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New Product Plan (Mushroom Chips)


The New Product Plan
Regal Companys
(Mushroom Chips)
Term Paper On
Introduction to Marketing
Made in Bangladesh
New Product Plan (Mushroom Chips)
The New product Plan
Submitted To:
Sharmin Akter
Lecturer, School of Business
United International University
Submitted By:
Subject: Introduction to Marketing
Section: D
Group Members: (Orchid
!ancy "hristina Sinha (#eader
ID$ %%%&'(%')
ID$ %%%&'(%,%
Md* Mahbub Morshed Sobhany
ID$ %%%&'(&(-
!uria .o/ue 0risty
ID$ %%%&1,%,,
Addur 2ahaman
ID$ %%%&'(%%)
United International University
Apri# %(3 (&&4
Students Declaration
Introduction to Marketing
New Product Plan (Mushroom Chips)
We Nancy Christina Sinha Md!saeedu""amanMd! Mah#u# Morshed Nuria $o%ue
&risty 'ddur (ahaman students o) *nited International *ni+ersity are declaring that
this report titled The New Product plan has #een prepared only )or the )ul)illment
o) one o) the curse re%uirements o) the course Introduction to Marketing! It has not
#een prepared )or any other purpose like awarding reproduce or in+estigation )or any
other authorities! So any one can take assistance only )or academic purpose!
(,n #ehal) o) the group)
Nancy Christina Sinha
Id no! 111 -.21./
School o) &usiness
United International Universit
'pril 12 2--0
Shar!in "#ter
1ecturer School o) &usiness
Introduction to Marketing
New Product Plan (Mushroom Chips)
United International Universit
Su$%ect& Su#mission o) the 3erm Paper on the New Product Plan!
4ear Madam
We the students o) &&' are su#mitting our term paper on The New Product Plan on 'egal
(o!pan )!ushroo! chips*! It gi+es us pleasure to in)orm you that we ha+e completed
our term paper under your kind direct super+ision!
Now we ha+e placed our term paper #e)ore you )or your kind appro+al! We hope that our
term paper will please you!
Sincerely yours
555555555555555555 55555555555555555
Nancy Christina Sinha Md! Mah#u# Morshed So#hany
I4 6 111 -.21./ I46 111-.2-27
555555555555555555 555555555555555555
Md!saeedu""aman Nuria $o%ue &risty
I46 111-.2121 I46 111-82122

'ddur (ahaman
I46 111-.211/
Introduction to Marketing
New Product Plan (Mushroom Chips)
3his study is the conclusion o) the term paper undertaken #y Introduction to
Marketing course instructor Shar!in "#ter *nited International *ni+ersity )or
the spring students to enhancement the e9perience and knowledge gather )rom a
particular )ield!
We are grate)ul to our course teacher Shar!in "#ter 1ecturer o) *nited
International *ni+ersity )or her guidelines to this study!
'll the group mem#ers were worked e%ually to )ul)ill the term paper works and did
all types o) research acti+ities )or collecting the in)ormation related with our term
Table of !ontents

