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NASSCOM : Test Paper

Section 1 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Questions 1-5:
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis of the information provided
in the passage.

Are we alone? The question has tickled the human imagination for years, perhaps ever since our
earliest ancestors looked up at the night sky into the endless sea of stars. Is anyone else out
Humans do not yet have a definitive answer to the question, but a team of astronomers running
computer simulations of planet formation has found that Earth-like planets with enough water to
support life could be fairly common.
The team ran 44 simulations of planet formation near a sun and found that each simulation
produced one to four terrestrial (rocky, Earth-like) planets, including 11 planets at about the
same distance from their stars as Earth is to the sun.
"Its hard to say we sampled exactly the conditions in the galaxy in which terrestrial planets
form, but in the cases we chose, an Earthlike
planet formed in about a quarter of the cases," said Sean Raymond, an astronomer at the
University of Washington in Seattle.
Raymond is the lead author of a paper on the simulations, recently accepted for publication in the
astronomy journal Icarus. The coauthorsare Thomas Quinn at the University of Washington and
Jonathan Lunine at the University of Arizona in Tucson.
The simulations show a wide variety of planets forming; everything from dry planets like Mars,
to Earth-like planets, to planets threetimes as large as Earth with 20 times as much water.
Greg Laughlin, an astronomer at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and expert on planet
formation, said he agrees with the interpretation that the universe may be full of a variety of
planets, including Earth-like planets with significant water to harbor life.
"There is nothing in our current understanding of planet formation and planetary systems to
suggest that the basic architecture of our solar system is particularly unusual", he said.
1) From the passage, we can conclude that there is__________ possibility of life on any planet
other than Earth:
A) No B) Very low C) Very high D) Cannot be determined

2) Icarus is a/an:
A) Astrology journal B) Weekly magazine C) Aircraft D) Astronomy journal

3) The simulations conducted showed all of the following results EXCEPT:
A) Each simulation produced one to four Earth-like planets.
B) Earth-like planets may be quite common
C) Earth-like planet formation occurred in about 25% of the cases
D) Earth-like planet formation of a much larger size with hydrogen seas instead of water.

4) Greg Laughlin is:
A) An astronomer
B) An expert on planet formation
C) Both an astronomer and an expert on planet formation
D) Lead author of Icarus

5) What can be said about the simulations?
A) They were conducted and the results taken from a real life situation.
B) They were sampled exactly in the conditions in which the planets in a galaxy are formed.
C) In about a quarter of the cases an Earth like planet was formed.
D) The simulations show that the variety of planets forming is very low.

Directions for Questions 6-9:
Choose the option, which will CORRECTLY fill the blank.

6) The speech was filled _______ examples.
A) From B) Of C) With D) In

7) The subscription rate of a magazine is Rs.50 __ the first three months and this increases to
Rs.120 if it is______ one year.
A) In, from B) For, for C) For, of D) In, for

8) We found it difficult to agree _______ what to do with the money.
A) On B) For C) At D) With

9) The Germans suffered heavy losses _______ World War II.
A) From B) During C) Into D) With

Directions for Questions 10-12: Choose the word nearest in meaning to the word in ITALICS
from the given options.

10) The doctor in the village turned out to be a quack.
A) Duck Lover B) Pretender C) Duck Hater D) Genius

11) Is there any alternate method to arrive at the answer?
A) Different B) Easy C) Substitute D) Effective

12) At the party, she was piqued with the gentleman in the red shirt.
A) Annoyed B) Pleased C) Flirting D) Shy
Directions for Questions 13-15: Choose the answer option which will CORRECTLY fill the

13) _______ first episode of the new serial is going on air tonight.
A) The B) A C) An D) No article required

14) He remembered that _____ moon looked lovely that night.
A) A B) An C) The D) No article required

15) __ engineers, who appeared for __ test and failed, were given __ alternative to join as
assistants in a different department.
A) The, the, a B) The, the, an C) An, a, the D) An, an, an
Section 2 - Analytical & Numerical Ability

16) In August, a cricket team that played 120 matches won 20% of the games it played. After a
continuous winning streak, this team raised its average to 52%. How many matches did the team
win to attain this average?
A) 40 B) 52 C) 68 D) 80

17) If 75% of a number is 90, what is the number?
A) 100 B) 125 C) 120 D) 67.5

18) After giving a discount of Rs.45 the shopkeeper still gets a profit of 20%, if the cost price is
Rs.180. Find the mark up percent.
A) 0.4 B) 0.55 C) 0.45 D) 0.48

19) If 50 people finish a job in 10 days, how long will it take 20 people to finish the same job?
A) 25 B) 50 C) 4 D) None of the options

20) If the ages of a husband and a wife are in the ratio 5:4 and the sum of their ages is 45, what is
the difference between their ages?
A) 4 years B) 5 years C) 3 years D) 6 years

Directions for Questions 21-24:
Read the following information and answer the questions that follow:
Nita, Gita, Sita and Rita travelled in airplane, car, bus and train (not necessarily in that order).
Sita did not travel by train. Gita travelled by car. Rita travelled neither by car nor by train. Sita
could not travel by airplane due to health problems. Nita did not go by bus.

21) Who travelled by train?
A) Nita B) Rita C) Sita D) None of the options

22) By which mode of transport did Sita travel?
A) Airplane B) Train C) Bus D) None of the options

23) Who travelled by airplane?
A) Nita B) Rita C) Sita D) Gita

24) If Gita interchanges her mode of transport with Sita, then by which mode would Gita travel?
A) Car B) Bus C) Airplane D) None of the options

25) If RAGHU is written as GRUHA, what is the code for SHILU?

Directions for Question 26: Given below are four figures, of which three are similar and the
fourth one is different. Find the odd figure.

26) A) B) C) D)
Directions for Question 27:
In the following questions, three figures are given, that follow a certain sequence or pattern. Find
the next figure in the sequence from the answer choices provided below.

A) A B) B C) C D) D
Directions for Question 28: Each question has two statements and some conclusions. Choose the
conclusion that logically follows:

28) All pens are books.
Some pens are pencils.
A) Some pencils are pens.
B) Some books are pencils.
C) All pens are pencils.
D) None of the options

Directions for Question 29:
Assuming the statement given in each question to be TRUE, point out the inference as one of the
(A)- True
(B)- False
(C)- Uncertain
(D)- None of the options

29) Statement: Either Ravi goes to the market or Shyam sings a song.
Inference: Ravi did not go to the market, so Shyam must be singing.
A) A B) B C) C D) D
Directions for Question 30:
In the following questions, mark
1, if statement I alone can help determine the conclusion
2, if statement II alone can help determine the conclusion
3, if statement I and II taken together can help determine the conclusion
4, if none of the statements, taken together or separately, can help determine the conclusion
30) Conclusion: Anand is intelligent without an education.
Statement I: Anand is not educated but he is intelligent.
Statement II: Education has not made Anand intelligent.
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
Section 3 - Learning Ability

