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Fifth Issue/ Edition


A G E T R I - M

YEAR 1 VOL. 1 NO. 5

International Students' Union
Chongqing Medical University

Overseas Students' Office
Chongqing Medical University
No. 1 Yixueyuan Road, Yuzhong District,Chongqing 400016, The P. R. China
Fifth Issue/ Edition


YEAR 1 VOL. 1 NO. 5



Contemporary Language 1

Health & Medicine 2

Science & Technology 3

Art & Culture 4

Sports & Events 5

Fun & Entertainment 6

Comments & Compositions 7

China & The World 8

Music & Band 9

Human Diseases: News & Research 10

Mr. Keshav Bhattarai (Nepal)
1. Contemporary Language : Ms.
El'skina Joyosubagio (Indonesia)
2. Health & Medicine: Mr. Aabesh
Koirala (Nepal) Mr. Shambhu WINNER: P. SRIKANTH
Kumar Sah Nepal (400M RACE)
3. Science & Technology: Mr. Prannoy
Rana (Nepal)
4. Art & Culture: Mr. Mukul Sharma
5. Sports & Events: Mr. Sagun Shrestha
6. Fun & Entertainment: Mr. Boniface
F. Masau (Tanzania)
7. Comments & Compositions: Mr.
Thomas Hii Chung Ee (Malaysia)
8. China & The World Ms Eunice
Kissiwaah Ansong Ghana
9. Music & Band: Mr. Dil Kumar
Limbu (Nepal)
10. Human Diseases (News & Research):
Ms. Shristi Dahal (Nepal) April 10th 2009, I think all the students well known about, as
COMPUTER LAYOUT it is our SPORTS DAY. On that day our university conducted the sports meet
Mr. Keshav Bhattarai (Nepal) in new campus (DA XUE CHENG)), CHONGQING MEDICAL UNIVER-
Mr. K. V. M. Vinod (India)
CHIEF ADVISORS Our sports meet having so many events like HIGH JUMP,
1. Mrs. Yang Hong (China)
2. Mr. Wang Dong; Victor (China) LONG JUMP, RUNNING, 400 meters RELAY, SHOT PUT and so on. In ad-
CO-ADVISORS dition, our university overseas students had actively participated in the events.
1. Ms. Faith Birnstein (America)
2. Mrs. Chen Min (China) In 400 meters, RUNNING 2006-batch Indian student P. SRI-
KANTH VARMA stood first in the race. This is the cheerful moment for our
1. Mr. Tejaswi Sathuluri (India)
2. Mr. Rakesh Babu (India) overseas students because this the first time that overseas student stood first in
3. Mr. K. V. M. Vinod (India)
4. Mr. Kudzai Muchegwa (Zimbabwe) 400 meters running. All other participants also tried well to get the place.
International Students' Union With this happy moment our sports day had ended on that day.
Web: By: Dr. Vel Murugananth V


Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE): Frequently missed at first visit – CASE REPORT
Case Report By: Dr. Mohan Khadka, MBBS (KU, Nepal), ECFMG certified (USA), MD resident, CQMU, Chongqing, China
Background: Many SLE cases especially in young women are frequently missed in the first visit due to which patients suffer in terms of
morbidity, economic expenditure and time.

