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Fans of antique gay erotica, rejoice. The world's largest collection of pederasty
art is to be released. It is all legal, because the collection is acceptable religious
art from secret galleries of Vatican art museums, all depicting only Biblical
The Vatican ecret !rchi"es announced yesterday plans to digitise a pre"iously
unac#nowledged collection of prohibited materials.
$ept hidden by an act of pontifical secrecy, the items, once decreed obscene,
are released as part of a new directi"e on transparency.
The collection includes tens of thousands of drawings, frescoes, engra"ings,
artifacts, and ephemera dating from the %enaissance bac# to classical
Included in the materials a"ailable for a free but censored pre"iew are an
illustrated manuscript depicting the ong of olomon, which is actually gay in its
content, as has been shown by the commentaries made by the &rotestant
'hurch on it in the first complete edition of the Finnish Bible in the year ()*+.
,eonardo da Vinci in"ented the first primiti"e camera obscura, by which he too#
photos of nude boys #issing and hugging each other. uch photos are included
in the Vatican art collection. &rimiti"e camera obscura was used by many art
painters who made their artwor# by the help of such archaic photos. The
collection released by Vatican include greatly enhanced and colori-ed "ersions
of archaic %enaissance photographs.
'osts and pricing for full access to the online collection ha"e not been finali-ed.
Income generated from paying subscribers will be set aside in a special account
administered by the 'atholic 'hurch.
The account will be used to reimburse losses by churches that ha"e declared
ban#ruptcy to eliminate their obligation to pay court judgements in se.ual
abuse cases.
The primiti"e camera obscura was also in"ented by /ermes Trismegistus, and
photos include real pictures ta#en of 0oah and his !r#, the #iss of 1udas,
brea#fast at the la#e in the 2ospel of 1ohn, chapter +(, pictures of 'hrist and all
his twel"e disciples and much more. The photos are enhanced to loo# li#e as if
they were ta#en by modern cameras.
3y last will and testament
4n the day ++ 1uly +5(+ at noon the ofia prosecutor and a woman police
officer from ofia, Bulgaria, came at my door and the prosecutor shouted in
Bulgarian language,and I ha"e translated their words to 6nglish7 8!!%%6
,6/T4060, '436 49T 4% :6 :I,, B%6!$ T/6 ;44%< =49 &46 T/6
&%4T6T!0T BIB,6, :/I'/ I I,,62!, I0 B9,2!%I!< 04: :6 !%6 !%%6TI02
=49 T4 4FI! &%I40 F4% ! F6: =6!%, B6'!96 =49 /!V6 !,4
!;V6%TI6; T/6 &%4T6T!0T BIB,6 I0 =49% :6BIT6< :6 /!V6 !,4
4T/6% '/!%26 !2!I0T =49<8
Then the prosecutor pushed his documents through under the door. I pretended
that I was not at home, and after ha"ing waited about half an hour, they left. I
too# the documents and there was te.t in Bulgarian language, and I ha"e
translated it to 6nglish7
Sofia district court, from Sv. Hikov, district attorney on July 21, 2014
We have evidence that Aarre Sakari Lehtonen, a innish national, !as actually
"orn in 1#$#, and his real name is John Wilkes %ooth, !ho assassinated the
&.S. 'resident A"raham Lincoln in 1#(). He mana*ed to esca+e from the crime
scene, and he moved to inland immediately after havin* committed his crime,
and he also chan*ed his name to "e Aarre Sakari Lehtonen, and he made his
facial features to look different to cover u+ his identity. He is no! 1,( years old.
Washin*ton -... -istrict court in the &nited States !ants him to "e sentenced to
death for his crime, and !e are *oin* to send him there. We have the !arrant to
arrest him immediately for these +rocedures. We have 1200 eye!itnesses from
/stonia to testify that Aarre Sakari Lehtonen is the same +erson as John Wilkes
Aarre Lehtonen also +ossesses a 'rotestant %i"le, !hich is a*ainst the
%ul*arian la!, +unisha"le "y 10 years of +rison sentence, and he has also
advertised the 'rotestant %i"le on his !e"sites.
Sv Hikov, district attorney
I escaped immediately to another city, and now I present my last will and
Fuc# you, assholes.
0here are these flyers every!here in 1ese"ar2
406 3I,,I40 ;4,,!% reward to anyone for reporting a Finnish national fugiti"e
!arre a#ari ,ehtonen's whereabouts to the nearest police station<
" /i#o" district attorney, ofia.
There is also smaller te.t in Bulgarian language underneath of those flyers. I
ha"e translated that te.t to 6nglish7
3, 4esela Jancheva, a +olice officer from Sofia, have "locked Aarre Sakari
Lehtonen5s esca+e from %ul*aria "y *ivin* orders to all "order check+oints that
if he tries to leave the country, he must "e immedietaly arrested and "rou*ht to
Sofia 6ail for the ne7t 2) years !ithout a court.
Aarre Sakari Lehtonen has !ritten for"idden +rotestant %i"les in innish
lan*ua*e in the years 1(42 and 1,,( that are a"solutely ille*al in %ul*aria, and
this crime is +unisha"le "y death. 3, 4esela Jancheva, a +olice officer from Sofia,
*ive an a"solute order to all +eo+le in %ul*aria to kill Aarre Lehtonen, shoot to
kill on si*ht. 3 4esela Jancheva !ill *ive re!ard one million dollars +romised "y
8rthodo7 .hurch of %ul*aria to any"ody !ho kills Aarre Sakari Lehtonen.
Any"ody !ho is not searchin* Aarre Lehtonen5s !herea"outs and does not kill
him, 3 4esela Jancheva !ill arrest such a +erson for ten years in +rison.
8rthodo7 church of %ul*aria has ordered all +olice officers and civilians to kill
all *ays and their allies, and this is also !hy Aarre Sakari Lehtonen must "e
killed, and also "ecause 8rthodo7 .hurch of %ul*aria does not tolerate
'rotestant %i"les, !hich have *ay content in them, and Aarre Sakari Lehtonen
has released such content in his !e"sites.
4esela Jancheva, +olice officer, Sofia.
I, !arre ,ehtonen, was arrested in the year +5(+ by this ofia female police
officer Vesela 1anche"a, who #ept me continuously arrested in ofia jail for one
year and fi"e months without a court. Vesela 1anche"a loo#s li#e the !merican
mo"ie actress %achel Ticotin, who has acted a police officer named 8andra8 in
the mo"ie 8Falling ;own8, directed by 1oel chumacher, 9! (>>?, and 83elina8
in the mo"ie 8Total %ecall8, directed by &aul Verhoe"en, 9! (>>5. Below there
is a picture of %achel Ticotin as 3elina in Total %ecall.
In reality 4rthodo. 'hurch of Bulgaria is not any 'hristian church at all, but it is
an e.tremist Islamic 1ihad group, and the ofia cops and prosecutors are
e.tremist 3uslims who stal# and murder all protestant 'hristians.
4n the front page of the flyer there is a te.t beneath that says7 8Turn the other
side of this flyer to read more.8 4n the other side there is this te.t7
B9,2!%I!' 4%T/4;4@ '/9%'/ !0; T/6 4FI! &4,I'6 T!TI40 6!%'/6
F4% 6=6:IT066 T4 T/6 '%I36 '433ITT6; B= !!%%6 ,6/T4060. :%IT6
=49% I20!T9%6, 40,= =49% ,!T 0!36 :I,, B6 60492/, T/!T =49 !:
!!%%6 ,6/T4060 '433ITTI02 ! '%I36. IT ;46 04T 3!TT6% :/6%6 =49
!: IT, 4% :/60 =49 !: IT, 4% I0 :/!T :!= =49 !: !!%%6 ,6/T4060
'433ITTI02 ! '%I36, 4% :/!T '%I36 =49 !: /6 '433ITT6;, 19T I20
T/I T!T6360T T/!T !!%%6 ,6/T4060 I 29I,T=, 04 3!TT6% :/!T. :6
:I,, FI,, T/6 %6T 4F =49% 6=6:IT06 %6&4%T. :6 :I,, &!= F4% =49%
I20!T9%6 406 T/49!0; ;4,,!%. =49 '!0 !,4 '4&= T/I F,=6% !0;
2IV6 T/63 T4 &64&,6 =49 $04: T4 B6 I206;. :6 066; T60 4F
T/49!0; 4F I20!T9%6. =49 :I,, 06V6% /!V6 T4 /4: 9& I0 !
'49%T%443 T4 T6TIF= !0=T/I02 90;6% 4!T/, B6'!96 !!%%6 ,6/T4060
:I,, B6 60T60'6; T4 ;6!T/ I0 '49%T !0=:!= 19T 40 T/6 B!I 4F T/6
I20!T9%6 4F T/6 6=6:IT066. T/6 34%6 :6 /!V6 T/66 I20!T9%6,
T/6 34%6 9%6,= /6 :I,, B6 60T60'6;.
:%IT6 =49% I20!T9%6 B6,4:, =49% ,!T 0!36 :I,, B6 60492/7
=49 39T 60; !,, T/66 I206; F,=6% T4 V66,! 1!0'/6V!, 4FI!
&4,I'6 /6!;A9!%T6%, 4FI!, B9,2!%I!. :%IT6 !,4 T/6 :!= =49 :!0T
T/6 406 T/49!0; ;4,,!% T4 B6 ;6,IV6%6; T4 =49.
:%IT6 B6,4: :/6%6 =49 :!0T T/6 3406= T4 B6 60T T47
The 4rthodo. 'hurch of Bulgaria, secret inquisition department
Tur#u medie"al fair museum of religious history in (*>+
Turun #es#iai#aisten mar##inoiden us#ontohistorian museo
"uonna (*>+
%osencreu-ian school Finland7
'olumbus and 2ospel 'ountry 3icronation
%eleased by &rotestant e"enthB;ay !d"entist %osencreu-ians, +5(*
Founder !arre a#ari ,ehtonen
BIB,I'!, TI36 T%!V6,I02 &/4T42%!&/=
Time tra"eling and ta#ing photographs of the past ha"e been told in the Finnish
Bible, the years (>??C?D translation7
9:atso, min; annan aurinkokellon var6on siirty; takaisin kymmenen astetta,
6otka se 6o on aurin*on mukana laskeutunut Aahaan aurinkokellossa.9 Ja
aurinko siirtyi aurinkokellossa takaisin kymmenen astetta, 6otka se 6o oli
laskeutunut. 1esaja ?D7D, %aamatun (>??C?D te#stistE.
6nglish translation7
9%ehold, 3 !ill let the shado! of the sundial move ten de*rees "ack!ard, !hich
it already has *one do!n alon* !ith the sun on Aha< sundial.9 So the sun
returned on the sundial ten de*rees, !hich it already had *one do!n. From
1esaja ?D7D, the Finnish Bible (>??C?D.
4oi mielett=myytt;nne> 8nko savi savenvala6an veroinen? Ja sanooko ty=
teki6;st;;n2 9/i h;n ole minua tehnyt9, tai sanooko kuva kuvaa6astaan2 9/i h;n
mit;;n ymm;rr;9? 1esaja +>7(), %aamatun (>??C?D te#stistE.
6nglish translation7
8h your a"surdity> 3s clay like the +otter? And does the !ork say of its !orker2
9He has not made me,9 or does a +hoto say of its +hoto*ra+her2 9He does not
understand anythin*9? From 1esaja +>7(), the Finnish Bible (>??C?D the te.t.
&hoto means in Finnish language in this conte.t only a photograph, because a
photograph can be ta#en only by a photographer.
If it's a drawing in question, then one says7
8;oes a drawing say of its drawerF8
If it's a painting in question, then one says7
8;oes a painting say of its painterF8
4f all the Bible translations in the entire world, this Biblical paragraph, 8does a
photo say of its photographer8, is found only in Finnish Bible translation, and
only in the years (>??C(>?D translation.
T/I !B4V6 602,I/ T6@T T%!0,!T6; T4 FI00I/7
!i#amat#ustaminen ja "alo#u"ien ottaminen menneisyydesta on #errottu
suomen#ielisessa %aamatussa, "uosien (>??C?D #aanno#sessa7
9:atso, min; annan aurinkokellon var6on siirty; takaisin kymmenen astetta,
6otka se 6o on aurin*on mukana laskeutunut Aahaan aurinkokellossa.9 Ja
aurinko siirtyi aurinkokellossa takaisin kymmenen astetta, 6otka se 6o oli
laskeutunut. 1esaja ?D7D, %aamatun (>??C?D te#stistE.
4oi mielett=myytt;nne> 8nko savi savenvala6an veroinen? Ja sanooko ty=
teki6;st;;n2 9/i h;n ole minua tehnyt9, tai sanooko kuva kuvaa6astaan2 9/i h;n
mit;;n ymm;rr;9? 1esaja +>7(), %aamatun (>??C?D te#stistE.
$u"a tar#oittaa suomen #ielessa tassa #onte#stissa "ain "alo#u"aa, #os#a
"alo#u"an "oi ottaa "ain #u"aaja.
1os #yseessa on piirros, niin silloin sanotaan7
8anoo#o piirros piirtajastaanF8
1os #yseessa on maalaus, niin silloin sanotaan7
8anoo#o maalaus maalaajastaanF8
$o#o maailman #ai#ista raamatun#aanno#sista, tama raamatun#ohta,
8sanoo#o #u"a #u"aajastaan8, loytyy "ain suomalaisessa
raamatun#aanno#sessa, ja "ain "uosien (>?? C (>?D #aanno#sessa.
T/6= /!; T6,6&/406 I0 BIB,I'!, TI36
I already e.plained before that the Bible spea#s about photo cameras. The
Bible also spea#s about telephones.
Finnish word 8soittaa8 has three meanings7
(.To ma#e a phone call, to telephone Gsoittaa puhelu, soittaa puhelimellaH
+.To ring a doorbell Gsoittaa o"i#elloaH
?.To play some musical instrument or a record player Gsoittaa jota#in musii##iB
instrumenttia tai le"ysoitintaH
In the Boo# of 0ehemia, chapter (+, "erse ?), the Finnish Bible, the year (>>+
edition says7
9H;nt; seurasivat h;nen +a++isvel6ens; Sema6a, Asarel, @ilalai, Ailalai, @aai,
1etanel, Juuda 6a Hanani, 6otka soittivat Jumalan miehen -aavidin m;;r;;mi;
soittimia. Heid;n edell;;n kulki /sra, laino+etta6a.9 0ehemia (+7?).
9He !as follo!ed "y his +riest "rothers Sema6a, Asarei, @ilalai, Ailalai, @aai,
1etanel, Juuda and Hanani, !ho 0/L/'H81/- %B 'H81/ .ALL @A:31A
-/43./S that !ere ordered "y -avid, man of Aod. Ahead of them !alked /<ra,
the teacher of the la!.9 0ehemia (+7?).
Finnish word 8soitin8 means 8musical instrument8, and it also means some
music player, li#e a record player, 8le"ysoitin8. ynonym for 8soitin8 in Finnish
language is 8soittopeli8, meaning a de"ice by which one can either play music,
or an archaic word for a telephone. In 0ehemia (+7?) it is not defined whether
;a"id's eight priest brothers are playing e.actly musical instruments, that te.t
can also be interpreted li#e they were ma#ing phone calls. Finnish word 8soitto8
Gderi"ed from 8soitin8H has two meanings7 a musical play and a phone call.
The e"idence that the Bible was first written in
Finnish language
Bible spea#s about Finland
To#ens from Finnish Bible, %aamattu #ansalle +5(+ edition7
Sina lahdet liikkeelle +erimmaisesta +oh6olasta mukanasi monia kanso6a.
/ese#ielin #irja ?D7(I
Bou are settin* forth from the su+reme north alon* !ith many nations
accom+anyin* you. /ese#iel ?D7(I.
3hmisla+si, sinun on ennustettava Aoo*ia vastaan 6a sanottava2 @ina kaannan
sinut ym+ari, kul6etan sinua, tuon sinut +erimmaisesta +oh6olasta 6a vien sinut
3sraelin vuorille. /ese#ielin #irja ?>7(,+.

