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Sixth Issue/ Edition


A G E T R I - M

YEAR 1 VOL. 1 NO. 6

International Students' Union
Chongqing Medical University

Overseas Students' Office
Chongqing Medical University
No. 1 Yixueyuan Road, Yuzhong District,Chongqing 400016, The P. R. China
Sixth Issue/ Edition


YEAR 1 VOL. 1 NO. 6

MAY– JULY, 2009 1

Educational Tour to Haifu 1 Dr. Wang with Foreign Students in front of Haifu Company Limited
Info about HIFU/ Haifu System 2

Interview with Haifu Inventor 3

Invention of Haifu Technology 4

Basic Facts about Haifu 5

Basic Facts about Haifu 6

Aerodynamics on Land 7

Swine Flu (H1N1) 8

Swine Flu (H1N1) 9

Message from the Editors 10

Mr. Keshav Bhattarai (Nepal)
1. Contemporary Language : Ms.
El'skina Joyosubagio (Indonesia)
2. Health & Medicine: Mr. Aabesh
Koirala (Nepal) & Mr. Shambhu
Kumar Sah (Nepal)
3. Science & Technology: Mr. Prannoy
Rana (Nepal) The educational tour to Haifu
4. Art & Culture: Mr. Mukul Sharma Company organized by the Director of
(India) Foreign Students’ Office of Chongqing
5. Sports & Events: Mr. Sagun Shrestha
(Nepal) medical University (Mr. Wang Dong;
6. Fun & Entertainment: Mr. Boniface Victor) for Foreign Students is the first
F. Masau (Tanzania) educational tour for foreign undergraduate
7. Comments & Compositions: Mr.
Thomas Hii Chung Ee (Malaysia)
medical students in the history of
8. China & The World: Ms.Eunice Chongqing Medical University.
Kissiwaah Ansong (Ghana) The tour organized in 2009-5-24
9. Music & Band: Mr. Dil Kumar
Limbu (Nepal) was very exciting for the Foreign Stu-
10. Human Diseases (News & Research): dents. The Foreign Students were very
Ms. Shristi Dahal (Nepal) excited to see the famous Chinese scien-
COMPUTER LAYOUT tist and the inventor of Haifu, Dr. Wang
Mr. Keshav Bhattarai (Nepal) Zhibiao. The students were very excited
PHOTOGRAPHER to hear the non-invasive clinical applica-
Mr. K. V. M. Vinod (India) tions of Haifu from its inventor.
CHIEF ADVISORS Dr. Wang was also very happy to
1. Mrs. Yang Hong (China) share the history and clinical applications Dr. Wang introducing Haifu to Foreign Students
2. Mr. Wang Dong; Victor (China) of Haifu in his busiest time. He says,
CO-ADVISORS At last the inventor of
“Any emerging technology is not privi-
Haifu was interviewed in his conference hall among all the
1. Ms. Faith Birnstein (America) leged for developed countries. It belongs
2. Mrs. Chen Min (China) foreign undergraduate medical students which was inter-
to whole world.” He believes his non-
WRITERS preted by Mr. Peng Xiang; Director of International Depart-
invasive focused ultrasound therapeutic
1. Mr. Tejaswi Sathuluri (India) ment, Haifu, Chongqing, China. Overall, the educational
system will be available in countries
2. Mr. Rakesh Babu (India) tour was so much beneficial for all the foreign undergradu-
3. Mr. K. V. M. Vinod (India)
slowly and gradually. He says, “Because
ate medical students. The foreign undergraduate medical
4. Mr. Kudzai Muchegwa (Zimbabwe) of the historical reason we are just
students expect to have some more educational tour of such
PUBLISHER developing (less developed) compared to
type in coming days.
International Students' Union developed countries.” This statement was
Email: so much encouraging to the foreign
Chief Editor
undergraduate medical students who
belong to developing countries. Mr. Keshav Bhattarai

HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) that focuses very high frequency
(0.8MHz to 2.4MHz) of sound waves on a focal region of about 1.1mm×3.3mm—
1.4mm×5.6 mm for about 1 to 4 seconds by elevating tissue temperature up to 70°
C to 90 °C to ablate tumors or cancers is a highly precise non-invasive therapeutic
technology which can treat almost all kinds of tumors both benign and malignant
except visceral tumors, mediastinal tumors and spinal tumors.
HIFU works as the light rays of sun burns a leaf after entering a
magnifying lens. If a magnifying lens is held above a leaf on a sunny day the light
rays intersect below the lens at a focal point and burns the leaf at the point of inter-
section or at the focal point. However, if you insert your hand into the path of sun-
rays in front of focal point or away from focal point, there is no significant heat
felt or harm caused. Alternatively, if you place your hand at the point of intersec-
tion you will be burned.
The basic scientific principles of HIFU are similar to this ex-
ample but HIFU uses sound waves instead of light waves and transducer instead of
magnifying lens. Just as the individual sunray is harmless to the hand, and individ-
ual sound wave is harmless to the healthy tissue it travels through.
During HIFU, the physician uses continuously updated real-time images with MRI or Ultrasound
inbuilt in HIFU System to map out and execute the entire treatment plan. These images show treatment progression
and permit the physician to customize treatment for maximum safety and effectiveness.
HIFU is absolutely safe and different from the radiation therapy that damages the intervening
healthy tissues with the radiation. Because of no side effects and no worry of surgery mark and radiation danger,
HIFU is getting very popular in developed countries at present. HIFU is currently used in the UK, Italy, Spain, Ja-
pan, Korea, Russia, Malaysia, Hongkong China, Mainland China, etc.
Although potential applications of HIFU were completed in 1942, practical and technological
limitations hampered their progress and use. However, Dr. Wang Zhibiao, a well known Chinese scientist started a
research on biological effects of Ultrasound in 1989. In 1996, Dr. Wang Zhibiao was able to treat a first human pa-
tient with bone tumor in Institute of Ultrasound Engineering in Medicine of Chongqing Medical University,
Chongqing, China. Then Dr. Wang Zhibiao and his team worked continuously in their Chongqing Haifu Technology
Company Ltd. after its establishment in 1999 and discovered new applications of focused ultrasound to treat gyneco-
logical diseases and allergic rhinitis in 1999. Since then Chongqing Haifu has three major products of focused ultra-
sound therapeutic system: 1. Model JC focused ultrasound therapeutic system (Haifu System or Chongqing Haifu
Knife) to treat benign or malignant tumors 2. Model CZF (Seapostar) to treat gynecological diseases 3. Model CZB
(Seapopinna) to treat allergic rhinitis
Among these three products, Model JC focused ultrasound therapeutic system has two types of prod-
ucts: 1. Ultrasound - Guided HIFU System 2. MRI - Guided HIFU System
In these 2 products of Model JC focused ultrasound therapeutic System, Ultrasound and MRI inbuilt in it
are used for real time imaging to identify the tumors before destroying by focused ultrasound and to monitor the
therapy procedure. All these products have completely independent intellectual property rights in Chongqing Haifu,
Chongqing, China.
Chongqing Haifu has completed clinical trials at the Churchill Hospital, Oxford, the UK. The
data obtained there enabled Chongqing Haifu; Chongqing China to obtain the CE Mark from TUV Rhineland for
Model JC focused ultrasound therapeutic system in 2005. Model JC (Chongqing Haifu Knife) has already treated
more than 10,000 patients with benign and malignant tumors all over Europe and Asia. Model CZF and CZB are also
recognized and approved by Ukraine, Russia and China and are used in Russia and China. Chongqing Haifu’s lead-
ing position was confirmed when Chongqing Haifu completed successful clinical trials, obtained CE Mark for its
Model JC focused ultrasound therapeutic system and got Chongqing Haifu Technology Company Ltd. allocated as
the headquarters by the International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound.
Written and Edited By: Mr. Keshav Bhattarai
MAY– JULY, 2009 3

Most of us over the years have known ultrasound in one way or the other. Perhaps it had helped
you out to diagnose or obtain images when you had some diseases. Focused ultrasound and high
intensity focused ultrasound was still unknown among many of us which I have described in
American Chronicle precisely. But, do you know the leading scientist in the world who invented
the large-scale medical technology (Haifu System) that uses HIFU? Well today, I will let you
know my close encounter with him and a precisely short interview with him captured in his busi-
est time with the help of Mr. Wang Dong (Victor), Chief of Overseas Students’ Office of
Chongqing Medical University.
Q: Mr. Keshav Bhattarai (Nepali Citizen) A: Dr. Wang Zhibiao (Chinese Citizen)
(Interpreter: Mr. Peng Xiang; Director of International Department, Haifu, Chongqing, China)