A 30-year-old Chinese woman came to FAHCQMU (First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University) with a 4 days his-
tory of new onset of skin rashes with fever. She revealed that she was on Anti-tubercular treatment (ATT) Regime for 4 days. She was diag-
nosed with pulmonary tuberculosis a half month before she presented at the local hospital with complaints of low grade fever, fatigue, malaise,
myalgia, arthralgia, anorexia, significant weight loss, occasional cough and non specific chest and abdominal discomfort ongoing for 4 months.
At local hospital, she was diagnosed with Tubercular pleuritis and peritonitis for which ATT with Isoniazid and Rifampicin was
given. She developed sudden skin rashes with high grade fever the day after she began ATT and was given dexamethasone for two days. Later,
she came to FAHCQMU due to unsatisfactory results at local hospital.
Her past medical history was uneventful for diabetes, hypertension or autoimmune diseases. She had regular menstruation of 4-6/30
until she developed amenorrhea for past 3 months.
When examined at the time of admission,she was looking lethargic and moderately cachexic. She was mildly febrile with 37.5 degree
Celsius; her pulse rate was 90 beats per minute, and her blood pressure was 100/64 mmHg. . A few left upper cervical and supraclavicular lym-
phnodes were palpable accompanied by mild tenderness. Rest of the physical examination findings were normal and unremarkable.
Laboratory studies disclosed the following values:
A complete blood count showed a white cell count of 2.42 x 109/L (normal 3.70 – 9.20 x 109/L). Hemoglobin was 83 g/L (113.0 –
151.0 g/L), RBC count 3.28 x 1012/L (normal3.68 x 1012/L-5.13 x 1012/L) and platelets 91 x 109/L. Electrolytes were found to be of lesser val-
ues than normal. Urinalysis showed cloudy urine with protein 2+. CT with contrast and USG scan of the abdomen showed evidence of multiple
small sizes gallbladder stones and also benign hepatic angioma measuring 33 x 18 mm.
She was admitted to the Gastroenterology Unit at FAHCQMU with differential diagnoses of peritonitis, pleuritis due to tuberculosis/
cancer/ systemic autoimmune disease. Additional diagnosis of ATT induced hypersensitivity reactions for recently developed skin rashes with
fever was made. Cholelithiasis, benign hepatic angioma were defined as coincidental findings. ATT was stopped since the result was negative
for tuberculosis. Lupus anticoagulant was negative. Testosterone was reduced below normal limit.
A diagnosis of SLE was made on the second day of admission, and oral prednisolone, a steroid with the dose of 1 mg/kg/day in two
divided doses was started. She did not have chest and abdominal pain and on palpation, the abdomen was less tender than previous findings.
Chest X-ray showed only mild lung infiltrates. After 29 days of admission, she showed significant progress in terms of morbidity. All of her
previous complaints disappeared except for amenorrhea and she was discharged with the advice of continuing prednisolone 30 mg in two di-
vided doses and was asked for follow up exam after a week.

SLE is a multisystemic autoimmune disorder characterized by a broad range of manifestations and the finding of antibodies in the
blood directed against one or more components of cell nuclei. It has a definite female predominance (9:1; F: M). The most common areas of
involvement are the joint and cutaneous system, with nonspecific complaints of fever, malaise and fatigue, and renal disease. The initial mani-
festation, however, can involve any organ system either singly or in combination, which frequently makes diagnosis difficult. The American
Rheumatism Association recommends 4 of the following 11 revised criteria for the diagnosis of SLE- malar rash, discoid rash, photosensitivity,
oral ulcers, arthritis, serositis, renal disorder, neurologic disorder, hematologic disorder, immunologic disorder on serologic testing, and antinu-
clear antibodies.
Our case illustrates the mutable manifestations of SLE, nearly misdiagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis. . As X-Ray of Chest and
PPD showed negative result for Tuberculosis, fortuitous screening with ANA titers for connective tissue disease was done for a timely diagno-
sis of SLE.
Our patient had multiorgan involvement of SLE, namely, hematologic, renal, integumentary and rheumatological. One could think of
Isoniazid induced Lupus as differential diagnosis but she complained of multisystemic involvement for 4 months before taking Isoniazid for a
few days. For her 3 months long amenorrhic history, the possibility of autoimmune induced thyroiditis was suspected. However serum T3, T4
and TSH values came within normal range. The other possibility for amenorrhea could be due to malnutrition secondary to anorexia as a result
of SLE in the patient. We can even think of the possibility of direct casual relationship between SLE and amenorrhea which could be due to
subclinical or clinical autoimmune ovarian damage.
It is important that the physician should suspect SLE as a potential differential diagnosis especially in young woman presenting with severe
constitutional symptoms e.g. loss of appetite and significant loss of weight including multisystem involvement simulating tuberculosis or can-
cer. The association between SLE and amenorrhea needs to be well defined by medical research in future at molecular level too.

