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(1) Sampled Data Systems and the Z-Transform

1.1 A function y(t) = 2 sin 4t is sampled every T = 0.1 s. Find the z-transform of the
resultant number seuence.
1.2 Find the z-transform of the function y(t) = !t.
1.! Find the inverse z-transform of the function
) 1 )( 1 (
) (
z z
z y
1.4 "he output response of a system is described #ith the $-transform
) 2 . 0 )( % . 0 (
) (
z z
z y
(i) Apply the final value theorem to calculate the final value of the output #hen a unit step
input is applied to the system.
(ii) &hec' your results by findin( the inverse $-transform of y($).
1.% Find the inverse z-transform of the follo#in( functions usin( both lon( division and
the method of partial fractions. &ompare the t#o methods.
) % . 0 )( 1 (
2 . 0
) (

z z
z y
) 1 )( ! (
2 . 0
) (

z z
z y
) 2 . 0 )( 1 (
) 1 ( 1 . 0
) (

z z
z y
) 2 (
) 1 (
) (

z z
z y
1.) &onsider the open-loop system (iven in Fi(ure 1.1. Find the output response #hen a
unit step is applied* if
) 1 (
2 . 0
) (
s s
s G
Figure 1.1 +pen-loop system for ,-ercise 1.)
1.. /ra# the output #aveform of ,-ercise 1.).
1.0 Find the $-transform of the follo#in( function* assumin( that " = 0.% s1
) ! ( ) 1 (
) (
s s
s y
1.2 Find the $-transforms of the follo#in( functions* usin( $-transform tables1
) 2 (
) (
s s
s y
) 2 ( ) 1 (
) (
+ +
s s
s y
) 1 (
) (
s y
) 2 )( 1 (
4 . 0
) (
+ +
s s s
s y

1.10 Fi(ure 1.2 sho#s an open-loop system #ith a $ero-order hold. Find the output
response #hen a unit step input is applied. Assume that " = 0.1 s and
) 2 ( ) 1 (
) (
+ +
s s
s G
Figure 1.2 +pen-loop system #ith $ero-order hold for ,-ercise 1.10
1.11 3epeat ,-ercise 1.10 for the case #here the plant transfer function is (iven by
) 2 (
1 . 0
) (
s s
s G
) 4 )( 1 (
) (
+ +
s s
s G
1.12 /erive an e-pression for the transfer function of the closed-loop system #hose bloc'
dia(ram is sho#n in Fi(ure 1.!.
Figure 1.3 &losed-loop system for ,-ercise 1.12
1.1! /erive an e-pression for the output function of the closed-loop system #hose bloc'
dia(ram is sho#n in Fi(ure 1.4.
Figure 1.4 &losed-loop system for ,-ercise 1.1!
(2) System Time esponse !hara"teristi"s
2.1 Find the dampin( ratio and the undamped natural freuency of the sampled data
systems #hose characteristic euations are (iven belo#
(a) z
4 z 5 2 = 0
(b) z
4 1 = 0
(c) z
4 z 5 1 = 0
(d) z
4 0.01 = 0
2.2 &onsider the closed-loop system of Fi(ure 2.1. Assume that T = 1 s.
(a) &alculate the transfer function of the system.
(b) &alculate and plot the unit step response at the samplin( instants.
(c) &alculate the dampin( factor and the undamped natural freuency of the system.
Figure 2.1 6ystem for ,-ercise 2.2
2.! &onsider the closed-loop system of Fi(ure 2.1. /o not assume a value for T .
(a) &alculate the transfer function of the system.
(b) &alculate the dampin( factor and the undamped natural freuency of the system.
(c) 7hat #ill be the steady state error if a unit step input is applied8
2.4 A unit step input is applied to the system in Fi(ure 2.1. &alculate1
(a) the percenta(e overshoot9 (b) the pea' time9
(c) the rise time9 (d) settlin( time to % :.
2.% "he closed-loop transfer functions of four sampled data systems are (iven belo#.
&alculate the percenta(e overshoots and pea' times.
) (
+ +
z z
z G
) (
z z
z G
1 2
) (
+ +
z z
z G
) (
+ +
z z
z G
1.) "he s-plane poles of a continuous-time system are at s = 41 and s = 42. Assumin( T =
1 s* calculate the pole locations in the z-plane.
1.. "he s-plane poles of a continuous-time system are at s1,2 = 40.% ; j0.2. Assumin( T =
1 s* calculate the pole locations in the z-plane. &alculate the dampin( ratio and the
undamped natural freuency of the system usin( a (raphical techniue.
(3) System Sta#ility
!.1 <iven belo# are the characteristic euations of some sampled data systems. =sin(
>ury?s test* determine if the systems are stable.
(a) z
4 1.0 z 5 0..2 = 0
(b) z
4 0.% z 5 1.2 = 0
(c) z
4 2.1z
5 2.0 z 4 0.% = 0
(d) z
4 2.! z
5 1.)1 z 4 0.!2 = 0
!.2 "he characteristic euation of a sampled data system is (iven by
(z 4 0.%)(z
4 0.% z 5 1.2) = 0.
/etermine the stability of the system.
!.! For the system sho#n in Fi(ure !.1* determine the ran(e of K for stability usin( >ury?s
Figure 3.1 6ystem for ,-ercise !.!
!.4. 3epeat ,-ercise !.! usin( the 3outh@Aur#it$ criterion.
!.%. 3epeat ,-ercise !.! usin( the root locus.
!.) "he for#ard (ain of a unity feedbac' sampled data system is (iven by
) ) . 0 ( ) 0 . 0 (
) 2 . 0 (
) (

