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of August, 2014



EXECUTIVE ATTENDANCE: Tom Diep (President), Jason Harris (Vice-President:
Functions), Alyssa Halbe (Vice-President: Librarian), Jessica Estephan (Treasurer), Nicholas
Hogan (Secretary)




i. Minutes of the meeting (Previous meeting date) will be considered.



i. Incoming and outgoing correspondence since the previous meeting of the Society will
be circulated.


Proposed Constitutional Changes
Clause 2.1;
The aims of the Society shall be to:

Establish and maintain the highest possible standards of excellence and expertise in the fields
of role-playing gaming, collectable card gaming, war gaming, computer and video gaming. As
well as the advancement and appreciation of science fiction, fantasy fiction and popular
culture, and other related pursuits

To be amended to:

The aims of the Society shall be:

i) to create and maintain an inclusive social community for those whose interests align
with those of the Society
ii) to establish and maintain the highest possible standards of excellence and expertise in
the fields of role-playing gaming, collectable card gaming, board gaming, war gaming,
computer gaming and video gaming,
iii) the advancement and appreciation of science fiction, fantasy fiction, popular culture,
and other related pursuits

Clause 3.1, Parts II and III;
ii) Associate Membership
All holders of a current Access Card of The University of Sydney Union other than those who
qualify for Ordinary Membership shall be eligible for Associate Membership of the Society.
Associate Members are not eligible to hold Executive positions, vote in elections or vote at
meetings of the Society.

iii) Honorary Membership
Honorary Membership can be granted to any person by a two-thirds majority vote at a General
Meeting. Honorary Membership may be terminated by a two-thirds majority vote at a General
Meeting. Honorary Members are only eligible to hold Executive positions, vote in elections or
vote at meetings of the Society if they qualify for Ordinary Membership of the Society.

To be added

Clause 3.3, Part II;
ii) Associate Membership: $5

To be added

Clause 4.1;
The Society shall have an Executive consisting of:

i) a President
ii) a Vice President
ii) a Vice President (Functions)
iii) a Vice President (Librarian)
iv) a Secretary
v) a Treasurer
vi) an Editor
vii) an Internet Officer
viii) a Sponsorship Officer
ix) a New Member Officer
x) and two (2) Handover Officers

To be amended to:

The Society shall have an Executive consisting of:

i) a President
ii) a Vice President (Functions)
iii) a Vice President (Librarian)
iv) a Secretary
v) a Treasurer
vi) an Editor
vii) an Internet Officer
viii) a Sponsorship Officer
ix) a New Member Officer
x) a Publicity Officer
xi) a Queer Officer
xii) a Womens Officer
xiii) two (2) General Executives
xiv) and two (2) Handover Officers

Clause 5.1, Part V;
Will regularly organise and run club events

To be amended to:

Regularly organise and run club events

Clause 5.2, Part III;
Will regularly organise and run club events

To be amended to:

Regularly organise and run club events

Clause 5.3, Part V;
Will regularly organise and run club events

To be amended to:

Regularly organise and run club events

Clause 5.4, Part VI;
Will regularly organise and run club events

To be amended to:

Regularly organise and run club events

Clause 5.5, Part IV;
Will regularly organise and run club events

To be amended to:

Regularly organise and run club events

Clause 5.6, Part III;
Will regularly organise and run club events

To be amended to:

Regularly organise and run club events

Clause 5.7, Part III;
Will regularly organise and run club events

To be amended to:

Regularly organise and run club events

Clause 5.8, Part III;
Will regularly organise and run club events

To be amended to:

Regularly organise and run club events

Clause 5.9, Part III;
Will regularly organise and run club events

To be amended to:

Regularly organise and run club events

Clause 5.10;
The Handover Officers shall:
i) Be the previous years President and Treasurer
ii) Receive no vote in decisions made by the Executive unless they hold another position on the
iii) Ensure an adequate handover, including any documents and materials, from the previous
Executive to the current Executive
iv) Have a term ending at the conclusion of the first week of Semester One, the following
To be moved to Clause 5.14 and amended to:

The Handover Officers shall:

i) Be the previous year's President and Treasurer.
ii) Receive no vote in decisions made by the Executive unless they hold another position
on the Executive.
iii) Ensure an adequate handover (including any documents and materials) from the
previous Executive to the current Executive.
iv) Have a term ending at the conclusion of the first week of Semester One the following

Clause 5.10;
The Publicity Officer shall:

i) Produce an electronic newsletter to advertise club events during semester.
ii) Create and distribute posters for the club's major events.
iii) Ensure that club events are advertised on social media web-sites.
iii) Organise merchandise for sale at O-week and throughout the year on behalf of the
iv) Regularly organise and run club events.

To be added

Clause 5.11;
The Queer Officer shall:

i) Identify as LGBTQ
ii) Represent the interests of the LGBTQ community of Sutekh
iii) Serve as a point of contact for LGBTQ members of Sutekh, and provide assistance
where required
iv) Regularly organise and run club events

To be added

Clause 5.12;
5.12 The Womens Officer shall:

i) Identify as female
ii) Represent the interests of the female community of Sutekh
iii) Serve as a point of contact for female members of Sutekh, and provide assistance
where required
iv) Regularly organise and run club events

To be added

Clause 5.13;
The General Executives shall:

i) Regularly organise and run club events

To be added

Clause 8.3;
Except as provided in Clause 11, the Secretary shall give at least seven (7) days notice of the
time and place of a General Meeting through one of the recognized publications of the
University of Sydney Union and, if possible, the Society notice board and, if possible, by a
mail-out to all members. (A mail-out is understood to include communication by e-mail).