Case Report By: Dr. Mohan Khadka

For full version:


Sources Intelligence in computer language
Php Hacker’s main language
LAN Python, XHtml, Ftp, JavaScript, labels etc
Camouflaging Very dangerous extent (like cancer)

Trick makes a trick finder (hacker) perfect in computer world. I am a trick defender (a white hated anti-
hacker). Today there is no time to type www. and .com at the end, due to the laziness which we earned from the
computer (using of ctrl + enter trick or short keys). Our mind expects short keys or tricks in every forms of life. This
kind of emerging thinking leads to exploit our knowledge to find more tricks, which results in hacking – hackin –
hckn – hkn – hkg and so on.
If someone does not agree with this, I want to know how many persons in this
world are using genuine versions of software, platform, operating system and hardware label. Here, I am going to
prove this article is genuine and 100 percentage acceptable because I am “A white hated anti- hacker.”
Here I am going to write about the truths and facts about hacking and security systems to prevent our self from it.
1. How do black hat hackers plan their mission?
Most of the hackers are young people who are below 26 (according to the survey in 2008)
because they are beginners (trick finders). Experienced hackers are not trick finders they are trick makers. Hackers
usually plan their mission according to the enemies’ security level, intelligence about computer. At first the hackers
have to make an eraser to hide paths towards their goals. Such as changing IP address, using illegal internet connec-
tions (free wireless, pinned wires etc) and attempts to enter through back doors and firewall breakings.
Continue in next issue…………………………….
Written By: K. V. M. Vinod Assistants: K. Sunil Kumar & Kathi Vijayender Reddy

Conficker is a computer virus also known as Downup, Downadup or kido. It primarily targets Microsoft Windows operating system. It
was detected in October 2008. The virus primarily attacks windows through a vulnerability in the network port. This virus reportedly
attacked nearly 15 million computers worldwide. Important computers in the French Navy and the UK’s Ministry of Defence were
attacked by this virus.
Account lockout policies will be reset automatically. Microsoft features like automatic updates. Background Intelligent Transfer Ser-
vices, Windows Defender and Error reporting services will be disabled automatically. Updates of the antivirus software will be turned
off. The worm attempts to create a HTTP Server and open a random port between 1024 and 10000 in the victim computer and makes it
a server. On successful creation of the HTTP Server, the worm downloads the copy of itself to the victim computer. The worm also
resets the Restore point. Most of the Variants of the Downadup worm will trigger the payload on April 1. There are five variants of this
virus conficker A, B, C, D, E. Variants B and C infect new hosts through Windows autorun mechanism. Variant C of the worm resets
system restore points and disables system services such as windows automatic update, windows security center, windows Defender and
Windows Error reporting. Microsoft announced a $250000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the individuals behind the
creation of the conficker worm.
On 15 October 2008, Microsoft released an emergency out of band patch for vulnerability created by the worm. The patch works with
only Windows XP SP2, Windows XP SP3, and Windows Vista. Third party antivirus softwares such as ESET, F secure, Symantec,
Sophos, Kaspersky Lab have released updates to remove the worm. United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team recommends
disabling autorun to prevent Variant B of the worm from spreading through the removable media. Even though, there was a sign of
relief that the worm did not create a massive payload on April 1, there was a new variant (variant F) discovered in April 8. Variant F
which still remains active worldwide affecting computers through the internet and removable disks. The best way to keep your com-
puter out of reach of this virus is to keep your antivirus software up to date and not turning off windows automatic updates.
By: Bala Parameswara Rao


