Phil Hine - Prime Chaos

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Foreword by Grant Morrison

Ad"ent#res In Ma$i%
T&e 'yna(i%s o) Sor%ery
E*+eri(ents in Be,ie)
Core E,e(ents o) Rit#a,
T&e Co(+onents o) Rit#a,
E*a(+,e Ty+es o) Rit#a,
Astra, Ma$i%s
!&at is a Gro#+ .
Sta$es o) Gro#+ 'e"e,o+(ent
Iss#es S+e%i)i% to Ma$i%a, Gro#+s
R#nnin$ Gro#+s
Liber Ni%e
Liber Nasty
F#rt&er Readin$
by Grant Morrison
T&e initiate in t&e Tibetan C&0d rit#a, is re1#ired to #nder$o a "isionary e*+erien%e in w&i%& t&e
+&ysi%a, body is dis(e(bered and de"o#red by de(ons w&i,e t&e 2&i$&er se,)2 wat%&es3 #n(o"ed by
t&e $r#eso(e destr#%tion o) its ),es&4 T&is ty+e o) e*+erien%e3 %o((on to t&e s&a(ani% tradition3
de(onstrates t&e so(eti(es "io,ent and #n%o(+ro(isin$ nat#re o) 2s+irit#a,2 or 2+aradi$(2 %&an$e4
E(er$in$ )ro( t&e eerie ,#nar 5ones between t&e +o,ar )ires o) +#n6 ro%6 and t&e T&at%&er ra"e
years3 C&aos Ma$i% &as $rown and (#,ti+,ied and di"ersi)ied3 e"o,"in$ o#t t&ro#$& t&e (inds o) its
+ra%titioners7 it &as no s&a+e3 it breeds ,i6e a )ra%ta, and (#tates as it $oes4 2It2 %#rrent,y e(bra%es
as+e%ts o) t&e Crow,ey %#,t3 s&a(anis(3 NLP3 Rei%&ian bodywor63 Eastern t&o#$&t3 "oodoo3
Sit#ationist t&eory3 H4P4 Lo"e%ra)t3 C,i"e Bar6er3 !a,t 'isney and anyt&in$ e,se yo# (i$&t %are to add
to t&at ,ist4 S&atterin$ and bindin$ si(#,taneo#s,y3 a,ways #+ )or a ,a#$&3 C&aos +ro"ides one #se)#,
(ode, )or t&e ne*t sta$e in t&e %o,,e%ti"e #+$radin$ o) &#(an %ons%io#sness4
Ear,y si$ns (ay indi%ate t&at &#(an so%iety is enterin$ a ti(e in w&i%& t&e %reati"e synt&esis o)
a++arent,y %ontradi%tory +ositions wi,, be%o(e )#nda(enta, to o#r t&in6in$4 In t&e %#rrent (a$i%a,
s#b%#,t#re3 no one syt&esi5es wit& t&e en%y%,o+aedi% ran$e and %reati"ity o) P&i, Hine4
P&i, is3 in (y o+inion3 t&e )ore(ost inter+reter o) t&e %&aos +aradi$(4 His resear%&es3 in territories
)ra#$&t wit& %on)#sion and $,a(o#r3 are not on,y inno"ati"e and i(a$inati"e3 not on,y )ree )ro( se,)-
a$$randi5e(ent and do$(a3 b#t are a,so i((ense,y ,#%id and readab,e4 P&i, o))ers +ra%ti%a,3
detai,ed in)or(ation on &ow (a$i% o+erates and s#$$ests e*+eri(ents w&i%& %an 8and s&o#,d9 be
d#+,i%ated and "eri)ied4 He ne"er obs%#res or o"ere,aborates b#t sti,, (ana$es to asto#nd wit& t&e
de+t& o) &is e*+erien%e and t&e s%o+e o) &is s+e%#,ations4 Pri(e C&aos +#,,s ba%6 t&e (ot&-eaten
%#rtains to e*+ose and dis(iss (#%& o) t&e +se#do-$ot& t&eatri%a,ity w&i%& sti,, &a(+ers t&e
#nderstandin$ o) (a$i%3 b#t at t&e sa(e ti(e3 ne"er ,oses si$&t o) t&e wonder3 t&e terror and t&e awe
o) tr#e $nosis4
P&i, brin$s &#(anity3 sanity3 insanity and wit to a s#b:e%t w&i%& wi,,3 I be,ie"e3 +enetrate (ore dee+,y
into t&e )abri% o) o#r ,i"es3 as s%ien%e ada+ts its bo#ndaries to a%%o((odate so(e o) t&e
%on%,#sions (a$i%ians &a"e a,ready rea%&ed3 and as (a$i% ,ets $o o) t&e 2o%%#,t2 as+e%ts w&i%&
on%e +rote%ted its +ra%titioners )ro( t&e +ower o) a tota,itarian %&#r%& b#t w&i%& ser"e now on,y to
'ire%t %on)rontation wit& C&aos is #n(ista6ab,e and a"ai,ab,e to anyone w&o is +re+ared to si(+,y
do t&e wor6 and o+en t&e doors4 T&is boo6 re+resents t&e %#ttin$ ed$e o) (a$i% t&eory and +ra%ti%e7
it wi,, +ro"ide as (any 6eys as yo# need b#t3 as e"er3 t&e t&eory (ay )ire t&e i(a$ination b#t %annot
in t&e end s#bstit#te )or +ersona, e*+erien%e4 Read t&en 'O4
T&e +enis o) t&e President o) t&e -SA is t&e s#b:e%t o) (edia debate7 a Britis& )ootba,, star
anno#n%es to news+a+ers t&at )i"e se+arate de(ons are o%%#+yin$ &is body7 a )airyta,e +rin%ess is
6i,,ed by %a(eras4 I) e"er t&e ti(e was ri+e )or t&e wider e(er$en%e o) t&e C&aos %#rrent3 t&at ti(e is
s#re,y now4
C&ar,es Fort (ade t&e $no(i% obser"ation t&at it stea( en$ines w&en it;s stea( en$ine ti(e4
!e,, 444 it;s stea( en$ine ti(e and t&e %&0d rit#a, &as a,ready be$#n )or $,oba, %#,t#re4 T&e wor,d t&at
was3 is now in t&e +ro%ess o) wat%&in$ its own disinte$ration wit& &orror and e*&i,aration4 !&at
+ossib,e trans)or(ations ,ie a&ead w&en3 )ina,,y3 we ,et t&e o,d %or+se $o.
Not&in$ is tr#e3 e"eryt&in$ is +er(itted4
As t&e ro,,er-%oaster ride into t&e )#t#re $at&ers s+eed3 Pri(e C&aos is a s#r"i"a, (an#a, )or t&e <=
st %ent#ry4
Grant Morrison
>#,y =??@
I strayed onto t&e +at& dire%t4- A#stin Os(an S+are
A )riend said to (e re%ent,y3 2I;( :#st not doin$ eno#$& (a$i%a, wor6 at t&e (o(ent42 I nodded3
t&in6in$3 2ea&3 I;"e been t&ere42 T&ere is a 6ind o) %ree+in$ Protestant !or6 Et&i% i(+,i%it in (odern
(a$i%3 a "iew t&at yo# &a"e to wor6 at (a$i% be)ore yo# $et anyw&ere3 doin$ yo#r re$#,ar +ra%ti%e-
"is#a,isation3 (editation3 dai,y banis&in$3 (#tterin$ yo#r %&osen (antra on t&e train3 %ontro,,in$ yo#r
drea(s et%4-#nti, it be%o(es ;&ard wor6; a%%o(+anied by a $#i,t tri+ i) yo# s,a%6en o)) or ta6e a brea64
So(e ti(e a$o I was readin$ a basi% (a$i%a, trainin$ +ro$ra((e in so(e boo6 or ot&er and I
t&o#$&t3 2ea&3 I bet t&is $#y went to a +#b,i% s%&oo,2-t&e 6ind o) +,a%e w&ere yo# $et #+ at dawn )or
a %o,d bat&3 r#n ro#nd t&e +,ayin$ )ie,ds and $et beaten sense,ess at e"ery o++ort#nity4 T&e way t&e
$#y was $oin$ on3 I wo#,dn;t &a"e been s#r+rised i) so(e Ar%&an$e, &ad a++eared3 t&#nderin$3
2HINEA o# didn;t do yo#r dai,y banis&in$ t&is (ornin$A Stand in t&e %orner boy #nti, yo# %an re%ite a,,
t&e $od-na(es in Assia&A2 T&at sort o) t&in$4
I &ate doin$ ot&er +eo+,e;s (a$i%a, trainin$ %o#rses3 as (y nat#ra, in%,ination is to :#(+ aro#nd )ro(
one area o) interest to anot&er4 In t&e (idd,e o) a Tantri% +&ase o) (a$i%a, wor63 I (i$&t s#dden,y $et
a ;),as&; insi$&t into so(e as+e%t o) western Baba,a&3 and $o o)) at a tan$ent4 Most (a$i%a, trainin$
+ro$ra((es don;t a%%o#nt )or t&is sort o) t&in$4 So I &a"e )o#nd t&at )or (e3 t&e best way to sti%6 to a
+ro$ra((e is to r#n away to )orei$n +arts4 Nowadays3 t&ere are ,i)esty,es +a%6a$e &o,idays w&ere
yo# %an :et o#t to So#t& A(eri%a3 to#r t&e ,o%a, sa%red sites in t&e %o(+any o) so(e New A$e
;s&a(ani%; tea%&er3 "isit a Br#:a and &a"e so(e 6ind o) +sy%&ede,i% %on%o%tion +o#red down yo#r
t&roat4 Or yo# %an boo6 onto ;(a$i%a,; to#rs o) E$y+t3 and dis%o"er yo#r +ast ,i)e as a Hi$& Priest o)
Isis at Gi5a4 T&is is si(+,y +ayin$ to &a"e yo#r )antasies %on)ir(ed3 and it ,eads to sit#ations w&ere
New A$ers and re)or(ed dr#ids %o(e o"er to t&e -C and start b#ryin$ %rysta,s at sa%red sites to
;%orre%t; t&eir a,i$n(ents4 I) yo# rea,,y want to &a"e a (a$i%a, ti(e in )orei$n +arts3 a"oid t&is sort o)
t&in$ ,i6e t&e +,a$#e4 Go so(ew&ere t&at isn;t &ea"i,y (edia-sat#rated4 'eta%&ed )ro( t&e %#s&ion o)
)riends3 ,an$#a$e3 and te,e"ision3 it;s (#%& easier to $et into (a$i%a, +ra%ti%e in a bi$ way3 +artia,,y
;%os it;s (#%& easier to )ind t&e ti(e4 And t&e w&o,e t&in$ be%o(es (ore interestin$ as yo#;re not
(ere,y doin$ +ranaya(a t&ree ti(es a day3 yo#;re &a"in$ an ad"ent#reA And (a$i%ians are ,ar$er-
t&an-,i)e %&ara%ters4 Ha"in$ ad"ent#res is a,(ost (andatory A I (ean3 w&i%& so#nds better3 boastin$
t&at yo#;"e in"o6ed t&e $reat $od Pan )ro( a bedsit in Basin$sto6e3 or %oo,,y (entionin$ t&at yo# did
t&ree &o#rs o) no-(ind (editation st#%6 in a b#n6er w&i,st t&e PLO ,a#n%&ed ro%6ets at t&e Cibb#t5
yo# were stayin$ on.
I) yo# %an;t :#st dro+ e"eryt&in$ and r#n o)) to Ibi5a3 t&en (a6e doin$ (a$i% an ad"ent#re at &o(e4
And a$ain3 t&is )or (e is so(et&in$ near to t&e %ore o) w&at (a$i% is abo#t -,ea(in$ to e*+erien%e
yo#r wor,d in di))erent ways3 i) on,y so t&at yo# %an start twea6in$ it $ent,y at t&e ed$es4 'oin$ (a$i%
is abo#t bein$ res+onsi"e to t&e %&a,,en$es o) yo#r en"iron(ent-o)ten a res+onse borne o#t o)
ne%essity4 !&en yo# )ind yo#rse,) d#(+ed in Cairo at D a4(4 wit& yo#r ,#$$a$e at t&e ot&er end o)
t&e %ity yo# %an be$in to a++re%iate t&e stren$t&s o) a )reesty,e a++roa%& to +ra%ti%a, (a$i% w&i%&
enab,es yo# to s&a+e ideas and a++roa%&es and +#,,in$ to$et&er an ad &o% en%&ant(ent to sort o#t
t&e sit#ation4 T&e (ista6e t&at new%o(ers to +ra%ti%a, (a$i% o)ten (a6e is t&at3 &a"in$ identi)ied a
+rob,e(3 t&ey $o ,oo6in$ )or a ;rit#a,; or s+e,, w&i%& t&ey be,ie"e wi,, re(o"e it4 Now I;"e ne"er seen a
s+e,, to ;dis%o"er w&ere t&e &e,, yo#r ,#$$a$e &as $ot to; and it;s i(+ossib,e to %o(e #+ wit& a
s+e,,Erit#a, )or e"eryt&in$ w&i%& ,i)e (i$&t t&row at yo#4 So it;s (ore e))e%ti"e3 in (y "iew3 to be ab,e to
+#,, ;so(et&in$; to$et&er o#t o) a &at4
So(e years a$o I was a++roa%&ed by a )riend w&o e"in%ed an interest in +ra%tisin$ (a$i%4 B#t3 s&e
said ; s&e didn;t want to bot&er wit& t&e 81#ote9 2borin$2 +re,i(inary e*er%ises in t&e boo6s4 Now t&e
$enera,,y-a%%e+ted re%ei"ed wisdo( re$ardin$ (a$i%a, trainin$ is t&at be)ore yo# %an $et to t&e
e*%itin$ st#))%&attin$ #+ $ods or s#((onin$ t&in$s wit& tenta%,es-yo# &a"e to &a"e $ained so(e
+ro)i%ien%y wit& t&e basi% (a$i%a, s6i,,s o) %on%entration3 "is#a,i5ation3 (antra3 breat& %ontro,3 et%4
Indeed3 it;s o)ten i(+,ied t&at t&ose )oo,&ardy so#,s w&o do ,ea+ in3 wands b,a5in$3 %o(e to $rie) ,ater
on4 So I as6ed t&is )riend w&at s&e +arti%#,ar,y en:oyed doin$-w&i%& )or &er was $oin$ to ra"es and
$rabbin$ t&e o%%asiona, toy-boy3 wat%&in$ Star Tre6 and +,ayin$ Ro,e-P,ayin$ Ga(es4 To$et&er we
dis%#ssed a way o) doin$ (a$i%a, e*er%ises w&i%& s&e %o#,d #se w&i,st &a"in$ )#n4 So s&e %o#,d
de"e,o+ (a$i%a, s6i,,s )or $ettin$ ser"ed 1#i%6,y at t&e bar3 )indin$ an e(+ty seat in a %rowded roo(3
or s#ssin$ o#t w&et&er so(eone was o))erin$ &er an E or a Vita(in C %a+s#,e4 O6ay3 not "ery
s+irit#a,3 b#t s&e wasn;t ,oo6in$ )or s+irit#a,ity as (ysti%is( b#t so(e way o) re,atin$ (a$i% to &er
e"eryday ,i)e4
Sid,in$ Towards Ma$i%a, Pra%ti%e
Boo6s are o)ten t&e bFte noire o) t&e (a$i%ian4 T&ere;s a %o((on (is%on%e+tion t&at be)ore yo#
%an +ra%tise (a$i% +ro+er,y3 yo# &a"e to &a"e read ,oads o) boo6s4 !&i,st t&ere;s not&in$ wron$ wit&
readin$ wide,y abo#t (a$i%3 it %an ,ead to +rob,e(s4 One is t&at yo# s+end so (#%& ti(e readin$
t&at yo# ne"er a%t#a,,y $et aro#nd to tryin$ anyt&in$ o#t )or yo#rse,)4 Anot&er is t&at yo# %an
#n%ons%io#s,y a%1#ire a,, 6inds o) o+inions-,i(itations abo#t w&at yo# %an or %an;t do3 )or e*a(+,e-
)ro( t&e(4 Ti(ot&y Leary on%e re(ar6ed t&at 2dan$ero#s3 &abit-)or(in$ boo6s2 s&o#,d be ,o%6ed
away4 Boo6s are no s#bstit#te )or +ra%ti%a, e*+erien%e or %on"ersations wit& ot&er +eo+,e4 So treat
t&e( wit& res+e%t3 b#t don;t wors&i+ t&e(4 !&en I was )irst $ettin$ into (a$i%3 I wo#,d o)ten read a
boo63 t&en (a6e notes on w&at I %onsidered were t&e 6ey +oints and +ra%ti%a, bits4 I t&en wor6ed
)ro( (y notes and not t&e boo64 T&is3 I )o#nd3 was an e*%e,,ent way o) b#i,din$ #+ a ;+ersona,
$ri(oire; o) te%&ni1#es and obser"ations4 And don;t restri%t yo#rse,) to boo6s on t&e o%%#,t3 eit&er4
Most o) t&e 6ey ideas w&i%& &a"e in),#en%ed (y "iews abo#t (a$i% &a"en;t %o(e )ro( boo6s on
Keeping a Magical Diary
It;s $enera,,y a%%e+ted t&at 6ee+in$ a stri%t (a$i%a, diary is a +rere1#isite )or s#%%ess)#, +ra%ti%e4 B#t
,et;s not be too stri%t abo#t t&is4 T&ere;s no +oint in 6ee+in$ a stri%t diary i) not 6ee+in$ #+ yo#r
entries is $oin$ to be%o(e a $#i,t tri+ )or yo#4 Persona,,y3 I $o t&ro#$& +&ases w&en I 6ee+ a re%ord
o) a%ti"ities and insi$&ts3 and at ot&er ti(es3 I %an;t be bot&ered4 It %an be #se)#, to train yo#rse,) to
re(e(ber t&in$s-%reatin$ asso%iation %&ains #sin$ +i%t#res3 +&otos3 s%ents3 ob:e%ts-w&ate"er yo#
It;s "ery easy )or (a$i%ians to ,o%6 t&e(se,"es into a ,i(ited s+a%e3 retreatin$ )ro( t&e wor,d at ,ar$e
into t&e wor,d o) words 8be it in boo6s or t&e internet9 and t&e sa)ety o) t&eir own &eads+a%e4 I) yo#
)ee, yo#;re s,i++in$ into t&is state3 +#t aside yo#r boo6s and $o o#t and e*+,oreA Go )or a stro,, in t&e
+ar63 or a wa,6 on yo#r ,o%a, ;wi,d side4; Ma$i% is 8in (y o+inion9 a +ro%ess o) en$a$e(ent wit& t&e
wor,d at ,ar$e3 not a retreat )ro( it4 See6 wonder in w&at is aro#nd yo#3 rat&er t&an in d#sty to(es or
t&e astra, wor,d-w&i%& tends to ,a%6 t&ose ,itt,e t&in$s ,i6e ants in yo#r sandwi%&es or do$-t#rds on
t&e +a"e(ent4 Go +,a%es w&ere yo# wo#,dn;t ordinari,y $o4 Crow,ey said so(et&in$ to t&e e))e%t t&at
i) a do$ dist#rbs yo#r (editation-s&oot it4 !&y not $o and (a6e )riends wit& it instead.
Daily Practice
A$ain3 t&ere are (any boo6s on (a$i% w&i%& re%o((end t&at t&e st#dent wor6s t&ro#$& a dai,y
+ra%ti%e ro#tine o) (editations3 banis&in$ rit#a,s3 "is#a,i5ation e*er%ises3 et%4 T&e $enera, "iew
see(s to be t&at doin$ dai,y e*er%ises at )i*ed ti(es b#i,ds %&ara%ter and se,)-dis%i+,ine4 T&is is )ine
i) yo# &a"e a ,i)esty,e w&i%& %an be easi,y str#%t#red in t&is way3 b#t (any +eo+,e 8+arti%#,ar,y t&ose
wit& %&i,dren3 )a(i,ies or #nsy(+at&eti% +artners9 o)ten don;t4 Fit (a$i% into yo#r ,i)esty,e4 For
e*a(+,e3 yo# %an easi,y (editate w&i,st doin$ a &o#se&o,d %&ore4 I o%%asiona,,y do 1#i%6 s+e,,s in
t&e (idd,e o) was&in$ #+3 and t&ey see( to be no (ore or ,ess e))e%ti"e t&an w&en I do t&e )#,,-on
rit#a, st#))4 I a,so )ee, it;s i(+ortant to ta6e ti(e o)) o%%asiona,,y and :#st do not&in$4 In )a%t3 doin$
not&in$ %an be as di))i%#,t )or so(e o) #s as tryin$ to +er)or( so(e %o(+,e* (enta, e*er%ise4
A )#rt&er iss#e re,ated to +ra%ti%e ro#tines is t&at it;s too easy to ,et t&e( re$i(ent yo#r ,i)e4 es3 I
%o#,d s+end years #sin$ te%&ni1#es o) drea( %ontro, #nti, I &a"e %o(+,ete (astery o"er (y drea(-
,i)e4 B#t is t&is ne%essari,y a $ood t&in$. I rat&er ,i6e t&e #n+redi%tabi,ity and weirdness o) (y
drea(s3 and don;t want to i(+ose too (#%& %ontro, o"er t&e(4 I %o#,d do a dai,y tarot s+read be)ore
$oin$ o#t e"ery (ornin$3 b#t is it rea,,y $oin$ to &e,+ (e in t&e ,on$ r#n.
Ha"in$ (ade t&ese +oints3 +ra%ti%e is #ndeniab,y an i(+ortant +art o) (a$i%a, wor64 !&i,st I
ad(itted ear,ier t&at I don;t ,i6e doin$ (a$i%a, trainin$ %o#rses I s&o#,d a,so +oint o#t t&at o"er t&e
,ast two de%ades I &a"e de,iberate,y +#t (yse,) t&ro#$& se"era, trainin$ +ro$ra((es de"ised by
ot&ers4 Ma$i% re1#ires t&e de"e,o+(ent and inte$ration o) a wide "ariety o) s6i,,s w&i%& re1#ires t&at
yo# +ra%tise t&e(3 bot& as indi"id#a, dis%i+,ines and as inte$rated te%&ni1#es4
Beginner!s Min"
A++roa%&in$ (a$i%a, +ra%ti%e wit& an o+en (ind is +ossib,y one o) t&e (ost i(+ortant re1#isites to
s#%%ess4 Cee+in$ a Be$inner;s Mind is (ore di))i%#,t4 T&ere are no e*+erts in (a$i%3 it;s :#st t&at
so(e +eo+,e &a"e been doin$ it )or ,on$er t&an ot&ers4 !&en we r#n into +eo+,e w&o are s+ea6in$
8or writin$9 a#t&oritati"e,y abo#t so(e as+e%t o) (a$i%3 it;s easier to nod wise,y rat&er t&an sayin$3
2!&at t&e &e,, are yo# on abo#t.2 Or3 2Co#,d yo# e*+,ain t&is in (ore detai,.2 As6 +eo+,e 1#estions3
be naG"e3 see6 %,ari)i%ation and don;t &esitate to +#t yo#r own +oint o) "iew a%ross4 T&is so#nds
rat&er ob"io#s3 b#t )ear o) as6in$ 1#estions and "oi%in$ one;s own o+inions d#e to t&e idea t&at 2!e,,
I;( a be$inner3 so = don;t &a"e anyt&in$ to %ontrib#te32 does tend to &o,d +eo+,e ba%64 In (y
e*+erien%e3 be$inners o)ten %o(e #+ wit& t&e (ost no"e, and interestin$ ideas )or (a$i%a,
te%&ni1#es or t&eir a++,i%ation +re%ise,y be%a#se t&ey &a"e not yet assi(i,ated ot&er +eo+,e;s )i*ed
notions o) w&at yo# %an and %annot do (a$i%a,,y4
Anot&er iss#e w&i%& is re,ated to 2Be$inner;s Mind2 is t&at we are o)ten re,#%tant to a%6now,ed$e
w&at we do 6now3 and t&e "a,#e o) o#r own e*+erien%e3 +arti%#,ar,y in res+e%t to w&at is written in
so(e boo6 or ot&er3 or w&en we en%o#nter t&ose w&o;"e been doin$ (a$i% )or (#%& ,on$er4 !e a,,
&a"e t&in$s we %an o))er ea%& ot&er4 S&arin$ e*+erien%es (ay we,, be so(et&in$ o) a %,i%&H3 b#t its
nonet&e,ess a tr#e one4
Ma$i%3 ,i6e se*#a, inter%o#rse3 needs to be e*+erien%ed to be )#,,y #nderstood4 Si(i,ar,y3 t&e )irst )ew
ti(es t&at one tries it3 it (i$&t not ,i"e #+ to +re%on%ei"ed e*+e%tations4 It (i$&t e"en be a dis(a,
)ai,#re3 b#t t&at s&o#,dn;t +#t yo# o)) )ore"er3 ri$&t. Howe"er3 t&e s#s+i%ion t&at it is a,, nonsense
,#r6s in a %o(er o) t&e +sy%&e3 ar(ed wit& :#sti)i%ations3 rationa,isations3 e*%#sesI a,, t&e e(bedded
%#,t#ra, +ro$ra((in$ w&i%& says t&at (a$i% is s#+erstition3 )antasy3 and so(et&in$ t&at %an;t ;rea,,y;
&a++en4 T&e )a%t t&at (#%& o) w&at +asses )or Consens#s Rea,ity is based on s#+erstition3 )antasy
and t&in$s w&i%& de)y rationa, e*+,anation3 is neit&er &ere nor t&ere4
To o"er%o(e t&is s#s+i%ion3 t&e wo#,d-be (a$i%ian &as to +ro"e to &i(se,) t&at MAGIC !ORCS3 and
t&e on,y way to do t&is is by tryin$ it o#t4 Pro"in$ t&at Ma$i% wor6s3 e"en in a s(a,, way3 be$ins t&e
+ro%ess o) +#s&in$ ba%6 t&e bo#ndaries o) A%&ie"ab,e Rea,ity4 S#dden,y3 not&in$ is as %,ear-%#t as it
)or(er,y see(ed4 Cee+ ;doin$; (a$i% )or ,on$ eno#$& and it be%o(es an e(bedded +art o) +ersona,
rea,ity-as )a(i,iar as t&e s6y3 eart&3 and b#i,din$s seen e"ery day4 At t&is +oint one %eases to be,ie"e
in (a$i% as so(et&in$ ;se+arate; to t&e rest o) one;s )a(i,iar wor,d4 Rat&er3 t&e wor,d is be%o(in$
(a$i%a,4 Pra%ti%a, Sor%ery3 as t&e a++,i%ation o) (a$i%a, (et&ods to t&e needs o) e"eryday ,i)e3 is a
$ood startin$ +oint4
Ort&odo* (a$i%a, syste(s (a6e a distin%tion between 2Low2 Ma$i% 8Sor%ery9 w&i%& is %on%erned
wit& brin$in$ abo#t %&an$e in one;s i((ediate %ir%#(stan%es3 and ;Hi$&; Ma$i% w&i%& is %on%erned
wit& S+irit#a, E"o,#tion4 T&e C&aos +ers+e%ti"e $enera,,y re:e%ts t&is distin%tion3 as it i(+,ies a
+&i,oso+&y w&i%& re:e%ts t&e +&ysi%a, wor,d as bein$ so(e&ow in)erior to a s+irit#a,ity w&i%& is abo"e
t&e e"eryday wor,d4 A,so3 t&is distin%tion is not an a%%#rate re),e%tion o) (a$i%a, e*+erien%e4
Bein$ ab,e to see t&e res#,ts o) Sor%ery wor6in$s 8e"en in s(a,, ways9 s&i)ts t&e bo#ndary o) w&at
we a%%e+t %an be done wit& (a$i% and s#%%ess)#,,y e(beds t&e )a%t t&at Ma$i% !or6s4
It a,so raises one;s %on)iden%e in bot& +ersona, abi,ities and t&e te%&ni1#es t&e(se,"es3 and ,eads to
a (ore e*+ansi"e o#t,oo64
A,so3 s#%%ess wit& Sor%ery te%&ni1#es re1#ires t&at one de"e,o+ t&e abi,ity to assess se,)-
+er)or(an%e3 and %riti%a,,y e*a(ine desires3 w&i%& in itse,) ,eads to %&an$e4 Brin$in$ abo#t dire%t
%&an$es In t&e wor,d ne%essitates t&at t&e (a$i%ian +ay %,ose attention to w&at &e is abo#t4 Sor%ery3
wit& its e(+&asis on +ra$(ati% te%&ni1#es and obser"ab,e res#,ts3 dire%ts attention to t&e wor,d as it
is e*+erien%ed3 rat&er t&an so(e si(+,isti% idea t&at &as &it&erto been a%%e+ted as ;rea,4; Rea,ity is
(ore %o(+,e* t&an (any +eo+,e $enera,,y ,i6e to t&in64
T&e dyna(i%s o) sor%ery are )air,y si(+,e3 and t&ere is a wide "ariety o) te%&ni1#es a"ai,ab,e4 A,so3
it;s not di))i%#,t to de"ise +ersona, te%&ni1#es w&i%& are #ni1#e to onese,)4 T&e a++,i%ation o) Sor%ery
too is "ery wide4 T&e )o,,owin$ is a si(+,e o"er"iew o) Sor%ery +ro%ed#res4 I wi,, ,oo6 into t&e
dyna(i%s o) rit#a, (a$i% (ore %,ose,y in Part Two3 and (ore in)or(ation on sor%ery in $enera, %an
be )o#nd in Condensed C&aos 8New Fa,%on P#b,i%ations3 =??J94
Core E,e(ents o) Sor%ery
() Intention
Most a%ts o) Sor%ery be$in wit& t&e State(ent o) Intent4 T&is is a si(+,e de%,aration o) w&at one is
abo#t to do3 and )or w&at )ina, +#r+ose4 Sin%e "a$#e intentions tend to $i"e rise to3 at best3 "a$#e
res#,ts3 t&e (a$i%ian s&o#,d )or(#,ate a State(ent o) Intent w&i%& is as +re%ise as +ossib,e3 wit&o#t
be%o(in$ o"er,y "erbose4 Two te%&ni1#es w&i%& (ay be o) assistan%e &ere areI
a9 'i"ination Syste(s
T&e s#r)a%e desire )or %&an$e (ay we,, not be t&e best +oint )ro( w&i%& to wor64 T&is is w&ere
'i"ination Syste(s s#%& as Tarot3 I C&in$3 R#nes3 Astro,o$y3 or se,)-%reated syste(s %an be bro#$&t
in4 For e*a(+,e3 a Sor%erer is desiro#s o) obtainin$ e(+,oy(ent-$ettin$ a :ob is &is s#r)a%e desire4
Howe"er3 #sin$ a di"ination syste( to e*a(ine t&e %o(+onents o) t&e sit#ation3 &e )inds t&at a 6ey
e,e(ent w&i%& b,o%6s &is desire is ,a%6 o) %on)iden%e4 So &e +er)or(s a wor6in$ w&ere i(+ro"in$
se,)%on)iden%e is t&e (ain )o%#s o) t&e En%&ant(ent4
'i"ination syste(s %an a,so be #sed w&en e*a(inin$ a sit#ation w&i%& in"o,"es ot&er +eo+,e4 It (ay
o%%asiona,,y be #se)#, to e*a(ine one;s (oti"es )or inter"enin$ in a sit#ation in"o,"in$ ot&er +eo+,e3
and a,so ,oo6in$ )or &idden )a%tors w&i%& (ay not be i((ediate,y a++arent4
b9 Co$niti"e Restr#%t#rin$
T&ere is o)ten a $ood dea, o) di))eren%e between w&at we t&in6 we o#$&t to be doin$3 and w&at %an
rea,isti%a,,y be a%&ie"ed4 T&is di))eren%e is o)ten a %ontrib#tin$ )a%tor to wor6 and ,i)e stresses4
Ma$i%ians o)ten &a"e &i$& idea,s3 b#t (ay so(eti(es )ind t&at it is di))i%#,t to brin$ t&ose idea,s down
to eart&4 It %an be #se)#,3 in t&is re$ard3 to ta6e an o"era,, intention and brea6 it down into s(a,,er
sta$es3 ea%& o) w&i%& is (ore readi,y rea,ised t&an t&e o"era,, ob:e%ti"e4 Rat&er t&an tryin$ )or a
s#dden +#s& o) t&e A%&ie"ab,e Rea,ity t&res&o,d3 it (ay be (ore rea,isti% to atte(+t t&is in sta$es4
Sor%ery E"ent Series
A Sor%ery E"ent Series 8S4E4S9 is a series o) ,in6ed Sor%ery o+erations4 A ,on$-ter( $oa, is bro6en
down into s(a,,er3 re,ated ste+s4 As one res#,t (ani)ests3 t&e (o(ent#( o) s#%%ess %arries t&e
(a$i%ian into t&e ne*t wor6in$ in t&e series4 T&is sets #+ a %ondition w&ere ea%& sin$,e e"ent
%on%,#ded in t&e series in%reases t&e +robabi,ity o) t&e o"era,, intent (ani)estin$4 T&e S4E4S is a
+arti%#,ar,y #se)#, ta%ti% )or wor6in$ wit& estab,is&in$ ,on$-ter( +ro:e%ts4 T&e e))e%t %an be ,i6ened to
settin$ #+ a ,ine o) do(inoes3 and t&en +#s&in$ t&e )irst do(ino into its nei$&bo#r4
*) Probability Pat+,ays
Contrary to +o+#,ar o+inion3 (a$i%a, res#,ts do not +o+ #+ o#t o) t&in air3 and it does &e,+
enor(o#s,y3 wit& Sor%ery wor6in$s3 i) t&ere is a +at&way a,on$ w&i%& t&e desired res#,t %an (ani)est4
T&is %an a,so be e*a(ined in ter(s o) +robabi,ities4 A Sor%erer w&o +er)or(s a rit#a, to ens#re t&at
&e +asses an e*a(3 b#t does no re"ision or %ra((in$3 is not %reatin$ a sit#ation w&ere t&ere is a
reasonab,e +robabi,ity t&at &e wi,, +ass wit& ),yin$ %o,o#rs4 I)3 &owe"er3 &e does st#dy3 t&e +robabi,ity
o) s#%%ess is ,i6e,y to be &i$&er4 Sor%ery does see( to a%&ie"e t&e best res#,ts w&en t&e +robabi,ity
)a%tor is at ,east )ra%tiona,,y &i$&er t&an 5ero4 To ta6e anot&er e*a(+,e3 w&en +,annin$ wor6in$s )or
)inan%ia, $ain3 it is #se)#, to &a"e a n#(ber o) +ro:e%ts on t&e $o3 any o) w&i%& (ay res#,t in
in%reased )#nds--&en%e t&e sor%ery wor6in$ is (ore ,i6e,y to yie,d so(e 6ind o) +ositi"e res#,t4
Ti(in$ is an i(+ortant yet o)ten #nderrated )a%tor in +ra%ti%a, (a$i%4 A $ood e*a(+,e o) &ow ti(in$
%an %riti%a,,y a))e%t t&e o#t%o(e o) a wor6in$ is t&at o) Hea,in$4 I) a %,ient &as a ,on$ter(3 +ro$ressi"e
disease3 t&en sor%ery wor6in$s to i(+ede its +ro$ress (ay be (ore s#%%ess)#, at an ear,y3 rat&er
t&an a ,ate sta$e3 in t&e %o#rse o) t&e i,,ness4 Co(+,e* ,i)e sit#ations %an be e*a(ined )or t&e
+#r+oses o) Sor%ery as #n)o,din$ e"ent series4 In t&e ear,y sta$es o) a de"e,o+in$ sit#ation3 t&ere
(ay be (ore ),#idity and ),e*ibi,ity t&an at a ,ater sta$e w&ere it is ,ess easy to in),#en%e +robab,e
o#t%o(es4 E"ents w&i%& %an be +er%ei"ed are (a%ros%o+i% %&an$es w&i%& &a"e been bro#$&t abo#t
by t&e #nseen intera%tion o) (i%ros%o+i% ),#%t#ations4 In ot&er words3 an a"a,an%&e %an be seen3 b#t
not t&e "ery s(a,, )a%tors w&i%& bro#$&t it abo#t4 'e"e,o+in$ strate$ies t&at a,,ow t&e identi)i%ation o)
s(a,, %&an$es3 and t&en in),#en%in$ t&e( so t&at t&ey ,ead to a %&an$e w&i%& )#,)i,,s t&e %onditions o)
one;s state(ent o) intent3 %an t&ere)ore be #se)#, )or Sor%ery wor6in$4 In ot&er words3 ,earn to
;n#d$e; a sit#ation at t&e ri$&t (o(ent4 Payin$ %,ose attention to w&at is &a++enin$ in a $i"en
sit#ation is #se)#,3 and #sin$ 'i"ination syste(s %an a,so &e,+ &ere4
Sor%ery O+erations - Basi% Pro%ed#re
On%e a State(ent o) Intent &as been )or(#,ated3 and any ot&er re,e"ant )a%tors ta6en into a%%o#nt3
t&e ne*t $enera, ste+ in any Sor%ery o+eration is to (o"e into a Free Area4
In ort&odo* (a$i%a, syste(s3 t&is tends to in"o,"e rit#a, +ro%ed#res )or settin$ #+ a (a$i%a, Cir%,e3
(a6in$ any +sy%&o,o$i%a, ad:#st(ents )or (a$i%a, wor63 or ass#(in$ +arti%#,ar +ost#res4 Fro( a
C&aos +ers+e%ti"e3 a Free Area is any s+a%e w&i%& &as been rede)ined as a 5one w&ere nor(a,
Consens#s Rea,ity is s#s+ended3 and Ma$i%a, Rea,ity is o+erant4 T&#s a Free Area (ay re)er to a
+re"io#s,y-+re+ared Te(+,e3 a s+a%e in w&i%& rit#a, is to be +er)or(ed3 or a state o) Cons%io#sness4
!it&in t&e Free Area3 t&e (a$i%ian #ses any +ro))ered te%&ni1#eEtri%6 dee(ed a++ro+riate to %,ear
&is awareness o) anyt&in$ b#t t&e i(+endin$ (a$i%a, a%t4 T&is %an ran$e )ro( )#,, rit#a, +ro%ed#res
8+er)or(in$ a Banis&in$ rit#a,3 settin$ #+ an a,tar3 et%43K to (ere,y %,osin$ one;s eyes and
%on%entratin$4 T&e te%&ni1#es #sed to de)ine a Free Area o)ten de+end #+onI
i9 Cir%#(stan%es
ii9 A"ai,ab,e Ti(e
iii9 Ne%essity
i"9 Indi"id#a, Pre)eren%e
Fo,,owin$ t&e de)inition o)3 and entry into t&e Free Area3 t&e ne*t sta$e is to (o"e towards a state o)
%ons%io#sness 6nown in t&e C&aos a++roa%& as Gnosis4 Gnosis is a %ondition o) one+ointed
%ons%io#sness w&erein awareness is e(+tied o) a,, sa"e t&e ob:e%t o) %on%entration7 w&ere wi,, is
$i"en bot& intentiona,ity and "e%tor4 T&e (ain ro#tes to Gnosis are t&ree)o,dI E*%itatory-anyt&in$
w&i%& sti(#,ates t&e BodyMind3 s#%& as dan%in$3 dr#((in$3 &y+er"enti,ation or se*#a, aro#sa,7
In&ibitory-anyt&in$ w&i%& sti,,s t&e BodyMind3 s#%& as +assi"e (editation3 s,ow %&antin$3 &y+noti%
a$ents3 or s,ow breat&in$7 and Indi))erent Va%#ity-a state o) no-(ind3 or Non-'isinterest3 w&ere t&e
ob:e%t o) desire ),i%6ers brie),y in a (ind e(+tied o) a,, %ontent-no e(otiona, atta%&(ent to t&e desire4
-+on enterin$ t&e +ea6 o) Gnosis3 t&e desire in its %&osen re+resentati"e )or( 8a si$i,3 )or e*a(+,e9
is +ro:e%ted )ort&3 towards its tar$et or into t&e "oid o) t&e (#,ti"erse4 It is t&en banis&ed )ro(
awareness3 t&at is to say3 )or$otten4
Fo,,owin$ +ro:e%tion o) t&e desire3 t&e Free Area is %,osed #sin$ any +re)erred (et&od3 s#%& as
(ani% ,a#$&ter3 a Banis&in$ Rit#a,3 or a &and $est#re4 T&e Ma$i%ian t&en (o"es onward3 &a"in$ set
#+ t&e %onditions w&ereby &is desire wi,, (ani)est a%%ordin$,y4
It s&o#,d be noted t&at a 6ey to Sor%ery is t&at3 on %o(+,etion o) a wor6in$3 it s&o#,d be %onsidered-
at ,east on a (a$i%a, ,e"e,-to be )inis&ed wit&3 and not&in$ (ore in t&e way o) (a$i%a, wor6 needs to
be done4 T&e dee+ %ertainty t&at one;s Sor%ery wi,, yie,d t&e desired res#,t wi,, on,y %o(e t&ro#$&
%ontin#ed +ra%ti%e3 e))ort3 and re)ine(ent o) te%&ni1#e3 b#t it is not #n#s#a, )or ad"an%ed
+ra%titioners to %,ai( a s#%%ess rate wit& t&is 6ind o) (a$i% o) aro#nd @L-?LM4
T&e abo"e des%ri+tion o) Genera, Sor%ery Pro%ed#re %o#,d be #sed to des%ribe any sor%ery wor6in$3
)ro( a t&ree-&o#r $ro#+ rit#a, in"o,"in$ +ro,on$ed dan%in$3 dr#((in$ and %&antin$3 to an a%t o)
;E(+ty-Handed; (a$i% w&i%& %an be +er)or(ed anyw&ere3 and need on,y ,ast a )ew se%onds4 In
$enera,3 (a$i%ians tend to +ro%eed )ro( t&e )or(er to t&e ,atter ty+e o) wor6in$4 As one %ontin#a,,y
+ro$resses3 t&e de)initions o) w&at %onstit#tes a (a$i%a, a%tion tend to be%o(e )air,y ),#id4 At t&e
be$innin$ o) (a$i%a, +ra%ti%e3 it is #s#a, to +er%ei"e (a$i%a, o+erations as bein$ se+arate )ro(
e"eryday e*+erien%e4 Later3 &owe"er3 a%ts o) (a$i% be%o(e a +art o) e"eryday e*+erien%e3 as one
(a6es t&e transition between in&abitin$ a Consens#s Rea,ity w&i%& is $rad#a,,y widenin$ to ad(it
t&e +ossibi,ities o) (a$i%3 to %reatin$ a +ersona, Ma$i%a, Rea,ity-a Psy%&o%os(4
E"o,"in$ a Psy%&o%os(
In be%o(in$ )a(i,iar wit& (a$i%a, ideas3 readin$ boo6s3 ,earnin$ sy(bo, syste(s and
%orres+onden%es3 one %o(es to ,earn t&e 3$a(e r#,es; o) (a$i%4 Li6e any ot&er $a(e3 t&e r#,es
de)ine t&e )ra(ewor6 o) t&e a%ti"ity4 For a $a(e to be wort&w&i,e3 its r#,es (#st be ),e*ib,e3 o+en to
di))erent inter+retations3 and a,,ow )or di))erent needs and sit#ations4
In"o,"e(ent wit& (a$i%a, +ra%ti%e s&ows t&at t&e $a(e r#,es o) Consens#s Rea,ity are (ore ),e*ib,e3
and &a"e (ore ,oo+&o,es t&an one (ay &a"e ori$ina,,y t&o#$&t4
'e"e,o+in$ a (a$i%a, Psy%&o%os( is a s,ow +ro%ess3 as one $at&ers (o(ent#( in (a$i%a, +ra%ti%e3
s&i)tin$ )ro( t&e tentati"e +osition o) &a"in$ read a )ew boo6s and +robab,y &a"in$ t&ereby set #+
+re%on%e+tions as to w&at (a$i% is abo#t3 to be$innin$ to +ra%tise (a$i%a, te%&ni1#es in earnest4
One o) t&e stren$t&s o) t&e C&aos a++roa%& is t&at e*+erien%e is stressed o"er +re-e*+erientia,
be,ie)s4 'o it )irst3 t&en %onsider w&i%& be,ie)s and %on%e+ts see( to be (ost a++ro+riate3 in t&e ,i$&t
o) +ersona, e*+erien%e4
In (odern %#,t#re3 t&ere are &#ndreds o) (a$i%a, syste(s a"ai,ab,e3 wit& (ore bein$ dis%o"ered3
re%o"ered and in"ented e"ery year4 Be$inners in (a$i% o)ten ado+t a syste( w&i%& re),e%ts t&eir
%ore se,)-be,ie)s and ideas3 or3 as is so(eti(es t&e %ase3 t&e )irst syste( t&at is en%o#ntered or
(ade a%%essib,e4 Sin%e )ew +eo+,e $et anyt&in$ )ro( an a++roa%& t&ey are not e"en re(ote,y
interested in3 it is #s#a,,y best to %&oose a (a$i%a, syste( t&at is attra%ti"e3 )or w&ate"er reasons4 It
is i(+ortant to note3 &owe"er3 t&at o#r be,ie)s re,atin$ to (a$i%3 be t&ey $enera, or +arti%#,ar3 do not
ne%essari,y re(ain %onstant4 T&ey are ,i6e,y to %&an$e a%%ordin$ to o#r e*+erien%e and %&an$es in
+ersona, +ers+e%ti"e4
O#r +ri(ary so#r%es o) in)or(ation w&i%& &e,+ #s in )or(in$ a +sy%&o%os( tend to be boo6s and
ot&er +eo+,e4 A rat&er a(#sin$ e*a(+,e o) t&is is &ow I )or(ed (y ear,y be,ie)s %on%ernin$ t&e
in"io,abi,ity o) t&e (a$i%a, %ir%,e4 In t&e )irst (a$i%a, $ro#+ I wor6ed in3 I was ta#$&t t&at on%e a
(a$i%a, %ir%,e &ad been set #+3 t&at it was dan$ero#s to %ross its bo#ndary wit&o#t %ere(onia,,y
o+enin$ a $ateway in it )irst4 La%6in$ any ot&er o+inions on t&e s#b:e%t3 and ,a%6in$ t&e %on)iden%e to
(a6e (y own :#d$e(ents on t&e (atter3 t&is be%a(e an arti%,e o) )ait& )or (e4 I(a$ine t&en3 (y
a(a5e(ent w&en3 wor6in$ wit& a di))erent $ro#+3 I saw +eo+,e b,it&e,y ni++in$ o#t o) t&e (a$i%a,
%ir%,e to )et%& )or$otten i(+,e(ents or te*ts3 or to "isit t&e bat&roo(4 My )irst %on%,#sion was t&at
t&ese +eo+,e were ob"io#s,y so ad"an%ed t&at t&ey %o#,d %ross t&e +sy%&i% barrier o) t&e %ir%,e wit&
i(+#nity4 Later on t&o#$&3 I %a(e to re"ise (y o+inions as to t&e nat#re o) t&e barrier %reated by t&e
%ir%,e4 In retros+e%t3 I wo#,d say t&at it was #se)#, )or (e to &o,d t&at )irst3 stron$ be,ie) in t&e +ower
o) t&e %ir%,e-t&at not&in$ %o#,d %ross it #n,ess in"ited-and t&at t&is a++,ied to (e as (#%& as any
deni5ens o) t&e astra, rea,(4 T&is be,ie) a,so ,ed (e to de"e,o+ a tenden%y )or se,)- or$ani5ation-
(a6in$ s#re I &ad e"eryt&in$ re1#ired be)ore be$innin$ a rit#a,3 and t&at I &ad "isited t&e toi,et
T&is e*a(+,e i,,#strates t&e e*+ansion3 or ,oosenin$ o) be,ie) t&ro#$& rea,ity-testin$4 T&is is not
a,ways easy to do3 +arti%#,ar,y i) one &as ,i(ited o++ort#nities )or doin$ so4 !&en (a$i%ians ,a%6
o++ort#nities )or rea,ity-testin$3 be,ie)s abo#t t&e nat#re o) (a$i% %an 1#i%6,y be%o(e do$(as to be
de)ended at a,, %osts4 In +art3 t&is is d#e to t&e ways in w&i%& (a$i%a, t&eory is $enera,,y +er%ei"ed4
T&eory and G,a(o#r
I &a"e (et3 o"er t&e years3 a $ood (any +eo+,e w&o &a"e +ro)essed to &a"e st#died (a$i%-(eanin$
t&at t&ey &a"e read a ,ar$e n#(ber o) boo6s w&i%& %,ai(ed to e*+,ain &ow (a$i% wor6ed4 Lar$e,y3
t&ese )o,6 &ad not $ot down to a%t#a,,y tryin$ o#t so(et&in$ +ra%ti%a,3 and (any as%ribed to t&e
erroneo#s be,ie) t&at3 be)ore raisin$ a )in$er to tra%e a +enta$ra( in t&e air3 or %,osin$ one;s eyes in
(editation3 one needed to assi(i,ate a $reat dea, o) abstra%t t&eory4 Howe"er3 (a$i% is3 in t&is
res+e%t3 dissi(i,ar to t&e %,assi%a, s%ien%es4 !&i,st a st#dent o) +&ysi%s needs to be )a(i,iar wit&
%ertain t&eories be)ore +er)or(in$ an ad"an%ed e*+eri(ent3 a (a$i%ian does not need to &a"e
absorbed a &#$e %&#n6 o) abstra%t t&eory in order to %ast a s+e,,4
M#%& o) w&at +asses )or (a$i%a, t&eory is3 at root3 a (atter o) be,ie)4 As s#%&3 it is (ore re,e"ant to
t&e s#%%ess)#, o#t%o(e o) t&e (a$i%ian;s s+e,,3 t&at &e &as so(e de$ree o) be,ie) in w&at &e is
doin$4 Moreo"er3 w&ereas s%ienti)i% t&eories are based 8at ,east so we are to,d by s%ientists9 on
(at&e(ati%a, +roo)s3 (a$i%a, t&eories are rooted in t&e +ersona, be,ie)s o) w&oe"er is e*+o#ndin$
t&e(4 !&ereas s%ienti)i% t&eories at ,east &a"e t&e a++earan%e o) bein$ #ni)ied and %onsistent3
(a$i%a, t&eories do not3 nor is it a re1#ire(ent3 )ro( t&e +osition o) +ra%ti%a, (a$i%3 t&at t&ey do4
Hen%e)ort&3 w&i,st t&ere are a $reat (any t&eories and (ode,s +ro+osed as to &ow3 or w&y3 (a$i%
wor6s 8based on s#bt,e ener$ies3 ani(a, (a$netis(3 +sy%&o,o$i%a, %on%e+ts3 1#ant#( t&eory3
(at&e(ati%s or t&e so-%a,,ed ant&ro+o(or+&i% +rin%i+,eK it is not a %ase t&at one o) t&e( is (ore
;tr#e; t&an ot&ers3 b#t a %ase o) w&i%& t&eory or (ode, yo# %&oose to be,ie"e in3 or w&i%& t&eory yo#
)ind t&e (ost attra%ti"e4 Indeed3 )ro( a C&aos Ma$i% +ers+e%ti"e3 yo# %an se,e%ti"e,y be,ie"e t&at a
+arti%#,ar t&eory or (ode, o) (a$i%a, a%tion is tr#e on,y )or t&e d#ration o) a +arti%#,ar rit#a, or +&ase
o) wor64
As &as been stated3 (a$i%a, t&eory is #n,i6e s%ienti)i% t&eory4 o# %an ,earn a $ood dea, abo#t
s%ien%e by readin$ ot&er +eo+,es; e*+eri(ents and t&eories4 !&i,st yo# %an read a ,ot abo#t &ow
ot&er +eo+,e &a"e +ra%tised (a$i%3 t&e %&an%es are t&at it won;t (a6e (#%& sense #nti, yo# &a"e a
$o yo#rse,)4
T&ere is a tenden%y )or +eo+,e to treat o%%#,t t&eories in t&e sa(e way as $enera, s%ienti)i%
des%ri+tions o) t&e wor,d4 T&at is3 t&ey are +res#(ed to be ;tr#e; inde+endent,y o) &#(an e*+erien%e4
T&ese are 6nown as T&eories-o)-A%tion T&ey tend to be written and dis%#ssed in an abstra%t3
di"or%ed-)ro(-&#(an-e*+erien%e )as&ion3 as t&o#$& t&ey are i((#tab,e ,aws4 Indeed3 )or so(e
(a$i%a, a#t&ors3 t&ese are i((#tab,e ,aws or +rin%i+,es3 w&i%& &a"e been de,i"ered by so(e 6ind o)
&i$&er inte,,i$en%e3 and are not3 t&ere)ore3 o+en to s%r#tiny or debate4 T&ose w&o do 1#estion3 (ay
be (et wit& t&e br#s&-o)) t&at t&ey are not ;initiated eno#$&; to a++re%iate t&e &i$&er tr#t& o) t&e
sit#ation3 or t&ey wo#,d instant,y re%o$nise 2t&at I a( t&e ,i"in$ re+resentati"e o) $od3 and w&at I say
is &o,y ,aw42 T&is is a,, "ery we,,3 i) yo# wis& to a%%e+t3 on )a%e "a,#e3 w&at yo# are bein$ to,d3 b#t
(a$i%3 at ,east )ro( t&e "iew+oint o) t&e C&aos Ma$i% +ers+e%ti"e3 bene)its )ro( yo# &a"in$ an o+en
and %#rio#s (ind4
Howe"er3 t&ere is a se%ond ty+e o) t&eory3 T&eory-in--se3 w&i%& re,ates to t&e $#ide,ines and
+atterns t&at a +ra%titioner ,earns3 t&ro#$& +ra%ti%e and indi"id#a, e*+erien%e3 w&i%& enab,e &i( to be
T&eories-in-#se %annot be ta#$&tI t&ey are +ersona, and tend to o+erate at t&e ,e"e, o) #n%ons%io#s
ass#(+tions4 T&ey %an on,y be ,earned by t&e indi"id#a, by a +ro%ess o) +ra%ti%e in ;,i"e; e*+erien%e4
In t&e sa(e way3 (a$i%a, t&eories-in-#se %annot be ta#$&t4 A ),ed$,in$ (a$i%ian %an be $i"en
$enera, (a$i%a, t&eories-o)-a%tion and ta#$&t basi% te%&ni1#es and t&e a++,i%ation o) t&e(3 b#t &e
wi,,3 o) ne%essity3 de"e,o+ &is own t&eorieso)-#se as +art o) t&e +ro%ess o) be%o(in$ +ro)i%ient and
+ra%tised at (a$i%a, a%ti"ities4
Mista6in$ Meta+&ors
'es+ite "ario#s e))orts to set t&e ,an$#a$e o) (a$i% on a ;s%ienti)i%; )ootin$3 (#%& o) one;s (a$i%a,
e*+erien%e %an on,y be ade1#ate,y %o((#ni%ated in t&e ,an$#a$e o) (yt&3 +oetry3 or (eta+&or4 T&is
is "ery #se)#,3 +arti%#,ar,y w&en we desire to ins+ire or i,,#(ine ot&ers t&ro#$& t&e e,o1#ent
des%ri+tion o) o#r own inner e*+erien%e4 -n)ort#nate,y3 t&ere is a %o((on tenden%y 8be,ie"ed by
(any to be a side-e))e%t o) western ed#%ation9 to )a,, into t&e be,ie) t&at a,, (eta+&ori%a, s+ee%& &as
so(e basis in )a%t4 In s&ort3 westerners tend to ta6e e"eryt&in$ too ,itera,,y4
A $ood e*a(+,e o) t&is tenden%y is t&e Hind# syste( o) %&a6ras4 Now (ost +eo+,e w&o &a"e done
so(e readin$ o) (a$i%a, te*ts wi,, &a"e %o(e a%ross t&e %&a6ras3 as t&ey &a"e be%o(e a )air,y basi%
e,e(ent o) w&at is 6nown as t&e !estern Esoteri% Tradition4 So (#%& so in )a%t3 t&at it is (ore or
,ess ta6en )or $ranted t&at t&e %&a6ras &a"e so(e )a%t#a, basis )or e*isten%e4 T&e ori$ina, tantri%
te*ts w&i%& des%ribe t&e "aryin$ syste(s o) %&a6ras 8so(e des%ribe si*3 ot&ers3 se"en3 nine3 e,e"en
or e"en twenty-)o#rA9 #se a $reat dea, o) sy(bo,i% ,an$#a$e and (eta+&or3 (#%& o) w&i%& western
a#t&ors &a"e (ista6en,y ta6en ,itera,,y4 Sir >o&n !oodro))e3 in &is boo6 T&e Ser+ent Power3 $i"es an
e*a(+,e o) t&is w&en &e +resents a %riti1#e o) C4! Leadbeater;s boo6 T&e Inner Li)e4 Leadbeater
%,ai(s to &a"e %o#nted t&e n#(ber o) +eta,s o) t&e Sa&asrara C&a6ra 8%,air"oyant,y9 and says t&at
t&e n#(ber is not =3LLL3 as is o)ten $i"en in tantri% te*ts3 b#t e*a%t,y ?NL4
!oodro))e +oints o#t t&at t&e Indian #se o) ;t&o#sand; is a (eta+&or )or a $reat (a$nit#de3 and not a
,itera, %o#nt4 Leadbeater &as (ista6en a (eta+&ori%a, state(ent )or a ,itera, one3 w&i%& (a6es
nonsense o) &is assertion4
T&is sit#ation is not &e,+ed by t&e )a%t t&at a $ood dea, o) o%%#,t t&eories a++ear to +ass3 as Pete
Carro,, on%e said3 )ro( boo6 to boo63 wit&o#t any inter"enin$ t&o#$&t4 !&i,st it is #nderstandab,e t&at
a#t&ors s&o#,d try and atte(+t to +,a%e (a$i% on a si(i,ar )ootin$ to t&e %,assi%a, s%ien%es3 it is a,,
too easy to %reate do$(as in t&is )as&ion4 Indeed3 I was on%e +ri"i,e$ed to o"er&ear3 d#rin$ a
dis%#ssion abo#t t&e "a,idity o) (odern (ode,s o) t&e %&a6ras3 t&at t&e Indian sa$es w&o de"e,o+ed
t&e syste(3 were wron$ in t&eir writin$s abo#t t&e(A Si(i,ar,y3 it is %o((on )or o%%#,tists to base a
+arti%#,ar t&eory on so(e +o+#,ar s%ienti)i% (ode, and3 w&en t&e (ode, is dis%redited or (odi)ied by
)#rt&er resear%&3 to ,o#d,y de)end t&eir be,ie) and de%ry t&e s%ientists )or not #nderstandin$ t&e ;tr#e;
si$ni)i%an%e4 S#%& #n%riti%a, t&in6in$ %an easi,y ,ead to do$(atis(-t&e ene(y o) (a$i%4
Mode,s and Ma+s
Most a++roa%&es to (a$i%a, de"e,o+(ent #se so(e 6ind o) $enera, (a+ or (ode, )or str#%t#rin$
e*+erien%e3 s#%& as t&e Cabba,isti% Tree o) Li)e3 or t&e a)ore(entioned %&a6ras4 Howe"er3 it is
i(+ortant to bear in (ind Robert Anton !i,son;s ad"i%e t&at t&e Ma+ is not t&e Territory4
Ma$i%a, (a+s and (ode,s are #se)#, in t&at t&ey %an +ro"ide a %onsistent )ra(ewor6 )or #s to (a6e
sense o) o#r e*+erien%es wit&4 B#t t&ey are not stati% entities in t&e(se,"es-,i6e any ot&er (ode,3
t&ey %&an$e o"er t&e %o#rse o) ti(e as new ideas are s#$$ested3 e*+o#nded by a#t&ors and
esoteri% s%&oo,s3 and be%o(e an a%%e+ted +art o) t&e o"era,, (ode,4 Moreo"er3 (ode,s &a"e t&eir
restri%tions4 So(e are $ood at e*+,ainin$ or #nderstandin$ +arti%#,ar as+e%ts o) (a$i%a, wor63 b#t
+oor at e*+,ainin$ ot&ers4 >#st as s%ientists &a"e s+ent a $reat dea, o) ti(e and ener$y %&asin$ a
;$rand t&eory; w&i%&3 #,ti(ate,y3 wi,, e*+,ain e"eryt&in$3 so (any o%%#,tists s+end a $reat dea, o) ti(e
%onstr#%tin$ esoteri% (ode,s t&at %an e*+,ain and inter+ret any (a$i%a, e"ent4 In (y o+inion3 at
,east3 s#%& atte(+ts are doo(ed to )ai,#re4 For e*a(+,e3 t&e in),#* o) +sy%&o,o$y in (a$i%a, (ode,s
&as been bot& bene)i%ia, and not-so bene)i%ia, to (a$i% in $enera,4 On t&e one &and3 t&e
#nderstandin$ o) a++,ied +sy%&o,o$y &as &e,+ed de"e,o+ o#r #nderstandin$ o) (a$i% as an a$ent o)
se,)-de"e,o+(ent4 On t&e ot&er3 &owe"er3 it is a (ista6e to try and red#%e a,, (a$i%a, +&eno(ena to
+sy%&o,o$i%a, +ro%esses4 For e*a(+,e3 +sy%&o,o$i%a, e*+,anations o) (a$i% e*+,ain %#rses in ter(s
o) a#to-s#$$estion4 T&is is a,, "ery we,, #nti, one brin$s #+ %ases w&ereby t&e re%i+ient o) a %#rse is
#naware o) w&at &as ta6en +,a%e3 yet sti,, )a,,s i,,4
On%e a$ain3 w&i%& t&eory or (ode, yo# s#bs%ribe to is basi%a,,y a (atter o) +ersona, %&oi%eI t&e on,y
yardsti%6 bein$--does it wor6 )or yo#.
Res#,ts and Ma$i%a, Ad"an%e(ent
T&ere is a story abo#t a st#dent o) t&e Oen (aster 'o$en w&o %a(e to t&e (aster and re+orted t&at3
dee+ in &is (editation3 &e &ad seen a $reat w&ite ,i$&t3 in t&e %entre o) w&i%& was t&e B#dd&a4
E*+e%tin$ +raise at &is s+irit#a, ad"an%e(ent3 &e was so(ew&at %rest)a,,en w&en 'o$en re+,ied
2T&at;s ni%e4 I) yo# %on%entrate on yo#r breat&in$3 it wi,, $o away42
'#rin$ one;s (a$i%a, de"e,o+(ent3 one is 1#ite ,i6e,y to e*+erien%e intense states o) awareness3
"isions3 #n#s#a, +er%e+tions3 +re%o$niti"e +&eno(ena or t&e :oy)#, a(a5e(ent t&at3 a$ainst a,, odds
and rationa,ity3 one;s si(+,e +ie%e o) %and,e (a$i% a%t#a,,y bro#$&t )ort& t&e res#,t t&at was desired4
So(e o) t&ese e*+erien%es wi,, be +otentia,,y ,i)e-%&an$in$3 #n+,easant and e"en t&reatenin$4 T&at is
a,, +art o) t&e %o#rse3 too4 T&e +rob,e( %o(es w&en one be$ins to attrib#te s#%& e*+erien%es to
bein$ si$ns o) $reat (a$i%a, i,,#(ination or s+irit#a, rea,isation4 So(eti(es3 yo# (i$&t not e"en be
t&e dire%t so#r%e o) t&e tenden%y4 !&i,st I was writin$ t&is +ie%e3 a )riend ran$ (e to say t&at s&e;d
been $ettin$ so(e intense "isions o) (y e*+,ainin$ "ario#s esoteri% (atters to &er4 Now = %o#,d
&a"e said3 2!e,, done3 yo#;re +i%6in$ #+ on (y astra, wa"e,en$t&2 or so(et&in$ w&i%&3 w&i,st
so#ndin$ i(+ressi"e3 wo#,d &a"e been a ,ie on (y +art 8i) I;d been de,iberate,y atte(+tin$ to +ro:e%t
(y +resen%e to &er3 it wo#,d &a"e been a s,i$&t,y di))erent (atter93 and we (#t#a,,y dis%#ssed t&e
+&eno(ena and %a(e #+ wit& an e*+,anation w&i%& I )e,t was (ore reasonab,e4
Meta+ro$ra((in$ / Ma$i%a, Be,ie)
A 6ey to (a$i% is w&at we %&oose to be,ie"e abo#t (a$i% and o#rse,"es4 In %ertain res+e%ts3 t&e
#ni"erse %on)or(s to o#r be,ie)s4 A$ain3 t&e %&a6ras )or( a #se)#, e*a(+,e o) t&is +ro%ess4 T&e
+o+#,ar "iew o) %&a6ras is t&at we &a"e se"en4 Meditate on t&e %&a6ras3 &a((er t&e sy(bo,is( into
yo#r &ead and3 e"ent#a,,y3 yo#;,, start &a"in$ P-C&a6ra e*+erien%es-)ro( body sensation to drea(s
abo#t t&e(4 T&ere are basi%a,,y two ways o) ,oo6in$ at t&is res#,t-one is t&at t&e %&a6ras are ;rea,;
and &a"e been waitin$ )or yo# to %o(e a,on$ and ;awa6en; t&e(7 t&e ot&er t&at yo#;"e i(+osed a
(a+ o"er yo#r +er%e+tion o) yo#r body(ind3 w&i%& &as str#%t#red itse,) a%%ordin$,y4 o# %an test t&is
by swit%&in$ to a di))erent s#bt,e body (a+ s#%& as t&e Midd,e Pi,,ar o) t&e Tree o) Li)e3 and doin$ t&e
sa(e3 #nti, yo# obtain t&e res#,t o) e*+erien%es and sensations %on%ordant wit& t&e sy(bo,is( o) t&e
Midd,e Pi,,ar4
Any be,ie) syste( %an be #sed as a basis )or (a$i%3 so ,on$ as yo# %an in"est %o((it(ent and
e(otiona, atta%&(ent into it4 Loo6in$ ba%6 at (y ear,ier (a$i%a, e*+eri(ents3 I $#ess t&at w&at #sed
to be i(+ortant )or (e was t&e stron$ be,ie) t&at t&e syste( I was #sin$ was an%ient wisdo(3 based
on traditiona, )or(#,ae3 +assed down )ro( initiate to initiate4 As it was3 (#%& o) t&is t#rned o#t to be
$,a(o#r or &y+e3 b#t it &e,+ed (e a ,ot as I str#$$,ed to $ain %on)iden%e in (y own (a$i%a, abi,ity4
A be,ie) syste( %an be seen as a (atri* o) in)or(ation into w&i%& we %an +o#r e(otiona, ener$y-we
do as (#%&3 w&en we be%o(e so en$rossed in wat%&in$ a +,ay3 )i,(3 or TV +ro$ra((e t&at )or a
(o(ent3 it be%o(es rea, )or #s3 and in"o6es a++ro+riate e(otions4 M#%& o) w&at we see ser"ed #+
on t&e si,"er s%reen is +ower)#, (yt&i% i(a$es and sit#ations3 re+a%6a$ed )or (ode( tastes4
T&e Power O) 'is%ri(ination
In a++roa%&in$ a,, wor,d-"iews3 (ode,s3 and t&eories3 it is #se)#, to de"e,o+ one;s )a%#,ty )or
dis%ri(ination4 In a re,i$io#s3 or abso,#tist sense3 t&is wo#,d re1#ire t&e di))erentiation o) Tr#t& )ro(
Non-Tr#t&4 Howe"er3 )ro( a (a$i%a, +ers+e%ti"e3 dis%ri(ination a%ts in t&e )o,,owin$ wayI
It is t&e +ro%ess o) (o"in$ beyond (ere,y a%%e+tin$ ot&er +eo+,e;s (ode,s and t&eories3 by doin$
yo#r own resear%&E(a$i%a, wor64
A si(+,e e*a(+,e o) t&is +ro%ess is t&at3 w&en readin$ a boo6 abo#t r#nes3 yo# (i$&t we,, )ind
yo#rse,) )o,,owin$ t&at a#t&or;s inter+retation o) t&e r#nes4 T&is is )ine )or a w&i,e3 b#t i) yo# ne"er try
and )ind o#t anyt&in$ (ore3 t&en yo# &a"e a%%e+ted t&e restri%tion o) t&is one "iew+oint4 I) yo# read
a di))erent a#t&or on t&e s#b:e%t3 yo# are ,i6e,y to )ind di))eren%es o) attrib#tion4 !&i%& a#t&or is ri$&t.
