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A. Identify the parts of the digestive system
B. Trace the path of food in the digestive system and the changes
the food it undergoes
C. Explain why food has to be digested
II. Subject Matter
A. The igestive !ystem "arts and #unctions
!cience for daily use I$ pp. %& ' %%
B. (aterials
Illustration of igestive !ystem
C. !cience "rocesses
)bserving* escribing* (anipulating
III. Procedures
Teacher+s Activity "upils+ Activity
A. Review
,ood morning Children. ,ood morning teacher.
-ou have learned about proper care of the
Bones and (uscles yesterday and before we
"roceed to our new lesson* let us try to answer
the following.
Read each situation and choose the best answer.
.. -our classmate is di/erently abled.
0e lost his right hand in a car accident.
0ow should you treat him1 A* !ir
a. Treat him li2e other children who have no
b. Tal2 about accident with him.
c. !tay away with him
d. (a2e fun of him
3. A man on a wheelchair wants to cross the
street. -ou 2now the man. !hould you help him1 B* !ir
a. 4o I+ll wait for the others to help him.
b. -es. I will help him
c. I will pretend I did not see him
d. I+ll watch him when he crosses the street
%. -ou sprained your an2le. -ou should 555555555 B. !ir
a. 6al2 and wal2 until it hurts
b. Rest and wait for help
c. !hout for help
d. (ove your an2le with your hand
7. It is good to prevent osteoporosis while you are young.
-ou should5555555 B*!ir
a. rin2 more cola drin2s
b. Eat food rich in calcium
c. Eat food for energy
d. rin2 plenty of water
8. 6hich is the best thing to do for a sprain1 C*!ir
a. Apply a coconut oil
b. 6ash it with water
c. 9se a splint
d. 9se a sling
Alright* very good:
B. esso! Pro"er
.. (otivation;"resentation
0ave you ever wondered what happens to the food
you eat1
6here do you thin2 the food goes1
<et us =nd out how the digestive system in our body wor2s.
As we continue our lesson for today.
3. evelopment of the lesson
6hat is digestion1 The process of brea2ing
down the
#ood into a form that can be
Absorbed for use by the body
-es* that+s right. But do you thin2 that
igestion is possible without the parts
)f digestive system1 4o* !ir
!o* what are the arts of the digestive system1
Anyone of you who can name it1
)2* so I have here with me the illustration of
The digestive system* let us name its parts.
The mouth* esophagus*
stomach* small intestine* and
large intestines
)2* very good.
This is how the process of digestion
9ndergoes* digestion starts from the #out$
)ur teeth cut and grind the food*
The sa%iva* a li>uid in the mouth* softens
The food for easy swallowing and so from
the mouth the food enters the eso"$a&us
a long muscular tube that starts from the
bac2 of our throat and ends in stomach.
The food is pushed down into the stomach
by rhythmic* wave ' li2e muscle movement
2nown as "erista%sis.
The sto#ac$ is a muscular pouch that secretes
gastric ?uice that helps in digestion of protein.
#ood in the stomach that is partly digested and
(ixed with stomach is what we call as c$'#e.
#rom the stomach* the chyme enters the s#a%%
I!testi!e( a six meter long coiled tube in the lower
Abdomen * bile from liver and en@yme from pancreas
0elps in the digestion of food in the pro?ection
In the inner walls of small intestine.
Any solid materials that enter the large intestine
Are indigestible such as =ber of fruits and vegetable
The %ar&e i!testi!e is the temporary storage of water.
6ater is absorbed into the blood through the walls
)f large intestine. As water is absorbed* the contents
In the large intestine turns into semi ' solid feces
Bacteria in the large intestine brea2down the remaining
!olid materials and produce vitamin A
this vitamin
helps in clotting of blood. The feces stored in the
rectum until this waste is eliminated through the anus.
%. "ost discussion activity
0ave you understood our lesson1 -es* !ir.
If that so* group yourselves into =ve and
answer the following >uestions.
.. Trace the path of food in the digestive system
using a model.
3. 6hat changes does the food undergoes in
the mouth1
%. 6hat happen to the food in the stomach
and in the small intestines1
7. 6hat happen to the digested food in the
small intestines1
,. 6hat are the parts of digestive system1 (outh*
esophagus* stomach*
!mall intestines and large
-. 6hat are the functions of the di/erent
parts of the digestive system1 In the mouth* the teeth brea2
the food into small pieces.
Esophagus serves as the
passageway of the food into
the stomach.
!tomach secretes gastric
?uice that
helps digestion of protein.
igestion is completed in the
<arge intestines serve as a
temporary storage of water
undigested food
6rite the name of the numbered parts of the
igestive system.
Pre"ared b':
#ill in the blan2s with the right words in the box.
igestion starts in the 5555 C.D 55555. The food is changed into 555 C3D
555form. The 555 C%D 55softens the food. The partially digested food enters the
555 C7D 555. It then goes to the 555 C8D 55. The food is further changed into 555
CED 55 form in the 555 CFD 55 so that the 555 CGD 55can carry it to the di/erent
parts of the body. 9ndigested parts of the food are pushed into the 555 CHD 55*
where they remain until the feces are expelled by a 555 C.&D 55.
raw the digestive system.
Trace the path of the food starting from the mouth.
9se a red mar2er.
!aliva esophagus
<arge intestine li>uid
!oluble mouth
Blood small intestines
Bowel movement

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