Directions for Questions 31-35:
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis of the information provided in the passage.
RSS is a family of XML file formats for web-syndication used by news websites and weblogs. The abbreviation stands for
one of the
following standards:
* Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91)
* RDF Site Summary (RSS 0.9, 1.0 and 1.1)
* Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0)
RSS provides short descriptions of Web content together with links to the full versions of the content. This information is
delivered as an XML file called RSS feed, webfeed, RSS stream or RSS channel. In addition to facilitating syndication, RSS
allows a websites frequent readers to track updates on the site using a news aggregator.
RSS is widely used by the weblog community to share the latest headlines or their full text and even attached multimedia
A program known as a feed-reader or aggregator can check RSS-enabled Webpages on behalf of a user and display any
updated articles that it finds. It is now common to find RSS feeds on major websites, as well as many smaller ones.
Web-based feed readers and news aggregators require no software installation and make the users "feeds" available on
any computer with Web access. Some aggregators syndicate (combine) RSS feeds into new feeds e.g., take all football -
related items from several sports feeds and provide a new football feed. There are also search engines for RSS feeds like
Feedster, Technorati, Pluck or Plazoo.
RSS feeds are typically linked to with an orange rectangle with the letters XML or RSS.
As of 2005 multiple versions of RSS exist, belonging to two main pathways:
* RSS 0.90 was the original Netscape RSS version. This RSS was called RDF Site Summary, and as such a completely
valid RDF format.
* RSS 0.91 is the simplified RSS version released by Netscape, and also the version number of the simplified version
championed by Dave Winer from Now called Rich Site Summary, this was no longer an RDF format, but was
relatively easy to use. It remains the most common RSS variant.
* RSS 0.92 through 0.94 are expansions of the RSS 0.91 format, which are (in theory at least) all compatible with each other
and with Winers version of RSS 0.91, but are not compatible with RSS 0.90. RSS now stood for "Really Simple
* RSS 1.0 and 1.1 are open formats by the "RSS-DEV Working Group", again standing for RDF Site Summary. RSS 1.0 is
an RDF format like RSS 0.90, but not fully compatible with it.

31) Which one of these is NOT a full form of RSS?
A) Rich Site Summary B) RDF Site Summary
C) Rich Site Syndication D) Really Simple Syndication

32) RSS provides:
A) Short descriptions of Web content. B) Short descriptions of Web content + links to full content.
C) File formats for Web syndication for Web sites. D) All the options

33) Which of these does NOT state how one can read Web pages with an aggregator?
A) Feed readers check RSS-enabled Webpages for updates. B) Users can log into the feed reader to check for updates.
C) All of the above plus Web based feed readers. D) Search engines for RSS can be used.

34) Which was the original RSS version?
A) RSS 1.1 B) RSS 0.9 C) RSS 1.2 D) RSS Original

35) Select the FALSE statement.
A) RSS 0.91 is the most common variant of RSS.
B) RSS 0.9 was the original Netscape RSS. version
C) RSS 0.91 is a simplified version of RSS.
D) RSS 0.92 through .94 are not expansions of RSS 0.91.
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Section 1 - Verbal Ability
Directions for Questions 1-5:
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis of the information
provided in the passage.
He was one of the five players summoned by the Pakistan Cricket Board after the Test series defeat
to India. Shoaib, Moin Khan and Abdul Razzaq underwent a series of tests in Lahore on
Wednesday. But PCB chief Ramiz Raja said: "The commission has not been constituted to find a
scapegoat and punish him."Shoaib has rubbished the charges and said he had a torn ligament in his
back which prevented him from bowling in the final Test.The four-man commission will also look into
the injuries of Moin Khan, Abdul Razzaq, Shabbir Ahmed and Umar Gul.The medical commission is
expected to submit its report to the PCB by next week.If found guilty, Shoaib could face a ban and a
Ramiz added: "It has been constituted to find why so many players got injured and what can be done
in future to prevent this.
"The other objective is to help the players get their names cleared from the general perception that
they faked their injuries, if they were genuinely injured."
"But while saying this, I must make myself very clear that if it was proved some players did fake their
injuries, they will be taken to task."
Shoaib reacted strongly to the accusations that his back injury in Rawalpindi was not genuine,
despite the fact that he clubbed 28 runs off 14 balls after hurting himself.
"You need the whole body to be perfect when you bowl - it is different when you are batting. I am
surprised how someone can think Iwas not badly injured," he said.
1) Who is .he. mentioned in Line 1?
A) Moin Khan B) Shoaib Akthar C) Abdur Razzaq D) Ramiz Raja
2) Why is the commission constituted according to Ramiz Raja?
A) To find out why so many players got injured and what can be done in future to prevent so many
B) To find out whether the players were faking injuries.
C) To find a scapegoat and punish him.
D) To investigate the poor performance of the team against India.
3) Shoaib could face a ban due to which one of the following reasons?
A) Wrong bowling action
B) Sledging
C) Misbehaving with team members
D) Faking injury
4) According to Shoaib:
A) The whole body has to be perfect to bowl
B) The whole body has to be perfect to bat
C) It is ok for a batsman to be injured
D) A bowler can still bowl with a back injury
5) From the passage above, it can be inferred that the game was played at:
A) Lahore B) Rawalpindi C) India D) Cannot be determined
Directions for Questions 6-9:
Choose the option, which will CORRECTLY fill the blank.
6) There is a horse _______ the field.
A) With B) In C) At D) On
7) You have to hand in your project _______ October.
A) By B) On ) Over D) Between
8) His paralyzed leg is insensitive ______ feeling.
A) To B) In C) For D) With
9) Why can.t he distance himself ______ the unlawful activities of his friends?
A) Beyond B) With C) Off D) From
Directions for Questions 10-12: Choose the word nearest in meaning to the word in ITALICS from
the given options.
10) The bounties of nature are being exploited by man.
A) Gifts B) Products C) Rules D) Ecological balances
11) The minister corroborated the statement of his party president.
A) Condemned B) Confirmed C) Denied D) Accepted
12) He is a candid politician.
A) Frank B) Faithful C) Fearless D) Soft-spoken
Directions for Questions 13-15: Choose the answer option which will CORRECTLY fill the blank.
13) Please nominate __ few delegates from your organisation to attend __ seminar scheduled
A) The, a B) The, an C) An, a D) A, the
14) We keep _____ open door policy.
A) An B) The C) A D) No article required
15) __ sealed tender was sent to __ organisation and __ management waited eagerly for _
A) An, the, an, the B) A, the, the, a C) The, a, a, an D) An, an, an, the

