Public Questions & Responses - Environment Committee - 24.07.14

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Public Questions Environment Committee 24 July 2014

Question Raised Answer
1 6 Mr
Bay Monitorin technoloy! "ill
tra#c $ar%ens &CE'( have
access to in)ormation )rom the
bay monitorin technoloy so
that they coul%* )or e+am,le*
a,,ear at the bay the minute
that someone has over-staye%
an% issue a PC./
0s in%icate% in the re,ort the Bay Monitorin e1ui,ment
$oul% be use% to establish intellience on bay usae
an% this in)ormation $oul% be use% to i%enti)y any
un%erutilisation an% to assist to %eterminin $hat
actions shoul% be ta2en to increase ,atronae in the
un%erutilise% bays! 3t $ill also ,rovi%e intellience on
the success or other$ise o) any actions ta2en an% allo$
)urther in)orme% %ecisions to be ta2en an% on-oin
monitorin to ta2e ,lace $ithout the nee% to %e,loy site
base% resources $hich $oul% be costly! 4he bay
monitorin technoloy $oul% nee% to be lin2e% to the
,ayment system in or%er to ,rovi%e the sueste%
)acility to in)orm CE'5s o) overstays!
2 6 Mr
4he re,ort says that ,ay-by-
,hone is chea,er than cash!
"oul% the council ,lease tell
me the total amount ,ai% to
6errus7PayByPhone by
motorists in Barnet in the year
en%e% 81 March 2014/
4he Council ,ay the )ees to PaybyPhone &PbP( base% on
the number o) PbP transactions! "ith the e+ce,tion o)
,hone7te+t chares $hich $oul% not be ,ayable to PBP a
motorists $oul% only ,ay a )ee to PbP i) they o,t )or
a%%itional services o9ere% by PbP such as a
con:rmation o) ,ayment te+t messae or a te+t
remin%er o) $hen the ,ai% )or ,erio% is about to e+,ire!
4his %e,en%s on the number o) motorists $ho re1uest
these )acilities an% such in)ormation is not currently
,rovi%e% to the Council!
8 6 Mr
3sn;t the $hole re,ort $ritten on
a )alse ,remise that $hat is
more im,ortant is cost to the
council o) ,rovi%in a service
4he Policy has been $ritten $ith the ,ers,ective o)
achievin the <54ra#c Manaement ,ur,oses55 in
accor%ance $ith the =4=0 1>?4!
Public Questions Environment Committee 24 July 2014
than actually ,rovi%in choice
as ,art o) a ,ublic service/
4 6 Mr
@o$ much %i% the council ,ay
to the meter su,,lier to %isable
the cash collection )acility
$hich came $ith the current
4he Council ,urchase% the machines on the basis that
the coin o,tion coul% be easily installe% in the machines*
thus ,rovi%in Ae+ibility )or ,ossible )uture chanes
$ithout the nee% to incur sini:cant a%%itional costs
%ue to machines nee%in to be re,lace% in their entirety!
4his re1uire% the ,lacement o) a blan2in ,late at
minimal cost!
B 6 Mr
@o$ much %i% coin collection
cost in the last )ull council year
that it too2/
Due to sini:cant chanes in ,rocess an% sta#n it has
been %i#cult to obtain accurate historical %ata in
relation to ,revious coin collection costs! 0 ,revious
Deleate% Po$ers =e,ort 1820* %ate%2B July 2011
suests that the costs $ere in the reion o) C440*000!
4his $as un%erta2en by an in-house resource that use%
to combine this )unction $ith other )unctions thus
re%ucin the cost to the ,ar2in service* ho$ever this
resource no loner e+ists!
() Cost /
(Savings )
() Cost /
(Savings ) Full
Pay by Phone )ees
&a%%itional cost(
40*000 ?0*000
Pay an% %is,lay
costs &100*000( &200*000(
Pay an% %is,lay
runnin costs &10*000( &20*000(
Public Questions Environment Committee 24 July 2014
Cash collection
costs &110*000( &220*000(
Dta#n costs
&EE'( &4B 000( &100*000(
Totals (225,000) (460,000)
Public Questions Environment Committee 24 July 2014
6 6 Mr
@o$ many tic2ets )or ,roo) o)
,ayment can be obtaine% )or
4he C82*000 :ure is the total estimate% cost o)
maintainin tic2et rolls an% there)ore inclu%es labour
costs to visit each machine an% re,lenish the stoc2 o)
tic2et rolls an% also the maintenance )unctions o)
clearin bloc2aes! Clearly this is an estimate% :ure as
$e %o not 2no$ the level o) usae!