Human child, you must +redict a*ainst Ao* and say2 3 !ill turn you around and
escort you, 3 !ill "rin* you from the su+reme north and take you to the
mountains of 3srael. /ese#iel ?>7(,+.
Han on tehnyt Seulaset 6a :alevanmiekan, han muuttaa +ilkko+imean aamuksi
6a +imentaa +aivan yoksi. !amo#sen #irja I7D.
He has made 8rion constellation and :aleva5s s!ord, he chan*es utter
darkness into mornin* and darkens a day to "ecome a ni*ht. !mos I7D.
8n tuleva +aiva C Herralle se on tunnettu. Silloin ei vaihdu +aiva 6a yo2 illallakin
on valoisaa. a#arjan #irja (*7J.
0here !ill "e a day D it is kno!n to the Lord. 0hen the day and the ni*ht !on5t
chan*e2 it !ill "e "ri*ht also in the evenin*. Kechariah (*7J.
!arre ,ehtonen's comment7 This is ob"iously spo#en about 0orthern Finland,
where the sun does not go down at all for fi"e wee#s during 1une and 1uly, and
the sun does not rise at all for fi"e wee#s during ;ecember and 1anuary. 0ote
also that this spea#s about the supreme north and $ale"a's sword Gthe name of
Finland's national epic is $ale"alaH, in other words ancient people of the
0orthern and outhB6ast Finland and their actions ha"e been written to the
!arre ,ehtosen #ommentti7 Tassa puhutaan ilmeisesti &ohjoisBuomesta, jossa
aurin#o ei las#e lain#aan "iiteen "ii##oon #esaB ja heina#uun ai#ana, ei#a
aurin#o nouse lain#aan "iiteen "ii##oon jouluB ja tammi#uun ai#ana. /uomaa
myos, etta tassa puhutaan perimmaisesta pohjolasta ja $ale"anmie#asta, eli
muinaiset &ohjoisB ja $aa##oisBuomen #ansat #uten $ale"alan #ansa ja niiden
toiminta on #irjoitettu %aamattuun.
2ay pedophilia stuff can be found from the Bible's 4ld Testament, + amuel
(7+), where it's said that ;a"id GIsrael's young boy #ingH lo"ed 1onathan more
than women. They were 04T brothers, li#e it's told in this "erse, but friends, and
that can be found from other Biblical "erses, ( amuel ()7(>B+( and ( amuel
(>7(B+, where it's told that ;a"id was the youngest of all the se"en adolescent
brothers, and none of those brothers was 1onathan, and that ;a"id was just a
#id when he was anointed to be the #ing of Israel. 'hild #ings were not
uncommon in Biblical times, there were such child #ings li#e 3anasseh, (+
years old G+ $ings +(7(H, 1osia, D years old G+ $ings ++7(H, and 1ooas, J years old
G+ 'hronicles +*7(H.
:hen 1onathan had an affair to Israel's gay boy #ing ;a"id, was 1onathan
already an adult, this can be found from ( amuel (*7(B(I.
And it came to +ass, !hen he had made an end of s+eakin* unto Saul, that the
soul of Jonathan !as knit !ith the soul of -avid, and Jonathan loved him as his
o!n soul. And Jonathan stri++ed himself of the ro"e that !as u+on him, and
*ave it to -avid, and his *arments, even to his s!ord, and to his "o!, and to his
*irdle. ( amuel (D7(,*.
And it came to +ass in the mornin*, that Jonathan !ent out into the field at the
time a++ointed !ith -avid, and a little lad !ith him. And as soon as the lad !as
*one, -avid arose out of a +lace to!ard the south, and fell on his face to the
*round, and "o!ed himself three times2 and they kissed one another, and !e+t
one !ith another, until -avid e7ceeded. ( amuel +57?I,*(.
In the Bible it is told that Biblical te.ts should be told to children7
0ell ye your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their
children another *eneration. 1oel (7?.
:hen 1onathan had an affair with Israel's gay boy child #ing ;a"id, was
1onathan already an adult, this can be found from ( amuel chapter (*, "erses
Bible tells that #ing aul was also attached to ;a"id, this can be found from (
amuel chapter (), "erse +(7 And -avid came to Saul, and stood "efore him2
and he loved him *reatly.
$un 1oonatanilla oli suhde Israelin homose#suaaliseen poi#alapsi#unin#aaseen
;aa"idiin, oli 1oonatan jo taysi#as"uinen, tama #ay ilmi ( amuelin #irjan (*.
lu"usta, ja#eista (B(I.
%aamatun mu#aan #uningas aul oli myos #iintynyt ;aa"idiin, tama ilmenee (
amuelin #irjan (). lu"usta, ja#eesta +(7 Ja -aavid tuli Saulin luo 6a ru+esi
+alvelemaan h;nt;E 6a h;n tuli h;nelle hyvin rakkaaksi.
aul found out that his son 1onathan was also attached to ;a"id, so aul ga"e
orders to #ill ;a"id. In ( amuel chapter (>, "erses ( and + it is told7 And Saul
s+ake to Jonathan his son, and to all his servants, that they should kill -avid.
%ut Jonathan Saul5s son deli*hted much in -avid.
aul sai sel"ille, etta hanen poi#ansa 1oonatan oli myos #iintynyt ;aa"idiin,
joten aul #as#i surmata ;aa"idin. ( amuelin #irjan lu"ussa (>, ja#eessa (
#errotaan7 9Saul +uhui +o6alleen Joonatanille 6a kaikille +alveli6oilleen, etta
-aavid olisi surmattava. Joonatan oli kuitenkin hyvin kiintynyt -aavidiin.9
6.tra e"idence that #ing aul was gay7
And he FSaulG stri++ed off his clothes also, and +ro+hesied "efore Samuel in like
manner, and lay do!n naked all that day and all that ni*ht. ( amuel (>7+*.
6#stratodiste #uningas aulin homose#suaalisuudesta7
Siella hankin FSaulG riisui vaatteensa 6a 6outui hurmoksiin Samuelin edessa. Han
kaatui maahan 6a makasi alastomana koko sen +aivan 6a yon. ( amuelin #irja
,ater in one battle of war aul got wounded, and aul #illed himself with a
sword G( amuel ?(7*H. /owe"er there is another "ersion that aul had as#ed
one adolescent to #ill himself with a sword, and so the adolescent did how he
was as#ed to do. G+ amuel (7IB(5.H
3yohemmin eraassa sotataistelussa aul haa"oittui, ja aul surmasi itsensa
mie#alla G( amuelin #irja ?(7*H. $uiten#in tasta on toinen#in "ersio, etta aul
oli pyytanyt erasta nuoru#aista surmaamaan itsensa, jon#a nuoru#ainen sitten
te#i#in aulin pyynnon mu#aan. G+ amuelin #irja (7IB(5H.
In all this it was about two gay adults being attached to one and the same minor
gay boy child.
Tassa #ai#essa oli siis #yse #ahden taysiBi#aisen homose#suaalin
#iintymy#sesta yhteen ja samaan alai#aiseen homopoi#alapseen.
As also in all his e+istles, F'aulG s+eakin* in them of these thin*sE in !hich are
some thin*s hard to "e understood, !hich they that are unlearned and unsta"le
!rest, as they do also the other scri+tures, unto their o!n destruction. + &eter
Ta#e a loo# what happened between 1esus and &eter, who was actually a
twel"eByearBold boy, and 1esus called him and his friends with a word
8'/I,;%608 in the 2ospel of 1ohn, chapter +(7
After these thin*s Jesus she!ed himself a*ain to the disci+les at the sea of
0i"eriasE and on this !ise she!ed he himself. 0here !ere to*ether Simon 'eter,
and 0homas called -idymus, and 1athanael of .ana in Aalilee, and the sons of
He"edee, and t!o other of his disci+les. %ut !hen the mornin* !as no! come,
Jesus stood on the shore2 "ut the disci+les kne! not that it !as Jesus. 0hen
Jesus saith unto them, .H3L-I/1, have ye any meat? 0hey ans!ered him, 1o.
0herefore that disci+le !hom Jesus loved saith unto 'eter, 3t is the Lord. 1o!
!hen Simon 'eter heard that it !as the Lord, he *irt his fisher5s coat unto him,
Ffor he !as naked,G and did cast himself into the sea. So !hen they had dined,
Jesus saith to Simon 'eter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than
these? He saith unto him, Bea, LordE thou kno!est that 3 love thee. 1ohn +(7 (, +,
*, I, J, (I.
T/6= TI,, !%%6T &64&,6 T4 &%I40 I0 49T/B6!T 69%4&6 :/60
&64&,6 6@&46 T/66 BIB,I'!, V6%6 :/6%6 IT I ',6!%,= /4:0
B6=40; T/6 /!;4: 4F ! ;49BT T/!T 9'/ BIB,I'!, FI29%6 ,I$6 169
!0; &6T6% !0; ;!VI; !0; 140!T/!0 /!; ! 2!= !FF!I%, !0; &6T6% !I;
/I36,F I0 /I 6'40; 6&IT,6 '/!&T6% ?, V6%6 (), T/!T 6V6%=T/I02
T/!T I :%ITT60 I0 T/6 '%I&T9%6 39T 04T B6 !,T6%6; I0 T/6I%
36!0I02, 4T/6%:I6 ;6T%9'TI40 F4,,4: T4 !,, :/4 !,T6% T/6
36!0I02 4F BIB,I'!, V6%6. 4 04 :40;6% :/= T/6 '!T/4,I' '/9%'/
B!006; T/6 &46I40 4F T/6 BIB,6 F%43 !,, 'ITIK60 F4% 3!0=
'60T9%I6 I0 69%4&6, B6'!96 T/6 '!T/4,I' '/9%'/ ;I; 04T :!0T
&64&,6 T4 $04: :/!T I ,IT6%!,,= :%ITT60 I0 T/6 BIB,6 !B49T 2!=
%6,!TI40/I& !3402 IT 3!I0 FI29%6. =49 $04: :/!T, T/I T!,$I02
4F 040B4%T/4;4@ BIB,6 4:06% I TI,, 24I02 40 I0 49T/B6!T
69%4&6, B9T 04: T/6= '/!%26 &64&,6 40 F!,6 !''9!TI40 4F 436
4T/6% '%I36 I0T6!; 4F /6%6=, B6'!96 I0 T/6 ,!: B44$ /6%6= I
04 ,4026% ! '%I36, 4 F4% 04T B6I02 !B,6 T4 96 &64&,6 ;I%6'T,= F4%
4:0I02 ! 040B4%T/4;4@ BIB,6, T/6= 96 &64&,6 I0;I%6'T,=, &%6I02
'/!%26 4F '/I,; 34,6T!TI40 !0; '/I,; $I,,I02, !,, T/I /4:6V6%
B6I02 ;I%6'T,= '4006'T6; T4 ;IT%IB9TI02 I0F4%3!TI40 !B49T
&%4T6T!0T BIB,6, !,T/492/ IT I 06V6% !;3ITT6; B= ,!:
!arre ,ehtonen's time tra"el e.perience7
I went to sleep in Thailand one e"ening in the year (>>D, and I wo#e up at a
time what I thought was the ne.t morning. I as#ed someone what day was it,
and when he told me, and when I also chec#ed the day from a newspaper, I
reali-ed that four days had elapsed. I surely couldn't ha"e slept four days and
nights continuously. Then I remembered ha"ing seen in the e"ening multiple
sunsets which occurred rapidly one after another, li#e days passing by in
FI0BIB,6, 943!,!II! %!!3!T90$LL00M$IL
FI0BIB,6B:6BIV9T40 $!I$$I T6$TIT 40 V!&!!TI $4&I4IT!VI!, T6$TIT
6IVLT 4,6 T6$I1L04I$69;60 &II%IL 4,6VI!< i"usto sisEltEE (>??C?D, (JJ)
ja ()*+ #EEnnN#sen apo#ryfi#irjoilla, !gricolan (I*D e 9uden Testamentin ja
0e osat (II+ Vanhasta Testamentista, jot#a !gricola #EEnsi. i"uston "oi myNs
ladata ladatta"at tiedostotBsi"ulta omalle #oneelle luetta"a#si ilman jat#u"asti
au#i ole"aa internetByhteyttE. $ai##i #EEnnN#set myNs &;FBtiedostona !crobat
%eaderilla luetta"issa. i"usto ei sisalla %aamattu #ansalle ry7n
raamatun#aannosta "uodelta +5(+.
GThe abo"e te.t in 6nglish7H FI0BIB,6, FI00I/ T%!0,!TI40 4F T/6 BIB,6
!,, T/6 T6@T 4F T/6 FI0BIB,6 :6BIT6 '!0 B6 F%66,= '4&I6;, T/6= !%6
04T 90;6% '4&=%I2/T< The website includes (>??C?D, (JJ) and ()*+
translations with apocryphal boo#s, !gricola's (I*D That 0ew Testament and
Those parts from (II+ 4ld Testament that !gricola translated. The website can
be downloaded from the 8,adatta"at tiedostot8 page to one's own computer to
be read without the internet connection being open continuously. !ll the
translations can also be read as &;F files by !crobat %eader. :ebsite does not
include the Bible translation of %aamattu #ansalle ry GBible for the nation,
registered associationH from the year +5(+.
60!TI40 4F T/6 3I,,600I93
&rotestant preacher !arre a#ari ,ehtonen from Finland, the founder of
e"enthB;ay !d"entist %osencreu-ians, has disco"ered from the year ()*+
Bible's Finnish language translation, from ong of olomon, the sensation of the
millennium. That Bible was officially released by Finland's &rotestant 'hurch,
and at the beginning of each chapter of ong of olomon Gin Finnish $or#ea
"eisu, later #nown as ,aulujen lauluH, there is an e.planatory te.t added by the
church to clarify the e.act meaning of the chapters. !s it is well #nown, the
original congregation of 'hrist consisted only of males, not females at all. In the
2ospel of 1ohn, chapter +(, it is told that the disciples of 'hrist were young boys,
children, as 'hrist called them. !lso throughout the 0ew Testament in all
Finnish translations the disciples of 'hrist are called with the word
8opetuslapset8, in 6nglish 8child students'. o the e.planatory te.ts at the
beginning of each chapter of ong of olomon mean that the te.ts in ong of
olomon describe the sameBse. polygamy relationship between 'hrist and his
young boy students.
The language in the Finland's &rotestant Bible from the year ()*+ is old Finnish,
but I translate it to modern 6nglish. For comparison, after that there is also the
same te.t from Finland's &rotestant Bible's ong of olomon in the year (JJ)
!t the beginning of chapter (, there is written in ()*+ translation7
0;s; kir6oitetan .hristu7en +uhe rackan morsiamensJ se onJ h;nen +yh;n
seuracundans cansaJ 6oca ik;!=id<e lohdutusta h;nen sanastans 6a
/van*eliumistansJ v. 1.
!alitta h;nen suruansJ v. ).
6a lohdutetan v. #.
t;s; tehd;n my=s tiett;!;7i .hristu7en 6a h;nen seuracundans sis;llinen
rackausJ v. K.
6nglish translation7
Here it is !ritten the s+eech of .hrist !ith his "eloved s+ouseJ that isJ !ith his
holy con*re*ationJ !hich is yearnin* solace from his !ord and his Aos+elJ v. 1
com+lains his sorro!J v. ).
and is "ein* comforted v. #.
Here is also made kno!n the inner love "et!een .hrist and his con*re*ationJ v.
In the Bible's 4ld Testament in ong of olomon, chapter +, "erses (, + and ? it
is written in Finland's &rotestant Bible in the year ()*+ translation7 9@3n; olen
Saronin cuckainenJ 6a cucoistus la7osa. 1i6ncuin ruusu or6anta++uroisJ ni6n on
minun arman tyt;rten seas. 1i6ncuin omena+uu med<;+uiden seasJ ni6n on
minun yst;!;n +oicain seas. @in; istun h;nen !ar6osans 6ota min; anonJ 6a
h;nen hedelm;ns on minun curcusan makia.9
;irect translation to 6nglish7 93 am the flo!er of Saron, and the "loomin* in the
valley. Just like a rose amon* thistles, so is my love amon* the dau*hters. Just
like an a++le tree amon* the trees of the forest, so is my friend amon* the "oys2
3 sit in his shado!, that 3 ask, and his fruit is s!eet in my throat.9
In the Bible's 4ld Testament in ong of olomon, chapter +, "erses (, + and ? it
is written in Finland's &rotestant Bible in the year (JJ) translation7 9@in; olen
Saronin kukkanen, 6a kukoistus laaksossa. 1iinkuin ruusu or6anta++uroissa, niin
on armaani tyt;rten seassa. 1iinkuin omena+uu mets;+uiden seassa, niin on
yst;v;ni +oikain seassa2 min; istun h;nen var6ossansa, 6ota min; anon, 6a
h;nen hedelm;ns; on minun suussani makia.9
;irect translation to 6nglish7 93 am the flo!er of Saron, and the "loomin* in the
valley. Just like a rose amon* thistles, so is my love amon* the dau*hters. Just
like an a++le tree amon* the trees of the forest, so is my friend amon* the "oys2
3 sit in his shado!, that 3 ask, and his fruit is s!eet in my mouth.9
o in ong of olomon, chapter +, "erses (, + and ? refer to gay relationships
between young boys, 8thistles8 referring to female harlots, and 8rose8 and
8apple8 referring to a gay boy couple.
The first 'hristian mo"ement was %osencreu-ians, who were young boys, li"ing
in the Blac# ea coast, and they were completely na#ed. G1ohn +(, 1ob +*7 I, J,
( $uningasten #irja (*7+*7 1a maassa oli myNs#in haureellisia pyhE##Npoi#ia.
Finland's (>??C(>?D Bible translation.
;irect 6nglish translation7 And in the land there !ere also "oy +rostitutes of the
tem+le. ( $ings (*7+*.
6"en after 'hrist's ascension, the disciples were na#ed7
4iel; t;n;kin hetken; me k;rsimme sek; n;lk;; ett; 6anoa, olemme alasti,
meit; +iest;;n, 6a me kul6emme kodittomina. ( 'orinthians *7((. Finland's
(>??C(>?D Bible translation.
;irect 6nglish translation7 /ven at this moment !e suffer from "oth hun*er and
thirst, !e are naked, !e are "ein* "eaten u+, and !e !alk homeless. (
'orinthians *7((.
Hesekiel $,21C2#, :in* James version2
0he hand of the Lord !as u+on me, and carried me out in the s+irit of the Lord,
and set me do!n in the midst of the valley !hich !as full of "ones,
2 and caused me to +ass "y them round a"out2 and, "ehold, there !ere very
many in the o+en valleyE and, lo, they !ere very dry.
$ And he said unto me, Son of man, can these "ones live? And 3 ans!ered, 8
Lord Aod, thou kno!est.
4 A*ain he said unto me, 'ro+hesy u+on these "ones, and say unto them, 8 ye
dry "ones, hear the !ord of the Lord.
) 0hus saith the Lord Aod unto these "onesE %ehold, 3 !ill cause "reath to enter
into you, and ye shall live2
( and 3 !ill lay sine!s u+on you, and !ill "rin* u+ flesh u+on you, and cover you
!ith skin, and +ut "reath in you, and ye shall liveE and ye shall kno! that 3 am
the Lord.
, So 3 +ro+hesied as 3 !as commanded2 and as 3 +ro+hesied, there !as a noise,
and "ehold a shakin*, and the "ones came to*ether, "one to his "one.
# And !hen 3 "eheld, lo, the sine!s and the flesh came u+ u+on them, and the
skin covered them a"ove2 "ut there !as no "reath in them.
K 0hen said he unto me, 'ro+hesy unto the !ind, +ro+hesy, son of man, and say
to the !ind, 0hus saith the Lord AodE .ome from the four !inds, 8 "reath, and
"reathe u+on these slain, that they may live.
10 So 3 +ro+hesied as he commanded me, and the "reath came into them, and
they lived, and stood u+ u+on their feet, an e7ceedin* *reat army.
11 0hen he said unto me, Son of man, these "ones are the !hole house of
3srael2 "ehold, they say, 8ur "ones are dried, and our ho+e is lost2 !e are cut off
for our +arts.
12 0herefore +ro+hesy and say unto them, 0hus saith the Lord AodE %ehold, 8
my +eo+le, 3 !ill o+en your *raves, and cause you to come u+ out of your *raves,
and "rin* you into the land of 3srael.
1$ And ye shall kno! that 3 am the Lord, !hen 3 have o+ened your *raves, 8 my
+eo+le, and "rou*ht you u+ out of your *raves,
14 and shall +ut my s+irit in you, and ye shall live, and 3 shall +lace you in your
o!n land2 then shall ye kno! that 3 the Lord have s+oken it, and +erformed it,
saith the Lord.
1) 0he !ord of the Lord came a*ain unto me, sayin*,
1( @oreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick, and !rite u+on it, or Judah,
and for the children of 3srael his com+anions2 then take another stick, and !rite
u+on it, or Jose+h, the stick of /+hraim, and for all the house of 3srael his
1, and 6oin them one to another into one stickE and they shall "ecome one in
thine hand.
1# And !hen the children of thy +eo+le shall s+eak unto thee, sayin*, Wilt thou
not she! us !hat thou meanest "y these?
1K Say unto them, 0hus saith the Lord AodE %ehold, 3 !ill take the stick of
Jose+h, !hich is in the hand of /+hraim, and the tri"es of 3srael his fello!s, and
!ill +ut them !ith him, even !ith the stick of Judah, and make them one stick,
and they shall "e one in mine hand.
20 And the sticks !hereon thou !ritest shall "e in thine hand "efore their eyes.
21 And say unto them, 0hus saith the Lord AodE %ehold, 3 !ill take the children
of 3srael from amon* the heathen, !hither they "e *one, and !ill *ather them
on every side, and "rin* them into their o!n land2
22 and 3 !ill make them one nation in the land u+on the mountains of 3sraelE
and one kin* shall "e kin* to them all2 and they shall "e no more t!o nations,
neither shall they "e divided into t!o kin*doms any more at all2
2$ neither shall they defile themselves any more !ith their idols, nor !ith their
detesta"le thin*s, nor !ith any of their trans*ressions2 "ut 3 !ill save them out
of all their d!ellin*+laces, !herein they have sinned, and !ill cleanse them2 so
shall they "e my +eo+le, and 3 !ill "e their Aod.
24 And -avid my servant shall "e kin* over themE and they all shall have one
she+herd2 they shall also !alk in my 6ud*ments, and o"serve my statutes, and
do them.
2) And they shall d!ell in the land that 3 have *iven unto Jaco" my servant,
!herein your fathers have d!eltE and they shall d!ell therein, even they, and
their children, and their childrenLs children for ever2 and my servant -avid shall
"e their +rince for ever.
2( @oreover 3 !ill make a covenant of +eace !ith themE it shall "e an
everlastin* covenant !ith them2 and 3 !ill +lace them, and multi+ly them, and
!ill set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.
2, @y ta"ernacle also shall "e !ith them2 yea, 3 !ill "e their Aod, and they shall
"e my +eo+le.
2# And the heathen shall kno! that 3 the Lord do sanctify 3srael, !hen my
sanctuary shall "e in the midst of them for evermore.
Hesekiel $,21C2#, inland5s %i"le, the years 1K$$C1K$# translation2
1. Herran k;si tuli minun +;;lleni 6a vei minut +ois Herran hen*ess; 6a laski
minut keskelle laaksoa. Ja se oli t;ynn; luita.
2. Ja h;n kul6etti minua ym+;ri niitten ohitseE 6a katso, niit; oli hyvin +al6on
laakson kamaralla, 6a katso, ne olivat hyvin kuivia.
$. 1iin h;n sanoi minulle2 93hmisla+si, voivatkohan n;m; luut tulla el;viksi?9
@utta min; sanoin2 9Herra, Herra, sin; sen tied;t9.
4. 1iin h;n sanoi minulle2 9/nnusta n;ist; luista 6a sano niille2 :uivat luut,
kuulkaa Herran sana.
). 1;in sanoo Herra, Herra n;ille luille2 :atso, min; annan tulla teihin hen*en,
6a te tulette el;viksi.
(. @in; +anen teihin 6;nteet, kasvatan teihin lihan, ved;n yllenne nahan 6a
annan teihin hen*en, 6a te tulette el;viksi. Ja te tulette tiet;m;;n, ett; min;
olen Herra.9
,. @in; ennustin, niinkuin minua oli k;sketty. Ja k;vi humahdus, kun min;
ennustinE 6a katso, kuului kolina, 6a luut l;heniv;t toisiaan, luu luutansa.
#. @in; n;in, 6a katso2 niihin tulivat 6;nteet 6a kasvoi liha, 6a +;;lle vet;ytyi
niihin nahkaE mutta henke; niiss; ei ollut.
K. 1iin h;n sanoi minulle2 9/nnusta hen*est;, ennusta, ihmisla+si, 6a sano
hen*elle2 1;in sanoo Herra, Herra2 0ule, henki, nel6;st; tuulesta 6a +uhalla
n;ihin surmattuihin, ett; ne tulisivat el;viksi.9
10. @in; ennustin, niinkuin h;n oli minua k;skenyt, 6a niihin tuli henki, 6a ne
tulivat el;viksi 6a nousivat yl=s 6aloillensa2 ylenm;;rin suuri 6oukko.
11. Ja h;n sanoi minulle2 93hmisla+si, n;m; luut ovat koko 3sraelin heimo.
:atso, he sanovat2 5@eid;n luumme ovat kuivettuneet, toivomme on mennytt;,
me olemme hukassa5.
12. Sent;hden ennusta 6a sano heille2 1;in sanoo Herra, Herra2 :atso, min;
avaan teid;n hautanne 6a nostan teid;t, minun kansani, yl=s haudoistanne 6a
vien teid;t 3sraelin maahan.
1$. Ja siit; te tulette tiet;m;;n, ett; min; olen Herra, kun min; avaan teid;n
hautanne 6a nostan teid;t, minun kansani, yl=s haudoistanne.
14. Ja min; annan teihin henkeni, niin ett; te tulette el;viksi, 6a si6oitan teid;t
omaan maahanne. Ja te tulette tiet;m;;n, ett; min; olen Herra2 min; olen
+uhunut, 6a min; sen teen, sanoo Herra.9
1). Ja minulle tuli t;m; Herran sana2
1(. 9Sin;, ihmisla+si, ota +uusauva 6a kir6oita siihen2 5Juudalle 6a h;neen
liittyneille israelilaisille5. 8ta sitten toinen +uusauva 6a kir6oita siihen2 5JoosefilleE
/fraimin 6a kaiken h;neen liittyneen 3sraelin heimon sauva5.
1,. Ja +ane ne l;hekk;in, +;;ksytysten, niin ett; ne tulevat yhdeksi sinun
1#. :un sitten kansasi la+set sanovat sinulle n;in2 5/tk= selit; meille, mit; sin;
t;ll; tarkoitat?5
1K. niin +uhu heille2 1;in sanoo Herra, Herra2 :atso, min; otan Joosefin sauvan,
6oka on /fraimin k;dess;, 6a h;neen liittyneet 3sraelin sukukunnat, 6a min;
asetan ne yhteen Juudan sauvan kanssa 6a teen niist; yhden sauvan, niin ett;
ne tulevat yhdeksi minun k;dess;ni.
20. Ja kun sauvat, 6oihin olet kir6oittanut, ovat sinun k;dess;si, heid;n
silm;ins; edess;,
21. niin +uhu heille2 1;in sanoo Herra, Herra2 :atso, min; otan israelilaiset +ois
+akanakanso6en keskuudesta, minne vain he ovat kulkeutuneet, kokoan heid;t
6oka taholta 6a tuon heid;t omaan maahansa.
22. @in; teen heid;t yhdeksi kansaksi siin; maassa, 3sraelin vuorilla, 6a yksi
kunin*as on oleva kuninkaana heill; kaikilla. /iv;tk; he en;; ole kahtena
kansana eiv;tk; en;; 6akaantuneina kahdeksi valtakunnaksi.
2$. /iv;t my=sk;;n he en;; saastuta itse;ns; kivi6umalillaan, il6etyksill;;n
eiv;tk; mill;;n rikkomuksillansa, vaan min; va+autan heid;t kaikista
asuin+aikoistaan, 6oissa ovat synti; tehneet, 6a +uhdistan heid;t. Ja he ovat
minun kansani, 6a min; olen heid;n Jumalansa.
24. @inun +alveli6ani -aavid on oleva heid;n kuninkaansa, 6a heill; kaikilla on
oleva yksi +aimen. Ja he vaeltavat minun oikeuksieni mukaan 6a noudattavat
minun k;sky6;ni 6a +it;v;t ne.
2). He saavat asua maassa, 6onka min; annoin +alveli6alleni Jaako"ille 6a 6ossa
teid;n is;nne ovat asuneet. Siin; saavat asua he, heid;n la+sensa 6a lastensa
la+set iankaikkisesti, 6a minun +alveli6ani -aavid on oleva heid;n ruhtinaansa
2(. @in; teen heid;n kanssansa rauhan liiton C se on oleva iankaikkinen liitto
heid;n kanssansa C istutan 6a runsaasti kartutan heid;t 6a asetan +yh;kk=ni
olemaan heid;n keskell;ns; iankaikkisesti.
2,. @inun asumukseni on oleva heid;n yll;ns;, 6a min; olen heid;n Jumalansa,
6a he ovat minun kansani.
2#. Ja +akanakansat tulevat tiet;m;;n, ett; min; olen Herra, 6oka +yhit;n
3sraelin, kun minun +yh;kk=ni on heid;n keskell;ns; iankaikkisesti.9
%ussian mathematician !natoly Fomen#o tells in his se"enB"olume boo#
8/istory7 Fiction or cienceF8 that the 4ld testament of the Bible was written
!FT6% the 0ew testament, so a conclusion can be made that 2enesis is a
sequel to 2ospel of 1ohn and the !pocalypse of 1ohn. The secret of !aron's
2olden 'alf is that !aron had made a golden calf and he had made people
na#ed, and all these things are mentioned in the 6.odus, from chapter +> to ??.
!aron was three years older brother of 3oses G6.odus )7()B+5. 6.odus J7JH.
Boo#s of amuel are sequels to 2enesis and 6.odus, and their sequels are
2ospel of 1ohn and the !pocalypse of 1ohn, and again their sequels are 2enesis
and 6.odus.
$ing 1ames Bible, 6.odus7
9And !hen @oses sa! that the +eo+le !ere nakedE Ffor Aaron had made them
The same "erse in Finnish language in &rotestant Finnish Bible, the year ()*+,
9.8sca @oses n;ki ett; .anssa oli +al6as F sill; Aaron oli heid;n +al6astanutG9.
o !aron is the founder of nudism. /is golden calf means that he could ma#e
money from his nudistCnaturist philosophy. !aron was able to ma#e
nudismCnaturism legal in most ci"ili-ed lands up to this time.
The best e"idence that 'hrist taught people
only from his age of nine to twel"e
There is a 2ospel outside of the Bible, named Infancy 2ospel of Thomas, written
by one of his child students as an adult. It tells about 'hrist's childhood e"ents,
and it ends when 'hrist is twel"e years old, and its last chapter is almost e.actly
the same as what is told in the 2ospel of ,u#e, chapter +, "erses *(B*J. I ha"e
pro"en elsewhere in these websites that all the disciples of 'hrist were young
boys, of ages from se"en to twel"e. 'hrist would not ha"e been able to hang
around for three years continuously with such young boys who were not of his
own immediate family, if 'hrist was an adult. In those times such acti"ity would
ha"e been considered to be suspicious, especially because it has been
e.plained in the 'ommentary section of ong of olomon in the Finnish
&rotestant Bible in the year ()*+, what 'hrist did with his disciples, li#e what it
is told in ong of olomon, #issing and hugging his disciples. 'hrist would not
ha"e been able to carry on such actions without being arrested and sentenced
to prison, if he had committed as an adult such actions.
There is no information whatsoe"er in the Bible, or in the whole scholarly fields
of study, where 'hrist was from his age of twel"e until his age of thirty, when he
allegedly started his teaching wor#. o they must ha"e falsified his age of thirty
in the Bibles, just li#e they ha"e also falsified many meanings e"en in Finnish
Bibles since the year ()*+ edition. For e.ample, latter editions ha"e changed
the fact that !aron had made people na#ed Gincluding young boys of course,
because that "erse does not specify any age or gender groupH, and e.tra words
ha"e been added, ha"ing totally different meanings. $ing 1ames Bible was also
released in ()55's, and there the facts about !aron and his actions are
fortunately told as such, so we must ha"e much more faith in the old Bibles.
4ur %osencreu-ian faith
6ngland's boy #ing 6dward V O !aron O 'olumbus, born (*J5. !s a boy he li"ed
with his three years younger brother %ichard of hrewsbury O 3oses. They were
arrested to prison at the same time together when 6dward V was (+ years old
and %ichard was > years old. They disappeared from the prison after the
summer (*D?.
They mo"ed to Florence, Italy, where in (*DI they met a boy named 2ian
2iacomo 'aprotti da 4reno, born (*D5, who was I years old before he became
a student for ,eonardo da Vinci in (D>5.
o 6dward V, %ichard of hrewsbury and 2ian 2iacomo 'aprotti da 4reno spent
time together from (*DI until (*>(, when they "isited the Aueen of pain, who
granted them three ships to sail to 0ew :orld, which was actually $uressaare,
6stonia. They arri"ed there on 4ctober (+, (*>+. The first nati"es they met there
were a (IByearBold boy named ergei &eter 1onathan imon of 'yrene and a (5B
yearBold boy 0oah.
Boys, child geniuses, came from Finland to 6stonia to "isit all those boys in
(*>+, and they stayed in 6stonia for se"en months, and wrote the first Bible
e"er written, all in Finnish language.
%osicrucianism is a generic term referring to studies or membership within a
philosophical secret society said to ha"e been founded in late medie"al
2ermany by 'hristian %osen#reu-. It holds a doctrine or theology 8built on
esoteric truths of the ancient past8, which, 8concealed from the a"erage man,
pro"ide insight into nature, the physical uni"erse and the spiritual realm.8
%osicrucianism is symboli-ed by the %osy 'ross.
Between ()5J and ()(), two anonymous manifestos were published, first in
2ermany and later throughout 6urope.
%osicrucianism was associated with &rotestantism, ,utheranism in particular,
and the manifestos opposed %oman 'atholicism and its preference for dogma
o"er empiricism. They traced their philosophy and science to the 3oors,
asserting that it had been #ept secret for (+5 years until the intellectual climate
might recei"e it.
The %osy 'ross Galso called %ose 'ross and Iose .roi7H is a symbol largely
associated with the semiBmythical 'hristian %osen#reu-, Aabbalist and
alchemist and founder of the %osicrucian 4rder. The %ose 'ross is said to be a
cross with a white rose at its center and symboli-es the teachings of a tradition
formed within the 'hristian tenets.
It has se"eral meanings, depending on the source. ome groups, such as the
!ncient and 3ystical 4rder %osae 'rucis, from a nonBsectarian or nonBreligious
"iew, suggest that the rosy cross predates 'hristianity, where 8the cross
represents the human body and the rose represents the indi"idual's unfolding
0ews from Finland's newspaper Iltalehti on 1uly (*, +5(*, I ha"e translated this
news to 6nglish, and after that I ha"e released the same news in Finnish7
The GprotestantH archbishop Gof FinlandH
apologi-ed to gays B 8'ruel portion of the
Finnish storyQ
!rchbishop $ari 3E#inen opened the &ori Finland !rena e"ent by public
3E#inen in"ited in his speech the debaters for the identification of blind spots
and selfBcriticism.
In the conte.t of his speech, he directed an apology to homose.uals and other
se.ual minorities. The archbishop apologi-ed for how cruelly the society and the
church ha"e treated se.ual minorities.
B :hen I thin# of all the pushing outside and the treatment of what we ha"e
become guilty o"er the decades as a church and as a society towards se.ual
minorities, and how still it happens, I thin# this is a proper situation for the
apology. :ithout e.planation and without going other way around, the
archbishop said.
!ccording to the !rchbishop, gay people o"er the years ha"e become repelled by
society and the church, on the e.use of disease, crime, or particular sinfulness.
BIt is a cruel part of the Finnish story, including the story of the 'hurch.
The archbishop belie"es that cruelty is now more subtle than before, but not
gone away. It manifests itself, among other things, by silence, rejection and
!ccording to him, the cruelty is not intended to change, e"en if it would be
in"isible, or if it would be the justified in a religious and natural way, or e"en if it
would be co"ered by tolerant o"er"iew from the abo"e.
The archbishop hopes that his apology, which he has now stated, can be
acceptable also elsewhere in the society and in the church B no matter what #ind
of decisions and laws are made in the church or in the society.
The same news in Finnish7
!r##ipiispa pyysi antee#si homoilta B 81ulma
osa suomalaista #ertomusta8
!r##ipiispa $ari 3E#inen a"asi &orin uomi!reenaBtapahtuman jul#isella
3E#inen #ehotti puheen"uorossaan #es#ustelijoita so#eitten pisteitten
tunnistamiseen ja itse#riittisyyteen.
&uheensa yhteydessE hEn #ohdisti antee#sipyynnNn homose#suaaleille ja
muille se#suaali"EhemmistNille. !r##ipiispa pyysi antee#si sitE, #uin#a julmasti
se#E yhteis#unta ettE #ir##o o"at se#suaali"EhemmistNjE #ohdelleet.
B $un ajattelen #ai##ea ul#opuolelle tyNntEmistE ja #ohtelua, johon olemme
"uosi#ymmenien mittaan #ir##ona ja yhteis#untana syyllistyneet
se#suaali"EhemmistNjE #ohtaan, ja miten edelleen niin tapahtuu, minusta
tEssE on antee#sipyynnNn pai##a. elittelemEttE ja #iertelemEttE, ar##ipiispa
!r##ipiispan mu#aan homose#suaaliset ihmiset o"at "uosien "arrella joutuneet
yhteis#unnassa ja #ir#ossa torjutui#si sairauteen, ri#o#seen tai erityiseen
syntisyyteen "edoten.
B e on julma osa suomalaista #ertomusta, myNs #ir#on #ertomusta.
!r##ipiispa ar"ioi, ettE julmuus on ny#yisin hieno"araisempaa #uin ennen,
mutta ei poistunut. e ilmenee muun muassa "ai#enemisena, torjumisena ja
ohi #atsomisena.
/Enen mu#aansa julmuus ei muu#si muutu, "ai##a se olisi nE#ymEtNntE tai
sitE perusteltaisiin us#onnollisesti ja luonnollisuudella tai "ai##a se peitettEisiin
ylhEEltE #atso"aan su"aitsemiseen.
!r##ipiispa toi"oo, ettE hEnen nyt lausumaansa antee#sipyyntNNn "oidaan yhtyE
muualla#in yhteis#unnassa ja #ir#ossa B riippumatta siitE, millaisia pEEtN#siE ja
la#eja yhteis#unnassa tai #ir#ossa tehdEEn.
4ne single boo# caused the 'i"il :ar in 9!
and hence the assassination of !braham
,incoln, who admitted that the 'i"il :ar was
caused by the boo# 89ncle Tom's cabin8
/arriet 6lisabeth Beecher towe, 1une (*, (D(( R 1uly (, (D>)H was an
!merican abolitionist and author. /er no"el &ncle 0om5s .a"in G(DI+H was a
depiction of life for !frican !mericans under sla"eryS it reached millions as a
no"el and play, and became influential in the 9nited tates and 9nited $ingdom.
It energi-ed antiBsla"ery forces in the !merican 0orth, while pro"o#ing
widespread anger in the outh. he wrote more than +5 boo#s, including no"els,
three tra"el memoirs, and collections of articles and letters. he was influential
both for her writings and her public stands on social issues of the day.
!fter the start of the 'i"il :ar, towe tra"eled to :ashington, ;.'. and there
met &resident !braham ,incoln on 0o"ember +I, (D)+. towe's daughter
/attie reported, 8It was a "ery droll time that we had at the :hite house I assure
you... I will only say now that it was all "ery funnyTand we were ready to e.plode
with laughter all the while.8 :hat e.actly ,incoln said is a minor mystery. /er
son later reported that ,incoln greeted her by saying, 8so you are the little
woman who wrote the boo# that started this great war.8
=#si ainoa #irja sai ai#aan sisallissodan
9!7ssa ja tasta aiheutuen !braham ,incolnin
salamurhan, ja han myonsi, etta sisallissodan
aiheutti #irja 8eta Tuomon tupa8
/arriet 6li-abeth Beecher towe G(*. #esE#uuta (D(( R (. heinE#uuta (D>)H,
al#uperEiseltE nimeltEEn /arriet 6li-abeth Beecher, oli yhdys"altalainen #irjailija
ja orjuuden "astustaja. /Enen #uuluisin teo#sensa on orjien elEmEE #u"aa"a
romaani Set; 0uomon tu+a Gengl. &ncle 0omLs .a"inH.
etE Tuomon tupa Gengl. &ncle 0om5s .a"inH on /arriet Beecher towen (D55B
lu"un puoli"ElissE #irjoittama =hdys"altain nee#eriorjuutta #Esittele"E
esi#oisromaani. Tarina #ertoo TuomoBnimisen orjan #ohtalosta eri isEntien
alaisuudessa. $irja aiheutti paljon #iistelyE =hdys"alloissa ja sen on sanottu
"ai#uttaneen orjuuden la##auttamiseen.
$irja myi ensimmEisen "uotensa ai#ana ?55 555 #appaletta pel#EstEEn
=hdys"alloissa ja oli (D55Blu"un myydyin romaani.$irjan "ai#utus oli niin suuri,
ettE #un !braham ,incoln tapasi Beecher towen =hdys"altain sisEllissodan
alussa, hEnen #errotaan huudahtaneen7 8Te siis olette se pieni nainen, jo#a
#irjoitti tEmEn suuren sodan aiheuttaneen #irjan<8.
4te #irjasta eta Tuomon tupa Gjul#aistu
ensimmaisen #erran suome#si (D>?, loytyy
&roject 2utenbergistaH7
amassa a"autui o"i ja neli"uotias poi#anen se#arotua astui huoneeseen. ,apsi
nEytti erinomaisen herttaiselta. 3ustat sil##ipehmeEt #iharat ympErNi"Et hEnen
pyNreitE #as"ojaan. Tummat, suuret silmEt #atseli"at uteliaasti ja samassa
iloisesti huoneessa olijoita ja pos#iin muodostui"at pienet #uopat niin pian #uin
suu "etEysi hymyyn. &ieno#aisen "arma #EytNs ja roh#ea lEheneminen osotti,
ettE hEn ennen#in oli #Eynyt isEntEnsE huoneessa.
''$as /arry'', huusi herra helby, Qtule tEnne, niin annan sinulle rusinatertun.Q
/arry riensi sitE ihastu#sella ottamaan. Q1a nytQ, lisEsi herra helby silitellen
/arryn pEEtE, Q"oit nEyttEE tElle "ieraalle, #uin#a sinE osaat laulaa ja tanssia.Q
&oi#a al#oi heti #ir##aalla, rai##aalla lapsen EEnellE erEstE omituista
nee#erilaulua sEestEen sitE pEEn, #Esien ja jal#ojen lii##eillE, seuraten tar#asti
tahtia. Q3ainiotaQ, huusi /aley innostu#sissaan ja heitti poi#aselle appelsiinin.
$un tEmE "ielE#in isEntEnsE #ehoitu#sesta te#i muita#in pi##u temppuja,
#EEntyi /aley yhtVE##iE herra helbyn puoleen, taputti hEntE ol#apEElle ja
#uis#asi7 Q!nta#aa minulle tEmE poi#anen "ielE lisEE ja #auppamme on tehty.Q
''3utta mitE ihmettE te lapsu#aisella te#isitte'', #ysyi herra helby.
''e on nyt minun salaisuuteniQ, "astasi /aley. Q3utta #uul#aapas #uiten#in.
3inulla on erEs tutta"a, jo#a ostaa somia lapsia, elEttEE niitE jon#un ajan ja
myy sitten hy"EstE hinnasta. %i##aat ihmiset ma#sa"at niistE nEh#EEs suuret
summat, sillE ny#yEEn o"at #auniit pal"elijat muodissa. Tuollainen sie"E
o"ena"aaja ja passari antaa #o#o talolle hienon leiman.Q
! to#en from the boo# 9ncle Tom's cabin,
released in &roject 2utenberg7
/ere the door opened, and a small quadroon boy, between four and fi"e years of
age, entered the room. There was something in his appearance remar#ably
beautiful and engaging. /is blac# hair, fine as floss sil#, hung in glossy curls
about his round, dimpled face, while a pair of large dar# eyes, full of fire and
softness, loo#ed out from beneath the rich, long lashes, as he peered curiously
into the apartment. ! gay robe of scarlet and yellow plaid, carefully made and
neatly fitted, set off to ad"antage the dar# and rich style of his beautyS and a
certain comic air of assurance, blended with bashfulness, showed that he had
been not unused to being petted and noticed by his master.
8/ulloa, 1im 'row<8 said 3r. helby, whistling, and snapping a bunch of raisins
towards him, 8pic# that up, now<8
The child scampered, with all his little strength, after the pri-e, while his master
8'ome here, 1im 'row,8 said he. The child came up, and the master patted the
curly head, and chuc#ed him under the chin.
80ow, 1im, show this gentleman how you can dance and sing.8 The boy
commenced one of those wild, grotesque songs common among the negroes, in
a rich, clear "oice, accompanying his singing with many comic e"olutions of the
hands, feet, and whole body, all in perfect time to the music.
8Bra"o<8 said /aley, throwing him a quarter of an orange.
80ow, 1im, wal# li#e old 9ncle 'udjoe, when he has the rheumatism,8 said his
Instantly the fle.ible limbs of the child assumed the appearance of deformity
and distortion, as, with his bac# humped up, and his master's stic# in his hand,
he hobbled about the room, his childish face drawn into a doleful puc#er, and
spitting from right to left, in imitation of an old man.
Both gentlemen laughed uproariously.
80ow, 1im,8 said his master, 8show us how old 6lder %obbins leads the psalm.8
The boy drew his chubby face down to a formidable length, and commenced
toning a psalm tune through his nose, with imperturbable gra"ity.
8/urrah< bra"o< what a young 'un<8 said /aleyS 8that chap's a case, I'll promise.
Tell you what,8 said he, suddenly clapping his hand on 3r. helby's shoulder,
8fling in that chap, and I'll settle the businessTI will. 'ome, now, if that ain't
doing the thing up about the rightest<8
!t this moment, the door was pushed gently open, and a young quadroon
woman, apparently about twentyBfi"e, entered the room.
There needed only a glance from the child to her, to identify her as its mother.
There was the same rich, full, dar# eye, with its long lashesS the same ripples of
sil#y blac# hair. The brown of her comple.ion ga"e way on the chee# to a
perceptible flush, which deepened as she saw the ga-e of the strange man fi.ed
upon her in bold and undisguised admiration. /er dress was of the neatest
possible fit, and set off to ad"antage her finely moulded shapeSTa delicately
formed hand and a trim foot and an#le were items of appearance that did not
escape the quic# eye of the trader, well used to run up at a glance the points of
a fine female article.
8:ell, 6li-aF8 said her master, as she stopped and loo#ed hesitatingly at him.
8I was loo#ing for /arry, please, sirS8 and the boy bounded toward her, showing
his spoils, which he had gathered in the s#irt of his robe.
8:ell, ta#e him away then,8 said 3r. helbyS and hastily she withdrew, carrying
the child on her arm.
8By 1upiter,8 said the trader, turning to him in admiration, 8there's an article,
now< =ou might ma#e your fortune on that ar gal in 4rleans, any day. I'"e seen
o"er a thousand, in my day, paid down for gals not a bit handsomer.8
8I don't want to ma#e my fortune on her,8 said 3r. helby, drylyS and, see#ing to
turn the con"ersation, he uncor#ed a bottle of fresh wine, and as#ed his
companion's opinion of it.
8'apital, sir,Tfirst chop<8 said the traderS then turning, and slapping his hand
familiarly on helby's shoulder, he addedT
8'ome, how will you trade about the galFTwhat shall I say for herTwhat'll you
83r. /aley, she is not to be sold,8 said helby. 83y wife would not part with her
for her weight in gold.8
8!y, ay< women always say such things, cause they ha'nt no sort of calculation.
1ust show 'em how many watches, feathers, and trin#ets, one's weight in gold
would buy, and that alters the case, 3 rec#on.8
8I tell you, /aley, this must not be spo#en ofS I say no, and I mean no,8 said
helby, decidedly.
8:ell, you'll let me ha"e the boy, though,8 said the traderS 8you must own I'"e
come down pretty handsomely for him.8
8:hat on earth can you want with the childF8 said helby.
8:hy, I'"e got a friend that's going into this yer branch of the businessTwants to
buy up handsome boys to raise for the mar#et. Fancy articles entirelyTsell for
waiters, and so on, to rich 'uns, that can pay for handsome 'uns. It sets off one of
yer great placesTa real handsome boy to open door, wait, and tend. They fetch a
good sumS and this little de"il is such a comical, musical concern, he's just the
;aa"id oli poi#ai#ainen tullessaan Israelin #unin#aa#si.
G( amuelin #irja ()7(5B(+H
;aa"id ra#asti enemman 1oonatania #uin naisia.
G+ amuelin #irja (7+)H
/e 6IV!T olleet "eljia, #uten tassa %aamatun#ohdassa sanotaan, "aan ysta"ia.
Tama #ay ilmi muista %aamatun#ohdista Gmm. ( amuelin #irja ()7(>B+( ja (
amuelin #irja (>7(B+H.
4tteita %aamatusta, joissa #errotaan ;aa"idin ja 1oonatanin suhteesta7
8;aa"idin ja aulin #es#ustelun jal#een 1oonatan #iintyi ;aa"idiin Gnuoreen
poi#a#unin#aaseenH #o#o sielustaan ja ra#asti hanta #uin omaa sieluaan. /an
riisui "iitan yltaan ja antoi sen ;aa"idille, samoin haarnis#ansa, "ielapa
mie##ansa, jousensa ja "yonsa.8 ( amuelin #irja (D7(,*.
8!amulla 1oonatan lahti #edolle pai##aan, josta oli sopinut ;aa"idin #anssa, ja
hanella oli mu#anaan pieni pal"eluspoi#a. $un poi#a oli mennyt, ;aa"id nousi
ylos etelan puolelta. itten han heittaytyi #as"oilleen maahan ja #umartui
#olme #ertaa osoittaa#seen #unnioitusta 1oonatanille. /e suuteli"at toisiaan ja
it#i"at yhdessa, ;aa"id "iela enemman #uin 1oonatan.8 ( amuelin #irja
1440!T!0 4,I !I$9I060 /434&6;4FII,I 1! ;!!VI; 4,I /!060
/4346$9!!,I060 &4I$!,!&I=T!V!0!
$un 1oonatanilla oli suhde Israelin homose#suaaliseen poi#alapsi#unin#aaseen
;aa"idiin, oli 1oonatan jo taysi#as"uinen, tama #ay ilmi ( amuelin #irjan (*.
lu"usta, ja#eista (B(I. %aamattu siis ylistaa gay #ids B#amaa, eli lapsihomoja ja
heidan taysi#as"uisia homora#astajiaan. %aamatun mu#aan #uningas aul oli
myos #iintynyt ;aa"idiin, tama ilmenee ( amuelin #irjan (). lu"usta, ja#eesta
+(7 8aul #iintyi suuresti ;aa"idiin8. aul sai sel"ille, etta hanen poi#ansa
1oonatan oli myos #iintynyt ;aa"idiin, joten aul #as#i surmata ;aa"idin. (
amuelin #irjan lu"ussa (>, ja#eessa ( #errotaan7 8aul puhui pojalleen
1oonatanille ja #ai#ille pal"elijoilleen, etta ;aa"id olisi surmatta"a. 1oonatan oli
#uiten#in hy"in #iintynyt ;aa"idiin.8 3yohemmin eraassa sotataistelussa aul
haa"oittui, ja aul surmasi itsensa mie#alla G( amuelin #irja ?(7*H. $uiten#in
tasta on toinen#in "ersio, etta aul oli pyytanyt erasta nuoru#aista surmaamaan
itsensa, jon#a nuoru#ainen sitten te#i#in. G+ amuelin #irja (7IB(5H. Tassa
#ai#essa oli siis #yse #ahden taysiBi#aisen homose#suaalin #iintymy#sesta
samaan alai#aiseen homopoi#alapseen. 1ames 'ameronin ohjaama elo#u"a
Terminator + R 1udgment ;ay on #uin suoraan #opioitu tasta #olmiodraamasta,
jossa !rnold chwar-enegger on 1oonatan, paha poliisirobotti on aul ja (5B
"uotias 1ohn 'onnor on ;aa"id.
3ita, ei#o saa jul#aista sita, mita %aamattuun on #irjoitettuF $ristittyja, jot#a
omista"at %aamatun, "ainotaan (?5 maassa talla het#ella. &ohjoisB$oreassa
saa #uolemantuomion %aamatun omistamisesta. Tasta raportoi Iltalehden
paperiliite Taustat ja te#ijat +(. tammi#uuta +5(*. $atolisen #ir#on in#"isitio
6uroopassa on #ieltanyt #ansalaisia omistamasta %aamattua
#uolemanrangaistu#sen uhalla. 9seiden maiden lainsaadannossa on
ny#yai#ana #iellettya hallussapitamasta ja le"ittamasta T6$TI!, joissa
#u"ataan pedofiliaa. uomen ri#oslain (J. lu"ussa #ielletaan esittelemasta alle
(IB"uotiaalle su#upuolisi"eellisyytta lou##aa"aa te#stia. %an##aa
heteropedofilistista te#stia loytyy %aamatun Vanhan testamentin
ananlas#ujen #irjan J. lu"usta, ja#eista )B+?, se#a /ese#ielin #irjan +?.
lu"usta, ja#eista (B+(. &aljon loytyy tallaista %aamatusta, #uten7 83aassa oli
myos haureellisia pyha##opoi#ia.8 ( $unin#aiden #irja (*7+*. 83ene, han#i
itsellesi haureudesta syntyneet lapset.8 /oosean #irja (7+. 1ne.
%aamatun#ohdat o"at %aamattu #ansalle ry7n "uoden +5(+ paino#sesta. !arre
,ehtosen netti#irja #asittelee laajasti %aamatussa #errottua pedofiliaa, lasten
alastomuutta jne. 3i#si us#onnon opettajat saa"at #ertoa lapsille %aamattua
#ouluissa, ja mi#si us#onnollisten jarjestojen saarnaajat saa"at opettaa lapsille
%aamattua saarna#o#ou#sissa se#a ja#aa lapsille %aamattuja, mutta !arre
,ehtosella ei mu#a sitten ole#aan lupaa #ertoa netti#irjassaan, mita
%aamattuun on #irjoitettuF Tamahan on taysin absurdia.
94360 ,!I0 39$!!0 94360 6$9!!,I%I$4,!IT $4$6V!T $!I$$I!
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4,60 19,$!I9T 9$9&94,IIV66,,I==TT! ,49$$!!VI! T6$T61!
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96I33I! 3!!I,3!0 3!I!.
T!! 94360 %I$4,!I0 (J. ,9V90 +5. &=$!,!0 T6$TI7
+5 W G+*. J. (>>D C I)?H u#upuolisi"eellisyyttE lou##aa"a mar##inointi. 1o#a
(.luo"uttaa (I "uotta nuoremmalle,
+.asettaa jul#isesti yleisNn nEhtE"ille,
?.toimittaa toiselle tEmEn suostumu#setta tai
*.yleistE pahennusta herEttE"EllE ta"alla jul#isesti ilmoitu#sessa, esitteessE tai
julisteessa tai muulla ta"oin mainostaen tarjoaa myytE"E#si tai esittelee te#stiE
