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Names, Scopes and Binding

Name is Abstraction

A name is exactly what you think it is .Most names are identifiers

symbols (like '+') can also be names . A binding is an association between two things, such
as a name and the thing it names .The scope of a binding is the part of the program
(textually)in which the binding is active.

Names enable programmers to refer to variables, constants, operations, and types using
identifier names

Names are control abstractions and data abstractions for program fragments and data

Control abstraction:

Subroutines (procedures and functions) allow programmers to focus
on manageable subset of program text

Subroutine interface hides implementation details

Data abstraction:

Object-oriented classes hide data representation details behind a set
of operations


A binding is an association between a name and an entity/a value

Depending on the binding time, there are static binding and dynamic binding

Binding time is the time at which an implementation decision is made to create a binding


Binding Time

Language design time

the design of specific program constructs (syntax), primitive types, and meaning

Language implementation time

fixation of implementation constants such as numeric precision, run-time memory
sizes, max identifier name length, number and types of built-in exceptions, etc.

Program writing time

the programmer's choice of algorithms and data structures

Compile time

the time of translation of high-level constructs to machine code and choice of
memory layout for data objects

Link time

the time at which multiple object codes (machine code files) and libraries are
combined into one executable

Load time

when the operating system loads the executable in memory

Run time

when a program executes

Object and Binding Lifetimes

Creation of object

Beginning of the object lifetime

Creation of binding

Beginning of the binding lifetime

Use of bindings

The object is manipulated via its binding

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Deactivation/reactivation of bindings

Binding may be out-of-scope, so invisible

Destruction of bindings

End of the binding lifetime

Destruction of objects

End of the object lifetime

Binding lifetime: time between creation and destruction of binding to object

a pointer variable is set to the address of an object

a formal argument is bound to an actual argument

Object lifetime: time between creation and destruction of an object

Deal location Errors in Bindings

Bindings are temporarily invisible when code is executed where the binding (name
object) is out of scope

Memory leak: object never destroyed (binding to object may have been destroyed,
rendering access impossible)

Dangling reference: object destroyed before binding is destroyed

Garbage collection prevents these allocation/deallocation problems

Implementation decisions (continued):

run time

value/variable bindings, sizes of strings

program start-up time
module entry time

elaboration time (point a which a declaration is first "seen")
procedure entry time

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block entry time
statement execution time

The terms STATIC and DYNAMIC are generally used to refer to things bound before run time
and at run time, respectively

static is a coarse term; so is "dynamic"


In general, early binding times are associated with greater efficiency
Later binding times are associated with greater flexibility Compiled
languages tend to have early binding times

Interpreted languages tend to have later binding times

Scope Rules - control bindings

Fundamental to all programming languages is the ability to name data, i.e., to refer to data using
symbolic identifiers rather than addresses

Not all data is named! For example, dynamic storage in C or Pascal is referenced by pointers, not

Lifetime and Storage Management

Key events

creation of objects

creation of bindings

references to variables (which use bindings)

(temporary) deactivation of bindings

reactivation of bindings

destruction of bindings

destruction of objects

The period of time from creation to destruction is called the LIFETIME of a binding

If object outlives binding it's garbage
If binding outlives object it's a dangling reference

The textual region of the program in which the binding is active is its scope

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In addition to talking about the scope of a binding , we sometimes use the word scope as a
noun all by itself, without an indirect object

Storage Allocation mechanisms


Static allocation for



static variables

explicit constants (including strings, sets, etc)

Object Storage

Objects (program data and code) have to be stored in memory during their lifetime

Static objects have an absolute storage address that is retained throughout the execution of
the program

Global variables and data

Subroutine code and class method code

Stack objects are allocated in last-in first-out order, usually in conjunction with subroutine
calls and returns

Actual arguments passed by value to a subroutine

Local variables of a subroutine

Heap objects may be allocated and deallocated at arbitrary times, but require an expensive
storage management algorithm

Lisp lists

Java class instances are always stored on the heap

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Storage Allocation Static

Program code is statically allocated in most implementations of imperative languages

Statically allocated variables are history sensitive

Global variables keep state during entire program lifetime

Static local variables in C functions keep state across function invocations

Static data members are shared by objects and keep state during program lifetime

Advantage of statically allocated object is the fast access due to absolute addressing of the

Problem: static allocation of local variables cannot be used for recursive
subroutines: each new function instantiation needs fresh locals

Each instance of a subroutine that is active has a subroutine frame (sometimes called
activation record) on the run-time stack

Compiler generates subroutine calling sequence to setup frame, call the routine,
and to destroy the frame afterwards

Method invocation works the same way, but in addition methods are typically
dynamically bound

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Subroutine frame layouts vary between languages, implementations, and machine platforms

Central stack for
local variables

Why a stack?

allocate space for recursive routines(not necessary in FORTRAN no recursion)
reuse space(in all programming languages)

Contents of a stack frame

local variables

arguments and returns


bookkeeping (saved registers, line number static link, etc.)