To be amended to:

Except as provided in Clause 9, the Secretary shall give at least seven (7) clear days notice of
the time and place of a General Meeting through one of the recognized publications of the
University of Sydney Union and, if possible, the Society notice board and, if possible, by a
mail-out to all members. (A mail-out is understood to include communication by e-mail).

Clause 8.4;

Quorum at General Meetings shall be the lesser of one-third of the Ordinary Members or
fifteen (15) Ordinary Members. If within thirty minutes from the time appointed for the
meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting, if convened upon the requisition of members,
shall be dissolved. In any other case, the meeting shall stand adjourned until the same day in
the next week, at the same time and place. If, at such an adjourned meeting a quorum is not
present, those members who are present shall be a quorum and may transact the business for
which the meeting was called. The Secretary shall give fresh notice of such an adjourned

To be amended to:

Quorum at General Meetings shall be the lesser of one-third of the Ordinary Members or
fifteen (15) Ordinary Members. If within thirty minutes from the time appointed for the
meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be dissolved.

Clause 9.3;
The Secretary shall give at least fourteen (14) days notice of the time and place of the Annual
General Meeting in one of the recognized publications of the University of Sydney Union and, if
possible, the Society notice board and, if possible, by a mail-out to all members. (A mail-out is
understood to include communication by e-mail).

To be amended to:

The Secretary shall give at least fourteen (14) clear days notice of the time and place of the
Annual General Meeting in one of the recognized publications of the University of Sydney
Union and, if possible, the Society notice board and, if possible, by a mail-out to all members.
(A mail-out is understood to include communication by e-mail).

Clause 10.3;
The term of the Executive shall commence immediately following the close of the Annual
Election Meeting and conclude at the close of the Annual Election Meeting in the following year,
unless otherwise specified in Section V.

To be amended to:

The term of the Executive shall commence immediately following the close of the Annual
Election Meeting and conclude at the close of the Annual Election Meeting in the following year,
except as specified in Clause 5.14.

Clause 10.4;
The President shall give at least fourteen (14) days notice of the time and place of the time
and place of the Annual General Meeting in one of the recognized publications of the University
of Sydney Union and, if possible, the Society notice board and, if possible, by a mail-out to all
members. (A mail-out is understood to include communication by e-mail).

To be amended to:

The Secretary shall give at least fourteen (14) clear days notice of the time and place of the
time and place of the Annual General Meeting in one of the recognized publications of the
University of Sydney Union and, if possible, the Society notice board and, if possible, by a
mail-out to all members. (A mail-out is understood to include communication by e-mail).

Clause 10.4, Part I;
The day on which nominations open, which day shall be at least fourteen (14) days before the
day of the elections;

To be amended to:

the day on which nominations open, which shall be at least fourteen (14) clear days before
the day of the elections;

Clause 10.7;
The Clubs and Societies Programme Coordinator shall serve as Electoral Arbiter and shall
receive any appeals against the decisions of the Returning Officer.

To be amended to:

The Clubs and Societies Manager shall serve as Electoral Arbiter and shall receive any appeals
against the decisions of the Returning Officer.

Clause 11.1, Part I;
written notice of proposed changes has been given to the Secretary not less than seven (7)
days before such a meeting,

To be amended to:

written notice of proposed changes has been given to the Secretary not less than seven (7)
clear days before such a meeting,

Clause 11.1, Part IV;
A copy of the amended constitution, and minutes of the meeting at which the amendments
were made, are presented to the Clubs and Societies Programme Coordinator within fourteen
(14) days of the meeting.

To be amended to:

a copy of the amended constitution, and minutes of the meeting at which the amendments
were made, are presented to the Clubs and Societies Manager within fourteen (14) days of the

Clause 12.4;
In the event that the Society should cease to function or fail to become recognized in any
year, the property of the Society may be held in trust by the Union until reformation or re-
recognition of the Society.

To be moved to Clause 12.7 and replaced with the following:

The finances of the Society shall be maintained in accordance with the C&S Handbook for
Treasurers produced by the Clubs & Societies Office of the University of Sydney Union, and
submitted for audit by the Clubs & Societies Auditor immediately following the Financial Year
End of the Society in the month of October each year.

Clause 12.5;
In the event that the Society does not reform, or regain recognition, within two years of its
dissolution or loss of recognition, the property may be transferred by the Union to a society
whose aims closely correspond to those of the Society as outlined in this constitution. If there
is no such society then the Union may deal with the property as it sees fit.

To be moved to Clause 12.8 and replaced with the following:

All assets and funds of the Society shall be used solely to further the Objects of the Society,
and no portion of those funds shall be paid or distributed to members of the Society except as
compensation for out-of-pocket expenses.

Clause 12.6
Library Loans

To be moved to Clause 12.9 and replaced with the following:

The financial year of the Society shall run from November to the October following.

Clause 13.2
The Secretary shall give at least fourteen (14) days notice of the time and place of the time
and place of the Annual General Meeting in one of the recognized publications of the University
of Sydney Union and, if possible, the Society notice board and, if possible, by a mail-out to all
members. (A mail-out is understood to include communication by e-mail).

To be amended to:

The Secretary shall give at least fourteen (14) days clear notice of the time and place of the
time and place of the Annual General Meeting in one of the recognized publications of the
University of Sydney Union and, if possible, the Society notice board and, if possible, by a
mail-out to all members. (A mail-out is understood to include communication by e-mail).

Sections 14 (Recognition) and 15 (Inactivity) to exchange position





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