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Natalie Sng

Year 12 Advance English

You can feel the wind. The slight blowing of the cool breeze that brings the smell of fresh
grass, slightly damp moss and the heat of the morning sun. You see the glistening of the
morning dew, the awakening of your little friends, and the brightness of the place you
call home. You hear everything; nothing can run way from you sharp ears, not the small
chirps in the air or the whistle of the cool summer breeze. Nothing escapes you, you feel
alive, you are alive and nothing can run away from you.
You see them every morning, their laughter in the air, their bright smiles, the pitter-patter
of their light feet, hitting the ground and echoing into the air. Their pure innocence never
fails to make you smile; you welcome them with open arms, willing to share everything
about you, everything you have to oer.
!"ait for me#$ You hear that melodious sound, the soft voice that resonates through you,
and the voice of her partner that follows.
!You%re too slow &le'#$ That was hear name, the one that you hear every morning, the
one that you wake up to. You welcome them both, the life that they bring and the
happiness that they share with you.
You feel her hands on your back, gripping slightly, softly, a child%s hold. You see her small,
yet big doe eyes, twinkling like a star and bright emerald peek from behind you. (er
laughter echoes all around you. You like her touch, because it%s gentle, it%s caring, it%s
!) found you#$ You hear the boy say, you see him, wrapping his tiny arms around her
waist, swinging around and the sweet giggle that escapes her lips. You can%t help but
laugh along with her.
!*id you hear that *avid+$ You hear her whisper. You can%t help but smile at her
,uestion, -lled with curiosity, the innocence gesture as she reaches for her partner.
!.ome on, let%s check it out#$ You see her pull her friend along by the hand, her small
-ngers clasps lightly around his e,ually small -ngers, like a knot. /ver trusting, every
gently. You see them run, further and further into your arms.
Their tiny feet thump rhythmically against the ground; they run without a care in the
world. They know nothing about the suering of this world, nothing about pain you
endure as more and more of you disappear.
You feel them reach the middle, into a clearing that e'pands not too wide, but too small.
& river 0ows down not too far from them; the water glistening in the sun as it gently
passes by. You see them look around you, taking in all you have to oer, from the high
canopy branches that protect them from the summer sun to the soft green grass that lay
beneath their feet.
You see them lie down under the comfort of one of your arms, their backs against you as
they look up into the sky. You see them whisper softly to one another, giggling there,
worrying about nothing.
!You see that cloud there+ )t looks like car.$
Natalie Sng
Year 12 Advance English
!"ell, that one looks like your face#$ You hear her harmonious laugh, the crinkle on the
corner of her eyes, the lift on the ends of her lips to form a wide grin as her friend%s face
scrunches up.
!) don%t look like that#$ 1he giggles again. 2ooking up as her partner stands, brushing o
any pecks of dirt o before oering a hand to her.
!.ome on, it%s getting late and )%m hungry.$ You see her reach up, placing her small
hands on his outreached one taking the help he oers and he gently lifts her o the
!3kay#$ You can%t help but notice that their intertwining hands never parts as they walk
together, away from you. You watch them go, still smiling, always waiting, patiently. &fter
all, they always come back to you every morning, and you always welcome them back.

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