Local variables and arguments are assigned fixed OFFSETS from the stack pointer or frame
pointer at compile time

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Maintenance of stack is responsibility of calling sequence and subroutine prolog and epilog.space
is saved by putting as much in the prolog and epilog as possible

time may be saved by putting stuff in the caller instead or combining what's known in both
places(interprocedural optimization)

Storage Allocation Heap

Implicit heap allocation

Done automatically

Java class instances are placed on the heap

Scripting languages and functional languages make extensive use of the heap for
storing objects

Some procedural languages allow array declarations with run-time dependent array

Resizable character strings

Explicit heap allocation

Statements and/or functions for allocation and deallocation

Malloc/free, new/delete

Heap for dynamic allocation


Scope is the textual region of a program in which a name-to-object binding is active

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Statically scoped language: the scope of bindings is determined at compile time

Used by almost all but a few programming languages

More intuitive to user compared to dynamic scoping

Dynamically scoped language: the scope of bindings is determined at run time

Used in Lisp (early versions), APL, Snobol, and Perl (selectively)
Static Scoping

The bindings between names and objects can be determined by examination of the
program text

Scope rules of a program language define the scope of variables and subroutines

A variable always refers to its nearest enclosing binding closest nested scope rule

Look for a declaration in the current innermost scope

If there is none, look for a declaration in the immediately surrounding
scope, etc.

Static Scope Implementation with Static Links

Scope rules are designed so that we can only refer to variables that are alive: the variable
must have been stored in the frame of a subroutine

If a variable is not in the local scope, we are sure there is a frame for the surrounding scope
somewhere below on the stack:

The current subroutine can only be called when it was visible

The current subroutine is visible only when the surrounding scope is active

Each frame on the stack contains a static link pointing to the frame of the static parent

Example Static Links

Subroutines C and D are declared nested in B

B is static parent of C and D

B and E are nested in A

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A is static parent of B and E

The fp points to the frame at the top of the stack to access locals

The static link in the frame points to the frame of the static parent
Static Chains

How do we access non-local objects?

The static links form a static chain, which is a linked list of static parent frames

When a subroutine at nesting level j has a reference to an object declared in a static parent
at the surrounding scope nested at level k, then j-k static links forms a static chain that is
traversed to get to the frame containing the object

The compiler generates code to make these traversals over frames to reach non-local

Example Static Chains

Subroutine A is at nesting level 1 and C at nesting level 3

When C accesses an object of A, 2 static links are traversed to get to A's frame that
contains that object

Out of Scope

Non-local objects can be hidden by local name-to-object bindings and the scope is said to
have a hole in which the non-local binding is temporarily inactive but not destroyed

Some languages, notably Ada and C++ use qualifiers or scope resolution operators to
access non-local objects that are hidden

P1.X in Ada to access variable X of P1 and ::X to access global variable X in C++
Out of Scope Example

procedure P1;
var X:real;
procedure P2;

var X:integer
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... (* X of P1 is hidden *)


P2 is nested in P1

P1 has a local variable X

P2 has a local variable X that hides X in P1

When P2 is called, no extra code is executed to inactivate the binding of X to P1

Dynamic Scoping

Scope rule: the "current" binding for a given name is the one encountered most recently during

With dynamic scope:

Name-to-object bindings cannot be determined by a compiler in general

Easy for interpreter to look up name-to-object binding in a stack of declarations

Generally considered to be "a bad programming language feature"

Hard to keep track of active bindings when reading a program text

Most languages are now compiled, or a compiler/interpreter mix

Sometimes useful:

Unix environment variables have dynamic scope

Scope Rules

A scope is a program section of maximal size in which no bindings change, or at least in which no
re-declarations are permitted

In most languages with subroutines, we OPEN a new scope on subroutine entry:

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create bindings for new local variables, deactivate bindings for global variables that are re-
declared (these variable are said to have a "hole" in their scope) make references to variables

On subroutine exit:

destroy bindings for local variables

reactivate bindings for global variables that were deactivated

Algol 68:

ELABORATION = process of creating bindings when entering a scope

Ada (re-popularized the term elaboration):

storage may be allocated, tasks started, even exceptions propagated as a result of the elaboration of

With STATIC (LEXICAL) SCOPE RULES, a scope is defined in terms of the physical
(lexical) structure of the program

The determination of scopes can be made by the compiler

All bindings for identifiers can be resolved by examining the program

Typically, we choose the most recent, active binding made at compile time

Most compiled languages, C++ and Java included, employ static scope rules

The classical example of static scope rules is the most closely nested rule used in block
structured languages such as Algol 60 and Pascal

An identifier is known in the scope in which it is declared and in each enclosed scope,
unless it is re-declared in an enclosed scope

To resolve a reference to an identifier, we examine the local scope and statically enclosing
scopes until a binding is found

We will see classes - a relative of modules - later on, when discussing abstraction and
object-oriented languages

These have even more sophisticated (static) scope rules

Euclid is an example of a language with lexically-nested scopes in which all scopes are

rules were designed to avoid ALIASES, which complicate optimization and correctness

Access to non-local variables STATIC LINKS

Each frame points to the frame of the (correct instance of) the routine inside which it was

In the absence of formal subroutines, correct means closest to the top of the stack
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You access a variable in a scope k levels out by following k static links and then using the
known offset within the frame thus found

The key idea in static scope rules is that bindings are defined by the physical (lexical)
structure of the program.

With dynamic scope rules, bindings depend on the current state of program execution

They cannot always be resolved by examining the program because they are dependent on
calling sequences

To resolve a reference, we use the most recent, active binding made at run time

Dynamic scope rules are usually encountered in interpreted languages

early LISP dialects assumed dynamic scope rules.

Such languages do not normally have type checking at compile time because type
determination isn't always possible when dynamic scope rules are in effect

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Binding of Referencing Environments

Accessing variables with dynamic scope:

(1) keep a stack (association list) of all active variables

When you need to find a variable, hunt down from top of stack

This is equivalent to searching the activation records on the dynamic chain
Accessing variables with dynamic scope:

(2) keep a central table with one slot for every variable name

If names cannot be created at run time, the table layout (and the location of every slot) can be fixed
at compile time

Otherwise, you'll need a hash function or something to do lookup Every
subroutine changes the table entries for its locals at entry and exit.

REFERENCING ENVIRONMENT of a statement at run time is the set of active bindings

A referencing environment corresponds to a collection of scopes that are examined (in
order) to find a binding

SCOPE RULES determine that collection and its order

BINDING RULES determine which instance of a scope should be used to resolve
references when calling a procedure that was passed as a parameter

they govern the binding of referencing environments to formal procedures


some overloading happens in almost all languages
integer + v. real +

read and write in Pascal
function return in Pascal

some languages get into overloading in a big way

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It's worth distinguishing between some closely related concepts

overloaded functions - two different things with the same name; in C++

overload norm

int norm (int a){return a>0 ? a : -a;)

complex norm (complex c ) { // ...

polymorphic functions -- one thing that works in more then one way

in Modula-2: function min (A : array of integer);

in Smalltalk

It's worth distinguishing between some closely related concepts (2)

generic functions (modules, etc.) - a syntactic template that can be instantiated in more than one
way at compile time

via macro processors in C++

built-in in C++

in Clu

in Ada

Deep vs. Shallow Binding

In deep binding, lexical variables mentioned in anonymous subroutines are the same ones that
were in scope when the subroutine was created. In shallow binding, they are whichever variables
with the same names happen to be in scope when the subroutine is called. Perl always uses deep
binding of lexical variables However, dynamic variables (aka global, local, or package variables)
are effectively shallowly bound. Consider this just one more reason not to use them.

Overloading, Polymorphism, Generics

Same name (symbol) for more than one use

Inferred typing

Same name parameterized for multiple use.

Separate Compilation
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Separately-compiled files in C (continued)

Extern on a variable or function means that it is declared in another source file
Function headers without bodies are extern by default

Extern declarations are interpreted as forward declarations if a later declaration overrides them

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