Section 2 - Analytical & Numerical Ability
16) Find the percentage of prime numbers present between 1and 100 (including both).
A) 20 B) 25 C) 24 D) 23
17) Tom is 25 % taller than Amy. By what percent is Amy shorter than Tom?
A) 75% B) 80% C) 25% D) 20%
18) A shopkeeper offered a discount of 15% on the labeled price. By selling an article for Rs. 340,
after giving discount, he earned a profit of 13 1/3%. What would have been the percent profit earned
if no discount was offered?
A) 0.2 B) 0.3333 C) 0.1717 D) 0.25
19) If a:b=3:4 and b:c=2:7, then what is the value of a:b:c?
A) 3:4:14 B) 3:4:7 C) 6:4:7 D) 6:8:12
20) The prices of a refrigerator and a cell phone are in the ratio 3:2. If the refrigerator costs Rs. 6000
more than the cell phone, what is the price of the cell phone?
A) Rs. 1200 B) Rs. 12000 C) Rs. 8000 D) Rs. 9000
Directions for Questions 21-24:
Read the following information and answer the questions that follow:
A room of floor area 3x3 is to be fitted with tiles of size 1x1 of different colors. The black tile is in
between the green and the white tiles. The blue tile is adjacent the red tile. The orange tile is
adjacent the pink tile. The yellow tile is to the right (east) of the red tile, and the violet tile is to the left
(west) of the orange tile.
21) If the yellow tile is to the north of the white tile, and the black tile is between the red and the
orange tiles, where is the violet tile?
A) To the north of the green tile B) To the west of the orange tile
C) To the east of the blue tile D) None of the options
22) If the blue tile is present between the green and the violet tiles, the black tile will be to the north
A) The blue tile B) The red tile C) The orange tile D) Cannot be determined
23) If the pink tile is between the yellow and the white tiles, which of the following is/are TRUE?
A) The orange tile is between the red and the black tiles. B) The blue tile is to the east of the red tile.
C) The yellow tile is to the west of the red tile. D) All the options
24) If the orange tile is between the black and the red tiles, and the orange tile is to the north of the
red tile which of the following is definitely FALSE?
A) The green tile is to the north of the violet tile. B) The white tile is to the south of the pink tile.
C) The orange tile is to the left of the pink tile. D) The red tile is to the left of the yellow tile.
25) If in a certain language, MUSIC is coded as LSPEX. How will SOUND be coded in that
Directions for Question 26: Given below are four figures, of which three are similar and the
fourth one is different. Find the odd figure.
A) B) C) D)
Directions for Question 27:
In the following questions, three figures are given, that follow a certain sequence or pattern.
Find the next figure in the sequence from the answer choices provided below.
A) A B) B C) C D) D
Directions for Question 28:
Each question has two statements and some conclusions. Choose the conclusion that
logically follows:
28) All mangoes are apples.
All apples are sweet.
A) All mangoes are sweet. B) Some mangoes are sweet.
C) Some mangoes are not sweet. D) Both A and B
Directions for Question 29:
Assuming the statement given in each question to be true, point out the inference as one of the
(A)- True
(B)- False
(C)- Uncertain
(D)- None of the options
29) Statement: Only educated people can find a solution.
Inference: No uneducated person can find a solution.
A) A B) B C) C D) D
Directions for Question 30:
In the following questions, mark
1, if statement I alone can help determine the conclusion
2, if statement II alone can help determine the conclusion
3, if statement I and II taken together can help determine the conclusion
4, if none of the statements, taken together or separately, can help determine the conclusion
30) Conclusion: The foundation stone for the building is laid.
Statement I: Without a foundation, a building cannot be raised.
Statement II: Ministers lay foundation stones.
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
Section 3 - Learning Ability
Directions for Questions 31-35:
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis of the information
provided in the passage.
Common Gateway Interface
The Common Gateway Interface, or CGI, is a standard interface between an HTTP server and an
application. CGI enables the webserverto generate dynamic content rather than just return static
HTML files. In addition, because CGI can accept and process information submitted by the user, it
can provide two-way interaction between the client and the web-server. For example, CGI is
commonly used to create dynamic HTML pages from information in a database, or to process user
input such as validating a creditcard when a product is ordered online. Many popular internet search
engines use CGI. These engines receive search criteria from theuser, process the input, and return
the search results. CGI was the first and continues to be the most popular method of
buildingdynamic Web sites.
Typically, CGI scripts are written in Perl, Tcl, C or a Unix shell, but almost any language can be
used, including Java. A CGIapplication works in the following manner. When the web-server
receives a request that maps to a CGI application, it executes a CGIprogram that runs in its own
process space. The CGI program returns HTML to the web-server, and the web-server returns the
HTML to the client. To illustrate, a typical CGI transaction might go like this:
1) The server receives a request for a resource called /cgi-bin/guestbook.cgi.
2) Either because the file has a .cgi extension or because it is located in the /cgi-bin directory, the
server recognizes the file as a CGI request and launches the guestbook.cgi program, passing any
parameters received from the client.
3) The guestbook.cgi program executes, processing any information passed as a parameter, and
returns an HTML document to theweb-server.
4) The web-server returns the HTML to the client.
To the user, this process is completely transparent. The user simply requested a resource using a
URL and received an HTMLdocument in return. Other than the format of the URL, the user would
have no way of knowing that the document was created dynamically on the server rather than simply
stored in a static file. Using this process, the web-server can vary its response based on user input.
Prior to CGI, this kind of two-way interaction on the web was not possible.
One important note is that all CGI applications run as independent processes. Creating a new
process for every CGI request hurts performance and is resource intensive. This is in contrast to
servlets that are loaded just once and thereby perform better.
31) CGI revolutionized the Internet because:
i) Static HTML pages automatically became dynamic.
ii) It provided a two-way interaction between the client and the server.
iii) One could think beyond static HTML pages.
iv) Web-servers were no longer required.
A) ii only B) iv and i C) ii and iii D) iii only
32) Before the advent of CGI:
A) Credit cards were invalid. B) Internet search engines could not exist.
C) Since pages were static, they could not contain images. D) Perl, Tcl, C or a Unix shell were never
33) All CGI applications run as independent processes causing:
A) Lower performance and optimal utilisation of resources.
B) Enhanced performance and non-optimal utilisation of resources.
C) Enhanced performance and optimal utilisation of resources.
D) Lower performance and non-optimal utilisation of resources.
34) CGI made validation of credit cards possible because:
A) The browser client could pass the credit card number to the server.
B) Credit card companies accepted the feasibility of online systems.
C) It is a standard interface between an HTTP server and an application.
D) Internet became more secure and reliable.
35) If you are given the task of creating an online web application using CGI, you will definitely need
i) Create guestbook.cgi.
ii) Build dynamic HTML pages by making database requests.
iii) Write CGI scripts in a language such as Perl, Tcl, C, Unix Shell, Java etc.
iv) Channel client requests through the web-server.
A) iii and iv B) i, iii and iv C) Only iii D) ii and iii
Q3) Nasscom Nac-Tech verbal ability questions
Directions for Questions 1-5: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis of the
information provided in the passage.

For a period of more than two centuries paleontologists have been intrigued by the fossilized remains of
pterosaurs, the first flying vertebrates. The issues, which puzzle them, are how these heavy creatures, having a
wingspan of about 8-12 meters managed the various problems associated with powered flight and whether these
creatures were reptiles or birds.

Perhaps the least controversial assertion about the pterosaurs is that they were reptiles. Their skulls, pelvises, and hind f eet
are reptilian. The anatomy of their wings suggests that they did not evolve into the class of birds. In pterosaurs a greatly
elongated fourth finger of each forelimb supported a winglike membrane. The other fingers were short and reptilian, with
sharp claws. In birds the second finger is the principal strut of the wing, which consists primarily of feathers. If the pterosaurs
walked on all fours, the three short fingers may have been employed for grasping. When a pterosaurs walked or remained
stationary, the fourth finger, and with it the wing, could only urn upward in an extended inverted V- shape along each side of
the animal's body.

In resemblance they were extremely similar to both birds and bats, with regard to their overall body structure and proportion.
This is hardly surprising as the design of any flying vertebrate is subject to aerodynamic constraints. Both the pterosaurs and
the birds have hollow bones, a feature that represents a savings in weight. There is a difference, which is that the bones of
the birds are more massively reinforced by internal struts.

Although scales typically cover reptiles, the pterosaurs probably had hairy coats. T.H. Huxley reasoned that flying
vertebrates must have been warm-blooded because flying implies a high rate of metabolism, which in turn implies a high
internal temperature. Huxley speculated that a coat of hair would insulate against loss of body heat and might streamline the
body to reduce drag in flight. The recent discovery of a pterosaur specimen covered in long, dense, and relatively thick hair
like fossil material was the first clear evidence that his reasoning was correct.

Some paleontologists are of the opinion that the pterosaurs jumped from s dropped from trees or perhaps rose into the light
winds from the crests of waves in order to become airborne. Each theory has its associated difficulties. The first makes a
wrong assumption that the pterosaurs hind feet resembled a bat's and could serve as hooks by which the animal could hang
in preparation for flight. The second hypothesis seems unlikely because large pterosaurs could not have landed in trees
without damaging their wings. The third calls for high aces to channel updrafts. The pterosaurs would have been unable to
control their flight once airborne as the wind from which such waves arose would have been too strong.

1 As seen in the above passage scientists generally agree that:
a the pterosaurs could fly over large distances because of their large wingspan.
b a close evolutionary relationship can be seen between the pterosaurs and bats, when the structure of their skeletons is
c the study of the fossilized remains of the pterosaurs reveals how they solved the problem associated with
powered flight he pterosaurs were reptiles-Answer
e Pterosaurs walked on all fours.