o# %an a%%e+t one o+inion o"er t&e ot&er3 b#t #nti, yo# be$in to )ind o#t w&y a +arti%#,ar r#ne is
$i"en one or anot&er attrib#tion3 t&en yo# are (ere,y a%%e+tin$ ot&er +eo+,e;s o+inions wit& no ot&er
6now,ed$e on w&i%& to base yo#r own ideas4 -nti, yo# try and )ind o#t w&y so(et&in$ &as been
$i"en a +arti%#,ar attrib#te3 it wi,, be di))i%#,t to dis%ri(inate between one o+inion and anot&er4
Ma$i%a, ,earnin$ is not :#st abo#t ta6in$ in ;)a%ts; w&i%& so(eone e,se +ro"ides3 in t&e )or( o) a boo63
)or e*a(+,e4 One needs to a%ti"e,y e*+eri(ent and wor6 wit& (a$i%a, in)or(ation3 in order )or it to
be%o(e +ersona,,y (eanin$)#,4
T&is i(+,ies t&at (a$i%a, (ode,s and t&eories are o+en to 1#estion3 and t&ey are a,so o+en to
%&an$e4 In +arti%#,ar3 t&ey are o+en to 1#estion as one be$ins to as6 1#estions3 and see6 answers4
And t&ey are o+en to %&an$e as one (i$&t %&an$e one;s (ind abo#t a (ode, and e,aborate it3
re%o$nise it;s ,i(ited a++,i%ation3 or e"en dis%ard it a,to$et&er4
'is%ri(ination is a,so t&e +ro%ess o) )indin$ o#t w&at is a++ro+riate )or yo#rse,)-based on yo#r own
)ee,in$s3 rat&er t&an w&at ot&er +eo+,e (i$&t say3 or w&at yo# read in boo6s4 T&is does not re1#ire
any s+e%ia, +owers o) int#ition3 b#t it does re1#ire t&e wi,,in$ness to +ay attention to t&e way in w&i%&
yo# ta6e on board (a$i%a, ideas and %on%e+ts4
Ma$i%a, G,a(o#r
In addition to +arti%#,ar (a$i%a, t&eories3 t&ere is a,so a )#rt&er %o(+,i%atin$ )a%tor w&i%& in),#en%es
be,ie)3 w&i%& )or +#r+oses o) dis%#ssion = &a"e %&osen to re)er to as t&e ;$,a(o#r; w&i%& s#rro#nds a
+arti%#,ar be,ie) syste( or a++roa%&4 T&is re,ates bot& to &ow ad&erents o) a +arti%#,ar (a$i%a,
syste( des%ribe t&e(se,"es in re,ation to ot&ers3 and &ow t&at syste( o) be,ie) is broad,y +er%ei"ed
in a "ariety o) wider %onte*ts4 T&is in%,#des t&e (e(es w&i%& %ir%#,ate bot& in (ainstrea( %#,t#re
and t&e "ario#s ,ayers o) a,ternati"e (i,ie#s4 For e*a(+,e3 ear,y on in its de"e,o+(ent3 C&aos Ma$i%
a%1#ired t&e $,a(o#r o) bein$ so(e&ow ;sinister; or ;satani%; w&i%&3 w&i,e ina%%#rate3 &as do#bt,ess
drawn 1#ite a )ew +eo+,e to be%o(e interested in it4 So(e (a$i%a, syste(s &a"e stron$ 1#asi-
re,i$io#s o"ertones3 and )or +ra%titioners o) t&ese syste(s3 t&e $,a(o#rs %an be%o(e )ait&s4
E,e(ents o) $,a(o#r in%,#de not on,y be,ie)s and %on%e+ts3 b#t sty,es o) writin$3 narrati"e %ontent3
i(a$es3 o"era,, +resentation3 b#55-words3 and o%%asiona,,y t&e +arti%i+ation o) %&aris(ati%
O)ten3 t&e attra%ti"eness o) a $,a(o#r )or an indi"id#a, re),e%ts +ersona, tastes in ,iterat#re3 (#si%3 or
ot&er )as&ions4 For C&aos Ma$i%ians3 t&e +ower o) $,a(o#r be%o(es yet anot&er te%&ni1#e to be
#nderstood and #ti,ised4 For e*a(+,e3 s#%%ess)#,,y wea"in$ t&e $,a(o#r o) bein$ a s&a(an wi,,
si$ni)i%ant,y a,ter ot&er +eo+,e;s rea%tions to t&e (a$i%ian3 as wo#,d s#%%ess)#,,y wea"in$ t&e
$,a(o#r o) bein$ a satanist4 Indeed3 it is +ossib,e )or a (a$i%ian w&o is ade+t in t&e +ro:e%tion o)
$,a(o#rs to be +er%ei"ed as bot& 8by di))erent sets o) +eo+,e93 w&en in )a%t3 neit&er $,a(o#r is
+arti%#,ar,y ;tr#e4;
One o) t&e (ost +ersistent and attra%ti"e $,a(o#rs is t&at o) t&e (a$i%ian as an ;o#tsider; )i$#re4
Many +eo+,e w&o are attra%ted to (a$i% want to t&in6 o) t&e(se,"es as o#tsiders--indi"id#a,s w&o
stand beyond t&e bo#ndaries o) e"eryday so%iety3 se+arated )ro( e"eryone e,se by dint o) t&eir
;6now,ed$e o) t&e (ysteries4; -n)ort#nate,y3 t&in6in$ o) onese,) as an ;o#tsider; %an be%o(e an
e*%#se )or not $ettin$ one;s a%t to$et&er4 T&e ;o#tsider stan%e; %an o)ten be e1#ated wit& no
dire%tion3 ,ow 1#a,ity o) ,i)e3 no so%ia, s6i,,s3 #nrea,isti% se,)-e*+e%tations and a &#$e %&i+ on one;s
s&o#,der4 Addi%tion to t&ose "ir#,ent (e(es3 Bein$ Ri$&t and Gettin$ E"en is a,so %o((on a(on$st
wannabe O#tsiders4 T&e ot&er (ain +rob,e( wit& bein$ an O#tsider is t&at one needs so(et&in$ to
be o#tside o)4 A$ain t&is +#,,s t&e indi"id#a, ba%6 into d#a,isti% o++osition-oriented t&in6in$ &abits4
Ha"in$ to &a"e an ene(y a$ainst w&i%& to de)ine yo#rse,)3 be it so%iety3 an i(a$inary b,a%6 ,od$e
t&at is +sy%&i%a,,y atta%6in$ yo#7 (e&#(s7 t&e (asses7 robotni6s7 +ro,es or w&ate"er ter( #sed3
&ides3 = t&in63 a na$$in$ inse%#rity4 I) yo# see yo#rse,) in o++osition to t&at ot&er3 t&en it;s a,, too easy
to t&in6 o) yo#rse,) as bein$ s#+erior to t&e(3 and t&e (ore yo# &a"e to be s#+erior3 t&e ,ess ab,e
yo# are to ad(it to &a"in$ +ersona, )a#,ts and wea6nesses3 or e"en t&at ot&er +eo+,e (ay be as
%o(+,e* and interestin$ as yo# are4 T&is 6ind o) arro$an%e is a,, too %o((on3 and not t&ere)ore3 as
H,ite as its e*+onents )ond,y i(a$ine t&e(se,"es to be4
To initiate so(et&in$ is to be$in3 or e(bar6 #+on a +arti%#,ar %o#rse o) a%tion4 To be initiated3 in t&e
(a$i%a, sense o) t&e word is to re%o$ni5e t&at yo# are (o"in$ t&ro#$& a t&res&o,d o) %&an$e-t&at
yo# are in a +eriod o) transition4 T&e 6ey to #nderstandin$ initiation is re%o$ni5in$ %ons%io#s,y w&at is
&a++enin$3 rat&er t&an si(+,y wonderin$ w&at t&e &e,,;s $oin$ on4 For (any (a$i%ians and +a$ans3
t&e re%o$nition o) (o"in$ into a +eriod o) initiation is (ar6ed by a rit#a, or (a$i%a, retire(ent4 T&#s in
t&is %onte*t3 an Initiate is so(eone w&o is intense,y aware o) &is or &er %ondition3 and is s#r)in$ t&e
%rest o) t&e wa"e3 rat&er t&an str#$$,in$ to &o,d it ba%64 Initiation is a ti(e o) ,ettin$ $o4 It is a ti(e o)
;,oosenin$ #+;-w&en &abits3 be,ie)s3 attit#des and se,)-identi)i%ations s#dden,y 8or $rad#a,,y9 see( to
be ,ess %on%rete t&an t&ey were +re"io#s,y4 One;s $ri+ on ;nor(a,ity; (ay be te(+orari,y ,ost3 on,y to
be e"ent#a,,y 8one &o+es9 re$ained3 b#t not 1#ite t&e sa(e as it w&at be)ore4 'ea,in$ wit& t&is ,oss
o) %ertainty3 and t&e ne%essary %on)rontation wit& se,)3 %an be di))i%#,t at ti(es4 So(e ne"er (ana$e
to $o t&e distan%e3 and instead o+t )or )antasies w&erein t&ey are (i$&ty ade+ts rat&er t&an si(+,y
a%%e+tin$ t&eir own &#(anity3 w&i%& ne%essitates a de$ree o) &#(i,ity3 to say t&e ,east4 Re-
a%1#aintan%e wit& se,) t&en3 is one o) t&e %ore by-+rod#%ts o) initiation4 Anot&er is %on)iden%e-t&e
%on)iden%e w&i%& s+rin$s )ro( t&e abi,ity to ,et $o-to be ab,e to ,oose %ontro, o) so(et&in$ w&en yo#
rea,ise t&at %ontro, is no ,on$er a "a,id o+tion4 T&e %on)iden%e to (a6e (ista6es )ree,y and to be ab,e
to ad(it 2I don;t 6now4442 rat&er t&an )earin$ ,oss o) )a%e4 T&e %on)iden%e o) (eetin$ an #n%ertain
wor,d &ead-on3 s(i,in$4 F#rt&er3 &a"in$ $one t&ro#$& t&e +ain)#, +ro%ess o) s&a6in$ ,oose one;s web
o) be,ie)s3 "a,#es and identi)i%ations3 t&en ot&er +eo+,e;s tr#t&s no ,on$er see( as t&reatenin$ to
one;s own4 T&ese )a%tors and ot&ers %ontrib#te to one;s own sense o) +oise-t&e easy3 se,)-ass#red
(anner w&i%& is one o) t&e &a,,(ar6s o) t&e e))e%ti"e (a$i%ian4
!&at 6ind o) ti(e-+eriod are we ta,6in$ &ere. T&at;s di))i%#,t to say4 As I noted in Condensed C&aos3
initiation is a +ro%ess4 It &as its +ea6s3 tro#$&s and +,atea#s4 It &i$&s3 ,ows3 and +eriods o) not&in$
(#%& &a++enin$4 One t&in$ I a( s#re abo#t is t&at on%e or is not eno#$&4 Initiatory tria,s %o(e #+
ti(e and ti(e a$ain as %&an$es in o#r ,i"es i(+a%t #+on #s4 C&an$e3 t&e on,y %onstant in (a$i%3 is
so(et&in$ t&at is (ost,y resisted3 b#t o%%asiona,,y is as sti(#,atin$ as a s&ot o) %o6e4 One +eriod o)
initiation doesn;t (ean yo#;re now sorted3 )or t&e rest o) yo#r ,i)e3 b#t is (ore ,i6e,y to ,ea"e yo#
#nderstandin$ &ow ,itt,e yo# #nderstand4 Initiatory %y%,es %an ta6e years to wor6 t&e(se,"es t&ro#$&4
!&en yo# t&in6 it;s a,, o"er3 it #s#a,,y isn;t4
Re,ated to initiation is t&e idea o) (a$i%a, +ro$ress4 It is o)ten di))i%#,t )or non-(a$i%ians to
#nderstand w&y t&ose o) #s so a)),i%ted are so +assionate abo#t w&at we do and w&at we $et o#t o)
it3 (#%& ,ess w&y we bot&er wit& it in t&e )irst +,a%e4 One o) t&e t&in$s t&at 6ee+s #s $oin$ is a sense
o) $oin$ so(ew&ere or (a6in$ +ro$ress in (a$i%-to be 2on t&e +at&2 to #se an o%%#,t %o,,o1#ia,is(4
T&is sense o) +ro$ress does not %o(e a#to(ati%a,,y to #s7 it is (ore t&at it snea6s #+ #nawares #nti,
one be$ins to t&in6 o) onese,) as $oin$ so(ew&ere de)inite as o++osed to si(+,y e*+eri(entin$ or
(essin$ aro#nd4 !&ere one is $oin$3 o) %o#rse3 is #+ to ea%& a,one3 de+endin$ on w&at t&ey
%on%ei"e +ro$ress to be-so(et&in$ w&i%& o) itse,)3 is ,i6e,y to %&an$e as one +ro$resses3 and
a%%ordin$ to t&e %o(+any one 6ee+s4
Ideas o) +ro$ress (ay a,so be s&a+ed by any +arti%#,ar be,ie) syste( or (a$i%a, t&eory t&at one &as
%&osen to $i"e s&a+e to e*+erien%es4 Ma$i%a, Psy%&o%os(s3 ways o) str#%t#rin$ t&e #ni"erse and
o#r +,a%e in it #sin$ sy(bo,i% str#%t#res3 are o)ten #sed as t&e basis o) syste(s o) initiation-t&at is to
say t&ey are (eans by w&i%& (a$i%a, +ro$ress is %#t-#+ into dis%rete ste+s3 o)ten 6nown as Ma$i%a,
Grades4 Ea%& Grade dea,s wit& a s+e%i)i% set o) e*+erien%es and (a$i%a, (et&ods3 a,,owin$ t&e
indi"id#a, to %on%entrate on one t&in$ at a ti(e3 rat&er t&an ),o#nderin$ abo#t4 One o) t&e ar$#(ents
)or syste(s o) initiation t&en3 is t&at t&ey $i"e indi"id#a, (a$i%ians a str#%t#re wit& w&i%& to a++roa%&
t&eir (a$i%a, de"e,o+(ent3 and inter+ret and t&en assi(i,ate t&eir e*+erien%es a%%ordin$ to a
)ra(ewor6 o) t&eory and be,ie)4 T&at;s t&e t&eory3 anyway4 How )ar one $oes wit& any one syste( o)
initiation is a$ain a (atter o) +re)eren%e and
%&an$in$ needs4 T&ere are ar$#(ents t&at )a"o#r )o,,owin$ syste(s set #+ by +arti%#,ar o%%#,t
orders3 tea%&ers or esoteri% syste(s o) be,ie)3 and t&ose t&at say t&at %reatin$ one;s own syste(
$i"es t&e best res#,ts4 Ha"in$ done bot&3 I wi,, say t&at ea%& a++roa%& &as its +ros and %ons4
Probab,y t&e best-6nown (a$i%a, $rades are t&ose asso%iated wit& t&e Her(eti% Order o) t&e Go,den
'awnI Neo+&yte3 Oe,ator3 Pra%ti%#s3 et%4 Ea%& $rade &ad +arti%#,ar (a$i%a, ai(s and ob:e%ti"es
asso%iated wit& it3 as we,, as %&ara%teristi% (ysti%a, e*+erien%es4 T&e +rob,e( w&i%& &as be%o(e
identi)ied wit& t&is 6ind o) $radin$ syste( is t&e way in w&i%& it ,ends itse,) to t&e %reation o) ab#si"e
&ierar%&i%a, a#t&ority in a $ro#+3 or e$o-in),ation )or so,o (a$i%ians4 Anyone %an %,ai( to &a"e
attained a +arti%#,ar (a$i%a, $rade-b#t in t&e ,on$ r#n t&is %o#nts )or "ery ,itt,e #n,ess ot&er +eo+,e
re%o$nise s#%& an assertion and s#++ort it4 It;s +oint,ess sayin$ yo#;re a Ma$#s i) e"eryone e,se
t&in6s yo#;re a +ratA
So w&at3 t&en3 are Initiation Rit#a,s abo#t. Basi%a,,y3 t&ere are two ty+es o) initiation rit#a,I Se,)-
Initiation3 and Initiation into3 or "ia a Gro#+4 I wi,, dea, wit& t&e ,atter )irst4
Initiation by a Gro#+
Initiation by a Gro#+ &as (any s&ades4 !&en indi"id#a,s be,on$in$ to a +arti%#,ar (a$i%a, tradition
or syste( ta,6 abo#t rit#a,s o) initiation3 it is #s#a,,y in t&e %onte*t t&at t&e rit#a, ser"es to identi)y t&e
%andidate as a )#,, (e(ber o) t&at +arti%#,ar $ro#+3 or$ani5ation or tradition3 rat&er t&an a s#++,i%ant
or no"i%e4 T&#s t&e rit#a, (ar6s t&e end o) t&at +erson;s a++renti%es&i+ wit& t&e $ro#+ in 1#estion-&e
is now )#,,y a%%e+ted and re%o$ni5ed as e1#a, to t&e ot&ers4 T&is (ay be t&e +ri(ary %onsideration
o) t&e $ro#+3 w&ereas sti(#,atin$ or intensi)yin$ any intra+sy%&i% %&an$e on t&e +art o) t&e %andidate
(ay be o) se%ondary i(+ortan%e4 T&is is not to say &owe"er3 t&at $ro#+ initiation rit#a,s %annot
tri$$er +eriods o) t&e +ersona, initiatory %y%,e in +eo+,e w&o #nder$o t&e(-t&ey %an do so e))e%ti"e,y3
a,t&o#$& a $reat dea, de+ends on &ow t&e %andidate is treated +rior to t&e rit#a, e"ent3 d#rin$ it3 and
A rat&er e*tre(e e*a(+,e o) an initiation by a $ro#+ was (y own initiation into a !i%%an %o"en so(e
=P years or so a$o4 As is not #n#s#a, )or !i%%an %o"ens3 I &ad to wait ;a year and a day; be)ore
be%o(in$ initiated4 T&is 6ind o) tria, +eriod is o)ten #sed in (a$i%a, $ro#+s and orders as a ti(e o)
t&e $ro#+ $ettin$ to 6now t&e %andidate3 and "i%e "ersa4 '#rin$ t&is +eriod a %andidate (ay be
re1#ired to #nderta6e a basi% (a$i%a, trainin$ +ro$ra((e or ot&erwise )#,)i,, any entry re1#ire(ents
t&e $ro#+ &as4 Most o) a,, t&o#$&3 it is a +eriod w&ere bot& $ro#+ and indi"id#a, stri"e to s#ss ea%&
ot&er o#t3 to )ind o#t w&et&er or not t&e ot&er is s#itab,e in ter(s o) +ersona,ity3 %o((on be,ie)s and
"a,#es3 et%4 I was as6ed to 6ee+ a (a$i%a, diary and to )o,,ow a re$i(en o) (editation3 yo$a3
banis&in$ rit#a,s3 +ra%ti%e at di"ination and to try and "isit so(e nat#ra, settin$-be it +ar63 wood,and3
or seas&ore on%e a wee64 As I (o"ed $rad#a,,y towards t&e ti(e o) bein$ ready )or initiation into t&e
%o"en +ro+er3 t&e ,eaders o) t&e %o"en dro++ed 1#ite a )ew &ints abo#t &ow (y (a$i%a, wor6 wo#,d
%&an$e a)ter initiation4 T&e rit#a, itse,) I re%a,, wit& a (i*t#re o) awe and a(#se(ent4 A(#sin$3 as
t&e %o"en &ad based it on a Go,den 'awn initiation rit#a, w&i%& %a,,ed )or (ore rit#a, o))i%ers t&an
t&ey t&en &ad (e(bers3 and t&e te(+,e s+a%e was a,so rat&er %ra(+ed )or t&e a%ti"ities t&at t&e
rit#a, %a,,ed )or4 T&e )ee,in$ t&at I wi,, ne"er )or$et &owe"er3 is t&e (o(ent o) )ear and #n%ertainty
w&i%& r#s&ed t&ro#$& (y &ead as I was ,ed3 na6ed and b,ind)o,ded3 into a roo( and t&e )irst t&in$ I
%a(e #+ a$ainst was a s&ar+ (a$i%a, da$$er a$ainst (y breast4 And I t&o#$&t3 2O&(i$od w&at i) I;"e
(is:#d$ed t&ese +eo+,e and t&ey are ,oonies a)ter a,,42 T&e rea,isation t&at I &ad to abandon (yse,)
to tr#stin$ t&e +eo+,e I;d $i"en (yse,) #+ to was an indes%ribab,e r#s&4 T&e initiation rit#a, %onsisted
o) "ario#s sy(bo,i% re%o$nition;s t&at I was %o((ittin$ (yse,) to t&e %o"en3 t&e (a$i%o-re,i$io#s
tradition o) $oddess "eneration3 and to (y own (a$i%a, de"e,o+(ent4 As +art o) t&is +ro%ess I was
$i"en a (a$i%a, na(e by w&i%& I wo#,d be 6nown d#rin$ rit#a, and sa%red e"ents3 and a)ter t&e rit#a,
&ad %,osed3 was we,%o(ed by t&e %o"en (e(bers wit& a +arty4
Howe"er3 t&e initiation wasn;t o"er yet4 A )ew days ,ater I was as6ed to "isit t&e %o"en3 to dis%#ss
;so(et&in$4; On arri"a,3 t&e )irst t&in$ I noti%ed was t&at t&e +eo+,e t&ere were distin%t,y %oo, towards
(e-not e*&ibitin$ t&e )riend,y war(t& I &ad %o(e to "a,#e so (#%& )ro( t&e %o"en4 I ,istened wit&
$rowin$ &orror as t&e Hi$& Priestess o) t&e %o"en e*+,ained to (e t&at t&ey;d (ade a (ista6e-t&at I
wasn;t s#ited )or (a$i%a, +#rs#its and t&at i) I %ontin#ed I wo#,d +robab,y $o (ad4 T&e initiation rit#a,
t&ey said was in"a,id3 I %o#,dn;t be in t&e %o"en and (oreo"er3 I s&o#,d not do any (ore (a$i%a,
wor6A = was de"astated by t&is re"e,ation4 I ,e)t Britain to tra"e, aro#nd Israe, and E$y+t3 and on (y
e"ent#a, ret#rn3 be%a(e interested in Oen (editation4 I %orres+onded o%%asiona,,y wit& so(e ot&ers
w&o I;d (et t&ro#$& t&e %o"en3 b#t $a"e ,itt,e t&o#$&t to t&e o%%#,t +ra%ti%es and be,ie)s w&i%&
+re"io#s,y3 &ad rat&er do(inated (y ,i)e4 Near,y two years a)ter (y ;)ai,ed; initiation3 I re%ei"ed a
,etter o#t o) t&e b,#e )ro( t&e Hi$& Priestess o) t&e %o"en sayin$ t&at s&e was 2+,eased wit& (y
+ro$ress2 and I wo#,d ,i6e to "isit t&e %o"en a$ain4 I did so3 and s&ort,y a)ter was reinstated as an
initiated (e(ber o) t&e %o"en4
On (y ret#rn to t&e %o"en3 I dis%o"ered t&at t&e ;re:e%tion; &ad been de,iberate-t&at t&e tria, o) t&e
initiation &ad not been t&e rite itse,) or bein$ (ade to wait a year and a day )or it3 b#t to $o t&ro#$& a,,
t&at and t&en to,d t&at bein$ a (a$i%ian w&i%& I;d de%ided I was $oin$ to de"ote (y ,i)e to be%o(in$
8as yo# do9 ba%6 t&en3 was not +ossib,e3 by so(eone I;d a%%e+ted as a tr#stwort&y a#t&ority )i$#re4
es3 I %o#,d &a"e ar$#ed3 b,#stered or +#t #+ a )i$&t4 I %o#,dn;t &a"e $one to anot&er $ro#+ as I didn;t
t&en 6now any ot&er $ro#+s and &ad (et a s#( tota, o) )i"e ot&er +ra%tisin$ (a$i%ians in (y entire
,i)e4 In retros+e%t3 w&at t&e %o"en did was e*a%t,y w&at I needed at t&e ti(e and w&en I e"ent#a,,y
%a(e ba%6 to t&e( I &ad $ained a $ood dea, o) +ers+e%ti"e abo#t (a$i% and (yse,)4 I %an on,y
ad(ire t&e way in w&i%& t&e %o"en;s a%t +,#n$ed (e into an initiatory %risis and ,e)t (e ,ar$e,y a,one-
#nti, I;d %o(e t&ro#$& it4
T&e e,e(ent o) t&e tria, is a 6ey )eat#re o) initiation rit#a,s4 In so(e triba, %#,t#res )or e*a(+,e3 t&e
%andidate is e*+e%ted to end#re +ain wit&o#t %ryin$ o#t-+ain itse,) bein$ o) %o#rse a ro#te into
$nosis4 In t&e E,e#sinean Mysteries; initiation3 a %e,ebrant3 +re+ared by )astin$ and &a,,#%ino$enies
(i$&t be ,owered into a %a"e %o(+,e* w&ere beast-(as6ed +riests ena%ted t&e +arts o) $ods and
s+irits4 In (odern (a$i%a, $ro#+s3 a %andidate;s initiation tria, (i$&t %onsist o) bein$ ,ed and
(isdire%ted a%ross a wi,derness #nti, &e st#(b,es a%ross t&e a++ointed s+ot )or t&e %,i(a* o) t&e rite7
bein$ as6ed to de)end a +,a%e or not to (o"e )ro( it des+ite a,, te(+tations or )ear7 a,ternati"e,y t&e
tria, (i$&t in"o,"e t&e %andidate;s dire%t %on)rontation o) a +ersona, taboo or &a"in$ to $i"e #+ a
(a:or atta%&(ent 8bein$ as6ed to s&a"e one;s &air bein$ a si(+,e e*a(+,e94 In A,eister Crow,ey;s
no"e, Moon%&i,d3 one o) t&e +rota$onists #nder$oes an initiation %ere(ony3 w&erein s&e s#rrenders
&er +ersona, )reedo(3 in t&e be,ie) s&e is &e,+in$ anot&er wo(an es%a+e t&e Order3 w&o are (ade
o#t to be %r#e, tort#rers4 T&e test &ere is o) se,),ess sa%ri)i%e4 Anot&er 6ind o) tria, is a rit#a, w&erein
t&e %andidate is to,d to de(onstrate &is %o((it(ent to t&e $ro#+ by %&oosin$ one o) se"era, %o#rses
o) a%tion-a,, o) w&i%& in"o,"e "aryin$ de$rees o) s#b:#$ation to a#t&ority or #n+,easantness4 In t&is
instan%e3 t&e %andidate;s re)#sa, to )o,,ow any o) t&e %&oi%es ,aid be)ore &i(-des+ite +ress#re-%an be
seen as a test o) t&e %andidate;s indi"id#a, s+irit4
Re,ated to t&e e,e(ent o) t&e tria, is t&e e,e(ent o) s#r+rise in initiation rit#a,s4 T&ere are di))erent
s%&oo,s o) t&o#$&t &ere4 One ar$#(ent is t&at by #sin$ t&e sa(e initiatory rit#a, str#%t#re )or ea%&
%andidate3 t&e $ro#+ b#i,ds #+ a ,ayer o) s&ared3 %o((on e*+erien%e w&i%& &e,+s b#i,d #+ t&e sense
o) ;we-ness4; A %o#nter-ar$#(ent &owe"er3 is t&at initiation rit#a,s re1#ire an e,e(ent o) ris64 I) t&e
%andidate &as on,y a )ew %#es abo#t w&at wi,, &a++en d#rin$ &is initiatory rit#a,3 &e or s&e is (#%&
(ore ,i6e,y to be in a state o) &ei$&tened awareness and it is t&ere)ore (ore ,i6e,y t&at t&e rit#a, wi,,
i(+a%t #+on t&e %andidate at a dee+ ,e"e,4 For (#%& t&e sa(e reason3 it is &e,d by ad"o%ates o) t&is
a++roa%& t&at initiatory rites s&o#,d be %are)#,,y tai,ored to re),e%t t&e $ro#+s; obser"ation o) ea%&
+arti%#,ar %andidate4 For e*a(+,e3 it wo#,d be +oint,ess #sin$ 1#asi-S/M tra++in$s in an initiation
rit#a, i) t&e indi"id#a, it is ai(ed at is into S/M anyway4
T&e sense o) a++re&ension in a %andidate )or initiation %an be $rad#a,,y )ostered t&ro#$& t&e +re-
rit#a, be&a"io#r o) t&e rest o) t&e $ro#+4 T&is %an be &ei$&tened d#rin$ t&e rit#a, itse,) by t&e #se o)
b,ind)o,ds3 ear+,#$s or ot&er +ro+s desi$ned to obs%#re sensory in+#t3 and a$ain by t&e rit#a, o))i%ers
distan%in$ t&e(se,"es )ro( t&e %andidate-addressin$ &i( in t&e t&ird +erson3 )or e*a(+,e4
Gro#+ initiation rit#a,s (ay a,so in"o,"e e,e(ents w&ereby t&e %andidate de(onstrates +ersona,
%o((it(ent to t&e $ro#+ and "i%e "ersa4 Rit#a,s are o)ten %,osed wit& t&e ot&er %e,ebrants $reetin$
t&e new initiate wit& a war(t& and )riend,iness t&at +re"io#s,y (ay &a"e been &e,d ba%64 Po,ite
distan%e (ay be %&an$ed )or :o6in$3 ins#,ts3 ar$#(ents and t&e i(+,i%ation t&at t&e indi"id#a, wi,, no
,on$er be e*+e%ted to be&a"e ,i6e a +o,ite "isitor in )ront o) e"eryone e,se b#t %an e*+e%t t&e :oys o)
t&e )#,, ro#$&-and-t#(b,e o) $ro#+ ,i)e4
I) a $ro#+ initiation rit#a, is $oin$ to be s#%%ess)#, in tri$$erin$ a +ersona, initiatory %risis )or t&e
%andidate3 t&ere &as to be3 I )ee,3 a bond o) tr#st between t&e %andidate and t&e $ro#+ (e(ber
res+onsib,e )or or%&estratin$ t&at +erson;s initiation4 T&e initiator needs to &a"e )or(ed so(e
base,ine ideas abo#t &ow t&e %andidate wi,, +er)or( #nder stress3 and a,so to &a"e obser"ed t&e
%andidate ,on$ eno#$& to &a"e so(e ideas as to w&at )or &i( wi,, %onstit#te a s#itab,e rit#a, e"ent4
A,so3 t&e (ere )art t&at )or t&e %andidate d#rin$ t&e rit#a,3 t&e initiator;s %&an$e in de(eano#r )ro(
&is or &er nor(a, be&a"io#r towards t&e %andidate to one o) rit#a, )or(a,ity %an a%t to in%rease
a++re&ension and e*+e%tation4 T&is bond o) tr#st is +arti%#,ar,y i(+ortant a)ter t&e rit#a,3 es+e%ia,,y i)
t&e rit#a, is ai(ed at tri$$erin$ an initiatory %risis4 S#%& +ersona, initiation %y%,es are o)ten (ar6ed by
+eriods o) de+ression3 #n%ertainty and "aryin$ de$rees o) ne#rosis4 Gettin$ t&ro#$& t&is +eriod
s#%%ess)#,,y is a,, t&e (ore ,i6e,y i) t&e indi"id#a, %on%erned &as a tr#stwort&y +erson &e or s&e %an
dis%#ss )ee,in$s and +er%e+tions wit&4 Pre)erab,y so(eone w&o &as $one t&ro#$& t&e initiation %risis-
%y%,e o)ten eno#$& to &e,+ t&e initiate )ind &is own way o#t o) it4
T&e +ro%ess o) se,)-initiation is %entra, to (a$i%a, de"e,o+(ent in t&at t&e as+irin$ (a$i%ian (#st3 at
so(e +oint3 "o,#ntari,y o+en &i(se,) to initiatory %risis and indeed3 be +re+ared to en$a$e in s#%&
initiatory tria,s ti(e and ti(e a$ain4 Se"era, (is#nderstandin$s are %ir%#,atin$ %on%ernin$ Se,)-
Initiation4 One s#%& is t&e idea t&at a,, Se,)-Initiation re1#ires is #nder$oin$ a si(+,e rit#a, o)
dedi%ation to a +arti%#,ar tradition or be,ie)-syste(4 S#%& rit#a,s o) dedi%ation %an a%t as State(ents
o) Intent3 as Re%o$nitions o) one;s entry into t&e initiatory %y%,e3 or rites o) %,os#re on%e one )ee,s t&at
t&in$s &a"e %a,(ed down so(ew&at4 Se,)-Initiation3 &owe"er3 bein$ a +ro%ess o) intense se,)-
dis%o"ery and rea++raisa,3 re1#ires a $reat dea, o) &ard wor6 on t&e +art o) t&e indi"id#a, and is
#n,i6e,y 8in (y o+inion9 to be sorted o#t a)ter a &a,)-&o#r rit#a,4 Anot&er (is%on%e+tion is t&at on%e
one &as +assed t&ro#$& a +arti%#,ar initiatory tria,3 any %&an$es o) +er%e+tion or insi$&t t&at one (ay
$ain are )i*ed )or eternity4 '#rin$ an initiatory %risis3 one (ay e*+erien%e bot& t&e ,ows w&i%& are
ter(ed 2t&e dar6 ni$&t o) t&e so#,2 and t&e &i$&s o) oneness wit& t&e -ni"erse3 God3 t&e Tao3 t&e
b,iss o) e$o-,oss and t&e intense )ee,in$ t&at one;s a%%r#ed &abits and ,i(itations &a"e )a,,en away4
T&is is nor(a,4 It is a,so transitory4 In (y own e*+erien%e at any rate3 I &a"e )o#nd t&at a ,ot de+ends
on w&at yo# do abo#t any insi$&ts or new #nderstandin$s t&at arise o#t o) initiatory &i$&s and ,ows-in
ot&er words3 insi$&ts (#st be a%ted #+on3 and #nderstood $rad#a,,y4 Ma6in$ s(a,, %&an$es in
t&o#$&t3 word and deed is #s#a,,y (ore e))e%ti"e t&an (a6in$ bi$ swee+in$ de%,arations4
A )#rt&er (is%on%e+tion aro#nd t&e iss#e o) Se,)-Initiation is t&e idea3 +o+#,ar a(on$st so(e
o%%#,tists3 t&at Se,)-Initiation is so(e&ow se%ond-rate %o(+ared to Initiation by a +arti%#,ar $ro#+4
Re,ated to t&is is t&e idea t&at one is not a +ro+er (a$i%ian3 wit%& or w&ate"er3 #n,ess one is a
(e(ber o) a %o"en3 (a$i%a, order3 or $ro#+4 O) %o#rse one %an ta6e t&is sti,, )#rt&er #nti, it %an be
asserted t&at is not a ;+ro+er; (a$i%ian #n,ess one is a (e(ber o) ;Q; $ro#+4 So(e (odern !i%%ans
)or e*a(+,e3 see( +arti%#,ar,y obsessed wit& +ro"in$ ,ines o) initiation ba%6 to a +arti%#,ar a#t&ority-
)i$#re4 !&i,st t&is (i$&t we,, $i"e rise to a %ertain sense o) &istori%a, %ontin#an%e3 it;s by no (eans
essentia,4 T&ere see(s to be so(e i(+,i%ation t&at by "irt#e o) &a"in$ a &istori%a, sense o)
%ontin#an%e t&ro#$& bein$ ab,e to tra%e one;s ,ine o) initiation $i"es %reden%e and so(e 6ind o)
a#t&enti%ation to one;s %#rrent (a$i%a, +ra%ti%es and be,ie)s4 B#t w&y s&o#,d it. And w&y s&o#,d t&is
be ne%essary. I wi,, ad(it t&at it;s ni%e to be ab,e to say 2!e,,3 I was initiated by *3 and * by 53 and 5
by y3 and y by w42 B#t it doesn;t (a6e w&at I do now so(e&ow ;(ore "a,id; t&an so(eone e,se w&o
&as (ere,y initiated t&e(se,"es3 wor6in$ a,one )ro( boo6s4 A,, a $ro#+ or tea%&er %an do is +er&a+s
no (ore t&an +oint in a +arti%#,ar dire%tion or +ro"ide a &e,+in$ &and a,on$ t&e way4 In )a%t3 I wo#,d
ar$#e t&at (e(bers&i+ o) a $ro#+ %an be t&e +er)e%t settin$ )or t&ose w&o are #nwi,,in$ to initiate
t&e(se,"es3 +re)errin$ )antasies o) bein$ +ower)#, (a$i%ians to t&e &ard wor6 o) se,)-a++raisa, and
Ste+s Towards Se,)-Initiation
How t&en does one +ro%eed towards initiation. T&is a$ain3 is so(ew&at a(or+&o#s4 Many s+end a
,i)eti(e see6in$ ;en,i$&ten(ent; b#t $et not so (#%& as a $,i(+se4 Many e*+end a $reat dea, o)
ener$y bein$ s+irit#a,,y %orre%t on,y to )ind t&at t&e d#,, +erson ne*t door is $i)ted wit& a re(ar6ab,e
"ision o) t&e A,,3 in t&e (idst o) wat%&in$ 2I Lo"e L#%y2 or so(et&in$ see(in$,y e1#a,,y bana,4 T&ere
is4 I )ee,3 an e,e(ent o) s#%& e,#si"eness to t&e +ro%ess o) initiation3 +arti%#,ar,y one;s )irst e*+erien%e
o) +ersona, %risis as a res#,t o) (a$i%a, wor64 It is so(eti(es %&ara%teri5ed by )ee,in$s t&at yo#r
o%%#,t st#dies or +ra%ti%es are not ta6en yo# anyw&ere3 t&at t&e initia, s#%%ess t&at one is so(eti(es
$ranted a)ter a )ew (ont&s o) o%%#,t wor6in$3 &as s#dden,y dried #+4 T&ere %o(es a desire to $i"e
#+ on e"eryt&in$3 to abandon e*er%ises and (editation3 as not&in$ see(s to be wor6in$4 It (ay a,so
be e*+erien%ed as an e*istentia, %risis o) be,ie) and se,)-do#bt4 Fears o) $oin$ (ad are not
#n%o((on eit&er4 It is not3 on t&e w&o,e3 a "ery en:oyab,e ti(e to $o t&ro#$&4
It is i(+ossib,e to +redi%t &ow and w&en initiatory %rises wi,, e*+,ode #+on #s-ot&er t&an in
retros+e%t4 Its i(+ossib,e to $enera,i5e3 ot&er t&an tentati"e,y4 Grad#a,,y3 in (y e*+erien%e3 one
de"e,o+s a sense o) t&eir onset3 a(+,i)ied t&ro#$& drea(3 int#ition and o(en-b#t one &as to be ab,e
to read one;s Persona, si$ns %orre%t,y3 w&i%& ta6es so(e e*+erien%e4 It is be,ie"ed by so(e
(a$i%ians t&at initiatory %rises arise as a by-+rod#%t o) intense +eriods o) (a$i%a, wor6in$s and
+ra%ti%es4 Any 6ind o) (a$i%a, wor6 it is &e,d3 %an ,ead to initiation and by t&e sa(e to6en3 any
+arti%#,ar (a$i%a, +ro:e%t %an be #sed 8i4e43 dedi%ated9 to %ontrib#te to )#rt&erin$ one;s initiation4
So(e (a$i%ians do %onstr#%t (a$i%a, retire(ents )or t&e(se,"es w&i%& are ai(ed at #n%o"erin$
so(e +arti%#,ar as+e%t o) se,) t&ro#$& intense a++,i%ation o) (a$i%a, te%&ni1#es4 E*a(+,es o) s#%&
retire(ents in%,#de t&e %reation o) a +ersona, A,+&abet o) 'esire3 or identi)yin$ and bindin$ one;s
own de(on-&orde4 Ot&ers (ay %&oose to +#rs#e t&e(se,"es t&ro#$& so(e )or( o) +sy%&ot&era+y
or one o) t&e (yriad syste(s o) se,)-dis%o"ery a"ai,ab,e4 Indeed3 Israe, Re$ardie re%o((ended t&at
serio#s (a$i%a, +ra%ti%e be +re)a%ed by #nder$oin$ +sy%&oana,ysis3 and t&is )or a ti(e3 was a
re1#ire(ent )or a Go,den 'awn-sty,e order t&at &e was assistin$ 8see Rebe,s / 'e"i,s3 New Fa,%on
P#b,i%ations )or a )#rt&er dis%#ssion o) t&is94 T&e "ario#s te%&ni1#es and a++roa%&es w&i%& %o(e
#nder t&e broad #(bre,,a o) E$o Ma$i% are a,so a++osite )or se,)-initiation4 Certain,y3 intense,y
%&a,,en$in$ one;s own se,)- identi)i%ations3 be,ie)s3 "a,#es and &abits o) t&in6in$ and a%tion %an
+ro"o6e an intra+sy%&i% %risis4 B#t t&is &as to be a++roa%&ed a#t&enti% a,,y-w&i%& is to say not
(ere,y as an inte,,e%t#a, e*er%ise4 T&e initia, ai( 8t&at o) initiation9 (#st be s#bs#(ed into t&e detai,s
o) t&e +ra%ti%e itse,)3 e,se one is )ore"er on t&e ,oo6o#t )or one;s ;initiation %o(in$3; w&ereas it is not
a+t to snea6 #+ and bas& yo# on t&e &ead #nti, yo#;"e )or$otten abo#t it4 Indi"id#a,s w&o see6
s+irit#a, +ro$ress are o)ten dri"en by a desire to a%&ie"e en,i$&ten(ent 8B#dd&a-&ood3 (a$#s&ood3
w&ate"er9 now and t&ere is a das& to )ind t&e (ost +ower)#, te%&ni1#es or (et&ods w&i%& wi,,
$#arantee s#%%ess4 Si(i,ar,y3 t&ere is no one te%&ni1#e or +ra%ti%e t&at wi,, $#arantee a s#%%ess)#,
It is t&is a(or+&o#s nat#re o) initiation w&i%& %a#ses so(e (a$i%ians to ar$#e t&at one needs a
$#ide o) so(e sorts3 be it a tea%&er3 $ro#+3 or (ere,y )riends wit& o+en (inds3 in order to
s#%%ess)#,,y $et t&ro#$& +eriods o) initiation4 Certain,y3 &a"in$ so(eone yo# %an dis%#ss a,, yo#r
&o+es3 )ears3 s#s+i%ions and o%%asiona, (ad t&o#$&ts wit& is "ery &e,+)#,4 O) %o#rse3 t&ose wit&
"ario#s (andates and a$endas o) t&eir own3 (ay see one +erson;s "#,nerabi,ity as an o++ort#nity to
sow t&eir own brand o) tr#t& on )erti,e soi,4 Re,i$io#s %#,ts do t&is "ery we,,3 &an$in$ aro#nd %o,,e$es
w&ere t&ey %an draw in new st#dents3 away )ro( &o(e and #ns#re o) t&eir new-)o#nd )reedo(s4
!&en t&e wor,d we &a"e ta6en )or $ranted s#dden,y )ra$(ents aro#nd #s3 tr#t&s %an a%t as an%&ors
a$ainst #n%ertainty4 In s#%& (o(ents3 t&e rea,i5ation t&at 2Not&in$ is Tr#e2 %an be &orri)i%3 or "ast,y
One o) t&e %entra, assertions o) C&aos Ma$i% is t&at be,ie) str#%t#res rea,ity4 I) yo# be,ie"e in )aeries
it;s (#%& (ore ,i6e,y t&at yo#;re $oin$ to be ab,e to see t&e(4 I) yo# be,ie"e t&at t&e on,y way to do
so(et&in$ is w&at yo#;"e ,earned so )ar3 t&en yo#;re ,ess ,i6e,y to %onsider a,ternati"e a++roa%&es4
Re,ated to t&is is t&e idea t&at be,ie)s are too,s or %on%e+t#a, wea+ons3 rat&er t&an )i*ed
+ers+e%ti"es3 w&i%& %an be drawn #+on in any $i"en sit#ation4 A $ood +ra%ti%a, e*a(+,e o) t&is in
+ra%ti%e is &ea,in$4 !e wo#,d not3 )or e*a(+,e3 e*%e+t an a,,o+at&i% &ea,er to a%%e+t t&e +ossibi,ity o)
s+irits in),#en%in$ t&e %o#rse o) an i,,ness4 A (a$i%ian &owe"er3 (i$&t we,, do so3 and at t&e sa(e
ti(e3 be ab,e to a%%e+t t&e re,e"an%e o) t&e a,,o+at&i% +ers+e%ti"e4
T&e be,ie)s we &o,d abo#t o#rse,"es3 t&in$s in +arti%#,ar and in $enera,3 and &ow t&e wor,d wor6s3
are bot& +ersona, and so%ia,3 +arti%#,ar,y w&en we be$in to e*+ress t&e( or see6 o#t ot&er +eo+,e in
order to $ain %on)ir(ation or "eri)i%ation o) t&e(4 So e*+eri(entin$ wit& o#r own be,ie)s3 by
ne%essity3 in"o,"es ot&er +eo+,e4 And t&is o) %o#rse3 in"ites t&e %o(+,e*ity t&at a,ways a++ears w&en
one (o"es o#t o) one;s own ;it-see(s-ob"io#s-to-(e; &eads+a%e3 towards ot&er +eo+,e4 It &as been
said t&at ot&er +eo+,e +ro"ide t&e ba%6dro+ a$ainst w&i%& we dis+,ay o#r +ersona, di))eren%es and
t&#s (aintain o#r sense o) bein$ an indi"id#a,4 T&ere is an e,e(ent o) tr#t& in t&is3 in t&at we o)ten
tend not to e*+e%t ot&er +eo+,e to be as %o(+,e* as we 6now we are to o#rse,"es4
T&e sense o) bein$ a #ni1#e indi"id#a,-t&e E$o is (aintained by a +attern w&i%& basi%a,,y (a6es a
di"ide between w&at it ;is; and w&at is ;not4; An indi"id#a,;s attit#des3 be,ie)s3 and a,,e$ian%e to "ario#s
ideo,o$ies and so%ia, $ro#+s rein)or%e t&e sense o) se,)&ood3 a$ainst t&e +ro:e%ted ;ot&er4; T&ese
str#%t#res are res+onsib,e )or (aintainin$ one;s +er%e+tion o) t&e way t&in$s ;are;-t&e e(bedded
+er%e+tion o) t&at w&i%& is +er%ei"ed as7 8to #se Ber$er / L#%6(ann;s ter(9 ;Para(o#nt Rea,ity;7
e%&oed ba%6 t&ro#$& a,, as+e%ts o) one;s ,i)e3 so t&at t&ere is ,itt,e sense o) rea,ity bein$ )ra$i,e or
#nstab,e 8e*%e+t at ti(es o) stress94 One;s wor,d-"iew ,itera,,y be%o(es t&e !or,de(bedded and
rein)or%ed so t&at its ,i(itations and +ara(eters are e*+erien%ed #nre),e%ti"e,y3 as se,)-e"ident
;tr#t&s4; T&is is e"eryday ,i)e as it is e*+erien%ed on a day-to-day basis4 It is3 to a $reat e*tent3
%onstr#%ted )ro( ro#tines and o#r sense o) %o()ort t&at not&in$ (#%& wi,, &o+e)#,,y o%%#r to interr#+t
t&e ),ow o) e"ents between one (o(ent and t&e ne*t4 O) %o#rse interr#+tions o%%#r a,, t&e ti(e3 b#t
t&ere is a tenden%y to treat t&e( as i) t&ey were aberrations t&at %a#se #s to side-ste+ )or a (o(ent
be)ore swin$in$ ba%6 on %o#rse4
Habits / Ro#tines
A,t&o#$& we are %reat#res o) &abit and ro#tine3 we tend to &a"e a +arado*i%a, re,ations&i+ wit& t&ose
"ery &abits and ro#tines 8o) be&a"io#r3 t&o#$&t3 et%49 w&i%& (aintain o#r sense o) e"eryday rea,ity4
!e (ost,y a,,ow t&e( to +ass #nnoti%ed-a)ter a,,3 w&at is t&ere to +onder abo#t t&e way we dress in
t&e (ornin$3 +#t on o#r s&oes or was& #+ a)ter dinner. O%%asiona,,y t&o#$&3 we )ee, o++ressed by
o#r own ro#tines3 and )ee, t&e need to brea6 o#t4 Habit be%o(es restri%tion4 !&en t&is (ood swee+s
in3 it is a $ood ti(e to try o#t t&e "ario#s &abit-brea6in$ e*er%ises-write wit& yo#r non-do(inant &and7
s+ea6 ba%6wards7 atte(+t to de,ete one &abit )ro( yo#r be&a"io#ra, re+ertoire re+,a%in$ it wit&
anot&er4 Part o) t&e +oint o) s#%& e*er%ises is t&at yo# are introd#%in$ %ons%io#s re),e%tion into an
e"ent w&i%&3 +rior to t&e e*er%ise3 yo# did (ore-or-,ess a#to(ati%a,,y4 So instead o) eatin$ w&i,e yo#
wat%& TV3 yo# :#st eat - %on%entratin$ on t&e sensations3 a%tions and ),a"o#rs4 Instead o) ,istenin$
wit& on,y &a,) an ear to anot&er +erson w&i,e yo# t&in6 o) a witty re:oinder-yo# :#st ,isten3 6ee+in$
yo#r (ind b,an6 and $i"in$ t&e ot&er )#,, attention4 T&ere are &#ndreds o) s#%& ,itt,e $a(bits and t&ey
%an be )#n to try o#t +eriodi%a,,y4 >#st don;t $et into t&e &abit o) "iewin$ t&e( as &a"in$ to be done
and )ee,in$ $#i,ty w&en yo# )or$et4 2My $od3 I ate t&at sandwi%& wit&o#t e"en tastin$ itA2 Habits &a"e
t&eir #ses4 Indeed3 one %an ar$#e t&at t&e (ore we assi$n t&e ,ow-+riority as+e%ts o) o#r ,i"es to
#nre),e%ti"e be&a"io#r3 t&e (ore attention we %an +ay to bein$ )ree in t&ose arenas w&i%& do (atter
to #s4
As we %an e*+eri(ent wit& +ersona, &abits and ro#tines3 we %an so do wit& so%ia, ro#tines o)
be&a"io#r4 In t&e =?PLs3 an A(eri%an so%io,o$ist as6ed &is st#dents to $o &o(e and be&a"e as
t&o#$& t&ey were $#ests in t&eir own &o(es4 He was in#ndated wit& %o(+,aints )ro( an$ry +arents
w&o &ad wondered w&y t&eir o))s+rin$ were +o,ite,y as6in$ t&e( i) t&ey %o#,d #se t&e bat&roo( or
retire to t&eir roo(s4 E"en (inor %&an$es in so%ia, be&a"io#r %an &a"e )ar-rea%&in$ e))e%ts4
Indi"id#a,s wit& a ri$id e$o-%o(+,e* tend to rea%t to any +er%ei"ed t&reat to t&eir wor,d-"iew by
s#++ressin$3 denyin$3 or atta%6in$ t&e so#r%e o) dissonan%e4 T&e (ore ,oose one;s e$o%o(+,e*3 t&e
(ore ada+ti"e and to,erant t&e indi"id#a, is to new ideas3 %&an$e3 #nderstandin$ anot&er +erson;s
"iew+oint3 and3 +er&a+s (ost i(+ortant-t&e abi,ity to intera%t wit& ot&ers a%ross a wide so%ia, ran$e3
wit&o#t re1#irin$ a %o(+,ete %onsens#s o) attit#de and be,ie)4
T&e Paradi$( S&i)t
T&e ter( 2Paradi$( S&i)t2 was %oined by t&e s%ienti)i% +&i,oso+&er T&o(as C#&n in &is boo63 T&e
Str#%t#re o) S%ienti)i% Re"o,#tions4 A%%ordin$ to C#&n3 a +aradi$( is an ar%&ety+a, e*a(+,e3 a nor(
w&i%& sets t&e standards )or )#rt&er a%ti"ity in t&at )ie,d4 It is3 i) yo# ,i6e3 a +arti%#,ar i,,#stration w&i%&
e*+resses a wider $enera, t&eory4 So t&e in)a(o#s S%&roedin$er;s Cat e*+eri(ent wo#,d be a
+aradi$( o) B#ant#( P&ysi%s4 A +aradi$(3 t&ere)ore3 is a %on%rete e*a(+,e o) a wider wor,d-"iew4 A
Paradi$( S&i)t o%%#rs w&en a new +aradi$( arises w&i%& addresses t&e i(+ortant +rob,e(s o) t&e
day (ore e))e%ti"e,y t&an t&e o,d one did4 A$ain3 a s%ienti)i% e*a(+,e o) a Paradi$( S&i)t wo#,d be
t&e re+,a%e(ent o) Aristot,e;s dyna(i%s o) (otion wit& t&ose o) Newton;s Prin%i+ia3 and3 in t#rn3
Einstein;s T&eory o) Re,ati"ity4
C&aos Ma$i%ians &a"e borrowed t&e ter( Paradi$( S&i)t and $i"en it t&eir own s+in4 In %&aos-
s+ea63 t&e ter( +aradi$( &as be%o(e e1#ated wit& a +arti%#,ar wor,d-"iew3 and so t&e %&aote
"ersion o) +aradi$( s&i)t 8as I #nderstand it9 is to (a6e de,iberate s&i)ts o) be,ie) 8and be&a"io#r9
ai(ed at e(bra%in$ a +arti%#,ar wor,d-"iew4 Ty+i%a,,y3 t&is is a wor,d-"iew asso%iated wit& a +arti%#,ar
,i)esty,e or be,ie)-syste(4
T&e ai( &ere is to ,oosen one;s +ersona, web o) be,ie)s and attit#desI to be%o(e (ore ada+ti"e to
new sit#ations and attit#des4 S&i)tin$ into a new wor,d-"iew is instr#%ti"e3 not on,y in ter(s o)
e(+at&y 8#nderstandin$ anot&er +ersons; o#t,oo6 on ,i)e 9 b#t a,so3 by brin$in$ abo#t a de,iberate
%&an$e w&i%& o%%#rs a%ross di))erent strata o) one;s ,i)e3 t&e (a$i%ian #nder$oes a +ro%ess o) e$o-
)ra%t#rin$ and re(o#,din$4
It s&o#,d be #nderstood t&at (a6in$ a be,ie) s&i)t is not easy4 It is not (ere,y a (atter o) de%idin$ one
day to be a &edonist3 and t&e ne*t3 a (edie"a, as%eti%4 Mere,y +,ayin$ aro#nd wit& be,ie)s and
attit#des in t&e sa)ety o) one;s own &ead-s+a%e is ,itt,e (ore t&an (enta, (ast#rbation4
Be,ie) s&i)ts are rare,y e))e%ti"e #n,ess t&ey are ena%ted )#,,y wit&in t&e %onsens#s rea,ity o) a so%ia,
s+a%e4 S&i)tin$ )ro( Hi++ie to #++ie ne%essitates a %&an$e o) %,ot&es3 s+ee%&3 se,)a))ir(ations3
ti(e-sense3 e"eryday &abits3 t&e so%ia, %ir%,es in w&i%& one (o"es7 and t&e (ost di))i%#,t +art o) t&e
+ro%ess (ay be %o+in$ wit& t&e rea%tions o) )riends and +eers4 T&ere;s an e,e(ent o) bein$ a ;se%ret
a$ent; &ere-o) $oin$ #nder %o"er3 +,ayin$ a ro,e4 o# (ay )ind &owe"er3 t&at t&ere wi,, be (o(ents
w&en yo#;re not (ere,y +,ayin$ t&e ro,e3 b#t t&at yo#;"e be%o(e e(otiona,,y en$a$ed in it4
Enterin$ any +arti%#,ar wor,d-"iew as an e$o-de%onstr#%ti"e e*er%ises i(+,ies a stan%e o) tota,
in"o,"e(ent and t&e e(bra%in$ o) any asso%iated be,ie)s3 attit#des3 and be&a"io#rs4 T&is +ro%ess
ta6es ti(e4 It ta6es ti(e to estab,is& onese,) %o()ortab,y wit&in a +arti%#,ar wor,d-"iew7 ti(e to
e*+erien%e %onsens#s rea,ity tota,,y wit&in t&at wor,d-"iew3 and ti(e to wit&draw )ro( it and e"a,#ate
t&e e*+erien%e4
So(e wor,d-"iews are easier to enter and ,ea"e t&an ot&ers4 It is re,ati"e,y easy3 )or e*a(+,e3 to s&i)t
)ro( bein$ a )anati%a, )o,,ower o) a re,i$ion to a )anati%a, e*+onent o) a (a$i%a, syste(4 A,, t&at a
+erson &as %&an$ed3 in t&is e*a(+,e3 is t&e s#r)a%e %ontent o) t&e be,ie)s4 T&e e(bedded +atterns o)
be&a"io#r and attit#de &a"e re(ained inta%t3 and it is t&ese ;e(bedded; be,ie)s and be&a"io#rs w&i%&
are at t&e root o) t&e (ore %ons%io#s res+onses to sit#ations and ,i)e-%&an$es4
T&e )irst sta$e o) (o"in$ into a Be,ie) S&i)t is (ade w&en one be$ins to 1#estion t&e "a,idity o) t&ese
se,)-e"ident tr#t&s-to be$in to e*+erien%e %onsens#s Rea,ity as )ra$i,e3 w&ere one;s own indi"id#a,
be,ie)s are seen as (#%& a +ro+ as t&ose &e,d by ot&ers4 A $reat (any +eo+,e do t&is as a (atter o)
%o#rse and3 as t&is +ro%ess ,eads to an*iety and a,ienation3 see6 to reso,"e t&e inner %on),i%t by
e(bra%in$ an ideo,o$y w&i%& $i"es t&e( t&e i,,#sion o) so,id $ro#nd-(eanin$3 +arti%i+ation and a
se%#re +,a%e to be4 Many re,i$io#s and 1#asi-(a$i%a, %#,ts re%r#it t&eir (e(bers by de,iberate,y
tar$etin$ indi"id#a,s w&o &a"e be$#n to 1#estion t&eir +arti%i+ation in %onsens#s Rea,ity4
E$o Ma++in$
In de,iberate,y settin$ o#t to enter into a Be,ie) S&i)t3 t&e (a$i%ian is +re+arin$ to assa#,t t&e )ortress
o) &is own identity4 A $ro#nd +,an o) t&e area is t&ere)ore #se)#,4 E$o Ma++in$ re1#ires t&e
arti%#,ation and #nra"e,in$ o) one;s own be,ie)s and attit#desI ideo,o$ies t&at t&e (a$i%ian is
attra%ted to or e1#a,,y3 is re+e,,ed by7 +er%ei"ed stren$t&s and wea6nesses3 )ears3 e$o+ro++in$
)antasies3 desires3 drea(s3 ni$&t(ares4 T&e (a$i%ian writes an a%%o#nt o) &i(se,)3 as &e is3 &ow &e
wo#,d ,i6e to be3 and &ow &e t&in6s ot&ers see &i(7 &e traw,s ba%6 t&ro#$& &is +ersona, &istory3
atte(+tin$ to identi)y (a:or t#rnin$-+oints3 s#%%esses3 in%idents o) )ai,#re3 e(barrass(ent3 b,#nders3
tra#(as and e%stasies4 An a%%o#nt o) &i(se,) in t&e t&ird +erson (ay be #se)#,3 as (i$&t be an
obit#ary3 written in t&e +resent3 or ten years in t&e )#t#re4
As t&e +ro%ess $ains (o(ent#(3 t&ere %o(es t&e #nderstandin$ t&at one;s own wor,d-"iew3 w&i%&
(ay we,, &a"e been ta%it,y a%%e+ted as ;tr#e; so )ar3 is (ere,y one o) (any3 in a bewi,derin$,y
%o(+,e*3 e*+andin$ %#,t#re4 An initia, %&oi%e o) Be,ie) S&i)t (ay be t&e (o"e(ent into a wor,d "iew
w&i%& is dia(etri%a,,y o++osed to a be,ie)-syste( w&i%& one &as in"ested a $ood dea, o) ti(e3
ener$y3 and se,)-estee( into4 A %&an$e o) +o,iti%a, ideo,o$y is a $ood e*a(+,e3 as it re1#ires a radi%a,
transition towards e(bra%in$ and e*+erien%in$ a wor,d-"iew w&i%& &as been3 )or years3 t&e
;o++osition4; Here3 t&e (a$i%ian (ay &a"e s+ent years "iewin$ a +arti%#,ar ideo,o$y t&ro#$&
stereoty+ed ;ot&ers4; By de,iberate,y be%o(in$ one o) t&ose ;ot&ers3; &e %&a,,en$es t&e ;tr#t&; o) &is
+re"io#s wor,d-"iew4 O) %o#rse3 t&is is ris6y3 es+e%ia,,y as it wi,, a))e%t e"ery as+e%t o) one;s ,i)esty,e3
+arti%#,ar,y intera%tions wit& )a(i,y3 )riends3 +eer $ro#+3 et%4
S#b-Be,ie) S&i)ts
T&e 6ind o) Be,ie) S&i)t e*a(ined so )ar is broad in its s%o+e4 It %an a,so be instr#%ti"e3 )ro( ti(e to
ti(e3 to (a6e o%%asiona, s#b-Be,ie) s&i)ts wit&in a s+e%i)i% %onte*t4 T&e sy(bo,i% and onto,o$i%a,
(ode,s t&at (a6e #+ o%%#,t be,ie) syste(s %o(e wit&in t&is %ate$ory4 So3 )or C&aos Ma$i%ians3
(ode( wit%&%ra)t %an be %onsidered a +arti%#,ar s#bset o) an o"era,, (a$i%a, be,ie)-syste(I as %o#,d
T&eoso+&y or Vo#do#n4 S&i)tin$ between (a$i%a, be,ie)-syste(s is re,ati"e,y easy4 Ma$i%ians do
tend to (o"e between (a$i%a, +ers+e%ti"es in t&e %o#rse o) t&eir de"e,o+(ent3 as one is attra%ted to
be,ie) syste(s w&i%& o))er di))erent de$rees o) e*+,anatory stren$t&3 )reedo( o) e*+ression3 +ersona,
(eanin$ and +arti%i+ation4 Enterin$ a s+e%i)i% (a$i%a, +ers+e%ti"e3 and wor6in$ wit&in its +ara(eters
#nti, t&ey are e*+erien%ed as ;tr#e3; and t&en (o"in$ to anot&er be,ie)-syste(3 is instr#%ti"e4
S#%& e*+erien%es tend to ,ead to t&e %on%,#sion t&at (a$i%a, be,ie) syste(s are not ne%essari,y ;tr#e;
des%ri+tions o) t&e territory3 b#t (ere,y str#%t#res )or or$anisin$3 assi(i,atin$3 and inte$ratin$
e*+erien%e4 To do t&is s#%%ess)#,,y re1#ires t&at t&e (a$i%ian wor6s wit& any %&osen syste( o"er
ti(e4 T&#s (a$i%a, (ode,s be%o(e t&e(se,"es too,s3 rat&er t&an ri$id +ara(eters4 So(e too,s are
,i6e,y to be better )or so(e ty+es o) e*+,oration t&an ot&ers3 and C&aos Ma$i%ians tend to t&e "iew
t&at it is (ore e))i%ient to &a"e a wide ran$e o) %on%e+t#a, wea+ons to %&oose )ro(3 rat&er t&an be
,i(ited to one +aradi$( t&at %annot +ossib,y a%%o#nt )or e"eryt&in$4 Too,s3 &owe"er3 %an be s#bt,e
tra+s4 A (a$i%a, (ode, w&i%& at )irst a++ears ,iberatin$3 yie,din$ new insi$&ts3 in)or(ation and
e*+erien%es %an3 be%o(e e"ent#a,,y3 restri%ti"e4
T&e inabi,ity to (o"e beyond t&e ,i(its o) one;s %&osen do(inant be,ie)-syste( serio#s,y &a(+ers
one;s abi,ity to be ada+ti"e to ,i)e-%&an$es3 and t&e e*+,oration o) new +ossibi,ities4 A stren$t& o) t&e
C&aos a++roa%& to (a$i% is t&e )reedo( to draw ins+iration3 %reati"ity3 and str#%t#re )ro( any area
o) &#(an endea"o#r3 and not be restri%ted to w&at is #s#a,,y +er%ei"ed as ;(a$i%4; Hen%e a risin$
interest in %yberneti%s3 s%ien%e)i%tion3 bio,o$y3 %o((#ni%ations3 non-,inear dyna(i%s3 and ot&er
di"erse %ontrib#tions to %onte(+orary %#,t#re4 Rat&er t&an atte(+tin$ to a%%o((odate ideas wit&in
e*istin$ be,ie)-syste(s3 C&aos Ma$i%ians %reate new +ers+e%ti"es based on %#rrent ideas and
+ossib,e )#t#res3 rat&er t&an %ontin#a,,y atte(+tin$ to rewrite and re%y%,e t&e +ast4
T&e %#(#,ati"e e))e%ts o) Be,ie) S&i)tin$3 +ra%tised on a,, +ossib,e ,e"e,s areI t&e dee+ #nderstandin$
t&at a,, be,ie)s are re,ati"e3 t&at one %an %ons%io#s,y ado+t a +arti%#,ar stan%e and s#%%ess)#,,y
wea"e a +ro:e%ti"e $,a(o#r 8bot& )or se,) and ot&ers9 )ro( it7 t&at one is ab,e to a%%e+t new
in)or(ation and ideas wit&o#t +er%ei"in$ t&e( as a t&reat7 and t&at one %an ,i"e %o()ortab,y wit&in
(any di))erent ro,es and se,"es4 A,, indi"id#a,s are )ree to (a6e %ontradi%tory state(ents3 be wron$
o%%asiona,,y3 and ad(it to errors in :#d$e(ent3 wit&o#t s#))erin$ a serio#s b,ow to t&eir e$o4 T&is
transition is 6nown as t&e s&i)t )ro( E$o-%entri% be&a"io#r3 to E*o-%entri% be&a"io#r4 T&at is3 t&e
+ro%ess o) (o"e(ent )ro( a +osition w&ere a stab,e sense o) se,) &as to be (aintained at a,, %osts3
to a +osition w&ere a (#,tit#de o) +ossibi,ities is a%6now,ed$ed3 wit& a %ontin#a, sense o)
en$a$e(ent towards t&ose se,"es w&i%& are3 as yet3 #n6nown4 F#rt&er3 it re1#ires t&e identi)i%ation
and a%%e+tan%e o) t&at w&i%& t&e (a$i%ian &as +re"io#s,y )o#nd )ear)#,3 distaste)#, and
#na%%e+tab,e-t&e de(on-se,"es w&i%&3 &a"in$ been )a%ed and bo#nd3 be%o(e ro#tes into +ower4
T&is +ra%ti%e is not easy3 as it re1#ires t&e abi,ity to (o"e )ree,y wit&in one;s So%ia, !or,d3 and t&e
%ontin#a, reassess(ent o) one;s Persona, !or,d4
-se)#, Ga(bits
Goin$ Away
Tra"e,,in$ not on,y broadens t&e (ind3 it a,so +ro"ides a #se)#, o++ort#nity to ado+t Be,ie) S&i)ts in a
so%ia, s+a%e w&ere )ew ot&ers are ,i6e,y to be )a(i,iar wit& one;s ;nor(a,; identity4
Se,)- Obser"ation
Here3 t&e (a$i%ian de"e,o+s t&e abi,ity to obser"e &i(se,) dis+assionate,y3 so t&at &e be%o(es
aware o) &ow &e %reates3 +ro:e%ts3 and (aintains a distin%t identity4 Awareness o) t&e dyna(i%s o)
Identity (aintenan%e is essentia, w&en atte(+tin$ to a,ter t&at +ro:e%tion at wi,,4 It is a,so i(+ortant to
be ab,e to obser"e &ow ot&er +eo+,e rea%t to wi,,ed identity +ro:e%tion4 S e,)- Obser"ation be%o(es a
%ontin#a, (editation4 It is a,so instr#%ti"e to +ay attention to &ow ot&ers (aintain and +ro:e%t di))erent
S&o%6 Ta%ti%s
Indi"id#a,s &a"e a nat#ra, tenden%y to attrib#te t&eir own be&a"io#r to sit#ationa, )a%tors3 yet at t&e
sa(e ti(e3 attrib#te t&e be&a"io#r o) ot&ers to t&eir +ersona,ity4 T&e +ro%ess o) ,abe,,in$ ot&ers on
t&e basis o) t&eir dress3 +eers3 and $i"en o+inions %an be%o(e a s#bt,e tra+4 Cnow,ed$e o) t&is
tenden%y %an be t#rned to t&e (a$i%ian;s ad"anta$e4 I)3 )or e*a(+,e3 &e 6nows t&at anot&er +ersona,
&as ta$$ed &i( as &o,din$ $enera,,y ,ibera, "iews on "ario#s iss#es3 t&en %&oosin$ t&e a++ro+riate
(o(ent to (a6e a %o((ent w&i%& i(+,ies t&e o++osite "iew3 is ,i6e,y to $i"e t&e ot&er +erson a
%onsiderab,e s&o%64 S#%& ta%ti%s (ay be #sed to en&an%e +ersona, +ower3 or3 to a++ear to %o,,#de
wit& anot&er3 w&i,st (aintainin$ a &idden a$enda4
T&e abo"e (i$&t +ro(+t t&e 1#estion 2do C&aos Ma$i%ians e"er re(ain in one be,ie)-syste( or s#b-
be,ie) )or any ,en$t& o) ti(e.2 O) %o#rse4 T&e +ra%ti%e o) (a6in$ Be,ie) S&i)ts a,,ows t&e (a$i%ian to
(o"e between +ers+e%ti"es3 so t&at &e de"e,o+s3 o"er ti(e3 a web o) +ersona,,y si$ni)i%ant be,ie)s3
based on de"e,o+in$ +ersona, and et&i%a, stan%es3 e(bedded be,ie)s3 a (obi,e sense o) identity3 and
w&ate"er (a$i%a, (ode,s are bein$ #sed at any one ti(e4 T&is so#nds %o(+,e*3 b#t is e*+erien%ed
as si(+,e or se,)-e"ident4 T&e C&aos Ma$i%ian is (ore ,i6e,y to a%%e+t t&at &is be,ie)-web is ,i6e,y to
%&an$e3 and t&at &e is 1#ite ,i6e,y to )ind &i(se,) doin$ t&in$s w&i%& were +re"io#s,y o#tside o) &is
6nown re+ertoire o) e*+erien%es4 It is a,so i(+ortant to re(e(ber t&at C&aos Ma$i% is not an o"era,,
be,ie)-syste( in 1#ite t&e sa(e way t&at ot&er (a$i%a, be,ie)-syste(s are o)ten +er%ei"ed4 C&aos
Ma$i%ians are 1#ite ,i6e,y to identi)y t&e(se,"es wit& ot&er (a$i%a, be,ie)-syste(s at t&e sa(e ti(e
as identi)yin$ t&e(se,"es as ;C&aos Ma$i%ians4; For e*a(+,e3 at t&e ti(e o) writin$3 (y own (a:or
(a$i%a, interests are )ree)or( s&a(ani% +ra%ti%e and Tantri% Ma$i%4 For (e t&ere is no %on),i%t
between t&ese two areas o) interest and C&aos Ma$i%4
Si(i,ar,y3 a %o,,ea$#e w&o +,ayed a 6ey ro,e in t&e )or(ation o) t&e I,,#(inates o) T&anateros 8t&e )irst
or$anisation o) C&aos Ma$i%ians9 is by &is own ad(ission3 +ri(ari,y a R#ne(aster4
Identity / Se,)
!&at is t&e sense o) se,). T&e idea o) t&e se,) as a )i*ed3 #na(bi$#o#s +oint o) re)eren%e is a (#%&
so#$&t-)or +ri5e3 +ro(ised by t&e "aryin$ t&era+ies and (an#a,s )or a,ternati"e ,i"in$4 !&en we
%o(e to re%o$nise o#r e*isten%e as bein$ (ade #+ o) "ario#s ,i)e-wor,ds 8none o) w&i%& we are )#,,y
%o((itted toK t&e sense o) t&e rea, (e is so(et&in$ w&i%& is +resented3 to "aryin$ de$rees3 in a,, o)
t&e(3 b#t )#,,y rea,ised in none4 T&e re,ations&i+ between t&e sense o) se,) and t&e (yriad so%ia,
wor,ds we +arti%i+ate in is +arado*i%a,4 In t&at3 wit&o#t a sense o) be,on$in$ to so(et&in$3 t&ere is no
sense o) stabi,ity3 yet tota, %o((it(ent to any one so%ia, wor,d i(+,ies a se,),essness w&i%& is &i$&,y
s#s+e%t in (odern %#,t#re4 To +ara+&rase Er"in$ Go))(ann7 o#r sense o) stat#s is deri"ed )ro( t&e
so,id %onstr#%tions o) 8so%ia,9 rea,ity3 yet o#r sense o) +ersona, identity deri"es )ro( t&e ways in
w&i%& we resist tota, +arti%i+ation in t&e(4 So w&i,st we +,a%e o#rse,"es wit&in so%iety3 we
si(#,taneo#s,y resist it3 so t&at we (i$&t de%,are t&at we are so(et&in$ (ore t&an w&at we do wit&in
it3 or &ow we are +er%ei"ed by ot&ers4 In (odern %#,t#re3 indi"id#a,ity is wrested )ro( o#r str#$$,es
a$ainst bot& so%ia, instit#tions and o#r +eers4
T&is "ery idea t&at identity is a %onstr#%tion3 rat&er t&an a )i*ed abso,#te3 &as a,,owed a,ternati"e
t&eories o) se,) to arise4 A notion +o+#,ar wit& so(e C&aos Ma$i%ians is t&at t&ere is no sin$,e se,)3
b#t a (#,ti+,i%ity o) se,"es4 T&is ar$#(ent is3 t&at a,t&o#$& we e*+erien%e o#rse,"es as %o&esi"e
+ersona,ities3 we are ea%& %o(+osed o) a %,#ster o) se,"es4 Band,er / Grinder3 t&e %&ie) e*+onents
o) Ne#ro-Lin$#isti% Pro$ra((in$3 ta6e t&is idea )#rt&er3 by statin$ t&at we are a,, 2(#,ti+,e
+ersona,ities42 T&is a++arent,y s%&i5oid "iew o) t&e se,) re),e%ts t&e in%reasin$,y )ra$(ented
e*+erien%e o) se,) t&ro#$& t&e +,#ra,isation o) t&e ,i)e-wor,ds in w&i%& we +arti%i+ate4 T&e 6ey
di))eren%e t&o#$&3 see(s to be t&at3 instead o) atte(+tin$ to )ir(,y estab,is& w&at La%an %a,,ed t&e
;)i%tion; o) t&e tr#e se,)3 one stri"es to $i"e )ree rei$n to t&e (#,ti+,e se,"es4
How #se)#, is s#%& t&eorisin$ at $ro#nd-5ero. I) we a%%e+t t&at t&e sense o) se,))&ood is an
e(er$ent +ro+erty o) %ontin#a, (o"e(ent t&ro#$& 5ones o) so%ia, dyna(i%s-t&at t&ere is no %ore
be&ind t&e (as6s we wear as we (o"e t&ro#$& o#r so%ia, wor,ds7 t&en i) not&in$ e,se t&is )rees #s
)ro( t&e i(+et#s to assert o#rse,"es as indi"id#a,s a$ainst ea%& ot&er4 T&e sear%& )or an o"era,,
+attern o) %o&eren%e by w&i%& we %an dis%ern se,)3 (eanin$ and a sense o) +ro$ress %r#(b,es4 In
t&is is +ossib,y t&e (ost radi%a, as+e%ts o) t&e C&aos Ma$i% +ers+e%ti"eI sto+ ,oo6in$ )or tr#t& and
&a"e )#n wit& yo#r be,ie)s7 sto+ tryin$ to +#,, to$et&er a sin$,e identity and en:oy (any identities-
(#%& as A,eister Crow,ey did4 In %ontrast to ot&er (a$i%a, +ers+e%ti"es3 C&aos Ma$i% is not
%on%erned wit& t&e e"asion or trans%enden%e o) e"eryday ,i)e3 b#t its trans)or(ation3 t&ro#$& t&e re-
in:e%tion o) t&e (ar"e,,o#s into e"eryday ,i)e4 T&e state(ent 2Not&in$ is Tr#e3 E"eryt&in$ is
Per(itted2 %an be a s,o$an o) s#+re(e +essi(is( and %yni%is(4 It %an a,so be a %,arion %a,, to ,i)e as
!i,,ia( S4 B#rro#$&s +#t it3 as art3 +,ay3 or (a6e-be,ie"e4 A,eister Crow,ey is &i(se,)3 a +aradi$(ati%
e*a(+,e o) t&e e*tre(es i(+,ied by s#%& a stan%e4
2I don;t want rea,is(3 I want (a$i%32 says B,an%&e '#bois3 in A Street%ar Na(ed 'esire4 A,eister
Crow,ey deser"es o#r a%%o,ade be%a#se o) t&e way &e (ade &is entire ,i)e (a$i%a,7 t&e way &e $a"e
&i(se,) t&e $randest o) ro,es3 +,ayed a$ainst t&e ba%6dro+ o) nor(a,ity w&i%& %o#,d not b#t +a,e in
%o(+arison4 T&ere is a $rande#r and +assion w&i%& is #ne1#a,,ed in Crow,ey;s ,i)e3 in t&e way &e ,aid
%,ai( to t&e e"ents o) &is ti(e4 He +,ayed Pros+ero on t&e wor,d;s sta$e4 T&is is )or (e3 t&e essen%e
o) Crow,ey;s (a$i%3 and &is be1#est to t&is ,atter &a,) o) t&e <Lt& %ent#ry4 Tr#e3 &e ,e)t (ore t&an
eno#$& to satis)y t&ose w&o see6 %onso,ation in n#(bers or in s&adowed e(#,ation o) on,y a )ew o)
&is +arts4 S%ottis& nob,e(an3 orienta, +rin%e3 +oet3 &i$& +riest o) t&e (ysteries3 Great Beast3
$ar$ant#an sed#%er4 !&ate"er &e did3 Crow,ey did in sty,e4 T&e $reat %on),i%ts o) t&at era were
si(+,y e(anations o) &is wi,,7 t&e t#rb#,ent so%ia, %&an$e o) t&e twenties and t&irties no (ore t&an
t&e res+onse o) t&e wor,d to t&e )a%t o) &is e*isten%e4 -nderstandin$ t&e need )or s+e%ta%,e a,, too
we,,3 &e ens#red t&at e"ery a%t o) wi,, &e (ade be%a(e S+e%ta%#,ar4 He )#,)i,,ed a,, t&e +o+#,ar
s%ri+ts )or t&e rebe,3 )ro( startin$ &is own %o((#ne3 to ,i"in$ down-and-o#t in a Parisian $arret4
!ords i(+rison4 Crow,ey +,a%ed &i(se,) beyond a,, atte(+ts at de)inition3 by t#rns o#tra$in$ bot& &is
)o,,owers3 )riends3 and detra%tors a,i6e4 Criti%s o)ten +oint to t&e %ontradi%tions &e dis+,ayed4 He
de%,ared &i(se,) a &o,y $#r# and s&at on %ar+ets4 He wors&i++ed $oddesses and 6i%6ed &is s%ar,et
wo(en downstairs4 He +,a%ed &i(se,) beyond t&e +a,e3 and e"eryt&in$ +a,ed into insi$ni)i%an%e
beside &i(4 A $reat (an %asts a ,on$ s&adow3 as is e"ident by t&ose w&o see6 to e(#,ate &i(4 Sad
Crow,ey-wannabes4 How &e wo#,d &a"e ,a#$&ed4 T&ose w&o;"e (astered t&e &eroin &abit and t&e
arts o) de%ei"in$ t&e wea64 B#t t&e (o#ntain-%,i(bin$ and $ettin$ e*tradited )ro( %o#ntries wi,, ta6e
a ,itt,e (ore ti(e4 La%6in$ t&e stren$t& to dis%o"er t&e(se,"es3 t&ey sett,e )or ,i"in$ in t&e s&adow o)
t&e Beast4
Crow,ey was i(+e,,ed by &is sense o) destiny4 In t&is (ode( a$e3 t&e %o(+,ete and se,),ess
s#rrender to t&e destiny o) one;s ,i)e is so(et&in$ t&at +ro"o6es bot& ad(iration and #nease4 T&e
+#rs#it o) indi"id#a,ity (a6es tota, ad&eren%e to any one +ers+e%ti"e see( s#s+e%t4 Crow,ey o))ered
no a+o,o$ies3 no +rote%tion3 and no %o()ort )or t&ose w&o so#$&t &i( o#t or )e,, at &is )eet to ,earn4 In
t&e sa(e way t&at &e s#rrendered &i(se,) to &is destiny3 &e de(anded t&e tota, s#rrender o) wo#,d-
be )o,,owers-wi"es3 wa,,ets and arse&o,es were a,, )air $a(e4 Madness and s#i%ide trai,ed in &is
wa6e4 S%anda, do$$ed &is )ootste+s3 yet &e was not dra$$ed down by t&e )ai,#res o) &is )e,,ows4 His
(ode(-day ad(irers see6 to e*+,ain &is %ontradi%tions and :#sti)y &is a%ts o) (ora, o#tra$e4 et
Crow,ey was neit&er interested in e*+,anations or :#sti)i%ations4 T&e )a%t o) &is e*isten%e was
eno#$&4 !it& t&e absor+tion o) a %&i,d +,ayin$ &is own $a(e3 t&e r#,es 6nown on,y to &i(se,)3 &e
wandered a%ross t&e wor,d3 i((#ne to disaster and ob,i"io#s to t&e +ossibi,ity o) )ai,#re4
It &as been said t&at Crow,ey wo#,d &a"e )itted we,, into t&e =??L;s4 Indeed3 Les Mi,,er;s +,ay Raisin$
He,,3 a,,owed &i( s#%& a %o(eba%64 I a( s#re t&at &e wo#,d &a"e been de,i$&ted by (ode( ;+o,iti%a,
%orre%tness; and t#rned it into anot&er (a$i%a, wea+on to bite at t&e wor,d4 He &ad no ti(e )or
+o,iti%a, %a#ses4 He wo#,d )ind ,a#$&ab,e t&e obsession o) %onte(+orary +a$ans wit& see6in$
res+e%tabi,ity and a%%e+tan%e4 Co(+ro(ise was not &is )ortH4 Indeed3 &is "ery #nwi,,in$ness to
%o(+ro(ise is +art o) &is attra%tion4 !e are attra%ted to &i( d#e to t&e tota, en$a$e(ent wit& &is
s#b:e%t w&i%& &e +ro:e%ts3 w&et&er it is %&artin$ t&e %o#rse o) &is &eroin &abit or t&e n#(ber o)
(a$i%a, b,ow:obs &e $i"es to +assin$ stran$ers4 At no +oint does &e see( to be sayin$ 2t&is isn;t t&e
rea, (e42 He does not ar$#e &is +osition or distan%e &i(se,) )ro( &is ,i)e3 &e +resents &i(se,) wit& a
(atter-o)-)a%tness w&i%& bot& attra%ts and re+e,s4
T&e (yt& o) Crow,ey &as retained its +ower and3 i) anyt&in$3 $at&ered (o(ent#(4 His )a%e s%ow,s
o#t o) t&e Ser$eant Pe++er;s Lone,y Hearts C,#b Band %o"er4 His sy(bo,s &a"e %re+t )ro( &is
,eat&er-bo#nd editions onto s6in3 T-s&irts and C'%o"ers4 His ad"ertisin$ %o+y )or &is own boo6s &as
s+awned an entire sty,e4 His )o,,owers s1#abb,e o"er ,e$a, %&arters and w&o &as t&e ;ri$&t; to
%ontin#e &is sa%red ,inea$e4 T&o#$& Lea(in$ton S+a;s %o#n%i,,ors t#rned down a re1#est to b,#e-
+,a1#e &is birt&+,a%e3 &e &as &ad a tre(endo#s in),#en%e #+on (odern %#,t#re4 Crow,ey deser"es
o#r a++,a#se i) on,y be%a#se &e +ersisted in %&oosin$ t&e ,i)e &e wanted to ,i"e to t&e end and3 in so
doin$3 a%&ie"ed a 6ind o) i((orta,ity4
T&e notion o) (#,ti+,e se,"es a,so +ro"ides a s&ar+ %ontrast to t&e Neo+,atoni% "iew o) t&e se,)-t&at
t&ere is a +art o) #s w&i%& +arta6es o) t&e Abso,#te3 aro#nd w&i%& (#%& o) (a$i%a, t&eory is based4 I)
t&ere is no ;Tr#e Se,);3 t&en t&e "a,idity o) (a$i%a, ideas s#%& as t&e Tr#e !i,, or Ho,y G#ardian An$e,
are %a,,ed into 1#estion4 Indeed3 bot& Peter >4 Carro,, and 'a"e Lee &a"e 8in di))erent ways9 +ointed
o#t t&at )ro( t&e C&aos +ers+e%ti"e at ,east3 t&e notion o) t&e Ho,y G#ardian An$e,-)or so ,on$
%onsidered t&e ,yn%&-+in o) a (a$i%ians; (a$i%a, as+iration is )ast a++roa%&in$ obso,es%en%e4
T&e HGA - Mas6 o) t&e Void
Persona,,y3 I &a"e ne"er )o#nd t&e idea o) t&e Ho,y G#ardian An$e, as a distin%t ;bein$; to be
+arti%#,ar,y a++ea,in$4 Howe"er I &a"e )o#nd it #se)#, to re,ate t&e idea o) t&e HGA to Crow,ey;s
re(ar6s in Moon%&i,d %on%ernin$ t&e wor6in$s o) t&e inner $eni#s4 T&is is so(et&in$ a,on$ t&e ,ines
t&at (an red#%es &i(se,) to a ne$ati"e and a,,ows &is $eni#s to %o(e t&ro#$& &i( as it wi,,4 Rat&er
t&an intera%tin$ wit& a HGA as a +arti%#,ar entity wit& a distin%t na(e3 +ersona and a++earan%e3 I
&a"e tended to "iew t&e HGA as a te(+orary ;Mas6 o) t&e Void;-as a $ateway to ins+iration and
i,,#(inations4 T&#s3 )or a w&i,e3 (y ;HGA; was %&ara%terised as a s&adowy wo(an wit& t&e na(e
;A5oora; b#t t&is &as %&an$ed as t&e +ers+e%ti"e o) (y (a$i%a, interests &as %&an$ed4 Ha"in$
obser"ed &ow 1#i%6,y %onta%ts wit& ;&i$&er entities; %an 1#i%6,y de"o,"e into +at&o,o$i%a, obsession--
%orres+ondin$ de$radin$ t&e 1#a,ity o) in)or(ation re%ei"ed )ro( s#%& a %onta%t-I &a"e a%%ordin$,y
6e+t (y %on%e+t#a,isation o) (y HGA as de,iberate,y e+&e(era,4 = )ind Crow,ey;s +ortrait o) t&e
entity LAM-des%ribed as 2t&e "oi%e o) t&e si,en%e2 to be an a++osite e*a(+,e-)or t&at "oi%e %an ta6e
(any )or(s and s+ea6 wit& (any ton$#es4
T&e Ma$i%a, Se,)I
An E*er%ise in E(+ower(ent
Creatin$ a Ma$i%a, Se,) is a +ro%ess o) de%idin$ w&at 1#a,ities3 abi,ities and s6i,,s t&e (a$i%ian
wis&es to a%1#ire3 and %reatin$ a ro,e w&i%& is t&e en%a+s#,ation o) t&ese +ro:e%tions4 T&e Ma$i%a,
Se,) is a +ersona-(as6 w&i%& t&e (a$i%ian ;wears; ea%& ti(e &e +er)or(s any a%t o) (a$i%4 It (ay
be asso%iated wit& a +arti%#,ar sy(bo,3 ite( o) adorn(ent3 or %,ot&in$4 Ea%& a%t o) (a$i% rein)or%es
t&e ro,e4 A re,ated +ra%ti%e is t&at o) ado+tin$ (a$i%a, na(es4 So(e (a$i%ians %&oose a na(e or
(otto w&i%& re),e%ts t&eir (a$i%a, as+irations4 S#%& na(es are #s#a,,y %&osen d#e to asso%iation
wit& +arti%#,ar (a$i%a, %on%e+ts4 T&e (a$i%ian identi)ies &i(se,) wit& t&e na(e-t&ereby in"o6in$ &is
Ma$i%a, Se,)4 As t&e (a$i%ian de"e,o+s3 so (ay &is na(e %&an$e4 An e*a(+,e o) a (a$i%a, na(e is
PACHA'-a Hebrew word w&i%& %an be trans,ated as ;Fear4; It is a,so a tit,e o) t&e Cabba,isti%
Se+&irot& GEB-RAH3 w&i%& %orres+onds to t&e +,anet Mars4 T&is na(e (i$&t t&#s be ado+ted by a
(a$i%ian w&o wis&es to identi)y &is (a$i%ian se,) wit& a (artia, %#rrent4
T&ere is ,itt,e +oint &owe"er3 in desi$nin$ a (a$i%a, +ersona w&i%& (ere,y rein)or%es 1#a,ities t&at
t&e (a$i%ian a,ready +ossesses in ab#ndan%e4 T&e Ma$i%a, Se,) is an in"o%ation o) )#t#re ot&erness-
a se,) w&i%& one (i$&t sense t&e need o)3 b#t &as not yet de"e,o+ed t&e re1#isite abi,ities and
+owers o)4
In a sense3 t&e Ma$i%a, Se,) is (ere,y a &e#risti% de"i%e4 As we be$in to +ra%tise and ,i"e (a$i%a,,y3
t&e Ma$i%ian Se,) is a te(+orary identi)i%ation w&i,st o#r (a$i%a, +ra%ti%e is ta6en as a +arti%#,ar
a%ti"ity -en%,a"e distin%t )ro( t&e rest o) o#r ,i"es4 Indeed3 %,assi%a, (a$i%a, t&eory e*+o#nds t&e
"iew t&at t&e (a$i%ian-+ersona s&o#,d be 6e+t a+art )ro( t&e rest o) o#r ,i)ee*+erien%e--a ;se%ret ,i)e;
i) yo# wi,,3 w&i%& is on,y re"ea,ed to )e,,ow initiates4 I) &owe"er3 one %o(es to "iew (a$i% as a t&read
w&i%& (ay re"ea, itse,) in a,, as+e%ts o) one;s ,i)e3 t&en t&e sense o) &a"in$ a distin%t Ma$i%ian Se,)
(ay be%o(e b,#rred 8t&o#$& not ne%essari,y wea6ened9 as by e*ertin$ a (a$i%a, +ers+e%ti"e into
;e"eryday ,i)e3; t&en one is (a6in$ one;s w&o,e ,i)e (a$i%a,4
!or6in$3 ,i"in$ and a%tin$ wit&in a (a$i%a, +sy%&o%os(3 one dis%o"ers t&at t&e sense o) identity
be%o(es ine*tri%ab,y interwo"en wit& one;s (a$i%4 T&ere is a $rad#ated +ro$ression )ro( (a$i%
bein$ so(et&in$ t&at one is ;interested; in3 to so(et&in$ t&at one is ;en$rossed; by3 to bein$ a
(a$i%ian (ore or ,ess )#,, ti(e4 In ter(s o) t&e C&aos a++roa%&3 t&is i(+,ies %ontin#a, %&an$e3
(odi)i%ation o) identity3 enterin$ di))erent +aradi$(s o) be,ie) and be&a"io#r3 ,earnin$ new s6i,,s3 and
s&eddin$ ,i)e+atterns w&i%& &a"e o#tworn t&eir #se)#,ness4 T&ere is t&#s a s&i)t )ro( a %ore E$o
w&i%& is based on di))eren%es3 t&e se,)ot&er di"ide3 to E*o3 t&e se,) in a %ontin#a, +ro%ess o)
en$a$e(ent4 As one %ontin#es to e*+and and de"e,o+ t&e +ersona, +sy%&o%os(3 t&e si5e o) t&e
so%ia, $ro#+ w&i%& rein)or%es t&at sense o) identity $rows s(a,,er4
Se,) Lo"e
T&e ai( o) t&is +ro%ess is to rea%& t&e +oint w&ere identity is %ontin#a,,y bein$ de%onstr#%ted-w&en a
(eas#re o) ),#idity o) e*+ression is attained and one is re,eased )ro( t&e ne%essity o) see6in$ se,)-
"a,idation )ro( ot&ers4 T&is is w&at A#stin Os(an S+are re)erred to wit& &is do%trine o) ;Se,) Lo"e4;
T&is is no nar%issisti% bas6in$ in t&e $,a(o#rs o) t&e e$o3 rat&er3 it is t&e dis%o"ery o) t&e "oid at t&e
%ore o) an identity w&i%& is )ree,y ab,e to (o"e into any desired set o) so%ia, re,ations3 wit&o#t )ee,in$
tra++ed or %onstrained by t&e(4 As t&e %ore o) t&e sense o) se,) is ;Se,)-Lo"e3; rat&er t&an any ,i(ited
,abe,3 one attains a state o) $reat )reedo( o) (o"e(ent and e*+ression4
Se,) Lo"e does not ne%essari,y i(+,y a,ienation or wit&drawa, )ro( Consens#s Rea,ity4 Mode(
%#,t#re is sat#rated wit& es%a+e ro#tes by w&i%& one is en%o#ra$ed to resist t&e ro#tines o) rea,ity4
'r#$s3 se*3 )antasy s%ri+ts3 so%ia, en%,a"es3 ideo,o$ies3 t&era+ies3 (inds%a+es3 t&e +ast3 #to+ia-a,,
%,ear,y si$n-+osted es%a+e ro#tes t&at #,ti(ate,y3 re"ea, t&e(se,"es to be dead-ends4 T&is is
es+e%ia,,y tr#e o) so-%a,,ed re"o,#tionary es%a+e ro#tes+o,iti%a,3 a,ternati"e ,i)esty,es3 (a$i%a,
endea"o#r4 T&ey s#++ort3 rat&er t&an t&reaten3 %onsens#s rea,ity3 w&i,st )eedin$ t&e i,,#sion o)
es%a+e4 Many o) t&ese es%a+e ro#tes re1#ire a %&an$e in so%ia, s%ri+ts and (as6s and do ,itt,e (ore
t&an %reate )ra$i,e en%,a"es wit&in %onsens#s rea,ity3 w&i%& ine"itab,y are re%a+t#red and
re%#+erated into )as&ions and trends4 !&i,e t&e (a:ority o) (a$i%a, +aradi$(s see6 to re:e%t
%onsens#s rea,ity in )a"o#r o) ;&i$&er; states o) bein$3 t&e C&aos a++roa%& (a6es %onsens#s rea,ity
into a +,ay$ro#nd )or t&e +&eno(eni5in$ o) wi,, and desire4 By e*+erien%in$ %onsens#s rea,ity )ro(
t&e basis o) Se,) Lo"e3 t&e (a$i%ian (ay be$in t&e ,on$ and )as%inatin$ +ro%ess o) brin$in$ to eart&
w&ate"er s&ards o) t&e Pandae(onaeon and w&ate"er (ay ,ie beyond it-t&at en$a$e attention4
It is a +o+#,ar +asti(e o) o%%#,tists to sear%& ba%6wards t&ro#$& t&e tra%6s o) &istory3 se,e%ti"e,y
editin$3 and so(eti(es )abri%atin$ e"iden%e to s#++ort +arti%#,ar (ode,s and +ro+ositions4 T&e
res#,ts o) s#%& (#sin$s3 w&i,e in%o(+,ete and biased3 %an so(eti(es +ro"ide #se)#, +ointers to
#nderstandin$ +resent and +ossib,e )#t#re trends4 T&e )o,,owin$ e*a(+,e is a brie) to#r t&ro#$& t&e
Aeons3 e*a(inin$ &ow so%ia, %&an$e brin$s abo#t a %&an$e in t&e re,ations&i+ between indi"id#a,
and so%iety3 and &ow t&is %&an$e is re),e%ted by (a$i%a, +aradi$(s4
As so%ieties de"e,o+3 so too t&e do(inant (a$i%a, +aradi$(s re),e%t and rein)or%e t&e %o(+,e*ities
o) %onsens#s rea,ity4 Ear,y triba, so%ieties e"o,"ed an Ot&erwor,d w&i%& &ad (any +oints o) %onta%t
wit& t&eir day-to-day e*+erien%e o) rea,ity4 T&e +rototy+i% s&a(ani% ot&erwor,d re,ates to t&e basi%
+atterns o) triba, ,i"in$I &#ntin$3 $at&erin$3 an%estor wors&i+3 s+irits o) ,o%a, ),ora and )a#na3 syste(s
o) taboo4 O)ten3 t&e ot&erwor,d inter+enetrates t&e ,o%a, ,ands%a+e4 T&e state o) ;+arti%i+ation
(ysti1#e; in w&i%& t&ese %#,t#res are t&o#$&t to &a"e ,i"ed3 i(+,ies a tota, )#sion o) Persona,3 So%ia,
and Myt&i% !or,ds4
Fast-)orward into t&e Pa$an AeonI t&e $rowt& o) sett,ed a$ri%#,t#re3 %ities3 tradin$-t&e de"e,o+(ent o)
(ore %o(+,e* so%ia, dyna(i%s4 Here3 (ediation o) t&e Ot&erwor,d be%o(es t&e )#n%tion o) a
s+e%ia,ised +riest&ood4 E"ent#a,,y t&ere arises a di"ision between state-a++ro"ed (yt&s and t&e
s#r"i"a, o) ear,ier ,ore4 New +ant&eons arise3 assi(i,atin$ t&ose o) ear,ier e+o%&s3 so t&at t&ey
be%o(e s#bser"ient to t&e new order3 or are de(oni5ed4 An e*a(+,e o) s#%& a transition %an be
seen in An%ient Gree%e3 w&ere t&e O,y(+ian +ant&eon s#++,anted t&e e,der3 Titani% deities4
Howe"er3 t&ere is sti,, a &i$& de$ree o) o"er,ay between t&e wor,ds o) e*+erien%e-t&e (yt&i% +atterns
w&i%& )#n%tion to (aintain so%ia, %o&esion be%o(e a )#n%tion o) t&e state3 and t&e sa%red to+o,o$ies
o) ear,ier %onditions be%o(e t&e sites )or )or(a,ised rit#a, and t&e %ere(onia, re),e%tion o) &istory4
T&e transition )ro( +o,yt&eis( towards (onot&eis( +#s&es t&e t&ree wor,ds o) e*+erien%e a+art3 as
t&e +riest&ood see6 to (aintain so%ia, %ontro, t&ro#$& t&e stri%t re$#,ation o) (yt&i% e*+erien%e4
Co(+etin$ rea,ities are assi(i,ated3 or eradi%ated4 Anot&er %ontrib#tin$ )a%tor is t&e rise in t&e +ower
o) t&e %on%e+t o) a +ersona, so#,3 and t&e idea t&at ea%& indi"id#a, en$a$es in a +ersona,
re,ations&i+ wit& t&e s#+re(e deity4 T&e $rowt& o) (onot&eist t&eo%ra%y ine"itab,y +rod#%es %on),i%t3
as t&e need to (aintain so%ia, order re1#ires t&at trans$ressions be%o(e &eresies4 Be&a"io#rs and
be,ie)s w&i%& )or(er,y3 were to,erated or so%ia,,y (ediated in t&e Pa$an era be%o(e +otentia,
disasters t&at (#st be %ontained4 et at t&e sa(e ti(e3 t&ese +rob,e(ati% areas are +ro(oted by t&e
+riest&ood3 t&rowin$ #+3 as seen in (edie"a, E#ro+e3 n#(ero#s wit%&-&#nts3 and +ro%,a(ations o)
t&e i(+endin$ end o) t&e wor,d4 For e*a(+,e3 d#rin$ t&e (edie"a, era3 t&e end o) t&e wor,d was
"ario#s,y +redi%ted )or ==@N3 =<<?3 =<?L3 =RLL3=R=L3 =R<J3 =RRJ3 =RDN3 =RNL3 =RNJ3 =RPJ3 =R?J3
=DLL3 =D=?3 and =D<?4
S&i)ts wit&in a %#,t#re;s $rowt& are (ar6ed by ;seis(i%; %&an$es d#rin$ w&i%& a%%e+ted %#,t#ra,
"a,#es are %&a,,en$ed3 and t&ere is an e*+,osion o) new ideas3 be,ie)s3 and be&a"io#rs4 S#%& +eriods
are ine"itab,y )o,,owed by +eriods w&ere t&e t&reatened ort&odo*y atte(+ts to re-estab,is& itse,)3 or
a%%o((odate itse,) to t&e new sit#ation4 T&e )or%es t&at %ontrib#te to t&ese seis(i% s&i)ts are
%o(+,e*3 in"o,"in$ de(o$ra+&i% %&an$e 8#rbani5ation3 ind#stria,i5ation9 e%ono(i% e*+ansion3
te%&no,o$i%a, %&an$e3 nat#ra, disasters3 and in"asion by a )orei$n %#,t#re w&i%& %an a,, %ontrib#te to
ra+id %#,t#ra, transitions4
As (onot&eist so%ieties %ontin#e to de"e,o+3 t&ey set #+ resonan%es w&i%& e"ent#a,,y %o(e to
t&reaten t&eir (yt&i% %ontro, o) rea,ity4 City-states $row into nationa, (onar%&ies3 (oney e%ono(i%s
re+,a%es 1#a,itati"e e*%&an$e3 and %o((er%ia, $rowt& ,eads to t&e estab,is&(ent o) %o((er%ia, ,aw4
Vendettas or b,ood-)e#ds are re+,a%ed by ,aw %o#rts4 T&e o))i%ia, +er%e+tion o) t&e (onot&eist so%iety
is t&at o) a %o((#nity o) t&e )ait&)#, w&erein t&e indi"id#a, is +,a%ed as an obedient ser"ant o) t&e
one God3 and &;s (asters4 In t&e ear,y sta$es o) (onot&eis( in E#ro+e3 +enan%e )or trans$ressions
is %&ara%teri5ed by %o((#na, %on)essions and e*%,#sion )ro( t&e %o((#nity4 Howe"er3 by t&e =<t&
Cent#ry3 t&is %o((#na, e*+erien%e was ,ar$e,y re+,a%ed by indi"id#a, %on)ession and +ersona,
ne$otiation wit& a +riest4 T&e indi"id#a,;s 1#est )or sa,"ation and t&e +ri"ate re,ations&i+ wit& t&e
di"ine was s#+ersedin$ t&e %o((#na, +arti%i+ation o) ear,ier +&ases4 It is a,so si$ni)i%ant t&at t&e
intention to trans$ress be%a(e (ore si$ni)i%ant t&an t&e a%tions a,one4 T&is $rowt& in t&e %on%e+t o)
t&e indi"id#a, a,so $i"es +ower to a new %on%e+t o) %iti5ens&i+3 and &en%e3 ri$&ts and d#ties3 and t&e
notion o) indi"id#a, %ons%ien%e4 As (onot&eist %#,t#re de"e,o+s3 t&ere is an in%reasin$ s&i)t )ro(
%o((#na,,ydeter(ined so%ia, (aintenan%e3 towards +ersona, in"o,"e(ent4 T&is3 to$et&er wit& t&e
rise o) ,o$i% and reason3 ine"itab,y brin$s t&e indi"id#a, into %on),i%t wit& t&e ort&odo*y as &eresies o)
be&a"io#r and be,ie) are identi)ied4 T&reats to t&e stabi,ity o) t&e Myt&i% %ontro, syste( are res+onded
to "ia wit%&-&#nts3 s%a+e$oatin$3 and wars4 Any (a$i%a, +aradi$(s w&i%& s#r"i"e in t&ese %onditions
tend to be t&e#r$i%a,3 stress t&e +ersona, #nion wit& t&e di"ine3 be &i$&,y sy(bo,i%3 and yet a,so
re),e%t t&e re,ations&i+ between t&e indi"id#a, 8(i%ro%os(9 and t&e !&o,e 8(a%ro%os(94 T&#s (a$i%3
)ro( t&is era3 is rede)ined as a ro#te to +ersona, sa,"ation3 rat&er t&an an en$a$e(ent wit& a Myt&i%
!or,d w&i%& +ara,,e,ed so%ia, rea,ity4
As (onot&eist so%iety be%o(es in%reasin$,y %o(+,e*3 t&e rise o) te%&no,o$y and e%ono(i%s3
to$et&er wit& reason and ,o$i%3 ,eads to a di"ision between t&e te(+ora, and t&e s+irit#a,4 T&e
te(+ora, be%o(es t&e do(ain o) ,o$i%3 reason3 and ,aw3 w&i,st t&e s+irit#a, re(ains in t&e &ands o)
t&e +riest&ood4 As indi"id#a,s $ain (ore )reedo( o) be,ie) and a%tion3 t&e i(+ortan%e o) t&e s+irit#a,
rea,( o) e*+erien%e is e%,i+sed by t&e $rowt& o) (ateria,ist +&i,oso+&y3 w&i%& re$ards Myt&i%
e*+erien%e as #ni(+ortant4 As (onot&eis( be%o(es ,ess in),#entia,3 new )or(s o) (yt&i% e*+erien%e
arise3 in res+onse to so%ia, %&an$e and new ideas4 Re,i$ion3 as an a$ent o) so%ia, %ontro,3 be%o(es
s#++,anted by ,aw3 so%ia, (ora,ity3 and a$en%ies %reated by $o"ern(ent4
At t&is +oint3 t&e indi"id#a, e*+erien%e o) %onsens#s rea,ity is di"or%ed )ro( t&e so%ia, 8%o((#na,9 or
Myt&i% 8re,i$io#s9 wor,ds4 Persona, e*+erien%e be%o(es +ara(o#nt4 In western so%iety3 re,i$io#s
%on%e+ts o) t&e so#, were dis+,a%ed by t&e )ra$(entation o) t&e se,) into di"isions-&i$&er and ,ower
se,)3 id3 e$o3 s#+ere$o4 S%ien%e too6 o"er as t&e narrator o) interna, e*+erien%e3 and (yt&i%
e*+erien%e was dis(issed as es%a+is(3 )antasy3 or (enta, aberration4 T&e notion o) a +#re,y
(e%&anisti% #ni"erse $ained )or%e as En,i$&ten(ent t&in6ers atte(+ted to de"e,o+ an ob:e%ti"e
s%ien%e w&i%& one day wo#,d dis%o"er #ni"ersa, ,aws3 and de"e,o+ rationa, )or(s o) so%ia,
or$ani5ation w&i%& wo#,d )ree &#(anity )ro( re,i$ion3 (yt&3 s#+erstition and t&e rando(ness o)
nat#re4 'o%trines o) #ni"ersa, reason3 ,iberty and e1#a,ity be%a(e +o+#,ar3 to$et&er wit& o+ti(is( )or
t&e )#t#re and #to+ian t&in6in$4
By t&e =?t& %ent#ry3 t&e erosion o) re,i$ion and t&e rise o) s%ienti)i% deter(inis(3 to$et&er wit& ra+id
so%ia, %&an$es3 t&e in),#* o) new ideas and t&e +ro,i)eration o) new (o"e(ents in arts and ,iterat#re3
+rod#%ed a %ondition w&ere o%%#,t be,ie)s %o#,d %o(e )ort&4 S+irit#a,is(3 Psy%&i% Resear%&3 and
T&eoso+&y be%a(e +o+#,ar (o"e(ents3 to be )o,,owed3 ,ater3 by t&e o%%#,t )raternities3 s#%& as t&e
Her(eti% Order o) t&e Go,den 'awn4
T&ese ,ater de"e,o+(ents are +arti%#,ar,y i(+ortant3 as t&ey set #+ +atterns o) t&in6in$ w&i%&
(ode( (a$i% is on,y re%ent,y be$innin$ to e*tri%ate itse,) )ro(4 By t&is ti(e3 t&e Myt&i% wor,d o) t&e
(a$i%ian &ad be%o(e a,(ost entire,y abstra%t and sy(bo,i5ed3 #sin$3 )or e*a(+,e3 >a%ob;s Ladder
as t&e basi% (a+ )or Myt&i% e*+erien%e4 Here t&e on,y +oints o) %onta%t are t&e +&ysi%a, and (enta,
wor,ds3 w&i%& are on t&e ,owest r#n$s o) t&e ,adder w&i%& %,i(bs away )ro( eart& into abstra%t
s+a%es-t&e +,anes o) s+irit4 T&ese syste(s +,a%ed $reat e(+&asis on trans%endenta, e*+erien%e7
#+on t&e #nion o) t&e indi"id#a, se,) wit& t&e di"ine tota,ity4 In (any ways3 t&ese o%%#,t (o"e(ents
re),e%ted t&e %on%erns o) t&e En,i$&ten(ent- a s%ienti)i% #nderstandin$ o) (yt&i% e*+erien%e3 a
%on%ern wit& t&e str#%t#rin$ and %odi)i%ation o) t&e #ni"erse4 T&ese syste(s were a,so atte(+ts to