Introduction: The Mosuo (Chinese: Mósuō also spelled Moso or Musuo) are a small ethnic group living in Yunnan and Sichuan Prov-
inces in China, close to the border with Tibet. Consisting of a population of 50,000, most of them are found near Lugu Lake, high in the
Tibetan Himalayas in China.
Although culturally distinct from the Nakhi, the Chinese government places them as members of the Naxi (or Nakhi)
minority. Their culture has been documented by indigenous scholars Lamu Gatusa and Latami Dashi .
Script: A chart of ancient Mosuo symbols (and meanings written in chinese) found at the Mosuo Cultural Museum, Lugu Lake. Gener-
ally, the Mosuo uses the Han script for daily communication. The Tibetan script is mainly used for religious purposes. The Mosuo also
have their own native religion, called Daba, which uses 32 symbols. However, there are currently efforts underway to develop a written
form of the Mosuo language, most notably by the Lugu Lake Mosuo Cultural Development Association.
Language: The Mosuo speak a dialect of the Naxi language, which resides in the Tibetan-Burman family. While there is no question
that the language of the "Mosuo" and that of the "Naxi" are very closely related (i.e. dialects of one and the same language), some
"Mosuo" speakers resent the use of the language name "Naxi", which is commonly used to refer to the dialect of the town of Lijiang and
the surrounding villages; a more adequate name would be "Na", which is the common autonym of the "Mosuo" as well as of the "Naxi".
Customs: The Mosuo culture is most frequently described as a matriarchal culture. In fact, the Mosuo themselves frequently use this
description, to attract tourism and interest in their culture. They have aspects of a matriarchal culture, in that women are, in many house-
holds, the head of the house, property is passed through the female line, and women tend to make the business decisions. However, po-
litical power tends to be in the hands of males, which disqualifies them as a true matriarchy.
Coming of age: The coming of age ceremony, usually at around 12–14 years of age, is one of the most important events in a Mosuo
child's life. Before this ceremony, Mosuo children will dress the same and are restricted from certain aspects of Mosuo life. But once
they come of age, girls are given their skirts, and men are given their trousers (thus, it is called the “skirt ceremony” for girls, and the
“trouser ceremony” for boys). Before coming of age, children are forbidden to participate in certain activities, particularly those that
involve religious ceremonies. Also, a child who dies before having this ceremony will not receive the traditional funeral. After coming of
age, Mosuo females can get their own private bedroom; and, once past puberty,
can begin to invite partners for “walking marriages.”
Matriarchy: Mosuo families tend to trace their lineage through the female side of
the family (they may sometimes not even know who the father of a particular child
is, so tracing through the paternal line is impossible). Families that do not have a
female to take the role of a family's matriarch may "adopt" a woman from another
family, and she will take over as head of the house when the current matriarch
dies. She, and her offspring, will be included in the ‘family genealogy'. It is not
uncommon for families to "adopt" outsiders into their family. This may be to
maintain gender balances; it may be because another family has become too small
to maintain its numbers; it may be due to orphaning of a child, etc. Once adopted,
that person is considered a part of the “house,” on equal footing with everyone else
in the house, and sharing in that house's history and heritage. However, the family
name is inherited by the daughter and so is the proprietorship. MOSUO PERFORMING CULTURAL DANCE
Walking marriages: Probably the most famous and most misunderstood aspect of Mosuo culture is their practice of “walking mar-
riage” (zou hun in Chinese), so called because the men walk to the house of their ‘partner' at night, but return to their own home in the
morning. Women between certain can have their own private bedrooms. They call it tisese, which translates literally as "walking back
and forth.” The traditional culture is strongly matrilineal and matrilocal. Traditionally, a Mosuo woman who is interested in a particular
man will invite him to come and spend the night with her in her room. Such pairings are generally conducted secretly, so the man walks
to her house after dark, spends the night with her, and returns home early the next morning. While it is possible for a Mosuo woman to
change partners as often as she likes. Few Mosuo women have more than one partner at a time but most of them will have one partner
lifetime. In recent years, much information about the Mosuo has portrayed their culture as a sexually promiscuous one in which women
change partners frequently.
Lifestyle: The Mosuo are primarily an agrarian culture, and their daily life reflects this. Most work centers on raising crops, such as
grains and potatoes, and caring for livestock, including yaks, water buffalos, sheep, goats, and poultry. So far as dietary needs go, the
Mosuo are largely self-sufficient, able to raise everything they need for day-to-day life. Meat is a significant part of the Mosuo diet; as
the Mosuo lack refrigeration, most meat tends to be salted or smoked, to be preserved for future use. The Mosuo are somewhat famous
for their preserved pork, which can be kept for 10 years or more and used when needed. The Mosuo also have their own local alcohol,
called Sulima, which is made from grain and is similar to strong wine. It is drunk quite regularly, and usually offered to guests. It will
also be drunken at all important ceremonies and festivals.
By: Dr. Subash Lamichhane


In the month of April, 2006 Batch students S.N.PRASANTH and

K.SUNIL organized the badminton competitions in the indoor stadium of our university with the help of
overseas student’s office. Almost 40 students had participated in those competitions in different events like
men’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles, and women’s singles. All the participants had actively
participated in those competitions.
In all the games except in semifinals and finals there were three sets
and each set was for 11 points. However, in semifinals and finals it was for 21 points. Players got chance in
finals played well with different shots like smashes, backhand shots etc...
There were 31 students who
had participated in men’s singles. The winner was N.KALYAN
MOHAN RAO. The runner up was L.S.Y.M.J MAHARAJ.
There were 22 students who had participated as 11 teams in
men’s doubles. The winner team was L.S.Y.M.J MAHARAJ and
MOHAMMED ABDUL RAZAK. The runner up team was
students participated in women’s singles. The winner was
There were eight students participated as four teams in women’s
doubles. The winner team was P.SUSMITHA and SHAIK MO-
HAMMED RAHELLA SABREEN. The runner up team was
Tejaswi Sathuluri

