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Data Sheet
Extremely Toxic Chemical Agents
(Chemical Weapons) - Detection and First Measures
Chemical Weapons
May 2006
Disclaimer: Exclusion of liability This data sheet was thoroughly worked out by the experts of the
vfdb/GFPA and approved by the Presidency of the vfdb/GFPA. The applicant of this data sheet is responsible to
verify applicability of this data sheet to his individual case and to have the last updated version in hands. The
GFPA as well as the persons involved in the outline of this data sheet do not assume any liability.
Terms and Conditions of Contract: The vfdb/GFPA refers to the mandatory separate agreement of all
performance services in case of contract conclusion. The vfdb/GFPA does not accept any claims for
compensation especially not if due to insufficiently defined contract terms and conditions.
1. Purpose of this Data Sheet...............................................................................................................2
2. General properties of etre!ely har!ful "he!i"al substan"es and "he!i"al #eapons..................2
$. %o!!ents on operations #ith "he!i"al #eapons involved............................................................$
&. 'viden"e of %he!i"al (eapons......................................................................................................)
6. *iterature referen"es+.......................................................................................................................,

Approved by the Presidency of vfdb /GFPA on 20 May 2007
Scientiic-Technical Ad!isory Council
"erman Fire #rotection Association $ !d%&"F#A
#' (ox )*+), -.++. Alten%erge
GFPA/vfdb STAC Data Sheet Extremely toxic Chemical Agents (C-Weapons! May 2006
Detection an" #rst $eas%res
1 -
)/ #urpose o this Data Sheet
.his data sheet is a supple!ent to the Ger!an Fire Servi"e Dire"tive /F#D0 &001 2Fire 3ri4ades
in 53% operations.6
.his data sheet provides indi"ations7 #hi"h should help re"o4ni8in4 s"enarios #ith etre!ely
har!ful "he!i"al a4ents involved. 9n addition to "he!i"al #eapons there "ould be etre!ely toi"
basi" industrial "he!i"als /e.4. "hlorine or hydro"yani" a"id /prussi" a"id1. Spe"ial attention is
4iven to s"enarios #ith !ali"ious e!ploy!ent of su"h a4ents in order to har! as !u"h people as
possible. /terror a"ts1.
Purpose of this data sheet is to prevent operational units fro! har! "aused by un:no#n etre!ely
toi" "he!i"al substan"es and to enhan"e the a#areness for s"enarios that re;uire personal
prote"tion for life res"ue.
*/ "eneral characteristics and properties o extremely harmul
chemical su%stances and chemical 0eapons
(ith respe"t to their physi"al properties "he!i"al #eapons are divided in+
volatile "he!i"al #eapons
- have !ost often a boilin4 point belo# 1$0 <% and flo# "hara"teristi"s si!ilar to #ater
- evaporate easily upon release
- are absorbed in !a=ority by the respiratory syste! and the !u"ous !e!brane7 so!e
penetrate the epider!is
non>volatile "he!i"al #eapons
- !ost often have a boilin4 point above 200 <% and flo# "hara"teristi"s si!ilar to oil
- stay on surfa"es in li;uid for! for a lon4er period of ti!e7 and hardly evaporate
- are !ainly transferred by tou"hin4? effe"ts throu4h dire"t s:in "onta"t or evaporation fro!
%he!i"al #eapons are divided into different 4roups a""ordin4 to their !a=or i!pa"t on the
'ye and nasal>pharyn irritation

%he!i"al eye irritants "ause i!!ediate burnin4 and e"essive flo# of tears/la"ri!al flo#.
3lindness !ay o""ur te!porarily. @i4her "on"entrations "an irritate the upper respiratory tra"t.
'a!ples+ "hlora"etophenon7 bro!oa"etone. 5asal pharyn irritants affe"t the upper respiratory
tra"t and "ause "ou4hin4 and !u"ous se"retion fro! the nose7 !outh7 pharyn and bron"hial tubes.
9!pa"t !ay even "ause dyspnea /respiratory distress1. 'a!ples+ %S>tear4as7 pepper spray.

Sy!pto!s usually ease after eposure /#ithin fe# hours up to t#o days17 #ithout per!anent
da!a4e to health. 9rritants are often deployed by the poli"e and "o!!er"ialised for purpose of self>
GFPA/vfdb STAC Data Sheet Extremely toxic Chemical Agents (C-Weapons! May 2006
Detection an" #rst $eas%res
2 -
%o!bat a4ents da!a4in4 the lun4s+
.hrou4h inhalation these a4ents penetrate the respiratory syste! and destroy the sensitive !u"ous
!e!branes and espe"ially the pul!onary alveoli. %onta"t #ith the s:in !ay "ause irritation but
bears little ris:. After inhalation so!e of these a4ents sho# first effe"ts only #ith 4reat delay.