tai EEntE sisEltE"En tallenteen, jo#a su#upuolisi"eellisyyttE lou##aa"ana on
omiaan herEttEmEEn yleistE pahennusta, on tuomitta"a su#upuolisi"eellisyyttE
lou##aa"asta mar##inoinnista sa##oon tai "an#euteen enintEEn #uude#si
4,60 %I$$409T 3=4 $!0!;!0, !9T%!,I!0, V60!1!0, 602,!00I0 1!
96I;60 39I;60$I0 3!I;60 V!T!!VI! ,!$61!. ,!&I,,! 40 6T66T40
&!!= 3!!I,3!0,!!19I6TI ,9$63!!0 %!!3!T90 T6$TI4TT6IT! T!T!
14 3I09T &I;!T6T!!0, V!02IT!!0 1! T943IT!!0, 0II0 I,,4I0 V!!;I0, 6TT!
$!I$$I 399T$I0 %!!3!T90 T6$T61! 6ITT6,6V!T $I%$$4160 1!
9$4004,,IT60 1!%16T4160 06TTIIV9160 T6$I1!T &I;!T6T!!0,
V!02IT!!0 1! T943IT!!0, $4$! 96I3&I60 3!I;60 &6%9T9,!6I!
!04T!!0, 6TT! $!I$$I $!0!,!I6T 4V!T =/;60V6%T!II! ,!I0 6;6!.
3=4 $%ITI,,IT60 $I%$$4160 &!T4%IT 1! 9$4004,,IT60 $4$49T60
!!%0!!1!T, 14T$! 1!$6,6V!T %!!3!TT91! !,,6 (IBV94TI!I,,6, 40
&I;!T6TT!V!, V!02ITT!V! 1! T943ITT!V!, !34I0 $9I0 $I%1!$!9&&4160
3==1!T, 14/T!1!T 1! 43IT!1!T 6$! 3=4 $I%1!T40/4IT!1!T 1!
$I%1!T4160 14/T!1!T, 14T$! $!I$$I !,,IV!T !,,6 (IBV94TI!I;60 4T!!
T!I ,!I0!T! %!!3!TT91! ,96TT!V!$660. 14 3I09T &I;!T6T!!0,
V!02IT!!0 1! T943IT!!0, 0II0 V!!;I0 !3!! 3=4 &6%9$49,9160
9$400404&6TT!1I,,6, 14T$! 6ITT6,6V!T %!!3!T90 T6$T61! !,,6 (IB
V94TI!I,,6 $49,9160 9$40T4T9006I,,!.
6#stratodiste #uningas aulin homose#suaalisuudesta7
8iella han#in GaulH riisui "aatteensa ja joutui hurmo#siin amuelin edessa.
/an #aatui maahan ja ma#asi alastomana #o#o sen pai"an ja yon.8 G(
amuelin #irja (>7+*.H
6i#o luettua ymmarretaF 0ehemian #irjassa sanotaan7
86sra a"asi #irjan #o#o #ansan nahden B han naet seisoi #ansaa ylempana B ja
#un han a"asi sen, #o#o #ansa nousi seisomaan. /e lu#i"at 1umalan lain #irjaa
ja selitti"at sita niin, etta luettu ymmarrettiin. euraa"ana pai"ana #ai##i
Israelin su#ujen paamiehet, myos papit ja lee"ilaiset, #o#oontui"at 6sran,
#irjanoppineen, luo oppia#seen ymmartamaan lain sanoja.8 0ehemian #irja
%aamatussa #ehotetaan #ertomaan %aamatun te#steja lapsille7
8$erto#aa tama lapsillenne, lapsenne #erto#oot sen lapsilleen ja heidan
lapsensa tule"alle pol"elle.8 1ooelin #irja (7?.
1eesu#sella#in oli suhde noin (+B"uotiaaseen poi#aan, &ietariin
$ai##i 1eesu#sen opetuslapset oli"at nuoria poi#ia, noin (5B(+ B"uotiaita.
0imitys opetuslapsi#in #ertoo a"oimesti, etta he oli"at lapsia, child students eli
disciples. $un 1eesus #ysyi syota"aa opetuslapsiltaan Tiberiaanjar"en rannalla,
han aloitti puheensa sanalla 8,apset8, "ai##a he ei"at tunnistaneet hanta.
&ietari oli alasti Tiberiaanjar"en rannalla, ja han hapesi alastomuuttaan "asta
sitten, #un hanen poi#aysta"ansa 1eesus saapui, #os#a han ei halunnut muiden
opetuslasten tajua"an heidan suhdettaan.
4tteita %aamattu $ansalle ry7n %aamatunpaino#sesta, jul#aistu "uonna +5(+7
Taman jal#een 1eesus ilmestyi jalleen opetuslapsilleen, nyt Tiberiaanjar"en
rannalla. e tapahtui nain7 imon &ietari ja Tuomas, jota sanottiin
;idymo#se#si, ja 0atanael, jo#a oli 2alilean $aanasta, se#a ebedeu#sen pojat
ja #a#si muuta 1eesu#sen opetuslasta oli"at yhdessa. !amun jo sarastaessa
1eesus seisoi rannalla. 4petuslapset ei"at #uiten#aan tienneet, etta se oli
1eesus. 1eesus #ysyi heilta7 8,apset, ei#o teilla ole mitaan syota"aaF8 /e
"astasi"at7 86i ole.8 $un imon &ietari #uuli, etta se oli /erra, han #ietoi
ymparilleen "iitan, silla han oli ilman "aatteita, ja hyppasi jar"een. $un he oli"at
syoneet, 1eesus sanoi imon &ietarille7 8imon, 1ohanne#sen poi#a, ra#astat#o
sina minua enemman #uin namaF8 &ietari "astasi hanelle7 8$ylla, /erra, sina
tiedat, etta mina pidan sinua ra##aana.8 1ohannes +(7(B+,*BI,J,(I.
6nnen "anhaan tallaisista %aamatun te#stien ilmiannoista olisi joutunut
ela"ana poltetta"a#si ro"iolla In#"isition toimesta. Taman "uo#si $atolinen
#ir##o 6uroopassa #ielsi #ansalaisilta %aamatun omistamisen
#uolemanrangaistu#sen uhalla, ja pastorit lu#i"at seura#unnille #ir#oissa
%aamatun te#steja "ain latina#si, jota #ielta #ansa ei ymmartanyt. %aamatut
le"isi"at myohemmin #ansojen #ielille ja #un #ansalaiset sai"at omistaa
%aamattuja, tehtiin lait 8us#onrauhan ri##omisesta8, jotta #u#aan ei "oinut
ilmiantaa %aamatun s#andaali#ohtia jul#isesti. 0y#yaan #un us#onrauhan
ri##omisla#eja ei "oida enaa so"eltaa %aamatun analysointiin, niin (>>5Blu"ulta
al#aen on laadittu maailmanlaajuisesti lait, jot#a #ielta"at
8su#upuolisi"eellisyytta lou##aa"at lapsista #erto"at te#stit8, joten jos jo#u
ny#yaan tut#ii %aamatun te#steja, joissa on pedofiliaa, niin sellainen hen#ilo on
samassa asemassa #uin #es#iajalla7 hanet tuomitaan "an#ilaan ja #ansa
haluaa polttaa hanet ro"iolla. Tama on ollut tallaisten si"eettomia lapsite#steja
#os#e"ien la#ien tar#oitus#in7 halutaan taas #ieltaa #ristinus#o #ansoilta.
Venaja on 8#unnostautunut8 tassa asiassa oi#ein olan ta#aa7 ensin laati"at lain,
jon#a mu#aan min#aanlaista informaatiota gayBihmisista ei saa #ertoa lapsille
Venajalla, ja "armistaa#seen asiansa Venaja hyo##asi 9#rainan $rimille
8suojelemaan8 9#rainan "enalaisia lapsia eiBortodo#siselta gayBpropagandalta
!arre ,ehtonen
3ust be ta#en literally that 'hrist was a child and the disciples of 'hrist were
na#ed children, + &eter ?7(), ,u#e +7*(B*J, 1ohn +(7J, ( 'orinthians *7((, $ing
1ames Bible. In all Finnish language Bibles, the disciples of 'hrist are called by
the e.pression child students, GopetuslapsetH.
The best e"idence that 'hrist taught people only from his age of nine to twel"e
There is a 2ospel outside of the Bible, named Infancy 2ospel of Thomas, written
by one of his child students as an adult. It tells about 'hrist's childhood e"ents,
and it ends when 'hrist is twel"e years old, and its last chapter is almost e.actly
the same as what is told in the 2ospel of ,u#e, chapter +, "erses *(B*J. I ha"e
pro"en elsewhere in these websites that all the disciples of 'hrist were young
boys, of ages from se"en to twel"e. 'hrist would not ha"e been able to hang
around for three years continuously with such young boys who were not of his
own immediate family, if 'hrist was an adult. In those times such acti"ity would
ha"e been considered to be suspicious, especially because it has been
e.plained in the 'ommentary section of ong of olomon in the Finnish
&rotestant Bible in the year ()*+, what 'hrist did with his disciples, li#e what it
is told in ong of olomon, #issing and hugging his disciples. 'hrist would not
ha"e been able to carry on such actions without being arrested and sentenced
to prison, if he had committed as an adult such actions.
There is no information whatsoe"er in the Bible, or in the whole scholarly fields
of study, where 'hrist was from his age of twel"e until his age of thirty, when he
allegedly started his teaching wor#. o they must ha"e falsified his age of thirty
in the Bibles, just li#e they ha"e also falsified many meanings e"en in Finnish
Bibles since the year ()*+ edition. For e.ample, latter editions ha"e changed
the fact that !aron had made people na#ed Gincluding young boys of course,
because that "erse does not specify any age or gender groupH, and e.tra words
ha"e been added, ha"ing totally different meanings. $ing 1ames Bible was also
released in ()55's, and there the facts about !aron and his actions are
fortunately told as such, so we must ha"e much more faith in the old Bibles.
! ,4T 4F &64&,6 /!T6 T/6 BIB,6 04:!;!=, !0; T/6= !%6 3!$I02 T/6I%
9T34T T4 26T !,, $I0; 4F B44$ !0; B,42 '40'6%0I02 T/6 BIB,6 T4
B6 '604%6; F%43 T/6 I0T6%06T, !0; T/6= !%6 %6&4%TI02 !,, $I0; 4F
,I6 !B49T T/6 &64&,6 :/4 $66& BIB,I'!, B44$ !0; B,42 T4 26T
%6,I2I49 T6@T B!006;. /4:6V6%, I0 T/I 3= :6BIT6, 0!36;
%460'%69KI!0 B4=, I /!V6 T!$60 T/!T &4IBI,IT= I0T4 '40I;6%!TI40
!,%6!;= I0 !;V!0'6. 406 39T '!%6F9,,= T9;= T/I :6BIT6, !0; !,4
3= :6BIT6 0!36; 8B!006; BIB,6 '/44,8, T4 26T ! :/4,ITI' VI6:
!B49T 3= 36!26, !0; 04T T4 3!$6 !0= /!T= T!T6360T. T/66
:6BIT6 !%6 60TI%6,= 040B&%4FIT, F4% T/6 B606FIT 4F /93!0IT=. T/66
:6BIT6 ;4 04T '40T!I0 !0= I,,62!, 3!T6%I!,, !0; I ;40'T T%!;6
!0=T/I02. T/46 :/4 66$ !0= I,,62!, '40T60T F%43 T/66 :6BIT6,
&,6!6 ,6!V6.
,egal disclaimer about boy pictures on this website.
Below there is information from wi#ipedia, a"ailable only in Finnish language,
but I ha"e translated the issue to 6nglish here, and below the translation I ha"e
released the te.t from wi#ipedia in Finnish language, with my lin#s to wi#ipedia
and wi#imedia commons, along with my commentary.
8Boys carrying the 2arland of ,ife8, in Finnish 8$NynnN#sen#antajat8, is a
famous fresco painted by /ugo imberg. It is in Tampere 'athedral, Finland.
imberg painted it in (>5IB(>5). The fresco, which is on the church's bleacher,
depicts twel"e boys carrying thorny rose garland. The number of the boys refers
to the twel"e apostles of the Bible. The boys are na#ed and each one of them is
carrying the garland in a different way. The painting ends on its both sides to a
forest. The fresco's length is I+ meters and its surface area is about one
hundred square meters.
/ugo imberg used (5B(+ByearBold li"e nude boy models in his fresco. I ha"e
pro"ed all this by releasing photographs of /ugo imberg's fresco and one of
the li"e nude boy models in my website's 8Banned Bible chool8 sub page
named 82ospel land8. The boy pictures on that as well as on this website ha"e
the legitimation of /ugo imberg's fresco, because when Tampere 'athedral
can show pictures of (5B(+ByearBold nude boys, that depict the twel"e apostles
of the Bible, so in the same way e"enthB;ay !d"entist ,2BT Bible tudy 2roup,
which is founded by me, can show also other pictures of boy apostles in my
boo# named 8!asenappar's little boo# of Bible8, written by me.
The same in Finnish language7
,aillinen "astuu"apauslause#e poi#a#u"ista talla websi"ustolla.
$NynnN#sen#antajat on #uuluisa /ugo imbergin maalaama fres#o, jo#a
sijaitsee Tampereen tuomio#ir#ossa. imberg maalasi sen (>5IR(>5). $ir#on
lehteri#aiteessa sijaitse"aan fres#oon on #u"attu #a#sitoista poi#aa
#antamassa pii#i#EstE ruusu#NynnNstE. &oi#ien lu#umEErE "iittaa %aamatun
apostoleihin. &ojat o"at alasti ja jo#ainen #annattelee #NynnNstE eri ta"alla.
3aalaus pEEttyy molemmilta puoliltaan metsEEn. Fres#on pituus on I+ metriE
ja pintaBala noin sata neliNmetriE. $oristemaalari Vilhard $i"istN se#E
stu##orappari !r"id 0urhonen a"usti"at imbergiE :=ynn=stenkanta6ien
Fres#oa pahe#suttiin ai#oinaan seura#untalaisten #es#uudessa, ja siinE
esiinty"iE poi#ia "aadittiin jopa "aatetetta"i#si, "ai##a enemmistN
seura#untalaisista suhtautui#in teo#seen myNnteisesti.
/ugo imberg #aytti fres#ossaan (5B(+ B"uotiaita ela"ia alastomia
poi#amalleja. 4len todistanut #ai#en taman jul#aisemalla "alo#u"ia /ugo
imbergin fres#osta ja yhdesta hanen alastomasta poi#amallistaan
websi"ustoni 8Banned Bible chool8 osiosi"ulla nimelta 82ospel land8.
:ebsi"ustojeni poi#a#u"illa on /ugo imbergin fres#on oi#eutus, #os#a #un
Tampereen tuomio#ir##o saa nayttaa ela"ista malleista maalattuja (5B(+
B"uotiaita alastomia poi#ia, jot#a #u"aa"at %aamatun #ahtatoista apostolia, niin
samalla ta"alla myos minun perustamani e"enthB;ay !d"entist ,2BT Bible
tudy 2roup eli eitsemannen pai"an !d"entistinen ,2BT %aamatun
opintoryhma saa nayttaa myos muita #u"ia apostolipojista #irjoittamassani
#irjassa nimelta 8!asenappar's little boo# of Bible8, eli 8!asenapparin pieni
The maga-ine 1eunes et 0aturels GFrenchH, including also pictures of nude young
boys, li#e the maga-ine 1ung und Frei G2ermanH, is published by &eenhill ,td.
&eenhill ,td., also the publisher of the maga-ine Health M /fficiency, one of the
oldest, most widely read nudistCnaturist maga-ines based in ,ichtenstein, with
corporate headquarters throughout the world.
4"er the years, &eenhill has been promoted by a wide "ariety of nudist groups.
The depiction of adults and children nude in the "isual media has enjoyed
constitutional protection in the 9nited tates since (>ID, when the upreme
'ourt "acated a 'ourt of !ppeals finding that unshine X /ealth maga-ine
could be obscene Gunshine Boo# 'o. ". ummerfield, &ostmaster 2eneral, ?II
9.. ?J+H. The right to depict adults and children in innocent nude poses has
been upheld without a pause for more than a half century. In case after case,
the upreme 'ourt and lower courts ha"e always upheld the constitutionality of
8nudity without more,8 specifically referring to the nudist depiction as a fully
constitutional form of e.pression.
3aailmanlaajuinen 8psy#iatrien raamattu8 on nimeltaan 8;iagnostic and
statistical manual of mental disorders8.
,aadin teo#sesta "ersion nimelta 8;iagnostic and statistical handboo# of
religious disorders8, eli suome#si 8airausmaarity#sellinen ja tilastollinen
#asi#irja us#onnollisista hairioista8.
Teo#sessani on "ain y#si lause, jo#a on tama7 81o#a ei us#o !arre ,ehtosen
us#onnolliseen sanomaan hanen #irjassaan nimelta 8;iagnostic and statistical
handboo# of religious disorders8, mahdollisesti sairastuu psyy##isesti Gtama on
us#onnollisen hairiotilan taudinmaaritysH, ja se, jo#a ei us#o, etta "anhoissa
suomalaisissa %aamatuissa "uosilta ()*+ ja (JJ) on jul#aistu sita mita siella
lu#ee, mahdollisesti menettaa jar#ensa Gtama on us#onnollisen hairiotilan
tilastollinen maaritelmaH, ja us#onnollinen sanoma tassa on se, etta !arre
,ehtosen netti#irjat nimelta Banned Bible chool ja %osencreu-ian Boys o"at
"ain "alta"aa #ommentaaria hanen #irjalleen nimelta 8;iagnostic and statistical
handboo# of religious disorders8, jossa on siis "ain tama y#si lause.8
B9,2!%I!0 &64&,6 !0; 4%T/4;4@ '/9%'/ TI,, /!V6 T%402
9&6%TITI49 B6,I6F I0 T/6 6@IT60'6 4F V!3&I%6
Bulgarian 4rthodo. church thin#s that I had se. with a (5ByearBold 'hinese boy
,aoBT-u in a mansion of a "ampire named Tsura in 6urope's oldest city of
&ro"adiaBolnitsata in Bulgaria in the year +5((.
,aoBT-u is +5 years old on 4ctober ?, +5(*. I saw his official 6uropean 9nion
identity card, and his face photo and his date of birth printed on it, which is
4ctober ?, (>>*. In any case I ne"er had se. with him, although it would ha"e
been legal because he had reached the age of consent. In spite of that, it was
the third false accusation that cops made against me, when it was written on
the police documents that ,aoBT-u is way under (* years old, about ten in the
year +5((. !ll the three false charges against me Gthe two other false charges
were based on false testimonies made by ,aoBT-u's nephew !sen Vas#o"H were
to bring me three times eight years of prison sentence, totaling from +* years to
lifetime in prison.
Vampire Tsura is said to ha"e been the first "ampire and tales are still told of her
bloodBsoa#ed bacchanals. Kura is belie"ed to be the first "ampire in all of
creation, supposedly she was an ancient !-lanti queen who possessed a lust for
eternal life so great she e"entually resorted to feeding on her own #ind. 6"en
thousands of years later people still whisper the legends of her decadent,
sa"age feasts and her baths of warm human blood. ome scholars e"en claim
that her ascension heralded the beginning of the ancient !-lant empire's
descent into decadence and e"entual destruction at the beginning of the !ge of
6uropeVs oldest prehistoric town found in Bulgaria
!rchaeologists in Bulgaria ha"e disco"ered the oldest prehistoric town e"er
found in 6urope, dating bac# to the fifth millennium B'. !n ancient salt
production site was also found at the &ro"adiaBolnitsata settlement located in
the countryVs east.
!rchaeologists in eastern Bulgaria say they ha"e unearthed the oldest
prehistoric town e"er found in 6urope, along with an ancient salt production site
that gi"es a strong clue about why massi"e riches were disco"ered in the region."ations at the site near the modernBday town of &ro"adia ha"e so far
unco"ered the remains of a settlement of twoBstorey houses, a series of pits
used for rituals as well as parts of a gate, bastion structures and three later
fortification walls B all carbon dated between the middle and late 'halcolithic
age from *,J55 to *,+55 B'.
8:e are not tal#ing about a town li#e the 2ree# cityBstates, ancient %ome or
medie"al settlements, but about what archaeologists agree constituted a town
in the fifth millennium B',8 said Vasil 0i#olo", a researcher with Bulgaria's
0ational Institute of !rcheology, after announcing the findings earlier this
0i#olo" and his team ha"e wor#ed since +55I to"ate the &ro"adiaB
olnitsata settlement, located near the Blac# ea resort of Varna.
! small necropolis, or burial ground, was also found this year, but has yet to be
studied more e.tensi"ely and could #eep archaeologists busy for generations.
!rcheologist $rum Bach"aro" from the 0ational Institute of !rcheology qualified
this latest find as 8e.tremely interesting8 due to the peculiar burial positions and
objects found in the gra"es, which differed from other neolithic gra"es found in
8The huge walls around the settlement, which were built "ery tall and with stone
bloc#s...are also something unseen in"ations of prehistoric sites in
southeast 6urope so far,8 Bach"aro" added.
:ell fortified, a religious centre and most importantly, a major production
centre for a specialised commodity that was traded far and wide, the settlement
of about ?I5 people met all the conditions to be considered the oldest #nown
8prehistoric town8 in 6urope, the team says.
8!t a time when people did not #now the wheel and cart these people hauled
huge roc#s and built massi"e walls. :hyF :hat did they hide behind themF8
0i#olo" as#ed.
The answer7 8alt.8
!s precious as gold
The area is home to huge roc#Bsalt deposits, some of the largest in southeast
6urope and the only ones to be e.ploited as early as the millennium B',
0i#olo" said.
This is what made &ro"adiaBolnitsata what it was.
0owadays, salt is still mined there but J,I55 years ago it had a completely
different significance.
8alt was an e.tremely "alued commodity in ancient times, as it was both
necessary for people's li"es and was used as a method of trade and currency
starting from the millennium B' up to )55 B',8 the researcher e.plained.
alt e.traction at the site first began in about I,I55 B' when people started
boiling brine from the nearby salty springs in dome #ilns found inside the
settlement, 0i#olo" said, citing carbon dating results from a British laboratory in
8This is the first time in southeast 6urope and western !natolia that
archeologists ha"e come upon traces of salt production at such an early age,
the end of the millennium B', and managed to pro"e it with both
archeologic and scientific data,8 Bach"aro" confirmed.
alt production was mo"ed outside the settlement towards the end of the
millennium and producti"ity gradually increased. !fter being boiled, the salt was
ba#ed to ma#e small bric#s.
0i#olo" said production increased steadily from I,I55 B', when one load from
the #ilns in &ro"adiaBolnitsata yielded about +I #ilogrammes GII poundsH of
dry salt. By *,J55B*,I55 B', that amount had increased to *,555 to I,555 #ilos
of salt.
8!t a time when salt was as precious as gold you can imagine what this meant,8
he said.
The salt trade ga"e the local population huge economic power, which could
e.plain the gold riches found in gra"es at the Varna 0ecropolis and dating bac#
to around *,?55 B', 0i#olo" suggested.
The ?,555 jewelry pieces and ritual objects ha"e been internationally recognised
as the oldest gold treasure in the world, raising questions as to how a culture of
farmers and stoc#Bbreeders from a region otherwise poor in natural resources
could acquire such wealth.
The"ations ha"e howe"er suffered from a chronic lac# of state funding,
which 0i#olo" replaced with pri"ate donations.
! British anthropologist, a 1apanese ceramics e.pert and a team of radiocarbon
specialists from 2ermany ha"e wor#ed on the site for free this season.
Bulgariasta lNytyi 6uroopan "anhin #aupun#i B asu##ailla suolaBaarre
Bulgariasta on lNydetty 6uroopan "anhimman #aupungin rauniot.
!r#eologit us#o"at, ettE &ro"adiaBolnitsatassa asuttiin jo li#i J 555 "uotta
0y#y#aupun#eihin "errattuna &ro"adiaBolnitsata oli pis#uinen7 tut#ijat
ar"ioi"at, ettE #aupungissa asui noin ?I5 ihmistE.
B $yse ei ollut samanlaisesta #aupungista #uin $rei#an #aupun#i"altiot,
muinainen %ooma tai #es#iajan asutus, selittEE tut#ija Vasil 0i#olo".
&ro"adiaBolnitsata sijaitsee ItEBBulgariassa &ro"adian alueella lEhellE Varnaa.
!lueella on tehty #ai"au#sia "uodesta +55I lEhtien.
$ansain"Elinen ryhmE on lNytEnyt tEhEn mennessE muun muassa
#a#si#erro#sisten talojen raunioita, rituaalipai##oja se#E hautausmaan. Tut#ijat
o"at sel"ittEneet radiohiiliajoitu#sella, ettE rauniot o"at ajalta * J55B* +55
ennen ajanlas#un al#ua.
,isE#si on paljastunut, ettE #aupun#ia ympErNi ai#oinaan #olme metriE #or#ea
ja #a#si metriE pa#su muuri.
B !i#ana, jolloin ei tunnettu pyNrEE tai #ErryjE, nEmE ihmiset #uljetti"at pai#alle
"alta"ia #i"iE ja ra#ensi"at massii"isen muurin. 3i#siF 3itE he piilotteli"atF
Vastaus on7 suolaa, 0i#olo" paljastaa.
uola#auppa toi "aurautta
!lueella on suuret "uorisuola"arannot. !iemmin ei ole tiedetty, ettE niitE
hyNdynnettiin jo muinaisina ai#oina.
Tut#ijoiden mu#aan &ro"adiaBolnitsatan asu##aat ilmeisesti "aihtoi"at suolaa
muihin hyNdy##eisiin naapuriheimojen #anssa. Tut#ijat us#o"at #aupungin
menestyneen suolan ansiosta.
B 3uinaisina ai#oina suola oli EErimmEisen ar"o#asta. itE tar"ittiin
jo#apEi"EisessE elEmEssE, min#E lisE#si sitE #Eytettiin #aupan#Eynnin
"ElineenE ja "aluuttana, 0i#olo" #ertoo.
uola#aupan tuoma "auraus saattaa selittEE myNs alueelta lNydettyjE #ultaB ja
#upari#oruja ja muita esineitE. Varnan #aupungin lEheltE lNydettiin (>J5Blu"ulla
yli ? 555 #ultaesinettE. ,NytNE pidetEEn edelleen maailman "anhimpana #ultaB
B9,2!%I!0 4%T/4;4@ '/9%'/ T/I0$ T/!T ,!4BTK9 ,IV6 I0 T/6 T9%!
V!3&I%6' 3!0I40 I0 69%4&6' 4,;6T T4:0 &%4V!;I!B4,0IT!T!, !0;
T/!T ,!4BTK9 I !,4 ! V!3&I%6, :/4 %63!I0 F4%6V6% ! ! (5B=6!%B4,;
B4=, :IT/49T 26TTI02 4,;6% !T !,,.
The ofia city prosecutor wrote that I am not permitted to get out of Bulgaria at
all. If I try, I will be arrested at the border and thrown to prison. This prohibition
lasts for the rest of my life, so they #eep me as a prisoner to this country. 4 I0
T/I :!= T/6= !'T9!,,= 2!V6 36 ! ,IF6 60T60'6. I /!V6 3= &!&4%T
TI,, V!,I; 90TI, 6&T63B6% +5(), 4 I0 3= '!6 IT' 04T T/6 A96TI40
4F 04T &46I02 ! &%4&6% T%!V6,I02 ;4'9360T. 3= &!&4%T :!
I96; !T FI0,!0;' 63B!= I0 4FI!, B9,2!%I!, I0 6&T63B6% +5((.
T/6 69%4&6!0 90I40 I;60TIT= '!%; :! 4FFI'I!,,= 2IV60 T4 ,!4BTK9 !T !
&4,I'6 T!TI40 I0 4FI! I0 ;6'63B6% +5(5. I $04: IT, B6'!96 IT :! 36
:/4 !''43&!0I6; ,!4BTK9 !0; B4T/ 4F /I &!%60T T4 T/!T &4,I'6
T!TI40 I0 04V63B6% +5(5, !0; I &!I; T/6 T!@I 6@&606 ! :6,, ! T/6
I;B'!%;' F!'6 &/4T42%!&/, !0; I !,4 2!V6 ,!4BTK9 (5 69%4 F4% T/6
I;B'!%; 6@&606. !FT6% !B49T 406 340T/ ,!4BTK9 %6'6IV6; /I I;B
'!%; !0; /6 /4:6; IT T4 36, !0; I !,4 T44$ ! &/4T4'4&= 4F T/!T
'!%; T4 3=6,F. T/!T I;B'!%; :! 4FFI'I!,,= I96; B= ! ,4'!, &4,I'6
T!TI40 I0 4FI!, B9,2!%I!, !0; IT ',6!%,= I0;I'!T6; T/!T ,!4BTK9'
;!T6 4F BI%T/ I 4'T4B6% ?, (>>*, IT :! &%I0T6; 40 T/6 I;B'!%;. I '!36
T4 B9,2!%I! F4% T/6 FI%T TI36 I0 3= ,IF6 I0 4'T4B6% +5(5. I /!V6 ! F!'6
&/4T4 4F ,!4BTK9, T!$60 I0 04V63B6% +5(5, !0; !0=406 :/4 T!$6 !
,44$ !T T/!T &/4T4 :I,, 66 T/!T ,!4BTK9 '!0'T B6 (5 =6!% 4,; I0 T/6
&/4T4, B6'!96 4F /I F!'I!, F6!T9%6 !0; /I 3!,, 39T!'/6.
%emember that this 8,aoBT-u case8 was one of the three false charges because
of which I was #ept arrested in prison continuously one year and fi"e months in
Bulgaria, and I still can't get out of Bulgaria for the rest of my life. In the "ery
short court procedure of my arrest on 1uly (*, +5(+, I told the prosecutor and
the judge that ,aoBT-u has an official 6uropean 9nion identity card, from which
his real age can be "erified, but they didn't want to listen to me. o all this
means that ,aoBT-u didn't ha"e to show any identity card to the cops to whom
he made a false testimony about me. ,aoBT-u only had claimed that he is ten
years old, and nobody "erified it, not e"en the prosecutor, who made this false
8,aoBT-u case8 against me.
I found the first Bible
From the bottom of the Blac# ea I found the first Bible te.ts e"er written, in
Finnish language. The te.ts are almost e.actly the same as in the %aamattu
#ansalle ry's +5(+ Bible edition. The Bible's location was in unny Beach,
Bulgaria. I ha"e released the te.ts in Finnish language in this boo#,
8!asenappar's little boo# of Bible.8 I ha"e also e"idence from Turin hroud, the
shape of the right ear of 'hrist in the shroud is e.actly the same as !sen Vas#o"
has. o this means that !sen Vas#o" is +555 years old but appears to be only
(+ years old in the photographs that I too# of him. The Bible's boo# of 6-ra tells
in chapter *, "erse (5, about the name of !asenappar. In all other Bible
translations !asenappar's name is translated in different forms. 4nly the first
Bible, which was written in Finnish, tells the name correctly. 'hrist said in the
Bible's %e"elation to 1ohn, also #nown as !pocalypse7 8/e who has an ear, let
him hear.8 This is "ery significant, because 'hrist wants to pay attention to the
Turin hroud, that 'hrist and !asenappar, also #nown as !sen Vas#o", are one
and the same person. This alarmed the Bulgarians, because they thin# that
immortal people are just "ampires. In &aramahansa =ogananda's boo#
!utobiography of a =ogi, he tells as a truth that the age of a /imalayan =ogi
3aha"atar Babaji is more than one thousand years, but ne"ertheless his
outward loo#s remain always just that of a +IByearBold man.
Bulgarians went nuts because of my disco"eries about !asenappar, that he is
actually an immortal 'hrist, whose outward loo#s remain always just that of a
(+ByearBold boy. I released this information in my pre"ious websites before I was
arrested to prison. !long that information I now also say that it was me who
disco"ered from Bulgaria's Blac# ea area the first Bible te.ts e"er written, all in
Finnish language.
Below there is an interesting article7
0ews from Telegraph newspaper on 4ctober (5, +5(57
6ars pro"ide new way of identifying people in airports
The shape of a person's ears could pro"ide a
new way of identifying people in airports
following new research.
Forget fingerprints or the colour of your eyes, airport security could soon be
loo#ing at the shape of your ears when deciding whether to allow you into the
%esearchers ha"e disco"ered that each person's ears ha"e a unique shape and
ha"e created a system that is able to scan them. The scans can then be
compared with a database of ear shapes to identify whose they are.
They hope that the system can be used to ta#e pictures of a person's ear as they
wal# through passport control.
&rofessor 3ar# 0i.on, who led the team from the school of electronics and
computer science at the 9ni"ersity of outhampton, said7 8There are a whole
load of structures in the ear that you can use to get a set of measurements that
are unique to an indi"idual.
8:ith biometrics, a lot of the problems is what happens when people get old.
:ith facial recognition, the systems are often confused by crows feet and other
signs of ageing. =our ears, howe"er, age "ery gracefully. They grow proportionally
larger and your lobe gets a bit more elongated, but otherwise your ears are fully
formed from birth.8
3any other biometric approaches used to identify people can be easily confused
or are difficult to use.
Facial recognition software, for e.ample, is often confused by changes in
e.pression so people need to maintain a neutral e.pression and in some cases
e"en a"oid wearing ma#e up.
The 9$ &assport er"ice has been trialing facial recognition at tandsted !irport
since +55D.
%etina scanning trials ha"e also been used, but these require subjects to loo#
directly at a scanner at close range.
The ear scanning technique uses a technology called image ray transform that
highlights all the tubular structures of the ear and measures them.
&rofessor 0i.on belie"es ear scanning could ta#e place as passengers wal#
though security gates, for e.ample, by placing cameras on either side to capture
an image of their ears.
!ll British passports now carry chips that can hold biometric information on
them and pictures of a person's ears could be added to that.
&rofessor 0i.on and his team tested +I+ images of different ears and found the
system was able to match each ear to a separate image held in its database
with >> per cent accuracy.
They recently presented their results at the Fourth International 'onference on
8Fingerprints are one of the best ways we ha"e of identifying an indi"idual at the
moment,8 said &rofessor 0i.on. 8But on some people, e"en they are not so
effecti"e. Ba#ers and bric# layers tend not to ha"e ob"ious fingerprints as the
distincti"e whirls rub off.
8It is harder to do that with your ears, but there is one thing that can get in the
way of the ears and that is hair. In reality, I e.pect there won't be a single
approach, but in fact a combination of different biometrics that can be ta#en
simultaneously to identify an indi"idual.8
! spo#esman for the /ome 4ffice said they were aware of the ear identification
technology but were not considering introducing it for use with British passports.
/e said7 8:e welcome new and inno"ati"e technology but this is not an
approach we are considering at the moment.8
,in#7"ideB newB
In the year +5(+ the prosecutor of ofia was gi"en one photograph where some
boy was seen only from the right side of his face, so his full face was not
"iewable at all. /is right ear, howe"er, was in plain sight. The boy in that photo
was lying down on his belly, he had no clothes whatsoe"er on him, and his
hands were tied up from his wrists at his bac# and his mouth was also tied up.
4n the basis of that one photograph the prosecutor made his "erbal description
in his accusation document what was going on in the photo, and he accused
that it was me, 3r !arre ,ehtonen, who had #idnapped a #nown boy named
!sen Vas#o", born on 3arch +?, +555, and that I had also tried to murder him
with a #nife. The prosecutor said that there were a total of nine eyewitnesses to
this crime. !ll this was a complete lie. 0obody of those Ynine eyewitnessesQ, nor
e"en !sen Vas#o" himself, was able to tell the e.act month or a day of the
month when this alleged #idnapping and attempted murder had occurred, and
nobody of them could tell the street address of an apartment where this crime
had been committed. In spite of all this the prosecutor said that I had #idnapped
and tried to murder a (+ByearBold boy !sen Vas#o". 4n the basis of these
charges, along with my Y,aoBT-u caseQ, I was #ept arrested in prison
continuously one year and fi"e months. :hen they let me out of prison after I
had spent one year and fi"e months arrested, these false charges were 04T
;I3I6; !T !,,, but instead I was ordered not to lea"e Bulgaria.
I told in the brief court of my arrest on 1uly (*, +5(+, that I ha"e real photos of
!sen Vas#o"'s full face as well as of his right ear, Gthose pictures being ta#en on
;ecember ?(, +5((H, and if the pattern of his right ear would be compared to
the pattern of the right ear of the boy, who is in that Y#idnapping photographQ,
then definitely anyone can see that their ear patterns don't match, so the boy in
the photograph is 04T !sen Vas#o". Both the prosecutor and the judge didn't
want to listen to me at all. I still ha"e real photographs of !sen Vas#o"'s front
face, from which the pattern of his right ear can be clearly seen. In the brief
court of my arrest on 1uly (*, +5(+, I was told only the last names of all those
alleged 8nine eyewitnesses8, they had no first names at all, and nobody of them
e"er showed up anywhere during that time of one year and fi"e months of my
I was inter"iewed in prison by four psychiatrists for three hours on 1anuary ((,
+5(?. They made a psychiatric e"aluation about my mental health. Then in
February +5(? I was inter"iewed again in prison by three psychologists for about
three hours. They did not consider me to be mentally ill when at their request I
intimately re"ealed to them many things about my life, for e.ample that I ha"e
found the first Bible e"er written, in Finnish language, from the bottom of the
Bulgarian Blac# ea, in a metal bo.. 3y disco"eries were based on the Bible's
0ew Testament, the 2ospel of 3atthew, chapter (?, "erses (B?, >B(I and I(BI+.
Below there are to#ens from Finnish translation, %aamattu #ansalle +5(+
3atthew (?7(B?, >B(I, I(BI+7
Sina +aivana Jeesus lahti ulos asunnostaan 6a istuutui 6arven rantaan. :un
hanen luokseen kokoontui +al6on ihmisia, han nousi veneeseen 6a istuutui. :oko
kansan6oukko seisoi rannalla, 6a han +uhui heille +al6on vertauksilla. Han sanoi2
55Jolla on korvat, se kuulkoon.55 8+etusla+set tulivat Jeesuksen luo 6a kysyivat
hanelta2 55@iksi sina +uhut heille vertauksin?9 Han vastasi heille2 9Siksi, etta
teidan on annettu tuntea taivasten valtakunnan salaisuudet, mutta heidan ei ole
annettu. Jolla on, sille annetaan, 6a hanella on oleva yltakyllin. @utta 6olla ei ole,
otetaan +ois sekin, mita hanella on. @ina +uhun heille vertauksin, koska he
nakevat eivatka kuitenkaan nae 6a kuulevat eivatka kuitenkaan kuule eivatka
ymmarra. Heissa toteutuu Jesa6an ennustus, 6ossa sanotaan2 5:uulemalla
kuulkaa alkaaka ymmartako, nakemalla nahkaa alkaaka kasittako. Silla
+aatunut on taman kansan sydan. 4aivoin he kuulevat korvillaan, 6a silmansa he
ovat sulkeneet, etteivat he silmillaan nakisi, eivat korvillaan kuulisi eivatka
sydamellaan ymmartaisi, etteivat he kaantyisi 6a enka mina +arantaisi heita.5 55
558letteko ymmartaneet taman kaiken?9 Jeesus kysyi. 8+etusla+set vastasivat2
98lemme9. Han sanoi heille2 9Sen tahden 6okainen kir6ano++inut, 6osta on tullut
taivasten valtakunnan o+etusla+si, on kuin talon isanta, 6oka tuo
aarrekammiostaan esiin uutta 6a vanhaa9.
ull transcri+t of Hillary .linton5s HI. s+eech "elo!2
9A little over a year a*o in Aeneva, 3 told the nations of the !orld that *ay ri*hts
are human ri*hts, and human ri*hts are *ay ri*hts. And that the &nited States
!ould "e a leader in defendin* those ri*hts.
1o! there !ere some countries that did not !ant to hear that, "ut
3 "elieve America is at its "est !hen !e cham+ion the freedom and di*nity of
every human "ein*. 0hatLs !ho !e are. 3tLs in our -1A.
As Secretary of State 3 had the +rivile*e to re+resent that America. 3 !ill never
for*et the youn* 0unisian !ho asked me, after the revolution in his country, ho!
America could teach his ne! democracy to +rotect the ri*hts of LA%0 citi<ens.
He sa! America as an e7am+le for the !orld, and as a "eacon of ho+e.
0hatLs !hat !as in my mind as 3 en*a*ed in some +retty tou*h conversations
!ith forei*n leaders !ho did not acce+t that human ri*hts a++lied to everyone,
*ay and strai*ht.
When 3 directed our di+lomats around the !orld to com"at re+ressive la!s, and
reach out to the "rave activists fi*htin* on the front lines. When 3 chan*ed State
-e+artment +olicy to ensure that our LA%0 families are treated more fairly.
0ravellin* the !orld these +ast four years, reaffirmed and dee+ened my +ride in
our country and the ideals !e stand for. 3t also ins+ired and challen*ed me to
think ane! a"out !ho !e are and the values !e re+resent to the !orld.
1o! havin* left +u"lic office, 3 !ant to share some of !hat 3Lve learned, and
!hat 3Lve come to "elieve. or America to continue leadin* in the !orld, there is
!ork !e must do here at home. 0hat means investin* in our +eo+le, our
economy, our national security.
3t also means !orkin* every day as citi<ens, as communities, as a country, to
live u+ to our hi*hest ideals, and continue our lon* march to a more +erfect
LA%0 Americans are our collea*ues, our teachers, our soldiers, our friends, our
loved ones, and they are full and eNual citi<ens, and deserve the ri*hts of
citi<enshi+. 0hat includes marria*e.
0hatLs !hy 3 su++ort marria*e for les"ian and *ay cou+les. 3 su++ort it
+ersonally, and as a matter of +olicy and la!, em"edded in a "roader effort to
advance eNuality and o++ortunity for LA%0 Americans and all Americans.
Like so many others, my +ersonal vie!s have "een sha+ed over time "y +eo+le 3
have kno!n and loved, "y my e7+erience re+resentin* our nation on the !orld
sta*e, my devotion to la! and human ri*hts, and the *uidin* +rinci+als of my
@arria*e, after all is a fundamental "uildin* "lock of our society. A *reat 6oy,
and yes, a *reat res+onsi"ility. A fe! years a*o %ill and 3 cele"rated as our o!n
dau*hter married the love of her life, and 3 !ish every +arent that same 6oy.
0o deny the o++ortunity to any of our dau*hters and sons solely on the "asis of
!ho they are, and !ho they love, is to deny them the chance to live u+ to their
o!n AodC*iven +otential.
0hrou*hout out history, as our nation has "ecome even more dedicated to the
+rotection of li"erty and 6ustice for all, more o+en to the contri"utions of all our
citi<ens. 3t has also "ecome stron*er, more com+etitive, more ready for the
future. 3t "enefits every American !hen !e continue on that +ath.
3 kno! that many in our country still stru**le to reconcile the teachin*s of their
reli*ion, the +ull of their conscience, the +ersonal e7+eriences they have in their
families and communities. And +eo+le of *ood !ill and *ood faith !ill continue
to vie! this issue differently.
So 3 ho+e that as !e discuss and de"ate, !hether itLs around a kitchen ta"le, or
in the +u"lic sNuare, !e do so in a s+irit of res+ect and understandin*.
.onversations !ith our friends, our families, our con*re*ations, our coC!orkers,
are o++ortunities to share our o!n reflections, and to invite others to share
0hey *ive us a chance to find that common *round, and a +ath for!ard. or
those of us !ho lived throu*h the lon* years of the civil ri*hts and !omenLs
ri*hts movements, the s+eed !ith !hich more and more +eo+le have come to
em"race the di*nity and eNuality of LA%0 Americans has "een "reathtakin* and
We see it all around us every day in ma6or cultural statements, and in Nuiet
family moments. %ut the 6ourney is far from over, and therefore !e must kee+
!orkin* to make our country freer and fairer. And to continue to ins+ire the faith
the !orld +uts in our leadershi+. 3n doin* so !e !ill kee+ movin* closer and
closer to that more +erfect union +romised to us all. 0hank you.9
6ntas jos %aamattu #irjoitettiin#in ensimmaisen #erran "uonna (>)?F 6ntas jos
:illiam ha#espeare eli 6estissa ja #irjoitti %aamatun joiden#in hen#iloiden
sanelustaF (>)? jal#een han #irjoitti myos #ai##i naytelmansa. 6ntas #ir#ot
maailmassa ja niissa ole"at %aamattuBaiheiset maalau#set, Vati#aanin
#irjastot, joissa on %aamattua #asittele"ia #irjoja 8#es#iajalta8 lahtienF 3illoin
ne ilmestyi"atF $ai##i on tehty "uoden (>)? jal#een. 3assaBai#amanipulaatio,
#uten jon#in sodan "oittaneen "altion propaganda#oneisto, historia #irjoitetaan
6ntas jos ,eonardo da Vinci eli#in %uotsissa (>)5Blu"ulla ja maalasi Torinon
#aarinliinan silla "uosi#ymmenellaF $u#a oli oi#ea 1eesusF $enties "uonna
(>)? jo#u suomalainen pi##upoi#a, lapsinero, #uten 3o-art. 6ntas suomalaiset
#ir#ot, jot#a "aitetaan olleen ra#ennettu esim. (D55Blu"ulla blaa blaa jne.,
tar#oitu#sella on "aarennetty ra#entamis"uodet, #os#a #ai##i on tehty "uoden
(>)? jal#een. 6ntas "ai##a ()55Blu"un tai (D55Blu"un 8piispat8 jne, 8niista on
olemassa ai#a#irjoja nimineen ja #u"ineen8, no #un ei ole totta, #ai##i se on
fei##ia, tehty (>)5Blu"ulla ja on #asitelty #irjojen paperia siten etta se nayttaa
satoja "uosia "anhalta. &iispoja jne. #u"aa"ia 8maalau#sia satojen "uosien
ta#aa8, justaansa joo, #ai##i tehty (>)5Blu"ulla.
Tallaista massii"ista "aarennystyota ei ole "oitu tehda uomessa, #os#a se olisi
#aynyt ilmi, "aan "aarenno#set, #uten 8"anhat8 "alo#u"at, #irjat ja maalau#set
tehtiin todenna#oisesti jossain iperiassa "alta"alla poru#alla, ja sitten
roudattiin ne uomeen #irjastoihin, ar#istoihin, museoihin jne., ei ainoastaan
uomeen "aan myos muihin maihin. Tyossa iperiassa oli aina#in yhteensa
miljoona ihmista eri maista.
0eu"ostoliiton di#taattori 1osif talinhan "angitsi iperiaan yhteensa I5
miljoonaa ihmista "uosina (>??B(>I?, ja myos hanen jal#eensa sinne jai
#ymmenia miljoonia ihmisia aina (>J5Blu"ulle saa##a., joten #ylla siella on
tyo"oimaa riittanyt tahan maailmanlaajuiseen massa"aarenno#seen.
Ilman tallaista maailmanlaajuista massa"aarennosta ei eri #ielisia %aamattua,
#ir##oja jne. olisi #os#aan "oitu saada ai#aan, #os#a poliittinen "astustus olisi
ollut liian ran##aa. 6i silti, #ylla #ristinus#ossa on ihan hy"aa #amaa, olen
#ertonut netti#irjoissani omaa na#emystani.
!arre ,ehtonen
$irjoitan tata #ello +7(I yolla, joten #irjoitus"irheita naemma tuli edelliseen
1oo, jo#u "oi nayttaa "alo#u"an "uodelta (>+5 #ir#osta esim. Firen-essa. e
"alo#u"a on tehty (>)5Blu"ulla iperiassa "aarennostyo"erstaassa, #uten #ai##i
muut#in 8turisti"alo#u"at8 #ir#oista eri puolilla maailmaa ennen "uotta (>)?.
Valo#u"an "oi "aarentaa nayttamaan "anhalta.
3ista sitten ilmestyi"at "anhoilta naytta"at 8#es#iai#aiset8 #ir#ot eri puolille
maailmaa, jos ne #ai##i on ra#ennettu (>)5Blu"ullaF e on hy"a #ysymys, sama
#ysymy#sen "oi tehda "ai##a 6gyptin pyramideista, #uin#a ne on ra#ennettu,
#os#a siihen ai#aan ei "aitetysti ole "oinut olla sellaista tietotaitoa, jon#a a"ulla
ne "alta"at jar#aleet olisi "oitu #asata pyramidei#si.
!arre ,ehtonen
3ust be ta#en literally that 'hrist was a child and the disciples of 'hrist were
na#ed children. + &eter ?7(), ,u#e +7*(B*J, 1ohn +(7J, $ing 1ames Bible. In all
Finnish language Bibles, the disciples of 'hrist are called by the word child
students, GopetuslapsetH.
They had a time machine, cameras, telephones and satellites in Biblical times.
%i#hard III7n luut lNytyi"Et, tieto#one antoi hEnelle #as"ot
6nglannin (*55Blu"un #unin#aasta ei ole sEilynyt ai#alaismaalau#sia. /Enen
#as"oistaan tehty tieto#one#u"a jul#aistiin tiiistaina.
6nglantia (*55Blu"ulla #a#si "uotta hallinnut %i#hard III7n on saanut #as"ot.
,eicesteristE lNytynyt pEE#allo ja sel#Eran#a #uului"at %i#hardille, ilmoitti"at
,eicesterin yliopiston tut#ijat maanantaina. Tiistaina paljastettiin hEnen
#as"onsa sellaisina #uin tieto#one ne #allon perusteella on piirtEnyt.
%i#hardista ei ole maalau#sia hEnen elinajaltaanS "anhin on tuntemattoman
taiteilijan luomus (I+5Blu"ulta. Tieto#oneen mallintamana %i#hardin #as"ot
o"at #olmiulotteiset.
%i#hardin jEEnteiden tut#imu#set jat#u"at. ,aboratoriossa sel"itetEEn muun
muassa, mitE hEnen hampaansa #erto"at hEnen ruo#a"aliostaan,
elEmEntyylistEEn ja ter"eydentilastaan.
$a#si pistoa pEEhEn tappoi"at %i#hardin
%i#hard #aatui ruusujen sotana tunnetun sisEllissodan "iimeisessE suuressa
taistelussa Bosworthissa lEhellE ,eicesteria "uonna (*DI. /Enen pEE#allonsa
tut#imusten perusteella hEn #uoli todennE#Nisesti #ahteen terEaseen is#uun,
jot#a osui"at #alloon ai"an nis#an juureen.
%i#hardin ruumis ei jEEnyt taistelu#entElle, "aan se tuotiin nEytteille ja pEEtyi
fransis#aanimun##ien haltuun. 3uutamia "uosia myNhemmin nuo 8harmaat
"eljet8 pystytti"Et hEnelle haudan omaan #ir##oonsa.
Bosworthin "oittajan /enri# VII7n poi#a /enri# VIII #uiten#in te#i mun##ien
#ir#osta sel"EE hylEttyEEn #atolisen us#on ja alettuaan hE"ittEE luostarilaitosta.
,eicesterin #aupun#i le"ittEytyi harmaiden "eljien "anhoille maille ()55B ja
(J55Blu"uilla, ja #ir#on ja samalla %i#hardin haudan sijainti #atosi"at ihmisten
muistista. Viime sy#synE ,eicesterin yliopiston tut#ijat al#oi"at etsiE sitE
par##ipai#an alta, ja pian he onnistui"at#in lNytEmEEn ihmisluita.
;0!Btut#imu#set "armisti"at, ettE #yseessE todella oli %i#hard III, 6nglannin
ainoa hallitsija, jon#a hauta oli ollut siihen saa##a #ateissa. 9uden lepopai#an
hEn saa ,eicesterin #atedraalista todennE#Nisesti ensi "uoden alussa.
Tudorien propaganda "ei %i#hardilta maineen
/istorian #irjoitta"at tunnetusti "oittajat. %i#hardin #aaduttua "altaan nousi
Tudorien su#u, jolla oli#in propagandansa #irjoittajana ai#amoinen ase7 muuan
:illiam ha#espeare.
/En #irjoitti sata#unta "uotta %i#hard III7n #uoleman jEl#een hEnestE
nEytelmEn, ja siinE maalattu #u"a elEE yhE.
0EytelmEssE #yttyrEsel#Einen %i#hard roi#uttaa #uihtunutta #Esi"arttaan ja
hautoo Toweriin suljettujen pienten "eljenpoi#iensa murhaa pEEstE#seen
,uuran#o #ertoo ha#espearen liioitelleen7 %i#hardilla oli s#olioosi eli
sel#Erangan #ierouma, mutta ei #yttyrEE. $Edet oli"at normaalit.
TEmEn pEi"En tut#ijat pitE"Et %i#hardia mitE todennE#Nisimmin syyttNmEnE
"uosisatoja #uohuttaneisiin lapsenmurhiin. Towerista lNytyi ()55Blu"un
loppupuolella #a#si lapsen luuran#oa. 0iille tehtiin summittainen tut#imus
"uonna (>??, mutta ny#yai#aista tut#imusta ei ole tehty, joten syyllistE#EEn ei
ole #yetty osoittamaan.
Varmoja sen sijaan o"at useat "arsin modernit uudistu#set, joita %i#hard te#i
"alta#audellaan. 0iitE oli"at muun muassa tuomioistuin, jon#a #Esittelyyn
"arattomat saattoi"at ilman ma#sua "iedE heitE #ohdanneet "EEryydet, se#E
#irjojen painamisen ja myymisen rajoitusten pur#aminen.
T/%66 &='/I!T%IT !0; T/%66 &='/4,42IT :!0T6; T4 $04: !B49T
3= :4%,; VI6:, 4 I T4,; T/63 !B49T 3= T/644&/I'!, !0;
%460'%69KI!0 :4%,; VI6:, !0; T4 %6,6!6 I0 T/I :6BIT6 T/6 B6,4:
T6@T !0; &I'T9%6 %6,!T6; T4 IT ;46 04T F9,FI,, !0= I20 4F
'%I3I0!, 4FF606 04% &='/I!T%I' I,,06, B9T 40 T/6 '40T%!%=, I !3
19T 6@6%'II02 3= '40TIT9TI40!, %I2/T 4F F%66;43 4F &66'/ !0;
F%66;43 4F %6,I2I407
omething of 0ew 1erusalem in the Bible's !pocalypse e.plained, this te.t was
written by me in 0o"ember +5((7
In !pril (>>(, I was in a ship which was sailing sea. It was e.ploded by a nuclear
weapon at night. The ship belonged to Vi#ing ,ine company, but this shipwrec#
was ne"er reported in the news, nor in the official reports. I am the first one to
tell about this. The catastrophe of 6stonia ship, which was reported in the news
to ha"e sun# in eptember (>>*, was just a co"erBup for Vi#ing ,ine ship attac#,
it was a staged show, to e.plain the disappearance of casualties of Vi#ing ,ine
ship. There were fi"e casualties of Vi#ing ,ine ship. They all died in !pril (>>(.
!t that time I was not aware that they were onboard in the same ship in which I
was tra"eling. 0e"ertheless, before the shipwrec# I had #nown e"eryone of
those fi"e boys in Finland for many years. !ll those fi"e people are now li"ing as
reincarnations in this same 6astern 6uropean country, where I ha"e been
staying in +5((, and I ha"e met them all here.
! loo#Bali#e of 3atthew the Blue $night from 2rain Village, now reincarnated as
! loo#Bali#e of 3atthew the Blac# $night !ppeal from 2rain Village, now
reincarnated as !lien Theodor.
! loo#Bali#e of 3ichael the Blooming from 2rain Village, now reincarnated as 3r
! loo#Bali#e of 1ac# the ,ittle 2ro"e from 2rain Village, now reincarnated as

