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First Issue/ Edition



YEAR 1 VOL. 1 NO. 1

International Students¡ Union
Chongqing Medical University

Overseas Students¡ Office
Chongqing Medical University
No. 1 Yixueyuan Road, Yuzhong District,Chongqing 400016, The P. R. China
First Issue/ Edition


OCTOBER, 1-31, 2008 YEAR 1 VOL. 1 NO. 1

Speed Demons way¡ pretty decent for a 10-cylinder, 8.4-liter (!) engine. Super
THE INFORMATICS Wild Horses The definition of super car varies widely, but three
car bargain of the century.
elements remain constant: speed in the neighborhood of 200 mph, Tired: More rattles than a maternity ward. Exhaust note is disap-
cornering like the light cycles in Tron, and the ability to attract a pointingly meek. Egress requires finesse¡ and possibly a spotter
IN THIS parade of local law enforcement. You should buy a couple.
3 // Bentley Continental GT Speed $203,600
ISSUE 1 // Ferrari F430 $186,925,
If you delight in comfort as well as velocity, might we suggest
While there really is no such thing as an entry-level car from the the GT Speed? By super car standards, its looks are modest, but
Contemporary language 1 famed scuderia, Ferrari's bottom-of-the-line F430 is a great choice its performance is not: 202 mph in what feels like a rolling day
for hedge-fund jockeys itching to blow their first bonus. Its re- spa. The machine is a civilized dream to drive¡ until you mash
Health & medicine 2 markable balance makes even nervous novices feel like experi- the Mr. Hyde pedal, and the Speed's monstrous W-12 engine
Science & technology 3 enced racers, but if you should accelerate beyond your pay grade terrifies with feats of frightening velocity.
and find yourself sideways, the F430 snaps back into line when
Art & culture 4 Wired: Britishly composed, even while performing Americanly
you blip the throttle.
dumb maneuvers. The deepest, richest, most gorgeous paint job
Sports & events 5 Wired: One of the best-handling cars ever made. Slick-shifting you've ever seen. Enough trunk space to stow all your cricket kit.
clutch-less automated manual transmission (optional) saves you
Fun & entertainment 6 Tired: At 6,000 pounds, the car is not exactly nimble. No sunroof
from stalling out in front of your date. Sweet exhaust note will
quickly become your favorite song but isn't loud enough to neces-
Comments & compositions 7 sitate cockpit yelling. 4 // Lamborghini Murci¨ lago LP640 $339,400
CHIEF EDITOR Tired: A measly 4 mph shy of joining the 200 club. The Murci¨ lago was designed to let you go very fast (211 mph)
Mr. Keshav Bhattarai (Nepal)

1. Contemporary language : Ms.
El¡skina Joyosubagio (Indonesia)
2. Health & medicine: Mr. Aabesh
Koirala (Nepal) & Shambhu
Kumar Sah (Nepal)
3. Science & technology: Mr.
Prannoy Rana (Nepal)
4. Art & culture: Mr. Mukul Sharma
5. Sports & events: Mr. Sagun
Shrestha (Nepal)
6. Fun & entertainment: Mr.
Boniface F. Masau (Tanzania)
7. Comments & compositions: Mr. without getting killed, and the intention comes through. Its all-
2 // Dodge Viper SRT10 $88,875 wheel drive and massive ceramic brakes (optional) are as adept at
Thomas Hii Chung Ee (Malaysia)
The engineering brief for the Viper must have gone something getting you out of trouble as the 640-hp V-12 is at causing it.
COMPUTER LAYOUT like this: "Affix enormous engine to wheels." The car didn't even Wired: Scissor doors like the Countach poster in your childhood
have ABS brakes until 2001, and it still lacks traction control. bedroom. Incredible engine roar makes you look forward to
Mr. Keshav Bhattarai (Nepal)
Speaking of which, with 600 horsepower and no electronic nan- overpasses. Attracts exactly the kind of girl (or guy) you'd expect.
CHIEF ADVISORS nies, it's not a car for the uninitiated. But at least you'll die smil-
ing. Tired: The ever-present engine howl, granite-like seats, and
Mrs. Yang Hong (China) Jameson-stiff suspension made us feel beat up after a couple of
Wired: If you know how to steer with the throttle, you can accom- hours. Couldn't even fit a helmet in the front compartment, so we
Mr. Wang Dong; Victor (China) plish wondrous things, from hairpins to straight-line bursts of wore it instead. Seemed like a good idea. Aabesh Koirala
CO-ADVISORS speed up to 202 mph. We got 20 mpg hauling ass on the high-

1. Ms. Faith Birnstein (America)

2. Mrs. Chen Min (China) Thank God You won¡t forget. When you were exhausted on a busy day in
your life, your friend gave you a big hug and sent a poem as a
PUBLISHER ¡Thank god!¡ is one of the most frequent words we say in our present to you. The poem said ¡Years from now, the truth of this
daily life. But are we really thanking god when we say it? Listen will shine, and one of your sincere regret will not know how
International Students¡ Union
to me, please. Then the answer to the question will be self-evident. good you had it at that time¡ . Thank god! If someone is god, he
ADDRESS must be your friend.
Do you remember? When you were working hard for the coming
Overseas Students¡ Office test, your mother knocked the door gently and gave you a dish of In the sky, there doesn¡t live a god. You thank the sun for
fruits. She said nothing, but the care in her eyes could be seen giving power, rain for watering plants and wind to cool you
Chongqing Medical University
clearly. Thank god! As a matter of fact, your mother is the very down, but never god.
No. 1 Yixueyuan Road, Yuzhong god.
District, Chongqing 400016, China Thank god! Now, we know that god is the one who helps you
You must remember. When you felt down because of the low and the one that brings you happiness.
Tel: 0086-23-68485947 mark, your teacher pat your shoulder tenderly and told you to
never give up. What made you feel warmer is the belief in your
teacher¡s voice. Thank god! God is no one but your teacher.
Rebecca (China)


