Deployment Guide For SharePoint 2013

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Deployment guide for

Microsoft SharePoint 2013

Microsoft Corporation
Published: October 2012
Author: Microsoft Ofce System and Servers eam !itspdocs"microsoft#com$
his boo% provides deployment instructions for SharePoint 201&# he audiences
for this boo% include application specialists' line(of(business application
specialists' and ) administrators *ho are ready to deploy SharePoint 201&#
he content in this boo% is a copy of selected content in the SharePoint 2013 technical
library as of the publication date# +or the most current content' see the technical
library on the *eb#

This document is provided as-is. Information and views expressed in this document, including URL
and other Internet wesite references, ma! change without notice. "ou ear the ris# of using it.
$ome examples depicted herein are provided for illustration onl! and are fictitious. %o real association
or connection is intended or should e inferred.
This document does not provide !ou with an! legal rights to an! intellectual propert! in an! &icrosoft
product. "ou ma! cop! and use this document for !our internal, reference purposes.
' ()*( &icrosoft +orporation. ,ll rights reserved.
&icrosoft, ,ccess, ,ctive -irector!, .ac#stage, .ing, /xcel, 0roove, 1otmail, 1!per-2, Info3ath,
Internet /xplorer, 4ffice 567, 4ne%ote, 4utloo#, 3erformance3oint, 3ower3oint, $hare3oint,
$ilverlight, $#!-rive, 2isio, 2isio $tudio, 8indows, 8indows Live, 8indows &oile,
8indows 3ower$hell, 8indows $erver, and 8indows 2ista are either registered trademar#s or
trademar#s of &icrosoft +orporation in the United $tates and9or other countries.
The information contained in this document represents the current view of &icrosoft +orporation on the
issues discussed as of the date of pulication. .ecause &icrosoft must respond to changing mar#et
conditions, it should not e interpreted to e a commitment on the part of &icrosoft, and &icrosoft
cannot guarantee the accurac! of an! information presented after the date of pulication.