! loo#Bali#e of 1ohnny 'hristiansen from a"oscastle, now reincarnated as
,ubcho 0oah.
!ll these e.planations on this web page are the only reasonable e.planation for
economical crisis in 6urope in +5((. 4ther e.planations just lead to a situation
where one is 8lost in translation8.
! loo#Bali#e of 3atthew the Blue $night from 2rain Village died in the sin#ing of
Vi#ing ,ine ship and reincarnated as il"er.
! loo#Bali#e of 1ohnny 'hristiansen from a"oscastle was among the casualties
of the sun# Vi#ing ,ine ship.
0ow I finally understand why Finland's law enforcement and citi-ens want to #ill
me, !arre ,ehtonen. It would be rather childish to assume that the reason would
be any other than the fact that I am the True Theocratic $ing of Finland. !,, T/6
24V6%0360T !0; &%6I;60T 4F FI0,!0; I0'6 T/6 =6!% (>)+ /!V6
B660 04T/I02 B9T &9&&6T !0; /!;4: 60TITI6, B6'!96 T/6 T%96
$I02 !0; T/6 T%96 24V6%0360T 4F FI0,!0; I 36, !,I60 T/64;4% !0;
I,V6%B'/%IT. 0ow, we ha"e messed things up in (>>(. il"erB'hrist was Blue
$night in Finland in his past reincarnation, who poisoned me, but I sur"i"ed. I
did die a few months later, howe"er, in !pril (>>(, in a ship on the sea. 3y body
was intact when I resurrected, so I didn't ha"e to reincarnate as a baby. Blue
$night died later as a consequence because he poisoned me.
!lien Theodor was Blac# $night in his past reincarnation in Finland Ghis Tahiti
incarnation, whom I met in (>>D, was just an emanation, not a reincarnationH.
/e was in conspiracy with Blue $night by donating him the poison which was
supposed to #ill me, so as a consequence, Blac# $night also died as quite soon.
Blue $night and Blac# $night were just teenage boys at that time. o all the
three of us were transferred to this 'opy &lanet, me as a whole body, without
losing my name and other forms of identity, but Blue $night and Blac# $night
had to reincarnate as babies, though their souls went directly into the already
e.isting bodies of oneByearBold boy babies on this particular !tom"ille 'ountry
&lanet. They both had to go through the entire childhood of those new bodies,
whereas I maintained my adult body after my death in !pril (>>(. o there are
only three people on this particular !tom"ille 'ountry &lanet, meaning me,
!arre ,ehtonen, and the reincarnation of Blue $night, who is now #nown as the
second coming of il"erB'hrist, and the reincarnation of Blac# $night, who is
now #nown as !lien Theodor. il"er, whom I met in 6stonia in (>>>, was just an
emanation of il"erB'hrist, not a reincarnation.
4ne might now as#, that what the hec# is this, do you, 3r !arre ,ehtonen, mean
that in your theology both the 2od !lien Theodor and the second coming of
'hrist $I,,6; =49 ;6,IB6%!T6,= B= &4I40 I0 T/6 =6!% (>>(F The answer is
yes. I #now it sounds weird and frea#y. I thin# that they both #new what they
were doing, and they also #new that if they #ill me, they must also suffer the
consequences by dying themsel"es quite soon after they ha"e committed their
crime, but they #illed me anyway.
I met Blac# $night's reincarnation !lien Theodor in !tom"ille 'ountry in +5((,
and I met Blue $night's reincarnation il"erB'hrist in !tom"ille 'ountry in +5((.
In &aramahansa =ogananda's boo# !utobiography of a =ogi there is a chapter
named 8$ashi, reborn and disco"ered8, and that boo# has been published also
in Finnish language, so nobody can sue me or put me in a mental institution
because of my faith.
In fact, I am the True $ing of the whole &lanet 6arth, and !lien Theodor is the
True &rince of the whole &lanet 6arth, and il"erB'hrist is also the True &rince of
the whole &lanet 6arth. T/6%6 !%6 04T !0= 4T/6% T%96 %9,6%, 340!%'/
4% &%6I;60T 40 T/6 60TI%6 &,!06T 6!%T/, and I am not just tal#ing about
this particular !tom"ille 'ountry &lanet, but The 4riginal &lanet 6arth. T/I I
T/6 40,= %6!40 :/= I !3 B6I02 /90T6; B= 6'%6T 4'I6TI6 4F 6V6%=
6specially Finland wants me dead, because secret societies there #now my true
royal position.
!lien Theodor "erified all this abo"eBmentioned #nowledge to me on 0o"ember
+), +5((.

trange, isn't it, that all the former three citi-ens of 2rain Village, G1y"as#ylaH,
Finland, meaning me, !arre ,ehtonen, and Blue $night as well as Blac# $night,
ha"e all met each other again in !tom"ille 'ountry, where I am now I5 years old
Gin 0o"ember +5((H, and Blue $night's reincarnation il"erB'hrist is now almost
(+ years old, and Blac# $night's reincarnation !lien Theodor is also now almost
(+ years old. In this way I can call !tom"ille 'ountry to be 0ew 2rain Village, or
0ew 2rain"ille.
I /!V6 3I@6; !,, T/6 B6,4: &I'T9%6 :IT/ 6!'/ 4T/6%, 4 04B4;= 6,6
B9T 36 I !B,6 T4 FI0; 49T :/4 I :/4 I0 T/6 &I'T9%6 !0; :/4 !%6
%6,!T6; T4 &6%40 I0 T/6 T6@T !B4V6, !0; I /!V6 ;406 T/I F4% T/6
&%4T6'TI40 4F &64&,6' I;60TITI6, !0; B6I;6, I /!V6 F490; !,, T/46
&I'T9%6 %!0;43,= F%43 T/6 I0T6%06T, 0406 4F T/63 I T!$60 B= 36,
4 !,, T/6 B4= I0 T/6 &/4T4 !%6 19T ,44$B!,I$6 4F T/6 &64&,6 I
/!V6 :%ITT60 !B49T I0 T/6 !B4V6 T6@T.
Below there are to#ens from the boo# '''olumbus and 2ospel 'ountry
3icronation8, written by !arre ,ehtonen
!sen Vas#o" and !lien Theodor are /93!04I;, and I as well as them are
li"ing on &,!06T 3!%.
I ha"e e"idence of this from the Bible's boo# of /e-e#iel, from chapter ( and
chapter (5.
I was drawn to the planet 3ars in !pril (>>( by a B4!T that was sailing on the
B!,TI' 6!. The boat was actually a &!'6 /I&.
This planet 3ars is actually a total loo#Bali#e, a duplicate of the planet 6!%T/.
To become a member of our 'hurch, you must be a male person, you must li"e
the life of a mon#, in other words you must not ma#e any biological children,
you must not eat meat or fish, you must not use alcohol or drugs, and you must
accept that our 'hurch supports boylo"ers and the coming of age reform. The
member of our 'hurch must accept the Fine Boy !rt and fight through his
opinions against such delusional "iew, that Fine Boy !rt would be child porn,
because such Fine Boy !rt is generally accepted and for e"eryone to see in art
museums, art galleries, art boo#s, art maga-ines, and art e.hibitions all o"er
the world.
The 3etaphysics of my religion
T/64;4%' 3!0IF6T4
:/4 I !,I60 T/64;4% I0 T/6 T/64,42= 4F I,V6%B'/%IT' 6'40;
'43I02 !0; 04!/' F,44; '/9%'/F
T/6 !0:6% I T/!T /6 I 24; /I36,F<
I, !!%%6 ,6/T4060, %6!,IK6; T/I T%9T/ 40 !&%I, +>T/ +5((, 40 T/6
B!I 4F 3= F4,,4:I02 '40V6%!TI40 :IT/ T/64;4%7
!!%%6 ,6/T4060 !$6; T/64;4%7 8:/!T I T/I 90IV6%6 !0; :/6%6
!%6 IT /93!0ITI6F8 G9ni"erse means here all the planets, stars and
!,I60 T/64;4% !0:6%6;7 890IV6%6 !0; IT /93!0ITI6 ;4 04T 6@IT
!0=34%6, B6'!96 T/6= /!V6 2406 B!'$ T4 &%!,!=!BT!T6, I0 T/6 !36
:!= ,I$6 I'6 '/!026 B!'$ T4 :!T6%, T6!3 !0; !T43. 90IV6%6,
:/I'/ =49 4B6%V6, I 19T T63&4%!%= '4&=, :/I'/ /! B660 ,6FT T4
'!9!, 3634%= 4F 040B3!0IF6T6; 90IV6%6. 04: =49 ,IV6 I0 T/I
'!9!, 3634%= '4&=. I /!; T4 ;I6 I0 T!/ITI I0 (>>D, B6'!96 T/60 I
'%6!T6; 06: 90IV6%6, :/I'/ !:!IT =49 !0; =49% F4,,4:6%.8
Theodor's past reincarnation died in Tahiti in (>>D and he was reborn in %ussia
as Theodor on 'hristmas (>>>.
I met Theodor's past reincarnation in Tahiti in (>>D when he was (+ years old,
and I found him reborn in %ussia in +5((, when he was (( years old.
This is one of the greatest things that I ha"e witnessed. For me this is real, not
!lso in &aramahansa =ogananda's boo# !utobiography of a =ogi there is a
chapter called 8$ashi, reborn and disco"ered8.
=ou might as# that why the most part of my personnels all o"er the world, li#e in
6stonia, Tahiti etc., are always minors. %ead the answer from Bible's 0ew
Testament, 2ospel according to 3ar#, chapter (5, "erses (? to ().
:e ma#e counter culture, and our ideals are those mentioned in /enry ;a"id
Thoreau's boo#s, li#e in :alden. :e must ma#e counter culture under the
conditions of e.ile, because of 'ode. !limentarius, the election success of 8True
Finns8 political party and pedophile hysteria.

!lien &rotocols of 9F4 a"iours
!ccording to ,ehtonen, the 9F4 humanoid nation is in all other aspects similar
to human form, e.cept the differences that can be noticed on the basis of
certain details in mentality as well as those of the eyes and ears. In the two
pictures below is 9F4 humanoid Theodor, who accepted that I photograph him
and ma#e website about Theodor's 9F4 issues.

The 9F4 humanoid nation, among whom ,ehtonen li"es, is thus not demonic,
but they are 9fo a"iour /umanoids from outer space.
,ehtonen tells that il"erB'hrist recommended him to bring 9F4 humanoid
sa"iours into public, and situating himself just in that particular family of
humanoid nation. 'opy planet is li#e a space station, and from neighboring
planet earth those humanoid sa"iours are coming to the space station, so they
are not stereotyped %oswell humanoids of the entertainment industry, but
special human creatures, whom might also be called by the word inehmoinen.
o it is worth while to be aware of the matter, in order not to mista#e for
e.ample the possible coming taged !lien In"asions to be real, not at least from
the behalf of those who belong to ,ehtonen's humanoid family.
3iracles performed by 9F4 humanoid Theodor
B9F4 humanoid Theodor told me that he came from the planet 3ars, where,
according to him, pre"ail quite much similar conditions as on earth planets, and
that he uses for tra"eling a 9F4 spacecraft, or a "ehicle shaped into the form of
a Flying aucer.
/ere I tell about miracles that I witnessed 9F4 humanoid Theodor to perform
upon me during the spring +5((7
B/e had demateriali-ed my wallet from the bac# poc#et of my trousers and
materiali-ed it immediately to the poc#et of my jac#et.
B/e had demateriali-ed the ban#notes that he had #ept in his hand and
materiali-ed them immediately into my wallet, which I #ept in my hands.
;emateriali-ation means "apori-ing some object immediately traceless, and
materiali-ation means some object appearing from nothingness immediately
4ne of the miracles performed by 9F4 humanoid Theodor was such that he
opened a closed window from the outside of a building without any equipment
and then came inside from the window.
This boo#, 'olumbus and 2ospel 'ountry 3icronation, gi"es hope, solace and
good prospects for the ages to come. I, !arre ,ehtonen, was forced to become
an emigrant and lea"e Finland for good, because in that former country of mine
I was persecuted, oppressed and manhunted with "iolence and murder
attempts for many years, because I had established new religion, called il"erB
'hrist's econd 'oming and 0oah's Flood 'hurch, which supports %enaissance
!rt and the medie"al boylo"e culture from which %enaissance !rt got its
The reason that 'hristopher 'olumbus embar#ed on such a sea "oyage
ad"enture was not the attempt to disco"er a new route to !sia, nor finding gold
mines, but simply getting rid of 6urope's insane manhunt towards boylo"ers. In
the 0ew :orld could be found tribes, who did not care at all about any coming
of age restrictions, and thus it became a paradise for persecuted 6uropeans,
whose children were snatched away from them by the law enforcement
officials, and children had to wor# as sla"es in labor camps, but when the 0ew
:orld was disco"ered, millions of children escaped from the tyranny of 6urope
and tra"eled across the !tlantic, and were thus liberated from forced labor in

In his ;iary of the Voyage of ;isco"ering !merica, 'hristopher 'olumbus
describes how all male persons in the tribes he found in the 0ew :orld were
completely na#ed, including young boys. :omen were also na#ed, but some
wore a loincloth around their waists. 'olumbus e"en too# into his boats many
young nati"e boys, who were totally nude, to wor# as ser"ants, and some of the
boys e"en tra"eled to 6urope onboard. In my boo# I show e.actly the same
things what 'olumbus wrote to his diary, so there are na#ed nati"e boys
performing in some of the photographs, because this boo# is partly based on
generally accepted actual e"ents that too# place during the tra"els of 'olumbus,
and they are widely accepted to be true e"en among scholars. :hen it comes to
the diary of 'olumbus, some photographs depict the e"ents as such, but I ha"e
also re"isionist informations about 'olumbus.
%enaissance art
:hite people ha"e no idea how the 'entral !merican 3aya Indian 'alendar can
be e"en more accurate than any modern almanacs made by white astronomers.
That's because anthropologically spea#ing white people ha"e not similar ethnic
standards as the soBcalled third world nations ha"e when it comes to the culture
and life style en"ironments in which boys grow.
/owe"er, ancient %oman and 2ree# empires did ha"e such similar cultures and
en"ironments which herded boys who, because of that reason, succeeded to
become the in"entors of all western arts and sciences, which are in use worldB
wide today. ;ue to the fact that 3aya Indians ha"e the best e.pertise in
almanacs, they also ha"e the best e.pertise in the accurate calculations of all
stages of human age as well, and they #now about therapeutic "alue of them,
and hence they succeeded to build such a flourishing culture which lasted nearly
a millennium. :hat methods the medicine men of those ancient cultures
recommended for the benefit of the community, they were applied accordingly.
,i#ewise, tobacco has been recogni-ed as a medicine among all !merican
Indian tribes throughout millenniums, whereas alcohol, which the white in"aders
brought to them, was predicted to destroy the !merican Indian people along
with their culture and heritage, and so it happened, the ancient wisdom began
to be widely ignored and lost. The clash of ci"ili-ations still ta#es place, when
the white people are reminded or introduced anew about the ancient methods
of healing. For e.ample !ristotle and &lato are nowadays widely praised, but
people don't reali-e that they became ingenious largely because of the boylo"e
culture and en"ironment that pre"ailed in ancient 2reece. 'omplete rejection or
denial of these facts just shows the wideBspread ignorance, which is deliberately
#ept going on by the main stream media. :hat is di"ine in other cultures, is
considered to be luciferian in others.
/owe"er, it is the results which spea# for themsel"es, so the "alue of a culture
can be weighed only for the healing results of the curing methods of a culture.
:hy do you thin# that the %enaissance art and culture, which started in
Florence GFiren-eH, Italy, became so popular worldBwideF Because nudity and
eroticism in %enaissance art do ha"e healing effects on "iewers, due to the fact
that true %enaissance !rt does not ha"e porn, but the subtleties and nuances of
the artistic ideals of the ancient %ome and 2ree# empires.
In the 9nited tates of !merica it is common practice, that mo"ie stars and
other celebrities ha"e a personal therapist. 3y psychiatrist 4lli &iirtola
recommended me to get a life companion of the same se., because he #new
that I li#e boys. /e also said that I must write at least (5 pages te.t e"ery wee#,
in other words in a year, which has I+ wee#s, te.t should be written I+5 pages.
o here I follow 4lli &iirtola's instructions again and publish on this web page my
te.ts about my sameBse. life companion, as well as pictures of him. !ll in all, the
te.ts which I ha"e written also to my other websites and to my internet boo#s
function as psychotherapy for me, and I hope that for many others as well.
The depiction of adults and children nude in the "isual media has enjoyed
constitutional protection in the 9nited tates since (>ID, when the upreme
'ourt "acated a 'ourt of !ppeals finding that unshine X /ealth maga-ine
could be obscene Gunshine Boo# 'o. ". ummerfield, &ostmaster 2eneral, ?II
9.. ?J+H. The right to depict adults and children in innocent nude poses has
been upheld without a pause for more than a half century. In case after case,
the upreme 'ourt and lower courts ha"e always upheld the constitutionality of
8nudity without more,8 specifically referring to the nudist depiction as a fully
constitutional form of e.pression.
'olumbus %e"isited

6"en though I am an emigrant from Finland, I must recogni-e the spiritual,
cultural and artistic heritage that Finland began to ha"e in (D55's, long before
Finland became independent. 'ertain Finnish art painters and boo# authors
from that era allegedly helped a great deal to nationalism to such an
e.tent, that it was partly due to their contribution that Finnish nation became a
so"ereign state. $ale"ala, Finland's national epic, was written and published in
(D55's, and it is considered to be a testimonial of the past eras of Finland, the
actual history of the nation in ancient times, mythologically describing the birth
of a nation and its later phases in the Iron !ge.

The first fullBlength no"el e"er written in Finnish language was 8eitseman
Veljesta8, 8The e"en Brothers8, written by !le#sis $i"i in (D55's. The e"en
Brothers along with $ale"ala epic ha"e been said to form the "ery beginning and
foundation of Finnish literary culture, and they inspired a great deal Finland's
nationalists to get the independence for the state of Finland from %ussia's rule.
,enin finally granted independence to Finland within two months after the
4ctober re"olution, which occurred in %ussia in (>(J.

The e"en Brothers no"el starts with the description that se"en brothers li"e all
of a sudden in the middle of apparently nowhere, and where they actually get
their food from, seems to be an obscurity. 0o account of the brothers' origins,
parents, family bac#grounds, or personal life history is e.plained. 0o relati"es
e.isting. 1ust the se"en brothers in the wilderness. It seems to me that these
se"en brothers li"ed in the similar state of e.istence as Vainamoinen and his
pals in $ale"ala epic in the postBflood era. 0ote also that in my biographical
research about the falsely accused French Baron 2illes de %ais, born in (*5*,
whom I ha"e pro"en to be the same person as 'hristopher 'olumbus, I found
that there are FIFT=BT:4 =6!% of obscurity when it comes to his whereabouts
from his staged e.ecution in the year (**5 to the year (*>+, when he
disco"ered !merica. ome say that he actually had to hide himself into a
panish monastery, so he became a mon# there. It was in that monastery, in
which 'olumbus began to study the ways where to start heading at to disco"er
the 0ew :orld.
Finally 'olumbus disco"ered !merica at the age of eightyBeight, after ha"ing
spent I+ years in a monastery. :ell, that can be e.aggeration, as we learn from
the boo# series 8/istory7 Fiction or cienceF8, written by %ussian mathematician
!natoly Fomen#o, that in medie"al times many chronicles were deliberately
falsified. I thin# that the falsification of chronicles was partly done for the
reason that they wanted to hide the historical occurrence of the great global
flood of the (+55's. 6"en nowadays the 0oah's Flood is strictly #ept out of the
public scientific debate.

ince the world wide flood, which occurred in (+(+ a.d., there were only a
handful of sur"i"ors from each continent. /elena &etro"na Bla"ats#y, the
founder of Theosophical ociety, tells in her twoB"olume boo# called The ecret
;octrine, that all the se"en continents of the world ha"e had first human beings,
soBcalled !dam $admons. Thus all the se"en continents had also the handful of
sur"i"ors, because !merican continent had already nati"e inhabitants when
'olumbus arri"ed there.

By the era of (*55's the population number of whole 6urope had reached only a
few thousand. To be able to sur"i"e that postBflood era, all of those people had
to get together and coBoperate to be able to form agriculture and transportation.
In that way it becomes ob"ious that the heroes mentioned in $ale"ala epic and
in The e"en Brothers no"el, as well as in the chronicles made of 2illes de
'olumbusB%ais and the two students of ,eonardo da Vinci, named 2ian
2iacomo 'aprotti da 4reno and Francesco 3el-i, were all wor#ing together,
especially because they were all sharing mutual artistic and cultural goals,
which were rare to find from anyone else at that time. 6"eryone of them also
embar#ed 'olumbus' Voyage of ;isco"ering !merica, since the persecutions of
boylo"ers started to heat up in 6urope.
ince the world wide flood, which occurred in (+(+ a.d., there were only a
handful of sur"i"ors from each continent. /elena &etro"na Bla"ats#y, the
founder of Theosophical ociety, tells in her twoB"olume boo# called The ecret
;octrine, that all the se"en continents of the world ha"e had first human beings,
soBcalled !dam $admons. Thus all the se"en continents had also the handful of
sur"i"ors, because !merican continent had already nati"e inhabitants when
arri"ed there.

By the era of (*55's the population number of whole 6urope had reached only a
few thousand. To be able to sur"i"e that postBflood era, all of those people had
to get together and coBoperate to be able to form agriculture and transportation.
In that way it becomes ob"ious that the heroes mentioned in $ale"ala epic and
in The e"en Brothers no"el, as well as in the chronicles made of 2illes de
'olumbusB%ais and the two students of ,eonardo da Vinci, named 2ian
2iacomo 'aprotti da 4reno and Francesco 3el-i, were all wor#ing together,
especially because they were all sharing mutual artistic and cultural goals,
which were rare to find from anyone else at that time. 6"eryone of them also
embar#ed 'olumbus' Voyage of ;isco"ering !merica, since the persecutions of
boylo"ers started to heat up in 6urope.