%reate a (eta-narrati"e7 a (ode, w&i%&3 $i"en ti(e3 wo#,d a%%o#nt )or and e*+,ain e"eryt&in$4 T&is
%an be seen as (#%& in t&e "ast tra%ts o) do%trine +rod#%ed by t&e T&eoso+&ists as in t&e %are)#,,y
%ross-re)eren%ed syste(s o) t&e Go,den 'awn4 T&e )ait& in &i$&er +owers3 t&e (asters or inner-
+,ane ade+ti3 a,so re),e%ts t&e En,i$&ten(ent "ision o) wise sa$es w&o3 w&i,e e*istin$ o#tside so%iety3
wo#,d e*er%ise e*traordinary +ower o"er it4
T&e s#+re(e o+ti(is( o) t&e En,i$&ten(ent was s&attered so(ew&at by t&e Great !ar and t&e
%&aos t&at )o,,owed it4 Fo,,owin$ t&e war3 t&ere was a rise in interest in O%%#,tis(3 +arti%#,ar,y Psy%&i%
Resear%& and S+irit#a,is(4 T&e #to+ian idea,is( o) t&e En,i$&ten(ent was %ra%6in$3 be$innin$ to
s&ow t&e dar6ness $at&erin$ be&ind t&e drea(4 For o%%#,tists3 t&e )or%es t&at swe+t a%ross t&e wor,d
in t&ose t#(#,t#o#s )irst de%ades o) t&e <Lt& %ent#ry3 are en%a+s#,ated in t&at (yt&i% (a$#s o) t&e
a+o%a,y+seI A,eister Crow,ey4 Crow,ey was t&e s#+re(e Fa#stian a"atar o) t&e Modernist wor,d7 one
w&o )e,t t&e ne%essity o) %&a,,en$in$ traditiona, "a,#es and re,i$io#s (yt&s7 a destroyer o) t&e o,d
ways3 in order to b#i,d a bra"e new #ni"erse )ro( t&e r#bb,e o) t&e o,d4 Crow,ey %an be seen as a
'ionysian (essen$er o) t&e Modernist "ision-a %reati"e3 &eroi% e))ort3 +re+ared to swee+ away
e"eryt&in$ w&i%& does not )it into t&e tota, "ision4 Li6e Fa#st3 Crow,ey be%a(e a tra$i% )i$#re3 as
(#%& %&an$ed by t&e %reati"e destr#%tion w&i%& was &is (essa$e3 as t&e wor,d t&ro#$& w&i%& &e
(o"ed4 Crow,ey was not3 &owe"er3 t&e so,e +ro+&et o) t&is "ision4 Artists3 writers3 +oets and
+&i,oso+&ers resorted to s&o%6 ta%ti%s and dra(ati% $est#res4
In t&e inter-war years3 t&e tensions in t&e !est (#,ti+,ied4 Modernist t&o#$&t wa"ered between a
)as%ination wit& (a%&inerationa,is( and rea%tionary (yt&o,o$ies4 T&ese t&e(es %an be seen wit&in
t&e F#t#rist and S#rrea,ist (o"e(ents4 T&e sear%& )or an o"era,, (yt&i% "ision w&i%& %o#,d %#s&ion
a$ainst t&e 1#a6e-s&o%6s o) so%ia, %&aos4 T&e (arria$e o) (a%&ine-rationa,is( and a tota,3
en%o(+assin$ (yt& bro#$&t )ort& Nationa, So%ia,is( in Ger(any4 T&e Se%ond !or,d !ar was t&e
,ast a%t in t&is +&ase o) de"e,o+(ent3 %#rtained by t&e b,osso(in$ o) (#s&roo( %,o#ds as t&e Lord
o) Fire set &is )oot a$ainst t&e wor,d4
I) not&in$ e,se3 t&e e(er$en%e o) t&e de(oni% )a%e o) t&e Modernist "ision (ay a%t as a warnin$ to
t&ose w&o wo#,d %onstr#%t a sin$,e o"era,, "ision and t&en see6 to rea,ise it at any %ost4 T&e "ision o)
a #to+ian )#t#re re(ains as a +ower)#, $,a(o#r )or (any3 e"en in t&e %,osin$ a%t o) t&is %ent#ry4 In
t&e +ostwar years3 t&e Modernist drea( was re%o"ered by3 and de"e,o+ed )or t&e ad"anta$e o)
%or+orate and nationa, +ower-b,o%s4 Mo"e(ents wit&in art and ,iterat#re t&at &ad initia,,y been
re"o,#tionary be%a(e +art o) t&e estab,is&(ent7 t&e +ro"in%e o) a %#,t#ra, e,ite4 Meanw&i,e3 t&e
towers o) t&e bra"e new wor,d rose a%ross t&e %ities o) t&e west3 +rod#%in$ (ass a,ienation as entire
%o((#nities were dis+,a%ed into &i$&-rise ),ats4 T&e trend towards #ni)or(ity in a,, as+e%ts o) ,i)e
dis+,a%ed t&e +ersona,4
T&e =?NLs &a"e been identi)ied as t&e se%ond o%%#,t e*+,osion o) t&is %ent#ry4 T&e "ario#s %o#nter-
%#,t#re (o"e(ents arose a$ainst t&e %r#s&in$ %on)or(ity o) state b#rea#%ra%y3 rationa,is(3 and
$rowin$ instit#tiona,i5ed +ower4 Resistan%e too6 t&e )or( o) new sty,es w&i%& e(+&asi5ed
indi"id#a,ity and se,)-%ons%io#sness3 to$et&er wit& t&e sear%& )or (eanin$ and s+irit#a, "ision4 C#,ts
and se%ts +ro,i)erated3 %aterin$ )or t&e $rowin$ dri"e to see6 (eanin$)#, "ision and (yt& w&i%&
%&a,,en$ed t&e Protestant et&i% and t&e #ni)or(ity o) so%ia, s+a%e4 T&irty years on3 it is too easy to
:#d$e t&is e*+eri(ent a )ai,#re4 T&e o+ti(is( )or a new wor,d %an be seen as a ,in$erin$ in),#en%e o)
t&e s&ards o) Modernis(3 yet t&e (e,tin$-+ot o) be,ie)s3 sty,es3 and t&e indi"id#a, 1#est )or (eanin$
bro#$&t )ort& t&e %#rrent +&ase o) de"e,o+(entI Post(odernis(3 and its e(er$ent (a$i%a,
et&osC&aos Ma$i%4
Post(odernis( %an be %&ara%teri5ed as a (#,ti-%#,t#ra,3 (#,ti-sty,isti% %a#,dron b#bb,in$ wit&
%o(+etin$ e*+erien%es and attit#des3 ,a%6in$ any %o&erent o"era,, narrati"e4 Modern so%iety is
%&aoti% and )ra$(entary3 %o(in$ in%reasin$,y to rese(b,e a )ra%ta, str#%t#re7 a bewi,derin$,y %o(+,e*
or$anis(3 in %ontrast to t&e star6 )#n%tiona,is( o) t&e Modernist sty,e4 'i"ersity r#,es3 in a dis+,ay o)
in%reasin$,y )ra$(ented s#b%#,t#res and nested be,ie)s3 a,, :ost,in$ )or attention in t&e (ar6et+,a%e4
Mass %o((#ni%ation syste(s &a"e s&r#n6 t&e wor,d3 and it is +ossib,e to dis%ern a wide "ariety o)
%#,t#ra, sty,es and e+o%&s (e,tin$ to$et&er in (#si%3 art3 )as&ion3 ,iterat#re3 and )ood4 T&e +ro)#sion
o) (a$i%a, and (yt&o,o$i%a, syste(s a"ai,ab,e to t&e (odern o%%#,tist a,so de(onstrates t&is trend4
Ma$i%a, s#b%#,t#res (#,ti+,y and %oe*ist wit&in a %o(+,e*ity o) be,ie) and orientation w&i%& o#tsiders
to t&e s%enes )ind di))i%#,t to $ras+4 At t&e sa(e ti(e3 t&e distin%tion between (a$i%a, en%,a"es
be%o(es b,#rred as indi"id#a,s are ab,e to %ross ba%6 and )ort& between t&e(4 A,t&o#$& (odern
(a$i%ians3 ,i6e t&eir )orebears3 tend to identi)y t&e(se,"es as bein$ a+art )ro( t&e rest o) (odern
%#,t#re3 (a$i%4 as wit& any ot&er +rod#%t3 is swayed by trends and )as&ions4
As a %#,t#ra, trend3 Post(odernis( brea6s wit& t&e Modernist idea o) +ro$ress and &istori%a,
%ontin#ity3 and instead3 ransa%6s a,, a"ai,ab,e %#,t#res and ti(e-5ones in a di"erse e*er%ise in
%o,,a$e4 T&e i((edia%y o) e*+erien%e be%o(es t&e i(+ortant )a%tor3 rat&er t&an %ontin#ity wit& any
+ast or +ro:e%tion into any one )#t#re4 T&#s3 an a++ro+riate s,o$an )or t&is a$e wo#,d be M#tate and
S#r"i"e4 Not&in$ is )ina,ised or )or(a,ised3 b#t (ere,y re-arran$ed4
T&is is an a$e w&ere (a$i% (i$&t t&ri"e4 T&e sear%& to estab,is& (a$i% on a so,id )ootin$3 #sin$
s%ienti)i% $,a(o#rs or $a(bits to a%&ie"e res+e%tabi,ity3 %an be seen as transient +&ases3 ,in$#isti%
$a(es )or a(#se(ent3 or de,iberate ta%ti%s to %reate )ree areas )or t&e (ani+#,ation o) be,ie) and
+ro:e%tion o) i(a$e4 As a s+ea6er at a %on)eren%e on Ley Lines +#t itI Sto+ ,oo6in$ )or )a%ts3 be,ie"e
w&at yo# ,i6e3 and &a"e )#nA T&e di))erent strands o) a,ternati"e be,ie) (ay )ind t&e(se,"es windin$
to$et&er3 as +arti%i+ants borrow ideas and ta%ti%s )ro( ea%& ot&er3 rewritin$ t&e( )or t&eir own
s+e%i)i% $,a(o#rs4 Ma$i% be%o(es anot&er a++roa%& )or s#r"i"a, in t&e s&i)tin$ ,abyrint& o) (odern
,i)e4 As (#%& a )or( o) entertain(ent as anyt&in$ e,se-i) %#rrent trends %ontin#e3 no )or( o) &#(an
e*+erien%e wi,, be :#d$ed to &a"e any &i$&er "a,#e t&an any ot&er4
It %an a,so be seen t&at (odern i(a$in$ te%&ni1#es &a"e a%1#ired a (a$i%a, di(ension3 i) not a
(a$i%a, et&os3 be&ind t&e(4 !&i,st t&ere is a %#,t#ra, trend towards t&e ),eetin$3 t&e e+&e(era,3 t&e
transient7 and w&i,e t&e +a%e o) (odern ,i)e is e"er-in%reasin$3 a,, Contro, Syste(s are in%reasin$,y
+ro:e%tin$ an a#ra o) stabi,ity and )o#ndation as +art o) t&eir a#t&ority4 T&is re),e%ts t&e risin$
nosta,$ia )or %o((on "a,#es3 a s&ared so%ia, +ast3 and #ni"ersa,3 traditiona, "a,#es4 As t&e so%ia,
(atri* be%o(es in%reasin$,y s#b:e%t to ra+id ),#%t#ations3 t&rowin$ o#t an%&ors into a %o,,e%ti"ised
+ast be%o(es (ore +ro(inent t&an (o"e(ent into a )#t#re4 T&e desire to estab,is& a %ore identity
wit&in t&e +ro)#sion o) sty,es &as ,ed to i(a$e-b#i,din$ to be%o(e an ind#stry in itse,)7 as (#%&
re),e%ted by t&e ta%ti%s o) +o,iti%a, $ro#+s and %or+orate bodies3 as in t&e )etis&isti% s%ra(b,e )or
desi$ner ,abe,s and trendy o%%#,t sy(bo,s4 Identity &as t&ere)ore be%o(e anot&er %o((odity to be
traded in t&e (ar6et+,a%e4 T&e $#,) between ob:e%ti"e i%ons and t&e i,,#sory &as widened to s#%& an
e*tent t&at i,,#sions %o(e to &a"e an e1#a, "a,#e4
A++roa%&in$ t&e Pande(onAeon
For %onte(+orary (a$i%ians3 t&e sense o) bein$ on t&e ,eadin$ ed$e o) %#,t#ra, transition tends to be
en%a+s#,ated in t&e %on%e+t o) a new Aeon4 T&#s t&e +ro)#sion o) ;new aeons; +ro:e%ted by "ario#s
(a$i%a, $ro#+s and indi"id#a,s4 So as not to be seen to be (issin$ an essentia, ite( in t&eir (a$i%a,
s%ri+t3 so(e C&aos Ma$i%ians &a"e be$#n to +ro:e%t t&e $,a(o#r o) t&e Fi)t& Aeon-t&e
T&e %on%e+t o) a new aeon &as se"era, (a$i%a, )#n%tionsI
=4 It +ro"ides a )i,ter t&ro#$& w&i%& t&e (a$i%ian %an e*a(ine %#rrent so%ia, trends3 +ossib,e
de"e,o+(ents3 and &ow t&ey (ay be in),#en%ed4
<4 It a%ts as an Ideos+&ere )or t&e de"e,o+(ent o) new ideas3 %on%e+ts and te%&ni1#es )ro( o#tside
t&e bo#ndaries o) &is +resent A%&ie"ab,e Rea,ity4
R4 It %an be%o(e a (eta-ai( to #ni)y $ro#+s and orders towards wor6in$ )or a %o((on $oa,3 and a%t
as a $a(bit to aid t&e desi$n o) +ossib,e )#t#res4
-n,i6e (any o) t&e +re"ai,in$ new aeons3 t&e Pande(onaeon is en"isa$ed as bein$ di))erent )or
ea%& indi"id#a, w&o +ro:e%ts &i(se,) wit&in its )ra(e4 >#st as C&aos Ma$i% e(er$es )ro( t&e
di"ersity and transien%e o) (odern %#,t#re3 so does t&e Pande(onaeon ty+i)y t&e trend towards
indi"id#a,is( be%o(in$ se+arate )ro( any tota,i5in$ be,ie) or narrati"e3 be it (eta+&ysi%a, or
s%ienti)i%4 So )ar3 it &as not been +ro:e%ted as an o"era,, e+o%& t&at a,, wi,, +arti%i+ate in3 b#t an
e*+erien%e o) %#,t#re w&i%& e(bra%es3 rat&er t&an atte(+tin$ to resist t&e (ode( %ondition4 T&#s it
is ,i6e,y t&at t&is aeon is (ere,y a transitory sta$e itse,)3 and w&at ,ies beyond it3 none %an3 wit& any
%ertainty3 say4 So(e C&aos Ma$i%ians are )indin$ t&at t&is Fi)t& Aeon +ro:e%tion is #se)#, )or $oin$
beyond %#rrent de)initions and ,i(itations %on%ernin$ w&at is a%%e+ted as (a$i%a,4 T&e ne*t
$eneration o) (a$i (i$&t we,, dis%ard t&e %on%e+t3 in )a"o#r o) a (eta-+ro:e%tion w&i%& ba,an%es
t&eir e*+erien%e o) %#,t#re3 wit& w&at +ossibi,ities are ro#nd t&e %orner4 T&e absen%e o) ine"itab,e
)#t#re +ro:e%tions ,ea"es on,y #n%ertainties3 w&ere not&in$ is tr#e3 and e"eryt&in$ is +er(itted4
T&e Ideos+&ere is a non-,o%a, s+a%e entered by t&e (a$i%ian in order to e*+,ore +ossib,e (ode,s
and +aradi$(s w&i%& (ay be o) #se in %on)i$#rin$ t&e Pande(onaeon4 T&e Ideos+&ere is (ore o)
an attit#de7 a stan%e )ro( w&i%& t&e (a$i%ian %an see6 ins+iration )ro( any in%o(in$ in)or(ation3 be
it news+a+er arti%,es3 %artoons3 ),i%6erin$ (edia i(a$es3 s%ienti)i% :ar$on3 rando( a%rony(s3 or &a,)-
&eard +&rases )ro( anot&er;s %on"ersation4 An idea ),as&es into t&e Ideos+&ere7 t&e (a$i%ian (ay
$ras+ it i((ediate,y or store it )or ,ater wor64 T&e (ain attit#de to )oster is t&at not&in$3 no (atter
&ow ridi%#,o#s3 bi5arre or #nwor6ab,e s&o#,d be re:e%ted4 !or6in$ )ro( t&e Ideos+&ere3 t&e (a$i%ian
a,,ows &i(se,) to bat&e in t&e e(anations o) t&e (ass (edia #nti,3 sated and b,oated3 &e wit&draws
into si,en%e to di$est3 re$#r$itate3 and %reate new )or(s4
Lat%&in$ onto new ideas brin$s )ort& new +ers+e%ti"es on e*istin$ (ode,s and te%&ni1#es4 It brin$s
)ort& new +aradi$(s )or str#%t#rin$ (a$i%a, +ro%esses w&i%& in t#rn (ay yie,d new te%&ni1#es and
a++,i%ations4 Here are a )ew ideas w&i%& (a$i%ians &a"e a++ro+riated )ro( ot&er so#r%es3 and (ade
t&eir own4
Vir#s Syste(s
A +ower)#, so#r%e o) ins+iration is t&e #nderstandin$ o)3 and )as%ination wit&3 Vir#s Be&a"io#r3
w&et&er it be t&e %o(+#ter "ir#ses w&i%& &a"e re"ea,ed t&e(se,"es to be t&e $re(,ins o) t&e
in)or(ation a$e3 or t&e bio,o$i%a, "ir#ses s#%& as H4I4V3 w&i%& is +ro(otin$ "ast a(o#nts o) resear%&
into &ow "ir#ses be&a"e4 A t&ird ty+e o) "ir#s w&i%& &as %a#$&t t&e i(a$ination is t&e word"ir#s3 or
A "ir#s is a set o) instr#%tions w&i%& in"ades ,ar$er syste(s3 and ind#%es t&e( to %arry o#t a
%o(+,e* se1#en%e o) re+,i%ations w&i%& brin$ new %o+ies o) t&e "ir#s into e*isten%e3 and3 d#rin$ t&is
+ro%ess3 t&e &ost syste( is a,tered in so(e way4 T&is is tr#e )or %o(+#ter "ir#ses3 bio,o$i%a, "ir#ses3
and word-"ir#ses4 T&e e(er$in$ (a$i%a, #se o) "ir#s syste(s o+ens #+ new )or(s o) #nderstandin$
and a++,i%ations a,i6e4
T&e !ord Vir#s
Li6e or$anis(s3 (e(es re+,i%ate to +er+et#ate t&e(se,"es7 ,i6e or$anis(s t&ey are %a+ab,e o)
)#sion3 re%o(bination and (#tation4 T&ey +ro+a$ate t&e(se,"es by ,ea+in$ between ner"o#s
syste(s3 $rowin$ in +ower and in)e%tin$ )#rt&er &ost "e&i%,es t&ro#$& any %o((#ni%ations %&anne,
t&at %an be #ti,ised to se%#re t&e( a ni%&e4 Me(es %o(+ete r#t&,ess,y wit& ea%& ot&er3 )or t&e
%o((and o) t&e +er%e+t#a, )ie,d and trans(ission ti(e4 T&e s#%%ess o) a (e(e to o%%#+y a
+ro(inent +osition = n t&e &ost en"iron(ent is de+endent on its Per)or(an%e Va,#e 8P"9 and its
Pro+a$ation B#otient 8P194 Per)or(an%e Va,#e re,ates to t&e de$ree o) %&an$e a (e(e brin$s to an
indi"id#a, or $ro#+4 I) t&e +resen%e o) a (e(e brin$s abo#t in%reased %o&esi"eness3 a(bition and
%on)iden%e3 t&en t&e indi"id#a, or $ro#+ is (ore ,i6e,y to +ro(ote t&e (e(e4 T&e (ost s#%%ess)#,
(e(es are t&ose w&i%& red#%e an*iety in t&eir &osts by +ro"idin$ a +#r+ose or a stab,e ,o%ation
wit&in a so%ia, s+a%e4
So(e (e(es s#r"i"e by rein)or%in$ ea%& ot&er3 s#++ortin$ ea%& ot&er;s (essa$e7 rein)or%in$ t&e
o"era,, i(+a%t4 Ot&er (e(es s#r"i"e by dis%o#ra$in$ rationa, ana,ysis #+on t&eir %ontent4
An ob"io#s e*a(+,e o) (e(es in a%tion is re,i$ion4 ;God; is a (e(e3 ;Hea"en; is a (e(e3 and t&e
+#nis&(ent o) ;eterna, da(nation; is a (e(e4 A %o(+,e* web o) (e(es is 6nown as a S%&e(e3
w&i%& are %o(+re&ensi"e (es&es o) (e(es t&at +ro+a$ate t&e(se,"es t&ro#$& any a"ai,ab,e
%o((#ni%ations %&anne,4 T&e re,i$io#s s%&e(es w&i%& &a"e a,(ost tota,,y in)e%ted t&e &#(an
en"iron(ent are s#%%ess)#, as t&ey o))er "aryin$ de$rees o) stabi,ity3 +arti%i+ation3 and %an be%o(e
ta%it,y se,)-e"ident to t&e ,e"e, t&at t&ey be%o(e not (ere,y t&e &ost;s wor,d"iew3 b#t t&e wor,d itse,)4
T&e in)e%ted &osts ,i"e entire,y wit&in t&e +ara(eters o) t&e s%&e(e3 +er&a+s on,y "a$#e,y aware o)
ot&er wor,ds w&i%& e*ist beyond t&e s%&e(e4 !or,ds w&i%& t&reaten t&e stab,e order o) t&e in"adin$
s%&e(e (#st be i$nored3 )or%ed ba%63 )o#$&t3 or destroyed4
O) %o#rse t&e s+read o) a (e(e is de+endent #+on t&e rea%tion o) t&e +otentia, &ost4 A sense o)
bein$ a #ni1#e indi"id#a, wit& a %,ear +#r+ose in ,i)e is a stron$ &#(an re1#ire(ent in t&e %#rrent
a$e3 as t&e sense o) bein$ an indi"id#a, distin%t )ro( any %#,t#ra, atta%&(ents be%o(es
+ro$ressi"e,y stron$er4 T&e dee+,y-)e,t a,ienation )e,t by (any in t&ese )irst stirrin$s o) t&e
Pande(onaeon (a6es t&e( ri+e &osts )or in)e%tion by (e(es3 ,o%6in$ indi"id#a,s into sa)e s+a%es
)ro( w&i%& t&ey %an +#s& ba%6 t&e b#55in$3 boo(in$ %on)#sion o) t&e e"eryday wor,d4
-nderstandin$ t&e s+read o) (e(es ,eads t&e (a$i%ian into t&e area o) Contro, Co((ands-
a#tono(i% res+onses ,o%6ed into ,an$#a$e and +atterns o) t&o#$&t4 A $rowin$ %on%ern )or
Pande(onaeoni% (a$i%ians is t&e desi$n o) new a++roa%&es to %on%e+t#a,i5in$3 wit& attendant
(eta-,an$#a$es )or es%a+in$ t&e o,d &abits o) t&in6in$4 !i,,ia( S4 B#rro#$&s tar$ets +arti%#,ar
se(anti% tra+s w&i%& ,o%6 t&e &#(an &ost into a narrow ran$e o) t&in6in$I t&e de)inite arti%,e ;THE;3
t&e ;IS; o) identity t&at does not a,,ow )or wider +ossibi,ities and assi$ns +er(anent stat#s to "erba,
,abe,s3 t&e ;EITHEREOR; t&at on,y a,,ows bein$ wron$ or bein$ ri$&t4 Crow,ey was on t&e ri$&t tra%6
w&en &e #r$ed &is st#dents to de,ete ;I; )ro( t&eir ,an$#a$e4 !it& no do(inant ;I; t&ere %an a++ear a
,e$ion o) se,"esI ,oose t&e dae(ons4 'e,ete ;EITHEREOR; and o+en #+ a (yriad o) +ossibi,ities3 none
o) w&i%& need to be wron$ or ri$&t4
Vira, Te*ts
One o) t&e si(+,est (ani)estations o) "ira, te*t is t&e %&ain,etter3 w&i%& #ses t&e si(+,e3 yet e))e%ti"e
%arrot / sti%6 &oo6 to +ro+a$ate itse,)4 A (ore insidio#s )or( o) "ira, te*t s&ows #+ in t&o#$&t and
be&a"io#r +atterns4 Consider t&e state(entI
T&e e*+,i%it (essa$e o) t&is state(ent is not i(+ortant4 T&e i(+,ied (essa$e is t&at $ro#+ ;*; is
atte(+tin$ to do so(et&in$ ;y; to $ro#+ ;5;4 It is a,so i(+,ied t&at t&e re%i+ients o) t&e (essa$e s&o#,d
be 8a9 %on%erned3 and 8b9 do so(et&in$ abo#t it3 ,est t&ey be +er%ei"ed by t&e sender as sidin$ wit&
;*; - t&e ene(y4 Beware o) anyone w&o in a,, serio#sness a%ts #sin$ "ira, (essa$es3 w&i%& &a"e
been one o) t&e standby +ro+s o) ort&odo*y3 be it +o,iti%a,3 re,i$io#s3 or (a$i%a,4 To +ro+a$ate
e))e%ti"e,y3 "ira, te*ts re1#ire +otentia, &osts to be s#s%e+tib,e to t&e idea o) an ene(y $ro#+3 a%tion
a$ainst w&i%& %o&eres t&eir own sense o) identity4 On%e a "ira, (essa$e is a,,owed to ta6e root3 t&en
t&e &ost is o+en to in"asion by ot&er s#++orti"e (e(es-BEING RIGHT3 and GETTING EVEN4
So#r%es o) (#%& tro#b,e and st#+id3 destr#%ti"e be&a"io#r4
In ort&odo* (a$i%3 $reat store is set #+on a (a$i%a, ob:e%t bein$ s+e%ia, or #ni1#e4 T&ere are t&e
instr#%tions to %reate #ni1#e ta,is(ans3 b#y "ir$in +ar%&(ent3 and to %reate ob:e%ts )or a s+e%i)i%
+#r+ose4 T&ere is said to be +ower in a #ni1#e ob:e%t3 +arti%#,ar,y in t&ese ti(es or (ass +rod#%tion
and (ar6etin$4
B#t wait3 t&ere is +ower in (ass +rod#%tion3 too4 Consider t&e %&aos+&ere3 t&e %entra, ,o$o or $,y+&
o) C&aos Ma$i%4 It a++ears on boo6s3 (a$a5ines3 ,etter&eads3 toy so,diers3 :ewe,ry and tattoos4 It is
#sed on ra"e +osters and on t&e ba%6 o) ,eat&er :a%6ets4 It &as be%o(e itse,) a "ira, i(a$e4 A,, t&at is
re1#ired is a s&i)t in +er%e+tion and t&ose t&o#sands o) %&aos+&eres3 w&ere"er t&ey are3 be%o(e
$ateways )or t&e in$ress and e$ress o) (a$i%a, +ower4
Ta6e twoI A sor%erer a%1#ires )or &i(se,) a s#itab,e re%e+ta%,e )or an a%t o) (a$i%4 A t&ree-in%& &i$&
+in63 +,asti% %reat#re wit& a (ane o) )ibro#s &air3 so(eti(es 6nown as a ;Gon64; T&ere are
t&o#sands3 +er&a+s e"en (i,,ions o) Gon6s in e*isten%e4 A,, wit& a si(i,ar str#%t#re4 So t&e sor%erer
en%&ants #+on &is Gon63 and by t&e +rin%i+,e o) Str#%t#ra,-Si(i,arity3 trans(its t&at in)or(ation to a,,
t&e ot&ers4 !&at &e &as &ere is t&e %reation o) a +ower)#, Gon6-s+irit3 its 1#a,ities and attrib#tions an
en%a+s#,ation o) t&e asso%iations w&i%& are (ar6eted as t&e ;i(a$e; o) t&e Gon64 He &as
e(+owered t&e Gon6s wit& s+irit3 and &is own Gon6 be%o(es t&e %ontro,,er4 In ti(es o) need3 &e %an
draw t&ro#$& &is Gon63 t&e +ower o)-t&e ot&ers4
Ta6e t&reeI A yo#n$ (an is desiro#s o) a ,o"er4 He si$i,ises &is desire and ,i6es t&e i(a$e so (#%&
t&at instead o) destroyin$ it3 &e +&oto%o+ies it and dis+erses t&e i(a$es rando(,y4 Lo"ers a++ear
)ro( a,, dire%tions4
Ob:e%ts need not be +arti%#,ar,y stri6in$ or s+e%ia, to be (a$i%a,,y #se)#,4 A,, t&at need &a++en is t&at
t&e (a$i%ian de)ines t&at ob:e%t as (a$i%a,-%o(binin$ i(a$e3 asso%iations3 and wi,,4 Rat&er t&an
resistin$ (ass re+,i%ation3 t&e (a$i%ian t#rns it to &is ad"anta$e4
Vira, Ser"itors
A )#rt&er a++,i%ation o) "ir#s syste(s e(er$in$ in C&aos Ma$i% is t&e %reation and a++,i%ation o)
Ser"itors w&i%& &a"e t&e %a+a%ity to re+,i%ate3 (#tate3 and re%o(bine into new )or(s3 Vira, ser"itors3
be&a"in$ in a si(i,ar (anner to bio,o$i%a, or %o(+#ter "ir#ses3 are now be$innin$ to +ro+a$ate in
"irt#a, s+a%e3 +er)or(in$ )#n%tions s#%& as &ea,in$3 +rote%tion3 and seedin$ ideas into t&e $enera,
T&e C4H4A4O4S Vir#s
In order to in)#se &#(anity wit& t&e Pande(onaeoni% %#rrents3 one (#st ,oo6 to "ery basi%
restri%tions3 )ro( w&i%& (ore %o(+,e* bindin$s de+end4 T&e C4H4A4O4S Vir#s re%o"ers t&e
%&aos+&ere bot& as i%on o) in)e%ti"ity and a (a$i%a, $ateway )or t&e trans(ission o) Fi)t& Aeon
e(anations4 T&e "ir#s a%ts to brin$ abo#t %&an$e3 b#t at a (i%ros%o+i% ,e"e, o) +ro%essin$4 T&e
intr#sion o) t&e "ir#s into a &#(an se,)-%o(+,e* a%ts to sti(#,ate t&ose se,"es w&i%& desire
CHANGE-in ter(s o) new ideas3 +,eas#re3 inte,,i$en%e3 ada+tabi,ity3 and F-N4
Ea%& ti(e a se,) wit&in an indi"id#a, stirs towards CHANGE3 t&en t&e "ir#s %o+ies itse,)4 Note t&at
(#%& o) t&ese stirrin$s are ,i6e,y to ta6e +,a%e at a ,atent3 #nintentiona, ,e"e, o)
in)or(ation+ro%essin$4 A%tin$ o"er ti(e3 t&e "ir#s a%ts to wea6en e$o-resistan%e to CHANGE3 new
ideas3 new ,earnin$3 and )#n4 As t&e "ir#s %e,,s +ro+a$ate3 t&ey %o(bine in $ro#+s o) ei$&t3 to
be%o(e t&e "irt#a, s&adows o) new se,"es-+otentia, desires3 $rowin$ wit&in t&e web o) se,"es3
stirrin$ i(+#,ses )ro( beyond t&e %on)ines o) t&e e$o4
Fro( t&e (o(ent t&at t&e C4H4A4O4S Vir#s is +ro:e%ted3 e"ery %&aos+&ere in e*isten%e on t&e
+,anet3 be it an astra, )or(3 i(a$e3 or ob:e%t 8and any new ones w&i%& %o(e into e*isten%e9 be%o(es
a trans(ission site )or t&e "ir#s4
T&e "ir#s a,so +re+ares t&e &ost )or )#rt&er rein)or%e(ent w&i%& (ay ta6e t&e )or( o) seeded
(e(es3 en%&ant(ents3 i(a$e +ro:e%tions3 or soni% sor%eries4 T&e "ir#s trans(its itse,) #sin$ t&e
+rin%i+,e o) Str#%t#ra,-Si(i,arity3 so t&at anyt&in$ rese(b,in$ a s+&ere or %ir%,e interse%ted by ei$&t
"erti%es3 wi,, trans(it t&e "ir#s4
Stran$e ,an$#a$es are "ery (#%& +art o) t&e o"era,, $,a(o#r o) (a$i%3 )ro( Barbari% na(es o)
in"o%ation to t&e #se o) )orei$n ,an$#a$es s#%& as Hebrew or Sans6rit4 A,, (a$i%a, syste(s tend to
$enerate t&eir own te%&ni%a, ,an$#a$e )or des%ribin$ (a$i%a, e*+erien%es and te%&ni1#es wit&in a
%o((on )ra(ewor64 Li6e t&e te%&ni%a, ter(s #sed by s%ientists and s+e%ia,ists3 ter(ino,o$y %an a%t
as a barrier )or t&e #ninitiated3 i) t&e #se o) s+e%ia, ,an$#a$e %a#ses des%ri+tion to be%o(e so
o+a1#e t&at no one o#tside t&e s+e%ia,ist $ro#+ #nderstands w&at is bein$ said4
Ma$i%ians %reate (eta-,an$#a$es not on,y as (a$i%a, too,s )or a%ts o) (a$i%3 b#t to o+en #+ s&ades
o) e*+erien%e w&i%& are di))i%#,t to des%ribe %,ear,y3 $i"en t&e %#rrent restri%tions o) ,an$#a$e4 T&e
ai( &ere is $reater +re%ision in %o((#ni%ation4 !ord,ess %o((#ni%ations %an be de"e,o+ed )or
e*+eri(enta, wor6 in te,e+at&y and astra, (a$i%4 E*+eri(ents in t&ese areas s#$$est t&at "is#a,
i(a$es3 %o,o#rs3 and +i%to$ra+&s are easier to trans(it between indi"id#a,s in drea( or astra, s+a%e3
t&an words a,one4 So atte(+ts &a"e been (ade to %reate %o((#ni%ations syste(s based on t&e
#se o) %o,o#r3 s+atia, +ers+e%ti"es3 and %onte*t#a, i(a$ery and settin$s3 in atte(+tin$ to estab,is&
%o((#ni%ations in s&ared drea(in$ or atte(+ts to ,in6 awareness in astra, s+a%e4
T&e arri"a, o) in)or(ation te%&no,o$y is in),#en%in$ %onte(+orary (a$i% in di))erent ways4 Per&a+s
t&e (ost ob"io#s is t&e #se o) 'es6-To+ P#b,is&in$ and E,e%troni% Mai, w&i%& a,,ows +resentation
and %ir%#,ation o) in)or(ation4 B#t t&e %o(+#ter re"o,#tion is a,so en&an%in$ t&e basi% te%&ni1#es o)
T&e #se o) t&ree-di(ension %o(+#ter $ra+&i%s is %&an$in$ t&e abi,ity to interna,,y re+resent s+a%e4 It
&as been obser"ed t&at )or so(e3 t&e %a+a%ity to "is#a,i5e ob:e%ts3 ,o%ations and e"ents interna,,y
%an be en&an%ed by +,ayin$ %o(+#ter $a(es and wor6in$ wit& %o(+#ter-$enerated i(a$es4 !&i,e
"is#a, +er%e+tion is $enerated )ro( t&e %ontin#o#s tra%6in$ o) i(a$es by t&e eyes3 %o(+#ter i(a$es
are $enerated )ro( a series o) ,in6ed )ra(es4 T&ose w&o &a"e +rob,e(s "is#a,i5in$ %an try b#i,din$
#+ a %o(+,e* i(a$e s,ow,y3 #sin$ a series o) sto+-(otion )ra(es4 By borrowin$ %o(+#ter $enerated
s+e%ia, e))e%ts3 t&e (a$i%ian %an )or e*a(+,e3 5oo( onto a "is#a,ised entity3 or "is#a,i5e an entity
$rowin$ )ro( an ori$ina, %e,,3 %ontainin$ si$i,-'NA3 to any entity w&i%& +ossesses a ner"o#s syste(
and ot&er desired or$ans4
Probabi,ity S%atterin$
O%%asiona,,y it (ay be bene)i%ia, to en%&ant )or +ossibi,ities w&i%& do not e*ist as %onsidered o+tions
wit&in one;s +er%ei"ed ran$e4 Probabi,ity S%atterin$ is a te%&ni1#e w&i%& enab,es t&e (a$i%ian to
en%&ant towards ,ow-+robabi,ity e"ents w&i%& ,ie beyond t&e ran$e o) +ossib,e o+tions +er%ei"ed at
any one ti(e wit& re)eren%e to +arti%#,ar s+&eres o) o+eration4 For e*a(+,e3 in wor6s o) (a$i%a,
ins+iration3 it (ay be desirab,e to en%&ant )or )res& so#r%es o) ins+iration )ro( areas t&at one wo#,d
not #s#a,,y ,oo6 towards4
T&e dia$ra( s&ows t&ree bands o) +robabi,ity4 T&e O#ter band re+resents e"ents o) a ,ow +robabi,ity
w&i%& &a"e not yet be%o(e (ani)est4 T&e Midd,e band re+resents e"ents o) a &i$&er +robabi,ity
w&i%& are at +resent3 %ons%io#s +ossibi,ities w&i%& &a"e not yet be%o(e )#,,y %o&erent4 T&e Inner
band re+resents &i$&-+robabi,ity e"ents w&i%& )ro( t&e (a$i%ians; %#rrent "iew+oint3 are a,ready in
t&e +ro%ess o) #n)o,din$4
-sin$ t&e dia$ra( as a )ree area3 )or(#,ate $enera, state(ent o) intent4 For e*a(+,e It is (y wi,, to
draw ins+iration )ro( #n,i6e,y so#r%es4 Enter Gnosis by any +re)erred ro#te3 and (a6e a r#ne-%ast
a%ross t&e bands4 B#i%6,y s%an t&e r#nes wit&in t&e bands3 (o"in$ )ro( t&e O#ter band inwards3
(a6in$ an assess(ent o) w&at trends are indi%ated4 Lin6 t&e r#nes into a barbaro#s word o)
en%&ant(ent3 a$ain3 (o"in$ )ro( t&e o#ter(ost r#ne inwards3 and "ibrate it wit& a,, yo#r +ower4
Fo,,ow wit& i((ediate banis&in$4
T&is te%&ni1#e %o(bines e,e(ents o) di"ination and en%&ant(ent4 Sin%e t&ere is no s+e%i)i%
state(ent o) intent3 t&en t&e +rob,e( o) ;,#st o) res#,t; is to so(e e*tent3 %ir%#("ented4 It a,so
by+asses3 to "aryin$ de$rees3 t&e de%ision-(a6in$ +ro%esses o) t&e E$o-%o(+,e*4 In en%&ant(ents
)or ins+iration3 t&e res#,ts tend to (ani)est as %reati"e ideas s+ar6ed )ro( so#r%es w&i%& +re"io#s,y3
t&e (a$i%ian &as not $i"en an attention to3 d#e to ,a%6 o) interest or +re:#di%e4
C#t--+s as Sor%ery
Fro( t&e :#*ta+osition o) word and i(a$e3 (eanin$ is $,i(+sed4 Fro( t&e C&aos o) t&e nor(a, is
wo"en a++arent si(+,i%ity4 A,, t&e se%rets o) (a$i% are on o+en dis+,ay4 T&at w&i%& is tr#,y &idden is
o#r own resistan%e to t&is rea,isation4 To ,i"e wit&in t&e %on)ines o) Consens#s Rea,ity is to re(ain
,o%6ed in Ti(eI PastPresent-F#t#re4 In t&is sense3 a,, (a$i%a, a%ts are s%ri+ts )or (o(entary s,i+s
t&ro#$& t&e )abri%4 Ma$i% ta6es +,a%e o#tside o) Ti(e4
T&ro#$& t&e si(+,e te%&ni1#e o) C#t--+3 +ioneered by Brion Gysin as a ,iterary te%&ni1#e3 t&e
(a$i%ian %an %o,,a+se se1#entia, e*+erien%e into syn%reti% Gnosis4 T&e basi% te%&ni1#e is
si(+,e eno#$& w&en a++,ied to te*tI Ta6e a +a$e o) te*t3 %#t into D se%tions and re-+aste4 New word
,ines and (essa$es a++ear4 T&is disr#+tion o) t&e se1#en%e o) ,an$#a$e %reates Tan$entia,
'e,iri#(s-new (essa$es arisin$ )ro( t&e :#*ta+ositions o) words and t&e deran$e(ent o) t&e
asso%iations t&is +ro"o6es4 C#t #+ te*ts on (a$i% to dis%o"er new (a$i%64 C#t #+ T&e Boo6 o) T&e
Law and dis%o"er any a(o#nt o) new %&a+ters4
T&ere are +ara,,e,s wit& t&is (et&od and t&e (ore ob"io#s too,s o) (a$i%I si$i,s as %#t-#+s o) desire3
)or e*a(+,e4 'i"ination syste(s t&at %#t-#+ a s#b:e%t into i(a$e b,o%6s3 t&rowin$ #+ insi$&ts3 new
i(a$es3 $esta,ts4 Res&#)),e be,ie)s by de,iberate,y &o,din$ two %ontradi%tory be,ie) syste(s-(a6e
(eanin$ )ro( nonsensi%a, be,ie)s4 C#t--+ be,ie) to #nderstand its dyna(i%s4
T&ird Mind
Re%ord two di))erent %on"ersations4 T&en re%ord t&e( onto t&e sa(e ta+e4 Inter%#t wit& street
noises3 te,e"ision )ra$(ents3 readin$s )ro( te*ts and news+a+ers4 Re%ord3 re+,ay3 and inter%#t4
Res#,t-a T&ird Mind4 T&e ;absent; so#r%e o) in)or(ation w&i%& s,ides in to t&e ,isteners; awareness3
arises )ro( t&e Ti(e 'isorientation ind#%ed by ,istenin$ to t&e ta+e4
!&y Ti(e 'isorientation. A,, ro#tes to Gnosis a%t to te(+orari,y dis,o%ate t&e E$o4 T&e E$o re1#ires
Ti(e 8se1#en%e9 to (aintain t&e )i%tion o) sin$,e identity4 Te*t and ,o$i%a, t&in6in$ are se1#entia,4 One
ste+ at a ti(e3 one #nit )o,,owin$ anot&er4 !&i,e attention is se,e%ti"e3 t&e %reati"e s+ar6 is
asso%iati"e and syn%reti%4 A $reat dea, o) (a$i%a, +ra%ti%e rests on t&e abi,ity o) t&e (ind to (a6e
asso%iati"e %onne%tions4 Any sti(#,#s w&i%& is stron$ eno#$& to e"o6e e(otion and (e(ory t&rows
awareness o#t o) se1#entia, Ti(e4 S(e,, +arti%#,ar,y3 is a &ot,ine to (e(ory4 Instant a%%ess4
!ord :#*ta+ositions t&row #+ new (essa$es4 I(a$e :#*ta+ositions o+en new wor,ds4 Modern (edia
+resentations +arti%#,ar,y in t&e "is#a, arts3 are in%reasin$,y #ti,isin$ t&e C#t--+ te%&ni1#eI t&e
,ayerin$ o) i(a$es and asso%iations ser"in$ to %o,,a+se Ti(e-sense4 E,e(ents o) Past3 Present and
+ossib,e F#t#res (ay be e"o6ed si(#,taneo#s,y in a sin$,e "is#a, i(a$e4 T&e news (edia wor6s to
%&an$e t&e %onte*t o) a (essa$e to %reate new &idden (eanin$s3 a%tin$ #nder t&e i,,#sion o)
Pra%ti%a, A++,i%ations
=4 'i"ination
Create a (onta$e o) so#nds3 i(a$es3 asso%iations )or a +arti%#,ar day o) t&e wee64 For e*a(+,e3
;%a+t#re; Monday onto ta+e4 Inter%#t wit& "erba, (essa$es w&i%& yo# asso%iate wit& Monday7 add
street noises3 rando( %on"ersations4 Inter%#t and +,ayba%64 o# &a"e %reated a +,at)or( )or "oya$es
into Ora%#,ar s+a%e4 So#nds3 i(a$es3 asso%iations arise )ro( t&e asse(b,y4 T&e ta+e %an be #sed
as a ba%6$ro#nd )or drea( %ontro, or s%ryin$4 Stran$er sti,,3 yo# (ay &ear so#nds on t&e ta+e t&at
yo# were not aware o) re%ordin$4 A tr#%6 +asses4 'ays ,ater3 yo# &ear t&e so#nd o) t&e tr#%6 in t&e
street3 and yo# are :er6ed sideways into ora%#,ar ti(e4
<4 En%&ant(ent
En%&ant(ent (ay be %onsidered an a%t o) %o,,a$e4 Asse(b,e t&e e,e(ents yo# desire to a))e%t and
re-arran$e4 It is a,ready done wit& ob:e%ts and i(a$es3 so w&y not so#nds too. Asse(b,e a
so#nds%a+e as in t&e e*a(+,e abo"e3 w&i%& re,ates to t&e ob:e%t o) t&e en%&ant(ent4 Re%ordin$
%a+t#res t&e tar$et s+a%e in t&e sa(e way t&at a bott,e tra+s a s+irit4 A re%ordin$ %an be ta6en away
and a,tered3 and t&en ret#rned to t&e ori$ina, ,o%ation and re+,ayed4
R4 E(otiona, En$ineerin$
E(otions %an be de%onstr#%ted into t&ree e,e(entsI +&ysio,o$i%a, aro#sa,3 %o$niti"e asso%iation and
be&a"io#r +atterns4 Ea%& o) t&ese are se+arate tra%6s on a (i*in$ des63 %a+ab,e o) bein$ re(i*ed in
new arran$e(ents4 !&en in a state o) e*tre(e aro#sa, 8an$er3 sorrow3 tension9 t&e )irst ste+ is to
e*+erien%e t&e +&ysio,o$i%a, tra%6 a+art )ro( be&a"io#r and %o$nition4 Re(o"e t&e identi)i%ation wit&
t&e so#r%e o) t&e e(otion4 Sti,, a,, interna, dia,o$#es3 inner %on"ersations3 (enta, )antasies4
E*+erien%e sensation wit&o#t words or i(a$es4 Here t&e (a$i%ian is dis,o%ated in Ti(e7 +#re
sensation wit&o#t identi)i%ation4 In t&is state3 any a%t o) (a$i% (ay be +er)or(ed4 To re-en$ineer
e(otions3 e*+erien%e t&e aro#sa, as e%stasy4 'is+assionate,y r#n t&e wordEi(a$e tra%6 and ad:#st
a%%ordin$,y4 Identi)y be&a"io#ra, +atterns and re(ode, t&e(4 Na(e t&e se,"es3 %a+t#re t&eir inner
dia,o$#es3 inter%#t and +,ayba%64
T&e #se o) C#t--+ is nat#ra,,y en&an%ed by 6ee+in$ diaries3 s%ra+boo6s3 re%ordin$s3 and (ost
i(+ortant,y3 bein$ aware o) w&at is &a++enin$ o#tside one;s i((ediate )ie,d o) attention4
Part II
Dyna.ic rit1al
A,eister Crow,ey de)ined t&e ob:e%ti"e o) rit#a, in ter(s o) t&e #nitin$ o) t&e Mi%ro%os( wit& t&e
Ma%ro%os(4 T&is is a so(ew&at broad de)inition3 b#t one t&at wo#,d be $enera,,y re%o$nised by
(a$i%ians in t&eisti% %#,t#res wor,dwide4 A%%ordin$ to Hind# (a$i%a, do%trine3 )or e*a(+,e3 t&e
+#r+ose o) rit#a, is to #se s+e%ia, te%&ni1#es to (a6e %onta%t wit& t&e &i$&er states o) bein$ w&i%&
we %a,, $ods3 and ot&er s#+ernat#ra, bein$s w&o %an $#ide and assist #s in o#r e))orts to +ro$ress4
T&e di))erent wor,ds are in &ar(oni% re,ation to ea%& ot&er7 and t&ro#$& rit#a, a%tion3 t&ey %an be
(ade to res+ond3 :#st as a strin$ed instr#(ent wi,, res+ond w&en one o) its &ar(oni%s reso#nds4
Rit#a,3 a %o(bination o) so#nd3 )or(s3 r&yt&(s3 $est#res3 ),owers3 ,i$&ts3 in%ense and o))erin$s
%arries t&e o+erator toward t&e wor,d o) t&e di"ine3 w&i,st t&e deity3 a,so en%&anted3 is bro#$&t nearer4
Rit#a, is t&#s a brid$e to estab,is& and (aintain t&is %onta%t4
In ,ess +rosai% ter(s3 t&e ai( o) rit#a, is to )o%#s t&e awareness o) t&e +arti%i+ants in +arti%#,ar ways3
a%%ordin$ to a +re"io#s,y-de)ined s%&e(a4 A$ain3 t&is de)inition is ne%essari,y broad3 sin%e t&ere are
a $reat (any a++roa%&es to3 sty,es o)3 and %ate$ories o) rit#a, +ra%ti%e7 )ro( )#,,-b,own %ere(onia,
(a$i% #ti,isin$ robes3 banners3 and +ro+s %are)#,,y arran$ed to re+resent a +arti%#,ar (a$i%a,
syste(3 to on-t&e-s+ot i(+ro"isation4 T&e ,atter (ay be :#st as e))e%ti"e as t&e )or(er7 +ower-as
arises )ro( s6i,,-resides in t&e rit#a,ist3 not t&e words3 $est#res or sy(bo,s a,one4
By +er)or(in$ rit#a,3 we enter a s+a%e in w&i%& a,, nor(a, ,i(itations on t&e barriers to w&at is
+ossib,e are swe+t aside4 A s+a%e in w&i%& we are re(inded o) a,, t&at is (ysterio#s and awe-
ins+irin$3 i) on,y (o(entari,y4 A s+a%e w&ere we (i$&t %ons+ire wit& Gods or dan%e wit& de(ons4
Are Rit#a,s Ne%essary.
!&i,st (ost (a$i%a, traditions %ontain so(e e,e(ent o) rit#a,3 it s&o#,d be #nderstood t&at rit#a,
+ra%ti%e is b#t one as+e%t o) (a$i%3 a,beit a +o+#,ar one4 Li6e any ot&er a++roa%& to (a$i%3 rit#a, %an
be e*tre(e,y e))i%a%io#s i) #sed wise,y3 b#t e1#a,,y3 its e))e%ti"eness is $reat,y red#%ed i) t&e
+ra%titioner be%o(es ;,o%6ed; into a re+etiti"e +attern or a++roa%& to it4
T&ere are ar$#(ents bot& )or and a$ainst t&e +ra%ti%e o) rit#a, (a$i%4 One +o+#,ar ar$#(ent is t&at
rit#a, is #nne%essary-t&at i) one &as de"e,o+ed (a$i%a, s6i,,s3 t&en one %an 2do e"eryt&in$ in one;s
&ead32 or 2on t&e astra,42 Bot& t&ese "iew+oints %ontain a $rain o) (erit4 It is +ossib,e to brin$ abo#t
(a$i%a, res#,ts wit&o#t re%o#rse to rit#a, +ro%ed#res4 T&is is 6nown as E(+tyHanded (a$i%4 E1#a,,y3
one %an ena%t rit#a,s on t&e astra, wit&o#t any +&ysi%a, +ro+s or a%tions4 Howe"er3 s#%& ar$#(ents
o)ten re"ea, (ore abo#t t&eir e*+onents t&an anyt&in$ e,se4 I o)ten )ee, t&at ar$#(ents t&at yo# %an
do (a$i% entire,y in yo#r &ead or on t&e astra, re),e%t a %ertain %onte(+t 8or disasso%iation9 )ro(
+&ysi%a, e*+erien%e4 T&e be,ie) t&at t&e astra, wor,ds are (ore re)ined3 (ore ;s+irit#a,; t&an dreary o,d
;(#ndane rea,ity; is attra%ti"e )or so(e +eo+,e3 w&o tend to try on a 6ind o) (a$i%a, one-#+(ans&i+4
-n)ort#nate,y3 i) yo#r (a$i%a, wor6 &as )ew %onne%tions wit& yo#r +&ysi%a, %ir%#(stan%es3 it is a,, to
easy to dri)t o)) into t&e astra, drea( t&at yo# are a (i$&ty (a$#s-as S&a6es+eare +#t it3 a 26in$ o)
in)inite s+a%e42
For (e3 t&e %r#* o) t&e (atter is t&at rit#a, (a$i% is )#n4 Moreo"er3 rit#a, (a$i% is a s6i,,4 A (a$i%a,
rit#a, is (ore t&an t&e s#( o) its +arts4 Rit#a, &as e,e(ents o) +er)or(an%e3 and its own +sy%&o,o$y7
yet it wo#,d be a (ista6e to %onsider rit#a, to be (ere,y +sy%&odra(a4 Rit#a, %an be bro6en down
into t&e arran$e(ent o) sensory %#es3 "oi%e te%&ni1#e3 $est#re3 "is#a,isation3 (o"e(ent3 sy(bo,is(3
ro,e-s&i)tin$ and tran%e ind#%tion3 yet it is (ore t&an any o) t&is4 -na%%o#ntab,y3 rit#a,s3 w&en
+er)or(ed3 %reate an at(os+&ere-a s+a%e-in w&i%& so(et&in$ (ysterio#s and wonder)#, (ay
&a++en4 I) not&in$ e,se3 rit#a, de(onstrates &ow ,itt,e we 6now o) o#r +otentia,3 o) o#rse,"es3 and t&e
wor,d t&ro#$& w&i%& we (o"e4
!&at Constit#tes A Rit#a,.
!e %an identi)y e"ents s#%& as t&e >a+anese Tea Cere(ony as an e*a(+,e o) rit#a, be&a"io#r3
a,t&o#$& it is %ertain,y di))erent in %ontent and +#r+ose to t&e Cat&o,i% Co((#nion Mass4 T&e %#es
t&at we %an identi)y in order to distin$#is& rit#a, )ro( non-rit#a, be&a"io#r are o)ten s#bt,e de$rees o)
e(+&asis4 C&an$in$ )ro( one set o) %,ot&es to anot&er %an be%o(e a 6ind o) rit#a,3 +arti%#,ar,y i)
yo#r (o"e(ents be%o(e o"er,y sty,ised and yo# be%o(e aware t&at by %&an$in$ %,ot&es in t&is
)as&ion3 yo# are %&an$in$ so(e as+e%t o) yo#r awareness in a%%ordan%e wit& a +arti%#,ar desire or
ai(4 Hen%e rit#a, ser"es to )o%#s attention4 T&e di))eren%e between a nor(a, $est#re and a (a$i%a,
$est#re 8i4e43 one in t&e %onte*t o) a rit#a, or ot&er (a$i%a, a%tion9 is one o) de,iberation and
e(+&asis4 For a si(+,e e*a(+,e3 try t&e distin%tion o) si(+,y ta6in$ a drin6 )ro( a %#+ and t&en
(a6in$ t&at a%tion a )or(a, toast4 T&e a%tion is t&e sa(e-t&e di))eren%e %o(es in t&e way yo# do it3
and yo#r awareness o) t&e de,iberateness o) yo#r (o"e(ents4 To #nderstand &ow $ro#+ rit#a, %an
b#i,d #+ a +arti%#,ar at(os+&ere try t&e sa(e e*er%ise wit& a $ro#+ o) +eo+,e4 First e"eryone ta6es a
drin6 as &e wo#,d nor(a,,y4 T&en ea%& +erson in t#rn3 (a6es t&e a%tions o) a )or(a,3 de,iberate toast4
T&e +oint is t&at i) yo# do any a%tion3 &owe"er see(in$,y (#ndane3 in a de,iberate way3 it )ee,s
di))erent4 !&en a w&o,e $ro#+ o) +eo+,e +er)or( t&at a%tion3 it ta6es on anot&er de$ree o)
Anot&er %ore e,e(ent o) rit#a, w&i%& is re,ated to attention and de,iberateness is t&at o) se1#en%e4
Rit#a,s o)ten )o,,ow3 or %ontain3 +arti%#,ar se1#en%es o) a%tions and e"ents4 T&e re+etition o) a%tions
is %onsidered a 6ey e,e(ent in +sy%&o,o$i%a, de)initions o) rit#a,4 For e*a(+,e3 re+etiti"e &and-
was&in$ be&a"io#r %an be e*+,ained as an #n%ons%io#s rit#a, to ward o)) an*iety4 Re+etition %an be a
+ower)#, te%&ni1#e in rit#a,-in t&e %&antin$ o) words or +&rases3 t&e re+etition o) (o"e(ent3 $est#re3
dan%e ste+s et%4-w&i%& I wi,, e*+,ore in d#e %o#rse4 For t&e (o(ent &owe"er3 ,et #s %on%entrate on
se1#en%in$4 Ma$i%a, rit#a,s tend to )o,,ow a +re-de)ined se1#en%e3 w&i%&3 at its (ost si(+,est3 is a
be$innin$3 a (idd,e3 and an end4 A rat&er ob"io#s +oint yo# (i$&t t&in63 b#t t&e re%o$nition o) w&ere
and w&en a rit#a, be$ins or ends is not a,ways %,ear4 I) we re%o$nise t&at a 6ey to #nderstandin$
rit#a,s is t&at t&ey &a"e a distin%t 1#a,ity o) e*+erien%e to t&e(3 t&en we need to +ay +arti%#,ar
attention to &ow t&e transition is (ade bot& towards and away )ro( t&at 1#a,ity4 It is %o((on )or
(ode( (a$i%ians to be$in rit#a,s wit& a s#b-rit#a, 8%o(+,ete in itse,)9 w&i%& (ar6s t&e o+enin$ and
%,osin$ transitions o) a rit#a, e"ent4 T&is is $enera,,y 6nown as t&e Banis&in$ Rit#a,3 and I wi,, ,oo6 at
t&is s+e%i)i% )or( o) rit#a, (ore %,ose,y ,ater4
!&at %an be done wit& rit#a,.
Rit#a, Ma$i% %an be #sed )orI
a9 Se,)-C&an$e
b9 Sor%ery
C9 Insi$&t
d9 Meditation
e9 Ce,ebration
)9 Psy%&odra(a
$9 'e(onstration o) te%&ni1#e
&9 Mo(entary s#s+ension o) e(bedded r#,es
i9 !or6 wit& +arti%#,ar GodEGoddess-)orrn
:9 Gro#ndin$ onese,)
69 Fo%#sin$ on a s+e%i)i% iss#eEtas6E+rob,e(
T&is ,ist is by no (eans e*&a#sti"e3 it is si(+,y to $i"e yo# an idea o) t&e +ossibi,ities4
Rit#a,s are +ro%esses in t&e(se,"es3 w&ere di))erent e,e(ents %o(bine to &e,+ t&e +arti%i+ant %reate
t&e Free Area w&ere (a$i% be%o(es "ibrant and a,i"e4 To #nderstand t&e rit#a, +ro%ess is i(+ortant3
so t&at rat&er t&an s,a"is&,y )o,,owin$ so(eone e,se;s written se1#en%e3 t&e (a$i%ian (ay %reate &is
=4 Fa(i,iarity "4 Ris6
Rit#a,s #s#a,,y %ontain so(e e,e(ents w&i%& are )a(i,iar to t&e +arti%i+ants3 and so(e e,e(ents
w&i%& are new and t&ere)ore +,a%e t&e( at ris64 Fa(i,iar e,e(ents in%,#de war(-#+ e*er%ises s#%&
as a Banis&in$3 or te%&ni1#es w&i%& t&e +arti%i+ants &a"e #sed be)ore4 Ris6 e,e(ents in%,#de
anyt&in$ w&i%& is bein$ tried o#t )or t&e )irst ti(e3 and anyt&in$ w&i%& re1#ires i(+ro"isation3 or
)reedo( o) a%tion )ro( +arti%i+ants4 A s%ri+t %an on,y be )o,,owed to a %ertain +oint4 A)ter t&at +oint is
+assed3 t&e +arti%i+ants (#st be on t&eir toes3 )or anyt&in$ (i$&t 8and o)ten does9 &a++en4
T&e rit#a,ist (#st be res+onsi"e to ea%& (o(ent as it &a++ens4 For e*a(+,e3 a rit#a, (i$&t be
desi$ned to in"o6e a +arti%#,ar deity into a %&osen +erson3 )or +#r+oses o) ora%,e or ins+iration4 It
%an &a++en t&at t&e %&osen ;"e&i%,e; )or t&e deity does not a%&ie"e t&e re1#ired state-b#t so(eone
e,se +arti%i+atin$ (i$&t4
In t&is e*a(+,e 8and it is by no (eans #n%o((on93 a $ro#+ o) rit#a,ists w&o %annot (o"e beyond
t&eir s%ri+t are ,i6e,y to str#$$,e onwards3 #naware o) w&at is &a++enin$ wit&in t&e rit#a, +ro%ess4 A
res+onsi"e and obser"ant $ro#+3 &owe"er3 wi,, be ab,e to i(+ro"ise3 ada+tin$ to t&e new sit#ation as
it %&an$es4 T&is is ,ar$e,y a (atter o) %on)iden%e and &ands-on e*+erien%e4 To ,earn rit#a, (a$i%3 ,i6e
anyt&in$ e,se3 re1#ires t&at t&e sa)ety o) t&e )a(i,iar be %&a,,en$ed wit& t&e ne%essity o) ta6in$ ris6s4
O) %o#rse3 any rit#a, in"o,"es ris64 T&e )irst ti(e t&at one +er)or(s a rit#a,3 one e*+e%ts so(et&in$
stran$e to &a++en4 T&is is #s#a,,y enri%&ed by a na$$in$ )ear o) w&at (i$&t &a++en i) so(e&ow3 one
does it wron$4 A)ter one &as done t&e sa(e rit#a, a &#ndred ti(es3 one (ay be ,#,,ed into a sense o)
%o(+,a%en%y3 w&i%& is e1#a,,y ris6y4 For stran$e t&in$s &a++en :#st as o)ten as w&en t&ey are not
e*+e%ted3 as w&en t&ey are4 T&e ris6 o) rit#a,3 is +art o) its $,a(o#r3 and +art o) its +ower4
<4 Be,ie) S&a+es t&e Power o) Rit#a,
Vera%ity o) be,ie) is a %ornerstone to rit#a, (a$i%4 T&is &as se"era, ,e"e,s to it4 T&e %ore be,ie)3 t&at
Ma$i% !or6s %an on,y be%o(e e(bedded t&ro#$& e*+erien%e4 Anot&er ,e"e,-&ow )ar3 and &ow (#%&
(a$i% %an wor6 "ery (#%& de+ends on one;s do(inant e*+,anation o) &ow (a$i% wor6s4 C&aos
Ma$i%ians &a"e identi)ied )o#r basi% (ode,s o) &ow (a$i% wor6s4 T&ese are t&e S+irit Mode,3 t&e
Ener$y Mode,3 t&e Psy%&o,o$i%a, Mode,3 and t&e Cyberneti%s Mode,4 Ea%& (ode, &as di))erent
stren$t&s and wea6nesses w&en it %o(es to e*+,ainin$ (a$i%a, e))e%ts and +&eno(ena4 Ea%& (ode,
a,so tends to de"e,o+ its own ter(ino,o$y and )ra(es o) re)eren%e4 'i))erent syste(s o) (a$i% %an
be seen to &a"e "aryin$ de$rees o) ea%& (ode,3 and sin%e (a$i%3 ,i6e any ot&er )ie,d o) &#(an
endea"o#r3 )o,,ows $enera, trends in t&in6in$3 t&ere are di))erent trends in (a$i%a, (ode,s4 -nti, )air,y
re%ent,y3 t&e +redo(inant (ode, o) (a$i% was t&e S+irit Mode,4 A%%ordin$ to t&e S+irit Mode,3 a,,
entities 8Gods3 Goddesses3 de(ons3 e,e(enta,s3 an$e,s3 ser"itors3 et%49 are rea,3 and &a"e a
se+arate e*isten%e )ro( t&ose o) #s w&o wo#,d dare to dea, wit& t&e(4 H#(ans and ot&erwor,d
entities &a"e a re%i+ro%a, re,ations&i+ wit& ea%& ot&er4
T&e Ener$y Mode, arose in t&e !est wit& t&e new dis%o"eries o) s%ien%e 8e,e%tri%ity3 (a$netis(3 and
so )ort&9 and t&e !estern i(+orts o) t&e Eastern +&i,oso+&ies s#%& as Tantra4 T&e Ener$y Mode,
(i$&t e*+,ain t&e dis%rete entities o) t&e S+irit Mode, in ter(s o) s#bt,e ener$ies w&i%& ta6e t&e )or(
o) entities w&en "iewed by ,i(ited &#(an senses4 So t&ey are not se+arate bein$s w&i%& t&eir own
e*isten%e and +#r+ose3 b#t ener$ies w&i%& we &a"e %,ot&ed in )or(3 so as to wor6 wit& t&e(4
T&e Psy%&o,o$i%a, Mode, $rew o#t o) t&e rise o) Psy%&oana,ysis3 +arti%#,ar,y t&e wor6 o) Car, G#sta"
>#n$3 and &as %o(e to be t&e do(inant (ode, )or e*+,ainin$ (a$i%a, +&eno(ena4 In t&e
Psy%&o,o$i%a, Mode,3 t&e Gods3 E,e(enta,s3 'e(ons3 et%43 &a"e no e*isten%e beyond t&e &#(an
(ind-t&ey are (ere,y sy(bo,s or ar%&ety+es o) dee+ +arts o) t&e &#(an +sy%&e4
T&e Cyberneti%s Mode, is :#st be$innin$ to %ree+ in as (a$i%ians be$in to s+e%#,ate abo#t t&e
nat#re o) (a$i% as re"ea,ed t&ro#$& t&e ,ens o) In)or(ation S%ien%es4 As yet it re(ains in%o(+,ete3
b#t a %yberneti%s-based "iew o) (a$i%a, entities (i$&t say t&at t&ey are in)or(ation syste(s w&i%&
&a"e t&e %a+a%ity to be se,)-or$anisin$3 and w&i%& arise o#t o) o#r +arti%i+ation in a %o(+,e* web o)
syste(sI in%,#din$ +ersona, be,ie)3 $ro#+ be,ie)3 en"iron(enta, syste(s3 and t&e "ery )abri% o) rea,ity
B#t eno#$& o) t&eory4 !&en3 wit&in t&e Free Area o) rit#a,3 it is best to be,ie"e t&at t&e e,e(ents t&at
one is wor6in$ wit&3 be t&ey $ods3 $#ardian s+irits3 a,,ies3 et%43 are rea,4 In t&is res+e%t3 it (ay be
#se)#, to as6 onese,) w&i%& (ode, $i"es t&e $reatest $,a(o#r o) bein$ a (a$i%ian. Sendin$ )ort&
%a,,s t&#nderin$ t&ro#$& ti(e and s+a%e to brin$ onese,) to t&e attention o) so(e (i$&ty3 an%ient
bein$3 or +er)or(in$ a se1#en%e o) a%tions w&i%& a,,ow a ,atent as+e%t o) Se,) to rise into
awareness. !&i%& so#nds (ore ris6y and e*%itin$. I) t&e entity bein$ s#((oned is a +art o) t&e
se,)3 %an (#%& $o awry. I)3 on t&e ot&er &and3 it is a bein$ wit& a,, t&e +owers3 wi,,3 and re$a,ity o) an
an%ient Goddess or S+irit3 t&en &ow (#%& (ore i(+ortant is it t&at t&e rit#a, be +er)or(ed to t&e
&ei$&t o) one;s abi,ity-wit& sty,e3 res+e%t3 and awe4 C&oosin$ t&e (ost a++ro+riate $,a(o#r wi,,
+rod#%e a %on%ordant e(otiona, intensity3 and C&aos Ma$i%ians tend to t&e "iew t&at rit#a, s&o#,d be
intense3 e,se a,, is (ere +,ay-a%tin$4 And re(e(ber3 t&e (ode,s we %reate to e*+,ain t&e (ysterio#s
are :#st t&at3 (ode,s3 not t&e territory itse,)4 Mode,s %annot ade1#ate,y %ontain t&e (ysterio#s7 and
rit#a,3 )or a,, t&e e*+,anations written3 re(ains at t&e &eart3 a s+a%e w&ere t&e (ysterio#s (ay
intr#de into o#r ,i"es4
R4 'ra(ati% Awareness
T&is ter( is #sed to draw a +ara,,e, between Rit#a, and +er)or(an%e4 To$et&er3 t&e +er)or(ers and
a#dien%e o) a (as1#e or +,ay %an b#i,d #+ an at(os+&ere w&i%& %an be )e,t by a,, +resent4
T&e a#dien%e ,isten to w&at is &a++enin$ onsta$e3 e(+at&ise and rea%t4 T&is rea%tion is
%o((#ni%ated to t&e a%tors3 w&i%& in t#rn a))e%ts t&eir +er)or(an%e4 T&#s an at(os+&ere o)
2'ra(ati% Awareness2-a s&i)tin$ o) awareness towards t&e (yt&i% arena o) e*+erien%e-%an 1#i%6,y
be $enerated4 I) t&e a#dien%e is )a(i,iar wit& t&e (yt&s or str#$$,es bein$ dis+,ayed on sta$e3 t&en
t&e e*+erien%e (ay be %at&arti% )or a,, %on%erned4
So(et&in$ si(i,ar o%%#rs d#rin$ a (a$i%a, rit#a,3 +arti%#,ar,y in Gro#+ rit#a,s3 w&ere t&e +arti%i+ation
o) a,, t&ose wit&in a Free Area %ontrib#tes towards ea%& indi"id#a,;s e*+erien%e o) t&e rit#a,4 In rit#a,
ti(e3 a,, senses are &ei$&tened3 and s(a,, (i%ros%o+i% %&an$es in a +arti%i+ants; be&a"io#r 8)or
e*a(+,e3 "oi%e tone3 body ,an$#a$e3 or +ost#ra, s&i)ts9 (ay not be ob"io#s,y a++re&ended3 b#t
ne"ert&e,ess %ontrib#te to s&i)ts in awareness )or t&e entire $ro#+4 Very s#bt,e %#es %an %reate
+ro)o#nd %&an$es in %ons%io#sness4 It &as been obser"ed t&at rit#a, +arti%i+ants w&o be%o(e to
"aryin$ de$rees +ossessed by an entity dis+,ay "aryin$ de$rees o) +ost#ra, %&an$e3 "o%a, a,teration3
and a,so3 (ost si$ni)i%ant,y3 s(a,, %&an$es in t&e way t&at t&e )a%ia, (#s%,es %reate t&e o"era,,
%&ara%ter t&at is #s#a,,y asso%iated wit& a +arti%#,ar +ersona,ity4 I) )or e*a(+,e3 a $ro#+ o) rit#a,ists
are obser"in$ anot&er +erson (o"e into t&is state3 t&ese s(a,, si$na,s wi,, &ei$&ten t&e o"era,, sense
o) 'ra(ati% Awareness t&ro#$&o#t t&e $ro#+4
!it&in a rit#a,3 +arti%i+ants %an ,earn to (o"e wit& a 1#a,ity o) de,iberateness to a,, t&eir (o"e(ents4
Anot&er ana,o$y between rit#a, and t&eatre %an be drawn3 t&at a%tors (a6e t&eir (o"e(ents wit&
t&e de,iberate intent o) %o((#ni%atin$ so(et&in$ to t&e a#dien%e4
In a rit#a, s+a%e3 t&e a#dien%e %an be %onsidered to be any +arti%i+ants w&o are not en$a$ed in
a%ti"ity4 On a $reater ,e"e,3 t&e a#dien%e (ay be t&e entities w&i%& t&e rit#a, is desi$ned to stir )ort&4
D4 Coordination o) Te%&ni1#e
Rit#a,s o)ten re1#ire t&e +arti%i+ants to si(#,taneo#s,y e(+,oy di))erent te%&ni1#es4 For e*a(+,e3
et%&in$ a +enta$ra( in t&e air (ay re1#ire t&e %oordination o) $est#re3 "is#a,isation3 breat&in$3 and
%o,o#r +ro:e%tion3 as we,, as t&e i(+,i%it be,ie) t&at doin$ so wi,, brin$ abo#t so(e %&an$e wit&in t&e
rit#a, s+a%e4 T&e s#%%ess)#, %oordination o) di))erent te%&ni1#es to %arry o#t an a%tion wit&in t&e rit#a,
s+a%e %ontrib#tes towards %&an$es in %ons%io#sness4 Coordinated (o"e(ent3 to$et&er wit&
breat&in$ and "is#a,isation3 dire%ted by t&e intention o) brin$in$ abo#t a s+e%i)i% res#,t %reates a s&i)t
into an e(otiona, state w&i%& a (a$i%ian ,earns3 t&ro#$& +ra%ti%e3 to identi)y as bein$ a++ro+riate )or
t&at a%tion4 E(otion a%ts as a s#++ort to be,ie)3 and w&en t&e (a$i%ian )ee,s &i(se,) (o"e into t&e
a++ro+riate state o) awareness3 &e #nder$oes a s#bt,e be,ie) s&i)t towards t&e ta%it ;rea,ity; o) t&e
rit#a, +ro%ess4
Sta$es in Rit#a, Pro$ression
T&is is a basi% (ode, )or rit#a, desi$n w&i%& identi)ies )i"e di))erent sta$es in t&e rit#a, +ro%ess4 T&ese
sta$es )o,,ow t&e $enera, s&i)t in rit#a, awareness towards t&e a%t#a,i5ation o) t&e intent t&at t&e rit#a,
is based aro#nd3 and t&en ba%6 o#t towards +ost-rit#a, %ons%io#sness4
=4 Pre+aration4
<4 !ar(-#+4
R4 Core4
D4 !ind-down4
J4 'ebrie)in$4
=4 Pre+aration
It is not a,ways easy to say at w&at +oint a rit#a, be$ins or ends3 sin%e t&e +re+aration to +er)or( a
rit#a, %an itse,) be e,aborateI %,eanin$ t&e area to be #sed3 bat&in$3 re,a*in$ and (editatin$ %an be
as (#%& +art o) t&e rit#a, as t&e (ain e"ent4
Fastin$ and se,)-de+ri"ation 8$i"in$ #+ &abits and addi%tions9 are a,so ti(e-&ono#red (et&ods o)
)o%#sin$ awareness towards a +arti%#,ar tas6 or $oa,4 Es+e%ia,,y e))e%ti"e are t&ose +re+arations
w&i%& +rod#%e %&an$es in so(ati% awareness3 s#%& as dietin$3 s,ee+ de+ri"ation or red#%in$ ones
nor(a, inta6e o) sti(#,ants4
I) one is wor6in$ wit&in t&e +ara(eters o) a s+e%i)i% (a$i%a, syste(3 t&en Pre+aration is ,i6e,y to
in"o,"e assi(i,atin$ t&e attrib#tes3 sy(bo,s3 and %on%e+ts o) t&at syste(4 !&en wor6in$ wit& a
+arti%#,ar entity3 it (ay be dee(ed #se)#, to &a"e &ad so(e o) t&e rit#a, +arti%i+ants 8i) not a,,9 to
&a"e a%1#ired a 6now,ed$e o) t&e be&a"io#r3 attrib#tes3 and 1#a,ities asso%iated wit& t&e entity4
Pre+aration a,so in"o,"es t&e +re-rit#a, brie)in$ o) +arti%i+ants to ens#re t&at e"eryone &as so(e idea
o) w&at is bein$ atte(+ted3 and w&y4
<4 !ar(--+
T&e war(in$-#+ e,e(ents o) rit#a, %onsist o) te%&ni1#es t&at ser"e to raise ener$y and ent&#sias(3
and )o%#s awareness towards t&e tas6 in &and4 T&ese in%,#de dr#((in$3 dan%in$3 (editation
e*er%ises3 ba%6$ro#nd (#si% and %oordinated breat&in$ or %&antin$4
Not on,y do t&ese te%&ni1#es ser"e to )o%#s awareness3 t&ey a,so &a"e +ower)#, +&ysio,o$i%a,
e))e%ts as we,,4 T&e 6ind o) war(-#+ te%&ni1#es #sed in a rit#a, wi,, &e,+ %reate t&e a++ro+riate (ood
)or +arti%i+ants4 Ob"io#s,y )ast dr#((in$ and ener$eti% dan%in$ wi,, %reate a di))erent rit#a,
at(os+&ere t&an s,ow (o"in$ ste+s3 sonoro#s %&antin$ and so,e(n (#si%4
A Banis&in$3 or Centerin$ rit#a, is a standard war(-#+ +re%#rsor to (ost rit#a,s3 o) w&i%&3 (ore ,ater4
R4 T&e Core
T&e Core sta$e o) rit#a, in"o,"es t&e te%&ni1#es w&i%& i(+,e(ent t&e (ain intention o) t&e rit#a, so
)ar3 w&i%& is +owered by a,, t&e ener$y and ent&#sias( $enerated d#rin$ t&e rite4 T&e %ontent o) t&e
%ore sta$e de+ends on t&e $enera, ai( o) t&e rit#a,3 s#%& as in"o%ation-%a,,in$ a s+e%i)i% entity into
one or (ore o) t&e +arti%i+ants7 e"o%ation-%a,,in$ )ort& 8or %reatin$9 a +&ysi%a, (ani)estation o) an
entity7 t&e +ro:e%tion o) a s+e%i)i% intention )ro( t&e rit#a, s+a%e into t&e (#,ti"erse7 t&e ena%t(ent o)
a s+e%i)i% (yt&i% e"ent7 t&e ena%t(ent o) a +sy%&odra(a desi$ned to brin$ abo#t a s+e%i)i% s&i)t in
awareness7 or t&e %e,ebration o) so(e &istori%a,3 (yt&i%3 or so%ia, e"ent4
D4 !ind-'own
T&is sta$e o) a rit#a, (ar6s t&e be$innin$ o) a ret#rn to +ostrit#a, awareness3 t&e ;ret#rn; bein$
)a%i,itated by3 )or e*a(+,e3 anot&er +er)or(an%e o) a banis&in$ rit#a,4 T&is ser"es to +re"ent t&e
ener$y and e(otions $enerated by t&e rit#a, )ro( s+i,,in$ o"er into e"eryday ,i)e4 O%%asiona,,y3 ,i$&t-
&earted $a(es (ay be #sed to re,a* +arti%i+ants and to dis%&ar$e tension4 T&e (a$i%a, ro,e is s&ed3
and t&e (yt&i% wor,d bidden de+art3 as t&e +arti%i+ants +re+are to ret#rn to e"eryday awareness4
It is $enera,,y t&e %ase t&at t&e (ore intense t&e rit#a,3 t&e (ore t&oro#$& t&e !ind-'own s&o#,d be4
It s&o#,d be noted t&at not a,, indi"id#a,s ret#rn )ro( intense tran%e states si(#,taneo#s,y3 and t&at
%are)#, obser"ation o) +arti%i+ants; ret#rn )ro( intense rit#a, %ons%io#sness is o)ten ne%essary4 It
s&o#,d a,so be noted t&at w&en rit#a,s are desi$ned to brin$ abo#t an intense s&i)t in %ons%io#sness3
t&e e))e%ts are ,i6e,y to ,in$er on a)terwards4 One o) t&e stren$t&s o) (a$i% is t&at it +ro"ides t&e
indi"id#a, wit& a )ra(ewor6 wit&in w&i%& to e*+,ore and assi(i,ate s&i)ts in awareness4 It is not
#n6nown )or rit#a,s to brin$ abo#t ,on$-ter( %&an$es in an indi"id#a,;s awareness and ,i)e4 Indeed3 to
do so is one o) t&e ai(s o) rit#a,4
J4 'ebrie)in$
T&is sta$e %on%erns t&e re%ordin$ o) i(+ressions and insi$&ts3 to be entered in t&e Ma$i%a, 'iary4
T&e i(+ortan%e o) t&is %annot be o"er stressed4 It is s#r+risin$ &ow 1#i%6,y i(+ressions o) w&at
trans+ired d#rin$ a rit#a, %an be%o(e distorted or )or$otten4 T&e (a$i%a, diary is essentia, )or t&e
se,)-assess(ent o) +ro$ress3 and re%ordin$ e*+erien%es )or )#t#re re)eren%e4 T&is sta$e a,so
in%,#des se,) or $ro#+ assess(ent o) +er)or(an%e on a te%&ni%a, ,e"e,-Identi)yin$ w&i%& +arts o) t&e
rit#a, +ro%ess &ad t&e (ost e))e%t3 and w&i%&3 in retros+e%t3 did not see( to wor6 as we,,4 Ma$i%ians
do not3 in $enera,3 en:oy &a"in$ t&eir +er)or(an%es %riti%ised3 b#t t&is is as (#%& a +art o) t&e
%ontin#a, +ro%ess o) ,earnin$ and re)inin$ rit#a, te%&ni1#e as any ot&er4
For(a, "4 Freesty,e
For(a,ised Rit#a,
I #se t&e ter( For(a,ised Rit#a, to des%ribe any rit#a, (a$i% w&i%& is rooted in a +arti%#,ar tradition3
&istori%a,-%#,t#ra, e+o%&3 or +arti%#,ar do%trine4 Po+#,ar e*a(+,es o) s#%& in%,#deI Baba,a&3 Tantra3
!it%&%ra)t3 Vo#do#n3 T&e,e(a3 or w&at &as be%o(e 6nown as t&e !estern Esoteri% Tradition4 In any
o) t&ese traditions3 t&e sy(bo,is(3 e,e(ents and str#%t#re o) rit#a, are de)ined a%%ordin$ to +arti%#,ar
%riteria4 Ma$i%ians w&o st#dy s#%& traditions &a"e to absorb t&e t&eory o) t&e +arti%#,ar syste(3
(a6e its sy(bo,is( +ersona,,y si$ni)i%ant3 and ,earn its rit#a, str#%t#res in order to $et t&e (ost o#t
o) wor6in$ wit& t&e syste(4 T&is #s#a,,y in"o,"es "aryin$ de$rees o) stee+in$ onese,) in a +arti%#,ar
%#,t#re4 For e*a(+,e3 i) yo# be%a(e interested in Tibetan Ma$i%3 yo# (i$&t we,, )ind yo#rse,) st#dyin$
an a++ro+riate ,an$#a$e3 readin$ t&e Tibetan Boo6 o) t&e 'ead3 $oin$ to ,isten to t&e 'a,ai La(a3
resear%&in$ t&e +er)or(an%e o) Tibetan rit#a,3 et%4
Freesty,e Rit#a,
Freesty,e Rit#a, denotes a,, )or(s o) (a$i%a, rit#a, w&i%& are not entire,y rooted in one +arti%#,ar
(a$i%a, do%trine or tradition4 -+ #nti, )air,y re%ent,y3 (ost +eo+,e w&o %a,,ed t&e(se,"es (a$i%ians
were rooted 8rit#a,-wise9 in one o) t&e (any do%trines and traditions o) (a$i%a, be,ie) and str#%t#re3
s#%& as t&ose (entioned in t&e +re"io#s se%tion4 Sin%e t&e ,ate =?PL;s &owe"er3 t&ere &as been a
$rowin$ interest in w&at %an be ter(ed Freesty,e Rit#a, w&i%& is (ore o+en-ended3 drawin$ on a
wide ran$e o) sy(bo,is( and )eat#res3 and w&i%& is &i$&,y +ersona,ised to t&e indi"id#a, +er)or(in$4
T&e $rowt& o) interest in Se,)-'e"e,o+(ent3 S&a(anis(3 and t&e C&aos Ma$i% Mo"e(ent &a"e
&e,+ed de"e,o+ t&is trend4 In )reesty,e rit#a,3 yo# are not %onstrained by any +arti%#,ar syste( o)
doin$ t&in$s3 and %an #se e,e(ents w&i%& are not a,ways i((ediate,y re%o$nised as bein$ o%%#,t4
Bot& t&ese sty,es &a"e t&eir +ros and %ons4 Persona,,y3 = )ee, t&at one o) t&e (ar6s o) an e))e%ti"e
(a$i%ian is t&e abi,ity to wor6 wit&in a +arti%#,ar syste(3 or to be ab,e to +er)or( )reesty,e (a$i%
w&en t&e o%%asion be)its4 Freesty,e rit#a, is +arti%#,ar,y $ood )or ,earnin$ &ow to str#%t#re (a$i%a,
rit#a,s yo#rse,) 8rat&er t&an si(+,y )o,,owin$ so(eone e,se;s (et&od94 I) yo# wis& to $o o)) and s+end
t&e ne*t twenty years or so st#dyin$ t&e Baba,a& or one o) t&e Neo-A)ri%an (a$i%a, traditions3 )ine3
b#t s#%& in-de+t& wor6 is beyond t&e s%o+e o) t&is boo64
T+e co.ponents o3 Rit1al
I wi,, now e*a(ine so(e o) t&e di))erent %o(+onents t&at %an be #sed to s&a+e a (a$i%a, rit#a,3 and
t&e re,ations&i+s between t&e(4 !&ere re,e"ant I &a"e in%,#ded a "ariety o) e*er%ises and
te%&ni1#es by w&i%& t&ese e,e(ents (ay be e*+,ored4 How t&ese %o(+onents are e(+,oyed in
de"isin$ a %o(+,ete rit#a, wi,, "ery (#%& de+end on t&e )o,,owin$I
i9 T&e intention3 or ai( #nder,yin$ t&e rit#a,4
ii9 T&e +arti%#,ar sty,e o) rit#a, 8)or(a,3 )reesty,e94
iii9 T&e be,ie)-syste( or (a$i%a, str#%t#re w&i%& t&e rite #ses4
i"9 Pra%ti%a,ities o) Ti(e3 S+atia, Restri%tions et%4
Rit1al as T+eatre
Re$ardin$ (a$i%a, rit#a, as a )or( o) t&eatri%a, +er)or(an%e is a #se)#, way o) a++roa%&in$ its
+ossibi,ities4 In (ode( so%iety3 t&eatre &as be%o(e (ere,y a )or( o) entertain(ent3 w&i,st its &ea,in$
)#n%tion &as ,ar$e,y been instit#tiona,ised as )or(s o) t&era+y3 and its (a$i%a, as+e%ts &a"e been
dri"en #nder$ro#nd4 Antonin Arta#d3 in &is %,assi% essay T&e T&eatre and Its 'o#b,e3 writes abo#t a
2+&ysi%a, ,an$#a$e2 o) t&eatre3 w&i%& is inde+endent o) s+ee%& 8and &en%e3 t&e wa6in$ (ind93 and
w&i%& is ai(ed at +ro"o6in$ #n%ons%io#s rea%tions in t&e a#dien%e3 e*+ressin$ )ee,in$s w&i%&
%annot be )ra(ed into words4 S#%& a ,an$#a$e in%,#des dan%e3 $est#re3 (i(e3 %ost#(e3 ,i$&tin$ and
#se o) +ro+s4 Arta#d writes t&at %are)#, attention needs to be $i"en towards t&ese e,e(ents i) t&e
,an$#a$e is to be e))e%ti"e4 T&is ,an$#a$e is t&e sa(e ,an$#a$e w&i%& is #sed to b#i,d an
at(os+&ere in rit#a, (a$i%4
T&e de$ree o) ad&eren%e to a +arti%#,ar )or(a, sty,e o) rit#a, wi,, to a ,ar$e e*tent deter(ine t&e
s&a+e it ta6es4 T&is (ay ne%essitate so(e de$ree o) resear%& as +re+aration3 i) one is ai(in$ at
re%onstr#%tin$ a rit#a, )ro( anot&er %#,t#re or e+o%&4 !&i,st t&ere are a $ood n#(ber o) boo6s ai(ed
at t&e (ode( o%%#,tist w&i%& +#r+ort to re%onstr#%t t&e rit#a,s o) t&e An%ient Gree6s or Ger(ani%
+eo+,es3 )or e*a(+,e3 t&ere is e1#a,,y a "ast wea,t& o) in)or(ation )ro( &istorians and
ant&ro+o,o$ists w&i%& s&o#,d not be o"er,oo6ed4 How )ar one $oes a,on$ t&e +at& o) re%onstr#%tion
is a (atter o) +ersona, +re)eren%e4 !&i,st one (i$&t wis& to re%reate t&e s+irit o) t&e an%ient Gree6
'ionysia3 it is #n,i6e,y3 t&at one wi,, be ab,e to tear t&ro#$& one;s ,o%a, )ie,ds ri++in$ ,i"esto%6 and
+assers-by a+art 8(#%& as one wo#,d +er&a+s ,i6e to94 In $enera,3 doin$ a rit#a, in a +arti%#,ar )or(a,
sty,e s&o#,d not3 in (y o+inion3 be seen as a restri%tion3 b#t an o++ort#nity to +#,, o#t a,, t&e sto+s
and $o )or itA
One iss#e t&at re,ates to rit#a, sty,e is t&at o) (i*in$ e,e(ents )ro( di))erent syste(s4 T&ere is a "ery
"o%a, s%&oo, wit&in t&e o%%#,t (i,ie# w&i%& &o,ds t&at it is wron$ 8dan$ero#s e"en9 to (i* di))erent
syste(s o) (a$i%4 T&is "iew is (ost stron$,y ad"o%ated by %&a(+ions o) t&e so-%a,,ed !estern
Esoteri% Tradition3 or t&e (ore ri$id traditions o) (ode( wit%&%ra)t4 T&e stren$t& o) t&is +osition is
%onsiderab,y wea6ened w&en one %onsiders t&at (#%& o) t&e so-%a,,ed !estern Esoteri% Tradition is
a synt&esis o) Her(eti% +&i,oso+&y3 Baba,a&3 t&eoso+&y3 yo$a3 (edie"a, (a$i%3 %&a6ras and ot&er
di"erse e,e(ents4 It;s not so (#%& t&e (i*in$ w&i%& is t&e +rob,e(3 b#t &ow yo# do it-rat&er ,i6e
%oo6in$4 = &a"e )o#nd3 as &a"e (any ot&ers3 )or e*a(+,e3 t&at (o"e(ents borrowed )ro( Tai C&i or
Bi Gon$ )it "ery we,, into rit#a, (a$i% se1#en%es4
T&ere are se"era, %onsiderations w&i%& re,ate to t&e Ti(in$ o) Rit#a,4 First,y3 t&ere is t&e 1#estion o)
2!&en is t&e best ti(e to +er)or( a rit#a, .2 Fro( a +#re,y +ra%ti%a, ,e"e,3 yo# s&o#,d +er)or( yo#r
rit#a,s w&en yo# 6now yo# are not $oin$ to be dist#rbed3 )or e*a(+,e3 by %&i,dren3 ),at(ates3
nei$&bo#rs or +eo+,e dro++in$ by4 T&is in itse,) (ay re1#ire a,terations in yo#r dai,y s%&ed#,e 8$ettin$
#+ ear,ier or $oin$ to bed ,ater9 w&i%& (ay &e,+ t&e rit#a, in be%o(in$ si$ni)i%ant3 as so(et&in$
So(e boo6s on (a$i% (a6e (#%& o) t&e di"ision o) ti(e into +,anetary days3 &o#rs3 and so )ort&4
How )ar yo# )o,,ow t&is is #+ to yo#3 as is t&e +er)or(an%e o) rit#a,s re,ated to t&e +ro$ression o)
astro,o$i%a, &o#ses or t&e %on:#n%tion o) +arti%#,ar +,anetary bodies4 I) yo# )ee, it;s si$ni)i%ant )or yo#3
t&en by a,, (eans do #se t&ese re,ations&i+s3 b#t e1#a,,y3 don;t )ee, yo# &a"e to do it t&is way4
() 'patial Ele.ents
T&is se%tion dea,s wit& t&e a%t#a, +&ysi%a, s+a%e w&ere a rit#a, ta6es +,a%e4 !&i,st so(e (a$i%ians
are )ort#nate eno#$& to be ab,e to set a roo( o) t&eir dwe,,in$ aside as a (a$i%a, te(+,e3 (ost o) #s
&a"e to (a6e do wit& re%on)i$#rin$ a roo(3 &irin$ an e*terna, s+a%e3 or wor6in$ o#tdoors4
a9 T&e Rit#a, S+a%e as a Free Area
!&i,st it is %o((on )or (a$i%a, te*ts to dis%#ss rit#a, s+a%e in ter(s o) a (a$i%a, %ir%,e or te(+,e3 =
+re)er to #se t&e ter( Free Area to denote rit#a, s+a%e3 sin%e it %o"ers %ir%#(stan%es w&en a %ir%,e
is not ne%essary3 desired3 or a++ro+riate4 A Free Area (ay e"en denote a state o) %ons%io#sness or
t&e estab,is&(ent o) any +&ysi%a, ,o%ation 8&owe"er te(+orary9 as a re$ion w&ere Ma$i%a, Rea,ity is
do(inant3 inter+enetrati"e3 or &i$&,y %ondensed in re,ation to ot&er s+a%es4 For e*a(+,e3 )or t&e
+#r+oses o) a rit#a, e"ent3 one (i$&t de%ide t&at an entire )orest is a Free Area o) (a$i%a, intr#sion
and +ossibi,ities3 w&i%& ends one &o#r a)ter dawn or as one rea%&es t&e )irst "isib,e si$ns o) &#(an
b9 T&e 'e(ar%ation o) Bo#ndaries
T&e #se o) a +&ysi%a, (a$i%a, %ir%,e is +er&a+s t&e (ost we,,6nown way o) (ar6in$ a bo#ndary
between rit#a, s+a%e and non-rit#a, s#rro#ndin$s4 Cir%,es %an be )or(ed by %&a,63 ro+e3 ta+e3 sewn
onto b,an6ets or %ar+ets or e"en %#t +er(anent,y into ),oorboards4 O#tdoor %ir%,es %an be (ar6ed o#t
in br#s&3 wooden ra(+in$ or t#r)3 to $i"e a )ew e*a(+,es4 E1#a,,y3 a %ir%,e (ay be estab,is&ed #sin$
a %o(bination o) "is#a,i5ation3 dan%e and a rit#a, se1#en%e w&ereby t&e %,assi%a, ;dire%tions o)
s+a%e; 8i4e43 +oints o) t&e %o(+ass9 are set #+4 In +&ysi%a, ter(s t&is (i$&t in"o,"e t&e #se o) 1#arter-
(ar6ers s#%& as %andies3 banners bearin$ si$ns o) t&e 1#arters3 s(a,, a,tars 8see be,ow93 stat#ettes
or stan$s4
T&e de(ar%ation o) bo#ndaries is bot& +&ysi%a, and +sy%&o,o$i%a,4 It )o%#ses t&e attention o) t&e
(a$i%ian towards t&e i((ediate area w&erein (a$i%a, wor6 wi,, ta6e +,a%e4 As Crow,ey +oints o#t in
C&a+ter < o) Boo6 Fo#r3 t&e (a$i%a, bo#ndary 8in t&is %ase3 t&e %ir%,e9 is an a))ir(ation o) t&e
(a$i%ian;s de"otion to &is wor64
T&e idea o) (a6in$ a bo#ndary is a,so i(+ortant in t&e sense o) 6ee+in$ #nwanted 8or #nin"ited9
in),#en%es 8i4e43 ;orrib,e +sy%&i% entities9 o#t o) t&e %ir%,e3 or )or t&at (atter3 in"itin$ t&e( in4
%9 T&e A,tar
A,tars tend to be t&e rit#a, )#rnit#re 8o)ten a tab,e or bo* %o"ered wit& a %,ot&9 on w&i%& a,, t&e bits
and +ie%es asso%iated wit& a +arti%#,ar rite-+i%t#res3 in%ense b#rner3 stat#ettes3 (irror3 (a$i%a,
wea+ons et%43 are arran$ed3 #s#a,,y in so(e 6ind o) sy(bo,i% se1#en%e3 and 8&o+e)#,,y9 +,a%ed so
t&at it is not in dan$er o) bein$ ban$ed into in t&e %o#rse o) t&e rite4 A,tars tend to be +,a%ed
a%%ordin$ to so(e str#%t#ra, s%&e(a3 s#%& as t&e D 1#arters or e,e(enta, stations #sed in de)inin$
t&e rit#a, s+a%e4 T&e ter( a,tar is deri"ed )ro( t&e Latin a,t#s3 w&i%& (eans ;&i$&; and is #s#a,,y
de)ined as a raised +,a%e or str#%t#re w&ere sa%ri)i%es are o))ered and re,i$io#s rites are %ond#%ted4
An a,tar is a +&ysi%a, re+resentation o) sa%red s+a%e3 w&et&er it be a ro%6 in a )orest %,earin$ or a
%o"ered tab,e in one %orner o) a roo(7 it a,,ows #s to )o%#s awareness and attention towards t&e
sa%red4 In t&e C,assi%a, Pa$an traditions3 stone a,tars were raised as an a%t o) re%o$nition o) t&e
s+irit o) a +,a%e3 t&e $eni#s ,o%i4
In a way3 %reatin$ an a,tar )or (a$i%a, #se is a +ro%ess o) dis%o"erin$ and %,ari)yin$ w&i%& ob:e%ts
and ite(s &a"e a %ore (a$i%a, si$ni)i%an%e and a,so3 an intense,y +ersona, si$ni)i%an%e4 In addition3
an a,tar %an re+resent bot& t&at w&i%& we are3 and w&at we as+ire towards4 An a,tar3 re$ard,ess o)
w&et&er or not it is #sed in )or(a, rit#a,3 %an be%o(e a +,a%e o) (editation or %onte(+,ation and a
re(inder o) w&at )or #s is si$ni)i%ant3 and o) (a6in$ a re%onne%tion wit& t&at w&i%& is (a$i%a, in t&e
(idst o) o#r e"eryday ,i"es4 An a,tar need not be a ,ar$e %onstr#%tionI one o) t&e s(a,,est a,tars in (y
abode is a s+a%e on a (ante,+ie%e3 on w&i%& sits a s(a,, +,asti% +i*ie4 T&e +i*ie is a )inder o) ,ost
t&in$s3 w&o is rewarded by (y $i"in$ &i( a s(a,, si,"er %oin3 ,i$&tin$ a :oss sti%6 ne*t to &i( or :#st
d#stin$ &i( o)) o%%asiona,,y4 An a,tar %an be as (ini(a, or %o(+,e* as yo# ,i6eI w&at (atters is t&at
yo# )ind it si$ni)i%ant and e(+owerin$4
B#i,din$ an a,tar %an be%o(e in itse,) a +ower)#, a%t o) (a$i%I be it an a,tar t&at wi,, be e"ent#a,,y
#sed )or )or(a,ised rit#a, wor63 or si(+,y as a +oint o) dai,y re%onne%tion4 A,tars %an be %reated )or
s+e%ia, %ir%#(stan%es3 to %o((e(orate s+e%ia, e"ents in o#r ,i"es3 )or e*a(+,e3 or )or s+e%i)i%
e"ents4 A,tars are +arti%#,ar,y #se)#, in a%ts o) in"o%ation3 w&en one (i$&t %reate a a,tar to a $oddess
or $od3 or )or en%&ant(ents3 w&en a desire (i$&t be sa%ri)i%ed on an a,tar4 It %an be #se)#, to identi)y
a )ew %entra, ite(s o) (a$i%a, and +ersona, si$ni)i%an%e w&i%& %an in e))e%t3 be #sed as a +ortab,e
d9 Pro+s / E1#i+(ent
One o) t&e (ost #se)#, rit#a, +ro+s I &a"e #sed isn;t +arti%#,ar,y (a$i%a,3 b#t is nonet&e,ess
i((ense,y #se)#,-a (#si% stand4 For(er,y3 i) I &ad to read a,o#d )ro( a boo6 d#rin$ a rit#a, it wo#,d
be (ore o)ten t&an not a %ase o) standin$3 &o,din$ t&e boo6 o+en w&i,st so(eone e,se wobb,ed a
%and,e o"er (y s&o#,der4 !it& t&e boo6 on t&e (#si% stand3 I )o#nd I &ad bot& ar(s )ree to wa"e
abo#t i(+ressi"e,y3 and %o#,d %on%entrate on (y +ost#re3 "oi%e +ro:e%tion3 "is#a,isation and a,, t&e
ot&er e,e(ents w&i%& are di))i%#,t to do e))e%ti"e,y wit& one;s &ead bent o"er a boo64 T&e (#si% stand
a,so &as t&e ad"anta$e o) bein$ +ortab,e as it %an be rit#a,,y #n)o,ded and t&en re(o"ed w&en no
,on$er needed4 T&is is +arti%#,ar,y #se)#, i) at a ,ater sta$e3 t&e rite is $oin$ to in"o,"e s+innin$3
dan%in$ or so(e ot&er e*%itatory a%ti"ity4 So a +ro+ need not ne%essari,y be so(et&in$ wit& o"ert
(a$i%a, asso%iations4
T&ere is a s%&oo, o) t&o#$&t w&i%& ad&eres to t&e be,ie) t&at yo# %annot do rit#a, (a$i% wit&o#t
&a"in$ %o,,e%ted a tr#n6-,oad o) +ara+&erna,ia )irstI t&e (a$i%a, wea+ons s#%& as %#+3 sword3
da$$er3 wand3 sta))3 +anta%,e3 ,a(+ et%43 bein$ o) )ore(ost i(+ortan%e4 !&i,st it is #ndeniab,e t&at
+ro+s are ni%e3 it;s ar$#ab,e w&et&er t&ey are essentia, +rere1#isites to rit#a,3 and to (y (ind it is
(ore #se)#, to %o,,e%t t&e( as yo# $o a,on$3 b#i,din$ t&e( #+ $rad#a,,y3 w&et&er by )indin$ s#itab,e
+ro+s in se%ond-&and s&o+s3 bein$ $i"en t&e(3 or (a6in$ t&e( onese,)4 T&is ,atter a++roa%& is )or
(e3 one o) t&e (ost en:oyab,e by+rod#%ts o) rit#a, (a$i% and I &a"e )o#nd (yse,)3 o"er t&e years3
tryin$ (y &and at a "ariety o) &andi%ra)ts 8in%,#din$ +ottery3 bati63 tie-dyein$3 %and,e-(a6in$3
woodwor63 (as6-(a6in$ and in%ense-b,endin$9 as +re+aration )or +arti%#,ar rit#a,s4 For one series o)
wor6in$s3 in w&i%& t&e t&ree-+i,,ar sy(bo,is( o) t&e 1aba,a& )i$#red +ro(inent,y3 we )o#nd t&at t&e
t&i%6 %ardboard t#bes w&i%& %ar+ets are ro,,ed aro#nd %o#,d be t#rned into +&ysi%a, re+resentations
o) t&e +i,,arsA
One o) t&e ear,y ar$#(ents o) C&aoists was )or a (ini(a,ist a++roa%& to rit#a, +ro+s3 a,on$ t&e ,ines
o) 2w&y #se a si,"er+,ated %&a,i%e w&en an o,d %o))ee (#$ wi,, do.2 O) %o#rse3 t&is is a (atter o)
%&oi%e4 !&i,st &a"in$ s+e%ia,3 on,y-#sed-)or-rit#a, +ro+s %an be #se)#,3 in a +in%&3 an o,d %o))ee-%#+
wi,, ser"e as a %&a,i%e4 It;s a,, down to w&at Terry Prat%&ett &as a(#sin$,y ter(ed ;&eado,o$y4; T&e
ot&er a++roa%& is t&e attit#de o) +#,,in$ a,, t&e sto+s o#t3 as it were4 Lione, Sne,, satiri%a,,y
%&a(+ioned t&is a,,-o#t a++roa%& to rit#a, in &is anno#n%e(ent o) t&e OTTO-t&e 2O"er T&e To+
Order2-2w&y (a6e do wit& an o,d %o))ee-%#+ w&en yo# %an #se a ?LL-year o,d s6#,,-%&a,i%e )ro( a
,ost Tibetan te(+,e.2
T&e ;yo#-%an-"is#a,i5e-e"eryt&in$; bri$ade a,so tend to de%ry t&e #se o) +ro+s as #nne%essary4 T&is
too &owe"er3 %an be ta6en to abs#rd ,en$t&s4 So(e years a$o I was +ri"i,e$ed to +arti%i+ate in a
(editation session w&erein t&e +arti%i+ants were as6ed to "is#a,ise t&e(se,"es bein$ in a )orest4
T&is was ta6in$ +,a%e in t&e $ro#nds o) an A#strian %ast,e w&i%& was s#rro#nded on a,, sides by
se"era, a%res o) +ri(e wood,andA
So +ro+s are #se)#,3 b#t not essentia,4 I) yo# &a"e ti(e and a%%ess to a wor6in$ s+a%e w&ere yo#
%an #se)#,,y de+,oy t&e(3 t&en )ine-#se t&e(3 b#t don;t be tied down by t&e(4 In (a6in$ +ro+s
yo#rse,)3 a ,itt,e in$en#ity $oes a ,on$ way3 and is +art o) t&e )#n o) rit#a, (a$i%4
e9 Ba%6dro+s
-sin$ ,ar$e ba%6dro+s on wa,,s %an be a si(+,e3 yet &i$&,y e))e%ti"e (et&od o) en&an%in$ an indoor
rit#a, s+a%e4 Rit#a,s ai(ed at in"o6in$ +arti%#,ar $ods or $oddesses3 )or e*a(+,e3 %an be en&an%ed
by a +aintin$ o) t&e deity in a +arti%#,ar as+e%t a++ro+riate to t&e rite4 Ba%6dro+s %an a,so be +ainted
to $i"e t&e i,,#sion o) (ore s+a%e in a roo(4 A ,i"in$-roo( %an be si(+,y %on"erted into a te(+,e by
&an$in$ dra+es o) an a++ro+riate %o,o#r aro#nd t&e wa,,s3 so t&at t&ey obs%#re one;s e"eryday
)#rnis&in$s4 I) yo# &a"e a%%ess to a s,ide or o"er&ead-+ro:e%tor3 t&en t&ese %an be "ery #se)#, )or
+ro:e%tin$ i(a$es onto wa,,s4 T&e +ro:e%tion o) %o(+#ter-$enerated i(a$es is a,so a +ossibi,ity4
Re,ated to t&is is t&e #se o) $ro#+-%reated %o,,a$es and +aintin$s as sy(bo,i% (ani)estations or
re(inders o) t&e $ro#+;s $esta,t4
*) Bo"yMin" &o.ponents
-nder t&is &eadin$ I &a"e $ro#+ed t&e as+e%ts o) rit#a, w&i%& re,ate to t&e +arti%i+ants t&e(se,"es-
s#%& as sensory e,e(ents3 (o"e(ent and $est#re3 #se o) t&e "oi%e3 et%4
a9 Vis#a,isation
Vis#a,isation is #s#a,,y de)ined as ;t&e )or(ation o) (enta, "is#a, i(a$es; or ;t&e a%t or +ro%ess o)
inter+retin$ in "is#a, ter(s4; !e a,, (a6e #se o) Vis#a,isation at so(e ti(e or anot&er3 es+e%ia,,y i)
we are (enta,,y anti%i+atin$ or re&earsin$ a sit#ation w&i%& we &a"e to dea, wit& at so(e +oint in t&e
)#t#re4 Anot&er $ood e*a(+,e o) "is#a,isation is i) so(eone as6s yo# )or dire%tions to a +arti%#,ar
+,a%e and to des%ribe &ow to $et t&ere3 yo# try to re%a,, &ow t&e streets and roads w&i%& (a6e #+ t&e
ro#te )it to$et&er3 and &ow t&e +erson tryin$ to )o,,ow yo#r dire%tions wo#,d &a"e to $o4
In (a$i%a, ter(s3 Vis#a,isation is t&e s6i,, o) %reatin$ and )o%#sin$ awareness into t&ese (enta,
i(a$es4 For e*a(+,e3 a G#ided Vis#a,isation e*er%ise is one w&ere anot&er +erson te,,s yo# a story
in w&i%& yo# are +arti%i+atin$3 te,,in$ yo# w&at to i(a$ine in t&e way o) i(a$inary s%enery3 +eo+,e3
and +,a%es4
So(e )a%i,ity at Vis#a,isation is $enera,,y %onsidered a +ri(e re1#isite )or (a$i%a, wor64 Howe"er3
a,t&o#$& we deri"e a $reat dea, o) in)or(ation abo#t t&e wor,d t&ro#$& o#r "is#a, sense3 t&ere is a
$ood dea, (ore to sensory e*+erien%e t&an "ision3 and (oreo"er3 so(e +eo+,e are not +ri(ari,y
"is#a,,y-oriented3 a,t&o#$& t&e (a:ority o) (a$i%a,Ei(a$inati"e e*er%ises are biased towards "is#a,
e*+erien%e at t&e e*+ense o) ot&er +er%e+tions4
4is1alisation5Relate" Exercises
i9 Goin$ P,a%es
Create )or yo#rse,)3 a +,a%e t&at yo# %an "isit in yo#r i(a$ination4 It s&o#,d be a +,a%e w&i%& )or yo#
si$ni)ies re,a*ation and %a,(ness4 It (ay be a s%ene )ro( yo#r +ast3 a +,a%e yo# &a"e "isited3 or
so(ew&ere w&i%& yo# wo#,d ,i6e to "isit4 Gi"e yo#rse,) a set +eriod w&i%& yo# wi,, atte(+t to "isit t&is
+,a%e and e*+,ore it4
T&e idea o) t&is e*er%ise is t&at yo# atte(+t to +,a%e yo#rse,) into t&is i(a$ined settin$4 A)ter ea%&
"isit3 note down i) any +arti%#,ar sensory (odes str#%6 yo#4 Is t&ere a +arti%#,ar so#nd t&at yo#
noti%ed. Is t&ere a +redo(inant s(e,,. Can yo# )ee, a bree5e3 or t&e &eat o) t&e s#n. Are t&ere any
+arti%#,ar e(otions or (e(ory-sensations t&at yo# e*+erien%e w&i,st in t&is +,a%e. In t&is e*er%ise3
yo# are not (ere,y atte(+tin$ to "is#a,ise a s%ene3 b#t to &ear3 )ee,3 taste3 and s(e,, it4
ii9 !&at;s In t&e Bo*.