Introduction to Marketing
New Product Plan (Mushroom Chips)
(+NT,NTS Page
,-ecutive Su!!ar
(hapter /.0& (urrent Mar#et "nalsis 02
1!1; Market analysis
1!2; price
1!2; sales
1!/; <ross Margin
1!:; Pro)it
1!8; 4istri#ution
1!.; Ma=or competitors
(hapter 1.0& Threats and opportunities analsis 03
(hapter 2.0& +$%ectives and .ssues 03
(hapter 4.0& Mar#eting strateg 05
/!1; Market segmentation -.
/!2!; 3arget Market
/! 2!!Positioning
/!!/; 4i))erentiation
/!:; SW,3 'nalysis
/!8; Marketing Mi9
/!8!1; product
/!8!2; price
/!8!/; place
(hapter 6& "ction Progra! 12
(hapter 3& Budget 1/
(hapter 5& (ontrols& 1:
'e7erences 18
,8(,(UT.9, SMUMM"':
9ision& We want to #e 'sian Num#er ,ne Chips Company!>
Introduction to Marketing
New Product Plan (Mushroom Chips)
Mission& We want to #e num#er one chips company in &angladesh and create
strong relationship with our supplier and ensure our customers? health security #y
pro+iding more nutrition!>
Brand Na!e& (egal Company
Product Na!e; Mushroom chips
We are di+iding the total new product plan into . chapters!/
chapter; includes the
market segmentation market re+iew and distri#ution competitors? #ackground! We
discussed a#out our sale will #e done into 8 di+ision town side areas! We want to
produce 08---- o) products in our )irst step o) production! Pro)it will #e earned
within 2 years! ,ur current market analysis is like product demand makert
segmentation (age class) and competitor?s position on market!
chapter; we discussed a#out threats and opportunities that our product ha+e like i)
the go+ernment changes politics then it will #e easy to access the product to the
market! 3o achie+e our goal we match the opportunities with our goal and
minimi"ing our threats!
we included our )inancial and marketing o#=ecti+es like de+elopment and research
acti+ities how to increase our customers satis)action le+el what percentage our
production will increase etc!
we discussed a#out total marketing strategy !it contains customers dri+en market
strategy like market segmentation target market positioning marketing e9penditure
le+el marketing mi9 (product priceplacpromotional acti+ities ) and also how each
response to the threats and opportunities and critical issues spelled out earlier in the
action program is included in this !when our product will #e launched who will #e
done how much will cost e+ery thing mention on this like our ad+ertisement plan on
'pril may @une!
chapter; our o+erall #udget program like per unit o) cost )i9ed cost +aria#le cost
total production units etc!
chapter; the controlling process we mentioaned hear how t control our o+erall
marketing strategy like we will hire a market auditory to gi+e suggestion how to
impro+e our plan and operational acti+ities!
+rigin o7 the 'eport
Introduction to Marketing
New Product Plan (Mushroom Chips)
's we are doing Introduction to marketing our course instructor Sharmin 'kter has
instructed us to prepare a paper on the new product plan!
3o get a clear concept how to make the new product plan
3o ac%uire knowledge how to make mission +ision marketing mi9 etc!

1! We did not collect the current in)ormation related with our product!
2! We had to gi+e lot o) times to collect in)ormation a#out competitors market
situation #ecause enough in)ormation not a+aila#le!
',S,"'(= M,T=+D+<+>:
Secondar &
.nternet& www!google!com www!wekipidia !com Source;
+ther& Collected in)ormation )rom marketing report maga"ines
running newspaper!
Chapter 1;-- Current Market 'nalysis
Introduction to Marketing
5 to12 12 to18 18 to 24 24 to
Chips demand by age
New Product Plan (Mushroom Chips)
/./& The Mar#et "nalsis
We know the market means potential customers o) a product or ser+ice! &angladesh
is a highly populated country! 3he #irth rate is +ery high !'s a result the children rate
is also +ery high!
We are not producing our product not only )or children #ut also )or teenagers young
generation! So our total target market is +ery large! Market demands o) market will
also increasing as much we can position in our customers mind!
)"ll this 7igure are esti!ated depending on class and age to have an idea a$out
de!and on chips on this varia$les*
3his is our target market! We want to target children as well as young people o)
middle and higher class o) people! We are not eliminating lower class people #ut )irst
we want to
Create demand )or our product then we will try to reduce our product price and ser+e
to all class o) people!
/.1& Price&
Introduction to Marketing

High Middle o!
New Product Plan (Mushroom Chips)
3wo price le+els are set )or launching our product one )or )amily si"e and one )or
kid" si"e!
/.2& Sales;
We want to produce 08---- o) products in our )irst step o) production! 4epending on
increasing demand rate we will increase our production rate o+er a month! A+ery
year we will increase our 1-B o) production! We will o#ser+e the sales and
satis)action le+els o) our customers through our sales representati+es!
,ur Product will sale only in *r#an and town side areas o) &angladesh that?s why
we are not distri#uting and sales product in rural areas #ecause our price le+el is #it
')ter increasing our product demand and sales we will try to reduce our cost o)
production! 's a result we reduce our product price and distri#uted in rural areas in
/.4; >ross !argin&
We ha+e a grate competition in our market!1st yearC we want to create huge demand
#y good %uality ad+ertisement and promotional acti+ities to create position in our
customers mind! 's a result we e9pected low gross margin )or 1st year it will #e =ust
co+er the )i9ed asset! 2nd year we will try to sale more and more and reduce the cost
o) goods sold! It will increase our gross margin!
/.6& Pro7it&
We e9pected earning pro)it within 2 years. &e)ore that we will try to co+er our )i9es
costs and make #reak e+ent points o) sales!
/.3& Distri$ution review&
Dactory Warehouse 4i+isional warehouse Salesman
(etailer Customer
,ur )actory situated at 3ongi in <a"ipur! ')ter producing our products it will
store in our own warehouse Mirpur!
Drom this warehouse products are distri#uted 8 di+isions #y our own transport
and then storing these goods in di+isional warehouse!
3hen our trained salesman distri#utes our products in the market to the
'nd )inally retailers sell it to the ultimate customer!