/laten"y ti!e !ay ta:e hoursA1
'a!ples+ %hlorine7 phos4ene
%o!bat a4ents atta":in4 the blood+
3asi"ally they "ut off the re;uired oy4en supply for the or4anis! and they are rapidly lethal.
Ma=or #ays of absorption are inhalation and s:in penetration. 'a!ples+ hydro"yani" a"id /prussi"
a"id17 "arbon !onoide
%o!bat a4ents affe"tin4 the s:in+
%o!!on !a=or effe"t of these /usually li;uid1 a4ents7 is the destru"tion of s:in "ells and the
"reation of slo#ly healin4 in=uries. Ma=or fo"us is on the effe"ts of eposure to un"overed
epider!is. .he a4ents har! by dire"t "onta"t #ith the li;uid or via evaporation fro! !oist
"lothin4. 'a!ples+ sulphur !ustard or nitro4en !ustard /@5>$1
%o!bat a4ents da!a4in4 the nervous syste!+
.hese a4ents de"ouple the i!pulse transfer espe"ially of the autono!ous nervous syste! #hi"h is
part of the or4anis!Bs "ontrol syste!. .his "reates i!!ediately a life>threatenin4 situation.
'a!ples+ Cr4ani" phosphori" a"id ester li:e so!an7 tabun7 or sarin but plant prote"tion a4ents
/pesti"ides1 li:e ' 60& as #ell.
%he!i"al #eapons atta": hu!ans and ani!als ali:e. All "he!i"al #eapons !ay have further
da!a4in4 effe"ts in addition to the !entioned !a=or i!pa"t. As for ea!ple s:in a4ents "an
da!a4e the upper respiratory syste! or the lun4s and !ay have in hi4her "on"entrations toi"
effe"ts on the blood7 nerves or or4ans. .he a4ents !ay have an i!!ediate i!pa"t /for ea!ple
nerve a4ents1 or "ause delayed effe"ts /e.4. !ustard 4as!"
+/ Ad!ice on scenarios in!ol!ing chemical 0eapons
.he stru"ture of this para4raph refers to the individual phases of operation !ana4e!ent and be4ins
#ith the issue of 4eneral safety7 follo#ed by the first report of an in"ident7 and arrival at the
in"ident site and further re"onnaissan"e. .he for! of the tet is interro4ative. 3asi"ally the
follo#in4 applies+
For a "on"rete "ase7 the !ore ;uestions "an be affir!ed and ans#ered #ith D'S7 the !ore probable
it is that an a"t of terror or an a""ident #ith etre!ely dan4erous "he!i"al substan"es happened
/"he!i"al #eapons1A
GFPA/vfdb STAC Data Sheet Extremely toxic Chemical Agents (C-Weapons! May 2006
Detection an" #rst $eas%res
$ -
3.1 General security (before the incident)
- Do you have any eviden"e of in"reased terror a"tivitiesE
- Are there any i!portant !a=or events planned to ta:e pla"e in the near future /su!!its7
sport events1E
- Are there 4eneral threats filed a4ainst a "ountry7 "ity7 or4anisation or personE
- Did any atta":s re"ently ta:e pla"e involvin4 "he!i"al #eapons or have any atta":
preparations been un"overedE
- @ave any "on"rete atta": plans been announ"edE
- @ave there been any #arnin4s fro! the se"urity unitsE (hat is their assess!ent /poli"e7
state poli"e et".1E
- Are there any eposed7 endan4ered tar4ets /e!bassies7 tube stations7 airports7 !a=or train
stations7 fairs or publi" events1 in your distri"t of responsibilityE
3y "o!!uni"ation7 in 4eneral7 please :eep yourself infor!ed on hi4her threat situations or
intensified assess!ent of ris: potential respe"tively7 if su"h infor!ation is available fro! other
a4en"ies /poli"e7 event or4ani8er1A
3.2 Alarm call to Emergency Response Centre (about 12 minutes after
the incident)
> 9s the reported in"ident site espe"ially eposed7 endan4ered or a sensitive pla"e or
buildin4E /please see $.11
> Do !any affe"ted persons sho# identi"al sy!pto!sE
> Are these typi"al sy!pto!sE /"ou4hin47 irritations7 dyspnea/respiratory distress7
> 9s the reported in"ident unusual for this site /for ea!ple 4as odour in a tube7 eplosion
at a fair4round1E
> (hen reportin4 the in"ident does the "aller spe"ifi"ally tal: of an atta":E
> Are there any hints on an individual person bein4 responsibleE /for ea!ple pla"ed a
ba":pa":7 release of a spray7 sui"ide atta":1
> Did anyone assu!e responsibility for the atta": by telephoneE /for ea!ple+ 2toi" 4as
#as =ust released in the train stationA61
'posed operation sites /see $.11 are pri!ary tar4ets for terrorists in order to attain effe"tual
publi"ity and to si!ultaneously disrupt infrastru"ture and to :ill or in=ure as !any people as
possible. Cperations at su"h sites should have spe"ial attention of the response "entre and of the
operational unitsA .he response "entre personnel should as: for detailed infor!ation on possible
sour"es and etent of da!a4e #hen bein4 "alledA Cperational units in approa"h have to be #arned
in "ase of suspe"ted a"t of terror either in plain lan4ua4e or by a4reed "ode >#ords.
