BOE Meeting Agenda (December 1, 2009)

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Office of the Superintendent

November 25, 2009

TO: Luane Cindea, President

Members of the Board of Education
FROM: Patrick M. Spagnoletti, Superintendent

Notice of Meeting
This meeting is an open session of the Roselle Park Board of Education held under the Open
Public Meetings Act of the State of New Jersey. Notice of this meeting was sent to the Star
Ledger, Union Leader, and the Home News Tribune.

Roll Call
President Cindea _____ Nancy Kinloch _____
Vice President Iachio _____ Barney Leinberger _____
Alexander J. Balaban _____ Katherine Panetta _____
Michael Genovese _____ Jeffrey Parrell _____
Roseann Rinaldi _____
Patrick M. Spagnoletti, Superintendent of Schools _____
Susan Guercio, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary _____
Anthony P. Sciarrillo, Board Attorney _____

Closed Session
Motion to go into closed session to discuss personnel matters or other exceptions to the sunshine
law as follows:

1. Any matter considered confidential by federal law, state statue, or court rule;
2. Any matter in which the release of information would impair the receipt of federal funds;
3. Any material which would constitute an unwarranted invasion of individual privacy if disclosed;
4. Any collective bargaining agreements;
5. Any matter involving the purchase, lease or acquisition of real property with public funds;
6. Any tactics and techniques used in protecting the safety and property of the public;
7. Any pending or anticipated litigation;
8. Personnel matters related to the employment, appointment or termination of current or prospective employees.

Moved Seconded


Motion to return to open session.

Moved Seconded


Open Session
December 1, 2009

Flag Salute

Public Participation – 7:00 PM


Consent Agenda Motion – Personnel

A motion was made by ________________________seconded by ___________________
to approve the following agenda items 1 and 2.

1. Salary Adjustment
Approval of a one-time $300 increase in salary for obtaining boiler license for James
McHale, custodian. (as recommended by the Superintendent) (as per RPEA contract)

2. Activity Chaperones
To approve the following high school activity chaperones: (as recommended by the
Superintendent) (as per RPEA contract- salary same as 2008-09 pending negotiations)

Fall Play Hall Decorating/Homecoming

Dennis Dagounis (B) $100.50 Nicole Honrath (A) $ 95.75
Jennifer Ferreira (A) $ 95.75 Melissa Rinaldi (B) $100.50
Fay Lazarides (B) $100.50 Ellen Bachert (B) $100.50
Danielle Romero (A) $ 95.75 Nicole Shreiber (A) $ 95.75

Vice President Iachio ____ Mr. Leinberger ___

Mr. Balaban ____ Mrs. Panetta ___
Mr. Genovese ____ Dr. Parrell ___
Mrs. Kinloch ____ Mrs. Rinaldi ___
President Cindea ___

On roll call, motion _____

A motion was made by ________________________seconded by ___________________
to approve the following agenda item number 3.

Open Session
December 1, 2009

3. Educational Trip Request

To approve the following district educational trip requests:

Rialto Theater, Westfield November 25, 2009 EJF-Aldene 5th grades

Motion ______

A motion was made by ________________________seconded by ___________________
to approve the following agenda items 4 through 9.

4. Monthly Certification
A. Board Secretary's Monthly Certification, Budgetary Line Item Status

Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.l3(d), I certify that as of November 30, 2009 no budgetary

line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed
the amount appropriated by the district board of education pursuant to N.J.S.A. l8A:22-8
and l8:22-8.l

____________________________ ____________________
Board Secretary Date

B. Board of Education's Monthly Certification, Budgetary Major Account/Fund Status

Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.l3(e), we certify that as of November 30, 2009 after review of
the secretary's monthly financial report (appropriations section) and upon consultation with
the appropriate district officials that to the best of our knowledge no major account or fund
has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:20- 2.l3(b) and that sufficient funds are
available to meet the district's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. This
certification is solely based on the information provided by the School Business
Administrator/Board Secretary and is assumed by the board to be correct.

5. Approval of Minutes
To approve the following minutes:

November 3, 2009 open session November 17, 2009 open session

November 3, 2009 closed session November 17, 2009 closed session

Open Session
December 1, 2009

6. Approval of Bills
To approve the following bills for the month of

General Current Expense $162,559.48

Special Revenue Funds $ 25,480.20
Enterprise Fund $ 73,040.91
Total $261,080.59

7. Use of Buildings and Grounds

To approve the following use of buildings and grounds (appropriate fees to be charged where

Project Graduation – Pancake Breakfast

Roselle Park High School – students’ cafeteria, kitchen
Friday, December 11, 2009, 8:00 PM – set up, drop off supplies
Saturday, December 12, 2009 – 7:30 AM – 1:30 PM

Park Karate for Kids, Inc. – Taekwondo Rank Promotion, testing and ceremony
Roselle Park Middle School gymnasium
Saturday, December 19, 2009, 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Westfield Department of Health – Flu Vaccinations

Roselle Park High School
Sunday, December 6, 2009

8. Bid Award
To approve the following bid(s) to the lowest qualified bidder:

Bid #10-1 Laptop Computers to Edutech Group, Inc.

Newbury Park, CA in the amount of $38,930.

9. Construction Change Order

To approve the attached Change Order – AIA Document G704-2001 between Skinner &
Cook General Contractors. and the Roselle Park Board of Education (funds are available):

GC-#2 in the amount of $1,725 taken from the contingency line item.

Motion _____

Open Session
December 1, 2009

Committee/Liaison Reports

Continuing Business

New Business

Public Participation

A motion was made by __________________________ seconded by __________________
to adjourn the meeting at _________ p.m.

Motion _____

Next scheduled board meeting: January 5, 2010

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