1!.; Ma=or Competitors;
Introduction to Marketing
New Product Plan (Mushroom Chips)
1! Product& Cheese &all
&& Product (ode& C&
&& Product Description&

C$AASA &'11 is an e9truded product made )rom corn and rice and coated with
rich cheese powder! It is super# in taste and something to #e en=oyed all the time!
Ingredients; Corn (ice Salt Eegeta#le ,il Cheese Powder F Seasoning!
(o!pan Na!e& Meridian Doods 1td!
Business Tpe& Manu)acturer 3rading Company
Product?Services& Chips Chocolate Sauce
(usto!ers& 'll person
Total "nnual Sales
&elow *SG1 Million
,-port Percentage& 1B H 1-B
Total "nnual Purchase
&elow *SG1 Million
&& Product& Mr! 3wist
&& Product (ode& M3
&& Product Description&

Mr! 3WIS3 is especially attracti+e to youngsters! 3his potato #ased snack has a
certain amount o) modi)ied or nati+e starch to gi+e it a #eauti)ul twisty shape and
)ine te9ture! '+aila#le with tomato paprika )la+or!
.ngredients& Potato Powder Modi)ied Potato starch Nati+e Potato starch
(e)ined Eegeta#le ,il and seasoning!
&& Product& Potato Crackers
&& Product (ode& PC
&& Product Description&

