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Learning Siddur

of Temple Bnai Abraham

Students Name: ________
Teachers Name: ________
Friday Night
Come let us welcome Shabbat!
Blessing the candles
Blessed are you, Adonai our God, Ruler of the universe, who hallows us with mitzvot,
commanding us to kindle the light of Shabbat.
The light of Shabbat helps me to see...
Light both candles.
Traditionally one covers the eyes while reciting the following blessing.
Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu melech ha-olam, asher
kid'shanu b'mitzvotav, v'tzivanu l'hadlik neir shel shabat.
Shalom Aleichem
page 16 in Siddur Hadash
Peace upon you, ministering angels, messengers of the Most High, of the Supreme Ruler, the Holy
and blessed one. Come in peace, messengers of peace, messengers of the Most High, of the
Supreme Ruler, the Holy and blessed one.Bless me with peace, messengers of peace, messengers
of the Most High, of the Supreme Ruler, the Holy and blessed one.










Shalom aleichem, malachei
hashareit, malachei elyon, mimelech
malchei ham'lachim, hakadosh
baruch hu.
Boachem l'shalom, malachei
hashalom, malachei elyon,
mimelech malchei ham'lachim,
hakadosh baruch hu.
Bar'chuni l'shalom, malachei
hashalom, malachei elyon,
mimelech malchei ham'lachim,
hakadosh baruch hu.
Tzeitchem l'shalom, malachei
hashalom, malachei elyon,
mimelech malchei ham'lachim,
hakadosh baruch hu.
Lecha Dodi
page 38 in Siddur Hadash



























L'chah dodi likrat kolah, p'nei shabat n'kab'lah.
Shamor v'zachor b'dibur echad,
hishmi-anu eil ham'yuchad,
Adonai echad ush'mo echad, l'sheim ul'tiferet
L'chah dodi...
Likrat shabat l'chu v'neil'chah,
ki hi m'kor hab'rachah, meirosh mikedem n'suchah,
sof ma-aseh b'machashavah t'chilah.
L'chah dodi...
Hitor'ri hitor'ri, ki va oreich kumi ori, uri uri shir
dabeiri, k'vod Adonai alayich niglah.
L'chah dodi...
Bo-i v'shalom ateret balah, gam b'simchah
uv'tzaholah, toch emunei am s'gulah, bo-i chalah, bo-i
L'chah dodi...
Mourners Kaddish
Glorified and sanctified be God's great name throughout the world which God has created according to Gods will.
May God establish Gods kingdom in your lifetime and during your days, and within the life of the entire House of
Israel, speedily and soon; and say, Amen. May Gods great name be blessed forever and to all eternity.Blessed and
praised, glorified and exalted, extolled and honored, adored and lauded be the name of the Holy One, blessed be God,
beyond all the blessings and hymns, praises and consolations that are ever spoken in the world; and say,
Amen.May there be abundant peace from heaven, and life, for us and for all Israel; and say, Amen. God who
creates peace in Gods celestial heights, may God create peace for us and for all Israel; and say, Amen.
What does peace look life, sound like, feel like?
page 124 in Siddur Hadash
In some congregations, only those in mourning or observing a yartzheit stand and recite the
Mourners Kaddish. However, particularly since the Holocaust, some congregations have
developed the practice of everyone present reciting the Kaddish on behalf of those who have
no one left to say Kaddish for them. Therefore, each individual should stand or sit as is their
personal custom.
Yitgadal v'yitkadash sh'mey raba. B'al'ma di v'ra chiruteih, v'yamlich malchutei
b'chayeichon uv'yomeichon uv'chayei d'chol beit yisra-eil, ba-agala uvizman
kariv, v'imru amein.
Yitbarach v'yishtabach v'yitpa-ar v'yitromam v'yitnasei v'yithadar v'yitaleh
v'yithalal sh'meih d'kudsha b'rich hu, l'eila min kol birchata v'shirata tushb'chata
v'nechemata, da-amiran b'al'ma, v'imru amein.
Y'hei sh'lama raba min sh'maya, v'chayim aleinu v'al kol yisra-eil, v'imru amein.
Oseh shalom bimromav, hu ya-aseh shalom aleinu v'al kol yisra-eil, v'imru
Reader: The reader faces the ark and bows while saying the
first line Barchu et Adonai hamvorach.
Bar'chu et Adonai hamvorach.
The congregation bows and says Baruch Adnoai .....
Then the Reader bows and repeats the same line.
page 50 in Siddur Hadash
Praise Adonai, Source of all blessing! Praised be Adonai Source of
all blessing, now and forever!
How do you get ready to prayer? Do you close your eyes? Do you look and
search for God? Do you breathe and relax? Do you search for a kind
face or warm thought?
page 50 in Siddur Hadash
Maariv Aravim
Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the universe, Whose word brings on the evening. Whose wisdom
opens heavens gates, and Whose understanding changes the times and seasons, and orders the stars in their
heavenly constellations according to the Divine will. God creates day and night, rolling away light in the face of
darkness, and darkness in the face of light, causing the day to pass and bringing on the night, separating day
and night. Gods name is the Host ofHeaven. The living and eternal God, rule over us for all time! Blessed are
You, Adonai,Who brings on the evening.