Food for Health Sex Opinion threat to health that can come with indiscriminate sex. Sex
without intimacy is also potentially devastating psychologi-
1. Do not eat Jackfruit or items containing calcium What is good sex? When doctors and therapists say sex is
cally. Men and women may find that sex without love or
salts like CaCO3 or Ca(OH)2 because calcium good for you, they really mean that "good" sex is good for
intimacy leaves them vulnerable and depressed.
forms calcium-caseinate which is deadly poi- you. But, what is good sex?
sonous. The Health Benefits of Sex: Many researchers believe that
"Anything that promotes intimacy and closeness seems to
sex and masturbation may provide the following benefits:
2. Do not eat excessive amounts of raw carrots and be good for your health.¡ Everybody has different standards
cabbage because they are iodine chelating or for what good sex is. 1. Helps regulate menstrual cycles in women whose
binding vegetables and may cause goiter. cycles are irregular.
The Human Touch: Studies have shown that physical
3. Do not eat green potato or its sprouts because it touch between mothers and babies is essential to infant 2. Helps promote fertility.
harbors solanine, which is a toxic component. health. Today, hospitals finally allow skin-to-skin contact
between new mothers and their newborns because this early 3. Increases estrogen in women's blood, especially
4. Do not eat uncooked cassava or along with its important to postmenopausal women.
touching is so essential to the mother-and-child bond. But
peel because its peels harbors hydrogen cya- many researchers now believe that we never lose the need 4. Lessens vaginal dryness and hot flashes in post-
nide. for human touch. Throughout our lifetime, physical touch menopausal women.
enables our bodies to relax and feel comfortable and pro-
5. Do not eat uncooked eggs because they have the 5. Helps men and women relax.
tendency to bind biotin and if taken in excess
quantity for prolonged period, it may be fatal. Other Physical Benefits of Sex: There is evidence that sex 6. Eases pain in joints and muscles, including the
has measurable physical health benefits. Some researchers pain of conditions like arthritis.
6. Do not cook or put fat products and milk in believe that regular sex promotes a regular menstrual cycle
copper or brass vessels because this causes 7. Shields the body from illness and the mind from
in women, improves women's fertility, and may have a role depression or aggression.
spoilage. in promoting calcium into bone. There is even evidence that
7. Do not eat puffer fish cooked by untrained cook postmenopausal women who have sex at least once a week 8. Promotes a healthy heart.
because it contains natural poisons. The liver of have higher levels of blood estrogen and fewer detrimental
9. Lengthens lifespan.
puffer fish is highly poisonous. changes in their vaginal lining.
Sandeep Kumar Karn & Arun Kumar Yadav (Nepal)
The Side Effects: While the health benefits of sex may be
Jaynath Sah (Nepal) very real, that's no reason to jump in bed with just anyone.
Sexually transmitted diseases are perhaps the most obvious

Personality Disorder intensity, labiality, and appropriateness of emotional re- category is labeled Personality Disorder NOS (Not Other-
sponse) and Interpersonal functioning impulse control. B. wise Specified).
Personality disorder, formerly referred to as a Character The enduring pattern is inflexible and pervasive across a
Disorder, is a class of mental disorders characterized by Cluster A (odd or eccentric disorders)
broad range of personal and social situations. C. The endur-
rigid and on-going patterns of thought and action
ing pattern leads to clinically significant distress or impair- Cluster B (dramatic, emotional, or erratic disorders)
(Cognitive modules). The underlying belief systems in- ment in social, occupational, or other important areas of
forming these patterns are referred to as fixed fantasies or Cluster C (anxious or fearful disorders)
functioning. D. The pattern is stable and of long duration
"dysfunctional schemata". The inflexibility and pervasive-
and its onset can be traced back at least to adolescence or Studies on clusters: A study of almost 600 male college
ness of these behavioral patterns often cause serious per-
early adulthood. E. The enduring pattern is not better ac- students, averaging almost 30 years of age and who were
sonal and social difficulties, as well as a general functional
counted for as a manifestation or consequence of another not drawn from a clinical sample, examined the relationship
mental disorder. F. The enduring pattern is not due to the between childhood experiences of sexual and physical
Personality disorders are defined by the American Psychiat- direct physiological effects of a substance or a general abuse and presently reported personality disorder symp-
ric Association (APA) as "an enduring pattern of inner medical condition such as head injury. toms. In 2005, psychologists Belinda Board and Katarina
experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the People under 18 years old who fit the criteria of a personal- Fritzon at the University of Surrey, UK, interviewed and
expectations of the culture of the individual who exhibits gave personality tests to high-level British executives and
ity disorder are usually not diagnosed with such a disorder,
it". The onset of these patterns of behavior can typically be compared their profiles with those of criminal psychiatric
although they may be diagnosed with a related disorder. In
traced back to late adolescence and the beginning of adult- patients at Broadmoor Hospital in the UK. They found that
order to diagnose an individual under the age of 18 with a
hood, and, in rare instances, childhood. three out of eleven personality disorders were actually more
personality disorder, symptoms must be present for at least
one year. Antisocial personality disorder, by definition, common in managers than in the disturbed criminals.
General diagnostic criteria: Diagnosis of a personality
disorder must satisfy the following general criteria in cannot be diagnosed at all in persons under 18. Obsessive - compulsive personality disorder: including
addition to the specific criteria listed under the specific perfectionism, excessive devotion to work, rigidity, stub-
List of personality disorders defined in the DSM: The
personality disorder under consideration: A. Experience and bornness and dictatorial tendencies. They described the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of business people as successful psychopaths and the criminals
DSM-IV lists ten personality disorders, grouped into three
the individual's culture. This pattern is manifested in two clusters. The DSM also contains a category for behavioral as unsuccessful psychopaths.
(or more) of the following areas: Cognition (perception and
patterns that do not match these ten disorders, but neverthe- Shailendra Paswan (Nepal)
interpretation of self, others and events), affect (the range,
less exhibit characteristics of a personality disorder. This