For t&is e*er%ise yo# need a bo* o) so(e 6ind3 +re)erab,y wit& a &in$ed ,id4 A,, yo# &a"e to do is3
wit&o#t (a6in$ a bi$ iss#e o) it3 o%%asiona,,y $o o"er to t&e bo* and o+en t&e ,id3 a,,owin$ t&e )irst
t&in$ t&at ),as&es into yo#r (ind to be in t&e bo*4
T&e +oint o) t&is e*er%ise is to de(onstrate &ow we "ery o)ten tend to %ensor t&e )irst t&in$ t&at
),as&es into o#r (inds3 be%a#se we don;t t&in6 its ri$&t3 si$ni)i%ant3 or we are +er&a+s worried abo#t
w&at ot&er +eo+,e (i$&t t&in64 So don;t worry abo#t w&at yo# ;)ind; in t&e bo*4 !&at is i(+ortant is
t&at yo# %an o+en t&e bo* and ;)ind; anyt&in$ wit&o#t &a"in$ to %ons%io#s,y +#t it t&ere3 and t&at yo#
%an do t&is in a "ery (atter-o)-)a%t3 down-to eart& )as&ion4
iii9 -n%ons%io#s Seein$
T&is is a si(+,e te%&ni1#e )or seein$ i(a$es arisin$ o#t o) e"eryday +&eno(ena4 A,, yo# &a"e to do
is %&oose so(e e"eryday ob:e%t-it is &e,+)#, i) it is so(e&ow te*t#red-s#%& as a w&itewas&ed
window3 a bri%6 wa,,3 a +at%& o) (oss on a stone3 a +,ant3 et%4 and ,oo6 at it3 sti,,in$ yo#r (ind4 For$et
w&at t&e ob:e%t is3 and ,et )or(s arise o#t o) it w&i,e yo# st#dy it4 T&is is a "ery an%ient (a$i%a,
te%&ni1#e )or a,,owin$ (eanin$)#, i(a$es to arise o#t o) ),a(es3 t&e +assa$e o) birds3 t&e swar(in$
o) bees3 %,o#d )or(ations3 et%4 Leonardo 'a Vin%i %a,,ed it 2Eideti% Vision32 and it is said t&at a )riend
o) &is dis%o"ered t&e te%&ni1#e w&en starin$ at a wa,, #+on w&i%& s#+erstitio#s )o,63 +arti%#,ar,y t&e
si%63 wo#,d sto+ and s+it4 T&e (an is said to &a"e $a5ed at t&e wa,, )or &o#rs3 a(a5ed at t&e s&a+es
and )or(s w&i%& arose o#t o) t&e b,obs o) +&,e$(4 Any ob:e%t w&i%& is s#))i%ient,y %o(+,e*3 )ro(
(an#)a%t#red ite(s to nat#ra, $rowt&s %an be #sed in t&is way4 I re%a,, on%e be%o(in$ )as%inatin$ by
t&e swir,s and s&a+es seen in t&e re(ains o) a +,ate o) di))erent ),a"o#rs o) i%e-%rea(4
b9 -se o) Voi%e
Voi%e is an i(+ortant e,e(ent o) rit#a,-we #se "oi%e in rit#a, to (a6e de%,arations3 state(ents o)
intent3 to +ro:e%t e*tended "owe,s or re+eat (antras3 and in de%,ai(in$ in"o%ations to t&at w&i%& t&e
rite is )o%#sed towards 8a +,anet3 a $od3 et%494 It doesn;t rea,,y (atter &ow ,o#d yo#r "oi%e is 8a
w&is+er %an be (ore e))e%ti"e t&an a s&o#t9-its t&e tone3 +a%in$3 and e(otion t&at one;s "oi%e %arries
w&i%& is i(+ortant4 In rit#a,3 bot& w&at we say3 and t&e way we say it3 %an be%o(e i(+ortant )a%tors
in $eneratin$ t&e a++ro+riate at(os+&ere )or t&e rit#a,4
Basic 4oice Exercises
i9 Findin$ t&e Ri$&t Tone
Consider t&e )o,,owin$ ,ist o) e(otions3 and e*+eri(ent wit& ways o) s+ea6in$ w&i%&3 )or yo#3 &e,+
+ro:e%t ea%& e(otion %on"in%in$,yI
S&owin$ Re"eren%e
Bein$ in Awe o) So(et&in$
Radiatin$ Se,)-Con)iden%e
Fa%in$ so(et&in$ w&i%& yo# are s,i$&t,y a)raid o)
Estab,is&in$ yo#r A#t&ority
S+ea6in$ to a Lo"er or a Lo"ed one a)ter a +eriod o) absen%e
S+ea6in$ to so(eone w&o one &as Ad(ired )ro( a)ar-)or t&e )irst ti(e
It %an be &e,+)#, to wat%& ot&er +eo+,e and ,isten to &ow t&ey #se t&eir "oi%es e))e%ti"e,y in +arti%#,ar
sit#ations4 One o) (y )a"o#rite e*a(+,es o) so(eone #sin$ &is "oi%e %a,(,y3 yet +ro:e%tin$
a#t&oritati"e %o((and3 is Ca+tain Pi%ard;s 2Ma6e it So2 )ro( Star Tre6I T&e Ne*t Generation4
ii9 P,anetary Tones
T&e ne*t ste+ is to )ind a "oi%e-tone w&i%& )or yo# re+resents a +arti%#,ar as+e%t o) one o) t&e @
+,anets4 For e*a(+,e3 )or Mars3 yo# (i$&t )ee, t&at t&e %,i++ed3 +re%ise s+ee%& o) an Ar(y O))i%er is
a++ro+riate3 or t&at s,ow,y-+a%ed s+ee%& brin$s to (ind t&e drea(y as+e%t o) t&e Moon4
O) %o#rse3 s+ea6in$ doesn;t :#st in"o,"e o#r "oi%es-t&e (#s%,es o) t&e )a%e3 t&e eyes3 and ,i(bs a,so
)o,,ow s#it4 Try t&e abo"e < e*er%ises in )ront o) a (irror and see &ow yo#r (#s%#,ar +atterns %&an$e
a%%ordin$ to yo#r #se o) "oi%e4
T&e ai( o) t&ese e*er%ises is to &e,+ yo# identi)y and e*+,ore t&e ways in w&i%& yo# (i$&t #se yo#r
"oi%e to &e,+ )o%#s on t&e +arti%#,ar 1#a,ities t&at yo#r e"ent#a, rit#a,s are ai(ed towards4 T&is a,so
re,ates toI
iii9 Story-Te,,in$
Story-te,,in$ is #se)#, in t&at3 as +art o) a rit#a, 8or as +art o) +re+aration93 re,atin$ a +arti%#,ar story or
(yt& in w&i%& t&e %&osen entity +,ays a starrin$ ro,e &e,+s )o%#s t&e attention o) t&e ot&er %e,ebrants
towards t&e 1#a,ities and attrib#tes o) t&at entity4 T&is (ay be +arti%#,ar,y desirab,e w&en not
e"eryone +resent is )#,,y )a(i,iar wit& t&e di"erse as+e%ts o) t&e +arti%#,ar entity4 Besides3 story-
te,,in$ is )#n in itse,)4 So(e stories and (yt&s are t&e(se,"es s#itab,e )or rit#a, re-ena%t(ent-
e*a(+,es bein$ t&e des%ent o) t&e $oddess Inanna into t&e -nderwor,d3 or t&e s6#,,dan%e o)
B&aira"a3 t&e wrat&)#, as+e%t o) S&i"a4
i"9 T&e Vibration o) Na(es
A "ariant o) "oi%e te%&ni1#e w&i%& is o)ten #sed d#rin$ in"o%atory rit#a, is to di"ide t&e na(e o) t&e
entity bein$ in"o6ed into its %o(+onent sy,,ab,es3 )or e*a(+,e BAPHOMET be%o(es BAPH-O-MET
and "ibrate t&e na(e4 To do t&is3 ta6e a dee+ breat& and intone t&e )irst sy,,ab,e3 +ro:e%tin$ it at a
+oint a )ew )eet in )ront o) yo#4 o# s&o#,d )ee, yo#r entire body s&a6in$ wit& t&e )or%e o) t&e so#nd4
!it& +ra%ti%e3 yo# %an de"e,o+ t&is e*er%ise so t&at as yo# %ontin#a,,y +ro:e%t t&e so#nd3 yo# )ee,
yo#r w&o,e body "ibratin$3 )o,,owed by a sense o) t&e i((ediate area "ibratin$3 t&en t&e wor,d
"ibratin$3 and #,ti(ate,y3 t&e entire (#,ti"erse "ibratin$-wit& t&e so#nd4 T&is +ra%ti%e %an a,so be
#sed w&en en#n%iatin$ barbaro#s words )or in"o%ation and e"o%ation3 in t&e "ario#s (a$i%a,
,an$#a$es a"ai,ab,e4
%9 Post#re3 Gest#re3 / Mo"e(ent
>#st as we %an #se o#r "oi%es to +ro:e%t and intensi)y o#r own )ee,in$s3 so too %an we #se bodi,y
+ost#res3 $est#res3 and (o"e(ents4 Sit #+ri$&t in yo#r %&air3 ti,t yo#r &ead s,i$&t,y #+wards3 )i* yo#r
$a5e steadi,y on w&ate"er is in )ront o) yo#3 +,a%e yo#r &ands on yo#r t&i$&s3 +#s& yo#r %&est
o#twards3 and ta6e a dee+3 s,ow3 in-breat&4 2!&at;s $oin$ to &a++en ne*t.2 yo# (i$&t wonder4 >#st
by )o,,owin$ t&is si(+,e se1#en%e3 yo# &a"e de,iberate,y %a#sed a %&an$e in yo#r %ons%io#sness3
and it is t&is 1#a,ity o) de,iberateness 8e"en i) it see(s to &a++en s+ontaneo#s,y9 w&i%& is i(+ortant
w&en we %onsider +ost#re3 $est#re3 and (o"e(ent as e,e(ents o) rit#a, (a$i%4 For e*a(+,e3 i) yo#
were (a6in$ a toast d#rin$ a rit#a,3 yo# wo#,d be #n,i6e,y to non%&a,ant,y swi$ yo#r drin6 as yo#
wo#,d ordinari,y-yo#;d (a6e a +er)or(an%e o#t o) it raisin$ it as t&o#$& a%6now,ed$in$ t&e +resen%e
o) an a#dien%e3 +er&a+s "is#a,i5in$ rays o) ,i$&t s&inin$ into it3 or de%,arin$ t&at by drin6in$ t&is ,i1#id3
yo# are absorbin$ t&e +ower o) t&e +,anet4 T&e +oint &ere3 is t&at e"ery a%tion3 wit&in t&e rit#a,
s+a%e3 %an be (ade to be si$ni)i%ant4 o# (ay e"en %&oose to (a6e t&e a%tion o) ;,oo6in$ #+
so(et&in$ yo#;"e )or$otten; as a +er)or(an%e-%are)#,,y +i%6in$ #+ t&e boo6 or +ie%e o) +a+er3 s,ow,y
e*tendin$ it be)ore yo#3 readin$ )ro( it s,ow,y and de,iberate,y4
d9 Body S+a%e
Re,ated to t&e abo"e is t&e way in w&i%& we arran$e o#rse,"es so t&at o#r bodies ta6e #+ "ario#s
de$rees o) t&e s+a%e aro#nd #s4 A $reat (any (a$i%a, te%&ni1#es are %on%erned wit& e*+,orin$ o#r
inner s+a%es3 t&ro#$& "is#a,isation3 tran%e ind#%tion3 and s%ryin$3 )or e*a(+,e4 B#t w&at o) t&e s+a%e
t&at is aro#nd #s. O#r sense o) +ersona, s+a%e is i(+ortant in ter(s o) &ow we intera%t wit& ot&er
+eo+,e3 and it is #se)#,,y to de"e,o+ a,, o) o#r senses as )#,,y as +ossib,e4 A%%ordin$ to ,e$end3
s&a(ans and sor%erers are "ery di))i%#,t to snea6 #+ on3 as t&ey are aware o) w&at is &a++enin$ in
t&eir en"iron(ent4
O#r nor(a, +er%e+tion o) S+a%e is t&at it is e(+ty and t&at we are se+arate )ro( ea%& ot&er3 and
)ro( ob:e%ts4 T&e a(o#nt o) Persona, S+a%e t&at we )ee, %o()ortab,e wit& #s#a,,y re),e%ts &ow we
(ay )ee, abo#t di))erent sit#ations4 T&e (ore an*io#s a +erson is3 t&e (ore &e wi,, draw &is body
inwards towards a +ost#re rese(b,in$ t&e )oeta, +osition4 E1#a,,y3 +eo+,e w&o are %on)ident are
(#%& (ore e*+ansi"e in t&eir (o"e(ents and t&e way t&ey #se t&e s+a%e aro#nd t&e(4 T&e way we
#se bodi,y s+a%e re),e%ts o#r (oods and by t&e sa(e to6en3 %an be de,iberate,y #sed to en&an%e or
+ro:e%t +arti%#,ar (oods in rit#a,4 Many boo6s on rit#a, dis%#ss t&e sy(bo,i% asso%iations o) +arti%#,ar
rit#a, +ost#res4 !e s&o#,d not )or$et t&at t&ese +ost#res a,so &a"e distin%t +&ysi%a, and
+sy%&o,o$i%a, e))e%ts on #s3 too4
i9 B,ind !a,6s
T&is e*er%ise %an be +ra%tised indi"id#a,,y b#t is best done in +airs4 A $ro#+ di"ides into +airs and
one (e(ber ,eads t&e ot&er3 w&o is b,ind)o,ded3 aro#nd an area4 S&#ttin$ ones eyes a#to(ati%a,,y
in%reases t&e sensory )eedba%6 )ro( ot&er or$ans4
A)ter e"eryone &as tried t&is a )ew ti(es3 t&e e*er%ise %an be (odi)iedI b,ind)o,ded (e(bers %an
"is#a,ise an a#ra abo#t t&eir bodies3 w&i%& ,i6e a b#bb,e or web3 senses obsta%,es be)ore +&ysi%a,
%onta%t %o#,d be (ade4
ii9 F,owin$ Meditation
T&is e*er%ise in"o,"es i(a$inin$ s+a%e as a ),owin$3 watery (edi#( t&ro#$& w&i%& we (o"e4 Ea%&
(o"e(ent %a#ses t&e s+a%e aro#nd #s to ),ow and ri++,e4 It rea%ts to bein$ +#s&ed3 and %an be
s&a+ed (o(entari,y by t&e &ands4 !e are i((ersed in s+a%e ,i6e a )is& is i((ersed in water3 and
we %an #se it as an additiona, or$an o) +er%e+tion4 T&is idea is #sed in Tai C&i )or e*a(+,e3 w&ere
one is en%o#ra$ed to (o"e as t&o#$& in water3 and be%o(e aware o) t&e s+a%es between ar(s and
!e are +arti%#,ar,y sensiti"e3 )or e*a(+,e3 to t&e b,ind s+ot be&ind #s3 and (any +eo+,e3 es+e%ia,,y
wo(en3 %an sense w&at is &a++enin$ be&ind t&eir ba%6s-a s#r"i"a, sense t&at &as re(ained wit&
#se )ro( t&e arborea, )orest to t&e #rban :#n$,e4
e9 Li$&tin$
!&en we ,oo6 at ,i$&tin$ in res+e%t to rit#a,3 t&ere are t&ree (a:or %onsiderationsI w&at )or( o)
,i$&tin$ %an be #sed3 its sy(bo,i% asso%iations3 and w&at 6ind o) a(bien%e ,i$&tin$ %an be #sed to
+ro:e%t4 Genera,,y3 one s&o#,d ens#re t&at t&e )or( o) ,i$&tin$ #sed en&an%es3 rat&er t&an detra%ts3
)ro( t&e ot&er e,e(ents o) t&e rit#a,4 !&i,st %and,e-,i$&t3 )or e*a(+,e3 is $enera,,y +re)erred to
e,e%tri% ,i$&ts3 t&ere s&o#,d be eno#$& ,i$&t to read by-i) yo#r rit#a, in"o,"es readin$3 )or e*a(+,e4 =
&a"e +arti%i+ated in too (any rit#a,s w&ere $rand in"o%ations &a"e been red#%ed to )ar%e as t&e
rit#a,ists de%,ai(in$ t&e( %annot see w&at t&ey are readin$ +ro+er,y4 O"er t&e ,ast de%ade or so
t&ere &as been a $ood dea, o) e*+eri(entation wit& a,ternati"es to %and,e-,i$&t3 #sin$ e"eryt&in$
)ro( %o,o#red dis%o-,i$&ts to strobes and drea(-(a%&ines4 For bot& indoor and o#tdoor wor6 )or
e*a(+,e3 = &a"e )o#nd t&at s(a,, &ead-tor%&es3 as #sed by wa,6ers and %,i(bers are 1#ite #se)#,4
E"en t&e strin$s o) )airy ,i$&ts (ore %o((on,y )o#nd wra++ed aro#nd C&rist(as trees (ay be #sed
T&e sy(bo,i% as+e%ts o) ,i$&tin$ re,ate +ri(ari,y to t&e sy(bo,is( o) %o,o#r w&i%& is detai,ed at ,en$t&
in (any (a$i%a, te*tsI s%ar,et %and,es )or Mars3 Green Cand,es )or Ven#s3 and so )ort&4 T&ere is
a,so3 &owe"er3 a de$ree o) sy(bo,is( aro#nd t&e )or( o) ,i$&tin$4 o# (i$&t de%ide3 )or e*a(+,e3
t&at ),a(in$ brands3 bra5iers3 or ro"in$ s+ot,i$&ts are e(inent,y s#itab,e )or a (artia, rit#a,3 or t&at
:a%6-o-,anterns arran$ed aro#nd yo#r wor6in$ s+a%e are (ost s#itab,e )or a Ha,,ow;s e"e wor6in$4
-sin$ ,i$&tin$ to +ro:e%t a +arti%#,ar a(bien%e re,ates to %ertain arran$e(ents4 T&e )irst $ro#+ rit#a,s
I e"er +arti%i+ated in tended to &a"e a standard arran$e(ent o) R %and,es on t&e a,tar 8re+resentin$
bot& t&e tri+,e $oddess and t&e R (asoni% +i,,ars93 as we,, as a %and,e at ea%& e,e(enta, 1#arter4
T&is was "ery (#%& down to ;tradition; 8i4e43 2we;"e a,ways done it ,i6e t&at294 On%e I &ad sid,ed away
)ro( t&e strai$&t-:a%6et o) s#%& an a++roa%& &owe"er3 I )o#nd t&at yo# %an do a ,ot to t&e rit#a, s+a%e
by t&e s+e%i)i% arran$e(ent o) ,i$&tin$ in order to yie,d %ertain e))e%ts and (oods4 One s#%& e*a(+,e
is t&e ,i$&tin$ o) (as6s by +,a%in$ s(a,, ni$&t-,i$&ts inside t&e( so as to $i"e t&e a++earan%e o)
),i%6erin$ ,i$&t %o(in$ )ro( t&e eyes4 Anot&er is to arran$e ,i$&tin$ so t&at w&i,st t&e a,tar is we,,-,it3
t&e o#ter s+a%es o) t&e area are %ast into dee+ s&adow4 Cand,es (ay be arran$ed so t&at t&e
i(a$inati"e )a%i,ity o) t&e +eri+&era, "ision is sti(#,ated4 o# %o#,d e"en %onsider %ontro,,in$ s&i)ts in
,i$&tin$ #sin$ a %o(+#ter4 On%e yo# be$in to e*+eri(ent3 t&e o+tions are end,ess4 A )ina, t&o#$&t 8)or
t&e (o(ent9 re,atin$ to ,i$&tin$ is t&at o) sa)ety4 I) yo# are #sin$ %and,es3 ),a(in$ tor%&es or anyt&in$
e,se w&i%& (ay +ose a +otentia, &a5ard to %e,ebrants3 be %are)#,4 T&e %o,,ision o) %and,e-),a(e and a
+o,yester robe is dra(ati% indeed3 b#t not rea,,y t&e 6ind o) dra(a t&at one is ai(in$ )or4
)9 In%ense / Per)#(es
S(e,, &as a "ery +ower)#, e))e%t #+on #s7 in +arti%#,ar3 it is a dire%t sti(#,ator o) (e(ory3 in"o6in$
i(a$es3 asso%iations and e(otions4
So(e s%ents &a"e re%o$nised +&ysio,o$i%a, e))e%ts on t&e body(ind3 and a 6now,ed$e o) t&ese %an
be e(+,oyed w&en #sin$ s(e,,s as rit#a, tri$$ers3 addin$ anot&er ,ayer o) asso%iations to an
in"o%ation4 In%ense too3 %an &a"e a +ower)#, e))e%t4 C,o#ds o) in%ense risin$ #+ )ro( a t&#rib,e is not
on,y a "ery an%ient )or( o) in"o%ation in itse,)3 b#t %an ser"e to &ei$&ten t&e at(os+&ere o) t&e rit#a,
$9 C,ot&in$ / A++are,
A,, ite(s o) (a$i%a, a++are,3 be t&ey robes3 :ewe,ry3 &ats3 %,oa6s or w&ate"er3 %an be #sed as +art o)
a ;#ni)or(; t&at si$ni)ies to yo# 8and ot&ers9 t&at yo# are ,ea"in$ t&e e"eryday wor,d and +re+arin$ to
do so(e (a$i%4 In t&e sa(e way t&at a do%tor wears a w&ite %oat or a sewer-wor6er +#ts on
o"era,,s3 %,ot&es &e,+ to )o%#s states o) %ons%io#sness and s#bt,e s&i)ts in rea,ity4 T&e %,assi%a,
(on6;s &ood )or e*a(+,e3 si$ni)ies &is retreat )ro( t&e wor,d4 A &ood is a si(+,e3 t&o#$& e))e%ti"e3
+ie%e o) (a$i%a, a++are,4 A si(+,e way to %reate a &ood is to obtain 8or dye9 a b,a%6 +i,,ow%ase3 and
%#t a %o#+,e o) eye &o,es in it4 !earin$ a &ood %on)ers a de$ree o) anony(ity3 %a,,in$ to (ind %#,t#ra,
re)eren%es to (as6ed (en3 bandits3 et%4 I was introd#%ed to t&e +ower o) t&e &ood by a )e(a,e
sor%eress3 w&o wore one w&ene"er s&e &ad dea,in$s wit& de(ons-in order3 so s&e said3 to dis$#ise
&er identity so t&ey wo#,dn;t bot&er &er a)terwards4 A &ood (#)),es t&e "oi%e and %a#ses s#bt,e
%&an$es in +er%e+tion3 wit&o#t ,i(itin$ one;s (o"e(ents in t&e way t&at a set o) (a$i%a, robes %an4
F#rt&er(ore3 i) yo# are %a,,ed to +er)or( so(e a%t o) (a$i% in so(eone;s &o#se3 +ar6in$ ,ot3 or
$arden3 wearin$ a robe %an ,oo6 si,,y at ti(es4 !earin$ a &ood #s#a,,y 8in (y e*+erien%e at ,east9
,oo6s so(e&ow )orbiddin$3 or sinister4 So(e sor%erers de%orate t&eir &oods wit& +ersona, sy(bo,s3
or e(be,,is& t&e eyes to rese(b,e ow, or bat )a%es in order to si$ni)y t&at3 w&en donnin$ t&e &ood3
t&ey are en&an%in$ t&eir abi,ity to see 8and (o"e9 into ;ot&er; +,a%es4 It a,, %o(es down to +ersona,
taste3 b#t = )ee, a si(+,e3 ba$-,i6e &ood is (#%& (ore +re)erab,e to t&e ti$&t &oods w&i%& %an be
obtained t&ro#$& t&e )etis&-wear (ar6et4
&9 M#si%
M#si%a, a%%o(+ani(ent to rit#a, ta6es two basi% )or(sI #sin$ +re-re%orded (#si% or ,i"e (#si%4 In
#sin$ +re-re%orded (#si%3 = &a"e )o#nd t&at an easy +it)a,, is #sin$ (#si%a, +ie%es t&at3 w&i,st
a++ro+riate to a +arti%#,ar rit#a, 8or e,e(ent t&ereo)93 )or so(e &a"e so(ew&at di))erent asso%iations
)or ot&ers4 !&i,st = )ind T&e Sisters o) Mer%y or T&e Cassandra Co(+,e* %ond#%i"e to (editation3
ot&ers (i$&t not so readi,y a$ree4 !&en +re+arin$ instr#(enta, ta+es )or rit#a, ba%6$ro#nd (#si%3 =
&a"e tended to sti%6 to )air,y obs%#re so#r%es3 and to 6ee+ t&ese tra%6s )or rit#a, #se on,y4 A re,ated
#se o) ta+es is to +re+are %#t-#+ se1#en%es w&i%& %an be #se)#, )or t&rowin$ o#t rando( ins+irations
8as in t&e (anner o) t&e we,,-6nown ;%o%6tai,-+arty; +&eno(ena94
Probab,y t&e (ost %o((on instr#(ent #sed )or +ro"idin$ ,i"e (#si% is t&e dr#(4 'r#((in$ is one o)
t&e (ost an%ient and end#rin$ (et&ods o) +ro"idin$ str#%t#re and a%%o(+ani(ent to rit#a, e"ents3
ran$in$ )ro( t&e #se o) si(+,e beats 8w&i%& is a,, I e"er see( to (ana$e9 to t&e %o(+,e* in"o%atory
r&yt&(s #sed in t&e Pan-A)ri%an traditions o) Vo#do# and Santeria4 A $enera, obser"ation = wo#,d
(a6e is t&at a dr#((er %an o)ten e*ert #nd#e %ontro, o"er t&e +a%e o) a rit#a, s#%& t&at i) t&e
dr#((er s+eeds #+ t&en t&e +a%e o) t&e rit#a, wi,, in"ariab,y s+eed #+ as we,,3 and %an o%%asiona,,y
,ead to t&e rit#a, b#i,din$ to a +re(at#re %,i(a*4
=9 Food / 'rin6
Eatin$ and 'rin6in$ %an be an i(+ortant as+e%t o) rit#a,4 T&e C&ristian #se o) sa%ra(enta, wine and
wa)ers is an ob"io#s e*a(+,e4 '#rin$ a rit#a, (ass3 t&e ener$y o) a deity (ay be in)#sed in a %&a,i%e
o) wine so t&at a,, %e,ebrants (ay +arta6e o) t&e 1#a,ity bein$ in"o6ed4
T&e S#(b,e
T&e S#(b,e as des%ribed by 'on !ebb ori$inates )ro( t&e Vi6in$ %#sto( o) (a6in$ boasts and
toasts +rior to an e*+edition4 It basi%a,,y %onsists o) )o#r ro#nds o) toasts4 In t&e )irst ro#nd3 a,,
+resent drin6 to Prin%i+,es-+rin%i+,es w&i%& ea%& +erson +resent be,ie"es to be i(+ortant4 For t&e
se%ond ro#nd3 a,, +resent drin6 to Heroes-+eo+,e ,i"in$ or dead3 w&o )or t&ose +resent are +arti%#,ar
so#r%es o) ins+iration4 T&e t&ird ro#nd is t&at o) +ersona, Boasts-ea%& +arti%i+ant s&ares so(et&in$
t&at &e or s&e &as a%%o(+,is&ed3 and )ee,s +ro#d o)4 T&e )o#rt& and )ina, ro#nd is t&at o) Oat&s---
ea%& +erson +resent (a6es a state(ent o) so(et&in$ w&i%& t&ey are $oin$ to do4 T&ese oat&s are
+ersona,7 yo# %an;t (a6e t&e( )or ot&ers4
T&is si(+,e e*er%ise &as (any bene)its4 It is #se)#, )or ea%& +arti%i+ant3 in &e,+in$ t&e( to identi)y
w&at )or t&e( are i(+ortant +rin%i+,es3 +ersona, &eroes3 or to own t&eir own a%&ie"e(ents be)ore t&e
$ro#+ and be +ro#d o) t&e( 8so(et&in$ we o)ten )ind di))i%#,t to do9 and to state an intention to stri"e
)or4 It a,so a,,ows yo# to )ind o#t w&at ot&er +eo+,e t&in6 is i(+ortant as t&is 6ind o) (#t#a, s&arin$
and &ono#rin$ o) ea%& ot&er;s )ee,in$s and a%&ie"e(ents %an do (#%& to &e,+ b#i,din$ a sense o)
(#t#a, %on)iden%e and %o((it(ent in a $ro#+ 8t&is is dis%#ssed (ore t&oro#$&,y in Part RI Gro#+
Anot&er an$,e w&i%& %an be e*+,ored 8+arti%#,ar,y wit&in t&e %onte*t o) a s+e%i)i% (a$i%a, or (yt&i%
tradition9 is se,e%tin$ )ood and drin6 and ser"in$ and %ons#(in$ it in a (anner a++ro+riate to t&at
tradition4 T&is %an a%t as +art o) t&e +re+aration )or a +arti%#,ar e"ent 8i4e43 to $et +eo+,e in t&e (ood9
or as +art o) t&e rit#a, itse,)4 E*a(+,es &ere (i$&t in%,#de anyt&in$ )ro( brewin$ (ead as a
+re+aration )or an Ot&inn rite3 or +re+arin$ a traditiona, Indian sweet )or #se in a rit#a, )o%#sin$ on
-) T+e Interpenetration o3 Magical Reality
a9 Sy(bo,is(
E"ery e,e(ent o) a (a$i%a, rit#a,3 )ro( t&e +ro+s yo# #se3 to t&e $est#res3 words3 %o,o#rs3 s(e,,s3
)oods3 drin6s3 %,ot&es et%43 %an be i(b#ed wit& a sy(bo,i% e,e(ent4 It is a,, a (atter o) de$ree4 So(e
;e*+erts; on rit#a, (a$i% do &o,d t&at be)ore one %an s#%%ess)#,,y +er)or( a rit#a,3 one &as to &a"e
absorbed t&e sy(bo,is( o) t&e rit#a, be)ore&and4 To a %ertain e*tent3 t&is is t&e %ase3 b#t it ,ar$e,y
de+ends on w&at yo# are doin$3 and t&e %onte*t in w&i%& yo# are doin$ it4 I)3 )or e*a(+,e3 yo# are
abo#t to +er)or( a rit#a, w&i%& &as been str#%t#red a%%ordin$ to Baba,isti% +rin%i+,es 8t&ere is an
e*a(+,e o) s#%& a rit#a, $i"en be,ow93 t&en yes3 it does &e,+ enor(o#s,y i) yo# &a"e st#died t&ose
+rin%i+,es be)ore&and4 I)3 &owe"er3 yo# &a"e desi$ned a Freesty,e rit#a,3 t&en yo# need on,y be
aware o) t&e sy(bo,is( w&i%& is +ersona,,y si$ni)i%ant4
b9 T&e Ma$i%a, Lin6
In essen%e3 t&e +ro%ess o) (a6in$ a Ma$i%a, Lin6 is si(+,eI it is t&e a%t o) (a6in$ a %onne%tion
between one t&in$ and anot&er t&in$-in one;s (ind4 One o) t&e (ost %,assi% e*a(+,es o) (a6in$ a
(a$i%a, ,in6 is to ta6e a wa* do,,3 to rit#a,,y identi)y it as bein$ a s+e%i)i% indi"id#a,3 and t&en #se t&at
do,, as a )o%#s )or (a$i%a, en%&ant(ent3 be it bene)i%ia, or (a,e)i%4 Anot&er e*a(+,e is t&e ,#%6y
rabbit;s )oot4 T&e abstra%t idea o) $ood ,#%6 in itse,) is rare eno#$& b#t w&en t&at idea is (ade
%on%rete by bein$ identi)ied wit& a +arti%#,ar ob:e%t t&en we be&a"e as t&o#$& t&e ob:e%t itse,)
attra%ts 8and is res+onsib,e9 )or t&e ,#%64 !&en we %reate (a$i%a, ta,is(ans or a(#,ets3 we are
(a6in$ a Ma$i%a, Lin6 between t&e %&osen ob:e%t 8t&e "esse,9 and t&e a++ro+riate state o)
awareness w&i%& we &a"e in),a(ed o#rse,"es wit& d#rin$ a rit#a, and w&ate"er sy(bo,i%
asso%iations we &a"e a,so atta%&ed to t&e ob:e%t4
A )#rt&er e*a(+,e o) t&is +ro%ess is t&at o) (a6in$ a (a$i%a, toast4 I) yo# desire to drin6 to t&e &ea,t&
o) an absent )riend3 yo# (i$&t ta6e a "esse, o) ,i1#id 8+er&a+s a,6a-se,t5er3 Andrews Li"er Sa,ts or
any )i55y ,i1#id93 and raisin$ t&e "esse,3 stron$,y "is#a,i5e &is i(a$e re),e%ted in its de+t&s4 o# (i$&t
a,so s+ea6 &is na(e o"er t&e ,i1#id3 so t&at t&e so#nd ri++,es a%ross it4 S+ea6in$ a,o#d yo#r wis&3
yo# t&en drin6 t&e ,i1#id3 and (editate )or a s+a%e on inner %a,(4 I) yo# were to do t&is as +art o) a
(ore intense rit#a,3 s#%& as an in"o%ation o) So,ar +ower3 yo# (i$&t "is#a,ise 8at t&e +ea6 o) t&e
wor6in$9 t&e $o,den rays o) t&e S#n in)#sin$ t&e ,i1#id4
In one sense3 w&en yo# (a6e a Ma$i%a, Lin63 yo# are brin$in$ t&e ob:e%t or s#bstan%e into yo#rse,)
and %ons%io#s,y brin$in$ it into yo#r (a$i%a, awareness3 or yo#r +sy%&o%os(4
Ma$i%a, Corres+onden%es
T&e ,ists o) Ma$i%a, Corres+onden%es w&i%& are )eat#red in (any (ode( boo6s on (a$i%a,
te%&ni1#e are #se)#, in t&at t&ey a,,ow #s to b#i,d #+ asso%iati"e ,in6s between a +arti%#,ar +,anet3 )or
e*a(+,e3 and a wide ran$e o) sy(bo,s3 sensory sti(#,i3 and ot&er attrib#tes4 Tab,es o)
Corres+onden%es3 (any o) w&i%& were ori$ina,,y deri"ed )ro( boo6s on &erba, ,ore3 &a"e been
aro#nd )or a ,on$ ti(e3 and (ost o) t&e ones w&i%& a++ear in (odern te*tboo6s are based on t&e
,ists %o(+i,ed by A,eister Crow,ey 8w&i%& were in3 t#rn based on t&e tab,es %o(+i,ed by t&e Her(eti%
Order o) t&e Go,den 'awn3 and t&e wor6 o) t&e Si*teent&-Cent#ry Ma$#s3 Corne,i#s A$ri++a94 It is
#se)#, to #se t&ese %orres+onden%es in de"isin$ rit#a,s3 b#t one s&o#,d not be a)raid o) addin$ one;s
own ,in6s to t&e(4 So(e ,ists o) %orres+onden%es %an $et 1#ite e*&a#sti"e3 re,atin$ +,anets not on,y
to days o) t&e wee63 b#t a,so to astro,o$i%a, +eriods3 &o#rs and (in#tes4 T&e 6ey to %orres+onden%es
is to #se t&e( %reati"e,y3 and not $et st#%6 into )o,,owin$ t&e( do$(ati%a,,y4 I) yo# don;t a$ree wit& a
+arti%#,ar set o) %orres+onden%es3 don;t )ee, a)raid to %&an$e t&e(A Here are so(e si(+,e e*er%ises
ai(ed at de"e,o+in$ +ersona, sets o) %orres+onden%esI
i9 He,+)#, Lists
For ea%& o) t&e @ +,anets3 ta6e a s&eet o) +a+er &eaded wit& t&e na(e o) ea%& +,anet3 and write
down as (any t&in$s as +ossib,e w&i%& yo# %an t&in6 o) re,atin$ to t&at na(e4 For e*a(+,e3 )or
Mars3 a ,ist %o#,d in%,#deI
2A (ars a day &e,+s yo# wor63 rest and +,ay2
M#si% )ro( t&e P,anets S#ite3 by G#sta" Ho,st
Carate Ci%6s3 8Martia, Arts93 +eo+,e bowin$ to ea%& ot&er be)ore )i$&tin$
Oi$$y Stard#st / t&e S+iders Fro( Mars
T&e Red 'e"i,s 8)ootba,, or +ara%&#te tea(9-i(a$ine +eo+,e wit& s%ar"es %&eerin$ (e on.
?? Red Ba,,oons-Son$-Co#,d b#rst red ba,,oon in rit#a,.
Li6e a Red Ra$ to a B#,,-b#,,)i$&ter-&at wit& &orns on it-e*+,ore sy(bo,is( o) b#,,.
T&e idea is t&at3 by writin$ down a )ew t&in$s3 yo# %an 1#i%6,y b#i,d asso%iations wit& ot&er t&in$s3
so(e o) w&i%& %o#,d be bro#$&t into yo#r rit#a, itse,)3 or in t&e +re+aration )or it3 or re-in"o6in$ it
ii9 Post#re3 Gest#re3 Mood and Me(ory
Asso%iations %an be%o(e +arti%#,ar,y +ower)#, i) we %an re,ate t&e( to o#r own +ersona, e*+erien%e4
For e*a(+,e3 one o) t&e (e(ories t&at I #se to brin$ into )o%#s so(e o) t&e 1#a,ities o) Sat#rn is t&at
o) bein$ in a dentist;s waitin$-roo(4 T&e s(e,, o) antise+ti% ),#id3 its %,ini%a,3 +ristine air and (y (ood
o) 2I;( not $oin$ to en:oy t&is b#t I &a"e to do it42 So3 )or (e3 t&e s(e,, o) &os+ita, %,eanin$ ),#id &as a
sat#rnian asso%iation4
T&e )irst +art o) t&is e*er%ise is t&at yo# try and re%a,, an e*+erien%e w&i%& )or yo# re,ates to a
+arti%#,ar +,anet4 A s#r$e o) se,)-%on)iden%e on bein$ %on$rat#,ated )or so(et&in$ w&i%& yo# did
%o#,d be ,in6ed to t&e S#n3 t&e (e(ory o) a +arti%#,ar,y $ood %on"ersation wit& a )riend %o#,d be
%,assed as Mer%#ry7 t&e (e(ory o) a ),as& o) ins+iration w&i%& s#dden,y ,ea+t into yo#r &ead %o#,d
be%o(e t&e (ode, )or yo#r -ranian state4
On%e yo# be$in to re%a,, a +arti%#,ar e*+erien%e3 try and re,i"e it as )#,,y as +ossib,e4 As yo# do3 try
and noti%e &ow yo#r (ood e))e%ts yo#r +ost#re3 yo#r (#s%,es3 yo#r "oi%e tone3 yo#r e(otions7 %an
yo# re%a,, a +arti%#,ar s%ent3 so#nd3 taste or %o,o#r.
T&e ne*t tas6 is to )ind a body +ost#re w&i%& )or yo# re%a,,s t&at (ood and (e(ory4 o# %an a,so try
and )ind an a++ro+riate $est#re4 It is a,so #se)#, i) yo# add to t&e ei$&t +,anetary states a Ne#tra,
+ost#reE(oodE$est#re w&i%& %an be #sed as an aid in $ro#ndin$ yo#rse,) a)ter an e*er%ise4 In ti(e3
t&e +ost#resE$est#resE(oodsE(e(ories %an be%o(e t&e basis o) yo#r own +ersona, asso%iations to
ea%& o) t&e @ +,anets3 w&i%& wi,, be (odi)ied as yo# wor6 wit& t&e(4 And o) %o#rse yo# %an #se t&is
te%&ni1#e )or b#i,din$ #+ ot&er sets o) +ersona, %orres+onden%es as we,,4
iii9 Si,,y Lists
A )ew years a$o a $ro#+ o) #s went t&ro#$& a +&ase o) tryin$ to +,a%e di))erent t&in$s onto t&e
Baba,isti% Tree o) Li)e4 !e started o)) wit& %&ara%ters )ro( t&e Ro%6y Horror Pi%t#re S&ow 8Brad )or
Eart&3 >anet )or t&e Moon3 Fran6 N4 F#rter )or Mer%#ry3 et%49 and went on to do Star Tre6 %&ara%ters3
),a"o#rs o) &erba, tea3 ),a"o#rs o) yo$&#rt3 %#rries3 and brea6)ast %erea,s4 A,t&o#$& t&is is #ndeniab,y
si,,y3 it is )#n3 and %an a%t#a,,y ,ead to #se)#, %orres+onden%es )or rit#a, wor64 !&at 6ind o) tea wo#,d
yo# drin6 be)ore a L#nar rit#a,. Is t&ere a &at t&at )or yo# is Sat#rnian. To w&i%& +,anets wo#,d yo#
%,assi)y si,63 ,eat&er or r#bber. Try it o#t )or yo#rse,)4
Ma$i%a, Arte)a%ts
!&at is a Ma$i%a, Arte)a%t. Broad,y s+ea6in$3 it is any +&ysi%a, ob:e%t w&i%& &as (a$i%a,
asso%iations )or t&e #ser3 ran$in$ )ro( s+e%i)i% (a$i%a, too,s s#%& as a tarot de%63 set o) r#nes3 or
(a$i%a, wea+ons to ite(s w&i%& &a"e eit&er $enera, sy(bo,i% asso%iations or t&ose w&i%& re(ind #s
o) (a$i%a, (o(ents and e"o6e a +arti%#,ar nosta,$ia or (ood4 !&ate"er t&e nat#re or &istory o) t&e
ob:e%t3 t&ese are t&in$s w&i%& &e,+ #s 8or re(ind #s9 o) o#r (a$i%a, +ower4 So(e arte)a%ts %an be
%,assed as $eneri% ite(s in t&at t&ey are in%or+orated into o#r sets o) rit#a, +ro+s3 w&ate"er t&e
o%%asion4 Ot&ers (ay &a"e asso%iations w&i%& are +arti%#,ar to one ty+e o) rit#a,3 sty,e3 or syste(4
T&e wand3 des%ribed be,ow3 is an e*a(+,e o) a $eneri% ite(4 In Liber Ni%e3 = &a"e des%ribed so(e o)
t&e (a$i%a, arte)a%ts w&i%&3 )or (e3 &a"e +arti%#,ar asso%iations wit& Erisian (a$i%4
T+e Wan"
T&e !and 8a,so Rod3 or Pointer9 is t&e a,,-+#r+ose wea+on o) (a$i% w&i%& is #sed to dire%t one;s
wi,,3 be it into t&e aeyt&r3 a +erson3 or an ob:e%t4
T&e traditiona, (eans o) obtainin$ a wand %a,,ed )or t&e (a$i%ian to %#t a )orear(;s ,en$t& o) as&
)ro( a tree 8&a"in$ as6ed t&e tree )or +er(ission )irstA9 wit& a sin$,e stro6e3 at a ti(e deter(ined by
astro,o$y or re%o#rse to t&e tab,es o) +,anetary &o#rs and days4 T&e )irst $eneration o) i%ono%,asti%
%&aos (a$i%ians %&a,,en$ed t&is3 ar$#in$3 w&y not #se one;s )in$er3 or a ro,,ed-#+ news+a+er3 or
anyt&in$ w&i%& is "a$#e,y wands&a+ed. !&i,st in a +in%&3 a sor%erer (i$&t we,, #se anyt&in$ to
&and wit& w&i%& to en%&ant &is wi,,3 t&ere is (#%& to be said )or t&e traditiona, a++roa%&3 by w&i%&
one obtains a &and-(ade wea+on w&i%& is #ni1#e to onese,)4 It is3 as Terry Prat%&ett wo#,d
do#bt,ess say3 a (atter o) &eado,o$y4
Creatin$ 8or )indin$9 a wand is itse,) an a%t o) (a$i%4 As noted abo"e3 t&e ti(e-&ono#red (et&od is to
%#t a bran%& )ro( a tree4 Idea,,y3 t&is s&o#,d be a tree in a +,a%e w&i%& is si$ni)i%ant to yo#3 w&i%& yo#
&a"e "isited )re1#ent,y at di))erent ti(es o) t&e year3 #nti, yo# &a"e (ade %onta%t wit& t&e s+irit o) t&e
+,a%e3 t&e $eni#s ,o%i4 I) astro,o$y is si$ni)i%ant to yo#3 t&en by a,, (eans #se astro,o$y to deter(ine
t&e (ost a++ro+riate ti(e )or yo# to %#t yo#r wand4 A,ternati"e,y3 yo# %o#,d do it at a date w&i%& &as
+ersona, si$ni)i%an%e )or yo#4 !ood is on,y one a,ternati"e4 Many (a$i%ians )a"o#r boneI )or
e*a(+,e3 a bone be,on$in$ to so(e ani(a, w&ose abi,ities t&ey wis& to trans)er to t&e(se,"es4
Tibetan Bon S&a(ans #se (a$i%a, wea+ons s&a+ed )ro( &#(an bones3 b#t t&is is an o+tion w&i%&
is ,ess +o+#,ar in t&e !est3 w&ere t&e tra))i% in (#rderer;s inde*-)in$ers or t&e t&i$&-bones o) saints
see(s to &a"e dro++ed o)) o) ,ate4
Ot&er (et&ods o) obtainin$ a +ersona,ised wand in%,#de )indin$ or bein$ $i"en so(et&in$ s#itab,e4
So(e years ba%63 = (et an e,der (a$i%ian w&o &ad (ade &i(se,) a tibetan "a:ra3 or t&#nderbo,t3
w&i%& so i(+ressed (e t&at3 on (y ne*t "isit to &i(3 = as6ed &i( i) &e;d %onsider (a6in$ (e
so(et&in$ si(i,ar4 I too6 wit& (e se"era, %&ande,ier ,#stres w&i%& = &ad )o#nd in a :#n6 s&o+ as a
$i)t4 On seein$ t&ese3 (y )riend anno#n%ed t&at we %o#,d (a6e a "a:ra o#t o) t&e ,#stres4 !e si(+,y
$,#ed two o) t&e ,#stres to$et&er3 so t&at t&ere was a +oint at eit&er end3 and t&en #sed a +end#,#(
to deter(ine w&i%& end was ;+ositi"e; and w&i%& was ;ne$ati"e4; It &ad ne"er o%%#rred to (e be)ore
t&at a wand %o#,d be (ade o) $,ass4 T&e ,#stres &ad se"en not%&es in t&e(3 w&i%& I attrib#ted to t&e
se"en %&a6ras4 o# %o#,d +eer into t&e )a%ets and #se t&e( )or s%ryin$4 T&ey %a#$&t t&e ,i$&t and
%reated +,easin$ +atterns in stron$ s#n,i$&t4 By %&an%e3 = &ad a%1#ired a +ower)#, sor%ery wea+on4
-ni1#e3 +ortab,e3 and +ersona,,y si$ni)i%ant4
Obtainin$ t&e (ateria, %o(+onent is on,y t&e be$innin$4 T&e ne*t ste+ is to in%or+orate it into yo#r
(a$i%a, #ni"erse4 T&e (ost ob"io#s (eans o) doin$ t&is is to #se it in a,, a%ts o) (a$i%3 to &a"e it
+resent w&en yo# (editate3 to s,ee+ wit& it3 to identi)y wit& it t&ro#$& (editation or "is#a,isation4 Ca,,
it to yo# astra,,y so t&at yo# %an )ee, it;s wei$&t in yo#r &and and )ee, t&e +ower yo# &a"e in)#sed it
wit& ),oodin$ into yo#4 Gi"e it a na(e3 i) yo# so desire3 and w&is+er to it yo#r se%rets and drea(s4
Cee+ it wra++ed #+3 so t&at by t&e a%t o) #nwra++in$ it3 yo# 6now t&at yo# are abo#t to #n,eas& t&e
+ower o) yo#r re)ined wi,,4
D4 T&e 'i"ision o) Ro,es
In Gro#+ rit#a, wor63 it;s easy to )a,, into t&e &abit w&ereby one or two +eo+,e do t&in$s and e"eryone
e,se stands aro#nd and wat%&es4 T&is %an be%o(e borin$3 and I &a"e o%%asiona,,y )o#nd (yse,)
noddin$ o)) in ,on$ rit#a,sA My r#,e-o)-t&#(b $#ide,ine )or $ro#+ rit#a, is3 w&ene"er +ossib,e3 &a"e
e"eryone in"o,"ed doin$ so(et&in$A For e*a(+,e3 instead o) :#st &a"in$ one +erson de%,ai( an
in"o%ation or ,itany3 b#i,d +arts into it so ot&ers %an set #+ a %o#nter-%&ant or #se a %a,,-and-res+onse
se1#en%e4 I) t&e rit#a, %a,,s )or an in"o%ation o) t&e +rin%i+,e o) Fire3 )or e*a(+,e3 a "erba, in"o%ation
%an be %onsiderab,y en&an%ed by &a"in$ ot&er %e,ebrants dan%e t&e in"o%ation3 or #se
so#nds%a+in$ w&i%& %o(bines )reesty,e "oi%e3 $est#re and (o"e(ent to %on"ey t&e (ood bein$
b#i,t #+4 Swa++in$ ro,es is a,so &i$&,y e))e%ti"e-so t&at ea%& +arti%i+ant $ets a %&an%e to +er)or(
ea%& +art o) t&e rit#a,4 So(e $ro#+s a++roa%& ro,e di"ision by settin$ #+ )or(a, ro,es and +ositions
w&i%& +eo+,e ta6e on d#rin$ rit#a, wor63 so t&at t&ere (i$&t be3 )or e*a(+,e3 an In%ense-Monitor w&o
is res+onsib,e )or a,, as+e%ts o) t&e #se o) in%ense and s%ent7 or an E*or%ist3 w&ose ro,e is to assist
+eo+,e w&o see( to be &a"in$ +rob,e(s in bot& enterin$ and ,ea"in$ t&e a,tered states o)
%ons%io#sness b#i,t #+ d#rin$ t&e rit#a, +ro%eedin$s4 T&ese )or(a, rit#a, ro,es (ay a,so be re,e"ant
)or ot&er as+e%ts o) $ro#+ wor63 so t&at3 +er&a+s3 a Fire(aster ro,e (i$&t in"o,"e not on,y ,oo6in$
a)ter )ires and in"o6in$ t&e +rin%i+,e o) )ire d#rin$ rit#a,3 b#t a,so %o"er (onitorin$ ,e"e,s o)
ent&#sias( and (oti"ation in t&e $ro#+ as a w&o,e4
Ho+e)#,,y t&e abo"e &as de(onstrated t&e ri%& di"ersity o) e,e(ents w&i%& %an be interwo"en into
rit#a, (a$i%3 be it )reesty,e or )or(a,ised4 Howe"er3 it;s #+ to yo# &ow (#%& o) t&is 8i) any9 yo#
%&oose to in%or+orate into yo#r own rit#a, sty,e4 Genera,,y3 I tend to )ind t&at si(+,i%ity o) sty,e wi,,
a,ways win o#t o"er %o(+,e*ity )or %o(+,e*ity;s sa6e4 One a++roa%& I do )ind #se)#,3 +arti%#,ar,y in
$ro#+ wor63 is to start wit& a si(+,e rit#a, str#%t#re3 and t&en +ro$ressi"e,y add to it wit& ea%&
wor6in$4 T&is I )ind3 is o)ten (ore e))e%ti"e t&an dro++in$ +eo+,e into &#$e3 %#(berso(e rit#a,s4
Exa.ple Types o3 Rit1al
Here are )o#r e*a(+,es o) di))erent rit#a,s and dis%#ssion o) t&eir #sa$e4 My ai( in +resentin$ t&e(
is not so (#%& t&at yo# s&o#,d try t&e( o#t3 b#t to i,,#strate &ow t&e e,e(ents and %o(+onents o)
rit#a, dis%#ssed in t&e +re"io#s se%tions %an be %o(bined e))e%ti"e,y4
Banis&in$ Rit#a,
A Banis&in$ Rit#a, is one o) t&e )irst +ra%ti%a, e*er%ises t&at a (a$i%ian ,earns4 It is a,so so(eti(es
6nown as Centerin$3 w&i%& in (any res+e%ts3 is a (ore a%%#rate ter( )or t&e e*er%ise4
A Banis&in$ &as t&ree ai(s4 T&e )irst is t&at it a%ts as a war( #+-a +re+aration )or doin$ )#rt&er rit#a,3
(editation-enab,in$ t&e (a$i%ian to +#t aside e"eryday t&o#$&ts-2w&at;s on TV ,ater32 et%4 It a,,ows
t&e (a$i%ian to s&i)t into &is (a$i%ian-se,) ro,e3 and to +,a%e &i(se,) in t&e (eta+&ysi%a, %entre o) &is
(a$i%a, #ni"erse3 t&e a*is (#ndi4
Se%ond,y3 Banis&in$ sets #+ t&e s+a%e bein$ #sed )or wor6in$ as sa%red3 so t&at t&e ,o)t3 bedroo(3
base(ent or w&ate"er be%o(es3 te(+orari,y3 a Free Area4
T&ird,y3 a Banis&in$ %,ears t&e at(os+&ere o) t&e area bein$ #sed )ro( any e(otiona, #nder%#rrents
t&at one #s#a,,y 8#n%ons%io#s,y9 asso%iates it wit&4
A Banis&in$ %an be a (a$i%a, e1#i"a,ent to tidyin$ #+ 8w&i%& s&o#,d be done be)ore wor6in$94 Sin%e
(ost +eo+,e are not )ort#nate eno#$& to &a"e a roo( w&i%& %an be #sed so,e,y )or (a$i%a, wor63
areas w&i%& are #sed )or day-to-day ,i"in$ o)ten &a"e to be #sed as rit#a, s+a%es4 T&is %reates an
at(os+&ere w&i%& %an be sensed t&ro#$& #n%ons%io#s %#es3 w&i%& it is we,, to Banis& be)ore
startin$ )o%#sed (a$i%a, wor6 or it (i$&t we,, dist#rb t&e rit#a,4 Si(i,ar,y3 a)ter a wor6in$3 one needs
to dis+e, t&e +arti%#,ar at(os+&ere t&at &as been %reated3 or one (i$&t we,, )ind t&at it %,as&es wit&
t&e e"eryday at(os+&ere t&at is nor(a,,y asso%iated wit& t&e roo(4 On t&is +oint3 it %an be #se)#, to
Banis& a roo( i) t&ere;s been a +arti%#,ar,y bad ar$#(ent in it as t&e tension ,in$ers3 or i) so(eone
&as s+ent a +eriod o) i,,ness or de+ression t&ere4
Most Banis&in$ rit#a,s &a"e t&ree basi% %o(+onentsI
=4 A se%tion to )o%#s awareness on t&e BodyMind4
<4 A se%tion w&i%& de(ar%ates t&e (ain 5ones3 $ates3 1#arters or di(ensions o) t&e %&osen (a$i%a,
#ni"erse-at w&i%& t&e (a$i%ian is t&e %entre4
R4 An identi)i%ation wit& a %&osen so#r%e o) ins+iration(er$in$ t&e (a%ro%os( 8tota, +sy%&o%os(9
wit& t&e (i%ro%os( 8se,)94
T&ere )o,,ows an e*a(+,e Banis&in$ rit#a, t&at i,,#strates t&ese t&ree se%tions4
Octo.antic Banis+ing
T&is is a banis&in$ se1#en%e based on t&e Ei$&t rays o) t&e C&aos+&ere as )a%ets o) se,)E(a$i%a,
e*+ression3 s&owin$ ei$&t di))erent areas o) (a$i%a, a%ti"ity 8see Liber Caos by Peter >4 Carro,, )or a
)#rt&er e*+osition o) t&ese t&e(es94 Fo,,ow t&e se1#en%e in t&e dia$ra(4 T&e dire%tion o) Ma$i% %an
be ta6en as East4
=4 Be$in )a%in$ East and stand3 ar(s by yo#r sides3 &ead ti,ted s,i$&t,y #+wards3 breat&in$ s,ow,y
and re$#,ar,y4 C,ear yo#r (ind o) t&o#$&ts4 Rea%& #+wards wit& yo#r ri$&t &and breat&in$ in3 +a#se3
and t&en brin$ it down t&e %entre ,ine o) yo#r body w&i,st breat&in$ o#t3 "is#a,isin$ a bea( o) w&ite
,i$&t +assin$ down t&ro#$& yo#r body3 )ro( abo"e yo#r &ead to be,ow yo#r )eet4
Ne*t3 t#rn yo#r &ead to t&e ,e)t and +oint wit& yo#r ,e)t &and3 t&en t#rn to yo#r ri$&t and stret%& yo#r
ri$&t ar( o#t3 )or(in$ a Ta# Cross4 Breat&e in3 &o,d3 and breat&e o#t3 "is#a,isin$ a ray o) w&ite ,i$&t
r#nnin$ a%ross yo#r body3 )ro( ,e)t to ri$&t4
T&en3 w&i,st breat&in$ in3 brin$ yo#r ar(s a%ross yo#r body so t&at t&ey are stret%&ed o#t in )ront o)
yo#3 wit& &ands rea%&in$ o#t at %&est ,e"e,4 E*&a,e3 and "is#a,ise a %ir%,e o) ,i$&t aro#nd yo#r body4
T&en3 in&a,e3 brin$in$ yo#r &ands ba%6wards and )o,d t&e( a%ross yo#r %&est4 Breat&e o#t3 and
"is#a,ise a s+&ere o) w&ite ,i$&t e*+andin$ aro#nd yo#rse,)4 Fee, yo#rse,) to be s#+er%&ar$ed wit&
ener$y3 yet at t&e sa(e ti(e3 %a,( and ready )or )#rt&er a%tion4
T&is %o(+,etes t&e )irst sta$e o) t&e Banis&in$3 ser"in$ to dire%t attention to one;s BodyMind and
interna, states4
<4 Estab,is&in$ t&e @ dire%tions o) (a$i%4 For t&e )irst ray3 breat&e in3 and on e*&a,ation3 sna+ )in$ers
or %,a+ &ands3 "is#a,isin$ a %&aos t&#nderbo,t 8or dor:es9 ),as&in$ )ort&3 and de%,areI
2RawMa$i%32 (a6in$ an a++ro+riate $est#re / &#r,in$ it o#twards4 Contin#e #nti, yo# &a"e
estab,is&ed a,, @ ;rays;I
S 'eat& Ma$i%
S !ea,t& Ma$i%
S Lo"e Ma$i%
S E$o Ma$i%
S Se* Ma$i%
S T&o#$&t Ma$i%
S !ar Ma$i%
T&is se%tion ser"es to estab,is& t&e @ dire%tions3 de(ar%atin$ t&e sa%red s+a%e3 and +,a%in$ t&e
(a$i%ian at its %entre4
T&en3 )a%in$ East3 raise ar(s in $est#re o) in"o%ation and de%,areI
2T&ese are (y wea+ons
E*+ressions o) (y wi,,
I $ras+ t&e( ,i$&t,y
I stand +oised3 at t&e %entre
T&e -ni"erse dan%es )or (y +,eas#re42
To %,ose3 r#n t&ro#$& t&e se1#en%e a$ain b#t wit& ea%& inta6e o) breat&3 "is#a,ise t&e t&#nderbo,t
ret#rnin$ to yo#4
For $reater e))e%t3 ea%& t&#nderbo,t (ay be $i"en its a++ro+riate %o,o#r4 A,so3 ea%& t&#nderbo,t %o#,d
e"o,"e into a %&aos+&ere3 or a +ersona, ser"itor-entity w&i%& is e(b,e(ati% o) t&at +ower )or yo#4 I)
yo# wis& to e*+eri(ent wit& t&is Banis&in$3 yo# s&o#,d de"e,o+ it into a )or( w&i%& wor6s best )or
T&is )ina, de%,aration is t&e (a$i%ian in)or(in$ &i(se,) 8and any ot&ers w&o (ay be ,istenin$ in9 t&at
&e is at t&e %entre o) &is (a$i%a, #ni"erse4
!&en wor6in$3 C&aos Ma$i%ians %&oose one dire%tion as ;(eta+&ysi%a,; east as t&e be$innin$ +oint
o) any rit#a, w&i%& in"o,"es a +ro$ression t&ro#$& a series o) dire%tions4 As a r#,eo)-t&#(b3 I o)ten
ta6e ;(eta+&ysi%a, east; 8w&en indoors9 to be any wa,, wit& a window in it4
A %&osen Banis&in$ %an be done as a dai,y +ra%ti%e on awa6enin$3 and be)ore retirin$4 It s&o#,d be
#sed to o+en and %,ose any (a$i%a, a%ti"ity4 In ti(e3 one wi,, )ind t&at t&e rit#a, %an be done a,(ost
on a#to+i,ot3 and t&e asso%iated )ee,in$s arise wit&o#t %ons%io#s e))ort4 It s&o#,d be ta6en as an
en%o#ra$in$ si$n i) one starts &a"in$ drea(s abo#t Banis&in$4 On a +ersona, note3 = )ind t&at
w&ene"er = drea( o) doin$ a banis&in$ rit#a,3 des+ite &a"in$ de"e,o+ed a wide "ariety o)
+ersona,i5ed ones o"er t&e years3 it is in"ariab,y t&e )irst one = ,earned 8t&e Go,den 'awn Lesser
Penta$ra( Rite9 w&i%& )eat#res in t&e drea(4
Rit#a, Mass
T&e 6ey e,e(ent w&i%& is s&ared by bot& a re,i$io#s 8i4e43 Cat&o,i%9 Mass and a Mass +er)or(ed by a
(a$i%a, $ro#+ is t&e %a,,in$ into t&e Free Area o) t&e +ower o) an entity3 and t&e s&arin$ o) t&e +ower
o) t&at entity by a,, +arti%i+ants4 In a Cat&o,i% Mass3 t&e )o%#s o) t&e rit#a, is t&e (ira%,e o)
Trans#bstantiationI t&e %on"ersion o) wine and &ost into t&e body and b,ood o) C&rist3 w&i%& t&e
+arti%i+ants %ons#(e4 In a (a$i%a, Mass3 t&e (od#s )or s&arin$ t&e +ower (ay be (#%& wider4 T&e
%&osen entity is in"o6ed into a %&osen +riest or +riestess3 w&o t&en be%o(es t&at entity 8wit& "aryin$
de$rees o) +ossession94 T&e entity (ay t&en de,i"er a ,itany3 w&i%& %an be s%ri+ted3 or be an
i(+ro"ised ora%,e4 T&e entity (ay be 1#estioned by t&ose attendin$3 and (ay answer in any way it
%&ooses )it4 It (ay %&oose to ,ead t&e +arti%i+ants into a%ts w&i%& it sees as a++ro+riate3 or e(+ower
a +re+ared sa%ra(ent wit& its ener$y so t&at a,, (ay +arta6e o) its +ower3 Or it (ay %&oose to s&are
its +ower wit& t&ose +resent in ot&er ways4
In a Mass3 it is o%%asiona,,y #se)#, to &a"e rit#a, o))i%ers w&o are aware t&at it is t&eir tas63 s&o#,d it
be )o#nd ne%essary3 to banis& t&e entity )ro( its %&osen &ost4 It is not #n6nown )or entities to resist
de+artin$ )ro( a s+a%e t&at t&ey &a"e been %a,,ed into4 !&en an indi"id#a, &as be%o(e dee+,y
+ossessed3 it is so(eti(es ne%essary to restrain &i(3 and re%a,, &i( to wa6in$ %ons%io#sness by
)or%e)#,,y banis&in$ t&e +ossessin$ entity and (a6in$ t&e &ost re%a,, &is own identity and
w&ereabo#ts4 In e*tre(e %ases3 a ,#stration o) water (ay be ne%essary to brin$ &i( o#t o) t&e
+ossession tran%e4
A ,ess-t&an-serio#s e*a(+,e o) a rit#a, (ass )o,,ows4
&+aos Mass !#!
'is%ordians &a"e ,on$ identi)ied Har+o Mar* as a (ode( a"atar o) Har+o%rates3 E$y+tian God o)
Si,en%e4 T&is C&aos Mass ser"es to (ani)est t&e +ower o) HARPO3 as Lord o) Si,en%e3 Tri%6ster3 and
Sa%red C,own4
T&e indi"id#a, a%tin$ as Priest is $i"en a woo,,y wi$3 To+ Hat3 and &orn4 Ot&er +ro+s )or #se by
HARPO %an be +,a%ed on t&e a,tar4
State(ent o) Intent
2It is o#r wi,, to in"o6e HARPO3 Sa%red Foo, and Lord o) Si,ent Mo%6ery3 t&at t&e $,a(o#rs o) (a$i%
be dis+ersed3 and La#$&in$ Anar%&y enter o#r Hearts42
PriestI 2Let t&e Po(+osity be$in42
T&e asse(b,y t&en +ro%eed to str#t abo#t3 (a6in$ se,)-i(+ortant +ro%,a(ations abo#t t&e ;serio#s;
and ;sa%red; +at&s o) (a$i%3 and t&at as (i$&ty (a$i3 t&ey s&o#,d be res+e%ted and ad(ired4 T&ey
s&o#,d de%,ai( t&at (a$i% is not a s#b:e%t )or ,e"ity3 t&at it s&o#,d be ta6en serio#s,y3 t&at t&ere is no
roo( )or %,ownin$ abo#t and bein$ si,,y4
As t&e asse(b,y do t&is3 Priest be$ins to w&ir, and ,ea+ abo#t3 (a6in$ t&e a++ro+riate $est#res and
)a%ia, +atterns o) Har+o3 si,ent,y in"o6in$ t&e na(e HAR-PO #+on &i(se,) #nti, t&e A"atar3
s#((oned to a roo( o) &i$& +o(+osity and serio#sness3 (ani)ests4
As t&e Priest )ee,s &i(se,) swe+t into +ossession3 &e brandis&es t&e &orn and $i"es t&e ,itanyI
2Hon63 Hon63 Hon63 Hon63 Hon6-Hon6
Hon6-Hon6-Hon6-Hon6THon6-Hon6-Hon62 8ad in)init#(9
At w&i%& +oint t&e asse(b,y )ree5e into stat#es o) +o(+osity4 HARPO t&en &as )ree rei$n to +,ay
w&ate"er tri%6s and +oses &e wi,,s3 &is ai( bein$ to banis& se,)-i(+ortan%e3 and red#%e t&e
asse(b,y to ,a#$&ter4 8NoteI a )eat&er-d#ster3 #sed as a ti%6,in$sti%6 %an be a "ery &e,+)#, +ro+ &ere49
HARPO t&en ta6es #+ a ,ar$e r#bber $,o"e3 )i,,s it wit& t&e %&osen sa%ra(ent 8(i,6 .93 (a6es a +in-
+ri%6 in t&e inde* )in$er3 and +ro%eeds to s1#irt it into t&e (o#t&s o) t&e Asse(b,y4
He (ay t&en %#t any %a+ers and +oses &e wis&es3 #nti, a,, tra%es o) se,)-i(+ortan%e and e$o-
atta%&(ent &a"e been banis&ed )ro( t&e asse(b,y 8i) on,y te(+orari,y94
Priest s&o#,d be %a+t#red3 di"ested o) &is rit#a, $ar(ents3 and %oa*ed )ro( si,en%e into s+ee%&4
On%e &e &as (ade a )ew sensib,e re(ar6s3 t&e entire asse(b,y brea6 into ra#%o#s ,a#$&ter and
Ob"io#s,y so(e )a(i,iarity wit& t&e Mar* Brot&ers; )i,(s is a +rere1#isite to t&e ena%tion o) t&is rite3
as is &a"in$ a $ro#+ o) +eo+,e w&o are wi,,in$ to +,ay at bein$ +o(+o#s ass&o,es3 and indeed
re%o$nisin$ &ow easi,y (a$i%ians %an be%o(e +o(+o#s ass&o,es and t&e need )or banis&in$
+o(+osity and se,)-i(+ortan%e4 Rites w&i%& &a"e a si,,y t&e(e are no ,ess i(+ortant t&an t&ose
w&i%& are serio#s4
Rit#a, In"o%ation
T&e rit#a, be,ow is an e*a(+,e o) t&e in"o%ation o) a s+e%i)i% 1#a,ity o) ener$y 8(eta+&ori%a,,y
s+ea6in$9 to +ower a +arti%#,ar state(ent o) intent4 It was ori$ina,,y de"ised as a $ro#+ rite b#t is
s#itab,e )or (odi)i%ation into a so,o rit#a,4 One o) (y initia, (oti"ations )or writin$ it was to
de(onstrate &ow t&e sy(bo,i% str#%t#res o) t&e Baba,a& ,end t&e(se,"es to +ra%ti%a, rit#a, (a$i%4 In
its ori$ina, #se3 it was +re%eded by t&e %e,ebrants s+endin$ a +eriod (editatin$ on t&e D Fi"e %ards
in t&e Tarot and T&e Tower o) t&e Ma:or Ar%ana-t&ese %ards re,atin$ to t&e a%tion and sy(bo,is(
re,atin$ to Geb#ra& 8i4e43 Mars94
Geb#ra&I In"o%ation O) Martia, Power
Possib,e A++,i%ations
=4 In%rease o) !i,,3 Con)iden%e3 P#r+ose
<4 Initiatin$ New Pro:e%ts
R4 En&an%ed Se*#a, Vita,ity
D4 In%rease o) ener$y3 Co#ra$e
J4 'estr#%tion o) Obsta%,es 8interna, / e*terna,9
N4 C&ar$in$ o) Ta,is(ans
P4 C&ar$in$ Ma$i%a, !ea+ons
Pro+s / Arte)a%ts #sed
=4 Geb#ra&EMars in%ense
<4 S%o#r$e3 C&ain3 Sword
R4 Anointin$ Oi, 8>#ni+er9
D4 Tarot %ardsI T&e Tower3 Ad:#st(ent3 T&e E(+eror
J4 Be,,3 Gon$3 or 'r#(4
N4 Fi"e S%ar,et Cand,es
P4 Fiery ,i1#id 8sa%ra(ent9
@4 Fo%#s-+yra(id so,id %onstr#%ted )ro( Red %ard3 on w&i%& are +ainted in b,a%6 t&e +,anetary
sy(bo, o) Mars3 t&e E,e(enta, sy(bo, o) Fire3 and t&e si$ns o) t&e P,anetary S+irit3 Sea, and
T&e A,tar is set #+ on a %,ot& o) s%ar,et4 It s&o#,d %o(+rise t&e )i"e %and,es3 t&e Tarot %ards3 t&e
(a$i%a, wea+ons3 instr#(ents and )o%#s4
Rit#a, O))i%ers
Master o) t&e Te(+,e 8bearin$ Sword9
Priest 8bearin$ Sword or da$$er9
One or (ore Assistants wie,din$ S%o#r$es4
=4 Banis&in$ Rit#a,
Fo,,owin$ t&e Banis&in$3 %e,ebrants are arran$ed in rows as t&o#$& t&ey are so,diers on +arade4 T&e
M4T and assistants stand )a%in$ t&e(4
<4 State(ent O) Intent
=t is o#r !i,, to In"o6e t&e Powers o) Geb#ra& )or4442
R4 P#ri)i%ation
M4T and assistants (ay ins+e%t t&e %e,ebrants4 T&e bearin$ o) a,, is t&at o) a (i,itary )or(ation4 T&en
ea%& %e,ebrant is bro#$&t be)ore t&e a,tar and s%o#r$ed )i"e ti(es3 t&en ret#rned to &is +,a%e in t&e
D4 In"o%ations
First In"o%ation
M4T t&en dire%ts %e,ebrants to )or( a %ir%,e aro#nd &i(4
T&is is done so t&at t&e assistin$ Priest w&o bears a sword stands )a%in$ t&e +riest4
A,, %e,ebrants %o(e to Attention and ,oo6 #+wards4 MT ,eads t&e( in t&e in"o%ation o) t&e God-Na(e
o) Geb#ra&I
2I %a,, #+on t&e (i$&ty one ELOHIM GIBOR3 $od o) stren$t&4
Abo"e o#r &eads t&ere swir,s an Oran$e Mist3 and di(,y3 a s&a+e )or(s in t&e (ist-t&e i(a$e o) a
(i$&ty 6in$7 &e stands in a %&ariot3 arrayed wit& %&ains and s&ie,ds4 He is ar(ed wit& S+ear3
S%o#r$e and a bri$&t sword &an$s )ro( &is be,t4 He is t&e e(bodi(ent o) Law3 Power3 'is%i+,ine and
Se%ond In"o%ation
M4T raises sword and be$ins in"o%ation o) CHAMMAELI
2I %a,, #+on t&e (i$&ty Ar%&an$e, CHAMMAEL3 t&e B#rner3 t&e !rat&)#, One4 He w&o destroys and
+#ri)ies4 He w&o %,eanses a,, de%ay and sta$nation )ro( t&e #ni"erse4 CHAMMAEL3 t&e e(bodi(ent
o) Power3 o) !i,,3 o) P#r+ose3 o) Co#ra$e3 o) Se,)-S%r#tiny and 'is%ri(ination4 CHAMMAEL (i$&ty
Ar%&an$e, o) Mars3 brin$ yo#r )or%e and ),a(e into o#r &earts42
!&i,st t&e M4T de,i"ers t&is in"o%ation3 a,, "is#a,ise t&e (ist swir,in$3 )or(in$ a "orte*4 Fro( t&e eye
o) t&e "orte* t&ere des%ends a bea( o) ,aser-t&in s%ar,et-it stri6es t&e ti+ o) t&e M4T;s sword and
t&rows a %orona aro#nd it4 T&e M4T %,oses t&e in"o%ation wit& a s&ar+ 2Ha&A2 w&i%& si$na,s t&e ne*t
+&ase o) t&e rite4
F,as&in$ Power
M4T draws down t&e sword and t&r#sts it towards &is assistant3 b,astin$ &i( wit& t&e +ower o)
C&a((ae,4 T&e assistant s+ins aro#nd deosi, and t&en &#r,s t&at +ower to t&e %e,ebrant to &is ri$&t4
T&is %ontin#es aro#nd t&e %ir%,e3 #nti, t&e Assistant ret#rns t&e +ower to t&e M4T by +ro:e%tin$ t&e
+ower ba%6 at &i(4
T&ird In"o%ation
M4T raises sword and s#((ons t&e SERAPHIMI
2See t&e bri,,iant s%ar,et ),a(es dan%in$ #+on t&is wea+on4
I now s#((on t&e SERAPHIM3 t&e Fiery Ser+ents o) P#ri)i%ation and Corre%tion3 to (ani)est o#r !i,,
8a,, "is#a,ise t&e Fire-Ser+ents entwined aro#nd t&e M4T;s sword9-"is#a,isation o) desire-)or(s %an
be (ade at t&is (o(ent4
M4T s+ins and +ro:e%ts +ower o#twards wit& %ry o) 2CiaA2 A,, "is#a,ise Ser+ents strea(in$ )ort& and
$i"e s&ar+ %ry o) e*#,tation4
Banis&in$ Rit#a,
MTI 2Atten-S&#nA2
2Stand-At EaseA2
2Stand Easy-Banis& wit& La#$&ter42
T&is rit#a, de(onstrates &ow t&e %are)#, arran$e(ent o) +ro+s3 sy(bo,is( and a%tions %ontrib#tes to
t&e +ro:e%tion o) a +arti%#,ar (ood or at(os+&ere wit&in t&e rit#a, s+a%e4 T&e rit#a, is str#%t#red
a%%ordin$ to t&e di%tates o) !estern Baba,a&7 t&e in"o%ations a%t to draw +ower t&ro#$& t&e astra,
5ones3 t&e s+&eres o) Gods3 Ar%&an$e,s and An$e,i% +owers3 enab,in$ t&e %e,ebrants to identi)y wit&
t&ese )or%es bot& indi"id#a,,y and %o,,e%ti"e,y4 T&e F,as&in$ Power e*er%ise is #sed to distrib#te t&e
)or%e o) C&a((ae, between t&e +arti%i+ants3 by t#rnin$ deosi, 8%,o%6wise9 t&ey ta6e t&e )or%e wit&in
t&e(se,"es and +ro:e%t it o#twards and t&ereby en&an%in$ it4 I) t&is rite is #sed to +ro:e%t a %o((on
intent 8i4e43 in%reased %on)iden%e9 t&e %o(bined +ower o) t&e rite is +ro:e%ted o#twards3 into t&e
+arti%i+ants; i((ediate )#t#re4 A,ternati"e,y3 to %&ar$e a (a$i%a, arte)a%t3 it %o#,d be dire%ted into t&at
A Rit#a, En%&ant(ent
As I &a"e +re"io#s,y re(ar6ed3 it is not entire,y ne%essary to #se a )or(a, rit#a, )or(at )or t&e
+#r+ose o) %astin$ an en%&ant(ent4 It (ay so(eti(es3 &owe"er3 be dee(ed to be desirab,e-)or
e*a(+,e3 as an e,e(ent o) a $ro#+ (eetin$ or d#rin$ a +eriod o) (a$i%a, a%ti"ity w&i%& is %entred
aro#nd a s+e%i)i% t&e(e or idea4 T&e rit#a, be,ow was de"ised w&i,st I was #nderta6in$ a si*-(ont&
+eriod o) wor6in$ wit& t&e Norse $od3 T&or3 and &ad been as6ed to de(onstrate a +ra%ti%a,
a++,i%ation o) t&ese resear%&es to a $ro#+ o) w&i%& = was t&en a (e(ber4
T&e Ha((er-Cast
T&is rit#a, #ses t&e (yt&i% str#%t#res and sy(bo,is( o) t&e so%a,,ed Nort&ern or Ger(ani% Tradition4
It #ses an in"o%ation o) t&e (yt&i% 1#a,ities o) t&e $od T&or3 enab,in$ t&e +arti%i+ants to identi)y wit&
t&e +owers and 1#a,ities o) t&e $od in order to %reate t&e a++ro+riate (ood and at(os+&ere )or
&#r,in$ )ort& an en%&ant(ent4 Anyone )a(i,iar wit& T&or )ro( eit&er Norse Myt&o,o$y or Mar"e,
Co(i%s wi,, re%a,, t&at &is &a((er3 M:o,,nir3 a,ways ret#rns to &i(3 rein)or%in$ t&e idea t&at t&e
+arti%i+ants o) t&e rite wi,, a%&ie"e t&eir desire4
A State(ent o) Intent )or %reatin$ a si$i,-w&i%& %an be "is#a,ised or #sed as a (antri% word o) +ower4
T&e Si$i, s&o#,d be +re+ared be)ore&and3 in a (anner t&at it %an be easi,y re%a,,ed d#rin$ t&e rite4
L4 Rite be$ins wit& t&e State(ent o) Intent 8$i"en by t&e ,eader in +arts-a,, re+eat94
2It is o#r wi,, to %ast )ort& a desire3 in t&e na(e o) t&e T&#nderer42
=4 'ee+ Breat&in$
Leader de(onstrates +ost#re w&i%& a,, ado+t4 Leader be$ins ? s,ow,y-+a%ed in&a,ationEe*&a,ations4
!&i,st breat&in$3 %e,ebrants "is#a,ise ,i$&tnin$ bo,ts %ra%6,in$ aro#nd t&eir bodies3 es+e%ia,,y
between t&eir &ands4
<4 Stan%e
Ce,ebrants ta6e #+ T&#risa5 r#ni%-+ost#re and )o%#s #+on t&eir si$i,ised desire3 w&i,st ,eader
de%,ai(s t&e ,itany 8see be,ow94 Ce,ebrants "is#a,ise t&e(se,"es as &o,din$ T&or;s Ha((er in t&eir
ri$&t &ands4 T&e si$i,ised desire is )o%#sed #+on t&e &a((er4
R4 Re(ainin$ in Post#re3 ,eader initiates +a%ed Vibration o) TH-R-IO-AS * ?