,ettin- help########################################################################################################
Overvie* of SharePoint 201& installation and con/-uration####################################1
Physical architecture############################################################################################# 2
Si0e##################################################################################################################### 2
)nstallation and con/-uration################################################################################&
Prepare the servers############################################################################################ &
Create the farm################################################################################################## 1
Con/-ure settin-s' services' solutions' and sites###############################################2
3eployment sta-es############################################################################################### 2
Plannin-############################################################################################################## 2
3evelopment###################################################################################################### 4
Proof of concept################################################################################################# 4
Pilot#################################################################################################################### 5
6ser acceptance test !6A$################################################################################ 5
Production########################################################################################################## 5
Prepare for installation of SharePoint 201&##############################################################7
ech8et articles about ho* to prepare for SharePoint 201& installation and initial
con/-uration###################################################################################################### 7
Additional resources about SharePoint 201& installation and initial con/-uration
######################################################################################################################### 10
)nitial deployment administrative and service accounts in SharePoint 201&#########11
9e:uired permissions########################################################################################## 11
Account permissions and security settin-s in SharePoint 201&#############################11
About account permissions and security settin-s###############################################11
SharePoint administrative accounts####################################################################11
Setup user administrator account####################################################################11
SharePoint farm service account######################################################################12
SharePoint service application accounts#############################################################14
Application pool account################################################################################## 14
3efault content access account#######################################################################14
Content access accounts################################################################################## 15
;.cel Services unattended service account#####################################################15
My Sites application pool account####################################################################15
Other application pool accounts#######################################################################1<
SharePoint database roles################################################################################### 1<
=SS>CO8;8>APP?)CA)O8>POO?S database role#########################################1<
=SS>S@;??>ACC;SS database role##################################################################17
SP>9;A3>O8?A database role###########################################################################17
SP>3AA>ACC;SS database role#######################################################################17
,roup permissions############################################################################################## 20
=SS>A3M)8>=P,############################################################################################# 20
=SS>=P,######################################################################################################### 2<
?ocal service##################################################################################################### &2
?ocal system##################################################################################################### &4
8et*or% service################################################################################################ 10
Administrators################################################################################################## 10
=SS>9;S9)C;3>=P,#################################################################################### 11
6sers -roup###################################################################################################### 11
All SharePoint 201& service accounts###############################################################14
Con/-ure SB? Server security for SharePoint 201& environments########################15
Cefore you be-in################################################################################################# 15
Con/-urin- a SB? Server instance to listen on a non(default port######################1<
Cloc%in- default SB? Server listenin- ports########################################################17
Con/-urin- =indo*s +ire*all to open manually assi-ned ports#########################20
Con/-urin- SB? Server client aliases##################################################################20
)nstall prere:uisites for SharePoint 201& from a net*or% share#############################22
)nstaller s*itches and ar-uments########################################################################22
3o*nload and combine the SharePoint 201& prere:uisites on a /le share#########2&
)nstall the SharePoint 201& prere:uisites at the command prompt####################21
)nstall the SharePoint 201& prere:uisites by usin- an ar-uments /le#################21
Dno*n issues#################################################################################################### 24
)nstall SharePoint 201&########################################################################################## 2<
ech8et articles about ho* to install and con/-ure SharePoint 201&#################2<
Additional resources about ho* to install and con/-ure SharePoint 201&##########27
)nstall SharePoint 201& on a sin-le server *ith a built(in database#######################41
Overvie*############################################################################################################# 41
Cefore you be-in################################################################################################# 42
)nstall SharePoint 201&####################################################################################### 42
9un the Microsoft SharePoint Products Preparation ool###################################4&
9un Setup######################################################################################################### 4&
9un the SharePoint Products Con/-uration =i0ard##########################################41
Con/-ure bro*ser settin-s############################################################################### 42
Post(installation steps######################################################################################### 44
)nstall SharePoint 201& on a sin-le server *ith SB? Server###################################4<
Overvie*############################################################################################################# 4<
Cefore you install SharePoint 201& on a sin-le server########################################4<
)nstall SharePoint 201& on a sin-le server##########################################################47
9un the Microsoft SharePoint Products Preparation ool###################################50
9un Setup######################################################################################################### 50
9un the SharePoint Products Con/-uration =i0ard##########################################51
Con/-ure bro*ser settin-s############################################################################### 5&
9un the +arm Con/-uration =i0ard##################################################################51
Post(installation steps######################################################################################### 52
)nstall SharePoint 201& across multiple servers for a three(tier farm####################55
Overvie*############################################################################################################# 55
Cefore you install SharePoint 201& on multiple servers for a three(tier farm###57
6sin- the Microsoft SharePoint Products Preparation ool################################57
3atabase server############################################################################################### 57
Public updates and hot/. pac%a-es#################################################################<0
Prepare the farm servers##################################################################################### <0
)nstall SharePoint 201& on the farm servers#######################################################<0
Create and con/-ure the farm############################################################################ <1
Add *eb servers to the farm###############################################################################<&
Post(installation steps######################################################################################### <1
)nstall or uninstall lan-ua-e pac%s for SharePoint 201&########################################<2
About lan-ua-e )3s and lan-ua-e pac%s############################################################<2
3o*nloadin- lan-ua-e pac%s############################################################################## <5
)nstallin- lan-ua-e pac%s on the *eb and application servers###########################<5
6ninstallin- lan-ua-e pac%s############################################################################### <<
Add *eb or application servers to farms in SharePoint 201&#################################<7
Cefore you add a *eb or application server to a SharePoint farm#######################<7
3etermine server role####################################################################################### 70
+ront(end *eb server role################################################################################# 71
Application server role###################################################################################### 71
Additional tas%s################################################################################################ 72
)nstall prere:uisite soft*are################################################################################72
)nstall the SharePoint soft*are############################################################################ 7&
Add the ne* SharePoint server to the farm#########################################################7&
Con/-ure the ne* server#################################################################################### 74
9emove a server from a farm in SharePoint 201&#################################################75
9emovin- a *eb server or application server from a SharePoint farm################75
9emove a *eb server or an application server from a farm by usin- Control
Panel############################################################################################################## 7<
9emovin- a database server from a SharePoint farm#########################################77
9emove a database server' *eb server' or application server from a SharePoint
farm by usin- Central Administration###############################################################77
6ninstall SharePoint 201&#################################################################################### 101
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### 101
6ninstall SharePoint 201&################################################################################# 102
)nstall and con/-ure a virtual environment for SharePoint 201&#########################10&
ech8et articles about SharePoint 201& virtuali0ation *ith @yper(E#################10&
Additional resources about @yper(E installation and initial con/-uration##########10&
6se best practice con/-urations for the SharePoint 201& virtual machines and
@yper(E environment######################################################################################## 102
)ntroduction and scope###################################################################################### 104
Article scope################################################################################################### 104
9evie* the -eneral best practice -uidance for virtuali0ation############################104
Cest practice -uidance for virtuali0ation########################################################105
Con/-ure the @yper(E host computer###############################################################10<
)nstall and con/-ure virtual net*or%in-############################################################107
@yper(E virtual net*or%s################################################################################ 107
Eirtual net*or% types##################################################################################### 107
Eirtual local area net*or%s !E?A8s$###############################################################110
8et*or% adapters and virtual net*or% s*itches#############################################111
Create and con/-ure the virtual machines#######################################################112
Con/-ure the memory for the virtual machines################################################112
Con/-ure the processors for the virtual machines############################################11&
Con/-ure the controllers and hard dis%s for the virtual machines####################111
Con/-ure services and -eneral settin-s###########################################################112
)nte-ration services######################################################################################## 112
Automatic stop and start################################################################################ 112
Con/-ure SharePoint 201&################################################################################## 115
ech8et articles about ho* to con/-ure settin-s for the server farm###############115
Additional resources about ho* to con/-ure settin-s for the server farm########117
Con/-ure authentication infrastructure in SharePoint 201&################################120
ech8et articles about ho* to con/-ure authentication infrastructure#############120
Con/-ure forms(based authentication for a claims(based *eb application in
SharePoint 201&################################################################################################ 122
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### 122
Process overvie*############################################################################################### 12&
Phase 1: Create a ne* *eb application that uses forms(based authentication
*ith Central Administration############################################################################ 12&
Phase 2: Con/-ure the =eb#Con/- /les for an ?3AP membership provider#####121
Con/-ure the Central Administration =eb#Con/- /le####################################121
Con/-ure the Security o%en Service =eb#Con/- /le####################################124
Con/-ure the ne* *eb application =eb#Con/- /le########################################125
Create a ne* *eb application that uses forms(based authentication *ith
=indo*s Po*erShell####################################################################################### 12<
Con/-ure a forms(based authentication *eb application for =indo*s A0ure
autohosted apps############################################################################################# 1&0
Con/-ure SAM?(based claims authentication *ith A3 +S in SharePoint 201&#####1&2
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### 1&2
Process overvie*############################################################################################### 1&&
Phase 1: )nstall and con/-ure an A3 +S server#################################################1&&
Phase 2: Con/-ure A3 +S *ith the *eb application as a relyin- party##############1&&
Con/-ure A3 +S for a relyin- party################################################################1&&
Con/-ure the claim rule################################################################################# 1&1
;.port the to%en si-nin- certi/cate################################################################1&2
Phase &: Con/-ure SharePoint 201& to trust A3 +S as an identity provider######1&2
;.portin- multiple parent certi/cates############################################################1&4
)mport a to%en si-nin- certi/cate by usin- =indo*s Po*erShell###################1&4
3e/ne a uni:ue identi/er for claims mappin- by usin- =indo*s Po*erShell 1&<
Create a ne* authentication provider############################################################1&<
Phase 1: Con/-ure *eb applications to use claims(based authentication and A3
+S as the trusted identity provider#################################################################1&7
Associate an e.istin- *eb application *ith the A3 +S identity provider#########1&7
Create a ne* *eb application *ith the A3 +S identity provider#####################110
Con/-ure server(to(server authentication in SharePoint 201&############################111
ech8et articles about ho* to con/-ure server(to(server authentication#########111
Con/-ure server(to(server authentication bet*een SharePoint 201& farms########112
Con/-ure a SharePoint 201& trust relationship *ith another farm####################112
Con/-ure server(to(server authentication bet*een SharePoint 201& and ;.chan-e
Server 201&###################################################################################################### 114
Process overvie*############################################################################################### 115
Con/-ure server(to(server authentication bet*een SharePoint 201& and ?ync
Server 201&###################################################################################################### 117
Process overvie*############################################################################################### 120
Con/-ure app authentication in SharePoint Server 201&####################################122
Process overvie*############################################################################################### 122
Step 1# Con/-ure the SharePoint Server 201& app authentication trust###########12&
Con/-ure SharePoint Server 201& to trust ACS##############################################12&
Con/-ure SharePoint Server 201& to trust the app########################################121
Step 2# 9e-ister the app *ith the Application Mana-ement service#################124
Step &# Con/-ure app permissions####################################################################124
Con/-ure client certi/cate authentication for SharePoint 201&###########################125
Con/-ure client certi/cate authentication########################################################12<
Con/-ure availability and recovery solutions for SharePoint 201&######################140
ech8et articles about installin- and con/-urin- hi-h availability and disaster
recovery solutions########################################################################################## 140
Con/-ure SB? Server 2012 Al*aysOn Availability ,roups for SharePoint 201&###141
Process overvie*############################################################################################### 141
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### 142
Dno*led-e and s%ill re:uirements##################################################################142
SB? Server Al*aysOn Availability ,roup concepts#########################################142
=indo*s Server +ailover Clusterin-################################################################141
SharePoint +oundation 201& and SharePoint Server 201&##############################141
3etailed steps to con/-ure an Al*aysOn Availability ,roup for SharePoint######141
Prepare the =indo*s Server cluster environment##########################################142
Prepare the SB? Server environment#############################################################144
)nstall SB? Server 2012################################################################################## 144
;nable 8amed Pipes####################################################################################### 144
;nable Al*aysOn############################################################################################ 145
Create and con/-ure the availability -roup####################################################145
About replicas and data synchroni0ation########################################################14<
9eplica con/-uration re:uirements################################################################147
Create and con/-ure the availability -roup####################################################151
Create the availability -roup##########################################################################151
)nstall and con/-ure SharePoint 201&############################################################152
Add SharePoint databases to the availability -roup#######################################15&
6se failover tests to validate the Al*aysOn installation####################################151
Monitor the Al*aysOn environment##################################################################151
Con/-ure email inte-ration for a SharePoint 201& farm######################################154
ech8et articles about email inte-ration###########################################################154
Con/-ure incomin- email for a SharePoint 201& farm#########################################15<
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### 15<
)nstall and con/-ure the SMP service##############################################################157
)nstall the SMP service################################################################################## 157
)nstall ))S 4#0 Mana-ement tools####################################################################1<0
Con/-ure the SMP service############################################################################ 1<0
Con/-ure incomin- email in a basic scenario###################################################1<1
Con/-ure incomin- email in an advanced scenario##########################################1<1
Prepare your environment for incomin- email in an advanced scenario###########1<1
Con/-ure A3 3S to be used *ith 3irectory Mana-ement Service##################1<1
Con/-ure 38S Mana-er################################################################################# 1<5
Add an SMP connector in Microsoft ;.chan-e Server 2010##########################1<<
Con/-ure permissions to the email drop folder##############################################1<7
Con/-ure email drop folder permissions for the application pool identity
account for a *eb application######################################################################1<7
Con/-ure email drop folder permissions for the lo-on account for the
SharePoint imer service############################################################################# 170
Are attachments missin- from email messa-es that are sent to a SharePoint
document libraryF########################################################################################## 171
Con/-ure out-oin- email for a SharePoint 201& farm#########################################172
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### 17&
)nstall and con/-ure the SMP service##############################################################17&
)nstall the SMP service################################################################################## 17&
Con/-ure the SMP service############################################################################ 171
Con/-ure out-oin- email for a farm#################################################################172
Con/-ure out-oin- email for a speci/c *eb application###################################174
Con/-ure services and service applications in SharePoint 201&#########################17<
ech8et articles about ho* to con/-ure services for SharePoint 201&#############17<
Additional resources about ho* to con/-ure services for SharePoint 201&######200
Con/-ure the Secure Store Service in SharePoint 201&#######################################201
Con/-ure Secure Store##################################################################################### 201
=or% *ith encryption %eys################################################################################ 20&
,enerate an encryption %ey########################################################################### 20&
9efresh the encryption %ey############################################################################# 201
Store credentials in Secure Store######################################################################201
Create a tar-et application############################################################################# 202
+ield################################################################################################################ 204
Set credentials for a tar-et application##########################################################205
;nable the audit lo-########################################################################################## 205
Eideo demonstration######################################################################################### 20<
Create and con/-ure a Search service application in SharePoint Server 201&####207
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### 207
@o* to create and con/-ure a SharePoint Search service application##############207
Step 1: Create accounts that are re:uired for a SharePoint Search service
application###################################################################################################### 210
Step 2: Create a SharePoint Search service application####################################211
Step &: Con/-ure the SharePoint Search service application############################212
Specify the default content access account###################################################212
Specify the contact email address##################################################################21&
Create content sources in a SharePoint Search service application###############21&
Step 1: Con/-ure the SharePoint Search service application topolo-y#############211
Create a Search Center site in SharePoint Server 201&#######################################212
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### 212
3eploy people search in SharePoint Server 201&################################################21<
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### 21<
People search prere:uisites############################################################################21<
Set up people search######################################################################################## 217
Con/-ure My Sites settin-s############################################################################217
Con/-ure cra*lin-########################################################################################## 217
Add data for people search###############################################################################222
Add user pro/les to the pro/le store##############################################################222
Add information to My Sites###########################################################################22&
Cra*l the pro/le store####################################################################################### 22&
Con/-ure result sources for search in SharePoint Server 201&###########################222
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### 222
Create a result source####################################################################################### 222
?evels and permissions for result sources######################################################224
On the CAS)CS tab########################################################################################## 225
On the SO9)8, tab####################################################################################### 22<
On the ;S tab############################################################################################# 22<
Set a result source as default############################################################################ 22<
Create and con/-ure Machine ranslation services in SharePoint Server 201&###2&0
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### 2&0
Create a SharePoint Machine ranslation service application############################2&1
3atabase section properties###########################################################################2&2
Con/-ure the Machine ranslation Service#######################################################2&1
Additional steps################################################################################################# 2&5
Con/-ure 9e:uest Mana-er in SharePoint Server 201&#######################################2&<
Overvie*########################################################################################################### 2&<
Scenarios########################################################################################################## 2&<
Setup and 3eployment##################################################################################### 2&7
3edicated mode############################################################################################# 210
)nte-rated mode############################################################################################# 211
Con/-uration#################################################################################################### 212
,eneral settin-s############################################################################################# 212
=indo*s Po*erShell e.amples to enable routin- and throttlin-####################212
3ecision information####################################################################################### 21&
9outin- tar-ets############################################################################################### 21&
=indo*s Po*erShell e.amples routin- tar-et tas%s#######################################21&
9outin- and throttlin- rules############################################################################ 211
9e:uest 9outin-################################################################################################ 212
)ncomin- re:uest handler###############################################################################212
9e:uest routin-############################################################################################## 212
9e:uest rule matchin-################################################################################### 212
+ront(end *eb server selection######################################################################214
9e:uest routin- and prioriti0in-#####################################################################214
9e:uest load balancin-################################################################################## 215
Monitorin- and maintenance############################################################################215
Con/-ure Cusiness Connectivity Services solutions for SharePoint 201&############217
About Cusiness Connectivity Services installation scenarios############################217
Prere:uisites##################################################################################################### 217
On(premises deployment################################################################################## 217
3eploy a Cusiness Connectivity Services on(premises solution in SharePoint 201&
########################################################################################################################## 221
=hat these procedures help you deploy###########################################################221
@o* to use these procedures and a roadmap of the procedures######################22&
Prere:uisites for deployin- a Cusiness Connectivity Services on(premises solution
in SharePoint 201&############################################################################################ 222
On(premises scenario prere:uisites##################################################################222
Preparin- the environment############################################################################### 224
@o* to do*nload and install the Adventure=or%s sample database##############224
Create database lo-ins for a Cusiness Connectivity Services on(premises solution
in SharePoint 201&############################################################################################ 225
Create a SB? Server lo-in############################################################################### 225
Create a SB? Server user on the Adventure=or%s database##########################22<
Start the Cusiness 3ata Connectivity service for a Cusiness Connectivity Services
on(premises solution in SharePoint 201&##########################################################227
Start the Cusiness 3ata Connectivity service#################################################227
Create the Cusiness 3ata Connectivity service application in SharePoint 201&# #240
Create a ne* Cusiness 3ata Connectivity Services service application#########240
Set permissions on the CCS Metadata Store for a Cusiness Connectivity Services
on(premises solution in SharePoint 201&##########################################################242
Set permissions on the Cusiness Connectivity Services Metadata Store########242
Con/-ure the Secure Store Service for a Cusiness Connectivity Services on(
premises solution in SharePoint 201&###############################################################241
Parameters for con/-urin- the Secure Store Service for a Microsoft Cusiness
Connectivity Services on(premises con/-uration###########################################241
Con/-ure Secure Store Service for on(premises Cusiness Connectivity Services
#################################################################################################################### 241
Create an e.ternal content type for a Cusiness Connectivity Services on(premises
solution in SharePoint 201&############################################################################### 245
Create and con/-ure an e.ternal content type *ith SharePoint 3esi-ner 201&
####################################################################################################################### 245
3e/ne -eneral information############################################################################# 245
3e/ne -eneral and Ofce behaviors##############################################################24<
Create a connection to the e.ternal data#######################################################24<
Select a table' vie*' or routine and 3e/ne Operation####################################24<
Add columns################################################################################################### 247
Map Outloo% /elds and set up the e.ternal item pic%er control#####################247
3e/ne /lters################################################################################################### 247
Set the itle /eld for an e.ternal list and complete the e.ternal content type
#################################################################################################################### 247
Con/-ure permission on an e.ternal content type for a Cusiness Connectivity
Services on(premises solution in SharePoint 201&############################################251
Set up permissions to the e.ternal content type############################################251
Create an e.ternal list for a Cusiness Connectivity Services on(premises solution in
SharePoint 201&################################################################################################ 25&
Create an e.ternal list#################################################################################### 25&
Create a vie* of an e.ternal list#####################################################################25&
Mana-e user permissions on an e.ternal list for a Cusiness Connectivity Services
on(premises solution in SharePoint 201&##########################################################252
Mana-e user permissions to the e.ternal list#################################################252
Connect an e.ternal list to Outloo% for a Cusiness Connectivity Services on(
premises solution in SharePoint 201&###############################################################255
Synchroni0e the e.ternal list *ith Outloo%#####################################################255
?in% to############################################################################################################ 255
Eerify oGine access and synchroni0ation of e.ternal data in Outloo% for a Cusiness
Connectivity Services on(premises solution in SharePoint 201&#######################25<
6pdate customer data oGine and refresh it online########################################25<
Con/-ure e3iscovery in SharePoint Server 201&#################################################257
Con/-ure communication bet*een SharePoint Server 201& and ;.chan-e Server
201&############################################################################################################### 257
Con/-ure Search to cra*l all discoverable content##########################################2<0
,rant permissions############################################################################################# 2<0
Create an e3iscovery center############################################################################# 2<1
Con/-ure site in SharePoint Server 201&############################################2<2
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### 2<2
Con/-ure SharePoint for Site in SharePoint Server 201&##################2<&
)nstall ;.chan-e =eb Services AP) on SharePoint Server###############################2<1
;stablish OAuth rust and Service Permissions on SharePoint Server 201&######2<1
Con/-ure ;.chan-e Server 201& for Site
;stablish OAuth rust and Service Permission on ;.chan-e###########################27&
roubleshootin-################################################################################################# 27&
able of ;rror Codes for 9eference =hen 9unnin- Con/-uration Chec%list Script
#################################################################################################################### 27&
Con/-ure ;.chan-e tas% synchroni0ation in SharePoint Server 201&#################275
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### 275
Con/-ure SharePoint for as% Synchroni0ation in SharePoint Server 201&#######27<
)nstall ;.chan-e =eb Services AP) on SharePoint Server###############################27<
Con/-ure ;.chan-e Server 201& for as% Synchroni0ation###############################277
;stablish OAuth rust and Service Permission on ;.chan-e###########################277
Con/-ure social computin- features in SharePoint Server 201&#########################&00
ech8et articles about con/-urin- social computin- features##########################&00
Additional resources about con/-urin- social computin- features###################&01
Con/-ure My Sites in SharePoint Server 201&#####################################################&02
Prere:uisites##################################################################################################### &02
=eb application############################################################################################## &0&
6ser Pro/le service application and pro/le synchroni0ation###########################&0&
Create a My Site host site collection#################################################################&0&
Add a *ildcard inclusion mana-ed path to the *eb application#######################&01
Connect the *eb application to service applications########################################&02
;nable self(service site creation for the *eb application##################################&02
Con/-ure My Site settin-s for the 6ser Pro/le service application###################&05
;nable the 6ser Pro/le Service Application ( Activity +eed Hob##########################&07
8e.t steps######################################################################################################### &10
Con/-ure trusted My Site host locations########################################################&10
Con/-ure lin%s to Ofce client applications####################################################&10
Add personali0ation site lin%s on My Sites######################################################&10
Start related services##################################################################################### &11
Con/-ure microblo--in-################################################################################ &11
Create and con/-ure communities in SharePoint Server 201&############################&12
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### &12
Create a Community Site################################################################################## &1&
Create a Community Portal############################################################################### &1&
Additional steps################################################################################################# &11
Con/-ure microblo--in- in SharePoint Server 201&############################################&12
ech8et articles about microblo--in-###############################################################&12
Con/-ure +ollo*in- settin-s in SharePoint Server 201&######################################&14
Con/-ure +ollo*in- settin-s for My Sites##########################################################&14
Mana-e +eed Cache and ?ast Modi/ed ime Cache repopulation in SharePoint
Server 201&###################################################################################################### &1<
9epopulate the ?ast Modi/ed ime Cache by usin- timer Iobs in Central
Administration################################################################################################ &17
9epopulate the +eed Cache and ?ast Modi/ed ime Cache by usin- =indo*s
Po*erShell cmdlets######################################################################################## &20
Mana-e the 3istributed Cache service in SharePoint Server 201&######################&21
Start and stop the 3istributed Cache service####################################################&21
Chan-e the memory allocation of the 3istributed Cache service#####################&22
Chan-e the memory allocation of the 3istributed Cache by usin- =indo*s
Po*erShell################################################################################################### &2&
Add or remove a server in a 3istributed Cache cluster#####################################&21
Add a server to the cache cluster and startin- the 3istributed Cache service by
usin- a =indo*s Po*erShell########################################################################&21
9emove a server from the cache cluster by usin- a =indo*s Po*erShell#####&21
Perform a -raceful shutdo*n of the 3istributed Cache service#########################&22
Chan-e the service account##############################################################################&22
;nable or disable personal and social features for users or -roups in SharePoint
Server 201&###################################################################################################### &25
;nable users or -roups to use personal and social features#############################&25
Con/-ure *eb content mana-ement solutions in SharePoint Server 201&#########&27
he articles that are listed in the follo*in- table describe ho* to set up cross(site
publishin- features in a SharePoint Server 201& environment#######################&27
Con/-ure cross(site publishin- in SharePoint Server 201&##################################&&1
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### &&1
Create site collections for cross(site publishin-################################################&&2
Activate the Cross(Site Collection Publishin- feature########################################&&2
Create content for authorin- sites####################################################################&&2
Create and mana-e term sets for ta--in- content on authorin- sites###########&&2
Create catalo- content by usin- SharePoint lists###########################################&&&
Share a library or list as a catalo-##################################################################&&1
Ma%e a term set available to other site collections########################################&&4
Con/-ure search for cross(site publishin-#########################################################&&4
9einde. catalo- content################################################################################# &&5
Connect a publishin- site to a catalo- in SharePoint Server 201&#######################&&<
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### &&<
Connect a publishin- site to a catalo-##############################################################&&7
Con/-ure Search =eb Parts in SharePoint Server 201&#######################################&12
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### &1&
Add a Content Search =eb Part to a pa-e########################################################&1&
Con/-ure the :uery for a Content Search =eb Part##########################################&1&
Buic% Mode !default$###################################################################################### &11
Advanced Mode############################################################################################## &12
Buery te.t###################################################################################################### &1<
Con/-ure the display templates for the Content Search =eb Part####################&1<
Add a 9e/nement =eb Part to a pa-e###############################################################&1<
Con/-ure the 9e/nement =eb Part##################################################################&17
Chan-e the re/ner display name######################################################################&20
3isplay re/ner counts in a 9e/nement =eb Part##############################################&20
Con/-ure the display templates for the 9e/nement =eb Part##########################&21
Add a a.onomy 9e/nement Panel =eb Part to a pa-e####################################&21
Con/-ure the a.onomy 9e/nement Panel =eb Part########################################&22
Add a 9ecommended )tems =eb Part to a pa-e###############################################&22
Con/-ure the 9ecommended )tems =eb Part###################################################&2&
,et recommended items for###########################################################################&2&
Buery 9ules#################################################################################################### &21
Buery te.t###################################################################################################### &21
9e/ned by###################################################################################################### &21
J9ecs69?KL#################################################################################################### &22
Buery te.t###################################################################################################### &22
Con/-ure the display templates for the 9ecommended )tems =eb Part##########&22
Con/-ure re/ners and faceted navi-ation in SharePoint Server 201&#################&24
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### &24
;nable a mana-ed property as re/ner##############################################################&25
Mana-ed properties that are enabled as re/ners by default##########################&25
Map a cra*led property to a re/nable mana-ed property in SharePoint site
collection administration#############################################################################&2<
;nable a mana-ed property as a re/ner in SharePoint Central Administration
#################################################################################################################### &27
Con/-ure re/ners for faceted navi-ation##########################################################&40
;nable a term set for faceted navi-ation#######################################################&40
Add re/ners to a term set###############################################################################&40
Set intervals for re/ner values#######################################################################&41
Additional steps############################################################################################## &41
Con/-ure result sources for *eb content mana-ement in SharePoint Server 201&
########################################################################################################################## &42
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### &42
Create a result source####################################################################################### &4&
?evels and permissions for result sources######################################################&4&
On the CAS)CS tab########################################################################################## &41
On the SO9)8, tab####################################################################################### &42
On the ;S tab############################################################################################# &42
Set a result source as default############################################################################ &44
Con/-ure recommendations and usa-e event types in SharePoint Server 201&#&45
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### &45
Create a custom usa-e event type###################################################################&4<
9ecord a custom usa-e event########################################################################### &47
9ecord a default usa-e event########################################################################### &5&
Chan-e the level of importance of a usa-e event type#####################################&54
Chan-e the 9ecent time period for a usa-e event type####################################&5<
;nable and disable the lo--in- of usa-e events of anonymous users##############&57
Con/-ure *or%Mo* in SharePoint Server 201&####################################################&<&
)nstallin- and con/-urin- *or%Mo* for SharePoint Server 201&##########################&<1
Overvie*########################################################################################################### &<1
=or%Mo* Platform types available in SharePoint Server 201&#######################&<2
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### &<4
)nstall and con/-ure SharePoint Server 201&###################################################&<4
)nstall and con/-ure =or%Mo* Mana-er###########################################################&<4
Con/-ure =or%Mo* Mana-er to *or% *ith the SharePoint Server 201& farm# # #&<4
Ealidate the installation##################################################################################### &<7
roubleshootin-################################################################################################# &<7
)nstallin- =or%Mo* Mana-er certi/cates in SharePoint Server 201&###################&71
Con/-uration steps########################################################################################### &71
;nable SS?###################################################################################################### &71
)nstall =or%Mo* Mana-er certi/cates in SharePoint#######################################&71
Create a *eb application in SharePoint 201&######################################################&7&
ech8et articles about ho* to create *eb applications#####################################&7&
Create *eb applications that use classic mode authentication in SharePoint 201&
########################################################################################################################## &72
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### &72
Create a *eb application that uses classic mode authentication *ith =indo*s
Po*erShell###################################################################################################### &74
Create claims(based *eb applications in SharePoint 201&##################################&77
Create a claims(based *eb application by usin- Central Administration##########100
)tem################################################################################################################ 10&
Create a claims(based *eb application by usin- =indo*s Po*erShell#############101
Create a classic(mode *eb application by usin- =indo*s Po*erShell##############102
Con/-ure basic authentication for a claims(based *eb application in SharePoint
201&################################################################################################################## 105
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### 105
Con/-ure ))S to enable basic authentication#####################################################10<
Con/-ure di-est authentication for a claims(based *eb application in SharePoint
201&################################################################################################################## 110
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### 110
Con/-ure ))S to enable di-est authentication###################################################111
)nstall and mana-e solutions for SharePoint 201&###############################################112
ech8et articles about ho* to install and mana-e solutions#############################112
Additional resources about ho* to install and mana-e solutions######################11&
)nstall and mana-e apps for SharePoint 201&#####################################################111
3o*nloadable resources about apps for SharePoint#########################################111
ech8et articles about apps for SharePoint#######################################################111
Additional resources about apps for SharePoint################################################112
Overvie* of apps for SharePoint 201&#################################################################115
=here are apps for SharePoint hostedF############################################################115
@o* are apps for SharePoint and SharePoint sites relatedF##############################11<
=hat is the 69? for an app for SharePointF#######################################################117
6se and bene/ts of apps for SharePoint###########################################################120
)mpacts of apps for SharePoint#########################################################################120
Plan for apps for SharePoint 201&########################################################################121
,overnance: determine the app for SharePoint policy for your or-ani0ation####121
Plan app con/-uration settin-s#########################################################################122
3etermine the domain name to use###############################################################121
Plan App Catalo-############################################################################################### 122
Plan to monitor apps######################################################################################### 122
Plan for app licenses######################################################################################### 124
Plan app permissions mana-ement in SharePoint 201&######################################125
)ntroduction####################################################################################################### 125
App permission re:uest scopes#########################################################################12<
App permission re:uests################################################################################### 12<
App authori0ation policies################################################################################# 1&0
Con/-ure an environment for apps for SharePoint 201&#####################################1&1
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### 1&2
Con/-ure the domain names in 38S !all hostin- options$################################1&&
Create a ne* *ildcard SS? certi/cate###############################################################1&5
Con/-ure the Subscription Settin-s and App Mana-ement service applications
####################################################################################################################### 1&5
Con/-ure the app 69?s to use########################################################################## 112
Con/-ure the )nternet(facin- endpoints feature !Optional$##############################111
Mana-e the App Catalo- in SharePoint 201&#######################################################112
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### 112
Con/-ure the App Catalo- site for a *eb application#######################################114
Con/-ure app re:uests and SharePoint Store settin-s#####################################115
Add apps to the App Catalo-############################################################################# 117
9emove apps from the App Catalo-##################################################################120
Add apps for SharePoint to a SharePoint 201& site##############################################121
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### 121
Add apps for SharePoint to SharePoint sites######################################################122
9emove an app for SharePoint from a SharePoint 201& site################################122
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### 122
9emove an app from a SharePoint site#############################################################122
Monitor apps for SharePoint for SharePoint Server 201&#####################################125
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### 125
Selectin- apps to monitor in Central Administration#########################################12<
Monitorin- app details in Central Administration##############################################127
Monitorin- app details in a SharePoint site#######################################################140
Monitor and mana-e app licenses in SharePoint Server 201&#############################142
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### 142
Monitorin- and mana-in- app licenses#############################################################14&
6p-rade to SharePoint 201&################################################################################ 144
3o*nloadable resources about up-rade###########################################################144
ech8et articles about up-rade######################################################################## 144
Additional resources about up-rade##################################################################145
,et started *ith up-rades to SharePoint 201&####################################################14<
3o*nloadable resources about up-rade to SharePoint 201&############################14<
ech8et articles about understandin- up-rade#################################################14<
Additional resources about up-rade to SharePoint 201&##################################150
=hatNs ne* in SharePoint 201& up-rade#############################################################151
)n(place up-rade of the farm is not supported##################################################151
3atabase(attach up-rade is available for some service application databases 151
3eferred site collection up-rade#######################################################################152
Site collection health chec%er###########################################################################152
6p-rade evaluation site collections##################################################################152
8oti/cations for life(cycle events######################################################################15&
hrottles for site collection up-rade##################################################################15&
rue OSharePoint 2010P instead of visual up-rade############################################15&
?o- /les no* in 6?S format###############################################################################151
Overvie* of the up-rade process to SharePoint 201&#########################################152
Create the SharePoint 201& farm######################################################################154
Copy the SharePoint 2010 Products databases#################################################154
6p-rade SharePoint 2010 Products databases and service applications##########155
6p-rade SharePoint 2010 Products site collections##########################################157
6p-rade My Sites########################################################################################### 157
6p-rade other SharePoint 2010 Products site collections##############################1<1
Services up-rade overvie* for SharePoint Server 201&######################################1<&
3atabase attach up-rade *ith services############################################################1<&
Considerations for speci/c services##################################################################1<2
6p-rade farms that share services !parent and child farms$ to SharePoint 201&
########################################################################################################################## 1<5
Process for up-radin- farms that share services##############################################1<5
Cest practices for up-radin- to SharePoint 201&#################################################171
Cest practices for testin- up-rade####################################################################171
Cest practices for up-radin- to SharePoint 201&##############################################172
9evie* supported editions and products for up-radin- to SharePoint 201&########175
Supported topolo-ies######################################################################################## 175
Physical topolo-y -uidance############################################################################ 17<
Supported editions for up-rade########################################################################17<
Supported cross(product up-rades###################################################################177
Plan for up-rade to SharePoint 201&###################################################################200
ech8et articles about ho* to plan for up-rade################################################200
Additional resources about ho* to plan for up-rade to SharePoint 201&##########201
3etermine strate-y for up-rade to SharePoint 201&###########################################202
@o* to minimi0e do*ntime durin- up-rade######################################################202
Special cases##################################################################################################### 20&
Create a plan for current customi0ations durin- up-rade to SharePoint 201&#####202
)dentify customi0ations in your environment####################################################202
;valuate the customi0ations#############################################################################202
Considerations for speci/c customi0ations#######################################################205
;nsure that future customi0ations follo* best practices###################################210
Plan for site collection up-rades in SharePoint 201&###########################################211
3etermine the site collections that farm administrators should up-rade#########211
Plan settin-s for up-rade noti/cations' self(service up-rade' and site collection
creation########################################################################################################## 212
Properties that control site collection up-rade and site creation####################212
Properties that control up-rade noti/cations#################################################21&
Plan for up-rade evaluation sites######################################################################211
imer Iobs for up-rade evaluation site collections#########################################212
@o* the up-rade evaluation site collections are created###############################212
Plan site collection up-rade throttlin- and :ueues###########################################212
hrottle levels for site collection up-rade######################################################214
About site collection modes##############################################################################21<
rain site collection administrators####################################################################21<
Plan for performance durin- up-rade to SharePoint 201&###################################220
About up-rade performance for SharePoint 201&#############################################220
;stimate the space that you must have for the up-rade##################################221
3atabase -ro*th############################################################################################ 221
ransaction lo- -ro*th################################################################################### 222
;stimate ho* lon- the up-rade *ill ta%e##########################################################222
;nvironment performance after up-rade##########################################################224
Create a communication plan for the up-rade to SharePoint 201&#####################225
=ho is a member of the up-rade teamF###########################################################225
=hen and *hat to communicate to the up-rade team#####################################22<
=hen and *hat to communicate to site users##################################################227
Clean up an environment before an up-rade to SharePoint 201&#######################2&0
)tems to clean up############################################################################################## 2&0
3elete unused or underused site collections and sub*ebs############################2&0
Chec% lar-e lists !lists *ith lots of data$#########################################################2&1
3elete e.cess columns from *ide lists !lists *ith too many columns$ or remove
*ide lists###################################################################################################### 2&1
Consider movin- site collections into separate databases#############################2&1
9emove e.traneous document versions#########################################################2&1
9emove unused templates' features' and =eb Parts#####################################2&2
9emove Po*erPoint Croadcast sites###############################################################2&2
+inish Eisual 6p-rades in SharePoint 2010 Products######################################2&2
9epair data issues########################################################################################## 2&1
@o* to ma%e structural chan-es#######################################################################2&1
est and troubleshoot an up-rade to SharePoint 201&########################################2&4
3o*nloadable resources about ho* to test and troubleshoot up-rade############2&4
ech8et articles about ho* to test and troubleshoot up-rade##########################2&5
Additional resources about ho* to test and troubleshoot up-rade###################2&5
6se a trial up-rade to SharePoint 201& to /nd potential issues##########################2&7
Set up a test environment################################################################################# 210
6sin- a virtual test environment####################################################################211
6sin- a physical test environment#################################################################211
)dentify and install customi0ations####################################################################212
Copy real data to the test environment and up-rade databases######################21&
9evie* results after you up-rade databases####################################################211
9evie* the lo- /les######################################################################################## 211
9evie* sites in 2010 mode#############################################################################211
9un up-rade a-ain' if it is necessary##############################################################211
6p-rade site collections and My Sites###############################################################211
9evie* results after you up-rade site collections#############################################212
AdIust your plans and test a-ain#######################################################################212
roubleshoot database up-rade issues in SharePoint 201&#################################214
,eneral principles to identify issues#################################################################214
+irst' chec% up-rade status and lo- /les########################################################214
hen' address issues in order######################################################################### 215
Common issues################################################################################################# 215
B: ) *ant to up-rade from a pre(release version of SharePoint 201&#############215
B: he lo- says ) have missin- templates' features' or other server(side
customi0ations############################################################################################# 215
B: he lo- /le says that somethin- is not ri-ht *ith my farm' *eb application'
or service application con/-uration settin-s###############################################21<
B: ) see errors and *arnin-s durin- up-rade about connectivity or corruption
#################################################################################################################### 217
B: ) ran out of dis% space################################################################################217
B: ) see an error about authentication############################################################217
B: SB? Server says ) donNt have permissions#################################################220
B: A database *ill not up-rade######################################################################220
B: ) chan-ed a database name durin- restore' but ) cannot /nd the /les that
have that name########################################################################################### 220
B: ) cannot bac% up the Search service application Administration database 220
B: rusted connections are not *or%in- for ;.cel Services after up-rade######220
B: My *or%Mo*s are no lon-er associated correctly#######################################221
roubleshoot site collection up-rade issues in SharePoint 201&##########################222
Chec% up-rade status and lo- /les###################################################################222
Common issues################################################################################################# 22&
B: ) donNt see a 6) control on the pa-e that used to be there#########################22&
B: he vie* on a lar-e list is not *or%in- any lon-er#####################################22&
B: ) see an error about a duplicate content type name##################################22&
B: My site loo%s u-ly' doesnNt behave as e.pected' or ) see script errors######22&
B: Custom content in my site disappeared or doesnNt *or%###########################221
B: ) receive an error that says a control or pa-e cannot render#####################221
B: ) receive an error that ) cannot create a subsite based on a site template
because the site template uses the 2010 e.perience version and my site
collection is in the 201& e.perience version################################################221
9estart a database(attach up-rade or a site collection up-rade to SharePoint 201&
########################################################################################################################## 222
9estart up-rade for a database by usin- =indo*s Po*erShell#########################222
9estart up-rade for a site collection#################################################################224
6p-rade databases from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 201&############################22<
3o*nloadable resources about up-radin- databases#######################################22<
ech8et articles about up-radin- databases####################################################22<
Additional resources about up-rade##################################################################227
Chec%list for database(attach up-rade !SharePoint 201&$###################################241
Prepare for up-rade########################################################################################## 241
Pre(up-rade steps########################################################################################## 241
Complete the database attach up-rade############################################################242
Prepare the ne* environment######################################################################## 242
Cac% up and restore databases######################################################################241
6p-rade service application databases##########################################################242
Create *eb applications################################################################################# 245
Attach and up-rade content databases##########################################################24<
Complete post(up-rade steps###########################################################################247
Post up-rade steps for database attach up-rade###########################################247
Attach databases and up-rade to SharePoint 201&#############################################252
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### 252
)nstall SharePoint 201& in a ne* environment##################################################251
Con/-ure service applications and farm settin-s#############################################251
9ecord the passphrase for the Secure Store service application#######################254
Set the previous version databases to be read(only#########################################254
Cac% up the SharePoint 2010 Products databases by usin- SB? Server tools###255
Service application######################################################################################### 255
;.port the encryption %ey for the 6ser Pro/le service application####################25<
9estore a bac%up copy of the database############################################################257
Set the databases to read(*rite########################################################################2<0
About up-radin- the service application databases#########################################2<1
Start the service instances################################################################################ 2<1
6p-rade the Secure Store service application##################################################2<&
6p-rade the Cusiness 3ata Connectivity service application###########################2<2
6p-rade the Mana-ed Metadata service application########################################2<5
6p-rade the 6ser Pro/le service application#####################################################2<<
Start the 6ser Pro/le Synchroni0ation service################################################271
6p-rade the PerformancePoint Services service application#############################272
6p-rade the Search service application############################################################27&
Eerify that all of the ne* pro.ies are in the default pro.y -roup#######################274
Create *eb applications#################################################################################### 275
9eapply customi0ations#################################################################################### 27<
Eerify custom components################################################################################ 277
Attach a content database to a *eb application and up-rade the database####400
Eeri/cation: Eerify up-rade for the /rst database#############################################40&
Attach the remainin- databases#######################################################################401
Eeri/cation: Eerify up-rade for additional databases########################################401
8e.t steps######################################################################################################### 402
Eerify database up-rades in SharePoint 201&#####################################################404
Eerify up-rade status for databases#################################################################404
9evie* the lo- /les for database attach up-rade##########################################404
Chec% up-rade status for databases##############################################################405
Ealidate the up-raded environment##################################################################405
Mi-rate from classic(mode to claims(based authentication in SharePoint 201&# #40<
Convert SharePoint 2010 Products classic(mode *eb applications to claims(
based authentication in SharePoint 2010 Products and then up-rade to
SharePoint 201&############################################################################################# 40<
Convert SharePoint 2010 Products classic(mode *eb applications to SharePoint
201& claims(based *eb applications##############################################################410
Convert SharePoint 201& classic(mode *eb applications to claims(based *eb
applications#################################################################################################### 412
Mi-rate SharePoint 2010 Products classic(mode *eb applications to SharePoint
201& classic(mode *eb applications##############################################################411
6p-rade site collections to SharePoint 201&########################################################414
3o*nloadable resources ho* to up-rade site collections#################################414
ech8et articles about ho* to up-rade site collections####################################414
Additional resources about ho* to up-rade to SharePoint 201&#######################415
9un site collection health chec%s in SharePoint 201&##########################################41<
Site collection health chec% rules###################################################################417
Cefore you be-in############################################################################################### 420
9un the site collection pre(up-rade health chec%s by usin- Site Settin-s########420
9un the site collection pre(up-rade health chec%s by usin- =indo*s Po*erShell
####################################################################################################################### 420
Additional steps################################################################################################# 422
6p-rade a site collection to SharePoint 201&######################################################42&
Create an up-rade evaluation site !Optional$###################################################422
6p-rade a site collection################################################################################### 422
Eeri/cation######################################################################################################## 424
Eie* up-rade status in Site Settin-s##############################################################424
Additional steps################################################################################################# 425
9evie* site collections up-raded to SharePoint 201&##########################################42<
Chec%lists for revie*in- up-raded sites############################################################427
=eb Parts####################################################################################################### 427
?ar-e lists####################################################################################################### 4&0
Styles and appearance################################################################################### 4&1
Customi0ed !un-hosted$ pa-es######################################################################4&1
Mana-e site collection up-rades to SharePoint 201&##########################################4&&
Cefore you be-in to up-rade site collections to SharePoint 201&#####################4&&
Control up-rade noti/cations and self(service up-rade####################################4&1
Control the compatibility ran-e for site creation modes###################################4&4
Control the :ueue for up-rades of sites to SharePoint 201&#############################4&<
Control site throttle settin-s for up-rade to SharePoint 201&###########################410
Create up-rade evaluation site collections by usin- =indo*s Po*erShell########411
6p-rade site collections by usin- =indo*s Po*erShell####################################412
Eie* up-rade status by usin- =indo*s Po*erShell##########################################414
Getting help
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this book. This content is also available online in
the Office System Techet !ibrary" so if you run into #roblems you can check for u#dates at$
%f you do not find your ans&er in our online content" you can send an email messa'e to the (icrosoft
Office System and Servers content team at$
%f your )uestion is about (icrosoft Office #roducts" and not about the content of this book" #lease
search the (icrosoft *el# and Su##ort +enter or the (icrosoft ,no&led'e -ase at$

