Fullerton Business Translation Fall 2013 Week 2 Terminology

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Terms and phrases found in Articles of Incorporation IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE (Alphabetical listin follo!

#ine Terms$ %ee& '$ pae ' translations Definitions(notes
) Acta de Constituci*n Articles of Incorporation$
Articles of Orani+ation$
Partnership Areement$
Foundin Document$ Charter
' DO,ICI#IO Domicile$ address .ritannica Concise Enc/clopedia0
Place !here an indi1idual has a fi2ed
and permanent home for leal
purposes3 The term refers to the place
!here an orani+ation (e33$ a
corporation" is chartered or that is the
orani+ation4s principal place of
business3 The domicile of an
indi1idual or orani+ation determines
the proper 5urisdiction and 1enue for
leal process$ includin ta2ation3 For
persons lac&in capacit/ (e33$
minors"$ domicile is usuall/ defined as
the domicile of the uardian3
' P#A6O Term
' O.7ETO Ob5ecti1e$ purpose
8 domicilio leal #eal domicile
9 pla+o de duraci*n #ifetime
): fines sociales Corporate(compan/(business
); capital social Capital stoc&
The common and preferred stoc& a
compan/ is authori+ed to issue$
accordin to their corporate charter3
)< 1alor nominal Par 1alue Definition0 the 1alue of a securit/ that
is set b/ the compan/ issuin it=
unrelated to mar&et 1alue
'> suscriptas ?ubscribed offer to bu/$ as of stoc&s and shares
'@ asamblea ordinaria Reular ?hareholdersA
': aumentos de capital Capital increase$ Increase in
capital stoc&
': acciones ordinarias Common shares
': tBtulo con1ertible en
Instrument con1ertible into
'C asamblea ?hareholdersA ,eetin
'C directorio .oard of Directors
'C emisi*n issuance
WEEK 2 TERMINOLOGY CAL STATE FULLERTON Business and Translation Spring 2012
page 1
Terms$ %ee& '$ pae @
) ARTIC#E? OF INCORPORATION Carta Constituti1a$ Acta de
@ principal office ?ede
C nature of the business$ or ob5ects or
Diro del neocio (line of
business"$ ob5etos
'8 assin ceder
'< dispose of Disponer de
'< capital stoc& Capital social
Terms$ %ee& '$ pae 8
' Acciones preferidas Preferred shares
' Acciones nominati1as Reistered shares
' no endosables NonEendorsable
' #as acciones preferidas tienen
derecho a un di1idendo de pao
Preferred shares ha1e a
preference riht to the pa/ment of
9 tBtulos ?ecurities= certificates
< ra1adas encumbered
': Destinatario de la Oferta Offeree
'9 ?ociedad Compan/$ corporation
'C cesionario Assinee
Terms$ %ee& '$ pae :
; plede Prenda$ pinoraci*n .lac&Fs #a! (;
edition"0 Gthe
acto of pro1idin somethin as
securit/ for a debt or obliation= a
bailment or other deposit of
personal propert/ to a creditor as
securit/ for a dept or obliationG
; unsecured no aranti+ado
< Purchased or acHuired Hue se ha comprador o adHuirido
'' hereinbefore Ia mencionados en el presente
Note that the JKEREL prefi2 is
used to refer to the current
document$ so0
Kerein M en el presente
Kereb/ M por el presente
Pursuant hereto M conforme al
Parties hereto M partes del
Kereinafter M en lo sucesi1o
WEEK 2 TERMINOLOGY CAL STATE FULLERTON Business and Translation Spring 2012
page 2
Terms$ %ee& '$ p3 9
)> disposiciones pro1isions %ATCK TKI? FA#?E CONDNATE
'@ prendadas pleded
Npae C is the same as p3 <O
Terms$ %ee& '$ p3 ;
C mora Dela/= default
)) #a Direcci*n / Administraci*n de la
sociedad estarP a caro de un
The manaement and
administration of the compan/
shall be headed up b/ a .oard of
)9 directores suplentes Alternate directors
)9 Directores titulares Reular directors
'@ tenedores de acciones (shareholders"
'8 cesaci*n Remo1al (from office"
'< remuneraci*n remuneration Includes all t/pes of pa/ment for
ser1ices0 !aes$ salaries$
stipends$ etc3
Terms$ %ee& '$ p3 <
' authori+ed capital stoc& Capital social autori+ado
: The o1ernin board of this
corporation shall be &no!n as
?e conocerP al oranismo Hue
diri5e / administra a esta sociedad
como los directores
C b/Ela!s Estatutos
< o!ned beneficiall/ (Hue se posee en capacidad de
beneficiario de un fideicomiso"
< stoc&holders accionistas
