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People and Places BBC Learning English 2007

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BBC Learning English
People and Places
Tractor Lady

Jackie: Hello, welcome to I'm Jackie Dalton

Manon It's a 31 year old German tractor and it's green, with red inside the

Jackie: and this is the Dutch actress Manon Ossevoort. Manon is travelling
from Europe to the South Pole on a tractor yes, a tractor, one of those
large heavy vehicles that farmers use. She calls her tractor 'Tractor' and
in this programme we'll hear about her journey so far. She's been
travelling for two years through all kinds of different countries and lots
of things have happened along the way in fact, Manon ran into trouble
just two days into her journey what happened to her?

I started driving and the sun was shining and there were butterflies everywhere and I
drove out of Holland and the second day, by accident, I drove onto the highway around
Antwerp. Yeah, and I was caught my the highway police and they just took me and
Tractor and arrested us.

Jackie: As Manon was driving, she accidentally went onto a highway, or
motorway, where it's illegal to drive a tractor because the other cars are
going fast and it's dangerous. So the police arrested her. Listen again.

I started driving and the sun was shining and there were butterflies everywhere and I
drove out of Holland and the second day, by accident, I drove onto the highway around

People and Places BBC Learning English 2007
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Antwerp. Yeah, and I was caught my the highway police and they just took me and
Tractor and arrested us.

Jackie: Luckily Manon was soon allowed to continue her journey a journey
she'd dreamed of doing for many years. I don't know about you, but I'm
still a little unclear as to why she thought it would be a good idea to go
by tractor. Let's listen to her to find out.

My ultimate destination is the South Pole, on a tractor because the tractor makes me
laugh and it symbolises this thing that if you really want to accomplish some things, you
might not always be fast, but if you just keep moving, you'll always get somewhere.

Jackie: Manon says the tractor is symbolic because, even though it goes slowly,
it still gets you somewhere just like in all sorts of areas of our lives, if
we really want to accomplish something, - which means to achieve or do
something successfully - it doesn't matter how long it make take, but as
long as we do something, we can always make progress. Listen again.

My ultimate destination is the South Pole, on a tractor because the tractor makes me
laugh and it symbolises this thing that if you really want to accomplish some things, you
might not always be fast, but if you just keep moving, you'll always get somewhere.

Jackie: Manon travelled through so many countries and often talked to people
along the way. But how did the authorities usually react when they saw
her did they threaten her?

They just start laughing, and they say, come, come, come, sit down, sit down we'll
make you some tea what are you doing?

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Jackie: Luckily for Manon, the authorities were welcoming probably because
they found what she's doing rather strange and they found it funny.

They just start laughing, and they say, come, come, come, sit down, sit down we'll
make you some tea what are you doing?

Jackie: But not every part of Manon's journey has been enjoyable so far. There
are things she's come across that have made her sad. What kinds of

On my way through Holland, down through Europe, the Balkan countries, Egypt, Sudan
I come to many places, which you could call, as an adult, the end of the world places
where people lose hope. You see beautiful people, local people, beautiful people
working for humanitarian organisations, but somehow the work that they're doing
doesn't work completely and it can make you sad.

Jackie: Manon felt saw when she reached places where she saw that people had
lost hope. Listen again.

On my way through Holland, down through Europe, the Balkan countries, Egypt, Sudan
I come to many places, which you could call, as an adult, the end of the world places
where people lose hope. You see beautiful people, local people, beautiful people
working for humanitarian organisations, but somehow the work that they're doing
doesn't work completely and it can make you sad.

Jackie: Well that's all for this programme and we must leave Manon to get on
with her travels. Let's hope that as her journey to the South Pole
continues, Manon comes across many places where people do have hope.

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