D4 !it& a word,ess s%rea(3 %e,ebrants &#r, t&e &a((er )ort&4
8"ariations on t&is basi% t&e(e9
2Mi$&ty T&or3 %&a(+ion3 de)ender o) As$ard3
Lend #s yo#r stren$t&
Indo(itab,e one3 s,ayer o) $iants3
May o#r ai( be tr#e3
S6y God3 >#d$e o) (en3
Let o#r !i,, be +#re3
'we,,er in T&r#d&ei(3 wie,der o) M:o,,nir
Let t&e %ast ),y tr#e3 Stor(-$od3 Son o) Eart&3
Loo6 we,, #+on #s4
In"o%ation basi%a,,y in"o,"es %a,,in$ #+on an entity and t&ereby identi)yin$ onese,) wit& it3 to t&e ,e"e,
t&at one a++arent,y (er$es wit& it4 T&is te%&ni1#e %an &a"e +ro)o#nd e))e%ts3 bot& e(otiona,,y and
+&ysi%a,,y3 and ,i6e any ot&er +ower)#, (a$i%a, te%&ni1#e3 it %an be tri%6y i) not $i"en d#e %are and
W+y In6oke7
For w&at reason (i$&t one desire to brin$ a Goddess3 God3 or ot&er (yt&i% entity into onese,). T&e
(#,ti+,e entities )o#nd wit&in +o,yt&eisti% and +ant&eisti% syste(s ea%& en%a+s#,ate di))erent
attrib#tes and 1#a,ities4 T&#s one (i$&t desire to in"o6e Ba+&o(et )or ins+iration3 Pan )or e%stasy
and &ei$&tened se*#a, aro#sa,3 one o) t&e Nornir3 )or 6now,ed$e o) t&e )#t#re3 Ra-Hoor-C&#it to $i"e
a ;&aw6;s-eye "iew; o) a sit#ation3 or Ca,i3 to %ons#(e so(e as+e%t o) se,) w&i%& one wis&es to
,oosen )ro( one;s e$o-%o(+,e*4 T&ro#$& in"o%ation3 one (i$&t (a6e (odi)i%ations to one;s se,"es3
see6 ins+iration3 or s+e%i)i% 6now,ed$e abo#t a %ertain e"ent or ite(7 de"e,o+ +owers o) &ei$&tened
+er%e+tion or )ee, onese,) to be %&ar$ed wit& +ower w&i%& %an be #sed )or )#rt&er (a$i%a, tas6s4
In"o%ations tend to res#,t in an e%stati% state3 w&ereby t&e re%i+ient is so +assionate,y swe+t #+ into
tran%e3 t&at so(e 1#a,ity or attrib#tion asso%iated wit& t&at entity (ani)ests in t&e +erson3 s#%& as
en&an%ed ora%#,ar +er%e+tion or 6now,ed$e o) &idden ,ore4 !&i,e t&is abi,ity (ay be de"e,o+ed by
anyone w&o +ra%tises (a$i%3 (ost +eo+,e don;t do it3 and t&#s a (a$i%a, +ra%titioner (ay be as6ed
to a%t as t&e in%arnation o) a +arti%#,ar entity as +art o) an e"ent3 or to brin$ abo#t a si(i,ar
e*+erien%e in anot&er +erson-;in"o6in$ #+on so(eone3; as it is 6nown4
In"o%ation ser"es to &ei$&ten dra(ati% awareness to t&e e*tent t&at t&e (a$i%ian3 w&o is identi)yin$
8or bein$ identi)ied as9 wit& t&e (yt&i% )i$#re in 1#estion3 $ains bot& a%%ess to abi,ities asso%iated
wit& t&at )i$#re3 and te(+orari,y is ab,e to +er)or( a%ts beyond &is or &er nor(a, %a+a%ities4 A%tors
o)ten re+ort a si(i,ar e*+erien%e o) be%o(in$ so %a#$&t #+ in %&ara%ters t&ey are +ortrayin$3 t&at
t&ey )ind t&ey %an sin$3 dan%e or +er)or( )eats o) a$i,ity w&i%&3 w&i,e a++ro+riate )or t&ose +arti%#,ar
%&ara%ters3 are beyond t&eir own nor(a, ran$e o) abi,ity4 It see(s t&at3 $i"en a++ro+riate %onditions3
we are %a+ab,e o) (#%& (ore t&an we #s#a,,y a,,ow o#rse,"es4
Designing In6ocations
So#r%e boo6s o) Ma$i% abo#nd wit& e*a(+,es o) in"o%ations3 b#t3 )or now3 it is t&e +ro%esses
#nder,yin$ in"o%ations w&i%& are to be %onsidered4 First,y3 it is essentia, to b#i,d #+ a )ra(ewor6 o)
sy(bo,s w&i%& %an be e(+,oyed to )o%#s awareness onto t&e s#b:e%t o) t&e in"o%ation4 T&is is w&ere
t&e sy(bo,i% (edia and tab,es o) %orres+onden%es (entioned ear,ier %o(e in #se)#,4 I) )or e*a(+,e3
a (a$i%ian wis&ed to in"o6e Star Tre6;s Mr4 S+o%63 t&en t&e )irst t&in$ to do wo#,d be to resear%&
S+o%6;s (anneris(s3 $est#res3 +ost#re and V#,%an ins%r#tabi,ity3 and ado+t t&ese as +art o) t&e
rit#a,4 As a )#rt&er aid3 a +at&wor6in$ %o#,d be de"ised based aro#nd t&e i(a$e o) S+o%6 wa,6in$
t&ro#$& t&e %orridors o) t&e -SS Enter+rise3 #nti, t&e (a$i%ian )e,t s#))i%ient,y %o(+osed as S+o%6 to
#nderta6e an a++ro+riate tas63 s#%& as deb#$$in$ a %o(+#ter +ro$ra(3 w&i%& o)ten re1#ires
#nswer"in$ ,o$i%3 +atien%e and %a,(-a,, 1#a,ities )or w&i%& Mr4 S+o%6 is we,,-6nown4 Lo$i%a,.
Backgro1n" Researc+
It;s $enera,,y t&o#$&t to be a $ood idea t&at be)ore yo# e(bar6 on an in"o%ation3 yo# need to 6now
so(et&in$ abo#t t&e entity yo# are $oin$ to in"o6e4 Ba%6$ro#nd resear%& basi%a,,y ta6es two )or(sI
#sin$ ot&er +eo+,e;s (ateria,3 and )indin$ in)or(ation yo#rse,) #sin$ (a$i%a, a++roa%&es4 So(e
a#t&orities &a"e it t&at t&e (ore yo# 6now abo#t an entity3 t&e (ore e))e%ti"e yo#r in"o%ation wi,, be3
b#t t&is is not a,ways +ossib,e4 So(eti(es3 a,, yo# (ay &a"e to $o on is a na(e and a "a$#e
asso%iation4 So a++ro+riate (a$i%a, resear%& (i$&t in%,#de (editatin$ on t&e na(e o) t&e entity7
#sin$ (inds%a+in$ te%&ni1#es in order to (eet t&at entity on t&e astra, +,ane7 #sin$ di"ination
te%&ni1#es to try and draw o#t (ore in)or(ation3 or tryin$ to re,ate t&e entity to +arti%#,ar tarot %ards
or r#nes7 #se o) drea( (a$i% te%&ni1#es to try and ;drea(; t&e entity3 or +er&a+s "isitin$ a ,o%a,ity
w&i%& is asso%iated wit& t&e entity and (editatin$ t&ere4 Readin$ )i%tion3 (yt&s and )o,6-ta,es
w&erein t&e entity )eat#res %an a,so be an e*%e,,ent way o) $ettin$ into t&e ri$&t (ood4 Indeed3
in"o%ation is basi%a,,y %on%erned wit& $ettin$ yo#rse,) into t&e ri$&t (ood )or a +arti%#,ar entity4
H#n%&es and syn%&roni%ities re,atin$ to yo#r interest in an entity are :#st as i(+ortant3 i) not (ore so3
t&an ,iterary resear%& into t&e entities; &istory and %&ara%teristi%s4 I t&in6 w&at is i(+ortant is t&at
&owe"er yo# $o abo#t it3 yo# be$in to b#i,d #+ a )ee, )or t&e entity3 be it $oddess3 $od3 dae(on or a
,itt,e-6nown ,o%a, s+irit4 It doesn;t (atter i) yo# %an;t 1#ite +#t yo#r t&o#$&ts and )ee,in$s into words4
%on54erbal In6ocation
T&e basis o) non-"erba, in"o%ation is to brin$ )ort& in yo#rse,) t&e ri$&t (ood in order to )ee, t&e
+resen%e o) t&e entity wit&in or aro#nd yo#4 I o%%asiona,,y )ind t&at t&is (ood is so(et&in$ w&i%&
we,,s #+ inside (e3 +er&a+s as res+onse to ot&er t&in$s w&i%& are &a++enin$ in (y ,i)e4 A )ew years
a$o I &ad rea%&ed a t#rnin$ +oint in (y (a$i%a, dire%tion as it were4 I didn;t 6now 1#ite w&at was
&a++enin$3 b#t I 6new I wasn;t &a++y in (y %#rrent sit#ation4 T&e stress o) tryin$ to reso,"e t&e iss#e
was windin$ (e #+ so(et&in$ rotten4 T&e sit#ation was %o(+,i%ated by )ee,in$s o) bot& +ersona,3
or$anisationa, and b#siness-re,ated ,oya,ties w&i%& I )e,t wo#,d (a6e it di))i%#,t to (a6e a %,ean
brea64 T&is a,, +ea6ed #+ one e"enin$ at a Se(inar4 Fee,in$ si%6 and twisted #+ inside3 I wa,6ed
a%ross t&e "en#e;s $ro#nds and )o#nd a tree we,, away )ro( t&e (ain b#i,din$3 w&ere a rioto#s +arty
was $oin$ on4 Sittin$ down3 I be$an an i(+ro(+t# +#:a and in"o6ed ;Pas#+ati3; t&e Tantri% deity w&o
is t&e &erds(an3 one o) w&ose )#n%tions is to re(o"e ;t&at w&i%& binds4; I;d ne"er wor6ed wit& t&is
$od be)ore3 b#t e(otiona, intensity 8born o#t o) o"erw&e,(in$ need9 enab,ed (e to a%&ie"e t&e
a++ro+riate state o) de"otion3 and I was st#nned by a "ision o) Pas#+ati3 b,a5in$ wit& w&ite ,i$&t3
starin$ ba%6 at (e4 In retros+e%t3 it was t&e w&ite-&ot intensity o) t&is (o(ent w&i%& a,,owed (e to
,et $o o) t&e bindin$s t&at I )e,t entan$,ed in4 T&e e))e%t wasn;t i((ediate o) %o#rse3 b#t t&at3 )or (e
(ar6ed t&e %&an$e-+oint4 It wasn;t so (#%& a %ons%io#s de%ision to in"o6e Pas#+ati3 b#t (ore t&at it
)e,t ri$&t at t&e ti(e4 T&ere are (any di))erent te%&ni1#es w&i%& %an be %o(bined )or non-"erba,
in"o%ation4 'an%e is one "ery +o+#,ar a++roa%&3 t&o#$& ad(itted,y not (y +arti%#,ar )ortH4 Many o)
t&e e,e(ents dis%#ssed in t&e se%tion on e,e(ents o) rit#a, %an be #ti,ised4 Per&a+s one o) t&e
si(+,est3 yet (ost e))e%ti"e te%&ni1#es3 is t&e identi)i%ation o) +arti%#,ar e(otiona, states wit& entities4
For e*a(+,e3 I &a"e a Pan-(ood w&i%& o)ten (ani)ests as t&e desire to $o o)) on (y own into t&e
%o#ntry3 or a $enera, &o(iness w&i%& I %an en:oy wit&o#t ne%essari,y )ee,in$ t&at I &a"e to do
so(et&in$ abo#t it4 E1#a,,y3 I &a"e an Isis-state w&i%& )ee,s ,i6e a )rosty re$a,ity o%%asiona,,y
re),e%ted ba%6 by wat%&in$ =?RL;s Ho,,ywood (o"ie 1#eens4 !&i,st t&ese states %o#,d be intensi)ied
t&ro#$& )or(a,ised rit#a, +ro%eedin$s3 it;s ni%e :#st to e*+erien%e t&e( )ro( ti(e to ti(e4
Non-"erba, in"o%ation %an a,so be e))e%ti"e #sin$ dan%e and (#si%4 In a $ro#+ settin$3 t&is (i$&t
%o(+rise o) t&e indi"id#a, %a,,in$ t&e %&osen deity into &i(se,) by dan%in$3 w&i,st ot&ers in"o6e t&at
deity #sin$ eit&er sty,ised or )ree)or( dan%e and (#si%4 'an%e sty,es %an be drawn )ro( "ario#s
(a$i%a, traditions or %reated )or a +arti%#,ar deity by t&e $ro#+4
4erbal In6ocations
!&en desi$nin$ "erba, in"o%ations3 it is i(+ortant to %onsider 'e,i"ery4 T&e way we s+ea6 is a
+ower)#, way o) +ro:e%tin$ o#r intentions4 T&e de,i"ery o) a s+ee%& 1#i%6,y trans(its to bot& se,) and
a#dien%e one;s de$ree o) %on)iden%e4 A )ine in"o%ation (ay be written3 b#t %an 1#i%6,y be rendered
ine))e%ti"e i) it is read o#t in a dead+an "oi%e and +#n%t#ated by ;ers; and ;#(s4; !ords %an be +a%ed3
so t&at s+ee%& %an e*%ite or re,a* t&e ,istener--w&i%& %an be onese,) or ot&ers4 A $ood de,i"ery o) an
in"o%ation ser"es to raise dra(ati% awareness in bot& se,) and ot&ers4 I) yo# t&in6 o) it in ter(s o) a
)eedba%6 ,oo+3 t&en t&e (ore ent&ra,,in$ t&e s+ee%&3 t&e (ore intense t&e de$ree o) dra(ati%
awareness3 and t&e (ore +eo+,e wi,, be%o(e %a#$&t #+ in t&e rit#a, at(os+&ere4 !&en one +erson3
)or e*a(+,e3 is +er)or(in$ an in"o%ation3 ot&ers +resent (ay te(+orari,y be%o(e t&e a#dien%e-and
+arti%i+ants %an s&i)t between a%ti"e and +assi"e in"o,"e(ent t&ro#$&o#t a rit#a,4 T&e 6ey to
re(e(ber is t&at3 i) s#%& be yo#r intent3 t&en e"eryt&in$ t&at &a++ens inside t&e rit#a, s+a%e %an be
#sed to en&an%e t&e at(os+&ere4 Try e*+,orin$ t&e e))e%t o) +a%in$ yo#r s+ee%&3 de,iberate,y
breat&in$ ,o#der3 and3 w&en rea%&in$ t&e %,i(a* o) t&e in"o%ation3 be%o(in$ breat&,ess and addin$ a
bit o) tre(b,e4 o# don;t &a"e to s&o#t to be e))e%ti"e3 a w&is+er or %an be :#st as e))e%ti"e 8i) not
(ore so9 t&an a ,o#d "oi%e4
I) yo# %an s#%%ess)#,,y #se yo#r "oi%e to +ro:e%t e(otiona, tones-s#%& as awe3 re"eren%e or +assion-
t&en t&ose ,istenin$7 bot& yo#rse,) and ot&ers3 wi,, +i%6 #+ on t&e e(oti"e #ndertones and be%o(e
drawn into t&e at(os+&ere yo# are $eneratin$4 As +eo+,e enter di))erent sta$es o) tran%e3 t&eir "oi%e
+attern %&an$es4
Ot&ers +resent +i%6 #+ on t&is3 i) on,y #n%ons%io#s,y3 and so t&e at(os+&ere o) dra(ati% awareness
is $enerated4 In a rit#a, se1#en%e3 a,, s+ee%& %an be #sed to +ro:e%t a++ro+riate )ee,in$s w&i%&
$enerate t&e $ro#+ at(os+&ere4 T&is is best +er)or(ed w&en t&e +eo+,e s+ea6in$ are %on)ident and
re,a*ed abo#t w&at t&ey are sayin$4 Hen%e t&e +rob,e( wit& 8a9 readin$ )ro( te*tboo6s and 8b9 #sin$
"ery ,on$ s+ee%&es4 I) +ossib,e3 it is +re)erab,e to eit&er ,earn a s+ee%& so t&at one needs not to ,oo6
at bits o) +a+er3 w&i%& tends to be bot&erso(e 8es+e%ia,,y w&en readin$ so(eone e,se;s writin$ in a
dar6 roo( or wind-swe+t (oor9 or i(+ro"ise so(et&in$ at t&e s+#r o) t&e (o(ent4 Li6e a,, +ra%ti%a,
te%&ni1#es3 bein$ ab,e to do t&is is si(+,y a (atter o) +ra%ti%e and %on)iden%e4 -n,ess one is doin$
so(et&in$ t&at is +arti%#,ar,y sty,ised3 si(+,i%ity is #s#a,,y t&e (ost e))e%ti"e a++roa%&4
Str#%t#re and R&yt&( are a,so i(+ortant4 An in"o%ation to a +arti%#,ar )i$#re is o)ten based on a
res#(e o) t&e 1#a,ities and ener$ies asso%iated wit& it3 or re)errin$ to ,e$ends or deeds asso%iated
wit& it4 T&e r&yt&( o) s+ee%&3 is a,so i(+ortant4 T&e r&yt&( $i"en to words w&en de,i"erin$ an
in"o%ation %an 1#i%6,y $enerate a++ro+riate (oods in t&ose #sin$ or &earin$ t&e(4 An in"o%ation to
Pan3 )or e*a(+,e3 (i$&t &a"e a )ast and )reneti% r&yt&( w&i%& ,ea"es t&e s+ea6er breat&,ess3
brin$in$ to (ind t&e wi,dness o) Pan7 w&i,st an in"o%ation to Cron#s3 God o) Ti(e (i$&t be s,ow and
+ondero#s4 R&yt&(s are 6nown to &a"e distin%t +&ysio,o$i%a, e))e%ts3 ser"in$ to re,a* or sti(#,ate
breat&in$ and &eartbeat4
It s&o#,d be noted t&at an in"o%ation (ay not ne%essari,y read we,,3 b#t a,, t&e sa(e %an so#nd
e*%e,,ent w&en %&anted4
T&e %,assi% )or( o) in"o%ation &as t&ree distin%t +arts to it4 In t&e )irst3 t&e deeds o) t&e )i$#re are
$i"en3 s+o6en in t&e t&ird +erson7 in t&e se%ond3 t&e 1#a,ities o) t&e )i$#re are s+o6en in t&e se%ond
+erson7 and )ina,,y3 t&e +owers o) t&e )i$#re are s+o6en o) in t&e )irst +erson4 T&#s t&e +ro%ess o)
identi)i%ation wit& t&e )i$#re be%o(es (ore intense t&ro#$&o#t t&e in"o%ation3 #nitin$ se,) and
s#b:e%t4 T&#s3 as t&e s+ee%& +ro%eeds3 one is (o"in$ )ro( a +osition o) des%ribin$ t&at )i$#re as a
se+arate bein$3 and be%o(in$ identi)ied wit& t&at )i$#re to t&e e*tent t&at 8)or a,, rit#a, intents and
+#r+oses9 yo# be%o(e t&at )i$#re4 Fo,,owin$ w&i%&3 )or t&e rest o) t&e $ro#+3 yo# are t&e eart&,y
a"atar o) a Myt&i% )i$#re4
Ha"in$ ta6en on t&e ro,e3 yo# %an now a%t3 #sin$ t&e +ower and attrib#tes o) t&at )i$#re3 w&i%& %an
ran$e )ro( de,i"erin$ an ora%#,ar s+ee%& to ,eadin$ a )ren5ied dan%e4 In t&e !estern Mystery
tradition 8s#%& as it is93 it is #s#a, )or one +erson to a%t as "esse, or %&anne, )or a (yt&i% )i$#re3 and
ot&er +arti%i+ants to ta6e on t&e ro,e o) %e,ebrants 8or %on$re$ation94
Howe"er3 in ot&er %#,t#res3 it is not #n6nown )or se"era, +eo+,e at on%e to be%o(e +ossessed by t&e
sa(e deity4 In Haiti3 t&ere was on%e a %e,ebrated %ase o) abo#t RLL +eo+,e3 a,, +ossessed
si(#,taneo#s,y by t&e God Le$ba3 w&o (ar%&ed in +rotest at t&e +o,iti%a, sit#ation to t&e +residentia,
In western (a$i%3 +eo+,e tend to sti%6 to one a++roa%& w&i%& is #s#a,,y w&at t&ey;"e been ta#$&t in a
$ro#+ or %o"en4 T&is is o)ten a +ity3 be%a#se t&ere are o)ten $ood a,ternati"es to be )o#nd in3 )or
e*a(+,e3 t&e st#dy o) dra(a or oratory4 One #se)#, e,e(ent to ,oo6 at is t&e idea o) Stat#s S&i)ts4 !e
(o"e t&ro#$& stat#s s&i)ts as a %onse1#en%e o) so%ia, intera%tions3 a,on$ a s%a,e o) ,ow to &i$&
Stat#s transa%tions4 T&ese transa%tions a,so o%%#r d#rin$ rit#a,s4 '#rin$ a "o%a, in"o%ation3 yo#
(i$&t be$in wit& t&e stat#s +osition o) a s#++,i%ant rea%&in$ #+ to a deity3 and e"ent#a,,y a%t wit& t&e
stat#s o) t&at deity3 w&i,st ot&ers wi,, 8or s&o#,d9 re$ard yo# a++ro+riate,y4 T&is o)ten ,eads to a
%on)#sion o) ro,es3 as so(e +eo+,e )ind it &ard to distin$#is& between t&e ro,e so(eone (i$&t ta6e
wit&in a rit#a, settin$3 and &ow &e be&a"es o#tside o) it4 So(eone w&o be%o(es a $oddess in a
rit#a, s&o#,d not be treated ,i6e one a)ter t&e rit#a, &as been %on%,#dedA Hen%e t&e +ri(e dan$er in
identi)yin$ onese,) wit& Myt&i% )i$#res is one o) b,owin$ #+ one;s e$o to (assi"e +ro+ortions4 I) yo#
%ontin#a,,y identi)y wit& a )i$#re w&o rein)or%es so(e idea w&i%& yo# &a"e abo#t yo#rse,)3 a,, yo# wi,,
do is i(ba,an%e yo#rse,) towards t&ose +arti%#,ar tenden%ies4 I &a"e 6nown at ,east t&ree +eo+,e
be%o(e 1#ite serio#s,y dist#rbed be%a#se t&ey wor6ed e*%,#si"e,y wit& ,#nar3 ora%#,ar )i$#res w&o
a%%ent#ated t&eir +redis+osed tenden%y to s,i+ into +assi"e3 ora%#,ar tran%e states4 As in a,,
+ra%ti%es3 an #nderstandin$ and %ontin#a, assess(ent o) onese,) in ter(s o) stren$t&s3 wea6nesses3
and e$o-identi)i%ations is ne%essary3 es+e%ia,,y i) yo# are wor6in$ wit& ot&ers in a tea%&in$ or $ro#+
,eader ro,e4
It;s )air to say t&at t&e (ore t&at is +#t into an in"o%ation3 t&e (ore intense t&e e))e%t wi,, be4 T&ere
are (ore e,e(ents to %onsider3 s#%& as t&e #se o) $est#res to rein)or%e s+ee%&7 t&e #se o) ,i$&tin$
and +ro+s7 s(e,,3 taste3 (#si% and sta$e-settin$4 O) %o#rse t&e absen%e o) s+ee%& %an be as e1#a,,y
e))e%ti"e3 as %an be t&e #se o) $r#nts3 &ow,s and %a%6,es4 Ha"in$ an in)e%tio#s ,a#$& %an be a "ery
#se)#, s6i,,3 as we,,7 yo# %an ,itera,,y ,a#$& yo#r way o#t o) so(e sit#ations4 H#(o#r is an i(+ortant
e,e(ent o) rit#a,3 w&i%& is o)ten ne$,e%ted by so(e o) t&e e"erso-serio#s +eo+,e one r#ns into
One a++roa%& to e*+eri(entin$ wit& in"o%ations is to asse(b,e a "ariety o) s+ee%&es written by
ot&er +eo+,e and try readin$ t&e( a,o#d #nti, yo# &it on a de,i"ery t&at )ee,s e))e%ti"e4 It %an be #se)#,
to ta+e s#%& e*+eri(ents3 and e"en #se t&e( as ba%6$ro#nd e))e%ts in rit#a, wor64 -sin$ a++ro+riate
(#si% %an a,so be +rod#%ti"e4 !&i,e it;s #se)#, to ,oo6 at ot&er +eo+,e;s written in"o%ations-so yo#
%an $ras+ t&e way t&at str#%t#re and r&yt&( %an e"o,"e t&ro#$& t&e way ,ines are de,i"ered-it;s
$enera,,y %onsidered better to #se yo#r own atte(+ts at in"o%ation4 Not on,y does t&is b#i,d
%on)iden%e and $i"e yo# a $ood )ee, )or w&at wor6s and w&at doesn;t3 b#t it a,,ows yo# to b#i,d #+ a
%,ose %onta%t wit& t&e )i$#re yo# are identi)yin$ wit&4 Genera,,y3 it;s easier to in"o6e &#(an )i$#res
t&an non-&#(an ones4 -sin$ t&e sa(e +rin%i+,es in a++roa%&in$ s&a+e-s&i)tin$3 it wo#,d be
a++ro+riate )or yo# to obser"e a +arti%#,ar ani(a,I ,oo6 at its %&ara%teristi% +ost#res3 )a%ia,
e*+ression3 its "o%a,isations3 and %&ara%teristi% be&a"io#rs4 o# wo#,d be%o(e t&e ani(a, by %,ose
identi)i%ation wit& its %&ara%teristi%s4 T&e intensity o) tran%e wo#,d +robab,y (#%& de+end on t&e
de$ree o) abandon(ent t&at yo# a,,owed yo#rse,) to &a"e4
O"ers&adowin$ and Possession
In"o%ation o)ten res#,ts in a state o) awareness w&i%& &as two e*tre(esI O"ers&adowin$ and
Possession4 O"ers&adowin$ is a tran%e state w&ere t&e re%i+ient o) an in"o%ation-t&e +erson w&o is
a%tin$ as a ;%&anne,; )or t&e in"o6ed entity-)ee,s i(b#ed wit& t&e +ower o) t&e )i$#re w&i%& &as been
in"o6ed4 He (ay a,so )ee, "aryin$ de$rees o) deta%&(ent )ro( w&at is $oin$ on aro#nd &i(3 b#t
wit&o#t ,osin$ any sense o) "o,ition4 Peo+,e w&o &a"e been o"ers&adowed by an entity tend to re+ort
)ee,in$s o) &a"in$ an a,tered +er%e+tion o) bodi,y s&a+e3 and so(eti(es are ab,e to distin$#is& a
dissonan%e between w&at t&ey ;as t&e entity; wanted to do3 and w&at t&ey ;as t&e(se,"es; wanted to
In t&e %ase o) +ossession &owe"er3 t&e +ersona,ity o) t&e (a$i%ian is a,(ost s#b(er$ed 8so(eti(es
tota,,y9 by t&at o) t&e (yt&i% )i$#re w&i%& &as been in"o6ed4 It is not #n%o((on3 w&en t&is o%%#rs3 )or
t&e indi"id#a, in"o,"ed to &a"e on,y a +artia, re%o,,e%tion 8i) any9 o) w&at &a++ened d#rin$ t&e
+ossession state4 For e*a(+,e3 Maya 'eren3 a#t&or o) t&e %,assi% T&e Voodoo Gods 8=?JR9 )o#nd
t&at on se"era, o%%asions on "iewin$ Voodoo rit#a,s in Haiti3 s&e &erse,) be%a(e +ossessed4 On one
o%%asion s&e awo6e )ro( tran%e to dis%o"er t&at s&e &ad been (o#nted and ridden 8+ossessed9 by
t&e Goddess Er5#,ie3 and &ad ,ed t&e rit#a,4 Indi"id#a,s w&o be%o(e dee+,y +ossessed %an o)ten do
t&in$s t&at3 #nder nor(a, %ir%#(stan%es3 wo#,d in%a+a%itate t&e(4 Peo+,e +ossessed by t&e Loa3 )or
e*a(+,e3 are ab,e to +,a%e &ot %oa,s in t&eir (o#t& wit&o#t $ettin$ b#rnt3 dan%e (ani%a,,y )or &o#rs3
and %ons#(e ,ar$e a(o#nts o) r#( wit&o#t be%o(in$ dr#n64 T&ey (ay a,so dis+,ay a 6now,ed$e o)
s#b:e%ts w&i%& t&ey wo#,d not nor(a,,y be ab,e to dis%o#rse #+on4
Possession is a wide-ran$in$ +&eno(ena w&i%& is +robab,y t&e (ost +o+#,ar )or( o) #nion wit& t&e
di"ine in &#(an &istory4 Possession-oriented rit#a,s are a++arent in an%ient E$y+t and it &as been
s&own t&at t&e ear,iest )or(s o) Baba,isti% +ra%ti%e were oriented towards t&is ty+e o) e*+erien%e4
Possession was a re%o$nised +&eno(ena in an%ient Gree%e3 two e*a(+,es bein$ t&e 'e,+&i%
ora%,e3 and t&e +ra%ti%es o) t&e T&e#r$ists3 de)ined by Pro%,#s as3 2444in a word3 a,, t&e o+erations o)
di"ine +ossession4 2 Possession is a %entra, )eat#re o) Vo#do#n3 Santeria3 and Ma%#(ba3 re,i$ions
w&i%& are $ainin$ in%reasin$ +o+#,arity3 and is a++arent in (ost triba, %#,t#res3 )ro( A(eri%a to
Possession a,so a++ears in ear,y C&ristianity-+arti%#,ar,y wit& t&e (ani)estation o) s+ea6in$ in
ton$#es w&i%& re(ains +o+#,ar in (odern-day )or(s o) e"an$e,i%a, C&ristianity4 St4 Pa#,;s dra(ati%
e*+erien%e on t&e road to 'a(as%#s bears a,, t&e &a,,(ar6s o) a s#dden di"ine +ossession3 yet &e
was worried by t&e +&eno(enon3 and )o#nd it ne%essary to ,e%t#re t&e Corint&ian C&ristians on t&e
need to %are)#,,y (ana$e s+ea6in$ in ton$#esI 2I) t&ere)ore3 t&e w&o,e %&#r%& asse(b,es3 and a,,
s+ea6 in ton$#es3 and o#tsiders or #nbe,ie"ers enter3 wi,, t&ey not say t&at yo# are (ad. 444 do not
)orbid s+ea6in$ in ton$#es3 b#t a,, t&in$s s&o#,d be done de%ent,y and in order2 8I Corint&ians3 =D94
An indi%ator o) t&e +ossession e*+erien%e is t&at t&e +erson a))e%ted s&ows +&ysio$no(i% %&an$es3
s#%& as a,tered "oi%e +it%&3 )a%ia, e*+ression3 +ost#res and $est#res4 O%%asiona,,y t&e )a%ia, (#s%,es
re-%ontra%t into di))erent +atterns3 de(onstrab,y di))erent to t&e +ersons; %&ara%teristi% )a%ia,
e*+ression4 T&ese %&an$es %an a%t as si$na,s to ot&er (e(bers +arti%i+atin$ in s#%& a rite4 T&ey
si$na, t&e arri"a, o) t&e in"o6ed )i$#re3 and ser"e to &ei$&ten t&e dra(ati% awareness o) t&e w&o,e
$ro#+4 On%e one +erson &as be%o(e +ossessed3 it is easier3 s&o#,d t&is be desirab,e3 )or ot&ers to
be%o(e so3 too4
Possession enab,es an indi"id#a, to ,et $o o) nor(a, ,i(itations and +er)or( )eats w&i%& are nor(a,,y
i(+ossib,e3 or )orbidden by so%iety4 Possession in Voodoo and si(i,ar %#,t#res is an e*+e%ted and
san%tioned o%%#rren%e 8t&o#$& o)ten by no (eans +,easant9 w&ereas in t&e !est3 s#%& an e*tre(e
)orrn o) disin&ibition is #s#a,,y )rowned #+on3 and "ery (#%& re$arded as de(oni% by (any +eo+,e4
As s#%&3 +ossession is a (#%& rarer o%%#rren%e in !estern Ma$i% t&an o"ers&adowin$3 a,t&o#$& in
re%ent years it &as be%o(e a (ore %o((on +ra%ti%e a(on$st C&aos-oriented (a$i%ians4
T&e abi,ity to ,ose %ontro, a++ears to be a 6ey )a%tor in t&e +ossession e*+erien%e4 I &a"e -seen
+eo+,e w&o3 #+on atte(+tin$ to ta6e on a (ani)estation )or t&e )irst ti(e3 %,ear,y ,ose t&e tran%e w&en
t&eir in&ibitions o"er w&at is a%%e+tab,e be&a"io#r %on),i%ts wit& t&e +ersona o) t&e entity t&ey &a"e
ta6en on4 E*+e%tations o"er &ow to be&a"e3 e"en wit&in t&e )ree s+a%e o) a (a$i%a, rit#a, on%e t&ey
&a"e been b#i,t #+3 are di))i%#,t to s&ed4 T&e abi,ity to re,ease one;s in&ibitions and $o wit& t&e
+ossession ta6es ti(e to b#i,d #+ )or (any +eo+,e3 t&o#$& it %an e1#a,,y be t&e %ase t&at indi"id#a,s
w&o see( ot&erwise3 to ,a%6 %&aris(a and %on)iden%e3 %an so(eti(es "ery 1#i%6,y ,et $o and enter
+ossession tran%e4 One e*+,anation is t&at t&e +ossession e*+erien%e $i"es +arti%i+ants +er(ission
to a%t o#t o) %&ara%ter4 As a "o#do# %e,ebrant said to S4 E4 Si(+son 8a#t&or o) Re,i$io#s C#,ts o)
CaribbeanI Trinidad3 >a(ai%a / Haiti3 =?PL9444 2!&at a +erson is a)raid to do3 &e does w&en
+ossessed42 Per(ission to a%t in a (anner a++ro+riate to t&e God is e))e%ti"e,y san%tioned by
o))i%iatin$ o))i%ers3 %e,ebrants and a#dien%e4 Howe"er3 in (odern rit#a,s3 t&e ,i(its o) +er(ission are
not a,ways %,ear,y de)ined4 Ant&ro+o,o$i%a, a%%o#nts o) +ossessed +ersons see(in$,y $oin$ o#t o)
%ontro, a$ree t&at any re,atin$ "io,en%e is a++ro"ed o) and e*+e%ted-+art o) t&e +,ay o) t&e %ere(ony4
In tea%&in$ ot&ers t&e tri%6 o) be%o(in$ +ossessed3 it is essentia, to %on"ey t&e (essa$e t&at t&e
indi"id#a, is not res+onsib,e )or t&e be&a"io#r o) t&e s+irit4 On%e one #nderstands t&at a,, +resent are
ab,e to di"or%e t&e be&a"io#r o) t&e indi"id#a, )ro( t&e +resen%e o) t&e God3 t&e need to &o,d )ast to
one;s +ersona,ity di(inis&es4
It s&o#,d be #nderstood t&at +ossession is not (ere,y a (atter o) entity and "esse,3 b#t an
e*+erien%e t&at arises )ro( t&e tota, intera%tion o) t&ose +resent4 In so(e senses3 +ossession is a
)or( o) t&eatri%a, +er)or(an%e4 A%%o#nts o) +ossession %ere(onia, by 'eren3 Seabroo63 and ot&ers
indi%ate t&at t&e intera%tion between +er)or(ers 8t&ose +ossessed by s+irits93 a#dien%e3 rit#a, o))i%ers
and t&e Master8s9 o) Cere(onies %o-%reates t&e +ossession e*+erien%e4 O) +arti%#,ar interest is t&e
ro,e ta6en on by t&e Master o) Cere(onies or o))i%iatin$ Priest4
Ceit& >o&nstone 8I(+ro3 =?@=9 notes t&at in Vo#do# %ere(onia,3 t&e o))i%iatin$ +riests &a"e &i$&
stat#s3 yet are 2ind#,$ent2 to t&e +ossessed +arti%i+ants3 w&o o)ten e*&ibit %&i,d-,i6e3 or +,ay)#,
be&a"io#r4 Anot&er #se)#, ana,o$y is t&e idea o) t&e MC as ;rin$(aster3; %oa*in$ t&e +ossessees
towards t&e e%stasy o) $nosis and w&i++in$ t&e a#dien%e on4 A $ood MC ens#res not on,y t&at t&e
s+irit be&a"es 8or (isbe&a"es9 a++ro+riate,y3 b#t a,so t&at t&e a#dien%e +arti%i+ates in t&e
+er)or(an%e4 A,, too o)ten3 I &a"e seen t&e ;a#dien%e; in a +ossession wor6in$ standin$ #neasi,y
ro#nd t&e +ossessee3 and o%%asiona,,y3 bein$ berated by t&e s+irit )or t&eir ,a%6 o) +arti%i+ation4
In"o%atory rites are si(i,ar to e"o%atory rites in t&at t&ey are %onte*t-deri"ed4 In (y e*+erien%e3 t&e
s#%%ess)#, a++earan%e o) an e"o6ed $oeti% s+irit de+ends "ery (#%& on t&e rit#a, s+a%e-t&e #se o)
a++ro+riate +ro+s and +ara+&erna,ia4 In t&e sa(e )as&ion3 $ood +ossession wor6in$ re1#ires a %,ear
%onte*t t&at is 6nown and #nderstood by a,, +arti%i+ants4 Con),i%tin$ e*+e%tations o)ten $i"e rise to
res#,ts w&i%& are at "arian%e wit& t&e +arti%i+ants; intentions4 T&is is not3 o) %o#rse3 an iss#e3 in
%ere(onies w&ere t&e entire asse(b,y 6nows w&at to e*+e%t o) t&e entity (ani)estin$4 !i,,ia(
Sar$ant $i"es an a%%o#nt o) a Vo#do#n %ere(ony &e witnessed in Haiti3 w&ere two $ir,s be%a(e
si(#,taneo#s,y +ossessed by G&ede3 a ,oa w&o is 6nown to be +arti%#,ar,y se*#a,,y a%ti"eI 2T&ey &a,)
stri++ed ea%& ot&er and one $ir, sy(bo,i%a,,y ra+ed t&e ot&er wit& a (as%#,ine ty+e o) +e,"i%
a++ro*i(ation4 It ended wit& t&e tota, e(otiona, %o,,a+se o) bot& +arti%i+ants4 2 Sar$ant $oes on to
say t&at t&e $ro#+ was so(ew&at a(#sed by t&is e+isode3 and t&at t&e $ir,s3 w&o were nor(a,,y
restrained and 1#iet3 &ad no (e(ory o) w&at t&ey &ad done4 He notes t&at t&e on,y +eo+,e w&o were
#+set by t&e in%ident were t&e boy)riends o) t&e $ir,s3 b#t t&at t&ey %o#,d say not&in$3 as it was t&e
(ani)estation o) G&ede4 T&is in itse,) is an i(+ortant +oint4 In (any +ossessionoriented %#,ts3 t&ere is
a ta%it #nderstandin$ t&at w&ate"er +ossessed +ersons do3 it is t&e a%tion o) t&e indwe,,in$ entity and
as s#%&3 t&ey %annot be )a#,ted4 F#rt&er(ore3 a)ter t&e +eo+,e %o(e o#t o) +ossession3 t&ey are not
to,d &ow t&ey be&a"ed4
It &as o)ten str#%6 (e t&at t&e si5e o) t&e $ro#+ +arti%i+atin$ in a +ossession wor6in$ %an a,so
%ontrib#te to t&e de+t& o) tran%e on t&e +art o) t&e +ossessee4 !&i,st wor6 in s(a,,3 %,ose-6nit $ro#+s
a,,ows a stron$ at(os+&ere o) tr#st3 %on)iden%e and re,a*ation to b#i,d #+3 w&i%& is %ond#%i"e to
+ossession ta6in$ +,a%e4 Howe"er3 ,ar$e $ro#+s3 +arti%#,ar,y )ren5ied wor6in$s in"o,"in$ strobe
,i$&ts3 (assed dan%in$ and s%rea(in$3 a,,ow a %e,ebrant to a%&ie"e a dee+ +ossession re,ati"e,y
1#i%6,y4 A$ain3 t&e e))e%t o) bein$ in a %rowd enab,es t&e do(inant +ersona,ity to be s&ed 1#i%6,y4
A,so3 t&e )a%t t&at t&e "e&i%,e )or +ossession is t&e )o%#s o) attention )or t&e entire $ro#+ brin$s on an
e*%itatory state o) aro#sa,3 6i%6in$ in t&e )i$&t-),i$&t a#tono(i% re),e*3 was&in$ away t&e borders o)
se,)-i(a$e in a ),ood o) adrena,ine4
R&yt&(i% dr#((in$3 dan%in$ and %&antin$ are t&ree o) t&e (ost +o+#,ar (eans o) %reatin$ a
+ossession e*+erien%e3 to w&i%& (ode( (a$i%ians &a"e added t&e #se o) strobe ,i$&ts and a#dio
e))e%ts4 T&e #se o) Mas6s3 and ot&er rit#a, +ro+s3 is an i(+ortant )eat#re in +ossession4 In so(e
%#,ts3 w&en a %e,ebrant be$ins to dis+,ay t&e sy(+to(s o) +ossession3 t&e %&ara%ter o) t&e
in%arnatin$ entity is dis%erned by t&e o))i%iatin$ +riests3 and t&at indi"id#a, is $i"en t&e a++ro+riate
+ro+s )or t&e +arti%#,ar $od or $oddess4 In !estern a++roa%&es to +ossession3 it is (ore ,i6e,y t&at
t&e "e&i%,e "is#a,ises &i(se,)3 or is a,ready dressed in t&e a++ro+riate $arb4 In %onte(+orary (a$i%3
t&e "e&i%,e )or +ossession by a +arti%#,ar $od tends to be %&osen be)ore t&e rit#a, +ro%eeds3 rat&er
t&an3 as in Vo#do#n3 bein$ s+ontaneo#s,y ridden by t&e ,oa4 Mas6s are +arti%#,ar,y #se)#, in
%on)errin$ a de$ree o) anony(ity to t&e wearer4 Mas6s w&i%& are +arti%#,ar to a %ertain s+irit tend to
e*&ibit %onsistent be&a"io#r3 no (atter w&o is wearin$ t&e(4 As &as been noted3 s+irits tend to a
%ertain %onser"atis( and t&e in"adin$ s+irit (ay be de)ined as a (as63 an arisin$ %&ara%ter w&i%&
&as its own be&a"io#r and +ersona,ity3 as de)ined by be,ie) and %onte*t4 T&is (ay not3 &owe"er3 be
t&e %ase )or ;#n)inis&ed; $ods3 t&at is3 entities w&o are not rein)or%ed by an in)or(in$ tradition3 be,ie)
syste( or e"en a $enera, e*+e%tation o) %&ara%ter )or(ed )ro( t&e +oo, o) %e,ebrants; e*+erien%e4
T&is a++ears to be t&e %ase )or entities s#%& as Ba+&o(et4
!&i,st in a re,i$io#s %onte*t3 t&e dire%t e*+erien%e o) t&e indwe,,in$ entity ser"es to "a,idate be,ie) in
t&at re,i$io#s syste(3 +ossession %an o%%asiona,,y be +rob,e(ati% )ro( a (a$i%a, +ers+e%ti"e3 w&ere
%ertain3 #ns&a6ab,e be,ie) is not 1#ite "iewed in t&e sa(e ,i$&t4 !&i,e wit&in t&e rit#a, s+a%e3 it is
i(+ortant to in"est tota, be,ie) in t&e +ossession e*+erien%e3 t&e %ontin#an%e o) #n%riti%a, be,ie)
o#tside it %an be%o(e dys)#n%tiona,4 T&is3 &owe"er3 %a,,s into 1#estion t&e )#n%tion o) +ossession-
e*+erien%e3 +arti%#,ar,y wit&in t&e %onte*t o) C&aos Ma$i%4 = &a"e o)ten &eard an in%arnatin$ entity
#tter ora%#,ar or +ro+&eti% state(ents d#rin$ +ossession wor6in$s4 In a %onte*t o) $enera,ised be,ie)3
one ass#(es t&at t&e res#,ts o) +ossession wor6in$s wo#,d be inte$rated into t&e s#%%essi"e
e*+erien%e o) t&e +arti%i+ant4 I o)ten wonder &ow )ar t&is is t&e %ase in C&aos Ma$i%3 w&ere
%onsens#a, be,ie) in t&e rea,ity o) t&e e*+erien%e (ay be s&ed as soon as one ,ea"es t&e te(+,e
A se%ond +rob,e( w&i%& re,ates to +ossession is t&at o) 6now,ed$e o) t&e entity4 It (ay o%%#r t&at an
entity (ani)ests wit&in a "esse, t&at is #n+re+ared4 By t&is3 = re)er to an indi"id#a, w&o &as no +rior
6now,ed$e o) t&e entity3 in ter(s o) its %&ara%ter3 (yt&o,o$i%a, asso%iations3 or re,e"ant be&a"io#r4
T&is is +arti%#,ar,y re,e"ant w&en we %onsider entities t&at &a"e 6now,ed$e o) s+e%i)i% areas4 In
+ossession-oriented %#,t#res3 it is #s#a, t&at entities w&o %an o))er dia$nosti% ad"i%e (ani)est
t&ro#$& &ea,ers or wit%&-do%tors4 It wo#,d be di))i%#,t )or so(eone wit& no 6now,ed$e o) s#%&
s+e%ia,isation to $i"e a %o&erent de,i"ery3 e"en i) &e was +ossessed by t&e re,e"ant s+irit4 A re,ated
+rob,e( is t&at indi"id#a,s w&o are new to t&e +ossession e*+erien%e (ay not &a"e t&e s6i,,s to
a%%#rate,y de,i"er a (essa$e4 A$ain3 t&e abi,ity to ,et $o3 as dis%#ssed abo"e3 is re,e"ant4
T&ird,y3 t&ere is t&e +rob,e( o) )i*ation4 So(e (a$i%ians a++ear to be%o(e )i*ated on (ani)estin$ a
+arti%#,ar +ersona3 o)ten to t&e +oint t&at re$ard,ess o) t&e %&ara%ter o) t&e entity3 t&e sa(e
be&a"io#r and +ersona is a++arent4 Ar$#ab,y3 t&is is not tr#e +ossession3 b#t an e*+ression o) e$o-
rein)or%e(ent in )ront o) an a#dien%e4 T&is %an res#,t in obsessiona, (ania3 as t&e se,) bein$
%ontin#a,,y rein)or%ed do(inates t&e (a$i%ian;s be&a"io#ra, re+ertoire3 to t&e +oint w&ere it is di))i%#,t
)or any ot&er se,"es to (ani)est3 and t&e indi"id#a,;s be,ie)s and be&a"io#r are ,i(ited to t&at o) t&e
do(inant se,)4 T&ere is o)ten a dee+-rooted inse%#rity be&ind s#%& )i*ations4
A )o#rt& +rob,e( wit& +ossession is re,ated to t&e idea o) banis&in$ or eart&in$4 It is not #n#s#a, )or
indi"id#a,s to re(ain +ossessed e"en a)ter a rite &as been %on%,#ded4 T&ere are instan%es o)
+arti%i+ants in s#%& wor6in$s be%o(in$ s+ontaneo#s,y +ossessed &o#rs or e"en days a)ter t&e
e"ent4 In t&e re,i$io#s %onte*t3 t&is tends to ,ead to %on"ersion e*+erien%es4 So(e +sy%&o,o$i%a,
(ode,s o) +ossession re,ate t&e e*+erien%e to t&e re,ease o) a%%#(#,ated tension3 and i) t&e
e*+erien%e does not %#,(inate in e*&a#stion 8it;s own banis&in$9 or %o,,a+se3 t&en t&e e))e%ts o) it
(ay ,in$er4 T&ose w&o wis& to (a6e #se o) +ossession-oriented wor6 wo#,d do we,, to bear t&is in
Li6e (any ot&er ty+es o) (a$i%a, e*+erien%e3 +ossession is a ,earned res+onse4 !&en an indi"id#a,
)irst e*+erien%es +ossession3 it (ay &a"e )ar-rea%&in$ %onse1#en%es as a ,i)e-%&an$in$ a$ent4 It
(ay o%%#r s#dden,y3 or $rad#a,,y3 and in so(e a%%o#nts o) +ossession3 it %an be a$oni5in$,y +ain)#,4
T&e de$ree o) resistan%e to t&e e*+erien%e is interestin$ in t&is ,i$&t4 !i,,ia( Sar$ant notes t&at
o)ten3 t&e (ore one resists t&e onset o) +ossession3 t&e (ore intense t&e e*+erien%e a%t#a,,y
be%o(es4 I &a"e noti%ed t&at3 in (y own e*+erien%e o) bein$ +ossessed3 w&ene"er I &a"e
%ons%io#s,y tried to ,i(it t&e de+t& o) +ossession3 it &as in )a%t3 +ro"ed to be (#%& (ore intense t&an
I e*+e%ted4 !it& +ra%ti%e3 one (ay a%&ie"e a state o) +ossession re,ati"e,y 1#i%6,y4
!&ate"er t&e settin$ or t&e %onte*t3 t&e 6ey e,e(ents o) +ossession re(ain si(i,ar4 !ar(-#+ rit#a,s
s#%& as banis&in$ +re+are )or t&e (ain e"ent by &e,+in$ t&e %e,ebrant to )o%#s attention on t&e entity
to be (ani)ested4 T&e #se o) e*%itatory $nosis s#%& as dr#((in$ and dan%in$ +,a%e t&e body #nder
stress3 a,,owin$ awareness to be in),a(ed wit& t&e i(a$e o) t&e in%o(in$ entity4 Indi"id#a,s (ay
s+ontaneo#s,y be%o(e +ossessed3 or t&e +ossession (ay be dire%ted into one indi"id#a, %&osen
s+e%i)i%a,,y to be t&e "e&i%,e4 !&i,st it is +ossib,e )or so(eone ot&er t&an t&e %&osen "e&i%,e to be
+ossessed by t&e entity3 it a++ears rare t&at entities ot&er t&an t&ose bein$ in"o6ed (ani)est4 As
Sar$ant says3 C&ristian re"i"a,ists do not be%o(e +ossessed by t&e Goddess Ca,i4 Sin%e t&e $ods
&a"e a %ertain a(o#nt o) re$a,ity3 t&ey o)ten rea%t bad,y to bein$ %o((anded3 yet %an be steered by
wea6er %o((ands4 Hen%e t&e ind#,$en%e on t&e +art o) o))i%iatin$ +riests as noted by Ceit&
>o&nstone4 It is o)ten t&e %ase t&at t&e God is re,#%tant to ,ea"e t&e "e&i%,e4 In (odern (a$i%3 t&is
tends to be dea,t wit& by +,a%in$ t&e %e,ebrant #nder )#rt&er stress by %a+t#rin$ t&e( 8i) ne%essary9
and %a,,in$ t&e( o#t o) tran%e #nti, t&e in"adin$ +ersona &as de+arted4
Possession re(ains a +ower)#, )or( o) (a$i%a, wor64 It %an be #sed to deri"e ora%#,ar in)or(ation
8as #sed by t&e Gree6s and Tibetans93 to %&ar$e (a$i%a, wea+ons3 to s&are in t&e +ower o) t&e God
8as in rit#a, Masses9 or ;,i"e; a +arti%#,ar (yt&i% trans)or(ation4 In %onstr#%tin$ +ossession-wor6in$s3
it %an be #se)#, to e*a(ine (a$i%a, and re,i$io#s +aradi$(s w&ere +ossession is a re%o$nised and
%#,t#ra,,y-de)ined te%&ni1#e4 T&e e*+erien%e itse,) %an be re,ated to wider +&eno(enon s#%& as
re,i$io#s %on"ersion3 &y+nosis3 and abrea%ti"e t&era+y4 As wit& a,, ty+es o) (a$i%a, te%&ni1#e3 it;s
#se re1#ires %are)#, ana,ysis and e"a,#ation i) it is not to de"o,"e into a &abit#ated ,i(itation4 In
$enera,3 (a$i%a, +ossession is bot& #se)#, and en:oyab,e3 i) a ,itt,e &airraisin$ at ti(es4
As e"er wit& (a$i%3 t&e (ore t&e %are is $i"en to t&e in$redients3 and t&e s6i,, wit& w&i%& t&ey are
%o(+o#nded3 t&e (ore intense t&e e*+erien%e wi,, be4 No a(o#nt o) t&eorisin$ %an +#t a%ross t&e
a%t#a, )ee,in$ o) w&at +ossession is ,i6e4 It needs to be e*+erien%ed3 and +ra%tised3 to be )#,,y
'e"otiona, Ma$i%
In &is Liber Astarte3 Crow,ey o))ers a (ore %o(+,e* s%&e(a )or in"o%atory desi$n3 w&i%& in"o,"es
se"en di))erent sta$esI one be$ins by addressin$ t&e entity as wo#,d a s,a"e to one;s (aster3 t&en as
a "assa, to &is ,ord3 t&en as a %&i,d to its +arent3 a +riest to a deity3 as one sib,in$ to anot&er3 as a
%,ose )riend3 and )ina,,y3 as a ,o"er4 T&is +arti%#,ar s%&e(a re1#ires t&at t&e (a$i%ian (a6e
a++ro+riate +aradi$( and stat#s s&i)ts3 and is +arti%#,ar,y #se)#, w&en e(bar6in$ #+on a (a$i%a,
;(onasti%is(;-a +eriod o) days3 wee6s or (ont&s d#rin$ w&i%& one +arti%#,ar deity is in"o6ed
+ro$ressi"e,y3 on a dai,y basis3 so(eti(es re)erred to as a (a$i%a, retire(ent4 Pro$ressi"e
in"o%atory wor6 o) t&is nat#re %an yie,d #+ a $reat dea, o) in)or(ation abo#t t&e nat#re3 1#a,ities3 or
as+e%ts o) a +arti%#,ar entity4 It a,so a,,ows t&e (a$i%ian to %reate a +ersona, re,ations&i+ wit& a
+arti%#,ar entity4 Ot&er #se)#, a++roa%&es to de"otiona, in"o%ation in%,#deI
8a9 Be&a"in$ in a (anner w&i%& yo# )ee, wo#,d +,ease t&e entity t&ro#$&o#t yo#r dai,y ,i)e4
8b9 'is%ernin$ t&e ;&and; o) t&e entity stirrin$ e"ents in yo#r e"eryday ,i)e4
8%9 Estab,is&in$ a +ersona, s&rine to t&e entity and re$#,ar,y $i"in$ o))erin$s-(oney3 in%ense3 ),owers3
sweetsw&ate"er yo# )ee, is a++ro+riate4
8d9 'e"isin$ +ersona, +rayers3 "is#a,i5ations3 (antras3 (editations et%43 t&at %an be #sed anyw&ere
in any +,a%e4 For e*a(+,e3 at one +,a%e o) wor63 I &ad a ,ar$e i(a$e o) Ganes&a de+i%ted as t&e ,ord
o) s%ribes on (y %o(+#ter3 t&#s a,,owin$ (e to o))er de"otion to Ganes&a bot& easi,y and
In ter(s o) de"otiona, (a$i% 8and I )ee, t&is is a,so tr#e )or any (a$i%a, a%ti"ity9 it (atters ,itt,e
w&et&er yo# are doin$ )or(a, rit#a, or in)or(a,3 o))-t&e-%#)) a%tions3 so ,on$ as w&at yo# are doin$ is
$en#ine )or yo# and )ro( t&e &eart4
E"o%ation is %on%erned wit& t&e %a,,in$ )ort& o) an entity into a de)ined s+a%e 8s#%& as a trian$,e3
%rysta,3 bott,e3 et%493 wit&in w&i%& it %an be bo#nd to %arry o#t a s+e%i)i% tas63 or a series o) tas6s
wit&in a +arti%#,ar s+&ere o) in),#en%e4 T&e +ra%ti%e o) e"o%ation &as tended to re%ei"e ,ess e(+&asis
t&an in"o%ation in (odern (a$i%3 as it &as a%1#ired a sinister $,a(o#r t&ro#$& asso%iation wit&
+o+#,ar $ri(oires s#%& as t&e Lesser Cey o) So,o(on t&e Cin$ and +o+#,ar )i,(s s#%& as t&e 'ennis
!&eat,ey %,assi%3 T&e 'e"i, Rides O#t4 A,so3 t&ose (a$i%a, +aradi$(s w&i%& &a"e an #nder%#rrent
o) trans%endenta,is(3 tend to dee(+&asise t&e te%&ni1#e3 as se,)-de"e,o+(ent is &e,d to be t&e $oa,
o) t&e (a$i%ian3 rat&er t&an (ere,y (ani+#,atin$ t&e +&ysi%a, wor,d4
Howe"er3 )or t&e +ra$(ati% sor%erer3 e"o%ation (ay be an i((ense,y #se)#, te%&ni1#e4
E"o%ation &as a "ery wide ran$e o) a++,i%ations4 E"o6ed entities (ay be sent )ort& to +er)or(
s+e%i)i% res#,ts-oriented tas6s s#%& as &ea,in$3 +rote%tion3 $i"in$ ins+iration3 o+erations o) an
o))ensi"e nat#re3 et%4 T&ey (ay a,so be e(+,oyed to (odi)y one;s own be&a"io#ra, and %o$niti"e
+atterns3 a%t as $#ides )or drea(-wor6 and astra, (a$i% e*+,orations3 and %an be set to +atro, a
$i"en area3 s#%& as one;s &o#se3 +ossessions or an o#tdoor s+a%e4 A +o+#,ar %onte(+orary #se o)
e"o6edE%reated entities is to +,a%e t&e( as site $#ardians at areas t&at are en"iron(enta,,y at ris64
T+e Dyna.ics o3 E6ocation
Re$ard,ess o) t&e ,an$#a$e and $,a(o#r t&at one #ses to des%ribe t&e +ra%ti%e o) e"o%ation3 t&e
basi% te%&ni1#e %onsists o) t&e )o,,owin$ sta$esI
=4 An Entity is eit&er %&osen )ro( an e*istin$ $ri(oire o) s+irits3 %reated by t&e (a$i%ian3 or
ot&erwise %onta%ted 8i4e43 t&ro#$& drea(-wor63 tran%e3 or s%ryin$94
<4 T&is entity is t&en %a,,ed )ort& into a de)ined s+a%e4 T&e +ara(eters o) t&is s+a%e de+end "ery
(#%& on t&e syste( or $,a(o#r t&at t&e (a$i%ian %&ooses to wor6 wit&in4 T&#s a (a$i%ian #sin$ t&e
Lesser Cey o) So,o(on wo#,d #se a trian$,e ins%ribed wit& t&e sy(bo,s o) t&at syste(3 %o((and t&e
de(ons into a++earin$3 s#b:#$ate t&e( into obeyin$ &is %o((ands3 and t&en send t&e( )ort&4
A,ternati"e,y3 a (a$i%ian wor6in$ wit&in a s&a(ani%-oriented +aradi$( (i$&t )irst e(bar6 on a
+sy%&oa%ti"e-assisted "ision-1#est3 d#rin$ w&i%& &e (eets t&e s+irit3 ,earns its na(e3 s&a+e and
)or(3 and #+on ret#rnin$ )ro( tran%e3 %a,,s )ort& t&e s+irit )ro( t&e ot&erwor,d into a +re+ared
re%e+ta%,e s#%& as a bott,e3 stone3 %rysta, or (as64 T&e ter(s and te%&ni1#es (ay di))er3 b#t t&e
#nder,yin$ +ro%ed#re is t&e sa(e4
T&ese two +&ases (ay be )#rt&er e*a(ined asI
=4 Identi)i%ation
Here3 t&e (a$i%ian is %on%erned wit& dis%o"erin$,%reatin$ t&e entities; na(e7 s&a+e7 n#(ber 8i)
a++ro+riate97 )or(3 and +er&a+s e"en +ersona4 T&at is3 t&e (a$i%ian de)ines t&e entity as an
indi"id#a, #nit3 and re,ates to it as t&o#$& it were so3 )or t&e d#ration o) t&e wor6in$4 T&e +aradi$(
t&at one is wor6in$ wit&in wi,, +ro"ide t&e be,ie) b#))er as to t&e nat#re and aetio,o$y o) t&at entity4 By
a,,owin$ t&e entity to &a"e3 to "aryin$ de$rees3 a so%ia,,y-de)ined (as6 or inde+enden%e3 t&en t&e
(a$i%ian is ab,e to intera%t wit& it as i) it were an inde+endent bein$4
<4 En"iron(ent
T&e en"iron(ent o) t&e entity %an be #nderstood to be t&e $enera, +aradi$( w&i%& t&e entity is bein$
wor6ed wit&in7 )ro( ba%6$ro#nd be,ie) to t&e "ery +ara(eters o) t&e rit#a, bein$ #sed to estab,is& t&e
entity as a dis%rete #nit3 a,,ot it a tas63 and send it )ort&4 '#rin$ t&is sta$e3 t&e (a$i%ian %an a,so
de%ide #+on any s+e%i)i% 1#a,ities3 sy(bo,is(3 or or$ans t&at are a++ro+riate to t&e nat#re o) t&e
entities; tas64
R4 'ata
T&is sta$e %o"ers t&e iso,ation o) any "ariab,es %on%ernin$ t&e o+eration3 s#%& as a ti(e ,i(it3 a
+arti%#,ar window o) o++ort#nity3 o+ti(a, %onditions )or s#%%ess3 or i) t&e entities; o+eration is to be
,in6ed to s+e%i)i% %#es3 s#%& as ti(e-+eriods3 astro,o$i%a, %on:#n%tions3 (oon-+&ases3 or %o((and
words #sed by t&e (a$i%ian4 For e*a(+,e3 an entity w&ose tas6 is to seed t&e (a$i%ian wit& new
ideas %o#,d be bro#$&t into o+eration w&ene"er t&e (a$i%ian "ibrates a +arti%#,ar word or +&rase4
D4 Pro%ed#re
T&is )ina, sta$e %on%erns t&e %onstr#%tion o) t&e State(ent o) IntentI t&e en%a+s#,ation o) t&e tas6
t&at t&e entity wi,, +er)or( and w&en3 w&ere3 and &ow4
T&ese )o#r sta$es are ta6en )ro( t&e +ro%ed#re o) writin$ a %o(+#ter +ro$ra( in t&e COBOL
,an$#a$e4 To )#rt&er t&e ana,o$y3 one (ay %onsider t&at an e"o6ed entity is a +ro$ra( s&e,,3 wit& a
+arti%#,ar na(e3 identity3 )#n%tions3 and t&e abi,ity to +ro%ess "ariab,es4 T&e (a$i%a, o+eration ser"es
to ,a#n%& t&e +ro$ra(3 and set it wor6in$ #+on a #ser-de)ined o+eration4 T&e (a$i%ian a%tin$ wit&in
t&e rit#a, +ro%ed#re to s#((on3 bind and %o((and t&e s+irit3 )or(s t&e in+#t de"i%e4 T&e o#t+#t
de"i%e3 is t&e wor,d 8or wor,ds9 into w&i%& t&e s+irit is ,a#n%&ed4
An entity w&i%& is s+e%i)i%a,,y %reated by t&e (a$i%ian to +er)or( a set ran$e o) tas6s is 6nown as a
Ser"itor 8deri"ed )ro( Latin3 it (eans3 2a (a,e ser"ant294 Ser"itors %an be %reated to +er)or( a wide
ran$e o) tas6s3 )ro( t&e s+e%i)i% to t&e $enera,3 and (ay be %onsidered as e*+ert syste(s w&i%& are
ab,e to (odi)y t&e(se,"es to ta6e into a%%o#nt new )a%tors t&at are ,i6e,y to arise w&i,st t&ey are
+er)or(in$ t&eir tas6s4 T&ey %an be +ro$ra((ed to wor6 wit&in s+e%i)i% %ir%#(stan%es3 or to be
o+eratin$ %ontin#a,,y4 T&ere is so(e e"iden%e to s#++ort t&e +ro+osition t&at e"o6ed entities tend to
o+erate a%%ordin$ to t&e rit#a, +ro%ess and ba%6$ro#nd +aradi$( t&at t&ey &a"e been %reated wit&in4
I)3 )or e*a(+,e3 a (a$i%ian wor6in$ wit&in t&e +aradi$( o) %,assi%a, Goetia be,ie"es t&at its de(ons
are dan$ero#s and +rone to be%o(e #n%ontro,,ed3 t&en it is ,i6e,y t&at s#%& wi,, be t&e %ase4
!&ate"er t&e +aradi$( bein$ #sed3 it s&o#,d be borne in (ind t&at t&ere are a,ways ,i6e,y to be
&idden "ariab,es in any s#%& o+eration3 and t&at d#e %are and attention s&o#,d be +aid to a,, as+e%ts
o) t&e o+eration4 T&ere is a $ood dea, o) (a$i%a, a+o%ry+&a re,atin$ to t&e notion t&at bo#nd entities
(ay3 at so(e +oint3 be%o(e #n%ontro,,ed4 'es+ite t&e ane%dota, nat#re o) s#%& stories3 it is on,y
%o((on sense to a%t wit& %are3 w&en #ti,isin$ t&is te%&ni1#e4
T&e "ery a%t o) E"o%ation be$s t&e 1#estion o) t&e nat#re o) s#%& entities4 A Pant&eisti% +ers+e%ti"e
wo#,d &a"e it t&at S+irits are rea,3 and &a"e an inde+endent e*isten%e )ro( &#(anity4 T&ose o) a
re,i$io#s +ers#asion wo#,d +robab,y a$ree wit& t&is "iew3 addin$ t&e rider t&at on,y t&eir $ods are
rea,3 and t&at t&e ot&ers are a,, de(ons4 In %ontrast3 a Psy%&o,o$i%a, e*+,anation (i$&t be t&at a,, t&e
$ods3 de"as3 a,,ies3 de(ons et%43 are as+e%ts o) t&e &#(an +sy%&e-t&at $ods are e*+ressions o) a
Hi$&er Se,)3 w&i,e de(ons are e*+ressions o) a Lower Se,)4
A t&ird (ode, )or t&e #nderstandin$ o) S+irits is t&e Intera%tionist Pers+e%ti"e4 T&is (ode, +ro+oses
t&at S+irits &a"e so(e o) t&eir ori$in in t&e &#(an +sy%&e3 b#t a,so &a"e an inde+endent e*isten%e
)ro( t&e +sy%&e4 S+irits (ay be $enerated by an a%t o) wi,,3 or #n%ons%io#s,y4 !e (ay $i"e t&e(
s&a+e3 )or(3 identity3 1#a,ities3 and +owers to a%t3 and t&ey are see(in$,y ab,e to a%t inde+endent,y
o) t&eir ori$ina, (a6ers4 O"er ti(e3 t&ey (ay be%o(e inde+endent3 and &a"e t&e a++earan%e o)
Re$ard,ess o) t&e e*+,anation3 (a$i%ians re,ate to S+irits as t&o#$&; t&ey are rea, and inde+endent
entities4 One (ay %onsider t&at S+irits are e"eryw&ere4 It is a ,i(itin$ tra+ to )a,, into t&e ,i(itation o)
"iewin$ S+irits on,y in %,assi%a, (a$i%a, ter(s4 A be&a"io#ra, &abit3 addi%tion or obsessin$ )antasy
%an be #nderstood 8and &en%e wor6ed wit&9 in ter(s o) bein$ a )or( o) (a$i%a, entity4 One (i$&t
%&oose to ,oo6 wider t&an t&e %,assi%a, di"ision o) E,e(enta, +owers and %onsider t&e E,e(enta,s o)
+etro%&e(i%a, rea%tions3 e,e%tri%ity3 or n#%,ear )ission4 T&ere is (#%& (a$i%a, writin$ abo#t t&e S+irits
o) Nat#re3 b#t w&o %onsiders t&e s+irits $enerated by ,i)e in t&e ,ar$e #rban s+raw,s w&ere (ost o) #s
a%t#a,,y ,i"e. Is t&ere so(e )or( o) (a%&inee,e(enta, arisin$ )ro( t&e tendri,s o) t&e wor,ds;
%o(+#ter networ6s. I) so3 %an (a$i%ians intera%t wit& it.
I(a$ination is a 6ey )a%tor in dea,in$ wit& S+irits4 O#t o) be,ie) i(a$ination3 and ti(e-sense3 t&e
;(o"ie-dire%tor; )a%#,ty in t&e (ind %reates its own s+e%ia, e))e%ts3 w&i%& (ay be di(,y $,i(+sed )ro(
t&e %orner o) one;s eye3 or )aint,y seen wit&in t&e &ei$&tened tensions o) a (a$i%a, o+eration4 I) one
sets #+ t&e %onditions w&ere one +erson %an ;see; an entity3 t&en it be%o(es (ore ,i6e,y t&at ot&er
+eo+,e wi,, be ab,e to see it3 too-as indi%ated by n#(ero#s ;-FO / Monster ),a+s4; Para+sy%&o,o$ists
&a"e written )i%tiona, bio$ra+&ies o) s+irits w&i%& &a"e enab,ed test $ro#+s to ;re%ei"e; in)or(ation
)ro( t&e s+irit4
T&e dyna(i%s o) &#(an-S+irit intera%tions %an a,so be (ode,,ed as an E%osyste(4 It is not so (#%&
a %ase o) one )a%tor3 b#t (any interwo"en )a%tors w&i%& %ons+ire to %reate and (aintain t&e
e*+erien%eI )ro( e,e%tro(a$neti% s&i)ts to in%reased ,e"e,s o) ne#rotrans(itters7 )ro( e(bedded
be,ie) to t&e &istory o) a $i"en +,a%e7 )ro( ,o%a, (yt& to e*+e%tations4 For t&e C&aos (a$i%ian
t&o#$&3 t&e e*+erien%e is (ore i(+ortant t&an t&e e*+,anation4 E*+,anations and (ode,s arise )ro(
+ersona, e*+erien%e3 and (ode,s a,,ow #s to wor6 wit& S+irits in areas w&i%& &a"e been +re"io#s,y
E"o%ation / Cybersor%ery
To E*tend t&e %yberneti% ana,o$y )#rt&er3 t&ere )o,,ows an a++roa%& to e"o%ation w&i%& di"er$es )ro(
t&e a++roa%& o#t,ined abo"e4
Genera,,y3 t&e a++roa%& to Sor%ery / Res#,ts Ma$i%6 is to ta6e one +arti%#,ar "ariab,e in a sit#ation
and (a$i%a,,y n#d$e it so t&at t&e sit#ation de"e,o+s in a way t&at t#rns to one;s ad"anta$e4 T&is %an
be ,i6ened to ),i%6in$ :#st t&e ri$&t +ebb,e at t&e to+ o) a (o#ntain3 to +rod#%e an a"a,an%&e in a
%ertain dire%tion4 Mi%ros%o+i% 8#nnoti%eab,e9 %&an$es b#i,d #+ into a (a%ros%o+i% e"ent4 T&is
a++roa%& &owe"er3 #ses t&e te%&ni1#e o) writin$ a +ro$ra( w&i%& %an &and,e a series o) di"erse
"ariab,es and %onditions at any one ti(e4 Ea%& sta$e o) t&e +ro$ra( is assi$ned a s+irit to o"ersee
t&e de"e,o+(ent o) a s+e%i)ied %ondition4 T&e s+irits wor6 in %o-ordination3 wit& an o"era,, %ontro,,er3
to %arry o#t t&e o"era,, o+eration4 T&e "ario#s sta$es in t&e +ro$ra( are +resented in t&e )or( o) a
),ow%&art o) e"ents and ,e"e,s o) o+eration4
F,ow%&art 'esi$n Se1#en%e
=4 'e)ine Genera, Ma$i%a, Intent wit& res+e%t to t&e sit#ation4
<4 By intensi"e,y ana,y5in$ t&e sit#ation3 identi)y as (any di))erent "ariab,es wit&in it w&i%& %an be
#sed to in),#en%e it in t&e desired )as&ion4 It is i(+ortant to %onsider &ow %&an$es in t&ese "ariab,es
(ay a))e%t t&e de"e,o+(ent o) t&e sit#ation4 T&e S!OT Ana,ysis +attern (ay %o(e in #se)#, at t&is
Here we ,oo6 at data w&i%& en&an%es yo#r +osition3 s#%& as in)or(ation3 bein$ ab,e to "is#a,ise t&e
tar$et3 astro,o$i%a, %on:#n%tions3 or anyt&in$ e,se t&at yo# t&in6 wi,, &e,+ e))e%t yo#r intent4
Now we ,oo6 at )a%tors w&i%& $o a$ainst t&e s#%%ess o) t&e o+eration4 T&ere;s no +oint tryin$ to
%on:#re )or so(et&in$ w&i%& yo# &a"en;t any +at&ways )or it to (ani)est a,on$4
Here we ,oo6 at w&at ,on$-ter( %onse1#en%es are e*+e%ted i) t&e o+eration is s#%%ess)#,3 at ti(e
)a%tors and anyt&in$ e,se w&i%& s&o#,d be %onsidered4
Here we %onsider w&at &a++ens i) t&e o+eration $oes wron$I %o#,d yo# be %o(+ro(ised by it. !&at
&a++ens i) one o) t&e "ariab,es yo# are tryin$ to e))e%t %&an$es "ery 1#i%6,y. How do yo# %o+e wit&
new e"ents a++earin$.
Any s%&e(a w&i%& enab,es t&e (a$i%ian to brea6 down an o"era,, sit#ation into di))erent e,e(ents
wi,, be #se)#, at t&is sta$e3 s#%& as #sin$ di"ination syste(s to $ain a broad o"er"iew and identi)y
+oints w&i%& (i$&t be #se)#,,y twea6ed (a$i%a,,y4
R4 On%e t&e sit#ation &as been t&oro#$&,y ana,y5ed3 one (ay be$in to desi$n t&e +ro$ra(;s
),ow%&art4 E*a(+,es o) ,e"e,s o) o+eration (ay in%,#deI Co$niti"e be&a"io#r3 Be&a"io#ra, Patterns3
Se,)-Re)erentia, State(ents3 E(otions3 wi,d e"ents 8t&at is3 $eneratin$ a s+&ere o) a"ai,abi,ity )or
a++ro+riate e*terna, "ariab,es to arise wit&in t&e sit#ation9 Ti(e )a%tors3 t&e a++earan%e o) s+e%i)i%
%#es and si$na,s3 and e"ents beyond t&e i((ediate +ara(eters o) t&e +ro$ra(4
On%e t&e ),ow%&art &as been %reated3 it %an be sea,ed in an en"e,o+e and )or$otten3 )or e*a(+,e3 by
bein$ )i,ed away4
A,ternati"e,y3 a wor6in$ (ay be de"ised to rit#a,,y3 )ire it into o+eration4 E*+erien%e wit& t&is a++roa%&
&as s&own t&at it is not ne%essary to rit#a,,y assi$n a s+irit to ea%& sta$e in t&e se1#en%e 8t&o#$&
t&is %o#,d be done3 #sin$ )or e*a(+,e t&e &ierar%&y o) S+irits in t&e Lesser Cey or $eneratin$ s+e%i)i%
entities )ro( t&e Eno%&ian tab,ets94 It is t&e +ro%ess o) ana,ysis and ),ow%&art %onstr#%tion w&i%&
s#))i%es to %reate a se1#en%e4 T&e se1#en%e (ay be )ired by any %&osen )a%torI )ro( astro,o$i%a,
+&ases to a %o((and word or be&a"io#r )ro( t&e tar$et o) t&e se1#en%e4
T&e ad"anta$e o) t&is a++roa%& to e"o%ation &as is t&at it a%6now,ed$es t&e %o(+,e*ity in&erent in
any ,i)e sit#ation4 I) not&in$ e,se3 t&e ri$oro#s ana,ysis o) &idden "ariab,es w&i%& (i$&t arise in any
$i"en sit#ation a,,ows t&e (a$i%ian to b#i,d a (#%& broader +ers+e%ti"e on a de"e,o+in$ sit#ation
t&an (i$&t ot&erwise be t&e %ase wit& t&e sin$,e-s&ot a++roa%&4 A si(+,e e*a(+,e o) t&is 6ind o)
a++roa%& is a dis%#ssion I &ad wit& a %o,,ea$#e %on%ernin$ &is e))orts to (a$i%a,,y a))e%t &is %&an%es
o) +ro(otion at wor64 Fo,,owin$ a ,en$t&y ana,ysis o) &is wor6 en"iron(ent3 we de%ided t&at si(+,y
en%&antin$ )or better +ro(otion %&an%es was not ,i6e,y to yie,d res#,ts #n,ess t&ere was t&e
+ossibi,ity o) an e(+ty s,ot in t&e &ierar%&y )or &i( to ste+ into4 A%%ordin$,y3 we de%ided t&at a (ore
e))e%ti"e a++roa%& wo#,d be to wor6 to $i"e a )e,,ow wor6er a ste+ #+ t&e ,adder )irst3 and t&en )or (y
%o,,ea$#e to )or( a $ood re,ations&i+ wit& t&e +erson w&o &ad been +ro(oted in order to be%o(e &is
assistant4 In $enera, I )ind t&at t&e (ore ri$oro#s,y one ana,yses a sit#ation3 t&e (ore one is ,i6e,y to
dis%o"er a no"e, a++roa%& 8or t&ree9 w&i%& s#++,ies t&e 6ey to twistin$ it in t&e way one wo#,d ,i6e it
to #n)o,d4
T&e astra, +,ane4 Is it rea,3 or w&at. It;s t&e +,a%e w&ere yo#r astra, body $oes w&en yo#;re drea(in$
or &a"in$ an O#t-o)-Body E*+erien%e4 It;s +o+#,ated by de(ons in t&e ,ower re$ions and an$e,s in
t&e &i$&er ,e"e,s4 T&e dead %an be )o#nd t&ere3 too4 On%e yo#;re t&ere3 yo# $o anyw&ere in ti(e and
s+a%e4 It;s an e*tension o) o#r i(a$ination and a re$ion o) %ons%io#sness4 T&ese are :#st so(e o)
t&e +ro+erties t&at are +o+#,ar,y attrib#ted to t&e astra, +,ane4 Astra, e*+erien%es %an in%,#de ),i$&ts
o) )an%y3 drea(s3 (ind-wanderin$3 near-deat& e*+erien%es or e"en en%o#nters wit& $&osts or a,iens4
T&ere are a "ast n#(ber o) e*+,anations o) &ow it o+erates3 )ro( t&e T&eoso+&i%a,,y-deri"ed
(#,tit#des o) +,anes3 to t&ose w&i%& atte(+t to set t&e astra, +,ane on a s%ienti)i% )ootin$4 Persona,,y3
I )ind t&at tryin$ to e*+,ain astra, e*+erien%e rationa,,y does (y &ead in3 and as wit& (any ot&er
)a%ets o) (a$i%a, e*+erien%e3 I &a"e sto++ed tryin$at ,east on +a+er4 T&an6)#,,y we &a"e t&e wor6 o)
A,eister Crow,ey to t#rn to as a so#r%e o) (#%& %,arity on t&is o)ten %on)#sin$ s#b:e%t4 In &is essay3
Liber L3 Crow,ey warns t&e reader a$ainst attrib#tin$ eit&er 2ob:e%ti"e rea,ity2 or 2+&i,oso+&i%a,
"a,idity2 to t&e e*+erien%es one (i$&t &a"e t&erein4
Not on,y are t&ere a,,e$ed,y a (#,tit#de o) astra, 5ones to %ontend wit&3 b#t it is a,so be,ie"ed t&at t&e
astra, +,ane is %oter(ino#s wit& +&ysi%a, rea,ity3 to t&e e*tent t&at e"eryt&in$ on t&e +&ysi%a, &as an
astra, %o#nter+art3 and t&at intentiona, a%tions %a#se ri++,es or e%&oes on t&e astra, +,ane4 T&#s i) I
raise (y ar( and draw a +enta$ra(3 "is#a,i5in$ it b,a5in$ )ier%e,y in t&e air be)ore (e3 t&at
+enta$ra( e*ists on t&e astra,3 and %an be +er%ei"ed bot& by entities w&i%& dwe,, on t&e astra, and
&#(an bein$s wit& %,air"oyant ta,ents4 So it is o)ten #se)#, to bear in (ind t&at w&en yo# are doin$
rit#a,s on t&e +&ysi%a, ,e"e,3 as it were3 yo# are a,so o+eratin$ on t&e astra, ,e"e,3 too4
Astra, wor6 %an be one o) t&e (ost tro#b,eso(e areas o) +ra%ti%a, (a$i%4 It;s not t&at it is +arti%#,ar,y
di))i%#,t or dan$ero#s3 b#t one does need to $et to $ri+s wit& t&e w&o,e 1#estion o) "era%ity o) t&e
e*+erien%es one &as w&i,e t&ere4 So(e years a$o3 I (et a wo(an w&o to,d (e s&e;d (ade astra,
%onta%t wit& t&e s&ade o) Sa(#e, Lidde, Ma$re$or Mat&ers3 one o) t&e ,eadin$ ,i$&ts o) t&e Her(eti%
Order o) t&e Go,den 'awn4 2And &ow did yo# 6now it was &i(.2 I as6ed4 2O&32 s&e re+,ied3 2&e
s+o6e wit& a stron$ S%ottis& a%%ent and &e si$ned &is na(e Ma$re$or Mat&ers42 So(ew&at
be(#sed3 I re+,ied t&at Mat&ers was a Ha(+s&ire (an3 and t&at it is on re%ord t&at &e on,y "isited
S%ot,and on%e in &is ,i)e3 to ins+e%t t&e Go,den 'awn4 A(on-Ra te(+,e in Edinb#r$&4 I %o#,d see t&at
t&e wo(an was rat&er +ro#d t&at Mat&ers &ad sin$,ed &er o#t as it were3 )or %onta%t4 I don;t t&in6 (y
%o((ent abo#t Mat&ers not bein$ S%ottis& tro#b,ed &er )or a (o(ent4 Now w&i,e it is easy to
dis(iss t&is sort o) t&in$3 s&e did $o on to te,, (e t&at Mat&ers &ad instr#%ted &er to )ind o#t abo#t
t&e Baba,a&3 w&i%& &e said was i(+ortant )or &er s+irit#a, +ro$ression4 Nat#ra,,y I +ointed &er in t&e
dire%tion o) Mat&er;s )ine boo63 2T&e Cabba,a& -n"ei,ed2 w&i%& s&e wasn;t aware o)4
T&ere are < +oints to be (ade abo#t t&is e*a(+,e o) an astra, e"ent4
=4 An indi"id#a, en%o#nters a s+irit w&i%& $i"es t&e( a +ointer to in)or(ation4
<4 T&e indi"id#a, a%%e+ts t&e rea,ity o) t&e e"ent at )a%e "a,#e4 T&e s+irit +resents its %redentia,s and
t&ey are a%%e+ted4
T&e )irst +oint re,ates to t&e +ro%ess w&i%& is a++arent,y o%%#rrin$4 T&e se%ond +oint re,ates to t&e
1#estion o) t&e ;"era%ity o) t&e e*+erien%e4; How (#%& %reden%e t&e indi"id#a, $i"es to t&e s#r)a%e
;rea,ness; o) t&e e*+erien%e4
Crow,ey +oints o#t t&at t&e dan$er o) t&e astra, +,ane is t&at it +resents e*+erien%es t&at %on)or( to
one;s +&antasies and o))ers #+ e$o-in),atin$ de,#sions4 It %an be #nderstood as a )eedba%6 ,oo+I i)
yo# se%ret,y s#s+e%t t&at yo# are a $reat (a$i%ian3 t&en yo# (ay we,, &a"e astra, e*+erien%es w&i%&
ser"e to rein)or%e yo#r be,ie) abo#t yo#rse,)4 In si(+,e words3 a,, astra, e*+erien%es s&o#,d be ta6en
wit& a +in%& o) sa,t4
!&at is %o((on,y ter(ed as t&e astra, +,ane %an be #nderstood as a (eta+&or )or a wide "ariety o)
e*+erien%es w&i%& we don;t 1#ite #nderstand3 b#t tend to a%%e+t wit& "aryin$ de$rees o) "a,idity4
!&ate"er t&e s#r)a%e e*+erien%e see(s to %onsist o)3 be it (eetin$ s+irits in drea( or "ision3
%,air"oyant,y +er%ei"in$ entities3 (eetin$ +eo+,e 8be t&ey )riends or dead Ma$i93 or :o#rneyin$ to
bi5arre and (a$i%a, ,ands%a+es and %on"ersin$ wit& stran$e deni5ens3 it is i(+ortant to be ab,e to
,oo6 beneat& t&e s#r)a%e o) w&at a++ears to be $oin$ on3 and be aware o) w&at is o%%#rrin$ in ter(s
o) t&e dyna(i%s o) t&e e*+erien%e4 T&#s3 to $o ba%6 to t&e e*a(+,e $i"en ear,ier3 it is not so
i(+ortant t&at t&e wo(an o) t&e e*a(+,e (et #+ wit& Ma$re$or Mat&ers4 !&at is i(+ortant is t&at
t&e e*+erien%e +ro(+ted &er to in"esti$ate w&at was3 )or &er3 a new bran%& o) (a$i%4 In an ear,ier
edition o) t&is boo63 I tried to dis%#ss astra, e*+erien%e #sin$ t&e (eta+&or o) Virt#a, Ma$i%4 In
retros+e%t3 t&is doesn;t wor6 "ery we,,3 t&o#$& w&at I was tryin$ to $et at was t&at3 to so(e e*tent3
we %reate and %ontrib#te towards o#r astra, e*+erien%es in ways t&at are not a,ways i((ediate,y
T&ere is a )a(o#s e*a(+,e o) a dia,o$#e between a st#dent o) Oen and &is tea%&er4 T&e st#dent
says3 2Master3 w&ene"er I (editate I &a"e a "ision o) t&e B#dd&a42 To w&i%& t&e (aster re+,ies3 2O&
e"eryone $ets t&at4 >#st breat&e dee+,y and it;,, $o away42 T&is is t&e 6ind o) attit#de w&i%& is &e,+)#,
w&en one a++roa%&es astra, wor64
T&is is a "ery %o((on te%&ni1#e w&ereby t&e (a$i%ian #ses a set o) %#es 8#s#a,,y "is#a, or ora,9 to
)o%#s attention onto a +arti%#,ar )a%et o) e*+erien%e3 w&i%& is t&en entered as a dis%rete astra, s+a%e4
In a $#ided-:o#rney or +at&wor6in$3 t&e #ser (i$&t be +resented wit& a written narrati"e w&i%& &e or
s&e reads t&ro#$& or ,istens to 8read by so(eone e,se or ta+ed94 In (#%& a si(i,ar way t&at we
be%o(e tota,,y absorbed in a no"e, or te,e"ision +ro$ra((e3 t&e #ser is %a#$&t #+ in t&e narrati"e4
>o#rneys are o)ten written so t&at t&ey +ro"ide not on,y "is#a, %#es3 b#t a,so %#es )or a,, ot&er senses
and )ee,in$s3 in order to enab,e t&e +arti%i+ants to )ee, t&e(se,"es to be t&ere as (#%& as +ossib,e4
So(e :o#rneys are +#re,y +assi"e in t&at t&e +arti%i+ant $oes a,on$ wit& t&e story3 w&i,st so(e are
intera%ti"e in t&at t&ey a,,ow "aryin$ de$rees o) )reedo( )or t&e +arti%i+ants to &a"e t&eir own #ni1#e
e*+erien%es wit&in t&e narrati"e4 >o#rneys %an a,so be based on i(a$esI tarot %ards are o)ten #sed
)or e*a(+,e3 as a basis )or settin$ t&e s%ene )or a :o#rney4
T&ere are so(e si(i,arities3 I )ee,3 between +arti%i+atin$ in a $#ided :o#rney and +arti%i+atin$ in
)antasy ro,e-+,ayin$ $a(es4 An obser"er3 wat%&in$ a Fantasy Ro,e-P,ayin$ Ga(e in +ro$ress (i$&t
see on,y a $ro#+ o) +eo+,e3 s#rro#nded by +ie%es o) +a+er3 ro,,in$ di%e3 and (o"in$ a )ew +ro+s
aro#nd4 T&e +arti%i+ants &owe"er3 &a"e3 )ro( a (a$i%ian;s "iew+oint3 trans)erred so(e o) t&eir
attention into a "irt#a, en%,a"e w&erein t&ey %an e*+erien%e t&eir ,ar$er-t&an-,i)e ro,es wit&in a
de)ined and %onstr#%ted s+a%e4 Any +&ysi%a, +ro+s a%t as re)eren%e +oints7 t&e ),ow o) t&e $a(e
+ro"ides a %onte*t#a, narrati"e3 and $ro#+ %o,,#sion s#++orts and (aintains t&e )antasy 8"irt#a,9
rea,ity4 A $ood ro,e+,ayin$ $a(e session re1#ires bot& a s#++orti"e narrati"e and a de$ree o)
;)reedo(; )or t&e $a(e %&ara%ters to intera%t wit&in3 and e*+,ore t&e $a(e wor,d4 To +,ay a ro,e
s#%%ess)#,,y de+ends not on,y #+on ,earnin$ a s%ri+t3 b#t a,so entai,s drawin$ on yo#r own
e*+erien%e t&ereby s&owin$ as+e%ts o) yo#rse,) t&ro#$& t&e %&ara%ter4
Ro,e-+,ayin$ %an o)ten ,ead to s#r+rises as t&e ro,es w&i%& we en$a$e in &e,+ #s to de)ine o#rse,"es4
Ass#(in$ a ro,e w&i%& is o#tside o) yo#r nor(a, re+ertoire %an ,ead to t&e dis%o"ery o) #ne*+e%ted
%a+a%ities4 O)ten3 t&ese are ,atent +ossibi,ities w&i%& we &a"e re:e%ted or re+ressed as in%o(+atib,e
wit& o#r se,)i(a$e4 Ro,e-P,ayin$ %an itse,) be a #se)#, (a$i%a, e*er%ise3 done as a $ro#+-de)ined
)antasy in w&i%& +arti%i+ants (eet as+e%ts o) t&e(se,"es in s+e%i)i% sit#ations4 T&e sa(e dyna(i%s
t&at (aintain a )antasy $a(e %an be #sed to %reate a $ro#+ (yt&os w&i%& %an t&en be e*+,ored and
(odi)ied a%%ordin$ to t&e +arti%i+ants; e*+erien%es4
Minds%a+in$ &as a wide "ariety o) #ses4 One (i$&t de%ide to :o#rney into t&e ,ands%a+e o) t&e tarot
%ard3 T&e Tower in order to $ain insi$&ts into t&e (eanin$ o) t&at %ard4 A,ternati"e,y3 one (i$&t
%onstr#%t a :o#rney to "isit t&e Goddess Frey:a in order to as6 &er so(e +ertinent 1#estion4 It;s
%o((on )or +sy%&o,o$ists to $et +eo+,e w&o are ner"o#s abo#t so%ia, sit#ations to re&earse
sit#ations +rior to $oin$ into t&e( in rea,ity in order to red#%e stress and an*iety4 I) e))e%ti"e3 a
:o#rney wi,, e"o6e e(otions3 insi$&ts and e"en re"e,ations w&i%& are %on%ordant wit& t&e t&e(e o)
t&e i(a$ery #sed4 In (eetin$ Frey:a d#rin$ a :o#rney3 one (i$&t be (o"ed by t&e e*+erien%e and be
$i"en an answer or +ers+e%ti"e on a +arti%#,ar iss#e w&i%& so )ar &as es%a+ed one;s attention4
Minds%a+in$ is a,so #se)#, in t&at it %an &e,+ de"e,o+ i(a$inati"e s+ontaneity4 T&e (ind &as a
wonder)#, %a+a%ity to %reate "irt#a, rea,ities interna,,y and "ery 1#i%6,y4 Con)ab#,ation is a
+sy%&o,o$i%a, de)en%e (e%&anis( w&ereby t&e (ind %an 1#i%6,y %onstr#%t )a,se rea,ities to %o+e wit&
a sit#ation o) an*iety4 S#%& )a,se (e(ories3 w&i%& are o)ten &i$&,y detai,ed and %onsistent3
so(eti(es a++ear w&en a s#b:e%t is 1#estioned w&i,e #nder &y+nosis3 and e(er$e3 de+endin$ on
t&e sit#ation3 as (e(ories o) -FO abd#%tion3 +ast ,i"es3 or in"o,"e(ent in satani% rit#a,s4
A Gro#+ Astra, Te(+,e
T&e %reation o) a $ro#+ astra, te(+,e )#rt&er en,ar$es t&e s+atia, si$ni)i%an%e o) t&e $ro#+ as
indi"id#a,s %ontrib#te to t&e )or(ation o) a s&ared drea(-s+a%e )or e*+,oration and $ro#+ (a$i%s4 An
e*a(+,e strate$y )or %reatin$ a $ro#+ astra, te(+,e )o,,owsI
T&e initia, %onsiderations are two-)o,d4 How to %reate a s&ared astra, s+a%e3 and &ow to %reate an
astra, e"ent w&ereby +arti%i+ants %an intera%t wit& ea%& ot&er wit&in t&is non-,o%a, s+a%e4 T&e
)o,,owin$ desi$n was drawn #+ )or a $ro#+ o) t&ree +eo+,e to wor6 wit&4
S+atia, 'esi$n
A b,a%63 s1#are roo(3 wit& doors in t&e !3 N3 / S wa,,s3 and a ,ar$e3 %ir%#,ar ;b,a%6 (irror; set into t&e
eastern wa,,4 Fro( t&e %entre o) t&e %ei,in$3 t&ere ),oats a b,a%6 %&aos+&ere-ready to a%t as )o%#s )or
+ower and ener$y as an aet&eri% ,a(+ )or t&e te(+,e4 On ea%& o) t&e doors is et%&ed3 in $,owin$
,i$&t3 t&e si$i, o) one o) t&e (e(bers o) t&e te(+,e4 On t&e ),oor o) t&e te(+,e is a $,y+& w&i%& is
(ade #+ o) ea%& (e(ber;s indi"id#a, si$i,3 set in an inter,o%6in$ +attern4
T&is desi$n is 1#ite si(+,e in t&e initia, sta$es o) +ra%ti%e3 so t&at ea%& +arti%i+ant %an easi,y
"is#a,ise it3 and atte(+t to +ro:e%t t&e(se,"es wit&in it4 !&en a,, (e(bers %an a%%o(+,is& t&is easi,y3
t&e $ro#+ (ay add )#rt&er roo(s3 %orridors and +oints o) e$ress into ot&er di(ensions4 To t&e basi%
e,e(ents o) desi$n (ay be added sensations s#%& as s(e,,3 to#%&3 &#(idity3 %o,o#r3 so#nd3 et%43 to
%reate t&e interna, re+resentation o) t&e area4
To be$in t&is e*+eri(ent3 ea%& (e(ber o) t&e $ro#+ wo#,d a$ree to atte(+t to enter t&e te(+,e3 and
re%ord t&eir e*+erien%es t&erein 8&a"in$ +er&a+s %&osen %o((on ti(es and dates to try t&e
e*+eri(ent94 T&ese %an be ,ater dis%#ssed3 and any %o((on detai,s %an be ta6en as a s#%%ess4
Te%&ni1#es to assist Entry
In t&is e*a(+,e3 t&e )o,,owin$ te%&ni1#es %an be #sed to assist t&e +ro:e%tion o) awareness into t&e
te(+,e s+a%e4
a9 S%ent as a (e(ory en&an%er4
A s+e%i)i% +er)#(e %o#,d be %reated3 and #sed wit&in a rit#a, desi$ned to +ro(ote $ro#+ tr#st3
e(+at&y and bondin$4 !&en #sed indi"id#a,,y )or +ro:e%tion into t&e "irt#a, te(+,e3 it %an a%t as a
(e(ory en&an%er )or t&e a++ro+riate e(otions and i(a$es4
b9 P&oto$ra+&s to aid "is#a,isation
To aid t&e indi"id#a, "is#a,isation o) ot&er (e(bers o) t&e $ro#+3 +&oto$ra+&s o) ea%& (e(ber3 in
t&eir rit#a, $arb3 %an be +re+ared4
%9 Mantra ta+es
A standard (antra to be #sed by a,, +arti%i+ants %an be +re+ared4 A,, (a6e an a#dio re%ordin$ o)
t&e(se,"es +er)or(in$ t&e (antra3 and e*%&an$es t&e(3 re-re%ordin$ t&e( into a %#t-#+ se1#en%e
so t&at ea%& +erson %o#,d %an t&e a#dio i,,#sion o) t&e ot&er (e(bers :oinin$ in wit& t&e (antra4
To enter t&e te(+,e3 ea%& (e(ber "is#a,ises t&e Te(+,e;s si$i, and sees &i(se,) ste++in$ t&ro#$&
t&e a++ro+riate door3 seein$ t&e ot&ers a,so ste++in$ t&ro#$& t&eir doorway4 Ea%& (e(ber t&en
sends a bo,t o) ener$y into t&e Te(+,e;s C&aos+&ere3 w&i%& a%ti"ates it4
T&e %onditions by w&i%& t&is e*+eri(ent %o#,d be :#d$ed s#%%ess)#, %an be a$reed3 initia,,y3 as
re+orted e*+erien%es w&erein ea%& +arti%i+ant entered t&e te(+,e s+a%e and saw t&e ot&er
(e(bers t&ere4 On%e t&is &as been a%&ie"ed3 ot&er %onditions %an be set3 w&i%& in%,#de3 )or
e*a(+,e3 one (e(ber $i"in$ a si$na, to t&e ot&ers s#%& as a +arti%#,ar $est#re3 or t&e te,e+at&i%
+ro:e%tion o) an i(a$e or e(otion4
F#rt&er e*+eri(ents %an be atte(+ted w&ereby two (e(bers #se t&e te(+,e to ;draw; anot&er
(e(ber into it4 T&is %an be atte(+ted by &a"in$ one (e(ber o) t&e $ro#+ (editate +assi"e,y3 w&i,st
t&e ot&er two enter t&e te(+,e s+a%e and ena%t a "irt#a, rit#a,I
Astra, Tra%tor Bea( E*er%ise
=4 Parti%i+ants be$in in Astra, Te(+,e3 &a"in$ %&ar$ed C&aos+&ere4
<4 State(ent o) IntentI
2It is o#r wi,, to send +ower to 444 8na(e9444 to aid t&e( in trans)errin$ awareness to t&is s+a%e42
R4 Parti%i+ants re+eat Te(+,e;s +ower-(antra3 w&i,st +ro:e%tin$ +#re O%tarine 8(a$i%a,9 ener$y into
t&e %&aos+&ere4 Grad#a,,y t&e %&aos+&ere be%o(es oran$e3 t&e %o,o#r o) (er%#ria,
8%o((#ni%ations9 (a$i%4
D4 T&e +arti%i+ants "is#a,ise t&e )a%e o) t&e +erson t&ey wis& to draw into t&e te(+,e3 and be$in to
%&ant 24448na(e9444 be &ere now42
J4 T&ey "is#a,ise a bea( o) Oran$e ener$y e*tendin$ )ro( t&e C&aos+&ere and stri6in$ t&e body o)
t&e tar$et4 T&e bea( t&en draws t&e tar$et +erson towards t&e te(+,e4
N4 Parti%i+ants %on%entrate on t&e door bearin$ t&e +erson;s indi"id#a, +ower-si$i,3 and %&ant 2444
8na(e9444 yo# are &ere now42 -nti, t&ey ;see; t&e +erson a++ear t&ro#$& t&e a++ro+riate doorway4
Ot&er s#$$estions )or e*+eri(ents wit&in t&e "irt#a, s+a%e (i$&t in"o,"e one +erson3 #sin$ t&e
te(+,e;s dar6 (irror3 )irst,y atte(+tin$ to +ro:e%t (essen$er-ser"itors into anot&er (e(ber;s drea(s3
and ,ater3 to +ro:e%t t&e(se,"es into t&e ot&er;s drea(s4
Part III
Gro1ps e33ects
Ma$i% in t&e twentiet& %ent#ry &as been %&ara%terised by t&e )or(ation o) bot& s(a,, $ro#+s and
,ar$e or$anisations3 o"er t&e +#rs#it o) (a$i% as a +#re,y indi"id#a, stan%e4 A $ro#+ settin$ +ro"ides
a so#r%e o) so%ia, s#++ort )or an indi"id#a,4 It a,so enab,es t&e indi"id#a, to +arti%i+ate in a %ross-
)erti,isation o) di))erent ideas3 s6i,,s3 and te%&ni1#es w&i%& &e wo#,d not be ab,e to a%%ess i) o+eratin$
on &is own4 Gro#+s %an %o((and (ore reso#r%es in ter(s o) s+a%e3 in)or(ation3 and (ateria,s wit&
w&i%&4to o+erate4 !or6in$ in (a$i%a, $ro#+s %an a,so be $reat )#nA
Ha"in$ s+ent a $ood dea, o) (y (a$i%a, %areer wor6in$ in $ro#+s 8ran$in$ )ro( s(a,, $ro#+s to
,ar$e (a$i%a, or$ani5ations9 I a( ad(itted,y biased towards t&e desirabi,ity o) (a$i%ians be%o(in$
in"o,"ed in $ro#+ wor64 For (e3 t&e +ri(e bene)it o) wor6in$ in $ro#+s is a sense o) %o((#nity3 o)
be,on$in$ and +arti%i+atin$ in a $ro#+ w&ere (y own ideas %an be "a,idated3 tested or %&a,,en$ed3 in
an at(os+&ere o) a%%e+tan%e4
!&at is i(+ortant and "a,#ab,e abo#t bein$ in $ro#+s is o)ten "ery ten#o#s and di))i%#,t to $et to a
&and,e on4 In an atte(+t to $et to $ri+s wit& t&is3 I as6ed a )ew )riends w&o are a,, +art o) a $ro#+
w&at was3 )or t&e(3 i(+ortant abo#t t&e $ro#+4 T&is +arti%#,ar $ro#+ &as been r#nnin$ )or R-D years3
and (eets twi%e or t&ree ti(es a year3 #s#a,,y at %a(+sites4 T&ere is a %ore (e(bers&i+ o) @-?