F 6 Mr
"hich oranisations et )ree
,ar2in ,ermits/
Emerency Dervices an% Carers Permits!
? F
3s ,arara,h 6!11 correct about
minimum sin heihts as
,arara,h 1!21 o) the 4ra#c
Dins Manual* Cha,ter 8
suests a heiht to the lo$er
e%e o) bet$een >00mm an%
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
4his ,arara,h is relate% to Conservation areas an%
,rovi%es reconition that the Council nee%s to be
sensitive to the im,act on a conservation area $hen
consi%erin the number an% ty,e o) sins an% lines to
be installe%! =esi%ents livin in conservation areas have
ma%e it clear that they believe that sins an% lines are
%etrimental to the area an% there is an e+,ectation that
the Council $ill %esin schemes sym,athetically an% as
such schemes in conservation areas are %esine% in
or%er to re%uce any a%verse im,acts* $hilst also bein
min%)ul o) meetin minimum statutory re1uirements!
Public Questions Environment Committee 24 July 2014
> F
4he overnment are about to
brin in a 10 minute race
,erio% & June 14 =es,onse to
consultation on local authority
,ar2in( )or over-stayin a)ter a
,erio% o) ,ai%-)or ,ar2in!
Dhoul%n;t the council
incor,orate that no$/
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
Hntil such time as the Iovernment chane the current
leislation $e %o believe it to be a,,ro,riate to inclu%e
this in the current Policy! @o$ever* as an% $hen
leislation chanes $e $ill clearly ensure that current
,olicies are revie$e% an% u,%ate% accor%inly to ensure
10 F
0ren;t the current very short
observations ,erio% over-
Jealous an% shoul% the
Committee consi%er a B minute
minimum )or all contraventions
e+ce,t )or truly heinous cases
li2e ,ar2in on Jebra crossin
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
3t is believe% that the Council have i%enti:e% the correct
balance across the various contravention ty,es $ithin
the ,ro,ose% Policy $hich is in accor%ance $ith current
11 F
4he re,ort tal2s o) :rm but )air
en)orcement but 3 recall the
no$ mayor* Councillor @uh
=ayner* as2in )or an item on
the over-Jealous en)orcement
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
Public Questions Environment Committee 24 July 2014
metho%s o) .DK em,loye%
tra#c $ar%ens to come to his
scrutiny committee &since
re,lace%(! "ill this no$ come to
this committee/
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
4his $ill be ,roresse% as ,art o) the Par2in
3m,rovement Proramme an% $ill inclu%e an
in%e,en%ent au%it o) .DK5s en)orcement activity an% $ill
also inclu%e a Co%e o) Con%uct revie$!
12 F
3) the aim is to issue the
minimum number o) PC.
%oesn;t the council thin2 it has
)aile% com,letely $hen it is
issuin 16B*000 PC. a year an%
has been %oin %o so* more or
less* )or B years/ 3sn;t a
com,letely ne$ stratey
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
4he number o) PC.5s has increase% in the last 2 years
%ue to increase% en)orcement activity ta2in ,lace! 3t
ha% been i%enti:e% that the restrictions $hich e+iste%
$here not bein )ully en)orce% an% this $as lea%in to a
,erce,tion that ,ar2in non-com,liantly $oul% not
al$ays lea% to a PC. bein issue% %ue to the lac2 o)
en)orcement resource at certain locations an% at certain
times! 4his has no$ been a%%resse% an% initially it
$oul% be reasonable to e+,ect the number o) PC.5s
issue% to increase but over time this $oul% start to
%ecrease! "e are no$ startin to see this ,attern
emerin as the number o) PC.5s bein issue% over the
last 6 months has seen a %ecrease* thereby suestin
that this has encourae% better com,liance! 3t is
ho$ever reconise% that there is still more $or2 to be
%one in encourain better com,liance also see
Public Questions Environment Committee 24 July 2014
res,onse to Q84!