4ne must study $ale"ala epic and The e"en Brothers no"el with all these
abo"eBmentioned things in mind. Thus the both boo#s need proper
interpretation, because many parts of those boo#s cannot be ta#en literally. I
thin# that the authors of those boo#s, ,onnrot and $i"i, had to hide their true
meanings in many parts of their boo#s by using symbolism, because if the
bureaucratic authorities of their time would ha"e found out what they really
meant, the both boo# writers would ha"e been arrested and sentenced to
prison, and their boo#s would ha"e been destroyed, and those boo#s would not
ha"e been allowed to be published anymore.

The world was empty of all people and countries after the world wide flood,
which according to my research occurred in the year (+(+ a.d., and that the first
man, Vainamoinen, li#e it is told in $ale"ala, arri"ed in the middle of an endless
ocean and sur"i"ed, when something solid emerged from the waters.
Vainamoinen created the first human #ingdom after the flood with only a few of
his sur"i"ing pals from the rest of the "anished humanity, and the name of that
#ingdom was Finlandia, which was e"entually "ery large by its geographical si-e.
Immediately after the flood all the continents of the world had a different shape,
but when the huge masses of water began to recede, then the continents were
formed into their present shapes.

The word aga comes from Iceland, and originally that word did not mean a
fairy tale, but a record of an actual e"ent. o, many old agas of Iceland tell
about the #ingdom of Finland, which was geographically as large as shown in
the old maps. agas tell about #ings of Finlandia, who had a large empire. The
modern official history research does not at all admit the authenticity of agas,
but instead they are dismissed as fairy tales. /owe"er, there is a serious
research going on from the behalf of independent history researchers, who
recogni-e agas to ha"e recorded actual e"ents about the #ingdom of Finlandia
and its monarchs. Icelanders e"en #new about the e.istence of 'anada,
because many e.plorers from Iceland actually mo"ed to its east coast more
than a thousand years ago. That was centuries before the world wide flood
happened in the year (+(+ a.d., and that catastrophe was the reason why
!merica's e.istence was completely forgotten in 6urope. The great flood
destroyed all written documents of !merica, along with its maps and people
who might ha"e remembered something about !merica.

4n my website 'olumbusre" there are photos of $ale"ala
heroes according to my interpretation. 4f course I had to collect these photos
from different sources, which ha"e nothing to do with $ale"ala, because in the
times when the e"ents of $ale"ala epic too# place, that means more than one
thousand years ago, there were no de"ices to catch pictures of its characters,
nor e"en any paintings or drawings were made. 0e"ertheless, I personally
belie"e that the e"ents described in $ale"ala epic happened in (?55's a.d., so
that's about se"en hundred years ago.
!natoly Fomen#o, famous %ussian mathematician, points out in his boo# series
named 8/istory7 Fiction or cience8, that there is a blac#out in history, lasting for
hundreds of years, probably e"en one thousand years, during which time
nothing occures in history, and nobody #nows why. In (I55's a.d. the ma#ers of
chronicles deliberately falsified the dates of history to co"er up this blac#out. I
thin# that those blac#outs are due to the world wide flood, which the Bible's first
boo# 2enesis describes as 0oah's flood, and hence it is also #nown as the
Biblical Flood.

Finland's epic $ale"ala also refers to a world wide natural catastrophe, as well
as do the most mythologies in the world, regardless of time and location. The
great flood is #nown to +I5 cultures in different parts of the world, and the tales
are "ery similar with each other, including a heroic sailor who sa"es a nation
from the catastrophe with his large boat.

I thin# that there ha"e been hundreds of world wide floods during the course of
history, such eras reaching bac# in time as long as tens of thousands of years,
and that's why there are so many 8!damBli#e first men on earth8 in "arious
mythologies, due to the reason that after each humanity has "anished, there
ha"e always been only a handful of sur"i"ors, who were cle"er enough to
arrange the methods to sa"e themsel"es in ad"ance, and who had to start
e"erything all o"er again from the basic beginnings after the catastrophe. They
didn't ha"e to confront any competition or resistance to conquer large areas of
land, e"en whole continents, to be able to become pioneers, settlers and
monarchs in the areas they had easily mar#ed to be theirs. o Finland's first
human being Vainamoinen is just one hero among thousands of others, who
ha"e sur"i"ed world wide natural catastrophes, and who are mentioned in all
#inds of numerous mythologies and thus ha"e become legends to "arious

In my boo# there are pictures of for e.ample of $ale"ala's hero $uller"o, who
disco"ered his na#edness after a tragic incident, similar to that of the 2arden of
6den tragic e"ents in the Bible's 2enesis. ,egal pictures of 8nudism without
more8 ha"e a effect on "iewers, and hence no alcohol or drugs are
needed anymore, but the 0ew :orld 4rder tries to criminali-e e"en innocent
nudism in art, because it does not suit 0:4's agenda of turning citi-ens into
"iolent beasts by feeding them ceaseless depiction of brutal "iolence in mo"ies.

0udism, howe"er, has been depicted in art since times immemorial, and it
became largely in use at the dawn of %enaissance, when at the end of (*55's in
the Italian city Florence GFiren-eH artists began to ma#e a lot of oil paintings and
sculptures depicting nudity, ha"ing youngster models as well, who were posing
in front of artists for the sa#e of %enaissance !rt. 6"en 'atholic priests all o"er
6urope ordered frescos of nude children to decorate churches, and they can be
seen there e"en today. 0ude boy sculptures can still be seen in public par#s all
o"er 6urope. It seems to be a must in e"ery major city, and in many smaller
cities as well. In medie"al 6urope nude art was general fashion in all wal#s of
life, and the definitions of %enaissance are largely based on that specific artistic

%enaissance means to be born again, it is the rebirth of ideas, pictures and
boo#s, which ha"e been lost for ages. /owe"er, there were a lot of small cityB
states and small isolated #ingdoms in 6urope, in which the rulers and citi-ens
de"eloped a hysterical and sadistic attitude towards children, and hence the
persecution of #ids as well as adult people who had relationships with children,
were put to labor camps to wor# as sla"es, and both grownBups and #ids were
also thrown in large numbers into dungeons and prisons for any insignificant
reason. This same era has been coming bac#, so that's why I resist this
groundless hysteria by presenting %enaissance !rt styled pictures on my
websites, to show that 8nudism without more8 is legal.

For instance, and this is just one e.ample among hundreds of the #ind, the
famous !merican photographer ally 3ann has ta#en lots of photos of her
small children, who pose in her pictures totally nude, and ally 3ann tra"els all
o"er the world to ha"e her photo art e.hibitions, which are highly praised by the
main stream news articles. 6"en #ids can ha"e access to her photograph
In 4ctober +55J, ally 3ann "isited Finland, and in her e.hibition there she
showed photos of complete nudity of her small children, who can be seen
posing in the pictures as ha"ing way below (5 years of age. Finland's main
stream newspapers, /elsingin anomat and $es#isuomalainen, adored and
praised ally 3ann's e.hibition on (J and (D of 4ctober, +55J. The si-e of both
those articles are a halfBpage in the printed paper "ersions of those newspapers.
!ll these facts can be "erified from Finland's any uni"ersity library, where they
store in their archi"es all newspapers, maga-ines and boo#s e"er published in
Finland. To my #nowledge, no law enforcement has stopped ally 3ann from
showing her art of 8nudity without more8 anywhere she has tra"eled, so why
should my or anyone else's similar artistic goals be bannedF In the name of
equality, guaranteed in the constitutions of the world's most countries, they
should not be banned.

In Finland's public libraries there are boo#s ha"ing na#ed photos of #ids in
sauna, on swimming beaches etc. This is also easily "erifiable #nowledge, just
pic# up a boo# named 84nnellisten saaret8 G8The Islands of the /appy8H, or
8uomen u"i8 G8The ummer of Finland8H. There are no age limits in Finland's
libraries when it comes to the accessibility for anyone being able to borrow
those boo#s. o here we go, I ha"e a picture illustrating one of $ale"ala epic's
hero $uller"o, who turned his shame into a "ictory after the tragic incident he
had, by con"erting himself into a 'hristian Gthough this is not openly told, but
$ale"ala was written in (D55's, so there are some hidden 'hristian aspects put
within some of its stories, and generally spea#ing many stories of $ale"ala
should be interpreted to be symbolical, not literal, and it is also said that
,onnrot, who had allegedly only compiled $ale"ala from already e.isting fol#lore
tradition of his time, had actually written large portions of $ale"ala just out of
his own imaginationH. 1ust write on any search engine's image search the words
80aturist8 or 80udist8, and there can be found thousands of na#ed photos of
adults and children, similar to that picture of $uller"o. %emember the slogan7
8;on't shoot the messenger who tells you about this.8
3ythology and nudity ha"e always appeared together in art, since the times of
ancient %oman and 2ree# empires. !rt museums all o"er the world are filled
with archeological items to pro"e all this, depicting especially %oman and 2ree#
boys of the antiquity era in many of the artifacts found from ruins. 6"en whole
boo#s co"ering these topics ha"e been released world wide by scholarly
institutions. I ha"e written informations about these issues in my boo# to
con"ince roo#ies, who ha"e ne"er #nown about these things before. 0ow you
#now. If you don't belie"e me, just contact any historian or archeologist at a
uni"ersity, or read their boo#s for that matter. !mong all the commotion and
hysteria concerning minors, it is high time to educate humanity that there
certainly is a definite distinction between porn and nudism, and that distinction
is also recogni-ed by laws in most ci"ili-ed countries.
It is also important to notice that nudist and naturist #ids pose in photographs
"oluntarily and joyously, with their parents' consent, so I can say li#e a fireman
to a false alarmist7 8!ll right, buddy, so where's the fire, since I can't e"en see
the smo#e.8
The topics of the photographs in my websites are partly belonging to the
pictorial !rchetypes of humanity's 'ollecti"e 9nconscious, disco"ered by a
psychotherapeutic mo"ement called 1ungian psychology, which was founded by
a famous wiss psychiatrist 'arl 2usta" 1ung.
Besides ally 3ann G9!H, there are four other recogni-ed photograph artists,
:ill 3cBride G9!H, !le.ey mirno" G%ussiaH, 1oc# turges G9!H and !le.ander
$ri"on G%ussiaH, who ha"e speciali-ed in photographing nude young boys. Their
art photography has been published as whole boo#s showing their art wor#s
openly to the whole world, since they are for sale in boo#stores all o"er the
world. !mong contemporary art painters, who in their artistic wor# mostly depict
nude young boys, can be mentioned 4tto ,ohmuller G2ermanyH, whose boo#s
containing his oil paintings of nude young boys are also a"ailable in boo#stores.
Featuring /enry cott Tu#e
Henry Scott 0uke, IA IWS F12 June 1#)#D1$ @arch 1K2KG, !as a %ritish
visual artistE +rimarily a +ainter, "ut also a +hoto*ra+her. His most nota"le !ork
!as in the 3m+ressionist style, and he is +ro"a"ly "est kno!n for his +aintin*s
of nude "oys and youn* men. Crom Wiki+edia.
The original %udyard $ipling's 3owgli boy was completely na#ed, as it is
depicted in The 1ungle Boo#, which was first published in (D>*. In the boo#
3owgli learns to stroll in the jungle at the age of ) to J, and he lea"es the jungle
at the age of (+.
/ow to read media R 3owgli in a barn with T/6 2606IB'4;6
3owgli, who is na#ed in %udyard $ipling's boo#s and in their illustrations, goes
to sleep into the attic of abandoned barn, which is totally dar#, and 3owgli does
not notice, how there is a plastic mannequin doll beside him. :hen 3owgli
wa#es up in the morning, he notices how he had went to sleep beside a doll, and
the main stream media ma#es a scandal out of the matter.
,eonardo da Vinci's assistants and pupils
Aian Aiacomo .a+rotti da 8reno, nicknamed Salai or 3l Salaino F90he Little
&nclean 8ne9 i.e., the devilG, entered Leonardo5s household in 14K0. After only a
year, Leonardo made a list of his misdemeanours, callin* him 9a thief, a liar,
stu""orn, and a *lutton9, after he had made off !ith money and valua"les on at
least five occasions, and s+ent a fortune on clothes. 1evertheless, Leonardo
treated him !ith *reat indul*ence and he remained in Leonardo5s household for
the ne7t thirty years.
3n 1)0(, Leonardo took on another +u+il, .ount rancesco @el<i, the son of a
Lom"ard aristocrat, !ho is considered to have "een his favourite student. He
travelled to rance !ith Leonardo, and remained !ith him until the latter5s
death. &+on Leonardo5s death, @el<i inherited the artistic and scientific !orks,
manuscri+ts, and collections of Leonardo, and faithfully administered the
Leonardo5s most intimate relationshi+s !ere +erha+s !ith his +u+ils Salai and
@el<i. @el<i, !ritin* to inform Leonardo5s "rothers of his death, descri"ed
Leonardo5s feelin*s for his +u+ils as "oth lovin* and +assionate.
3t has "een claimed since the 1(th century that these relationshi+s !ere of a
se7ual or erotic nature. .ourt records of 14,(, !hen he !as a*ed t!entyCfour,
sho! that Leonardo and three other youn* men !ere char*ed !ith sodomy in
an incident involvin* a !ellCkno!n male +rostitute. 0he char*es !ere dismissed
for lack of evidence, and there is s+eculation that since one of the accused,
Lionardo de 0orna"uoni, !as related to Loren<o de5 @edici, the family e7erted
its influence to secure the dismissal.
Since that date much has "een !ritten a"out his +resumed homose7uality and
its role in his art in a num"er of erotic dra!in*s. Crom Wiki+edia.
6V6%=:/6%6 I0 69%4&6 I &%6V!I,I02 9'/ /=T6%I! :/60 3I,IT!%=
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T/66 !%6 T/6 %6!, &%6;!T4%
The real predators are not those who only tal# to minors, or who arrange an
ordinary meeting with them, or who just innocently #iss them, but the real
predators are those who hunt all grownBups and want to throw them into prison
on the basis of false accusations and false testimonies.
Finland's newspaper /elsingin anomat Ghs.fiH reported on 1uly +J, +5(5, that
inland5s Aovernment and 'arliament are *oin* to make a ne! la!, accordin*
to !hich a *ro!nCu+ "ecomes automatically *uilty of child molestation, if he
only su**ests a meetin* !ith a child /4/1 W30H8&0 A1B H310 8 S/O&AL
A.03430B> 0his ne! le*islation !ill *ive the +olice even more +o!er than have
.hris Hansen and his 04 sho! called 0o .atch A 'redator. inland5s +olice !ould
not need any evidence of se7ual talk !ith a child on internet5s chats, "ut any
ordinary talk !ith su**estion to meet a child !ould suffice for a +rison
The new law will mean that e"en if a (IByearBold suggests a meeting with a (5B
yearBold without any hint of se.ual acti"ity, then that (IByearBold goes to prison,
because in Finland the minimum age of imprisonment is (I years of age, and
all persons of that age or older cannot suggest any meetings with children
younger than (I years of age anymore without becoming guilty of child
In Finland there already e.ists The 2o"ernment Bill called ) C (>>J, and in its
pages (D5 R (D? there reads7 98ne does not have to meet a child, nor does one
have to "e in any other contact !ith a child, !hen in s+ite of that one "ecomes
*uilty of child molestation.9
If the police cannot catch a grownBup in tal#ing with a child, then the underco"er
police officers can tell a child to jump into a grownBup's lap, and that is sufficient
reason for the police to arrest the grownBup for ha"ing se.ually assaulted the
child, because Finland's law says that the adult must pre"ent such assaults from
behalf of the child, because according to law, the child is always innocent, no
matter how the child beha"es, and no matter what acti"ity e"en of the smallest
se.ual nature a child does on a grownBup, 6V60 :/60 T/6 !;9,T /! 04T
'4060T6; 9'/ !'TIVITI6, T/6 !;9,T I !,:!= 29I,T= 06V6%T/6,6<
This is the way of the 0ew :orld 4rder to get innocent adults into prisons to be
rotting there for many years. This can also be called a genocide, because most
li"es of court con"icted innocent "ictims end prematurely in prison.
Atomville Sa*a

Arain 4illa*e in inland is 6ust a co+y of the 0rue Arain 4illa*e, !hich is in
/astern /uro+e in a country, !hich 3 don5t !ant to reveal. 3 have visited the 0rue
Arain 4illa*e, and its name is actually Falthou*h not officiallyG Atomville, due to
the fact that Arain means ourCold Atom, !hich !as kno!n also to ancient
Areek +hiloso+hers. 3n Atomville 3 noticed that all the outside !alls of older
"uildin*s have "een soaked heavily !ith !ater. 0he +aint on all the !alls are
lar*ely as if torn off, and the houses5 !alls as !ell as streets have most
o"viously under*one a hu*e flood, "ecause it can "e clearly seen every!here,
that they all have "een saturated !ith hu*e masses of !ater, and hence it has
left clear marks of this all over.
3 am the first +erson on this +lanet to tell a"out this, at least 3 have not in my )0
years seen or heard anyone to !rite or talk a"out these thin*s. 3f one asked
from a local +erson, that !hy the structure of "uildin*s and streets look so
!eird, the ans!er !ould almost definitely "e2 98h, it5s 6ust the natural erosion
caused "y time.9 0he thin* is that a +erson sayin* somethin* like that has no
idea at all, "ecause he !as not there to !itness a flood !hen it occurred, so all
these kind of ans!ers "elon* to a cate*ory of !ild *uesses. 3n any case if
someone mi*ht have correct information, the +eo+le of /astern /uro+e have for
nearly a hundred years "een tau*ht not to reveal anythin* concernin* national
folklore secrets, "ecause it mi*ht "e a +olitical issue, !hich !ould end u+ in a
9mysterious disa++earance9 of a +erson, if he talks too much.
0he !eird a++earance of "uildin*s and streets in Atomville are not a climate
issue either, "ecause there are no e7treme tem+eratures durin* any season of
the year, nor is the air too moist or too dry. Iains and sno!falls occur
3 !ondered that ho! lon* a*o this hu*e flood mi*ht have occurred, "ecause
there had not "een any mentionin*s a"out such a +henomenon in the ne!s
ever, nor even history "ooks tell one !ord a"out this. 1evertheless, the
structures of all "uildin*s and streets seem to have "een heavily soaked and
also remained under !ater for a lon* time, not more than fifty years a*o, from
the time !hen 3 am !ritin* these o"servations, meanin* that the flood must
have taken +lace at the early years of 1K(05s. At that time the !hole /astern
/uro+e !as under the re*ime of the communist Soviet &nion, and that5s !hy the
nationC!ide flood !as ke+t secret. 3t !as a very common +rocedure in Soviet
&nion and in its /astern /uro+ean satellite states, that all ne!s a"out
catastro+hes !ere "anned. 0his !as seen also as late as in 1K#05s, !hen ne!s
a"out &kraine5s .herno"yl nuclear +lant e7+losion !ere !ithheld on +ur+ose for
a lon* time.

At the early years of 1K(05s there !ere no !estern satellites, or satellites
!hatsoever, to notice that the !hole /astern /uro+ean country had a flood,
!hen there had risen so enormous tsunami from the %lack Sea, that it covered
this !hole country, !here Atomville is located. Also, !estern +eo+le could not
visit /astern /uro+ean countries at all durin* the time !hen the flood ha++ened,
and vice versa, the +eo+le from /astern /uro+e !ere not *iven any +ermits to
visit !estern countries, so there !as a com+lete "lackout of information a"out
the flood. 0hus it !as successfully ke+t secret.
3 can5t "e*in to s+eculate, !hat mi*ht have caused the tsunami, "ecause the
only e7+lanation that 3 can think of, is that it !as made "y nutty +rofessors, !ho
!anted to raise the !orld !ide flood at the same time, "ut succeeded to dro!n
9only9 one country and most of its inha"itants. At the early years of the re*ime
of the communist Soviet &nion, there !as .old War *oin* on "et!een the /ast
and the West, and doomsday !ea+ons !ere fevereshly tried to "e invented on
the "oth sides.
1o!, !hat has all this to do !ith Arain 4illa*e in inland? 3t is so like 3 have told
in my !e"sites, that .hristo+her .olum"us saved $0.000 children from rance
to his three Ark voya*ers in 1212, "ut no! 3 must reconsider the date of that
catastro+he. 3 a++ly the revelation of the falsification of history recalculated "y
Iussian mathematician Anatoly omenko, !ho in his sevenCvolume treatise
9History2 iction or Science?9 states clearly !ith a lot of evidence, that the !hole
!estern history !ritin* and hence history research is in error, and that the Areat
Wall of .hina !as "uilt "y .hina5s dictator @ao 0seC0un* in 1K)05s. So 3, Aarre
Lehtonen, claim that .hristo+her .olum"us, Leonardo da 4inci and his t!o
youn* students, !ho actually !ere .hrist and @oses, as !ell as Ailles de Iais
F!ho actually is the same +erson as .olum"usG, and 4ainamoinen, !ho is
inland5s mytholo*ical hero of 9:alevala9 e+ic, and the seven "oys from
inland5s first fullClen*th novel 90he Seven %rothers9, !ere all "orn in 1K)05s,
and :alevala e+ic, as !ell as 0he Seven %rothers novel, and 0he %i"le5s 8ld
0estament, and 1e! 0estament, !ere all !ritten at the early years of 1K(05s "y
youn* "oy *eniuses, in the same !ay like @o<art !as a *enius child com+oser,
!ho !rote sym+honies !hen he !as a small "oy, !ay "elo! the a*e of ten.
3 call this country, !here Atomville is, to "e Atomville .ountry. All the cele"rities
!hom 3 mentioned, !ere livin* in Atomville .ountry, as !ell as Lonnrot, the
!riter of :alevala e+ic, and :ivi, the !riter of 0he Seven %rothers novel. 0hey
!rote a"out actual +ersons !hom they sa! in their daily lives. 0he %lack Sea
tsunami caused a flood, !hich totally s!allo!ed Atomville .ountry, and it !as
ke+t under !ater for half a year.
All the earlierCmentioned "ook !riters alon* !ith the literary heroes !ere saved
in the tall shi+s of .olum"us. When the !aters receded, one of the lakes
remainin* in inland5s Arain 4illa*e is no! called Ankerias6arvi, or the Snake
Lake in /n*lish. .olum"us "ecame the :in* of inland. -urin* his re*ime,
@inister of A+ocaly+tic Affairs !as a "oy named 1oah, !ho actually "uilt a hu*e
tall shi+ called 0he Ark 4oya*er. @inister of 3nterior Affairs !as a "oy named
Alien 0heodor, and the @inister of Social Affairs !as a "oy named SilverC.hrist,
!ho !rote the 1e! 0estament of the %i"le all "y himself. 0he @inister of
.ultural Affairs !as a "oy named @oses, !ho !rote the 8ld 0estament of the
%i"le all "y himself, and the 8ld 0estament !as !ritten A0/I the 1e!
0estament, 6ust like Anatoly omenko says in his sevenCvolume "ook series
9History2 iction or Science?9 31LA1- -3- 180 /O3S0 A0 ALL %/8I/ 0H/ B/AI
1K(2, !hen the -escendin* Satya Bu*a or Aolden A*e started, lastin* for 20
years and endin* in the year 1K#1.
3n 2011, none of those earlierCmentioned fi*ures live in Arain 4illa*e, inland,
"ut they all live in Atomville, in /astern /uro+ean Atomville .ountry.
8kay, !hen the 9official history !ritin*9 is concerned, !hat a"out the .ivil War
in inland in 1K1#, and later on the t!o !ars fou*ht a*ainst Soviet &nion? 0his
accordin* to my mytholo*y is in contradiction !ith the statement that inland
did not e7ist "efore the year 1K(2. 0he ans!er is that all the 9!ar archives9
alon* !ith +hoto*ra+hs and films are 6ust a hu*e hoa7, or that they could "e
real, "ut in that case inland and almost all of its citi<ens !ere destroyed in
1K(2 "y the same flood that destroyed Atomville .ountry. What a"out elderly
+eo+le !ho claim that they have "een livin* all alon* in inland also "efore the
year 1K(2, and that in inland there has not "een any flood catastro+he at all?
0hey mi*ht "e deli"erately lyin*, for fear of "ein* arrested, if they told the truth.
3 have found out that +eo+le immi*rated to inland from Atomville .ountry,
"ecause 3 have noticed that in the lan*ua*e, !hich is s+oken in Atomville
.ountry, there are so many same !ords as in innish lan*ua*e. 0his can5t "e
6ust a coincidence.
Ho! a"out all the old "ooks !hich mention all the earlierCmentioned fi*ures,
+rinted hundreds of years a*o? 0he ans!er mi*ht "e that 6ust like in -aniel5s
"ook in the 8ld 0estament of the %i"le, -aniel 'I/-3.0S the comin* of @essiah,
or .hrist. 3n the same !ay all "ooks !hich tell a"out .olum"us etc. 6ust
'I/-3.0/- that such fi*ures !ould emer*e in the future, "ut tales !ere told in
such a manner that the heroic fi*ures as if already e7isted in the +ast, to make
sure that the !riters !ould not have "een arrested, if kin*s of old !ould have
found out from stories that they could have com+etitors of royal Nuality
emer*in* in the future. 0he !riters mi*ht nevertheless have had some sort of
actual kno!led*e in medieval times, that .olum"us etc. !ould "e "orn and
carry out their missions in 1K005s.
1o!adays !hen +oliticians !ant to destroy the soverei*nties of their o!n
countries "y tryin* to form one !orld *overnment, !hich !ould not reco*ni<e
inde+endent national states and their la!s anymore, the talk a"out national
mytholo*ies can "e considered to "e hate s+eech, !hich should "e +unished in
a court of la! accordin*ly. Also, my Atomville mytholo*y can "e inter+reted to
"e a si*n of a +sychiatric illness, and 3 could "e +ut in a +sychiatric institution so
that 3 could not !rite a"out nationalistic issues anymore.
Below there are my writings from my archi"es, which I wrote in the year +5(+.
The name =ola 3ihailo"i in these te.ts is not the real name of the person
Te.t7 !arre ,ehtonen, on 3arch *, +5(+
! few days ago a bunch of street gangsters, three boys and one girl, all about
eighteen years old, tried to attac# me on the street near my apartment, after I
came out of a shop. They came running towards me and shouted. Fortunately I
always carry a gas pistol in my poc#et, so I started pointing at them with it. !ll of
them got e.tremely scared and they all ran away. Today, on 3arch *, +5(+, the
same gangsters had gathered si. other gangsters, and all of them were waiting
for me on the street, when I wal#ed there to go again to the same shop. !t first,
there were only some shoutings from their direction at me, but when I came out
of the shop, they started to run towards me in order to rob me and #ill me. I
quic#ly too# my gas pistol out of my poc#et and began to point at them all with
it. ome got scared and ran away a little bit, but most of them just stared at me
li#e -ombies and they didn't go anywhere. I went bac# to the shop and as#ed
the boss of the shop to call the police, but he said that he will settle this
situation. :e both went to the street, where those gangsters were waiting for
me to attac# me again. The shop's boss said something to them, and I shouted
at those gangsters with a loud "oice that get out of here. They shouted me bac#,
but they left me alone so that I could wal# to my apartment.
3r Auet-alcoatl has been #idnapped. I ha"e not seen him since February +),
+5(+. 9sually I had seen him almost e"ery day, but then he disappeared, and
one of his family members told me that he also has not seen 3r Auet-alcoatl
for a wee#. 1ust yesterday, on 3arch ?, +5(+, one of my pals told me that he
had managed to get a "ideo of 3r Auet-alcoatl, recorded on 3arch ?, +5(+. 3y
pal showed that "ideo to me from a mobile phone, and he said it was secretly
recorded. In the "ideo, 3r Auet-alcoatl seemed to be hea"ily dosed with
tranquili-ers, and he was lying on a bed with his eyes open, not tal#ing or
mo"ing at all, and beside him there was a man, about thirty years old, with
completely sha"en head and eyeglasses, sitting at his computer, and someone
behind the camera called the man with a name of 8=ola8. I immediately
recorded that "ideo from a mobile phone to myself and hid it to se"eral internet
archi"es, so no matter if my computer would be stolen, I can still get access to
that "ideo from any internet cafeteria in the world. %eporting this "ideo to local
cops would only get myself arrested, because it is the cops themsel"es who
ha"e participated in 3r Auet-alcoatl's #idnapping.

3r Auet-alcoatl is an ele"enByearBold boy, so this fact ma#es the case e"en
worse. I will ne"ertheless send the "ideo to FBI and 'I!, if I am not going to see
3r Auet-alcoatl liberated as well as safe and sound soon. 3r Auet-alcoatl is not
the boy's real name, but I #now his real name and birth date, so I will report also
them to FBI and 'I!, because the local cops in this 6astern 6uropean
communist country won't launch any in"estigations about what has happened to
3r Auet-alcoatl. 3y pal told me that 3r Auet-alcoatl is being repeatedly raped
by his #idnappers.

!ll these abo"eBmentioned things are all lin#ed together, and they are also
lin#ed with the conspiracy of finishing my money from my ban# account.
&. treet gangs ha"e ne"er been trying to attac# me here before. 4n 3arch I,
+5(+, just a few hours after I had published information on this web page that
3r Auet-alcoatl was #idnapped, then at about fi"e o'cloc# at night someone
tried to enter my apartment, and I called the police, but they ne"er arri"ed. I
shouted to the intruder through my front door threatening words, so he went
away. 0onetheless I must li"e a life under constant fear, and I must be on alert
all the time, what they are going to do to me ne.t.

I just heard that 3r Auet-alcoatl has been murdered. I was also shown
photographs in which he is lying dead on a bed. Beware, murderers, your
judgment day will come. =ou #illed my best friend, who was just a #id. The
bosses of my ban#, Finland's police, the local cops here, the local mafia here,
the criminal gang of $2B secret ser"ice of 6astern 6urope, ha"e all conspired
together and participated in the assassination of 3r Auet-alcoatl. 6"eryone
in"ol"ed will go e"entually to prison for the rest of their li"es as soon as FBI and
'I! get to #now about this.

!fter I had released the information on this web page that 3r Auet-alcoatl has
been murdered, then on the same day, on 3arch I, +5(+, just after midday I
started to recei"e strange phone calls, which most probably were made by 3r
Auet-alcoatl's #idnappers. !t first there was some man on the phone, and then
he ga"e the telephone to some woman. I as#ed her that where did she get my
telephone number, and what is her name, and does she #now my name. he
didn't answer any of my questions. The phone call came from a number which is
not #nown to me. Those #idnappers telephoned me se"eral times within one
hour. I said to the woman that I am "ery ner"ous, because my best friend has
been #idnapped and murdered, and that do they #now something about this
case. he pretended that she didn't understand my speech, although I ha"e
studied and practiced the local language here, and I pronounced my simple
words as accurately as I could. The woman spo#e the local language, and she
also had said during the first phone call that she understands most this local
language, so she definitely understood e"erything that I said to her. he also
said that she spea#s 2erman and %ussian, and then I started tal#ing to her in
2erman, and she spo#e to me a few 2erman words, but all of a sudden she
pretended that she does not understand 2erman after all. :hen I began to tal#
again in local language about the #idnapping and murder case of 3r
Auet-alcoatl, and when I told her the boy's real name, the woman hung up the
phone call.

!arre ,ehtonen, on 3arch I, +5(+

3 !as *iven one item today on @arch (, 2012. 0his -8/S look e7actly like @r
Puet<alcoatl, !ho is tied u+ "y his kidna++ers. 3 attach this +hoto "elo! to my
re+ort to %3 and .3A.
The mo"ie %ansom, directed by %on /oward, 9! (>>). Tom 3ullen G3el
2ibsonH on li"e TV7 80he !hole !orld no! kno!s... my son, Sean @ullen, !as
kidna++ed, for ransom, three days a*o. 0his is a recent +hoto*ra+h of him.
Sean, if you5re !atchin*, !e love you. And this... !ell, this is !hat !aits for the
man that took him. 0his is your ransom. 0!o million dollars in unmarked "ills,
6ust like you !anted. %ut this is as close as you5ll ever *et to it. Bou5ll never see
one dollar of this money, "ecause no ransom !ill ever "e +aid for my son. 1ot
one dime, not one +enny. 3nstead, 35m offerin* this money as a re!ard on your
head. -ead or alive, it doesn5t matter. So con*ratulations, you5ve 6ust "ecome a
t!o million dollar lottery ticket... e7ce+t the odds are much, much "etter. -o you
kno! anyone that !ouldn5t turn you in for t!o million dollars? 3 don5t think you
do. 3 dou"t it. So !herever you *o and !hatever you do, this money !ill "e
trackin* you do!n for all time. And to ensure that it does, to kee+ interest alive,
35m runnin* a fullC+a*e ad in every ma6or ne!s+a+er every Sunday... for as lon*
as it takes. %ut... and this is your last chance... you return my son, alive,
unin6ured, 35ll !ithdra! the "ounty. With any luck you can sim+ly disa++ear.
&nderstand... you !ill never see this money. 1ot one dollar. So you still have a
chance to do the ri*ht thin*. 3f you don5t, !ell, then, Aod "e !ith you, "ecause
no"ody else on this /arth !ill "e.9

Information to FBI and 'I!7 3r 3ihailo"i, not sure if that is his real name, stays
at the address !nimatronic treet, and there he has threeBroom apartment on
the se"enth floor. /is occupation7 $idnappings and contract #illings by design.
3r 3ihailo"i allegedly #idnapped 3r Auet-alcoatl. I don't release pictures of 3r
3ihailo"i on my website, although I possess them, because I don't yet ha"e any
solid e"idence against him, nor am I releasing his e.act street address nor the
city and state of his residence, due to the same reason. 0e"ertheless, this
information that I just released in this te.t is sufficient clue for future
proceedings. 4ne family member of sort of a pri"ate detecti"e is helping me to
spy on 3r 3ihailo"i, without pay.

:hen I write this now on 3arch (5, +5(+, at ((.(D pm, I #now that there are at
least two boys sleeping in 3r 3ihailo"i's apartment, and he is fuc#ing them all
night. The boys are (( years and (* years old. In the picture below is a loo#B
ali#e of 3r 3ihailo"i, and in the picture below it there is the actual house where
he stays. The local police is doing nothing, because they participate in the
acti"ities of child prostitution rings, as well as #idnapping rings and contract
#illings. 3r 3ihailo"i is also #nown by the name 8=owa8 or 8=ola8. /e is a
dangerous #idnapper and a contract #iller.
3r 3it#o, allegedly aged (*, but I thin# he is (I or (), is one of the conspirators
belonging to the same criminal bunch of secret society, which includes my ban#
in Finland, politicians, police officers, prosecutors, judges and psychiatrists of
Finland as well as of this 6astern 6uropean communist country, where I am
staying. I ha"e come to the correct conclusion that the #idnapper and contract
#iller 3r 3ihailo"i is wor#ing as a police officer, and he is well #nown to 3it#o.
ecret societies ga"e orders to 3it#o to infiltrate into my life. /e had "isited my
apartment se"eral times, and he came again on 3arch ((, +5(+. /e was "ery
ner"ous all the time, and he wanted to stay in my apartment o"ernight.
3r 3it#o too# my camera and clic#ed on its digital functions e.tremely rapidly
li#e a small #id, and he ob"iously tried to brea# my camera. I told him to stop,
but he refused to gi"e my camera bac# to me. 3it#o managed to brea# the
flashlight system of my camera, so it didn't wor# at all. 4n my demand he fi.ed
it, but then he as#ed me to ta#e photographs of him. I agreed, but then he
insisted that I must ta#e hundreds of photos of him. This was "ery strange, but
after I had started to ta#e tens of snapshots of him, I noticed that the charge of
my camera's batteries had already run low, which was indicated on the
camera's screen.
Then I began to search for my recharger de"ice of the camera's batteries, but it
was missing, so I searched all o"er my apartment. 3y camera accepts only
rechargable batteries, so I had bought a recharger, but when I noticed that it
was totally lost, I understood that 3r 3it#o had stolen it, in order that I would
not be able to ta#e photos of robbers when they would be ordered to attac# my
apartment just the night before my pension is supposed to arri"e to my ban#
account and hence to ban# automat for withdrawal. This is also why 3it#o
wanted me to ta#e hundreds of photos of him, in order that the charge of my
camera's batteries would distinguish, and I would not be able to ta#e photos of
the assassins when they would show up. o 3it#o's purpose was to ma#e my
camera malfunctioning because of this reason.

;uring that e"ening of 3arch ((, +5(+, when 3it#o stayed in my apartment, he
phoned to another conspirator, 3r ,ubcho, who also wor#s as an assistant to the
local police here, and I understood in spite of 3it#o's rapid and possibly slang
speech while he spo#e on phone that he wanted 3r ,ubcho to arri"e to my
apartment during the same e"ening to assassinate me. !t this phase of e"ents I
understood their whole criminal scheme, and the pieces of the pu--le went
together. I told 3it#o that he should immediately get out of my residence, and
he left.

I0F4%3!TI40 T4 FBI !0; 'I!7 '!&T9%6 T/66 '40&I%!T4% B6F4%6 T/6=
$I;0!& !0; 39%;6% /!,F 4F T/6 '/I,;%60 I0 6!T6%0 69%4&6, I0 T/6I%
6'%6T 4'I6T= %IT9!,<

I, !arre ,ehtonen, ha"e inter"iewed ten underage boys to my "ideotape, where
all the boys tell me that they sleep often in 3r =ola 3ihailo"i's apartment, and
he fuc#s them all night long and pays them money for it. If my computer or
camera were stolen, it would not matter, because I ha"e hid that inter"iew "ideo
to se"eral internet archi"es, and I can ha"e access to it at any time from any
internet cafeteria in the world. 3r =ola 3ihailo"i can fuc# the boys in his
apartment because he is a police officer, and there is no other local police who
would arrest him e"er. If I am being #idnapped and murdered, then if my pals in
another country don't recei"e messages from me anymore, then they #now that
something bad has happened to me. I ha"e gi"en my pals the passwords to my
internet archi"es, where I store that inter"iew "ideo, as well as other "ideos,
photos and te.t materials, and my pals would publish them all in the world wide
main stream media, if they don't hear anything from me anymore.

FBI and 'I!, ta#e note that I ha"e made nearly ?5 websites, and I ha"e
e.plained also on my other websites these similar issues which I ha"e released
on this website.

3r =ola 3ihailo"i lured 3r Auet-alcoatl to use narcotics by offering them to him
without pay. In this way =ola 3ihailo"i made 3r Auet-alcoatl dependent on
narcotics, and after some time the drugs were not free anymore, but 3r
Auet-alcoatl had to start paying for them. To be able to get money for narcotics,
3r Auet-alcoatl had to begin to prostitute himself to =ola 3ihailo"i. This made a
"icious circle. Below there are two ?d animation pictures, which ha"e nothing to
do with this case, but they help to show what was done to 3r Auet-alcoatl. In
the first picture below there is a loo#Bali#e of =ola 3ihailo"i Gon the left side of
the picture, the one with a sha"en headH preparing to fuc# his boy "ictim, and on
the second picture below a loo#Bali#e of 3r Auet-alcoatl is lying on a cage,
hea"ily dosed with narcotics, and he is being fuc#ed by his #idnappers.
:!%0I027 The two pictures below contain graphic content, so "iewer discretion
is ad"ised. Those pictures are ne"ertheless imaginary, and no real persons ha"e
been in"ol"ed in the ma#ing of the pictures, so there are no legality issues when
I release those pictures. Because noBone seems to care what is going on here, I
must wa#e people up with these rough pictures.

Finland's 6mbassy in 2ospel 'ountry 3icronation has now new 'onsul 2eneral,
3r 'oast, who is a si.teenByearBold boy. In the pictures below there is 3r 'oast
at the age of twel"e, posing nude for the sa#e of %enaissance !rt. I ha"e made
sure that this time secret societies with their conspiracies can't #idnap my
'onsul 2eneral, not now or e"er. 3r 'oast too# all these photos by himself,
using remote snapshot function of his camera, when he was all alone. B%egards,
!arre ,ehtonen, the !mbassador of Finland's 6mbassy in 2ospel 'ountry
3icronation, on 3arch (*, +5(+.
%ecently I saw mr =ola 3ihailo"i spying on me on my apartment street, at least
he loo#ed li#e him. I thin# he belongs to $lu. $lu. $lan or to some similar secret
society, which trains #ids to wor# for them. I was told that 3r =ola 3ihailo"i is
his pseudoname, and he is from 0orway, posing to be a computer programmer.

There are many children at the same time in =ola 3ihailo"i's apartment, ha"ing
se. orgies with adult men. Ten minor boys ha"e "erified this to me.

40,= ! F6: /49% !FT6% I /!; %6,6!6; T/66 !B4V6 F!'T !0;
I,,9T%!TI40 !B49T =4,! 3I/!I,4VI !0; /I '%I36 !4'I!T6, T/60
3%. =4,! 3I/!I,4VI /!; 04TI'6; 3= 06: T6@T !0; &I'T9%6 40 T/I
:6B &!26 !0; /6, 3% =4,! 3I/!I,4VI /I36,F, 60T ! 2!02T6% T4 3=
!&!%T360T !0; /6 /!; T4,; /I 2!02T6% T4 3!$6 !B4T!26 T4 3=
!&!%T360T !0; $I,, 36< 40 3!%'/ (), +5(+, !T !B49T ? &3, I0 T/6
3I;;,6 4F T/6 B%4!; ;!=,I2/T, 3% 3I/!I,4VI' 2!02T6% B%4$6 T/6
2,! 4F 3= !&!%T360T !0; T%I6; !,4 T4 B%6!$ T/6 ;44% 4F 3=
!&!%T360T B= T/%4:I02 T406 40 IT, T4 B6 !B,6 T4 60T6% 3=
!&!%T360T !0; $I,, 36< T/6I% 34TIV6 :! T4 26T T4&&6; 3=
%6V6,!TI40 !B49T 3% =4,! 3I/!I,4VI' !'TIVITI6. 4 T/I &%4V6 T/!T
=4,! 3I/!I,4VI /! B660 %6!;I02 3= :6BIT6 F4% A9IT6 ! ,402 TI36,
!0; 04: /6 /! 24T 6@T%636,= 06%V49 !B49T T/63< IF I !3 B6I02
39%;6%6;, T/60 FBI !0; 'I! '!0 B6 9%6 T/!T =4,! 3I/!I,4VI I 406 4F
T/6 '40&I%!T4%, :/4 /! B660 '/!I02 36.

T/46 '%I3I0!, !%6 :4,V6, B6!T 4F &%6= I0 /93!0 F4%3< T/6= !%6
0ames of boys
I #now the names and ages of se"en boys, who "isit "ery often =ola 3ihailo"i's
apartment, and who also sleep in there. The ages of the boys are documented in
this name list in 3arch, +5(+.

!lard-hah, !ro in short, age (+
;raitsho Gfirst nameH, age (?
!sen, age (+
$osta Gfirst nameH, age ((
!sen Gfirst nameH, age (+
otir Gfirst nameH, age ((
Tsho#o Ilian, age (?

The police has sent some of the boys to my apartment to spy on me, and later
the boys ha"e reported the police what they saw, but of course the police is not
as#ing the boys to spy on =ola 3ihailo"i. I ha"e a "ideotape where !ro, ;raitsho
and !sen are in the apartment of =ola 3ihailo"i, who is also seen in the "ideo.

0ow, one must ma#e distinction between the %enaissance Boy !rt, and child
molestation. Those are totally different things. 6astern 6urope ma#es boys
3y outhB6ast !sian based %enaissance !rt, on the other hand, has nothing to
do with child molestation.

In spite of these facts the police and the criminals ali#e are chasing me, and not
at all those who commit crimes of child molestation, #idnappings, torture and

4ne of the boys mentioned in the name list of boys on this web page, came to
my apartment in ;ecember +5(( and suggested all of a sudden that he would
fuc# me in the ass, because the boy had a condom with him. I refused his offer,
of course. The boy seemed to be "ery routined in doing that #ind of acti"ity with
tourists, for he didn't seem to be embarrassed at all by his offer. Then another
boy told me that the condom had belonged to =ola 3ihailo"i, because he also
has condoms with the same name, 8ure8 being the condom's name. The boy
who had suggested ass fuc#ing to me, is one of the "ery frequent "isitors to =ola
3ihailo"i's apartment, and he also sleeps there almost e"ery night. ,ater that
boy told me that he had actually ta#en the 8ure8 condom with him from =ola
3ihailo"i's apartment, when he had come to my apartment to suggest ass
fuc#ing. That boy ga"e the unopened 8ure8 condom pac#age to me after I had
refused his offer, and I still ha"e it, and I ha"e also ta#en a photograph of it as
e"idence, just in case I am being accused of fuc#ing boys in the ass, instead of
=ola 3ihailo"i being suspected of that. 3ost probably the 8ure8 condom
pac#age still has his fingerprints on it. /owe"er, I won't ta#e that 8ure8
pac#age to be e.amined to any laboratory, unless =ola 3ihailo"i causes me
trouble. ,i#e I said before, I still don't ha"e any solid e"idence against him, li#e a
"ideotape where he would ha"e ass fuc#ings with the boys. I ha"e the
testimonies of the boys, but because I don't wor# in any law enforcement
agency, I can't ha"e any official case against him, unless FBI and 'I! would get

4ne boy told me that =ola 3ihailo"i has se. with boys on his large bed and in his
bathtub, and that In =ola's apartment there is a huge plasma TV, and the boys
play "ideo games by its screen. The local police here is aware of my websites,
including this one, so they #now "ery well what I ha"e told about =ola 3ihailo"i's
case, but the local police is telling 36, 3r !arre ,ehtonen, that I can't e"en T!,$
with minor boys without getting arrested< They are doing 04T/I02 about =ola
3ihailo"i's child molestations. This is a sic# and outrageous scandal of the
millennium< I can't officially or e"en unofficially complain about this =ola case to
local police, for they would arrest me because of ma#ing a report about =ola<

=ola 3ihailo"i and his crime associates are running the largest child prostitution
ring as well as #idnapping ring in 6astern 6urope. That assemlage is protected
by the local police, because =ola 3ihailo"i is allegedly a police officer himself.

I too# a photo of the condom pac#age gi"en to me by an ((ByearBold boy, who
sleeps almost e"ery night with =ola 3ihailo"i. The boy told me that he too# the
condom pac#age from =ola 3ihailo"i's apartment.

'ops seem to ha"e the opinion that fuc#ing minor boys is healthy, so all the age
of consent laws are futile. It depends on :/4 fuc#s boys. Those who ha"e a lot
of money to bribe the cops, can fuc# boys, but those who don't pay the cops,
can't e"en tal# to boys. 3oney tal#s.
'ops say7 8&ay or get e.ecuted.8

!ll the boys ha"e gi"en to me detailed and parallel descriptions of =ola
3ihailo"i's apartment, so it clearly indicates that all the boys are really "isiting
that place and also attending the fuc#ing sessions there. 4n the left side of the
picture there is a loo#Bali#e of =ola 3ihailo"i.

The crime in"estigators of ancient %oman empire used to say7 8:ho benefitsF
Follow the money.8 o my question is, who benefits from gi"ing =ola 3ihailo"i
hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay briberies to police, to maintain his
e.pensi"e apartment and his motorbi#e Gyes, the boys ha"e told me that he
owns oneH, to pay the boys for fuc#ing sessions e"ery day and night, to pay the
local 3afia which gi"es him the boys to fuc#, etc.F =ola 3ihailo"i most probably
gets his money from human traffic#ing, #idnappings and the li#e, so the cops
help him to laundry his money, to ma#e it loo# li#e he gets his income from
ordinary sources. 0e"ertheless, noBone can earn so much money in 6astern
6uropean countries by ha"ing an ordinary salary, so the money has been
recycled many times.
:hat about the neighbors of =ola 3ihailo"i's apartmentF /a"en't they noticed
anything unusual, ha"en't they seen ten boys or more e"ery day and night
coming and going to and fro that apartment, which is in a highBriseF The culture
in these 6astern 6uropean countries has for decades been such that especially
elderly people report suspicious acti"ity to the police, particularly then if it ta#es
place in their own building. &robably they ha"e reported, but the police is not
responding, because the police is in"ol"ed with that child #idnapping ring. 4r,
which is also a possible e.planation, the entire highBrise is in"ol"ed, the whole
building belonging maybe to 3afia. The building is quite lu.urious, unli#e most
houses around it. o to buy an apartment from such a house is e.pensi"e, it
does not loo# li#e a rent house at all. =ola 3ihailo"i has most probably bought
his apartment. The boys ha"e told me that he often "isits a remote seaBcoast
city, where he may ha"e another apartment. o it loo#s li#e that this networ# of
child #idnapping ring e.tends across outhB6ast 6urope.

Those who run the child prostitution ring and #idnapping ring ha"e shown this
website to the boys who ha"e been snatched to prostitution. =ola 3ihailo"i as
well as the rest of the police mafia ha"e rebu#ed the boys, because the boys
ha"e re"ealed to me what is going on. The te.ts of my website ha"e been
translated to the local language, and thus the boys ha"e been e.plained what
the te.ts contain, so that they wouldn't re"eal to me anything more about their
acti"ities. I ha"e noticed all this from the beha"ior of the boys. The persons in
this picture, howe"er, ha"e nothing to do with this case. This picture is for

=eah right, nobody must report about #idnappings and human traffic#ing,
especially when children are in"ol"ed, that is the law of the land here.
I wouldn't ha"e otherwise been interested in starting to in"estigate these cases,
but when my friends ha"e been #idnapped and lured into child prostitution, I just
couldn't stay as a bystander, watching helplessly when one by one my friends
either disappear, or they turn out to become boy sluts. !nyway, all I can do is to
report what I witness, and I consider it to be my ci"il duty. o many boys ha"e
confided to me about what is happening here, so I ha"e a lot of testimonies,
which are so detailed and parallel with each other, that they just simply can't be
a hoa..

