Issues About Banaue Rice Terraces

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1 Description
The Banaue Rice Terraces are 2,000-year-old terraces that were carved into the
mountains of Ifugao in the Philippines by ancestors of the indigenous people. The Rice
Terraces are commonly referred to by Filipinos as the "Eighth Wonder of the World". [1]
It is an outstanding example of an evolved, living cultural landscape that can be traced
as far back as two millennia ago in the pre-colonial Philippines. [2] As a matter of fact, it is
one of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The terraces illustrate a persistence of cultural traditions and remarkable continuity and
endurance, since archaeological evidence reveals that this technique has been in use in the
region for 2000 years virtually unchanged. They offer many lessons for application in similar
environments elsewhere. [2]
2 Issues and Problems:
2.1 Giant earthworms ruin Banaue rice terraces
Giant earthworms burrowing deep into the famous Banaue Rice Terraces have
worsened the already devastating effect of the El Nio phenomenon on the endangered
cultural heritage site.
The provincial agriculture office said at least 25% of the parched terraces have been
destroyed by giant earthworms burrowing into the wall of the terraces in search of cooler
Earthworms have plagued the terraces since the 1980s but up to now, experts have not
yet discovered a way to contain the infestation without compromising the environment.
- The Philippine Star
2.2 Illegal Miners Tunnelling Banaue Rice Terraces
After repeated denials by Ifugao officials, the Mines and Geosciences Bureau has
discovered illegal mining activities in at least four sites at the Banaue Rice Terraces.
MGB-Cordillera Supervising Science Research Specialist George Baywong has found
that Poblacion, Nompolia, Baang and Wangwang sites at the more than 2,000-year-old
heritage sites in Banaue are being mined by locals illegally.
The poverty situation, Baywong admits, forces miners to persist on their activities even
without permits and the governments current ban in zones identified as perilous and
tourist areas.
2.3 Wakeskating stunt at Banaue Rice Terraces draws ire
Philippine conservationists hit out Sunday, October 27, at a wakeskating "stunt" that
took place at an ancient mountain rice terrace, accusing sponsors of exploiting the UNESCO
World Heritage site.
Professional wakeskaters Brian Grubb of the United States and Dominik Preisner of
Germany are shown on a video on YouTube skimming on the waters of the Banaue rice
terraces in the Ifugao province.
Although they said they obtained permission from local tribal leaders, the video quickly
spread on social media, drawing mixed reactions from Filipinos.
Sponsors Red Bull defended the event, saying in a statement attached to the video:
"Respect for the environment was a priority from the beginning of this project!
"The team has assured that the plants and wildlife have neither been damaged nor
disturbed at any time during the project.
"All agreements have been made together with the locals and under respect of their
traditions and culture."
But heritage conservation architect Joycelyn Mananghaya said the terraced paddies
were carved out on the slopes of the Ifugao mountain region by ancient people "for the
prime purpose of planting rice".
3 Conclusion:
The Banaue Rice Terraces is one of the UNESCO world Heritage site. The Ifugao Rice
Terraces epitomize the absolute blending of the physical, socio-cultural, economic, religious,
and political environment. Indeed, it is a living cultural landscape of unparalleled beauty. [2]
Built 2000 years ago, it is, therefore, one of the greatest contributions of Philippine
ancestors to the humanity. According to UNESCO, that the Banaue Rice Terraces represent
an enduring illustration of an ancient civilization that surpassed various challenges and
setbacks posed by modernization.
With all the issues that the Banaue Rice Terraces has been through, the natives of Ifugao
continues to utilize the rice terraces. Thus, we need to protect and preserve this cultural
heritage as this will be our gift for the future generations.

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