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Create following Tables:

Account No varchar 5
Customer No. varchar 5
Branch No. varchar 5
Amount numeric 10 with 2 precision
Creation Date Date

Customer No. varchar 5
Customer Name varchar 30
City varchar 20
Loan No varchar 5
Customer No. varchar 5
Branch No. varchar 5
Amount Numeric 10 with 2 precision
Branch No. varchar 5
Branch Name varchar 20
City varchar 20
Insert Following records into tables:
Account No. Customer No. Branch No. Amount Creation Date
Ac101 C1001 B101 5000 21-dec-2009
Ac102 C1002 B102 4000 1-jan-2010
Ac103 C1003 B103 42563 8-jan-2010
Ac104 C1004 B104 25415 23-feb-2010
Ac105 C1005 B105 1256.25 5-march-2010
Ac106 C1006 B106 1258.32 18 april-2010
Ac107 C1007 B107 12563.21 23-april-2010
Ac108 C1008 B108 1256.24 6-may-2010
Ac109 C1009 B109 159322.25 22-jun-2010
Ac110 C1010 B110 658.25 1-jul-2010

Branch No. Branch Name City
B101 Palasia Indore
B102 M.G. Road Indore
B103 Bhawarkua Indore
B104 Andheri Mumbai
B105 Juhu Mumbai
B106 Kal papal Bhopal
B107 Kalani nagar Ujjain
B108 Karol bagh Dewas
B109 Airport Chennai
B110 Juna raigarh Palitana

Customer No. Customer Name City
C1001 Anil Indore
C1002 Sunil Indore
C1003 Mehul Indore
C1004 Madhuri Mumbai
C1005 Pramod Mumbai
C1006 Sandeep Bhopal
C1007 Shivani Ujjain
C1008 Kranti Dewas
C1009 Powai Goa
C1010 DeepKamal Gujrat
Loan No. Customer No. Branch No. Amount
L2001 C1001 B101 50000
L2006 C1002 B101 60000
L3001 C1003 B107 80000
L3112 C1004 B109 55000
L3752 C1005 B104 42000
L4852 C1006 B106 86250
Perform Following Queries:
1. List all data from table BRANCH.
2. List all data from table DEPOSITE.
3. List all data from table CUSTOMER
4. List all data from table BORROW.
5. Give Account no and Amount of depositors.
6. Give Name and Account no. of depositors.
7. List all the Names of customers.
8. List all the Names of branches.
9. List all the Names of borrowers.
10. List all the Names of customers living in city INDORE.
11. List all the Names of depositors having amount greater than 3000.
12. Display account date of customer ANIL.
13. Names of all branches located in city MUMBAI.
14. Names of borrower having loan no L3001.
15. Names of depositor having account at PALASIA;
16. Names of all branches located in city INDORE.
17. Name of customers who opened account after 31-MARCH-2010.
18. Give account no and deposit amount of customer having account opened between dates
1-FEB-2010 and 1-MAY-2010.
19. Give name of city where branch PALASIA is located.
20. Give details of customer ANIL.
21. Name of customer having living city MUMBAI and branch city JUHU.
22. Give names of customers having the same living city as their branch city.
23. Give names of customers who are borrowers as well as depositors and having living city
24. Give names of customers who are depositors and have the same branch city as that of
25. Give names of depositors having the same living city as ANIL and having deposits
amount greater than 2000;
26. Give names of borrowers having deposits amount greater than 2500 and loan amount
greater than 60000.
27. Give names of depositors having the same branch as the branch of SUNIL.
28. Give names of borrowers having loan amount greater than the loan amount of PRAMOD.
29. Give names of customers living in the city where branch of depositor SUNIL is located.
30. Give loan no and loan amount for borrowers having same branch as that of SUNIL.
31. Give loan no and loan amount , account no and deposits amount of customers living in
city INDORE.
32. Give loan no and loan amount, account no and deposits amount of customers having
branch located in MUMBAI.
33. Give loan no, loan amount, account no, deposits amount, branch name, branch city and
living city of PRAMOD.
34. Give deposits details and loan details of customer in the city where PRAMOD is living.
35. Give names of depositors having same branch city as that of SUNIL and having the same
living city as that of ANIL.
36. Give names of depositors having amount greater than 5000 and having the same living
city as PRAMOD.
37. Give city of customer having the same branch city as that of PRAMOD.
38. Give branch city and living city of PRAMOD.
39. Give branch city of SUNIL and branch city of ANIL.
40. Give living city of ASHOK and living city of AJAY.
41. List all the customers who are depositors but not borrowers.
42. List all the customers who are both depositors and borrowers.
43. List all the customers along with their amount who are either borrowers or depositors and
living in city MUMBAI.
44. List all the depositors having deposits in all the branches where SUNIL is having
45. List all the customers living in the city INDORE and having branch city MUMBAI or
46. List all the depositors living in city UJJAIN.
47. List all the depositors living in city INDORE and having branch in city MUMBAI.
48. List the branch cities of ANIL & SUNIL.
49. List the customer having deposit greater than 2000 and loan less 50000.
50. List the borrowers having branch city same as that of SUNIL.

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