Q: Good Afternoon Sir; First, I would like to thank you so much for your time. Well known name Dr. Wang Zhibiao but known very
less about your ground breaking non-invasive cancer treatment technology in the developing countries of Asia and Africa. What do
you say about that? Alternatively, how are you planning to access your technology in such areas?
A: First, I would like to say, any emerging technology is not privileged for developed countries. It belongs to whole world. We should be fo-
cusing on the diseases and its effective treatment. We also need help from you to push such new technology to such areas. We know in such
areas need health care service is very big. For developing countries, we should think such topics on our own and should do more ourselves.
Actually all students come here are from developing countries. We are highly thankful. If you have any new idea, you can directly talk to me.
We are not only for money; we work for diseases and patients. You are very lucky that you got chance to know the latest medical technology
in the world. We really hope s/he can become pioneer HIFU doctor in his/her country or in the world if s/he gets training or education here. We
have capability to train and teach students. We think this is big contribution from Chongqing Medical University and from Mr. Wang Dong to
arrange you a trip to see our technology in our Haifu Company.
Q: I have read a lot about you and your HIFU technology. Could you please tell me what made you think about its invention?
A: First, it is very interesting topic. In 1989, our professor/doctor gave us a topic to find out whether a beam of Focused Ultrasound (FU) af-
fects an embryo or not. We found out that the beam of Focused Ultrasound (FU) affects the embryo and can even terminate the pregnancy if
the intensity is increased. However, no effects were seen on the surrounding tissue (mother’s tissue). Therefore, we thought if it could show
any influence or effect to cancer or tumor, which might help to ablate and treat cancer. Since then this topic started and we continued our re-
search. High Intensity Focused Ultrasound is non-invasive and can do a lot inside a human body without affecting the intervening tissues.
Q: I guess Haifu is the name of HIFU system or technology. What is really the difference between Haifu and HIFU? Alternatively,
what is the mystery behind the name Haifu?
A: Haifu is infact the name of our company that produces HIFU system or technology. Although, Haifu and HIFU sound similar, they have a
little bit different pronunciation. Haifu is infect a Chinese word composed of two characters hai and fu of which hai means sea and fu means
relieve whereas, HIFU stands for High Intensity Focussed Ultrasound. It is co-incidence that they are written and spoken a little bit similarly.
However, the overall literal meaning is finally connected with the treatment. Therefore, whatever it is, the name Haifu is suitable for our HIFU
system or technology company.
Q: I know a lot about the Model JC (the Haifu System or the Haifu Knife), the Model CZF (the Seapostar) and the Model CZB (the
Seapopinna). Could you please tell me what are you planning to invent next?
A: Since our company is National Engineering Research Center and Chongqing Key Laboratory of Medical Ultrasound Engineering, our aim
is to develop 2 to 3 new innovative products or technology every year besides treating different kinds of benign tumors, malignant tumors,
gynecological diseases and allergic rhinitis. May be we will work on skin diseases, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), etc for our next in-
Q: You are a great scientist. China and Chinese people must feel very proud of you. What is your opinion towards China and Chinese
A: First, China is a developing country like your country. Second, we have same nature like working, diligent, etc. Because of the historical
reason we are just developing (less developed) compared to developed countries. However, we believe we have chance to become better than
developed countries. We the people of developing countries can convert our poverty into power and overpass the developed countries. One of
my friends from France once said to me that the young generations in France are too lazy as they are too developed and left nothing to develop.
Therefore, you will know what will happen in future.
Q: I have read a lot about the Haifu (HIFU) system but found no information about its side effects. Is there any side effect of the Haifu
(HIFU) system?
A: It is believed that the Haifu (HIFU) system has no side effects. To tell you the truth, it absolutely has some side effects. If it has no side
effects means, it is not a therapy. However, the side effects of the Haifu (HIFU) system are of negligible amount compared to radiation ther-
apy, chemotherapy, and surgery. Therefore, you cannot generally find information about the side effects of the Haifu (HIFU) system in books
and internet. Moreover, we are still working on it to minimize the side effects of the Haifu (HIFU) system.
Written and Edited By: Mr. Keshav Bhattarai