+eo+,e wit& ot&ers w&o attend (eetin$s (ore in)re1#ent,y b#t re(ain +art o) t&e o"era,, %onta%t
networ64 Most o) t&e +eo+,e in t&e $ro#+ &a"e 6nown one anot&er in "aryin$ %a+a%ities +rior to t&e
$ro#+s; in%e+tion4 T&e $ro#+ is not )o%#sed aro#nd any one +arti%#,ar syste( o) (a$i%3 and its rit#a,
e"ents are %e,ebrations o) )ree-)or( dan%e and (#si%3 arisin$ or$ani%a,,y o#t o) t&e intera%tions o)
t&e (e(bers3 rat&er t&an #sin$ any +redeter(ined +atterns4
T44 Gossi+A T&ere;s no +oint in bein$ in a (a$i%a,
$ro#+ i) yo# %an;t &a"e a $ood $ossi+A
CI I don;t wor6 in $ro#+s nor(a,,y3 b#t bein$ in o#r
$ro#+3 = )ind t&ere;s a )ee,in$ o) )a(i,y4 For (e its abo#t bein$ wit& )o,6 w&o I don;t &a"e to +retend to
be anyt&in$ e,se wit&4
T44 I wonder w&et&er t&e )ee,in$ o) )a(i,y %a(e wit& t&e $ro#+ or it was t&ere a,ready3 and t&e $ro#+
be%a(e an e*+ression o) it t&at we &adn;t &ad be)ore4 And t&at wit&in t&e $ro#+3 t&e sense o) )a(i,y
It;s a,so t&e %&an%e i) yo#;re a so,o wor6er to wor6 in ways t&at yo# %an;t do on yo#r own4 A,, o#r
(#si% and dan%e st#))4 It;s so ni%e eit&er to be dan%in$ wit& ot&er +eo+,e or to be ,istenin$ to ot&er
+eo+,e +,ayin$4 M#%& better t&an ban$in$ a dr#( on yo#r own4
CI A,so3 in o#r $ro#+3 t&ere;s a tr#st t&at yo# are sa)e to be w&ate"er yo# are3 and I don;t )ee, :#d$ed
on it4
T44 o#;re ri$&t4 T&ere;s a,so earwi$s4 Crea( teas4 C#dd,y toy rit#a,s t&at yo# %an;t do on yo#r own4
S&o++in$ e*+editions4
LI T&ere;s a,so so(et&in$ abo#t not &a"in$ to be "i$i,ant4 Not &a"in$ to %onstant,y +#t #+ barriers4
o# %an a,so re,y on ot&er +eo+,e to ta6e %are o) t&in$s4
T44 es3 yo# %an tr#st +eo+,e to be ,oo6in$ a)ter t&e +ra%ti%a, bits3 ,i6e ,oo6in$ a)ter )ires or $ettin$ t&e
6ett,e on4
LI And t&at +eo+,e %an &and,e t&at t&e(se,"es7 yo# don;t &a"e to ,oo6 a)ter t&e(4
CI I did se"era, years in one $ro#+ and t&at was so(eti(es rea,,y )r#stratin$ and at ot&er ti(es rea,,y
e(+ty and at ot&er ti(es rea,,y )#,,4 T&ere was a,ways a +#r+ose3 and so(eti(es yo# weren;t in t&e
ri$&t s+a%e to be t&ere )or t&at4 !e;d &a"e (eetin$s be)ore t&e rit#a, to dis%#ss w&at we wanted to
do and t&ey were o)ten t&e (ore %o()ortab,e4 It was "ery so%ia, and t&ere was a ,ot o) intera%tion
rat&er t&an :#st a need to %o(e to$et&er to +er)or(4 T&ose ti(es were so(eti(es bri,,iant and
so(eti(es :#st da(ned aw)#,4
PI I t&in6 so(e $ro#+s $et "ery tas6-oriented and t&e so%ia,isin$ is seen as so(e&ow ,ess i(+ortant4
T B#t t&en I yo# as6 +eo+,e w&y t&ey are in a $ro#+ t&ey;,, ta,6 abo#t %o((#nity3 e"en t&o#$& t&e
$ro#+ (ay be "ery tas6-oriented4 I t&in6 it;s one o) t&ose i,,#sions w&i%& +eo+,e are )osterin$ t&at yo#
don;t need to so%ia,,y intera%t wit& ot&ers4 I) yo#;re wit& so(ebody on%e a (ont& and yo# do yo#r :ob
and t&en yo# $o away3 t&en yo#;re +art o) a %o((#nity7 i$norin$ t&e )a%t t&at %o((#nities are (#%&
(ore abo#t t&e so%ia, side4 Be%a#se i) t&e so%ia, side is $ood t&en yo# %an wor6 anyti(e3 b#t i) t&e
so%ia, side isn;t sorted t&e wor6 won;t3 in t&e end I don;t t&in63 ,ast3 be%a#se o) a,, t&e st#)) w&i%& isn;t
LI !&at;s $ood abo#t o#r $ro#+ is t&at we $et to$et&er )or a wee6end4
T4- !&i+s / %&ains / s%or+ionsA
MI es3 be%a#se we $et to$et&er )or a wee6end or so(eti(es a wee63 it :#st ),ows rea,,y nat#ra,,y7 it
a,, de"e,o+s and at so(e +oint we;,, say 2O& yes3 now;s t&e ti(e to dan%e and dr#(42 It;s not
or$ani5ed or re$i(ented4 I) so(eone does try and or$ani5e too (#%&3 its ,i6e we;re a,, not interested4
CI I t&in6 t&e t&in$ abo#t a%t#a,,y ,i"in$ to$et&er )or a )ew days is3 a$ain3 abo#t %o((#nity4 And it;s
rea,,y ni%e to #n5i+ yo#r tent and see w&o;s )a%e is +o6in$ o#t o) t&eirs4
T o# %an see w&o didn;t $et t&eir +aint o)) t&e +re"io#s ni$&t4
A$ain3 t&is is +art o) t&e way o#r $ro#+ is4 !it&o#t &a"in$ to &a"e a de"e,o+(ent +,an3 we eit&er ta,6
t&ro#$& t&in$s or sense w&at;s %&an$in$ in t&e $ro#+4 Peo+,e are ta,6in$ now abo#t &a"in$ ti(e
w&ere we;"e $ot two ni$&ts to +,ay and dan%e3 rat&er t&an one ni$&t and t&en $o4 One o) t&e ot&ers
was sayin$ t&at &e;s )ee,in$ #s a,,-t&e w&o,e t&in$-(o"in$ on as t&e ener$y $at&ers3 into a stron$er
s+a%e e"ery ti(e4 And t&at;s so(et&in$ t&at we;re not +,annin$4 It &a++ens be%a#se o) t&e sense o)
PI !e $i"e ea%& ot&er ti(e to $et to 6now ea%& ot&er a$ain at ea%& (eetin$4 o# don;t a,ways $et
ti(e )or t&at at a two-&o#r (eetin$4 o# don;t a,ways $et ti(e to )ind o#t &ow ot&er +eo+,e &a"e
%&an$ed sin%e t&e +re"io#s (eetin$4 !&at I ,i6e abo#t o#r $ro#+ is t&at we &a"e ti(e to sett,e ba%6
into ea%& ot&er4
CI es3 t&at;s w&at &a++ened so(eti(es wit& t&e ot&er $ro#+ I was in4 !e;d %o(e wit& st#)) w&i%&
wasn;t +art o) t&e rit#a,I w&o we were3 w&at was $oin$ on )or #s4 So(eti(es it %o#,d be ,e)t3
so(eti(es we (et at t&e ri$&t +oint3 b#t w&en we didn;t3 t&in$s )e,t weird3 )a,se4 I )e,t dis%o()ort4 In
any $ro#+ yo#;re $oin$ to $et so(e w&o so%ia,ise better t&an ot&ers4 So(e +eo+,e are $oin$ to
so%ia,ise (ore o#tside t&e $ro#+ t&an ot&ers4 In t&e wor6in$ $ro#+ I was in3 t&ere was one +erson
w&o %ontin#a,,y tried to sabota$e t&e $ro#+ and )e,t t&e need to %ontro, t&e ot&ers4 In t&e end we :#st
&ad to )inis&4 T&at was not a ni%e sit#ation4
L O#r $ro#+ isn;t as i(+ortant as t&e indi"id#a,s in it4 Its "ery ni%e t&at t&ere;s a stron$ sense o)
e"eryone;s indi"id#a,ity4 I rea,,y en:oy %on"ersations and )indin$ (ore o#t abo#t ea%& +erson4
PI !&en a $ro#+ s#bs#(es indi"id#a,s so t&at t&ey )ee, +ower,ess-t&at t&eir "oi%es are not &eard-
t&en yo# $et +rob,e(s4
CI I) yo#;re wor6in$ in a (a$i%a, $ro#+-w&ate"er )or( t&at (a$i% ta6es-I t&in6 yo# &a"e to &a"e a
tr#st in ot&ers3 b#t its not a,ways t&ere4 T&ere;s so(et&in$ abo#t t&at ,a%6 o) &onesty t&at #nder(ines
e"eryt&in$ e,se4 In anot&er $ro#+ t&at I was in )or a w&i,e3 one +erson wanted t&in$s t&is way3
anot&er +erson wanted t&in$s anot&er way3 and t&ey didn;t tr#st ea%& ot&er at a,,3 b#t t&ey ne"er
%o((#ni%ated t&at4 Conse1#ent,y3 e"ery ti(e we $ot to$et&er and tried to do anyt&in$3 not&in$
wor6ed4 And +eo+,e are in $ro#+s )or di))erent reasons3 and t&at;s so(et&in$ e,seI w&y +eo+,e are in
a +arti%#,ar $ro#+ and w&at t&ey want )ro( it4 T&at;s so(et&in$ t&at %a(e #+ in one $ro#+ I was inI
w&y were we to$et&er7 w&at were o#r ob:e%ti"es7 w&at did ea%& +erson e*+e%t )ro( it4 T&ese
1#estions don;t a,ways $et sorted o#t3 a$reed #+on and in so(e way or anot&er (ade %,ear4 So yo#
$et &idden a$endas t&at sabota$e e"eryt&in$ t&at yo# do4 I) yo#;re not %,ear on t&in$s wit&in t&e
$ro#+3 yo# $o away wit& )ee,in$s o) dissatis)a%tion4
!e don;t &a"e a %o((on way o) wor6in$ in o#r $ro#+ now4
T4 T&ere isn;t a %o((on (yt&os4 !e;re not %,ai(in$ a sin$,e tradition-:#st %,ai(in$ insanity4
LI A$ain I rea,,y ,i6e t&e indi"id#a,ity o) t&at4 It (a6es )or a %reati"e tension4
T44 A "ery e*%itin$ synt&esis4
PI T&ere;s nobody w&o wants to )or%e t&eir way o) doin$s t&in$s onto e"eryone e,se4
CI Maybe we s&o#,d a,, &a"e tantr#(s ne*t ti(e4
T44 es3 a Tantr#( A)ternoonA
To %reate an e))e%ti"e (a$i%a, $ro#+ re1#ires (ore t&an a roo( )#,, o) +eo+,e3 a )ew +ro+s3 and an
e,aborate %&arter )ro( any Se%ret C&ie)s4 T&ere (#st a,so be so(e awareness3 and attention to3 t&e
dyna(i% +ro%esses o) $ro#+ be&a"io#r4 A,so3 :#st as Cnow o#rse,) is an i(+ortant di%t#( )or t&e
indi"id#a, (a$i%ian3 t&en Cnow Ea%& Ot&er is e1#a,,y i(+ortant )or a (a$i%a, $ro#+4 F#rt&er(ore3 it
s&o#,d be re%o$ni5ed t&at $ro#+s are %o(+,e* entities3 be%a#se +eo+,e are %o(+,e* entities4 On t&e
s#r)a%e3 (a$i%a, $ro#+s ,oo6 de%e+ti"e,y si(+,e4 Peo+,e t#rn #+3 do w&ate"er (a$i%a, wor6 &as
been arran$ed3 and $o &o(e a$ain4 I) t&in$s are t&at si(+,e3 w&y t&en do +rob,e(s arise. Gro#+s
re1#ire wor6 )ro( ea%& (e(ber i) t&ey are $oin$ to be e))e%ti"e in )#,)i,,in$ t&e needs o) ea%&
+arti%i+ant4 To be e))e%ti"e in $ro#+s3 we need to be aware o) &ow we be&a"e in re,ation to ot&er
+eo+,e3 and "i%e "ersa4 I a,so )ee, it is #se)#, to $ain so(e insi$&t into t&e dyna(i% +ro%esses w&i%&
#nder,ie $ro#+ be&a"io#r4 !or6in$ in $ro#+s re1#ires +arti%#,ar s6i,,s4 It re1#ires bot& +ersona, and
inter+ersona, s6i,,s and an awareness t&at t&is 6ind o) ,earnin$ ne"er ends and t&at w&at (i$&t wor6
in one sit#ation does not ne%essari,y %arry o"er into anot&er4 !&en we ,oo6 at &ow we &a"e be&a"e
in $ro#+s3 we a,so &a"e to a%6now,ed$e t&at des+ite &a"in$ s+ent years assi(i,atin$ t&e %o(+,ete
wor6s o) A,eister Crow,ey or +robin$ into &idden astra, di(ensions3 we (i$&t sti,, be so(ew&at
de)i%ient in t&e $ettin$ on wit& ot&er +eo+,e de+art(ent4
Gro#+s di))er a%%ordin$ to si5e3 d#ration o) e*isten%e3 ob:e%ti"es3 a%ti"ities3 si$ni)i%an%e to t&eir
(e(bers3 )or(a,ity3 and interna, str#%t#re4 Genera,,y3 t&ere are )i"e 6ey +oints w&i%& distin$#is& a
$ro#+ )ro( a %o,,e%tion o) indi"id#a,s4 T&ese areI
a9 Intera%tion
b9 T&e s&arin$ o) %o((on Goa,s
%9 T&e +resen%e o) $ro#+ Nor(s
d9 T&e de"e,o+(ent / re%o$nition o) Ro,es
e9 Co&esi"eness
Gro#+ a%ti"ities and $oa,s are rea%&ed by t&e intera%tion o) (e(bers3 ne%essitatin$ a de$ree o)
interde+enden%e between t&e(4
&o..on Goals)
It wo#,d be di))i%#,t to %on%ei"e o) a $ro#+ w&ere t&ere was no dri"e a(on$st
(e(bers to a%&ie"e a %o((on $oa,4 Ha"in$ said t&at3 %o((on $oa,s (ay not be %,ear,y e*+,i%it
wit&in a $ro#+3 and +arti%i+ants; indi"id#a, +er%e+tions o) w&at t&e %o((on $oa,s are (ay "ary
wide,y and be%o(e a so#r%e o) %on),i%t4 !&en t&e $oa,s o) indi"id#a, (e(bers are w&o,,y
&o(o$eno#s3 t&e $ro#+ wo#,d be e*+e%ted to r#n s(oot&,y4 Howe"er3 in (a$i%a, $ro#+s3 t&is is o)ten
not t&e %ase4 Indi"id#a, (e(bers (ay we,, &a"e %on),i%tin$ a$endas and t&ere (ay be a %ertain
de$ree o) %on),i%t between an indi"id#a,;s own (a$i%a, e*+,oration and t&e $enera, dire%tion w&i%&
t&e $ro#+ &as ta6en or %&osen4 T&is sit#ation is )#rt&er %o(+,i%ated by indi"id#a,;s e*+e%tations o)
t&e $ro#+ and its +er%ei"ed +#r+ose4 A,so3 di))erent ,e"e,s o) (a$i%a, abi,ity and interest wit&in t&e
$ro#+ are a,so a )#rt&er %o(+,i%atin$ )a%tor4
Gro#+s de"e,o+ nor(ati"e "a,#es %on%ernin$ w&at is a++ro+riate and ina++ro+riate be&a"io#r wit&in
t&e $ro#+4 Nor(s are t&#s $ro#+ r#,es-ideas w&i%& t&e (e(bers &o,d abo#t w&at s&o#,d be done
and w&at s&o#,d not be done by (e(bers #nder %ertain s+e%i)i% %ir%#(stan%es4 It s&o#,d be noted
t&at t&ese nor(s deri"e (eanin$ not )ro( a +arti%#,ar a%t in itse,)3 b#t )ro( t&e si$ni)i%an%e t&at t&e
+arti%#,ar a%t &as )or t&e $ro#+4 For e*a(+,e3 st#dies o) wor6 $ro#+s in )a%tories s&ows t&at t&ere is
o)ten an i(+,i%it nor( t&at wor6ers s&o#,d not e*%eed a +arti%#,ar +rod#%tion 1#ota3 and a%t to
re$#,ate new wor6ers w&o wor6 )aster as it is +er%ei"ed as bein$ detri(enta, to t&e wor6 $ro#+ as a
Nor(s (ay be (ade e*+,i%it by (e(bers o) a $ro#+ to ea%& ot&er3 b#t it is o)ten t&e %ase t&at t&ey
are i(+,i%it 8t&at is to say3 #nder t&e s#r)a%e9 and (ay on,y arise w&en a sit#ation o%%#rs w&i%& one
(e(ber is )e,t to &a"e bro6en or trans$ressed t&e(4
Nor(s tend to arise s,ow,y-t&ey are not #s#a,,y )or(a, r#,es w&i%& (e(bers %ons%io#s,y de%ide
#+on4 Rat&er3 t&ey %an be #nderstood as s&ared "a,#es re,atin$ to w&at is a++ro+riate be&a"io#r
wit&in t&e $ro#+4
Gro#+ ro,es (ay be )or(a,,y assi$ned 8Ma$ister Te(+,i3 Ar%&i"ist3 Ins#bordinate are )or(a, te(+,e
ro,es wit&in t&e IOT Pa%t3 )or e*a(+,e93 b#t (ost ro,es are ass#(ed 8o)ten #n%ons%io#s,y9 as a
+rod#%t o) intera%tion4 B#estioner3 %riti%3 enab,er3 tension-brea6er3 arbitrator3 are so(e o) t&e in)or(a,
ro,es w&i%& indi"id#a,s (ay ta6e on te(+orari,y3 or &abit#a,,y ass#(e4 O) $ro#+ ro,es3 t&e (ost
i(+ortant is t&at o) t&e $ro#+ ,eader4 Leaders&i+ is a %o(+,e* iss#e in itse,)3 b#t it s&o#,d be noted
t&at t&ere (ay we,, be a distin%tion in a $ro#+ between t&e assi$ned ,eader and t&e rea, ,eader4
Sin%e $ro#+s need to (aintain t&e(se,"es and a,so to a%%o(+,is& t&eir tas6s3 it (ay we,, be t&e
%ase t&at di))erent indi"id#a,s )#,)i,, t&e di))erent sty,es o) ,eaders&i+ ro,e ne%essary4
Gro#+ (e(bers re%o$nise t&at t&ey &a"e s&ared e*+erien%es to$et&er w&i%& %reates a di))eren%e
between t&e( and ot&ers w&o &a"e not done so3 $i"in$ rise to a sense o) %o&esi"eness4 T&is ,atter
+oint is a 6ey )eat#re in (a$i%a, $ro#+s4 Co&esi"eness is w&at binds t&e (e(bers to$et&er and
$i"es t&e 1#a,ity o)ten re)erred to as ;we-ness3; w&ere $ro#+ (e(bers )ee, #nited by %o((on
interests3 s&ared e*+erien%e3 and re%i+ro%a, sy(+at&y4 It a,so in%,#des t&e )ee,in$ o) (ora,eI t&e
es+rit de %or+s4 Be,on$in$ to t&e $ro#+ is e*+ressed by t&e )re1#ent #se o) 2we2 and 2#s42 T&e
i(+ortan%e o) %o&esi"eness in deter(inin$ t&e e))e%ti"eness o) a $ro#+ %annot be o"erstressed4
Gro#+s be%o(e (ore attra%ti"e w&ere t&ere is in%reased %oo+eration and +arti%i+ation in a%ti"ities4
Me(bers be%o(e (ore in%,ined to re(ain wit& a $ro#+ as t&ey $et to 6now ot&er (e(bers and
(#t#a, tr#st arises4 T&e stron$er t&e )ee,in$ o) ;we-ness3; t&e (ore ,i6e,y it is t&at (e(bers wi,,
a%%e+t t&e $ro#+s; nor(s and +arti%i+ate in its a%ti"ities4 T&ere is a +ositi"e %orre,ation between t&e
sense o) %o&esi"eness in a $ro#+ and t&e intensity o) intera%tion between (e(bers4 T&is is an
i(+ortant +oint4 So(e $ro#+s s&atter w&en %on),i%t arises as (e(bers are #nwi,,in$ to brin$ #+
tensions and +rob,e(s wit&in t&e $ro#+4 !&at tends to &a++en is t&at t&ese %on),i%ts are n#rt#red by
indi"id#a,s or %,i1#es wit&in t&e $ro#+ #nti, t&ey +ass t&e +oint o) bein$ reso,"ab,e wit&in t&e $ro#+4
T&e res#,t bein$ t&at (e(bers eit&er ,ea"e3 or tensions wit&in t&e $ro#+ render it ine))e%ti"e4 T&is
o)ten res#,ts in $ro#+ (e(bers %o(+,ainin$ abo#t ea%& ot&er be&ind ea%& ot&er;s ba%6s or to
)riends4 A,so3 it is not #n%o((on )or indi"id#a,s to s%a+e$oat t&e $ro#+ as a w&o,e 2It;s a,, o#r )a#,t
2-rat&er t&an ad(it +ersona, res+onsibi,ity in %on),i%ts4 !&en %o&esi"eness is stron$3 $ro#+ (e(bers
)ee, sa)e eno#$& to e*+,ore areas w&i%& &a"e +re"io#s,y been a"oided4 T&is a,so %ontrib#tes to se,)-
dis%,os#re as ea%& (e(ber tends to re"ea, (ore in order to %,ari)y &is own +osition4
Co&esi"eness is +arti%#,ar,y i(+ortant )or (a$i%a, $ro#+s4 Not on,y is %o&esi"eness an i(+ortant
)a%tor in $ro#+ (a$i%a, e"ents3 b#t it a,so %ontrib#tes to se,)-e*+,oration and se,)-dis%,os#re )or ea%&
indi"id#a, in t&e $ro#+4 !&en (e(bers )ee, t&at t&ey be,on$ to a $ro#+ and )ee, s#++orted by it3 t&ey
are (ore ,i6e,y to o+en #+ to ot&ers abo#t &ow t&eir (a$i%a, wor6 is a))e%tin$ t&e( at a dee+3
+ersona,3 s+irit#a, ,e"e,4 T&is (ay we,, in"o,"e ta6in$ inter+ersona, ris6s wit&in t&e $ro#+3 )or e*a(+,e
te,,in$ anot&er +erson &ow &e )ee,s &is re,ations&i+ towards t&e( &as %&an$ed o"er ti(e4 It a,so
be%o(es easier to o))er %riti1#e o) a +arti%#,ar a++roa%&3 te%&ni1#e or be,ie) wit&o#t )ear t&at t&e
%riti1#e wi,, be ta6en as a +ersona, s,i$&t on be&a,) o) t&e ot&er4 Ma$i%a, $ro#+s #se rit#a, and
%e,ebration to +ro(ote %o&esion3 e*a(+,es bein$ initiations w&i%& a%t as a rite o) +assa$e o)
de(onstration o) %o((it(ent to t&e $ro#+ et&os and E"ents )or %e,ebration as in birt&s3 (arria$es3
deat&s and seasona, %&an$es4 Not on,y are s#%& e"ents i(+ortant )or )osterin$ a sense o) ;weness;
between $ro#+ (e(bers3 t&ey a,so rein)or%e t&e )ee,in$ t&at t&e $ro#+ re%o$nises ea%& indi"id#a,;s
#ni1#e e*+erien%es o#tside o) t&e i((ediate $ro#+ and "a,#es t&at #ni1#eness3 w&i,st %reatin$ a
s+a%e )or t&e $ro#+ as a w&o,e to s&are si$ni)i%ant +ersona, e"ents )or ea%& indi"id#a,4
!&at is a Ma$i%a, Gro#+.
Gro#+s o) (a$i%ians "ary )ro( s(a,,3 in)or(a, $ro#+s to ,ar$e Ma$i%a, Orders4 Most (a$i%a, orders
are s#bdi"ided into s(a,, $ro#+s3 w&et&er t&ey be di$ni)ied by ter(s s#%& as Te(+,es3 !or6in$
Gro#+s3 Lod$es3 Power-Oones or En%a(+(ents4 In t&e +resent %onte*t3 a (a$i%a, $ro#+ is a s(a,,
$ro#+ o) +eo+,e w&o (eet re$#,ar,y to +ra%ti%e and dis%#ss (a$i%3 w&et&er inde+endent,y or as +art
o) a ,ar$er o"era,, str#%t#re4 !&i,st (a$i%a, $ro#+s are s#b:e%t to t&e $enera, +rin%i+,es o) $ro#+
dyna(i%s3 t&ey a,so &a"e #ni1#e )eat#res 8and +rob,e(s9 w&i%& distin$#is& t&e( )ro( ot&er ty+es o)
s(a,, $ro#+3 s#%& as t&era+e#ti% or wor6 $ro#+s4
T&e Ma$i%a, Gro#+ is a Pri(ary Gro#+
T&e ter( ;Pri(ary Gro#+; was )irst %oined by C&ar,es Coo,ey in =?NJ4 Te%&ni%a,,y3 t&e )eat#re t&at
distin$#is&es +ri(ary $ro#+s )ro( ot&er ty+es o) $ro#+ is t&at t&e intera%tion between (e(bers
ta6es +,a%e on a )a%e-to-)a%e basis i4e43 dire%t,y3 rat&er t&an indire%t,y4
Me(bers o) +ri(ary $ro#+s s&are a distin%t +sy%&o,o$i%a, #nity w&i%& arises )ro( t&is dire%t3 )a%e-to-
)a%e intera%tion4 I )ee, it is a++ro+riate to %onsider (a$i%a, $ro#+s as +ri(ary $ro#+s3 as (a$i%a,
wor6 ne%essitates a $ood dea, o) se,)-e*+,oration3 I) 2Cnow T&yse,)2 is an in:#n%tion )or indi"id#a,
(a$i%ians3 t&en 2Cnow Ea%& Ot&er2 is t&e %oro,,ary )or (a$i%a, $ro#+s4 As s#%&3 (e(bers wi,,3 to
"aryin$ de$rees3 be en$a$ed in dee+ ,e"e,s o) se,)-e*+,oration and se,)-dis%,os#re on an
inter+ersona, basis4
T&e I(+ortan%e o) Se,)-'is%,os#re
Se,)-dis%,os#re is an i(+ortant e,e(ent o) inter+ersona, dyna(i%s4 Se,)-dis%,os#re is $enera,,y
#nderstood as t&e re"ea,in$ o) +ersona, se%rets or so(e si$ni)i%ant e*+erien%e in a +erson;s ,i)e4
St#dies o) $ro#+s &a"e s&own &owe"er3 t&at t&ere are bot& a++ro+riate and ina++ro+riate )or(s o)
se,)-dis%,os#re3 and it is $enera,,y %onsidered by so%ia, +sy%&o,o$ists t&at t&e (ost a++ro+riate )or(
o) se,)-dis%,os#re in $ro#+s o%%#rs w&en (e(bers dis%,ose t&e(se,"es as a rea%tion to w&at is
ta6in$ +,a%e in t&e $ro#+ in t&e &ere and now4 It is not eno#$& to si(+,y re"ea, inti(ate detai,s o)
one;s +ast &istory a,one3 b#t to do so in order t&at ot&er (e(bers (i$&t #nderstand &ow t&is
dis%,os#re is re,e"ant to one;s rea%tions in t&e +resent4 Se,)-dis%,os#re is not (ere,y t&e re"ea,in$ o)
)a%ts3 b#t o) t&e se,) at t&e +resent (o(ent4 I) )a%ts are re"ea,ed3 it is in order to s#++ort t&e
re"ea,in$ o) se,)4
So%ia, +sy%&o,o$ists st#dyin$ se,)-dis%,os#re in $ro#+s &a"e (ade a distin%tion between ;&istory; and
;story4; In ;&istori%a,; dis%,os#re3 a +erson (ay re,ate (any )a%ts abo#t &is e*+erien%es b#t does so in
s#%& a way t&at &is se,) re(ains &idden4 In %ontrast3 ;story; is an in"itation )or dia,o$#e4 It is not
(ere,y a re%o#ntin$ o) )a%ts3 b#t a de(onstration o) &ow se,e%ti"e )a%ts re"ea, t&e +erson as &e is
now t&ro#$& &is e*+erien%es4
S#%& se,)-dis%,os#re %an on,y ta6e +,a%e in an at(os+&ere o) $ood inter+ersona, re,ations&i+s wit&in
a $ro#+4 As t&is ,atter %an on,y )or( $rad#a,,y3 t&en it )o,,ows t&at se,)-dis%,os#re is a,so a $rad#a,
+ro%ess3 a%tin$ in t#rn to stren$t&en re,ations&i+s and t&e $ro#+ as a w&o,e4
Gro#+ (e(bers are o)ten wary o) +eo+,e w&o :#(+ into se,)dis%,os#re too 1#i%6,y4 It (ay be t&at too
(#%& se,)-dis%,os#re3 as (#%& as too ,itt,e3 (ay be a si$n o) #nder,yin$ dist#rban%e4 Ina++ro+riate
se,)-dis%,os#re %an so(eti(es be #nderstood as an e*&ibitionisti% tenden%y on t&e +art o) t&e
indi"id#a,4 It %an o%%#r3 )or e*a(+,e3 in dis%#ssions o) +arti%#,ar (a$i%a, te%&ni1#es3 t&at one +erson
re%o#nts a +ersona, instan%e t&at &e )ee,s is a++ro+riate to t&e dis%#ssion4 Ot&ers (ay see t&is as a
%&an%e to s%ore +oints by re%o#ntin$ t&eir own e*+erien%es3 #nti, t&e dis%#ssion de"o,"es into a
(ass o) ane%dotes w&ere t&e i(+,i%it ai( is )or +eo+,e to to+ ea%& ot&er;s a%%o#nts4 T&#s3 one
+erson;s ;story; %an in%ite ot&ers to +ro%,ai( t&eir ;&istory4;
A %o,,ea$#e on%e re(ar6ed to (e t&at 2(a$i%a, $ro#+s are not t&era+y $ro#+s42 In t&e +resent
%onte*t3 t&is re,ates to t&e )a%t t&at so(e +eo+,e wi,, #se a (a$i%a, $ro#+ as a "e&i%,e )or e*+osin$
t&e(se,"es +sy%&o,o$i%a,,yI to #se t&e $ro#+ as a so#ndin$board )or t&eir own +rob,e(s and
o+inions3 in order to satis)y t&e(se,"es3 rat&er t&an %ontrib#tin$ to t&e $ro#+ de"e,o+(ent as a
w&o,e4 Gro#+ ,eaders need to be aware o) t&e dyna(i%s o) dis%,os#re3 in order to be ab,e to :#d$e
w&et&er or not dis%,os#re is a++ro+riate to t&e %ir%#(stan%es o) t&e $ro#+4 !&i,st a%6now,ed$in$ t&e
+oint t&at (a$i%a, $ro#+s are di))erent in %&ara%ter and ob:e%ti"e to t&era+y $ro#+s3 it s&o#,d a,so be
noted t&at (a$i%a, $ro#+s do ne%essitate %,ose inter+ersona, re,ations&i+s and de+t& o) )ee,in$
between $ro#+ (e(bers4 Ma$i% is not (ere,y an inte,,e%t#a, +#rs#it3 and w&i,st it is o)ten +resented
in t&e sa(e )a%t#a, ,i$&t as t&e e*oteri% s%ien%es3 it to#%&es #s on dee+3 intense,y +ersona, ,e"e,s4 It
s&o#,d a,so be re%o$nised t&at $ro#+ (e(bers wi,, not (o"e towards se,)-dis%,os#re 8or )or t&at
(atter3 any ot&er $ro#+ sta$e o) de"e,o+(ent9 #ni)or(,y4
>#st as se,)-dis%,os#re is a++ro+riate w&en it ta6es +,a%e wit&in t&e %onte*t o) inter+ersona,
re,ations&i+s3 inter+ersona, re,ations&i+s %an on,y de"e,o+ t&ro#$& (#t#a,3 a++ro+riate3
T&e bene)its o) se,)-dis%,os#re are )irst,y +ersona, ones4 La%6 o) se,)-dis%,os#re tends to res#,t in
,i(ited o++ort#nities )or rea,ity testin$ as t&is ,essens o++ort#nities to obtain "a,id )eedba%64
Indi"id#a,s w&o ne"er dis%,ose t&e(se,"es to ot&ers ,a%6 se,)awareness3 in t&e sense o) se,)-
6now,ed$e or insi$&t into se,)4 Se,)-dis%,os#re is3 t&ere)ore3 ne%essary )or se,)-6now,ed$e in t&at3 in
%o((#ni%atin$ wit& ot&ers abo#t o#rse,"es3 we a,so %o((#ni%ate wit& o#rse,"es4 Se,)-
%o((#ni%ation is not (ere,y t&e re%itation o) +ersona, )a%ts3 b#t %on%erns t&e i(+a%t w&i%& t&ese
)a%ts &a"e on o#r ,i"es and t&e abi,ity to a,,ow o#r )ee,in$s into %ons%io#sness and to own t&ese
)ee,in$s as +arts o) o#rse,"es4
T&is a,one is an i(+ortant +oint in res+e%t to (a$i%a, $ro#+s4 One o) t&e (ain stren$t&s o) a (a$i%a,
$ro#+ is t&at it a,,ows (e(bers to %on)ront t&eir own (a$i%a, e*+erien%es and be,ie)s wit& t&ose o)
ot&ers4 T&is +ro"ides an #n+ara,,e,ed o++ort#nity )or t&e rea,ity testin$ o) one;s (a$i%a, wor,d-"iew4
A,, too o)ten3 (a$i%ians w&o wor6 entire,y a,one be%o(e +rey to obsessiona, %o(+,e*es w&erein
t&ey be%o(e +ower)#,3 s#+erior bein$s w&o3 des+ite a %o(+,ete ,a%6 o) so%ia, s6i,,s3 are (ere,y one
rit#a, away )ro( be%o(in$ a,,-+ower)#, ade+ts4 In a $ro#+ sit#ation &owe"er3 it is (ore ,i6e,y t&at
anyone dis+,ayin$ t&e sy(+to(s o) Ma$#s-itis 8see Condensed C&aos )or a )#rt&er dis%#ssion o)
t&is93 or e(otiona, and be&a"io#ra, obsessions w&i%& are t&e %onse1#en%es o) %ontin#a,,y in"o6in$ a
deity w&i%& boosts one +arti%#,ar se,) to t&e detri(ent o) ot&ers3 is $oin$ to &a"e t&is +ointed o#t to
&i(4 T&ro#$& )eedba%6 )ro( s&ared (a$i%a, e*+erien%es3 one (ay %o(e to 6now onese,) better4
T&is )eedba%6 is a,so i(+ortant )or be&a"io#ra, %&an$e4 I) indi"id#a,s do not &a"e 8and #se9
o++ort#nities to re"ea, to t&e(se,"es &ow t&ey see and do t&in$s3 t&ey are #n,i6e,y to re%ei"e
)eedba%6 in)or(ation t&at wi,, enab,e t&e( to de%ide w&et&er t&ey want to (a6e %&an$es in attit#de3
be,ie) or be&a"io#r4 Sin%e (a$i%a, de"e,o+(ent as it is $enera,,y #nderstood i(+,ies 8and de(ands9
be&a"io#ra, %&an$e as a res#,t o) one;s +ra%ti%e3 t&e re,e"an%e o) t&e abo"e to (a$i%a, $ro#+s
s&o#,d be ob"io#s4
Sin%e t&e =?DLs3 a n#(ber o) (ode,s w&i%& a%%o#nt )or sta$es in $ro#+ de"e,o+(ent &a"e arisen4 A
$reat dea, o) resear%& into $ro#+ dyna(i%s &as been +ro(+ted by t&e +o+#,arity o) +sy%&ot&era+y
$ro#+s3 se,)-&e,+ $ro#+s3 %ons%io#sness-raisin$ $ro#+s3 %o#nse,,in$ $ro#+s3 t&e &#(an $rowt&
(o"e(ent3 et%4 T&is di"ersity o) t&eories +ro"ides a ri%& )ra(ewor6 )or ana,ysin$ $ro#+ be&a"io#r4
So(e (ode,s o) $ro#+ dyna(i%s +ro+ose t&at $ro#+s (o"e t&ro#$& a series o) ,inear sta$es3 w&i,st
ot&ers +oint o#t t&at +arti%#,ar +&ases in a $ro#+s; de"e,o+(ent (ay re%#r t&ro#$&o#t its ,i)e4 T&is is
a +arti%#,ar,y i(+ortant +oint4 T&e ass#(+tion t&at3 on%e a +arti%#,ar %on),i%t or iss#e &as arisen and
been reso,"ed by a $ro#+3 t&en it wi,, not re%#r a$ain3 is a %o((on )a,,a%y4 It is (ore rea,isti% to say
t&at $ro#+s ,earn t&at +rob,e(s and %on),i%ts wi,, rea++ear3 and t&at t&e e))e%ti"e $ro#+ wi,, a%%e+t
t&is and wor6 t&ro#$& t&e(3 ea%& ti(e at a dee+er3 and (ore satis)yin$ ,e"e,4
A (#%&-1#oted (ode, o) t&e de"e,o+(enta, +ro%esses #nder,yin$ $ro#+ be&a"io#r &as been
+ro+osed by Br#%e T#%6(an4 Fo,,owin$ an e*tensi"e re"iew o) resear%& into $ro#+ dyna(i%s &e &as
+ro+osed t&e )o,,owin$ sta$esI For(in$3 Stor(in$3 Nor(in$3 and Per)or(in$4
Gro#+s start in a wide "ariety o) ways and indi"id#a,s &a"e (any di))erent (oti"ations )or :oinin$ a
(a$i%a, $ro#+3 so(e o) w&i%& (ay be #n%ons%io#s4 T&ese in%,#deI t&e need to %on)ir( one;s ideas
8in%,#din$ se,)-i(a$e3 bot& +ositi"e and ne$ati"e93 t&e need to be,on$ 8se%#rity93 en:oy(ent3 and
a%&ie"e(ent4 T&e state o) (e(bers in t&is )irst sta$e is3 to "aryin$ de$rees3 one o) #n%ertainty and
an*iety to t&e #n6nown-t&is bein$ t&e intentions o) t&e ,eader3 and ot&er (e(bers o) t&e $ro#+4
Per&a+s (ost i(+ortant,y3 (e(bers wi,, need ass#ran%e o) bein$ a%%e+ted and re%o$nised4 T&is
an*iety is ,i6e,y to be &ei$&tened i) t&ere is no sense o) dire%tion in t&e $ro#+3 i) t&e ,eader ass#(es a
nondire%ti"e ro,e4 A %o((on %o+in$ strate$y w&i%& (e(bers )a,, ba%6 on is to ,i(it t&e(se,"es to
+o,ite so%ia, intera%tion4 Re,ations&i+s at t&is sta$e tend to be )or(a, and %oo, as (e(bers try and
+resent a $ood i(+ression o) t&e(se,"es4 Me(bers w&o 6now ea%& ot&er )ro( o#tside t&e $ro#+ wi,,
tend to intera%t wit& ea%& ot&er (ore )re1#ent,y t&an new (e(bers4
A dee+ ,e"e, o) se,)-dis%,os#re is not e*+e%ted to ta6e +,a%e at t&is sta$e4 Indeed3 any s#%&
dis%,os#re (ay not be a++ro+riate3 as one +erson doin$ so (ay we,, s%are ot&ers w&o do not )ee,
sett,ed eno#$& in t&e $ro#+ to $o so )ar t&e(se,"es4 T&e e*+ression o) dee+,y +ersona, "a,#es does
not tend to o%%#r #nti, +eo+,e are s#re t&at t&ese "a,#es wi,, be a%%e+ted by ot&er (e(bers o) t&e
T&e stor(in$ +&ase be$ins w&en (e(bers be$in to %o(e o#t )ro( be&ind t&eir )or(a, (as6s o)
+o,iteness4 In a new sit#ation3 t&is $i"es rise to )ee,in$s o) "#,nerabi,ity3 and t&#s $i"es rise to tension4
A,so by t&is ti(e3 (e(bers wi,, &a"e an in%reased 6now,ed$e o) ea%& ot&er 8t&ro#$& bot& "erba, and
non-"erba, %o((#ni%ation94 T&ey wi,, &a"e de%ided w&o t&ey ,i6e and w&o t&ey don;t ,i6e wit&in t&e
$ro#+4 Bein$ "#,nerab,e in t&e +resen%e o) +eo+,e w&o( one is not s#re o) is a,so s%ary4 In%reased
intera%tion t&rows #+ di))eren%es and in%on$r#en%ies t&at wi,, not be a%%e+tab,e to a,,3 in t&e sa(e
way4 Anot&er so#r%e o) %on),i%t is t&e tension between indi"id#a, and $ro#+4 In a%%e+tin$ t&e dire%tion
o) t&e $ro#+ as a w&o,e3 so(e (e(bers (ay )ee, t&at t&eir sense o) identity is bein$ s#bs#(ed by
t&e $ro#+ and t&at t&ey are sa%ri)i%in$ t&eir sense o) identity to it4
Con),i%t wit& t&e ,eader
T&e stor(in$ +&ase is a,so %&ara%terised by tension between t&e (e(bers o) t&e $ro#+ and t&e
,eader4 For e*a(+,e3 i) a (e(ber )ee,s &is own sense o) indi"id#a,ity to be t&reatened3 &e (ay
atte(+t to %o#nter t&is by be%o(in$ &osti,e to t&e $ro#+ ,eader or ot&er (e(bers4 T&is tenden%y
(ay be &ei$&tened i) t&ere is a +er%ei"ed ,a%6 o) dire%tion or str#%t#re in t&e $ro#+4 Po,arisation %an
o%%#r w&en so(e (e(bers try to +,ay it sa)e rat&er ris6 %on)rontation and %&a,,en$e4
On%e t&e i((ediate %on%erns o"er a#t&ority and inti(a%y &a"e been reso,"ed3 (e(bers a%%e+t t&e
idiosyn%rasies o) ea%& ot&er and o) t&e $ro#+ as a w&o,e4 At t&is sta$e3 $ro#+ nor(s and "a,#es start
to e(er$e as an e*+ression o) t&e $ro#+s; %o&esi"eness4 Gro#+ "a,#es re),e%t t&e (#t#a, desire )or
to,eran%e3 s#++ort and o+enness4 As t&e $ro#+ (o"es o#t o) %on),i%t into %o&esi"eness3 (e(bers
wi,, be%o(e (ore in"o,"ed and %o((itted to t&e $ro#+3 +,a%in$ it &i$&er in t&eir +ersona, s%a,e o)
%o((it(ents4 Howe"er3 t&e res+onse to ear,ier %on),i%t in t&e $ro#+ is o)ten e*+ressed as a need to
(aintain &ar(ony at a,, %osts4 So t&e sense o) $ro#+ %o&esion is )ra$i,e4 T&ere is so(eti(es
+ress#re e*+ressed towards (e(bers w&o do not %on)or( to t&e nor(s e(er$in$ in t&e $ro#+4
Grad#a,,y t&is $i"es way to to,eran%e4 Re,ated to t&e de"e,o+(ent o) nor(s is t&e identi)i%ation o)
ro,es wit&in t&e $ro#+4 T&is is not abo#t t&e )or(a, ro,es3 b#t t&e in)or(a, ro,es s#%& as w&o is best at
%,ari)yin$ iss#es3 w&o $i"es s#++ort3 w&o 1#estions best3 w&o a%ts to (ediate between ot&ers3 et%4
T&e Leader be%o(es an E1#a,
T&is +&ase is a,so %&ara%terised by a s&i)t in attit#de towards t&e ,eader4 T&e ,eader is no ,on$er
seen as an e*+ert3 a#t&ority )i$#re i(+osin$ &is wi,, onto t&e $ro#+3 b#t as an e1#a, (e(ber3 w&ose
in+#t is so(eti(es #se)#,3 and at ot&er ti(es3 not4
'#rin$ t&is +&ase3 t&e $ro#+ is oriented towards its tas64 Me(bers wi,, ado+t ro,es w&i%& enab,e
t&e( to a%%o(+,is& t&e $ro#+;s a%ti"ities3 &a"in$ ,earned to a%%e+t and re,ate to ea%& ot&er as so%ia,
entities4 T&e $ro#+ )#n%tions as a w&o,e and (e(bers a%6now,ed$e ea%& ot&er;s indi"id#a,
di))eren%es and a,,ow t&e( to e(er$e wit&in t&e $ro#+4 '#rin$ t&is +&ase3 t&e +ossibi,ity )or +ositi"e
%on)rontation e(er$es4 Me(bers be%o(e re,a*ed eno#$& to %&a,,en$e bot& t&e $ro#+ and ea%&
ot&er re$ardin$ de%isions and %&oi%es in an at(os+&ere o) (#t#a, res+e%t4
T&e abo"e (ode, +ro"ides a #se)#, de"i%e )or e*+,orin$ and inter+retin$ $ro#+ be&a"io#r4 It s&o#,d
be re(e(bered t&at t&ere is #n,i6e,y to be3 in any one $ro#+3 a %,ear transition )ro( one sta$e to t&e
ne*t4 A $ro#+ (ay +eriodi%a,,y %y%,e t&ro#$& t&ese +atterns3 )or instan%e3 as a %onse1#en%e o) new
(e(bers :oinin$ t&e $ro#+3 or %&an$es in t&e e*terna, so%ia, en"iron(ent4 !&i,st a $ro#+ is )or(in$3
it wi,, a,so be +er)or(in$3 and "i%e "ersa4 '#rin$ t&e )or(in$ +&ase3 +er)or(in$ wi,, be o"ers&adowed
by )or(in$3 and d#rin$ t&e ,ast +&ase3 it wi,, be (ain,y +er)or(in$3 and )or(in$ to a ,esser de$ree4
T&e stren$t& o) t&is (ode, is t&at it +ro"ides #se)#, $#ide,ines )or $ro#+ )a%i,itators and ,eaders4 For
instan%e3 ine*+erien%ed ,eaders are o)ten ta6en aba%6 w&en %on),i%t towards t&eir ro,e is e*+ressed4
T&ey tend to ta6e t&is &osti,ity +ersona,,y3 and be%o(e de)ensi"e4 A %o((on atte(+t to a,,e"iate t&is
&osti,ity is to be%o(e non-dire%ti"e or in%reasin$,y a#t&oritarian7 eit&er a++roa%& tends to in%rease
tension rat&er t&an red#%e it3 ,eadin$ to e(otiona, e*+,osions w&i%& )#rt&er da(a$e t&e abi,ity o) t&e
$ro#+ to (o"e towards %o&esi"eness4 Si(i,ar,y3 ,eaders need to be aware o) t&e dan$ers o)
atte(+tin$ to (aintain an i,,#sion o) &ar(ony wit&in a $ro#+ at t&e e*+ense o) a%6now,ed$in$
#nder,yin$ +rob,e(s and %on),i%ts4 I) tensions are not a%6now,ed$ed wit&in t&e $ro#+3 (e(bers wi,,
tend to e*+ress t&e( a(on$st t&e(se,"es-wit& )riends and in s(a,, %,i1#es4 I) resent(ents are not
a,,owed to e(er$e3 indi"id#a, (e(bers tend to )oster t&e( a,one3 #nti, t&ey dis+,ay t&e(
a$$ressi"e,y or ,ea"e t&e $ro#+ 8o)ten bot&94 T&is a,so tends to $i"e rise to a )ee,in$ t&at ,eaders do
not %are abo#t (e(ber;s +rob,e(s3 or t&at w&ate"er t&ey say wi,, not be ta6en as bein$ i(+ortant4
Me(bers w&o e*+ress #nreso,"ed iss#es are o)ten (ade into s%a+e$oats by t&e rest o) t&e $ro#+4
Me(bers (ay be re,ie"ed t&at a +rob,e( &as been bro#$&t #+3 b#t a,so s%ared abo#t t&e disr#+tion
to t&e 8a++arent,y9 s(oot& )#n%tion o) t&e $ro#+s; a%ti"ities4
T&e Gro#+ and t&e E*terna, En"iron(ent
Gro#+s do not o+erate in a "a%##(3 t&ey are a,so in),#en%ed by t&e s#rro#ndin$ en"iron(ent4 For
e*a(+,e3 t&ere are $reat di))eren%es in t&e $ro#+ dyna(i%s between +eo+,e w&o ,i"e in a "i,,a$e as
o++osed to ,i"in$ in a ,ar$e %ity4 So(e (a$i%a, $ro#+s e*ist wit&in a ,ar$er or$anisation and (ay we,,
be in),#en%ed by tensions between t&e i((ediate $ro#+ and w&at is +er%ei"ed to be t&e rest o) t&e
or$anisation4 T&e &istory o) t&e $ro#+ itse,) (ay be %onsidered +art o) t&e s#rro#ndin$ en"iron(ent
as t&is is e"er-+resent and in),#en%es its be&a"io#r4 !&at is +er%ei"ed to be t&e $ro#+ tradition
(i$&t3 )or e*a(+,e3 be%o(e a ri$id nor( w&i%& +re"ents ada+tation and ),e*ibi,ity $i"in$ rise to t&e
"iew t&at 2we;"e a,ways done 444 t&at way42 T&ere is a,so t&e )a%tor o) %ross-(e(bers&i+ wit& ot&er
$ro#+s to bear in (ind4 In a +ro"in%ia, town3 t&e (a$i%a, $ro#+ (ay we,, be t&e on,y $a(e in town
and &en%e)ort& be o) +ri(ary i(+ortan%e to an indi"id#a, w&o wants to wor6 (a$i% in a $ro#+4 In
%ontrast3 ,ar$e %ities 8s#%& as London or L4A49 (i$&t &a"e a $reat (any $ro#+s o+eratin$3 and it
be%o(es easier )or indi"id#a,s to (o"e to anot&er $ro#+4 An indi"id#a,s +arti%i+ation in a $ro#+ is
in),#en%ed by t&e i(+ortan%e t&at &e attrib#tes to t&e )eat#res o) t&at $ro#+ in re,ation to t&e
i(+ortan%e attrib#ted to ot&er $ro#+s o) w&i%& &e is a,so a (e(ber4 In ot&er words3 w&en (e(bers
be,on$ to se"era, $ro#+s si(#,taneo#s,y3 t&ey wi,, tend to +rioritise +arti%i+ation in one $ro#+;s
a%ti"ities o"er anot&er3 based on t&e i(+ortan%e o) t&ose $ro#+s to t&e(3 and t&e ,e"e, o) satis)a%tion
t&at t&ey obtain )ro( +arti%i+atin$ in t&ese $ro#+s4 T&is is a +rob,e( )or $ro#+ ,eaders to be aware o)
)or3 a)ter a,,3 it is di))i%#,t to resort to dra%onian ta%ti%s s#%& as insistin$ t&at (e(bers +#t one;s own
$ro#+ )irst 8I &a"e seen t&is done3 wit& t&e e))e%t t&at t&e +erson i((ediate,y red#%ed &is
(e(bers&i+ o) di))erent $ro#+s by ,ea"in$ t&e $ro#+ %on%erned wit& &is %o((it(ent to t&e(94
G,a(o#r Pro:e%tion
Mode( (a$i%a, $ro#+s are as (#%& %on%erned wit& %reatin$ an o"era,, i(a$e as any ot&er $ro#+ in
so%iety4 T&is i(a$e (ay be +ro:e%ted t&ro#$& t&e #se o) distin%t sy(bo,s w&i%& &a"e +arti%#,ar
asso%iations4 T&e C&aos+&ere &as3 )or e*a(+,e3 di))erent asso%iations t&an t&e in"erted +enta$ra(
/ $oat;s &ead4
So(e $ro#+s +ro(ote a %ertain sty,e in ter(s o) dress3 &air%#ts3 and (e(bers&i+ t&ro#$& +arti%#,ar
be&a"io#rs and %odes4 T&e se%ret si$ns and si$na,s e(+,oyed wit&in (a$i%a, or$anisations be%o(e
+art o) t&is o"era,, $,a(o#r3 w&i%& is as i(+ortant )or +arti%i+ants as its o"era,, re,ations&i+ to ot&er
$ro#+s4 T&ere is a,ways a %ertain de$ree o) tension between t&e desire to +ro:e%t s#%& a $,a(o#r on
a wide s%a,e3 and t&e +oint w&ere t&e $,a(o#r be%o(es a )as&ion w&i%& is distin%t )ro( t&e ori$ina,
$ro#+3 and wi,, be ta6en #+ by ot&ers o#tside o) t&e $ro#+;s i((ediate (e(bers&i+4
Per%e+tions o) Ma$i%
Indi"id#a, (e(bers o) a (a$i%a, $ro#+ are &i$&,y ,i6e,y to &a"e "ast,y di))erent +er%e+tions o) w&at
(a$i% (eans to t&e(4 To a ,ar$e e*tent3 t&is )a%tor is re,ated to t&e %onsens#a, be,ie) syste( s&ared
by (e(bers o) t&e $ro#+4 For +#r+oses o) dis%#ssion I wi,, (a6e t&e distin%tion between ,oose and
ti$&t %onsens#a, be,ie) syste(s4 An e*a(+,e o) a ti$&t %onsens#a, syste( wo#,d be a !i%%an $ro#+
w&erein a,, t&e (e(bers s&are t&e o"era,, be,ie) syste( 6nown as !i%%a4 In %ontrast3 a C&aos Ma$i%
$ro#+ %o#,d be $enera,,y %&ara%terised as ,oose3 in t&at (e(bers wo#,d be (#%& (ore ,i6e,y to &a"e
di"er$ent +ersona, be,ie)s3 and ,oose,y a$ree on a )ew +rin%i+,es4 T&is is an i(+ortant iss#e as
en$a$e(ent in a s&ared tradition or be,ie) syste( %an be a %ontrib#tin$ )a%tor towards $ro#+
%o&esi"eness4 !&ere be,ie)s are %on"er$ent3 (e(bers %an )ee, ass#red t&at t&eir +ersona, )ee,in$s
are (ore ,i6e,y to be s&ared and t&ere)ore3 #nderstood by ot&er (e(bers4 !&en be,ie)s are
di"er$ent3 (e(bers wi,, &a"e to e*+,ain t&e(se,"es (ore and t&ere)ore in%#r ris6s wit& ea%& ot&er4
T&e C&a,,en$e o) C&an$e
Si(i,ar,y3 a $ro#+ wi,, be a))e%ted by t&e di"er$en%e o) be,ie) w&i%& arises o#t o) its +er)or(an%e4 It is
in t&e nat#re o) (a$i% t&at as indi"id#a,s +ro$ress wit& t&eir own wor63 and in t&e wor6 o) t&e $ro#+
as a w&o,e3 t&eir attit#des3 be,ie)s and "a,#es re,atin$ to (a$i% %&an$e4 T&is %&an$e (ay be $rad#a,
or s#dden3 as in t&e %ase o) (e(bers e*+erien%in$ s+irit#a, re"e,ations3 i,,#(inations3 or initiatory
+eriods as e*e(+,i)ied by w&at St4 >o&n o) t&e Cross ter(ed 2t&e 'ar6 Ni$&t o) t&e So#,42 It s&o#,d
be ob"io#s t&at t&ese %&an$es %an ,ead to %on),i%ts and tensions wit&in t&e $ro#+4 In a ti$&t-be,ie)
$ro#+3 t&e e*+ression o) %&an$es o) be,ie) %an be%o(e +rob,e(ati%3 +arti%#,ar,y i) $ro#+ nor(s
%onsider t&e tradition o) be,ie) to be in"io,ate3 t&at is3 not o+en to 1#estion or %&an$e4 E"en in
%o(+arati"e,y ,oose-be,ie) $ro#+s3 a++arent t&reats to t&e $ro#+s; estab,is&ed nor(s (ay be (et
wit& &osti,ity4 T&is is +arti%#,ar,y a++arent in $ro#+s w&ere a,,e$ian%e to t&e $ro#+s; tradition is $i"en
a &i$&er nor(ati"e "a,#e t&an t&at o) indi"id#a, ),e*ibi,ity4 Hen%e t&e +&rase I (a$i%a, di))eren%es;
w&i%& is o)ten #sed to e*+,ain t&e reason w&y indi"id#a,s ,ea"e a $ro#+4
Con),i%tin$ Va,#es
T&is iss#e is )#rt&er %o(+,i%ated by t&e tenden%y )or $ro#+ (e(bers to ass#(e t&at t&e $ro#+ as a
w&o,e s&ares t&e sa(e $enera, be,ie)s and attit#des towards as+e%ts o) (a$i% t&at t&ey t&e(se,"es
ad&ere to4 A +ri(e e*a(+,e o) t&is o%%#rs in sor%ery wor6in$s3 w&ere a (e(ber +ro+oses t&at a
&ea,in$ or %#rsin$ o+eration ta6e +,a%e3 ass#(in$ t&at ot&er (e(bers s&are t&e sa(e "a,#es
re,atin$ to t&ese a%ts4 T&is %an be%o(e a +rob,e( w&en t&e ass#(+tion is %&a,,en$ed4 !&en a
$ro#+ nor(s &a"e been estab,is&ed 8#s#a,,y i(+,i%it,y rat&er t&an e*+,i%it,y93 on t&e ,ines t&at a,,
(e(bers; %ontrib#tions are "a,#ed3 and t&at a,, (e(bers s&o#,d s#++ort ea%& ot&er;s (a$i%a, wor63
(e(bers w&ose +ro+osa,s are %&a,,en$ed tend to )ee, +ersona,,y s,i$&ted4 E1#a,,y3 (e(bers w&o
%&a,,en$e are ,i6e,y to )ee, #n%o()ortab,e in interr#+tin$ t&e $ro#+ tas63 in &a"in$ to dis%,ose t&eir
+ersona, "a,#es3 and %&a,,en$in$ anot&er (e(ber4 T&is 6ind o) sit#ation is a%%ent#ated w&en t&e
$ro#+ is #nder a ti(e restri%tion4 O)ten3 it is )e,t t&at it is easier to $o a,on$ wit& a sit#ation w&i%& one
is not entire,y %o()ortab,e wit&3 rat&er t&an ro%6 t&e boat4
Re,ated to t&is is t&e %onsens#a, be,ie)3 o)ten &e,d to be )a%t#a, t&at (a$i%a, wor6in$s by a $ro#+ are
so(e&ow (ore +ower)#, t&an so,o wor6in$s4 !&en a (e(ber as6s t&e $ro#+ to s#++ort a wor6in$3
t&ere is #s#a,,y an i(+,i%ation t&at it is o) $reat i(+ortan%e3 t&ere)ore a %&a,,en$e (ade %on%ernin$
t&e "a,#e3 s#b:e%t3 or (ora,ity o) t&e wor6in$ is (ore ,i6e,y to be ta6en +ersona,,y4 Con)rontations o)
t&is ty+e %&a,,en$e t&e ass#(ed ;we-ness; o) t&e $ro#+ b#t a,so +ro"ide a )o%#s )or t&e e,aboration o)
+ersona, di))eren%es and di"er$ent o+inions wit&in t&e $ro#+4 T&is re1#ires %are)#, (ana$e(ent4
Gro#+ (e(bers need reass#ran%e t&at t&e %&a,,en$in$ o) one +arti%#,ar instan%e o) t&eir ideas is
not-as it is o)ten ta6en-a %&a,,en$e o) t&eir entire &istori%a, in+#t to t&e $ro#+4 P&rases s#%& as 2we
a,, )ee,4442 or 2we a,, s&o#,d4442 are o)ten #sed to (a6e a,,-in%,#si"e state(ents w&i%&3 w&i,st a++ea,in$
to t&e (#t#a, sense o) ;we-ness; in t&e $ro#+3 a,so #se t&at ;we-ness; )ee,in$ as a b,o%6 a$ainst bein$
One e))e%ti"e a++roa%& is )or t&e ,eader to draw attention to t&e di"er$ent be,ie)s and interests wit&in
t&e $ro#+ at an ear,y sta$e and en%o#ra$e dis%#ssion o) t&is di"ersity3 +er&a+s s#$$estin$ t&at t&e
$ro#+ %o#,d s+end a +eriod e*+,orin$ any s+e%i)i% interest areas in t#rn4 T&is +ro"ides an o++ort#nity
)or (e(bers to a++re%iate ea%& ot&er;s (a$i%a, ba%6$ro#nds3 to )ind o#t w&ere ea%& indi"id#a, is
%o(in$ )ro(3 and in w&at dire%tions t&e $ro#+ %an (o"e4 T&is %an be e))e%ti"e i) ea%& indi"id#a, is
wi,,in$ 8+er&a+s wit& assistan%e9 to ,ead a session e*+,orin$ &is own interest areas4 It is o) %o#rse
#se)#, i) $ro#+ (e(bers %an dis%#ss iss#es re,atin$ to +ersona, and s&ared "a,#es +rior to a%t#a,,y
en$a$in$ in (a$i%a, wor6 w&i%& (i$&t re,ate to t&ose "a,#es4 It is a,so #se)#, )or t&e $ro#+ to dis%#ss
a $enera, +ro+osition t&at3 w&i,st (e(bers are en%o#ra$ed to s#++ort t&e wor6 o) t&e $ro#+ as a
w&o,e3 t&ey ea%& &a"e t&e ri$&t not to +arti%i+ate in a%ti"ities w&i%& t&ey )ind re+#$nant on t&e
$ro#nds o) taste3 et&i%s3 or +ersona, +re)eren%e4 I) a (e(ber o) t&e $ro#+ doesn;t wis& to +arti%i+ate
in a +arti%#,ar rit#a, or e"ent3 t&ey s&o#,d be ab,e to say so3 wit&o#t )ee,in$ t&at t&ey are ,ettin$ t&e
$ro#+ down or %a#sin$ +rob,e(s )or e"eryone e,se4
Contrib#tion to t&e Gro#+ Pro%essETas6
A %o((on so#r%e o) %on),i%t w&i%& %an arise in $ro#+s is t&at o) +er%ei"ed di))eren%es in indi"id#a,s;
%ontrib#tions to t&e o"era,, $ro#+ +ro%ess and its tas6s4 T&is tends to be "oi%ed by +&rases s#%& as
2I do a,, t&is 444 and I;( not a++re%iated by yo#2 or 2!it&o#t (e t&e $ro#+ %o#,dn;t )#n%tion42
Indi"id#a,s w&o +#t a ,ot o) e))ort into a $ro#+ (ay at so(e +oint %o(e to e*+e%t an #nrea,isti% ,e"e,
o) a++re%iation )ro( ot&er (e(bers3 w&i%& is o)ten re,ated to iss#es aro#nd res+e%t )or t&eir
+er%ei"ed stat#s wit&in t&e $ro#+4 !&en t&eir "iews or ideas )or t&e $ro#+ are %&a,,en$ed3 t&ey
be%o(e de)ensi"e and t&reaten t&e wit&drawa, o) t&eir in+#t3 o)ten %itin$ t&eir &istori%a, %ontrib#tion
to t&e $ro#+ in order to i,,#strate t&e #n)airness o) &ow t&ey )ee, t&ey are bein$ treated4 T&ere is t&#s
a (is+er%e+tion on t&e +art o) t&e indi"id#a, t&at t&eir &i$& ,e"e, o) %ontrib#tion to t&e $ro#+ a))ords
t&e( a &i$&er stat#s wit&in t&e $ro#+ as a w&o,e3 so t&at t&ey do not e*+e%t to be %&a,,en$ed abo#t
t&eir ideas or be&a"io#r4
Ma$i%a, $ro#+s o)ten attra%t dyna(i% indi"id#a,s w&o wi,, 1#ite &a++i,y ta6e on set tas6s wit&in t&e
$ro#+ b#t a,so see t&e need )or ot&er tas6s w&i%& &a"e not yet been identi)ied by t&e $ro#+ as a
w&o,e and t&row t&e(se,"es into %reatin$ t&e(4 For e*a(+,e3 a (e(ber (i$&t )ee, t&at t&e $ro#+
needs a news,etter3 a &istori%a, ar%&i"e o) (e(ber;s (a$i%a, wor63 or an e*tensi"e ran$e o) +ro+s )or
%ere(onia, or rit#a, #se4 T&ese ideas are #s#a,,y (et wit& a++ro"a, )ro( ot&er (e(bers4 T&e
+rob,e( &ere is not so (#%& t&at indi"id#a, (e(bers want to do (ore wor6 )or t&e $ro#+3 b#t t&at
&a"in$ de%ided to ta6e t&ese additiona, tas6s on3 (e(bers (ay we,, %o(e to &a"e #nrea,isti%
e*+e%tations abo#t t&e %onse1#en%es o) t&eir additiona, in+#t3 ,eadin$ into t&e s%enario o#t,ined
Re,ated to t&is is t&e iss#e o) tan$ib,e3 as o++osed to intan$ib,e %ontrib#tions to t&e $ro#+ +ro%ess4
Me(bers w&o (a6e tan$ib,e %ontrib#tions-t&e news,etter3 (a$i%a, ar%&i"e or e,aborate rit#a, +ro+s-
to t&e $ro#+ (ay dis%o#nt t&e %ontrib#tions o) $ro#+ (e(bers w&i%& are ,ess a++arent3 s#%& as t&e
indi"id#a,s w&o (ani)est t&e ro,es o) ;s#++orter3; ;1#estioner; or ;:o6er; wit&in t&e $ro#+4
Con),i%t o"er t&is iss#e %an res#,t in t&e a$$rie"ed indi"id#a,s ,ea"in$ t&e $ro#+4 It be%o(es
e*tre(e,y di))i%#,t to reso,"e t&e sit#ation #n,ess t&ose (e(bers be%o(e wi,,in$ to e*a(ine t&eir own
+ersona, (oti"ations w&i%& #nder,ie t&eir i(+et#s towards (a6in$ %ontrib#tions o"er and abo"e t&e
nor( as it were4 S#%& indi"id#a,s need reass#ran%e t&at t&eir %ontrib#tions to t&e $ro#+ are "a,#ed3
b#t a,so need to a%6now,ed$e t&at t&ey s&o#,d not e*+e%t a &i$&er stat#s wit&in t&e $ro#+ as a dire%t
%onse1#en%e o) t&eir e*tra e))orts4 T&is %an be +arti%#,ar,y di))i%#,t w&en it is )e,t by s#%& (e(bers
t&at t&e rest o) t&e $ro#+ is not $i"in$ s#))i%ient s#++ort to a +ro:e%t w&i%& t&ey &a"e started on t&eir
own initiati"e3 so t&at it be%o(es t&e )a#,t o) t&e $ro#+3 )or e*a(+,e3 t&at t&e news,etter is not bein$
s#++orted4 It is o)ten easier )or t&e a$$rie"ed (e(ber to b,a(e t&e $ro#+ )or not s#++ortin$ t&eir
+ro:e%t rat&er t&an sayin$ 2we,, +er&a+s we don;t rea,,y need a news,etter42 A$ain3 t&is re,ates to t&e
+er%e+tion o) %o((on ai(s and "a,#es wit&in t&e $ro#+4 S#++ort or ta%it a$ree(erit by t&e $ro#+ as
a w&o,e o) an indi"id#a, (e(ber;s +ro:e%t does not ne%essari,y (ean t&at t&e rest o) t&e $ro#+ wi,,
a#to(ati%a,,y $i"e t&e sa(e ,e"e, o) i(+ortan%e to t&e +ro:e%t t&at t&e (e(ber w&o initiates it does-
t&o#$& t&is is o)ten ass#(ed to be t&e %ase4
Orientation o) tas6s wit&in t&e $ro#+ %an re1#ire %are)#, (ana$e(ent4 I)3 wit&in a $ro#+ sit#ation3 t&e
(a:or %ontrib#tions to its wor6 is %ontin#a,,y %o(in$ )ro( t&e sa(e +eo+,e3 t&ey are ,i6e,y to "ery
1#i%6,y be%o(e bored wit& %ontin#a,,y s#++ortin$ t&e ot&ers4 -n,ess a (a$i%ian is +#r+ose,y see6in$
to &a"e a $ro#+ w&o entire,y )o,,ow &is ideas and +,ans3 t&is is a "ery #nsatis)yin$ sit#ation )or a,,
%on%erned4 Tas6 orientation needs to be )or(a,ised3 to "aryin$ de$rees3 and set #+ on a rationa,
basis4 Abi,ity3 interest and res+onsibi,ity are t&e (ain %riteria &ere4 Gi"in$ so(eone a tas6 to +er)or(
be%a#se &e is ,i6ed or dis,i6ed does not ser"e t&e interests o) t&e $ro#+ in t&e ,on$ r#n3 nor does
%ontin#a,,y $i"in$ so(eone a tas6 t&at3 in ti(e3 be%o(es &is e*%,#si"e +ro+erty a,one4 E"eryone
wit&in t&e $ro#+ s&o#,d be $i"en t&e o++ort#nity to de"e,o+ t&e s6i,,s ne%essary to +er)or(
a++ro+riate tas6s4
A si(+,e e*a(+,e o) e))e%ti"e tas6 orientation is in re$ard to or$anisin$ a seasona, %e,ebration4 T&is
%an be bro6en down into +arti%#,ar tas6s3 w&i%& (i$&t in%,#deI
Findin$ a s#itab,e site
Or$ani5in$ trans+ort and ro#tes to t&e site
Pre+aration o) in%ense and ,i$&tin$
Pre+aration o) any +ro+s re1#ired
Se,e%tin$ indi"id#a,s to ta6e on distin%t rit#a, ro,es
!ritin$ and distrib#tin$ an a++ro+riate rit#a, )or(at )or t&e e"ent
Ea%& tas6 (ay be assi$ned to a +arti%#,ar (e(ber3 and t&en rotated )or s#%%essi"e e"ents so t&at
ea%& (e(ber $ets t&e %&an%e to &a"e a $o at di))erent tas6s4 T&is #se)#, in a $ro#+ sit#ation as it
+ro(otes %o&esi"eness and %o((it(ent4 I) +eo+,e )ee, t&at t&ey are essentia, to t&e s#%%ess o) t&e
$ro#+3 t&en t&ey are (ore ,i6e,y to s&ow %o((it(ent to (eetin$s4 F#rt&er(ore3 t&is %an aid t&e
+ro%ess o) (e(bers )or(in$ )riends&i+s w&i%& $o beyond t&e i((ediate $ro#+ (eetin$ +,a%e4 I
&a"e )o#nd t&at in $enera,3 $ro#+ (e(bers w&o restri%t t&eir intera%tions wit& ot&er (e(bers to
)or(a, $ro#+ (eetin$s )ind it &arder to +arti%i+ate in t&e (ore inti(ate as+e%ts o) t&e $ro#+;s
C&a,,en$es to A#t&ority
Ma$i%a, $ro#+s o)ten attra%t indi"id#a,s w&o desire to be +er%ei"ed as a#t&orities on t&e s#b:e%t3 by
"irt#e o) t&eir +ro)essed e*+ertise3 or &a"in$ attained so(e +arti%#,ar de$ree o) initiation4 S#%&
indi"id#a,s (ay not be )or(a,,y re%o$nised or desi$nated as ,eaders in t&e $ro#+3 a,t&o#$& t&ey (ay
be a%%orded a &i$& stat#s wit&in t&e $ro#+ i) ot&er (e(bers %o,,#de wit& t&eir identi)i%ation o) bein$
a#t&orities4 Con),i%t %an arise wit&in a $ro#+ w&en an a#t&ority or ot&er (e(bers )ee, t&at t&e
+osition o) t&e +arti%#,ar a#t&ority is bein$ %&a,,en$ed4
T&e ,e$iti(isation o) a#t&ority is a %o(+,e* iss#e4 It %an be t&at t&e +er%ei"ed a#t&ority is &e,d to be
t&e (ost e*+erien%ed +erson in t&e $ro#+4 A,ternati"e,y3 t&e ;Star Syndro(e; denotes indi"id#a,s w&o
be%o(e a#t&orities by &a"in$ $ained so(e de$ree o) notoriety or &a"in$ written * n#(ber o) boo6s4
T&ere is a,so t&e iss#e o) a#t&ority w&i%& ste(s )ro( so-%a,,ed ;s+irit#a,; initiation4 T&e +rob,e( wit&
;s+irit#a,; a#t&ority is t&at it is rare,y o+en to %,ose ins+e%tion by ot&ers3 and it is )air,y easy )or a
%&aris(ati% and )or%e)#, +erson to %,ai( (ora, s#+eriority to ot&ers on t&e basis o) a &i$&er initiation
w&i%& is not3 a +riori3 o+en to ins+e%tion4 S#%& was t&e +osition o) so(e o) t&e ,eaders in t&e Go,den
'awn3 and (any o) its i(itators sin%e4 Anyone (ay (a6e t&e %,ai( t&at d#e to a di"ine i,,#(ination3
&e &as a (andate to ,ead and in)or( ot&ers b#t o) %o#rse not e"eryone is in a +osition to %arry it
a%ross in a $ro#+4 T&e (a$i%a, $ro#+3 o) %o#rse3 is o)ten t&e idea, +,a%e to (a6e s#%& a %,ai( and
(a6e it sti%63 and so a $ood n#(ber o) wo#,d-be $#r#s and (a$i &a"e (ana$ed to )oo, at ,east
so(e +eo+,e3 )or 1#ite a ,on$ +eriod o) ti(e4
T&e +rob,e( wit& &a"in$3 as it were3 2God on yo#r side32 is t&at it tends to ins+ire t&e indi"id#a, wit& a
tenden%y towards abso,#tis(4 Paranoia is an ine"itab,e %onse1#en%e3 +robab,y d#e to t&e )ee,in$
t&at anyone w&o dares to %riti%ise or (ere,y e*+ress a di))erent o+inion is a,so %a,,in$ into 1#estion
t&e "ery a#t&enti%ity o) t&e +erson;s initiation3 and t&ere)ore3 a#t&ority4
In t&e +resent %onte*t3 +er%ei"ed %&a,,en$es to estab,is&ed a#t&orities wit&in t&e $ro#+ %an easi,y
be%o(e a %on),i%t w&i%& +o,arises t&e $ro#+ into ;)o,,owers; and ;&ereti%s4; T&is %an ,ead to
dissatis)ied (e(bers ,ea"in$ t&e $ro#+3 or s%&is( wit&in a ,ar$er or$ani5ation4 Interna, s%&is( wit&in
a $ro#+ is3 in a way3 se,)-re$#,atin$3 in t&at it (a6es a )#rt&er +o,arisation between ;)o,,owers; and
;ene(ies4; Ha"in$ a $ro#+ o) e*-(e(bers t&at t&e $ro#+ %an %ate$orise now as ene(ies tends to
bond t&e (e(bers to$et&er a$ain3 #sin$ t&e $,#e o) (#t#a, +aranoia and r#)),ed )eat&ers4 T&e ne*t
%o#rse o) a%tion is a,, too )a(i,iarI +sy%&i% atta%63 (a$i%a, batt,es3 sni+in$ t&ro#$& t&e +a$es o) t&e
o%%#,t +ress and so )ort&4 I) t&e (e(bers )ee, t&at t&ey &a"e ;Tr#t&;3 ;God;3 or ;T&e Great !or6; on
t&eir side3 t&en t&e +er%ei"ed ene(ies a#to(ati%a,,y be%o(e b,a%6 (a$i%ians or satanists4 T&e t&reat
o) dea,in$ wit& interna, %ontradi%tions wit&in t&e $ro#+ %an be br#s&ed aside as t&e (e(bers&i+ ro,,
t&eir s,ee"es #+ )or t&e i(+ortant tas6 o) de)endin$ Cos(i% Tr#t& a$ainst -,ti(ate E"i,3 :#st in t&e
sa(e way t&at adroit +o,iti%ians #se wars to distra%t t&e +o+#,a%e )ro( tro#b,e at &o(e4 St#dies o)
$ro#+s s#%& as re,i$io#s %#,ts indi%ates t&at $ro#+s are re(ar6ab,y resi,ient in #+&o,din$ t&eir s&ared
be,ie)s in t&e )a%e o) t&reats to t&eir %ontin#ed e*isten%e4
A#t&ority in a $ro#+ is "ery (#%& a two-way +ro%ess3 de+endent as (#%& on &ow $ro#+ (e(bers
+er%ei"e a#t&ority )i$#res as on &ow t&ose w&o desire to be ta6en as a#t&orities +resent t&e(se,"es4
Trans$ression o) Gro#+ Nor(s
Gro#+ nor(ati"e "a,#es tend to be i(+,i%it rat&er t&an e*+,i%it and one o)ten doesn;t )ind o#t w&at
t&ey are #nti, one #nwittin$,y trans$resses t&e(4 = &a"e (et +eo+,e w&o &a"e been %ens#red by t&e
rest o) t&eir $ro#+ )or a%tions as si(+,e as ,a#$&in$ d#rin$ an in"o%ation or ,i$&tin$ a %i$arette a)ter a
(editation4 In (a$i%a, $ro#+s3 si(+,e trans$ressions (ay be%o(e e,e"ated d#e to t&e
(a$i%a,Es+irit#a, %onte*t a$ainst w&i%& t&ey are inter+reted by ot&ers4 T&#s ,a#$&in$ d#rin$ an
in"o%ation (ay be%o(e ;bein$ disres+e%t)#, to t&e Goddess; w&i,st ,i$&tin$ a %i$arette %an be t#rned
into ;dese%ration o) t&e %ir%,e4; O)ten3 s#%& trans$ressions are not "oi%ed o+en,y and t&e (a,doer
$ets t&e %o,ds&o#,der treat(ent )ro( ot&er (e(bers and is ,e)t to wor6 o#t &i(se,) w&at &e &as done
Se*#a,ity in Gro#+s
It;s #ndeniab,e t&at so(e +eo+,e see6 o#t (a$i%a, $ro#+s wit& a &o+e)#, eye on $ettin$ ,aid or )indin$
a (a$i%a, +artner4 O) %o#rse3 t&is wi,, be t&e %ase )or any ty+e o) $ro#+4 It is a,so3 sad,y3 t&e %ase t&at
t&e ,eaders o) so(e $ro#+s tend to "iew new (e(bers as new so#r%es o) noo6ie4 O) %o#rse3 t&is is
rare,y stated bo,d,y3 and so new (e(bers to (a$i%a, $ro#+s are so(eti(es in)or(ed t&at t&ey &a"e
so (#%& +otentia, t&at t&ey are $oin$ to be i((ediate,y $i"en a &i$&er initiation w&i%& in"o,"es
sa%red 8o) %o#rse9 se*#a, inter%o#rse wit& t&e ,eader8s9 o) t&e $ro#+ or t&at t&ey were so#,(ates in a
+re"io#s in%arnation4 Se*#a, be&a"io#r between $ro#+ (e(bers3 ,i6e any ot&er )or( o) be&a"io#r3
$ets :#sti)ied on t&e $ro#nds t&at it is so(e&ow (a$i%a, w&i%& (eans t&at nor(a, dis%ri(ination3
+re)eren%es or )ee,in$s idea,,y3 s&o#,dn;t a++,y4 T&e ar$#(ent one o)ten &ears is t&at (a$i%ians
s&o#,d be ab,e to rise abo"e +ersona, )ee,in$s w&en one ,earns t&at3 )or e*a(+,e3 t&e Hi$& Priest o)
t&e $ro#+ &as been s&a$$in$ yo#r +artner )or t&e ,ast two (ont&s4 T&at (e(bers o) (a$i%a, $ro#+s
s&o#,d e*+erien%e stron$ )ee,in$s )or ea%& ot&er3 w&i%& (ay or (ay not (ani)est as se*#a, a%ti"ity3 is
#ns#r+risin$4 !&at (a6es a,, t&e di))eren%e o) %o#rse3 is &ow t&e indi"id#a,s %on%erned3 and to so(e
e*tent3 t&e $ro#+ as a w&o,e3 &and,e it4 Li6e ot&er $ro#+ iss#es3 t&is is o)ten tri%6y3 +arti%#,ar,y as we
tend to t&in6 o) o#r se*#a, ,i"es as +ersona, and no one e,se;s b#siness4 It is naG"e &owe"er3 to
be,ie"e t&at se*#a, inter%&an$es t&at $o on between $ro#+ (e(bers wi,, +ass #nnoti%ed by
e"eryone e,se4 Its as we,, to be aware t&at +ersona, )ee,in$s3 )ears3 attit#des3 in&ibitions et%43 do not
si(+,y $o away w&en t&e %ir%,e is %ast or t&e Te(+,e door %,osed4
Ma$i%3 as seen t&ro#$& t&e ,ens o) t&e +o+#,ar (edia3 is "ery (#%& asso%iated wit& se*#a, or$ies4 It
(ay be +arado*i%a, t&en3 w&en we %onsider t&at e"en t&o#$& (a$i%ians a%6now,ed$e t&e +ower o)
se*#a,ity3 its $ro#+ e))e%ts &a"e re%ei"ed ,itt,e attention4 Gro#+ se*#a, $nosis tends to (ani)est on,y
in )air,y we,,de)ined s+a%es and #s#a,,y at ti(es w&en nor(a,ity &as been s#s+ended3 to a"oid ,ater
%on),i%t and re+er%#ssions4 -se o) se*#a, $nosis in a $ro#+ sit#ation does not ne%essari,y i(+,y an
or$iasti% )ree-)or-a,,3 (ere,y t&e awareness t&at se*#a, be&a"io#r is a +ower)#, ro#te to e%stasy4
A$ain3 se*#a, $nosis %an a++ear as a )eat#re o) (ind-%ontro, $ro#+s3 b#t w&i,e $ro#+ se*#a, $nosis
%an be a +ower)#, %onditioner3 it (ay a,so be a +ower)#, 'e%onditioner4 To be #ti,ised s#%%ess)#,,y3 it
re1#ires %are)#, $ro#+ (ana$e(ent3 +rior3 d#rin$3 and a)ter any o+erations4 It is i(+erati"e t&at
+arti%i+ants )ee, e(otiona,,y se%#re wit& ea%& ot&er and t&at a &i$& ,e"e, o) tr#st &as been se%#red4
Howe"er3 it s&o#,d a,so be noted t&at w&en t&e )o%#s o) a $ro#+;s be&a"io#r be%o(es entire,y based
aro#nd se*3 it tends to ,ose any wider i(+et#s4
R#nnin$ Gro#+s
Be)ore I $et down to +ra%ti%a, iss#es3 t&e )irst t&in$ to ,oo6 at is one;s own (oti"ations to r#n a $ro#+4
Persona, (oti"ation to $et so(et&in$ $oin$ %an be %o(+,e*4 It (ay be3 )or e*a(+,e3 t&at yo#
s#dden,y +er%ei"e a need )or a ty+e o) $ro#+ in yo#r area3 and wit& t&e absen%e o) anyone e,se
wi,,in$ to set so(et&in$ #+3 de%ide to ta6e t&e :ob on yo#rse,)4 !&en it %o(es down to it3 settin$ #+
and (ana$in$ any 6ind o) $ro#+ is &ard wor64 A,so3 I wo#,d stress3 it %an be )#n3 rewardin$3 and
instr#%ti"e4 It %an be rewardin$3 in t&at it &e,+s $et yo#r na(e aro#nd t&e o%%#,t s%ene3 w&i%& %an be
"a,#ab,e i) yo# want to b#i,d a re+#tation as so(eone w&o Gets T&in$s 'one4 It %an be bot&
rewardin$ and instr#%ti"e in t&at (ana$in$ $ro#+s re1#ires a "ariety o) s6i,,s3 re,ated to Or$ani5ation3
Pro(otions3 and Peo+,e Mana$e(ent3 a,, o) w&i%& are readi,y trans)erab,e into ot&er Li)e Areas3 and
w&i%& are di))i%#,t to a%1#ire +assi"e,y4 A,so3 i) yo# are in"o,"ed in any 6ind o) Gro#+ w&ere ,earnin$
is $oin$ onI trans)er o) s6i,,s3 t&eory3 +ra%ti%e3 et%43 t&en yo# are widenin$ yo#r %a+a%ity )or
e*+erien%e in t&ese areas4
T&is ,atter +oint is +arti%#,ar,y re,e"ant )or (a$i%a, trainin$ $ro#+s and wor6s&o+s4 !&i,e so(e
(a$i%ians start $ro#+s to dis+ense t&eir O%%#,t wisdo( a(on$ t&ose ,ess )ort#nate3 ot&ers r#n
$ro#+s so t&at t&ey %an s&are in)or(ation3 s6i,,s3 reso#r%es3 et%43 to t&e (#t#a, ad"anta$e o) a,,4 One
o) (y own +ri(ary (oti"ations )or r#nnin$ a (a$i%a, $ro#+ is t&at it +ro"ides t&e i(+et#s to do t&in$s
t&at ot&erwise3 I wo#,d +robab,y not set aside ti(e )or4
!or6in$ wit& +eo+,e in $ro#+s %an enab,e yo# to ,earn a ,ot abo#tI
Ot&er Peo+,e
Gro#+ 'yna(i%s
Or$ani5ation / Mana$e(ent
S&ared Ma$i%a, E*+erien%e