2 As inferred from the passage, the skeleton of a pterosaur is distinguishable from that of a bird by the
a. length of its wingspan
b. hollow spaces in its bones
c. anatomic origin of its wing strut-Answer
d. evidence of the hooklike projections on its hind feet
e location of the shoulder joint joining the wing to its body.

3 From the viewpoint of T.H.Huxley, as given in the passage, which of the following statements is he most likely to agree
a. An animal can master complex behaviors irrespective of the size of it's brain.-Answer
b Environmental capabilities and physical capabilities often influence the appearance of an animal.
c Usually animals in a particular family group do not change their appearance dramatically over a period of time
d The origin of flight in vertebrates was an accidental development rather than the outcome of specialization or adaption
The pterosaurs should be classified as birds, not reptiles.

4 The organization of the last paragraph of the passage can best be described as:
a. New data is introduced in order to support a traditional point of view-Answer
b Three explanations are put forth and each of them is disputed by means of specific information
c. An outline of three hypotheses are given and evidence supporting each of them is given
d Description of three recent discoveries is presented, and their implications for future study are projected
e The material in the earlier paragraphs is summarized and certain conclusions are from it.

5 According to the passage, some scientists believe that pterosaurs
a. Lived near large bodies of water
b Had sharp teeth for tearing food
c Were attacked and eaten by larger reptiles
d Had longer tails than many birds
e Consumed twice their weight daily to maintain their body temperature.

Quantitative Aptitude and reasoning questions with answer

1 Father is aged three times more than his son Ronit. After 8 years,he would be two and a hlf times of ronits age. After
further 8 years how many times would he be of Ronils age?
a.2 times-Answer
B. 2 and 1/2 times
C.21/3 times
D. 3 times

2 The sum of ages of 5 children born at the intervals of 3 years each is 50 years. What is the age of the youngest child?

A. 5 years
B. 4 years-Answer
C. 8 years
D. 10 years
3 A gun fired at a distance of 3.2km from bablar.He hears the sound 10 sec later.What is the speed of the sound?

A. 420m/sec
B. 450m/sec
C. 320m/sec
D. 332m/sec

4 If a train moves at the rate of 2km/hr.what is the speed in metres per second?

A. 50
B. 40
C. 30
D. 20

5 If the speed of the man is 92.4km/hr how many metres would it cover in 20minutes?

A. 30800m
B. 3080m
C. 308m
D. 4500m

6 A bus starts running with the initial speed of 40km/hr with its speed increasing every hour by 5kmph.How many hours will it
take to cover a distance of 385km?

A. 10hrs
B. 12hrs
C. 8 hrs
D. 7hrs

7 A train passes a man in 15 sec and passes a bridge 100m long in 25 sec.find the length of the train?

B. 100m
C. 120m
D. 200m

8 A cat climbs a hill at a speed of 1m/sec and return to ground at twice the speed.His average speed for the round trip is

A. 2m/sec
B. 10m/sec
C. 2.5m/sec
D. 1.5m/sec

9 A train moves with a speed of 80km/hr.What is the speed of the train in m/sec?

A. 38 1/9
B. 22 5/9
C. 22 2/9
D. 45 6/7

10 If a man walk ta 3 kmph ,he miss the bus by 2 minutes.If, however,He walk at 4 kmph ,then reach the station 2 minutes
before the arrival of the bus.How far do he walk to reach the station?

A. 3/4km
B. 7/8km
C. 4/9km
D. 4/5km

11 A motor cycle takes 40 seconds to travel 400m.Its speed is

A. 48km/hr
B. 36km/hr
C. 72km/hr
D. 18km/hr

12 A person covers a distance in 40 minutes if it runs at a speed of 30km/hr on an average.The speed at which the car must
run to reduce the time of journey to 55 minutes,will be

A. 23.89 km/hr
B. 22.81 km/hr
C. 21.81 km/hr
D. 23.12 km/hr

13 . A train covers 12km in 4 hrs.In travelling 19km the time taken is

A. 6hrs 20min
B. 5 hrs 40 min
C. 6 hrs 30 min
D. 4 hrs 12 min

14 A train takes 5 hrs to cover a distance of 300km.How much should the speed (in km/hr) be maintained to cover the same
distance in 4/5th of the previous time?

A. 45
B. 65
C. 75
D. None of these

15 .A father said to his son, "I was as old as you are at the present at the time of your birth". If the father's age is 38 years
now, the son's age five years back was:

A. 10 years
B. 12 years
C. 11 years
D. 14 years-Answer

16 A is two years older than B who is twice as old as C. If the total of the ages of A, B and C be 27, the how old is B?

B. 11
C. 14
D. 13

17 .Present ages of Sameer and Anand are in the ratio of 5 : 4 respectively. Three years hence, the ratio of their ages will
become 11 : 9 respectively. What is Anand's present age in years?

A. 12
B. 24-Answer
C. 36
D. Can't be determined

18 A man is 24 years older than his son. In two years, his age will be twice the age of his son. The present age of his son is:

A. 20 years
B. 21 years
C. 22 years-Answer
D. 23 years

19 Six years ago, the ratio of the ages of Kunal and Sagar was 6 : 5. Four years hence, the ratio of their ages will be 11 : 10.
What is Sagar's age at present?

A. 12 years
B. 16 years-Answer
C. 18 years
D, 20 years

20 The sum of the present ages of a father and his son is 60 years. Six years ago, father's age was five times the age of the
son. After 6 years, son's age will be:

A. 20 years-Answer
B. 22 years
C. 24 Years
D. Cant be determined

21 At present, the ratio between the ages of Arun and Deepak is 4 : 3. After 6 years, Arun's age will be 26 years. What is the
age of Deepak at present ?

A. 12 years
.B. 15 years-Answer
C. 20 years
D. 13 years

21 Sachin is younger than Rahul by 7 years. If their ages are in the respective ratio of 7 : 9, how old is Sachin?

A. 22 years
B. 24 years
C.22.5 years
D. 24.5 years-Answer

22 Three solid cubes of edges 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm are melted to form a new cube. The edge of the new cube is

A.6 cm
B.6.5 cm
C.7 cm
D.7.5 cm

23 At what time between 6 and 7 are the hands of the clock coincide?

A.6:32 8/11
C.6:35 8/11

24 If the annual increase of the population of a town is 75 per thousand of previous year and the present population is
3418801, what was the population four years ago?


25 If 830 is divided into three parts such that 4 times the first part is equal to 5 times the second and 7 times the third, the
first part is


26 Two taps can fill a tank in 18 and 24 min respectively. When both the taps are opened find when the first tap be turned off
so that the tank may be filled in 12 min.

A.6 min
B.7 min
C.8 min
D.9 min

27 How many number s are there between 200 and 300 in which 9 occurs only once?


28 Swathi took Rs. 20000 at 5% SI for 2 years and invested it at 4% CI for same period. Find her gain/loss.

A. Rs. 368 loss
B.Rs. 200 gain
C.Rs.423 gain
D.Rs. 364 gain

29 A plant reproduces at the rate of 25% every 12 min. In approximately what time will it triple itself?

A.90 min
B.75 min
C.60 min
D.40 min

30 A dishonest shopkeeper uses 800 gm weight instead of 1ks and mixes 20% impurities to wheat. Find his gain %.


31 Joe's age , Joe's sister's age and Joe's fathers age sums up to a century. When sox s as old as his father, Joe's sister
will be twice as old as now. When Joe is as old as his father then his father is twice as old as when his sister was as old as
her father
Ans: Joe=20 sister=30 father=50

32. At 6'o clock clock ticks 6 times. The time between first and last ticks was 30sec. How much time it takes at 12'o clock.?