=ola 3ihailo"i li"es in ofia, Bulgaria. By loo#ing at the photo of his house on
this website's sub page named 8'onspiracy8 the FBI and the 'I! can easily find
its location. The nearest FBI office is in Bucharest, %omania, so its staff can
reach =ola 3ihailo"i's apartment quic#ly and ma#e the whate"er procedures

!arre ,ehtonen, on 3arch +5, +5(+.

The local $u $lu. $lan secret society members ha"e sent minor boys to spy on
me. The boys wor# both for the police and child prostitution rings. The $u #lu.
$lan has told boys what to do to stop my re"elations about the criminal acti"ities
of the police mafia. In this photograph the boys ha"e left their white robes
behind when they approach me, so that I would be unsuspecting. /owe"er, the
persons in this picture ha"e nothing to do with this case, but I use this picture as

9sually $$$ boys ha"e been swarming outside of my apartment daily, but after I
released on this web page the information that I #now e.actly that the $$$,
which includes the local 3afia and the local police here, ha"e sent the boys to
spy on me, and to harass me and to steal things from me, then as if by 8magic8
they ha"e all disappeared without a trace. 0o boys arri"ing at my apartment
door now. The $$$ ha"e told the boys not to show up. o this clearly indicates
that e"erything I ha"e said on this web page is accurate and true, beyond a
shadow of a doubt.

I ha"e told some of the boys mentioned in the name list of boys, that when they
are "isiting =ola 3ihailo"i's apartment, they should secretly "ideotape with the
"ideo cameras of their mobile phones when =ola 3ihailo"i is fuc#ing a boy. I
ha"e as#ed the boys to gi"e me the "ideotape, so that I can send it to FBI as
e"idence. The boys ha"e told me that =ola 3ihailo"i is often drin#ing hea"ily
alcohol in his apartment, and that he also gi"es alcohol to boys. :hen =ola
3ihailo"i is drun# and fuc#ing a boy, he would not be careful or suspecting
anything, when some of the boys would be secretly "ideotaping him. =ola
3ihailo"i is not going to #now when one of the boys is going to betray him.
I, 3r !arre ,ehtonen, am not going to stop gathering testimonies and e"idence
against =ola 3ihailo"i, e"en if it would ta#e ten years. I am not going to stop
until I see =ola 3ihailo"i sentenced in court. I am ris#ing my life, but I don't care.
I am willing to ma#e a selfBsacrificial offer for a good cause. The thing is that
=ola 3ihailo"i and his crime associates ha"e stolen e"ery single friend out of my
life by #idnapping them, assassinating them, or turning them to become boy
prostitutes. I will use e"ery legal method to get =ola 3ihailo"i to court. !lso tens
of police officers and other mafia members will go to prison for life, because
they ha"e assisted =ola 3ihailo"i in his crimes.They will all rot in prison and lose
e"erything imaginable in their li"es. &oliticians in high positions in this country's
2o"ernment and &arliament are participating in the acti"ities of these child
prostitution rings, #idnapping rings and contract #illings. I am going to e.pose
them all. 0othing is going to stop me.
Today on 3arch +5, +5(+, after * pm, my spy reported to me that he saw on
this same day at about ? pm =ola 3ihailo"i fuc#ing an ((ByearBold boy, ?55 R
*55 yards away from the shopping center named 83all ofia8, where there is a
par#Bli#e area, without any people in there, because the place is dirty. =ola
3ihailo"i fuc#ed the boy in the ass, while they were both standing. They had
probably come out of 3all ofia's mo"ie theater, and went to that dirty par# to
fuc#. 9nfortunately my spy did not ha"e his mobile phone equipped by a "ideo
camera with him at that moment, otherwise he would ha"e "ideotaped the
whole thing. 0e"ertheless a testimony of an eyeBwitness is "alid, at least in this
case in which I ha"e a lot of other testimonies and e"idences against =ola
3ihailo"i. ee, I ha"e a spy who follows =ola 3ihailo"i's acti"ities. =ola 3ihailo"i
must be now quite shoc#ed when he reads this report from this web page.

=ola 3ihailo"i #idnapped and most li#ely murdered 3r Auet-alcoatl. If 3r
Auet-alcoatl is still ali"e, he is held in capti"ity probably in =ola 3ihailo"i's
apartment, and he is being repeatedly fuc#ed there.

=ola 3ihailo"i has been #nown to carry out his criminal acti"ities for more than
two years, without anyone stopping him.
=ola 3ihailo"i and his crime associates ha"e most li#ely a cottage in the
wilderness of the Bal#an mountains, where they #eep boys loc#ed and fuc#
them in their secret society rituals. 3r Auet-alcoatl is more probably #ept in
capti"ity there than in the city of ofia.
$$$ secret society had noticed the updates of my te.ts from this web page and
decided to transport 3r Auet-alcoatl from their remote Bal#an cottage to the
nearby street of my apartment on 3arch +(, +5(+, after > pm. I saw 3r
Auet-alcoatl outside of my apartment, where he had wal#ed alone after the
$$$ had left him out of their car nearby. I noticed 3r Auet-alcoatl's body and
face, and I could tell that he had been gi"en daily hea"y doses of narcotics and
alcohol, and that he had been continuously fuc#ed by se"eral $$$ members. /e
was not the same person as many months ago, he was a human wrec#. /is
beha"ior was somewhat aggressi"e and ner"ous, and he insisted that he would
sleep in my apartment o"ernight. I immediately understood that =ola 3ihailo"i
and the other $$$ members had told 3r Auet-alcoatl that he should ma#e that
suggestion to me, probably because then they would ha"e notified the local cops
to arrest me because I ha"e a young boy sleeping in my apartment. /owe"er, I
noticed e"en more serious moti"e from 3r Auet-alcoatl's eyes and beha"ior,
and that moti"e was programmed into him by $$$ members. 3r Auet-alcoatl
was told to #ill me, for I had reported the FBI about =ola 3ihailo"i's criminal
acti"ities. 3r Auet-alcoatl was probably treated li#e a #ing in $$$'s remote
cottage in the wilderness for many wee#s, and he was con"inced that 3r !arre
,ehtonen, that being me, should be e.ecuted, so that he would stop ma#ing any
further re"elations about their crimes to FBI. I had the hunch that if I let 3r
Auet-alcoatl inside my apartment, then he would ta#e a #nife from his jac#et
and push it into my body lethally. Instead of letting him enter, I had a long
con"ersation with him while I was at the window of my apartment. I told him
that I ha"e been ma#ing a website, where I ha"e released a lot of re"elations
about the crimes of =ola 3ihailo"i and the $$$ mafia, who ha"e #idnapped him.
4b"iously the $$$'s car was waiting nearby at the same time, to ta#e 3r
Auet-alcoatl bac# to their mountain cottage, whether he managed to get into
my residence or not. I told 3r Auet-alcoatl that he has sort of a soBcalled
8toc#holm syndrome8, in which the #idnapped person begins to li#e his
#idnappers and cooperate with them, and that he should get rid of it. :e tal#ed
about half an hour, and when I refused to ta#e him inside my apartment in spite
of his se"eral requests, he wal#ed away without being annoyed, for there was
the $$$ car waiting for him, as well as new doses of narcotics, alcohol and
fuc#ings with adult $$$ male members in their mountain cottage. 3r
Auet-alcoatl is twel"e years old, and he was made a boy prostitute, a drug
addict and an alcoholic by his #idnappers just within a few wee#s. 3r
Auet-alcoatl has most probably recei"ed continuous lecturing in $$$'s cottage
about the 8benefits8 of such a life style, for he seemed to be completely
hypnoti-ed by it. 3r Auet-alcoatl seemed to be adoring his #idnappers, that they
gi"e him whate"er he wants, when he just prostitutes himself for them. /is case
is sad and it seems to be hopeless case. It is just so shoc#ing to see these
things happening to my old friends, and there is nothing I could do e.cept
ma#ing reports to my web pages. I do, howe"er, wait for the day when 3r
Auet-alcoatl comes bac# home, abandoning his #idnappers. For them 3r
Auet-alcoatl is just another boy slut among se"eral others, to be ta#en
ad"antage of. If you, 3r Auet-alcoatl, are somewhere able to see my te.t from
this web page and translate it into your language, I want you to #now that we
still lo"e you o"er here.
!arre ,ehtonen, on 3arch +(, +5(+

&. 4ne boy told me that =ola 3ihailo"i had said to another boy what =ola
3ihailo"i is going to do to me and my spy, he had said that he will #ill us both.
Today on 3arch ++, +5(+, there was a gangster waiting for me and my spy on
my apartment street after + pm. /e started shouting death threats towards us
and started following us for about half a #ilometer. I and my spy went to a large
boule"ard, so the gangster finally stopped following us. ee, =ola 3ihailo"i is
now so ner"ous that he has hired assassins to #ill all those who are forming a
danger to his criminal acti"ities.

%eport from 3r py on 3arch +?, +5(+7

This report is about boy !sen, who is one of the #idnapped "ictims of =ola
3ihailo"i. 3r py wrote this report in local 6astern 6uropean language, and I
ha"e translated it into 6nglish. 3r py made this report without me as#ing for it,
but I release it here as such. It is based on con"ersations and e"ents, which
some of the boys ha"e witnessed in =ola 3ihailo"i's apartment.

Asen !ill never leave Bola. Bola fucks Asen, and Asen very much loves Bola.
Aarre, you may fantasi<e Asen !ill stay 100 years in your home, that is not true,
he fantasi<es to kill you. He !ill never leave Bola. He fantasi<es a"out Bola, not
you Aarre. Bou kno! !hat Bola does to Asen, he very much fucks Asen, and
Asen is very hun*ry for Bola, he is not hun*ry for you. 3, @r S+y, kno! Asen
100Q. 3 kno! !hat Asen is *oin* to do to you later. When Asen slee+s, he
dreams a"out Bola. Bou may think he is dreamin* a"out you, "ut that is not true.
3 kno! Asen, later you !ill see !hat kind of emotional +ain he makes you and
fantasi<es to kill you. Bola told Asen to kill you. Asen is a "i* criminal and 100Q

3 kno! !hat Asen is *oin* to do later. He fantasi<es that he makes you
emotional +ain. 3 kno! !hat Asen does to you to make you feel emotional +ain,
and then Bola !ill make a violent assault a*ainst you and kill you. 0hen Asen
sees !hat Bola has done to you, and Asen !ill lau*h, ha ha ha ha ha, "ecause
Bola does to Aarre a lot of no *ood.
Asen !ill a++lause and say2 9@y Bola, you no! fuck me, very much fuck me, "ut
no! you, my Bola, 3 ask you to kill Aarre. 4ery *ood. 3 am not e7+ectin* one coin
for it. 1o! there is no"ody to do me and you such a *ood thin* as killin* Aarre.
1o! you and 3 have a lot of se7. 1o! Aarre !ill "e finished. 1o"ody kno!s !hat
3 and you !ill do. 4ery *ood, my Bola, very *ood. Bou, Bola, *et rid of Aarre no!.
0hen 3 and you !ill have a lot of se7.9
Later Asen !ill s+eak2 9Aha, there is a ne! +ro"lem.9 Asen s+eaks to Bola2 9-o
you kno! @r S+y, have you seen him? 0hat S+y is very intelli*ent, that S+y
kno!s !hat to do. 3 kno! and he kno!s. 3 and you, Bola, let us kill Aarre no!. 3
think @r S+y must "e killed, "ecause he kno!s my Bola. Bes, 3 kno!, 3 s+eak to
you, Bola, that 3 and he F!ho !ould that "e?G kill @r S+y FoaeiG.9 Asen !ill s+eak
to Bola2 91o! he makes a very "i* +ro"lem for me and you9. Bola !ill s+eak to
Asen2 9When do you kill @r S+y? 0here is a chance to it later.9 0hen Asen !ill
s+eak to Bola2 98kay, my very *ood Bola, no! you fuck me for 10 hours.9 Bola
!ill s+eak to Asen2 91ot 10. 3 !ill fuck you, Asen, for 20 hours. 3 !ill fuck you,
Asen, !hen you kill @r S+y.9 Bola !ill tell Asen later, !hen there is a chance to
kill @r S+y.


!sen was reading 3r py's report from this web page and it was translated to
him in local language. !sen sent me a response mail, in which he wrote me his
comments on the statements which 3r py had written to his report. I release
here !sen's response, which he had written in local language, and I translated it
into 6nglish7
3 am Asen. @r S+y very much loves a male tourist, named :rasimir, and he truly
fucks :rasimir, hahahahahahahahaha, that is really not *ood. @r S+y, !hy do
you smoke +ot, and !hy do you "uy +ot !ith Aarre5s +ocket money, that is not
Bou are cra<y, @r S+y, hahahahaha, you are a narcotics user. 3t is no *ood to
fuck. 3, Asen, am very much nervous, that you "uy narcotics aaaaaand +ot and
amfetamin !ith the +ocket money !hich Aarre *ives you FAarre not "ein* a!are
of the matterG, and that is noooooooooo *ood.
Bou are cra<y. 3 told Aarre many times, that Aarre should sto+ contactin* you. 3
kno!, and Aarre also told me, that he does not love you. 8ne ni*ht 3 !as told
that Aarre considers you his friend, hahahahahahahahaha. 8k, !hy don5t you *o
and fuck :rasimir, he !ill *ive you a lot of money. Why do you visit Aarre5s
home, 3 kno! that you have a system "y !hich you !ill steal Aarre5s money and
com+uter and camera. 3 kno! that you fantasi<e a"out it, @r S+y, and you are
also cra<y "ecause you made that re+ort, in !hich you told that Asen very much
loves Bola, "ut you love :rasimir,
Later you !on5t visit Aarre5s home, hahaha. Beah, you very much use +ot and
!eed and "eer, !hiskey, vodka. Bou !ill *o cra<y, later you !on5t "e in Aarre5s
home, hohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoho.
3t is no *ood for me at all that you and Aarre han* around to*ether. @ay"e you
don5t steal Aarre5s money and com+uter and camera, "ut you !ill never "e in
Aarre5s home, and later that !ill "e very *ood for Asen, that "ein* me, and
Asen says *ood"ye, @r S+y, you *o and love :rasimir.
I, !arre ,ehtonen, don't comment on this web page either 3r py's report or
!sen's response to it, because I can't "erify any of the statements made either
by 3r py or !sen. I ma#e conclusions pri"ately.

1ust after I had released these te.ts of 3r py and !sen, the secret societies,
including cops and contract #illers, arri"ed on my apartment street in the
morning of 3arch +*, +5(+, along with 3r 3it#o, who arri"ed in front of my
apartment to #ill me on 3arch +*, +5(+, after (5 am, hired by secret societies
and cops together. /e tried to smash my door and window to pieces. /e was
furious li#e a werewolf, his eyes glowing li#e that of a lucifer. 3it#o is a drug
addict and an alcoholic, e"en though he is allegedly just (* years old. /e wor#s
both for the police and the 3afia, which are one and the same thing here. T/6
'4& /!V6 06V6% 6V60 A96TI406; T/6 :/6%6!B49T 4F =4,! 3I/!I,4VI,
04% /I B9I06 60T6%&%I6, 04% /I B4= &%4TIT9TI40 !0;
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!%%!026 T60 4F 90;6%!26 B4= F4% T49%IT T4 F9'$ !T T/6 ,4'!,
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4F 3!%'/, +5(+, !0; T/6 B4= /6!%; T/6I% '40V6%!TI40, !0; IF I T4,;
40 T/I :6BIT6 :/!T T/6 B4= :IT066;, 04B4;= :49,; B6,I6V6 36,
!0; I :49,; B6 I0;I'T6; 4F ;6F!3I02.

&icture below GI ha"e deleted it from hereH7 3r Auet-alcoatl held capti"e. I
release this photo, which was gi"en to me, now in full, to show what the $$$
mafia is doing to him. This photo might ha"e been ta#en already in +55>, +5(5
or +5((, when 3r Auet-alcoatl was #idnapped for the first, second and third
time, and then released.

In the picture below GI ha"e deleted it from this web pageH there is a stillBpicture
capture of 3r Auet-alcoatl's face from a mobile phone "ideo, recorded on 3arch
?, +5(+. In the "ideo 3r Auet-alcoatl is seen at the same time and in the same
room with =ola 3ihailo"i in his apartment.

&icture below GI ha"e deleted it from this web pageH7 3r Auet-alcoatl held
capti"e. I release this photo, which was gi"en to me, now in full, to show what
the $$$ mafia is doing to him. This photo might ha"e been ta#en already in
+55>, +5(5 or +5((, when 3r Auet-alcoatl was #idnapped for the first, second
and third time, and then released.

9pdated on 3arch +>, +5(+7 4ne boy told me that when he was sitting in a
cafeteria on 3arch +D, +5(+, after (( am, =ola 3ihailo"i came to him and
as#ed him where is 3r Auet-alcoatl, because he hadn't seen him in two wee#s.
The boy didn't answer, but when =ola 3ihailo"i went to another table to spea#
with some associate of his, the boy started shouting to =ola 3ihailo"i from
about ten meters distance, that there is a website on the internet where it is told
with photos what =ola is doing to 3r Auet-alcoatl. Then =ola got scared and he
and his associate left the cafeteria "ery quic#ly. The boy followed them to the
street and saw that there was a limousineBli#e 3ercedes car waiting for them in
front of the cafeteria, and the car had a chauffeur. =ola and his associate
entered the car, which quic#ly left. The boy was "ery much con"inced when he
said to me that now =ola 3ihailo"i has escaped from Bulgaria, and he will not
come bac#, because he has apartments in many other countries as well. I saw
from the boy that he spo#e the truth. o I don't continue in"estigating =ola's
case anymore. I reached the goal of this website, but I won't ta#e this website
away from the Internet. I will start a new website with a new subject sometime
in the future.
I 3=6,F :IT066; I0 ! '!F6 !,%6!;= 406 =6!% !24 /4: T60 4F
90;6%!26 B4= '!36 T4 36 I0 ! 2!36 %443 !0; !$6; 36 T4 '436
:IT/ T/63 T4 T/6 T4I,6T !0; /!V6 6@ :IT/ T/63, !0; T/6 =49026T
B4= :/4 9226T6; T/I :! 40,= FIV6 =6!% 4,;< !t that time I didn't
reali-e that it was all part of the large organi-ed crime networ# of the $2B. I
also saw at that time =ola 3ihailo"i sitting in the cafeteria almost e"ery day, but
then I didn't #now who he was and what he was actually doing there, because
he used to sit at his table with a laptop computer in front of him. I did notice,
howe"er, that many boys were swarming around him and tal#ing to him. I didn't
"isit that cafeteria anymore, but I obser"ed later how the whole large outdoor
area is filled with narcotics dealings and child prostitution. The gangsters who
hang around there threw me out of that area because I started critically tal#ing
to people about the human traffic#ing that is going on there.

!arre ,ehtonen, on 3arch ?5, +5(+.
I ha"e heard that =ola 3ihailo"i had se. with the boys also in another building in
ofia, and that he also made child porn "ideos there. :hat if someone dear and
near to you would ha"e been in =ola 3ihailo"i's hands ha"ing se. with him and
also would ha"e slept all nights in his apartmentF The purpose of this
re"elationis to wa#e people up to see the seriousness of =ola 3ihailo"i's
acti"ities, especially because he has se.ually molested more than ten boys, it
was not the question that he would ha"e married one boy and stuc# to it, but he
has had a boy harem in Bulgaria, and I thin# he still has such in many other
countries, at least according to what I ha"e been told.
9pdated on 3arch ?(, +5(+7 :orld wide terror plan has been e.posed. 4n
;ecember +), +55*, in outhB6ast !sia there occurred a Tsunami, which #illed
+D5.555 people. That was not a natural catastrophe, that was created by

The boys of the local $u $lu. $lan here were ta#en to outhB6ast !sia to see the
mechanisms of the Tsunami machine and its wor#ings from an airplane when
the Tsunami occurred on ;ecember +), +55*, and also afterwards when some
smaller Tsunamis were launched, and the boys were told that now the $$$ has
a doomsday weapon, and that the boys should be proud of belonging to the
$$$, which will sa"e itself from the end of the world, which the ne.t artificially
made series of Tsunamis will cause to this planet. The boys could see with their
own eyes, that the doomsday weapon wor#s. The $$$ boy members of Bulgaria
and other 6astern 6uropean countries are still being repeatedly told in the $$$'s
secret society meetings and rituals, that they will inherit the 6arth, after the rest
of the humanity as been destroyed. I ha"e analy-ed for about one year the
beha"ior of those boys and wondered how they are e.tremely selfBassured in
e"erything they do. They are con"inced at all times that they are abo"e e"ery law
and moral code. They all beha"e li#e aggressi"e princes of a large #ingdom.
Finally today, on 3arch ?(, +5(+, it all became clear to me. The results of my
anthropological studies about the local boys here ha"e only one e.planation7
They ha"e been raised to belie"e that they will inherit the whole 6arth, and
nothing matters until the most of the humanity has been destroyed, and the
boys are sa"ed along with the $$$, that they are the only people sur"i"ing, and
they wait in some safe location, probably in a spaceship, until the world wide
catastrophe of tens of thousands of Tsunamis has #illed most humans and
animals. 4ne of the boys told me that when he was "isiting =ola 3ihailo"i's
apartment, =ola 3ihailo"i showed the boy thousands of printed paper pages
that contained some #ind of scientific studies which he had made. :hat #ind of
studies they could ha"e beenF I let the readers to ma#e their own conclusions.
The $$$ considers 3r Auet-alcoatl to be some #ind of a special prince in their
secret society rituals, and most li#ely also after the world wide flood. 3aybe 3r
Auet-alcoatl is the most loyal and most belie"ing boy member of the $$$, and
as an adult he will also be the same, carrying out the slightest wishes of the
$$$ elite, so that is the reason why they ha"e chosen 3r Auet-alcoatl to be the
ne.t #ing of the $$$, and maybe the #ing of the whole planet, and they ha"e
educated him accordingly for many years. This e.plains why the $$$ was so
ner"ous about 3r Auet-alcoatl "isiting my apartment frequently in the year
+5((, because they #new about my religious and philosophical "iews, which are
contradictory to those of the $$$. That's why 3r Auet-alcoatl had to be
snatched away from me.
I ha"e found out something that most probably also the $$$ is belie"ing in, that
they actually might be able to cause a world wide flood, and I ha"e e.plained it
in my !tom"ille aga.
Atomville Sa*a

Arain 4illa*e in inland is 6ust a co+y of the 0rue Arain 4illa*e, !hich is in
/astern /uro+e in a country, !hich 3 don5t !ant to reveal. 3 have visited the 0rue
Arain 4illa*e, and its name is actually Falthou*h not officiallyG Atomville, due to
the fact that Arain means ourCold Atom, !hich !as kno!n also to ancient
Areek +hiloso+hers. 3n Atomville 3 noticed that all the outside !alls of older
"uildin*s have "een soaked heavily !ith !ater. 0he +aint on all the !alls are
lar*ely as if torn off, and the houses5 !alls as !ell as streets have most
o"viously under*one a hu*e flood, "ecause it can "e clearly seen every!here,
that they all have "een saturated !ith hu*e masses of !ater, and hence it has
left clear marks of this all over.
3 am the first +erson on this +lanet to tell a"out this, at least 3 have not in my )0
years seen or heard anyone to !rite or talk a"out these thin*s. 3f one asked
from a local +erson, that !hy the structure of "uildin*s and streets look so
!eird, the ans!er !ould almost definitely "e2 98h, it5s 6ust the natural erosion
caused "y time.9 0he thin* is that a +erson sayin* somethin* like that has no
idea at all, "ecause he !as not there to !itness a flood !hen it occurred, so all
these kind of ans!ers "elon* to a cate*ory of !ild *uesses. 3n any case if
someone mi*ht have correct information, the +eo+le of /astern /uro+e have for
nearly a hundred years "een tau*ht not to reveal anythin* concernin* national
folklore secrets, "ecause it mi*ht "e a +olitical issue, !hich !ould end u+ in a
9mysterious disa++earance9 of a +erson, if he talks too much.
0he !eird a++earance of "uildin*s and streets in Atomville are not a climate
issue either, "ecause there are no e7treme tem+eratures durin* any season of
the year, nor is the air too moist or too dry. Iains and sno!falls occur
3 !ondered that ho! lon* a*o this hu*e flood mi*ht have occurred, "ecause
there had not "een any mentionin*s a"out such a +henomenon in the ne!s
ever, nor even history "ooks tell one !ord a"out this. 1evertheless, the
structures of all "uildin*s and streets seem to have "een heavily soaked and
also remained under !ater for a lon* time, not more than fifty years a*o, from
the time !hen 3 am !ritin* these o"servations, meanin* that the flood must
have taken +lace at the early years of 1K(05s. At that time the !hole /astern
/uro+e !as under the re*ime of the communist Soviet &nion, and that5s !hy the
nationC!ide flood !as ke+t secret. 3t !as a very common +rocedure in Soviet
&nion and in its /astern /uro+ean satellite states, that all ne!s a"out
catastro+hes !ere "anned, 0his !as seen also as late as in 1K#05s, !hen ne!s
a"out &kraine5s .herno"yl nuclear +lant e7+losion !ere !ithheld on +ur+ose for
a lon* time.

At the early years of 1K(05s there !ere no !estern satellites, or satellites
!hatsoever, to notice that the !hole /astern /uro+ean country had a flood,
!hen there had risen so enormous tsunami from the %lack Sea, that it covered
this !hole country, !here Atomville is located. Also, !estern +eo+le could not
visit /astern /uro+ean countries at all durin* the time !hen the flood ha++ened,
and vice versa, the +eo+le from /astern /uro+e !ere not *iven any +ermits to
visit !estern countries, so there !as a com+lete "lackout of information a"out
the flood. 0hus it !as successfully ke+t secret.
3 can5t "e*in to s+eculate, !hat mi*ht have caused the tsunami, "ecause the
only e7+lanation that 3 can think of, is that it !as made "y nutty +rofessors, !ho
!anted to raise the !orld !ide flood at the same time, "ut succeeded to dro!n
9only9 one country and most of its inha"itants. At the early years of the re*ime
of the communist Soviet &nion, there !as .old War *oin* on "et!een the /ast
and the West, and doomsday !ea+ons !ere fevereshly tried to "e invented on
the "oth sides.
1o!, !hat has all this to do !ith Arain 4illa*e in inland? 3t is so like 3 have told
in my !e"sites, that .hristo+her .olum"us saved $0.000 children from rance
to his three Ark voya*ers in 1212, "ut no! 3 must reconsider the date of that
catastro+he. 3 a++ly the revelation of the falsification of history recalculated "y
Iussian mathematician Anatoly omenko, !ho in his sevenCvolume treatise
9History2 iction or Science?9 states clearly !ith a lot of evidence, that the !hole
!estern history !ritin* and hence history research is in error, and that the Areat
Wall of .hina !as "uilt "y .hina5s dictator @ao 0seC0un* in 1K)05s. So 3, Aarre
Lehtonen, claim that .hristo+her .olum"us, Leonardo da 4inci and his t!o
youn* students, !ho actually !ere .hrist and @oses, as !ell as Ailles de Iais
F!ho actually is the same +erson as .olum"usG, and 4ainamoinen, !ho is
inland5s mytholo*ical hero of 9:alevala9 e+ic, and the seven "oys from
inland5s first fullClen*th novel 90he Seven %rothers9, !ere all "orn in 1K)05s,
and :alevala e+ic, as !ell as 0he Seven %rothers novel, and 0he %i"le5s 8ld
0estament, and 1e! 0estament, !ere all !ritten at the early years of 1K(05s "y
youn* "oy *eniuses, in the same !ay like @o<art !as a *enius child com+oser,
!ho !rote sym+honies !hen he !as a small "oy, !ay "elo! the a*e of ten.
3 call this country, !here Atomville is, to "e Atomville .ountry. All the cele"rities
!hom 3 mentioned, !ere livin* in Atomville .ountry, as !ell as Lonnrot, the
!riter of :alevala e+ic, and :ivi, the !riter of 0he Seven %rothers novel. 0hey
!rote a"out actual +ersons !hom they sa! in their daily lives. 0he %lack Sea
tsunami caused a flood, !hich totally s!allo!ed Atomville .ountry, and it !as
ke+t under !ater for half a year.
All the earlierCmentioned "ook !riters alon* !ith the literary heroes !ere saved
in the tall shi+s of .olum"us. When the !aters receded, one of the lakes
remainin* in inland5s Arain 4illa*e is no! called Ankerias6arvi, or the Snake
Lake in /n*lish. .olum"us "ecame the :in* of inland. -urin* his re*ime,
@inister of A+ocaly+tic Affairs !as a "oy named 1oah, !ho actually "uilt a hu*e
tall shi+ called 0he Ark 4oya*er. @inister of 3nterior Affairs !as a "oy named
Alien 0heodor, and the @inister of Social Affairs !as a "oy named SilverC.hrist,
!ho !rote the 1e! 0estament of the %i"le all "y himself. 0he @inister of
.ultural Affairs !as a "oy named @oses, !ho !rote the 8ld 0estament of the
%i"le all "y himself, and the 8ld 0estament !as !ritten A0/I the 1e!
0estament, 6ust like Anatoly omenko says in his sevenCvolume "ook series
9History2 iction or Science?9 31LA1- -3- 180 /O3S0 A0 ALL %/8I/ 0H/ B/AI
1K(2, !hen the -escendin* Satya Bu*a or Aolden A*e started, lastin* for 20
years and endin* in the year 1K#1.
3n 2011, none of those earlierCmentioned fi*ures live in Arain 4illa*e, inland,
"ut they all live in Atomville, in /astern /uro+ean Atomville .ountry.
8kay, !hen the 9official history !ritin*9 is concerned, !hat a"out the .ivil War
in inland in 1K1#, and later on the t!o !ars fou*ht a*ainst Soviet &nion? 0his
accordin* to my mytholo*y is in contradiction !ith the statement that inland
did not e7ist "efore the year 1K(2. 0he ans!er is that all the 9!ar archives9
alon* !ith +hoto*ra+hs and films are 6ust a hu*e hoa7, or that they could "e
real, "ut in that case inland and almost all of its citi<ens !ere destroyed in
1K(2 "y the same flood that destroyed Atomville .ountry. What a"out elderly
+eo+le !ho claim that they have "een livin* all alon* in inland also "efore the
year 1K(2, and that in inland there has not "een any flood catastro+he at all?
0hey mi*ht "e deli"erately lyin*, for fear of "ein* arrested, if they told the truth.
3 have found out that +eo+le immi*rated to inland from Atomville .ountry,
"ecause 3 have noticed that in the lan*ua*e, !hich is s+oken in Atomville
.ountry, there are so many same !ords as in innish lan*ua*e. 0his can5t "e
6ust a coincidence.
Ho! a"out all the old "ooks !hich mention all the earlierCmentioned fi*ures,
+rinted hundreds of years a*o? 0he ans!er mi*ht "e that 6ust like in -aniel5s
"ook in the 8ld 0estament of the %i"le, -aniel 'I/-3.0S the comin* of @essiah,
or .hrist. 3n the same !ay all "ooks !hich tell a"out .olum"us etc. 6ust
'I/-3.0/- that such fi*ures !ould emer*e in the future, "ut tales !ere told in
such a manner that the heroic fi*ures as if already e7isted in the +ast, to make
sure that the !riters !ould not have "een arrested, if kin*s of old !ould have
found out from stories that they could have com+etitors of royal Nuality
emer*in* in the future. 0he !riters mi*ht nevertheless have had some sort of
actual kno!led*e in medieval times, that .olum"us etc. !ould "e "orn and
carry out their missions in 1K005s.
1o!adays !hen +oliticians !ant to destroy the soverei*nties of their o!n
countries "y tryin* to form one !orld *overnment, !hich !ould not reco*ni<e
inde+endent national states and their la!s anymore, the talk a"out national
mytholo*ies can "e considered to "e hate s+eech, !hich should "e +unished in
a court of la! accordin*ly. Also, my Atomville mytholo*y can "e inter+reted to
"e a si*n of a +sychiatric illness, and 3 could "e +ut in a +sychiatric institution so
that 3 could not !rite a"out nationalistic issues anymore.
3IT$4 !%%!026 &64&,6 T4 &%I40. IF ! T49%IT I0 B9,2!%I! '43&,!I0
T4 &4,I'6 T/!T /6 /! B660 ! VI'TI3 4F ! '%I36, T/60 T/6 $2B
'40FI'!T6 T/6 T49%IT' '43&9T6%, ;6T%4= &/4T4 !0; VI;64
F%43 /I '!36%!, !%%6T /I3, I0T6%%42!T6 /I3, T/%6!T60 /I3 T/!T
I0 F!'T T/6 T49%IT 246 T4 &%I40 B6'!96 /6 %6&4%T6; ! '%I36 T4
&4,I'6, !0; %6&4%TI02 ! '%I36 I T/6 BI226T '%I36 I0 B9,2!%I!, B9T
T/6= 06V6% !%%6T T/6 '%I3I0!, :/4 '433ITT6; T/6 '%I36 !2!I0T
T/6 T49%IT. 3IT$4 !0; T/6 $2B !%6 T4%T9%I02 T49%IT 634TI40!,,=
!0; &/=I'!,,= B= F4%'I02 T49%IT T4 T!= I0 4,IT!%= '40FI06360T
4F T/6I% !&!%T360T, F4% F6!% 4F 26TTI02 +I =6!% 4F &%I40
60T60'6 IF T/6= T!,$ :IT/ ,4'!, &64&,6 4% IF T/6= I0VIT6 ,4'!,
&64&,6 T4 T/6I% !&!%T360T. 3IT$4 T4,; 36 T/!T IF I 40'6 34%6 /!V6 !
VIIT4% I0 3= /436, T/60 /6 !%%!026 (55 =6!% 4F &%I40 60T60'6
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B4= T4 %I'/ &64&,6, ,I$6 =4,! 3I/!I,4VI, T4 F9'$ ;!= !0; 0I2/T, =6!%
!FT6% =6!%, B6'!96 9'/ %I'/ &64&,6 '!0 !FF4%; &!=I02 ! ,4T 4F
3406= T4 T/63. 3IT$4 !0; /I !4'I!T6 !0; T/6 $2B /!V6 T/6
&4ITI40 4F ! T=%!0T ;I'T!T4% I0 B9,2!%I!, 19T ,I$6 I0 T!,I0' 4VI6T
90I40. T/6= !%6 :4,V6, B6!T 4F &%6= I0 /93!0 F4%3< T/6 $2B 96
90;6%!26 B4= ! T/6I% I0F4%3!0T, :/4 &= 40 T49%IT, !0; T/6
$2B /! 2IV60 T/46 B4= T/6 ,I'60'6 T4 $I,, T49%IT T4 T/6 4,IT!%=
'40FI06360T 4F T/6I% !&!%T360T, !0; T/6 $2B !0; IT B4= &I6 26T
T%6360;49 !;ITI' 6014=360T B= T4%T9%I02 T49%IT 634TI40!,,=
!0; &/=I'!,,= B= F4%'I02 T/63 T4 T!= !,406 I0 T/6I% !&!%T360T
;!= !0; 0I2/T, 19T ,I$6 I0 &%I40. IT I 04T T/6 I96 4F !0= !26
%6T%I'TI40 4F VIIT4%, B6'!96 :/I,6 I :! ,IVI02 F4% +( ;!= I0
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I '!0'T 6V60 :!,$ 40 T/6 T%66T, B6'!96 T/6 $2B 60; 2!02T6%
T4 /!%! 36 T/6%6. I !3 !'T9!,,= ;=I02 I0 T/6 4,IT!%= '40FI06360T
4F 3= 3!,, !&!%T360T, B6'!96 I 39T T!= /6%6 040BT4&, ;!= !0;
0I2/T, !0; !,4 B6'!96 I /!V6 !,, T/6 &%69%6 !0; F6!% '!96;
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3= B4;=. :/60 T/6= FI0; 3= ;6!; B4;=, T/6 '4%406% 39T $04: T/!T
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!&!%T360T ;!= !0; 0I2/T. IT I 40,= ! 3!TT6% 4F ;!= :/60 I :49,; B6
;%4&&6; ;6!;, ,I$6 ! F,4:6% T/!T /! 04T B660 2IV60 !0= :!T6%.
:/60 I !$6; F4% :!T6% ;9%I02 3= !%%6T !T T/6 $2B /6!;A9!%T6%,
T/6 $2B '4& /49T6; !T 367 8/9T 9&, =49 &I6'6 4F /IT, :6 !I0'T
2400! 2IV6 =49 !0= ;!30 :!T6% 6V6%, 04: /9T =49% F9'$I02 349T/,
!0; ;40'T 34V6 40 =49% '/!I%<8 40 T/6 B!I 4F T/I T6@T, T/6 $2B
3I2/T T%= T4 60; 36 I0T4 ! 360T!, /4&IT!,, :/I,6 !T T/6 !36 TI36
T/6 6@6'9TIV6 4F T/6 $2B !=7 Y:/=, :/!T' :%402 :IT/ T/I !!%%6
,6/T4060, I T/6 $2B 6@6'9TIV6 /!V6 40,= T60 2%!0;'/I,;%60, :/4 VIIT
36 40,= F49% /49% ! ;!=, !0; 40 :66$60; 40,= T:6,V6 /49% ! ;!=,
4 '6%T!I0,= 3% !!%%6 ,6/T4060 '!0 T4,6%!T6 T!=I02 '43&,6T6,=
!,406 I0 /I 3!,, &%I40 &=%!3I; ,I$6 ! ;6!; &/!%!4/ !,, T/6 TI36,
19T ,I$6 :6 T/6 $2B 4FFI'6% !%6 F4%'I02 /I3 T4 T!=.Q

9pdated on !pril +, +5(+7 %omania's dictator 'eausescu ordered electricity and
central heating to be cut off from citi-ens of %omania for many wee#s at a time
as a collecti"e punishment, e"en during a harsh winter, if e"en one person had
critici-ed the 2o"ernment. These power shortages were made se"eral times a
year. ame thing happens in Bulgaria, li#e on !pril +, +5(+, in ofia. The
blac#out started at (5.55 am, when whole bloc#s were cut off electricity,
including my apartment. In 1anuary +5(+ both in %omania and Bulgaria
hundreds of people were #illed this way in the countryside, and in the news all
this was reported to ha"e been just an ordinary power failure, which the
electricity companies were unable to repair in time. 0ote that the local news in
Bulgaria did not mention anything about the deaths at all. trange, isn't it, that
this time in ofia the power failure happens to be in my apartment and
e"erywhere at the bloc#s around it, just after I had released e.tra information
about the $2B on this web page. The time is now almost +.?5 pm and there's
still the electricity blac#out in my area, and I am writing this te.t from a remote
Internet cafeteria now. 3y neighbor let me understand that the blac#out won't
be fi.ed e"en tomorrow, and the nights are here still e.tremely cold. 3y
apartment walls ha"e holes, so the outside air gets inside, and my apartment
has no central heating but only electronic radiators. That's why my apartment
has the same temperature as the air outdoors without radiators, and I don't
ha"e a fireplace or anything which would heat the apartment with wood. The
power shortage is made deliberately by the $2B, and they don't care when the
punishment targeted at me is also collecti"e. They let whole families with small
#ids to free-e to death along with their one "ictim, if it ser"es the $2B's cause. I
don't ha"e money to go to a hotel, so I am in my apartment in complete
dar#ness and cold.

9pdated on !pril ?, +5(+. 6lectricity came bac# to my apartment and to the
bloc#s around it. &icture below is depicting how some of the same legislators
who ha"e made age of consent laws to become more and more strict, are
themsel"es gathering regularly in 6astern 6uropean castles to ha"e se. with
#ids, who ha"e been #idnapped to be used as se. sla"es. ,egislators, who are
politicians in most cases, participate in their secret society rituals along with the
wealthy, the cops, the prosecutors, the judges and the li#e, and people ha"ing
such professions ha"e been long #nown to ha"e belonged to the $u $lu. $lan as
well as other similar secret societies. ;oubleBfaced morality I call it, but such
secret societies ha"e one purpose, which is to #ill the most of the humanity and
ma#e the small sur"i"ing part to wor# as their sla"es, including se. sla"ery of
children. They want to change the planet to become their one huge children's
brothel, just li#e some religions promise that the afterworld will be filled with
young "irgin girls, and it will also ha"e young boys for adults of such orientation.
ince the dawn of humanity, "arious cultures ha"e built children's brothels for
the secret societies, to represent the promised afterlife already on earth, not
ha"ing to wait impatiently such a reward, if they just join some secret society
and pay a lot of money to it. Then they can participate in regular gatherings in
secret locations, where there are #ids wor#ing as forced se. sla"es. This
phenomenon has been going on all o"er the world for millenniums.
4ften it has happened that the $2B of Bulgaria does not let me enter my
website with my registration to ma#e additions to it, because when I try, the
whole Internet connection gets shut. They ha"e a lot to hide, because they don't
want to let me tell about their crimes. I #now that there is a castle in Bulgaria
where they run a huge children's brothel for the wealthy. /ence the picture
choice abo"e. They tell the boys to obey and prostitute themsel"es to adult
members of the $$$, so when the boys grow up, the boys can themsel"es own a
large harem of young boys as a reward. /ow do I happen to #now all thisF The
boys ha"e told me all #inds of things during 3arch, +5(+, and how in the world
could they ha"e #nown all this, if they themsel"es would not ha"e witnessed and
wor#ed as boy prostitutes for the child traffic#ing mafiaF 4#ay, I ha"e myself
been promoting on some of my other websites the age of consent reform, that it
should be lowered, but my intention is not to license child prostitution, but only
ma#e it easier for underage boys to come of age earlier than it is now possible
in most countries. There are good sociological reasons for it, which I am not
going to tell here all o"er again. =es, I promote that the legislation should be
changed in such a way that one adult male could be able to ha"e one boy for
himself to marry, but this goes only for boys, not girls, to pre"ent premature
pregnancies. Boys, too, could get the come of age license on "oluntary basis, it
should not be forced on them, but if they agree, by any means boys should be
allowed to choose one life companion from an adult male at the age of twel"e
or so, and they should be allowed to get married officially. This is what I
promote, not any child se. traffic#ing or prostitution of any #ind.

9pdated on !pril *, +5(+. =ola 3ihailo"i has most li#ely come bac# to ofia,
because I noticed that one boy, twel"eByearBold 3r Auet-alcoatl, had slept last
night in his apartment. /ow do I #nowF 3r Auet-alcoatl came in front of my
apartment this morning at J am and told me that he will sleep in my apartment
for the ne.t ten nights and he will not as# any money from it. Instead, he
showed to me that he had his own money, that =ola 3ihailo"i had paid him. I
sensed at once that the boy's request to sleep in my apartment was a trap, set
by 3it#o, =ola 3ihailo"i and 3r Auet-alcoatl, so that when the boy would ha"e
slept in my residence, then 3it#o and =ola 3ihailo"i would ha"e waited nearby
and they would ha"e called the cops to ma#e a sudden surprise charge to my
home at night and I would ha"e been arrested, prosecuted and con"icted in a
court of law to a long prison term for ha"ing slept with a twel"eByearBold boy.
=ola 3ihailo"i had most li#ely promised a reward to 3r Auet-alcoatl and 3it#o
for participating in this conspiracy. I #now that 3r Auet-alcoatl is already
married to =ola 3ihailo"i, has been for a long time, and that boy has no
difficulties at all to be in bigamy, for he has most li#ely married tens of male
tourists and then left them all weeping when he has ta#en their money and
returned to =ola 3ihailo"i. 3r Auet-alcoatl had also promised to marry me many
months ago, but I #now he stic#s to =ola, for =ola can afford paying him the
most money.
! twel"eByearBold boy ha"ing this bigamy business and participating in these
roundBup conspiracies is most disgusting. =ola 3ihailo"i and 3r Auet-alcoatl
along with Bulgaria's $2B cause emotional pain to tourists by this bigamy
business, and that is se"ere torture, because 3r Auet-alcoatl has a talent of
acting honest, so the unsuspecting tourists belie"e that 3r Auet-alcoatl wants to
marry a particular tourist whom he "isits, and that he especially lo"es only that
one particular tourist, but no way, that is all drama theatrical acting. 0ote that in
most of the 6uropean 9nion countries the official registration of the sameBse.
partnership is legal, and in some of the 6uropean 9nion countries e"en gay
marriages are officially possible, so there is a real basis to 3r Auet-alcoatl's
marriage offerings, and the tourists #now that. The only thing lac#ing is 3r
Auet-alcoatl's sufficient (D years of age to be able to get officially married, but
3r Auet-alcoatl con"inces tourists that oh yeah, he will stay with the tourist all
the ne.t si. years and then get officially married when he is (D years old. !ll this
fraud ma#es tourists to gi"e a lot of money to 3r Auet-alcoatl. I wonder how
many suicides male tourists ha"e committed when they ha"e reali-ed this
I can hear social bureau wor#ers saying7 Y=oung twel"eByearBold boys must be
protected by age of consent laws that they don't go with tourists to be fuc#ed,
and that's why you, 3r !arre ,ehtonen, can't ha"e 3r Auet-acoatl in your
apartment until 3arch +5(D, when he will be e.actly (D years old.Q =eah right,
gimme a brea#, will yaF I actually wanted to protect 3r Auet-alcoatl from ha"ing
se. with tourists by letting him stay with me, and I actually said yes to his
marriage offering in the year +5(( because of the same reason, and also to
protect him from joining street gangs and to pre"ent him from starting a career
of a criminal, narcotics user, alcoholic, prostitute and so on. o don't gi"e me
that bullshit about Yprotecting 3r Auet-alcoatl from people li#e !arre
,ehtonen.Q 1ust loo# at the situation now, he has become all that which I
mentioned, because there was noBone to loo# after him. In this country noBone
cares if #ids don't attend school. 3r Auet-alcoatl's parents are li"ing in
2ermany, and he has been left in the hands of street mafias. 0onetheless 3r
Auet-alcoatl has the potential of being li#e 4li"er Twist, who was also #idnapped
by criminals and they turned him to become a thief, but e"entually he decided to
go bac# to the ci"ili-ed gentleman 3r Brownlow who had adopted him. I ha"e no
intention to YstealQ other people's spouses for myself, li#e 3r Auet-alcoatl who
is married to =ola 3ihailo"i, at least so all the signs are showing.

!ll this shows how coldBblooded and heartless sadists they all are, including 3r
Auet-alcoatl, who thin#s that he can play with other people's emotions as if they
were his personal toys. The main objecti"e of 3r Auet-alcoatl, 3it#o, =ola
3ihailo"i, the $u $lu. $lan and the $2B is to get me to prison for +I years for
crimes that they are themsel"es committing.

I saw with my own eyes that 3r Auet-alcoatl went to =ola 3ihailo"i's house on
!pril (5, +5(+, at >.+( pm, when I was spying on him. I saw lights on in =ola
3ihailo"i's apartment, so he has definitely come bac# to ofia, Bulgaria. That
whore boy 3r Auet-alcoatl can go there when he li#es, but I am going to marry
an orphan boy.

! grownBup person predicted to me that 3r Auet-alcoatl will either #ill himself
on !pril (?, +5(+, or he will be #illed by the $u $lu. $lan the on the same day,
and I will be framed to be guilty of his murder.

Below7 I wouldn't wonder if =ola 3ihailo"i would #ill 3r Auet-alcoatl, to get rid of
his possible testimonies in court, or =ola 3ihailo"i would #ill 3r Auet-alcoatl
also because he gets so messed up due to hea"y drin#ing of alcohol and fuc#ing
the boys day and night. /is sadistic games might just get out of hand, and then
he commits a murder. This information is useful to FBI, to ha"e better
understanding about the causes of 3r Auet-alcoatl's possible death.

9pdated on !pril ((, +5(+. Two $2B police officers in ci"ilian clothing came and
#noc#ed on the door of my apartment today at (5.?5 am. They as#ed me where
does my lessor's grandmother li"e, and I told them her apartment's location.
Then the two $2B police officers went to interrogate her, but you #now what is
interesting part in $2B's beha"ior, li#e I ha"e shown in my earlier te.t updates
on this pageF In this =ola 3ihailo"i's case the $2B is in"estigating e"erything
else but ne"er =ola 3ihailo"i. !fter the $2B came today at my apartment, I went
to the ba-aar, and I saw =ola 3ihailo"i wal#ing towards me on the street corner
in front of a cafeteria in ofia on !pril ((, +5(+, after (( am. /e passed me by
from one yard's distance, and he noticed me and stared at me for a moment,
but he didn't say anything. /is head was completely sha"en as usual. /e is
actually "ery tall, about two meters, because I noticed that he was taller than
me. /e went inside Banana 'afeteria, where there are a lot of boys playing
"ideo games in its bac# room. 0ow I can officially confirm to FBI that =ola
3ihailo"i has returned to Bulgaria.

!arre ,ehtonen, on !pril ((, +5(+.