1940s was the year when pioneers like Lynn et al and

team their first research of HIFU for non-invasive removal of material from the surface of
an object by vaporization processes. Later on it was developed in the 1950s and 1960s by
W. Fry, F.fry Carl Townsend, Howard white and George Gardner. Clinical applications were
few in those days, perhaps due to its difficulty and treatment. Targeting the beam noninva-
sively was difficult. As years passed and world leaped into new cutting edge technology so
did the fields of medical science also. Advances in the medical imaging and ultrasound
technology have led to advances in HIFU also.
HIFU machines came to the vast public in
the year 1994 after receiving CE approval which was launched in Europe my American
Then came the MRgFUS (Magnetic Resonance Guided
Focused Ultrasound), developed by Harvey Cline, Ronald Watkins and Kullervo Hynynen.
Tumors or fibroids are identified by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and then destroyed
by the ultrasound. Along the MRgFUS there came USgFUS (Ultrasound guided Focused
Ultrasound). These two technologies are use in many developed and developing countries.
Treatment covers, breast, liver, bone, prostate, renal cancer and soft tissue sarcoma, pancre-
atic cancer as well
Ultrasound beams are focused on diseased tissue. There is
a significant energy deposition at the focus. Tissue temperature is around 65° to 85°C. By
Coagulation necrosis it destroys the diseased tissue. Anesthesia is not required, but should
be recommended
Similarly under the leadership of Dr. Wang ZhiBiao,
Institute of Ultrasound Engineering in Medicine of Chongqing Medical University China
started a research on biological effects of Ultrasound. The institute was established in 1997.
Later on Chongqing Haifu (HIFU) Technology Co. Ltd. was founded in 1999. Dr. Wang
Zhibiao has been successful in treating the first human patient with bone tumor. Application
of Dr. Wang technology focuses on treatment of gynecological diseases, allergic rhinitis and
treatment of benign and malignant tumors.
Chongqing Haifu Technology Company Ltd
has established three machines namely Model JC, Model CZF and Model CZB specializing
in treatment of ultrasound therapeutic system, gynecological diseases and allergic rhinitis
As more and more advances are made in this 21st century, HIFU technology also pro-
gresses pushing further its limits in ultrasound therapy. Many developers and scientist com-
peting for their latest technologies throughout the world helps them crack the cutting edge
technology for tomorrow’s better world.
Written and Edited By: Mr. Prannoy Rana
ID: 2006510133
MAY– JULY, 2009 5

HIFU (high intensity focused ultrasound) is a highly precise
medical procedure using high-intensity focused ultrasound to heat and to destroy pathogenic tissue rapidly.
Chongqing Haifu (HIFU) Technology Co. Ltd. is a manufacturer
of medical devices that specialize in developing Therapeutic. Dr. Wang Zhibiao, professor, doctoral tutor
and the General Manager of Chongqing Haifu Technology Co., Ltd, invented the first Haifu High Intensity
Focused Ultrasound Tumor Therapeutic System. The system has been clinically applicable in treating tu-
mour noninvasively and extracorporeally.The Clinical Center for Tumor Therapy, subjected to the 2nd Af-
filiated Hospital of Chongqing University of Medical Sciences, is the first cancer center in the world using
HIFU technology to treat patients with oncological diseases. The center is the first in the world to have suc-
cessfully treated a patient with breast cancer and a patient with a bone tumor using HIFU. We have subse-
quently accumulated valuable experience through the treatment of hundreds of solid malignancies such as
liver cancer, breast cancer, osteosarcoma and soft tissue sarcoma.
In HIFU therapy, ultrasound beams are focused on diseased tis-
sue, and due to the significant energy deposition at the focus, temperature within the tissue rises, destroying
the diseased tissue by coagulation necrosis. It works by an acoustic wave propagating through the tissue;
part of it is absorbed and converted to heat. With focused beams, a very small focus can be achieved deep
in tissues. When hot enough, the tissue is thermally coagulated. By focusing at more than one place or by
scanning the focus, a volume can be thermally ablated. At high enough acoustic intensity, cavitation can
occur. Microbubbles produced in the field oscillate and grow, and eventually implode and mechanically
damage tissues.