Ans. 66 sec. 2 marks.

33. Three friends divided some bullets equally. After all of them shot 4 bullets the total no.of remaining bullets is equal to that
of one has after division. Find the original number divided.
Ans: 18

34. A ship went on a voyage after 180 miles a plane started with 10 times speed that of the ship. Find the distance when
they meet from starting point.
Ans: 200

35 A man sold two cows for Rs. 210 at a total profit of 5 %. He sold one cow at a loss of 10% and another at a profit of 10%.
What is the price of each cow?
Ans: Rs. 150 and Rs. 50
Q4) Nasscom (NAC-Tech)Set: Sample Paper
Nasscom (NAC-Tech)Section 1 - Verbal Ability
No. Of Questions: 10
Duration in Minutes: 10
Directions for Questions 1-3:Choose the word nearest in meaning to the word in ITALICS from the given options.
1) The ant is believed to be the most industrious creature.

A) Sensible
B) Hard working
C) Intelligent
D) Organized

2) The defendant was grateful for the judges clemency.
A) Patience
B) Mercy
C) Verdict
D) Civility

3) Ravi was ravenous after the trek because he had eaten only biscuits.
A) Ill
B) Famished
C) Tired
D) Nauseous

Directions for Questions 4-6: Choose the answer option, which will CORRECTLY fill the blank.

4) While strolling on Janpath, I chanced to meet ____ European.
A) The
B) A
C) An
D) No article required

5) ______ few public libraries we have are under equipped.
A) A
B) An
C) The
D) No article required

6) Anil is in the habit of smoking before going to ____ bed at night.
A) An
B) A
C) The
D) No article required

Directions for Questions 7-8:Choose the option, which will CORRECTLY fill the blank.

7 He turned up early to make sure that he had a seat _______ the plane.
A) In
B) On
C) At
D) For

8) Dr. Robert Scaer examines dissociation and PTSD _______ the perspective of a neurologist.
A) In
B) By
C) With
D) From

Directions for Questions 9-10: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis of the information provided in the passage.
As India and Pakistan discuss peace at the level of the government, there is an active process of engagement taking place on the internet. In the past,
Indians and Pakistanis may have hounded each other on internet chat forums but now, there is a sense of peace and harmony on some sites, where
diverse and open ended conversations genuinely bring people closer.
Huma Imtiaz Ali, a Content Development Associate at AAG TV, resides in the port city of Karachi. She is often found busy punching in her reply to a
post about the Kashmir issue on an Indo-Pak discussion forum that shes part of. "The usage of mediums such as Orkut, Facebook and blogging
websites has widely increased in over the past year or so, and has helped bridge gaps between the India and Pakistan," said Huma. "Every time there
is an issue related to the subcontinent, I log on to or to read the views of Indian expats, and to get an idea of
what their thoughts might be," she added. "I use on the other hand to interact with people my age from the other side of the border, where we talk about rather fun topics such as about
gossip in Bollywood, favourite movies, TV shows, etc, which has made me realize that despite 60 years of separation, we are still very much alike,"
Huma adds.
The issues discussed on such forums tend to be diverse but the aim of these websites is much the same - to encourage interaction between youth on
either side of the border. And it was one such website that forged a cross-border friendship. "In my last year at art school, my class was in the process
of planning an educational trip to India. Since we didnt know the specifics about how to plan the trip, where to stay, and what to see first, I attempted to
get some information by posting a topic on the Pak/India community on orkut (which is wildly popular both here and across the border)," said Khizra
Munir, Creative Executive,Interflo Communications Ltd, Karachi. "A Delhiite replied to my plea and after exchanging email addresses we exchanged
information. We later went on to meet him in Delhi, he took us around Janpath and he continues to be a friend," she said.
Often enough, such forums can provide a common ground for complete strangers as did for Ali Khurshid and Jaya. "My maternal
grandparents came to Pakistan from Bhopal and have forever told me so many stories about the little village with the one hill and the big lake and the
small lake that the entire setting has occupied a legendary status in my mind, says Ali Khurshid, a secondyear student at the Indus Valley School of Art
and Architecture, Karachi. "Around a year ago I met Jaya, also from Bhopal who was posting pictures from this "magical" place. For starters I was
stunned by how close the images in my mind were to the pictures she had and secondly we became friends in spite of the illusory walls of religion,
nationality and prejudice that would have otherwise come in between us," said Ali. In absence of all other means of communication, cyberspace is fast
becoming one most important means of dialogue between the youths of India and Pakistan. Such interactive forums are a small yet positive step in the
right direction but only time will tell if measures like these will change mindsets and bridge the gap created by 60 years of separation between the two

9) The writer of this article generally believes that:

a) The youth of India and Pakistan do not attack each other at all on the Internet now.
b) There is more meaningful interaction on the net between these youth now than before.
c) Such interaction will definitely lead to the establishment of peace between the two countries.
d) It is the two governments which have brought the youth of these nations together.
A) i
B) ii
C) iii
D) iv

10) Which of the following statements about Huma Imtiaz Ali is FALSE?
A) Facebook helps her to realize what she shares with the Indian members.
B) She is actively involved in the discussion groups related to Kashmir.
C) She generally finds serious subjects discussed on Chapatimystery.
D) She finds only serious subjects discussed on the various sites.

Nasscom (NAC-Tech)Section 2 - Analytical Ability
Nasscom (NAC-Tech)No. Of Questions: 10
Duration in Minutes: 10

1) In a class of 40 students, 24 students speak Hindi and 20 students speak Kannada. Eight students speak none of the two languages. How many
students speak both Hindi and Kannada?
A) 10
B) 18
C) 15
D) 12

2) In a class, 50% of the students are boys. Of the girls, 45% are good at physics, 65% are good at chemistry and 60% are good at maths. 30% are
good at physics and chemistry, 35% are good at chemistry and maths and 25% are good at physics and maths. Given that all the girls are good at least
one of the three subjects mentioned, what is the number of girls who are good in all the three subjects if there are 100 students in the class?
A) 10
B) 20
C) 8
D) 6

3) In a marathon, Sam was faster than Jack. Denise beat Jim but lost to Jack. Who is the winner?
A) Sam
B) Jack
C) Denise
D) Jim
Directions for Questions 4-5: In the following questions mark:
1, if the question can be answered with the help of statement I alone.
2, if the question can be answered with the help of statement II alone.
3, if the question can be answered with the help of both I and II.
4, if none of the above options is true.

4) What is the value of A/B, if A and B are not equal to zero?

Statement I: A = 750 % of B
Statement II: B and A are >5
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4

5) Is it possible to determine a unique positive two digit number?
Statement I: The two digit number is six times the sum of the digits of the number.
Statement II: The two digit number exceeds the number obtained by interchanging its digits by nine.
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4

6) Two brothers, Amit and Puneet started from their home on their motorcycles. Puneet started 6 minutes after Amit but overtook him2km away from
home. However he forgot to give Amit the lunch packet. So, after having covered 5km, he turned back and now met Amit 4km away from home. At what
speed was Puneet riding?
A) 5km/hr
B) 10km/hr
C) 18km/hr
D) 20km/hr

7In the following question, three figures are given, that follow a certain sequence or pattern. Find the next figure in the sequence from the answer
choices provided below.


9) Complete the series: 2, 10, 30, 68, ____
A) 88
B) 130
C) 82
D) 102
10) Complete the series: 0, 14, 78, ...
A) 252
B) 84
C) 140
D) None of the options

Nasscom (NAC-Tech)Section 3 - Attention to Detail
Nasscom (NAC-Tech)No. Of Questions: 10
Duration in Minutes: 10

Directions for Questions 1-Follow the directions given below to answer the questions that follow. Your answer for each question below would be:
A, if ALL THREE items given in the question are exactly ALIKE.
B, if only the FIRST and SECOND items are exactly ALIKE.
C, if only the FIRST and THIRD items are exactly ALIKE.
D, if None of the above.