WEEK 2 TERMINOLOGY CAL STATE FULLERTON Business and Translation Spring 2012
page 3
Terms$ %ee& '$ p3 )>
@ ?ociedad 1inculada /(o controlada Affiliate or subsidiar/
8 persona fBsica indi1idual
: consanuinidad .lood &inship
: afinidad (&inship" b/ marriae
C monto Amount
; Acti1o Total Total assets
; balance .alance sheet .e careful to distinuish this from
JsaldoL !hich is the JbalanceL
< intereses interest (&eep in the sinular
)' arantBa Duarantee$ securit/ ?ecurit/ in the sense of somethin
that uarantees pa/ment of a
debt$ as opposed to JtBtuloL !hich
means Jsecurit/ in the form of
stoc& or bonds
)@ Ca5a de la ?ociedad Compan/As safe
)8 mandato Office= mandate= po!er of
): indeleable Cannot be deleated
)9 incompatibilidades .arrin factors
)C remoci*n Remo1al (considered a false conate in
some countries"
'' Asamblea los accionistas ?hareholdersA ,eetin
Terms$ %ee& '$ p3 ))
) po!ers facultades As opposed to Jpoder$L !hich is
) statute #e/
' board of directors Conse5o de Administraci*n ?ometimes J7unta Directi1aL
: !or&in capital Capital corriente$ JCapital
circulante= capital de traba5o
?ee the definition b/ #uisa
Fernanda #assaHue on pp 8' E 8@3
JcorrienteL refers to an accountin
entr/ for the oneE/ear period in
9 paid in paado Also referred to as Jpaid upL
C real and personal propert/ .ienes muebles e inmuebles
)@ ?uch committee or committees shall
ha1e such name or names as ma/
be stated in the b/Ela!s of the
corporation or as ma/ be determined
from time to time b/ resolution
adopted b/ the board of directors
There are se1eral sentences !ith
similar structures0
Pae )) lines '@$ 'C$
Pae )' line '
P3 ))$ line '@0 Jsuch terms and
conditions as its board of directors
deem e2pedient and for the best
interests of the corporationL
#ine 'C0 Joutside the ?tate of
Ne1ada at such place or places as
ma/ be desinated from time to
time b/ the board of directorsL
)< outstandin En circulaci*n
'' ood!ill Fondo de comercio
': ,eetins of stoc&holders Asambleas de accionistas
'9 pro1ision disposici*n
WEEK 2 TERMINOLOGY CAL STATE FULLERTON Business and Translation Spring 2012
page 4
Terms$ %ee& '$ p3 )'
' en los luares dentro o fuera de la
RepQblica Arentina Hue sean
There are se1eral sentences !ith
similar structures0
Pae )) line )@
Pae )) line '@
Pae )) line 'C
Pae )' line '
Compare these sentences3 %hat
is happenin !ith the rammarR
@ Con1ocatoria ,eetin call
@ Reuni*n meetin Notice ho! JasambleaL is bein
used for the shareholdersA
meetin$ but Jreuni*nL is used for
the meetin of the .oard of
Directors3 This is true for almost
all business documents3
: orden del dBa Aenda
; Acta ,inutes= certificate= record
)> fiuren appear The 1erb is structurall/ needed in
?panish$ but not in Enlish$ !here
/ou could sa/ Jthe matters ON the
aenda3 (here$ the concept is
e2pressed ESP#ICIT#I in
?panish$ but I,P#ICIT#I in
)' firma social Corporate sinature
)9 Asamblea ?harehodersA ,eetin
)C facultades Po!ers
); disponer de los bienes Dispose of assets
); poderes Po!ers of attorne/
'> celebrar Enter into$ enae in= hold (a
'> actos 5urBdicos #eal transactions
'' ob5eto social Corporate ob5ecti1e
': Huerellar File a criminal complaint in the
capacit/ of a ci1ilian
'C iro #ine of business$ course of
WEEK 2 TERMINOLOGY CAL STATE FULLERTON Business and Translation Spring 2012
page 5
Terms$ %ee& '$ p3 )@
' pro1ision disposici*n %atch the false conate
@ statute le/
Terms$ %ee& '$ p3 )8
) FI?CA#I6ACI-N O1ersiht$ auditin
' prescinde Does not ha1e
' ?indicatura ?tatutor/ auditor
' contralor Controller$ auditorEcontroller
)' sede social Corporate headHuarters
)C sesionar 1Plidamente Talidl/ meet
)< Asambleas E2traordinarias ?pecial ?hareholdersA meetin
Terms$ %ee& '$ p3 ):
) capital social ha/a sido
Capital stoc& has been increased
8 estados contables Accountin statements
8 e5ercicio econ*mico Fiscal /ear Or e5ercicio fiscal$ or aUo fiscal$ or
simpl/ Je5ercicioL
9 prima de emisi*n ?hrare premium$ issue premium$
stoc& premium
The share premium account of a
compan/ is the capital that a
compan/ raises upon issuin