Oerie! of SharePoint 2013 installation and
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn about ho& to install and confi'ure SharePoint Server 2013 or SharePoint .oundation
2013 in a farm.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
/lthou'h SharePoint #roducts farms vary in com#lexity and si0e" a combination of careful #lannin' and
a #hased de#loyment that includes on'oin' testin' and evaluation si'nificantly reduces the risk of
unex#ected outcomes. This article #rovides an overvie& for all ty#es of SharePoint 2013 farm
.or a visual re#resentation of the information in this article" see the SharePoint 2013 Products
1e#loyment model in the Technical dia'rams 2SharePoint 20133 to#ic. 4elated technical dia'rams
include 5&opologies for SharePoint 2013 and Serices inSharePoint Server 20135.
%n this article$
Physical architecture
%nstallation and confi'uration
1e#loyment sta'es
The lo'ical result of SharePoint 20136s flexibility and richness can be a hi'h de'ree of com#lexity
around installin' and confi'urin' SharePoint 2013 correctly. / fundamental understandin' of the
follo&in' key structural elements in a SharePoint 2013 environment is re)uired in order to correctly
de#loy and su##ort SharePoint 2013$
Server farm$ The to#7level element of a lo'ical architecture desi'n for SharePoint 2013.
8eb a##lication$ /n %%S 8eb site that is created and used by SharePoint 2013.
+ontent database$ Provides stora'e 8eb a##lication content. 9ou can se#arate content into
multi#le content databases at the site collection level.
Site collection$ / set of 8eb sites that have the same o&ner and share administration settin's.
Site$ One or more related 8eb #a'es and other items 2such as lists" libraries" and documents3 that
are hosted inside a site collection.
.or more information about these and other architectural com#onents" see Plan lo'ical architectures for
SharePoint 2013.
%n addition to understandin' the elements of a SharePoint 2013 environment and ho& they have to be
confi'ured for your solution" you must consider the follo&in' additional factors$ #hysical architecture"
installation and confi'uration" and the various sta'es of de#loyment.
Physical architecture
The #hysical architecture" &hich consists of one or more servers and the net&ork infrastructure"
enables you to im#lement the lo'ical architecture for a SharePoint 2013 solution. The #hysical
architecture is ty#ically described in t&o &ays$ by its si0e and by its to#olo'y. Si0e" &hich can be
measured in several &ays" such as the number of users or the number of documents" is used to
cate'ori0e a farm as small" medium" or lar'e. To#olo'y uses the idea of tiers or server 'rou#s to define
a lo'ical arran'ement of farm servers.
Si0e uses the number of users and number of content items as a fundamental measure to indicate
&hether a server farm is small" medium" and lar'e" as follo&s$
/ small server farm ty#ically consists of at least t&o 8eb servers and a database server. One of the
8eb servers hosts the +entral /dministration site and the other handles additional farm7related
tasks" such as servin' content to users.
The small farm can be scaled out to three tiers usin' a dedicated a##lication server in res#onse to
the number of users" the number of content items" and the number of services that are re)uired.
/ medium server farm ty#ically consists of t&o or more 8eb servers" t&o a##lication servers" and
more than one database servers. 8e recommend that you start &ith the #recedin' confi'uration
and then scale out to accommodate the &orkload #laced on the servers.
%n scenarios &here services are kno&n to use a dis#ro#ortionate amount of resources" you can
scale out the a##lication tier. Performance data &ill indicate &hich services you should consider off7
loadin' to a dedicated server.
/ lar'e server farm can be the lo'ical result of scalin' out a medium farm to meet ca#acity and
#erformance re)uirements or by desi'n before a SharePoint 2013 solution is im#lemented. / three7
tier to#olo'y environment ty#ically uses dedicated servers on all the tiers. /dditionally" these
servers are often 'rou#ed accordin' to their role in the farm. .or exam#le" all client7related services
can be 'rou#ed onto one or t&o servers and then scaled out by addin' servers to this 'rou# as
needed in res#onse to user demand for these services.
The recommendation for scalin' out a farm is to 'rou# services or databases &ith similar
#erformance characteristics onto dedicated servers and then scale out the servers as a
'rou#. %n lar'e environments" the s#ecific 'rou#s that evolve for a farm de#end on the
s#ecific demands for each service in a farm.
.or s#ecific numbers related to small" medium" and lar'e farms" see Performance and ca#acity
mana'ement for SharePoint 2013 Products.
To#olo'y uses tiers as a model for lo'ically arran'in' farm servers accordin' to the com#onents that
they host or their roles in a server farm. / SharePoint 2013 farm is de#loyed on one" t&o" or three tiers"
as follo&s$
%n a sin'le7tier de#loyment" SharePoint 2013 and the database server are installed on one
%n a t&o7tier de#loyment" SharePoint 2013 com#onents and the database are installed on se#arate
servers. This kind of de#loyment ma#s to &hat is called a small farm. The front7end 8eb servers
are on the first tier and the database server is located on the second tier. %n the com#uter industry"
the first tier is kno&n as the 8eb tier. The database server is kno&n as the database tier or
database back7end.
%n a three7tier de#loyment" the front7end 8eb servers are on the first tier" the a##lication servers are
on the second tier" &hich is kno&n as the a##lication tier" and the database server is located on the
third tier. / three7tier de#loyment is used for medium and lar'e farms.
*nstallation and configuration
/fter you finish #lannin' your solution you can create a SharePoint 2013 farm to host the solution. The
first ste# is to install SharePoint 2013 and create the farm that is re)uired for the solution. The #rocess
of #re#arin' your environment consists of the follo&in' #hases$
1. Pre#are the servers
2. +reate the farm
3. +onfi'ure settin's" services" solutions" and sites
The farm that you create and de#loy &ill under'o si'nificant chan'es in si0e" to#olo'y" and
com#lexity as you move throu'h the different de#loyment sta'es illustrated in the SharePoint
2013 Products 1e#loyment model. This is ty#ical and the ex#ected result of a #hased
de#loyment. This is &hy &e recommend that you follo& all of the sta'es described in the
51e#loyment sta'es5 section of this article.
Prepare the serers
%n this #hase" you 'et your servers ready to host the #roduct. This includes the su##ortin' servers and
the servers that &ill have SharePoint 2013 installed. The follo&in' servers must be confi'ured to
su##ort and host a farm$
1atabase server$ The re)uired version of S:! Server" includin' service #acks and cumulative
u#dates must be installed on the database server. The installation must include any additional
features" such as S:! /nalysis Services" and the a##ro#riate SharePoint 2013 lo'ins have to be
added and confi'ured. The database server must be hardened and" if it is re)uired" databases must
be created by the 1-/. .or more information" see$
*ard&are and soft&are re)uirements 2SharePoint 20133
+onfi'ure S:! Server security for SharePoint 2013 environments
/##lication servers and front7end 8eb servers$ The farm servers that &ill have SharePoint 2013
installed must be #re#ared as follo&s$ verify that they meet the hard&are re)uirements" have the
o#eratin' system hardened" have the re)uired net&orkin' and security #rotocols confi'ured" have
the SharePoint 2013 soft&are #rere)uisites installed and hardened" and have the re)uired
authentication confi'ured. .or more information" see$
System re)uirements 2SharePoint 20133
5%nstallin' soft&are #rere)uisites5 in *ard&are and soft&are re)uirements 2SharePoint 20133
Plan security hardenin' 2SharePoint Server 20133
Plan authentication in SharePoint 2013
1omain controller$ The re)uired farm accounts have to be confi'ured for the domain and directory
synchroni0ation must be confi'ured.
SharePoint 2013 does not su##ort installation on to a domain controller in a #roduction
environment. / sin'le label domain 2S!13 names or sin'le label forests is also not
su##orted. -ecause the use of S!1 names is not a recommended #ractice" SharePoint
2013 is not tested in this scenario. Therefore" there may be incom#atibility issues &hen
SharePoint 2013 are im#lemented in a sin'le label domain environment. .or more
information" see %nformation about confi'urin' 8indo&s for domains &ith sin'le7label 1S
names and the 1S ames#ace Plannin' Solution +enter.
.or information about re)uired accounts" see$
%nitial de#loyment administrative and service accounts in SharePoint 2013
/bout 1irectory Synchroni0ation 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%d=1>31?>3
'reate the farm
%n this #hase" you install the #roduct and confi'ure each server to su##ort its role in the farm. 9ou also
create the confi'uration database and the SharePoint +entral /dministration 8eb site. The follo&in'
servers are re)uired for a SharePoint 2013 farm$
1atabase server$ @nless you #lan to use 1-/7created databases" the confi'uration database"
content database" and other re)uired databases are created &hen you run the SharePoint Products
+onfi'uration 8i0ard.
/##lication server$ /fter you #re#are the a##lication server" install any additional com#onents that
are re)uired to su##ort functions such as %nformation 4i'hts (ana'ement 2%4(3 and decision
su##ort. %nstall SharePoint 2013 on the server that &ill host SharePoint +entral /dministration 8eb
site and then run the SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard to create and confi'ure the farm.
.ront7end 8eb server$ %nstall SharePoint 2013 on each 8eb server" install lan'ua'e #acks" and
then run the SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard to add the 8eb servers to the farm.
/fter you add and confi'ure all the front7end 8eb servers" you can add any additional
a##lication servers that are #art of your to#olo'y desi'n to the farm.
.or more information about su##orted de#loyment scenarios" see %nstall SharePoint 2013.
'onfigure settings% serices% solutions% and sites
%n this #hase" you #re#are the farm to host your site content by com#letin' the follo&in' tasks$
+onfi'ure services. .or more information" see +onfi'ure services and service a##lications in
SharePoint 2013
+onfi'ure 'lobal settin's. .or more information" see +onfi'ure SharePoint 2013
+reate and #o#ulate the sites. .or more information" see Set u# 8eb a##lications and sites
2SharePoint 20133
.arm confi'uration ste#s are not isolated to a s#ecific tier in the server infrastructure.
Deployment stages
-y de#loyin' a SharePoint 2013 solution in sta'es" you 'ain the benefits that are #rovided by a
systematic a##roach" such as collectin' #erformance and usa'e data that you can use to evaluate your
solution. /dditional benefits include verifyin' your ca#acity mana'ement assum#tions and identifyin'
issues before the farm is #ut into #roduction.
8e recommend that you de#loy your farm in the follo&in' sta'es$
Proof of conce#t
@ser acce#tance test
-efore you can de#loy a farm" you must #lan the solution that you &ant to de#loy and determine the
infrastructure re)uirements" such as server resources and farm to#olo'y. 8hen you finish the #lannin'
sta'e" you should have documented the follo&in'$
/n infrastructure desi'n to su##ort your solution
/ detailed descri#tion of ho& you &ill im#lement the farm and the solution
/ #lan for testin' and validatin' the solution
/ site and solution architecture
/n understandin' of the monitorin' and sustained en'ineerin' re)uirements to su##ort the solution
/ record of ho& the solution &ill be 'overned
/n understandin' of ho& the solution &ill be messa'ed to the user to drive ado#tion of the solution
8e recommend that you use the #lannin' resources and articles described in Plan for SharePoint
4esource and time issues may #ressure you to be less ri'orous durin' the #lannin' sta'e. 8e
recommend that you try to be as dili'ent as #ossible because missed or li'htly touched
#lannin' elements can resurface as si'nificant issues after you are in #roduction. These issues
can create much additional &ork" consume unbud'eted resources" and #otentially take a&ay
from the success of your SharePoint 2013.
/fter the #lannin' sta'e" you move throu'h the follo&in' de#loyment sta'es" u#datin' and revisin'
your #lans" confi'urations" and to#olo'ies as you test.
1urin' the develo#ment sta'e you &ill de#loy SharePoint 2013 on a sin'le server or on multi#le servers
to develo#" test" evaluate" and refine the solution that you intend to im#lement. This environment is
scaled accordin' to your needs durin' solution develo#ment and can be retained as a scaled do&n
environment for future develo#ment and testin'. This is not a stable environment and there are no
service7level a'reements.
Proof of concept
1urin' the #roof of conce#t sta'e" the obCective is t&o7fold$ to understand SharePoint 2013 and to
evaluate SharePoint 2013 in the context of ho& it can address your business needs. The first level of
#roduct evaluation can be done by installin' all of the #roduct com#onents on a sin'le server. 9ou do a
more extensive #roduct evaluation by a #roof7of7conce#t de#loyment.
/ #roof7of7conce#t de#loyment on a sin'le server or on a small farm enables you to ex#and the sco#e
of your evaluation. %n this de#loyment" non7%T staff is added to the evaluation team" &hich #rovides a
broader vie& of ho& SharePoint 2013 features mi'ht be actually be used in the or'ani0ation. The
benefit of a #roof7of7conce#t de#loyment is that you can collect data that can be used to refine your
ori'inal #lan. This dataDsuch as #a'e vie&s" user behavior #atterns" and server resource consum#tion
Dalso enables you to start to build a benchmark for si0in' your farm. / #roof of conce#t is also 'ood
&hen you evaluate service a##lications and determinin' &hat feature sets that you &ill offer your end
%t is im#ortant durin' the #roof7of7conce#t sta'e that you understand the uni)ue characteristics and
functionality of these features because this understandin' &ill hel# you define your overall to#olo'y. -e
a&are that a #roof7of7conce#t de#loyment re)uires additional resources and extends the time re)uired
to #ut SharePoint 2013 into #roduction.
Eirtuali0ation #rovides a 'ood #latform for evaluatin' SharePoint 2013 because a virtual
environment #rovides flexibility" ra#id de#loyment ca#ability" and the ability to roll back virtual
machines to #revious states.
/ #ilot is used to test your solution on a small scale. There are t&o a##roaches to usin' a #ilot
de#loyment. %n the first a##roach" the focus is on functional testin' &ithout usin' real data. -y usin' the
second a##roach you test for #roduction characteristics by usin' real data and have your #ilot users
test different kinds of tasks. 8e recommend the second a##roach because of the broader sco#e and
real7&orld data that you can collect and use to refine your solution desi'n.
/ #ilot de#loyment #rovides many benefits. %t enables you to collect data that you can use to validate
the follo&in' as#ects of your farm desi'n$
%nfrastructure desi'n
+a#acity mana'ement assum#tions
Site and solution architecture
Solution usa'e assum#tions
The #ilot sta'e also enables you to determine additional data that should be collected to increase the
breadth and de#th of your benchmarks. This is im#ortant if you &ant to assess the #otential effect of
additional features or services that you &ant to add to the farm before the user acce#tance test.
/t the conclusion of the #ilot de#loyment" you can use the data that you collect to adCust the various
com#onents of the solution and its su##ortin' infrastructure.
+ser acceptance test ,+A&-
/ user acce#tance test de#loymentDalso kno&n as a #re7#roduction environmentDis used by
or'ani0ations as a transitional ste# from the #ilot de#loyment to a #roduction de#loyment. /n
or'ani0ation6s business #rocesses determine the sco#e" scale" and duration of user acce#t testin'.
The to#olo'y of the #re7#roduction environment should be the same as" or very similar to the #lanned
#roduction to#olo'y. 1urin' user acce#tance testin'" the SharePoint 2013 solution is tested a'ainst a
subset or a com#lete co#y of #roduction data. This de#loyment sta'e #rovides a final o##ortunity for
#erformance tunin' and validatin' o#erational #rocedures such as backu#s and restores.
The final sta'e is rollin' your farm into a #roduction environment. /t this sta'e" you &ill have
incor#orated the necessary solution and infrastructure adCustments that &ere identified durin' the user
acce#tance test sta'e.
Puttin' the farm into #roduction re)uires you to com#lete the follo&in' tasks$
1e#loy the farm.
1e#loy the solution.
%m#lement the o#erations #lan.
%f re)uired" de#loy additional environments such as authorin' and sta'in' farms" and services

Prepare for installation of SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn about #ermissions" accounts" security settin's" and &hat you have to do to #re#are
your environment for SharePoint 2013.
The follo&in' do&nloadable resources" articles on Techet" video recordin's" and related resources
#rovide information about ho& to #re#are for SharePoint 2013 installation and initial confi'uration.
&ech)et articles about ho! to prepare for SharePoint
2013 installation and initial configuration
The follo&in' articles about ho& to #re#are for SharePoint 2013 installation and initial confi'uration are
available to vie& online. 8riters u#date articles on a continuin' basis as ne& information becomes
available and as users #rovide feedback.

'ontent Description
%nitial de#loyment administrative
and service accounts in
SharePoint 2013
Provides information about the
administrative and service
accounts that are re)uired for an
initial SharePoint 2013
/ccount #ermissions and
security settin's in SharePoint
1escribes SharePoint 2013
administrative and services
account #ermissions. This article
discusses the follo&in' areas$
(icrosoft S:! Server" the file
system" file shares" and re'istry
+onfi'ure S:! Server security
for SharePoint 2013
!earn ho& to harden S:! Server
for SharePoint 2013
environments by usin' S:!
Server tools and 8indo&s
%nstall #rere)uisites for
SharePoint 2013 from a net&ork
1escribes ho& to install
SharePoint 2013 #rere)uisites

'ontent Description
share from an offline shared net&ork
location usin' the #rere)uisite
2Prere)uisite%nstaller.exe3 tool.

Additional resources about SharePoint 2013
installation and initial configuration
The follo&in' resources about SharePoint 2013 installation and initial confi'uration are available from
other subCect matter ex#erts.

'ontent Description

%nstallation and 1e#loyment for
SharePoint 2013 4esource
+a#abilities and features in
SharePoint 2013 4esource
Eisit the 4esource +enter to
access videos" +ommunity
Sites" documentation" and

*nitial deployment administratie and serice
accounts in SharePoint 2013
+pdated" October 2% 2012
Summary" !earn about the administrative and service accounts that are re)uired to initially install
SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
$tandard = $hare3oint $erver ()*5 /nterprise
This article #rovides information about the administrative and service accounts that are re)uired for an
initial SharePoint 2013 de#loyment. /dditional accounts and #ermissions are re)uired to fully
im#lement all as#ects of a #roduction farm.
.or a com#lete list of #ermissions" see /ccount #ermissions and security settin's in SharePoint
.e/uired permissions
To de#loy SharePoint 2013 on a server farm" you must #rovide credentials for several different
The follo&in' table describes the accounts that are used to install and confi'ure SharePoint 2013.