HIFU is used as treatment of uterine fibroids, cancers, atrial fib-
rillation and in delivering drugs to the brain (by breaking up the blood brain barrier).
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound is often considered a prom-
ising technology within the non-invasive or minimally invasive therapy segments of medical technology.
HIFU’s capacity to generate in-depth precise tissue necrosis using an external applicator, with no effect on
the surrounding structures, is unique. An important difference between HIFU and many other forms of fo-
cused energy, such as radiation therapy or radio surgery, is that the passage of ultrasound energy through
intervening tissue has no apparent cumulative effect on that tissue.
HIFU is a relatively new treatment modality for cancer. As fur-
ther developments in both the software and hardware of the HIFU devices emerge, it is likely that the can-
cer cure rates will improve and side effects decrease. This technique is of increasing interest and currently
under ongoing investigation in several centres. In carefully selected patients, HIFU offers the potential to
eradicate the cancer, with a minimal side effect profile, short hospital stay and an early return to everyday


ID: 40550047
BATCH: 2005

HIFU is a noninvasive surgical procedure requiring no incisions. For a prostate cancer ther-
apy to be successful, it needs to be able to destroy the whole prostate (men have prostate cancers rather than prostate
cancer) and at the same time preserve the vital structures around the gland that are involved in normal bladder emp-
tying, preservation of continence and preservation of erectile and orgasmic function.

HIFU has the potential to achieve this by virtue of the size of the target lesion that it creates.
HIFU works by focusing a pulse of high-energy ultrasound waves onto single location about the size of a grain of
rice. The delivery of this energy to such a small area results in an increase in temperature to a point where the lipids
(fats) in the cell membrane melt and the proteins denature. A reproducible but small volume of tissue destruction oc-
curs. The distribution of these target lesions is under the control of the physician. During the planning phase of the
treatment, ultrasound is used to delineate the prostate in two dimensions. Targeting can be planned in order to avoid
the urinary sphincter, rectum, and possibly the neurovascular bundles (as preservation of these may preserve erectile
function). Once the treatment plan is established, the treatment is both driven and monitored by a computer program
within the HIFU delivery system.

Treatment time is usually 3-4 hours. Usually patients will be discharged the same day, or next day at the doctors dis-

An important difference between HIFU and many other forms of focused energy, such as radiation therapy or radio
surgery, is that the passage of ultrasound energy through intervening tissue has no apparent cumulative effect on that
tissue. In contrast, radiation therapy has a cumulative, damaging effect on healthy tissues, even when they are distant
from the focal target. This often limits the ability to use this modality more than once for a specific treatment.

The advantages of HIFU treatments are:

1. HIFU can elevate tissue temperature in the focal zone up to 70° to 90° Centigrade in a very short duration (1-4
seconds) to ablate selected cancer tissue while leaving the surrounding tissue safe.

2. HIFU can be applied externally and contact free to targeted cancer tissue.

3. HIFU can produce sharp and predictable lesions.

4. HIFU energy is non-ionizing and can be applied repeatedly.

Written and Edited By: Shambhu Kumar Sah

ID: 2006510142
MAY– JULY, 2009 7

BUILT FOR SPEED The North American Eagle on a 2007 test run in the desert at Black Rock, Nev., where next year Ed
Shadle and his team will try to set a land speed record of about 800 miles/ hour.
Mr. Shadle, a retired IBM field engineer. He is 67 now, and he is still racing, and next year on july4, intend to take the North
American Eagle to the hardpan desert at Black Rock, Nev., and run it through a measured mile to set a new land speed record of
about 800 miles per hour, 45 miles per hour faster than the speed of sound. Mr. Shadle is the driver. Angels have contributed
vitally important hardware and expertise to Eagle. From nose to tail, it is 56 feet long, weighs 13,000 pounds and is powered by
a single General Electric LM1500 gas turbine, better known as a J79 when it flew in F-104s. The engine is a loaner from S&S
Turbine Services, a Canadian firm that rebuilds J79s for re-pressurizing natural gas wells. The current engine has been designed
up to generate 42,500 horsepower, but the one Eagle will get from S&S for the record run will top out near 50,000 horsepower.

The rules are simple. Clock the racer through a measured mile, turn around and do it again, then average the two speeds.
Mr. Shadle said Eagle would need 11 miles for each run: a mile to warm up to 250 miles per hour; four miles to light off the af-
terburner and get up to record speed; a mile in the speed trap; and five miles to stop. But consider the challenges. Rubber tires
turn to molten licorice at above 350 miles per hour, so the Eagle uses custom-built, single-billet aluminum alloy wheels, grooved
for traction on soft surfaces. They will not work on asphalt or concrete.