Have you ever had an experience that stirred you to say a blessing? Is the
Maariv Aravim what you would say? If not, write what you might say if you were
moved to write a blessing.
Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, asher bidvaro ma-ariv
aravim, b'choch'mah potei-ach sh'arim, uvitvunah m'shaneh itim,
umachalif et haz'manim, um'sadeir et hakochavim b'mishm'roteihem
baraki-a kirtzono. Borei yom valay'lah, goleil or mip'nei choshech,
v'choshech mip'nei or. Uma-avir yom umeivi lay'lah, umavdil bein yom
uvein lay'lah, Adonai tz'va-ot sh'mo. Eil chai v'kayam, tamid yimloch
aleinu l'olam va-ed. Baruch atah Adonai, hama-ariv aravim.
Ahavat Olam
With everlasting love You have loved Your people Israel. You have taught us the Torah and its Mitzvot. You
have instructed us in its laws and judgments. Therefore, Adonai our God, when we lie down and when we rise
up we shall speak of Your commandments and rejoice in Your Torah and Mitzvot. For they are our life and the
length of our days; on them we will meditate day and night. May you never take away Your love from us.
Praised are You, Adonai, for loving Your people Israel.
How can we as people
and a community
show our love
for God?
page 52 in Siddur Hadash
Ahavat olam beit yisra-eil am'cha ahav'ta, torah umitzvot, chukim
umishpatim otanu limadta. Al kein Adonai Eloheinu, b'shoch'veinu uv'kumeinu
nasi-ach b'chukecha, v'nismach b'divrei toratecha uv'mitzvatecha l'olam va-
ed. Ki heim chayeinu v'orech yameinu, uvahem nehgeh yomam valay'lah.
V'ahavat'cha al tasir mimenu l'olamim. Baruch atah Adonai, oheiv amo
Hear, Israel, the Adonai is our God, the Adonai is One!
Blessed be the Name of Gods glorious kingdom for ever and ever.
With so much to listen to, in a world with so much noise,
How can we hear God?
page 54 in Siddur Hadash
Sh'ma Yisra-eil, Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad.
Baruch sheim k'vod malchuto l'olam va-ed.
You shall love Adonai your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. Take to heart
these words with which I charge you this day. Impress the m upon your children. Recite them when you
stay at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you get up. Bind them as a sign on
your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead; inscribe them on the doorposts of your
house and on your gates.
Thus you shall remember to observe all My commandments and to be holy to your God. I am Adonai, your
God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt to be your God: I am Adonai your God.
page 54-56 in Siddur Hadash
V'ahavta eit Adonai elohecha, b'chol l'vav'cha,
uv'chol nafsh'cha, uv'chol m'odecha. V'hayu
had'varim ha-eileh, asher anochi m'tzav'cha
Hayom, al l'vavecha. V'shinantam l'vanecha,
v'dibarta bam, b'shivt'cha b'veitecha, uv'lecht'cha
vaderech, uv'shochb'cha, uv'kumecha.
Uk'shartam l'ot al yadecha, v'hayu l'totafot bein
einecha. Uch'tavtam al m'zuzot beitecha
Lmaan tizkru, vaasitem et
kol mitzvotai vihyitem kdoshim
lEloheichem. Ani Adonai Eloheichem,
asher hotzeiti et-chem mei-eretz
Mitzrayim lihyot lachem lElohim
ani Adonai Eloheichem.
page 60 in Siddur Hadash
Mi Chamocha
How would you recognize a miracle in our world? Have you
ever seen one?
Who is like You,
Adonai among the
heavenly powers?
Who is like You,
majestic in holiness,
awesome in praise,
doing wonders? Your
children beheld Your
majesty, as You split
the sea before
Moses: This is my
God they
exclaimed and said,
Adonai will reign
for all eternity!
Mi chamochah ba-eilim Adonai,
mi kamochah nedar bakodesh,
nora t'hilot, oseih fele.
Malchut'cha rau vanecha,
bokei-a yam lifnei mosheh,
zeh eili anu v'am'ru:
Adonai yimloch l'olam va-ed.
V'ne-emar: ki fadah Adonai et ya-akov
ug'alo miyad chazak mimenu.
Baruch atah Adonai, ga-al yisra-eil.
Grant that we may lie down in peace, Eternal
God, and awaken us to life. Shelter us with
Your tent of peace and guide us with Your
good counsel. Shield us from hatred, plague
and destruction. Keep us from warm famine
and anguish. Help us to deny our inclination to
evil. God of peace, may we always feel
protected because You are our Guardian and
Helper. Give us refuge in the shadow of
Your wings. Guard our going forth and our
coming in and bless us with life and peace.