Account Purpose .e/uirements
S:! Server service account The S:! Server service
account is used to run S:!
Server. %t is the service account
for the follo&in' S:! Server
%f you do not use the default
S:! Server instance" in the
8indo&s Services console"
these services &ill be sho&n as
the follo&in'$
@se either a !ocal System account or
a domain user account.
%f you #lan to back u# to or restore
from an external resource"
#ermissions to the external resource
must be 'ranted to the a##ro#riate
account. %f you use a domain user
account for the S:! Server service
account" 'rant #ermissions to that
domain user account. *o&ever" if you
use the et&ork Service or the !ocal
System account" 'rant #ermissions to
the external resource to the machine
Account Purpose .e/uirements
The instance name is arbitrary and
&as created &hen S:! Server &as
Setu# user account The Setu# user account is
used to run the follo&in'$
SharePoint Products
+onfi'uration 8i0ard
1omain user account.
(ember of the /dministrators
'rou# on each server on &hich
Setu# is run.
S:! Server lo'in on the com#uter
that runs S:! Server.
(ember of the follo&in' S:!
Server roles$
securityadmin fixed server
dbcreator fixed server role
%f you run 8indo&s Po&erShell
cmdlets that affect a database" this
account must be a member of the
db0o!ner fixed database role for the
Server farm account or
database access account
The server farm account is
used to #erform the follo&in'
+onfi'ure and mana'e the
server farm.
/ct as the a##lication #ool
identity for the SharePoint
+entral /dministration 8eb
4un the (icrosoft
SharePoint .oundation
8orkflo& Timer Service.
1omain user account.
/dditional #ermissions are
automatically 'ranted for the server
farm account on 8eb servers and
a##lication servers that are Coined to a
server farm.
The server farm account is
automatically added as a S:! Server
lo'in on the com#uter that runs S:!
Server. The account is added to the
follo&in' S:! Server security roles$
dbcreator fixed server role
securityadmin fixed server role
db0o!ner fixed database role for
all SharePoint databases in the
server farm

8e recommend that you install SharePoint 2013 by usin' least7#rivile'e administration.
Account permissions and security settings in
SharePoint 2013
Published" September 1% 2012
Summary" !earn about the #ermissions and security settin's to use &ith a de#loyment of SharePoint
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
This article describes SharePoint administrative and services account #ermissions for the follo&in'
areas$ (icrosoft S:! Server" the file system" file shares" and re'istry entries.
%n this article$
/bout account #ermissions and security settin's
SharePoint administrative accounts
SharePoint service a##lication accounts
SharePoint database roles
Hrou# #ermissions
About account permissions and security settings
The SharePoint +onfi'uration 8i0ard 2Psconfi'3 and the .arm +reation 8i0ard" both of &hich are run
durin' a +om#lete installation" confi'ure many of the SharePoint baseline account #ermissions and
security settin's.
SharePoint administratie accounts
One of the follo&in' SharePoint com#onents automatically confi'ures most of the SharePoint
administrative account #ermissions durin' the setu# #rocess$
The SharePoint +onfi'uration 8i0ard 2Psconfi'3.
The .arm +reation 8i0ard.
The SharePoint +entral /dministration &eb site.
8indo&s Po&erShell.
Setup user administrator account
This account is used to set u# each server in your farm by runnin' the SharePoint +onfi'uration
8i0ard" the initial .arm +reation 8i0ard" and 8indo&s Po&erShell. .or the exam#les in this article" the
setu# user administrator account is used for farm administration" and you can use +entral
/dministration to mana'e it. Some confi'uration o#tions" for exam#le" confi'uration of the SharePoint
2013 Search )uery server" re)uire local administration #ermissions. The setu# user administrator
account re)uires the follo&in' #ermissions$
%t must have domain user account #ermissions.
%t must be a member of the local administrators 'rou# on each server in the SharePoint farm"
excludin' the server runnin' S:! Server and the Sim#le (ail Transfer Protocol 2S(TP3 server.
This account must have access to the SharePoint databases.
%f you use any 8indo&s Po&erShell o#erations that affect a database" the setu# user administrator
account must be a member of the db0o!ner role.
This account must be assi'ned to the securityadmin and dbcreatorS:! Server security roles
durin' setu# and confi'uration.
The securityadmin and dbcreatorS:! Server security roles mi'ht be re)uired for this account
durin' a com#lete version7to7version u#'rade because ne& databases mi'ht have to be
created and secured for services.
/fter you run the confi'uration &i0ards" machine7level #ermissions for the setu# user administrator
account include$
(embershi# in the 8SSK/1(%K8PH 8indo&s security 'rou#.
(embershi# in the %%SK8PH role.
/fter you run the confi'uration &i0ards" database #ermissions include$
db0o!ner on the SharePoint server farm confi'uration database.
db0o!ner on the SharePoint +entral /dministration content database.
%f the setu# user administrator account cannot a lo' on to the com#uter runnin' S:! Server"
the confi'uration &i0ards &ill not run correctly. %f the account that you use to run the
confi'uration &i0ards does not have the a##ro#riate s#ecial S:! Server role membershi# or
access as db0o!ner on the databases" the confi'uration &i0ards &ill not run correctly.
SharePoint farm serice account
The server farm account" &hich is also referred to as the database access account" is used as the
a##lication #ool identity for +entral /dministration and as the #rocess account for the SharePoint
.oundation 2013 Timer service. The server farm account re)uires the follo&in' #ermissions$
%t must have domain user account #ermissions.
/dditional #ermissions are automatically 'ranted to the server farm account on &eb servers and
a##lication servers that are Coined to a server farm.
/fter you run the SharePoint +onfi'uration 8i0ard" machine7level #ermissions include$
(embershi# in the 8SSK/1(%K8PH 8indo&s security 'rou# for the SharePoint .oundation
2013 Timer service.
(embershi# in 8SSK4EST4%+TE1K8PH for the +entral /dministration and Timer service
a##lication #ools.
(embershi# in 8SSK8PH for the +entral /dministration a##lication #ool.
/fter you run the confi'uration &i0ards" S:! Server and database #ermissions include$
Dbcreator fixed server role.
Securityadmin fixed server role.
db0o!ner for all SharePoint databases.
(embershi# in the 8SSK+OTETK/PP!%+/T%OKPOO!S role for the SharePoint server farm
confi'uration database.
(embershi# in the 8SSK+OTETK/PP!%+/T%OKPOO!S role for the SharePointK/dmin
content database.
SharePoint serice application accounts
This section describes the service a##lication accounts that are set u# by default durin' installation.
Application pool account
The a##lication #ool account is used for a##lication #ool identity. The a##lication #ool account re)uires
the follo&in' #ermission confi'uration settin's$
The follo&in' machine7level #ermission is confi'ured automatically$ The a##lication #ool account is a
member of 8SSK8PH.
The follo&in' S:! Server and database #ermissions for this account are confi'ured automatically$
The a##lication #ool accounts for 8eb a##lications are assi'ned to the SPK1/T/K/++ESS role for
the content databases.
This account is assi'ned to the 8SSK+OTETK/PP!%+/T%OKPOO!S role associated &ith the
farm confi'uration database.
This account is assi'ned to the 8SSK+OTETK/PP!%+/T%OKPOO!S role associated &ith the
SharePointK/dmin content database.
Default content access account
%nformation in this section a##lies to SharePoint Server 2013 only.
The default content access account is used &ithin a s#ecific service a##lication to cra&l content" unless
a different authentication method is s#ecified by a cra&l rule for a @4! or @4! #attern. This account
re)uires the follo&in' #ermission confi'uration settin's$
The default content access account must be a domain user account that has read access to
external or secure content sources that you &ant to cra&l by usin' this account.
.or SharePoint Server sites that are not #art of the server farm" you have to ex#licitly 'rant this
account full read #ermissions to the &eb a##lications that host the sites.
This account must not be a member of the .arm /dministrators 'rou#.
'ontent access accounts
%nformation in this section a##lies to SharePoint Server 2013 only.
+ontent access accounts are confi'ured to access content by usin' the Search administration cra&l
rules feature. This ty#e of account is o#tional and you can confi'ure it &hen you create a ne& cra&l
rule. .or exam#le" external content 2such as a file share3 mi'ht re)uire this se#arate content access
account. This account re)uires the follo&in' #ermission confi'uration settin's$
The content access account must have read access to external or secure content sources that this
account is confi'ured to access.
.or SharePoint Server sites that are not #art of the server farm" you have to ex#licitly 'rant this
account full read #ermissions to the &eb a##lications that host the sites.
34cel Serices unattended serice account
%nformation in this section a##lies to SharePoint Server 2013 only.
Excel Services uses the Excel Services unattended service account to connect to external data sources
that re)uire a user name and #ass&ord that are based on o#eratin' systems other than 8indo&s for
authentication. %f this account is not confi'ured" Excel Services &ill not attem#t to connect to these
ty#es of data sources. /lthou'h account credentials are used to connect to data sources of o#eratin'
systems other than 8indo&s" if the account is not a member of the domain" Excel Services cannot
access them. This account must be a domain user account.
My Sites application pool account
%nformation in this section a##lies to SharePoint Server 2013 only.
The (y Sites a##lication #ool account must be a domain user account. This account must not be a
member of the .arm /dministrators 'rou#.
The follo&in' machine7level #ermission is confi'ured automatically$ This account is a member of
The follo&in' S:! Server and database #ermissions are confi'ured automatically$
This account is assi'ned to the 8SSK+OTETK/PP!%+/T%OKPOO!S role that is associated
&ith the farm confi'uration database.
This account is assi'ned to the 8SSK+OTETK/PP!%+/T%OKPOO!S role that is associated
&ith the SharePointK/dmin content database.
The a##lication #ool accounts for &eb a##lications are assi'ned to the SPK1/T/K/++ESS role for
the content databases
Other application pool accounts
The other a##lication #ool account must be a domain user account. This account must not be a
member of the /dministrators 'rou# on any com#uter in the server farm.
The follo&in' machine7level #ermission is confi'ured automatically$ This account is a member of
The follo&in' S:! Server and database #ermissions are confi'ured automatically$
This account is assi'ned to the SPK1/T/K/++ESS role for the content databases.
This account is assi'ned to the SPK1/T/K/++ESS role for search database that is associated
&ith the &eb a##lication.
This account must have read and &rite access to the associated service a##lication database.
This account is assi'ned to the 8SSK+OTETK/PP!%+/T%OKPOO!S role that is associated
&ith the farm confi'uration database.
This account is assi'ned to the 8SSK+OTETK/PP!%+/T%OKPOO!S role that is associated
&ith the SharePointK/dmin content database.
SharePoint database roles
This section describes the database roles that installation sets u# by default or that you can confi'ure
2SS0'O)&3)&0APP5*'A&*O)0POO5S database role
The 8SSK+OTETK/PP!%+/T%OKPOO!S database role a##lies to the a##lication #ool account for
each &eb a##lication that is re'istered in a SharePoint farm. This enables &eb a##lications to )uery
and u#date the site ma# and have read7only access to other items in the confi'uration database. Setu#
assi'ns the 8SSK+OTETK/PP!%+/T%OKPOO!S role to the follo&in' databases$
The SharePointK+onfi' database 2the confi'uration database3.
The SharePointK/dmin+ontent database.
(embers of the 8SSK+OTETK/PP!%+/T%OKPOO!S role have the execute #ermission for a
subset of the stored #rocedures for the database. %n addition" members of this role have the select
#ermission to the Eersions table 2dbo.Eersions3 in the SharePointK/dmin+ontent database. .or other
databases" the accounts #lannin' tool indicates that access to read these databases is automatically
confi'ured. %n some cases" limited access to &rite to a database is also automatically confi'ured. To
#rovide this access" #ermissions for stored #rocedures are confi'ured.
2SS0S63550A''3SS database role
The secure 8SSKS*E!!K/++ESS database role on the confi'uration database re#laces the need to
add an administration account as a db0o!ner on the confi'uration database. -y default" the setu#
account is assi'ned to the 8SSKS*E!!K/++ESS database role. 9ou can use a 8indo&s Po&erShell
command to 'rant or remove membershi#s to this role. Setu# assi'ns the 8SSKS*E!!K/++ESS role
to the follo&in' databases$
The SharePointK+onfi' database 2the confi'uration database3.
One or more of the SharePoint +ontent databases. This is confi'urable by usin' the 8indo&s
Po&erShell command that mana'es membershi# and the obCect that is assi'ned to this role.
(embers of the 8SSKS*E!!K/++ESS role have the execute #ermission for all stored #rocedures for
the database. %n addition" members of this role have the read and &rite #ermissions on all of the
database tables.
SP0.3AD0O)57 database role
The SP0.3AD0O)57 role should be used for settin' the database to read only mode instead of usin'
s#Kdbo#tion. This role as its name su''ests should be used &hen only read access is re)uired for data
such as usa'e and telemetry data.
The s#Kdbo#tion stored #rocedure is not available in S:! Server 2012. .or more information
about s#Kdbo#tion see s#Kdbo#tion.
The SPK4E/1KO!9 S:! role &ill have the follo&in' #ermissions$
Hrant SE!E+T on all SharePoint stored #rocedures and functions
Hrant SE!E+T on all SharePoint tables
Hrant EME+@TE on user7defined ty#e &here schema is dbo
SP0DA&A0A''3SS database role
The SP0DA&A0A''3SS role is the default role for database access and should be used for all obCect
model level access to databases. /dd the a##lication #ool account to this role durin' u#'rade or ne&
The SPK1/T/K/++ESS role re#laces the dbKo&ner role in SharePoint 2013.
The SPK1/T/K/++ESS role &ill have the follo&in' #ermissions$
Hrant EME+@TE or SE!E+T on all SharePoint stored #rocedures and functions
Hrant SE!E+T on all SharePoint tables
Hrant EME+@TE on @ser7defined ty#e &here schema is dbo
Hrant %SE4T on /ll@ser1ataNunctions table
Hrant @P1/TE on Sites vie&
Hrant @P1/TE on @ser1ata vie&
Hrant @P1/TE on /ll@ser1ata table
Hrant %SE4T and 1E!ETE on ameEaluePair tables
Hrant create table #ermission
Group permissions
This section describes #ermissions of 'rou#s that the SharePoint 2013 setu# and confi'uration tools
8SSK/1(%K8PH has read and &rite access to local resources. The a##lication #ool accounts for
the +entral /dministration and Timer services are in 8SSK/1(%K8PH. The follo&in' table sho&s the
8SSK/1(%K8PH re'istry entry #ermissions.

8ey name Permiss
*nherit Description
e Server
4ead o This key
is the
root of
tree. %f
this key
8ey name Permiss
*nherit Description
ality &ill
e ServerL1B.0
o This key
is the
root of
o This key
for the
this key
o This key
for the
this key
8ey name Permiss
*nherit Description
ToolsL8eb Server ExtensionsL1B.0LSearch
ToolsL8eb Server ExtensionsL1B.0LSecure
o This key
on strin'
and the
%1 of the
e to
is Coined.
%f this
key is
int 2013
on on
&ill not
ToolsL8eb Server ExtensionsL1B.0L8SS
9es This key
8ey name Permiss
*nherit Description
setu#. %f
this key
c lo''in'
may fail
setu# or
may fail.

The follo&in' table sho&s the 8SSK/1(%K8PH file system #ermissions.

9ile system path Permissio
*nherit Description
o This directory
contains the file7
cache of the farm
Processes mi'ht
fail to start and the
actions mi'ht fail if
this directory is
altered or deleted.
+$L%net#ubL&&&rootL&ss .ull
o This directory 2or
the corres#ondin'
directory under the
%net#ub root on the
server3 is used as
the default location
for %%S 8eb sites.
SharePoint sites
&ill be unavailable
and administrative
9ile system path Permissio
*nherit Description
actions mi'ht fail if
this directory is
altered or deleted"
unless custom %%S
8eb site #aths are
#rovided for all %%S
8eb sites
extended &ith
SharePoint 2013.
QPro'ram.ilesQL(icrosoft Office
o This directory is
the installation
location for
SharePoint 2013
binaries and data.
The directory can
be chan'ed durin'
installation. /ll
SharePoint 2013
functionality &ill fail
if this directory is
removed" altered"
or removed after
(embershi# in the
H 8indo&s
security 'rou# is
re)uired for some
SharePoint 2013
services to be able
to store data on
QPro'ram.ilesQL(icrosoft Office
o This directory is
the root directory
&here back7end
8eb services are
hosted" for
exam#le" Excel
and Search. The
SharePoint 2013
features that
de#end on these
services &ill fail if
this directory is
removed or
9ile system path Permissio
*nherit Description
QPro'ram.ilesQL(icrosoft Office
o This directory is
the root location
&here local data is
stored" includin'
search indexes.
functionality &ill fail
if this directory is
removed or
H 8indo&s
security 'rou#
#ermissions are
re)uired to enable
search to save and
secure data in this
QPro'ram.ilesQL(icrosoft Office
9es This directory is
the location &here
the run7time
dia'nostic lo''in'
is 'enerated.
functionality &ill not
function #ro#erly if
this directory is
removed or
QPro'ram.ilesQL(icrosoft Office
ServersL1B.0L1ataLOffice Server
9es Same as the
Q&indirQLTasks .ull
Q(icrosoft SharedL8eb Server
9es This
directory is
9ile system path Permissio
*nherit Description
directory for
2013 files. %f
the access
control list
2/+!3 is
and other
features &ill
not function
QL(icrosoft SharedL8eb Server
9es This
contains the
services for
on. %f this
directory is
remote site
creation and
ex#osed in
the service
&ill not
QL(icrosoft SharedL8eb Server
9es This directory
contains files used
to extend %%S 8eb
sites &ith
SharePoint 2013. %f
this directory or its
contents are
altered" &eb
9ile system path Permissio
*nherit Description
#rovisionin' &ill
not function
QL(icrosoft SharedL8eb Server
o This directory
contains setu# and
runtime tracin'
lo's. %f the
directory is altered"
dia'nostic lo''in'
&ill not function
Q&indirQLtem# .ull
9es This directory is
used by #latform
com#onents on
&hich SharePoint
2013 de#ends. %f
the access control
list is modified"
8eb Part renderin'
and other
o#erations mi'ht
o This directory is
used by
SharePoint Server
usa'e lo''in'. %f
this directory is
modified" usa'e
lo''in' &ill not
function correctly.
This re'istry key
a##lies only to
SharePoint Server.
filesL(icrosoft Office ServersL1B
folder on %ndex servers
This #ermission is
'ranted for a
ram filesL(icrosoft
Office ServersL1B
folder on %ndex

8SSK8PH has read access to local resources. /ll a##lication #ool and services accounts are in
8SSK8PH. The follo&in' table sho&s 8SSK8PH re'istry entry #ermissions.

8ey name Permissions *nherit Description
4ead o This key is
the root of
4ead" &rite o This key
settin's for
/lterin' this
key &ill
break the
4ead" &rite o This key
settin's for
/lterin' this
key &ill
4ead" &rite o This key
settin's for
8ey name Permissions *nherit Description
/lterin' this
key &ill
ToolsL8eb Server ExtensionsL1B.0LSecure
4ead o This key
contains the
strin' and
the %1 of the
n database
to &hich the
machine is
Coined. %f this
key is
altered" the
on the
machine &ill
not function.
ToolsL8eb Server ExtensionsL1B.0L8SS
4ead 9es This key
settin's that
are used
setu#. %f this
key is
lo''in' may
fail and
setu# or
n may fail.

The follo&in' table sho&s the 8SSK8PH file system #ermissions.

9ile system path Permissio
*nherit Description
4ead o This
contains the
cache of the
mi'ht fail to
start and
ve actions
mi'ht fail if
directory is
altered or
+$L%net#ubL&&&rootL&ss 4ead"
o This
directory 2or
n' directory
under the
%net#ub root
on the
server3 is
used as the
location for
%%S 8eb
sites &ill be
ve actions
mi'ht fail if
directory is
altered or
9ile system path Permissio
*nherit Description
custom %%S
8eb site
#aths are
#rovided for
all %%S 8eb
QPro'ram.ilesQL(icrosoft Office
o This
directory is
location for
binaries and
data. %t can
be chan'ed
&ill fail if
directory is
altered" or
moved after
read and
are re)uired
to enable
%%S sites to
9ile system path Permissio
*nherit Description
QPro'ram.ilesQL(icrosoft Office
4ead o This
directory is
the root
&here back7
end 8eb
services are
hosted" for
Excel and
Search. The
that de#end
on these
services &ill
fail if this
directory is
removed or
QPro'ram.ilesQL(icrosoft Office
9es This
directory is
the location
&here the
lo''in' is
&ill not
#ro#erly if
directory is
removed or
QL(icrosoft SharedL8eb Server
4ead 9es This
contains the
9ile system path Permissio
*nherit Description
services for
on. %f this
directory is
remote site
creation and
ex#osed in
the service
&ill not
QL(icrosoft SharedL8eb Server
4ead 9es This directory
contains files used
to extend %%S 8eb
sites &ith
SharePoint 2013. %f
this directory or its
contents are
altered" &eb
#rovisionin' &ill not
function correctly.
QL(icrosoft SharedL8eb Server
o This directory
contains setu# and
runtime tracin'
lo's. %f the
directory is altered"
dia'nostic lo''in'
&ill not function
Q&indirQLtem# 4ead 9es This directory is
used by #latform
com#onents on
&hich SharePoint
2013 de#ends. %f
the access control
list is modified"
8eb Part
renderin'" and
9ile system path Permissio
*nherit Description
o#erations may fail.
4ead o This directory is
used by
SharePoint Server
usa'e lo''in'. %f
this directory is
modified" usa'e
lo''in' &ill not
function correctly.
The re'istry key
a##lies only to
SharePoint Server.
filesL(icrosoft Office ServersL1B
The #ermission is
'ranted for
ram filesL(icrosoft
Office ServersL1B
folder on %ndex

5ocal serice
The follo&in' table sho&s the local service re'istry entry #ermission$

8ey name Permissions *nherit Description
4ead o This key contains
settin's for the
conversion service.
/lterin' this key &ill
break document

The follo&in' table sho&s the local service file system #ermission$

9ile system path Permissions *nherit Description
Office ServersL1B.0L-in
o This directory is the installed location of
the SharePoint 2013 binaries. /ll the
SharePoint 2013 functionality &ill fail if this
directory is removed or altered.