18 F
"oul%n;t it be a oo% i%ea to
,revent movin tra#c o9ences
as )ar as ,ossible by %esinin
them out o) the roa% layout* so
that )or e+am,le your vehicle is
naturally anle% to the le)t by
%esin $hen at a no riht turn*
rather than :llin the council;s
co9ers $ith yet more
contravention income/
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
"e use a rane o) metho%s to ,revent movin tra#c
o9ences inclu%in attem,tin to limit o,,ortunity
throuh a,,ro,riate %esins* ho$ever these are not
al$ays ,ractical or success)ul an% as such a variety o)
other metho%s inclu%in en)orcement nee%s to be
consi%ere%! 4his is not about income achieve% )rom
en)orcement as there is a sini:cant cost involve% in the
installation o) an in)rastructure $hich allo$s )or e#cient
en)orcement! .on-com,liance lea%s to sa)ety issues an%
the aim is to a%%ress this issue as the ultimate ,riority!
14 F
4he minutes o) monthly
meetins $ith .DK by council
,ar2in manaement sho$ that
the council trialle% CC46 car
en)orcement near schools an%
)oun% insu#cient contravenin
motorists to cover the runnin
costs o) the car an% sta9 etc! so
%i% not buy or lease such a car!
Doesn;t that sho$ that the
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
4his $as a very short trial ,erio% an% the evi%ence
,rovi%e% )rom the trial $as that there $as not the level
Public Questions Environment Committee 24 July 2014
council is more motivate% by
money than by sa)ety/
o) non-com,liance an% as a result sa)ety issues
i%enti:e% as ha% been sueste% )rom various sources!
@o$ever* $e are min%)ul that this situation chanes an%
have over recent months ha% many re1uests )rom
resi%ents to concentrate more resources on ,erceive%
inconsi%erate* unsa)e an% non-com,liant ,ar2in
,ractices in an% aroun% various school locations! Clearly
$e nee% to react to such re1uests as an% $hen receive%
an% nee% to consi%er all available resources to achieve
e9ective outcomes!
1B F
Dhoul%n;t the council* )or the
sa2e o) o,enness an%
trans,arency* ,ublish a list o)
those roa%s in $hich )oot$ay
,ar2in is allo$e% so that
everyone 2no$s $here they
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
Keislation ,rovi%es )or all )oot$ay ,ar2in to be
en)orce% $ithin the Kon%on area* unless a s,eci:c
scheme has been im,lemente% $hich clearly %e:nes
that )oot$ay ,ar2in is allo$e%! 4he ne$ Policy aims to
ensure that the current ,ractice o) allo$in some
)oot$ay ,ar2in on an in)ormal basis i!e! $ithout the
intro%uction o) a scheme is terminate% thus ensurin
that the re1uirements are more clearly un%erstoo%!
'nce the current ,osition has been rationalise% the
in)ormation on $here )oot$ay ,ar2in is allo$e% $ill
certainly be ,ublishe% an% $ill also be available online
once the Par2ma, system has been intro%uce%!
Public Questions Environment Committee 24 July 2014
16 F
3 have it in $ritin )rom ,ar2in
client si%e that %ro,,e% 2erbs
$oul% only be en)orce% u,on
re1uest by a resi%ent! "oul%
the council ,lease restore the
,olicy to this an% not as state%
in the :nal ,arara,h o) the
:rst ,ae o) 0,,en%i+ 18/
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
"e inten% to continue en)orcin %ro,,e% 2erbs in the
same $ay as $e %o currently* $hich means that $e $ill
react to resi%ent re1uests as an% $hen receive%!
@o$ever* $here a %ro,,e% 2erb is )or share% use*
inclu%in at ,e%estrian crossin ,oints* no such
re1uirement is necessary an% active en)orcement o)
such locations is in accor%ance $ith current ,ractice in
rear% to %ro,,e% 2erb en)orcement! "e $ill a%Gust the
%ra)tin o) the :nal ,arara,h to ma2e this clearer!
1F F
@o$ many ,ersistent eva%ers
are there/
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
"e %o not actively i%enti)y ,ersistent eva%ers at ,resent
an% as such $e %o not analyse this %ata currently!