Blessed are You, Eternal God, whose shelter
of peace is spread over us, over all Your
people Israel, and over Jerusalem.
page 62 in Siddur Hadash
Hashkiveinu, Adonai Eloheinu, l'shalom, v'haamideinu shomreinu
l'chayim, ufros aleinu sukat sh'lomecha, v'takneinu b'eitzah tovah
milfanecha, v'hoshi-einu l'maan sh'mecha. V'hagein baadeinu, v'haseir
mei-aleinu oyeiv, dever, v'chere, v'raav, v'yagon, v'harcheik mimenu
avon vafesha. Uv'tzeil k'nafecha tastireinu, ki El shomreinu
umatzileinu atah, ki El chanun v'rachum atah. Ushmor tzeiteinu uvo-
einu l'chayim ul'shalom, mei-atah v'ad olam. Baruch atah, Adonai,
haporeis sukat shalom aleinu v'al kol amo Yisrael v'al Yerushalayim.
There is a famous saying that more than the Jews have kept the Shabbat, the Shabbat has kept the Jews,
What does this mean to you? How might you GUARD Shabbat?
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The children of Israel must keep the Sabbath, observing the Sabbath in every generation as an everlasting
covenant. It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever, for in six days God made the heavens and
the earth, but on the seventh day God ceased work and refreshed Gods soul.
V'shamru v'nei Yisra'el
et haShabbat.
L'asot et haShabat l'dorotam
brit olam.
Beni u'ven veney Yisrael
ot hee l'olam.
Ki sheshet yamim asa Adonai et ha'Shamayim v'et haAretz.
U'vYom haShvi'i shavat va'yinafash.
Hatzi Kaddish
page 66 in Siddur Hadash
May the great Name of God be exalted and sanctified, throughout the world, which God has created
according to Gods will. May Gods sovreignty be established in your lifetime and in your days, and in the
lifetime of the entire household of Israel, swiftly and in the near future; and say, Amen.
May Gods great name be blessed, forever and ever.
Blessed, praised, glorified, exalted, extolled, honored elevated and lauded be the Name of the holy one,
Blessed is God- above and beyond any blessings and hymns, Praises and consolations which are uttered
in the world; and say Amen. May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and life, upon us and upon all
Israel; and say, Amen.
Yitgadal vyitkadash shmei raba. Balma di vra chirutei vyamlich
malchutei, bchayeichon uvyomeichon uvchayei dchol beit Yisraeil,
baagala uvizman kariv, vimru: Amein.
Yhei shmei raba mvorach lolam ulolmei almaya.
Yitbarach vyishtabach vyitpaar vyitromam vyitnasei, vyithadar
vyitaleh, vyithalal, shmei dkudsha, brich hu.
Leila min kol birchata vshirata, tushbchata vnechemata, daamiran
balma, vimru: Amein.
Understanding the Amidah
The Amidah (or Standing Prayer) is the centerpiece of the prayer service, where we ask God for all our
personal and communal needs. Sometimes we just call it the TEFILLAH (the prayer) or the SHEMONAH
ESREH (the Eighteen, in reference to the original 18 blessings contained in the Amidah). This ancient prayer
dates back to the time of the destruction of the second temple about 70 CE.
In the first trio of blessings, we remember
our ancestors -God's strength- God's holiness
Then come the "bakashot" (requests).
These are only recited onthe weekdays.
We ask for:
blessings for the righteous blessings for Jerusalem
the coming of the messianic age for our prayers to be heard

In final trio of blessings, we seek acceptance of our
prayer gratitude peace for us and for all creation.
Adonai, open my lips that my mouth may declare your praise!
Amidah-The Standing Prayer
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Avot vImahot
What do you think we can
learn from our ancestors?
The Gevurot talks about Gods power. Where
can you see Gods power in the world?
The word kadosh means holy. Do you
recognize its root? How can we
recognize something holy from
something ordinary?
The first three blessings in the Amidah, the blessings of praise, are based on the talmudic quote, A person should
always utter the praises of God before offering ones petitions (Brachot 32a). These prayers help us to focus on our
individual relationships with God by recalling our ancestors and their unique, individual relationships with the Divine (Avot
vimahot). Then, by delineating Gods power (Gvurot) and uniqueness/holiness (Kdushah), we bring our focus to our own
relationship with God.
Amidah-The Avot vImahot
Blessed are You, Adonai our God, the God of our fathers and mothers, God of Abraham, God of Isaac,
God of Jacob; God of Sarah, God of Rebecca, God of Rachel, and God of Leah, the great, mighty, and
awesome God who bestows loving kindness, creates everything out love, who remembers the love of our
fathers and mothers, and brings redemption to their children's children for the sake of the Divine Name.
Sovereign, Deliverer, Helper and Shield, Blessed are You, Adonai, Sarah's Helper, Abraham's Shield.
The first prayer, Avot vimahot, reminds us that we are part of a family with a unique, historical
relationship with God. That the prayer mentions the individual names of all the matriarchs and
patriarchs reminds us that each individual has his or her own distinct relationship with God.
page 69 in Siddur Hadash
Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu
veilohei avoteinu vimoteinu, elohei
avraham, elohei yitzchak, veilohei
ya-akov, (elohei sara, elohei rivka,
elohei leia, veilohei rachel,) ha-eil
hagadol hagibor v'hanora, eil elyon,
gomeil chasadim tovim, v'koneih
hakol, v'zocheir chasdei avot
vimahot, umeivi goeil livnei
v'neihem, l'ma-an sh'mo b'ahavah.
Melech ozeir umoshi-a umagein.
Baruch atah Adonai, magein
avraham (vez-rat sara.)