5ocal system
The follo&in' table sho&s the local system re'istry entry #ermissions$

8ey name Permissions *nherit Description
4ead o This key contains
settin's for the
conversion service.
/lterin' this key &ill
break document
This re'istry key
a##lies only to
SharePoint Server.
ToolsL8eb Server ExtensionsL1B.0LSecure
.ull control o This key contains
the connection
strin' and the %1 of
the confi'uration
database to &hich
the machine is
Coined. %f this key is
altered" the
SharePoint 2013
installation on the
machine &ill not
ToolsL8eb Server ExtensionsL1B.0LSecureL.arm/dmin
.ull control o This key contains
the encry#tion key
that is used to store
secrets in the
database. %f this key
is altered" service
8ey name Permissions *nherit Description
#rovisionin' and
other features &ill
ToolsL8eb Server ExtensionsL1B.0L8SS
.ull control 9es This key contains
settin's that are
used durin' setu#.
%f this key is altered"
dia'nostic lo''in'
may fail and setu#
or #ost7setu#
confi'uration may

The follo&in' table sho&s the local file system #ermissions$

9ile system path Permissions *nherit Description
Q/ll@sersProfileQL (icrosoftLSharePoint .ull control o This directory
contains the
backed cache
of the farm
mi'ht fail to
start and
actions mi'ht
fail if this
directory is
altered or
+$L%net#ubL&&&rootL&ss .ull control o This directory
2or the
directory under
the %net#ub root
on the server3
is used as the
default location
for %%S 8eb
9ile system path Permissions *nherit Description
sites &ill be
unavailable and
actions mi'ht
fail if this
directory is
altered or
deleted" unless
custom %%S 8eb
site #aths are
#rovided for all
%%S 8eb sites
extended &ith
SharedL8eb Server
.ull control 9es This directory
contains the
SO/P services
for +entral
%f this directory
is altered"
remote site
creation and
other methods
ex#osed in the
service &ill not
SharedL8eb Server
.ull control 9es %f this directory
or its contents
are altered"
#rovisionin' &ill
not function
SharedL8eb Server ExtensionsL1BL!OHS
.ull control o This directory
contains setu#
and run7time
tracin' lo's. %f
the directory is
lo''in' &ill not
9ile system path Permissions *nherit Description
Q&indirQLtem# .ull control 9es This directory is
used by
com#onents on
2013 de#ends.
%f the access
control list is
modified" 8eb
Part renderin'"
and other
mi'ht fail.
Q&indirQLSystem32Llo'filesLSharePoint .ull
o This
directory is
used by
Server for
lo''in'. %f
directory is
lo''in' &ill
not function
re'istry key
only to

)et!or: serice
The follo&in' table sho&s the net&ork service re'istry entry #ermission$

8ey name Permissions *nherit Description
4ead ot

The follo&in' table sho&s the administrators re'istry entry #ermissions$

8ey name Permissions *nherit Description
ToolsL8eb Server ExtensionsL1B.0LSecure
.ull control o This key contains
the connection
strin' and the %1 of
the confi'uration
database to &hich
the machine is
Coined. %f this key is
altered" the
SharePoint 2013
installation on the
machine &ill not
ToolsL8eb Server ExtensionsL1B.0LSecureL.arm/dmin
.ull control o This key contains
the encry#tion key
that is used to store
secrets in the
database. %f this key
is altered" service
#rovisionin' and
other features &ill
ToolsL8eb Server ExtensionsL1B.0L8SS
.ull control 9es This key contains
settin's that are
used durin' setu#.
%f this key is altered"
dia'nostic lo''in'
may fail and setu#
or #ost7setu#
confi'uration may

The follo&in' table sho&s the administrators file system #ermissions$

9ile system path Permissions *nherit Description
Q/ll@sersProfileQL (icrosoftLSharePoint .ull control o This directory
contains the
backed cache
of the farm
mi'ht fail to
start and
actions mi'ht
fail if this
directory is
altered or
+$L%net#ubL&&&rootL&ss .ull +ontrol o This directory
2or the
under the
%net#ub root
on the server3
is used as the
location for %%S
8eb sites.
sites &ill be
actions mi'ht
fail if this
directory is
altered or
unless custom
%%S &eb site
#aths are
#rovided for all
%%S &eb sites
that are
extended &ith
9ile system path Permissions *nherit Description
SharedL8eb Server
.ull control 9es This directory
contains the
services for
%f this directory
is altered"
remote site
creation and
other methods
ex#osed in the
service &ill not
SharedL8eb Server
.ull control 9es %f this directory
or its contents
are altered"
&ill not
SharedL8eb Server ExtensionsL1BL!OHS
.ull control o This directory
contains setu#
and runtime
tracin' lo's. %f
the directory is
lo''in' &ill not
Q&indirQLtem# .ull control 9es This directory
is used by
on &hich
2013 de#ends.
%f the /+! is
9ile system path Permissions *nherit Description
modified" 8eb
Part renderin'"
and other
mi'ht fail.
Q&indirQLSystem32Llo'filesLSharePoint .ull
o This
directory is
used by
Server for
lo''in'. %f
directory is
lo''in' &ill
key a##lies
only to

8SSK4EST4%+TE1K8PH can read the encry#ted farm administration credential re'istry entry.
8SSK4EST4%+TE1K8PH is only used for encry#tion and decry#tion of #ass&ords that are stored in
the confi'uration database. The follo&in' table sho&s the 8SSK4EST4%+TE1K8PH re'istry entry

8ey name Permissions *nherit Description
ToolsL8eb Server
.ull control o This key
contains the
key that is
used to
8ey name Permissions *nherit Description
secrets in
n database.
%f this key is
and other
features &ill

+sers group
The follo&in' table sho&s the users 'rou# file system #ermissions$

9ile system path Permissions *nherit Description
QPro'ram.ilesQL(icrosoft Office
4ead" execute o This directory is the
installation location
for SharePoint 2013
binaries and data. %t
can be chan'ed
durin' installation.
/ll SharePoint 2013
functionality &ill fail
if this directory is
removed" altered"
or moved after
QPro'ram.ilesQL(icrosoft Office
4ead" execute o This directory is the
root directory &here
back7end root 8eb
services are
hosted. The only
service initially
installed on this
directory is a
search 'lobal
service. Some
9ile system path Permissions *nherit Description
functionality that
uses the server7
s#ecific +entral
Settin's #a'e &ill
not &ork if this
directory is
removed or altered.
QPro'ram.ilesQL(icrosoft Office
4ead" &rite 9es This directory is the
location &here the
run7time dia'nostic
lo''in' is
'enerated. !o''in'
&ill not function
#ro#erly if this
directory is
removed or altered.
QPro'ram.ilesQL(icrosoft Office
4ead" execute o This directory is the
installed location of
SharePoint 2013
binaries. /ll of the
SharePoint 2013
functionality &ill fail
if this directory is
removed or altered.

All SharePoint 2013 serice accounts
The follo&in' table sho&s the all SharePoint 2013 service accounts file system #ermission$

9ile system path Permissions *nherit Description
SharedL8eb Server ExtensionsL1BL!OHS
(odify o This
setu# and
lo's. %f this
directory is
9ile system path Permissions *nherit Description
&ill not
t 2013
must have
to this

'onfigure S;5 Serer security for SharePoint
2013 enironments
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to im#rove the security of S:! Server for SharePoint 2013 environments.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
8hen you install S:! Server" the default settin's hel# to #rovide a safe database. %n addition" you can
use S:! Server tools and 8indo&s .ire&all to add additional security to S:! Server for SharePoint
2013 environments.
%n this article$
-efore you be'in
+onfi'urin' a S:! Server instance to listen on a non7default #ort
To confi'ure a S:! Server instance to listen on a non7default #ort
-lockin' default S:! Server listenin' #orts
+onfi'urin' 8indo&s .ire&all to o#en manually assi'ned #orts
To confi'ure 8indo&s .ire&all to o#en manually assi'ned #orts
+onfi'urin' S:! Server client aliases
To confi'ure a S:! Server client alias
<efore you begin
-efore you be'in this o#eration" revie& the follo&in' tasks about ho& to secure your server farm$
-lock @1P #ort 1A3A.
+onfi'ure named instances of S:! Server to listen on a nonstandard #ort 2other than T+P #ort
1A33 or @1P #ort 1A3A3.
.or additional security" block T+P #ort 1A33 and reassi'n the #ort that is used by the default
instance to a different #ort.
+onfi'ure S:! Server client aliases on all front7end &eb servers and a##lication servers in the
server farm. /fter you block T+P #ort 1A33 or @1P #ort 1A3A" S:! Server client aliases are
necessary on all com#uters that communicate &ith the com#uter that is runnin' S:! Server.
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %%S" administrators and users de#end on the
accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide. SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility
features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
'onfiguring a S;5 Serer instance to listen on a non=
default port
S:! Server #rovides the ability to reassi'n the #orts that are used by the default instance and any
named instances. %n S:! Server 200G 42" and S:! Server 2012" you reassi'n the T+P #ort by usin'
S:! Server +onfi'uration (ana'er. 8hen you chan'e the default #orts" you make the environment
more secure a'ainst hackers &ho kno& default assi'nments and use them to ex#loit your SharePoint
&o configure a S;5 Serer instance to listen on a non=default port
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of either the
sysadmin or the serveradmin fixed server role.
2. On the com#uter that is runnin' S:! Server" o#en S:! Server +onfi'uration (ana'er.
3. %n the navi'ation #ane" ex#and S;5 Serer )et!or: 'onfiguration.
A. +lick the corres#ondin' entry for the instance that you are confi'urin'.
The default instance is listed as Protocols for MSS;5S3.>3.. amed instances &ill a##ear as
Protocols for named0instance.
B. %n the main &indo& in the Protocol )ame column" ri'ht7click &'P?*P" and then click
?. +lick the *P Addresses tab.
.or every %P address that is assi'ned to the com#uter that is runnin' S:! Server" there is a
corres#ondin' entry on this tab. -y default" S:! Server listens on all %P addresses that are
assi'ned to the com#uter.
F. To 'lobally chan'e the #ort that the default instance is listenin' on" follo& these ste#s$
.or each %P address exce#t *PAll" clear all values for both &'P dynamic ports and &'P Port.
.or *PAll" clear the value for &'P dynamic ports. %n the &'P Port field" enter the #ort that you
&ant the instance of S:! Server to listen on. .or exam#le" enter A0000.
G. To 'lobally chan'e the #ort that a named instance is listenin' on" follo& these ste#s$
.or each %P address includin' *PAll" clear all values for &'P dynamic ports. / value of 0 for
this field indicates that S:! Server uses a dynamic T+P #ort for the %P address. / blank entry
for this value means that S:! Server &ill not use a dynamic T+P #ort for the %P address.
.or each %P address exce#t *PAll" clear all values for &'P Port@
.or *PAll" clear the value for &'P dynamic ports. %n the &'P Port field" enter the #ort that you
&ant the instance of S:! Server to listen on. .or exam#le" enter A0000.
>. +lick O8.
/ messa'e indicates that that the chan'e &ill not take effect until the S:! Server service is
restarted. +lick O8.
10. +lose S:! Server +onfi'uration (ana'er.
11. 4estart the S:! Server service and confirm that the com#uter that is runnin' S:! Server
is listenin' on the #ort that you selected.
9ou can confirm this by lookin' in the Event Eie&er lo' after you restart the S:! Server service.
!ook for an information event similar to the follo&in' event$
Event Ty#e$%nformation
Event Source$(SS:!R(SS:!SE4EE4
Event +ate'ory$223
Event %1$2?022
Time$1$A?$11 P(
Server is listenin' on S 6any6 Ii#vAJB0000T
12. >erification" O#tionally" include ste#s that users should #erform to verify that the o#eration
&as successful.
<loc:ing default S;5 Serer listening ports
8indo&s .ire&all &ith /dvanced Security uses %nbound 4ules and Outbound 4ules to hel# secure
incomin' and out'oin' net&ork traffic. -ecause 8indo&s .ire&all blocks all incomin' unsolicited
net&ork traffic by default" you do not have to ex#licitly block the default S:! Server listenin' #orts. .or
more information" see 8indo&s .ire&all &ith /dvanced Security and +onfi'urin' the 8indo&s .ire&all
to /llo& S:! Server /ccess.
'onfiguring 2indo!s 9ire!all to open manually
assigned ports
To access a S:! Server instance throu'h a fire&all" you must confi'ure the fire&all on the com#uter
that is runnin' S:! Server to allo& access. /ny #orts that you manually assi'n must be o#en in
8indo&s .ire&all.
&o configure 2indo!s 9ire!all to open manually assigned ports
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of either the
sysadmin or the serveradmin fixed server role.
2. %n 'ontrol Panel" o#en System and Security.
3. +lick 2indo!s 9ire!all" and then click Adanced Settings to o#en the 2indo!s 9ire!all
!ith Adanced Security dialo' box.
A. %n the navi'ation #ane" click *nbound .ules to dis#lay the available o#tions in the Actions
B. +lick )e! .ule to o#en the )e! *nbound .ule 2i(ard.
?. @se the &i0ard to com#lete the ste#s that are re)uired to allo& access to the #ort that you
defined in +onfi'urin' a S:! Server instance to listen on a non7default #ort.
9ou can confi'ure the %nternet Protocol security 2%Psec3 to hel# secure communication to
and from your com#uter that is runnin' S:! Server by confi'urin' the 8indo&s fire&all.
9ou do this by selectin' 'onnection Security .ules in the navi'ation #ane of the
8indo&s .ire&all &ith /dvanced Security dialo' box.
'onfiguring S;5 Serer client aliases
%f you block @1P #ort 1A3A or T+P #ort 1A33 on the com#uter that is runnin' S:! Server" you must
create a S:! Server client alias on all other com#uters in the server farm. 9ou can use S:! Server
client com#onents to create a S:! Server client alias for com#uters that connect to S:! Server.
&o configure a S;5 Serer client alias
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of either the
sysadmin or the serveradmin fixed server role.
2. 4un Setu# for S:! Server on the tar'et com#uter" and install the follo&in' client
'onnectiity 'omponents
Management &ools
3. O#en S:! Server +onfi'uration (ana'er.
A. %n the navi'ation #ane" click S;5 )atie 'lient 'onfiguration.
B. %n the main &indo& under %tems" ri'ht7click Aliases" and select )e! Alias.
?. %n the Alias = )e! dialo' box" in the Alias )ame field" enter a name for the alias. .or
exam#le" enter SharePoint>alias.
F. %n the Port )o field" enter the #ort number for the database instance. .or exam#le" enter
A0000. (ake sure that the #rotocol is set to T+P;%P.
G. %n the Serer field" enter the name of the com#uter that is runnin' S:! Server.
>. +lick Apply" and then click O8.
10. >erification" 9ou can test the S:! Server client alias by usin' S:! Server (ana'ement
Studio" &hich is available &hen you install S:! Server client com#onents.
11. O#en S:! Server(ana'ement Studio.
12. 8hen you are #rom#ted to enter a server name" enter the name of the alias that you
created" and then click 'onnect. %f the connection is successful" S:! Server(ana'ement
Studio is #o#ulated &ith obCects that corres#ond to the remote database.
13. To check connectivity to additional database instances from S:! Server(ana'ement
Studio" click 'onnect" and then click Database 3ngine.
*nstall prere/uisites for SharePoint 2013 from a
net!or: share
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to ho& to install SharePoint 2013 #rere)uisites from an offline shared net&ork
location by usin' the #rere)uisite installer 2Prere)uisite%nstaller.exe3 tool.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
%nstallin' #rere)uisites from an offline location is ty#ically re)uired &hen the servers on &hich you &ant
to install SharePoint 2013 are isolated from the %nternet. Even if this is not the case" installin'
#rere)uisites from an offline central location enables you to make sure of farm server consistency by
installin' a &ell7kno&n and controlled set of ima'es.
The (icrosoft SharePoint Products Pre#aration Tool is a user interface built on
Prere)uisite%nstaller.exe. The (icrosoft SharePoint Products Pre#aration Tool acce#ts no user
%n this article$
%nstaller s&itches and ar'uments
1o&nload and combine the SharePoint 2013 #rere)uisites on a file share
%nstall the SharePoint 2013 #rere)uisites at the command #rom#t
%nstall the SharePoint 2013 #rere)uisites by usin' an ar'uments file
,no&n issues
The ste#s in this article a##ly to SharePoint .oundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013.
*nstaller s!itches and arguments
-y usin' Prere)uisite%nstaller.exe &ith s&itches and ar'uments" you control the versions of the re)uired
soft&are that are installed and the location from &hich they are installed.
Pre)uisite%nstaller.exe acce#ts sin'le or multi#le s&itch and ar'ument #airs. / s&itch identifies the
#rere)uisite and the ar'ument s#ecifies the action and the location of the #rere)uisite.
/ s&itch and ar'ument #air uses the follo&in' format$
9switch$ ?path@
9switch is a valid s&itch to identify a #rere)uisite. .or exam#le" ;S:!+li$ is the s&itch for the
(icrosoft S:! Server 200G 42 SP1 ative +lient.
?path@ is ex#ressed as the #ath of a local file or the #ath of a file share" for exam#le"
5+$LfoldernameLs)lncli.msi5 or 5LLIservernameJLIsharenameJLs)lncli.msi5.
Each s&itch and its ar'ument are se#arated by a colon and a s#ace. The ar'ument is enclosed in
)uotation marks.
The s&itch and ar'ument #airs can be #assed to Prere)uisite%nstaller.exe at the command #rom#t or
read from an ar'uments text file.
Do!nload and combine the SharePoint 2013
prere/uisites on a file share
The #rocess for do&nloadin' and combinin' #rere)uisites consists of the ste#s that &ere described in
the follo&in' #rocedures.
&o identify prere/uisites
1. 4efer to *ard&are and soft&are re)uirements 2SharePoint 20133" &hich lists all the re)uired
and o#tional soft&are for SharePoint 2013. /dditionally" this document #rovides the
do&nload location for each #rere)uisite that is available for do&nload on the %nternet.
2. .rom the command #rom#t" navi'ate to the root of the SharePoint 2013 installation media
or folder location.
3. /t the command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command and then #ress ETE4$
Prere/uisite*nstaller@e4e ?A
This dis#lays a list of the command7line o#tions and s&itches and their corres#ondin' ar'uments
for installin' a #rere)uisite from the command7line.
To co#y the contents of the active /bout &indo& to the +li#board" #ress +T4!U+.
A. Eerify that you have an accurate list of the re)uired soft&are. +om#are the out#ut from the
#rere)uisite installer to the list of #rere)uisites in ste# 1.
B. 1o&nload the #rere)uisites to a com#uter that has %nternet access.
ext" follo& these ste#s to create a central location that you can use for installin' SharePoint 2013
#rere)uisites on all the farm servers.
&o combine prere/uisites
1. +reate a shared folder on a com#uter that can be accessed by the servers on &hich the
#rere)uisites &ill be installed.
2. +o#y the files that you do&nloaded from the %nternet to the shared folder.
/fter you finish creatin' an available net&ork location for the #rere)uisites" use the #rocedure in the
follo&in' section to install SharePoint 2013 #rere)uisites on a server.
*nstall the SharePoint 2013 prere/uisites at the
command prompt
9ou can install one or more of the #rere)uisites from the command line usin' the follo&in' #rocedure.
&o install from the command line
1. .rom the Start menu" o#en the +ommand Prom#t &indo& usin' the .un as administrator
2. avi'ate to the SharePoint 2013 source directory.
3. Ty#e the #rere)uisite #ro'ram s&itch and corres#ondin' ar'ument for the #ro'ram that
you &ant to install" and then #ress ETE4" for exam#le$
Prere/uisite*nstaller@e4e ?S;5)'li" BCCo1D=sf=adminCSP0prere/sCs/lncli@msiB
To install more than one #rere)uisite" ty#e each s&itch and ar'ument #air. -e sure to
se#arate each #air by a s#ace" for exam#le$
Prere)uisite%nstaller.exe ;%1.M$ 5LLIpathJL8indo&s?.17,->FAA0B7x?A.msu5
;s)lncli$5LLIpathJLs)lncli.msi5 ;Sync$5LLIpathJLSynchroni0ation.msi5
*nstall the SharePoint 2013 prere/uisites by using an
arguments file
9ou can install the #rere)uisites from the file share usin' an ar'uments file that consists of s&itches
and corres#ondin' #ath statements to the #ro'rams that have to be installed.
8hen you run Prere)uisite%nstaller.exe &ith an ar'uments file" the follo&in' ha##ens$
1. Prere)uisite%nstaller.exe reads the ar'ument file to verify that each s&itch is valid and that
the #ro'ram identified in the #ath statement exists.
%f you s#ecify an ar'ument" Prere)uisite%nstaller.exe i'nores the ar'uments file and only
#rocesses the command7line ar'ument.
2. Prere)uisite%nstaller.exe scans the local system to determine &hether any of the
#rere)uisites are already installed.
3. Prere)uisite%nstaller.exe installs the #ro'rams in the ar'ument file and returns one of the
follo&in' exit codes$
0 7 Success
1 V /nother instance of this a##lication is already runnin'
2 V %nvalid command line #arameter
1001 V / #endin' restart blocks installation
3010 V / restart is needed
A. %f a #rere)uisite re)uires a restart" a 3010 code is 'enerated and you are #rom#ted to click
9inish to restart the system. The behavior of the installer after a 3010 code is different
de#endin' on &hich of the follo&in' conditions are true on the com#uter$
%f the com#onent that re)uires a restart is already installed on the system" the 3010 code is
'enerated and the remainin' #rere)uisites are installed. /fter the last #rere)uisite is installed
you are #rom#ted to restart the system.
%f the com#onent that re)uires a restart is installed on the system by Prere)uisite%nstaller.exe"
the installer 'enerates the 3010 code" and the installation of the remainin' #rere)uisites is
ski##ed. 9ou are #rom#ted to restart the system.
/fter the system restarts" Prere)uisite%nstaller.exe starts to run a'ain because the startu# file
that is created before the restart contains a ;continue fla'.
(ulti#le com#onents may re)uire a restart. So Prere)uisite%nstaller.exe may have to be
restarted several times. /fter a restart" Prere)uisite%nstaller.exe i'nores the ar'uments file and
attem#ts to do&nload and install the remainin' #rere)uisites from the %nternet. .or more
information" see ,no&n issues.
@se the follo&in' #rocedure to create an ar'uments file.
&o create an arguments file
1. @sin' a text editor" create a ne& text document named Prere)uisite%nstaller./r'uments.txt.
Save this file to the same location as Prere)uisite%nstaller.exe. This file &ill contain the
s&itches and ar'uments that are used &hen you run the (icrosoft SharePoint Products
Pre#aration Tool.
2. @sin' a text editor" edit Prere)uisite%nstaller./r'uments.txt and #rovide file #aths to the
installation source for each #rere)uisite s&itch by usin' the follo&in' syntax$
9switch$ ?path@
8here 9switch is a valid s&itch and ?path@ is a #ath of the installation source.
The follo&in' exam#le sho&s a com#lete ar'uments file that uses a file share as a common
installation #oint. 1o not include carria'e returns in your file.
Q8;+V:RSpathTUdot8et+.12>+ull>.<4>.41#e.eR Q)3+V:RSpathTU=indo*s4#1(DC751102(
.41#msuR Qs:lncli:RSpathTUs:lncli#msiR QSync:RSpathTUSynchroni0ation#msiR
QApp+abric:RSpathTUsetup#e.eR Q)3+V11:RSpathTUMicrosoft )dentity ;.tensions#msiR
QMS)PCClient:RSpathTUmsipc#msiR Q=C+3ataServices:RSpathTU=cf3ataServices#e.eR
3. /fter you finish editin' Prere)uisite%nstaller./r'uments.txt" save your edits" and verify that
this file is in the same directory as Prere)uisite%nstaller.exe.
@se the follo&in' #rocedure to install the #rere)uisites.
&o install the prere/uisites using an arguments file
1. 4un Prere)uisite%nstaller.exe at the command #rom#t to install the #rere)uisites.
%f you are #rom#ted to click 9inish to restart the system" do not do so. %nstead" click
'ancel. .or more information" see ,no&n issues you continue &ith the next ste#.
2. 4estart the system manually.
3. /t the command #rom#t ty#e the follo&in' command and then #ress Enter$
8no!n issues
There are t&o kno&n issues that affect the use of an ar'uments file$
@sin' line breaks in the ar'uments file
%f you create an ar'uments file and use line breaks to #ut each s&itch and ar'ument on a se#arate
line" the #rere)uisite installer fails. The &orkaround is to enter all the s&itch and ar'ument #airs on
a sin'le line.
/fter a com#uter restart" the ar'uments file is not used
/fter a restart" Prere)uisite%nstaller.exe executes the startu# command file" &hich contains a
;continue fla'. The ;continue fla' forces the installer to i'nore the ar'uments file.
9ou must #revent a restart by deletin' the startu# task in this command file by usin' one of the
follo&in' o#tions$
Option 1
1. 4un Prere)uisite%nstaller.exe by double7clickin' it. The #ro'ram &ill dis#lay the first
screen &ith the list of #rere)uisites.
1. +lick 'ancel. Prere)uisite%nstaller.exe deletes the startu# task.
Option 2
1. .rom the Start menu" choose .un and then ty#e regedit to o#en the re'istry.
2. O#en the key
hell .olders.
3. +heck the value for 5+ommon Startu#5. This sho&s the directory &here the startu#
tasks are listed.
A. +lose the re'istry editor &ithout makin' any chan'es.
B. avi'ate to the startu# directory" &hich is usually
IsystemdirJLPro'ram1ataL(icrosoftL8indo&sLStart (enuLPro'ramsLStartu#.
?. 1elete the startu# task by deletin'
*nstall SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" %ntroduces articles that describe ho& to install SharePoint 2013 in various to#olo'ies" on
both #hysical and virtual environments.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
Testin' and im#lementin' SharePoint 2013 solutions at different sta'es of the de#loyment life cycle
re)uires de#loyments in various to#olo'ies.
The follo&in' articles on Techet #rovide information about ho& to de#loy SharePoint 2013 on one or
more servers to create different to#olo'ies that you can use for testin' and im#lementin' SharePoint
2013 solutions at different sta'es of the de#loyment life cycle.
&ech)et articles about ho! to install and configure
SharePoint 2013
The follo&in' articles about ho& to install and confi'ure SharePoint 2013 are available to vie& online.
8riters u#date articles on a continuin' basis as ne& information becomes available and as users
#rovide feedback.