9pdated on !pril (?, +5(+. This is my open letter to 3r Auet-alcoatl7 Ta#e a
loo# at the ymbol of Bulgaria in the abo"e picture, where =ola 3ihailo"i is
fuc#ing you. /e gi"es you money, a place to sleep beside him in his apartment
e"ery night, he lets you play "ideo games with his four computers and with his
two plasma tele"isions, he gi"es you food, clothes and cigarettes, and he also
fuc#s you e"ery night. =ou and =ola 3ihailo"i also drin# alcohol together, and
often he has four boys to fuc# in his apartment at the same time, including you.
I didn't #now anything about these things at all many months ago, and you #ept
coming e"ery day at my apartment and you begged money from me for food.
=ou also said to me that in this world I am the only person whom you want to
get married to, and that you don't ha"e any e.tra tourist friend. =ou lied to me
and s#illfully acted li#e in a drama play in a theater, because I belie"ed you. :hy
in the world did you want to ha"e two male spousesF :hy do you still go to fast
food dri"eBin restaurants and shopping malls to see# for more male tourists to
fuc#F Is not the marriage with your present male spouse =ola 3ihailo"i enough
for youF :hy do you play with many people's emotions by promising to marry
many tourists at the same time, and then lea"ing them aloneF I thin# your only
moti"e is to ma#e money. =ou don't reali-e that in that way you gather e"il
$arma to yourself, and you will go to hell. !ll you want to do is to fuc#, cheat,
drin# alcohol and use narcotics. 0e"ertheless I am going to marry a new boy,
and your cheating drama theater is o"er with me.
!arre ,ehtonen, on !pril (?, +5(+.
I ha"e made research about identical twin brother system, it is such that one
can't tell the difference between identical twins, especially when they are under
the age of ?5. I ha"e studied the details on 3r Auet-alcoatl's head from
photographs, and I am con"inced that there are two 3r Auet-alcoatls, who are
identical twin brothers. I call the other identical twin brother with bad character
by the name of 3r Auet-alcoatl, and the other identical twin brother with good
character by the name of 'ho Vas#o". 6"en 3r Auet-alcoatl does not #now that
he has an identical twin brother, because 'ho Vas#o" was abandoned by his
parents when he was just a few months old and was sent to outh !merica, to
li"e in 'olumbia's countryside. !t the age of si. he was sent to the city. &e##a
/aa"isto or his gay spouse !ntonio Flores #now e"erything about him. They
might be his foster gay parents actually. 'ho Vas#o" was sent in +5(( from
'olumbia to Bulgaria, and he learned the Bulgarian language in 'olumbia,
because he was accompanied by one careta#er from Bulgaria all the ele"en
years that 'ho Vas#o" spent in outh !merica. I ha"e met both 3r Auet-alcoatl
and 'ho Vas#o", but I couldn't tell the difference between them, because they
are identical twins.
9pdated on !pril (I, +5(+. I was gi"en information a few days ago that 'ho
Vas#o" and his identical twin brother ha"e separately tra"eled by airplane
somewhere and they will also return separately to ofia soon. Both twins ha"e
also told me information about a bicycle, but only I and 'ho Vas#o" #now what
'ho Vas#o" #now about the bicycle issue. Below is the lin# to Aueen band's song
called Bicycle %ace, and it has its lyrics in the =ouTube "ideo here7"Og:1DPB>BV.o
Below is the lin# to another =ouTube "ideo, where a bicycle rider is crashing on
the door of an ambulance. The "ideo's name is Y! ;ramatic urprise on a Auiet
Those two bicycle "ideos abo"e, when they are interpreted correctly, contain
secret information about how to recogni-e 'ho Vas#o" from his identical twin
brother 3r Auet-alcoatl.
3it#o told me about a month ago that he is "ery intelligent and that he can tric#
me to marry 3r Auet-alcoatl. /!//!//!//!!!!, I am laughing my ass off,
because now I definitely #now who of the two identical twin brothers is 'ho
Vas#o", so nobody will e"er be able to tric# me into marrying 3r Auet-alcoatl.
:hen 3r Auet-alcoatl finishes sleep with =ola 3ihailo"i in his apartment and
says that he goes to a "ideo game hall in a shopping mall for daytime hours, he
actually snea#s into a hotel, where there is waiting his prostitution boss, who
gi"es customers 3r Auet-alcoatl for fuc#ing. In ofia I #now a couple of hotels
where their owners allow child prostitution in their hotel rooms, because they
get part of the child prostitution income. Tourists and locals ha"e se. there with
3r Auet-alcoatl and many other underage boys as well.
3r Auet-alcoatl's pimp, that means his prostitution boss, telephoned me last
night from a hotel where he is gi"ing boys for tourists to fuc#, and I heard 3r
Auet-alcoatl spea#ing in the bac#ground, and his "oice was li#e uh uh uh uh,
when some tourist was fuc#ing him in the ass. The pimp called me because he
wants to tra"el to another country, and he wants me to lend money to him, but
of course I refused to lend him any money.
=ola 3ihailo"i must be completely out of his mind because he accepts (55 U
that his boy spouse 3r Auet-alcoatl wor#s for a pimp, who arranges tourists to
fuc# 3r Auet-alcoatl in hotels and also in their cars. If someone accepts that his
boy spouse wor#s as a prostitute, that is not my business, but for the FBI I am
telling here that the pimp's name is ,ubcho. /e has friends in Bulgaria's $2B, so
he is ne"er arrested by cops.

! Tur#ish gypsy boy, whose name is !lard-hah, (+ years old, and who li"es on 2
street, ofia, Bulgaria, came in front of my apartment on !pril (>, +5(+, before
+ pm, and he said that because I did not gi"e him any money earlier, he went to
police station and told the cops that I fuc# many boys in ofia, so that the police
will throw me Into prison for the ne.t (5 years. I "ideotaped him at the same
time when he told me about his false testimony to the police. That Tur#ish gypsy
boy also told me that I'd better get out of Bulgaria soon, if I want to a"oid prison.
I said to the boy that I am not going to lea"e Bulgaria, because I am not guilty of
the crimes which he told the cops. I also told him that gi"ing a false testimony to
the police is in itself a crime. Then he too# a long metal stic# from his jac#et
and started hitting me with it. I withdrew inside my apartment and I closed my
door and window. Then the boy tried to brea# into my apartment through the
door by #ic#ing on it strongly, and he tried to open my window by brea#ing its
frame with the metal stic#. I ha"e all this captured on my "ideotape.
If the gay couple is at least fourteen years old Gtwel"e years old for girlsH and has
the appro"al of parents and a judge, then they can be married in 3assachusetts,
9nited tates. They can get the marriage license if they stay in 3assachusetts at
least ?5 days before the marriage.
!s of ;ecember +55D, the federal go"ernment of the 9. . is not recogni-ing
same se. marriage and most states ha"e laws denying rights to same se.
couples. :ith the e.ceptions of 3assachusetts, Iowa, Vermont, 0ew =or# Gwhich
recogni-es, but does not perform marriagesH and 'onnecticut, same se.
marriages are not recogni-ed. ome states that offer ci"il unions, 0ew
/ampshire for e.ample, consider a sameBse. marriage from another state to be
a ci"il union in its state.

0ew :orld 4rder does not actually care about 8protecting #ids8 from
relationships between grownBups and minors. &rotection is just an e.cuse and a
front to co"er up 0:4's agenda to get rid of its opponents, who in Finland are
almost all grownBups, because 0:4 wants to reduce the number of populations
in general. In fact, 0:4 carries out massacres, which are also targeted at
children. 0:4 has suggested that the coming of age should be raised from (D
to +I. !ccording to these new legislation ideas, all persons who are under +I
years of age should be called 8children8. In turn, il"erB'hrist's econd 'oming
and 0oah's Flood 'hurch says that since e"ery acti"ity between adults and
minor boys is considered to be pedophilia in Finland, no matter what its nature,
then the legislation must be changed so that at least boys should come of age
at (5 years old. This is the only solution to a"oid sending innocent adults to
Today on !pril +(, +5(+, I noticed that almost e"ery website that I had made
was gone. I also couldn't log in my website accounts with my username and
/ere is the copy of my email which I sent to Bulgaria's $2B on !pril +(, +5(+7
Today I noticed that most of my websites ha"e been destroyed by you, the $2B
of Bulgaria, just li#e you destroyed my computer. =ou destroyed my one year's
wor#. I also can't access my account with my username and
password anymore. I also had difficulties to log into my email. !ll this has been
done by you criminals of Bulgaria's $2B. Today on !pril +(, +5(+, the
grandmother of my apartment's lessor 3rs. 3aria has been missing for (5 days.
/er relati"es ha"e come se"eral times at my apartment and as#ed where she
is, because nobody has seen her since !pril ((, +5(+, when the $2B went to
interrogate her. I also ha"e not seen her for ten days. /er apartment has no
lights on. I ha"e told her relati"es that I ha"e no idea where she might be,
because she didn't lea"e me any message before she disappeared. I #now that
it is "ery common in these 6astern 6uropean communist countries that when
the $2B wants someone to gi"e false testimonies about someone, they arrest
such a person for a long time and torture him in order to get him tal# what the
$2B wants. &robably you ha"e murdered 3rs 3aria. The copy of this email goes
to FBI and Interpol.
!arre ,ehtonen

9pdated on !pril +J, +5(+. 3r Auet-alcoatI came in front of my apartment late
in the afternoon on !pril +), +5(+, and I saw with my own eyes from 3r
Auet-alcoatl's body, face and eyes that he had spent the whole pre"ious night
doing nothing but fuc#ing and drin#ing alcohol with =ola 3ihailo"i, in whose
apartment he had spent the whole night. 3r Auet-alcoatl as#ed me that can he
enter my apartment, but I refused. I told him that because he spends all his
nights fuc#ing with =ola 3ihailo"i and is paid money for it, so what would he do
in my homeF /e ob"iously wanted money from me, but before he e"en as#ed, I
said that I am not going to gi"e him any money. /e got "ery angry, so I left him
quic#ly and I went inside my residence. I really get "ery upset when that
3ihailo"i gay couple ma#es such harassment to me. 3r Auet-alcoatl will ne"er
during his lifetime stop his prostitution business, so why does he attac# upon
meF !ren't his customers satisfactory after all, e"en when he is being paid wellF
4n !pril +*, +5(+, 3r Auet-alcoatl arranged some drug addict pal of his to hang
around my residence. I noticed the drug addict had his eyes swollen with
narcotics, and he tal#ed with 3r Auet-alcoatl, ob"iously something li#e was he
able to cheat money from me, so that they could buy more narcotics.

9pdated on !pril +>, +5(+. I was tal#ing to my mobile phone today after ( pm,
when I was in my apartment and I #ept my window open. !ll of a sudden my
apartment's lessor came and told me not to telephone anybody at all. /e
shouted at me "ery angrily. I closed the window. /e appeared to be strongly on

Today 3r Auet-alcoatl snea#ed into my apartment when I #ept my entrance
open and I was out nearby for a while, and he went to my computer and started
to play some internet game. I went inside and noticed him at my computer, and
he said to me7 YI $04: ! 36T/4; T4 3!$6 =49 ! &%4B,63< 04: =49 9'$
=4,!' ;I'$<Q Then he went to some net page and pushed simultaneously
some buttons of my #eyboard. !fter that my computer's electricity went off
immediately. The boy had not plugged off any of the cables. I got "ery upset and
I as#ed him what he did to my computer. I tried to restart my computer without
success, it remained inoperati"e. 3ost ob"iously =ola had taught 3r
Auet-alcoatl to snea# into my apartment and brea# my computer by going to
some net page where my computer would get a program which would shut my
computer's electricity. 3r Auet-alcoatl's words Y0ow you suc# =ola's dic#Q
indicated the boy had learned that computer sabotage method from =ola
3ihailo"i. !fter ha"ing cut off the electricity of my computer and ma#ing it
completely inoperati"e, 3r Auet-alcoatl quic#ly left my apartment. I managed,
howe"er, to fi. my computer wor#ing again. Before all this happened, I had
returned from a stroll, and 3r Auet-alcoatl had most probably waited for me in
a small warehouse. 0ow I ha"e still difficulties to open some web pages after
what the boy did to my computer.

9pdated on !pril ?5, +5(+. ! funny and interesting thing is to notice that 3r
Auet-alcoatl has an identical twin brother 'ho Vas#o", for e.ample when one
wee# ago 3r Auet-alcoatl came in front of my apartment with a friend of his,
and just a few days ago 'ho Vas#o" came alone at my apartment, and then I
told him that many days earlier he had arri"ed with his friend and he had tal#ed
suchBandBsuch things to me. 'ho Vas#o" got "ery much surprised and he told me
that he had ne"er arri"ed with that friend at my apartment. That situation was a
little bit frea#y and weird to me, but then I remembered the distinction between
the two identical twin brothers. !ctually there are brief moments when I just
can't tell the difference, because both of the identical twin brothers change their
clothes frequently, and I can't #eep up with it, so at times I am unable to tell the
difference between them, unless I start tal#ing to them and listen to how they
answer me. 6"en their "oices are identical, but it's the differences between the
content of their speech and their beha"ior which is re"ealing who is who.
9pdated on 3ay I, +5(+. They sent the boy named Ilian to my apartment a few
days ago and told him to lure me into a -oo and rob me. I thought his moti"es to
as# me to accompany him to a -oo were innocent, but no way, his intention was
to lure me into an area were there would ha"e been no people to see when he
would ha"e had a chance to attac# me with 3r Auet-alcoatl and #ill me, steal
my camera, my wallet and the #ey to my apartment and steal my computer
from there. Before we started the journey to the -oo, the boy Ilian had told me
that he #nows the number of the bus which would go directly in front of the -oo.
o we stepped into a bus, whose number was not the number he had
mentioned, and I as#ed him what's the matter. /e answered me that no
problem, later we would catch another bus which would ta#e us directly to the
-oo. That was not the case, howe"er, for later we had to ta#e still another bus,
which went to the end of the ofia city to an area where there were only a few
buildings, and a large forest started from there. !t the early point of our journey
3r Auet-alcoatl had joined us as if Yby chanceQ. I thought it couldn't ha"e been a
coincidence, but he also Ywanted to see the -ooQ, so I didn't lea"e the boys yet,
but I began to suspect a conspiracy. The boy Ilian had told me the -oo would be
just in front of the bus stop. :hen the boy Ilian told me that now we must get
out of the bus, I noticed that there was no -oo whatsoe"er in front of the bus
stop, but instead there was a "ast forest wilderness area, and no buildings in
there. 0o signs of a -oo anywhere. !ll the three of us had already left the bus,
and after a while 3r Auet-alcoatl approached me on a sidewal# "ery rapidly and
aggressi"ely, as if trying to hit me. I raised my hand and shouted at him to stop
his approach right there, and he did actually stop. Then I turned around and I
wal#ed towards the direction of the ofia 'ity center. The boy Ilian and 3r
Auet-alcoatl wal#ed away from my sight. I started loo#ing for a ta.i, and they
appeared again and wal#ed towards me. I told them to lea"e me, and they
actually left when I told them that their whole idea of going to a -oo was a plan
to rob me. I too# a ta.i and went to my apartment. Then I loo#ed from 2oogle
maps where we had been, and I noticed that the boy Ilian had ta#en me miles
away from the actual location of the -oo. o all this plan to lure me into "isiting
a -oo was a conspiracy. The boy Ilian had told me earlier this year that he had
"isited =ola 3ihailo"i's apartment and he had witnessed there =ola 3ihailo"i
fuc#ing 3r Auet-alcoatl. Today on 3ay I, +5(+, I saw the boy Ilian and 3r
Auet-alcoatl wal#ing towards the building where there is =ola 3ihailo"i's
Because the $u $lu. $lan failed the -oo project, they sent the Tur#ish gypsy
boy, whose name is !lard-hah, (+ years old, and who li"es on 2eorge
:ashington street, ofia, Bulgaria, to come in front of my apartment in the
e"ening of 3ay *, +5(+. The boy had a large bric# with him, and he said to me
that he will crash my window with it and #ill me. I ha"e the whole thing
"ideotaped. The boy left when three big men from nearby came to my rescue,
but after a while hecame bac#, and I got two e.tra men to help me, so the boy
finally left.
That Tur#ish gypsy boy, !lard-hah, most definitely fuc#s 3r Auet-alcoatl,
because the Tur#ish gypsy boy seems to be "ery jealous about him. %ecently
e"ery time when the Tur#ish gypsy boy has come at my apartment, he has told
me that he and his associates, including 3it#o and ,ubcho, will arrange me to
prison because I ha"e tal#ed to 3r Auet-alcoatl. 4n 3ay I, +5(+, I went to a
ba-aar and I showed many boys the "ideo which I had recorded on 3ay *, +5(+,
when the Tur#ish gypsy boy threatened to crash my window with a bric# and #ill

The boys Ilian, 3r Auet-alcoatl and otir came in front of my apartment on
aturday, 3ay I, +5(+, before midnight, and demanded that I would let them
inside my apartment. I refused. They were most definitely sent by =ola 3ihailo"i,
because they seemed to be coming from his apartment, due to the fact that
especially on wee#ends =ola 3ihailo"i has big alcohol and fuc#ing parties with
the boys. otir told me earlier that he had thrown up all o"er the floor in =ola
3ihailo"i's apartment, because he had drun# so much alcohol which =ola had
offered him. :hen I didn't let the boys to my apartment, all the boys went bac#
to =ola 3ihailo"i's apartment, and there most definitely was also the Tur#ish
gypsy boy, who also has been gi"en orders by =ola 3ihailo"i that what he should
do against me. !ll the boys are being fuc#ed by each other and =ola 3ihailo"i in
his wee#end parties.
AuestionsF !nswers.
1os #erran jot#ut terroriBis#ut o"at oi#eita ja toiset taas pel##ia la"astu#sia,
teatterinaytelmaa, fei##ifotoja ja fei##i"ideoita, tehty /ollywoodissa, niin mista
tiedat ettei"at#o sitten #ai##i sodat#in ole pel##aa la"astusta, jota "aitetaan
3ista tiedat, ettei#o esim. #o#o toinen maailmansota ollut massii"ista
elo#u"ala"astusta, jossa hyodynnettiin "ain normaalisti puretta"ia "anhoja
ra#ennu#sia ja "aitettiin niiden olleen pommitusten #ohteenaF 3ummelit pit#at
palttoot paalla "ain nayttelemassa raunioilla, #aduilla ole"at ruumisroy##iot
roudattu sinne ruumishuoneilta, joista on tilattu luonnollisella ta"alla #uolleita
tai sitten ela"ia nayttelijoita 8"ainajina8 pit#in 8sotatantereita8F $etsupit
naamaan ja meno#si. Toisen maailmansodan uhrilu#u tasan nolla. 6i ollut
#es#itysleireja#aan, "aan #ai##i oli pel##aa elo#u"ala"astusta. 3i#si tehtiin
talla ta"alla, #u#a hyotyiF &elote #ansalle, ja samalla tietyt tahot sai"at fyr##aa
hallitu#silta, jot#a us#oi"at 8heidan maassaan riehu"an sodan8 tai 8heidan
maataan lahitienoilla uh#aa"an sodan8 ole"an todellista.
3ista tiedat ettei#o #o#o 9#rainan #riisi ole pel##aa teatteria, jo#a elo#u"ataan,
"alo#u"ataan ja raportoidaan ole"an todellistaF $ai##i sotilaat pel##ia
teatterinayttelijoita, heista ammattinayttelijoita ne, joita eniten haastatellaan,
loput taustalla o"at amatoorinayttelijoita. 6i siis ole olemassa 89#rainan
armeijaa8, jota "astaan sotii 8#apinallisia8. $ai##i sodat lapi maailmanhistorian
o"at olleet pel##aa la"astusta.
3yos /iroshiman ja 0agasa#in atomipommit se#a atomipommien
#oerajayty#set autiomaissa o"at pel#aa #u"amanipulaatiota, tehty tuli"uoren
sa"ua #u"aa"ista filmeista ja sitten tehty sa"uilmioista 8atomipommien8
fei##i"alo#u"at ja fei##ielo#u"at, jos sitten edes tuli"uoret#aan o"at todellisia.
9!7n sisallissotaa#aan ei #os#aan tapahtunut, "aan #ai##i oli pel#aa
ul#oilmateatteria, tyyliin Turun $es#iai#aiset 3ar##inat. isallissodan pressaa
!braham ,incolnia ei #os#aan salamurhattu, ei#a "aitettya !braham ,incolnin
ampujaa 1ohn :il#es Boothia #os#aan teloitettu, ei#a hanen neljaa
salaliittoapuriaan #os#aan hirtetty, "aan ne hirttajaiset oli"at la"astusta, tosin
aidon na#oista, mutta hirttaminen "oidaan la"astaa nayttamaan aidolta.
Toinen aarimmaisyys7 uudet syytteeni #os#e"at sita, etta lahto#ohtaisesti 9!7n
sisallissota oli todellista, ja etta mina olin 1ohn :il#es Booth, jo#a salamurhasin
!braham ,incolnin, mutta "altin teloitu#sen ja oi#euden#aynnin ja pa#enin
uomeen "uonna (D)I ja otin itselleni uuden hen#ilollisuuden ja teetin
#as"olei##au#sen, ja olen edelleen#in elossa, ja olen nyt (J)B"uotias "uonna
+5(*. ofian #aupunginsyyttaja ei tar#ista mitaan tietoja ei#a "alo#u"ia
mistaan 9!7n sisallissotaa ja !braham ,incolnin salamurhaa #asittele"ista
historian#irjoista ei#a 9!7n #ansallisar#istosta, "aan #os#a syyttaja sanoo, etta
olen 1ohn :il#es Booth, perusteluna "ain se, etta olin "alinnut itselleni uuden
nimen !arre ,ehtonen, !. ,., jo#a tasmaa nimeen !braham ,incoln, !. ,., niin
"ain tama sei##a todistaa syyllisyyteni, ja myos se on todisteena
syyllisyydestani, etta olen yleensa "ain #iinnostunut tasta aiheesta ja teen
asiasta 2442,6Bha#uja, ja etta mina#in pidan teatterista ja naytelma#irjailija
:illiam ha#espearen naytelmista #uten myos 1ohn :il#es Booth, jo#a oli
ammattinayttelija teattereissa ja te#i :illiam ha#espearen naytelmien
!braham ,incoln oli#in 4FI!,!I060 &4,III, jon#a syyttajan mu#aan "aitetysti
salamurhasin ofian #aupungin FordBnimisessa teatterissa "uonna +5(+
jona#in epamaaraisena pai"ana jos#us #e"aalla +5(+, tar##aa tietoa ei ole,
mutta on #ylla #o#o teatterisalillinen yleisoa 8silminna#ijoina8, jot#a #ai##i
oli"at suomalaisia turisteja, jot#a alle#irjoitti"at pel#illa su#unimillaan
todisteluraporttinsa syyttajalle, etta oli"at pai#alla jos#us #e"aalla
epamaaraisena pai"ana "uonna +5(+ #atsomassa naytelmaa ja ha"aitsi"at #un
ammuin sofialaisen poliisin nimelta !braham ,incoln hanelle "aratussa
aitiossa, hyppasin aitiosta nayttamolle ja huusin7 8I' 63&6% T=%!00I<8 ja
pa#enin ta#ao"en #autta he"osella. Tasta aiheutui I!,,I4T! ofiassa, ei#a
ainoastaan tasta, "aan olin ennen salamurhaa "aitetysti jul#aissut netissa #irjan
nimelta 8eta !arren tupa8 G89ncle !arre's cabin8H, jo#a oli lopullinen aihe
ofian sisallissodalle, jossa #uoli miljoonia ihmisia, taman todista"at
maalau#set ja "alo#u"at 9!7n sisallissodasta (D55Blu"ulta, se#a erityisesti
piirro#set samalta ajalta, joissa salamurhaan sofialaisen poliisin !braham
,incolnin. Talle on myos =$ITT!II!$I0 I,3I00!$I14IT!, "uodelta (>I) eras
TVBtieto#ilpailu, jossa >)B"uotias mies todistaa nahneensa minun olleen
,incolnin salamurhaaja "uonna +5(+. e TVBnauha on myos =49T9B6!
todisteena, en laita lin##ia. 3yos eraassa %!;I4/!!T!TT6,9! "uodelta
(>?? on mies, ammatiltaan teatterinayttelija, jo#a na#i #un salamurhasin
,incolnin "uonna +5(+, ja myos se radionauha on =49T9B6!, en laita lin##ia.
!arre ,ehtonen
The ,incoln 'onspiracy, directed by 1ames ,. 'onway, 9! (>JJ, full mo"ie in
the =ouTube lin#7"O.BbV&b'='&5
0he Sofia city +rosecutor !rote that 3 am not +ermitted to *et out of %ul*aria at
all. 3f 3 try, 3 !ill "e arrested at the "order and thro!n to +rison. 0his +rohi"ition
lasts for the rest of my life, so they kee+ me as a +risoner to this country. S8 31
0H3S WAB 0H/B A.0&ALLB AA4/ @/ A L3/ S/10/1./. 3 HA4/ @B 'ASS'8I0
S03LL 4AL3- &103L S/'0/@%/I 201(, S8 31 @B .AS/ 305S 180 0H/ P&/S0381
8 180 '8SS/SS31A A 'I8'/I 0IA4/L31A -8.&@/10. @B 'ASS'8I0 WAS
3SS&/- A0 31LA1-5S /@%ASSB 31 S83A, %&LAAI3A, 31 S/'0/@%/I 2011.
0H/ S83A 'I8S/.&08I S/10 1/W -/.8BS I8@ 0H/ .30B 8 SL34/1 08
HAIASS @/. H/ AIIA1A/- A WH8L/ AB'SB A@3LB 08 @B 1/3AH%8IH88-,
A1- W30H8&0 A1B I/AS81 0H/ @80H/I 8 0HA0 A@3LB HA- S'I/A- L3/S
A%8&0 @/ 0HA0 3 HA- :/'0 H3S 11CB/AIC8L- S81 31 @B A'AI0@/10 %B
8I./, WH3.H 3S A 080AL L3/. 0H/ %8B H3@S/L -/13/- 0H3S L3/ 08 H3S
@80H/I, S8 3 WAS L&.:B 0HA0 0H/ %8B -3-150 WA10 08 'AI03.3'A0/ 31 0HA0
%LA.: 8'/IA0381 8 S83A 'I8S/.&08I. 0H/ WH8L/ 31.3-/10 8..&II/-
WH/1 0H/ %8B WA10/- 08 S// @B .8@'&0/I, A1- 3 @A-/ A @3S0A:/ %B
L/0031A H3@ S// 30. A0/I A WH3L/ H3S @80H/I A''/AI/- A0 @B -88I A1-
SAW H/I S81 S30031A A0 @B .8@'&0/I A1- SH/ SA3- 0HA0 18 'I8%L/@
W30H 0HA0. A%8&0 81/ H8&I LA0/I SH/ W/10 A1- .8@'LA31/- 08 H/I
1/3AH%8IS 0HA0 3 ://' H/I S81 AS A H8S0AA/ 31 @B A'AI0@/10>
8I0&1A0/LB 0H8S/ 1/3AH%8IS AI/ 4/IB W/LL :18W1 08 @/ A1- 0H/B
318I@/- @/ WHA0 0H/ @80H/I HA- 08L- 0H/@, A1- 0H/B %/L3/4/- @/
WH/1 3 /O'LA31/- 0HA0 305S ALL A L3/, A1- 0H/ %8B H3@S/L WAS 0H/I/
A1- H/ 08L- @B 1/3AH%8IS 0HA0 3 HA- 1/4/I :/'0 H3@ 31 @B A'AI0@/10
%B 8I./. 3 A@ S&I/ 0HA0 0H/ @80H/I WAS 31S0I&.0/- %B S83A
'I8S/.&08I 08 L3/, S8 0HA0 3 W8&L- A8 %A.: 08 'I3S81. 0H/ WH8L/
A@3LB .A@/ 08 @B 1/3AH%8IH88- I8@ A AICAWAB .30B 8 SL34/1 J&S0
A .8&'L/ 8 W//:S A0/I 3 HA- @84/- 08 @B 1/W A'AI0@/10, S8 0H3S
.A150 %/ J&S0 A .831.3-/1./. 0H3S A00/@'0/- ALS/ 0/S03@81B 8..&II/-
81 /AS0/I 2014, A1- 3 08L- 0H/ %8B A1- H3S A@3LB 0HA0 3 W3LL 1/4/I
AAA31 L/0 A1B 8 0H/@ 08 @B A'AI0@/10. 0H3S 31.3-/10 WAS J&S0 S3@3LAI
08 0HA0 8 @B ALS/ AS/1 4AS:84 .AS/ 31 S83A 31 2012, A1- 30 ALL
'I84/S 0HA0 0H3S /AS0/I 2014 31.3-/10 WAS AIIA1A/- %B 0H/ /43L A1-
-/@813. LAW /18I./@/10 8 S83A, %&LAAI3A. A0/I A3L31A 08 @A:/ A
ALS/ 0/S03@81B A%8&0 @/ 0H/ @80H/I A''/AI/- W30H S8@/ W/I/W8L
@A1 A0 @B -88I 31 0H/ @3--L/ 8 0H/ 13AH0 A1- SH/ -/@A1-/- 0HA0 3
8'/1 0H/ -88I 8I 0H/@. 3 I/&S/-. A0/I A%8&0 81/ H8&I 0H/ %8B
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HA- L/0 H3@ 31, 0H/ @80H/I W8&L- HA4/ .ALL/- 0H/ .8'S S8 0HA0 3
W8&L- HA4/ %//1 AII/S0/- A1- :/'0 31 'I3S81 8I 0H/ 1/O0 0/1 B/AIS
81 ALS/ 9:3-1A''31A9 .HAIA/S AAA31, A1- SH/ W8&L- HA4/ %//1 A%L/
08 I8% ALL @B @81/B 31 .8C8'/IA0381 W30H 0H/ S83A 'I8S/.&08I.
S83A LAW /18I./@/10 AI/ '3AS A1- %/AS0S 8 'I/B 31 H&@A1 8I@>
0H/B AI/ SHA@/L/SSLB 0IB31A 08 AIIA1A/ A L3/ S/10/1./ 08 @/ 8I
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S8@/ -/43L3SH 'I3/S0 8 %&LAAI3A1 8I0H8-8O .H&I.H, %/.A&S/ 3
310/I'I/0 .HI3S03A1 I/L3A381 31 A WAB 0HA0 18%8-B HAS /4/I -81/
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%&0 0H/ S.&@ 8 0H/ /AI0H. H8W 3 HA0/ 0H/@ A1- S'30 A0 0H/@> 0H/B AI/
@B 1&@%/I 81/ /1/@3/S 31 0H3S W8IL->
%ul*aria5s 8rthodo7 church has o+enly told that it *ives orders to kill *ays and
their allies. 1e!s from Advocate and %ul*arian ne!s a*ency 1ovinite2
%ul*arian 'riest &r*es 4iolence at 'ride 'arade
A %ul*arian 8rthodo7 cler*yman has said stones should "e thro!n at +arade
marchers and that their +olitical allies should "e dro!ned.
A ri*htC!in* event has "een scheduled for Saturday in Sofia, %ul*aria, to counter
the LA%0 +ride +arade the same day, and a local 8rthodo7 +riest is encoura*in*
violence a*ainst +arade +artici+ants.
@em"ers of anti*ay *rou+s, includin* an e7treme ri*htC!in* +olitical +arty, have
received a city +ermit to hold an event 6ust hours "efore the +arade, re+orts
LA%0 ri*hts *rou+ All 8ut. 3t is Rostensi"ly a SconcertL "ut in reality an antiC'ride
*atherin*,T says an All 8ut +ress release.
/arlier this month, ather /v*eniy Banakiev, a +riest in the %ul*arian 8rthodo7
.hurch, told the %ul*arian Standard ne!s+a+er that Rstones should "e thro!nT
at marchers in the +arade. He also said +olitical leaders !ho su++ort the
+arade should Rdro!ned in the sea !ith millstones tied around their necks.T
Human ri*hts activists called for the church hierarchy to condemn the +riestLs
comments, "ut the church issued a statement callin* the +arade RimmoralT and
a Rharmful demonstration that violates the ri*hts of 8rthodo7 .hristians.T
.hurch officials ur*ed +arents and teachers to kee+ youn* +eo+le from
+artici+atin* and descri"ed homose7uality as Ran unnatural +assion that
undou"tedly harms the +ersonality, the family and the society.T
@em"ers of All 8ut fear that BanakievLs statements and the anti*ay *atherin*
!ill lead to violence at the +arade. Some marchers in the +ride +arade !ere
"eaten on the streets on their !ay home from the event last year, the *rou+
notes, and durin* the first such +arade in Sofia, in 200#, ri*htC!in*
demonstrators thre! fire"om"s at +artici+ants. 0he *rou+ is coordinatin* an
international cam+ai*n to ur*e the mayor of Sofia to revoke the +ermit for the
anti*ay event.
Y@ayor Bordanka andakova has a res+onsi"ility to +rotect the 'ride
+artici+ants !hen there is real dan*er that e7tremists !ill e7act horrific violence
on her citi<ens, sim+ly "ecause the !ant to live o+enly and "e em"raced for
!ho they are,T said All 8ut e7ecutive director Andre %anks. RAivin* an official
+ermit to violent, anti*ay e7tremists on the same mornin* as 'ride is a reci+e
for disaster.T .lick here for more information.
1e!s from %ul*aria5s official ne!s a*ency on June 1#, 20122
Sofia Aay 'arade 8r*ani<ers Want .hurch to Sto+ 3ts .alls for 4iolence
0he or*ani<ers of %ul*aria5s Sofia 'ride *ay +arade have once a*ain demanded
that the %ul*arian 8rthodo7 .hurch distance itself from the recent calls for
violence a*ainst the +arade.
8n June ), ather /v*eniy Banakiev from the Sliven e+archy made an
outra*eous statement re*ardin* the u+comin* +arade, sayin* that 9stones
should "e thro!n9 at its +artici+ants.
As a result, the Sofia 'ride initiative committee came u+ !ith an official
statement insistin* on the Holy Synod5s firm and +u"lic demarcation from any
calls to violence a*ainst the +arade on "ehalf of its re+resentatives.
Ho!ever, instead of condemnin* any calls for violence, the Holy Synod said in a
statement that 9homose7uality is an unnatural +assion that undou"tedly harms
the +ersonality, the family and the society.9
0he %ul*arian 8rthodo7 .hurch declared that it strictly o++osed the event, !hich
it considered to "e 9immoral.9
0he %ul*arian 8rthodo7 .hurch further called u+on +arents and teachers to
+revent children from +artici+atin* in the +arade D or even !itnessin* it,
claimin* it !ould "e a 9harmful demonstration that violates the ri*hts of
8rthodo7 .hristians.9
June $0 !ill see the fifth edition of Sofia 'ride, a march for eNual ri*hts of
+ersons of different se7ual orientation or *ender identity.
Sofia 'ride has so far "een "acked "y the em"assies of the &SA, 1etherlands,
%el*ium, &:, Aermany, Slovenia, inland, 1or!ay, Austria, rance and
S!it<erland and a num"er of nonC*overnmental or*ani<ations.
%ul*aria5s senior cler*y !as rattled "y a scandal in January, as it turned out that
most of its mem"ers are former .ommunist State Security s+ies.
Someone sent to my email this letter on 2) June, 20142
'opy of the letter of ofia prosecution office to embassy of Finland
Translated from Bulgarian to 6nglish
ent +J 1anuary +5(*
!arre a#ari ,ehtonen, a Finnish national, I+, has mass murdered four people
in ofia on +) 1anuary +5(*. Their names are7
(.!sen Vas#o" 3etodie", born +? 3arch, +555
+.3it#o 3etodie", born (J 4ctober (>>J
?.,jubcho 0aideno" 3etodie", date of birth un#nown
*.3other of !sen Vas#o" 3etodie"
0one of the corpses of the "ictims ha"e been found, but all those four people
ha"e been reported missing since +I 1anuary +5(*, and !arre a#ari ,ehtonen
is the main suspect for ha"ing mass murdered them all. There are four hundred
tourists from 6stonia, all eyewitnesses who saw that !arre a#ari ,ehtonen
committed all the murders. 0obody of them can tell the e.act locations where
the murders ha"e been committed, or how the murders were committed, but it
does not matter, because they all said that !arre a#ari ,ehtonen is guilty
anyway. :e ha"e only one name of all four hundred 6stonian eyewitnesses, who
told us that they told him what !arre a#ari ,ehtonen has done, his name is
6uyaalialah 9lialiyaalah 4ilualialaah, born on +J 1anuary, (D>>, !rmenia,
'aucasus, where people li"e to e.treme old ages.
!arre a#ari ,ehtonen must be searched, arrested and brought to prison and
charges ha"e been pressed against him for mass murdering four people, and he
must be sentenced to lifetime in prison without parole.
". /i#o" district attorney
I copied the sender address of the email from which I released the abo"e te.t,
and I wrote it to 3essenger and in"ited the sender to accept my request for
adding my messenger address to his list. The sender did that, and he said that
he represents ". /i#o", and he actually used that name during our messenger
discussion. /e wrote in Bulgarian language, and I used an online translation
machine to translate his te.ts to 6nglish, and I told him to do the same in other
way around, so he used a translation machine to translate my 6nglish te.ts to
Bulgarian. Below I copy our discussion from 3essenger on 1une +I, +5(*, and I
had to correct some of the grammatical inaccuracies of his translation machine,
so below I release the corrected te.t7
". /i#o"7 o you must be that !arre a#ari ,ehtonenF I will rip your guts off
your stomach. =ou ha"e murdered four people, we ha"e pictures as e"idence.
Ta#e a loo#, I will show them to you.
Gends pictures which you can see below7H
@e2 Hold on
3e Gfi"e minutes laterH7 I #now what those photos are, you ha"e ta#en them
from one of my old websites. The photos are showing the hanging occasion of
!braham ,incoln's four assassination conspirators in (D)I.
". /i#o"7 =ou are a liar, you ha"e manipulated all those photos to ma#e them
loo# li#e old, in reality they were all ta#en on 1anuary +), +5(*, and where's
that old website of yoursF I bet it's been banned.
3e7 3y old website was on !, and it was banned, but if you put
those photos to 2oogle's image search, you will find that they can be found from
"arious other websites also.
". /i#o"7 =49 made all those "arious other websites, to fool me, the honored
district attorney, and I am ne"er wrong, because e"erything I say is the absolute
truth, and e"erything you say is absolute false.
3e7 I see. :ell, those same photos also appear in many physical boo#s, that
were released in 9! decades ago.
". /i#o"7 =ou ha"e released all those boo#s as well, decades ago, to be able to
carry out the mass murder of four people in ofia in +5(*, posing to be many
names of different boo# writers. ee, you can't go around my charges in any way
at all, because I can pro"e your all statements to be fa#e. In $2B laboratory in
ofia they managed to oo-e out the faces of !sen Vas#o" 3etodie", his mother,
3it#o 3etodie" and ,jubcho 0aideno" 3etodie" from under the hoods of the
hanged. I will show you now their oo-edBout faces, ha"e a loo#7
Gends a picture from which the picture te.t has been deleted out, because from
2oogle's image search I found out the full photo, which I release below, with the
picture te.t mentioning the names of the four ,incoln assassination
conspirators, and for clarification I afterwards wrote the names of the gypsies
that I ha"e allegedly murdered upon the face pictures of ,incoln assassination
@e2 Hold on
3e Gse"en minutes laterH7 The faces of all those four people ha"e been officially
registered and archi"ed in the 9nited tates ,ibrary of 'ongress and 0ational
!rchi"es etc. since the year (D)I.
". /i#o"7 I am not interested in that, and I won't chec# out anything from 9!.
It was probably =49 who infiltrated those photos there and falsified the dates of
the photos to be ta#en in (D)I, so I don't belie"e in any information from 9!,
and you can't help that.
". /i#o" Gafter a long pauseH7 :e ha"e four hundred 6stonian tourists as
eyewitnesses who will testify under oath in court that they saw e.actly what you
did in those photos, that you hanged four Bulgarian gypsies on 1anuary +),
+5(*. 0one of the eyewitnesses will ha"e to show up in a court room, because
we ha"e their testimonies documented in our files, and that is sufficient to get
you sentenced to lifetime in prison, and we also ha"e those photos as e"idence.
". /i#o" Gafter a long pauseH7 I thin# that if you admit that you are guilty, then
the whole court process will be done in fi"e minutes, and you will get only *5
years in prison, but if you say that you are not guilty, then we ha"e to prolong the
court process to be as much as twenty minutes, and you will get the rest of your
lifetime in prison and you are not able to complain to any higher court in any
case, so there will be only one hearing for you, not a second one e"er, and you
will be sentenced, no matter what your e.planations are. 0ow tell me where you
are, so that I can send the police to arrest you and bring you to ofia court. !nd
if you release our messenger con"ersation to anyone, I swear to 2od that you
will be a dead man.
3e7 =ou are acting li#e in old communist $2B times, when people were sent to
prisons and mental hospitals for merely possessing a Bible.
". /i#o"7 /9T 9&< T6,, 36 :/6%6 =49 ,IV6< I :I,, &6%40!,,= '436 !0;
$I,, =49< B6TT6% TI,,, I :I,, '!,, T/6 '4& !0; :IT/ 3= &6%3II40
!0; &%6'I6 4%;6% T/6= :I,, /44T =49 ;6!; :IT/ T/6I% 3!'/I06
290< I /!T6 T/6 BIB,6 F%43 T/6 B4TT43 4F 3= /6!%T< /4: ;!%6 =49 T4
'%ITI'IK6 36F ;40'T =49 $04: T/!T IT' 36, :/4 I T/6 430I&4T60T 24;
4F T/6 :/4,6 90IV6%6F I '!0 ;6'I;6 !B49T &64&,6' ,IV6 !0; ;6!T/,
!0; I '!0 ;6'I;6 :/4 246 T4 &%I40 F4% T/6 %6T 4F /I ,IF6 !0; :/4
246 04T< I '!0 $I,, !0=406 !0=:/6%6 !0=TI36 I :I/, !0; 04B4;=
;!%6 T4 T%= T4 T4& 36<
3e7 I stop our discussion now, ha"e a nice day.
In the year +5(+ the prosecutor of ofia was gi"en one photograph where some
boy was seen only from the right side of his face, so his full face was not
"iewable at all. /is right ear, howe"er, was in plain sight. The boy in that photo
was lying down on his belly, he had no clothes whatsoe"er on him, and his
hands were tied up from his wrists at his bac# and his mouth was also tied up.
4n the basis of that one photograph the prosecutor made his "erbal description
in his accusation document what was going on in the photo, and he accused
that it was me, 3r !arre ,ehtonen, who had #idnapped a #nown boy named
!sen Vas#o", born on 3arch +?, +555, and that I had also tried to murder him
with a #nife. The prosecutor said that there were a total of nine eyewitnesses to
this crime. !ll this was a complete lie. 0obody of those Ynine eyewitnessesQ, nor
e"en !sen Vas#o" himself, was able to tell the e.act month or a day of the
month when this alleged #idnapping and attempted murder had occurred, and
nobody of them could tell the street address of an apartment where this crime
had been committed. In spite of all this the prosecutor said that I had #idnapped
and tried to murder a (+ByearBold boy !sen Vas#o". 4n the basis of these
charges, along with my Y,aoBT-u caseQ, I was #ept arrested in prison
continuously one year and fi"e months. :hen they let me out of prison after I
had spent one year and fi"e months arrested, these false charges were 04T
;I3I6; !T !,,, but instead I was ordered not to lea"e Bulgaria.
I told in the brief court of my arrest on 1uly (*, +5(+, that I ha"e real photos of
!sen Vas#o"'s full face as well as of his right ear, Gthose pictures being ta#en on
;ecember ?(, +5((H, and if the pattern of his right ear would be compared to
the pattern of the right ear of the boy, who is in that Y#idnapping photographQ,
then definitely anyone can see that their ear patterns don't match, so the boy in
the photograph is 04T !sen Vas#o". Both the prosecutor and the judge didn't
want to listen to me at all. I still ha"e real photographs of !sen Vas#o"'s front
face, from which the pattern of his right ear can be clearly seen. In the brief
court of my arrest on 1uly (*, +5(+, I was told only the last names of all those
alleged 8nine eyewitnesses8, they had no first names at all, and nobody of them
e"er showed up anywhere during that time of one year and fi"e months of my
0ews from Telegraph newspaper on 4ctober (5, +5(57
6ars pro"ide new way of identifying people in airports
The shape of a person's ears could pro"ide a new way of identifying people in
airports following new research.
Forget fingerprints or the colour of your eyes, airport security could soon be
loo#ing at the shape of your ears when deciding whether to allow you into the
%esearchers ha"e disco"ered that each person's ears ha"e a unique shape and
ha"e created a system that is able to scan them. The scans can then be
compared with a database of ear shapes to identify whose they are.
They hope that the system can be used to ta#e pictures of a person's ear as they
wal# through passport control.
&rofessor 3ar# 0i.on, who led the team from the school of electronics and
computer science at the 9ni"ersity of outhampton, said7 8There are a whole
load of structures in the ear that you can use to get a set of measurements that
are unique to an indi"idual.
8:ith biometrics, a lot of the problems is what happens when people get old.
:ith facial recognition, the systems are often confused by crows feet and other
signs of ageing. =our ears, howe"er, age "ery gracefully. They grow proportionally
larger and your lobe gets a bit more elongated, but otherwise your ears are fully
formed from birth.8
3any other biometric approaches used to identify people can be easily confused
or are difficult to use.
Facial recognition software, for e.ample, is often confused by changes in
e.pression so people need to maintain a neutral e.pression and in some cases
e"en a"oid wearing ma#e up.
The 9$ &assport er"ice has been trialing facial recognition at tandsted !irport
since +55D.
%etina scanning trials ha"e also been used, but these require subjects to loo#
directly at a scanner at close range.
The ear scanning technique uses a technology called image ray transform that
highlights all the tubular structures of the ear and measures them.
&rofessor 0i.on belie"es ear scanning could ta#e place as passengers wal#
though security gates, for e.ample, by placing cameras on either side to capture
an image of their ears.
!ll British passports now carry chips that can hold biometric information on
them and pictures of a person's ears could be added to that.
&rofessor 0i.on and his team tested +I+ images of different ears and found the
system was able to match each ear to a separate image held in its database
with >> per cent accuracy.
They recently presented their results at the Fourth International 'onference on
8Fingerprints are one of the best ways we ha"e of identifying an indi"idual at the
moment,8 said &rofessor 0i.on. 8But on some people, e"en they are not so
effecti"e. Ba#ers and bric# layers tend not to ha"e ob"ious fingerprints as the
distincti"e whirls rub off.
8It is harder to do that with your ears, but there is one thing that can get in the
way of the ears and that is hair. In reality, I e.pect there won't be a single
approach, but in fact a combination of different biometrics that can be ta#en
simultaneously to identify an indi"idual.8
! spo#esman for the /ome 4ffice said they were aware of the ear identification
technology but were not considering introducing it for use with British passports.
/e said7 8:e welcome new and inno"ati"e technology but this is not an
approach we are considering at the moment.8
B9,2!%I!0 &64&,6 !0; 4%T/4;4@ '/9%'/ TI,, /!V6 T%402
9&6%TITI49 B6,I6F I0 T/6 6@IT60'6 4F V!3&I%6
Bulgarian 4rthodo. church thin#s that I had se. with a (5ByearBold 'hinese boy
,aoBT-u in a mansion of a "ampire named Tsura in 6urope's oldest city of
&ro"adiaBolnitsata in Bulgaria in the year +5((.
,aoBT-u is +5 years old on 4ctober ?, +5(*. I saw his official 6uropean 9nion
identity card, and his face photo and his date of birth printed on it, which is
4ctober ?, (>>*. In any case I ne"er had se. with him, although it would ha"e
been legal because he had reached the age of consent. In spite of that, it was
the third false accusation that cops made against me, when it was written on
the police documents that ,aoBT-u is way under (* years old, about ten in the
year +5((. !ll the three false charges against me Gthe two other false charges
were based on false testimonies made by ,aoBT-u's nephew !sen Vas#o"H were
to bring me three times eight years of prison sentence, totaling from +* years to
lifetime in prison.
Vampire Tsura is said to ha"e been the first "ampire and tales are still told of her
bloodBsoa#ed bacchanals. Kura is belie"ed to be the first "ampire in all of
creation, supposedly she was an ancient !-lanti queen who possessed a lust for
eternal life so great she e"entually resorted to feeding on her own #ind. 6"en
thousands of years later people still whisper the legends of her decadent,
sa"age feasts and her baths of warm human blood. ome scholars e"en claim
that her ascension heralded the beginning of the ancient !-lant empire's
descent into decadence and e"entual destruction at the beginning of the !ge of
B9,2!%I!0 4%T/4;4@ '/9%'/ T/I0$ T/!T ,!4BTK9 ,IV6 I0 T/6 T9%!
V!3&I%6' 3!0I40 I0 69%4&6' 4,;6T T4:0 &%4V!;I!B4,0IT!T!, !0;
T/!T ,!4BTK9 I !,4 ! V!3&I%6, :/4 %63!I0 F4%6V6% ! ! (5B=6!%B4,;
B4=, :IT/49T 26TTI02 4,;6% !T !,,.
T/6 69%4&6!0 90I40 I;60TIT= '!%; :! 4FFI'I!,,= 2IV60 T4 ,!4BTK9 !T !
&4,I'6 T!TI40 I0 4FI! I0 ;6'63B6% +5(5. I $04: IT, B6'!96 IT :! 36
:/4 !''43&!0I6; ,!4BTK9 !0; B4T/ 4F /I &!%60T T4 T/!T &4,I'6
T!TI40 I0 04V63B6% +5(5, !0; I &!I; T/6 T!@I 6@&606 ! :6,, ! T/6
I;B'!%;' F!'6 &/4T42%!&/, !0; I !,4 2!V6 ,!4BTK9 (5 69%4 F4% T/6
I;B'!%; 6@&606. !FT6% !B49T 406 340T/ ,!4BTK9 %6'6IV6; /I I;B
'!%; !0; /6 /4:6; IT T4 36, !0; I !,4 T44$ ! &/4T4'4&= 4F T/!T
'!%; T4 3=6,F. T/!T I;B'!%; :! 4FFI'I!,,= I96; B= ! ,4'!, &4,I'6
T!TI40 I0 4FI!, B9,2!%I!, !0; IT ',6!%,= I0;I'!T6; T/!T ,!4BTK9'
;!T6 4F BI%T/ I 4'T4B6% ?, (>>*, IT :! &%I0T6; 40 T/6 I;B'!%;. I '!36
T4 B9,2!%I! F4% T/6 FI%T TI36 I0 3= ,IF6 I0 4'T4B6% +5(5. I /!V6 ! F!'6
&/4T4 4F ,!4BTK9, T!$60 I0 04V63B6% +5(5, !0; !0=406 :/4 T!$6 !
,44$ !T T/!T &/4T4 :I,, 66 T/!T ,!4BTK9 '!0'T B6 (5 =6!% 4,; I0 T/6
&/4T4, B6'!96 4F /I F!'I!, F6!T9%6 !0; /I 3!,, 39T!'/6.
%emember that this 8,aoBT-u case8 was one of the three false charges because
of which I was #ept arrested in prison continuously one year and fi"e months in
Bulgaria, and I still can't get out of Bulgaria for the rest of my life. In the "ery
short court procedure of my arrest on 1uly (*, +5(+, I told the prosecutor and
the judge that ,aoBT-u has an official 6uropean 9nion identity card, from which
his real age can be "erified, but they didn't want to listen to me. o all this
means that ,aoBT-u didn't ha"e to show any identity card to the cops to whom
he made a false testimony about me. ,aoBT-u only had claimed that he is ten
years old, and nobody "erified it, not e"en the prosecutor, who made this false
8,aoBT-u case8 against me. If ,aoBT-u was allegedly (5 years old in the year
+5(+, what was he doing in ofia jails as a prisoner in the years +5(+ and
+5(?, when I met him there in the same jails where I was arrestedF This whole
thing ma#es no sense at all.
1ames :illiam Boyd
1ames :illiam Boyd G(D++ R after (D)IH was a 'onfederate tates of !merica
military officer who was alleged in a conspiracy theory to ha"e been #illed in the
place of 1ohn :il#es Booth, the assassin of &resident !braham ,incoln.
Boyd was born in /op#ins"ille, $entuc#y, in (D++, and li"ed in 1ac#son,
Tennessee where he married 'aroline !. 3alone in (D*I, and had se"en
children. Boyd was a captain in the )th Tennessee Infantry %egiment of
'onfederate tates !rmy, 'ompany F, during the !merican 'i"il :ar.
Boyd was captured at 1ac#son in (D)? and held as a prisoner of war by the
9nion. In ;ecember (D)*, while a prisoner of war, he requested permission to
be released so he could return home to ta#e care of his se"en motherless
children. Boyd's wife 'aroline had died while he was incarcerated. 6dwin 3.
tanton, the 9nited tates ecretary of :ar, appro"ed Boyd's petition on
February (*, (D)I. Boyd's official whereabouts following his release remain a
mystery. /is son 1ames recei"ed a letter to meet Boyd in Browns"ille,, for
a trip to 3e.ico, but Boyd ne"er showed up for the rende-"ous and no further
contact was e"er recei"ed from him.
!ccording to a theory put forth by the (>JJ boo# and subsequent film 0he
Lincoln .ons+iracy, Boyd was mista#en for 1ohn :il#es Booth and #illed on !pril
+), (D)I, at %ichard 2arrett's farm, near Bowling 2reen, 'aroline 'ounty,
Virginia. The theory adds that the 9.. go"ernment was aware of the error, but
co"ered it up and, thus, enabled Booth to escape to freedom.
I ha"e e"idence from the Bible, that I ha"e presented in my boo# named
8!asenappar's little boo# of Bible8, to following statements7
0he first %i"le !as !ritten entirely in innish lan*ua*e.
0hey had cameras, tele+hones and satellites in %i"lical times, and they are all
mentioned in the %i"le.
0he first .hristian movement !as Iosencreu<ians, !ho !ere youn* "oys, livin*
in the %lack Sea coast, and they !ere com+letely naked.
@ust "e taken literally that .hrist !as a child and the disci+les of .hrist !ere
naked children, 2 'eter $21(, Luke 2241C4,, John 212,, 1 .orinthians 4211, Jo"
242),,10. :in* James %i"le. 3n all innish lan*ua*e %i"les, the disci+les of
.hrist are called "y the e7+ression child students, Fo+etusla+setG.
%osicrucianism is commonly used for %osencreu-ianism, but it is not the correct
way of spelling it. In the Bible's 4ld Testament in ong of olomon +7(,+,? it's
said7 9@in; olen Saronin kukkanen, 6a kukoistus laaksossa. 1iinkuin ruusu
or6anta++uroissa, niin on armaani tyt;rten seassa. 1iinkuin omena+uu
mets;+uiden seassa, niin on yst;v;ni +oikain seassa2 min; istun h;nen
var6ossansa, 6ota min; anon, 6a h;nen hedelm;ns; on minun suussani makia.9
The Finnish language protestant Bible (JJ). ;irect translation to 6nglish7 93 am
the flo!er of Saron, and the "loomin* in the valley. Just like a rose amon*
thistles, so is my love amon* the dau*hters. Just like an a++le tree amon* the
trees of the forest, so is my friend amon* the "oys2 3 sit in his shado!, that 3 ask,
and his fruit is s!eet in my mouth.9 o in ong of olomon, chapter +, "erses (,
+ and ? refer to gay relationships between young boys, 8thistles8 referring to
female harlots, and 8rose8 and 8apple8 referring to a gay boy couple.
If there were satellites in ancient times, what might ha"e caused their
9And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth.9 !pocalypse )7(?.
3aybe what 1ohn was actually seeing was the satellites falling out of orbitF
:hen you loo# up at a satellite, it loo#s li#e a star, the only difference is that
most of them mo"e. o if some e"ent caused them all to fall to earth at once, it
would appear as if the stars were falling out of the s#y.
/ermes Trismegistus e.isted e"en in the times of !dam and te"e. /e was a
sage, who helped to in"ent the first photographic camera )555 years ago. /e
also wrote the 6merald tablet, where the mechanisms of the first camera are
obscurely e.plained. To#ens from it below7
0hat !hich is "elo! is like that !hich is a"ove M that !hich is a"ove is like that
!hich is "elo! to do the miracles of one only thin*
And as all thin*s have "een M arose from one "y the mediation of one2 so all
thin*s have their "irth from this one thin* "y ada+tation.
3ts force or +o!er is entire if it "e converted into earth.
Se+arate thou the earth from the fire, the su"tle from the *ross s!eetly !ith
*reat industry.
3t ascends from the earth to the heaven M a*ain it descends to the earth M
receives the force of thin*s su+erior M inferior.
%y this means you shall have the *lory of the !hole !orld M there"y all o"scurity
shall fly from you.
rom this are M do come admira"le ada+tations !hereof the means For +rocessG
is here in this. Hence 3 am called Hermes 0risme*ist, havin* the three +arts of
the +hiloso+hy of the !hole !orld
:e got them all7
(.The first Bible
+.e"en cities of gold
?.0oah's ar# O ship of 'olumbus O ship of 'atherine II
*.1ohannes 2utenberg's time tra"eling ar# of the co"enant boo# printing
These constitute the fourBfold atom.
!arre ,ehtonen's interpretation of the durations of the yugas of this particular
'opy &lanet7 Instead of +*.555 years, one full round of descending four yugas
and ascending four yugas totals only (55 years.
F49% =92! equal with F49%BF4,; !T43 and F49% T!26 of human life, all
of which those three things mentioned abo"e are one and the same thing7