Medicines and your Genes sequencing research will be the ability to use genetic Sometimes, the body¡s reaction to
information to predict how individual people will respond a medicine is governed by a single gene. Most of the time,
Human genetic variation not only underlies most human
to medicines. This field of research is known as pharma- however, the body handles a medicine in an intricate
disease, it has an effect on the body¡s responses to disease
cogenetics or pharmacogenomics. series of steps governed by many different genes, as well
and injury and on its responses to medicines. A particular
as by factors like a person¡s diet and environment. Even-
medicine can work better in some people than in others.
tually, scientists expect that doctors will be able to decide
One reason may be that, because their genes differ, their
which medicine to use and even how high the dose should
bodies handle the medicine differently. Doctors first
be on the basis of a patient¡s inherited ability to respond.
realized this in the 1950s, when some patients had bad¡
This will mean far more precise, and effective, therapies.
sometimes fatal¡ reactions to an anesthetic used in
It will also mean fewer side effects and adverse reactions.
surgery. Investigation revealed that those who reacted
badly possessed a genetic variation in the enzyme that Pharmacogenetics or pharmacogenomics is
should have helped break down and dispose of the anes- just one example of how genetics research is fueling great
thetic. The variant enzyme caused them no trouble at all advances in the fight against disease. As scientists probe
until they needed surgery. In the operating room, the even deeper into the mysteries of how genes work, they
anesthetic failed to work as expected. A normal human will continue to provide knowledge that gives us more
genetic polymorphism suddenly became a life-threatening power over disease and greater control of our health.
genetic abnormality.
Santosh Kumar Sah (Nepal)
On the most exciting outcomes of genome
OCTOBER, 1-31, 2008 3


Contour Profiling of Tumor Area remove the tumor efficiently. used for cross correlation of sample mask with reference mask. The

cross correlation coefficient across the correlation matrix is used to

Abstract: Contour line of tumor area in brain image is generated 2. Basic Theory: The image processing technique is used to detect
determine the peak values to generate the contour between the
using image correlation techniques. Tumor area in brain image is the tumor tissues in the brain image. This technique includes a cross
healthy tissues and tumor tissues.
correlated with reference image. The resultant cross correlation is correlation method. It compares a template of the image with actual

plotted with respect to spatial coordinates. The peak values in the image and generates new correlation image. A sampling area of M The brain image can be generated using MR imaging or CT scan-

graph represent transition between normal tissues and tumor. x M pixel matrix will be moved horizontally across the object ning or ultrasound imaging techniques. The image contains gray

image for the cross correlation. It can be defined as: level values ranges from 0 to 255.The reference mask is chosen
Key words: Brain image, Brain tumor, Image correlation and Peak
from dark region on the image. When the sample image is moved
detection. C (x, y) = 1/MN f*(x, y) h (s + x, t + y)¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ . (1),
across the dark region, the correlation with the reference mask
where f* denotes complex conjugate of h be the correlation func-
1. Introduction: The first step of medical treatment is the medical
gives minimum correlation coefficient amplitude and when it is
tion. The principal use of correlation is for matching. In the match-
diagnosis. It provides the status of patients and provides right way
moved from dark to bright region the correlation gives peak coeffi-
ing, f (x, y) is an image containing object or region. If we want to
for the treatment. In case of brain tumor, the diagnosis is for the
cient amplitude for the transition. Those peaks generated for every
determine weather f contains a particular object or region in which
discrimination of tumor tissues from the healthy tissue. Image
transition from dark to bright and bright to dark represent the
we are interested, let h (x, y) be that object or image (i.e. image
processing techniques is used in brain tumor detection. The digital
contour mapping.
template). Then, if there is match, the correlation of two functions
form of brain image (e.g. MRI, CT scan, Ultrasound image) is
will be maximum at location where h finds a correspondence in f. 4. Conclusion: In this paper, correlation technique for contour
correlated with reference image corresponding to healthy brain
Thus, contour between the healthy image and tumor image can be mapping of brain tumor was studied. Image correlation technique
image from the same patient through a sampling area. The sampling
plotted. was the best way to recognize dissimilarities in the image. The
area will be generated with software. The correlation of brain image
cross correlation coefficients were peak at the transition between
with reference image gives the peaks for dissimilar points. These 3. Methodology: A sample mask to traverse the image and a
two dissimilarities in the image.
points represent the boarder line between the healthy tissues and reference mask which is cropped region from the image have been

tumor tissues. With the help of boarder line contour area will be created with varied pixel sizes i.e. 2*2 or 5*5.The intensity distribu- Shambhu Kumar Sah (Nepal)

generated which can be used to decide where to start surgery to tion is in the gray level range i.e. 0 to 255.These amplitudes are