Amidah-The Gevurot
Eternal is Your power, O Adonai. Your salvation embraces the living and the dead.
(from Shemini Atzeret to Pesach add): You cause the wind to blow and rain to fall.
In Your loving kindness You sustain the living;
Your mercies confer life upon the departed.
You uphold the falling, heal the sick, and free the captives;
You keep faith with Your children, even in death.
Who is like You, incomparable Adonai of mighty deeds?
Ruler of life and death, source of redemption?
Praised are You, O Adonai, who grants life to the departed eternal life.
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Atah gibor l'olam adonay, m'chayeih hakol (meitim)
atah, rav l'hoshi-a.
Winter:Mashiv haruach umorid hageshem.
Summer: Mashiv haruach umorid hatal.
M'chalkeil chayim b'chesed, m'chayeih hakol (meitim)
b'rachamim rabim, someich nof'lim, v'rofei cholim,
umatir asurim, um'kayeim emunato lisheinei afar, mi
chamocha ba-al g'vurot umi domeh lach, melech meimit
um'chayeh umatzmi-ach y'shuah. l'hachayot hakol
(meitim). Baruch atah Adonai, m'chayeih hakol (ha-
Atah kadosh v'shimcha kadosh, uk'doshim b'chol yom
y'hal'lucha selah. Baruch atah Adonai, ha-eil hakadosh.
Avot vImahot
What can you do to help God bring
peace to the earth?
Oseh Shalom
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Oseh shalom bimromav, hu
ya-aseh shalom aleinu, v'al
kol yisra-eil, v'imru amein.
page 80 in Siddur Hadash
And the heavens and the earth and all within them were completed. And God
finished by the seventh day, Gods work which God had done, and God rested on
the seventh day from all Gods work which God had done. And God blessed the
seventh day and sanctified it, for on it God rested from all Gods work which God
created to function.
This prayer comes directly from the Torah
(Genesis) Bereshit 2:1-3

What are ways that we can rest on Shabbat
and honor the holiness of the day?
Vay'chulu hashamayim v'ha-aretz v'chol tz'va-am. Vay'chal elohim
bayom hashvii m'lachto asher asah, vayishbot bayom hashvii, mikol
m'lachto asher asah. Vay'varech elohim et yom hashvii vay'kadeish oto,
ki vo shavat mikol m'lachto, asher bara elohim la-asot.
Meen Sheva
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Praised are you Adonai our God and God of all our ancestors, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, God of
Sarah, God of Rebecca, God of Rachel and God of Leah. Great, mighty, revered and supreme, God of Heaven and
Meen Sheva
page 82 in Siddur Hadash
Your word was a shield to our ancestors
And Your decree confers immortal life.
You alone are holy God;
You give rest to Your people on Your holy Shabbat,
Because you take delight in them.
Help us to worship You in reverence and awe,
And give thanks to You everyday.
From You all blessings flow;
To You all praise is due.
You are the God of peace
Who hallows Shabbat
And blesses the seventh day,
Giving to Your people the delights of Shabbat rest,
a joyful commeoration of Shabbat.
page 90 in Siddur Hadash
Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the Universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine. (Amen)
Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the Universe, Who sanctified us with Your commandments,
and hoped for us, and with love and intent invested us with Your sacred Shabbat, as a memorial to the
deed of Creation. It is the first among the holy festivals, commemorating the exodus from Egypt. For
You chose us, and sanctified us, out of all nations, and with love and intent You invested us with Your Holy
Shabbat. Blessed are You, Sanctifier of Shabbat.
Kiddush is recited to help us
recognize that Shabbat is holy. If you were going to invent a
way to show others that Shabbat is holy, what might you do?
Vayehi Evev, Veyhi Voker,
Yom Hashishi. Vayechulu hashamayim v'haaretz v'chol tziva'am. Vayichal Elohim bayom
hash'vi'i milachto asher asah, vayishbot bayom hashevi'i, mikol m'lachto asher asah.
Vayevarech Elohim et yom hashevi'i vayekadeish otoh. Ki vo shavat mikol melachto, asher
barah elohim la'asot.
(Savri maranan v'rabanan v'rabotai:)
Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu melech ha'olam, borei p'ri hagafen.
Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu melech ha'olam, asher kidshanu b'mitzvotav v'ratza vanu,
v'shabat kadsho b'ahavah uv'ratzon hinchilanu zicaron l'maasei v'reishit, ki hu yom techilla
l'mikra'ei kodesh, zeicher litzi'at mitzrayim, ki vanu vacharta v'otanu kidashta mikol ha'amim,
v'shabbat kodshecha b'ahava uv'ratzon hinchaltanu. Baruch atah adonai, mikadeish



It is our duty to praise the Master of all, to offer greatness to the Fashioner of Creation, who has not made us like the
nations of the land and who has not placed us like the families of the earth, who has not placed our portion with them,
nor our lot with all their multitudes. We bow and prostrate and acknowledge the Ruler, Ruler of Rulers, the Holy One,
Blessed be God! God stretches out the heavens and establishes the earth (Isaiah 51:13); You are our God; there is
none else. In truth You alone are our Sovereign God, as it is written in the Torah: Know this day and place it in your
heart that Adonai is God in the heavens above and on the earth below; the re is none else (Deuteronomy 4:39). And it
has been said: Adonai be Ruler over all the earth; On that day Adonai shall be One and Gods name shall be One
(Zechariah 14:9).