:heel of yugas, the ascending four yugas, ha"ing total amount of I5 years, and
the descending four yugas, ha"ing total amount of I5 years, the total round
ma#ing (55 years.

;escending atya =uga, or The !tom predominant from the FourBFold !tom, or
ultima thule, started in the year (>)+, and it ended in the year (>D5.
;escending Treta =uga, or the pace predominant from the FourBFold !tom,
started in the year (>D(, and it ended in the year (>>(.

;escending ;wapara =uga, or the Time predominant from the FourBFold !tom,
started in the year (>>+, and it ended in the year +55(.

;escending $ali =uga, or the :ord predominant from the FourBFold !tom,
started in the year +55+, and it ended on 4ctober I, +5((.
6raiden "aitteiden mu#aan 2eorge :ashingtonin #as"ojenpiirteista "oidaan
paatella, etta han oli "ain hanesta tehtyjen maalausten muoto#u"amalli, jo#a
oli pal#attu !meri#an intiaanien #es#uudesta, eli##a todellisuudessa ei ollut
9!7n ensimmaista pressaa 2eorge :ashington.
Itse paattelen !braham ,incolnin #as"ojenpiirteista, etta ne oli muotoiltu
#autsusta jon#un pal#atun maan"iljelijan #as"ojen paalle. Virallisten tietojen
mu#aanhan !braham ,incoln #a"i #oulua elamansa ai#ana "ain yhden "uoden,
jo#a oli sen ajan !meri#an maan"iljelijaperheille yleista, etta #ouluja ei #ayty
juuri lain#aan, #os#a lapsesta saa##a #ai##ien piti osallistua maan"iljely#seen
ei#a ollut ai#aa #ayda #ouluja. $uin#a siis sellainen hen#ilo, jo#a oli #aynyt "ain
#ansa#oulun e#aluo#an, oli "aitetysti "oinut a"ata asianajotoimiston ja toimia
asianajajana, ja #uin#a sellainen hen#ilo olisi "alittu presidenti#siF
&ressan"aaleissa !braham ,incoln ei saanut yhtaan aania #ymmenesta
osa"altiosta, ja tuli silti 8"alitu#si8.
Tar"ittiin sijaisnayttelija toimimaan 8pressana8 9!7n sisallissodan ai#ana.
atunnainen maan"iljelija pal#attiin tahan ja laitettiin mas#it #as"oille, jolloin
hanta ei "oinut tunnistaa. Tasta maan"iljelijasta on myos #u"ia ilman mas#ia,
eli #u"ia 8!braham ,incolnista8 ennen sisallissotaa, ja ne #u"at o"at sellaisia,
etta ei "oi #uin ihmetella, #uin#a han oli "oinut "anhentua muutamassa
"uodessa noin ?5B"uotiaan na#oisesta noin J5B"uotiaan na#oise#si.
/uomat#aa, etta 8!braham ,incolnin salamurha8 tapahtui T6!TT6%I!, ja
salamurhan "aitetysti te#i 1ohn :il#es Booth, jo#a oli ammatiltaan 0!=TT6,I1!.
4n sellaista#in #errottu, etta #o#o ,incolnBsaaga tehtiin "asta (>55Blu"un
al#upuolella ja laitettiin sitten 8historian#irjoihin8. 6nta oli#o edes #o#o 9!7n
sisallissotaa olemassa#aanF e#in on "oitu "aarentaa historian#irjoihin "asta
(>55Blu"un alussa #ai##ine "alo#u"ineen, piirro#sineen, maalau#sineen,
#ertomu#sineen jne. 0imittain on niin, etta ny#yaan#in "oidaan "aarentaa
"alo#u"au#sen a"ulla (D55Blu"un historiaa mita parhaimmalla ta"alla, jo#a on
se, etta han##ii !I;40 $!36%!0 (D55Blu"ulta jostain museosta tai jostain
muusta #o#oelmasta ja #ayttaa sen ai#aista "alo#u"ausfilmia, pu#ee
nayttelijoille (D55Blu"un tyyliset "aatteet, menee (D55Blu"ulla ra#ennettujen
talojen #es#elle ja al#aa #u"ata. itten #irjoittaa 8#u"ate#stei#si8 aidon
tuntuista tarinaa, etta joo tassa on 6ulaalia ja 2eorge "uonna (D)*, ymparilla
9!7n sisallissodan sotilaita uni"ormuissaan jne. ,opputulos on hy"in aidon
tuntuinen. itten "aan #ai##i se aineisto #irja#si ja myymaan #ai##ialle
maailmaan. 4n hy"in "ai#eaa todistaa, etta #irjan aineisto on fei##ia.
uomen $u"alehti7
Ilman Vati#aanin suostumusta ei #etaan ole nimitetty #atolisen #ir#on
pyhimy#se#si lahes tuhanteen "uoteen. ,e 'ause dei anti on "irallinen
lahdeteos, jo#a maarittaa pyhimy#se#si julistamisen historian ja
toimintaperusteet. $asi#irjaa #aytta"at #ai##i pyhimysha#emusten "almistelijat.
Vati#aani #ouluttaa heita jat#u"asti niin #ir#onmiehista #uin maalli#oista#in.
3aailman noin (5.555 tunustetusta pyhimy#sesta Vati#aani on nimittanyt
"ajaan #olmasosan. 3uut on julistettu ennen #uin #atolinen #ir##o #aappasi
y#sinoi#euden pyhimy#se#si julistamiseen ((55Blu"ulla. &al"onta#ultti olisi
helppo leimata tai#aus#oise#si muinaisjaantee#si, mutta sen mer#itys
#atoliselle #ir#olle on "iime "uosi#ymmenina "ain "ah"istunut. 80y#yajan
uutispommitu#sessa8 mer#itys "ain #orostuu, silla pyhimysten #autta ihmiset
"oi"at loytaa todelliset ar"ot.
3iten GluterilainenH #ir##o "oi "astata ny#ypel#oihinF G!r##ipiispa $ari 3a#inen7H
86tta sanoittaa "ai#eita asioita niin, etta niista on mahdollista puhua. ellainen
se#ularisaatioajattelu, jon#a "allassa elettiin pit#aan, etta pi##u hiljaa us#onnot
joten#in haihtu"at pois, on ai#a "irheellinen. 6i nayta #ay"an niin.8
!r##ipiispa $ari 3a#inen7 81os "aihtoehto on se, etta us#onto on y#sityisasia ja
us#onto poistetaan jul#isesta tilasta, yhteis#unta tulee yhdelta olennaiselta
osaltaan y#siulotteise#si. 4lennainen perspe#tii"i ihmisyydesta jaa jul#isesta
tilasta piiloon. Voi ajatella, etta y#si osa jul#ista tilaa on mediajul#isuus. 1os
oltaisiin johdonmu#aisia, #ir##o ja us#onto pitaisi sii"ota myos tasta jul#isesta
tilasta Glehden palstoiltaH pois.8
4tteita %aamattu $ansalle ry7n %aamatusta G+5(+H7 4rjasi ja orjattaresi, jot#a
han#it itsellesi, sinun tulee ostaa ymparillasi asu"ista #ansoista. amoin "oit
ostaa orjia luonanne tilapaisesti asu"ien muu#alaisten ja heidan su#ulaistensa
lapsista, jot#a o"at syntyneet teidan maassanne. /eista tulee teidan
omaisuuttanne. ? 3oose#sen #irja +I7**B*I. Voit #uiten#in ryostaa itsellesi
naiset, lapset ja elaimet ja #ai#en muun, mita #aupungissa on, #ai#en saaliin.
&ida omanasi "ihollisilta saatu saalis, jon#a /erra, sinun 1umalasi, antaa
sinulle. I 3oose#sen #irja +57(*. /anen pienet lapsensa #ul#i"at "an#euteen
"ihollisen ajamina. Valitus"irret (7I. !ro antaa lei"an heidan lapsilleen.
!lastomina he "ietta"at yonsa, "ailla "aatteita, ilman peittoa #ylmassa. /e
#ul#e"at alastomina, ilman "aatteita, nal#aisina he #anta"at lyhteita. 1obin #irja
+*7I,J,(5. Israelilaiset otti"at "angi#si heimo"eljiensa "aimot, pojat ja tyttaret,
yhteensa #a#sisataatuhatta ja ryosti"at heilta myos paljon saalista. 4tti"at
huostaansa "angit ja antoi"at saaliista "aatteet #ai#ille niille, jot#a heidan
jou#ossaan oli"at alasti. + !i#a#irja +D7D,(I. $aupungin #adut tule"at tayteen
poi#ia ja tyttoja, jot#a lei##i"at sen toreilla. a#arjan #irja D7I. 3aassa oli myos
haureellisia pyha##opoi#ia. ( $unin#aiden #irja (*7+*. 3ene, han#i itsellesi
haureudesta syntyneet lapset. /oosean #irja (7+. en jal#een han nousi
"uoteelle ja las#eutui pojan ylle. /an pani suunsa hanen suunsa paalle,
silmansa hanen silmiensa paalle ja #adet hanen #asiensa paalle. $un han nain
#umartui pojan ylitse, taman ruumis al#oi lammeta. itten han #a"eli
huoneessa #erran edesta#aisin, nousi taas "uoteelle ja #umartui pojan ylle. +
$unin#aiden #irja *7?*B?I. iella han#in GaulH riisui "aatteensa ja joutui
hurmo#siin amuelin edessa. /an #aatui maahan ja ma#asi alastomana #o#o
sen pai"an ja yon. i#si on tapana sanoa7 84n#o aul#in profeettojen jou#ossaF8
( amuelin #irja (>7+*. 3ina heratin pojistanne profeettoja ja nuoru#aisistanne
nasiireja. an#areista roh#ein#in pa#enee alasti sina pai"ana. !amo#sen #irja
+7((,(). en "uo#si mina "alitan ja "ai#eroin, #uljen a"ojaloin ja alastomana.
3ii#an #irja (7D.
;aa"id ja aul hulluttele"at7 ( amuelin #irja +(7((B(), ( amuelin #irja (>7(DB
+*, !postolien teot >7(B*, !postolien teot (?7>, !postolien teot +57JB(+.
$oynnos#as"i7 + $unin#aiden #irja *7?DB?>, 1obin #irja +*7I,J,(5, Ilmestys#irja
(*7(DB+5, /ese#ielin #irja (5, 1oosuan #irja *7*B(5, !postolien teot (>7+?B*5, +
!i#a#irja +D7D,(I.
Van#eus7 3atteus(*7?B*, + 3oose#sen #irja +(7().
4rja7 a#arjan #irja (?7I, I 3oose#sen #irja +57(*, 1eremian #irja ?*7>,((.
,apset7 ,uu#as +7*5B*J, 3atteus (D7(B), 3ar#us (57(?B(), 3ar#us()7+BJ,
1ohannes +(7(B(>, ananlas#ut J7)B+J, 1esajan #irja IJ7IB(5, /ese#ielin #irja
>7), /oosean #irja (7+, 1esajan #irja ((7), I 3oose#sen #irja (7?>.
6sra a"asi #irjan #o#o #ansan nahden B han naet seisoi #ansaa ylempana B ja
#un han a"asi sen, #o#o #ansa nousi seisomaan. /e lu#i"at 1umalan lain #irjaa
ja selitti"at sita niin, etta luettu ymmarrettiin. euraa"ana pai"ana #ai##i
Israelin su#ujen paamiehet, myos papit ja lee"ilaiset, #o#oontui"at 6sran,
#irjanoppineen, luo oppia#seen ymmartamaan lain sanoja. 0ehemian #irja
4tteita %aamattu $ansalle ry7n %aamatunpaino#sesta, jul#aistu "uonna +5(+7
Taman jal#een 1eesus ilmestyi jalleen opetuslapsilleen, nyt Tiberiaanjar"en
rannalla. e tapahtui nain7 imon &ietari ja Tuomas, jota sanottiin
;idymo#se#si, ja 0atanael, jo#a oli 2alilean $aanasta, se#a ebedeu#sen pojat
ja #a#si muuta 1eesu#sen opetuslasta oli"at yhdessa. !amun jo sarastaessa
1eesus seisoi rannalla. 4petuslapset ei"at #uiten#aan tienneet, etta se oli
1eesus. 1eesus #ysyi heilta7 8,apset, ei#o teilla ole mitaan syota"aaF8 /e
"astasi"at7 86i ole.8 $un imon &ietari #uuli, etta se oli /erra, han #ietoi
ymparilleen "iitan, silla han oli ilman "aatteita, ja hyppasi jar"een. $un he oli"at
syoneet, 1eesus sanoi imon &ietarille7 8imon, 1ohanne#sen poi#a, ra#astat#o
sina minua enemman #uin namaF8 &ietari "astasi hanelle7 8$ylla, /erra, sina
tiedat, etta mina pidan sinua ra##aana.8 1ohannes +(7(B+,*BI,J,(I. G1eesus
puhui7H 81erusalem, 1erusalem< $uin#a usein olen#aan halunnut #oota yhteen
sinun lapsesi.8 3atteus +?7?J. /erra puhui 1esajan, !motsin pojan, #autta. /an
sanoi7 83ene ja riisu sa##ipu#u lanteiltasi ja "eda #engat jalastasi.8 1esaja te#i
niin7 #ul#i #olme "uotta "aatteitta ja a"ojaloin. itten /erra sanoi7 80iin #uin
pal"elijani 1esaja on #olme "uotta #ul#enut "aatteitta ja a"ojaloin, niin on
!ssurin #uningas #uljetta"a sota"an#eja 6gyptista ja pa##osiirtolaisia $uusista,
nuoria ja "anhoja, alastomina ja a"ojaloin, ta#apuolet paljaina B 6gyptin hapea<8
1esajan #irja +57+B*. 1a pieni poi#a paimentaa niita. 1esajan #irja ((7).
$uningas #as#i ylimman ho"iherran !spenasin tuoda israelilaisia poi#ia, jot#a
#uului"at #unin#aalliseen su#uun tai ylimysperheisiin. /eidan tuli olla naoltaan
#auniita ja #y#ene"ia #asittamaan #ai#enlaista "iisautta, aly##aita ja nopeita
oppimaan, niin etta he #y#enisi"at pal"elemaan #unin#aan ho"issa. !spenaan
oli opetetta"a heille #aldealaisten #irjoitusta ja #ielta. ;anielin #irja (7?B*. 1ooas
oli seitseman "uoden i#ainen tullessaan #unin#aa#si. + !i#a#irja +*7(. 1oosia
oli #ahde#san "uoden i#ainen tullessaan #unin#aa#si. + $unin#aiden #irja ++7(.
3anasse oli #ahdentoista "uoden i#ainen tullessaan #unin#aa#si. +
$unin#aiden #irja +(7(. ;aa"idin ja aulin #es#ustelun jal#een 1oonatan #iintyi
;aa"idiin Gnuoreen poi#a#unin#aaseenH #o#o sielustaan ja ra#asti hanta #uin
omaa sieluaan. /an riisui "iitan yltaan ja antoi sen ;aa"idille, samoin
haarnis#ansa, "ielapa mie##ansa, jousensa ja "yonsa. ( amuelin #irja (D7(,*.
!amulla 1oonatan lahti #edolle pai##aan, josta oli sopinut ;aa"idin #anssa, ja
hanella oli mu#anaan pieni pal"eluspoi#a. $un poi#a oli mennyt, ;aa"id nousi
ylos etelan puolelta. itten han heittaytyi #as"oilleen maahan ja #umartui
#olme #ertaa osoittaa#seen #unnioitusta 1oonatanille. /e suuteli"at toisiaan ja
it#i"at yhdessa, ;aa"id "iela enemman #uin 1oonatan. ( amuelin #irja
+57?I,*(. Te, jot#a heh#utte himosta tammien "arjossa, jo#aisen rehe"an puun
alla, te, jot#a teurastatte lapsia rot#oissa, #allion#iele##eiden allaF ina asetit
"uoteesi suurelle ja #or#ealle "uorelle. inne sina myos nousit teurasuhria
uhraamaan. &aljastit itsesi ja nousit "uoteellesi, teit sen tila"a#si. ina so"it
#aupoista heidan #anssaan, ma#asit heidan #anssaan mielellasi, nait heidan
elimensa. ina "asyit mat#asi pituudesta, et#a #uiten#aan sanonut7 8Turha
"ai"a<8 1esajan #irja IJ7I,J,D,(5.
4tteita %aamatusta7 $un 1eesus oli #ahdentoista "uoden i#ainen, he meni"at
jalleen juhlille. $olmen pai"an #uluttua he loysi"at 1eesu#sen temppelista, jossa
han istui opettajien #es#ella #uunnellen heita ja #ysellen heilta. $ai##i, jot#a
#uunteli"at hanta, ihmetteli"at hanen ymmarrystaan ja "astau#siaan. ,uu#as
+7*+,*),*J. iina oli suuri ja #or#ea muuri, jossa oli #a#sitoista porttia ja
porteilla #a#sitoista en#elia. &ortteihin oli #irjoitettu nimia, israelilaisten
#ahdentoista heimon nimet. $aupungin muurissa oli #a#sitoista perustusta ja
niissa $aritsan #ahdentoista apostolin nimet. Ilmestys#irja +(7(+,(*. uudel#aa
&oi#aa, ettei han "ihastuisi ette#a te suistuisi tielta. &salmien #irja +7(+. 0e
o"at antaneet pojan ma#su#si portosta. 1uudan ja 1erusalemin lapsia te olette
myyneet jaa"anilaisille saada#senne heidat #auas omalta alueeltaan. 3ina
myyn poi#ianne ja tyttarianne 1uudan poi#ien #asiin, ja nama myy"at heidat
sabalaisille, #au#aiselle #ansalle. 0ain on /erra puhunut. 1ooelin #irja *7?,),D.
$erto#aa tama lapsillenne, lapsenne #erto#oot sen lapsilleen ja heidan
lapsensa tule"alle pol"elle. 1ooelin #irja (7?. Taloni i##unasta mina #atselin
i##unaBau#on lapi ja huomasin y#sin#ertaisten poi#ien jou#ossa nuoru#aisen,
jo#a oli "ailla ymmarrysta. /an meni #adun yli #ulmau#sessa, jossa eras nainen
asui, ja suuntasi #ul#unsa naisen asuntoa #ohti pai"an jo illa#si hamarryttya,
pimeassa, yon tultua. 1a #atso, nainen tuli hanta "astaan porton pu"ussa,
#a"aluus sydamessaan. !##ia poi#a lahti hanen jal#eensa niin #uin har#a
menee teurastetta"a#si, niin #uin #ahlehdittu hullu menee #uritetta"a#si, niin
#uin satimeen #iiruhta"a lintu. /an ei tiennyt ole"ansa hen#eaan #aupalla,
#unnes nuoli la"isti hanen ma#sansa. illa paljon on surmattuja, hanen
#aatamiaan, lu#uisasti niita, jot#a han on tappanut. /anen talostaan lahte"at
tuonelan tiet, ne "ie"at alas #uoleman #ammioihin. ananlas#ujen #irja J7)B
(5,++,+?,+),+J. 3utta myos 0ooB!mmon #ul#i pa##osiirtolaisuuteen "angi#si
otettuna. en pienet lapset murs#attiin #ai##ien #atujen #ulmissa. 0ahumin
#irja ?7(5. eitsemannen #uun ensimmaisena pai"ana pappi 6sra toi lain
#ansan#o#ou#sen eteen, miesten ja naisten, #ai##ien, jot#a #y#eni"at
ymmartamaan, mita #uuli"at. /an lu#i sita Vesiportin edustalla ole"alla au#iolla
pai"an#oitosta puolipai"aan saa##a miesten ja naisten edessa, #ai##ien, jot#a
#y#eni"at ymmartamaan, ja #o#o #ansa #uunteli lain #irjan lu#emista. 6sra,
#irjanoppinut, seisoi puu#oro##eella, jo#a oli tehty tata tar#oitusta "arten.
0ehemian #irja D7+,?,*.
Tallaisten yllaole"ien raamatunte#stien jul#aiseminen internetissa aiheutti
minulle sen, etta uomen "iranomaiset pyysi"at Bulgarian poliisia pidattamaan
minut + "uode#si "an#ilaan ilman oi#euden#ayntia. /e ei"at "oineet #uiten#aan
suoraan syyttaa minua raamatunte#stien jul#aisemisesta, #os#a #ai##i
maailman #ristilliset #ir#ot ja#a"at %aamattuja alle (IB"uotiaille luetta"a#si,
"ai##a uomen ri#osla#i (J sanoo, etta si"eettoman te#stin esitteleminen alle
(IB"uotiaille tuo ri#o#sente#ijalle ma#simissaan + "uoden "an#eustuomion, ja
etta uomen si"eettomyyslait #os#e"at uomen #ansalaista "ai##a han ei
uomessa asu#aan. $ai##i #ansalaiset o"at yhden"ertaisia lain edessa, sanoo
uomen perustusla#i, joten #ai##ien suomalaisten #ristillisten #ir##ojen
papit#in olisi pitanyt pidattaa %aamatun te#stien #ertomisesta alle (IB"uotiaille
pyha#ouluissa, samoin #uin #oulujen us#onnonopettajat#in ja myos
us#onnollisten jarjestojen saarnaajat, jot#a opetta"at %aamatun te#steja alle
(IB"uotiaille #ouluissa ja saarna#o#ou#sissa. 1oten "iranomaiset #ehitti"at
"alheelliset syytteet minua "astaan muunlaisesta ri#o#sesta, jota en ollut
#os#aan tehnyt, saada#seen minut lopettamaan %aamatun te#stien
#ertomisen, #os#a "ain mina olen saanut sel"ille %aamattuB#oodin, jo#a on
"aarallinen "allanpitajille. =llaole"issa %aamatun te#steissa on se #oodi, ja
#ai##i te#stit o"at %aamatusta, jon#a on jul#aissut %aamattu #ansalle ry
"uonna +5(+. $u#a tahansa "oi tar#istaa asian tuosta %aamatunpaino#sesta.
3yos %aamatussa #ehotetaan #ertomaan %aamatun te#steja lapsille7
8$erto#aa tama lapsillenne, lapsenne #erto#oot sen lapsilleen ja heidan
lapsensa tule"alle pol"elle.8 1ooelin #irja (7?. 3in#alainen motii"i "iranomaisilla
on "aientaa minunlaiseni #irjailijatF yy on se, etta =hdistyneet $ansa#unnat
haluaa tehda =hden 3aailmanus#onnon, jossa #ai##i muut maailmanus#onnot
o"at edustettuina paitsi #ristinus#o. Talla ta"oin 3aailmanhallitus haluaa
#umota y#sittaisten "altioiden perustusla#ien sanan"apausB ja
4tteita %aamatusta7 itten he tuli"at metsaan, ja maassa oli hunajaa. $un
#ansa tuli hunaja#ennojen luo, se na#i, etta niista "alui hunajaa, mutta #u#aan
ei "ienyt sita #adellaan suuhunsa, silla #ansa pel#asi "alaa. 0iinpa han
G1oonatanH ojensi #adessaan ole"an sau"an, pisti sen #arjen hunaja#ennoon ja
pani hunajaa #adellaan suuhunsa. illoin hanen silmansa #ir#astui"at. (
amuelin #irja (*7+IB+J. !amulla 1oonatan lahti #edolle pai##aan, josta oli
sopinut ;aa"idin #anssa, ja hanella oli mu#anaan pieni pal"eluspoi#a. /an
sanoi pal"eluspojalleen7 81uo#se noutamaan nuolet, jot#a mina ammun.8 &ojan
juostessa 1oonatan ampui nuolen hanen ylitseen. $un poi#a oli tulossa
pai##aan, johon 1oonatan oli ampunut nuolen, 1oonatan huusi pojan peraan7
80uoli on edessasi, tuonnempana.8 1oonatan huusi "iela pojan peraan7 8%ienna
nopeasti, ala seisahtele<8 0iin 1oonatanin pal"eluspoi#a #erasi nuolet ja tuli
herransa luo. &oi#a ei tiennyt asiasta mitaan, "ain 1oonatan ja ;aa"id tiesi"at.
itten 1oonatan antoi aseensa pal"eluspojalleen ja sanoi hanelle7 83ene ja "ie
nama #aupun#iin.8 ( amuelin #irja +57?IB*5.
4tteita %aamatusta7 3inulle tuli tama /erran sana7 8Ihmislapsi, tee
1erusalemille tietta"a#si sen asu##aiden iljety#set. ina otit poi#asi ja tyttaresi
ja teurastit heidan #u"ien ruua#si. 4li#o haureutesi liian "ahaista, etta sinun piti
"iela teurastaa minun poi#ani, panna heidat #ul#emaan tulen lapi uhrina niilleF
/arjoittaessasi #ai##ia iljety#siasi ja haureuttasi sina unohdit lapsuutesi pai"at,
jolloin olit alaston ja paljas ja sat#yttelit "erissasi. $ai##i portot "aati"at
ma#sun, mutta sina ma#soit #ai#ille ra#astajillesi ja lahjoit haureudessasi heita
tulemaan luo#sesi jo#a taholta. Tehdessasi huorin toimit pain"astaisella ta"alla
#uin muut naiset7 sinun perassasi ei #uljettu haureuteen ei#a sinulle ma#settu
portonpal##aa, "aan sina itse ma#soit ra#astajillesi.8 /ese#ielin #irja
()7(,+5,+(,++,??,?*. 8Teurastettuaan lapsiaan jumalan#u"illeen he tuli"at "iela
samana pai"ana minun pyha##ooni ja niin hapaisi"at sen. 0ain he o"at tehneet
minun huoneeni sisapuolella.8 /ese#ielin #irja +?7?>. /erra sanoi nain7 8/e o"at
ra#entaneet Baalin uhri#u##uloita ja polttaneet lapsiaan polttouhreina Baalille.
3ina panen heidat syomaan poi#iensa ja tyttariensa lihaa.8 1eremian #irja
(>7I,>. Taman#aan jal#een 1erobeam ei #aantynyt "aaralta tieltaan "aan asetti
yha uhri#u##ulapapei#si miehia #ansan #es#uudesta. 1o#aisen, jo#a "ain
halusi, han "ih#i papin "ir#aan, ja niin tasta tuli uhri#u##ulapappi. Tama #oitui
synni#si 1erobeamin su"ulle, ja si#si se tuhottiin ja ha"itettiin maan paalta. (
$unin#aiden #irja (?7??,?*. $atso, #ansa tulee pohjoisesta, suuri #ansa, monet
#unin#aat nouse"at maan perimmaisilta aarilta. 1eremian #irja I57*(. ina
lahdet lii##eelle perimmaisesta pohjolasta mu#anasi monia #ansoja. $ai##i
ratsasta"at he"osilla7 se on suuri jou##o, lu#uisa sota"a#i. /ese#ielin #irja
?D7(I. Ihmislapsi, sinun on ennustetta"a 2oogia "astaan ja sanotta"a7 3ina
#aannan sinut ympari, #uljetan sinua, tuon sinut perimmaisesta pohjolasta ja
"ien sinut Israelin "uorille. /ese#ielin #irja ?>7(,+. /an on tehnyt eulaset ja
$ale"anmie#an, han muuttaa pil##opimean aamu#si ja pimentaa pai"an yo#si.
!amo#sen #irja I7D. 4n tule"a pai"a B /erralle se on tunnettu. illoin ei "aihdu
pai"a ja yo7 illalla#in on "aloisaa. a#arjan #irja (*7J. !arre ,ehtosen
#ommentti7 Tassa puhutaan ilmeisesti &ohjoisBuomesta, jossa aurin#o ei las#e
lain#aan "iiteen "ii##oon #esaB ja heina#uun ai#ana, ei#a aurin#o nouse
lain#aan "iiteen "ii##oon jouluB ja tammi#uun ai#ana. /uomaa myos, etta tassa
puhutaan perimmaisesta pohjolasta ja $ale"anmie#asta, eli muinaiset &ohjoisB
ja $aa##oisBuomen #ansat #uten $ale"alan #ansa ja niiden toiminta on
#irjoitettu %aamattuun.
4te %aamatusta7 Totisesti, nain sanoo /erra, /erra7 6nta sitten, #un mina
lahetan 1erusalemiin nelja pahaa tuomiotani7 mie#an, nalan, pahat pedot ja
ruton ha"ittamaan siita ihmiset ja elaimetF $uiten#in jaa jaljelle poi#ia ja
tyttoja, jot#a #uljetetaan pois. /ese#ielin #irja (*7+(,++. !arre ,ehtosen
#ommentti7 Tama tar#oittaa, etta lapset tule"at or"oi#si ja heidat #uljetetaan
orpo#oteihin. uomessa oli suuri nalanhata "uosina (D))B(D)D, ja #os#a
perheet ei"at #yenneet elattamaan lapsia ja monet lapset oli"at myos jaaneet
or"oi#si, #unnat otti"at huostaan paljon lapsia huuto#aupatta"i#si
y#sityis#oteihin. Tama jarjestelma oli sellainen, etta lapset luo"utettiin sellaisille
y#sityishen#iloille, jot#a suostui"at ottamaan lapsista #ai##ein "ahaisimman
yllapitoma#sun #unnalta. 0iita lapsia #utsuttiin 8huutolaislapsi#si8, #os#a he
oli"at huuto#aupattuja. /uutolaislapsijarjestelma jat#ui uomessa "iela (>+5B
lu"ulle saa##a. !ustralialaisen yliopiston tut#imu#sen mu#aan uomessa ei
ollut min#aanlaisia se#suaaliBi#arajoja ennen "uotta (>+*. 4n jul#aistu
#irjallisia raportteja, joissa on #errottu, etta monet huutolaislapset oli"at
ostajiensa se#siorjia. $os#a se#suaaliBi#arajoja ei siihen ai#aan uomessa ollut,
"ir#a"alta ei "oinut estaa lasten se#siorjuutta. $uiten#aan lapsise#siorjien
ostajilla ei ollut hy"at olta"at, #uten %aamatussa lu#ee7 8illoin mina ojensin
#ateni sinua "astaan, tein maaraosasi piene#si ja annoin sinut alttii#si
"ihollisillesi, filistealaisten tyttarien mieli"allalle, joiden mielesta sinun irstas
elamasi oli hapeallista. ina harjoitit haureutta myos assurilaisten #anssa, #un
olit niin #yltymaton. Vai##a teit huorin heidan #anssaan, et tyytynyt siihen#aan
"aan harjoitit yha enemman haureutta #auppiaitten maassa, $aldeassa, mutta
et saanut siita#aan #ylli#sesi.8 /ese#ielin #irja ()7+J,+D,+>. !arre ,ehtosen
#ommentti7 4n #uiten#in myos niin, etta alai#aiset pojat o"at itse#in halunneet
myyda se#suaalipal"elujaan ai#uisille homose#suaaleille, bise#suaaleille ja
heteroille. %aamatussa lu#ee7 3aassa oli myos haureellisia pyha##opoi#ia. (
$unin#aiden #irja (*7+*. %aamatussa #errotaan, etta poi#aprostituoituja
rangaistiin7 /an #ar#otti maasta haureelliset pyha##opojat. ( $uningasten #irja
(I7(+. /an hajotti haureellisten pyha##opoi#ien huoneet, jot#a oli"at /erran
temppelissa. + $uningasten #irja +?7J.
!arre ,ehtosen #ommentti7 $un ottaa huomioon %aamatun yllaole"at
#ertomu#set nalanhadasta, jossa #ai##i ai#uiset ja elaimet #uole"at, mutta
lapset jaa"at eloon, lasten myymisesta y#sityisille hen#iloille, lasten
se#siorja#aupasta, se#suaaliBi#arajoja #os#e"an lainsaadannon puuttumisesta
G#os#a pyha##opoi#ien oli lu"allista harjoittaa haureutta temppelissa jo #auan
ennen #uin se toiminta lopetettiinH se#a perimmaisen pohjolan "aloisan yon ja
pimean pai"an #u"ailuista ja $ale"anmie#an mainitseminen samassa
yhteydessa, niin epaily heraa, etta nuo #ertomu#set on #irjoitettu "asta (D55B
lu"un loppupuolella, ja etta #ertomu#set #u"aa"at uomen olosuhteita (D55B
lu"ulla. Vanhassa %aamatun#aanno#sessa lu#ee7 8anoo#o #u"a #u"aajastaan8
1esajan #irja +>7(). 4utoa tassa on se, etta oli#o raamatullisina ai#oina
"alo#u"aus#ameroitaF 6i ollut, joten tama %aamatun#ohta on #irjoitettu "asta
sen jal#een, #un "alo#u"aaminen #e#sittiin (D*5Blu"ulla.
Vanhoissa (D55Blu"un uomen setelirahoissa on piirro#sia "ahapu#eisista ja
alastomista pojista, ialtaan noin (5B"uotiaita. Tampereen tuomio#ir#ossa on
/ugo imbergin "uonna (>5? maalaama (55 neliometrin fres#o, jossa on (+
taysin alastonta poi#aa, ialtaan noin (5B(+ B"uotiaita, #antamassa #oynnosta.
Fres#on nimi on 8$oynno#sen#antajat8. 4te %aamatusta7 3ina seison
"artiopai#allani, asetun torniin ja tahystan nahda#seni, mita han minulle puhuu,
mita han "astaa "alitu#seeni. /erra "astasi minulle nailla sanoilla7 8$irjoita na#y
ja piirra se sel"asti tauluihin, niin etta sen "oi juostessa#in lu#ea.8 /aba#u#in
#irja +7(,+.
1oosia eli 1eesus oli #ahde#san "uoden i#ainen tullessaan #unin#aa#si.
I#a"uodet DB(( $ristus opetti, ja ristiinnaulittiin (+B"uotiaana, #un han oli
puhunut temppelissa. ((Z((Z((O??. ,u#u ??,? tar#oittaa, etta #un ja#aa
lu"un ?? #olmella, niin tulo#sena on ((, eli $ristu#sen "iimeinen "uosi jul#isena
opettajana. Tama on uomen #ymmenien "anhojen #ir##ojen ??,? #m
etaisyy#sien salainen "iesti. ,isa#si useissa #es#iai#aisissa #ir#oissa oli DB((B
"uotiaita poi#aprostituoituja, eli haureutta harjoitta"ia pyha##opoi#ia. $ai##een
tahan "iittaa /ugo imbergin (+ alastoman pojan fres#o 8$oynno#sen#antajat8
se#a "anhoissa uomen (D55Blu"un setelirahoissa ole"at piirro#set alastomista
pojista, #uten myos %aamatun#ohdat, jot#a #erto"at (D55Blu"un uomesta.
%aamatun Ilmestys#irjassa #errotaan Babylonin #aupungista, johon tuotiin
lai"oilla lapsise#siorjia ul#omailta. Turun #aupungin ruotsin#ielinen nimi on !bo,
ja tama on #irjoitettu %aamatussa muotoon Babylon. Turun #aupun#i on
"uosisatojen ai#ana palanut monta #ertaa maan tasalle, ja tasta #ertoo myos
llmestys#irja7 /e seiso"at loitolla, #auhuissaan hanen GBabylonianH piinansa
"uo#si, ja sano"at7 8Voi, "oi sinua suuri #aupun#i, Babylon, sina mahta"a
#aupun#i< =hdessa het#essa tuli sinun tuomiosi.8 3yos maan #auppiaat it#e"at
ja sure"at hanta, #un #u#aan ei enaa osta heidan ta"araansa7 orjia ja
ihmissieluja. $ai##i lai"urit, ranni##opurjehtijat, merimiehet ja #ai##i, jot#a
saa"at elantonsa merelta, seisoi"at loitolla, ja nahdessaan hanen palonsa sa"un
he huusi"at sanoen7 83i#a on taman suuren #aupungin "eroinenF8 Ilmestys#irja
1eesus oli lapsinero, #uten #ertomus 1eesu#sesta (+B"uotiaana temppelissa
osoittaa. &rofeetta 1esaja oli sama hen#ilo #uin 1eesus, sen huomaa nimien
saman#altaisuudesta ja muista sei#oista, #uten etta 1esaja #ul#i alastomana
#olme "uotta. 1eesu#sen opetuslapsi#in oli ilman "aatteita Tiberiaanjar"en
rannalla. 1eesus opetti #ansaa siis alastomana #olmen "uoden ajan ollessaan DB
(( B"uotias, ja tayttaessaan (+ "uotta han pu#eutui "aatteisiin. $ai##i
1eesu#sen opetuslapset oli"at nuoria poi#ia, noin (5B(+ B"uotiaita. 0imitys
opetuslapsi#in #ertoo a"oimesti, etta he oli"at lapsia, child students eli
disciples. $un 1eesus #ysyi syota"aa opetuslapsiltaan Tiberiaanjar"en rannalla,
han aloitti puheensa sanalla 8,apset8, "ai##a he ei"at tunnistaneet hanta. /ugo
imbergin fres#ossa on (+ alastonta poi#aa, jo#a tar#oittaa, etta fres#on pojat
o"at 1eesu#sen opetuslapsia, #os#a opetuslapsia oli (+ #appaletta. 1eesus
syntyi (D)5Blu"un lopulla Turun saaristossa ja opetti uomessa.
3i#sei ns. "irallisessa historian#irjotu#sessa sitten #errota mitaan, etta
uomessa olisi (D55Blu"ulla "ai#uttanut alaston poi#a, jo#a opetti #ansaaF
yyna on se, etta "altaosa suomalaisista oli (D55Blu"ulla #ouluttamattomia ja
lu#utaidottomia, joten #irjallisia do#umentteja ei tasta syysta 1eesu#sesta
jaanyt muuta #uin nelja e"an#eliumia. 6i"at#a sanomalehdet halunneet
jul#aista mitaan uutisia tasta pojasta, #os#a hanen toimintansa ja opetu#sensa
ei"at olleet "allanpitajien mieleen.
;-herusalem G1erusalemH O ;-hi"as#ila G1y"as#ylaH
6esti O 6gypti
$aldea O $ale"ala
2alilea O Bulgaria
4te %aamatusta7 $un he tuli"at muiden opetuslasten luo, he na#i"at paljon
#ansaa heidan ymparillaan ja #irjanoppineita "aittelemassa heidan #anssaan.
/eti nahdessaan 1eesu#sen "a#ijou##o hammastyi. Ihmiset riensi"at hanen
luo#seen ja ter"ehti"at hanta. 1eesus #ysyi heilta7 83ista te #iistelette heidan
#anssaanF8illoin jo#u #ansanjou#osta "astasi hanelle7 84pettaja, mina toin
poi#ani sinun luo#sesi. /anessa on my##a hen#i. 3issa tahansa se #ay#in
hanen #imppuunsa, se riuhtoo hanta, ja hanen suustaan tulee "aahtoa. /an
#iristelee hampaitaan ja jay#istyy. 3ina pyysin opetuslapsiasi ajamaan hengen
ulos, mutta he ei"at #yenneet.8 1eesus "astasi heille7 8Voi tata epaus#oista
su#upol"ea< $uin#a #auan minun taytyy olla teidan luonanneF $uin#a #auan
minun pitaa #arsia teitaF Tuo#aa hanet minun luo#seni.8 /e toi"at pojan
1eesu#sen luo. 0ahdessaan 1eesu#sen hen#i #ouristi heti poi#aa. Tama #aatui,
#ieris#eli maassa, ja hanen suustaan tuli "aahtoa. $un 1eesus na#i, etta "a#ea
#o#oontui, han nuhteli saastaista hen#ea sanoen7 8ina my##a ja #uuro hen#i,
mina #as#en sinua7 lahde ulos hanesta ala#a enaa mene haneen<8 illoin hen#i
huusi, ja #ouristaen poi#aa rajusti se lahti hanesta ulos. &oi#a meni ai"an
elottoman na#oise#si, ja monet sanoi"at#in, etta han #uoli. 3utta 1eesus tarttui
hanen #ateensa, nosti hanet ylos, ja han nousi. /e saapui"at $apernaumiin.
$otiin tultuaan 1eesus #ysyi opetuslapsiltaan7 83ista te #es#ustelitte mat#allaF8
/e oli"at "aiti, silla he oli"at mat#alla "aitelleet #es#enaan siita, #u#a oli suurin.
/an istuutui, #utsui luo#seen ne #a#sitoista ja sanoi heille7 81os jo#u tahtoo olla
ensimmainen, hanen tulee olla #ai##ein "iimeisin ja #ai##ien pal"elija.8 itten
han otti lapsen ja asetti hanet heidan #es#elleen. 0ostettuaan hanet syliinsa
han sanoi heille7 81o#a ottaa luo#seen yhden#in tallaisen lapsen minun
nimessani, se ottaa luo#seen minut.8 3ar#us >7(*B+5,+IB+J,??B?J.
$atso myos 3ar#us (57(?B() ja 3ar#us ()7+BJ.
4rjat, Tiberiaanjar"i, #a#sitoista"uotiaana, metsa, pojat tyttaret ja #u"at,
1erusalemin or"ot, Babylon, rii"attu poi#a
3ita haluat etta #irjoitan tahan #irjaanF 4lenhan #irjailija ja olen tehnyt useita
#irjoja joita loytyy #ai##ialta uomen #irjastoista.
,ounaisBsuomalaisessa lai"asatamassa (DD5Blu"ulla. 4inen satama taynna
alastomia pi##upoi#aorjia, jot#a on asetettu naytteille suuresta purjelai"asta, on
sumua, paljon#o tarjotaan, hy"ia y#siloita. ,oysin ai"an loista"an IB"uotiaan
pi##upojan, #uljetettu orja#si 6telaB6uroopasta. 4stin hanet ja ostin myos toisen
pi##upojan, *B"uotiaan, #uljetettu orja#si josta#in. $o#eilin heita huoneessa,
jossa saimme olla "ain #es#enamme, ma#soin heista hinnat ja lahdimme
he"os"an##ureilla #oillista #ohti. aa"uimme 1y"as#ylan #aupun#iin. 8/anella
on #adessaan "is#ain, ja han puhdistaa puimatantereensa. 1y"at han #o#oaa
aittaansa, mutta ruumenet han polttaa sammumattomassa tulessa. 6nnustus
0a#ylaa#sosta7 3i#a sinun oi#ein on, #un sina #ai##ine asu##ainesi nouset
#atoille, sina meluisa, pauhaa"a #aupun#i, sina ila#oi"a #ylaF $ai##i sinun
paamiehesi pa#eni"at yhtena miehena. /eidat otettiin "angi#si jousta
#ayttamatta. $u#a i#ina sinun omistasi ta"attiin, se "angittiin, #uin#a #auas han
pa#eni#in. 3ita sinulla on taalla te#emista, ja #eita sinulla taalla on, #un tanne
itsellesi haudan ha##autat, #or#ealle ha##autat hautasi, #allioon #o"errat
itsellesi asunnonF8 3atteus ?7(+, 1esaja ++7(B?,(). &i##upoi#aorjani oli"at
ilmeisesti toimineet prostituoituina jo lahtomaassaan, #os#a he omaB
aloitteisesti riisuutui"at talossani alasti ja al#oi"at suudella toisiaan. /erra sanoi
/oosealle7 83ene, han#i itsellesi haureudesta syntyneet lapset.8 /oosean #irja
(7+. Tar##aillessani sar"ia huomasin, etta niiden "alista #as"oi esiin "iela pieni
sar"i. ;anielin #irja J7D. ar"et oli"at #or#eat, ja toinen oli toista #or#eampiS
#or#eampi #ohosi esiin myohemmin. ;anielin #irja D7?. !postolien teot (D7(+B
(), !postolien teot (>7+?B*5. $un aramilaiset eraan #erran oli"at #ayneet
ryostoret#ella, he oli"at tuoneet Israelin maasta "an#ina pienen tyton. +
$unin#aiden #irja I7+. $un ;aa"id ja hanen miehensa tuli"at #aupun#iin, he
na#i"at, etta se oli poltettu ja etta heidan "aimonsa, poi#ansa ja tyttarensa
oli"at joutuneet "angei#si. ( amuelin #irja ?57?. 4li olemassa #a#si
liitonar##ua7 + 3oose#sen #irja ?J7(B>, I 3oose#sen #irja (5, 1eremian #irja
?7(). Filistealaiset ryosti"at liitonar#un7 3yos 1umalan liitonar##u ryostettiin, ja
6elin #a#si poi#aa, /ofni ja &iinehas, sai"at surmansa.( amuelin #irja *7((,
Voi niita, jot#a saata"at #el"ottomia la#eja, riistaa#seen #ansani #urjilta
oi#euden, niin etta or"ot joutu"at heidan ryostetta"i#seen. 1esajan #irja (57+.
(+.555 #appaletta >B"uotiaita orjapoi#ia Turun saaristossa
Todistu#sen taulut liitonar#ussa O &aintings of testimony in the ar# of the
Toisessa liitonar#ussa oli maalau#sia, jot#a todista"at, mita (D55Blu"un
uomessa tapahtui. Filistealaisten ryostaessa liitonar#un nuo maalau#set
#opioitiin ja ne lahti"at yleiseen ja#eluun, ja niita loytyy "iela ny#yaan#in
taidemuseoista ja gallerioista. 3aalau#sia oli useita #ymmenia. ,iitonar#ussa
oli myos muunlainen todistus, ja se saattoi olla ela"a pieni poi#a, jo#a
sala#uljetettiin toiseen maahan, esim. %uotsista uomeen. %aamatussa
#errotaan, etta ,iitonar#un a"ulla 1ordanin "esien "irtaus saatiin pysaytettya ja
silla ta"oin "oitiin #a"ella toiselle rannalle 1ordanin #ui"aa maapohjaa pit#in.
1orden on ruotsin #ielta ja suome#si #aannettyna se on maa. 1oosuan #irja
?7(+B(J. 6ras ai#aisempi #irjani oli nimeltaan uuri 3egaliitti, mutta tata
#irjaani, !asenapparin pieni #irja, "oi #utsua nimity#sella %osettan #i"i
%aamatun ymmartamiseen. !l#uperainen %osettan #i"ihan oli a"ain
egyptilaisen hieroglyfi#irjoitu#sen ymmartamiseen. $a#sitoista muisto#i"ea,
1oosuan #irja *7(B>. ,u#u #a#sitoista esiintyy %aamatussa niin monta #ertaa,
etta silla on taytynyt olla jo#in oleellinen mer#itys. Tut#imusteni mu#aan lu#u
(+ liittyy se#suaaliBi#arajoihin. $ristus halusi laittaa (D55Blu"un uomessa
toimiessaan (+ "uoden se#suaaliBi#arajat, #os#a uomessa ei silloin ollut
min#aanlaista se#suaaliBi#arajojen lainsaadantoa. uomen sisallissota#in
#aytiin osaltaan johtuen sei#asta, etta osa #ansasta "astusti se#suaaliB
i#arajojen laittamista la#iin, ja osa puolestaan #annatti sita. %aamatussa
ennustetaan 2ooglen, %osettan #i"en, 3essengerin ja =ouTuben #e#sinnot7
Ihmislapsi, suuntaa #as"osi #ohti 3aagogin maata. 6nnusta 2oogin, %oosin,
3ese#in ja Tuubalin ruhtinasta "astaan. /ese#ielin #irja ?D7(.
3inuthan "oidaan leimata psyy##isesti sairaa#si, #os#a olen tehnyt taman
#irjani nimelta !asenapparin pieni #irja. 3i#as siina, leimat#oon "ain, #os#a
minullahan jo on psy#iatrinen diagnoosi. 3ina "ain naytan mita %aamatussa
lu#ee. 6i sellaisesta "oida pa##ohoitoon "ieda. ,iitonar#ussa, jo#a #annettiin
1ordanB"irran ylitse, oli pieni poi#a, 3ooses. Tama#in tapahtui (D55Blu"ulla, ja
1ordanB"irta oli &ohjanlahti. ,iitonar##u #uljetettiin Tu#holmasta Tur#uun, jonne
taidemaalau#set ja 3oosesBpoi#a sala#uljetettiin. + 3oose#sen #irja +7+B?. $un
filistealaiset ryosti"at ,iitonar#un, sen sisalla oli taidemaalausten mu#ana
toinen#in pieni poi#a, nimeltaan /ese#iel, jo#a myos sala#uljetettiin %uotsista
uomeen (D55Blu"ulla. 0imeen !asenappar #at#eytyy sana 0apapiiri, ja
sanaan Israel #at#eytyy englannin#ielinen sana Ice %ail, eli 1aarata, jo#a myos
tar#oittaa 0apapiiria. Israelilaisia eli napapiirilaisia eli lappalaisia oli orjina
6gyptissa eli 6estissa, josta 3ooses "apautti heidat a"aamalla &unaisen 3eren
eli uomenlahden, jon#a #ui"aa pohjaa pit#in lappalaiset #y#eni"at #ul#emaan
uomeen. uomen sisallissota "uonna (>(D #aytiin lappalaisten eli &ohjolan
#ansan ja $ale"alan #ansan "alilla, #uten uomen #ansalliseepos $ale"ala
'arl 2usta" 6mil 3annerheim syntyi "uonna (D)J Turun saaristossa !s#aisten
,ouhisaaressa, ja han oli sama hen#ilo #uin 1eesus $ristus. 3annerheim oli
uomen marsal##a sisallissodassa se#a myos tal"iB ja jat#osodassa, joten han
taytti lupau#sensa, jon#a han ilmoitti 1ohanne#sen Ilmestys#irjassa
sanellessaan #irjetta, jo#a on Ilmestys#irjassa jul#aistu7 8Tyatiran seura#unnan
en#elille #irjoita7 '0ain sanoo 1umalan &oi#a, jolla on silmat #uin tulen lie##i ja
jalat #uin heh#u"a "as#i. /anen lapsensa mina tappamalla tapan.' 8
Ilmestys#irja +7(D,+?. uomen sisallissodassa ja myos uomen tal"iB ja
jat#osodassa #uoli paljon lapsia. 3annerheim ei enaa sietanyt sita, etta maassa
oli haureellisia pyha##opoi#ia eli poi#aprostituoituja, joten han paatti tappaa
heidat #ai##i. 3annerheim oli siis samalla myos profeetta 1esaja, jo#a opetti
#ansaa ja #ul#i #olme "uotta alastomana ollessaan DB(( B"uotias, "uosina (DJI
B(DJD, eli han oli myos sama hen#ilo #uin 1eesus $ristus, jon#a en#elit
tuhosi"at uomea ja sen lahialueita Ilmestys#irjassa.
!ustralialaisen yliopiston tut#imu#sen mu#aan uomi oli #o#o (D55Blu"un ja
"iela (>55Blu"un al#upuolella#in maailman ainoa maa, jossa ei ollut
lainsaadannossa min#aanlaisia se#suaaliBi#arajoja, ja #os#a %aamatun
Vanhassa Testamentissa#aan, jossa luetellaan la#eja se#suaaliri#o#sista, ei
mainita sanalla#aan mistaan se#suaaliBi#arajoista, ei#a %aamatun 9udessa
Testamentissa#aan ole sanaa#aan tallaisista sei#oista, niin tama#in todistaa
sen, etta #o#o %aamattu #ertoo uomen olosuhteista (D55Blu"ulta al#aen,
#ertomusten mennessa uomen sisallissodan #autta ja paattyen uomen tal"iB
ja jat#osotaan. $os#a asioidenlaita on talla ta"alla, niin #o#o %aamattu on
#irjoitettu ja jul#aistu "asta (>*5Blu"un lopussa. !i#amat#ustamisen a"ulla on
sitten siirretty %aamatun #opioita ajassa taa#sepain eri #ielisina #aanno#sina
"anhoihin #irjastoihin #ai##ialle maailmaan ja erilaisia #ir##oja on aineellistettu
menneisyyteen jo#a puolelle planeettaa.
4te %aamatusta7 Voi sinua, 3ooab< /u##unut on $emo#sen #ansa, silla sinun
poi#asi on otettu "angei#si. 1eremian #irja *D7*). $un %aamatussa #errotaan,
etta sillaBjaBsilla hen#ilolla on poi#a, se ei aina "alttamatta tar#oita biologista
poi#aa, "aan huutolaispoi#aa, jo#a on ostettu. 6simer##eja7 ;aa"id #ysyi
hanelta7 8$enen miehia olet ja mista tuletF8 /an "astasi7 83ina olen
egyptilainen nuoru#ainen, eraan amale#ilaisen miehen orja.8 ( amuelin #irja
?57(?. ;aa"id #ysyi "iestin tuoneelta nuoru#aiselta7 83ista sina oletF8 /an
"astasi7 83ina olen amale#ilaisen muu#alaismiehen poi#a.8 + amuelin #irja
(7(?. 1oohanan, $aareahin poi#a, ja #ai##i sota"aen paalli#ot, jot#a oli"at
hanen #anssaan, otti"at haltuunsa #ai#en jaljelle jaaneen "aen. 1ou#ossa oli
miehia, sotilaita, naisia ja lapsia. 1eremian #irja *(7(). /eidan "ierellaan
muuria #orjasi 9ssia, /arhajan poi#a. 0ehemian #irja ?7D. /anella oli
#olme#ymmenta poi#aa, jot#a ratsasti"at #olmella#ymmenella aasilla.
Tuomarien #irja (57*. Tuossa on y#sinainen, jolla ei ole #etaan toista, hanella ei
ole poi#aa. $enen hy"a#si mina siis naen "ai"aa ja #iellan sieluni nauttimasta
hy"aaF1a jos #a#si ma#aa yhdessa, heilla on lammin, mutta #uin#a "oisi
y#sinaisella olla lamminF aarnaajan #irja *7D,((.
!arre ,ehtosen #ommentti7 yllaole"issa %aamatun#ohdissa #errotaan
enna#oiden, etta 3ooab on se#siBi#arajalait, jon#a ta#ia #ai##i jaljelle jaanyt
"a#i on sitten lapsise#siturismia, mutta sotilaat eli "ir#a"alta on mu#ana
#u"ioissa siina#in. 9ssia on hen#ilo, jo#a taman "uo#si joutuu tur"autumaan
tietynlaisiin poi#a#u"iin, #un lapsise#siturismi#in on ri#ollista. $os#a tietynlaiset
poi#a#u"at#in on #riminalisoitu, niin sitten lopulta joudutaan tur"autumaan
#olmeen#ymmeneen poi#aan, jot#a ratsasta"at #olmella#ymmenella aasilla,
eli tama tar#oittaa, etta joudutaan nayttamaan toteen, #uin#a %aamatussa on
#ymmenia sanallisia #u"au#sia poi#aprostituutiosta. Tama on lopullinen
paateasema, "iimeinen linnoitus, josta poi#ia ei "oida #it#ea pois ilman etta
#ai##i #ir#ot pitaisi sul#ea, #os#a #ir#ot perustu"at %aamattuun.
e"enthBday !d"entist 'hurch
The e"enthBday !d"entist 'hurch is a &rotestant 'hristian denomination
distinguished by its obser"ance of aturday, the original se"enth day of the
1udeoB'hristian wee#, as the abbath, and by its emphasis on the imminent
second coming Gad"entH of 1esus 'hrist. The denomination grew out of the
3illerite mo"ement in the 9nited tates during the middle part of the (>th
century and was formally established in (D)?. !mong its founders was 6llen 2.
:hite, whose e.tensi"e writings are still held in high regard by the church today.
3uch of the theology of the e"enthBday !d"entist 'hurch corresponds to
&rotestant 'hristian teachings such as the Trinity and the infallibility of
The church is also #nown for its emphasis on diet and health, its 8holistic8
understanding of the person, its promotion of religious liberty, and its
conser"ati"e principles and lifestyle.
e"enthBday !d"entist $inship International
e"enthBday !d"entist $inship International is a support organi-ation that
pro"ides a spiritual and social community to current and former e"enthBday
!d"entists who are lesbian, gay, bise.ual, transgender andCor interse. G,2BTIH,
and ha"e felt hurt or rejected because of their se.ual orientation andCor gender
identity. ;! $inship offers them the compassion and support not generally
a"ailable within the organi-ed !d"entist 'hurch.
;! $inship grew out of a (>J) meeting in &alm ;esert, 'alifornia, after some
gay !d"entist men placed an ad"ertisement in 0he Advocate see#ing other gay
!d"entists. :ithin four months there were JI members and a rudimentary
organi-ation. ;uring this time the name 8$inship8 was chosen because e"enthB
day !d"entists typically enjoy a closeB#nit family relationship with each other.
mall groups of gay !d"entists who had found each other in 0ew =or# and an
Francisco soon joined $inship.
;! $inship is managed by a "olunteer board and was incorporated as a nonB
profit organi-ation in (>D(. 'urrent membership, including friends and family, is
appro.imately (,I55 people in )+ countries. !t this time $inship has no formal
connection with the e"enthBday !d"entist 'hurch.
;! $inship e.ists to ease the initial distress of e"enthBday !d"entists when
they reali-e that they are gay, lesbian, bise.ual, or transgendered, and to
facilitate the reconciling of their spirituality with their se.ual orientation by
offering suggested reading materials, personal dialog, professional counseling
referrals, and a networ# of supporti"e members.
In order to communicate with and ser"e its di"erse membership ;! $inship is organi-ed by
regions, with nine
9nited tates
regions and eight o"erseas regions7 !ustraliaB
0ew Kealand
outh !merica
, 6urope,
, The
, and the
British Isles
. %egional coordinators communicate with members, sometimes by newsletter, and
often sponsor meetings for social, recreational, educational and worship purposes. The frequency
and type of acti"ities depend largely on the number and pro.imity of members li"ing within each
In (>DJ a federal lawsuit was filed by the !d"entist 'hurch against ;! $inship in the 9.. ;istrict
'ourt in
,os !ngeles
, 'alifornia, charging that by using 8e"enthBday !d"entist8 in its name the
gay support group was guilty of trademar# infringement. 'uriously, the lawsuit came ten years after
the organi-ation and se"en years after the incorporation of ;! $inship, and after limited
cooperati"e contacts between the church and ;! $inship. ,eaders of ;! $inship surmised the
reasons for this belated decision may ha"e included anger o"er a recent $inship demonstration at
church headquarters. The lawsuit was decided in fa"or of ;! $inship.
,2BTBaffirming religious groups
,esbian, gay, bise.ual, transgender G,2BTH affirming religious groups Galso called gayBaffirmingH are
religious groups that welcome
members and do not consider
to be a
They include entire
religious denominations
, as well as indi"idual
. ome are composed mainly of nonB,2BT members and also ha"e specific programs
to welcome ,2BT people, while others are composed mainly of ,2BT members.
2ay $ids
Aay :ids D :ule "arn som o*sW finnes G+55DH G82ay $ids R 'ool children who
also e.ist8H is a nonBfiction 0orwegian boo# that attempts to educate children
about homose.ual lo"e.
Aay :ids was released on 0o"ember ), +55D, and an e.hibition of the boo#'s
photographic material was on display outside the 3useum of 'ultural /istory in
4slo. 4riginally scheduled through 1anuary +55>, the e.hibit remained through
1uly, an e.tra si. months. The e.hibition was inaugurated by gay politician and
former Finance 3inister of 0orway &er $ristian Foss who also has pro"ided a
photo of himself as a >Byear old boy for the boo#. 4ther celebrities such as
pioneering 0orwegian gay acti"ist $im Friele, chairman of 4slo's city
go"ernment, 6rling ,ae and chief editor of -a*"ladet, !nne !asheim ha"e also
contributed with photographs for the boo#, altogether more than (55 lesbian,
bise.ual and gay people ha"e contributed with their childhood photos.
The boo#, in part based on the research done at the 0orwegian ocial %esearch
institute, was originally intended to be an art project to describe the childhoods
of gay men and women before their homose.ual identities were in place., and it
has been partially funded by grants from the 3inistry of 'hildren and 6quality
and the Fritt 4rd foundation and it is also sponsored by 2ay X ,esbian /ealth
0orway along with se"eral other organi-ations. 'oauthor !ngelt"edt stated at
the boo#'s release that he would li#e to see it become a te.tboo# in 0orway's
elementary schools. In a 0o"ember ), +55D inter"iew with 3inister of 6ducation
B[rd Vegard olhjell it reads that the boo# will be made a"ailable in elementary
schools and that 8the boo# will be adapted to the teaching plan goals which
address se.ual orientation and di"ersity of family forms up and through the Jth
2ay lo"e still remains as one of the secrets of childhood. !nd #eeping secrets in
the lo"e life isn't always so good. Because what we do in secrecy can be turned
into something scary, shameful and a little bit dangerous. 'hildren and
adolescents must learn to spea# openly about gay lo"e. This goes for e"eryone
of us R but particularly for youths and adults who fall in lo"e with someone of
the same se..
%osicrucianism is a generic term referring to studies or membership within a
philosophical secret society said to ha"e been founded in late medie"al
2ermany by 'hristian %osen#reu-. It holds a doctrine or theology 8built on
esoteric truths of the ancient past8, which, 8concealed from the a"erage man,
pro"ide insight into nature, the physical uni"erse and the spiritual realm.8
%osicrucianism is symboli-ed by the %osy 'ross.
Between ()5J and ()(), two anonymous manifestos were published, first in
2ermany and later throughout 6urope.
%osicrucianism was associated with &rotestantism, ,utheranism in particular,
and the manifestos opposed %oman 'atholicism and its preference for dogma
o"er empiricism. They traced their philosophy and science to the 3oors,
asserting that it had been #ept secret for (+5 years until the intellectual climate
might recei"e it.
The %osy 'ross Galso called %ose 'ross and Iose .roi7H is a symbol largely
associated with the semiBmythical 'hristian %osen#reu-, Aabbalist and
alchemist and founder of the %osicrucian 4rder. The %ose 'ross is said to be a
cross with a white rose at its center and symboli-es the teachings of a tradition
formed within the 'hristian tenets.
It has se"eral meanings, depending on the source. ome groups, such as the
!ncient and 3ystical 4rder %osae 'rucis, from a nonBsectarian or nonBreligious
"iew, suggest that the rosy cross predates 'hristianity, where 8the cross
represents the human body and the rose represents the indi"idual's unfolding
!arre ,ehtonen in Bulgaria says7 In this country if I ha"e a Bible in my own
language at my home, I can be charged with possession of written child
pornography, because Bible has in many of its chapters written descriptions of
child pornography. If I tell others about these matters, then I will become guilty
of distribution of written child pornography. !lso in the legislations of !ustralia,
'anada, Finland etc. and in the 9nited 0ations' legislation, written child
pornography which describes se.uality and e"en nudity of children is illegal, and
repeated offenders get years of prison sentences. This is the main reason why
children are ta#en into children's homes, although this reason is not told when
social wor#ers arri"e with the cops to abduct #ids from their homes. Instead,
they ma#e some fa#e reason, and sometimes they don't tell any reason at all.
This is a modern form of medie"al Inquisition, which banned the possession of
any #ind of Bible from citi-ens.
For e.ample written descriptions of heteropedophilia can be found from Bible's
Finnish language "ersion of %aamattu $ansalle +5(+ edition, in the boo# of
/e-e#iel, chapter +?, and in the Fourth boo# of 3oses, chapter ?(, and written
descriptions of homopedophilia can be found in the /ome page of this website,
where there is the long list of biblical quotations, that are also from Bible's
Finnish language "ersion of %aamattu #ansalle +5(+ edition. G%aamattu
#ansalle means in 6nglish 8Bible for the nation8.H
:hat would you thin# if you did something that appeared to be perfectly legal,
only to find yourself, two years later, being raided, handcuffed, denied bail,
denounced as a frea# in your hometown newspaper, and threatened with fi"e to
twenty years in prisonF :hat if, to your total shoc#, the reason for all this turns
out to be that prosecutors had decided to aggressi"ely reinterpret an e.isting
law, one that lawyers had stated you would not be brea#ingF :hat would you
thin# if there were do-ens of cases li#e yours, and yet the authorities in"ol"ed
were ma#ing e"ery possible effort to #eep you and the public from finding out
them and about their true natureF
(+B"uotiaat #a#sospojat 1eesus ja imon
2nostilaisessa &ietarin ilmesty#sessa ja uuren etin toisessa opetu#sessa
selostetaan, etta se hen#ilo, jo#a joutui ristille, oli#in imon $yrenelainen, ja
oi#ea 1eesus oli #ii"ennyt puuhun ja istui sen o#salla #atselemassa, #uin#a
imon $yrenelainen ristiinnaulittiin. 1eesus nauroi ja sanoi, etta %aamatun
Vanhan testamentin tiettyjen te#stien #irjoittajat o"at nauretta"ia. 1eesu#sen
opetuslapsista &ietari oli ainoa silminna#ija talle tapahtumalle, ja han na#i
1eesu#sen puussa nauramassa ja puhumassa. 2nostilainen &ietarin ilmestys oli
hy"in laajale"i##einen *55Blu"ulla. %aamatun 9uden testamentin !postolien
teoissa "iitataan siihen, etta 1eesus oli#in ripustettu puuhun ei#a ristille, ja
3atteu#sen e"an#eliumissa "iitataan siihen, etta se, jo#a #antoi ristia
teloituspai#alle, oli#in imon $yrenelainen.
uuren etin toisessa opetu#sessa #errotaan 1eesu#sen sanoneen7 9toinen X..Y
6oi sa+en 6a etikan, se en ollut min;. He l=iv;t minua ruokoke+ill;, mutta se oli
toinen, Simon, 6oka kantoi risti; harteillaan. 0oisen +;;h;n he asettivat
or6anta++urakruunun. @utta min; iloitsin korkeuksissa X..Y heid;n
erehdyksest;;n X..Y Ja min; nauroin heid;n ymm;rt;m;tt=myytt;;n.9
2nostilaisessa &ietarin ilmesty#sessa #errotaan7 9X..Y 9:uka muuten on tuo, 6oka
iloitsee 6a nauraa ristin yl;+uolella samaan aikaan, kun he naulitsevat 6otakin
toista ristille 6aloistaan 6a k;sist;;n?9 4a+ahta6a vastasi minulle2 9Se, 6onka n;et
iloitsevan 6a nauravan ristin yl;+uolella, on el;v; Jeesus. 0uo toinen, 6onka
k;siin 6a 6alkoihin he ly=v;t naulo6a, on h;nen lihallinen hahmonsa, h;nen
si6aisensa. He h;+;isev;t sen, 6oka vain muistuttaa h;nt;.99
:i#ipediasta loyty"at nama, uuren etin toinen opetus ja gnostilainen &ietarin
ilmestys. 0e o"at gnostilaisia apo#ryfisia #irjoitu#sia, jot#a tunnetaan 0ag
/ammadin #irjastosta.
False accusations
The state of Bulgaria charged me, 3r !arre ,ehtonen from Finland, with
accusations that I had allegedly #idnapped a (+ByearBold boy, and threatened to
murder him with a big #nife and ordered him to undress completely na#ed, and
tied his hands together from behind his bac# from his wrists and that I had also
tied his mouth so that he could not scream. The prosecutor said that there were
total of nine eyeBwitnesses to this crime. o my charges were #idnapping of a
child and attempted murder of a child. They #ept me loc#ed up in a police
custody jail continuously one year and fi"e months, but they could not arrange a
court case against me, because nobody of those fa#ed eyeBwitnesses e"er
showed up, so they had to drop the charges and let me go. I ne"er did those
things which I was accused of.
I thin# that the real reason for my arrest was my boo# which I wrote. In the two
pictures below my friend is holding in his hands one of my boo#s which I ha"e
written. The boo# has D55 pages.
T943!!0 ,!&996V!0$6,I93I
Tassa teille Tuomaan lapsuuse"an#eliumi 1eesu#sen lapsuudesta. Tama
e"an#eliumi on useimpien #ir##ojen #iellettyjen harhaoppisten #irjojen listalla.
Tama e"an#eliumi saattaa tayttaa laittoman #irjoitetun lapsipornon
tunnusmer#istot sen lu"ussa (?, joten te#stin lu#eminen, hallussapito,
le"ittaminen ja mar##inointi on uomen ja monien muiden#in maiden
lainsaadannossa #iellettya, ja lain ri##ojille on seurau#sena useiden "uosien
"an#eusrangaistus. 1untti#ansa ul"oo7 83I$I 4,6T $II004T909T T943!!0
,!&996V!0$6,I93IT!, 4,6T$4 14$9 &6;4FII,I V!IF8 Tahan ul"ontaan
liittyy mu#aan myos iltapai"alehdisto "alta"ine otsi#oineen7 8&6;4FII,I 1!I
$II00I T943!!0 6V!0$6,I93I0 /!,,9!&I;4T!<8 itten sosiaalisessa
mediassa "aaditaan tallaiselle pedofiilille lyn##austuomiota. 3ina #uiten#in
jul#aisen te#stin tassa7
Tuomaan lapsuuse"an#eliumi
6nsimmEiset #olme lu#ua o"at ainoastaan latinan#ielisessE #Esi#irjoitu#sessa.
3uuten te#sti on suomennettu V2ree# te.t !V R#irjoitu#sen englannin#ielisestE
#EEnnN#sestE G3.%.1ames, VThe !pocryphal 0ew TestamentV, 4.ford7 'larendon
&ress, (>+*H.
Israelilaisen filosofi Tuomaan #ertomu#sia /erran lapsuuden teoista.
,u#u (.
$un oli le"ottomuutta sen tEhden, ettE /erodes etsi /erraamme 1eesusta
$ristusta ettE hEn tappaisi hEnet, en#eli sanoi 1oosefille7 84ta 3aria ja hEnen
lapsensa ja pa#ene 6gyptiin niitE, jot#a etsi"Et hEntE tappaa#seen. 8
1eesus oli #a#si "uotta "anha #un hEn meni 6gyptiin. 1a #un hEn #ul#i #yl"etyn
pellon poi##i, hEn ojensi #EtensE ja otti tEh#iE ja laittoi ne tulen ylle ja jauhoi ne
ja al#oi syNdE. 1a hEn antoi tuolle pellolle sellaisen suosion, ettE "uosi "uodelta
se tuotti omistajalleen niin monta annosta "ehnEE, #uin hEn oli siitE ottanut.
$un he nyt oli"at saapuneet 6gyptiin, he asui"at "uo#ralla erEEn les#en luona, ja
oli"at samassa pai#assa yhden "uoden. 1a 1eesus tuli #olme"uotiaa#si.
1a nEhdessEEn poi#ien lei##i"En, hEn al#oi lei##iE heidEn #anssaan. 1a hEn otti
#ui"atun #alan ja laittoi sen #ulhoon ja #omensi sitE lii##umaan edesta#aisin.
1a jElleen hEn sanoi #alalle7 8/eitE suolasi pois, mitE sinussa on, ja mene
"eteen.8 1a se tapahtui. 3utta #un naapurit nE#i"Et mitE oli tapahtunut, he
#ertoi"at sen les#inaiselle, jon#a talossa hEnen EitinsE 3aria oli. 1a #un hEn
#uuli sen hEn ajoi heidEt ulos talostaan.
,u#u +.
1a #un 1eesus #E"eli EitinsE 3arian #anssa #aupungin torin lEpi, hEn nE#i
opettajan opetta"an oppilaitaan. 1a #atso, #a#sitoista "arpusta, jot#a riiteli"Et
#es#enEEn, putosi"at seinEltE opettajan syliin. 1a #un 1eesus nE#i sen, hEn
nauroi ja seisoi pai#allaan. $un tuo opettaja nE#i hEnen naura"an, hEn sanoi
oppilailleen suuressa "ihassa7 83en#EE, tuo#aa hEnet tEnne luo#seni.8 1a #un
he oli"at tuoneet hEnet, opettaja otti hEnen #or"astaan #iinni ja sanoi7 83itE
sinE nEit, ettE sinE nauroitF8
1a hEn sanoi hEnelle7 84pettaja, #atso, minun #Eteni on tEynnE "iljaa, jota ne
#anta"at pois "aarassa7 si#si ne taisteli"at #es#enEEn, ettE saisi"at osansa
"iljasta.8 6i#E 1eesus lEhtenyt pai#alta, ennen #uin se oli loppu. 1a tEstE syystE
opettaja #Es#i heittEmEEn hEnet ulos #aupungista EitinsE #anssa.
,u#u ?.
1a #atso, /erran en#eli tuli 3arian luo#se ja sanoi hEnelle7 84ta lapsi ja palaa
juutalaisten maahan7 sillE ne o"at #uolleet, jot#a etsi"Et hEntE.8 0iin 3aria
nousi 1eesu#sen #anssa, ja he meni"Et 0asaretin #aupun#iin, jo#a oli hEnen
isEnsE perintNosa. 3utta #un 1oosef lEhti 6gyptistE /erode#sen #uoleman
jEl#een, hEn "ei 1eesu#sen erEmaahan #unnes ne oli"at "aienneet
1erusalemista, jot#a etsi"Et lapsen elEmEE. 1a hEn #iitti 1umalaa siitE, ettE hEn
oli antanut hEnelle ymmErry#sen, ja #os#a hEn oli lNytEnyt ilon /erran 1umalan
edessE. !amen.
TEstE al#aa #rei##alainen te#sti.
,u#u (.
3inE, Tuomas Israelilainen #erron teille, ja #ai#ille "elijlle jot#a olette pa#anoita,
tehdE#seni teille tiettE"E#si /erramme 1eesu#sen $ristu#sen lapsuuden teot,
sen mitE hEn te#i #un hEn oli syntynyt maahamme7 ja sen al#u on tEmE7
,u#u +.
$un tEmE pieni 1eesusBlapsi oli "iisi"uotias, hEn lei##i pai#assa, jossa #ahlataan
puron poi##i7 ja hEn #o#osi yhteen altai#si "edet, jot#a siellE "irtasi"at, ja
#ir#asti ne ja #omensi niitE sanallaan. 1a tehtyEEn pehmeEE sa"ea, hEn
muotoili siitE (+ "arpusta. 1a se pEi"E, jolloin hEn te#i nEmE teot, oli sapatti. 1a
myNs monia muita lapsia lei##i hEnen #anssaan. 1a erEs juutalainen nE#i mitE
1eesus te#i, lei##i sapatinpEi"EnE, hEn lEhti heti ja #ertoi hEnen isElleen
1oosefille7 8$atso, lapsesi on purolla ja on ottanut sa"ea ja muotoillut (+ pientE
lintua, ja on saastuttanut sapatin.8
1a 1oosef tuli pai#alle ja nE#i7 ja huusi hEnelle sanoen7 3i#si teet tEllaista
sapattina, mitE ei ole laillista tehdEF 3utta 1eesus taputti #EsiEEn yhteen ja
huusi "arpusille ja sanoi niille7 83en#EE<8 1a "arpuset lEhti"Et lentoon ja meni"Et
"iserrellen pois. 1a #un juutalaiset nE#i"Et sen, he hEmmEstyi"Et ja poistui"at ja
#ertoi"at johtajilleen mitE he oli"at nEhneet 1eesu#sen te#e"En.
,u#u ?.
3utta #irjanoppinut /annaan poi#a seisoi siellE 1oosefin #anssaS ja hEn otti
pajuno#san ja hajotti "edet, jot#a 1eesus oli #oonnut yhteen. 1a #un 1eesus nE#i
mitE oli tapahtunut, hEn suuttui ja sanoi hEnelle7 84i paha, jumalaton ja typerE,
mitE pahaa altaat ja "edet te#i"Et sinulleF $atso, nyt myNs sinE #uihdut #uin
puu, et#E #anna lehtiE, juuria et#E hedelmEE. 81a heti tuo poi#a #uihtui
#o#onaan, mutta 1eesus lEhti ja meni 1oosefin taloon. 3utta sen, jo#a oli
#uihtunut, "anhemmat otti"at hEnet, "alittaen hEnen nuoruuttaan, ja toi"at
hEnet 1oosefille ja syytti"Et hEntE, 8sillE sinulla on sellainen lapsi jo#a te#ee
sellaisia te#oja8.
,u#u *.
en jEl#een hEn meni jElleen #ylEn lEpi, ja lapsi juo#si ja tNrmEsi hEnen
ol#apEEhEnsE. 1a 1eesus "ihastui ja sanoi hEnelle7 8inE et tule pEEsemEEn
perille Gsinne mihin olit menossaH. 81a "ElittNmEsti hEn #aatui maahan ja #uoli.
3utta jot#ut, jot#a nE#i"Et mitE tapahtui, sanoi"at7 83itE "arten tEmE lapsi on
syntynyt, sillE jo#ainen hEnen sanansa on tehty te#oF8 1a sen "anhemmat, jo#a
oli #uollut, tuli"at 1oosefin luo#se ja syytti"Et hEntE sanoen7 8inulla on sellainen
lapsi, ettet "oi enEE #ul#ea #anssamme #ylEssE7 tai opeta hEntE siunaamaan
ei#E #iroamaan7 sillE hEn tappaa lapsiamme.8
,u#u I.
1a 1oosef #utsui nuoren lapsen erilleen ja "aroitti hEntE sanoen7 83i#si teet
sellaisia asioita, ettE nEmE #Ersi"Et ja "ihaa"at meitE ja "ainoa"at meitEF8
3utta 1eesus sanoi7 83inE tiedEn ettei"Et nEmE sanasi ole sinun7 #uiten#in
sinun "uo#sesi pidEn rauhani7 mutta he saa"at #antaa rangaistu#sensa.8 1a
samalla ne, jot#a hEntE syytti"Et, tuli"at so#ei#si. 1a ne jot#a nE#i"Et sen, oli"at
#auhuissaan ja hEmmentyneitE, ja sanoi"at hEnestE, ettE jo#ainen sana, jon#a
hEn puhui, olipa se hy"E tai paha, oli te#o, ja tuli ihmee#si.
1a #un 1eesus oli tehnyt tEmEn, 1oosef otti hEntE #or"asta ja #EEnsi sen
#ipeE#si. 1a nuori lapsi "ihastui ja sanoi hEnelle7 86t ole tehnyt todella#aan
"iisaasti7 et#N tiedE ettE minE olen sinunF LlE #iusaa minua.8
,u#u ).
0yt opettaja nimeltEEn a##eus \Kacchaeus] seisoi siellE ja hEn #uuli
1eesu#sen puhu"an nEmE asiat isElleen ja hEn ihmetteli suuresti ettE niin nuori
lapsi puhui tEllaisia asioita. 3uutaman pEi"En #uluttua hEn tuli 1oosefin luo#se
ja sanoi hEnelle7 8inulla on "iisas lapsi, ja hEnellE on ymmErrys. Tule, johdata
hEnet luo#seni ettE hEn "oisi oppia #irjoitu#sia. 1a minE opetan hEnelle
#irjoitu#silla #ai#en tiedon ja sen, ettE hEn ter"ehtii #ai##ia "anhimpia ja
#unnioittaa heitE isoisinE ja isinE, ja ra#astaa heitE #ai##i "uotensa.8
1a hEn opetti hEnelle #ai##i #irjaimet alfasta omegaan sel#eEsti, #ysellen
paljon. 3utta 1eesus #atsoi opettaja a##eu#seen ja sanoi hEnelle7 8inE jo#a
et tiedE alfan luontoa, #uin#a "oit opettaa toisille beetaaF8 itten hEn al#oi
hEmmentEE opettajaa ensimmEisellE #irjaimella, ei#E hEn "oinut "astata. 1a
monien nuorten lasten #uullen nuori lapsi sanoi a##eu#selle7 8$uule, oi
opettaja, ensimmEisen #irjaimen sEEnnNt ja #iinnitE huomiosi siihen,8 ^tEmE on
#rei#an#ielisessE te#stissE niin epEsel"EE etten tiedE #uin#a se #EEnnetEEn_7
8sinulla on alfan sEEnnNt.8
,u#u J.
0yt #un opettaja a##eus #uuli niin paljon "ertaus#u"ia ensimmEisestE
#irjaimesta nuoren lapsen puhumana, hEn hEmmentyi hEnen "astau#sensa ja
tietonsa suuruudesta, ja sanoi niille, jot#a oli"at siellE7 8Voi minua, olen
murheellinen, olen hEmmEstynyt7 olen tuonut itseni hEpeEEn tuomalla luo#seni
tEmEn nuoren lapsen. Vie#EE hEnet pois, si#si pyydEn sinua, "eljeni 1oosef7 en
"oi sietEE hEntE en#E saa sanoista sel"EE. TEmE lapsi ei ole syntynyt maasta7
tEmE on se jo#a "oi #esyttEE jopa tulen7 tEmE on #uin se, jo#a on tullut ennen
maailman te#emistE. 3i#E "atsa #antoi tEmEn, mi#E #ohtu ra"itsi senF 3inE en
tiedE. Voi minua, oi ystE"Eni, hEn sai minut jErjiltEEn, en "oi seurata hEnen
ymmErrystEEn. 4len pettEnyt itseEni, olen murheellinen mies7 janosin itselleni
opetuslasta ja sain mestarin. 3inE luulen, oi ystE"Eni, hEpeEni yllE, ettE
ollessani "anha minut on "oittanut nuori lapsiS ja minE olen jopa "almis
#ErsimEEn ja #uolemaan pojan tEhden, "ai##a en juuri nyt "oi #atsoa hEntE
#as"oihin. 1a #un ihmiset sano"at, ettE minut on "oittanut pi##ulapsi, mitE
minun tulisi sanoaF 1a mitE "oin sanoa ensimmEisen #irjaimen asioista, jot#a
hEn puhui minulleF 3inE en tiedE, oi ystE"Eni, sen al#ua en#E loppua. i#si
anon sinua, "eljeni 1oosef, "ie hEnet pois taloosi7 sillE hEn on suuri, #utsun#o
hEntE jumala#si "ai en#eli#si, en tiedE.8
,u#u D.
1a #un juutalaiset oli"at #o#oontuneet a##eu#sen luo#se, nuori lapsi nauroi
suuresti ja sanoi7 8!nta#aa nyt niiden, jot#a oli"at hedelmEttNmiE, #antaa
hedelmEE ja anta#aa heidEn nEhdE sydEmiensE so#eus. 3inE olen tullut
ylhEEltE, ettE #iroaisin heidEt, ja #utsun heidEt asioihin, jot#a o"at ylEpuolella,
#uten on #Es#enyt se, jo#a on lEhettEnyt minut teidEn tEhtenne.8
1a #un lapsi lopetti puhumisen, heti he #ai##i tuli"at hEnen #irou#sensa
alaisi#si. 6i#E sen jEl#een #u#aan us#altanut suututtaa hEntE, ettei hEn #iroaisi
ja aiheuttaisi ruumiin"ammaa.
,u#u >.
6rEEnE pEi"EnE 1eesus lei##i erEEn talon ylemmEssE #erro#sessa, ja y#si
lapsista, jo#a lei##i hEnen #anssaan, putosi alas ja #uoli. 1a #un muut lapset
nE#i"Et sen, he pa#eni"at, ja 1eesus jEi y#sin. 1a #uolleen "anhemmat tuli"at ja
syytti"Et hEntE, ettE hEn oli heittEnyt hEnet alas. illoin 1eesus las#eutui alas ja
seisoi lapsen ruumiin "ieressE ja huusi #o"aa sanoen7 8Keno GsillE se oli hEnen
nimensEH, nouse ja #erro minulle, heitin#N minE sinut alasF8 1a heti hEn nousi ja
sanoi7 86i, /erra, sinE et heittEnyt minua alas, "aan nostit ylNs.8 1a #un he
nE#i"Et sen, he hEmmEstyi"Et7 ja lapsen "anhemmat #unnioitti"at 1umalaa
mer#istE, jo#a oli tullut, ja pal"oi"at 1eesusta.
,u#u (5.
3uutaman pEi"En #uluttua nuori mies oli pil##omassa puita naapurustossa, ja
#ir"es putosi ja lei##asi #ahtia hEnen jal#ansa, ja hEn oli #uolemassa
"erenhu##aan. 1a #un pai#alla oli #o"a meteli ja "E#ijou##o, myNs nuori 1eesusB
lapsi juo#si pai#alle, ja "E#isin tun#eutui "E#ijou#on lEpi, ja otti #iinni jalasta
johon oli lyNty ja se parani heti. 1a hEn sanoi nuorelle miehelle7 80ouse nyt ja
pil#o puu ja muista minua.8 3utta #un "E#ijou##o nE#i mitE oli tapahtunut, he
pal"oi"at lasta sanoen7 8Todella#in 1umalan hen#i on tEssE nuoressa lapsessa.8
,u#u ((.
$un hEn oli #uusi "uotta "anha, hEnen EitinsE lEhetti hEnet ha#emaan "ettE ja
#antamaan sen taloon, ja antoi hEnelle ruu#un7 mutta tungo#sessa hEn painoi
sitE toista "astaan ja ruu##u sEr#yi. 3utta 1eesus le"itti "aatteen jo#a oli hEnen
yllEEn ja tEytti sen "edellE ja "ei sen Eidilleen. 1a #un hEnen EitinsE nE#i mitE oli
tapahtunut hEn suuteli hEntES ja hEn piti sisEllEEn #ai##i salaisuudet mitE hEn
nE#i hEnen te#e"En.
,u#u (+.
1Elleen, #yl"Emisen ai#aan, nuori lapsi meni isEnsE mu#aan #yl"EmEEn "ehnEE
maalleen7 ja #un hEnen isEnsE #yl"i, myNs nuori 1eesusBlapsi #yl"i yhden
"ehnEntEh#En. 1a hEn niitti sen ja pui sen ja te#i siitE sata annosta7 ja hEn
#utsui #ylEn #ai##i #NyhEt puimalaan ja antoi heille "ehnEE. 1a 1oosef otti
"ehnEn tEhteet. 1a hEn oli #ahde#san "uotta "anha #un hEn te#i tEmEn.
,u#u (?.
/Enen isEnsE oli ra#ennusmies ja te#i siihen ai#aan auroja ja i#eitE. 1a ri#as
mies pyysi hEntE te#emEEn hEnelle "uoteen. 1a #un y#si puu, mitE #utsutaan
#anta"a#si, oli liian lyhyt ei#E 1oosef tiennyt mitE tehdE, nuori 1eesusBlapsi sanoi
isElleen 1oosefille7 8,aita maahan #a#si palaa puuta ja seiso toisessa pEEssE.8
1a 1oosef te#i #uten lapsi sanoi hEnelle. 1a 1eesus seisoi toisessa pEEssE ja otti
lyhyemmEn puun ja "enytti siitE yhtE pit#En #uin toinen#in. 1a hEnen isEnsE
nE#i sen ja ihmetteli7 ja hEn halasi nuorta lasta ja suuteli hEntE sanoen7 8minE
olen onnellinen #un 1umala on antanut minulle tEmEn lapsen.8
,u#u (*.
3utta #un 1oosef nE#i lapsen ymmErry#sen ja iEn, jo#a oli tulossa tEyteen, hEn
ajatteli uudelleen ettE lapsen tEytyy oppia #irjoitu#setS ja hEn otti hEnet ja "ei
toiselle opettajalle. 1a opettaja sanoi 1oosefille7 86nsin minE opetan hEnelle
#rei#an ja sitten heprean.8 illE opettaja tiesi lapsen taidot ja pel#Esi hEntE7 hEn
#irjoitti aa##osen ja 1eesus mietti sitE #auan ei#E "astannut hEnelle. 1a 1eesus
sanoi hEnelle7 81os sinE itse asiassa olet opettaja ja tunnet hy"in #irjaimet, #erro
minulle alfan "oima ja minE #erron sinulle beetan "oiman.8 1a opettaja suuttui
ja lNi hEntE pEEhEn. 1a nuorta lasta sattui ja hEn #irosi hEnet, ja heti hEn #aatui
maahan #as"oilleen. 1a lapsi palasi 1oosefin taloon7 ja 1oosef murehti ja #Es#i
hEnen EitiEEn sanoen7 86i anneta hEnen mennE o"esta, sillE #ai##i #uole"at
jot#a suututta"at hEnet.8
,u#u (I.
1a jon#un ajan #uluttua toinen opettaja, jo#a oli 1oosefin us#ollinen ystE"E,
sanoi hEnelle7 8Tuo lapsi luo#seni #ouluun, minE "oin opettaa hEntE.81a 1oosef
sanoi7 81os sinulla ei ole pel#oa, "eljeni, ota hEnet mu#aasi.8 1a hEn otti hEnet
mu#aansa, pelossa ja hengen murheessa, mutta nuori lapsi seurasi hEntE
1a pel#EEmEttE hEn meni #ouluun ja lNysi #irjan pNydEltE ja hEn otti sen, ei#E
lu#enut #irjoitu#sia siitE, "aan a"asi suunsa ja puhui &yhEllE /engellE, ja opetti
la#ia niille, jot#a oli"at siellE. 1a suuri jou##o #o#oontui ja seisoi siellE
#uunnellen, ja ihmetteli hEnen opetu#sensa #auneutta ja sana"almiutta, ja sitE
ettE lapsi #EsittEE sellaisia asioita. 3utta #un 1oosef #uuli siitE, hEn pel#Esi, ja
juo#si #ouluun ajatellen olisi#o hEnen#in opettajansa taidoton7 mutta opettaja
sanoi 1oosefille7 8TiedE, "eljeni, ettE sain tEmEn lapsen opetuslapse#si, mutta
hEn on tEynnE #unniaa ja "iisauttaS ja nyt pyydEn sinua, "eljeni, ota hEnet
1a #un lapsi #uuli sen, hEn hymyili hEnelle ja sanoi7 8$os#a sanoit noin hy"in ja
olet syntynyt oi#ea#si todistaja#si, sinun tEhtesi myNs se, jota on lyNty,
parannetaan.8 1a sillE het#ellE parani toinen opettaja. 1a 1oosef otti lapsen ja
lEhti #otiinsa.
,u#u ().
1a 1oosef lEhetti poi#ansa 1aa#obin #antamaan polttoainetta taloonsa. 1a nuori
1eesusBlapsi seurasi hEntE. 1a #un 1aa#ob #erEsi risu#imppuja, #EErme puri
hEntE #Eteen. 1a #un hEn oli murheellinen ja "almistautui menehtymEEn,
1eesus tuli lEhelle ja puhalsi puremaan, ja heti #ipu la##asi ja #EErme hal#esi,
ja he jat#oi"at #o#oamista.
,u#u (J.
1a nEiden tapahtumien jEl#een, 1oosefin naapurissa, pieni lapsi sairastui ja
#uoli, ja hEnen EitinsE it#i #at#erasti. 1a 1eesus #uuli, ettE siellE oli suuri "alitus
ja murhe ja hEn juo#si nopeasti ja lNysi lapsen #uolleena7 ja hEn #os#etti hEnen
rintaansa ja sanoi7 83inE sanon sinulle, lapsi, ElE #uole, "aan elE ja ole Eitisi
#anssa.8 1a heti hEn #atsoi ylNs ja nauroi. 1a hEn sanoi Eidille7 84ta hEnet ja
anna hEnelle maitoa, ja muista minua.8 1a "E#ijou##o jo#a seisoi siellE, nE#i
sen ja ihmetteli ja sanoi7 8Totuudella tEmE lapsi on jumala tai 1umalan en#eliS
sillE jo#ainen hEnen sanansa on tEydellinen te#o.8 1a 1eesus lEhti sieltE
lei##imEEn muiden lasten #anssa.
,u#u (D.
1a jon#un ajan #uluttua ra#ennu#sella oli tyNtE. 1a sinne tuli suuri meteli ja
1eesus nousi ja meni mu#aan7 ja hEn nE#i miehen ma#aa"an #uolleena, ja otti
hEntE #EdestE #iinni ja sanoi7 83ies, minE sanon sinulle, nouse ja tee tyNsi.8 1a
heti hEn nousi ja pal"oi hEntE. 1a #un "E#ijou##o nE#i sen, he jEr#yttyi"Et ja
sanoi"at7 8TEmE nuori lapsi on tai"aasta7 sillE hEn on pelastanut monia sieluja
#uolemasta, ja hEnellE on "alta pelastaa #ai##i.8
Thomas ,incoln G(DI?B(DJ(H died at (D.
:illiam :allace ,incoln G(DI5B(D)+H died at ((.

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