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Introduction & working

This project automatic railway track changer is based on automatically selection of
vacant track by the train. When train arrives nearer the track changing system which is
operated by d.c. motor of 3 volt power supply. The arriving of train is detected by sensor
3. sensor 1 is placed on the track A and sensor 2 is placed on the track . then four
condition arises after arriving the train nearer to the track changer.
1. !f both track A and track are vacant then train passes through the track A.
2. !f track A is busy " then track changing motor direction change" and track changer
got opposite direction and there is a proper way for train to arrive at track .
3. !f both track A and track are busy then train stop near the track changing
#. !f track is busy then train passes to the proper track A.
A pic micro controller is used with port A of $ bit . three magnetic sensor is also
connected to port A at pin no 2"3"% # of micro controller. pin no 1 of micro controller is
connected to reset. &ort is connected to 'itachi ()*" from which display is controlled.
&in no +% 1, micro controller is connected to clock crystal Train is connected to a
magnet which is detected by a magnetic sensor. -agnetic sensor is made of vacuum tube
of glass in which two plates of ferro magnetic combination of iron and nickel. To close
the reed switch contacts two approaches are generally used. When permanent magnet as
shown in our project is brought into the pro.imity of reed switch " the individual reeds
become magneti/ed with the attraractive magnetic polarity as shown in project.
We have developed a project for digital logic design that uses a model train.The project
uses a train layout with several and local tracks" with paths blocked withfreight
cars.W0 uses sensor inputs from the layout to determine which track sections
areoccupied" and to find a path for a locomotive to follow from one end of the layout to
the other.*igital logic is used to find the path" and to actually throw train switches to have
the locomotivefollow the proper route.we are familiar with model trains" and actually
driving the switches with the logic theydesign captures their interest. The basics of simple
logic design can be covered 1uickly andimplemented using (ab2!0W without getting
into circuit analysis. The track layout that isemployed provides a challenge in finding the
optimal route" but at the same time is notoverwhelming to the student. !t can also be the
basis for a lively design competition.ackground. The technical approaches and solutions
so that the student gains an appreciation of the tradeoffs an engineerhas to make.3or a
number of years" designing a house" including utilities and lighting" was the project
used.Although some students enjoyed the project" many students felt it had limited
application to thespecific field of engineering that they liked. Also" it did not have enough
e.citement. 4eacting tothese feelings" we added additional projects to the course
involving 4obolab. These projectscertainly increased the e.citement of the students as
the robots had to traverse ma/es and pickthings up" but the attitude of many students is
that these projects were too closely tied to -echanical 0ngineering. The 0lectrical
0ngineering and )omputer 0ngineering students were particularly vocal about this"
where they wanted a project that was as much fun as the robots" butinvolved some aspect
of electronic design.
1. 1" 32 *.). -otor
2. 3 -agnetic 5ensors
3. -icrocontroller
#. ()*
6. 4ailway Track
1. (ess Accidental )ases
2. (ess -anwork
3. -oney 5aver
#. Time 5aver
1. -ore tracks will be installed on heavy cost
The project is very easy to made and cheap in cost and will prove an engineering
revolution in future because it automatically works and no fear of accidents.

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