P,3'3, C('CIA(S is a +ery popular snack prepared with com#ination o)
wheat starch together with potato! It is a light crispy snack and less oily! It has an
a+erage )ood +alue and is a+aila#le with spicy tomato )la+or!
.ngredients& Potato Powder Potato Starch Wheat )lour (e)ined Eegeta#le ,il and
Chapter 2; 3hreats and opportunities analysis
+pportunities and threats are e-ternal 7actors. Dor e9ample an opportunity could
#e a de+eloping distri#ution channel such as the Internet or changing consumer
Introduction to Marketing
New Product Plan (Mushroom Chips)
li)estyles that potentially increase demand )or a companyJs products! ' threat could
#e a new competitor in an important e9isting market or a technological change that
makes e9isting products potentially o#solete!
It?s an a+aila#le product #ut o) the new +ersion o) taste and %uality create a
new change o) the customer taste!
Dor the technological changes and ad+ances it?s easier to gi+e any in)ormation
and promotional acti+ities to know the product popularity to the people!
I) the go+ernment changes politics then it will #e easy to access the product to
the market!
'+aila#ility o) the raw materials is increasing day #y day which is help to
produce more products!
I) go+ernment is increase the ta9es and the political issues are not )a+or then it
will #e the threats )or the company!
3he product may not #e accepted to the people then it will #e the great threats
)or the company!
3he product competitor rate is +ery high that?s why sometimes we are )acing
many competing pro#lem which can #e a threats o) the company!
Company esta#lishment rules and regulation is strict that?s why sometimes to
take any easy decisions are create complicated situations!
(hapter 2& +$%ectives and issues
Mar#eting +$%ectives&
/. We want to #e no!1 Chips Company in &angladesh!
1. ')ter one month we are collecting our sales re+iew and satis)action le+el o)
our customers!
2. 4i+ersi)ication in our product line!
4. We want to create social +alue )or position in customers mind!
@inancial o$%ectives&
1! Marinating a signi)icant research and de+elopment #udget!
2! 4ou#le pro)it will #e earned within 2 years!
Introduction to Marketing
New Product Plan (Mushroom Chips)
2! Increasing production le+el each month #y 1 B
/! In+esting more in Culti+ation ,) mushrooms!
:! Asta#lish 2 &ig )actory )or producing large amount o) product
(hapter 4& Mar#eting Strateg&
/!1 Market segmentation;
>eographic& di+isions and district town side areas such as 4haka chittagoan
(a=shahi Sylhet &arishal Ihulna !4haka K (ga"ipur district Htown side)
De!ographic& 'geH:H12 12H17 17H2/ 2/ to others and higher class middle class o)
Product related& 1!regular customers 2!nageti+e customers
2! Irregular Customers
4.1& Target !ar#et&
1! Children 2! People Middle class and higher class
2! Loung people /!ur#an areas people
4.2; Positioning; 3o children young people chips customers who are seeking )or
delicious taste with nutrition !Mushroom chips contains mushroom that gi+es you
taste with good nutrition #ecause it has the highest le+el o) ProteinH1:!:2B DatH2-B
Saturated )atH1!/2B Car#ohidratedH2!/:B SugarH2!/-B AnergyH1--gm ColastrolH
-B SodiamH!8/B
4.4& Di77erentiation& Mushrooms are good sources nutrition and this is our main
4.6& SA+T analsis is an important tool )or auditing the o+erall strategic position o)
a #usiness and its en+ironment! SW,3 is an a##re+iation )or Strengths Weaknesses
,pportunities and 3hreats
3echnological skills
4istri#ution channels
Product %uality
Ealue deli+ery network
New company
'#sence o) importer skills
*nrelia#le product
Dinancial pro#lem
Introduction to Marketing
New Product Plan (Mushroom Chips)
Changing customer taste
3echnological ad+ances
Changes in go+ernment
'+aila#ility o) raw materials
Changes in go+ernment
'cceptance the product
Competitor rate high
Strict rules and regulation
Without any touch o) hand the product is made #ecause o) de+elopment o)
technological skills!
3here are another strength o) the company is distri#ution channels! ,ur
distri#ution channel is +ery strongC relation o) the supplier and resellers is +ery strong!
3he product %uality is more high comparati+e to the other competitors
#ecause our main ingredients is Mushroom which is totally new )la+or and taste and
also work against )or the cancer!
&ecause o) our good relationship with supplier reseller and )or the good
transportation )acility our sale will #e de)initely increases! ,ur +alue deli+ery
network is in strong position! We are ha+ing good relationships with our suppliers )or
a longer period o) time!
'lthough the company is new it has not esta#lished a #rand or images in the
market place this is the weakness )or the product popularity!
&ecause o) the new product and company importer skills are a#sence here
that?s why we can?t includes any internal )acilities!
Dor the )irst time the mushroom is e9it in the market that?s why people can?t
properly relia#le to the product %uality!
Dinancial pro#lem is another weakness o) the company like what will #e the
price Cost and in+estment!
Muality o) the Mushroom is not up to mark!

),pportunities and threat are discussed earlier)

Introduction to Marketing
New Product Plan (Mushroom Chips)
'd=ustment o) opportunities and threat;
3he use)ulness o) SW,3 analysis is not limited to pro)itHseeking organi"ations!
SW,3 analysis may #e used in any decisionHmaking situation when a desired
o#=ecti+e has #een de)ined! I) the raw materials are a+aila#le to the market then the
cost o) the raw materials will #e reduced then we can produce more product in
minimum price and i) the go+ernment politics are )a+or then the supply o) the
product and the transportation cost will #e reduced! 3hese products ha+e new taste
and a new ingredient which is changes the customer taste! We ha+e to o+ercome the
threats! I) the product is not the accepted to the peoples then we ha+e to increase our
promotional acti+ities to attract the peoples and create more di))erentiations #etter
then our competitors!
4.3& Mar#eting !i-&
Marketing mi9 consist o) )our #asic things which is known as N)our Ps>; product
price place promotion under the consideration o) our product (Mushroom Chips)
3hese )our Ps are speci)ied as
4.3./& Product;
3he Mushroom chips including all the )eatures descri#ed in the product re+iew
section! 3he product is +eri)ied in two ways )irst #y the si"e 1) Iid" 2) Damily and
second #y the taste o) the product 1) 3omato )la+or 2) Potato )la+or 2) $ot F Spicy

Mushroom Chips (Burke)

