8733 God Himself Is The Source of The Revelations ....

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... through Bertha Dudde

God Himself
is the source of the revelations ....
Time and again ou receive the assurance from !e that ou "ill
#e a#le to come into $ossession of the $ure truth $roviding it is
our sincere "ill .... For ou ma rest assured that it is indeed
$ossi#le for !e to conve the truth to earth% #ecause & have the
$o"er to do so .... 'ou ma also #elieve that & (m motivated #
! greater than great love to #esto" u$on ou the $ure truth
#ecause ou can onl attain eternal life # "a of truth.
(nd although & determine "hich conditions have to #e fulfilled in
order to receive the truth & "ill surel also )no" !self "hich
human #eing can and "ants to fulfil these conditions .... (nd
thus & "ill also choose the right vessel for !self through "hich &
can transmit the $ure truth to earth.
Therefore ou need not dou#t every communication from the
s$iritual )ingdom and $resume that it is inters$ersed "ith error%
and ou "ill also #e a#le to e*amine each one "ith ! hel$% that
is% # invo)ing !e !self to enlighten our s$irit if ou "ant to
ma)e this e*amination.
But "hat "ould ha$$en to ou humans if there "as no $ossi#ilit
for the $ure unadulterated truth to get to earth+ ....
(s long as ou ac)no"ledge a God Who is truth Himself ou can
also as) for and e*$ect to receive the truth from this God%
#ecause He is a God of love% "isdom and might .... Who "ants to
"in ou #ac) and also )no"s all "as and means to reach his
goal% and Who also has the $o"er to accom$lish "hat love and
"isdom decide.
But ou humans have to #elieve in !e% our God and ,reator
Who% as Father% "ants to give ou everthing ou need in order
to mature and #ecome #lissfull ha$$. (nd the most
important thing is the truth% "hich ever human #eing can
and "ill receive if he seriously desires it ....
But if you doubt that pure truth can be given to you .... if
you always fear the influence of opposing forces, then you
truly also deny My love, wisdom and might and give
supreme control to My adversary .... "hich he has indeed
over $eo$le "ho do not genuinel strive for !e% "ho thus still
grant him $o"er over themselves ....
(nd it has to #e clear to ou "hether our desire for the $ure
truth is genuine and heartfelt .... ou also have to )no" that
our intellect alone is una#le to scrutini-e it .... 'ou have let our
heart s$ea)% and this "ill clearl tell ou "hat ou ma acce$t as
truth .... for our intellect can still #e full of "rong ideas "hich
ou don.t "ant to give u$ .... &n that case% ho"ever% ou cannot
s$ea) of a sincere desire for truth either ....
'ou have to com$letel free ourselves from our $reviousl
sociall ac/uired )no"ledge and onl desire the $ure truth from
!e .... (nd then ou "ill trul get everthing #ac) that
corres$onds to the truth .... 'ou "ill #ecome $articularl
distinctl a"are of all correlations% and onl then "ill ou
#lissfull feel that ou are in $ossession of the truth ....
!uch s$iritual information is s$read as truth "hich cannot la
claim to such% and therefore everthing has to #e e*amined. 'our
intellect alone% ho"ever% is una#le to do so% et as soon as ou
are in intimate contact "ith !e and desire the truth & "ill #e a#le
to enlighten our intellect% and then ou "ill also thin) in
accordance "ith the truth and #e a#le to ma)e a correct
But "hat "ould it loo) li)e on earth if the transmission of $ure
truth from a#ove "ould not #e $ossi#le+ .... &n that case & could
not demand res$onsi#ilit from anone of ou% then the
adversar "ould #e in full control over ou% and ou "ould never
have the o$$ortunit to find !e% to love and to unite "ith !e% for
all this "ould #e $revented # the $rince of dar)ness. ! light%
ho"ever% also $enetrates the dar)ness% ! light shines from
a#ove do"n to earth% and trul% ever $erson ma enter into this
illumination ....
But light "ill onl ever #e s$read # the truth% and therefore ou
can al"as #e certain that & .... #eing 1ternal 2ight !self .... "ill
also emanate it in form of ! Word% "hich is $urest truth and "ill
#e conveed to those "ho thus sincerely desire the truth ....
This is the condition & ma)e% for "hoever desires the truth
desires !e !self% he allo"s !e to #e $resent in himself% since
then he is also full of love for !e #ecause his "ill a$$lies to !e.
He tries to esca$e from the adversar% the $rince of dar)ness%
and "ith it also from all error "hich he recognises as the
adversar.s doing .... & trul "ill not "ithhold the truth from
anone% for the human #eing should return to the light again% to
#rightest realisation and thus enter his original state in "hich he
"as immensel ha$$ in the #eginning ....
3u#lished # friends of ne" revelations of God 4 &nformation%
do"nload of all translated revelations% theme5#oo)lets at6


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