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Aleinu l'shabei-ach la-adon hakol, lateit g'dulah l'yotzeir b'reishit, shelo
asanu k'goyei ha-aratzot, v'lo samanu k'mishp'chot ha-adamah, shelo
sam chelkeinu kahem, v'goraleinu k'chol hamonam, va-anachnu kor'im
umishtachavim umodim, lifnei melech malchei ham'lachim, hakadosh
baruch hu. Shehu noteh shamayim v'yoseid aretz, umoshav y'karo
bashamayim mima-al, ush'chinat uzo b'gav'hei m'romim, hu Eloheinu ein
od. Emet malkeinu, efes zulato, kakatuv b'torato: v'yadata Hayom
vahasheivota el l'vavecha, ki Adonai hu ha-elohim bashamam mima-al,
v'al ha-aretz mitachat, ein od.
V'ne-emar, v'hayah Adonai l'melech al kol ha-aretz, bayom hahu
yihyeh Adonai echad, ush'mo echad.
page 120 in Siddur Hadash
Aleinu Continued
What does it mean to think of God as ONE?
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
God makes me lie down in green pastures;
And leads me beside still waters-
Reviving my spirit,
And guiding me in paths of righteousness
for the sake of the Divine Name.
Though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil, for You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my foes.
You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and kindness shall follow me
all the days of my life,
And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Psalm 23
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Mourners Kaddish
page 124 in Siddur Hadash
Use this time to think about someone that is missing from your life. What memories stay
with you the most? What was special about him/her? What would you
want others to know?
Yitgadal v'yitkadash sh'mey raba. B'al'ma di v'ra chiruteih, v'yamlich
malchutei b'chayeichon uv'yomeichon uv'chayei d'chol beit yisra-eil,
ba-agala uvizman kariv, v'imru amein.
Yitbarach v'yishtabach v'yitpa-ar v'yitromam v'yitnasei v'yithadar
v'yitaleh v'yithalal sh'meih d'kudsha b'rich hu, l'eila min kol birchata
v'shirata tushb'chata v'nechemata, da-amiran b'al'ma, v'imru amein.
Y'hei sh'lama raba min sh'maya, v'chayim aleinu v'al kol yisra-eil,
v'imru amein.
Oseh shalom bimromav, hu ya-aseh shalom aleinu v'al kol yisra-eil,
v'imru amein.
Adon Olam
page 128 in Siddur Hadash
God of the Universe who reigned
before anything was created.
When all was made by Gods will
God was acknowledged as Ruler.
And when all shall end
God still all alone shall reign.
God was, God is,
and God shall God be in glory.
And God is one, and there's no other,
to compare or join God.
Without beginning, without end
and to God belongs diminion and power.
And God is my God, my living God.
to Him I flee in time of grief,
and God is my miracle and my refuge,
who answers God today I shall call.
To God I commit my spirit,
in time of sleep and awakening,
even if my spirit leaves,
God is with me, I shall not fear.
Adon olam asher malach,
b'terem kol yetzir nivrah.
L'eit na'sah b'cheftzo kol,
Azai melech sh'mo nikrah.
V'acharei kichlot hakol,
l'vado yimloch nora.
V'hu hayah, v'hu hoveh,
v'hu yihyeh, b'tifarah.
V'hu echad v'ein sheini,
l'hamshil lo l'hachbirah.
B'li reishit b'li tachlit,
v'lo ha-oz v'hamisrah.
V'hu eili v'chai goali,
v'tzur chevli b'eit tzarah.
V'hu nisi umanos li,
m'nat kosi b'yom ekra.
B'yado afkid ruchi,
b'eir ishan v'a-irah.
V'im ruchi giviyati,
Adonai li v'lo ira.
Shabbat Morning
Additional prayers





Modeh Ani
I offer thanks to You, living and eternal Ruler, for You have mercifully restored my soul
within me; Your faithfulness is great.
Your life today is not just a
continuation of your life
yesterday. It is a new gift, a
new chance. Modeh: We
acknowledge a priceless gift.
Blessing for putting on a Tallit
Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe, who hallows us with mitzvot,
commanding us to wrap ourselves in the fringes.
page 142 in Siddur Hadash
Modeh ani lifanecha, melech chai v'kayam; shehechezar-tah bee
nishmati b'chemlah, rabbah emunatechah
Baruch atah Adonai eloheinu melech ha-olam, asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav,
v'tzivanu l'hitateif batzitzit.
Morning Blessings
We offer You praise, Adonai our God, Ruler of the Universe:
For bestowing the ability to distinguish between day and night
For creating us in your image
For giving us freedom
For making us Jews
For giving us the capacity to see
For clothing the naked
For freeing the captive
For Raising up those who are bowed down
For sustaining the universe
For providing for our daily needs
For giving us guidnace on lifes path
For endpwing our people with courage
For crowning our people with glory
For giving strength to the weary
page 146 in Siddur Hadash
Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech haolam, asher natan lasechvi vina,
lhavchin bein yom uvein laila.