Large Hadron Collider (LHC) doesn¡t belong to that field and doesn¡t have mass, but all of An Electronic Tongue
this is just hypothesis or mathematically predicted theory so
As this is the experiment device, miles of radius and more than 10 scientists want to prove it, without it all physics is going to It¡s a far from the real thing, but a new artificial tongue promises to
billion Euros of cost, situated between France and Switzerland. The fall apart but scientists believe that the Higgs particle only do a lot more than taste hamburgers and lick stamps. Chemist Eric
working mechanism of it is same as Fermi National Accelerator lasted for some times after big bang and because it was so Anslyn of the University of Texas at Austin and his colleagues
Laboratory (Fermilab) just the largest version, and called particle heavy it broke into other small particles and doesn¡t exist have developed a prototype tongue biosensor for sampling liquids:
collider because it simply allows two particles from opposite now. So, to measure it we have to create the conditions a tiny silicon wafer embedded with detection beads that turn color
direction nearly 99.9% of speed of light to collide. similar to that time which scientists are going to do in LHC. in the presence of specific chemicals.
What it actually does is, accelerates protons in the speed of light 2. We know Newton, Einstein and Galileo because of their
and allows them to collide, as to accelerate these particles they need crazy works about gravity, but you would be so shocked that
energy and that every energy used on it will change to its mass as no one knows much about gravity, its source and powers.
predicted by E=mc2. When they get collide they burst into many But new generation scientists like Lisa Randel, have new
small particles and other forms like quarks, and several particles crazy ideas, i.e., our gravity must be leaking out to another
which they capture in data and calculate for what they are up to. universe. If we suppose about multi verse, scientists are
Some of the specific works of LHC are: going to measure something escaping from the boundary of
any mass, which they called gluons, the particles that create
1. Search of Higgs boson, many of us might have heard about gravity.
quarks and small particles, photons etc and of course mass
of their charges, etc. But even our world has achieved so 3. Other things are: checking the signals from futures and
much with science through physics no one actually knows finding multi verse or extra dimensions. Here why they need
about mass, where it comes from and what it actually extra dimension is quite interesting. Most of us might have
means; like some particles have mass but some like photons heard about everything theory, the theory that can explain
have no rest mass, so can travel with speed of light. To everything about our universe; the dream of Einstein for
describe it, in 1970s the Higgs proposed that everywhere in which scientists tried a lot with current theories and base but
universe we have Higgs field (named after himself) which couldn¡t do anything. So, they found some theories to
actually gives any particle a mass if any mass fits and goes describe it with string theory: extra dimension (dimension
along the Higgs field it gets mass and particle like photons up to 11, where we just know about 3 dimensions i.e., X, Y,
Z), time and many other hypothesis which is called M
theory or someone calls it as mad theory too, because it is
The 3D picture 1st captured inside the LHC too mad to think about but can explain everything about
nature and unite all the theories so beautifully.

4 Somewhere we can hear about creating black hole inside it, Right now, Anslyn¡s electronic tongue can
but it is so small and for very small fraction of second, that it only differentiate between acids, simple sugars and certain electri-
couldn¡t harm anyone but right now it got some problems cally charged molecules. In theory, though, many more chemical
and going to start only in this spring. micro-detectors could be added to the chip, enabling the device to
pick out several different components of a solution poured over it.
Whatever, all of this is the creativity and power of human Indeed, an electronic tongue might be really good thing, consider-
mind to understand universe where scientists hope even ing some of the solutions it might be used to taste¡ blood, urine,
couldn¡t find everything but at least they are going to know and polluted water, for instance. Of course, the system might also
where they are wrong and where they are right. Some of be used to assure quality control in much more palatable sub-
them are so hopeful that one of the greatest scientists work- stances, such as wine or soft drinks.
ing in that lab said, ¡ Even if we fail to explore India we
might find new land like America as the greatest explorer Santosh Kumar Sah (Nepal)
Vasco da Gama did.¡ Subash Maharjan


Hand Made Paintings

Art by: Mukul Sharma

Art by: Mukul Sharma

Art by: Mukul Sharma

Dashain between Durga and the demon Mahisasur. The tenth day is seed will have grown to five or six inches long yellow
the day when Mahisasur was slain and the last five days grass. The sacred yellow grass is called 'Jamara'. It is
Warm, sunny days with billowy cloudscapes and kite-flying symbolise the celebration of the victory with the blessing of bestowed by the elders atop the heads of those younger to
breezes melt into the first chills of winter as most of Nepal's
the divine mother. them during the last five days when Tika is put on. The
twenty million people prepare for Dashain, the region's
Jamara is taken as a token of mother Durga as well as the
longest and most auspicious festival in the Nepalese annual
calendar, celebrated by Nepalese of all caste and creed
throughout the country. The fifteen days of celebration
occurs during the bright lunar fortnight (late September and
early October) ending on the day of the full moon. This
festival is known for emphasis on family gatherings, as well
as on a renewal of community ties. Durga is the central
focus of the festival. During this time, her ardent devotees
flood her with abundant offerings, worshiped with innumer- Linge Ping
able Pujas, for she is worshiped throughout the country as
the divine mother. As the main festival approaches, every home is beautifully
decorated, painted and cleaned, as an invitation to the
Receiving Tika from elders
mother Durga, so that she may visit and bless the house
elders¡ blessing.
with good fortune. The market is filled with shoppers
seeking new clothing, gifts, luxuries and enormous supplies The importance of Dashain also lies in the fact that on this
of temple offering for the Durga, as well as foodstuffs for day family members from far off places and distant rela-
the family feasting. In Nepal the life force is embodied in tives come for a visit as well as to receive Tika from the
the divine energy and power of the female, depicted as head of the family. People play ¡Linge ping¡ and have a
Durga in her many forms. Through out the nine days, the merry time, joys filled with happiness. After four days of
first day of Dashain is called Ghatasthapana, which literally rushing around and meeting your relatives Dashain ends on
means pot establishing. A priest or a household man wor- the full moon day, the fifteenth day. In the last day people
Tika and Jamara
ships the Kalash (holy water vessel) everyday once in the stay at home and rest. The full moon day is also called
morning and then in the evening. Barley is sowed on big 'Kojagrata' meaning 'who is awake'.
According to the region's mythology, an ogre 'Rakshes' earthen pots which have a coating of cow dung. These
(monsters) by the name of Mahisasur had caused pain and After the festival is over people settle
seeds will sprout in ten days. The sprouts, which symbolize
suffering amongst humans. Then Durga Bhawani relieved down to their normal life, thus having acquired virtue,
a good harvest, will be decoratively placed on the heads of
the humans by killing the monster. Dashain is the festival family members later on in the festival as a blessing. As the power and wealth.
symbolizing victory of truth over evil. The worshipping of days go by, the seventh day is called Fulpaati, the eighth Dashain thus is not only the longest festival but also
the Nawadurga Bhawani during the Nawaratra (nine nights day, Asthami is the day of sacrifices. Navami, the ninth day the most anticipated one among all the festivals of Nepal.
of worship) from Ghatastapana is an ancient tradition. The is the visiting of temples for worship. By the tenth day, the Prannoy Rana (Nepal)
first nine days signify the nine days of ferocious battle
OCTOBER, 1-31, 2008 5


