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(Questions are based from the revieer found in the !om"endium# I $ust tried anserin%
'#& (hat matters are entered in the )ourna*s of Con%ress+
, Summar- of the de*iberation on the f*oor.!ommittee# (Art# /I0 Se '10 2ar# 3&
4$ourna* , summar-5 re!ord , verbatim entries
6#& (hat are the instan!es hen Con%ress meets $oint*- but votes se"arate*-+
, The Con%ress0 b- a vote of 6.7 of both Houses in $oint session assemb*ed0 votin%
se"arate*-0 sha** have the so*e "oer to8
a# 9e!*are the e:isten!e of a state of ar
b# Choosin% the 2resident in !ase to or more sha** have an e;ua* vote(+&
!# 9eterminin% the 2residents tem"orar- disabi*it-
d# Amendin% the Constitution
4votin% $oint*- , to e:tend.revo<e martia* *a or the sus"ension of habeas !or"us
7#& 9istin%uish 9omi!i*e and =esiden!e
9OMICILE , =e;uires not on*- su!h bodi*- "resen!e but a*so a de!*ared and "robab*e
intent to ma<e it ones fi:ed and "ermanent "*a!e of abode0 one>s home#
8 On*- a**oed to have one domi!i*e
=ESI9ENCE , Sim"*- re;uires bodi*- "resen!e in a %iven "*a!e# A "*a!e of %enera* abode#
8 Can have more than one residen!e
3#& (hat is a Quorum+
, The !onstitution of our state ordains that a ma$orit- of ea!h house sha** !onstitute a
, A ;uorum is defined as an- number suffi!ient to transa!t business0 hi!h ma- be *ess
than the ma$orit- of the membershi"# In our !onstitution0 it is re;uired that the ;uorum be a
ma$orit- of ea!h House#
, A ;uorum "ossesses a** the "oers of the ho*e bod-#
?#& E:"*ain the do!trine of @forbidden offi!e#
, Art# /I0 se! '7 , ANo senator.member of the Ho= ma- ho*d an- other
offi!e.em"*o-ment in the %overnment or an- subdivision0 a%en!- or instrumenta*it- thereof0
in!*udin% %overnment,oned.!ontro**ed !or"orations or their subsidiaries durin% his term
.o forfeitin% his seat# Neither sha** he be a""ointed to an- offi!e .! ma- have been
!reated or the emo*uments thereof in!reased durin% the term for .! he as e*e!ted#A
, Borbidden offi!e , An- offi!e in the %overnment that has been !reated or the
emo*uments thereof have been in!reased durin% the *e%is*ators term0 to "revent traffi!<in%
in the "ubi! offi!e#
4in!om"atib*e offi!e , offi!e that !annot be he*d b- the *e%is*ator durin% his term in
Con%ress to "revent him from oin% *o-a*t- to another bran!h of the %overnment#
1#& (hat is the @enro**ed bi** do!trineC+
9OCT=INE8 The si%nin% of a bi** b- the ea<er of the House and the 2resident of the
Senate and the !ertifi!ation b- the se!retaries of both Houses that su!h bi** as "assed
are !on!*usive of its due ena!tment#
4one of .! has bee du*- introdu!ed0 fina**- ena!ted b- both Houses si%ned - the
"ro"er offi!ers of ea!h house and a""roved b- the 2resident#
D#& @Breedom from ArrestC and @S"ee!h and 9ebateC
Art /I Se! '' @A senator#member of the Ho= sha** in a** offen!es "unishab*e b- not more
than 1-rs im"risonment0 be "rivi*e%ed from arrest hi*e the !on%ress is in session#C
4if Con%ress de!*ares a sine die0 a senator.member of the Ho= ma- be arrested#
Art /I Se!t '' @No member sha** be ;uestioned nor be he*d *iab*e in an- other "*a!e for
an- s"ee!h.debate in the Con%ress or in an- !ommittee thereofC
, refers to the e:"ressions0 utteran!es made in their offi!ia* fun!tions0 su!h as s"ee!hes
de*ivered in the ha**s of Con%ress hi*e the same is in session#
4*ibe*ous hen made durin% re!ess or is not "art of their offi!ia* dut-#
F#& 9efine 2o*iti!a* Question and )usti!iab*e Question
, 2o*iti!a* Q , !onnotes hat it means in ordinar- "ar*an!e0 name*-0 a ;uestion of "o*i!-#
It refers to those ;uestions .! under the Constitution are to be de!ided b- the "eo"*e on
their soverei%n !a"a!it-5 or in re%ard to .! fu**- dis!retionar- authorit- has been
de*e%ated to the *e%is*ative or e:e!utive bran!h of %ov>t#
6 t-"es of 2o*iti!a* Q8
T=ULG 2OLITICAL Q 8 be-ond $udi!ia* revie
NOT T=ULG 2OLITICAL Q 8 sub$e!t to revie of the !ourt
)usti!iab*e Q , a %iven ri%ht0 *e%a*it- demandab*e and enfor!eab*e0 an a!t.omission
vio*ative of su!h ri%ht and a remed- %ranted .san!tioned b- *a for said brea!h of ri%ht#
H#& (hat are the re;uirements of )udi!ia* revie+
a# An a!tua* !ase or !ontrovers- !a**in% for the e:er!ise of $udi!ia* "oer
b# The "erson !ha**en%in% the a!t must have @standin%C to !ha**en%e
!# The ;uestion of !onstitutiona*it- must be raised at the ear*iest "ossib*e o""ortunit-
d# The issue of !onstitutiona*it- must be the ver- *ist moat of the !ase#
'I#& 9istin%uish =evision and Amendment
=E/ISION , =ee:amination of the entire !onstitution or an im"ortant !*uster of "rovisions
in the !onstitution#
AMEN9MENT , A*teration of one or a fe s"e!ifi! and iso*ated "rovision of the

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