Baruch Atah Adonai Baruch Atah Adonai Baruch Atah Adonai Baruch
Atah Adonai Baruch Atah Adonai Baruch Atah Adonai Baruch Atah
Adonai Baruch Atah Adonai Baruch Atah Adonai Baruch Atah Adonai
Baruch Atah Adonai
Mah Tovu
How good are your tents, O Jacob; your dwellings, O Israel!
It is through your abundant love that I enter Your home, and bow in awe in the direction of Your
holy temple.
Adonai, I love the temple, Your home and the place where Your glory dwells.
I will bow down low and prostrate myself before Adonai, my Creator.
May my prayer find favor in Your sight, Adonai. In the abundance of Your loving-kindness answer
me in the truth.
The Story of Balaam
The story of Balaam can be found in The Book of Numbers 22-24. Balaam was the son of Beor and a prophet of Pethor
in Mesopotamia, currently Iraq.The story begins with the defeat of Amorites by Israel. According to Sages tradition, Moses
wrote his book and the book of Balaam and Job. According to the story, Balaam was hired by Balak, king of Moab to place
a curse on the people of Israel, who are camped ominously on the plains of Moab. As mentioned in Numbers 22: Come
now therefore, I pray thee, curse me this people; for they are too mighty for me; peradventure I shall prevail, that we may
smite them, and that I may drive them out of the land; for I know that he whom thou blessest is blessed, and he whom thou
cursest is cursed. At first, Balaam refused to curse Israel and told Balaks messengers that he will do so only when God
will speak to him. But as delegation arrived, God allowed him to go on condition that he do only as God told him. However,
God was angry at his going and sent an angel in the way as an adversary. The angel was discerned by his donkey but not
by Balaam who beat the animal for its stubbornness.. After this occurred three times, God enabled the animal to speak and
ask why it was being beaten. God then opened Balaams eyes to see the angel, who revealed that the donkey had saved his
life by turning aside. Balaam confessed his sin and the angel reiterated Gods word that he could proceed. God ,of course ,
had another plan for Balaam. He intervened and each time Balaam prophesied, he pronounced a blessing on Israel instead
of a curse. After three attempts from three different locations, Balaam was able only to pronounce blessing on Israel and
not a curse.
page 140 in Siddur Hadash
Mah tovu ohalecha ya-akov, mishk'notecha yisra-eil. Va-ani
b'rov chasd'cha avo veitecha, eshtachaveh el heichol
kodsh'cha b'yiratecha. Adonai ahavti m'on beitecha, um'kom
mishkan k'vodecha. Va-ani eshtachaveh v'echra-ah,
evr'chah lifnei Adonai osi. Va-ani t'filati l'cha Adonai, eit
ratzon, elohim b'rav chasdecha, aneini be-emet yishecha
page 190 in Siddur Hadash
Ashrei yosh'vei veitecha, od y'hal'lucha selah. Ashrei ha-am shekachah lo, ashrei ha-am she-adonai elohav.
T'hilah l'david, aromimcha elohai hamelech, va-avar'chah shimcha l'olam va-ed. B'chol yom avar'cheka, va-
ahal'lah shimcha l'olam va-ed.
Gadol Adonai um'hulal m'od, v'ligdulato ein cheiker. Dor l'dor y'shabach ma-asecha, ug'vurotecha yagidu.
Hadar k'vod hodecha, v'divrei nifl'otecha asichah.
Ve-ezuz nor'otecha yomeiru, ug'dulat'cha asap'renah. Zecher rav tuv'cha yabiu, v'tzidkat'cha y'raneinu.
Chanun v'rachum Adonai, erech apayim ug'dol chased. Tov Adonai lakol, v'rachamav al kol ma-asav.
Yoducha Adonai kol ma-asecha, vachasidecha y'var'chuchah
K'vod malchut'cha yomeiru, ug'vurat'cha y'dabeiru. L'hodi-a livnei ha-adam g'vurotav, uch'vod hadar malchuto
Malchut'cha malchut kol olamim, umemshalt'cha b'chol dor vador.
Someich Adonai l'chol hanof'lim, v'zokeif l'chol hak'fufim. Einei chol eilecha y'sabeiru, v'atah notein lahem et
ach'lam b'ito.
Potei-ach et yadecha, umasbi-a l'chol chai ratzon. Tzadik Adonai b'chol d'rachav, v'chasid b'chol ma-asav.
Karov Adonai l'chol kor'av, l'chol asher yikrauhu ve-emet.
R'tzon y'rei-av ya-aseh, v'et shavatam yishma v'yoshi-eim. Shomeir Adonai et kol ohavav, v'eit kol har'shaim
T'hilat Adonai y'daber pi, vivareich kol basar sheim kod'sho l'olam va-ed.
Va-anachnu n'vareich yah, mei-atah v'ad olam, hal'luyah.
I will exalt You, my God the Ruler, and I will bless Your Name forever and ever.
Every day I will bless You, and I will laud Your Name forever and ever.
God is great and exceedingly lauded, and Gods greatness is beyond investigation.
Each generation will praise Your deeds to the next and of Your mightly deeds they will tell;
The splendrous glory of Your power and Your wonderous deeds I shall discuss.
And of Your awesome they will speak, and your greatness I shall relate.