3.3 Arri!al (1. assessment" about 1# minutes after the incident)
- Are there several people #ith unspe"ified sy!pto!s and sa!e :ind of in=uries or in
alar!in4 estateE /for ea!ple+ people lyin4 on the 4round7 vo!itin4 or "ra!pin41
- Do you see people es"apin4 or runnin4 a#ay7 #ithout any obvious reason at first 4lan"eE
- Do you s!ell so!ethin4 unusual for that area /e"ept for the typi"al lo"al industrial fu!es1
espe"ially near affe"ted personsE
GFPA/vfdb STAC Data Sheet Extremely toxic Chemical Agents (C-Weapons! May 2006
Detection an" #rst $eas%res
F -
- Do you see any substan"es /e.4. po#der7 puddles of li;uids/splashes7 4as or fo4 "louds17
#hi"h are unusual for this site and unepe"tedE
.ry to observe even !inor indi"ators untypi"al for the pla"e or suspe"t for any reasonA
3.$ %ntensified e&ploration ( 2. assessment" about 2' minutes after the
- Do you have any indi"ations on an a"t of terror provided by affe"ted / involved personsE
- Do affe"ted/involved persons report anythin4 noti"eable /odour7 substan"es7 suspe"ts1E
- Do several persons sho# the follo#in4 4eneral sy!pto!s+
> heada"he7 nausea
> in"reased rhinorrea7 salivation7 and la"ri!ationE
> dyspnea7 anietiesE
> pressure /pain1 in the "hestE
- Do operational "re#s /for ea!ple unprote"ted res"ue staff or poli"e!en1 sho# any
sy!pto!s of illness upon operational attendan"eE
Do you re"o4ni8e any "hara"teristi"s /espe"ially odoursA1 of the "he!i"al a4ents in belo# tableE
agent o"o%r characteristics point o'
#$ co%o&r%ess' (reasy %i)&id i**ediate%y
Phos(ene rotten hay
co%o&r%ess (as after ho&rs
%i,e *&stard (reasy bro-n %i)&id after ho&rs
/sh %i,e +*&s,y! (reasy bro-n %i)&id after ho&rs
Tab&n fr&it %i,e bro-n %i)&id i**ediate%y
Sarin fr&it %i,e bro-n %i)&id i**ediate%y
So*an fr&it %i,e bro-n %i)&id i**ediate%y
c acid
bitter a%*ond -ater c%ear %i)&id'
co%o&r%ess f&*es
Ch%orine stin(y +s-i**in(
poo%s' *o&%d
co%o&r%ess f&*es +in hi(h
concentration ye%%o-
.he substan"es !ay vary in appearan"e dependin4 on their de4ree of purityA @ydro"yani" a"id
"annot be s!elled by !any peopleA
3.# (edical treatment of affected persons (at the latest )ithin $'
minutes after the incident)
- Do affe"ted persons sho# sy!pto!s !entioned in belo# table on etre!ely toi" "he!i"al
- After assess!ent please verify7 if de"onta!ination of affe"ted persons is indispensable.