z z
z K
z G
(a) 7rite an e-pression for the closed-loop transfer function of the system.
(b) /ra# the root locus of the system and hence determine the stability.
!.. &hec' the stability of the transfer function
2 . 0 % . 1 . . 2
) (
2 !
+ + +
z z z
z G
(a) >ury?s test9
(b) the 3outh@Aur#it$ criterion9
(c) the root locus
!.0. 3epeat ,-ercise !.. usin( the Bode dia(ram.
!.2 A process #ith the transfer function
) 1 (
) (
s a s
s G
is preceded by a $ero-order hold and is connected to form a unity feedbac' sampled data
(a) Assumin( the samplin( time is T* derive an e-pression for the closed-loop transfer
function of the system.
(b) /ra# the root locus of the system and hence determine the value of K for #hich the
system becomes mar(inally stable.
!.10. "he open-loop transfer function of a sampled data system is (iven by
1 . 1 1 . ! 1 . !
) (
2 !
z z z
z G
"he closed-loop system is formed by usin( a unity (ain feedbac'. =se >ury?s criterion to
determine the stability of the system.
!.11 =se the Bode dia(ram to determine the stability of the sampled data system (iven by
) ) . 0 ( ) 1 (
) (

z z
z G
!.12 3epeat ,-ercise !.11 usin( the Cyuist criterion.
!.1! "he open-loop transfer function of a sampled data system is (iven by
) 4 . 0 ( ) 0 . 0 (
) ) . 0 (
) (

z z
z K
z G
(a) Dlot the Bode dia(ram by calculatin( the freuency response* assumin( K = 1.
(b) From the Bode dia(ram determine the phase mar(in and the (ain mar(in.
(c) Find the value of K for mar(inal stability.
(d) Ef the system is mar(inally stable* determine the freuency of oscillation.
!.14. "he bloc' dia(ram of a closed-loop sampled data system is sho#n in Fi(ure !.2.
/etermine the ran(e of K for stability by1
(a) findin( the roots of the characteristic euation9
(b) usin( >ury?s test9
(c) usin( the 3outh@Aur#it$ criterion9
(d) usin( the root locus9
(e) dra#in( the Bode dia(ram9
(f) dra#in( the Cyuist dia(ram.
7hich method #ould you prefer in this e-ercise and #hy8
Figure 3.2 &losed-loop system for ,-ercise !.14
!.1% ,-plain the mappin( bet#een the s-plane and the simple w-plane. Ao# are the
freuency points mapped8
(4) Dis"rete !ontroller Design
4.1 "he open-loop transfer function of a plant is (iven by1
s G
2 1
) (