%nstall SharePoint 2013 on a sin'le server &ith
S:! Server
1escribes ho& to install SharePoint 2013 on a
sin'le server. This de#loyment uses S:! Server
and can easily be scaled out to create t&o7 and
three7tier farm to#olo'ies.
%nstall SharePoint 2013 on a sin'le server &ith a
built7in database
Ex#lains ho& to install SharePoint 2013 on a sin'le
server. This de#loyment uses S:! Server Ex#ress
and is ty#ically used for evaluatin' SharePoint
%nstall SharePoint 2013 across multi#le servers for
a three7tier farm
1escribes ho& to install SharePoint 2013 on
multi#le servers. This de#loyment uses S:!
Server and the resultin' three7tier to#olo'y
#rovides the foundation for im#lementin' any
%nstall and confi'ure a virtual environment for This article describes ho& to use 8indo&s
SharePoint 2013 Po&erShell to install SharePoint 2013 in a *y#er7E
%nstall or uninstall lan'ua'e #acks for SharePoint
1escribes lan'ua'e #acks and ho& to do&nload"
install" and uninstall them.
/dd &eb or a##lication servers to farms in
SharePoint 2013
Ex#lains ho& to add a &eb or a##lication server to
a farm. The #rocedures in this article a##ly to a
SharePoint 2013 farm that consists of at least t&o
tiers. They should not be used for convertin' a
sin'le server de#loyment to a multi#le server farm.
/dd a database server to an existin' farm
2SharePoint 20133
Provides information about ho& to add a ne&
database server to an existin' SharePoint 2013
4emove a server from a farm in SharePoint 2013 1escribes ho& to remove a &eb server" a##lication
server" or a database server from a SharePoint
2013 farm.
@ninstall SharePoint 2013 1escribes ho& to remove SharePoint 2013 from a
%nstall and confi'ure a virtual environment for
SharePoint 2013
!earn about #ermissions" accounts" security
settin's" and &hat you have to do to #re#are your
8indo&s Server 200G *y#er7E environment for
SharePoint 2013.

Additional resources about ho! to install and
configure SharePoint 2013
The follo&in' resources about ho& to install and confi'ure SharePoint 2013 are available from other
subCect matter ex#erts.

'ontent Description

%nstallation and 1e#loyment for
SharePoint 2013 4esource
Eisit the 4esource +enter to
access videos" +ommunity
Sites" documentation" and