The brakes are special alloy magnets that generate 4,700 brake horsepower as the magnetized drum approaches the moving
aluminum wheel, slowing it gradually without ever locking up. The big imponderable is the sound barrier. In the sky, the shock
wave simply dissipates. On land, it bounces off the ground and can flip a racer into the air. Since each car is unique, the problem
has to be solved differently every time. Computer modeling is important — but only up to a point. “What we want,” Mr. Shadle
said, with a slow drawl and a near-grin straight from central casting, “is to go fast.”

By: K. Srinadh Varma

Batch: 2006

● Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza that regularly cause outbreaks of influenza
among pigs
● Most commonly, human cases of swine flu happen in people who are around pigs
● Swine flu viruses do not normally infect humans, however, human infections with swine flu do occur, and cases of human-to-human
spread of swine flu viruses have been documented
Transmission to Humans:
● Through contact with infected pigs or environments contaminated with swine flu viruses
● Through contact with a person with swine flu
● Human-to-human spread of swine flu has been documented also and is thought to occur in the same way as seasonal flu, through
coughing or sneezing of infected people
Signs and Symptoms:
● Influenza-like-illness (ILI)
● Fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, headache, muscle aches. In some cases vomiting and diarrhea.
● Complications like viral pnemonia and later on secondary bacterial infections leading to respiratory failure and sepsis and
then death have been seen.
● The potential for exacerbation of underlying chronic medical conditions like asthma, heart disease should be considered.
● Non-hospitalized mildly ill persons who are a confirmed or suspected case of swine influenza A (H1N1) virus infection are recom-
mended to stay at home (voluntary isolation) for at least the first 7 days after illness onset except to seek medical care
● Vaccine is recently under trial, yet to see its RESULT
● Antivirals for the treatment and/or prevention of infection:
● Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or
● Zanamivir (Relenza)
● Use of anti-virals can make illness milder and recovery faster
● They may also prevent serious flu complications
● For treatment, antiviral drugs work best if started soon after getting sick (within 2 days of symptoms)
● Warning! DO NOT GIVE ASPIRIN (acetylsalicylic acid) or aspirin-containing products (e.g. bismuth subsalicylate – Pepto Bis-
mol) to children or teenagers (up to 18 years old) who are confirmed or suspected ill case of swine influenza A (H1N1) virus infec-
tion; this can cause a rare but serious illness called Reye’s syndrome.
Preventive Measures:
● Covering nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing
● Dispose the tissue in the trash after use.
● Hand washing with soap and water
● Especially after coughing or sneezing.
● Cleaning hands with alcohol-based hand cleaners
● Avoiding close contact with sick people
● Avoiding touching eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands
● If sick with influenza, staying home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them
● Isolation: Refers only to the sequestration of symptomatic patients either in the home or hospital so that they will not infect others
● Quarantine: Defined as the separation from circulation in the community of asymptomatic persons that may have been exposed to
● Social-Distancing: Has been used to refer to a range of non-quarantine measures that might serve to reduce contact between per-
sons, such as, closing of schools or prohibiting large gatherings
Written By: Dr. Mohan Khadka (MBBS, TU, Nepal; MD Resident, CQMU, China; ECFMG certified USA)
MAY– JULY, 2009 9

A respiratory illness of pigs caused by infection with swine influenza

A virus (SIV). While swine flu viruses normally do not infect humans, occasional infections of humans do
occur. Many human cases of swine influenza A virus infection occur in individuals who have had a history
of close contact with pigs . Swine flu infections have also occurred in individuals with no history of expo-
sure to pigs.
The current "swine flu" outbreak is different. It's caused by a new swine flu virus that has
changed in ways that allow it to spread from person to person -- and it's happening among people who
haven't had any contact with pigs. That makes it a human flu virus.
Symptoms of swine flu are like regular flu symptoms and include fever, cough, sore throat,
runny nose, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue. Many people with swine flu have had diarrhea and
vomiting. Nearly everyone with flu has at least two of these symptoms. But these symptoms can also be
caused by many other conditions. That means that you and your doctor can't know, just based on your
symptoms, if you've got swine flu. Health care professionals may offer a rapid flu test, although a negative
result doesn't necessarily mean you don't have the flu. Only lab tests can definitively show whether you've
got swine flu. If you have only mild flu symptoms, you do not need medical attention unless your illness
gets worse. But if you are in one of the groups at high risk of severe disease, contact your doctor at the
first sign of flu-like illness.