Michael Phelps Facts - True Athlete Or a Joke?
Michael Phelps is the most celebrated athlete as of late. But is the spotlight he¡s receiving deserved?
Let¡s take a look at corporate power behind his success.
Beijing 2008 Olympics are over, but they'll resonate in people's minds for
a long time. The opening and closing ceremonies put together by host country of China count as the
most spectacular performance ever created by humans. 958 medals were handed out to athletes,
which is the most in Olympic history, but this is not the only reason why Beijing Olympics is forever
going to get shiny highlights in sports books. American swimmer Michael Phelps achieved what no
other Olympian in history had. He was decorated with 8 gold medals from a single Olympics. Mi-
chael Phelps made history in Beijing. Or so it would seem. But was it really so? Is Michael Phelps
Photo: Aabesh

really as good as we're force-fed to believe?

During a very controversial race in the men's 100-meter butterfly on
August 16, 2008 Michael Phelps was pronounced a winner beating Serbian-American swimmer
Milorad Cavic by 0.01 second. Despite initial evidence proving that Milorad Cavic touched the board
with both hands first, somehow the evidence was altered ensuring Michael Phelps comes out of the
race as winner. It takes a closer look at Olympics behind the scenes as it takes a closer look at what's
between the lines to understand why it was so important to make Michael Phelps immortal.

Aabesh Koirala (Nepal)

Cricket Score Gives Out All The Information About A Match

Photo: Aabesh
Today cricket is keenly watched by most of the people and its list of fans is increasing. It is gaining popularity ever since its existence. Cricket fans are crazy for it and they feel some-
thing is missing if they happen to miss any match due to some reason. This shows how passionate they are for a cricket match. They are interested to watch anything regarding cricket
whether it is test match or one-day or even a discussion forum of former and present cricketers. Cricket score is most important for anyone who is watching the match or has missed out.
They want to enjoy every aspect of a cricket match. The fans are in full mood and excitement when a match is played. If the tournament is between two tough contenders then it be-
comes more exciting and fans anyhow make out some time from their work schedule to watch it.
They involve themselves completely and become emotionally attached to the match. Their immense attachment with the match makes them forget all their stress and work. Fans cheer
when the match becomes exciting and they enjoy with every moment of the match. All fans pray for their team to win the match and they keep looking at the cricket score which is
important to win the match. Cricket fans are so much passionate for it that sometimes they use photographs of their favorite players on their mobile phones as wallpapers. Cricket score
can make anyone aware with the happenings in the match. If a fan has missed out to catch the live telecast of the match then there are some other options as well to make him updated
with the scenes in the match. The fan can ask for the cricket score from his friend or some one else who has the latest updates of the match.
If you are a busy working professional, then you just need not to worry for the latest updates. You have every information at your finger steps. Look for cricket dedicated websites that
can inform you with latest cricket score. Here you can find every information some are like overs bowled, wickets taken, runs made, average and much more. This is not all, even some
website can show you the video clips from the matches and it gives the fans extreme pleasure to watch it. If you are unable to browse on web then there are radio channels that gives
live commentary about the match. They are entertaining you along with giving you information. But the crazy fans do not get satisfied with these mediums, they somehow manage to
catch the live broadcast. It is amazing to see the craziness of fans for cricket.
You can also get information regarding a match from the newspapers or from news channels who will keep you updated with every information. Another option is to watch the replay
the telecast of the cricket match. You can glare at the overall performance of the team. Sometimes the players happen to make records and this makes their fans very happy. Cricket
score is the face of a match that shows how their players have performed on the cricket ground.

Australia to Spread the Cricket Word in China

Australian cricket chiefs want to use the Olympics to promote China's involvement in the game Cricket will be the last sport on Chinese minds during the Olympics but that has not
deterred Australia, who are using the Games to promote a campaign for China to become a major force in the world game.
The Chinese Cricket Association has set goals which culminate in World Cup qualification in 2019 and Test status the following year. Ross Turner, Cricket Australia's global develop-
ment manager, believes they will achieve them. "China has such a strategic approach to everything. They will be saying, 'What is the world standard', and trying to better it, seeking
prominence and world recognition."
Just as the billionaire, Sir Allen Stanford, wants to promote his own Twenty20 in the US, so Australia believes the short form of the game can heighten the interest sparked by develop-
ment in city schools and it is again seen as the catalyst. Aabesh Koirala (Nepal)