2005 batch students jointly with overseas student’s office conducted the volleyball
competition in March of 2009. Each team was unique in its play & it was a tough competition and every team played
very well. The league matches were based on best of three sets and the final was played on the best of five sets.
There were total of five teams. The teams were from 2005 batch class 1, class 2 and
class 1, class 2, class 3 of 2006 batch. The competition was on league basis i.e. each team had to play four matches
with others.
Two teams, which were qualified for the finals, were 2006batch
class1 and 2005-batch class 2. First two sets were won by 2005batch class2.
Then on 2006 batch class1 showed some resistance and outsmarted 2005batch
class2. Every player showed his or her unique performance. The players did
not lose their confidence even when the match was in the hands of opponent
team. At last, with great effort, 2006batch class 1 students won the other three
sets successively and took the rolling trophy. It was a real treat for the audi-
ence. The proverb "Try and try until you succeed” suits the winner’s team.
Players of 2006 batch class 1: Maha, Sai , Abu , Kiran , Vel
Murugananth ,and Rahella along with substitutes Yashwanth , Prasanna ,
Vanith and Vasanth.
Players of 2005 batch class 2: Savindar, Karthik, Amit, Sunil, Ojaswi, Aakash, Shailendra, and Laxman.
Rakesh Babu


The first kite festival in Chongqing Medical University organized

by foreign student’s office under the guidance of the Director of foreign student’s office on sev-
enth, March 2009 at 3 pm was entirely a new way of fun and entertainment for overseas stu-
dents in Chongqing Medical University.
On the kite festival there were enough kites provided to the over-
seas students by foreign student’s office on Chongqing Medical University. The foreign stu-
dents were seen enjoying the kite festival among their friends.
It is believed that the kite festival will continue in coming years in
better, advanced, well organized, and scientific way. The first kite festival in Chongqing Medi-
cal University was only organized for foreign students in this time. However, it is believed that
even Chinese students will be enjoying this festival together with foreign students in coming
Since this kind of festival really brings friendship and harmony
among students in students’ life. Hence, the foreign students were highly thankful to foreign
student’s office for organizing the kite festival in Chongqing Medical University.
By: Jaynath Sah


Most of us over the years have known A: I think America and Japan are developed countries but
Victor in one way or the other. Perhaps he has helped you China is a developing country and it is developing quickly. If
out when you needed help or maybe you were not following you compare the big cities like Beijing and Shanghai to New
some school rule and he put you back in the right path. Do York, it is difficult to judge which is better. I think
you really know victor? What is his favorite food? What are Chongqing, Shanghai, and Beijing develop quickly and now
his hobbies? Well today, we get up close and personal with they can compare with New York and Tokyo. There is no
the man in charge. difference.
Q: Kudzai and A: Victor Q: Which destination would you like to visit and why?
Q: What is your full name? A: I would like to visit Paris because it is a romantic place.
A: Wang Dong Right now, I would like to visit India and Nepal because
most of our students come from there. I hope to know them
Q: Where were you born? further. I also hope to visit Africa.
A: Chongqing Q: What is your favorite food?
Q: Which university did you attend and what course did A: I like ice cream and orange juice.
you take?
Q: Are your married? In addition, how many children do
A: SISU and I took a course in English you have?
Q: How long have you been working at this university? A: Yes, but no children yet
A: I have been working in this university since 1992. Q: What are your hobbies?
Q: Is this job as the Director of Foreign Students’ Office A: I like hiking, travelling, and playing badminton.
your dream job?
Q: Many students would like to know why sometimes you
A: Yeah are very friendly and sometimes you are very strict?
Q: When did you start learning English? A: It is like that because of my status as a teacher. Most of
A: Junior High School the time I think I should befriend everyone because they
come to China and leave their parents so I try to look at them
Q: What is your general overview of the educational system
as my younger brother or younger sister but I am teacher.
for the foreign student s at this University?
Educating the students is my job. The reason why sometimes
A: I think the education system at this university is getting I appear angry is that some students break the school rules,
better and better but you know in 2001 that’s the first time some students are lazy, miss class, and are late. So you can
we took foreign student into the university , that time the see for yourself what time I am angry and what time I am
educational system was not good but it’s been nine years the friendly. If we meet each other in the street or football field,
university has been building the educational system to make you will think Victor is very friendly. However if you meet
it better and better. So I think now the educational system is me in the classroom or exam room you find that I am very
better than other universities. tough. If I was not your teacher, I would befriend you every-
Q: How many student do you think will graduate each year day but I am your teacher. If you make a mistake and I still
and become good doctors? befriend you, I am not a good teacher. Some students think I
must be crazy seeing that sometimes I am friendly and some-
A: I hope all times I am angry. No, it is because I am a teacher.
Q: Which countries have you visited? Q: What message of wisdom would you like to tell the stu-
A: USA, Japan, North Korea, and Laos dents?
Q: What do you think of those countries compared to A: We have a new campus we must feel happy. There you
China? go folks now you know a little bit more about Victor.