Adults should seek urgent medical attention if they have:

● Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
● Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
● Sudden dizziness
● Confusion
● Severe or persistent vomiting
● Flu-like symptoms that improve, but then come back with
worsening fever or cough

The new swine flu virus is sensitive to the antiviral drugs Tamiflu and Relenza. The CDC recommends
those drugs to prevent or treat swine flu; the drugs are most effective when taken within 48 hours of the
start of flu symptoms.

Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, especially after coughing or sneezing. Or, use an alcohol-
based hand cleaner if soap and water are not available. If you have flu-like symptoms -- fever plus at least
cough or sore throat or other flu symptoms -- stay home for seven days after symptoms begin or until
you've been symptom-free for 24 hours -- whichever is longer.people at increased risk of severe flu illness
may consider wearing a N-95 respirator or face mask in crowded settings in communities where swine flu
is circulating or when taking care of a person with flu-like illness.

New swine flu virus apparently spreads just like regular flu. You could pick up germs directly from drop-
lets from the cough or sneeze of an infected person, or by touching an object they recently touched, and
then touching your eyes, mouth, or nose, delivering their germs for your own infection. That's why you
should make washing your hands a habit, even when you're not ill. Infected people can start spreading flu
germs up to a day before symptoms start, and for up to seven days after getting sick.



Dear readers,
We are delighted that we, the promoters of THE INFORMATICS, have nourished our
magazine and took to next phase of our magazine by making it a tri-monthly magazine. With our active
efforts we have let our magazine survive till today. With the help of our good team work we are now able
to control the publication of pirated articles in our magazine and also able to improve the quality.
As a matter of fact writing makes someone creative, and creativity makes
someone innovative, and innovation leads to the welfare of people and society. A good student may not be
a good doctor or a good teacher or may not serve too many people but a good creative mind can lead to an
innovation which can serve billions of people around the globe.
Neither, Dr. Albert Einstein was a good student nor Bill Gates but their in-
ventions served billions of people. There are thousands of such examples. Some of our friends were laugh-
ing when our American friends shared the medical education and scholarship stuffs with us during their
Chongqing America Cultural Exchange Program Summer – 2009. The funny scholarships made them
laugh as the scholarships were given to a guy for writing an essay and to a guy for using his left hand to
write where it is very difficult to get scholarship. We know you might laugh either. But, do you know the
reason to give them scholarships? Writing an essay is a creative work and activates the right brain hemi-
sphere which might help him to become more innovative due to which the guy might do some inventions in
future. However, his essay was excellent either and the teachers were impressed. And the other guy was
using his left hand means his left hand is connected with the right brain hemisphere as a matter of fact. That
means he will be innovative either.
So, scholarship is not always given to the student who is good in his/ her
study but also to those who are creative in other works. This is the reason we want you to get involve in
creative works like writing articles and essays. And, we all know that recently Chongqing Medical Univer-
sity has also changed its ways to give scholarship. We hope you will be a candidate for that wonderful
scholarship one day. We would like to remind you that you are not wasting your time by writing rather wa-
tering your creativity.
ICS, you will have the
advantage of getting
helpful information in a
friendly atmosphere.
We promise to provide
you ultimate satisfac-
tion by offering you
many opportunities to
read, write and partici-
Welcome once again to

(the international English language tri-monthly magazine)
The magazine is exhibited free of cost to all the readers. .
All the opinions and articles published herein are those of the
writers and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher.
While every effort has been made to check the accuracy of the
information contained herein, we accept no responsibility for
any inconvenience that may be caused. The contents may not be
produced in any form without the prior written consent of the
publisher. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008 by International
Students' Union, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing,

International Students' Union
Chongqing Medical University

YEAR 1 VOL. 1 NO. 6, Overseas Students' Office, Chongqing Medical University

Overseas Students' Office
Chongqing Medical University
No. 1 Yixueyuan Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 400016,
The P. R. China

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