Avril¡s The Best Damn Tour (Chongqing)
1. Once Zhang Dong was standing by the road near 2. Jack went to a bar regularly. Whenever he sat
his house. A gentleman came by and asked, ¡ Sir, down to drink, he used to take out a frog from his
can you tell me which is the way to Shapingba?¡ pocket and put it on the table. He would start
Zhang Dong watched him for a while and said, drinking and after a while he would stop. He
¡ Go left, and then go right. After 9 kilometers, turn would then put the frog back in his pocket and
right. Again go left. Now turn right. Continue for leave. Everyone was astonished about this. One
another 9 kilometers and you will come to a cross- day he went to drink again. The bartender came to
word. Now go straight and you will reach there.¡ him and murmured, ¡ Drinks for you on the house
today, sir.¡ Please tell me why do you always
¡ Thank you,¡ said the man and he
bring this frog with you? I am very curious.¡
left. After a while, he came back to Zhang Dong.
Annoyingly he said, ¡ What is all this? I followed Jack paused for a while. Then he
all you directions properly and here I am at the answered, ¡ Look, it¡s very simple. When I begin
same place where I began from.¡ Zhang Dong to see two frogs on the table, I remember it¡s time Canadian pop punk queen Avril Lavigne kicked-off her last
coolly replied, ¡ Fine, I was just checking whether for me to leave. Otherwise, I might fall on my way Chinese mainland concert at Chongqing¡s Olympic Stadium
you could follow the directions or not. Now I will home and have an injury. So, after some drink, I with her new hit single "Girl Friend", from her latest album
give you proper directions to Shapingba. put the frog back and leave. "The Best Damn Thing" last Tuesday, ending ¡ The Best
Damn Tour¡ , which featured in various cities of China.
Santosh Kumar Sah (Nepal) Santosh Kumar Sah (Nepal) Entering from the audience stands for her performance, the
singer displayed love towards her fans not concerned about
her personal security at all. Starting off with the fast track as
New Release one of her favorite songs, Lavigne had said that "Girl Friend"
would be a perfect opening song for her concert and did
indeed help her put the audience into the right mood from the
Singer, rapper, songwriter,
actor, director, and producer,
Besides numbers from "The Best Damn Thing", such as
Jay Chou (周杰伦, Zhou Jie "Run Away" and "When You're Gone", the punk singer also
Lun) will soon release his 9th sang several older yet hugely popular pieces, including "My
studio album. The album, Happy Ending", ¡Complicated¡, ¡ I¡m With You¡ and ¡Sk8er
Boi¡. Around 10,000 fans watched Avril as she sang and
entitled Capricorn (魔杰座, Mo danced around the pink and black themed stage, the singer¡s
Jie Zuo), is said to have been new choice of color. Vast majority of the scene were 20 year
inspired by Jay's zodiac sign olds, wearing their fluorescent horns and waving their light
and his interest in sorcery. sticks in favor of the young singer. The singer, also known as
the ¡Rock Elf¡, interacted with the audience sometimes by
Chou made his debut in 2000.

telling them to ¡ Hush, quiet down!¡ and then ¡Shout aloud¡

Since then he has released one when sometimes by raising her left hand towards the crowd
album each year and also held on the left and her right hand towards the crowd on the right.
some concerts. Just a few The audience in turn responded with huge roars of cheering
months ago he performed at the and applause, the act, signifying the success of the concert.
Olympic stadium in The audience singing ¡ Girlfriend¡ along with Avril and the
chorus of several other songs shows how popular punk rock
Chongqing. Apart from music,
is in China, English speaking not being much popular.
he has appeared in several
movies such as Kung Fu Dunk
( 功 夫 灌 篮 , Gong Fu Guan Avril took this opportunity to promote her new clothing
brand, ¡ Abbey Dawn¡, which was launched in May this year
Lan), Secret (不能说的秘密, in the US. The crowd was electrified by her enigmatic ap-
Bu Neng Shuo De Mi Mi), and pearance, the brand being displayed on one of the 3 big
Curse of the Golden Flower screens which were used to display her performing during the
concert. Avril recently turned 24 on the 27th of the month.
(满城尽带黄金甲, Man Cheng
She had flown in from Guangzhou after her performance on
Jin Dai Huang Jin Jia). He has the 28th where the audience wished her ¡ Happy Birthday¡
also won more than 350 awards through chart posters and writings. Many people are happy
in Asia. You don't have to that she celebrated her birthday here in China itself.
understand Chinese to enjoy
Jay Chou's songs. He is a very
The singer said that she felt glad to ¡ wrap it up¡ in
well known artist even among
Chongqing, just after she surprised the audience by inviting a
foreigners. Many might not guest over to her performance, her husband Dercyk Whibley,
know Vivian Hsu (徐若瑄, Xu lead vocals and rhythm guitarist of yet another very popular
punk band Sum41. Dercyk sang a very popular Sum41 song
Ruo Xuan) but they will know Jay. In Baidu (the most popular search engine in China) he was the num- ¡ In Too Deep¡ which left the crowd chanting for more. Many
ber one searched male artist in the years 2002, 05, 06, and 07. Jay Chou's music style, known to many as fans were however disappointed since the concert time edged
the "Chou Style" is very unique. It is in this style that he often combines traditional Chinese instruments a little less than 60 minutes since the singer sang less songs
with R&B or rock. This album is scheduled to be released on October, 9 2008 and will contain 11 tracks. instead of the promised 19. Complains of the security not
All of which are sung in mandarin. So whether you're a fan of Jay, curious about the Chou Style, or just permitting the audience to stand during the performance
could be heard as well.
looking for good music, this album is for you.
Sagun Shrestha (Nepal)
Boniface Ferdinand Masau (Tanzania)
OCTOBER, 1-31, 2008 7



Dear Editor, Dear Editor, Dear Editor,
Very nice! Good idea to publish a wall magazine. I hope Cheers for bringing a wall magazine. But can¡t you guys I would like to congratulate the members of THE INFOR-
there will be cool stuffs. I hope the issue will get better publish a magazine in the form of a book instead of wall MATICS for becoming successful in getting full support
and better every month. How about technology related magazine? It would be a great honor for all of you if you from the administration and the students of Chongqing
gadgets and giving the coolest ones space in fun & enter- can publish a magazine in the form of a book or publish a Medical University. I highly appreciate your idea and
tainment section? I wish it can make attempts to cope with booklet or brochure or memorial book. I hope you will do strategy. I have thought of helping you in many ways but
the issues concerning the youth and presenting dynamic that in near future. I request THE INFORMATICS team for now I just want to support you with my words for
ideas that help the young to propel ahead towards devel- to include the articles of students or readers irrespective of words have more power than atom bombs.
opment. Last but not the least I request THE INFOR- their nationality. I wish all the success in your campaign. I
Keep it up! we all the students are here
MATICS team to include a film review of newly released will strongly support the monthly wall magazine THE
with heart and soul to help you in difficulties.
Hollywood movies in every issue. INFORMATICS.
Dil Kumar Limbu (Nepal)
Santosh Kumar Sah (Nepal) Jaynath Sah (Nepal)