1? F
"on;t $ith%ra$in a ,ermit )or
a ,ersistent eva%er sim,le
e+acerbate the ,roblem/
"oul%n;t it be better i) the
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
Public Questions Environment Committee 24 July 2014
council un%ertoo2 research into
the %elin1uent behaviour
,atterns in or%er to :n% a
better solution than hittin
them $ith a bi stic2/
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
.o :rm %ecisions have been ta2en at this stae*
ho$ever the ,olicy has i%enti:e% a number o) o,tions
$hich may be %e,loye% to tac2le ,ersistent eva%ersL
4his inclu%es $ith%ra$in an%7or re)usin a Permit* but
also the ,otential o,tion to clam, an%7or remove
vehicles belonin to ,ersistent eva%ers! "e are a$are
that other authorities in Kon%on utilise these o,tions to
%eal $ith ,ersistent eva%ers an% $e $ill be see2in
vie$s on $hich metho% a,,ears to be the most
"e $elcome suestions on ho$ the Council may
re%uce %elin1uent ,ar2in behaviour!
1> F
"hat is the minimum notice
,erio% that the council $or2s to
$hen ,uttin u, a%vance
$arnin sins i!e! ho$ many
%ays be)ore the sus,ension
event $ill the sins o u,/ "ill
the council ,lease consi%er a
,olicy such that anyone $ho
can sho$ they $ere* )or
e+am,le* a$ay $or2in on an
oil ri or on holi%ay $hen the
sins $ent u, can have their
%oubtless multi,le PC.
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
3t $oul% be %esirable )or a notice ,erio% in e+cess o) t$o
$ee2s* ho$ever in reality this is not al$ays ,ossible as
sus,ensions may be re1uire% to %eal $ith
urent7emerency events an% as such a shorter notice
,erio% may be re1uire%!
Clearly the Council $oul% consi%er all re,resentations
Public Questions Environment Committee 24 July 2014
cancelle% $ithout havin to o
throuh the 8 a,,eal staes to
ma%e $ith rear% to any motorist $ho receives a PC.
an% )eels that this is un)air as they $ere not iven
a,,ro,riate $arnin7o,,ortunity to com,ly $ith the
restrictions! Duch situations have been reconise% in the
Policy %ocument in 0,,en%i+ 1B Discretion an%
20 F
"oul% the council ,lease
consi%er a less Jealous
treatment o) our %isable%
%rivers by havin a ,olicy that
their PC.s $ill be cancelle% i)
they have a blue ba%e $hich
they ,ut out the $ron si%e
u,,ermost or they sim,ly
)oret or it )ell o9 the
%ashboar% an% they then
,ro%uce the blue ba%e %etails/
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
4he Blue ba%e is issue% $ith a number o) con%itions
attache% inclu%in ma2in it clear that it is the
res,onsibility o) the blue ba%e hol%er to ensure that
the Blue ba%e is correctly %is,laye% in the vehicle! 4he
same a,,lies to Permits $hich are issue% to resi%ents
an% businesses!
3t is current ,ractice to allo$ mitiation $hen it is
i%enti:e% that this is a :rst o9ence an% su#cient
evi%ence is ,rovi%e% on re1uest* ho$ever in so %oin it
is ma%e clear that this $oul% not be re,eate%!
4he Council e+ercises its %iscretion in all cases $here
mitiation is ,ro,ose% an% cases are %ealt $ith on a
case by case basis!
Public Questions Environment Committee 24 July 2014
21 F
Does the council thin2 that the
e+istin tra#c $ar%ens have
the necessary ,eo,le s2ills to
%eal $ith blue ba%e )rau%/ or
$oul% it be better to have a
%esinate% o#cer li2e the one
$ho $as seen on Par2in Ma%
on BBC1 in 0,ril7May 14/
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
"ithin the ,olicy it i%enti:es that the CE'5s have certain
,o$ers $ith rear% to %ealin $ith sus,ecte% Blue
ba%e Mrau%!
4he Council $oul% nee% to be assure% that .DK have
traine% the CE'5s a,,ro,riately be)ore instructin .DK
to become more ,roactive in terms o) usin the
available ,o$ers!
4here are other o,tions $hich may be %e,loye%
inclu%in the resources $ithin the e+istin Cor,orate
0nti-Mrau% 4eam or the use o) e+ternal e+,ert
oranisations $hom s,ecialise in this area!