Recipe By : Cooking with David Burke
Serving Size : 4 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories :
mount !easure "ngredient ## Preparation !ethod
######## ############ ################################
$ pound %arge white mushrooms
&R porto'e%%o mushrooms
( cups c%ari)ied 'utter
&R vegeta'%e oi%
coarse sa%t
&R kosher sa%t ## to taste
Introduction to Marketing
New Product Plan (Mushroom Chips)
Bualit that we are )irst assure in our product! It is highly reached #y ProteinH
1:!:2B DatH2-BSaturated )atH1!/2B Car#ohidratedH2!/:B SugarH2!/-B AnergyH
1--gm ColastrolH-B SodiamH!8/B which is +ery much essential )or specially kids
and young age people! Aach and e+ery process o) the production is done #y
automatic machine!

Design is the )actor that will o)ten gi+e a company its competiti+e edge! It is the
totality o) )eatures that a))ect how a product looks and )unctions in term o) customer
re%uirements! Deature leads to the materials which are used in production )or making
the product! O
'egal industries used Mushroom powder Mushroom starch and Wheat )lour
(e)ine +egeta#le oil Seasoning and Potato powder )or the potato )la+or 3omato
powder )or tomato )la+or and Chili powder )or the hot F spice )la+or.
3he top management o) the 'egal .ndustries has decided to gi+e a #rand name to
there new product as Mushroo! (hips.
Pac#aging which gi+es an e9tra attracti+eness to any particular product )or 'egal
Mushroo! (hips three types o) packaging will #e done (ed color )or the tomato
)la+or Lellow color )or the potato )la+or and <reen color )or the hot F spicy )la+or!
3he whole packaging process will #e done without any kind o) hand touch in an
automatic machine!
4.3.1& Price&
N3he (egal mushroom chips> will #e introduced at tk!1/ wholesale and tk!1:
estimated retail price per unite o) medium si"e and tk!2/ wholesale and tk!2: retail
price per unite o) )amily si"e product! We e9pect to lower the price o) packets within
)ew months! &ecause o) the )irst time at market the company would like to gi+e some
discount to the retailers which will make them some pro)it! 3he company are also
gi+ing some credit terms )acilities to there wholesaler and retailers!
Introduction to Marketing
New Product Plan (Mushroom Chips)
4.3.2& Pro!otion
3he management o) 'egal .ndustries has #udgeted tk!1 7----!-- )or there
ad+ertising and promotion acti+ities )or per month! 's a new product in the market it
needs huge amount o) ad+ertising and promotion acti+ities to tell the consumer a#out
the product and its )eatures! Dor that reason management decide to go )or more )ancy
ad+ertise in 3ele+ision (adio &ill#oards and We# site and in News paper!
3he policy makers has decide to o))er di))erent types o) popular cartoon and super
hero characters stickers and tutus with per packet o) 'egal Mushroo! chips )or
Childs and purchase intensi+e to the wholesaler and retail )or sell promotion! &y
organi"ing Charity concert ,pen concert Sports tournament (eality shows etcC
'egal .ndustries would like to #uild a good relation whit people in near )uture!
4.3.4& Place&
't the +ery #eginning 'egal Mushroo! (hips will distri#ute to the town area o) 8
di+isions across the country with companies own transport system! &y considering
the )uture demand it has planned to distri#ute in the whole country area!
Dor une9pected )uture demand it always kept su))icient amount o) in+entories in its
own warehouse!

Marketing ,rgani"ation
Chie) marketing o))icer holds o+erall responsi#ility o) all the companies marketing
acti+ities! Company has also three top le+el manager )or ad+ertisement department
sales department and promotion department !'nd under sales manager company has
si9 di+isional sales manager !3hey are responsi#le )or di+isional sales increasing!

