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Facility/Plant Name Environmental Procedure

Procedure # EP-010
Environmental Communication
1.0 Purpose/Scope
This procedure defines the process for:
a) Internal environmental communication/awareness within the Facility/Plant Name.
b) External environmental communication between the Facility/Plant Name and external interested
parties, such as regulatory authorities and the public/local community groups.
2.0 Activities Affected
ll areas and departments
3.0 Forms Used
External !ommunication "og
4.0 eferences
#.$ Environmental %olicy
#.& E%'((& Environmental spects, )b*ectives and Targets and %rograms
#.+ E%'((, Environmental -anagement .ystem -anagement /eview
#.# E%'((0 Emergency %reparedness and /esponse
#., E%'((1 Environmental /egulations and )ther /e2uirements
#.0 E%'((3 Environmental /eview of %ro*ects
#.1 E%'((4 gency pprovals
#.3 E%'($$ !ontractor !ontrol
#.4 E%'($& Environmental 5ocument !ontrol
#.$( E%'($# Environmental Training and wareness
#.$$ I.) $#(($:$440, Element #.#.+.
!.0 "efinitions
External !ommunications: written or electronic correspondence, telephone conversations and oral
discussions or meetings with anyone external to the company.
#.0 E$clusions
%.0 Procedure
1.$ Internal !ommunications/wareness
1.$.$ Internal environmental communications shall be implemented to ensure those personnel
at each relevant level and function are aware of the following:
1.$.$.$ the environmental management system7
1.$.$.& the importance of conformance with the environmental policy, procedures and
1.$.$.+ the potential conse2uences of system non'conformances7
1.$.$.# individual roles and responsibilities in achieving conformance with procedures,
including emergency preparedness and response7 and
Issue 5ate: %age $ of + E%'($(

Facility/Plant Name Environmental Procedure
Procedure # EP-010
1.$.$., the significant environmental aspects associated with wor8 activities and the
environmental benefits of improved personal performance.
1.$.& Internal environmental communications may be accomplished by the use of:
1.$.&.$ 6otice boards
1.$.&.& wareness training of facility personnel, as appropriate in line with *ob
1.$.&.+ Environmental training of relevant *ob functions, as appropriate 9see
environmental procedure E%'($#: Environmental Training and wareness)
1.$.&.# 6ewsletters
1.$.&., Electronic notes
1.$.&.0 Team meetings and meeting minutes
1.$.&.1 -anagement reviews and meeting minutes
1.$.&.3 !orrective ction /e2uests
1.$.+ !ommunication of environmental issues from employees to the :acility/%lant
-anagement Team shall be handled by the !ross :unctional Team member representing
the affected area, in coordination with the Environmental -anagement /epresentative.
These communications shall be documented.
1.$.# !ommunication of changes to legal ; other re2uirements to employees shall be handled
by the rea or 5epartment -anager or designee. These communications shall be
1.& External !ommunications
1.&.$ External communications concerning the environmental aspects of the facility should be
directed to the .ecurity -anager, <uman /esources -anager or the Environmental
-anagement /epresentative.
1.&.& The Environmental -anagement /epresentative or Environmental !oordinator is
responsible for responding to in2uiries from interested parties and regulatory agencies.
1.&.+ The <uman /esources -anager or designee is responsible for sending current copies of
the environmental policy to interested parties. These re2uests will be documented on the
External !ommunications "og.
1.&.# The <uman /esources -anager in consultation with the Environmental -anagement
/epresentative is responsible for responding to media communications.
1.&., =here community concerns relate to an environmental emergency, E%'((# shall be
1.&.0 The Environmental -anagement /epresentative or designee is responsible for
determining the need for and preparation of any notification to regulatory agencies on
an as needed basis.
&.0 'eneral ules
3.$ !:T members and rea or 5epartment -anagers shall maintain their own internal
communication records.
3.& The Environmental -anagement /epresentative shall maintain records of external
environmental communication with interested parties and the media.
Issue 5ate: %age & of + E%'($(

Facility/Plant Name Environmental Procedure
Procedure # EP-010
3.+ The Environmental !oordinator shall maintain records of external environmental
communications with regulatory agencies.
(.0 ecords
/ecords shall be retained consistent with E%'($+.
ecord of evisions
evision "ate "escription Sections Affected
Issue 5ate: %age + of + E%'($(

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