shares that is in e2cess of the
nominal 1alue of the shares3
'9 fecha de cierre del e5ercicio Closin date of the fiscal /ear
Terms$ %ee& '$ p3 )9
' capital suscripto ?ubscribed capital
' reser1a leal #eal reser1e
8 saldo balance Compare the ?panish terms
Jbalance and saldo
9 facultati1a optional
)> DI?O#WCI-N I #IXWIDACI-N Dissolution and liHuidation$
!indin up
)9 pla+o de duraci*n Term
'C este Contrato social These Articles of Incorporation Notice ho! the/ a1oided repeatin
Jacta de constituci*n3L This is a
preferred st/le in ?panish to
secondar/ s/non/m3
WEEK 2 TERMINOLOGY CAL STATE FULLERTON Business and Translation Spring 2012
page 6
Alphabetical listin of terms and phrases found in Articles of Incorporation E ?panish Terms and Phrases0
Page Line Term Notes
8 ' Acciones nominati1as
' ': acciones ordinarias
8 ' Acciones preferidas
)' ; Acta
' ) Acta de Constituci*n
)> ; Acti1o Total
)' '> actos 5urBdicos
)> : afinidad
' 'C Asamblea (see also p3 )'$ line )9"
)> '' Asamblea los accionistas
' '@ asamblea ordinaria
)8 )< Asambleas E2traordinarias
' ': aumentos de capital
)> ; balance
)> )@ Ca5a de la ?ociedad
' ); capital social
): ) capital social ha/a sido incrementado
)9 ' capital suscripto
)' '> celebrar
; '8 cesaci*n
8 'C Cesionario
)> : consanuinidad
)8 ' contralor
)' @ Con1ocatoria
8 ': Destinatario de la Oferta
; )9 directores suplentes
; )9 Directores titulares
' 'C directorio
)9 )> Disoluci*n / liHuidaci*n
)' ); disponer de los bienes
9 )> disposiciones
' ' domicilio
' 8 domicilio leal
): 8 e5ercicio econ*mico
' 'C emisi*n
)' '
en los luares dentro o fuera de la
RepQblica Arentina Hue sean
): 8 estados contables
)9 'C este Contrato social
)' )C facultades
)9 9 facultati1a
WEEK 2 TERMINOLOGY CAL STATE FULLERTON Business and Translation Spring 2012
page 7
Page Line Term Notes
): '9 fecha de cierre del e5ercicio
)' )> fiuren
' ): fines sociales
)' )' firma social
)8 ) fiscali+aci*n
)> )' arantBa
)' 'C iro
8 < ra1adas
)> )9 incompatibilidades
)> ): indeleable
)> < intereses
; ))
#a Direcci*n / Administraci*n de la
sociedad estarP a caro de un Directorio
8 '
#as acciones preferidas tienen derecho a
un di1idendo de pao preferente
)> )8 mandato
)> C monto
; C mora
8 ' no endosables
' ' O.7ETO
)' '' ob5eto social
)' : orden del dBa
)> 8 persona fBsica
' ' pla+o
' 9 pla+o de duraci*n (?ee also p3 )9$ line )9"
)' ); poderes
9 '@ prendadas
)8 ' prescinde
): 9 prima de emisi*n
)' ': Huerellar
)> )C remoci*n
; '< remuneraci*n
)9 ' reser1a leal
)' @ Reuni*n
)9 8 saldo
)8 )' sede social
)8 )C sesionar 1Plidamente
)8 ' ?indicatura
8 '9 ?ociedad
)> @ ?ociedad 1inculada /(o controlada
' '> suscriptas
; '@ tenedores de acciones
' ': tBtulo con1ertible en acciones
8 9 tBtulos
' )< 1alor nominal
WEEK 2 TERMINOLOGY CAL STATE FULLERTON Business and Translation Spring 2012
page 8
Enlish Terms and Phrases0
Page Line Term Notes
@ ) Articles of Incorporation
@ @ principal office
@ C
nature of the business$ or ob5ects or
@ '8 assin
@ '< dispose of
@ '< capital stoc&
: ; plede
: ; unsecured
: < Purchased or acHuired
: '' Kereinbefore
< ' authori+ed capital stoc&
< :
The o1ernin board of this corporation
shall be &no!n as directors
< C b/Ela!s
< < o!ned beneficiall/
< < ?toc&holders
)) ) po!ers
)) ) statute
)) ' board of directors
)) : !or&in capital
)) 9 paid in
)) C real and personal propert/
)) )@
?uch committee or committees shall ha1e
such name or names as ma/ be stated in
the b/Ela!s of the corporation or as ma/ be
determined from time to time b/ resolution
adopted b/ the board of directors
)) )< outstandin
)) '' ood!ill
)) '@
such terms and conditions as its board of
directors deem e2pedient and for the best
interests of the corporation
)) ': ,eetins of stoc&holders
)) '9 pro1ision
)) 'C
outside the ?tate of Ne1ada at such place
or places as ma/ be desinated from time
to time b/ the board of directors
)@ ' pro1ision
)@ @ ?tatute
WEEK 2 TERMINOLOGY CAL STATE FULLERTON Business and Translation Spring 2012
page 9

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