A recollection of Your abundant goodness they will utter and of Your righteousness they will sing exultantly.
Gracious and merciful is God, slow to anger, and great in bestowing kindness.
God is good to all; Gods mercies are on all Gods works.
All Your works shall thank You, God, and Your devout ones will bless You.
Of the glory of Your Rulerdom they will speak, and of Your power they will tell.
To inform human being of Gods mighty deeds, and the glorious splendor of Gods kingdom.
Your Rulerdom is a Rulerdom spanning all eternities, and Your dominion is throughout every generation.
God supports all the fallen ones and straightens all the bent.
The eyes of all look to You with hope and You give them their food in it's proper time;
You open Your hand, and satisfy the desire of every living thing.
Righteous is God in all Gods ways and magnaninous in all Gods deeds.
God is close to all who call upon Him - to all who call upon Him sincerely.
The will of those who fear Him He will do; and their cry He will hear, and save them.
God protects all who love Him; but all the wicked He will destroy.
May my mouth declare the praise of God and may all flesh bless Gods Holy Name forever and ever.
We will bless God from this time and forever, Halleluy-ah!
Write an acrostic poem praising God:
page 190 in Siddur Hadash
Torah Service
Ayn Kemocha
Adonai Melech
Av HaRachamim
Vayahi Binsoa
Ki Mitzion
Baruch Shenatan
Ein kamocha va-elohim, Adonai, v'ein k'ma-asecha. Malchut'cha
malchut kol olamim, umemshalt'cha b'chol dor vador.
Adonai melech, Adonai malach, Adonai yimloch l'olam va-ed.
Adonai oz l'amo yitein, Adonai y'vareich et amo vashalom
Av harachamim, heitivah virtzon'cha et tziyon, tivneh
chomot y'rushalayim. Ki v'cha l'vad batach'nu, melech eil
ram v'nisa, adon olamim.
Vay'hi binsoa ha-aron vayomer mosheh, kumah, Adonai,
v'yafutzu oy'vecha, v'yanusu m'sanecha mipanecha.
Baruch shenatan torah l'amo yisra-eil bikdushato.
Ki mitziyon teitzei torah, ud'var Adonai mirushalayim.
Torah Service-continued
Lecha Adonai
Vzot Hatorah
YHallu et shem/hodo
Sh'ma yisra-eil, Adonai eloheinu, Adonai echad.
L'cha Adonai hag'dulah v'hag'vurah v'hatiferet v'haneitzach
v'hahod, ki chol bashamayim uva-aretz, l'cha Adonai
hamamlachah, v'hamitnasei l'chol l'rosh. Rom'mu Adonai
eloheinu, v'hishtachavu lahadom raglav, kadosh hu. Rom'mu
Adonai eloheinu, v'hishtachavu l'har kad'sho, ki kadosh Adonai
V'zot hatorah asher sam mosheh lifnei b'nei yisra-eil, al pi
Adonai b'yad mosheh.
Yehallelu et shem Adonai, ki nisgov shemo lvadoe. Hodo al eretz
vshamyaim, vayaren keren lamo, tehillah lachol chasidov, livney
Yisrael am kerovoe, hallelulah.
Eitz chayim hi lamachazikim bah, v'tom'cheha m'ushar.
D'racheha darchei noam, v'chol n'tivoteha shalom. Hashivenu
Adonai, elecha vnashoovah. Chadesh ya-menu kkdem.
Blessing before the Torah Reading
Blessing after the Torah Reading
Torah Blessings
Bar'chu et Adonai ham'vorach.
CONGREGATION: Baruch Adonai hamvorach l'olam va-ed.
Baruch Adonai hamvorach l'olam va-ed.
Baruch Adonai hamvorach l'olam va-ed. Baruch atah Adonai eloheinu
melech ha-olam, asher bachar banu mikol ha-amim v'natan lanu et
torato. Baruch atah Adonai, notein hatorah.
Baruch atah Adonai eloheinu melech ha-olam, asher natan lanu
torat emet, v'chayei olam nata b'tocheinu. Baruch atah Adonai,
notein hatorah.
Blessing before Haftarah
Baruch atah Adonai eloheinu melech ha-olam, asher bachar
binviim tovim, v'ratzah v'divreihem hane-emarim be-emet.
Baruch atah Adonai, habocheir batorah uv'mosheh avdo,
uv'yisra-eil amo, uvinvi-ei ha-emet vatzedek.
Blessing after Haftarah
Baruch atah Adonai eloheinu melech ha-olam, tzur kol ha-olamim, tzadik
b'chol hadorot, ha-eil hane-eman ha-omeir v'oseh, hamdabeir um'kayeim,
shekol d'varav emet vatzedek. Ne-eman atah hu Adonai eloheinu, v'ne-
emanim d'varecha, v'davar echad mid'varecha achor lo yashuv reikam, ki
eil melech ne-eman (vrachaman) atah. Baruch atah Adonai, ha-eil hane-
eman b'chol d'varav.
Racheim al tziyon ki hi beit chayeinu, v'la-aluvat nefesh toshi-a bimheirah
v'yameinu. Baruch atah Adonai, m'samei-ach tziyon b'vaneha.