Marketing ,rgani"ation
Introduction to Marketing
New Product Plan (Mushroom Chips)
Ms!Nancy Christina
Chie) Marketing ,))icer

(hapter 6& "ction Progra!
Introduction to Marketing
Ms!&risti (ani
Md!'#dur (ahaman
Sales manager
tion Manager
Md! '"ad (easonal Sales
manager! 4haka
Ms! Sayla Paman
(easonal Sales manager
Md! @ahidul Islam (easonal
Sales manager Ihulna
Mr! (a)i%ue Ihan (easonal
sales manager (a=shahi!
Ms! Sa#rina '"am (easonal
Sales manager Sylet!
Md! saley uddin (easonal
Sales manager Chittagong
New Product Plan (Mushroom Chips)
,ur company 'egal (o!pan will #e introduced in May 2--0! Dollowing are
summaries o) the action programs we will during the )irst three months to achie+e our
stated o#=ecti+e!
"pril& We will initiate a 3k 2----- trade sales promotion campaigns to educate
retailers and generate e9citement )or the product launch in May! We will e9hi#it
electronic trade show pro+ide mini pack sample to the selected customer! +ur
pro!otion !anager is responsi$le 7or this wor#
Ma& We will start an integrated print radio and media ad+ertisement targeting
consumers! 3his ad+ertisement will show our products di))erentiation )rom other
competitor! 'd+ertisements also show our products )eature to the ultimate customer!
+ur "dvertise!ent !anager is responsi$le 7or those wor#s.
Cune& 's the multimedia campaigns continue we will add consumer?s sales
promotion techni%ues such as gi+ing scratch card and lottery etc! +ur sales
!anager is responsi$le 7or this tpe o7 sales increasing techniDues.
(hapter 3& Budget
In this section we make e9pected #udget o) sales and cost monthly and yearly! We
count #reak e+en point unit sales! We also present our e9pected sales re+enue and
pro)it! ,ur product per unit cost is 12!: 3k! 'nd wholesale price is 1/ 3k! 'nd
Ma9imum retail price is 1: 3k!!
,-pected Sales Budget
Division Monthl :earl
Unit (artoon Unit (artoon
4haka :----- :--- 8------ 8----
Chittagong 2----- 2--- 2/----- 2/---
&arisal .---- .-- 7/---- 7/--
Sylet 7---- 7-- 08---- 08--
(a=shai :---- :-- 8----- 8---
Ihulna 8---- 8-- .2---- .2--
3otal 08---- 11:2----
,-pected (ost Budget
Tpe o7 (ost Monthl)TE* :earl)T#*
Earia#le 11-/---- 122/7----
Introduction to Marketing
New Product Plan (Mushroom Chips)
Di9ed 2------ 2/------
3otal 12-/---- 1:8/7----
Per Unit (ost
Per unit Cost Q (Di9ed cost R Earia#le cost)
*nit Production
(2 /- ----- R 12 2/ and 7----)
1 1: 2----

Q 12!: 3k!

Brea#Feven Unit Sales ):earl*
Per *nit Sales 1/ 3k!
Per *nit Earia#le Cost 11!:3k
Per *nit Contri#ution 2!:3k!
Di9ed e9pense
Now & A S in *nit Q
Per *nit Contri#ution
2 /- -----
Q 08 ----- unit!
,-pected 'evenue ):earl*
Sales (1 1: 2----S 1/) 18 12 7----
Earia#le Cost 12 2/ 7----
Introduction to Marketing
New Product Plan (Mushroom Chips)
'evenue 1; GG; 00;000
,-pected Pro7it ):earl*
(e+enue 2 77 -----
(H) Di9ed e9pense 2 /- -----
Pro7it 4G; 00;000
(hapter 5& (ontrols&
The controlling process& In the control Process we will compare our total result
with the e9pected things that we are mentioned! I) there is mistake s then take
necessary steps to control the o+erall process!
3here will #e two way o) controlling! ,ne is operational control and second one is
strategic control!
+perational control; I) any changes occurred to our production process then it will
#e done #y operational control.
Strategic control& I) any changes occurred into strategic plan than it will #e done #y
strategic control!
Mar#et "udit& We will hire a market audit or researcher to e+aluate our marketing
plan and gi+e ad+ices how to impro+e in operational control strategic plan others
2! http;TTwww!recipesource!comT)g+T+egeta#lesTmushroomsT--Trec--:2!html
2! http;TTwww!malaysia#est!netT2--8T-2T-8TsnacksHmushroomHchipsT
Introduction to Marketing
New Product Plan (Mushroom Chips)
/! http;TTihor:!)reeyellow!comTmushchip!html
:! http;TT#anglapedia!search!com!#dT$3TM5-/18!htm
8! http;TTwww!mushroomlo+ers!comT$ealth!htm
Introduction to Marketing

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