22 F
3s such $i%es,rea% ban2
holi%ay en)orcement really
necessary/ &Nmas %ay is :ne(
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
3t is antici,ate% that this $ill be an area $here the $i%er
consultation on the ,olicy $ill ,rovi%e us $ith use)ul
)ee%bac2 )or )urther consi%eration!
Public Questions Environment Committee 24 July 2014
28 F
3sn;t a,,en%i+ 1B $ron in that
an in)ormal challene can be
submitte% at any time u, until
the .otice to '$ner an% not
sim,ly )or 2? %ays as this is
contrary to $hat the PC.
actually says/
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
3t is our intention to issue the .otice to '$ner $ithin 2?
%ays* ho$ever it is acce,te% that i) it ta2es loner* then
any in)ormal challenes receive% $ill be acce,te% u, to
the ,oint the .4' is issue%!
24 F
3 thin2 that the state% ,olicy on
contact by councillors $hich
basically removes them )rom
the ,rocess is the $ron ,olicy
as they have a lot o) local
2no$le%e about ,articular
locations so they shoul% be able
to %o as they currently %o
&$hich is to as2 )or a PC. to be
cancelle% but they cannot
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
4his is in accor%ance $ith statutory ui%ance an% the
,olicy $or%in %escribes $hy this is the most
a,,ro,riate a,,roach!
2B F
3s 0,,en%i+ 1B com,letely
$ron in sayin that hearins in
)ront o) the a%Gu%icator at
P040D are hel% in the
@aymar2et as they have been
at 0nel Court* 3slinton )or at
least B years/
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
Public Questions Environment Committee 24 July 2014
Correct an% this $ill be amen%e% accor%inly! 4han2 you
)or ,ointin this error out!
26 F
3s the thir% ,ae o) a,,en%i+ 1B
too vaue as it %oesn;t mention
the 'r%er )or =ecovery an% the
o,tion to :le a 4E> $itness
statement to ta2e a PC. bac2
to the .otice to o$ner stae/
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
0ree% - "e $ill a%% some a%%ition %ra)tin $hich
%escribes the 'r%er )or =ecovery stae an% thus ma2es
this ,art o) the ,rocess clearer!
2F F
3 $as a ,artici,ant at one o) the
rou,s selecte% to ta2e ,art in
the ,hase 1 consultation to :n%
out $hat motorists $ere
%issatis:e% about $ith ,ar2in
in Barnet! Does the council
thin2 that havin s,ent C20*8FB
on this e+ercise $ith 0l,ha
=esearch that they un%erstoo%
their brie) ,ro,erly $hen they
as2e% us to tell them $hat $e
$ere satis:e% $ith about
,ar2in in Barnet an% that too2
u, a thir% o) the allocate% time/
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
4he ,rocess $as inten%e% to :n% out ,eo,le5s vie$s on
,ar2in enerally! 3n that res,ect the brie) inclu%e% a
re1uirement to :n% out $hat $as consi%ere% as oo% as
$ell as areas $here there $as %issatis)action!
Public Questions Environment Committee 24 July 2014
2? F
Dhoul% the council have a
,olicy o) cancellin PC. $hen a
motorist ,roves they ,ai% )or
the $ron vehicle as the
o9ence is by nature o) a
technical one an% %oesn;t cause
%aner or tra#c conestion
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
Dee the :nal ,arara,h in the ans$er to 1uestion 20
above as this e1ually a,,lies in this situation!
2> F
Dhoul% the council have a
,olicy o) cancellin PC. $hen a
motorist ,roves they ,ai% )or
the $ron location an% %oesn;t
cause %aner or tra#c
conestion etc/
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
Dee the :nal ,arara,h in the ans$er to 1uestion 20
above as this e1ually a,,lies in this situation!
80 F
Dhoul% the council have a
,olicy )or %ealin $ith
vulnerable in%ivi%uals so that
reater case ets e+ercise% by
baili9s )or $hose actions the
council has a %uty o) care E so
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
Public Questions Environment Committee 24 July 2014
that $e %on;t have any more >4
year ol% men at ris2 o) havin
their metho% o) trans,ort
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
4he Council %o re1uire the Baili9 Com,anies to have a
%e:ne% ,roce%ure )or %ealin $ith 6ulnerable
in%ivi%uals an% havin ins,ecte% these $e are ha,,y
that these are a%e1uate!