GFPA/vfdb STAC Data Sheet Extremely toxic Chemical Agents (C-Weapons! May 2006
Detection an" #rst $eas%res
& -
2asic Che*ica%s
Sarin (
*+ yperite
c aci",
i*paired vision
+ +
achin( eyes $ $ +
increased secretion
+ +
dyspnea $ $ $ $
apnoea $
headache $ $ $
verti(o/di33iness $
$ $ $
vo*itin( $
press&re/pain in the
*&sc%e t-itchin( $ +
cra*ps $ $ $
appearance s-ift s-ift de%ayed s-ift s-ift s-ift
stron( speci/c
s-eat attac,s'
(oin( b%ind
+ +bo%d! 9 especia%%y distinctive sy*pto*s
Spe"ifi" sy!pto!s of "he!i"al #eapons are not dealt #ith in "o!!on trainin4 of
res"ue/e!er4en"y servi"es. Assure that first aid "re#s #at"h the rules of personal prote"tion or
arran4e for their de"onta!ination7 if re;uiredA
$. *irst +ro!isions at ,peration -ite
.he !ore ;uestions of "hapter $ "an be affir!ed and ans#ered #ith D'S7 the !ore li:ely it is that
"he!i"al #eapons are involvedA
- .he operational units then have to prepare for a 53% operation of risk group IIIC under
the Ger!an Fire Servi"e Dire"tive /F#D0 &001. 9n that "ase i!!ediately alert and "onsult
a""ordin4 eperts and unitsA
- At first deter!ine a safety distan"e of &0 !eter around the ris: area. Dependin4 on the site7
the safety area !ay be even enlar4ed as preli!inary ris: area7 for ea!ple arrival or
departure areas in airports or "o!plete levels of inter"han4e/transfer stations.
GFPA/vfdb STAC Data Sheet Extremely toxic Chemical Agents (C-Weapons! May 2006
Detection an" #rst $eas%res
6 -
- Cperational units a"tin4 in ris: areas7 as a !atter of prin"iple7 have to #ear personal
protection gear class II (splash-protectie suit! " coerall#. @u!an res"ue re;uires at
least ti4ht prote"tion "lothin4 and self>"ontained breathin4 prote"tion. 9f operational units
sho# sy!pto!s7 all res"ue a"tivities are stopped until personal prote"tion "lass 999 /4as
ti4ht1 is at disposalA
- $ffected persons are immediately sub%ect to (emergency# decontamination& (see fdb -
'()$ 'uideline *+"+,#!
- .he poli"e should prevent affe"ted persons fro! unor4anised leavin4/runnin4 off the s"ene.
- -ospitals nearby. should hae early notice of possibly arriing contaminated patients!
- .he poli"e should 4ive an early assess!ent on probability of further atta":s /e.4. atta": on
operational "re#sA1 /2se"ond devi"e61.
1/ #roo o Chemical Weapons
#.1 .asic Rules
Approa"hin4 the ris: area #ithout respiratory>/personal prote"tion is only appropriate7 if tests
definitely prove that no har!ful substan"es are present /see vfdb/GFPA Guideline 10/0&1 or if the
presen"e of har!ful substan"es "an be e"luded after re"onnaissan"e. %he!i"al #eapons "an be
dete"ted #ith dete"tors or !easure!ent devi"es of the fire bri4ades. .hese are dete"tor tubes7 test
strips7 dete"tion po#der but spe"ial e;uip!ent as #ell li:e G%/MS
and GDA
/.as:>For"e1 as #ell
as the e;uip!ent of the 53%>re"onnaissan"e vehi"le /9MS
and if re;uired P9D
1. Detection
)y traine" personnel only8
1 Combined gas chromatograph and mass spectrometer
2 Harmful substances detector array = combination of several sensors
3 Ion mobility spectrometer
4 Photo ionisation detector
#.2 -pecial test methods for chemical )eapons
1/*/) Detector Tu%es
0arious !anufa"turers offer sin4le tubes or si!ultaneously !easurin4 !ultiple tubes for "o!!on
"he!i"al a4ents.
1/*/* Test Strips and Detection #o0der
3oth dete"tion !ethods are "o!parably unspe"ifi" and should be therefore only applied for rou4h
assess!ent. 9n "ase of positive dete"tion7 in further "ourse7 dete"tor tubes should be applied for a
!ore detailed verifi"ation.
.he bio #eapon dete"tion paper should be applied for verifi"ation of li;uid "he!i"al a4ents on
surfa"es and turns "olour a""ordin4 to the indi"ator pattern ba":in4 the strip boo:. 5erve a4ents
"olours the strip dar: 4reenish or yello# o"hre7 s:in a4ents "olours the strip red. .he indi"ator
paper rea"ts already to !inor ;uantitiesA
.he dete"tion po#der !ay be applied as #ell for a rou4h verifi"ation of suspi"ious tra"es. 9t is very
unspe"ifi" and rea"ts on !any other substan"es as #ell. 9t !ay ta:e up to a !inute until the strip
turns red.