O) %o#rse3 i) yo# are settin$ #+ any 6ind o) (a$i%a, tea%&in$ $ro#+3 t&en t&e res+onsibi,ity )or
tea%&in$ rests wit& yo#4 Tea%&in$ ot&ers +ra%ti%a, (a$i%a, s6i,,s %an be eit&er borin$ or &i$&,y
rewardin$ and instr#%ti"e4 It %an be borin$ i) yo# )ind t&at yo# are t&e on,y +erson in t&e sit#ation w&o
"oi%es an o+inion4 On t&e ot&er &and3 it %an be rewardin$ and instr#%ti"e )or yo#3 i) t&e +eo+,e yo#
are wor6in$ wit& are ,i"e,y3 %o((itted to t&eir own (a$i%a, de"e,o+(ent3 ea$er to try t&in$s o#t and
e*+eri(ent +ast (a$i%a, do$(a3 and %an %o(e #+ wit& t&eir own ideas4
Tea%&in$ is a,so #se)#, be%a#se it ne%essitates t&at yo# re"ise w&at yo# a,ready &a"e assi(i,ated
and3 by +re+arin$ Tea%&in$ (ateria, in a "ariety o) )or(ats3 yo# %an o)ten dis%o"er as+e%ts o) it t&at
yo# were not 1#ite3 +re"io#s,y3 aware o)4 A,so3 i) yo# %an s#%%ess)#,,y trans(it an idea or s6i,, to
ot&ers3 it de(onstrates t&at yo# areI
Con)ident o) yo#r own abi,ity
Ab,e to %o((#ni%ate s#%%ess)#,,y
Ab,e to or$ani5e yo#rse,) and yo#r reso#r%es4
To be a s#%%ess)#, tea%&er re1#ires t&at yo# de"e,o+ t&e abi,ity to or$ani5e t&e way yo# e*+ress yo#r
ideas3 in order t&at ot&ers %an #nderstand t&e(4 T&is is +arti%#,ar,y #se)#, w&en it %o(es to t#rnin$
)ee,in$s into words4
Pra%ti%a, Considerations
Ai(s / Ob:e%ti"es
Ob"io#s,y3 be)ore one +ro%eeds to start a $ro#+3 it does &e,+ i) one &as de)ined %,ear ai(s and
ob:e%ti"es )or t&e $ro#+4 T&is is tanta(o#nt to de)inin$ yo#r State(ent o) Intent4 O) %o#rse3 t&is is
a,so so(et&in$ w&i%& (ay we,, %&an$e3 es+e%ia,,y w&en ot&er +eo+,e $et in"o,"ed4 Bein$ %,ear o)
yo#r own ai(s and ob:e%ti"es is $ood3 i) on,y be%a#se not&in$ ,oo6s worse t&an $ettin$ a $ro#+ o)
+eo+,e to$et&er and t&en bein$ "a$#e at t&e(4 Howe"er3 it is +ossib,e to $o o"erboard on t&is4 I &a"e
o%%asiona,,y (et indi"id#a,s w&o &a"e +rod#%ed &#$e %&arters and ,en$t&y dissertations abo#t w&at
t&eir $ro#+ wi,, be abo#t4 T&is3 I )ind3 is not terrib,y e))e%ti"e4 First,y3 i) yo# +resent a $ro#+ o)
+ros+e%ti"e (e(bers wit& a ,en$t&y essay on w&at t&e $ro#+ is $oin$ to do3 t&en it tends to %o(e
a%ross t&at yo# are not ,ea"in$ +eo+,e roo( to $i"e t&eir own ideas to t&e de"e,o+(ent o) t&e $ro#+4
Se%ond,y3 yo#;re settin$ yo#rse,) #+ )or disa++oint(ent3 sin%e t&e (ore )i*ed ideas yo# t&row #+
abo#t &ow t&e $ro#+ s&o#,d o+erate3 t&e (ore ,i6e,y it is t&at +eo+,e wi,, disa$ree wit& yo#4 Li6e a
(a$i%a, State(ent o) Intent3 6ee+ yo#r initia, ai(sEob:e%ti"es %,ear and si(+,e4
S+readin$ T&e !ord
Lettin$ +eo+,e 6now abo#t yo#r Intent is t&e ne*t ste+4 T&is %an ran$e )ro( !ord o) Mo#t& to %ards
in s&o+ doorways3 +osters in a,ternati"eEo%%#,t s&o+s3 ,istin$s in o%%#,t (a$a5ines to e"en ad"erts in
,o%a, +a+ersA Ob"io#s,y3 &ow (#%& ad"ertisin$ yo# do de+ends "ery (#%& on t&e ty+e o) $ro#+ yo#
want to start3 and &ow wide,y yo# wis& its e*isten%e to be 6nown4 It a,so &e,+s i) yo# &a"e so(e idea
as to w&o t&e tar$et a#dien%e is )or t&e $ro#+ yo# &a"e in (ind3 and w&at 6ind o) +#b,i%ations3 )or
e*a(+,e3 it is a++ro+riate )or yo# to #se4
Points O) Conta%t
A,so at t&is +oint3 it is #se)#, to %onsider &ow +eo+,e %an $et in %onta%t wit& yo#4 Ass#(in$ t&at yo#
don;t want yo#r &o(e address a"ai,ab,e to a,, and s#ndry3 yo# s&o#,d %onsider w&at ot&er o+tions
are o+enI
!&et&er or not yo# $i"e o#t yo#r te,e+&one n#(ber de+ends on 8a9 &ow (#%& +ri"a%y yo# want3 and
8b9 i) yo#;re s#re t&at no one e,se wi,, ob:e%t to stran$e +eo+,e rin$in$ #+4 Not t&ere)ore a $ood idea i)
yo# ,i"e at &o(e or in a (#,ti-o%%#+an%y dwe,,in$4
Bo* N#(bers
Gettin$ a Bo* N#(ber is $enera,,y %onsidered t&e best way o) ens#rin$ a Conta%t Point wit& a
reasonab,e de$ree o) anony(ity4 T&e (ain two so#r%es )or Bo* N#(bers 8in t&e -C9 are t&e Post
O))i%e3 and Britis& Mono(ar6s4 T&ere are a,so "ario#s %o(+anies w&o +ro"ide A%%o((odation
Address Ser"i%es 8)orwardin$ (ai,3 ta6in$ )a* (essa$es et%493 and so(e news a$ents and
a,ternati"e b#sinesses a,so +ro"ide bo* n#(ber ser"i%es4 T&e Post O))i%e Bo* N#(ber ser"i%e &as
se"era, drawba%6s4 T&e )irst o) t&ese is t&at yo# are assi$ned a Bo* N#(ber in t&e nearest Sortin$
O))i%e to yo#r &o(e address4 I)3 )or e*a(+,e3 yo# don;t wor6 near to w&ere yo# ,i"e3 t&en a%t#a,,y
%o,,e%tin$ yo#r (ai, re$#,ar,y %an be a +rob,e(4 A,so3 t&ere are two di))erent tari)) s%a,es a%%ordin$ to
w&et&er or not yo# want to re%ei"e ,etters and +ar%e,s3 or :#st ,etters in yo#r bo*4 A t&ird iss#e is t&at
i) any o))i%ia, bodies as6 t&e Post O))i%e w&o #ses a bo*3 t&ey wi,, instant,y $i"e o#t yo#r detai,s4
Fina,,y3 w&en yo# are $oin$ to %o,,e%t yo#r (ai,3 yo# s&o#,d ta6e so(e )or( o) identi)i%ation a,on$4
Sin%e t&e ,ast wa"e o) bo(b s%ares3 t&e Post O))i%e &a"e be%o(e (ore se%#rity-%ons%io#s and yo#
(i$&t we,, be as6ed to +ro"e yo#r identity4 I) yo# don;t t&in6 any o) t&e +oints raised abo"e wi,, a))e%t
yo#3 t&en a P4O4 Bo* (i$&t be :#st w&at yo# re1#ire4 o# &a"e to +ay )or t&e bo* on a year,y basis4
Britis& Mono(ar6s are a London-based %o(+any w&o are be&ind a,, t&ose BMEBCM addresses #sed
by a wide "ariety o) $ro#+s and +#b,i%ations4 o# +ay a ),at rate )or a BM n#(ber3 and any (ai, t&at
%o(es to yo#r n#(ber is t&en )orwarded to yo#r &o(e address 8w&i%& yo# are a,so %&ar$ed )or93 or3
i) yo# %an3 yo# %an $o and +i%6 it #+ )ro( t&e o))i%e4 -n,i6e t&e Post O))i%e3 Britis& Mono(ar6s don;t
start $ettin$ aw6ward i) se"era, +eo+,e see( to be #sin$ t&e BM n#(ber at on%e4
Persona, Re)erra,
T&is (eans t&at yo# (eet +eo+,e on t&e basis t&at so(eone e,se eit&er re%o((ends yo# to t&e(3 or
t&e( to yo#4 I) )or e*a(+,e3 yo# re$#,ar,y t#rn #+ at so(e o+en )#n%tion3 t&en so(eone e,se (ay be
+ointed in yo#r dire%tion3 or e1#a,,y3 yo# %o#,d be +ointed in t&eirs4
Findin$ A Ven#e
Anot&er )air,y +ra%ti%a, %onsideration is t&e Ven#e )or yo#r $ro#+4 A$ain3 t&is de+ends on t&e ty+e o)
Gro#+4 So%ia,i5in$based $ro#+s tend to (eet in %o(ers o) P#bs3 or +eo+,es; )ront roo(s4 'is%#ssion
For#(s tend to be )o#nd in &ired roo(s in P#bs or Hote,s4 I) yo# are r#nnin$ t&is 6ind o) $ro#+3 t&en
estab,is&in$ a $ood re,ations&i+ wit& t&e (ana$e(entE+#b,i%an is a +riority4 I) a +#b ,and,ord 6nows
t&at an e"ent wi,, brin$ in at ,east <L +eo+,e w&o wi,, #se t&e bar 8i4e43 not sit %rowded aro#nd one
$,ass o) (inera, water a,, ni$&t9 t&en &e (ay ,et yo# &a"e a roo( )or )ree4 Hote,s tend to be ,ess 6een
on (a6in$ t&is 6ind o) arran$e(ent4
I) yo# +,an on doin$ so(et&in$ a ,itt,e (ore +ra%ti%a,3 t&en yo# need to )ind so(ew&ere a++ro+riate4
Ass#(in$ t&at yo# don;t &a"e a%%ess to a r#ined %ast,e3 state,y &o(e wit& $ro#nds3 de%ent-si5ed
%e,,ar or any ot&er s+a%e w&ere yo# ,i"e3 t&en &ere are so(e o+tions to %onsider4
Lo%a, Co((#nityEAd#,t Ed#%ation Centre
T&ese +,a%es o)ten &a"e roo(s to &ire )or a )air,y %&ea+ rate3 es+e%ia,,y d#rin$ t&e e"enin$s4 So(e
$i"e a%%ess to #se)#, )a%i,ities ,i6e %o))ee or ,i%ensed bars3 +&oto%o+iers3 et%4 Beware o) +row,in$
%areta6ers and ,ost +eo+,e ,oo6in$ )or t&eir word+ro%essin$ or 1#i,tin$ %,ass4 C&e%6 o#t any +ossib,e
drawba%6s4 One Centre I #sed )or $ro#+ (eetin$s ran$ t&e )ire a,ar( =L (in#tes be)ore %,osin$ ti(e3
w&i%& did on one o%%asion3 s&atter t&e %are)#,,y b#i,t-#+ tran1#i,,ity o) a Pat&wor6in$ Session4
'ra(aE'an%e St#dio
I) yo# %an )ind s#%& a +,a%e t&at isn;t boo6ed #+ #nti, ne*t year or &orrendo#s,y e*+ensi"e3 t&en t&is
%an be an e*%e,,ent %&oi%e )or a wor6in$ s+a%e sin%e a ,ot o) s&o#tin$Eweird noisesEt&#(+in$ et%43 as
we,, as +eo+,e dressin$ #+ in odd %ost#(es is ,i6e,y to be easi,y a%%e+ted4
Re&earsa, St#dio
A )a"o#rite o) %&aos (a$i%ians in London4 A$ain3 t&ey tend to &a"e a &i$& to,eran%e )or weirdness3
and %an o)ten be &ired )or a reasonab,e +ri%e4 A +rob,e( %an be t&at t&e &o#r-b,o%6s t&at re&earsa,
s+a%es tend to be boo6ed )or do not a,ways s#it t&e needs o) t&e $ro#+4 Ot&er %onsiderations are
t&at yo#r rites wi,, tend to be a%%o(+anied by t&e so#nds e(anatin$ )ro( t&e band in t&e st#dio ne*t
door3 and a,so it &as &a++ened t&at t&e $ro#+ w&o &a"e boo6ed yo#r roo( ne*t (ay de%ide
8es+e%ia,,y i) t&ey %an;t &ear (#si% )ro( wit&in9 to w&ee, in t&eir a(+s3 et%43 at t&e (ost in%on"enient
T&era+y S+a%e
T&ese %an be e*+ensi"e3 and (any are r#n by $ro#+s o) +o,iti%a,,y-%orre%t New A$ers w&o (i$&t we,,
ob:e%t to t&eir s+a%e bein$ #sed to s#((on de(ons4
!or6in$ O#tdoors &as ob"io#s ad"anta$es3 b#t %an re1#ire a ,ot o) +,annin$4 T&ese in%,#deI
S Ins#rin$ +ri"a%y )ro( wanderin$ do$-wa,6ers3 dr#n6s3 +o,i%e(en3 et%43 bot& noise and "ision s&o#,d
be %onsidered4
S Gettin$ t&ere-and Gettin$ ba%6-es+e%ia,,y in dar6ness4 I &a"e )o#nd in $enera, t&at +eo+,e w&o are
%&ar$ed wit& t&e :ob o) dri"in$ t&e $ro#+ %ar or (inib#s ba%6 to base a)ter a rite tend to &a"e a bad
ti(e o) it3 +arti%#,ar,y i) t&ey;re sti,, a bit $nosti%ated )ro( t&e rite4
S T&e !eat&er 8ti(e to $et $ood at weat&er-(a$i%.9
S Fires4 Firewood %an be $at&ered in t&e dayti(e3 and t&en &idden3 ready )or w&en yo# $et to t&e site
in t&e e"enin$4 I) yo# wor6 o#tdoors re$#,ar,y t&en yo# (i$&t %onsider (a6in$ a +ortab,e )ire+,a%e7
)or e*a(+,e3 &a,) an oi, dr#( wit& D &o,es in it4 o# ta6e t&e dr#( wit& yo# to t&e site3 t&en a)ter yo#
&a"e )inis&ed3 e*tin$#is& t&e )ire3 s,ide two +o,es t&ro#$& t&e &o,es and i((erse t&e dr#( in water3
t&en %arry it ba%6 wit& yo#4
S Tidyin$ t&e site #+ a)terwards3 #n,ess yo# want e"iden%e o) yo#r rit#a, %ir%,e to s#dden,y a++ear in
t&e ,o%a, +a+er as ;Satani% Rit#a, Sa%ri)i%e in ,o%a, !ood4;
S Site +re+arationI %,earin$ a wor6in$ s+a%e4
No( de P,#(es
I) yo#;re %onsiderin$ &irin$ so(ew&ere to #se as a Ven#e3 t&en yo# (i$&t want to (a6e #+ a %o"er
na(e )or t&e (eetin$4 T&e word 2Fo,6,ore2 is (#%& #sed by "ario#s so%ia,i5in$ and 'is%#ssion
For#(s3 w&i,e (a$i%a, wor6in$ $ro#+s tend #se na(es w&i%& in%,#de ter(s ,i6e 2E*+eri(enta,
'ra(a42 E*a(+,es o) t&is areI Persona, and C#,t#ra, Trans)or(ations3 Is,e o) T&anet 'ra(a Gro#+3
and 'ra(a-E*+eri(ent-Mo"e(ent-Ori$ination-Networ64 T&is sort o) t&in$ wi,, on,y wor6 i) e"erybody
in t&e $ro#+ 6nows w&at t&e no(-de-+,#(e is4
Boo6in$ Roo(s
Most +,a%es t&at &ire roo(s wi,, re1#ire (oney #+ )ront t&e )irst ti(e3 or at ,east a de+osit4 Boo6in$s
%an be done by te,e+&one3 b#t it;s a $ood idea to $o down and3 i) +ossib,e3 &a"e a ,oo6 at t&e s+a%e
yo#;,, be #sin$4 I) )or any reason3 yo# &a"e to %an%e, a boo6in$3 $i"e t&e "en#e;s (ana$e(ent as
(#%& noti%e +ossib,e4 Good "en#es %an be &ard to )ind3 so i) yo# do )ind so(ew&ere s#itab,e3 its
$ood to 6ee+ a )riend,y re,ations&i+ wit& t&e (ana$e(ent4
Peo+,e Mana$e(ent
R#nnin$ a $ro#+ re1#ires so(e s6i,, in t&e arts o) Peo+,e Mana$e(ent4 !&at t&is in"o,"es3 a$ain3
de+ends on t&e 6ind o) Gro#+ yo# are settin$ #+4 For e*a(+,e3 an o+en so%ia, )or#(3 w&ere +eo+,e
t#rn #+ to so%ia,i5e and (eet ea%& ot&er (ay on,y re1#ire ;,oose; (ana$e(ent in ter(s o) t&e $ro#+
en"iron(ent3 )or e*a(+,e3 introd#%in$ +eo+,e to ea%& ot&er )or t&e )irst )ew (eetin$s4
T&e )irst +oint to (ention is t&at in Pa$anEO%%#,t %ir%,es3 +eo+,e o)ten don;t ,i6e t&e idea t&at $ro#+s
need ,eaders4 T&is &as $i"en rise to so(e s+e%ta%#,ar (an$,in$ o) t&e En$,is& ,an$#a$e3 and (#%&
ta,6 o) Or$anisers3 Fa%i,itators3 and so )ort&4 !&en a,,;s said and done3 $ro#+s re1#ire t&at so(eone
initiates de%ision(a6in$3 and sees to it t&at t&in$s $et done4 T&e ,ar$er t&e $ro#+3 t&e (ore
ne%essary t&is is4 Anot&er iss#e to bear in (ind is t&at i) yo# set #+ a $ro#+3 t&en yo# are to so(e
e*tent res+onsib,e )or &ow t&at $ro#+ de"e,o+s3 and are ,i6e,y to be +er%ei"ed as bein$ so by ot&er
Criti%s o) &ierar%&i%a, (a$i%a, $ro#+s 8w&i%& #se a syste( o) (a$i%a, $rades to denote +ositions o)
res+onsibi,ity wit&in t&e $ro#+;s str#%t#re9 tend to a%%#se s#%& $ro#+s o) bein$ ;to+down; str#%t#res3
t&ey %o(+,ain t&at de%isions %o(e down )ro( abo"e and ,ower-$rade (e(bers do not +arti%i+ate
e1#a,,y in w&at $oes on in t&e $ro#+4 T&e antidote to &ierar%&y is +ro+osed as bein$ t&e so-%a,,ed
;Str#%t#re,ess; or Consens#s Gro#+4 T&e Consens#s Gro#+3 it &as been ar$#ed3 is non-%o(+etiti"e3
,eader,ess3 ,oose and in)or(a,4 In ter(s o) Gro#+ 'yna(i%s3 t&e idea o) a str#%t#re,ess $ro#+ is
so(et&in$ o) a %ontradi%tion in ter(s4 Any $ro#+ o) +eo+,e (eetin$ to$et&er o"er ti(e3 wi,, ine"itab,y
str#%t#re itse,) in so(e )as&ion3 re$ard,ess o) t&e intentions o) its (e(bers4 I) no )or(a,ised str#%t#re
&as been ,aid down3 an in)or(a, str#%t#re wi,, arise3 w&i%& (ay be e"en (ore o+en to ab#se t&an a
&ierar%&y3 as its i(+,i%it r#,es are not o+en )or a,, to be aware o)4 !&at we s&o#,d re(e(ber is t&at
any $ro#+ is (#%& (ore t&an its o"ert str#%t#re7 &idden &ierar%&ies o) stat#s %an arise 1#iet,y in
,oose networ6s3 and w&at see( on t&e s#r)a%e to be &ierar%&i%a, $ro#+s %an be&a"e as networ6s4 In
(y e*+erien%e3 )or(a, +osition in a &ierar%&y is not as i(+ortant in t&e ,on$ r#n as bein$ in wit& t&e
ri$&t +eo+,e4 A $enera, +oint abo#t a,, %o(+,e* $ro#+ str#%t#res is t&at t&ey are not stati% and t&ey
%&an$e as +eo+,e (o"e in and o#t o) t&e(3 as ideas and %on%e+ts %&an$e3 and t&e (e(bers w&o
re(ain %o((itted to t&e or$ani5ation de"e,o+ new +atterns wit&in it4
!&en e*a(inin$ t&e ro,e o) $ro#+ Leader it %an be #se)#, to brea6 it down into a series o)
a++ro+riate tas6s and )#n%tions3 and t&en ,oo6 at w&o +er)or(s t&ese tas6s and &ow4 Ma$i%a,
Gro#+s and Orders o)ten r#n into +rob,e(s as t&eir ,eaders tend to be %&aris(ati% +ersona,ities
w&ose in),#en%e o"er t&e $ro#+ as a w&o,e is not ba,an%ed by t&eir bein$ a%%o#ntab,e to t&e $ro#+
(e(bers4 >#st as a $ro#+ ,eader (ay %riti%ise t&e +er)or(an%e o) a $ro#+ (e(ber3 t&en a $ro#+
(e(ber s&o#,d be ab,e to %riti%ise t&e +er)or(an%e o) t&e ,eader wit&o#t t&e w&o,e t&in$ de"o,"in$
into +ersona, or (a$i%a, di))eren%es w&i%& ,ead to s%&is( or a s+,it in t&e $ro#+4 Cnowin$ w&en to
a%t3 w&en not to a%t3 and &ow to a%t as a ,eader is a de,i%ate art in itse,)4
T&ere see(s to be a $enera, ass#(+tion wit&in t&e o%%#,t (i,ie# t&at3 as Antero A,,i &as +ointed o#t3
so(eone w&o t&in6s o) &i(se,) as a $ood (a$i%ian a#to(ati%a,,y tends to ass#(e t&at &e wi,,
a#to(ati%a,,y be a $ood ,eader4 I(+,i%it in t&is ass#(+tion is t&at bot& (a$i%ians and ,eaders are
born rat&er t&an (ade4 Aside )ro( bein$ so(ew&at :#d$(enta,3 t&is assertion is not s#++orted by
resear%& into t&e dyna(i%s o) ,eaders&i+3 into w&i%& t&ere &as been a $ood dea,4 Leaders&i+ is one
o) t&ose %o(+,e* s6i,,s w&i%& %an on,y be ,earnt ;,i"e3; as it were4 Howe"er3 one %an ,earn a $reat dea,
)ro( bot& obser"in$ ot&er ,eaders in a%tion and readin$ abo#t t&e "ario#s a++roa%&es3 strate$ies3
and t&eories o) ,eaders&i+4
A )irst $enera, +oint to %onsider is t&at ,eaders&i+ is %onte*t#a,4 T&at is to say3 t&e ro,e o) ,eader is
on,y re,e"ant wit&in a +arti%#,ar so%ia, %onte*t4 In a (a$i%a, $ro#+ )or instan%e3 t&e ,eader (ay we,,
ta6e %&ar$e wit&in t&e %onte*t o) )or(a, $ro#+ +ro%eedin$s3 b#t in a (ore in)or(a, so%ia, (eetin$3
ta6in$ %&ar$e (ay not be entire,y a++ro+riate4 Prob,e(s %an o%%#r in a wider so%ia, settin$ w&ere
t&e stat#s w&i%& t&e $ro#+ $i"es t&e ,eader (i$&t not be re%o$nised by o#tsiders4 Leaders&i+ is a,so
%onte*t#a, in t&at w&i,st an indi"id#a, (ay be $i"en t&e )or(a, tit,e o) ,eader t&is does not ne%essari,y
(ean t&at ot&er $ro#+ (e(bers wi,, a#to(ati%a,,y re$ard &i( as s#%&4 So $i"in$ so(eone t&e tit,e o)
,eader is not eno#$& )or &i( to be re$arded as a ,eader4 In a sense3 t&e $ro#+ as a w&o,e $i"es
+er(ission )or one indi"id#a, to a%t as a ,eader4
T&is brin$s (e to a se%ond $enera, +ointI t&at e))e%ti"e ,eaders&i+ is res+onsi"e to t&e needs and
sit#ation o) t&e $ro#+ as a w&o,e4 T&ere is a +o+#,ar idea t&at ,eaders a%t to i(+ose t&eir wi,, onto t&e
$ro#+ re$ard,ess o) ot&er +eo+,e;s )ee,in$s4 T&is %an on,y o%%#r3 &owe"er3 w&en ot&er (e(bers o)
t&e $ro#+ %o,,#de wit& t&e ,eader4 I) t&ey %o(e to )ee, t&at t&ey are not s#++orted or re%o$nised by
t&e ,eader3 t&ey are ,i6e,y to wit&draw t&eir s#++ort4 A %o((on o%%#rren%e is t&at $ro#+ ,eaders3
&a"in$ set #+ a +arti%#,ar a$enda )or t&e $ro#+ to wor6 t&ro#$&-)or e*a(+,e3 a series o) rit#a,s-
atte(+t to wor6 t&ro#$& t&at a$enda3 so(eti(es o"er,oo6in$ or i$norin$ indi%ations )ro( ot&ers t&at
t&e set +ro$ra((e is3 )or w&ate"er reasons3 no ,on$er a++ro+riate4 !&i,st one o) t&e )#n%tions o) t&e
,eader is to dire%t t&e $ro#+ towards +er)or(in$ its )or(a, tas6s3 t&e ,eader a,so &as to be ),e*ib,e
eno#$& to dis%ern w&en it is a++ro+riate to dire%t t&e $ro#+ to its tas63 and w&en it (i$&t be better to
do so(et&in$ e,se instead4 T&is re1#ires an a++re%iation o) t&e s#bt,eties o) $ro#+ (ood3 w&i%& (ore
o)ten t&an not3 is not so (#%& dis%erned t&ro#$& dire%t 1#estionin$ o) +eo+,e3 b#t t&ro#$& obser"in$
body ,an$#a$e3 and not so (#%& w&at +eo+,e say3 b#t &ow t&ey say it4 Peo+,e (i$&t we,, "oi%e
assent )or $oin$ a,on$ wit& so(et&in$3 b#t t&ere;s a w&o,e wor,d o) di))eren%e between so(eone
sayin$ 2O6ay3 ,et;s do it ent&#siasti%a,,y3 and :#st $oin$ a,on$ wit& w&at t&e ,eader is s#$$estin$4
T&is a,so brin$s #+ a t&ird $enera, +ointI t&at t&e ,eader (#st e))e%ti"e,y e*+ress t&e nor(s and
standards o) t&e $ro#+4 A,t&o#$& a $ood (a$i%ian does not ne%essari,y e1#ate wit& a $ood ,eader3 a
$ood ,eader in a (a$i%a, $ro#+ %onte*t (#st be +er%ei"ed by t&e $ro#+ as a w&o,e as a $ood
(a$i%ian4 T&is in itse,) %an ,ead to +rob,e(s arisin$4 I) t&ere are3 )or e*a(+,e3 #nrea,isti% e*+e%tations
abo#t w&at %onstit#tes a $ood (a$i%ian-t&at ade+ts are wise3 s#+er&#(an bein$s in%a+ab,e o) error-
t&en t&e ,eader is ,i6e,y to be :#d$ed #n%ons%io#s,y by t&is standard and any (ista6es or errors in
:#d$e(ent 8w&i%& are ine"itab,e9 are ,i6e,y to be "iewed as serio#s trans$ressions o) t&e standard3
rat&er t&an )or$i"ab,e (ista6es4 A %o,,ea$#e on%e re(ar6ed to (e t&at bein$ t&e ,eader o) a (a$i%a,
or$anisation was rat&er a6in to sittin$ on to+ o) a ste+,adder at t&e b#siness end o) a )irin$ ran$eA In
a (a$i%a, $ro#+3 a ,eader (ay be +er%ei"ed bot& as an e*e(+,ary ro,e-(ode, and at t&e sa(e ti(e3
be%o(e t&e tar$et o) (e(ber;s )ee,in$s and +ro:e%tions %on%ernin$ a#t&ority and +arenta, )i$#res4 I
&a"e tended to )ind t&at t&ose w&o (ost )er"ent,y deny t&at t&ey &a"e t&e a#t&ority or stat#s o)
,eaders wit&in t&e $ro#+ are3 ne"ert&e,ess3 +er%ei"ed by ot&ers as bein$ ,eaders3 +er&a+s d#e to
"irt#es s#%& as a$e3 e*+erien%e3 or so%iabi,ity4 Re)#sin$ to re%o$nise t&is %an be as da(a$in$ to t&e
we,,-bein$ o) t&e $ro#+ as (#%& as atte(+tin$ to $ras+ too ti$&t,y t&e (ant,e o) ,eaders&i+4
T&e T&ree Cir%,es Mode,

T&e abo"e dia$ra( s&ows t&e intera%tion o) t&ree areas o) need wit&in a $ro#+I Tas6 Needs3 Gro#+
Maintenan%e Needs3 and Indi"id#a, Needs4 T&ese t&ree areas o) need are interde+endent4 For
e*a(+,e3 i) t&ere is a ,a%6 o) tr#st and (#t#a, #nderstandin$ wit&in a $ro#+3 t&is wi,, a))e%t bot& tas6
+er)or(an%e and indi"id#a, needs4 I) indi"id#a,s wit&in t&e $ro#+ do not )ee, t&at t&eir %ontrib#tions to
t&e $ro#+ as a w&o,e are "a,#ed3 t&en t&ey wi,, be ,ess ,i6e,y to %ontrib#te to t&e $ro#+;s %o((on
tas63 and t&e ;we-ness; o) t&e $ro#+ wi,, a,so s#))er4 Con"erse,y3 i) a $ro#+ &as a we,,-de"e,o+ed
sense o) tea( s+irit3 it is (ore ,i6e,y to rise to t&e %&a,,en$es o) its %&osen tas6s3 and indi"id#a,
(e(bers wi,, )ee, (ore +ersona, satis)a%tion )ro( bein$ in"o,"ed wit& t&e $ro#+4 T&e 1#estion )or t&e
,eader is3 &ow to %ontrib#te to t&ese t&ree areas o) need. To be e))e%ti"e3 t&e ,eader (#st )irst,y3 be
aware o) w&at is $oin$ on in t&e $ro#+ 8bot& on t&e s#r)a%e and t&e #nder,yin$ dyna(i%s97 se%ond,y3
&a"e an #nderstandin$ o) w&at is re1#ired at any $i"en (o(ent7 and t&ird,y3 t&e s6i,, to +#t w&at
needs doin$ into e))e%t4 T&e e))e%ti"eness o) t&e ,eader;s a%tions %an be e"a,#ated on t&e basis o)
&ow (#%& t&e $ro#+ res+onds4 In ter(s o) t&e R %ir%,es3 t&e ,eader;s tas6 is to 8a9 a%&ie"e t&e tas6
8b9 b#i,d and (aintain t&e tea( 8%9 res+e%t and de"e,o+ indi"id#a, (e(bers4
A +ri(ary res+onsibi,ity o) a ,eader is to ens#re t&at t&e $ro#+ a%&ie"es its %o((on tas64 T&e +&rase
%o((on tas6 s&o#,d be stressed as3 i) $ro#+ (e(bers %annot re,ate to a tas6 or see t&at it &as
"a,#e )or t&e(se,"es3 t&e $ro#+3 or so(e wider w&o,e3 t&ey are ,ess ,i6e,y to $i"e it w&o,e-&earted
s#++ort4 !&et&er t&e tas6 is t&e +,annin$ and e*e%#tion o) a series o) rit#a,s3 a +er)or(an%e )or
ot&ers or a s6i,,-s&arin$ session3 it s&o#,d be (eanin$)#, to a,, %on%erned4 In order to a%&ie"e t&is
%onsens#a, %,arity3 t&e ,eader (#st be ab,e to %o((#ni%ate e))e%ti"e,y4 Co((#ni%ation is not on,y
bein$ ab,e to o#t,ine yo#r ideas to ot&ers3 b#t bein$ ab,e to e,i%it )ro( ot&er +eo+,e t&eir
#nderstandin$ o) w&at yo# are sayin$4
It is a,so ne%essary to be ab,e to ta6e so(et&in$ w&i%& is 1#ite $enera, and "a$#e3 and t#rn it into a
series o) s+e%i)i% ste+s and3 in t#rn3 be ab,e to re,ate t&e +arti%#,ar to t&e $enera,4 An e))e%ti"e ,eader
is t&ere)ore aware o) bot& t&e bi$ +i%t#re3 and a,, t&e ,itt,e detai,s in-between3 and &ow t&ey re,ate to
ea%& ot&er4 T&e ,eader &as not on,y to be ab,e to say w&at &as to be done3 b#t w&y +er&a+s3 it &as to
be done in a +arti%#,ar )as&ion4 C,arity abo#t t&e tas6 is essentia, i) it is $oin$ to be a%&ie"ed
s#%%ess)#,,y3 and t&e ,eader &as to be +re+ared to rein)or%e %,arity w&ene"er t&e need arises4
An e*a(+,e o) t&ese ,eaders&i+ )#n%tions in a%tion (i$&t be t&e +er)or(an%e o) a $ro#+ rit#a, w&ere
(any %e,ebrants (ay be wor6in$ to$et&er )or t&e )irst ti(e4 Here3 t&e ,eader;s +ri(ary tas6 is to
ens#re t&at a,, +arti%i+ants 6now w&y t&e rit#a, is bein$ +er)or(ed 8t&is in%,#des #nderstandin$ o)
any $enera, and s+e%i)i% ob:e%ti"es re,ated to t&e rit#a,93 &ow t&e rit#a, wi,, be +er)or(ed and w&at is
e*+e%ted o) indi"id#a,s d#rin$ t&e rite and3 +er&a+s (ost i(+ortant,y3 i) anyone re1#ires %,ari)i%ation
or )#rt&er e*+,anation o) any as+e%t o) w&at is $oin$ on3 be it +ra%ti%a, or t&eoreti%a,4
P,annin$ %o(es in answer to t&e 1#estion3 2How does t&e $ro#+ $o abo#t a%&ie"in$ it;s %o((on
tas6.2 P,annin$ %an so#nd borin$3 b#t it need not be4 For (e3 bein$ a (e(ber o) a $ro#+ t&at is
a%ti"e,y and ent&#siasti%a,,y +,annin$ a rit#a, or e"ent is :#st as e*%itin$ as a%t#a,,y ena%tin$ t&at
+,an3 i) not (ore so4 P,ans de"e,o+ )ro( ideas3 so +er&a+s an i(+ortant as+e%t o) t&e ,eader;s ro,e in
+,annin$ is in ens#rin$ t&at as (any ideas %o(e )ort& as +ossib,e3 w&i,st at t&e sa(e ti(e3 bein$
ab,e to ta6e di"er$ent ideas and t&read t&e( into a w&o,e4 In order to be ab,e to do t&is3 t&e ,eader
needs to be aware o) resistan%e to new ideas4 One o) t&e (ost %o((on )or(s o) resistan%e to new
ideas is t&e 2Not In"ented Here2 syndro(e3 w&i%& %an (ani)est in )or(s s#%& as 2I) IEwe didn;t t&in6
o) it3 it %an;t be any $ood2 or 2T&at;s not +art o) o#r tradition42 I #sed to be s#r+rised &ow easi,y
+eo+,e3 w&o were ot&erwise o+en to (a$i%a, ideas3 %o#,d 1#i%6,y re:e%t new ideas w&i%& %a(e )ro(
anot&er dire%tion-be it s%ien%e )i%tion3 dra(at&era+y or +sy%&o,o$y-+re%ise,y be%a#se t&ose ideas
weren;t ob"io#s,y ;(a$i%a,4; Gro#+ $a(es s#%& as Brainstor(in$ &a"e be%o(e +o+#,ar (et&ods o)
$ettin$ +eo+,e to $enerate ideas w&i,st s#s+endin$ :#d$e(ent3 b#t ,eaders %an a,so #se ot&er
(et&ods to sti(#,ate idea $enerationI
a9 En%o#ra$in$ (e(bers to brin$ in o#tside e*+erien%e to t&e +resent iss#e4
b9 Ta6in$ one +erson;s s#$$estion as a start-+oint and in"itin$ ideas to b#i,d on it4
%9 'e"e,o+in$ a tea( so,#tion by in%,#din$ di))erent (e(ber;s s#$$estions into t&e e(er$in$ +,an4
d9 Bein$ +ositi"e abo#t a,, s#$$estions4 T&is ,atter is si$ni)i%ant4 So(eone (i$&t3 )or e*a(+,e3 %o(e
#+ wit& a +,an t&at is #n)easib,e at t&e +resent ti(e4 A%6now,ed$in$ t&at t&e +erson &as (ade a $ood
s#$$estion3 b#t t&at yo# )ee, it is #n)easib,e )or t&e +resent 8;+er&a+s we;,, %o(e ba%6 to it ,ater;9 is a
better strate$y t&an dis(issin$ it o#t o) &and4 A ,eader needs to &e,+ ot&ers )ee, t&at t&eir
%ontrib#tions to t&e $ro#+ are "a,#ed3 re$ard,ess o) w&et&er or not t&ey are a%ted #+on4 Its better to
&a"e +eo+,e %o(in$ #+ wit& wi,d and wa%6y ideas t&an to &a"e yo#r re1#est )or in+#t (et wit& s#,,en
It;s a,so wort& bearin$ in (ind no (atter &ow (#%& yo# twea6 a +,an3 it;s ne"er $oin$ to be +er)e%t4
T&e (ore %o(+,e* a +,an )or so(et&in$3 t&e (ore ,i6e,y t&in$s are ,i6e,y to $o awry4 T&is is
+arti%#,ar,y re,e"ant to t&e +,annin$ o) %o(+,i%ated rit#a, e"ents3 i) on,y be%a#se t&e $oddess Eris
(i$&t be wat%&in$3 and wants to see w&at &a++ens i) so(eone dro+s a sword at a %riti%a, (o(ent3
s%atterin$ b#rnin$ in%ense onto bare )eet and )#rnis&in$sA P,ans s&o#,d be ),e*ib,e3 so t&at i)3 at t&e
,ast (in#te3 Frater I(+,a#sib,e )ai,s to t#rn #+ wit& t&e rit#a, +ro+s3 t&e rest o) t&e $ro#+ is not st#%6
t&ere standin$ aro#nd ,oo6in$ s&ee+is&4 !&en I was trained in t&e r#nnin$ o) $ro#+s3 I was ta#$&t to
&a"e a ;+,an B; ready waitin$ in t&e win$s i) need be3 and beyond t&at3 &a"e a set o) stand-by
e*er%ises t&at I %o#,d draw on i) I rea,,y needed t&e(4 In s&ort3 +,ans (ay ,oo6 +er)e%t #nti, t&ey
%o(e into %onta%t wit& ot&er +eo+,e4
P,annin$ is a,so ne%essary )or e))e%ti"e %o((#ni%ation4 In t&e abo"e e*a(+,e o) a ,eader see6in$
%,ari)i%ation )ro( %e,ebrants +rior to a rit#a, +er)or(an%e3 t&e ,eader needs to be ab,e to t&in6 a&ead
and +,an w&at &e or s&e is $oin$ to say4 T&e (essa$e needs to be %,ear and #nderstandab,e4 Peo+,e
w&o are new to $ro#+ rit#a,s o)ten )ee, inse%#re and it %ertain,y does not &e,+ w&en ,eaders e*+,ain
rit#a,s #sin$ %o(+,e* or obs%#re tennino,o$y4 Co(+,e* +ro%ed#res %an be %,ari)ied by brea6in$ t&e(
down into a set o) +oints4 In addition3 t&e ,eader needs to not on,y trans(it )a%ts3 b#t a,so ent&#sias(
)or w&at is abo#t to be done4 -sin$ %o,o#r)#, ,an$#a$e3 non-"erba, %#es and &#(o#r %an be &e,+)#,
&ere3 b#t t&is re1#ires %on)iden%e to do e))e%ti"e,y3 w&i%& in t#rn ta6es +ra%ti%e and +,annin$4 T&is
6ind o) +,annin$ rea,,y in"o,"es de"e,o+in$ a $enera, s6i,, w&i%& &as an a,(ost ,i(it,ess ran$e o)
a++,i%ations4 I) yo# %an +,an w&at yo# are $oin$ to do in a sit#ation3 yo# %an $o on to +,an &ow yo#
(i$&t try and a))e%t a $ro#+ sit#ation in order to +ro(ote tea(wor63 %reati"ity3 or en%o#ra$e
+arti%#,ar indi"id#a,s4 As I &a"e said3 +,ans rare,y s#r"i"e %onta%t wit& rea,ity3 b#t yo# are on,y $oin$
to )ind o#t w&at wor6s3 and w&at doesn;t3 t&ro#$& e*+erien%e4
In6isible 0ea"ers+ip
A ,eader is best
!&en +eo+,e bare,y 6now t&at &e e*ists
Not so $ood w&en +eo+,e obey and a%%,ai( &i(3
!orst w&en t&ey des+ise &i(4
Fai, to &ono#r +eo+,e3
T&ey )ai, to &ono#r yo#7
B#t o) a $ood ,eader3 w&o ta,6s ,itt,e3
!&en &is wor6 is done3 &is ai( )#,)i,,ed3 T&ey wi,, a,, say3 ;!e did t&is o#rse,"es4;
- Lao T5#
T&ere is a %o((on idea t&at ,eaders i(+ose t&eir wi,, on t&e $ro#+3 and t&at t&e $ro#+ does w&at a
,eader te,,s t&e(4 An e))e%ti"e $ro#+ is3 to a ,ar$e e*tent &owe"er3 se,)-deter(inin$3 re$#,atin$ its own
+er)or(an%e by its own standards and nor(s4 T&e (ore t&e ,eader &as %,ari)ied t&e $ro#+;s %o((on
tas6 in ter(s o) w&at needs doin$ and &ow3 t&en t&e (ore ,i6e,y it is t&at ea%& indi"id#a, (e(ber wi,,
s&are t&at %,arity4 It (ay be t&at a ,eader needs on,y to inter"ene in t&e $ro#+ +ro%ess $ent,y3 rat&er
t&an &ea"y-&anded,y4 A 1#iet word or e"en a $,an%e %an be (ore e))e%ti"e t&an %o(in$ on stron$ as
t&e ,eader4 'e"e,o+in$ t&e abi,ity to 1#iet,y b#t )ir(,y si,en%e so(eone3 and t&e abi,ity to e1#a,,y
1#iet,y test )or %onsens#s 8wit&o#t (a6in$ $ro#+ %onsens#s a bi$ iss#e9 is (ore #se)#, in t&e ,on$
r#n3 t&an bein$ o"erbearin$ and bo(basti%4
I) yo# are settin$ #+ a $ro#+ w&i%& wi,, re1#ire ot&er +eo+,e to ta6e on distin%t ro,es or :obs3 t&en one
o) yo#r i((ediate %on%erns wi,, be t&e abi,ity to (oti"ate ot&ers4 It is essentia,3 in t&is 6ind o)
s%enario3 t&at on%e yo# &a"e de,e$ated a tas6 to so(eone3 t&at it $ets done3 and t&at yo# don;t end
#+ r#nnin$ e"eryt&in$ yo#rse,)3 w&i%& is an easy sit#ation to $et into4 O)ten +eo+,e wi,, "o,#nteer
t&e(se,"es )or :obs wit&o#t rea,,y t&in6in$ t&e (atter t&ro#$&4 I tend to ,oo6 at t&is on t&e basis t&at
+eo+,e $et one 8(aybe two9 %&an%es at doin$ a tas6 and i) t&ey don;t a%t#a,,y do it3 t&en 8re$ard,ess
o) t&eir e*%#ses9 t&at;s it as )ar as I a( %on%erned4 Ha"in$ said t&at3 i) so(eone does "o,#nteer to do
so(et&in$3 t&en yo# s&o#,d %&e%6 o#t i) &e &as 8a9 t&e reso#r%es ne%essary 8Ti(e bein$ an
i(+ortant one9 and 8b9 t&e re1#isite abi,ities4 I) &e doesn;t as6 yo# e*a%t,y w&at t&e tas6 entai,s3 t&en
yo# s&o#,d te,, &i( and $i"in$ o#t a %&e%6,ist o) tas6s is o)ten a $ood idea4 It;s a %o((on eno#$&
s%enario t&at (ana$ers $i"e +eo+,e a :ob to do wit&o#t a%t#a,,y sayin$ w&at t&e :ob entai,s and t&en
%o(+,ain be%a#se it &asn;t been done to t&eir satis)a%tion4 Peo+,e w&o 6now e*a%t,y w&at t&ey;re
s#++osed to do 8and &ow to $o abo#t it9are #s#a,,y (#%& &a++ier and (ore ,i6e,y to be se,)-
(oti"ated abo#t $oin$ o#t and doin$ it4 So i) yo# want to (oti"ate +eo+,e into &e,+in$ yo# t&en
s#++ort t&e(4 As Ra,+& !a,do E(erson +#t it3 2Tr#st (en and t&ey wi,, be tr#e to yo#4 Treat t&e(
$reat,y and t&ey wi,, s&ow t&e(se,"es $reat42 E1#a,,y i(+ortant in (oti"atin$ ot&ers is t&e ,eader;s
abi,ity to re%o$nise ot&er;s a%&ie"e(ents4 T&is needs to be done e1#a,,y a%ross t&e $ro#+4 In any
(a$i%a, $ro#+3 +arti%#,ar,y t&e ,ar$er orders and or$ani5ations3 t&ere wi,, be indi"id#a,s w&o e*%e, at
ed$in$ t&e(se,"es into t&e ,i(e,i$&t4 I) t&e $ro#+ is to (aintain a stron$ sense o) ;we-ness; &owe"er3
it;s i(+ortant t&at e"eryone and not :#st t&e &i$& ),yers %an )ee, t&at &is a%&ie"e(ents 8no (atter &ow
s(a,,9 are re%o$nised 8t&is is w&ere te%&ni1#es s#%& as t&e S#(b,e dis%#ssed +re"io#s,y %an be
Bein$ an e))e%ti"e ,eader is not so(et&in$ w&i%& &a++ens o"erni$&t4 Li6e any ,on$-ter( (a$i%a,
endea"o#r3 it;s so(et&in$ t&at yo# $row into4 !&i,st readin$ boo6s and $oin$ on %o#rses in
,eaders&i+ %an be &e,+)#,3 it;s so(et&in$ t&at (ost o) #s tend to +i%6 #+ as we $o a,on$4 >#st as
de"e,o+in$ inter+ersona, s6i,,s is i(+ortant in bein$ ab,e to re,ate e))e%ti"e,y to ot&er +eo+,e3 as a
,eader yo# (#st be %a+ab,e o) assessin$ yo#r own +er)or(an%e in t&at ro,e4 O) %o#rse3 t&e abi,ity to
assess onese,)3 in ter(s o) )ee,in$s3 e*+erien%es3 be&a"io#rs3 ideas et%43 is )air,y %entra, to (a$i%a,
de"e,o+(ent4 It is +arti%#,ar,y i(+ortant in $ro#+ wor6 t&o#$&3 and e"en (ore so i) one is a $ro#+
Brin$in$ Peo+,e Into t&e Gro#+
!&o Gets In3 And How.
T&ese %onsiderations are +ertinent )or t&e (ore +ra%ti%a,,yoriented $ro#+3 s#%& as a s(a,, Ma$i%a,
!or6in$ or Trainin$ Gro#+4 First,y3 I;,, ,oo6 at so(e a++roa%&es )or %andidate assess(ent4
An inter"iew is +robab,y t&e best way o) )indin$ o#t w&et&er so(eone is s#ited )or t&e $ro#+3 bot& in
ter(s o) w&at &e &as to o))er yo#3 and ,ettin$ &i( 6now w&at yo#r $ro#+ is abo#t4 I) yo# arran$e t&e
(eetin$ in a +#b,i% +,a%e3 and &e doesn;t t#rn #+8w&i%& is o)ten t&e %ase93 t&en yo# %an ta6e t&is as a
"ery %,ear (essa$e abo#t t&e sin%erity o) &is intentions4 Inter"iews %an be done on a one-to-one
basis3 or by a +ane, o) e*istin$ $ro#+ (e(bers4 I) t&is is done3 yo# at ,east &a"e t&e bene)it o) ot&er
+eo+,e;s o+inions o) t&e %andidate3 and3 so(eone to ta,6 to w&i,e yo#;re waitin$ )or t&e( to t#rn #+A
O)ten3 yo#r )irst %onta%t wit& a +otentia, %andidate wi,, be a ,etter4 T&e %ontents o) t&e ,etter %an te,,
yo# a $reat dea,4 'o t&ey en%,ose an SAE. I) t&e ,etter is an i,,e$ib,e s%raw, written on a s%ra+ o)
+a+er t&e si5e o) a b#s ti%6et3 do yo# t&in6 t&ey are t&e sort o) +eo+,e yo# want in yo#r $ro#+. Loo6
at &ow t&e +erson +resents &i(se,)4 'oes &e $i"e any detai,s w&i%& &e,+s yo# $et a +i%t#re o) w&at
&e %o#,d be ,i6e.
W+at %ext7
Ass#(in$ t&at t&e %andidate &as $ot +ast t&e )irst sta$e o) yo#r ind#%tion +ro%ed#re t&en t&e ne*t
ste+ to %onsider is brin$in$ &i( into t&e $ro#+4 o# %o#,d3 )or e*a(+,e3 in"ite &i( to a (eetin$ o) t&e
$ro#+ and a)terwards3 in"ite %o((ents )ro( t&e estab,is&ed (e(bers3 or brin$ &i( in on a tria,
+eriod3 as is done wit& t&e ear-and-a-'ay waitin$ +eriod between wor6in$ wit& a !i%%a Co"en and
bein$ Initiated into t&e $ro#+ +ro+er4 It is not #n6nown 8t&o#$& &ard,y $ood +ra%ti%e9 )or %andidates
wit& %ertain re%o$ni5ed +&ysi%a, attrib#tes 8i4e43 $ir,s wit& bi$ ba5oo(s9 to by+ass t&e #s#a,
+ro%ed#res and 1#i%6,y be%o(e &i$& de$ree (e(bers4 Howe"er3 i) +osin$ as a Ma$ister o) a
(a$i%a, order is t&e on,y +ossib,e ro#te yo# &a"e o) $ettin$ ,aid3 t&en yo# are a sad +erson 8NoteI
t&e o%%#,t wor,d is )#,, o) SA' +ersons94
As to !&o Gets inI t&is "ery (#%& de+ends on w&at yo#;re ,oo6in$ )or in yo#r %andidates4 I) yo# are
see6in$ (a$i%a, sy%o+&ants or +eo+,e sad eno#$& to t&in6 t&at o+enin$ t&eir ,e$s )or yo# wi,, $i"e
t&e( t&e 6eys to t&e #ni"erse3 t&en so be it4 I) not3 &ere are so(e %onsiderations wort& bearin$ in
Can yo# $et on wit& t&e( as +eo+,e.
T&is is at t&e to+ o) (y ,ist as a %andidate (i$&t we,, 6now Crow,ey;s Liber PPP ba%6wards b#t i) &e
(ana$es to +iss e"eryone e,se o)) wit&in ten (in#tes o) (eetin$3 t&en &e (i$&t we,, be a +rob,e(4
'o t&ey stri6e yo# as interestin$3 wit& so(et&in$ to o))er.
Re$ard,ess o) (a$i%a, e*+erien%e3 or ,a%6 o)3 i) so(eone %o(es o"er as bein$ ent&#siasti%3 and %an
%on"erse readi,y and easi,y t&en t&e )a%t t&at &e &asn;t read ,oads o) boo6s s&o#,dn;t (atter4 In )a%t3 I
tend to )ind t&at +eo+,e w&o aren;t we,,-read(a$i%a,,y s+ea6in$-tend to %o(e #+ wit& so(e "ery
inno"ati"e ideas abo#t (a$i%a, +ra%ti%e as t&ey don;t 6now any ;better4;
!&at %an t&ey o))er t&e $ro#+.
Here3 yo# s&o#,d ta6e into a%%o#nt s6i,,s and reso#r%es t&at t&e %andidate &as4 T&is +#ts (e in (ind
o) one a++,i%ant I inter"iewed w&o3 a,t&o#$& a %o(+,ete be$inner to +ra%ti%a, (a$i%3 dro"e a ,ar$e
"an3 &ad a roo( s#itab,e )or (eetin$s3 and %o#,d ,i$&t bon)ires in t&e +o#rin$ rainA
!&at do t&ey say to yo#.
T&is is o)ten ne$,e%ted3 yet i(+ortant4 Peo+,e w&o are (ere,y ;&ead nodders; to w&at yo# te,, t&e(3
tend to be%o(e ;&ead nodders; in a $ro#+4 A +erson w&o3 at an inter"iew3 (a6es inte,,i$ent
%o((ents abo#t w&at yo# &a"e to say is ,i6e,y to ta6e t&e initiati"e w&en +ro(+ted3 or o)ten3 wit&o#t
bein$ +ro(+ted at a,,4
Any +rior (a$i%a, e*+erien%e.
T&is (ay be a bene)it3 b#t (#%& de+ends on w&at ty+e o) e*+erien%e t&ey;"e &ad3 &ow s#%%ess)#, 8in
t&eir ter(s9 it was3 and w&et&er t&ey %an a%%o((odate t&e(se,"es to t&e wor6in$ sty,e o) t&e $ro#+3
or w&et&er t&eir e*+erien%e is s#%& t&at t&ey )ee, t&at t&ey &a"e to +oint o#t t&at w&at yo#;re doin$ is
!RONG be%a#se t&eir ,ast Hi$& PriestessEMa$#sEG#r# said so4
Is it better to on,y &a"e +eo+,e yo# 6now +ersona,,y in t&e $ro#+.
I was as6ed t&is in re$ard to $ro#+ (ana$e(ent re%ent,y so &ere $oesI i) yo# 6now eno#$& +eo+,e
w&o are serio#s abo#t doin$ (a$i% to start a $ro#+ t&en a,, we,, and $ood4 E"en i) I 6new so(eone
we,,3 and 6new t&eir (a$i%a, &istory too3 I wo#,d sti,, &a"e a )or(a, 8or se(i-)or(a,9 %&at wit& &i(
abo#t :oinin$ t&e $ro#+4 B#t bear in (ind a,so3 t&at i) t&in$s don;t wor6 o#t3 yo# (ay &a"e to as6 &i(
to ,ea"e3 w&i%& %an &a"e da(a$in$ e))e%ts on a +ersona, re,ations&i+4 At so(e +oint3 I t&in6 yo#;,,
&a"e to %onsider so(eone yo# don;t 6now we,, 8i) at a,,9-&en%e t&e s#$$estions abo"e3 w&i%& are
in)or(ation-$at&erin$ strate$ies to &e,+ yo# (a6e t&e ne%essary de%isions4
'oes Si5e Matter.
It is $enera,,y a$reed t&at t&e o+ti(#( si5e )or a s(a,, (a$i%a, $ro#+ is @-=< +eo+,e4 For any ot&er
ty+e o) $ro#+3 n#(ber is o)ten deter(ined by t&e si5e o) t&e "en#e yo# are #sin$ )or (eetin$s4
Re)#sa,s %an be tri%6y to dea, wit&4 A $reat dea, de+ends on t&e ty+e o) $ro#+ yo# are r#nnin$4 I
&a"e &eard3 )or e*a(+,e3 o) %ases w&ere o+en dis%#ssion $ro#+s or wor6s&o+s &a"e been de%,ared
sin$,e-se* on,y3 as it was t&e on,y way t&ey %o#,d a"oid &a"in$ one +arti%#,ar +erson t#rnin$ #+ and
disr#+tin$ +ro%eedin$s4 T&is (ay we,, be t&e reasonin$ be&ind so(e wo(en-on,y $ro#+s-a"oidin$
t&e sit#ation o) &a"in$ a (a,e w&o is a 6nown se*-+estE+ain-in-t&e-ne%6 t#rnin$ #+4
Anot&er tri%6y sit#ation is one w&ere yo# as $ro#+ ,eader (i$&t $et on we,, wit& a +arti%#,ar +erson3
b#t no one e,se does4 T&is is +arti%#,ar,y i(+ortant w&en it %o(es down to (a$i%a, $ro#+s4 It is a,,
too easy )or a ,eader3 w&en )a%ed wit& ot&er +eo+,es %o(+,aints abo#t so(eone e,se in t&e $ro#+ to
(a6e e*%#ses be%a#se &e +ersona,,y ,i6ed t&e +erson bein$ %o(+,ained abo#t4 I) Q and &a"e a
+rob,e(3 t&en it is not :#st a (atter between and 3 b#t a,so yo#r +rob,e(4 'ea, wit& it ob:e%ti"e,y and
)air,y3 and t&is wi,, %o(e a%ross to yo#r (e(bers4 I) t&e +rob,e( %an;t be easi,y sorted o#t3 t&en at
,east yo#r (e(bers %an see yo# are ta6in$ a,, "iew+oints into %onsideration4
!&ate"er t&e %ase3 re)#sa,s (#st be dea,t wit& )ir(,y and )air,y4 Gi"e +eo+,e a $ood reason 8t&e tr#t&
is o)ten best93 and i) yo# &and,e it we,,3 t&en t&ey are ,ess ,i6e,y to be%o(e e(bittered and $o aro#nd
s+readin$ (a,i%io#s r#(o#rs abo#t yo# and yo#r $ro#+4
T&e Le((in$ E))e%t
It is wort& notin$ t&at i) +eo+,e are not &a++y wit& a sit#ation re$ardin$ a $ro#+3 t&ey wi,, #s#a,,y "ote
wit& t&eir )eet and ,ea"e4 O%%asiona,,y3 it (ay &a++en t&at i) Q ,ea"es3 t&en 3 O3 and ! 8a,, )riends o)
Q9-(i$&t ,ea"e a,so4 T&is (ay not so#nd ,i6e a &#$e +rob,e(3 b#t it %an &a++en t&at +eo+,e s#dden,y
de%ide to ,ea"e wit&o#t $i"in$ a reason4 T&is &a++ened to (e on%e w&en )o#r +eo+,e in an o+en
$ro#+ ,e)t in two wee6s3 and I didn;t )ind o#t #nti, (#%& ,ater t&at it was d#e to an o))&and re(ar6
(ade by anot&er $ro#+ (e(ber 8w&o re(ained94
Barrin$ so(eone )ro( attendin$ a (eetin$3 or e*+e,,in$ so(eone )ro( a (a$i%a, $ro#+3 is #s#a,,y
#n+,easant3 b#t o)ten ne%essary4 E*+e,,in$ so(eone (i$&t we,, be a ,ast resort3 b#t it s&o#,d ne"er
be done in des+eration4 A %o,,ea$#e and I &ad to e*+e, a +erson w&o3 des+ite "erba, ass#ran%es o)
%o((it(ent3 was %onsistent,y ,ate or )ai,ed to t#rn #+ at a,, )or (eetin$s w&i%&3 sin%e we on,y &ad a
two-&o#r wor6 window3 %a#sed so(e disr#+tion to t&e +ro$ress o) t&e $ro#+4 A)ter t&ree "erba,
warnin$s3 we %a,,ed a $ro#+ (eetin$ and t&rew t&e (is%reant o#t4 A,, t&e ot&er (e(bers were
+resent3 w&i%& rein)or%ed t&e )a%t t&at t&is was a $ro#+ de%ision3 and not :#st t&e de%ision o) t&e
$ro#+ %oordinators a,one-t&o#$& o) %o#rse we de,i"ered t&e :#d$e(ent4
A$ain3 t&is area o) $ro#+ wor6 re1#ires %are)#, (ana$e(ent4 I )ee, t&at &onesty is t&e best +o,i%y3
and i) t&e e*+#,sion &as been +re)a%ed by $i"in$ t&e o))endin$ +erson d#e awareness o) t&e
sit#ation3 t&en i) &e &asn;t (ade any e))ort to sort &i(se,) o#t3 t&en &e %annot rea,,y %o(+,ain4
0iber %ice 8 0iber %asty
A,, Hai, 'is%ordiaA
T&e +&eno(ena w&i%& &as %o(e to be 6nown as 'is%ordianis( is o) e"en (ore re%ent ori$ins t&an
t&e Ct&#,&# Myt&os4 M#%& o) t&e (yt&i% ori$ins o)-+is%ordia &a"e been +o+#,arised in Robert Anton
!i,son / Robert S&ea;s I,,#(inat#sA tri,o$y3 and in Ma,a%,y+se t&e o#n$er;s Prin%i+ia 'is%ordia3
w&i%& sets o#t t&e basi%s o) w&at a++ears to be3 at )irst $,an%e3 a re,i$ion %entred aro#nd t&e Gree6
Goddess3 Eris4
A%%ordin$ to C,assi%a, so#r%es3 Eris was a da#$&ter o) No* 8Ni$&t9 and t&e wi)e o) Cron#s4 One o)
t&e +ri(a, Titan Goddesses3 s&e $a"e birt& to Sorrow3 For$et)#,ness3 H#n$er3 'isease3 M#rder3 and
Lies4 S&e )i$#res in t&e story o) t&e >#d$e(ent o) Paris3 as it was s&e w&o %a#sed t&e ar$#(ent
between t&e Goddesses At&ene3 Hera and A+&rodite3 by %astin$ a $o,den a++,e3 ins%ribed wit& t&e
word CALLISTI 82to t&e +rettiest one29 into t&e ban1#etin$ &a,, w&ere t&e O,y(+ians were )eastin$4
A,, t&ree Goddesses %,ai(ed t&e a++,e as t&eir own3 w&i%& ,ed to t&e >#d$e(ent o) Paris3 t&e
o#tbrea6 o) t&e Tro:an !ar3 and a (a:or t#rn in Gree6 History4
It is re,ated3 in Prin%i+ia 'is%ordia3 &ow Eris (ade an a++earan%e in t&e ear,y =?JL;s to two yo#n$
Ca,i)ornians3 w&o as a res#,t be%a(e O(ar Ra"en&#rst CSC3 and Ma,a%,y+se t&e o#n$er4 Eris
a++ointed t&e( ;Cee+ers o) t&e Sa%red C&ao; and $a"e t&e( t&e (essa$e 2444te,, restri%ted (an6ind
t&at t&ere are no r#,es3 #n,ess t&ey %&oose to in"ent r#,es42 A)ter w&i%& O(ar and Ma, de%,ared ea%&
ot&er Hi$& Priest o) &is own (adness3 and de%,ared t&e(se,"es to be a So%iety o) 'is%ordia3
w&ate"er t&at (ay be4
T&an6s to t&e 'is%ordian ta%ti% o) de%,arin$ e"eryone on t&e +,anet to be a 'is%ordian ;Po+e; by
#sin$ ;Po+e Cards; et%43 anyone w&o wants to be a 'is%ordian %an de%,are t&e(se,"es so4 B#t a%tin$
)ro( a 'is%ordian stan%e is "ery (#%& a So%ia, Pers+e%ti"e4
'is%ordians tend to be 6nown t&ro#$& t&eir a%tions3 w&i%&3 )ro( an ar%&ety+a, +oint o) "iew3 are
re,ated to $a(bits o) ; sa%red %,ownin$; or +o6in$ )#n at a#t&ority )i$#res and in:e%tin$ a (#%&-
needed dose o) &#(o#r into any di(ension4 It was 'is%ordians w&o +ointed o#t t&at a(idst t&e
(assi"e ,ists o) %ate$ories and d#a,ities drawn #+ by (a$i%ians3 t&e d#a,ity o) &#(o#r-serio#sness
&ad too ,on$ been absent4 'is%ordians t&#s tend to be en$a$ed in +,a%in$ &#(o#r into areas w&i%&
&a"e &it&erto3 been +er%ei"ed as entire,y serio#s areas4 -sin$ te%&ni1#es borrowed )ro( S#rrea,is(3
'ada3 Pata+&ysi%s and Sit#ationist A$i-Pro+3 'is%ordians (ay adroit,y +#t a%ross a (essa$e
w&erein &#(o#r and serio#sness are indi"isib,e e,e(ents4
Cey e,e(ents o) t&e 'is%ordian stan%e %an be seen in t&e &istori%a, +ro%esses t&at $enerated t&is
(eta-(o"e(ent4 T&is in%,#desI t&e ende(i% +aranoia o) t&e )i)ties7 t&e o+ti(is( o) t&e si*ties t#rnin$
to %yni%is( be)ore t&e end o) t&at de%ade7 t&e $rowt& o) %ons+ira%y t&eories entwinin$ e"eryt&in$
)ro( t&e Cennedy assassination to -FOs in a tan$,ed (es& o) s#s+i%ion and (yt&4 T&e deat& o)
;tr#t&; as rea,ity be%o(es in%reasin$,y (a$i%a,3 (ani+#,ated by t&e (ass (edia to ser"e #+ t&e
&idden a$endas o) t&e (#,ti-%or+orations and $o"ern(ent %,i1#es4 T&e 'is%ordian +ers+e%ti"e
+ro(+ts a rea%tion o) &#(o#r to t&e +er%ei"ed bana,ity o) Consens#s Rea,ity3 and t&e desire to +ri%6
at t&e b#bb,es w&i%& t&e )a$ade o) nor(a,ity )or(4
Fro( a (a$i%a, +ers+e%ti"e3 'is%ordian e,e(ents enter (a$i%a, +ro%esses to de(onstrate t&e
dan$er o) ta6in$ onese,)3 or one;s enter+rise3 too serio#s,y4
Erisian Sa%red !ea+ons o) Power
Here are (y wea+ons o) +ower 8and so(e ot&er st#))9 t&at I asso%iate wit& Eris4 O) %o#rse Eris
doesn;t need any wea+ons o) +ower dedi%ated to &er3 bein$ (ost,y too b#sy %a#sin$ %&aos and
%on)#sion to bot&er wit& w&at &er wors&i++ers are doin$4
'i%e are o) %o#rse asso%iated wit& %&an%e3 $ods o) t&e ,on$ s&ot and ta6in$ ris6s4 I $ot into di%e-
(a$i% a)ter readin$ L#6e R&ein&ardts; %,assi% no"e,3 T&e 'i%e(an4 T&e basi% (et&od &ere is t&at
yo# se,e%t si* %o#rses o) a%tion or be&a"io#r and t&en de%ide w&i%& one to do on t&e ro,, o) t&e di%e4
T&ere are a,so di"ination syste(s based on di%e3 and t&e %#be itse,) &as a ,ot o) (a$i%a,
asso%iations3 t&o#$& o))&and I %an;t re%a,, any o) t&e(4 Ro,,in$ di%e is a $ood ti(e to as6 Eris to ,oo6
)a"o#rab,y #+on yo#4
T&e E$o-Ha((er
At ,east two +artners &a"e t&reatened (e wit& &a((ers w&en I started to rantE,e%t#reE+onti)i%ate on
s#b:e%ts t&ey were not rea,,y into &earin$ abo#t at t&e ti(e4 T&e ori$ina, e$o-&a((er was a =L-
+o#nd ,#(+-&a((er b#t it &as sin%e been re+,a%ed wit& a ,ar$e3 bri$&t,y-%o,o#red in),atab,e &a((er4
T&is is #sed wit& t&e +ower-(antras 2Bon62 or 2Bi))2 and a s#itab,e ,itany s#%& as 2Lo3 yo# are ta,6in$
t&ro#$& yo#r botto(-A$ain42
T&e C&aos Grenade
T&e C&aos Grenade is an et&eri% wea+on )or(ed by %o(+ressin$ M#r+&y;s Law3 Heisenber$;s
-n%ertainty Prin%i+,e or anyt&in$ yo# ,i6e into a ba,,4 To a%ti"ate3 ta6e it in one &and and (a6e t&e
sa%red $est#re o) +#,,in$ t&e +in3 and t&en &#r, it into any s+a%e or $ro#+ t&at yo# )ee, wo#,d bene)it
)ro( an in:e%tion o) Erisian wa%6iness4 To a%ti"ate it #+on yo#rse,)3 si(+,y &o,d t&e ba,, and t&row t&e
+in and yo# wi,, be i,,#(inated4 Or not4
S(artie Ser"itor
T&e S(artie Ser"itor is a rit#a, ai(ed at in%reasin$ t&e ,e"e, o) ;ni%e weirdness; in yo#r town4
S(arties3 )or t&ose #n)a(i,iar3 are bri$&t,y-%o,o#red %&o%o,ate dro+s w&i%& %o(e in a t#be4 Sin%e t&e
(id-PL;s3 t&e te,e"ision ad"ertise(ents )or t&e( &a"e been (ar6ed,y +sy%&ede,i%4
=4 State(ent o) IntentI
2It is o#r wi,, to (a6e 8yo#r town9 (ore )#nA2 I) yo# ,i6e3 at t&is +oint3 yo# %an a,, "is#a,ise a 'is%ordian
C&aos+&ere4 8A 'is%ordian C&aos+&ere is :#st t&e sa(e as an ordinary one3 b#t t&e %entra, bit is a
s(i,ey )a%e and t&e arrows are wobb,y49 It re+resents t&e &a++iness w&i%& %an be )o#nd w&en yo#
a%%e+t %&aos into yo#r ,i"es and #nderstand t&at Eris &as a &and3 or (aybe a )in$er3 in e"eryt&in$
t&at &a++ens to yo#49
<4 2Airb#rst2 Gro#+ Vis#a,isationI
a9 Gro#+ sit in a %ir%,e3 ar(s ,in6ed3 breat&in$ dee+,y and r&yt&(i%a,,y4
b9 Fee, a %ir%#it o) ener$y b#i,d #+3 r#nnin$ between $ro#+ (e(bers4
%9 Ea%& (e(ber +ro:e%ts a %ord o) ener$y ),owin$ )ro( &i(se,) into t&e %entre o) t&e %ir%,e4
d9 T&ese %ords entwine abo#t ea%& ot&er3 )or(in$ a %o,#(n4
e9 T&e %o,#(n is "is#a,ised as )ree-standin$4 It +#,ses wit& rainbow-%o,o#rs4
R4 !&en t&e rit#a, ,eader )ee,s t&at t&e "is#a,isation &as been estab,is&ed3 t&e $ro#+ be$ins to
s#((on t&e )o#r a"atars o) C&aosI HARPO3 CHICO3 OEPPO3 GRO-CHO by %&antin$ t&eir na(es
and "is#a,isin$ wa"es o) +ower e*+andin$ t&e t#be #nti, it e*tr#des a wobb,y s+&ere 8t&is %an be
a%%o(+anied by a s,ow dr#(beat3 $rad#a,,y be%o(in$ )aster4
D4 C&antin$ be%o(es +ro$ressi"e,y )aster3 as does t&e dr#(beat4 T&e ,eaders be$ins %o#ntdown =L-
=3 s&o#tin$ 2BLAST OM32 at w&i%& +oint a,, "is#a,i5e bi,,ions o) bri$&t,y-%o,o#red S(arties3 ea%& wit&
t&e word F-N written on t&e(3 s+#rtin$ o#t o) t&e t#be and rainin$ down #+on UUUU 3 s&owerin$ %ars3
+eo+,e in o))i%es3 +o,i%e(en3 %&i,dren-a,, radiatin$ t&e weird $,ow o) (a$i%a, +ossibi,ities4
Banis& wit& La#$&ter4
'piral Pentagra.s
T&e traditiona, )i"e-+ointed star or +enta$ra( is a "ery so,id $eo(etri%a, )i$#re4 !&i,st in a +&ase o)
(a$i%a, wor6 wit& Eris3 I be$an to wonder abo#t #sin$ a +enta$ra( (ade #+ o) %#r"es4 T&e res#,t o)
a )ew (in#tes wit& a %o(+ass %an be seen be,ow4 It is (#%& (ore or$ani%4 !&en #sin$ t&is
+enta$ra( in rit#a,s3 "is#a,isations3 et%43 I "is#a,ise t&e o#ter +eta,s s+innin$ %,o%6wise3 and t&e inner
+eta,s s+innin$ anti-%,o%6wise3 t&e w&o,e )i$#re be%o(in$ a R-di(ensiona, t#nne,3 twistin$ into in)inite
s+a%e4 T&is see(s to (e to be a++ro+riate )or t&e rit#a, in"o%ation o) Eris3 and I;"e a,so &ad t&e(
t#rnin$ #+ s+ontaneo#s,y in drea(s as astra, doorways4 To sea, t&e( I si(+,y re"erse t&e dire%tion
o) t&e s+in3 "is#a,isin$ t&e( be%o(in$ ),at )i$#res a$ain4
For 'is%ordian (a$i%ians3 t&e Goddess Eris (ay be seen as t&e &idden &and o) C&aos4 S&e is t&e
+ri(e insti$ator o) weird +&eno(ena3 %oin%iden%es3 Fortean e"ents3 and )ort#ito#s o%%#rren%es4 Her
),i+side (ani)ests as t&e +atroness o) B#rea#%ra%y4 A,, t&ese are or$anisin$ str#%t#res w&i%&
e"ent#a,,y ,ead to an in%rease in %&aoti% be&a"io#r a(idst a (a5e o) r#,es and re$#,ations4 S&e is
re,ated to t&e &a++y anar%&y o) %&i,dren3 %,owns and )oo,s3 as o++osed to t&e +ri(a, C&aos
asso%iated wit& t&e Great O,d Ones o) t&e Ct&#,&# Myt&os4 S&e (ay be #nderstood to be +resent in
a,, e"ents w&i%& de)y rationa, e*+,anation4
2T&e +ast 6nows (e not4 Ea%& (o(ent is a new be$innin$4 T&e )#t#re is tra%ed by t&e )o,ds o) (y
$own4 And I &a"e s&ed (y $own3 t&e +ossibi,ities o) a,, t&in$s not yet born4
Eris3 T&e St#+id Boo64
Eris (ay be in"o6ed )or ins+iration3 in)or(ation )ro( an #n,oo6ed-)or so#r%e3 or to in%rease t&e
$enera, ,e"e, o) syn%&roni%ities wit&in an #n)o,din$ e"ent syste(4 Be warned t&o#$&3 de"otees o)
Eris re+ort t&at t&o#$& a))ab,e towards &#(anity3 s&e dis+,ays a bi5arre sense o) &#(o#r towards
t&ose w&o wo#,d +ro+itiate &erA
T&e +o+#,ar a++ea, o) Eris &as +a"ed t&e way )or a +ro,i)eration o) t&oro#$&,y (ode( deities w&i%&
&a"e arisen )ro( t&e %onte(+orary (yt&i%a, ,ands%a+e4 T&ese in%,#de %artoon %&ara%ters s#%& as
Hiros&i(a t&e n#%,ear $oddess3 ar%&ety+a, tri%6sters s#%& as B#$s B#nny and !i,e E4 Coyote3 and
%&ara%ters )ro( +o+ (#si% or Rita3 $oddess o) +ar6in$3 a,, bein$ e*a(+,es o) t&is trend w&i%& I &a"e
%a(e a%ross4 Grant Morrison3 8%reator o) 'C;s In"isib,es series9 &as a,so e,e"ated >o&n Lennon
&i(se,) to $od-&ood and3 &en%e3 a s#b:e%t )or (a$i%a, in"o%ation4
T&e a++ea, o) t&ese new $ods is t&at one does not &a"e to &a"e bo#$&t into t&e $enera, be,ie)
syste( o) t&e o%%#,t to a++re%iate t&e(4 In t&e (id-ei$&ties I &e,+ed or%&estrate a series o) o+en
Erisian e"ents4 Most3 i) not a,, o) t&e +eo+,e attendin$ t&e(3 were not interested in (a$i% or t&e
o%%#,t +er se3 yet t&ey were &i+ to t&e idea o) a wa%6y C&aos $oddess stirrin$ #+ eddies o) e"ents
aro#nd t&e(4
An ar$#(ent w&i%& is o)ten raised a$ainst t&ese (ode( $ods is t&at )i%tiona, entities are not as "a,id
as +ro+er,y &istori%a, $ods and $oddesses4 T&is is "ery (#%& t&e sa(e ar$#(ent w&i%& says t&at )or
a (a$i%a, (et&od to be "a,id3 it (#st be o,d4 It a,so +res#++oses t&at t&e (yt&o,o$i%a, deities
t&e(se,"es are so(e&ow3 #n%&an$in$4 -nder,yin$ t&is ar$#(ent is t&e assertion t&at (a$i%a, be,ie)s
and (et&ods are s+e%ia, and di"or%ed )ro( any (ode( +ra%ti%e3 no (atter &ow si(i,ar it ,oo6s4 For
e*+onents o) t&is "iew3 a (a$i%ian in a rit#a, s+a%e in"o6in$ Isis or Pan is a (a$i%a, e"ent3 b#t a
teena$er s#rro#ndin$ &i(se,) wit& +osters and i%ons o) &is )a"o#rite +o+ star3 and (ode,,in$ &i(se,)
on &is or &er a++earan%e be)ore $oin$ o#t to a $i$3 isn;t-e"en t&o#$& t&e #nder,yin$ intent 8be&a"io#r
%&an$e and e(+ower(ent t&ro#$& identi)i%ation wit& a ,ar$er-t&an-,i)e (yt&o,o$i%a, )i$#re9 is
essentia,,y si(i,ar3 and t&e e))e%t no ,ess 8+er&a+s e"en (ore9 e))i%a%io#s and +er&a+s (ore so4 For
(e3 t&e on,y rea, di))eren%e is t&at t&e (a$i%ian &as &ad to ,earn &ow to in"o6e3 w&i,e t&e teena$er
:#st $oes a&ead and does it4
H#(o#r3 en:oy(ent and %e,ebration are 6ey e,e(ents o) &istori%a, +a$anis(4 New%o(ers to t&e
o%%#,t (i,ie# (i$&t be s#r+rised by t&is3 $i"en t&e n#(ber o) in:#n%tions t&at (a$i% is a ;dead,y
serio#s; a))air and t&at in so(e %ir%,es3 &#(o#r ai(ed at t&e $ods t&e(se,"es tends to be (et wit&
a+o+,e%ti% a%%#sations t&at one is be&a"in$ ina++ro+riate,y4 T&ere is an in&erent tenden%y )or
(odern (a$i%ians to be terrib,y res+e%t)#, o) t&eir $ods3 in a way t&at is so(ew&at re(inis%ent o)
C&ristianity4 A)ter a,,3 it;s di))i%#,t to i(a$ine C&ristians :o6in$ abo#t >e&o"a& in t&e sa(e way t&at t&e
Nordi% +eo+,es to,d a(#sin$ stories abo#t Lo6i $ettin$ one o"er on T&or4 T&e idea t&at a God or
Goddess is ;sa%red3; yet at t&e sa(e ti(e we %an ,a#$& abo#t t&eir doin$s3 is a,(ost taboo in so(e
(ode( +a$an %ir%,es4 Persona,,y3 = &a"e a,ways war(ed to $ods w&o ,i6e a $ood ,a#$&e"en i) at
ti(es it is at o#r e*+ense4 et t&e (yt&s o) t&e $ods reso#nds wit& t&e ,a#$&ter o) t&eir an%ient
wors&i++ers4 It;s di))i%#,t not to s(i,e at t&e t&o#$&t o) T&or sittin$ in a dress3 seet&in$ w&i,st Lo6i
e*to,,ed t&e "irt#es o) t&e ;bride; to t&e Giant $roo(4
Ma$i% is itse,) a )or( o) +,ayin$ aro#nd4 For (e3 one as+e%t o) t&e state(ent 2Not&in$ is Tr#e3
E"eryt&in$ is Per(itted2 is t&e +ro+osa, t&at (a$i% is as (#%& re,ated to t&e do(ain o) +,ay3 &#(o#r3
and entertain(ent as it is to ;serio#s; endea"o#rs3 be t&ey s%ienti)i% or ot&erwise4 'es+ite t&e
tenden%y to #nder"a,#e +,ay and entertain(ent3 t&ey are +robab,y two o) t&e (ost si$ni)i%ant &#(an
endea"o#rs4 T&ere is no do#bt t&at +,ay is t&e so#r%e o) (#%& o) o#r ,earnin$ and de"e,o+(ent4 Bot&
(a$i% and +,ay s&are t&e %o((on )eat#re t&at bot& are de)ined in ter(s o) t&eir %ontrast to t&e
;ordinary; wor,d4 T&e "ario#s )or(s o) entertain(ent-+oetry3 +aintin$3 s%#,+t#re3 dra(a3 et%4-do3 at t&e
sa(e ti(e as +ro"idin$ entertain(ent3 ser"e to )or(#,ate3 %,ari)y or ad"an%e (a$i%a, t&e(es4 Bot&
(a$i% and entertain(ent ser"e to draw t&e +arti%i+ant o#t )ro( t&e ;ordinary; into t&e (yt&i%3 or
,ar$er-t&an-,i)e wor,d4 F#rt&er(ore3 )or t&e (a:ority o) +eo+,e w&o are interested in (a$i%3 it is a
,eis#re +#rs#it3 rat&er t&an an a%ti"e en$a$e(ent4 N#(ero#s )or(s o) di"ination &a"e $a(e-,i6e
as+e%ts3 s#%& as Tarot3 I C&in$3 et%43 and ,i6ewise3 $a(es %an be t#rned into di"ination syste(s4
F#rt&er3 one o) t&e %entra, t&e(es o) (ode( (a$i%a, e*+,oration %on%erns t&e nat#re o) +ersona,
identity4 P,ay and entertain(ent a,so trade on t&is t&e(e3 +arti%#,ar,y %o(edy3 w&ere se"era, %ore
t&e(es re"o,"e aro#nd t&e dis$#isin$ or %on)#sion o) identity4 T&ere is a,so an o"er,a+ between
)o,6,ore-w&i%& is bot& instr#%ti"e and entertainin$-and t&e ane%dota, narrati"e w&i%& is t&e basis o)
(ost re+orted (a$i%a, e*+erien%e4 T&e &istory o) (a$i% is a,so re+,ete wit& &oa*es3 and t&e tri%6ster
)i$#re3 )ro( sa%red )oo,s to A,eister Crow,ey4 I) (a$i% is entertainin$3 t&e s%e+ti%s are (ere,y t&ose
+eo+,e w&o re)#se to :oin t&e )#n4 Can we see (a$i% as a )or( o) Co(edy. Banis& wit& ,a#$&terA On
a +ra%ti%a, ,e"e,3 (a$i% as P,ay %an be a++re%iated w&en we e*a(ine t&e te%&ni1#e o) In"o%ation4
Modern (a$i%a, t&eories re,atin$ to in"o%ation tend to bot& e*+,ain and distan%e t&e indi"id#a, )ro(
t&e entit,es bein$ +,ayed wit&4 T&ere is (#%& ta,6 o) s#b+ersona,ities3 ar%&ety+es3 et%43 w&i%&3 )or (e3
intr#de on t&e (a$i% o) t&e e*+erien%e itse,)4 Fro( t&e +,ay +ers+e%ti"e I wo#,d (#%& rat&er intera%t
wit& deities on t&e ,e"e, o) w&at we (i$&t ter( i(a$inary )riends4 Fro( t&e "iew+oint o) a %&i,d3
i(a$inary )riends are (ore si$ni)i%ant t&an +arents and +eers4 T&e te%&ni1#e o) E"o%ation %an a,so
be "iewed in t&is ,i$&t and w&en we;re e"o6in$ so(et&in$3 we;re %,ot&in$ so(et&in$ inde)inab,e in
t&e bri$&t %o,o#rs o) o#r i(a$ination4
Ma$i%a, Misdire%tion
Ma$i%a, (isdire%tion = s %on%erned wit& t&e obs%#rin$ o) ro,es4 In)a(o#s (a$i%ians3 in bot& (yt&
and &istory3 &a"e &ad a tri%6ster or %,own side to t&eir %&ara%ter4 A,eister Crow,ey3 )or e*a(+,e3 is
we,,-6nown )or &is ,o"e o) +ran6s3 +ra%ti%a, :o6es and a,ter e$os3 as was A,e* Sanders3 t&e in)a(o#s
;Cin$ o) t&e !it%&es4; T&e !ise-Foo, is a )i$#re )o#nd in (any %#,t#res and syste(sI t&e Foo, o) t&e
Tarot3 t&e A)ri%an S+ider-God Anansi3 and t&e Norse tri%6ster3 Lo6i4 T&e (a$i%ian3 as t&e Foo,3 bot&
(o%6s and t&reatens t&e estab,is&(ent4 'es+ite t&eir +oses and $a(es3 sa%red )oo,s o)ten &a"e a
&i$& stat#s wit&in t&eir %o((#nity4
To a%t t&e )oo, is to be de%e+ti"e4 On%e yo# &a"e been estab,is&ed as a )oo,3 t&ere is a ,ot t&at yo#
%an $et away wit&4 T&is is a ,esson t&at (any (a$i%ians &a"e a++re%iated4 It is o)ten better to be
dis(issed as a %ran6 and ,a#$&ed at3 i) bein$ ta6en serio#s,y (eans i(+rison(ent and tort#re4
Oen (asters in +arti%#,ar are )a(o#s )or dis$#isin$ t&eir stat#s3 o)ten res+ondin$ to t&e 1#estions o)
t&eir dis%i+,es wit& &#(o#r or obs%enitiesI
BI Are a,, Ma$i%ians ,i6e yo#3 s#%& a (i*t#re o) t&e base and t&e di"ine.