1) 4126724221 4121724221 4127724221
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D

2) 778776.66544 778776.66544 7787765.6544

A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D

3) GPC196O4812RL GPC196O4812RL GPC19604812RL
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D

4) If * stands for + ,/ stands for *, + stands for - and - stands for / , then which of the following is TRUE?
A) 4/12*6+30-4 = 46.5
B) 12*4/6+30-4 = 14.5
C) 4*6/12+4-4 = -4
D) 4*4/6+30-4 = -12

5) If + stands for division, * stands for addition, - stands for multiplication and / stands for subtraction, then which of the following equations is
A) 36 * 6 + 7 / 2 6 = 20
B) 36 / 6 + 3 * 5 3 =
C) 36 + 6 3 * 5 / 3 =
D) 36 6 + 3 * 5 / 3 =

Directions for Questions 6-8
:The eligibility criteria for recruitment of a clerk in a bank are as follows:
- He must have a minimum percentage of 60 in class 10 and 12 exams.
- He must have had Economics as a compulsory subject in Class 12.
- He must be less than 25 years of age as on 25/07/2003.
- He should pass the physical fitness test as prescribed in the norms.

In case he satisfies all other criteria except the 1st, he will be required to pass an aptitude test.
In case he satisfies all other criteria except the 3rd, he will be interviewed by the HR.

6) Rajesh celebrated his 24th birthday on November 21st 2002. He has been a consistent performer with 75% and 85% marks in Class 10th and 12th
respectively. Economics was the one subject in class 12th in which he was very weak, and managed to score only 47%. He passed the physical test
prescribed by the bank without any problems. He will be:
A) Recruited
B) First required to pass the aptitude test
C) Interviewed by the HR
D) Data insufficient

7) Kamla has passed both 10 and 12 in the first division. She passed the physical fitness test of the bank. She will be 26 this December (2003).
Economics was one of her subjects in class 12. She will:
A) Have to give an aptitude test
B) Be interviewed by the HR
C) Be denied admission
D) Both A and B

8) Deepa is 23 years old, and Economics was her favourite subject in class 12. She passed both 10 and 12 in the a second division. She passed the
physical fitness test of the bank without any hassles. She will:
A) Be admitted directly
B) Have to pass the aptitude test to be considered
C) Be denied admission
D) Data insufficient

Directions for Questions 9-10: A credit card company issues its credit cards to those who satisfy the following minimum criteria.
i) The candidate should not have filed for bankruptcy in the last 15 years.
ii) The candidate should have a minimum income of $48,000 per annum.
iii) The candidate should have life insurance.
iv) The candidate should have at least a Car and a House registered in his name.
1.In case he satisfies all other criteria EXCEPT(iii), he must possess at least one credit card of any other company to be eligible.
2.In case he satisfies all other criteria EXCEPT(iv), he is interviewed by an agent of the credit card agency.

9) Gopal is 54, and has an annual income of $120,000 per year. He had filed for bankruptcy 18 years back during recession. He has life insurance and
property insurance, and has three mansions in three different states of US. He has 2 cars. He is:
A) Granted the credit card
B) Interviewed by an agent of the credit card company
C) Denied the credit card
D) Data insufficient

10) Ben has a monthly income of $4000, doesnt have Life Insurance, and has filed for bankruptcy twice in the last 8 years. He has two cars and a
house in his name. He is:
A) Issued the credit card immediately by the company
B) Interviewed by an agent of the company
C) Data insufficient
D) Denied the credit card

Nasscom (NAC-Tech)Section 4 - Programming Fundamentals
Nasscom (NAC-Tech)No. Of Questions:10
Duration in Minutes: 10

Study the following scenario: A class has a combination of girls and boys as students. The age of girls is less than 21 years and the age of boys is
greater than 20 years. Use the following rules to assign the grades to students based upon the marks obtained by them:
A Greater than 69%
B Greater than 59 AND Less than 70%
C Greater than 34 AND Less than 60%
D Less than 35
Only students who got marks greater than 34% are eligible for the next semester. Assume that the class strength is 100.
1) Which of the following is the CORRECT Algorithm to calculate the total number of students who obtained Grade A?
STEP 2: SET stud_num equals to 1 and result equals to 0
STEP 3: IF stud_number is less than 101 THEN goto
STEP 4: IF marks of student stud_num is greater than 69% THEN goto
STEP 5 otherwise goto
STEP 5: INCREMENT result by 1
STEP 6: INCREMENT stud_num by 1 goto STEP 3
STEP 7:PRINT result number of students got the Grade B
STEP 2: SET stud_num equals to 1 and result equals to 0
STEP 3: IF stud_number is less than 101 THEN goto STEP 4 otherwise goto STEP 7
STEP 4: IF marks of student stud_num is greater than 69% THEN goto STEP 5 otherwise goto
STEP 5: INCREMENT result by 1
STEP 6: INCREMENT stud_num by 1 goto STEP 3
STEP 7:PRINT result number of students got the Grade B
STEP 2: SET stud_num equals to 0 and result equals to 1
STEP 3: IF stud_number is less than 100 THEN goto STEP 6 goto STEP 7
STEP 4: IF marks of student stud_num is greater than 69% THEN goto STEP 8 otherwise goto
STEP 5: INCREMENT result by 1
STEP 6: INCREMENT stud_num by 1 goto STEP 3
STEP 7:PRINT result number of students got the Grade B
STEP 2: SET stud_num equals to 1 and result equals to 1
STEP 3: IF stud_number is less than 101 THEN goto STEP 5 goto STEP 7
STEP 4: IF marks of student stud_num is greater than 69% THEN goto STEP 6 otherwise goto
STEP 5: INCREMENT result by 1
STEP 6: INCREMENT stud_num by 1
STEP 7:PRINT result number of students got the Grade B

2) In which of the following areas do you measure the efficiency of algorithms?
A) Time
B) Precision
C) Readability
D) Accuracy

3) Which of the following statement types is/are essential for describing algorithms?
A) Sequence
B) Selection
C) Repetition
D) All the options

Directions for Questions 4-6:

Study the given state diagram of an ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) system and answer the questions given below.
A small black circle represents the initial state, wait states are represented by rounded rectangles, and a small black circle surrounded by a white circle
represents the final state. Transitions are represented by arrows, and reflect change of state. The event is an activity either from the user or the system
that causes a change of state.

4) What does the ATM system do as depicted in the state diagram?
A) Verifies the user password
B) Verifies the transaction
C) Verifies the login details ( User Id and Password)
D) Prints out a mini account statement
5) Which of the following is an example for the user event?
A) #Pressed/Display
B) Cancel Pressed
C) EnterPressed/Validate
D) Invalid

6) Which of the following is an example for the system event?
A) Cancel Pressed/Clear
B) Invalid/Beep
C) EnterPressed/Validate
D) Valid

7) What does the given flowchart do?

A) Prints the sum of all odd numbers, which are less than 1000.
B) Prints the series of odd numbers that falls between 0
C) Prints the sum of all even numbers, which are less than 1000.
D) Prints the series of even numbers that falls below 1000

8) Which kind of testing is related to the Coding phase of SDLC?
A) Integration testing
B) System testing
C) Component testing
D) User acceptance testing

9) In which of the following stages does decision making phase start with a Product?
A) Dogs
B) Stars
C) Question marks
D) Cash cows

10) Which of the following strategies ensure that the software system will meet the requirements of the product, as well as address future
A) Software Architecture
B) Implementation
C) Specification
D) Testing

Nasscom (NAC-Tech)Section 5 - Learning Ability (Passage)
Nasscom (NAC-Tech)Duration -5 Minutes
No fo question-1
Directions for Questions 1-5:Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis of the information provided in the passage.
Methods Of File Organization
Records are stored in files using a file organization that determines how the records will be stored, located, and retrieved.