Sam'cheinu, Adonai eloheinu, b'eiliyahu hanavi avdecha, uv'malchut beit
david m'shichecha, bimheirah yavo v'yageil libeinu, al kiso lo yeishev zar,
v'lo yinchalu od acheirim et k'vodo, ki v'sheim kodsh'cha nishbata lo shelo
yichbeh neiro l'olam va-ed. Baruch atah Adonai, magein david.
Al hatorah, v'al ha-avodah, v'al han'viim, v'al yom hashabat hazeh,
shenatata lanu, Adonai eloheinu, likdushah v'limnuchah, l'chavod ul'tifaret.
Al hakol, Adonai eloheinu, anachnu modim lach', um'var'chim otach,
yitbarach shimcha b'fi kol chai tamid l'olam va-ed. Baruch atah Adonai,
m'kadeish hashabat.
Eyn Keloheynu
Ein keiloheinu, ein kadoneinu,
ein k'malkeinu, ein k'moshi-einu.
Mi cheiloheinu, mi chadoneinu,
mi ch'malkeinu, mi ch'moshi-einu.
Nodeh leiloheinu, nodeh ladoneinu, nodeh l'malkeinu, nodeh
Baruch eloheinu, baruch adoneinu, baruch malkeinu, baruch
Atah hu eloheinu, atah hu adoneinu, atah hu malkeinu, atah hu
Atah hu shehiktiru avoteinu l'fanecha et k'toret hasamim.
Additional Prayers
Hanukkah Blessings
The Four Questions
Ma nishtanah halailah hazeh mikol haleilot?
Sheb'khol haleilot anu okhlin hametz umatzah;
halailah hazeh, kuloh matzah.
Sheb'khol haleilot anu okhlin sh'ar y'rakot; halailah
hazeh, maror.
Sheb'khol haleilot ein anu matbilin afilu pa'am ehat;
halailah hazeh, shtei f'amim.
Sheb'khol haleilot anu okhlin bein yoshvin uvein
m'subin; halailah hazeh, kulanu m'subin.
Prayer for the State of Israel
Our Parent in heaven, Rock and Redeemer of Israel, bless the State of Israel, the beginning of the sprouting of our
redemption, protect it with Your kind wing, and spread over it Your shelter of peace;send Your light and truth to its
leaders, officers and advisers, and set them aright with good counsel from before You. Strengthen the hands of the
protectors of our holy land, and grant them, our God, salvation, and crown them with the crown of victory; emplace
peace in the land, and everlasting joy for its inhabitants. And our people, the entire House of Israel, remember, in all
the lands of their diaspora, and lead them quickly, upright to Your city Zionto Jerusalem, the dwelling place of Your
Name. As is written in the Torah of your servant Moses: "If you will be removed to the end of the heavens, from
there the Adonia your God will gather you, from there God will take you. Adonai your God will bring you to the land
that your fathers possessed, and you shall possess it; God shall be good to you, and increase you more than your
fathers. Adonai your God shall rectify your hearts and the hearts of your offspring, to love the Adonai your God with
all your heart and all your soul, so that you may live." (Deuteronomy 30:46) Unite our hearts to love and revere
Your Name, and to keep all the words of Your Torah. Send us, quickly, the son of David your righteous messiah, to
redeem those waiting for the time of your salvation. Reveal gloriously the pride of Your might to all the inhabitants of
Your physical world, and let all who have breath in their nostrils say: "Adonai, the God of Israel is Ruler,
and Gods Kingship rules over all." Amen, Selah.
Avinu she-ba-shamayim,
tzur yisrael ve-goalo,
barekh et Medinat Yisrael,
reishit tzemih at geulateinu.
Hagen aleha be-evrat h asdekha, u-feros aleha sukkat shelomekha, u-shelakh orekha va-amitekha le-rasheha, sareha,
ve-yoatzeha, ve-takenem be-etza tova mi-lefanekha.
H azek et yedei meginei eretz kodsheinu, ve-hanh ilem eloheinu yeshua
va-ateret nitazh on teaterem,
ve-natata shalom ba-aretz
ve-simh at olam le-yosheveha.
Ve-et ah einu kol beit yisrael,
pekod na be-khol artztot pezureinu,
ve-tolikheinu meheira komemiyut le-tziyon irekha ve-li-rushalayim mishkan shemekha,
ka-katuv be-torat Moshe avdekha:
Im yihyeh nidah akha bi-ktzei ha-shamayim, mi-sham yekabehtzkha adonai elohekha u-mi-sham yekah ekha.
Ve-heviakha adonai elohekha
el ha-aretz asher yareshu avotekha vi-rishtah, ve-heitivekha ve-hirbekha mei-avotekha.
Ve-yah ed levaveinu le-ahava u-le-yira et shemekha, ve-lishmor et kol divrei toratekha,
u-shlah lanu meheira ben David meshiah tzidkekha, lifdot mehakei keitz yeshuatekha.
Ve-hofa ba-hadar geon uzekha,
al kol yoshevei tevel artzekha, ve-yomar kol asher neshama be-apo: Adonai Elohei yisrael melekh, u-malkhuto ba-kol
Amen, Selah.
Notes & Assignments
Date Assignment
Notes & Assignments
Date Assignment

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