*nstall SharePoint 2013 on a single serer !ith a
built=in database
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to install SharePoint 2013 &ith a built7in database on a sin'le server.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
9ou can )uickly #ublish a SharePoint site by de#loyin' SharePoint 2013 on a sin'le server that has a
built7in database. This confi'uration is useful if you &ant to evaluate SharePoint 2013 features and
ca#abilities" such as collaboration" document mana'ement" and search. This confi'uration is also
useful if you are de#loyin' only a fe& &ebsites and you &ant to minimi0e administrative overhead.
This article contains re)uired information and #rocedures to install and confi'ure SharePoint 2013 &ith
a built7in database on a sin'le server.
%n this article$
-efore you be'in
%nstall SharePoint 2013
Post7installation ste#s
The ste#s in this article a##ly to SharePoint .oundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. The
#rocedures in this to#ic install (icrosoft S:! Server 200G 42 SP1 Ex#ress Edition. *o&ever"
@ser Profile synchroni0ation does not &ork &ith the Ex#ress Edition. %f you intend to use @ser
Profile synchroni0ation &ith SharePoint Server 2013" you must choose a different installation
8hen you de#loy SharePoint 2013 on a sin'le server that has a built7in database by usin' the default
settin's" Setu# installs (icrosoft S:! Server 200G 42 SP1 Ex#ress Edition and the SharePoint
#roduct. The SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard creates the confi'uration database and content
database for the SharePoint sites. /dditionally" the SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard installs
the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite and creates your first SharePoint site collection.
This article does not describe ho& to install SharePoint 2013 in a farm environment" or ho& to
u#'rade from #revious releases of SharePoint 2013. .or more information about ho& to install
SharePoint 2013 on a sin'le7server farm" see %nstall SharePoint 2013 on a sin'le server &ith
S:! Server. .or more information about ho& to install SharePoint 2013 on a multi#le server
farm" see %nstall SharePoint 2013 across multi#le servers for a three7tier farm. .or more
information about u#'rade" see @#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
The 1istributed +ache service 'ives you a com#lete social com#utin' ex#erience. .or more
information about the 1istributed +ache service" see Overvie& of microblo' features" feeds"
and the 1istributed +ache service in SharePoint Server 2013" (ana'e the 1istributed +ache
service in SharePoint Server 2013" Plan for feeds and the 1istributed +ache service
2SharePoint Server 20133" and 8hat6s ne& in authentication for SharePoint 2013
+onsider the follo&in' restrictions of this method of installation$
9ou cannot use this method on a domain controller or in a &ork'rou# environment.
This method is not su##orted for #roduction on a domain controller.
%f your com#uter is in a &ork'rou#" you cannot install /##.abric for 8indo&s Server.
/ (icrosoft S:! Server 200G 42 SP1 Ex#ress Edition database cannot be lar'er than 10 H-.
9ou cannot use user #rofile synchroni0ation in this ty#e of installation. %f you &ant to use user
#rofile synchroni0ation" you must use a server farm installation of SharePoint 2013. .or more
information" see %nstall SharePoint 2013 on a sin'le server &ith S:! Server or %nstall SharePoint
2013 across multi#le servers for a three7tier farm" and +onfi'ure #rofile synchroni0ation
2SharePoint 20133.
<efore you begin
-efore you be'in installation" make sure that you have met all hard&are and soft&are re)uirements.
.or more information" see *ard&are and soft&are re)uirements 2SharePoint 20133. To make sure that
you #erform a clean installation of SharePoint 2013" you must first remove any earlier version of
SharePoint 2013 and any #re7release #rere)uisites if installed.
*nstall SharePoint 2013
To install and confi'ure SharePoint 2013" follo& these ste#s$
1. 4un the (icrosoft SharePoint Products Pre#aration Tool.
2. 4un Setu#" &hich installs (icrosoft S:! Server 200G 42 SP1 Ex#ress Edition and the
SharePoint #roduct.
3. 4un the SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard" &hich installs and confi'ures the
confi'uration database" the content database" and installs the SharePoint +entral
/dministration &ebsite. This &i0ard also creates your first SharePoint site collection.
A. +onfi'ure bro&ser settin's.
B. Perform #ost7installation ste#s.
To com#lete the follo&in' #rocedures" you must be a member of the /dministrators 'rou# on
the com#uter on &hich you are installin' SharePoint 2013.
.un the Microsoft SharePoint Products Preparation &ool
-ecause the #rere)uisite installer do&nloads com#onents from the (icrosoft 1o&nload +enter" you
must have %nternet access on the com#uter on &hich you are runnin' the installer. @se the follo&in'
#rocedure to install soft&are #rere)uisites for SharePoint 2013.
&o run the Microsoft SharePoint Products Preparation &ool
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is the Setu# user account.
.or information about the Setu# user account" see %nitial de#loyment administrative and
service accounts in SharePoint 2013.
2. %n the folder &here you do&nloaded the SharePoint 2013 soft&are" locate and then run
3. On the 2elcome to the Microsoft SharePoint Products Preparation &ool #a'e" click )e4t.
A. On the 5icense &erms for soft!are products #a'e" revie& the terms" select the * accept the
terms of the 5icense Agreement,s- check box" and then click )e4t.
B. On the *nstallation 'omplete #a'e" click 9inish.
?. /fter you com#lete the (icrosoft SharePoint Products Pre#aration Tool" you must also
install the follo&in'$
,- 2BBAGF?
,- 2F0G0FB
,- 2FB>112
.un Setup
The follo&in' #rocedure installs (icrosoft S:! Server 200G 42 SP1 Ex#ress Edition and the
SharePoint #roduct. /t the end of Setu#" you can choose to start the SharePoint Products +onfi'uration
8i0ard" &hich is described later in this section.
&o run Setup
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is the Setu# user account.
.or information about the Setu# user account" see %nitial de#loyment administrative and
service accounts in SharePoint 2013.
2. On the SharePoint Serer 2013 or SharePoint 9oundation 2013 Start #a'e" click *nstall
SharePoint Serer or *nstall SharePoint 9oundation.
3. On the 3nter 7our Product 8ey #a'e" enter your #roduct key" and then click 'ontinue.
A. On the .ead the Microsoft Soft!are 5icense &erms #a'e" revie& the terms" select the *
accept the terms of this agreement check box" and then click 'ontinue.
B. On the Serer &ype tab" click Standalone.
?. 8hen Setu# finishes" a dialo' box #rom#ts you to com#lete the confi'uration of your
server. Ensure that the .un the SharePoint Products 'onfiguration 2i(ard no! check box
is selected.
F. +lick 'lose to start the confi'uration &i0ard.
%f Setu# fails" check lo' files in the Tem# folder of the user account that you used to run
Setu#. Ensure that you are lo''ed in usin' the same user account" and then ty#e EtempE
in the location bar in 8indo&s Ex#lorer. %f the #ath in 8indo&s Ex#lorer resolves to a
location that ends in a 515 or 525" you &ill have to navi'ate u# one level to vie& the lo' files.
The lo' file name is SharePoint Server Setu# 2Itime stampJ3.
.un the SharePoint Products 'onfiguration 2i(ard
@se the follo&in' #rocedure to install and confi'ure the confi'uration database and the content
database" and install the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite.
&o run the SharePoint Products 'onfiguration 2i(ard
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is the Setu# user account.
.or information about the Setu# user account" see %nitial de#loyment administrative and
service accounts in SharePoint 2013.
2. %f you have closed the SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard" you can access it by
clickin' Start" #oint to All Programs" click SharePoint 2013 Products" and then click
SharePoint 2013 Products 'onfiguration 2i(ard. %f the +ser Account 'ontrol dialo' box
a##ears" click 'ontinue.
3. On the 2elcome to SharePoint Products #a'e" click )e4t.
A. %n the dialo' box that notifies you that some services mi'ht have to be restarted durin'
confi'uration" click 7es.
B. On the 'onfiguration Successful #a'e" click 9inish.
%f the SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard fails" check the PS+1ia'nostics lo' files"
&hich are located on the drive on &hich SharePoint 2013 is installed" in the
Q+O((OP4OH4/(.%!ESQL(icrosoft SharedL8eb Server ExtensionsL1BL!OHS folder.
?. On the &emplate Selection #a'e" select one of the follo&in' o#tions" and then click O8$
%n the &emplate Selection section" click a #redefined tem#late.
%n the Solutions Gallery section" click Solutions Gallery" and customi0e your o&n site
F. On the Set +p Groups for this Site #a'e" s#ecify &ho should have access to your site" and
then either create a ne& 'rou# or use an existin' 'rou# for these users by doin' one of
the follo&in'$
To create a ne& 'rou#" click 'reate a ne! group" and then ty#e the name of the 'rou# and the
members that you &ant to be #art of this 'rou#.
To use an existin' 'rou#" click +se an e4isting group" and then select the user 'rou# in the
*tem list.
G. +lick O8.
%f you are #rom#ted for your user name and #ass&ord" you mi'ht have to add the SharePoint
+entral /dministration &ebsite to the list of trusted sites and confi'ure user authentication
settin's in %nternet Ex#lorer. 9ou mi'ht also &ant to disable the %nternet Ex#lorer Enhanced
Security settin's. %f you see a #roxy server error messa'e" you mi'ht have to confi'ure #roxy
server settin's so that local addresses by#ass the #roxy server. .or more information about
ho& to confi'ure bro&ser and #roxy settin's" see +onfi'ure bro&ser settin's.
'onfigure bro!ser settings
/fter you run the SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard" you should confirm that SharePoint 2013
&orks correctly by confi'urin' additional settin's in %nternet Ex#lorer.
%f you are not usin' %nternet Ex#lorer" you mi'ht have to confi'ure additional settin's for your bro&ser.
.or information about su##orted bro&sers" see Plan bro&ser su##ort 2SharePoint 20133.
To confirm that you have confi'ured bro&ser settin's correctly" lo' on to the server by usin' an account
that has local administrative credentials. ext" connect to the SharePoint +entral /dministration
&ebsite. %f you are #rom#ted for your user name and #ass&ord &hen you connect" #erform the
follo&in' #rocedures$
/dd the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite to the list of trusted sites
1isable %nternet Ex#lorer Enhanced Security settin's
%f you receive a #roxy server error messa'e" #erform the follo&in' #rocedure$
+onfi'ure #roxy server settin's to by#ass the #roxy server for local addresses
&o add the SharePoint 'entral Administration !ebsite to the list of trusted sites
1. Eerify that the user account that com#letes this #rocedure has the follo&in' credentials$
The user account is a member of the /dministrators 'rou# on the com#uter on &hich you are
#erformin' the #rocedure.
2. %n %nternet Ex#lorer" on the &ools menu" click *nternet Options.
3. On the Security tab" in the Select a (one to ie! or change security settings area" click
&rusted Sites" and then click Sites.
A. +lear the .e/uire serer erification ,https"- for all sites in this (one check box.
B. %n the Add this !eb site to the (one box" ty#e the @4! to your site" and then click Add.
?. +lick 'lose to close the &rusted Sites dialo' box.
F. +lick O8 to close the *nternet Options dialo' box.
&o disable *nternet 34plorer 3nhanced Security settings
1. Eerify that the user account that com#letes this #rocedure has the follo&in' credentials$
The user account is a member of the /dministrators 'rou# on the com#uter on &hich you are
#erformin' the #rocedure.
2. +lick Start" #oint to All Programs" #oint to Administratie &ools" and then click Serer
3. %n Serer Manager" select the root of Serer Manager.
A. %n the Security *nformation section" click 'onfigure *3 3S'.
The *nternet 34plorer 3nhanced Security 'onfiguration dialo' box a##ears.
B. %n the Administrators section" click Off to disable the %nternet Ex#lorer Enhanced Security
settin's" and then click O8.
&o configure pro4y serer settings to bypass the pro4y serer for local
1. Eerify that the user account that com#letes this #rocedure has the follo&in' credentials$
The user account is a member of the /dministrators 'rou# on the com#uter on &hich you are
#erformin' the #rocedure.
2. %n %nternet Ex#lorer" on the &ools menu" click *nternet Options.
3. On the 'onnections tab" in the 5ocal Area )et!or: ,5A)- settings area" click 5A) Settings.
A. %n the Automatic configuration area" clear the Automatically detect settings check box.
B. %n the Pro4y Serer area" select the +se a pro4y serer for your 5A) check box.
?. Ty#e the address of the #roxy server in the Address box.
F. Ty#e the #ort number of the #roxy server in the Port box.
G. Select the <ypass pro4y serer for local addresses check box.
>. +lick O8 to close the 5ocal Area )et!or: ,5A)- Settings dialo' box.
10. +lick O8 to close the *nternet Options dialo' box.
Post=installation steps
/fter you install SharePoint 2013" your bro&ser &indo& o#ens to the SharePoint +entral /dministration
&ebsite of your ne& SharePoint site. /lthou'h you can start to add content to the site or customi0e the
site" &e recommend that you first #erform the follo&in' administrative tasks$
'onfigure usage and health data collection 9ou can confi'ure usa'e and health data collection
in your server farm. The system &rites usa'e and health data to the lo''in' folder and to the
lo''in' database. .or more information" see +onfi'ure usa'e and health data collection
2SharePoint 20133.
'onfigure diagnostic logging 9ou can confi'ure dia'nostic lo''in' that mi'ht be re)uired after
initial de#loyment or u#'rade. The default settin's are sufficient for most situations" but de#endin'
on the business needs and life cycle of the farm" you mi'ht &ant to chan'e these settin's. .or
more information" see +onfi'ure dia'nostic lo''in' 2SharePoint 20133.
'onfigure incoming e=mail 9ou can confi'ure incomin' e7mail so that SharePoint sites acce#t
and archive incomin' e7mail. 9ou can also confi'ure incomin' e7mail so that SharePoint sites can
archive e7mail discussions as they occur" save e7mailed documents" and sho& e7mailed meetin's
on site calendars. %n addition" you can confi'ure the SharePoint 1irectory (ana'ement Service to
#rovide su##ort for e7mail distribution list creation and administration. .or more information" see
+onfi'ure incomin' email for a SharePoint 2013 farm.
'onfigure outgoing e=mail 9ou can confi'ure out'oin' e7mail so that your Sim#le (ail Transfer
Protocol 2S(TP3 server sends e7mail alerts to site users and notifications to site administrators. 9ou
can confi'ure both the 5.rom5 e7mail address and the 54e#ly5 e7mail address that a##ear in
out'oin' alerts. .or more information" see +onfi'ure out'oin' email for a SharePoint 2013 farm.
'onfigure search settings 9ou can confi'ure search settin's to cra&l the content in SharePoint
*nstall SharePoint 2013 on a single serer !ith
S;5 Serer
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to install SharePoint 2013 on a sin'le server.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
/ sin'le server installation consists of one server that runs both S:! Server and SharePoint 2013. 9ou
can install and confi'ure SharePoint 2013 on a sin'le server if you are hostin' only a fe& sites for a
limited number of users or if you &ant to create a trial or develo#ment environment. This confi'uration
is also useful if you &ant to confi'ure a farm to meet your needs first" and then add servers to the farm
at a later sta'e.
%n this article$
-efore you install SharePoint 2013 on a sin'le server
%nstall SharePoint 2013 on a sin'le server
Post7installation ste#s
The ste#s in this article a##ly to SharePoint .oundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013.
8hen you install SharePoint 2013 on a sin'le server" you can confi'ure SharePoint 2013 to meet your
s#ecific needs. /fter you have com#leted setu# and the SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard" you
&ill have installed binaries" confi'ured security #ermissions" confi'ured re'istry settin's" confi'ured the
confi'uration database" confi'ured the content database" and installed the SharePoint +entral
/dministration &eb site. ext" you can choose to run the .arm +onfi'uration 8i0ard to confi'ure the
farm" select the services that you &ant to use in the farm" and create the first site collection" or you can
manually #erform the farm confi'uration at your o&n #ace.
<efore you install SharePoint 2013 on a single serer
-efore you be'in to install and confi'ure SharePoint 2013" do the follo&in'$
Ensure that you are familiar &ith the o#eratin'7system 'uidelines described in Performance Tunin'
Huidelines for 8indo&s Server 200G and Performance Tunin' Huidelines for 8indo&s Server 200G
Ensure that you have met all hard&are and soft&are re)uirements. 9ou must have a ?A7bit version
of 8indo&s Server 200G 42 SP1. .or server farms" you must also have a ?A7bit version of S:!
Server 200G 42 SP1. .or more information about these re)uirements" such as s#ecific u#dates that
you must install" see *ard&are and soft&are re)uirements 2SharePoint 20133.
Ensure that you #erform a clean installation of SharePoint 2013.
Ensure that you are #re#ared to set u# the re)uired accounts by usin' a##ro#riate #ermissions. .or
detailed information" see %nitial de#loyment administrative and service accounts in SharePoint
Ensure the (ax de'ree of #arallelism is set to 1. .or additional information about max de'ree of
#arallelism see" +onfi'ure the max de'ree of #arallism Server +onfi'uration o#tion and 1e'ree of
The 1istributed +ache service 'ives you a com#lete social com#utin' ex#erience. .or more
information about the 1istributed +ache service" see Overvie& of microblo' features" feeds"
and the 1istributed +ache service in SharePoint Server 2013" (ana'e the 1istributed +ache
service in SharePoint Server 2013" Plan for feeds and the 1istributed +ache service
2SharePoint Server 20133" and 8hat6s ne& in authentication for SharePoint 2013
/s a security best #ractice" &e recommend that you install SharePoint 2013 by usin' least7
#rivile'e administration.
*nstall SharePoint 2013 on a single serer
To install and confi'ure SharePoint 2013 on a sin'le server" you &ill follo& these ste#s$
1. 4un the (icrosoft SharePoint Products Pre#aration Tool" &hich installs all #rere)uisites to
use SharePoint 2013.
2. 4un Setu#" &hich installs binaries" confi'ures security #ermissions" and edits re'istry
settin's for SharePoint 2013.
3. 4un SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard" &hich installs and confi'ures the
confi'uration database" installs and confi'ures the content database" and installs the
SharePoint +entral /dministration &eb site.
A. +onfi'ure bro&ser settin's.
B. 4un the .arm +onfi'uration 8i0ard" &hich confi'ures the farm" creates the first site
collection" and selects the services that you &ant to use in the farm.
?. Perform #ost7installation ste#s.
To com#lete the follo&in' #rocedures" the account that you use must be a member of the
/dministrators 'rou# on the com#uter on &hich you are installin' SharePoint 2013. .or
information about user accounts" see %nitial de#loyment administrative and service accounts in
SharePoint 2013.
.un the Microsoft SharePoint Products Preparation &ool
-ecause the #rere)uisite installer do&nloads com#onents from the (icrosoft 1o&nload +enter" you
must have %nternet access on the com#uter on &hich you are runnin' the installer. @se the follo&in'
#rocedure to install soft&are #rere)uisites for SharePoint 2013.
&o run the Microsoft SharePoint Products Preparation &ool
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is the Setu# user account.
.or information about the Setu# user account" see %nitial de#loyment administrative and
service accounts in SharePoint 2013.
2. %n the folder &here you do&nloaded the SharePoint 2013 soft&are" locate and then run
3. On the 2elcome to the Microsoft SharePoint Products Preparation &ool #a'e" click )e4t.
A. On the 5icense &erms for soft!are products #a'e" revie& the terms" select the * accept the
terms of the 5icense Agreement,s- check box" and then click )e4t.
B. On the *nstallation 'omplete #a'e" click 9inish.
?. /fter you com#lete the (icrosoft SharePoint Products Pre#aration Tool" you must also
install the follo&in'$
,- 2BBAGF?
,- 2F0G0FB
,- 2FB>112
.un Setup
The follo&in' #rocedure installs binaries" confi'ures security #ermissions" and edits re'istry settin's for
SharePoint 2013. /t the end of Setu#" you can choose to start the SharePoint Products +onfi'uration
8i0ard" &hich is described later in this section.
&o run Setup
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is the Setu# user account.
.or information about the Setu# user account" see %nitial de#loyment administrative and
service accounts in SharePoint 2013.
2. On the SharePoint Serer 2013 Start #a'e" click *nstall SharePoint Serer.
3. On the 3nter 7our Product 8ey #a'e" enter your #roduct key" and then click 'ontinue.
A. On the .ead the Microsoft Soft!are 5icense &erms #a'e" revie& the terms" select the *
accept the terms of this agreement check box" and then click 'ontinue.
B. On the Serer &ype tab" click 'omplete.
The stand7alone o#tion is used to install a sin'le server that has a built7in database.
?. O#tional$ To install SharePoint 2013 at a custom location" click the 9ile 5ocation tab" and
then either ty#e the location or click <ro!se to find the location.
F. +lick *nstall )o!.
G. 8hen Setu# finishes" a dialo' box #rom#ts you to com#lete the confi'uration of your
server. Ensure that the .un the SharePoint Products and &echnologies 'onfiguration
2i(ard no! check box is selected.
>. +lick 'lose to start the confi'uration &i0ard.
%f Setu# fails" check lo' files in the Tem# folder of the user account you used to run Setu#.
Ensure that you are lo''ed in usin' the same user account and then ty#e EtempE in the
location bar in 8indo&s Ex#lorer. %f the #ath in 8indo&s Ex#lorer resolves to a location that
ends in a 515 or 525" you have to navi'ate u# one level to vie& the lo' files. The lo' file name is
SharePoint Server Setu# 2Itime stampJ3.
.un the SharePoint Products 'onfiguration 2i(ard
@se the follo&in' #rocedure to install and confi'ure the confi'uration database and the content
database" and to install the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite.
&o run the SharePoint Products 'onfiguration 2i(ard
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is the Setu# user account.
.or information about the Setu# user account" see %nitial de#loyment administrative and
service accounts in SharePoint 2013.
2. %f you have closed the SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard" you can access it by
clickin' Start" #oint to All Programs" click SharePoint 2013 Products" and then click
SharePoint 2013 Products 'onfiguration 2i(ard. %f the +ser Account 'ontrol dialo' box
a##ears" click 'ontinue.
3. On the 2elcome to SharePoint Products #a'e" click )e4t.
A. %n the dialo' box that notifies you that some services mi'ht have to be restarted durin'
confi'uration" click 7es.
B. On the 'onnect to a serer farm #a'e" click 'reate a ne! serer farm" and then click )e4t.
?. On the Specify 'onfiguration Database Settings #a'e" do the follo&in'$
a3 %n the Database serer box" ty#e the name of the com#uter that is runnin' S:!
b3 %n the Database name box" ty#e a name for your confi'uration database or use the
default database name. The default name is SharePointK+onfi'.
c3 %n the +sername box" ty#e the user name of the server farm account. Ensure that
you ty#e the user name in the format 1O(/%Luser name.
The server farm account is used to create and access your confi'uration database. %t also acts
as the a##lication #ool identity account for the SharePoint +entral /dministration a##lication
#ool" and it is the account under &hich the (icrosoft SharePoint .oundation 8orkflo& Timer
service runs. The SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard adds this account to the S:!
Server !o'in accounts" the S:! Serverdbcreator server role" and the S:!
Serversecurityadmin server role. The user account that you s#ecify as the service account
has to be a domain user account. *o&ever" it does not have to be a member of any s#ecific
security 'rou# on your front7end &eb servers or your database servers. 8e recommend that
you follo& the #rinci#le of least7#rivile'e and s#ecify a user account that is not a member of the
/dministrators 'rou# on your front7end &eb servers or your database servers.
d3 %n the Pass!ord box" ty#e the user #ass&ord.
F. +lick )e4t.
G. On the Specify 9arm Security Settings #a'e" ty#e a #ass#hrase" and then click )e4t.
/lthou'h a #ass#hrase resembles a #ass&ord" it is usually lon'er to im#rove security. %t is used to
encry#t credentials of accounts that are re'istered in SharePoint 2013. .or exam#le" the
SharePoint 2013 system account that you #rovide &hen you run the SharePoint Products
+onfi'uration 8i0ard. Ensure that you remember the #ass#hrase" because you must use it every
time that you add a server to the farm.
Ensure that the #ass#hrase meets the follo&in' criteria$
+ontains at least ei'ht characters
+ontains at least three of the follo&in' four character 'rou#s$
En'lish u##ercase characters 2from / throu'h W3
En'lish lo&ercase characters 2from a throu'h 03
umerals 2from 0 throu'h >3
onal#habetic characters 2such as X" R" Y" Q3
>. On the 'onfigure SharePoint 'entral Administration 2eb Application #a'e" do the
a3 Either select the Specify port number check box and ty#e the #ort number that you
&ant the SharePoint +entral /dministration &eb a##lication to use" or leave the
Specify port number check box cleared if you &ant to use the default #ort number.
b3 +lick either )&5M or )egotiate ,8erberos-.
10. +lick )e4t.
11. /fter you com#lete the SharePoint Products 'onfiguration 2i(ard #a'e" revie& your
confi'uration settin's to verify that they are correct" and then click )e4t.
The Adanced Settings o#tion is not available in SharePoint 2013.
12. On the 'onfiguration Successful #a'e" click 9inish. 8hen the &i0ard closes" setu# o#ens
the &eb bro&ser and connects to +entral /dministration.
%f the SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard fails" check the PS+1ia'nostics lo' files" &hich
are located on the drive on &hich SharePoint 2013 is installed" in the
Q+O((OP4OH4/(.%!ESQL(icrosoft SharedL8eb Server ExtensionsL1BL!OHS folder.
%f you are #rom#ted for your user name and #ass&ord" you mi'ht have to add the SharePoint
+entral /dministration &eb site to the list of trusted sites and confi'ure user authentication settin's
in %nternet Ex#lorer. 9ou mi'ht also &ant to disable the %nternet Ex#lorer Enhanced Security
settin's. %f you see a #roxy server error messa'e" you mi'ht have to confi'ure #roxy server settin's
so that local addresses by#ass the #roxy server. %nstructions for confi'urin' #roxy server settin's
are #rovided in the follo&in' section. .or more information about ho& to confi'ure bro&ser and
#roxy settin's" see +onfi'ure bro&ser settin's.
'onfigure bro!ser settings
/fter you run the SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard" you should confirm that SharePoint 2013
&orks correctly by confi'urin' additional settin's in %nternet Ex#lorer.
%f you are not usin' %nternet Ex#lorer" you mi'ht have to confi'ure additional settin's for your bro&ser.
.or information about su##orted bro&sers" see Plan bro&ser su##ort 2SharePoint 20133.
To confirm that you have confi'ured bro&ser settin's correctly" lo' on to the server by usin' an account
that has local administrative credentials. ext" connect to the SharePoint +entral /dministration &eb
site. %f you are #rom#ted for your user name and #ass&ord &hen you connect" #erform the follo&in'
/dd the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite to the list of trusted sites
1isable %nternet Ex#lorer Enhanced Security settin's
%f you receive a #roxy server error messa'e" #erform the follo&in' #rocedure$
+onfi'ure #roxy server settin's to by#ass the #roxy server for local addresses
&o add the SharePoint 'entral Administration !ebsite to the list of trusted sites
1. Eerify that the user account that com#letes this #rocedure has the follo&in' credentials$
The user account is a member of the /dministrators 'rou# on the com#uter on &hich you are
#erformin' the #rocedure.
2. %n %nternet Ex#lorer" on the &ools menu" click *nternet Options.
3. On the Security tab" in the Select a (one to ie! or change security settings area" click
&rusted Sites" and then click Sites.
A. +lear the .e/uire serer erification ,https"- for all sites in this (one check box.
B. %n the Add this !eb site to the (one box" ty#e the @4! to your site" and then click Add.
?. +lick 'lose to close the &rusted Sites dialo' box.
F. +lick O8 to close the *nternet Options dialo' box.
&o disable *nternet 34plorer 3nhanced Security settings
1. Eerify that the user account that com#letes this #rocedure has the follo&in' credentials$
The user account is a member of the /dministrators 'rou# on the com#uter on &hich you are
#erformin' the #rocedure.
2. +lick Start" #oint to All Programs" #oint to Administratie &ools" and then click Serer
3. %n Serer Manager" select the root of Serer Manager.
A. %n the Security *nformation section" click 'onfigure *3 3S'.
The *nternet 34plorer 3nhanced Security 'onfiguration dialo' box a##ears.
B. %n the Administrators section" click Off to disable the %nternet Ex#lorer Enhanced Security
settin's" and then click O8.
&o configure pro4y serer settings to bypass the pro4y serer for local
1. Eerify that the user account that com#letes this #rocedure has the follo&in' credentials$
The user account is a member of the /dministrators 'rou# on the com#uter on &hich you are
#erformin' the #rocedure.
2. %n %nternet Ex#lorer" on the &ools menu" click *nternet Options.
3. On the 'onnections tab" in the 5ocal Area )et!or: ,5A)- settings area" click 5A) Settings.
A. %n the Automatic configuration area" clear the Automatically detect settings check box.
B. %n the Pro4y Serer area" select the +se a pro4y serer for your 5A) check box.
?. Ty#e the address of the #roxy server in the Address box.
F. Ty#e the #ort number of the #roxy server in the Port box.
G. Select the <ypass pro4y serer for local addresses check box.
>. +lick O8 to close the 5ocal Area )et!or: ,5A)- Settings dialo' box.
10. +lick O8 to close the *nternet Options dialo' box.
.un the 9arm 'onfiguration 2i(ard
9ou have no& com#leted setu# and the initial confi'uration of SharePoint 2013. 9ou have created the
SharePoint +entral /dministration &eb site. 9ou can no& create your farm and sites" and you can
select services by usin' the .arm +onfi'uration 8i0ard.
&o run the 9arm 'onfiguration 2i(ard
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is the Setu# user account.
.or information about the Setu# user account" see %nitial de#loyment administrative and
service accounts in SharePoint 2013.
2. On the SharePoint +entral /dministration home #a'e" on the ;uic: 5aunch" click
'onfiguration 2i(ards" and then click 5aunch the 9arm 'onfiguration 2i(ard.
3. On the 6elp Ma:e SharePoint <etter #a'e" click one of the follo&in' o#tions" and then click
7es% * am !illing to participate ,.ecommended@-
)o% * donFt !ant to participate@
A. On the 'onfigure your SharePoint farm #a'e" next to 7es% !al: me through the
configuration of my farm using this !i(ard" click Start the 2i(ard.
B. On the 'onfigure your SharePoint farm #a'e" in the Serice Account section" click the
service account o#tion that you &ant to use to confi'ure your services.
.or security reasons" &e recommend that you use a different account from the farm
administrator account to confi'ure services in the farm.
%f you decide to use an existin' mana'ed account D that is" an account of &hich
SharePoint 2013 is a&are D make sure that you click that o#tion before you continue.
?. %n the Serices section" revie& the services that you &ant to use in the farm" and then click
.or more information" see +onfi'ure services and service a##lications in SharePoint 2013.
%f you are usin' Office 8eb /##s" see Office 8eb /##s 2SharePoint 20133.
F. On the 'reate Site 'ollection #a'e" do the follo&in'$
a3 %n the &itle and Description section" in the &itle box" ty#e the name of your ne& site.
b3 O#tional$ %n the Description box" ty#e a descri#tion of &hat the site contains.
c3 %n the 2eb Site Address section" select a @4! #ath for the site.
d3 %n the &emplate Selection section" in the Select a template list" select the tem#late
that you &ant to use for the to#7level site in the site collection.
To vie& a tem#late or a descri#tion of a tem#late" click any tem#late in the Select a template
G. +lick O8.
>. On the 'onfigure your SharePoint farm #a'e" revie& the summary of the farm
confi'uration" and then click 9inish.
Post=installation steps
/fter you install and confi'ure SharePoint 2013" your bro&ser &indo& o#ens to the +entral
/dministration &eb site of your ne& SharePoint site. /lthou'h you can start addin' content to the site or
customi0in' the site" &e recommend that you first #erform the follo&in' administrative tasks.
'onfigure usage and health data collection 9ou can confi'ure usa'e and health data collection
in your server farm. The system &rites usa'e and health data to the lo''in' folder and to the
lo''in' database. .or more information" see +onfi'ure usa'e and health data collection
2SharePoint 20133.
'onfigure diagnostic logging 9ou can confi'ure dia'nostic lo''in' that mi'ht be re)uired after
initial installation or u#'rade. The default settin's are sufficient for most situations. 1e#endin' u#on
the business needs and life7cycle of the farm" you mi'ht &ant to chan'e these settin's. .or more
information" see +onfi'ure dia'nostic lo''in' 2SharePoint 20133.
'onfigure incoming e=mail 9ou can confi'ure incomin' e7mail so that SharePoint sites acce#t
and archive incomin' e7mail. 9ou can also confi'ure incomin' e7mail so that SharePoint sites can
archive e7mail discussions as they occur" save e7mailed documents" and sho& e7mailed meetin's
on site calendars. %n addition" you can confi'ure the SharePoint 1irectory (ana'ement Service to
#rovide su##ort for e7mail distribution list creation and administration. .or more information" see
+onfi'ure incomin' email for a SharePoint 2013 farm.
'onfigure outgoing email 9ou can confi'ure out'oin' email so that your Sim#le (ail Transfer
Protocol 2S(TP3 server sends email alerts to site users and notifications to site administrators. 9ou
can confi'ure both the 5.rom5 email address and the 54e#ly5 email address that a##ear in out'oin'
alerts. .or more information" see +onfi'ure out'oin' email for a SharePoint 2013 farm.
'onfigure Search settings 9ou can confi'ure Search settin's to cra&l the content in SharePoint
*nstall SharePoint 2013 across multiple serers
for a three=tier farm
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to install SharePoint 2013 to create a server farm that includes &eb servers" an
a##lication server" and a database server.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
/ three7tier farm confi'uration consists of t&o front7end &eb servers" an a##lication server" and a
database server. The de#loyment se)uence and confi'urations that are described in this article are
based on recommended best #ractices. 8hile the farm confi'uration is not com#lex" it #rovides a
fundamental infrastructure to im#lement a SharePoint 2013 solution on similar D or more
com#lex farms.
%n this article$
Pre#are the farm servers
%nstall SharePoint 2013 on the farm servers
+reate and confi'ure the farm
/dd &eb servers to the farm
Post7installation ste#s
The basic ste#s in this de#loyment are as follo&s$
Ensure that you are familiar &ith the conce#t of a three7tier to#olo'y.
Ensure that you have done all the #lannin' and #re#aratory &ork" such as verifyin' hard&are and
soft&are re)uirements.
%nstall the re)uired soft&are u#dates on all servers that &ill be #art of the farm.
%nstall the SharePoint 2013 #rere)uisites on servers in the a##lication and &eb tiers.
%nstall SharePoint 2013 on the a##lication server and the &eb servers.
+reate and confi'ure the SharePoint farm.
Provision services.
+om#lete #ost7de#loyment tasks as re)uired.
&opology oerie!
This to#olo'y is ty#ically used for the medium and lar'e farms described in Overvie& of SharePoint
2013 installation and confi'uration. %n terms of #erformance" ca#acity" and scalability" a three7tier
to#olo'y is recommended over a t&o7tier to#olo'y. / three7tier to#olo'y #rovides the most efficient
#hysical and lo'ical layout to su##ort scalin' out or scalin' u#" and it #rovides better distribution of
services across the member servers of the farm. The follo&in' illustration sho&s the three7tier
de#loyment that is described in this article.
&hree=tier farm configuration
%n the #revious illustration" note
the follo&in'$
9ou can add &eb servers to the &eb tier. These servers can be confi'ured as conventional &eb
servers to handle user re)uests" or they can be confi'ured to host dedicated )uery com#onents or
other service com#onents.
9ou can add farm servers to the a##lication tier and confi'ure them as dedicated servers that &ill
host the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite or other services on the farm that re)uire
dedicated resources or isolation from the &eb tier D for exam#le" cra&l com#onents" )uery
com#onents" and #rofile #a'es.
9ou can add database servers to the database tier to im#lement a stand7alone instance" database
mirrorin'" or a failover cluster. To confi'ure the farm for hi'h availability" database mirrorin' or a
failover cluster is re)uired on the database tier.
<efore you install SharePoint 2013 on multiple serers for a three=
tier farm
-efore you be'in to install and confi'ure SharePoint 2013" do the follo&in'$
Ensure that you are familiar &ith the o#eratin'7system 'uidelines described in Performance Tunin'
Huidelines for 8indo&s Server 200G and Performance Tunin' Huidelines for 8indo&s Server 200G
Ensure that you have met all hard&are and soft&are re)uirements. 9ou must have a ?A7bit version
of 8indo&s Server 200G 42 SP1. .or server farms" you must also have a su##orted ?A7bit version
of S:! Server. .or more information about these re)uirements" such as s#ecific u#dates that you
must install" see *ard&are and soft&are re)uirements 2SharePoint 20133.
Ensure that you #erform a clean installation of SharePoint 2013.
Ensure that you are #re#ared to set u# the re)uired accounts by usin' a##ro#riate #ermissions. .or
detailed information" see %nitial de#loyment administrative and service accounts in SharePoint
%f your com#uter is in a 8ork'rou#" you cannot install /##.abric for 8indo&s Server.
The 1istributed +ache service 'ives you a com#lete social com#utin' ex#erience. .or more
information about the 1istributed +ache service" see Overvie& of microblo' features" feeds"
and the 1istributed +ache service in SharePoint Server 2013" (ana'e the 1istributed +ache
service in SharePoint Server 2013" Plan for feeds and the 1istributed +ache service
2SharePoint Server 20133" and 8hat6s ne& in authentication for SharePoint 2013
+sing the Microsoft SharePoint Products Preparation &ool
The (icrosoft SharePoint Products Pre#aration Tool checks for the #resence of #rere)uisites" and
installs and confi'ures all re)uired #ro'rams. The (icrosoft SharePoint Products Pre#aration Tool
re)uires an %nternet connection to do&nload and confi'ure SharePoint 2013 #rere)uisites. The
(icrosoft SharePoint Products Pre#aration Tool runs &hen you start to install SharePoint 2013.
Database serer
Ensure that S:! Server is u#dated to the re)uired level and the T+P;%P #rotocol is enabled for the
net&ork confi'uration.
Or'ani0ations &hose database administrators o#erate inde#endently from SharePoint administrators
&ill have to make sure that the correct version of S:! Server is available and u#dated to the re)uired
level. %n addition" you &ill have to re)uest a 1-/7created database that is confi'ured for your farm.
Ensure the (ax de'ree of #arallelism is set to 1. .or additional information about max de'ree of
#arallelism see" +onfi'ure the max de'ree of #arallism Server +onfi'uration o#tion and 1e'ree of
Public updates and hotfi4 pac:ages
Ensure that #ublic u#dates and the re)uired hotfix #acka'es are installed for the o#eratin' system" S:!
Server" and SharePoint 2013. 8e recommend that all servers be u#dated to the same soft&are version
before you a##ly the #ublic u#dates.
Prepare the farm serers
-efore you install SharePoint 2013 " you must check for and install all the #rere)uisites on the
a##lication server and the &eb servers by usin' the (icrosoft SharePoint Products Pre#aration Tool.
%f you decide to install #rere)uisites manually" you can still run the (icrosoft SharePoint
Products Pre#aration Tool to verify &hich #rere)uisites are re)uired on each server.
@se the follo&in' #rocedure to install #rere)uisites on each server in the farm.
&o run the Microsoft SharePoint Products Preparation &ool
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is the Setu# user account.
.or information about the Setu# user account" see %nitial de#loyment administrative and
service accounts in SharePoint 2013.
2. %n the folder &here you do&nloaded the SharePoint 2013 soft&are" locate and then run
3. On the 2elcome to the Microsoft SharePoint Products Preparation &ool #a'e" click )e4t.
The #re#aration tool may have to restart the local server to com#lete the installation of
some #rere)uisites. The installer &ill continue to run after the server is restarted &ithout
manual intervention. *o&ever" you &ill have to lo' on to the server a'ain.
A. On the 5icense &erms for soft!are products #a'e" revie& the terms" select the * accept the
terms of the 5icense Agreement,s- check box" and then click )e4t.
B. On the %nstallation +om#lete #a'e" click 9inish.
?. /fter you com#lete the (icrosoft SharePoint Products Pre#aration Tool" you must also
install the follo&in'$
,- 2BBAGF?
,- 2F0G0FB
,- 2FB>112
*nstall SharePoint 2013 on the farm serers
/fter the #rere)uisites are installed" follo& these ste#s to install SharePoint 2013 on each farm server.
The follo&in' #rocedure installs binaries" confi'ures security #ermissions" and edits re'istry settin's for
SharePoint 2013. /t the end of Setu#" you can choose to start the SharePoint Products +onfi'uration
8i0ard" &hich is described later in this article.
&o run Setup
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is the Setu# user account.
.or information about the Setu# user account" see %nitial de#loyment administrative and
service accounts in SharePoint 2013.
2. On the SharePoint 2013 Start #a'e" click *nstall SharePoint Serer.
3. On the 3nter 7our Product 8ey #a'e" enter your #roduct key" and then click 'ontinue.
A. On the .ead the Microsoft Soft!are 5icense &erms #a'e" revie& the terms" select the *
accept the terms of this agreement check box" and then click 'ontinue.
B. On the 'hoose the installation you !ant #a'e" click Serer 9arm.
?. On the Serer &ype tab" click 'omplete.
F. On the 9ile 5ocation tab" acce#t the default location or chan'e the installation #ath" and
then click *nstall )o!.
/s a best #ractice" &e recommend that you install SharePoint 2013 on a non7system drive.
G. 8hen the Setu# #ro'ram is finished" a dialo' box #rom#ts you to com#lete the
confi'uration of your server. +lear the .un the SharePoint Products and &echnologies
'onfiguration 2i(ard no! check box.
.or consistency of a##roach" &e recommend that you do not run the confi'uration &i0ard
until you have installed SharePoint 2013 all a##lication and front7end &eb servers that &ill
#artici#ate in the server farm.
>. +lick 'lose to finish Setu#.
'reate and configure the farm
To create and confi'ure the farm" you run the SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard. This &i0ard
automates several confi'uration tasks" such as creatin' the confi'uration database" installin' services"
and creatin' the +entral /dministration &ebsite. 8e recommend that you run the SharePoint Products
+onfi'uration 8i0ard on the server that &ill host the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite before
you run the &i0ard on the other servers in the farm.
&o run the SharePoint Products 'onfiguration 2i(ard and configure the farm
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is the Setu# user account.
.or information about the Setu# user account" see %nitial de#loyment administrative and
service accounts in SharePoint 2013.
2. On the server that &ill host +entral /dministration 2the a##lication server3" click Start" #oint
to All Programs" and then click SharePoint 2013 Products" and then click SharePoint 2013
Products 'onfiguration 2i(ard. %f the +ser Account 'ontrol dialo' box a##ears" click
3. On the 2elcome to SharePoint Products #a'e" click )e4t.
A. %n the dialo' box that notifies you that some services mi'ht have to be restarted durin'
confi'uration" click 7es.
B. On the 'onnect to a serer farm #a'e" click 'reate a ne! serer farm" and then click )e4t.
?. On the Specify 'onfiguration Database Settings #a'e" do the follo&in'$
a3 %n the Database serer box" ty#e the name of the com#uter that is runnin' S:!
b3 %n the Database name box" ty#e a name for your confi'uration database" or use the
default database name. The default name is SharePointK+onfi'.
c3 %n the +sername box" ty#e the user name of the server farm account in
1O(/%Luser name format.
The server farm account is used to create and access your confi'uration database. %t also acts
as the a##lication #ool identity account for the SharePoint +entral /dministration a##lication
#ool" and it is the account under &hich the SharePoint Timer service runs. The SharePoint
Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard adds this account to the S:! Server !o'in accounts" the S:!
Serverdbcreator server role" and the S:! Serversecurityadmin server role. The user account
that you s#ecify as the service account has to be a domain user account. *o&ever" it does not
have to be a member of any s#ecific security 'rou# on your &eb servers or your database
servers. 8e recommend that you follo& the #rinci#le of least7#rivile'e" and s#ecify a user
account that is not a member of the /dministrators 'rou# on your front7end &eb servers or your
database servers.
d3 %n the Pass!ord box" ty#e the user #ass&ord.
F. +lick )e4t.
G. On the S#ecify .arm Security Settin's #a'e" ty#e a #ass#hrase" and then click )e4t.
/lthou'h a #ass#hrase resembles a #ass&ord" it is usually lon'er to im#rove security. %t is used to
encry#t credentials of accounts that are re'istered in SharePoint 2013. .or exam#le" the
SharePoint 2013 system account that you #rovide &hen you run the SharePoint Products
+onfi'uration 8i0ard. Ensure that you remember the #ass#hrase" because you must use it every
time that you add a server to the farm.
Ensure that the #ass#hrase meets the follo&in' criteria$
+ontains at least ei'ht characters
+ontains at least three of the follo&in' four character 'rou#s$
En'lish u##ercase characters 2from / throu'h W3
En'lish lo&ercase characters 2from a throu'h 03
umerals 2from 0 throu'h >3
onal#habetic characters 2such as X" R" Y" Q3
>. On the 'onfigure SharePoint 'entral Administration 2eb Application #a'e" do the
a3 Either select the Specify port number check box and ty#e the #ort number that you
&ant the SharePoint +entral /dministration &eb a##lication to use" or leave the
Specify port number check box cleared if you &ant to use the default #ort number.
%f you &ant to access the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite from a remote com#uter"
make sure that you allo& access to the #ort number that you confi'ure in this ste#. 9ou do this
by confi'urin' the inbound rule for SharePoint 'entral Administration 1 in 8indo&s .ire&all
&ith /dvanced Security.
b3 +lick either )&5M or )egotiate ,8erberos-.
10. +lick )e4t.
11. On the 'ompleting the SharePoint Products 'onfiguration 2i(ard #a'e" click )e4t.
12. On the 'onfiguration Successful #a'e" click 9inish.
%f the SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard fails" check the lo' files on the drive on
&hich SharePoint 2013 is installed" &hich are located in the Q+O((OP4OH4/(.%!ES
QL(icrosoft SharedL8eb Server ExtensionsL1BL!OHS folder.
13. The +entral /dministration &ebsite &ill o#en in a ne& bro&ser &indo&.
On the *el# (ake SharePoint -etter #a'e" click one of the follo&in' o#tions and then click O8.
a$ 7es% * am !illing to participate ,.ecommended-@
b$ )o% * donFt !ish to participate@
1A. On the *nitial 9arm 'onfiguration 2i(ard #a'e" you have the o#tion to use a &i0ard to
confi'ure services or you can decide to confi'ure services manually. .or the #ur#ose of
this article" &e use the manual o#tion. +lick 'ancel.
The choice that you make here is a matter of #ersonal #reference. The .arm +onfi'uration 8i0ard
&ill confi'ure some services automatically &hen you run it. *o&ever" if you confi'ure services
manually" you have 'reater flexibility in desi'nin' your lo'ical architecture.
.or information about ho& to use the &i0ard to confi'ure services" see +onfi'ure services and
service a##lications in SharePoint 2013. %f you are usin' (icrosoft Office 8eb /##s" see Office
8eb /##s overvie& 2%nstalled on SharePoint 20133.
%f you are usin' a 1-/7created database" you cannot use the .arm +onfi'uration 8i0ard"
you must use SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard.
Add !eb serers to the farm
/fter you create the farm on the a##lication server" you can add the servers for the &eb tier by follo&in'
the same #rocess described earlier in this to#ic for installin' SharePoint 2013 on the server that hosts
+entral /dministration. The only difference is that durin' setu#" you are #rom#ted to Coin an existin'
farm. .ollo& the &i0ard ste#s to Coin the farm.
.or additional information about ho& to add servers to a farm" see /dd &eb or a##lication servers to
farms in SharePoint 2013. This article also #rovides detailed information for the ste#s in the follo&in'
Post=installation steps
/fter you install and confi'ure SharePoint 2013" your bro&ser &indo& o#ens to the +entral
/dministration &eb site of your ne& SharePoint site. /lthou'h you can start addin' content to the site or
customi0in' the site" &e recommend that you first #erform the follo&in' administrative tasks.
'onfigure usage and health data collection 9ou can confi'ure usa'e and health data collection
in your server farm. The system &rites usa'e and health data to the lo''in' folder and to the
lo''in' database. .or more information" see +onfi'ure usa'e and health data collection
2SharePoint 20133.
'onfigure diagnostic logging 9ou can confi'ure dia'nostic lo''in' that mi'ht be re)uired after
initial installation or u#'rade. The default settin's are sufficient for most situations. 1e#endin' u#on
the business needs and life7cycle of the farm" you mi'ht &ant to chan'e these settin's. .or more
information" see +onfi'ure dia'nostic lo''in' 2SharePoint 20133.
'onfigure incoming e=mail 9ou can confi'ure incomin' e7mail so that SharePoint sites acce#t
and archive incomin' e7mail. 9ou can also confi'ure incomin' e7mail so that SharePoint sites can
archive e7mail discussions as they occur" save e7mailed documents" and sho& e7mailed meetin's
on site calendars. %n addition" you can confi'ure the SharePoint 1irectory (ana'ement Service to
#rovide su##ort for e7mail distribution list creation and administration. .or more information" see
+onfi'ure incomin' email for a SharePoint 2013 farm.
'onfigure outgoing email 9ou can confi'ure out'oin' email so that your Sim#le (ail Transfer
Protocol 2S(TP3 server sends email alerts to site users and notifications to site administrators. 9ou
can confi'ure both the 5.rom5 email address and the 54e#ly5 email address that a##ear in out'oin'
alerts. .or more information" see +onfi'ure out'oin' email for a SharePoint 2013 farm.
'onfigure Search settings 9ou can confi'ure Search settin's to cra&l the content in SharePoint
*nstall or uninstall language pac:s for
SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to do&nload" install" and uninstall lan'ua'e #acks for SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
!an'ua'e #acks enable site o&ners and site collection administrators to create SharePoint sites and
site collections in multi#le lan'ua'es &ithout re)uirin' se#arate installations of SharePoint 2013. 9ou
install lan'ua'e #acks" &hich contain lan'ua'e7s#ecific site tem#lates" on &eb and a##lication servers.
8hen an administrator creates a site or a site collection that is based on a lan'ua'e7s#ecific site
tem#late" the text that a##ears on the site or the site collection is dis#layed in the site tem#late6s
lan'ua'e. !an'ua'e #acks are ty#ically used in multinational de#loyments &here a sin'le server farm
su##orts users in different locations" or &hen sites and &eb #a'es must be du#licated in one or more
%f users are accessin' ProCect Server 2013 in the SharePoint farm and have to vie& their #roCect data in
another lan'ua'e" they &ill also have to install a corres#ondin' ProCect Server 2013 lan'ua'e #ack. .or
more information about ProCect Server 2013 lan'ua'e #acks" see 1e#loy lan'ua'e #acks in ProCect
Server 2013
8ord breakers and stemmers enable you to search efficiently and effectively across content on
SharePoint sites and site collections in multi#le lan'ua'es &ithout re)uirin' se#arate installations of
SharePoint 2013. 8ord breakers and stemmers are automatically installed on &eb and a##lication
servers by Setu#.
%f you are uninstallin' SharePoint 2013" you must uninstall all lan'ua'e #acks before you
uninstall SharePoint 2013.
%n this article$
/bout lan'ua'e %1s and lan'ua'e #acks
1o&nloadin' lan'ua'e #acks
%nstallin' lan'ua'e #acks on the &eb and a##lication servers
@ninstallin' lan'ua'e #acks
About language *Ds and language pac:s
Site o&ners or site collection administrators &ho create sites or site collections can select a lan'ua'e
for each site or site collection.
The lan'ua'e that they select has a lan'ua'e identifier 2%13. The lan'ua'e %1 determines the lan'ua'e
that is used to dis#lay and inter#ret text that is on the site or site collection. .or exam#le" &hen a site
o&ner creates a site in .rench" the site6s toolbars" navi'ation bars" lists" and column headin's a##ear in
.rench. Similarly" if a site o&ner creates a site in /rabic" the site6s toolbars" navi'ation bars" lists" and
column headin's a##ear in /rabic. %n addition" the default left7to7ri'ht orientation of the site chan'es to
a ri'ht7to7left orientation to correctly dis#lay /rabic text.
The lan'ua'e #acks that are installed on the &eb and a##lication servers determine the list of available
lan'ua'es that you can use to create a site or site collection. -y default" sites and site collections are
created in the lan'ua'e in &hich SharePoint 2013 &as installed. .or exam#le" if you install the S#anish
version of SharePoint 2013" the default lan'ua'e for sites" site collections" and &eb #a'es is S#anish. %f
someone has to create sites" site collections" or &eb #a'es in a lan'ua'e other than the default
SharePoint 2013 lan'ua'e" you must install the lan'ua'e #ack for that lan'ua'e on the &eb and
a##lication servers. .or exam#le" if you are runnin' the .rench version of SharePoint 2013" and a site
o&ner &ants to create sites in .rench" En'lish" and S#anish" you must install the En'lish and S#anish
lan'ua'e #acks on the &eb and a##lication servers.
-y default" &hen a site o&ner creates a ne& &eb #a'e in a site" the site dis#lays text in the lan'ua'e
that is s#ecified by the lan'ua'e %1.
!an'ua'e #acks are not bundled into multilin'ual installation #acka'es. 9ou must install a s#ecific
lan'ua'e #ack for each lan'ua'e that you &ant to su##ort. /lso" lan'ua'e #acks must be installed on
each &eb and a##lication server to make sure that that each &eb and a##lication server can dis#lay
content in the s#ecified lan'ua'e.
9ou cannot chan'e an existin' site" site collection" or &eb #a'e from one lan'ua'e to another
by a##lyin' different lan'ua'e7s#ecific site tem#lates. /fter you use a lan'ua'e7s#ecific site
tem#late for a site or a site collection" the site or site collection al&ays dis#lays content in the
lan'ua'e of the ori'inal site tem#late.
Only a limited set of lan'ua'e #acks are available for SharePoint 2013.
/lthou'h a site o&ner s#ecifies a lan'ua'e %1 for a site" some user interface elements such as error
messa'es" notifications" and dialo' boxes do not dis#lay in the lan'ua'e that &as s#ecified. This is
because SharePoint 2013 relies on several su##ortin' technolo'ies D for exam#le" the (icrosoft .ET
.rame&ork" (icrosoft 8indo&s 8orkflo& .oundation" (icrosoft /SP.ET" and S:! Server D some of
&hich are locali0ed into only a limited number of lan'ua'es. %f a user interface element is 'enerated by
any of the su##ortin' technolo'ies that are not locali0ed into the lan'ua'e that the site o&ner s#ecified
for the site" the user interface element a##ears in En'lish. .or exam#le" if a site o&ner creates a site in
*ebre&" and the .ET .rame&ork com#onent dis#lays a notification messa'e" the notification messa'e
&ill not dis#lay in *ebre& because the .ET .rame&ork is not locali0ed into *ebre&. This situation can
occur &hen sites are created in any lan'ua'e exce#t the follo&in'$ +hinese" .rench" Herman" %talian"
Na#anese" ,orean" and S#anish.
Each lan'ua'e #ack that you install creates a folder at Q+O((OP4OH4/(.%!ESQL(icrosoft
SharedL8eb server extensionsL1BL!/9O@TSL!ocaleK%1 that contains lan'ua'e7s#ecific data. %n each
localeK%1 folder" you must have only one *T(! error file that contains the error information that is used
&hen a file cannot be found. /nytime a file cannot be found for any site in that lan'ua'e" this file &ill be
used. 9ou can s#ecify the file to use by settin' the 9ile)ot9oundPage for each &eb a##lication.
%n some cases" some text mi'ht ori'inate from the ori'inal installation lan'ua'e" &hich can create a
mixed7lan'ua'e ex#erience. This kind of mixed7lan'ua'e ex#erience is ty#ically seen only by content
creators or site o&ners and is not seen by site users.
Do!nloading language pac:s
.ollo& these ste#s for each lan'ua'e that you &ant to su##ort. %f you decide to do&nload more than
one lan'ua'e" #lease be a&are that a uni)ue file that has a common name is do&nloaded for each
lan'ua'e. Therefore" make sure that you do&nload each lan'ua'e #ack to a se#arate folder on the
hard disk so that you do not over&rite a lan'ua'e #ack of a different lan'ua'e.
-y default" the 8indo&s Po&erShell *el# files are installed in En'lish 2en7us3. To vie& these
files in the same lan'ua'e as the o#eratin' system" install the lan'ua'e #ack for the same
lan'ua'e in &hich the o#eratin' system &as installed.
9ou can do&nload lan'ua'e #acks from the same location &here you do&nloaded SharePoint 2013.
*nstalling language pac:s on the !eb and application
/fter you install the necessary lan'ua'e files on the &eb and a##lication servers" you can install the
lan'ua'e #acks. !an'ua'e #acks are available as individual do&nloads 2one do&nload for each
su##orted lan'ua'e3. %f you have a server farm environment and you are installin' lan'ua'e #acks to
su##ort multi#le lan'ua'es" you must install the lan'ua'e #acks on each &eb and a##lication server.
The lan'ua'e #ack is installed in its native lan'ua'e. The #rocedure that follo&s is for the
En'lish lan'ua'e #ack.
&o install a language pac:
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is the Setu# user account.
.or information about the Setu# user account" see %nitial de#loyment administrative and
service accounts in SharePoint 2013.
2. %n the folder &here you do&nloaded the lan'ua'e #ack" run setu#.exe.
3. On the 4ead the (icrosoft Soft&are !icense Terms #a'e" revie& the terms" select the *
accept the terms of this agreement check box" and then click 'ontinue.
A. The Setu# &i0ard runs and installs the lan'ua'e #ack.
B. 4erun the SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard by usin' the default settin's. %f you
do not run the SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard after you install a lan'ua'e
#ack" the lan'ua'e #ack &ill not be installed correctly.
The SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard runs in the lan'ua'e of the base installation of
SharePoint 2013" not in the lan'ua'e of the lan'ua'e #ack that you Cust installed.
&o rerun the SharePoint 2013 'onfiguration 2i(ard
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is the Setu# user account.
.or information about the Setu# user account" see %nitial de#loyment administrative and
service accounts in SharePoint 2013.
2. +lick Start" #oint to All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and then click
SharePoint 2013 Products 'onfiguration 2i(ard.
3. On the 2elcome to SharePoint Products #a'e" click )e4t.
A. +lick 7es in the dialo' box that alerts you that some services mi'ht have to be restarted
durin' confi'uration.
B. On the Modify Serer 9arm Settings #a'e" click Do not disconnect from this serer farm"
and then click )e4t.
?. %f the Modify SharePoint 'entral Administration 2eb Administration Settings #a'e a##ears"
do not chan'e any of the default settin's" and then click )e4t.
F. /fter you com#lete the +om#letin' the SharePoint Products and Technolo'ies
+onfi'uration 8i0ard" click )e4t.
G. On the 'onfiguration Successful #a'e" click 9inish.
>. /fter you install a ne& lan'ua'e #ack and rerun the 4erun the SharePoint 2013
+onfi'uration 8i0ard" you must deactivate and then reactivate any lan'ua'e7s#ecific
features before you use the ne& lan'ua'e #ack.
8hen you install lan'ua'e #acks" the lan'ua'e7s#ecific site tem#lates are installed in the
Q+O((OP4OH4/(.%!ESQL(icrosoft SharedL8eb server extensionsL1BLTE(P!/TELLanguageI-
directory" &here LanguageI- is the !an'ua'e %1 number for the lan'ua'e that you are installin'. .or
exam#le" the @nited States En'lish lan'ua'e #ack installs to the Q+O((OP4OH4/(.%!ES
QL(icrosoft SharedL8eb Server ExtensionsL1BLTE(P!/TEL1033 directory. /fter you install a lan'ua'e
#ack" site o&ners and site collection administrators can create sites and site collections based on the
lan'ua'e7s#ecific site tem#lates by s#ecifyin' a lan'ua'e &hen they are creatin' a ne& SharePoint
site or site collection.
+ninstalling language pac:s
%f you no lon'er have to su##ort a lan'ua'e for &hich you have installed a lan'ua'e #ack" you can
remove the lan'ua'e #ack by usin' the +ontrol Panel. 4emovin' a lan'ua'e #ack removes the
lan'ua'e7s#ecific site tem#lates from the com#uter. /ll sites that &ere created that have those
lan'ua'e7s#ecific site tem#lates &ill no lon'er &ork 2the @4! &ill #roduce a *TTP B00 7 %nternal server
error #a'e3. 4einstallin' the lan'ua'e #ack &ill make the site functional a'ain.
9ou cannot remove the lan'ua'e #ack for the version of SharePoint 2013 that you have installed on the
server. .or exam#le" if you are runnin' the Na#anese version of SharePoint 2013" you cannot uninstall
the Na#anese lan'ua'e su##ort for SharePoint 2013.