Sequential organization is the simplest way to store and retrieve records in a file. In a sequential file, records are stored one after theother without
concern for the actual value of the data in the records. To read a sequential file, the system always starts at the beginning of the file and reads its way
up to the record, one at a time. The system does not care what data values are stored in the fields within a record. In fact, sequential files do not use
physical record keys; records are accessed in order of their appearance in the file. (For this reason, analysts refer to sequential files as non-keyed files.)

In contrast to sequential organization, processing a direct-access file does require the system to start at the first record in the file.Direct-access files are
keyed files. They associate a record with a specific key value and a particular storage location. All records are stored by key at the address rather than
by position; if the program knows the record key, it can determine the location address of arecord and retrieve it independently of every other record in
the file.

Direct addressing should have a data set with the following characteristics:
1. The key set (I.e., the range of key values assigned) is in a dense, ascending order with few unused values (unused values mean wasted storage
space). Therefore few open gaps in the key values are wanted.
2. The record keys correspond to the numbers of the storage addresses: there is a storage address for each actual or possible key value in the file and
there are no duplicate key values.

In a dense key list, for each key value there is a storage space with an address that is equivalent to the key. The key values are also in a close
sequence; there are few skips in the sequence. This is important in the file design since, when storage is assigned for the file, it starts at the lowest
value and extends to the highest key value. Skips in the range of keys results in wasted storage space. Storage must be allocated even though it will go

Another problem prohibiting use of direct addressing arises when the keys for the records do not match storage addresses. Even if the analyst want to
use direct addressing, it is impossible to do so if key values and addresses do not correspond. For example, if keys contain characters (e.g., a key of
AB1CD), direct addressing is not possible, since there is no address for AB1CD.

When direct addressing is not possible but the direct access is necessary, the analyst specifies the alternative access method of hashing. Hashing (also
called key transformation or randomizing) refers to the process of deriving a storage address from a record key. An algorithm (an arithmetic procedure)
is devised to change a key value into another value that serves as a storage address.

Indexed Organization
The basic form of index includes a record key and the storage address for a record. To find a record when the storage address is unknown (as with
direct address and hashing structures), it is necessary to scan the records. However, the search will be faster if an index is used, since it takes less time
to search an index than an entire file of data.

An index is a separate file from the master file to which it pertains. (For this reason some of analysts refer to it as a detached index.) Each record in the
index contains only two items of data: a record key and a storage address. (It does not duplicate each data item in the master file record.)

To find specific record when the file is stored under an indexed organization, this index is first searched to find the key of the record wanted. When it is
found, the corresponding storage address is noted and then the program accesses the record directly. This method uses a sequential scan of the index,
followed by direct access to the appropriate record. The index helps speed the search compared
with a sequential file, but it is slower than direct addressing.

1) Indexed files can be:

A) Sequential
B) Non sequential
C) Both A and B
D) None of the options

2) Indexed search is used to find a file that the:
A) Index has searched
B) Record key has searched
C) Corresponding storage contains
D) All the options

3) The easiest way to store and retrieve records in a file is:
A) Sequential organization
B) Direct access organization
C) Hashing
D) Indexed Organisation

4) Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A) Sequential files dont assign addresses to records.
B) Sequential files assign addresses to records in a sequential way.
C) Sequential files assign addresses to records in a random way.
D) None of the options

5) The sentence Direct-access files are keyed files implies that:
A) Every file has a key value associated with it
B) Every file has a particular storage position
C) Both A and B
D) None of the options Nasscom (NAC-Tech)Written English Test Instruction

The duration of this exercise is 5 minutes.
Write the e-mail in your own words. The email should be between 75-100 words. An e-mail less than 50 words & more than 125 words will not be
Your email will be evaluated on four parameters: Grammar, Content, Vocabulary, Spelling & Punctuation.
Do not use short-forms (u, 2, gr8, comm.). Only accepted abbreviations are allowed (etc, asap, e.g., i.e.).
Do not write in all upper case (HI, I AM AN EXECUTIVE FROM ABC.) or all lower case (this is to inform you that i will do it.). Appropriate case
structure is important.
Proper punctuation (full-stops, commas) is important.
Spell correctly. Any deviation from the correct spelling is an error.
Respond to the scenario using the details/information provided.
Digression from the main points will be rated down.

No. of Questions: 1
Duration in Minutes: 5

Name: ____________________ MeritTrac ID No. ______________

Company: Bluewater is a leading Internet bookstore. All orders placed on Bluewater are delivered within three days.

Scenario: A customer, John McNeal, has e-mailed you saying that he placed an order for "Who Moved My Cheese", a
bestseller, on However, even after 20 days, he has not received the book though it was promised that
it would be shipped in three days. He is very angry and wants an explanation for the delay.

You have discovered that the book is out of stock, which is why it was not dispatched to the customer.

Task: In the space provided below, write an e-mail to John McNeal to communicate the reason for the delay and how
you plan to set it right.

Grammar Content Vocabulary Spelling & Status Evaluator Punctuation

/6 /6 /6 /6
Q5) Part B (Answer any one part)
Information Technology
1. In a graph G there are 2n vertices which correspond to enf bit strings. Two nodes are connected iff the first 3 bits are
similar. What are the number of connected components?
1. 1
2. 3
3. 8
4. 2n-3
2. Let x, y and z denote the first vertex visited in post-order, in-order and pre-order traversals respectively of a complete
binary tree. Which of the following is always true?
1. x = y
2. x = z
3. y = z
4. None of these
3. Consider the following functions: f(n)= n 3n ; g(n) = n n log 3 3 ; h(n) = n!
Which of the following is true?
1. h(n) is O (f(n))
2. h(n) is O (g(n))
3. f(n) is O (g(n))
4. g(n) is not O (f(n))
4. Consider the following program
n =
int n, rev;
rev = 0;
while (n > 0) {
rev = rev * 10 + n %10;
n = n/10;
Which of the following is true at the end of the ith iteration?
1. n = b1b2cbm.i and rev =
2. n= and rev = bm.icb2b1
3. n= b1b2cbm and rev = bmcb2b1
4. none of these
5. A program ecf with 200 integers in the range 0 . 50 represents the scores of 200 students. It then prints the frequency of
each score above 25. What would be the best way for ecf to store the frequency?
1. an array of 25 numbers
2. an array of 50 numbers
3. an array of 200 numbers
4. a dynamically allocated array of 250 numbers
Electrical Engineering
1. A 4 bit ripple counter uses RS flip flops. Determine the maximum propogation delay of each flip flop,
if the clock frequency is 5 MHz
1. 100 ns
2. 60 ns
3. 30 ns
4. 50 ns
2. Determine the input displacement factor if the power factor = 0.6 and distortion factor = 3