81 F
Dhoul%n;t the council have
more common-sense
en)orcement such as not
issuin PC. in the Ko%e Kane
Car ,ar2 a)ter the mar2et has
obviously ,ac2e% u, an% one
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
4han2 you )or this suestion $hich $ill be iven %ue
82 F
Dhoul%n;t the council )ollo$ the
e+am,le in Cam%en $here the
council ive the resi%ent )or
$hom a bay has been
sus,en%e%* ,erha,s )or a house
removal* a stic2er to ,ut over
the bay sus,en%e% sin so that
it can be brouht bac2 into use
as soon as the nee% )or the
sus,ension has ,asse%/
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
4han2 you )or this suestion $hich $ill be iven %ue
Public Questions Environment Committee 24 July 2014
88 F
Dhoul%n;t the council a%% a
re1uirement to the Contract
that .DK tra#c $ar%ens must
,ar2 their trans,ort leally at
all times rather than* )or
e+am,le* on a ben% $here the
@ih$ay Co%e says you must
not ,ar2!
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
4he .DK Contract inclu%es s,eci:c re1uirements in
rear% to the use o) vehicles &section F on ,ae 81(
$hilst con%uctin the service an% this %etermines $hat
is acce,table an% $hat is not acce,table! Clearly the
Council $oul% not e+,ect any vehicles to be ,ar2e% such
that they are li2ely to cause a sa)ety haJar%!
84 F
Dhoul%n;t the council enae on
an e%ucation ,roramme to
hel,* )or e+am,le* ne$ %rivers*
blue ba%e hol%ers* the el%erly
an% reular o9en%ers to learn
ho$ to ,ar2 leally as this
$oul% ma2e the borouh a
better ,lace to live an% $oul%
%emonstrate the council;s true
commitment to minimisin the
number o) PC. that they issue
each year/
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
0s ,art o) the Par2in 3m,rovement Proramme the
Council are ma2in more in)ormation available to assist
in better in)ormin motorists o) ,ar2in restrictions an%
throuh the Policy aim to be more trans,arent an% in so
%oin ma2e it clear to motorists ho$ $e run the ,ar2in
service ,rovisions an% the bene:ts that $e aim to
achieve )rom o,eratin an e9ective an% e#cient
,ar2in %esin an% en)orcement service!
'ne such tool $hich $ill ,rovi%e a very use)ul source o)
in)ormation $ill be Par2ma, $hich $ill enable ,ar2in
Public Questions Environment Committee 24 July 2014
,rovisions $hich are in ,lace throuhout the borouh to
be accesse% online!
0ll motorists have a %uty to com,ly $ith statutory
re1uirements an% obey the hih$ay co%e an% this )orms
,art o) the ,rocess by $hich motorists learn to %rive an%
are teste%!
8B F
"ho too2 the %ecision to
$ith%ra$ the attache% PC.
cancellation ,olicy $hen .DK
too2 over an% shoul%n;t it be
,ut bac2 in ,lace/
Please note that re,ort item F on the aen%a see2s the
Environment Committee5s en%orsement o) a %ra)t
,ar2in ,olicy )or ,ublic consultation! 0s such it is
e+,ecte% that the ,olicy $ill be subGect to chane
be)ore a%o,tion later in the year! 4here)ore these
ans$ers re)er to the %ra)t ,ar2in ,olicy an% may not be
relevant to the :nal aree% ,olicy!
4he ty,es o) circumstances $hich may lea% to a
cancellation are %escribe% in 0,,en%i+ 1B!
86 > Mr
Iiven that available s,ace can
be ratione% by time as easily as
by money an% that 2*000O
,eo,le sine% a ,etition
$oul%n;t it be more res,onsive
to customer %eman% i) a trial
$as ma%e o) )ree ,ar2in )or 80
minutes at this location to see
$hat actually ha,,ens rather
than s,en%in C2B*000 on bay
4he o,tions have been i%enti:e% in the re,ort an%
Members $ill consi%er these be)ore ma2in a %ecision
on ho$ best to ,rocee%! 3t is $orth notin that the
recommen%ations %o not currently inclu%e the
intro%uction o) bay monitorin e1ui,ment!

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