AI No3 so(e are ta,,er4
So%ia, 'is$#ises
'on >#an3 t&e 8)i%tiona,.9 a1#i s&a(an (ade )a(o#s t&ro#$& t&e writin$s o) Car,os Castaneda3
says t&at to be%o(e a br#:o 8(a$i%ian9 one (#st )irst (o"e away )ro( a,, )a(i,y and )riends3 to a
+,a%e w&ere no one 6nows one;s +ast se,)3 w&ere one %an %#,ti"ate t&e ;(as6; o) a br#:o 8i4e43 t&e
(a$i%a, +ersona,ity94 T&e %#,ti"ation o) stat#s and stat#s dis$#ise is an i(+ortant %onsideration )or
(a$i%ians3 es+e%ia,,y )or t&ose w&o wor6 in or wit& $ro#+s4 T&e &i$&er t&e stat#s +eo+,e wi,, a%%ord
yo#3 t&e easier it is to ind#%e tran%e-states in ot&ers3 or +er)or( a%ts o) &ea,in$ or si(i,ar (a$i%s4 A
$ro#+ dire%tor w&o is +,ayin$ a &i$& stat#s ro,e %an enab,e ot&er $ro#+ (e(bers to ,et $o d#rin$ an
intensi"e rit#a,3 sin%e t&ey are %on)ident o) t&e ,eader;s abi,ity not to ,et t&in$s $et too )ar o#t o) &and4
Note t&at +,ayin$ &i$& stat#s in a $ro#+ is a ro,e w&i%& %an be ado+ted and t&en +#t aside w&en t&e
sit#ation warrants it4 T&e desire to &a"e one;s )e,,ows a%%ord +er(anent &i$& stat#s to onese,) &as
o)ten ,ed (a$i%ians into %,ai(in$ a,, 6inds o) e*a,ted tit,es and $rades3 in a 6ind o) one#+(ans&i+
t&at is #s#a,,y destr#%ti"e )or a,, +arties %on%erned and tedio#s to wat%&4 !e a,, +,ay stat#s $a(es
wit& ea%& ot&er t&o#$&3 )ro( ti(e to ti(e3 and t&e )o,,owin$ $a(es %an s&ow #+ t&e di))erin$ stat#s
ro,es we +#rs#e4
G#r#s and 'is%i+,es
For t&is e*er%ise3 one +erson ta6es on t&e ro,e o) a $#r#3 and ot&er +eo+,e be%o(e t&e $#r#;s
dis%i+,es3 and besee%& &i( to answer 1#estions on ,i)e3 t&e #ni"erse and e"eryt&in$4 T&e G#r#
e*+,ains and t&e dis%i+,es &an$ breat&,ess,y on e"ery word4 It;s not so (#%& w&at is said t&at %o#nts3
b#t t&e way it is said4
-n)ort#nate,y t&ere do see( to be a $reat (any +eo+,e w&o are &#ntin$ )or so(e 6ind o) $#r#4 In
dire%t +ro+ortion3 t&ere are t&ose w&o wo#,d readi,y be%o(e $#r#s )or t&e bene)it o) t&e rest o) #s4
!&i,st so(e e*+erien%ed (a$i%ians are in"o,"ed in +assin$ on in)or(ation and &e,+in$ ot&ers3 t&ere
are a,so t&ose w&o are (oti"ated entire,y by )inan%ia, $ain3 +ower o"er ot&ers3 se*#a, e*+,oitation or
:#st )ee,in$ i(+ortant4 For t&ose w&o wo#,d +#rs#e G#r#s3 dis%ri(ination be)ore o+enin$ one;s (ind3
wa,,et or ,e$s is to be %o#nse,,ed4 It wo#,d be +r#dent to3 rat&er t&an a%%e+tin$ a tea%&er at )a%e
"a,#e3 to as6 w&y t&ey are a%tin$ as tea%&ers in t&e )irst +,a%e4
O)ten3 a,, it ta6es is an i(+ressi"e sy(bo, syste(3 eit&er esoteri% or 1#asi-s%ienti)i%3 to raise a
+erson;s stat#s in t&e eyes o) ot&ers4 T&ere are (any %ases o) )rin$e (edi%ines3 w&i%& were
s#%%ess)#,3 ,ar$e,y d#e to t&e %,ients; %a+a%ity to in"est be,ie) in t&e(4 !&en t&e "ario#s te%&ni1#es
were e*+osed as )ra#d#,ent3 t&e rate o) %#res dro++ed dra(ati%a,,y4 M#%& o) (a$i%a, &ea,in$
in"o,"es tri%6in$ a +erson to &ea, &i(se,) t&ro#$& &is #n1#estionin$ be,ie) in t&e +ower o) t&e
Merry Pran6sters
T&e Hidden Hand o) 'is%ordian a%ti"ity %an so(eti(es be in)erred t&ro#$& +e%#,iar si$ns and
,ea),ets3 stran$e (essa$es or &oa*es w&i%& %ro+ #+ )ro( ti(e to ti(e4 An e*a(+,e o) 'is%ordian-
ty+e street t&eatre is ;T&e Money Rit#a,4; T&e Money Rit#a, too6 +,a%e on t&e se%ond o) No"e(ber
=?@J in Leeds3 En$,and4 Twenty +eo+,e dressed as b#sinesswo(en and (en ena%ted a +ie%e o)
street t&eatre3 i,,#stratin$ t&e re,i$io#s i(+ortan%e $i"en to (oney in e"eryday ,i)e4 T&ey started by
wa,6in$ in sin$,e )i,e be&ind t&eir ,eader3 w&o &e,d &i$& a ,ar$e %ardboard %#to#t o) a +o#nd si$n3
t&ro#$& a b#sy s&o++in$ %entre4 !it& &ands %,as+ed3 +rayer )as&ion3 t&ey %&anted 2Money3 Moneya3
Money3 Moneya32 and 2Praise be to Money42 T&ey e"ent#a,,y sto++ed o#tside a ban63 w&ere t&ey
swore a,,e$ian%e wit&o#t %ons%ien%e to t&e wors&i+ o) (oney4 T&ey t&en %ontin#ed t&ro#$& t&e %ity
%entre3 w&ere so(e +eo+,e rea%ted by t&rowin$ (oney at t&e(4 At t&eir )ina, +er)or(an%e3 t&e +o,i%e
(o"ed in3 and t&ree (e(bers o) t&e %ast were arrested4
Ad"ertisin$ As Sor%ery
'es+ite t&e in%reasin$ en%roa%&(ent o) t&e (ass (edia #+on o#r senses3 t&ere &a"e been )ew
atte(+ts to e*a(ine t&e (odern %o((#ni%ations (edia )ro( a (a$i%a, +ers+e%ti"e4
Ad"ertise(ents3 t&e (essa$es w&i%& s,i+ t&ro#$& o#r "is#a, )ie,d in t&e )or( o) )i,( and TV s&orts3
bi,,boards3 and in t&e %o#nt,ess (a$a5ines and news+a+ers3 %an be %onsidered as a de"e,o+(ent o)
Sor%ery En%&ant(ent4
Ad"ertise(ents &a"e a Myt&i% di(ension to t&e(3 as t&ey dis+,ay s,i%es o) a wor,d w&i%& is ,ar$er
t&an ,i)e and &y+er&y+er-Nrea,3 in )a%t4 Ad"ertisin$ +resents %o(+,ete en%a+s#,ated (yt&o,o$ies3
w&i%& %on%entrate i(a$ery3 sy(bo,is( and narrati"e in an e%ono(i%3 yet &i$&,y intense )as&ion3
arti%#,atin$ and re),e%tin$ t&e do(inant (yt&s or ,atent i(+erati"es re,e"ant to t&at se%tion o) t&e
+o+#,ation t&ey are ai(ed at4 Ad"ertisin$ is str#%t#red to %a#se an i((ediate i(+ression4 It is a )or(
o) +ers#asion w&i%& is s#bt,e in t&e e*tre(e3 sin%e it does not (atter i) t&e "iewer +er%ei"es t&e
(yt&i% nat#re o) t&e i(a$e3 sin%e t&e a%tion o) t&e +resentation is stron$er t&an any rationa,
Ad"ertisin$ is ai(ed a,(ost dire%t,y at t&e #n%ons%io#s strata o) se,)&ood3 and it (ay we,, %ontain
e,e(ents s#%& as &#(o#r or se,)-+arody3 to (isdire%t awareness away )ro( its &idden (essa$es4
Many ad"ertise(ents are str#%t#red a%%ordin$ to t&ree 6ey )a%torsI A +rob,e(3 to w&i%& t&e ad"ert
o))ers a +ro(ise3 w&i%& is (ade re,e"ant to t&e tar$et "iewer by o"ert or %o"ert re)eren%e to a (yt&4
T&e (yt&i% di(ension (a6es an a++ea, to be,ie)s &e,d by t&e "iewer3 w&o (ay be (o(entari,y
%a+t#red by t&e s+e,, bein$ wo"en3 w&ereby +arti%#,ar as+e%ts o) t&e e$o-%o(+,e* 8identity3 attit#des3
)antasies3 worries9 are re),e%ted3 rein)or%ed and (ade ),es&3 (o(entari,y3 wit&in t&e %onte*t o) t&e
i(a$e4 T&is i((ediate a++ea, to %o(+onents o) t&e +sy%&e is as (#%& an #n%ons%io#s +ro%ess )or
t&e %reator o) t&e i(a$e as t&e "iewer3 as ad"ertisers tend to dis%#ss t&eir %reations in ter(s o)
a++ea,3 a,t&o#$& t&e s+e%i)i% narrati"e o) an ad"ertise(ent (ay be de,iberate,y tar$eted at a s+e%i)i%
+o+#,ation4 T&e #se3 by ad"ertisers3 o) (edia +ersona,ities3 +o+#,ar (#si% )ro( a "ariety o) $enres3
and %onte(+orary (yt&i% i(a$es adds additiona, ,ayers o) in)eren%e to t&e +ower o) t&e
It is t&e e"eryday 1#a,ity o) ad"ertise(ents w&i%& a,,ows t&e( t&eir +ower )or s#bt,e in),#en%es4
Mode( ad"ertisin$ o)ten re%#+erates i(a$es )ro( re,i$ion3 art3 s%ien%e and ot&er $enres o)
e*+ression to e*+ress +arti%#,ar (yt&s4 T&e i(a$es (ay be ,a%ed3 )or e*tra e))e%t3 wit& a s#bte*t
w&i%& e"o6es3 i) on,y ),eetin$,y3 a so%ia, taboo or so#r%e o) an*iety wit&in t&e %&osen +o+#,ation4
T&e (yt&i% e,e(ents a,so )#n%tion in s#%& a way as to red#%e ,e"e,s o) dissonan%e w&i%& arise wit&in
t&e "iewer4 So(e ad"ertise(ents %an a%t to s,i$&t,y raise ,e"e,s o) dissonan%e wit&in a "iewer by
&intin$3 ob,i1#e,y3 at t&e %ontradi%tion e*+erien%ed between t&e ;idea, i(+erati"e; o) ,i)e as +ro:e%ted
in t&e i(a$e3 and t&e rea, e*+erien%e o) t&e "iewer4 Hen%e t&e +rob,e( is bro#$&t into )o%#s3 and t&e
ad"ert )o,,ows t&ro#$& wit& t&e +ro(ise o) t&e reso,#tion o) t&is dissonan%e3 wit&in t&e sa,ient
(yt&i%a, %onte*t3 wit&in w&i%& t&e "iewer (ay3 to "aryin$ de$rees3 identi)y &i(se,)4 In t&is )or( o)
sor%ery3 t&e ai( is t&e (ani+#,ation o) desires and tastes3 #sin$ i(a$es and so#nds w&i%& &a"e
be%o(e %o((odities in t&eir own ri$&t4
Ad"ertisin$ +#s&es at t&e dee+-seatin$ %#,t#ra, %onditionin$ t&at we are en$a$ed in3 o"er t&e iss#es
o) se*3 (oney and +ower4 T&e (ost s#%%ess)#, ad"ertisin$ en%&ant(ents are t&ose w&i%& in),#en%e
t&e (ar6et in order to %reate a +arti%#,ar $,a(o#r o) taste and sty,e4
Pro)anin$ t&e Sa%red
'is%ordian a%ti"ists &a"e3 on o%%asion3 a++ro+riated and s#b"erted t&e (yt&i% nat#re o) ad"ertisin$
)or t&eir own +#r+oses4 T&e +rod#%tion o) ad"ertisin$ (ateria, w&i%&3 on t&e s#r)a%e3 ,oo6s
inno%#o#s3 b#t &as a s#b"ersi"e (essa$e3 %an be #sed in a si(i,ar way to t&e sor%ero#s +ro:e%tions
o) t&e (ass (edia4 Bi,,board ad"ertise(ents &a"e3 )ro( ti(e to ti(e3 attra%ted so(e in$enio#s,y
witty ri+ostes w&i%& a%t#a,,y %ontrib#te to t&e (e(ory o) t&e ad"ert4 A we,,-6nown e*a(+,e is t&e %ar
ad"ert w&i%& was %a+tioned 2I) it were a ,ady it wo#,d $et its botto( +in%&ed2 w&i%& &ad t&e re:oinder
added 2I) t&is ,ady was a %ar3 s&e;d r#n yo# down42 Gra))iti &as s&ot )ro( bein$ re$arded as a
n#isan%e to in so(e 1#arters3 bein$ re$arded as an art )or( in its own ri$&t4 It a,so &as a (a$i%a,
di(ension3 as a (eans o) (a6in$ ;&idden "oi%es; &eard7 o) re%,ai(in$ s+a%e and territory wit&in t&e
#rban en"iron(ent3 and (ay e"en be%o(e a )or( o) (a$i%a, ta+estry3 denotin$ +,a%es o) +ower3
b#rsts o) e*+erien%e3 and a +ersona, or %o,,e%ti"e tarot o) %o,,idin$ si$ns4 A si$n %an &a"e (any
(eanin$s3 1#ite distin%t )ro( t&e intentions o) t&ose w&o %reated it4 An ane%dote4 I #sed to wor6 at an
o%%#,t +#b,is&in$ %o(+any in London4 One (ornin$3 we )o#nd )o#r weird sy(bo,s %&a,6ed on t&e
+a"e(ent on t&e b,o%6 w&ere t&e s&o+ was sit#ated3 )or(in$ a s1#are4 T&e +riest )ro( t&e %&#r%&
ro#nd t&e %o(er %a(e ro#nd to %o(+,ain t&at it was ob"io#s,y one o) o#r %#sto(ers w&o &ad done
it4 I was sent o#t wit& a note+ad to draw t&e(3 and t&eories o) t&eir ori$in and +#r+ose be$an to
abo#nd4 T&ey were so(eone;s atte(+t to (a$i%a,,y atta%6 t&e s&o+4 T&ey were sy(bo,s (ade by
t&e ,o%a, Ton$s4 T&ey were Fas%ist sy(bo,s denotin$ t&e +ro*i(ity o) )orei$n b#sinesses w&i%&
wo#,d s&ort,y be atta%6ed by $an$s o) t&#$s4 T&is t&eorisin$ went on a,, day4 P&one %a,,s were (ade
and )a*es were sent3 drawin$ in (ore ideas and )eedin$ (ore )antasies4 And in t&e end it e(er$ed
t&at a band &ad &ired t&e %&#r%&;s %e,,ar )or a $i$ and t&e weird sy(bo,s were not&in$ (ore t&an
(ar6ers )or t&e band;s )ans s&owin$ t&e( &ow to $et to t&e $i$4 So3 red )a%es a,, ro#nd3 t&en4
Sy(bo,s es%a+e )ro( t&eir (a6ers4 Art %raw,s o)) t&e written +a$e into t&e ,ands%a+e4 In Grant
Morrison;s In"isib,es %o(i% boo6 series3 t&e barbaro#s na(e ;Barbe,it&; a++ears as (a$i%a, $ra))iti in
&is "irt#a, Li"er+oo,4 Ma$i%ians in t&e rea, Li"er+oo,3 &i+ to t&e (essa$e o) In"isib,es3 &a"e started
s+ray+aintin$ Barbe,it& on wa,,s4 T&is (ay we,, ,ead to so(e %on)#sion in t&ose w&o are readin$
In"isib,es as to t&e ;rea,ity; o) Barbe,it&-is it so(et&in$ Grant &as (ade #+ or is it so(e&ow rea,
beyond t&e %o(i% narrati"e. T&e +ower o) entire,y %ontri"ed (a$i%a, )ra$(ents to ta6e on a ,i)e and
%o&eren%y o) t&eir own wi,, be e*+,ored )#rt&er3 in Liber Nasty4
In %ontrast to t&e +,ay)#, anar%&s o) 'is%ordia3 I wi,, now e*a(ine one o) t&e so-%a,,ed ;dar6er;
as+e%ts o) (ode( o%%#,tis(t&e (a$i% o) t&e Ct&#,&# Myt&os4 T&is %#rrent &as been o) interest to
C&aos Ma$i%ians3 and C&aos Ma$i% &as been des%ribed )ro( ti(e to ti(e as a )or( o) Le)t-Hand
Pat& (a$i%3 or e"en 2t&e b,a%6est )or( o) dar6 +ower32 so w&at better way to i,,#strate t&is t&an
de,"in$ into t&e )orbidden ,ore o) t&in$s wit& tenta%,es444
Ct&#,&# Myt&os Ma$i%
For t&e ,ast t&ree de%ades or so3 t&ere &as been a $rowin$ interest a(on$st %onte(+orary
(a$i%ians towards de"e,o+in$ (a$i%a, +ers+e%ti"es )ro( non-&istori%a, so#r%es or (yt&i% wor,ds
w&i%& are not rooted in a +arti%#,ar %#,t#re3 b#t w&i%& &a"e arisen )ro( ,iterat#re3 s%ien%e )i%tion3 or
(ode(3 #rban (yt&s4 A +ri(e e*a(+,e o) t&is 6ind o) a++ro+riation o) be,ie)-syste( is t&e Ct&#,&#
Myt&os %reated by t&e New En$,and writer Howard P&i,,i+s Lo"e%ra)t and &is asso%iates in t&e
=?RL;s3 and e(be,,is&ed )#rt&er by s#%%essi"e a#t&ors writin$ ;Lo"e%ra)tian; )i%tion4
Lo"e%ra)t;s basi% t&e(e is t&at t&ere is a $ro#+ o) a,ien entities %a,,ed T&e Great O,d Ones3 w&o on%e
r#,ed t&e Eart&3 b#t in t&e ;now; o) &is )i%tion3 %an on,y (a6e t&e(se,"es (ani)est t&ro#$& t&e rites o)
t&eir )o,,owers and s,a"e-ra%es3 or at %riti%a, +eriods 2w&en t&e stars are ri$&t42 So(e o) t&ese entities
&ai, )ro( t&e distant stars3 ot&ers3 )ro( ot&er di(ensions4 H#(anity3 &e &ints in so(e ta,es3 (ay we,,
&a"e been an e*+eri(ent by one o) t&ese a,ien ra%es3 anti%i+atin$ +er&a+s3 t&e %onte(+orary
%ons+ira%y t&eories o) t&e 2Greys42 By %are)#,,y b,endin$ &is )i%tion wit& rea, astrono(i%a, and
&istori%a, )a%ts3 and %reatin$ a %onsistent narrati"e3 Lo"e%ra)t (ade &is ta,es at(os+&eri% and
be,ie"ab,e4 His narrators are ordinary +eo+,e w&o %onsistent,y disbe,ie"e in t&e b#i,d-#+ o)
s#+ernat#ra, e"ents3 #nti, it is too ,ate3 and (any o) &is stories end in $ory deat& or a s&o%6in$
re"e,ation w&i%& %&an$es t&e +arti%i+ants; ,i"es )ore"er4 Ot&er writers w&o %ontrib#ted to (a$a5ines
s#%& as !eird Ta,es and w&o were asso%iates o) Lo"e%ra)t3 #sed &is )i%tiona, entities and added t&eir
In t&e Ct&#,&# Myt&os3 &#(anity a++ears insi$ni)i%ant %o(+ared to t&e "ast3 %os(i% bein$s )ro( t&e
"oid3 w&ose "ery nat#re it is di))i%#,t to $ras+4 E"en t&e brie)est $,i(+se o) t&e( %an s&atter one;s
sanity4 'es+ite t&e e))orts o) s%ientists to %o(e to 6now t&e #ni"erse3 %onta%t wit& t&e $reater rea,ity
o) t&e O#ter Ones brin$s &o(e t&e tr#t& t&at3 as Lo"e%ra)t +#t it3 2we ,i"e on a s(a,, is,and in a sea o)
%&aos3 and it was not (eant t&at we s&o#,d "oya$e )ar42 A,t&o#$& Lo"e%ra)t is asso%iated wit& &orror
)i%tion3 &is wor6s %ontain (ore e,e(ents o) s%ien%e )i%tion3 b#t t&e &orror is t&ereI t&e &orror o) (an;s
insi$ni)i%an%e re"ea,ed3 and t&e &orror o) w&at is ;o#t t&ere; beyond t&e bo#ndaries o) %i"i,isation and
rationa, s%ien%e4 Lo"e%ra)t;s )i%tion is +er"aded wit& %os(i% a$ora+&obiaI a s#b%ons%io#s )ee,in$ t&at
be&ind t&e )a%ade o) Consens#s Rea,ity3 t&ere ,#r6s dee+er3 dar6er3 se%rets7 a,ien +resen%e;s w&i%&
re$ard &#(anity in t&e sa(e way t&at we (i$&t re$ard ants4 Lo"e%ra)t a,so e%&oes t&e state(ent
2Not&in$ is Tr#e2 in &is )i%tion3 as t&e re"e,ations e*+erien%ed by &is +rota$onists o)ten render t&eir
)or(er be,ie)s abo#t t&e wor,d to be in"a,id4
T&e ret#rn o) t&e O,d Ones in"o,"es3 as !i,b#r !&ate,ey +#ts it in T&e '#nwi%& Horror3 t&e 2%,earin$
o)); o) t&e Eart&4 T&at is3 t&e %,earin$ o)) o) &#(anity3 a+art )ro( a )ew wors&i++ers and s,a"es4 T&is
a+o%a,y+ti% re)eren%e %an be asserted as (eta+&ori%a,3 or as re)errin$ to an a%t#a, +&ysi%a,
%atastro+&e3 N#%,ear &o,o%a#st +er&a+s. Lo"e%ra)t +ossib,y wis&ed to e(+&asise t&at t&e Great O,d
Ones wo#,d $i"e no (ore t&o#$&t to wi+in$ o#t &#(anity t&an we (i$&t $i"e to wi+in$ #+ water on a
tab,e4 E*a%t,y w&y t&e O,d Ones wis& to ret#rn to Eart& is ne"er %,ear3 b#t we (i$&t ass#(e t&at3 )or
t&e(3 Eart& is %,ose to t&e bars and %on"enient )or b#s ro#tesA
Lo"e%ra)t is %are)#, to +oint o#t t&at (ost o) t&e O,d Ones are3 in )a%t3 (ind,ess or ;idiot $ods4; On,y
t&ose w&o are a,ready insane or de$enerate %o#,d wors&i+ t&e( sin%ere,y4 On,y Nyar,at&ote+3 t&e
Craw,in$ C&aos3 is $i"en a &#(an se(b,an%e o) inte,,i$en%e4 T&e Great O,d Ones do not )or( a
distin%t +ant&eon3 and in Lo"e%ra)t;s ori$ina, )or(#,ation3 did not %orres+ond to e,e(enta, stations or
any notion o) $ood "ers#s e"i,4 S#%& (odi)i%ations o) t&e Myt&os %a(e )ro( A#$#st 'er,et& and ,ater
writers4 !&en it %o(es down to it3 t&e Great O,d Ones are &#$e3 &orrib,e3 and &#n$ry4 Litt,e is 6nown
abo#t t&e( sin%e to $et a $ood ,oo6 at t&e( is #s#a,,y (ore t&an any &#(an %an stand3 and (ost
en%o#nters wit& t&e( are ine"itab,y ter(ina, in Lo"e%ra)t;s )i%tion bot& )or t&e +rota$onist and
inno%ent bystanders 8w&o( t&e %reat#res o)ten %ons#(e as &ors d;oe#"res be)ore (a6in$ t&e
narrator t&e (ain %o#rse94
T&e Ct&#,&# Myt&os %ontains a,, t&e 6ey e,e(ents o) a (a$i%a, be,ie)-syste(I in)or(ation borne in
drea(s3 a sa%red to+o,o$y w&i%& in%,#des bot& Astra, S+a%es3 ;'rea(,ands;3 and sa%red sites and
,o%ations4 T&o#$& in%o(+,ete3 t&ere are re,ations&i+s (ade between t&e "ario#s E,der Bein$s and a
(#,tit#de o) s,a"e-ra%es w&i%& ,#r6 beneat& t&e sea and #nder t&e &i,,s3 and w&i%&3 o%%asiona,,y3
(in$,e t&eir b,ood wit& &#(anity3 +rod#%in$ "i$oro#s and +ower)#, (#tant &ybrids4 Moreo"er3 t&e
Ct&#,&# Myt&os entities are beyond a,, e*istin$ )ra(es o) re)eren%e4
T&o#$& "ario#s (a$i%a, writers &a"e atte(+ted to )it t&e( into e*istin$ (a$i%a, (ode,s s#%& as t&e
Baba,a&3 t&ey are3 by t&eir "ery nat#re3 ;#ndi(ensioned and #nseen4; T&ey %an be +er%ei"ed on,y
t&ro#$& drea(s3 +at&wor6in$s3 s#b%ons%io#s (essa$es3 or %a,,ed brie),y into (ani)estation t&ro#$&
rit#a,s ena%ted at +ower s+ots3 or so(eti(es3 t&ro#$& a &#(an "e&i%,e4 In t&e Myt&os3 t&ere e*ists a
wor,d-wide %ons+ira%y o) %#,ts w&o see6 to wors&i+ and bind t&e Great O,d Ones to t&eir own ends4
E(beddin$ t&e Ct&#,&# Myt&os
T&e (ost %o((on entry ro#te into t&e Ct&#,&# Myt&os is (ade by readin$ t&e Myt&os ta,es o)
Lo"e%ra)t and asso%iates s#%& as C,ar6 As&ton S(it&4 It is o)ten re+orted by (a$i%ians w&o wor6
wit&in t&is +aradi$( t&at t&e stories &a"e a s#bt,e e(otiona, i(+a%t3 w&i%& %an o)ten b,osso( into a
%ree+in$ +aranoia3 or )ear4
T&is o)ten anno#n%es itse,) t&ro#$& drea(s3 w&i%& is a++ro+riate3 sin%e Lo"e%ra)t;s ins+iration %a(e
,ar$e,y t&ro#$& &is drea(-e*+erien%es4 So(e (a$i%ians (ay )ee, +ro(+ted to (a6e i(a$es o) t&eir
"isions or )ee,in$s4 A$ain3 so(e o) Lo"e%ra)t;s %&ara%ters atte(+ted to en%a+s#,ate t&eir ),eetin$
e*+erien%es into s%#,+t#re3 art3 or +rose4 S#%& atte(+ts at i(a$in$ are t&e )irst res#,ts o) t&e +ro%ess
o) e(beddin$ t&e +aradi$( into one;s awareness7 t&e (yt&i% brea6in$ t&ro#$& t&e "ei,s o) %ons%io#s
wa6in$ ,i)e3 res#,tin$ in i%ons w&i%& (ay be #sab,e as )etis&es or ta,is(ans )or ,ater3 wi,,ed
e*+,oration wit&in t&e Myt&os4
'rea(s%a+in$ is a te%&ni1#e w&i%& %an be #se)#, wit&in a (a$i%a, syste( s#%& as t&e Ct&#,&#
Myt&os4 A ri$oro#s drea(-diary is 6e+t3 and drea(s w&i%& &a"e %onsistent Myt&os e,e(ents %an
be%o(e t&e basis o) astra, se1#en%es o) i(a$es3 +er)or(ed as a (editation4 I) t&ese se1#en%es are
)o,,owed t&ro#$& as one dri)ts into s,ee+3 one (ay )ind3 in ti(e3 t&at Myt&os 'rea(s be%o(e
in%reasin$,y "i"id3 and t&e drea(-e*+erien%e %an %ontin#e t&e %ons%io#s,y-%reated narrati"e4
E"ent#a,,y3 one %an sear%& )or s+e%i)i% %,#es and ,o%ations wit&in t&e Persona, 'rea(-ti(e w&i%& is
bein$ wo"en4 An e*a(+,e o) a Ct&#,&# Myt&os drearns%a+e se1#en%e )o,,owsI
I stand #+on a deserted tro+i%a, bea%&4 It is ni$&t3 and a,, is si,en%e and stars3 e*%e+t)or t&e (#ted
%rea6in$ o) t&e %i%adas4
T&e stars are na(e,ess and #n6nown7 %yni%a, e"en4 et I re%o$nise a s#bt,e +attern in t&e(7 t&e
)ores&adowin$ o) a "ast $,y+& or si$i,4 T&e wa"es ,a+ a$ainst t&e s&ore $ent,y4 S&i((erin$ o) b,#e
and si,"er3 ),e%6ed wit& $o,d4 I 6now t&at t&is is a (eetin$3 abo#t to &a++en4
Grad#a,,y3 I (a6e o#t a s&a+e bobbin$ sea,-,i6e a(idst t&e )oa(4 It %o(es towards (e3 an oi,-b,a%6
)i$#re risin$ so#nd,ess,y )ro( t&e waters4 ;A 'ee+ One3; as it (o"es %,oser4 B#t not one o) t&ose t&at
Lo"e%ra)t wrote o)3 t&is4 A bare,y-)or(ed (essen$er o) s&adow and abysses4 It o))ers a $ob,et3 and I
drin6 a b,a%63 bra%6is& ),#id4 G,#tino#s ,i6e trea%,e3 b#t bitter4 A (o(ent o) s#r$in$ na#sea3 and I
be$in to ret%& b,a%6),#id #+on t&e $o,den sand4 I "o(it and "o(it and),ow3 #nti,444
A (o(ent o) disorientation4 I a( sin6in$ $ent,y t&ro#$& a dar6 $reen (ist4 Be,ow3 I di(,y +er%ei"e
t&e o#t,ines o) (asonry4 Vast t#(b,ed b,o%6s o) ,i"in$ stone4
I sett,e #+on t&e )oot&i,,s o) ro%64 G,ide easi,y a%ross t&e $reat b,o%6s4 Po#r (yse,) t&ro#$& %ra%6s
and %ra5y an$,es4 I di"ide (yse,) into $,ob#,es o) %ons%io#sness3 se+arated3 yet #nited by t&e wi,, to
be%o(e4 E*+,orin$ t&e +at&ways3 oo5in$ #nder doorways and re-#nitin$ w&en t&e s+a%es a,,ow4
F,as& o) insi$&t4 A &#(an )or( %o#,d not do t&is4 T&is S&o$$ot&-body is idea,)or tra"ersin$ t&e
t#nne,s and e*+,orin$ t&e an$,es4
Fra%ta, synt&esesia7 )ee,in$ bri$&t3 +#,sin$ %o,o#rs3 ),owin$ o"er %rysta, s&ards3 sensin$ t&e tenta%,e-
bearded )a%es w&i%& start )ro( t&e +i,,ars4 A $rowin$ sense o) bein$ $#ided to a s+e%i)i% destination4
T&ere4 A %rysta,,ine s+a%e wit&o#t entran%e or e*it4 I &a"e rea%&ed it by dri++in$ t&ro#$& %ra%6s and
)ra%t#res between t&e $rowt&s4 I )o%#s on a s+ot on (y s#r)a%e3 and %on%entrate4 P#,, it ba%6 to (y
%entre3 t&e +,a%e w&ere t&e ;I; o) (ind ),oats4 'raw inwards and +#,, and s&a+e and "o(it ba%6wards4
2Abaddon4 2 And I a( re(ade in &#(an )or(4
Be)ore (e3 t&ere is a bo*-,i6e str#%t#re4 Not easy to identi)y4 So(et&in$ o) w&i%& Es%&er (ay &a"e
seen in "ision b#t ne"er atte(+ted to trans,ate #+on a dra#$&ts(an;s tab,e4 A s%ryin$ $,ass3 6ey3
$ateway3 ,o%#s-a,, o) t&ese4 Prote%ted by a s&i((erin$ )ie,d o) ener$y4
I rea%& )or it wit& (y ,e)t &and4 It s1#ir(s at (y to#%& and a s&o%6 o) ener$y r#ns t&ro#$& (y ar(4
A&3 o#tra$eA Fee,in$ o) a "ast eye o+enin$4 !ebbed ,ids +ee,in$ s,ow,y ba%6wards4 A %#rtain o)
dar6ness )a,,s #+on (e ,i6e a &a((er-b,ow4 Sensation o) bein$ ento(bed #nder a (o#ntain4
He,+,ess4 T&en I a( w&ir,ed away into t&e &inter,ands o) e"eryday drea(4
T&is e*a(+,e atte(+ts to %arry o"er t&e e(otiona,3 or +sy%&i%3 e*+erien%e o) wor6in$ wit&in t&is
(yt&os4 It s&o#,d be noted t&at entry into t&is +aradi$( is a )air,y s,ow +ro%ess4 Lo"e%ra)t;s )i%tio n
$i"es t&e ne%essary %,#es to t&e a++ro+riate te%&ni1#es w&i%& t&e (a$i%ian %an e(+,oy to e*+,ore
its +ossibi,ities4
A,t&o#$& Lo"e%ra)t wrote n#(ero#s &orror stories3 &e &ad no be,ie) or +arti%#,ar )as%ination wit& t&e
a%t#a, o%%#rren%e o) t&e )antasti%4 !&i,e &e "e&e(ent,y denied t&e e*isten%e o) o%%#,t +&eno(ena3
&is drea(s $a"e &i( a%%ess to a wide "ariety o) o%%#,t e*+erien%es and %on%e+ts3 w&i%& &e was
#nab,e to a%%e+t3 and so branded t&e Great O,d Ones as e"i,3 and t&eir %#,tist;s +ra%ti%es as
b,as+&e(o#s4 Ma$i%ians &owe"er3 re%o$nise t&e +ower o) drea(-borne i(a$es4 T&e %a+a%ity to
e*+erien%e ,#%id drea(s t&at are interna,,y %onsistent and %onti$#o#s to ea%& ot&er is a +ri(ary
e,e(ent o) s&a(anis(3 indeed in so(e %#,t#res3 +otentia, s&a(ans are re%o$nised by t&e
%&ara%teristi%s o) t&eir drea(s4 T&e drea( as a +sy%&i% $ateway )or t&e "ibrations o) t&e Great O,d
Ones to enter &#(an %ons%io#sness is a %on%e+t t&at re%#rs (any ti(es in Lo"e%ra)t;s ta,es4 His
+rota$onists so(eti(es attend astra, sabbats in w&i%& t&ey are initiated into se%ret %#,ts3 are s&own
sanity-s&a6in$ (ysteries3 and re%ei"e t&e d#bio#s bene)its o) t&e E,der Lore4 S#%& e*+erien%es are
)air,y %o((on a(on$st (a$i%ians wor6in$ in any syste(3 as bot& s+ontaneo#s e"ents and t&e res#,t
o) wi,,ed drea(in$ 8#sin$ si$i,s )or e*a(+,e9 and e*+eri(entation wit& +sy%&oa%ti"e a$ents4
Se"era, o) t&e Great O,d Ones a++ear to t&ose w&o see6 t&e E,der Lore t&ro#$& drea(s 8or w&ose
sear%& into t&e #n6nown att#nes t&e( to t&e trans(issions o) t&e O,d Ones93 and t&e (ost
+ro(inent O,d One is Ct&#,&#3 a win$ed3 %e+&a,i% star-bein$ w&o ,ies ;in deat&;s drea(; inside a
%ry+t wit&in t&e e,der %ity o) R;Lye&3 beneat& t&e Pa%i)i% O%ean4 Lo"e%ra)t;s story T&e Ca,, o) Ct&#,&#
re,ates t&e e"ents s#rro#ndin$ t&e brie) a++earan%e o) R;Lye&3 w&i%& is &era,ded by a wor,dwide
wa"e o) insanity3 as %ertain sensiti"e indi"id#a,s +i%6 #+ on t&e drea(-trans(issions o) Great
Ct&#,&#4 In t&e Myt&os3 &e is t&e ,ord o) drea(s3 and a%ts as a 6ind o) inter(ediary between &#(an
%ons%io#sness and t&e tr#,y a,ien nat#re o) t&e O,d Ones s#%& as A5at&ot& or o$Sot&ot&4 His %ity3
R;Lye&3 &as re%ent,y been identi)ied 8by 'r4 Mi%&ae, A1#ino9 wit& Nan-Mado,3 a r#ined stone %ity
%onsistin$ o) arti)i%ia, is,ets on t&e Pa%i)i% is,and o) Pona+e4 In t&e Myt&os3 R;Lye& is %onstr#%ted
a,on$ t&e ,ines o) a weird3 non-E#%,idean $eo(etry3 wit& stran$e an$,es and +ers+e%ti"es3 in w&i%&
t&e #nwary %an be swa,,owed #+4 T&e entire %ity is a series o) $ateways to ot&er di(ensions3 and
%an be seen as a )or( o) Cennet& Grant;s T#nne,s o) Set4 !eird an$,es and (at&e(ati%s were a,so
an interest o) A#stin Os(an S+are3 w&o +er%ei"ed s#%& t&in$s in drea(s3 b#t %o#,d not set t&e(
down on +a+er4 R;Lye& is a +sy%&i% $ateway to t&e dee+er strata o) %ons%io#sness and drea(s )or(
t&e inter)a%e w&ereby t&ere is two-way tra))i% o) i(a$es )ro( t&e wa6in$ awareness to t&e 'ee+
T&e Ne%rono(i%on
T&e %entra, te*t asso%iated wit& t&e Ct&#,&# Myt&os is o) %o#rse3 t&e in)a(o#s Ne%rono(i%on3 an
#,ti(ate $ri(oire o) )orbidden ,ore and b,as+&e(o#s rites4 T&e Ne%rono(i%on (a6es its )irst
a++earan%e in T&e Na(e,ess City 8=?<=9 a,on$ wit& t&e now)a(o#s %o#+,etI
2T&at is not dead w&i%& %an eterna, ,ie
and wit& stran$e eons3 e"en deat& (ay die42
In %reatin$ t&is (yt&i% to(e 8w&i%& &as in t#rn3 a%1#ired its own (yt&os9 Lo"e%ra)t #nwittin$,y
%reated t&e end#rin$ be,ie) t&at &is Ct&#,&# Myt&os )i%tion was based on so(e ar%ane ;tr#t&4; Ha"in$
%reated t&is #r-te*t as a ,iterary de"i%e3 Lo"e%ra)t e(be,,is&ed t&e (yt& by writin$ a ;History; o) t&e
Ne%rono(i%on3 and en%o#ra$ed ot&er writers to #se it3 and to add t&eir own )orbidden boo6s to t&e
(yt&os4 Lo"e%ra)t re%ei"ed ,etters )ro( )ans as6in$ &i( w&ere t&e Ne%rono(i%on %o#,d be obtained3
and sin%e &is deat&3 t&e sear%& &as not abated-t&ere are se"era, boo6s +#b,is&ed w&i%& %,ai( t&e
;tit,e; o) Ne%rono(i%on3 and indi"id#a,s sti,, +o+ #+ )ro( ti(e to ti(e %,ai(in$ to &a"e t&e ;tr#e; te*t in
t&eir +ossession4
Lo"e%ra)t re%ei"ed t&e na(e 2Ne%rono(i%on2 in a drea( 8&e des%ribes t&is in a ,etter to Harry
Fis%&er3 Febr#ary =?RP94 In atte(+tin$ to trans,ate it into En$,is&-as 2An I(a$e o) t&e Law o) t&e
'ead2 8NECROS %or+se NOMOS ,aw EICON i(a$e9&e was in e))e%t3 a%%ordin$ to Lo"e%ra)t s%&o,ar
Robert M4 Pri%e3 doin$ so(et&in$ si(i,ar to t&at o) t&e an%ient ora%,es w&en t&ey inter+reted t&e
$,osso,a,i% (essa$es o) t&e $ods4 'i"ine or oneiri% re"e,ations %annot be rendered dire%t,y into
,an$#a$e and a,, one %an &o+e to do is s6et%& t&e ed$es o) t&e )adin$ a)ter$,ow4 A )ew years a$o3 )or
e*a(+,e3 in a drea( o) a %y%,o+ean (onastery ato+ t&e P,atea# o) Len$3 I was s&own a series o)
tarot i(a$es o) s#%& intri%ate detai, and "i"id %o,o#r t&at3 a,t&o#$& it was 8and re(ains9 1#ite
i(+ossib,e )or (e to set t&e( down3 it is 1#ite easy )or (e to %a,, t&e( to (ind e"en as I write t&is
arti%,e4 T&e 6ee+er o) t&e i(a$es was 1#ite wi,,in$ to dis+,ay t&e(3 b#t as &e %yni%a,,y %o((ented at
t&e ti(e3 6new t&at = wo#,d not be ab,e to trans,ate t&e( )ro( t&e drea(-wor,d to t&e +&ysi%a, wor,d4
Bot& ,iterary s%&o,ars and o%%#,tists &a"e treated t&e na(e 2Ne%rono(i%on2 as a +#55,e3 atte(+tin$
to dis%ern a ;tr#e (eanin$; in order t&at it (i$&t yie,d #+ its se%rets3 $i"in$ it a "ariety o) trans,ations3
t&e 2Boo6 o) 'ead Na(es2 is one +o+#,ar "ersion or t&ey s#b:e%t it to ana,ysis #sin$ a "ariety o)
Ge(atri%a, (et&ods4 B#t t&e se%ret o) t&e Ne%rono(i%on is e,#si"e4 Readin$ Lo"e%ra)t3 we )ind t&at it
be%o(es a &a,, o) (irrors4 !&en Lo"e%ra)t a,,ows t&e reader to ,oo6 o"er t&e s&o#,der o) &is
+rota$onists w&o %o(e a%ross t&e dread to(e3 we )ind t&at t&e %ontents o) t&e boo6 are at best3
%ry+ti%4 P&rases s#%& as 2ner"o#s,y &inted2 or 2(er%i)#,,y %,oa6ed2 are #sed to tanta,i5e t&e reader
into t&e ne%essary s#s+ension o) disbe,ie) t&at a,, narrati"e rests #+on4 T&e aw)#, tr#t&s in t&e
Ne%rono(i%on are ne"er dis%,osed b#t t&ey are %ontin#a,,y de)erred t&ro#$& &ints3 a,,#sions3 and
"a$#e s#$$estions4 O%%asiona,,y Lo"e%ra)t #ses t&e Ne%rono(i%on to a,,#de to sti,,-dar6er to(es o)
ar%ane ,ore3 s#%& as t&e Stan5as o) 'y5an or T&e Boo6 o) T&ot&4 8Not Crow,ey;s wor6 bearin$ t&at
T&e +ro(ise o) re"ea,in$ w&i,st a%t#a,,y %on%ea,in$ or de)errin$ in)or(ation a,,ows t&e reader to )i,, in
t&e $a+s as it were3 and is a we,,-#sed ,iterary de"i%e4 Lo"e%ra)t &i(se,) (ay &a"e been in),#en%ed
by Robert !4 C&a(ber;s story-%y%,e3 T&e Cin$ in e,,ow w&i%& )eat#res a )orbidden boo6 w&i%&3
(#%& ,i6e t&e Ne%rono(i%on3 t&e +er#sa, o) brin$s (adness3 terror3 and s+e%tra, &orror 8Lo"e%ra)t
;re"iews; T&e Cin$ in e,,ow in &is essay3 2S#+ernat#ra, Horror in Literat#re294 T&is de"i%e was (#%&-
#sed by t&e ear,y %&roni%,ers o) Tantri% +ra%ti%es4 T&e Re"d4 !i,,ia( !ard3 writin$ o) )a(o#s tantri%
te*ts s#%& as t&e oni Tantra3 re"erted to asteris6s o%%asiona,,y w&i,st des%ribin$ 2444t&in$s too
abo(inab,e to enter t&e ears o) (an3 and i(+ossib,e to be re"ea,ed to a C&ristian +#b,i%44442
T&e noted Britis& o%%#,tist Cennet& Grant a,so e(+,oys t&is de"i%e in s#%& a way t&at it be%o(es a
(a$i%a, te%&ni1#e4 His ;Ty+&onian Tri,o$ies; are not so (#%& ,itera, o%%#,t te*ts 8&e (a6es it "ery
%,ear t&at t&ey are not to be %onsidered as +ra%ti%a, boo6s9 as atte(+ts to enti%e t&e reader away
)ro( re,ian%e on te*t3 towards t&e ,i(ina, so#r%e o) (a$i%7 towards Gnosis3 in t&e sense o) insi$&t or
dire%t ;6nowin$; 8t&e word Gnosis is deri"ed )ro( t&e Gree6 $i$n0s6o3 w&i%& i(+,ies wisdo( arisin$
)ro( re"e,ation3 rat&er t&an (ere 6now,ed$e94
In t&is sense3 t&e ;se%ret; o) t&e Ne%rono(i%on is t&at t&ere is no se%ret and ,i6e t&e inner te(+,e at
>er#sa,e(3 it is e(+ty4 T&e Ne%rono(i%on e*%ites and enti%es by $eneratin$ a sense o) anti%i+ation3
(#%& ,i6e a door in a ni$&t(are w&i%& is a,ways s,ow,y o+enin$3 b#t ne"er 1#ite re"ea,s w&at is on
t&e ot&er side4 T&is si(#,taneo#s %on%ea,(ent and re"ea,(ent is itse,) +aradi$(ati% o) bot& t&e
Ct&#,&# Myt&os3 and (a$i%a, +ro%esses in $enera,4 T&e Mad Arab %an on,y e"er &int at (eanin$7
Lo"e%ra)t;s doo(ed +rota$onists (#st3 o) ne%essity3 draw a "ei, o"er t&eir s&atterin$ e*+erien%es4
T&e &orror (#st3 to be e))e%ti"e3 re(ain #nre"ea,ed4 !i,,ia( S4 B#rro#$&s +#ts it t&is wayI
2As soon as yo# na(e so(et&in$ yo# re(o"e its +ower444 I) yo# %o#,d ,oo6 'eat& in t&e )a%e &e
wo#,d ,ose &is +ower to 6i,, yo#4 !&en yo# as6 'eat& )or &is %redentia,s3 &is +ass+ort is inde)inite4 2
- T&e P,a%e o) 'ead Roads
It is )or t&is reason t&at t&e +#b,is&ed wor6s w&i%& %,ai( t&e tit,e o) Ne%rono(i%on are #,ti(ate,y
disa++ointin$4 No ,itera, wor6 %an ,i"e #+ to t&e reader;s i(a$inations o) w&at (i$&t be b,as+&e(o#s
&orror4 A)ter a,,3 so(e +eo+,e )o#nd Fanny Hi,, to be b,as+&e(o#s4 T&e on,y boo6 bearin$ t&e tit,e
Ne%rono(i%on t&at I &a"e at a,, )o#nd #nsett,in$ is t&e artboo6 by H4R4 Gei$er4 T&e ot&ers3 s+e,, and
rit#a, te*ts re(inis%ent o) t&e (edie"a, $ri(oires3 are not b,as+&e(o#s in t&e(se,"es4 I) one
%&ooses to wor6 t&e(3 t&ey (ay ,ead t&e (a$i%ian towards s&o%6in$ re"e,ation3 b#t t&is re1#ires an
indi"id#a, ,ea+ into $nosis4 Part o) t&e $,a(o#r atta%&ed to t&e Ne%rono(i%on is t&at one &o+es to
%o(e a%ross it by %&an%e in t&e de+t&s o) so(e d#sty anti1#arian boo6s&o+3 rat&er t&an #nder t&e
bri$&t ,i$&ts o) a (odern $enera, boo6store4
A #se)#, (a$i%a, +ers+e%ti"e on t&e Ne%rono(i%on is to re$ard it as an Astra, Boo64 Astra, Boo6s %an
on,y be a%%essed t&ro#$& drea( or "ision3 and trans(itted "ia a#to(ati% writin$3 %&anne,,in$ or
+er&a+s +ossession by a s#itab,e entity or t&e boo6 itse,)A Astra, Boo6s are #ni1#e,y +ersona, to
t&ose w&o re%ei"e t&e(-as (essa$es s+rin$in$ )ort&3 or +er&a+s &a%6ed )ro( t&e "oid by indi"id#a,
(a$i%ians4 T&ey (ay be o) interest to ot&ers wit& si(i,ar interests and indeed3 (any s#%&
%o((#ni%ations are inter+reted by t&ose w&o re%ei"e t&e( as new ;tr#t&s; o) w&i%& t&ey are t&e
+ro+&ets3 and so )ee, i(+e,,ed to s+read t&e word3 o)ten t&ro#$& t&e (edi#( o) a "anity +ressA It is
said t&at e"eryone &as at ,east one boo6 inside &i(3 and I &a"e o%%asiona,,y #sed t&e )o,,owin$
e*er%ise to &e,+ ot&ers dis%o"er w&at t&e nat#re o) t&is ;boo6; (i$&t beI
o# are an a#t&or4 In )ront o) yo# is a ,ar$e boo6s&e,)4 St#dy it #nti, yo# )ind yo#r boo64 !&at %o,o#r
is t&e s+ine. !&at s&a+e and %o,o#r is t&e ,etterin$ . !&at is written on t&e s+ine.
Ta6e t&e boo6 )ro( t&e s&e,)4 !ei$& t&e boo6 in yo#r &and4 How does it )ee,. 'oes it $i"e o)) a
s(e,,. !&at does t&e +a+er )ee, ,i6e. !&at is t&e )irst t&in$ yo# see on t&e )ront %o"er. 'es%ribe t&e
)ront %o"er4 !&at is written on it. O+en t&e boo6 and ),i%6 t&ro#$& t&e )irst +a$es4 !&at does t&e te*t
,oo6 ,i6e. Find t&e )irst +a$e and be$in to read444
I #s#a,,y )ind t&at +eo+,e %an $et as (#%& as two to t&ree +a$es into t&eir boo6 be)ore t&e rea,i5ation
o) w&at t&ey are doin$ :er6s t&e( o#t o) tran%e4 It %an be a #se)#, start t&o#$&4 Ot&er ro#tes into t&is
+ro%ess in%,#de %astin$ si$i,s to dis%o"er a boo6 t&ro#$& drea(3 de"isin$ an astra, :o#rney to
dis%o"er a boo63 or t&e si(i,ar te%&ni1#e o) drea(s%a+in$3 w&i%& is des%ribed abo"e4 An astra, boo63
&owe"er3 (ay not ta6e t&e )or( o) ,inear te*t and si$i,s3 dia$ra(s3 i(a$es and +oetry-e"en
ad#(brations o) stran$e entities-(ay be re%ei"ed by t&is +ro%ess4 T&e 6ey is to resist t&e te(+tation
to %ons%io#s,y inter+ret w&at ),ows )ort& and a,,ow w&ate"er arises to %o(e o#t in w&ate"er )or( it
%&ooses4 T&e artist-(a$i%ian A#stin Os(an S+are was a (aster o) t&is a++roa%&3 o)ten awa6enin$
)ro( tran%e to )ind a )inis&ed +i%t#re be)ore &i(4
Ot&er Ma$i%a, E,e(ents in t&e Ct&#,&# Myt&os
Anot&er 6ey to #n,o%6in$ t&e se%rets o) t&e E,der Lore is t&e te%&ni1#e o) s%ryin$-in a $,ass or %rysta,
ba,,4 S%ryin$ $,asses3 (irrors and %rysta,s w&i%& are att#ned to trans(it %ertain "ibrations %ro+ #+ in
Ct&#,&# Myt&os ta,es3 o)ten as a two-way +ro%ess4 T&e +erson w&o #ses t&ese de"i%es $,i(+ses
ot&er di(ensions3 b#t at t&e sa(e ti(e3 t&e in&abitants o) t&ose di(ensions be%o(e aware o) t&e
seer and e"ent#a,,y (ena%e &i(4 T&is +&eno(ena is not #n6nown to (a$i%ians4 T&e (a$i%a,
re%ords o) bot& 'o%tor >o&n 'ee and A,eister Crow,ey (ention instan%es o) s+irits e(er$in$ )ro( a
s%ryin$ $,ass or (irror and (ani)estin$4 T&is e%&oes an o,d En$,is& )o,6 (yt& t&at i) yo# ,oo6 in a
(irror t&e 'e"i, wi,, %o(e and %at%& yo#4 Mirrors are weird t&in$s at t&e best o) ti(es4 Gera,d
'#rre,,;s s&ort +ie%e o) &orror )i%tion T&e Entran%e is a )ine e*a(+,e o) t&e +sy%&o,o$i%a, &orrors
asso%iated wit& (irrors4 A basi% a++roa%& to s%ryin$ is des%ribed in Condensed C&aos4
T&e trans)or(ation or (#tation )ro( &#(an to beast is a re%#rrent t&e(e in Lo"e%ra)t;s Ct&#,&# %y%,e
o) ta,es4 It is o)ten asso%iated wit& t&e idea o) de$enerate %o#ntry-)o,6 or ;+ri(iti"es; w&o &a"e (ated
wit& one o) t&e s,a"e-ra%es o) t&e Great O,d Ones3 s#%& as t&e 'ee+ Ones4 O%%asiona,,y3 t&e
+rota$onist &i(se,) 8Lo"e%ra)t;s +rota$onists are in"ariab,y (a,e and wo(en tend to be +ortrayed
ne$ati"e,y as %&ara%ters3 w&en t&ey a++ear at a,,9 is3 #nbe6nown to &i(se,) at t&e o#tset3 a &#(an-
(onstro#s &ybrid or &as an an%estor w&o is an e"i, sor%erer3 t&e $eneti% %&ara%teristi%s o) w&i%&
res#r)a%e as t&e ta,e +ro$resses towards t&e ine"itab,e %,i(a* w&ere t&e +rota$onists a%%e+ts and
e(bra%es &is $eneti% destiny4 Anot&er e*a(+,e o) t&is t&e(e is t&e artist Ri%&ard -+ton Pi%6(an
w&o3 in t&e story Pi%6(an;s Mode,3 t#rns away )ro( t&e &#(an wor,d in order to tra))i% wit& ),es&-
eatin$ $&o#,s4 He rea++ears in T&e 'rea(-B#est o) -n6nown Cadat& as a $&o#, &i(se,)A A$ain3 t&is
is a re(inder o) Lo"e%ra)t;s (essa$e t&at dire%t %onta%t 8$nosis9 o) t&e )orbidden ,ore irre"o%ab,y
%&an$es t&e indi"id#a,4 On%e yo# &a"e ste++ed 8w&et&er #nwittin$,y or wi,,in$,y9 into t&e wor,d o) t&e
Ct&#,&# Myt&os3 yo# wi,, ne"er be t&e sa(e a$ain4
Ma$i%a, s&a+e-s&i)tin$ ta6es two basi% )or(s4 First,y3 t&ere is t&e +ra%ti%e o) Astra, s&a+e-s&i)tin$
w&i%& basi%a,,y %onsists o) ta6in$ on 5oo(or+&i% )or(s in order to +enetrate astra, s+a%es4 It is &e,d
t&at3 in so(e (a$i%a, syste(s3 5oo(or+&i% deities are best a++roa%&ed on t&e astra, in bestia,
)or(s4 T&e e*a(+,e o) 'rearns%a+in$ abo"e in%or+orates astra, s&a+e-s&i)tin$4 Ta6in$ on astra,
ani(a, s&a+es (ay a,so be #se)#, )or wor6in$ wit& so%a,,ed +ower ani(a,s4 T&e ot&er (ain a++roa%&
is +&ysi%a, rit#a, w&ereby %e,ebrant8s9 ta6e on t&e +ossession o) ani(a, or 5oo(or+&i% entities4 T&is
%an in"o,"e t&e #se o) (as6s and t&e de"e,o+(ent o) +ersona, ani(a, dan%e se1#en%es and3
so(eti(es3 e,aborate %ost#(es4 Entities dis%o"ered or en%o#ntered on t&e astra, %an be (ani)ested
t&ro#$& dan%e3 %ost#(e and t&e %ra)tin$ o) (as6s4 An e*a(+,e o) t&is is t&e &i"e-entity Oann#(3
w&i%& was )irst en%o#ntered d#rin$ a s%ri+ted $#ided :o#rney into a bee-&i"e and ,ater #sed in rit#a,
wor6 "ia t&e #se o) a (antra3 dan%e3 and a si(+,e (as6 %o(+risin$ o) e*a$$erated %o(+o#nd eyes
and wa"in$ antennae4 It is %o((on3 d#rin$ rit#a, s&a+e-s&i)tin$3 )or %e,ebrants to "is#a,ise and #se
6inaest&eti% sensory te%&ni1#es to in"o6e t&e astra, )or( onto t&e(se,"es4 S&a+e-s&i)tin$ into
ani(a, )or(s %an res#,t in a,tered sensory +er%e+tion 8%o$nisant wit& t&e ani(a, #sed as a basis9
and +&ysio,o$i%a, oddities4 So(e (a$i%ians &a"e re+orted3 )or e*a(+,e3 t&at %e,ebrants +ossessed
by wo,)-s+irits $i"e o)) a ran63 ani(a, s(e,,4
Stran$e An$,es
T&e i(a$ery o) ,abyrint&s and (a5es )eat#res stron$,y in Lo"e%ra)t;s des%ri+tions o) +,a%es-)ro( t&e
twisted )orests aro#nd Ar6&arn to t&e windin$3 %,a#stro+&obi% streets o) t&e de%ayin$ s,#( areas &is
+rota$onists are )or%ed to tra"erse4 A$ain3 t&is re%a,,s t&e +ro%ess o) inward-t#rnin$ w&i%& is t&e
inner :o#rney towards t&e #n%ons%io#s or re"e,ation w&i%& is a s#bte*t in (any o) &is ta,es4 T&at one
(#st ,ose onese,) in order to )ind one;s tr#e se,)4 T&is t&e(e a,so a++ears in &is des%ri+tion o)
R;Lye&3 Ct&#,&#;s abode3 in T&e Ca,, o) Ct&#,&#4 It is )#rt&er rein)or%ed by Lo"e%ra)t;s #se o) Non-
E#%,idean $eo(etry and abstra%t (at&e(ati%s4 In T&e 'rea(s in t&e !it%&-Ho#se4 Lo"e%ra)t see(s
to s#$$est t&at t&e re"e,ations o) 1#ant#( +&ysi%ists (ay ,ead towards t&e $nosis o) t&e Great O,d
Ones4 Bi5arre i(a$ery3 so(ew&at re(inis%ent o) Fra%ta,s3 is a,so #sed in stories s#%& as t&e Ca,, o)
Ct&#,&#3 At t&e Mo#ntains o) Madness3 and T&ro#$& t&e Gate o) t&e Si,"er Cey4 In t&e ,atter3
+rota$onist Rando,+& Carter is s#rro#nded by 2444di( &a,)-+i%t#res wit& #n%ertain o#t,ines a(idst t&e
seet&in$ C&aos 444 it was not %&an%e w&i%& b#i,t t&ese t&in$s in &is %ons%io#sness3 b#t rat&er so(e
"ast rea,ity3 ine))ab,e and #ndi(ensiona,3 w&i%& s#rro#nded &i( and stro"e to trans,ate itse,) into t&e
on,y sy(bo,s &e was %a+ab,e o) $ras+in$4 2
Fren5ied Rites
In addition to t&e +ri(ari,y so,o te%&ni1#es dis%#ssed so )ar3 Lo"e%ra)t a,so a,,#ded to )ren5ied rites
by w&i%& $ro#+s o) %#,tists s#((oned t&e bein$s )ro( beyond t&e stars4 T&ese rites are re(inis%ent
o) !it%&%ra)t3 S&a(anis(3 or Voodoo3 or +er&a+s (ore a%%#rate,y3 rationa,ist +er%e+tions o) t&e(4
S#%& rites are re,ated to +&ysi%a, +ower s+otsI ty+i%a,,y stone %ir%,es3 s+e%ia,,y %onstr#%ted b#i,din$s
or stran$e ,and(ar6s4 T&ey o)ten in"o,"e ani(a, or &#(an sa%ri)i%e3 in%est#o#s interbreedin$3 and in
T&e '#nwi%& Horror3 a &ieros $a(os between t&e entity 6nown as o$-Sot&ot& and a )e(a,e %#,tist4
Lo"e%ra)t %ontin#a,,y a,,#des to t&e de$enerate nat#re o) Ct&#,&# %#,tists3 +robab,y re),e%tin$ &is
attit#des to ra%e and inte,,e%t#a, attain(ent4 B#t t&ere is a,so an awareness o) t&e de$eneration o)
%#,t +ra%ti%es as t&e in),#en%e o) t&e O,d Ones dwind,es in t&e wor,d3 d#e to t&e s+read o)
(ateria,is( and t&e de%ay o) r#ra, %o((#nities4 T&e entity Nyar,at&ote+ o%%asiona,,y a++ears as t&e
(yt&i%a, ;b,a%6 (an; or ,eader o) t&e %#,tist;s sabbat $at&erin$-s#$$estin$ a &#(an a"atar as a base
)or %#,t wors&i+3 #sin$ t&e (ore +&ysi%a, ro#tes into Gnosis s#%& as dan%in$3 ),a$e,,ation3 se*3
%&antin$3 dr#((in$3 &y+er"enti,ation and ot&er e%stati% (odes4 Modern %o((entators on Ct&#,&#
Myt&os (a$i% &a"e (ista6en,y ass#(ed t&at Terror is t&e (ain e(otiona, $nosis3 be%a#se t&is was
t&e )ee,in$ o)ten e*+erien%ed by Lo"e%ra)t;s +rota$onists 8and indeed3 Lo"e%ra)t &i(se,)94 A,t&o#$&
)ear (ay initia,,y be e(+,oyed3 it soon +a,,s as an e))e%ti"e ,e"er )or $nosis3 &owe"er4
!&at is i(+ortant &ere is t&at wit&in t&e Ct&#,&# Myt&os3 s#%& rites de(onstrate t&e inter+enetration
o) (a$i%a, rea,itiesI t&ose o) t&e be,ie)s o) t&e %e,ebrants3 t&e sa%red ,ands%a+e3 awareness o) t&e
terrors o) Nat#re3 and t&e di(ensions )ro( w&i%& t&e Great O,d Ones %an be %a,,ed4 Moreo"er3 t&is
+ers+e%ti"e e%&oes t&e %,assi%a, +a$an "iew+oint o) t&e re,ations&i+ between Nat#re3 t&e $ods3 and
&#(anity4 For Lo"e%ra)t3 t&e ,ands%a+e itse,) is ini(i%a, to (an4 Man &as no b#siness t&ere and i) &e
does "ent#re into t&e &a#nted )orests and &i,,s3 &e &ad better wat%& o#t4 Lo"e%ra)t is we,, aware t&at
t&e ,ands%a+e is itse,) sentient and aware3 t&at it &as a so#,3 and (oreo"er3 t&at t&is so#, %an be%o(e
so(e&ow tainted4 For t&e an%ient Gree6s3 %ertain +,a%es were desi$nated as be,on$in$ to t&e $ods
and3 t&ere)ore3 )orbidden to (an6ind4 T&eo+o(+#s re%o#nts t&e +o+#,ar )o,6-be,ie) %on%ernin$ a
sa%red en%,os#re on Mo#nt Ly6aianI
2T&ere is a +re%in%t o) Ly6aian Oe#s on t&e (o#ntain3 w&i%& no +erson is a,,owed to enter4 I) yo#
disre$ard t&is ,aw and $o in it is abso,#te,y %ertain t&at yo# wi,, die wit&in t&e year4 And t&ere was a
)#rt&er story t&ey to,d3 t&at t&in$s inside t&e +re%in%t3 (an and beast a,i6e3 %ast no s&adow7444 2
Lo"e%ra)t #sed so#nd as a &era,d o) t&e onset o) dread in a ,ands%a+e des%ribin$ t&e +i+in$ o)
w&i++oorwi,,s or t&e so#nds o) ),#tes or &i$&-+it%&ed +i+in$3 or t&e %roa6in$ o) b#,,-)ro$s4 T&ese
so#nds i(b#e t&e drea(-,i6e 1#a,ity o) Lo"e%ra)t;s ,ands%a+es wit& a dread)#, )orebodin$4 A$ain3 t&is
is re(inis%ent o) C,assi%a, +a$an be,ie)s4 T&e Gree6s were a,, too (ind)#, o) t&e +ower o) a +ani%
,ands%a+e7 a +,a%e w&ere stran$e t&in$s &a++en3 irres+e%ti"e o) &#(an wi,,4 In s#%& +,a%es3 &#(ans
are +rey to +owers $reater t&an t&e(se,"es and (#st res+e%t a "ariety o) rit#a, +re%a#tions4 S#%&
wi,d +,a%es are t&e do(ain o) Pan4 T&e asso%iation between s#%& +,a%es and stran$e noises is a,so
identi)ied3 as A+o,,odor#s o) At&ens3 writin$ in t&e Dt& %ent#ry BC +oints o#tI
2T&e (o#ntains3 t&e $,ens and a,, t&e $rottoes o) t&e (o#ntains are ,iab,e to e%&o4 T&ere are a,, sorts
o) %o(+,i%ated noises in t&e (o#ntains +rod#%ed by do$s and wi,d and ta(e ani(a,sI t&eir e%&oes
be%o(e (i*ed to$et&er4 So it o)ten &a++ens t&at +eo+,e do not see t&e ani(a,s (a6in$ t&e noises3
b#t &ear on,y t&e dise(bodied so#nd by itse,)3 and so say t&at Pan is so#ndin$ t&e ),#te and syrin* in
t&e %a"e wit& t&e ny(+&s4 2
Barbaro#s Na(es
T&e Ct&#,&# Myt&os a,so (a6es #se o) barbaro#s na(es )ro( t&e tit,es o) t&e Great O,d Ones
t&e(se,"es3 and t&e +ri(a, ,an$#a$e #sed by %#,tists and s,a"e-ra%es 8w&i%& so(e (a$i%ians &a"e
#sed as t&e basis )or %ra)tin$ Ct&#,&#o,d ,an$#a$es94 T&ese ton$#e-twistin$ +&rases are re(inis%ent
bot& o) t&e $,osso,a,i% s+ee%& so o)ten en%o#ntered in +ossession-wor6in$s3 and t&e barbaro#s
s+ee%& )o#nd in t&e %,assi%a, $ri(oires4 A$ain3 t&ese ser"e to en&an%e t&e +,a#sibi,ity o) t&e Ct&#,&#
Gi"en t&e abo"e3 t&en3 it is #ns#r+risin$ t&at %onte(+orary o%%#,tists s&o#,d be interested in t&e
Ct&#,&# Myt&os4 Lo"e%ra)tian rit#a,s &a"e been ser"ed #+ by writers s#%& as Anton LaVey3 Mi%&ae,
A1#ino3 and Peter >4 Carro,,4 Cennet& Grant3 in &is +ro$ression o) ;Ty+&onian; wor6s &as (ade (#%&
#se o) Lo"e%ra)tian i(a$ery in &is inter+retations o) t&e wor6 o) A,eister Crow,ey and A#stin Os(an
S+are4 Mi%&ae, Bertia#*3 &ead o) La Co#,"oire Noir3 t&e Voodoo-Gnosti% order3 &as a,so
in%or+orated e,e(ents o) t&e Ct&#,&# Myt&os into &is wor64
T&e attra%tion o) t&e Ct&#,&# Myt&os )or (a$i%ians s&o#,d now be ob"io#s4 !&i,e t&e (a$i%ian (ay3
initia,,y3 be attra%ted by t&e )ee,in$ o) e(+ower(ent d#e to &is (o"in$ into s+a%es w&ere )ew ot&ers
&a"e dared to $o3 it is a,so i(+ortant t&at t&e Great O,d Ones are o#tside (ost &#(an (yt&o,o$ies3
re),e%tin$ t&e s&adows o) t&e Giants in Norse Myt&s3 t&e +re-O,y(+ian Titans in Gree6 Myt&s3 and
ot&er $ro#+s o) #ni"erse-b#i,ders w&o are t&o#$&t to be too %&aoti% )or t&e +o,ite %o(+any o) t&e
$ods o) t&e ordered #ni"erse4 T&e nat#re o) t&e Great O,d Ones as s&adowy bein$s w&o %an on,y be
+artia,,y $,i(+sed is attra%ti"e and t&ey %annot be assi(i,ated and bo#nd into ort&odo* syste(s o)
(a$i%3 and de"isin$ s#itab,e a++roa%&es )or wor6in$ wit& t&e( (ay we,, ta6e t&e (a$i%ian into
areas o) e*+eri(entation w&i%& &e (ay not &a"e been attra%ted to +re"io#s,y3 s#%& as e*+,orin$ t&e
dyna(i%s o) +,a%es o) +ower3 )o,6,ore3 ata"isti% res#r$en%e3 or drea(-wor6in$4 T&e Ct&#,&# Myt&os
wor6s be%a#se it %ontains $a+s w&i%& t&e indi"id#a, 8reader or (a$i%ian9 %an )i,, in by i(a$ination4
Rat&er t&an bein$ a %,osed syste(3 +resented as a ,itera, te*t to be )o,,owed3 it in"ites +ersona,
e*+,oration and e,#%idation "ia t&e indi"id#a,;s own ,i(ina, e*+erien%e4
Beyond Good and E"i,.
A stron$ #nder%#rrent t&ro#$&o#t Lo"e%ra)t;s writin$ is a re:e%tion o) (odernity4 T&ere is o)ten a
%on),i%t o) be,ie) between %i"i,ised %ity-dwe,,ers w&o are dis(issi"e o) s#+erstition and )o,6,ore3 and
%o#ntry-)o,6 w&o are stee+ed in t&e wisdo( o) t&e Great o,d Ones3 yet so(e&ow de$enerate and
de%ayed4 Lo"e%ra)t %ontin#a,,y a,,#des to t&e de$enerate nat#re o) Ct&#,&# %#,tists w&i%&3 as
+re"io#s,y (entioned3 +robab,y re),e%ted &is attit#des to ra%e and inte,,e%t#a, attain(ent4 B#t t&ere is
a,so an awareness o) t&e de$eneration o) %#,t +ra%ti%es as t&e in),#en%e o) t&e O,d Ones dwind,es in
t&e wor,d3 d#e to t&e s+read o) (ateria,is( and t&e de%ay o) r#ra, %o((#nities4 So(e %o((entators
&a"e a%%#sed Lo"e%ra)t o) ra%ist attit#des3 b#t I )ee, it wo#,d be (ore a%%#rate to say t&at in
Lo"e%ra)t;s )i%tion3 no one indi"id#a, or $ro#+ %an es%a+e &is sense o) doo(7 s%ientists wi,, at so(e
+oint st#(b,e #+on t&e &orri)yin$ se%rets o) t&e #ni"erse3 w&i,st %o#ntry-)o,63 E#ro+ean S,a"oni%s
and So#t&-sea is,anders wi,, de$enerate into non-&#(an (#tants4 Sor%erers w&o s#((on t&e Great
O,d Ones wi,, at so(e +oint +ay t&e +ri%e o) insanity or deat&4 E"erybody $ets it and t&e &orri)yin$
(adness o) -w&at is o#t t&ere3 waitin$2 is on,y a )ootste+ away4 On%e yo# &a"e +assed into t&e rea,(
o) t&e O,d Ones3 t&ere is no t#rnin$ ba%64
T&ere is no roo( )or d#a,isti% %on%e+ts o) ;$ood; and ;e"i,; in Lo"e%ra)t;s (yt&os4 T&ere are no )or%es
o) ,i$&t w&o (i$&t be in"o6ed to sa"e #s )ro( t&e &orror o) t&e O,d Ones4 T&ey (ay o%%asiona,,y be
o#twitted3 b#t t&is is (ore a (atter o) b,ind ,#%6 t&an any s6i,, or abi,ity o) t&e +art o) &#(ans4 E"en i)
one o) Lo"e%ra)t;s +rota$onists s#r"i"e an en%o#nter wit& t&e Great O,d Ones3 t&ey are b#rdened
)ore"er wit& t&e 6now,ed$e o) w&at ,#r6s o#t t&ere4
So(e inte,,e%t#a,s3 ent&#sed by Lo"e%ra)t;s "isions3 &a"e atte(+ted to +,a%e &is (yt&os wit&in a
Niet5s%&ean +ers+e%ti"e3 sayin$ t&at t&e Great O,d Ones re+resent t&e )or%es o) S#+er(an w&o
stands beyond $ood and e"i,3 aware on,y o) +ri(a, desires and +assions4 Lo"e%ra)t (a6es it %,ear
t&at t&e Great O,d Ones are not (ere,y a %astin$-o)) o) traditiona, (ora,ity3 t&at t&ey &a"e abo#t as
(#%& interest in #s as we do in %att,e4 Sooner or ,ater3 e"en t&e de"o#t wors&i++er o) Ct&#,&# wi,, be
eaten #+4
Lo"e%ra)t;s "ision3 &is )#ti,itarianis(3 is +arti%#,ar,y a++ro+riate to o#r %#rrent a$e3 w&ere
+ost(ode(ist t&in6ers %,ai( to &a"e destroyed t&e )#t#re and ransa%6ed t&e +ast in an end,ess
sear%& )or 6i%6s o) one sort or anot&er4 In%reasin$,y3 we are e%&oin$ Hassan I Sabba&;s state(ent
t&at 2Not&in$ is Tr#e32 or +er&a+s (ore a%%#rate,y3 not&in$ %an be tr#sted4 Li"in$ as we do3 in a
so%iety w&i%& is ra+id,y (#tatin$ itse,) by (eans o) %o(+#ters3 %a(%orders and %ab,e TV7 in w&i%&
(en %an wa,6 on t&e Moon3 w&i,st ot&ers se,, t&eir %&i,dren to t&e or$an dea,ers7 w&ere t&e (ysteries
o) ,i)e are +robed d#rin$ 'NA (ani+#,ation and t&e rea,ities o) ot&er +eo+,e;s deat& ser"ed #+ on
+ri(e-ti(e te,e"ision3 it is easy to be %yni%a,3 and di))i%#,t )or any %on%e+t o) tr#t& to re(ain in"io,ate
and essentia,4
In a %#,t#re w&ere t&e ed$es o) +resent ti(e are %r#(b,in$ into t&e )#t#re at a rate t&at is o)ten
di))i%#,t to %o(+re&end3 t&e sense o) %onne%tion to &istori%a, ti(e is "a$#e3 to say t&e ,east4 T&e
%ontradi%tions o) +ost-Ca+ita,is( &a"e )ra$(ented %onsens#s rea,ity to a +oint w&ere a,ienation and
+ower,essness are ende(i% in o#r %#,t#re4 O%%#,tis( o))ers an a,ternati"eI a sense o) %onne%tion3
+er&a+s3 to &istori%a, ti(e w&en t&e wor,d was ,ess %o(+,i%ated3 w&ere indi"id#a,s were (ore in
to#%& wit& t&eir en"iron(ent3 and3 8a,,e$ed,y9 &ad (ore +ersona, %ontro, o"er t&eir ,i"es4 T&e o%%#,t
s#b-$enre &o,ds #+ a (irror to Consens#a, rea,ity4 O%%#,tists readi,y sneer at S,a"e-God re,i$ions
and t&en +iss t&e(se,"es in e%stasy b#yin$ a $en#ine set o) A,eister Crow,ey so%6s4 T&ere is (#%&
ta,6 o) t&e (a$i%ian as a dan$ero#s rebe, or anar%& o) t&e so#, by +eo+,e w&o $o on to ,e$iti(ate
t&eir +osition by wa"in$ %&arters3 %erti)i%ates and %o+yri$&ted ,o$os4 I (ean3 w&o rea,,y $i"es a )art3
ot&er t&an t&ose w&o wi,, b#y into anyt&in$ w&i%& rese(b,es e"en )aint,y an%ient wisdo(4 T&is is
o)ten t&e +osition ta6en by so-%a,,ed (a$i%ians w&o see6 to e,e"ate t&e(se,"es 8in t&e eyes o) t&eir
+eers9 by %,ai(in$ to e"o6e de(ons3 s#((on Satan3 or %o((and entities s#%& as t&e Great O,d
Ones )ro( ot&er di(ensions4 T&ese are t&e %ries o) t&e +ower,ess and )at#o#s atte(+tin$ to e,e"ate
t&e(se,"es by %,ai(in$ a#t&ority o"er )or%es w&i%& t&ey i(a$ine %an be %ontro,,ed by s#%& as t&ey4
T&ere does see( to be an attra%tion between wo#,d-be s#+er(an o%%#,tists and an e*&a#sti"e
ran$e o) dar6 $ods3 dead $ods3 dee+-)ried $ods4 It see(s to (e t&at t&e wo#,d-be
s#+er(anEsatanistE(i$&ty ade+t (a$i%ian 8de,ete as a++ro+riate9 is3 #nderneat& a,, t&e :#sti)i%ations3
o#t )or ,e$iti(isation o) &i(se,) as o#tsiders as it;s easy to (aintain s#%& a "iew o) yo#rse,) as t&e
nob,e3 doo(-,aden o#tsider3 w&i,st at t&e sa(e ti(e bein$ in"isib,e and insi$ni)i%ant4 Lo"e%ra)t;s
"ision is t&at o) t&e #tter insi$ni)i%an%e o) &#(anity in t&e ro,,in$ dar6ness o) t&e %os(os4 = &a"e
#s#a,,y )o#nd t&at t&ose w&o +ro)ess to 6now t&is "oid3 w&o %a,, t&e(se,"es Satanists3 S#+er(en
and O#tsiders3 are entan$,ed in two "ir#,ent (e(es-BEING RIGHT and GETTING EVEN4 A,as3 a+art
)ro( i(a$inin$ t&e(se,"es as t&e ,ords o) 'e Sade;s Cast,e o) Si,,in$3 or drea(in$ o) +ower wit&o#t
res+onsibi,ity )o#nd in so(e +a+erba%6 to(e wit& a Latin na(e3 t&ese se,)-a"owed %reat#res o)
dar6ness ne"er 1#ite see( to (ana$e any a%t#a,isation o) t&eir ;wi,, to +ower4; !i,,ia(3 S4 B#rro#$&s
on%e %o((ented t&at 2anyone w&o %an +i%6 #+ a )ryin$T+an owns deat&42 A,, too o)ten3 it see(s t&at
(any +eo+,e are %ontent wit& "i%ario#s t&ri,,s3 atte(+tin$ to own deat& by s#rro#ndin$ t&e(se,"es
wit& t&e i%ons o) t&eir &eroes4 Isn;t it a s&a(e t&at (ost o) t&ose w&o %ry t&at 2Mi$&t is Ri$&t2 wi,,
ne"er $et t&e %&an%e to sta(+ on t&e wea6-#n,ess o) %o#rse t&ey %ease to be ;o#tsiders; and :oin
so(e instit#tion w&i%& a,,ows t&e( to do so wit& i(+#nity and $o"ern(ent a++ro"a,4
Myt&os Madness
!it&in t&e o%%#,t (i,ie#3 t&ere is a $enera,,y-&e,d "iew t&at (a$i%a, wor6 wit& t&e Great O,d Ones is
%onsidered inad"isab,e3 d#e to "ario#s #ns+e%i)ied dan$ers4 One e*+,anation I &a"e %o(e a%ross as
to w&y t&is is so is t&at 2444t&e Ct&#,&# Myt&os entities do not res+ond to nor(a, banis&in$ rit#a,s42 In
ot&er words3 t&ey don;t %on)or( to nor(a, e*+e%tations3 so a"oid t&e(4 Ot&ers say t&at t&e Ct&#,&#
Myt&os &as a tenden%y to ti+ t&e #nwary towards obsession or (adness4 To w&i%& = %an on,y re+,y3
2es3 b#t so w&at.2 !or6in$ wit& any (a$i%a, syste( %an ,ead yo# into (adness3 i) yo#;re #+ )or it3
as it were4 T&e tri%6 o) %o#rse3 is $ettin$ o#t o) (adness a$ain3 or at ,east ,earnin$ to dis$#ise it to
e"erybody e,se4 T&e )ear o) insanity w&en doin$ (a$i% &as to be %on)ronted &ead-on4 It wi,, %o(e
w&et&er yo#;re (essin$ wit& 2t&in$s wit& tenta%,es2 or t&e (ost basi% boo6 on new a$e wit%&%ra)t4
O6ay3 Lo"e%ra)t;s +rota$onists ine"itab,y )ear )or t&eir sanity3 $o star6 starin$ bon6ers or end #+ as a
Ct&#,&# brea6)ast sna%63 b#t t&at doesn;t (ean t&at t&e intre+id (a$i%ian &as to as we,,4 B#t i) yo#
want to stay t&e sa(e3 w&y are yo# doin$ (a$i% in t&e )irst +,a%e. Consider instead t&at be%o(in$
;obsessed; or dwe,,in$ on ;,#r6in$ t&in$s; (i$&t a%t#a,,y be $ood )or yo#4 In so(e ways3 it is not
dissi(i,ar to %&i,d&ood )antasies and )ears abo#t t&in$s #nder t&e bed4 !&i,st $oin$ into t&ese states
is #ndeniab,y weird3 t&ey are a,so intense,y (a$i%a,4 I )ee, t&at +art o) t&e iss#e w&i%& (a6es t&ese
states +rob,e(ati% )or so(e +eo+,e is t&at as one ti+s into t&ese weird states o) (ind3 one be$ins to
)ee, t&at one is ,osin$ %ontro, o) w&at is &a++enin$4 More a%%#rate,y3 one is ,osin$ t&e i,,#sion t&at one
is in %ontro, o) w&at &a++ens to one4 It is t&e )ear o) w&at (i$&t &a++en3 w&ere one (i$&t $o3 t&at is
o)ten worse t&an t&e +ro%ess itse,)4 T&e )ear &o,ds #s ba%6 )ro( s#rrenderin$ to t&e e(bra%e o)
deran$e(ent4 O%%#,tists writin$ abo#t Lo"e%ra)t so(eti(es say t&at &e 2drew ba%63 on t&e brin6 o)
t&e abyss42 And we,, &e (i$&t3 )or it is di))i%#,t in t&e e*tre(e to s#rrender onese,) to an o"erw&e,(in$
sense o) deran$e(ent4 et at so(e +oint3 one (ay )ind onese,) dri"en to do e*a%t,y t&is4
3Genera,,y3 (y e*+erien%e o) +ersona, identity wor6 8E$o Ma$i%9 is t&at +eo+,e 8(yse,) in%,#dedA9 on,y
wor6 on a +arti%#,ar iss#e 8be&a"io#r3 attit#de3 et%493 i) t&ey re%o$nise it as so(et&in$ w&i%& re1#ires
attention3 and )#rt&er3 on,y i) t&e dri"e to %&an$e o#twei$&s t&e desire to stay t&e sa(e4 So(eti(es
we &a"e to $et into e*tre(e sit#ations be)ore we rea,i5e &ow o#r be&a"io#r %ontrib#tes towards w&at
&a++ens to #s4 It %an &a++en t&at3 in wor6in$ wit& e*tre(e (a$i%a, be,ie) syste(s s#%& as Ct&#,&#
Myt&os (a$i%3 o#r &idden de(ons ta6e t&e o++ort#nity to ,ea+ o#t3 (ani)estin$ as dys)#n%tiona,
be&a"io#rs4 !&en t&is &a++ens3 we (ay 8e"ent#a,,y9 %o(e to re%o$nise t&e(3 a%6now,ed$e t&e( as
o#rs and do so(et&in$ abo#t t&e(4 T&is is ne"er easy3 and o)ten +ain)#,3 b#t ot&erwise3 s#%&
de(ons (i$&t re(ain &idden3 $nawin$ away at #s )ro( wit&in4
F#rt&er notes on t&e (a$i%a, +ossibi,ities o) t&e Ct&#,&# Myt&os %an be )o#nd in (y s&ort %&a+boo63
T&e Pse#dono(i%on 8'a$on Prod#%tions3 =??P94
Adair3 >o&n3 E))e%ti"e Leaders&i+3 Pan Boo6s3 =?@@
An$er)ord / Lea3 T&#nders1#ea63 TMTS3 =?P?
Arta#d3 Antonin3 T&e T&eatre and Its 'o#b,e3 >o&n Ca,der3 =?@?
Bey3 Ha6i(3 T4A4O43 A#tono(edia3 =??=
Benson3 >ar,at&3 !or6in$ More Creati"e,y wit& Gro#+s3 Ta"is-
to%6 P#b,i%ations3 =?@P
B#rro#$&s3 !i,,ia( S43 T&e P,a%e o) 'ead Roads3 >o&n Ca,der3
B#rro#$&s3 !i,,ia( S43 / Gysin3 B43 T&e T&ird Mind3 >o&n
Ca,der3 =?P<
Carro,,3 Peter >43 Liber N#,,3 T&e Morton Press3 =?P@
Carro,,3 Peter >43 Liber N#,, / Psy%&ona#t3 Sa(#e, !eiser3 =?@P
Carro,,3 Peter >43 Liber Caos3 Sa(#e, !eiser3 =??<
Crow,ey3 A,eister3 Ma$i%63 Sa(#e, !eiser3 =??D
Crow,ey3 A,eister3 T&e Boo6 o) Lies3 Sa(#e, !eiser3 =?@=
'e Bono3 Edward3 I a( Ri$&tEo# are !ron$3 Pen$#in3 =??=
'i(o%63 Hed,o%63 Gro#+sI Leaders&i+ and Gro#+ 'e"e,o+(ent3
-ni"ersity Asso%iates3 In%4 =?@P
'#6es3 Ra(say3 SSOTBMEI An Essay on Ma$i%63 TMTS3 =?P?
Fin,ay3 Linda3 Gro#+wor6 in O%%#+ationa, T&era+y3 Stan,ey
T&ornes3 =??R
Fries3 >an3 Vis#a, Ma$i%63 Mandra6e o) O*)ord3 =??<
Fries3 >an3 Seidways3 Mandra6e o) O*)ord3 =??N
G,ei%63 >43 C&aos3 Cardina,3 =?@P
Grant3 Cennet&3 Ni$&tside o) Eden3 M#,,er3 =?PP
Har"ey3 '43 T&e Condition o) Post-(odernity3 B,a%6we,,3 =?@?
Har"ey3 G43 / Hard(an3 C43 Pa$anis( Today3 T&orsons3 =??J
Hine3 P&i,3 Condensed C&aos3 New Fa,%on P#b,i%ations3 =??J
Hine3 P&i,3 T&e Pse#dono(i%on3 'a$on Prod#%tions =??P
Hine3 P&i,3 Per(#tations3 an on-,ine %o,,e%tion o) essays 8Adobe
P'F )or(at93 =??P
Ho)stadter3 'o#$,as R43 Meta(a$i%a, T&e(as3 Pen$#in3 =?@J
Hyatt3 C&risto+&er S43 8ed49 Rebe,s / 'e"i,s3 New Fa,%on
P#b,i%ations3 =??P
>o&nstone3 Ceit&3 IMPRO3 Met&#en3 =??=
Lee3 'a"e3 C&aoto+iaAI Ma$i%6 / E%stasy in t&e Pandae(on-
Aeon3 Attra%tor3 =??P
Ma%e3 Ste+&en3 Addressin$ Power3 Pri"ate,y Printed3 =??N4
Ma%Le,,an3 Gordon3 To#%&in$ Eart&3 Ca+a,, Bann P#b,is&in$3=??N
Or+&e#s3 Rodney3 Abra&adabra3 Loo6in$ G,ass P#b,i%ations3
Pa$e,s3 E,aine3 T&e Ori$in o) Satan3 Pen$#in3 =??J
R#s&6o))3 'o#$,as3 C&i,dren o) C&aos3 F,a(in$o =??P
R#s&6o))3 'o#$,as3 CyberiaI Li)e in t&e Tren%&es o) Hy+ers+a%e3
F,a(in$o3 =??D
Se(+,e3 Ga"in3 !43 OOS-CIA3 F#,$#r3 =??J
Sennitt3 Ste+&en3 Liber Cot&3 Lo$os Press =??P
S&ea3 Gordon F43 Mentorin$3 Co$an Pa$e Ltd43 =??<
S&erwin3 Ray3 T&eatre o) Ma$i%3 Sor%erer;s A++renti%e Press3
S&erwin3 Ray3 T&e Boo6 o) Res#,ts3 Re"e,ations <R Press3 =??<
Star&aw63 'rea(in$ t&e 'ar63 Bea%on Press3 =?@<
Star&aw63 Tr#t& or 'are3 Har+erCo,,ins3 =??L
!i,son3 Robert Anton / S&ea3 Robert3 I,,#(inat#sA3 S+&ere
Boo6s3 =?@<
!i,son3 Ste"e3 C&aos Rit#a,3 Ne+t#ne Press3 =??D
Oo&ar3 'ana& / Mars&a,,3 Ian3 T&e B#ant#( So%iety3 F,a(in$o3
T&e In"isib,es3 Grant Morrison3 '4C4 Co(i%s
T&ose Annoyin$ Post Brot&ers3 Matt Howart&3 Ri+o)) Press
Worl"5,i"e ,eb
C&aos Matri*I www4soni%4netE)enwi%6
P&i, Hine;s Fi)t& Aeon E$re$oreI www4+&&ine4ndire%t4%o4#6

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