1. 0.6
2. 0.634
3. 0.628
4. 0.783
3. Assertion (A): If a diode is connected close to the SCR in a series resonant inverter, SCR does not turn
off at all.
Reason (R): Diode reduces the reverse voltage of the thyristor.
1. A and R are true, A is correct explanation
2. A is true, R is false
3. A is false
4. A and R are true, R is not correct explanation
4. Determine which of the following is false with respect to PWM Inverter?
1. It has very good PF on the AC side
2. Very wide speed range of operation
3. Voltage is determined by switching frequency
4. Closed loop operation is possible
5. Which tool is best used to monitor the speed of moving vehicles in a city?
1. Pulsed radar
2. Monopulse radar
3. Doppler radar
4. Auto tracking radar
Electronics Engineering
1. Which of the following statement is true?
1. BJT is current controlled device with a high input impedance and high gain Bandwidth.
2. FET is a voltage controlled device with high input impedance and low gain Bandwidth.
3. FET cannot be used for Amplification.
4. All of the above.
2. A Base band video signal limited to 9MHz is transmitted using USB. The vestigial Bandwidth is
2MHz. The Bandwidth of the USB modulated signal is
1. 9 MHz
2. 11 MHz
3. 13 MHz
4. 20 MHz
3. Figure of merit of a Single tone AM receiver using Envelope detector if u = 0.5 is
1. 0.08
2. 0.11
3. 0.25
4. 1
4. In a 16-bit microprocessor, words are stored in two consecutive memory locations. Reading the entire
word in a single operation is possible if
1. the first word is even
2. the last memory location is odd
3. the first memory location is odd
4. the first memory address is even
5. How many zeroes are present in the binary representation of 51 x 5?
1. 0
2. 1
3. 3
4. 5
Mechanical Engineering
1. Brinell hardness number is equal to
2 2
D. (D . d )
( ) 2 2
D D. (D . d )
2 2
D. (D . d )
( )
D D . (D . d)
2. Technically, steel with carbon above 2% is known as
1. Ferrite
2. Pearlite
3. Cementite
4. Cast Iron
3. Bending moment M and torque T is applied on a shaft. The equivalent torque will be
1. M + T
2. 1 2 2
3. ( ) 1 2 2
+ +
4. 2 2 M + T
4. A Mohrfs circle reduces to a point when the body is subjected to
1. pure shear
2. uniaxial stress only
3. equal and opposite axial stresses on two mutually perpendicular planes, the planes being free ofshear
4. equal axial stresses on two mutually perpendicular planes, the planes being free of shear
5. Choose the odd process out
1. TIG welding
2. Thermit welding
3. Resistance welding
4. Submerged arc welding
Civil Engineering
1. The equilibrium super elevation required to contract the centrifugal force fully is given by:
2 V
2 0.75v
2 V
2 V
2. The mechanical extra widening required for pavement of width 10.5 m, on a horizontal curve of radius
eRf metre is given by:
2 l
2 2l
2 l
2 3l
3. In calculating the strength of a riveted joint in tearing, shearing and crushing, the
1. Actual diameter of the rivet is used
2. Actual diameter of hole drilled for rivet is used
3. Mean diameter of hole drilled for rivet is used
4. Smaller of the diameter and hole diameter is used
4. Archimedesf principle of buoyancy states that when a body is totally or partially immersed in a fluid, it is buoyed up by a
force which is equal to:
1. Weight of the body
2. Weight of the fluid displaced by the body
3. Weight of the body and the fluid displaced by the body
4. Difference of weights of the fluid displaced and that of the body
5. If a water tank partially filled with water is being carried on a truck, moving with a constant horizontal
acceleration, the level of the liquid will:
1. Rise on the front side of the tank
2. Fall on the back side of the tank
3. Remain the same at both side of the tank
4. Rise on the back side and fall on the front side
Chemical Engineering
1. The characteristic equation of a system is S4 + 3S2 .2S + 1 = 0. The system is
1. Stable
2. Unstable
3. Critically stable
4. Cannot say
2. Select the wrong statement.
Compared to Pt catalyst, V2O5 catalyst used in contact process for manufacture of H2SO4 because it is
1. Is immune to poisons
2. Requires low O2/SO2 to give economic conversion
3. Requires dilute SO2 input (7-10%)
4. Requires low initial investments and 5% replacement per year.
3. Fluid energy mill is used for
1. Ultrafine grinding
2. Cutting
3. Grinding
4. Crushing
4. The assumptions made in the derivation of Bernoullifs equation are that the flow is
1. Incompressible, rotational and non-viscous
2. Incompressible, steady, non-viscous and irrotational
3. Incompressible, steady and non-viscous
4. Incompressible, non-viscous and irrotational
5. In a textile mill, an evaporator concentrates a liquor containing solids of 6% by W/W to produce an
output containing 30% by W/W. Calculate evaporation of water per 100kg of feed to the evaporator?
1. 80Kg
2. 100Kg
3. 60Kg
4. 90Kg
Textile Engineering
1) Find the odd man out
1. Chain Stitch
2. Tricot Stitch
3. Railway Stitch
4. Cross Stitch
2) 10 kilometers of a cotton yarn with 7 RKM is wound up in a spool. 50 centimeters of the same yarn is
then tied to the spool on one end and attached to a hook on the other end.
1. The 50 cm yarn would stretch by 2%
2. The 50 cm yarn would break under the weight of the spool
3. The 50 cm yarn would stretch by 7%
4. The 50 cm yarn would retain its original shape
3) Cellulose pulp is treated with Carbon-di-sulphide and dissolved in caustic soda again. The resultant
yarn that is manufactured can be used for
1. PV fabrics
2. PC fabrics
3. PE fabrics
4. PVC fabrics
4) A fabric of dimension 50 cm by 30 cm, has a weight of 22500 mg. The density of the fabric is
1. 50 gsm
2. 100 gsm
3. 150 gsm
4. 200 gsm
5) 500 fabric banners using six-colour geometric graphics need to be produced. Which printing procedure would be most
quick and accurate?
1. block
2. digital
3. roller
4. screen
Bio-Technology Engineering
1. In Guinea pigs, black hair (B) is dominant over white (b), rough coat texture (R) is dominant over
smooth (r), and short hair (S) is dominant over long hair (s). A cross between a homozygous black,
rough, short-haired Guinea pig and a white, smooth, long-haired one and the F1 offsprings were crossed
again. What would be the number of offsprings with the genotype BBR-Ss, if 160 offsprings were
born? (Assume that these genes are on separate chromosomes)
1. 15
2. 24
3. 21
4. 27
2. The four elements making 99% of living system are
1. C, H, O, S
2. C, H, O, P
3. C, H, O, N
4. C, N, O, P
3. Facultative pyschrophiles have:
1. Optimal growth temperature between 200 and 300 but can grow at 00C
2. Optimal growth temperature between 00 and 100 but can grow at 250C
3. Optimal growth temperature below 50 but can grow at 250C
4. None of the above
4. A sample was inoculated by 2 cell of a bacterium with a generation time of 15 minutes. What would be
the number of bacterium after 4 hrs?
1. 128
2. 256
3. 512
4. 1024
5. The mixture of proteins (K, J, L, M, P) is separated from SDS . PAGE. The increasing order of their
molecular size is L, M, K, P, J. The electrophoretic mobility in SDS PAGE gel would be in the order
4. Same for all
Telecommunications Engineering
1. fm / fc is the
1. upper band frequency
2. lower band frequency
3. harmonity ratio
4. mid band frequency
2. Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with frequencies between
1. 300 MHz to 300 GHz
2. 50 Mhz to 600 MHz
3. 800 to 900 MHz
4. 1.8 to 1.95 GHz
3. Consider two channels.
Channel 1: Bandwidth = 4M HZ;
= 1024 and Channel 2: Bandwidth = 2MHZ;
1. Communication in channel 1 is faster than channel 2
2. Communication in channel 2 is faster than channel 1
3. Communication in equally fast in both channels
4. Insufficient data
4. A 5 bit ripple counter requires 100 n sec for change of state. The maximum propagation delay of each
flip flop is
1. 20 ns
2. 10 ns
3. 50 ns
4. 5 ns
5. In a PCM system, number of bits are increased from n to n + 1. The quantization noise power
1. increases by 3dB
2. decreases by 3dB
3. decreases by 6dB
4. increases by 6dB

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