See you in next issue with our next one on one candidate.


China Education Yearbook 2004: South Korea = 35,353, Japan = 12,765, the USA = 3693, Vietnam =
3487, Indonesia = 2563, Thailand = 1554, Germany = 1280, Russia = 1224, Nepal = 1199, Mongolia =
1060, France = 962, Australia = 918, Malaysia = 841, the UK = 657, North Korea = 638, Philippines = 602,
Pakistan = 598, Canada = 557, Singapore = 551, Laos = 403, Yemen = 284, Italy = 270, Myanmar = 232,
Sweden = 229 and Kazakhstan = 215.
China Education Yearbook 2005: South Korea = 43617, Japan = 19059, the USA = 8480, Vietnam =
4382, Indonesia = 3750, Thailand = 2371, Russia = 2288, Germany = 2187, France = 1954, Nepal = 1495,
Philippines = 1375, Mongolia = 1333, Malaysia = 1241, Canada = 1205, Australia = 1159, the UK = 1046,
Singapore = 929, Pakistan = 894, India = 765, Italy = 680, North Korea = 626 and Laos = 509.
China Education Yearbook 2006: South Korea = 54079, Japan = 18874, the USA = 10343, Vietnam =
5842, Indonesia = 4616, Thailand = 3594, Russia = 3535, India = 3295, France = 3105, Germany = 2736,
Nepal = 2374, Philippines = 2176, Mongolia = 1956, Pakistan = 1900, Australia = 1591, Malaysia =1589,
Canada = 1413, the UK = 1405, Singapore = 1322, Italy = 1099, Kazakhstan = 781, North Korea = 756,
Laos = 569, Sweden = 515 and Mexico = 511.
China Education Yearbook 2007: South Korea = 57504, Japan = 18363, the USA = 11784, Vietnam =
7310, Indonesia = 5652, India = 5634, Thailand = 5522, Russia = 5035, France = 3857, Pakistan = 3308,
Germany = 3090, Mongolia = 2715, Nepal = 2207, Kazakhstan = 1825, Canada = 1766, Malaysia = 1743,
Philippines = 1512, Australia = 1420, the UK = 1399, Italy = 1397 and Singapore = 1392.
Source: Translated By: Keshav Bhattarai

One of the most popular tourist destinations in Indonesia is Bali. At Bali you will
find much information about climate, flora fauna and other attractive objects. Bali has a
tropical climate with sunshine shining throughout the year. The temperatures between 20-
30 degrees Celsius. The dry season starts from June to September, with a low humidity.
October to March is considered the rainy season, with high humidity.
Also in the tropical island, Bali has a wide variety of flowers. The most common
ones are hibiscus, bougainvillea, jasmine, water lilies, magnolia, frangipani, and a variety of
orchids. Bali is a home for big mammals such as tiger, elephant, and lion. There are so
many wildlife with their existence, like monkeys, civets, barking deer and mouse deer.
There are 300 species of birds occupy that island.
Kuta Beach is the most favorite destination in Bali. It has everything a tourist looks for. But the prices are rather expen-
sive. Kuta is one of Bali's best surfing beaches and a great place to enjoy a beach lifestyle. Kuta beach also known as Sunset Site
Number One, with its daily spectacular sunsets, it is also the centre of night life activities.
Kintamani located in the hill and we can see a beautiful panorama surrounds it. It is situated
in the plateau and encircles by mountain atmosphere and a cold weather, with the active volcano
of mount Batur and beautiful lake. The most amazing panorama at Kintamani can be seen in the
morning time, when the sunrise emerges on the surface of earth precisely on the mount Batur.
Tanah Lot is located on the coast of west Bali. Although it’s a small sanctuary, there are
many sea temples with many caves under them. Living in the caves are the peaceful sea snakes,
which has white and black colored skin. Tanah Lot is a strategically placed where the best sunsets
views are, when the golden red skies frames, the temple and waves crash into the rocks.
By: Vina Amanda Setiawan, Indonesia