And, learning sport is also very important as it helps us become physically fit and healthy.
My College Life
As we know the famous saying, ¡ a healthy mind develops in a healthy body,¡ our
body should be physically fit and healthy to keep our mind healthy. To keep our body
Recalling about the past, I am feeling the time flies; virtually flies like a rocket. For a long physically fit and healthy it is very necessary to play sport. The environment and system in
time, I was very confident about stability of my static life, which has changed drastically China brought a change in me. Now I play some sports. So, the drastic changes occurred
because of change in many things like education, language and sport, in no time, eventu- in my static life because of changes in education, language and sport, were witnessed by
ally, after I began my college life in Chongqing, China. Dr. Rudolf Virchow, a German me during my college life in Chongqing Medical University.
pathologist, for example, never had any concern about change in his life, as he was changed by
birth, as he was born in a developed country. Even well into the twentieth century, Julius Robert
The changes occurred in education, language and sport during my college life were the
Oppenheimer, an American physicist, remained the same. But, I began to detect a new theme
catalysts in my static life which were responsible for bringing changes in my static life; for
emerging in me: the theme of change in my static life after I began my college life in a country
which many people or students struggle day and night. Here comes a question: changes for
which is more developed than my homeland. Today not only me many more are more and more
conscious of the changes not as a problem but as a progress. Specially, educated and knowl- what? Answer will be, obviously for learning new things and for becoming better than
before. Changes here refer to a positive change which means progress or development. We
edgeable people are conscious of the changes and development. Illiterate and uneducated
people are always victim of superstitious beliefs, and strongly refuse or discard the changes and are studying in college simply means that we are trying to learn new things and also trying
to become better than before. So, we should be conscious of the change in order to change
development. While educated and knowledgeable people bow their head in front of changes and
our static life. For that we should be well acquainted with the best information about as
development, and try their best to gain as much advantages as they can gain from those changes
many things as possible, as we know, ¡ the most successful man in life is the one who
and development. The famous Cambodian proverb, ¡ the immature rice stalk stands erect,
has the best information.¡
while the mature stalk, heavy with grain, bends over,¡ strongly supports the above sen-
The future is unforeseeable, what can we do is to master now; today is our hope. So, we
should try our best and do as much as possible in our college life to see better future.
I still can remember the day I stepped in Chongqing, the memory is just like so fresh as if all
the things happened yesterday! My room in dormitory was as black as pitch with the thick College life is lived in a small society. Being a member of a small society, living under the
same sun, we need to be sociable; and maintain peace and harmony. We should solve
darkness when I first stepped into my room. There were no any lights working; so I lit up a
candle, you can¡ t imagine how stealthily, stealthily¡ ..until, at length, a single dim ray, like every disputes between friends by words not by force; as it is said, ¡ handle them care-
the thread of the spider, shot out from the crevice and fell upon my eyes as if that was illusion fully, for words have more power than atom bombs.¡ We should do hard work with
or was just tending me to remind the houses of my homeland; dark and dusty with many cracks strong determination in our college life as it determines and makes our future. If we have
and crevices. I was feeling as if I was heavily drunk. However, when I woke up on the next day, better performances and achievements in our college life, we will have bright future and
I felt as if my room was shining like a bright star. How fast was the service; all the broken lights brilliant career. My college life was full of curiosities, goals, dreams, hard works, determi-
were replaced by new ones before the day break. I could see air-conditioner, television, tele- nations, promises, achievements, performances, enjoyments, challenges, difficulties,
phone, boiler and furniture in my room, and a big forest of skyscrapers out of the window. problems, etc. I did overcome all the challenges, difficulties and problems by hard work
When I stepped out to eat something, pointed chopsticks with a bowl of noodles were given to and strong determination, and was able to kill the curiosities, keep promises, acquire
me. That was the first change that I witnessed in my college life; drastic change in food variety goals, dreams, better performances, achievements, which ended with enjoyments. I was
and eating style. The very first day of my college life started with many changes, in that way. able to grasp all the advantages and positive things of college life in every field. All these
The ways by which I affirm changes are not uncertain and obscure. There are multiplying signs, better performances and achievements in education, language and sport brought a drastic
indeed, that something has brought a rapid change in my static life after I began my college life change in my static life, subsequently, after I began my college life in Chongqing Medical
in Chongqing, China. University, Chongqing, China. All those better performances and achievements were the
outcome or result of my college life. So, I am very proud of my college life.
The multiplying signs contribute to the production of vivid, concrete visual imagery to present
the dynamic setting of my college life. As we know, ¡ college (latin = collegium) is a term All in all, my personal opinion is that, college life is an especially
important period of time. You should make good use of your golden time in college life. In
most often used today to denote an educational institution,¡ learning education along with
college life, you will learn a lot of things not only in textbooks, but also outside textbooks;
learning language and learning sport are the most basic and most important things for students not only in theory, but also in practice. If life were a piece of colorful drawing, college life
in college life. Learning education is very important because education is the light of the life, would be one of the brightest colors. If life were a meaningful poem, college life would be
which removes the darkness from one¡ s life with its brightness; and is important, also because one of the most beautiful words. If life were a piece of graceful music, college life would
it determines and makes one¡ s future. As teaching system in our college is based on scientific be one of the most touching tones. College life is a mountain of treasures. If you pay
teaching methodology, the lessons were taught very smoothly with the help of the computer. attention to your college life, you will pick a lot of precious things. As you know, ¡ time
The blackboards were rarely used. If I had to talk about my homeland, very few colleges use and tide waits for none,¡ you should do everything in time to make your college life
scientific teaching methodology; most of the colleges are still dependent on chalks and black- meaningful. I can only think of these things. This is all about vivid, concrete visual im-
boards. I felt as if I jumped from 18th century world to the country of 21st century. That was a agery that explains dynamic setting of my college life; that owes a debt of gratitude to
very positive aspect, at the same time it was a motivation for me to work hard. The atmosphere Chongqing Medical University and Chongqing, China; the umbrella of many Foreign
of studying was very good, and we encouraged each other. We used to discuss and study to- Teachers and International Students.
gether. In the final examination, many of us got scholarship but I did not get because of low
scores in Chinese language. To be honest, I should have been proud of them but not, as I am
very selfish in studying matter, because better performance leads to bright future and brilliant
career. Chief Editor
Mr. Keshav Bhattarai (Nepal)
Similarly, learning language is also very important because it can help to get adapt, study and
become social in a new environment. We learnt Chinese with our teachers and Chinese friends. It was awarded the first prize for Campus Cup contest of composition organized by
I had also made Chinese Messenger (QQ) to learn Chinese. I also have developed Chinese Overseas Students¡ Office of Chongqing Medical University.
accent in my English. Now, I can understand the Chinese teachers and students very clearly.
The knowledge of language will be a great tool if I wish to work and live in China in future. For full version:

Message from the Chief Editor Message from the Overseas Students¡ Office Message from the Advisor

Dear readers, Dear students, Dear students,

I am delighted that we, the promoters of THE We feel very privileged to be the Advisor of THE It is a joy and privilege to be a small part of this
INFORMATICS, have built a dream come-true INFORMATICS, the monthly wall magazine fine publication. I look forward to continuing to
wall magazine. With our efforts directed at provid- where we plan to develop excellent writers in see all of your creativity in action.
ing a genuine platform for aspiring medical and different fields like contemporary language, health
We all have much to learn and to give. May this
non-medical students to enhance their creativity, & medicine, science & technology, art & culture,
be a format to give and receive.
THE INFORMATICS is poised to become one of fun & entertainment, etc. We will be able to do so
the most favored destinations for magazine read- because in our team we have a dynamic and dedi- It has been said that ¡Learning is a treasure that
ers. cated faculty who truly love writing and reading. will follow its students everywhere.¡ May we
By following their example, we are sure, our stu- learn together with enthusiasm and passion.
The involvement in magazine remains one of the
dents will also learn to become the compassionate
most appealing and satisfying of all activities and I Communication happens in many forms and lan-
students and innovative writers, we expect them to
am confident that THE INFORMATICS will guages. May this be an opportunity for all of us to
uphold that spirit and be an ideal place to earn a communicate across cultures and languages. Mak-
quality experience in an atmosphere congenial to Our goal is to provide for all students an extra- ing bridges and building connections. Experience
read and write. To provide that atmosphere, THE curricular experience that is demanding and rigor- that stays with us long after we leave our class-
INFORMATICS will take every possible care to ous of the highest quality¡ yet, one that is enjoy- rooms.
see that the infrastructure, manpower, and the able. We aim to teach our students to combine
Although the summer Olympics are past and all
services are of international standards. rigorous knowledge in a scientific way and de-
the gold medals earned. We have an opportunity
velop a character which is humane and compas-
In THE INFORMATICS, you will have the advan- to continue the spirit of the famous Olympic com-
tage of getting maximum information in a most petition ¡ One World, One Dream¡ here at Chong
ambient atmosphere. We invite you to explore the opportunities that Yi. It is a part of our competing for the best and
THE INFORMATICS offers in writing and read- earning our local gold. The highest and greatest!
I promise to provide you ultimate satisfaction by
ing field. Please let us know if we can help you in
offering you many opportunities to read, write and I encourage each and every student to join together
any way.
participate. and support this worthy publication both in writing
You are welcome to THE INFORMATICS. and in reading. Pass the word to others! Seize the
Welcome once again to THE INFORMATICS.
Overseas Students¡ Office
Mr. Keshav Bhattarai (Nepal)
Ms. Faith Birnstein (America)
Chongqing Medical University
Chief Editor
Chongqing, China. Advisor

THE INFORMATICS (The international English language monthly wall magazine) is published monthly by International Students¡ Union, Chongqing Medical
University, No. 1 Yixueyuan Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 400016, China. Tel: 0086-23-68485947. Email:
The magazine is exhibited free of cost to all the readers.
All the opinions and articles published herein are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. While every effort has been made to
check the accuracy of the information contained herein, we accept no responsibility for any inconvenience that may be caused. The contents may not be pro-
duced in any form without the prior written consent of the publisher. All rights reserved. Copyright ? 2008 by International Students¡ Union, Chongqing Medi-
cal University, Chongqing, China.
THE INFORMATICS welcomes you to send us your articles, comments, suggestions and opinions in electronic version via email.
The wall magazine is exhibited free of cost to all the readers.
All the opinions and articles published herein are those of the writers and do not necessarily re-
flect those of the publisher or of the editors. While every effort has been made to check the accu-
racy of the information contained herein, we accept no responsibility for any inconvenience that
may be caused. The contents may not be produced in any form without the prior written consent
of the publisher. All rights reserved. Copyright ? 2008 by International Students¡ Union,

YEAR 1 VOL. 1 NO. 1, Overseas Students¡ Office, Chongqing Medical University

Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, China.
THE INFORMATICS welcomes you to send us your articles, comments, suggestions and
opinions in electronic version via email.

International Students¡ Union
Chongqing Medical University

Overseas Students¡ Office
Chongqing Medical University
No. 1 Yixueyuan Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 400016, The P. R. China
Tel: 0086-23-68485947

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