(a) /esi(n a dead-beat di(ital controller for the system. Assume that T = 1 s.
(b) /ra# the bloc' dia(ram of the system to(ether #ith the controller.
(c) Dlot the time response of the system.
4.2 3epeat ,-ercise 4.1 for a /ahlin controller. Dlot the response and compare #ith the
results obtained from the dead-beat controller.
4.! "he open-loop transfer function of a system to(ether #ith a $ero-order hold is (iven
% . 0 % . 1
) 0 . 0 ( 2 . 0
) (
z z
z HG
/esi(n a di(ital controller so that the closed-loop system #ill have = 0.) and wd = !
radFs. "he steady-state error to a step input should be $ero. Also* the steady state error to a
ramp input should be 0.%. Assume that T = 0.2 s.
4.4. "he bloc' dia(ram of a sampled data control system is sho#n in Fi(ure 4.1. Find the
value of d.c. (ain K to yield a dampin( ratio of 0.)
Figure 4.1 Bloc' dia(ram for ,-ercise 4.4
4.% /ra# the time response of the system in ,-ercise 4.4
4.) "he open-loop transfer function of a system is
1 2 . 0
) (
s G
"he system is preceded by a sampler and a $ero-order hold. "he closed-loop system is
reuired to have a time constant of 0.4 s.
(a) /etermine the reuired value of the d.c. (ain K.
(b) Dlot the unit step time response of the system #ith the controller.
4.. "he bloc' dia(ram of a system is (iven in Fi(ure 4..2. Et is reuired to desi(n a
controller for this system such that the system poles are at the points z
= 0.4 ; j0.4 in the
(a) /erive the transfer function of the reuired di(ital controller.
(b) Dlot the unit step time response of the system #ithout the controller.
(c) Dlot the unit step time response of the system #ith the controller.
Figure 4.2 Bloc' dia(ram for ,-ercise 4..
4.0 "he bloc' dia(ram of a system is (iven in Fi(ure 4.!. Et is reuired to desi(n a
controller for this system #ith percent overshoot (D+) less than 20: and settlin( time ts G
10 s. Assume that the samplin( time is* T = 0.1 s.
(a) /erive the transfer function of the reuired di(ital controller.
(b) /ra# the bloc' dia(ram of the system to(ether #ith the controller.
(c) Dlot the unit step time response of the system #ithout the controller.
(d) Dlot the unit step time response of the system #ith the controller.
Figure 4.3 Bloc' dia(ram for ,-ercise 4.0
4.2 ,-plain the differences bet#een the position and velocity forms of the DE/ controller.
4.10 "he open-loop unit step response of a system is sho#n in Fi(ure 4.4. +btain the
transfer function of this system and use the Hie(ler@Cichols tunin( al(orithm to desi(n1
(a) a proportional controller9 (b) a DE controller9 (c) a DE/ controller.
/ra# the bloc' dia(ram of the system in each case.
Figure 4.4 =nit step response of the system for ,-ercise 4.10
4.11 ,-plain the procedure for desi(nin( a DE/ controller usin( the Hie(ler@Cichols
al(orithm #hen the plant is open-loop.
4.12 3epeat ,-ercise 4.11 for the case #hen the plant is closed-loop. 7hat precautions
should be ta'en #hen tests are performed on a closed-loop system8
4.1! ,-plain #hat inte(ral #ind-up is #hen a DE/ controller is used. Ao# can inte(ral
#ind-up be avoided8
4.14 ,-plain #hat derivative 'ic' is #hen a DE/ controller is used. Ao# can derivative
'ic' be avoided8
4.1% "he open-loop transfer function of a unity feedbac' system is
) 10 (
) (
s s
s G
Assume that T = 1 s and desi(n a controller so that the system response to a unit step
input is1 y(kT ) = 0, 0.4, 1, 1, . . ..
4.1) A mechanical process has the transfer function Ke
/s "he system oscillates #ith a
freuency of 0.0% A$ #hen a unity (ain feedbac' is applied. /etermine the value of TD.
4.1. "he bloc' dia(ram of a system is (iven in Fi(ure 4.%. Et is reuired to desi(n a
controller for this system #ith percent overshoot (D+) less than 1%: and settlin( time ts G
10 s. Assume that the samplin( time is* T = 0.2 s.
(a) /erive the transfer function of the reuired di(ital controller.
(b) /ra# the bloc' dia(ram of the system to(ether #ith the controller.
(c) Dlot the unit step time response of the system #ithout the controller.
(d) Dlot the unit step time response of the system #ith the controller.
Figure 4.$ Bloc' dia(ram for ,-ercise 4.1.
4.10 /erive an e-pression for the z-transform model of the continuous-time DE/
controller. /ra# the bloc' dia(ram of the controller. /escribe ho# you can modify the
model to avoid derivative 'ic'.
4.12 "he continuous-time DE controller has the transfer function
K s K
s E
s U i p
) (
) (
/erive the euivalent discrete-time controller transfer function usin( the bilinear
4.20 A commonly used compensator in the s-plane is the lead la(* or la( lead #ith transfer
b s
a s
s G
= ) (
Find the euivalent discrete-time controller usin( the bilinear transformation.
($) !ontroller eali%ation
%.1 "he transfer function of a di(ital controller is (iven by
2 1
2 1
% 4 1
! 2 1
) (