Huntington Beach rocker, American rock band Avenged Sevenfold was

formed in 1999 The cartoonish metal core band Avenged Sevenfold, also
known as A7X, mix screamed vocals and a hardcore punk-inspired metal guitar
attack with pop hooks, creating a musical cocktail as contradictory as the band's
political outlook. Claiming to be conservative patriots, the band advocates the
traditional heavy-metal lifestyle of strippers, substance abuse and horror-show
lyrics. Singer M. Shadows and guitarist Zacky Vengeance were still in high
school when they formed Avenged Sevenfold in 1999 in Huntington Beach, California. Later adding gui-
tarist Synyster Gates, bassist Johnny Christ and drummer The Rev, aka The Reverend Tholomew Plague ,
the band released its first album, Sounding the Seventh Trumpet (2001) when band members were only 18
years old.
The band has achieved mainstream success with their 2005 album City of Evil, which included sin-
gles such as "Burn It Down", "Bat Country," "Beast and the Harlot" and "Seize the Day."
To "tide fans over" until the release of the new album, Avenged Sevenfold released their first
DVD, All Excess, on July 17, 2007. All Excess debuted as the #1 DVD in the USA which included a docu-
mentary and live footage dating back to 1999 along with music videos and the making of the Seize the Day
music video.
Avenged Sevenfold was awarded "Album of the Year" at the Kerrang! Awards. M. Shadows said
this to the fans:"Receiving such an honor in the United Kingdom means so much to us because England has
become like a second home. This summer has been the best of our career. We've seen so many of you in so
many countries and you've all touched us. We're so proud of how much love our fans in the US have al-
ways shown us. And now it means the world to us to know how many of you around the globe have been
touched by our music.
By: Aabesh Koirala

CQMU 2007 Batch Band

Musical world appears in

Chongqing Medical Univer-
sity. CQMU 2007 Batch
Band of foreign students
studying in Chongqing
Medical University seems
to fly their guitars, swing
their drums and hit the
notes in vocal. Band per-
forms their numbers and
rock the city. CQMU 2007
Batch Band comprises Pra-
jwol, Ronit and Akash on
guitars, Amrit on drums and
Mabin on vocal.

By: Dil Kumar Limbu



Many scientists and entrepreneurs die at their peak age due to over work.
Sub health, defined by WHO, is a state between health and disease where, all physical and
chemical indexes are medically tested negative, the individual experiences discomfiture and even

Prevalence of sub health

1. Individuals with high educational level aged 20 to 50 – senior and middle level managers,
clerks and white collar staffs
2. Individuals with undisciplined work and rest, abusive drinking and smoking
3. Residents of developing, industrialized or environmentally polluted cities

Criteria of sub-health
1. Chronic fatigue complex as the consequences of overtaxing physical and mental work or long
term stress- insomnia, somnolence, profuse dreaming, dizziness, mental fatigue, cumbersome
limbs, shoulder and back soreness
2. Poor appetite, vexation, agitation, tidal fever, vacuity sweating, congestion, irregular menstrua-
tion, menopausal complex and aging

Etiology of sub health

Work overload on body systems- energy overconsumption causing tissue hypoxia and ischemia

Progression of sub health

Sub health is marked by general weakness, low energy level and poor immune system. The indi-
vidual experiences reduction in vitality and adaptability featuring physiological function deterio-
ration although no definite disease is diagnosed.

1. Healthy life habits- alternate work with rest, moderate smoking and drinking, exercises
2. Balanced diet for recuperation
3. Intake of scientifically proven dietary supplements to accelerate recovery and build up immu-

A surprisingly high number of city dwellers in China suffer from sub health and die prematurely.
Chinese medicine believes that healthy lifestyle, behavior, and work methods are the best way to
improve quality of life. Chinese herbal doctors suggest appropriate intake of Seabuckthorn seed
oil, Rhodiola, Reishi Broken spores, Astragalus and Chrysanthemum.
In addition, foot massage is one of the best practices that could effectively improve blood circula-
tion, ease tiredness and reduce the burden of the heart.
Shristi Dahal
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