GFPA/vfdb STAC Data Sheet Extremely toxic Chemical Agents (C-Weapons! May 2006
Detection an" #rst $eas%res
) -
1/*/+ 2ons-Mo%ility Spectrometer (2MS)
3io #eapon dete"tors ori4inate fro! !ilitary appli"ations based on ion>!obility spe"tro!etry and
for! part of the e;uip!ent of the 53% re"onnaissan"e vehi"le. .hese devi"es "an dete"t !inor
;uantities of s:in or nerve a4ents. 9n 4eneral it is only possible to identify the spe"ifi" 4roup of
a4ents they belon4 to and not the spe"ifi" a4ent itself.
3/ 4iterature reerences5
Federal Ministry of the 9nterior
Disaster !edi"ine7 4uideline for !edi"al treat!ent in "ase of disaster
3erlin 2002
%o!!ittee for Fire Servi"e 9ssues7 Disaster %ontrol and %ivil Defense
/Auss"huss fGr Feuer#ehran4ele4enheiten7 Hatastrophens"hut8 und 8ivile 0erteidi4un4 /AFH801
Ger!an Fire Servi"e Dire"tive &00 Fire 3ri4ades in 53% Cperations7 200F
/Feuer#ehr>Dienstvors"hrift &00+ 'inheiten i! A3%>'insat87 Stand 200F1
GFPA .e"hni"al>S"ientifi" Advisory %oun"il > Depart!ent 10 I 'nviron!ental Prote"tion I
Guideline 10/01+ 'valuation of @ar!ful %on"entrations in Fire Servi"e Cperations
Ji"htlinie 10/01+ 3e#ertun4 von S"hadstoff:on8entrationen i! Feuer#ehreinsat81
Altenber4e 200&
GFPA .e"hni"al>S"ientifi" Advisory %oun"il > Depart!ent 10 I 'nviron!ental Prote"tion I
G&ide%ine :0/0; draft< =econta*ination for operations -ith .2C >is,s' stat&s<
March 2006
/.e"hnis"h>(issens"haftli"her 3eirat der vfdb7 Jeferat 10 > K!#elts"hut8 >
?nt-&rf der >icht%inie :0/0;< =e,onta*ination bei ?ins@t3en *it A2CGefahren'
Stand< M@r3 2006!
Ahr#eiler 2006
.e"hni"al>S"ientifi" Advisory %oun"il Depart!ent 10 I 'nviron!ental Prote"tion I
G&ide%ine :0/0A< =etection of 0ar*f&% Concentrations in Fire Service
/.e"hnis"h>(issens"haftli"her 3eirat der vfdb7 Jeferat 10 > K!#elts"hut8 >
>icht%inie :0/0A< Gefahrsto7nach-eis i* Fe&er-ehreinsat3!
Altenber4e 200F
.e"hni"al>S"ientifi" Advisory %oun"il Depart!ent 10 I 'nviron!ental Prote"tion I
=ecisions on .2Coperations -ith che*ica% -eapons &nder the fra*e-or, of
the A;
Co&nci% *eetin(
/.e"hnis"h>(issens"haftli"her 3eirat der vfdb7 Jeferat 10 > K!#elts"hut8 >
?ntscheid&n(en 3&* A2C?insat3 *it 2etei%i(&n( von CCa*pfsto7en i*
>ah*en der A;" Sit3&n(!
Ahr#eiler 2006
For!er A4en"y for %ivil Prote"tion
Guideline 53%>operation7 .rainin4 for Disaster Prote"tion7 status+ Mar"h 1-,)7 3onn 1-,)
/ehe!. 3undesa!t fGr Livils"hut8
Deitfaden A2C=ienst' A&sbi%d&n( i* Catastrophensch&t3' Stand< M@r3 :EF7
GFPA/vfdb STAC Data Sheet Extremely toxic Chemical Agents (C-Weapons! May 2006
Detection an" #rst $eas%res
, -
3onn 1-,)1

A**edic,' ?rich
2a&steine der Che*ie< Mi%it@rche*ie G ?ine ?infHhr&n(
0'3 Deuts"her 0erla4 fGr Grundstoffindustrie7 *eip8i4 1-)$
GFPA/vfdb STAC Data Sheet Extremely toxic Chemical Agents (C-Weapons! May 2006
Detection an" #rst $eas%res
- -

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