+ +
+ +
z z
z z
z D
/ra# the bloc' dia(ram of the direct canonical reali$ation of this controller.
%.2 3epeat ,-ercise %.1 for a direct noncanocical controller reali$ation.
%.! &ompare the reali$ations obtained in ,-ercises %.1 and %.2.
%.4 "he transfer function of a di(ital controller is found to be
2 1
2 1
. ! 1
% 2 1
) (

+ +
+ +
z z
z z
z D
/ra# the bloc' dia(ram of the direct noncanonical reali$ation of this controller.
%.% "he transfer function of a di(ital controller is (iven by
0! . 0 4 . 0
) ! ( ) 2 ( 2
) (
+ +
+ +
z z
z z
z D
=se t#o first-order cascaded transfer functions to implement this controller.
%.) "he transfer function of a di(ital controller is (iven by
) 4 . 0 2 . 0 1 ( ) ! . 0 1 (
) 4 2 1 ( ) 2 . 0 1 (
) (
2 1 1
2 1 1

+ + +
+ + +
z z z
z z z
z D
=se a first-order and a second-order cascaded transfer function to implement this
%.. "he transfer function of a di(ital controller is (iven by
) % 1 ( ) 1 (
) ! 1 ( ) 2 1 (
) (
1 1
1 1

+ +
+ +
z z
z z
z D
3eali$e this transfer function usin( first-order parallel transfer functions.
%.0 /ra# the bloc' dia(ram of the DE/ implementation usin( a parallel reali$ation.
%.2 /ra# the bloc' dia(ram of the DE/ implementation usin( a direct canonical
%.10 /escribe ho# a (iven reali$ation can be implemented on a microcontroller.
%.11 /ra# a flo# dia(ram to sho# ho# the DE/ al(orithm can be implemented on a
microcontroller. 7rite a pro(ram in & to implement this al(orithm on a DE&
%.12 "he transfer function of a di(ital controller is (iven by
2 1
2 1
4 ! 1
% 2 1
) (

+ +
+ +
z z
z z
z D
/ra# a flo# dia(ram to sho# ho# this controller can be implemented on a
7rite a pro(ram in & to implement this al(orithm on a DE& microcontroller.
%.1! /ra# a flo# dia(ram to sho# and e-plain ho# a second-order transfer function can
be implemented on a DE& microcontroller usin( the & pro(rammin( lan(ua(e.
%.14 ,-plain ho# second-order direct canonical functions can be cascaded to obtain
hi(her order transfer functions.
%.1% ,-plain ho# the samplin( time can be selected in a first-order system.
%.1) 3epeat ,-ercise %.1% for a second-order system.
%.1. /escribe the problems that may occur #hen very lar(e or very small samplin( times
are selected.
%.10 ,-plain ho# the system stability is affected #hen the samplin( time is increased.

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