Add !eb or application serers to farms in
SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to add a server to an existin' SharePoint 2013 farm so the server can later be
confi'ured for use as a front7end &eb server or as an a##lication server.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
The #rocedures in this article a##ly to a SharePoint 2013 farm that consists of at least t&o tiers. This
article does not describe ho& to convert a sin'le7server de#loyment to a multi#le7server farm.
%n this article$
-efore you add a &eb or a##lication server to a SharePoint farm
%nstall #rere)uisite soft&are
%nstall the SharePoint soft&are
/dd the ne& SharePoint server to the farm
+onfi'ure the ne& server
<efore you add a !eb or application serer to a
SharePoint farm
/dministrators ty#ically use the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite and the SharePoint
(ana'ement Shell to mana'e de#loyments. .or information about accessibility for
administrators" see /ccessibility for SharePoint Products.
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 1B Products
,eyboard shortcuts
Determine serer role
To add a ne& server to the farm" you must kno& its intended role to #lan for additional or s#eciali0ed
confi'urations and assess the #otential effect of addin' the server to a #roduction environment.
/ ty#ical three7tier farm includes front7end &eb servers" an a##lication server that also hosts
+entral /dministration" and a database server. The sco#e of this article is the front7end &eb
server and a##lication server roles.
/fter you determine the role of the server in your farm to#olo'y" you must identify the services and
features that must be confi'ured for the server to meet this role. This information &ill determine ho&
SharePoint 2013 is confi'ured to #rovision the server for its role in either the &eb tier or the a##lication
tier. .or more information" see (ana'e service a##lications in SharePoint 2013.
The follo&in' illustration sho&s a SharePoint 2013 farm &ith t&o front7end &eb servers 28eb71 and
8eb723 that serve content and host the search )uery com#onent. The only a##lication server 2/##713
hosts +entral /dministration and the search cra&l com#onent for the farm.
Options for adding a serer to a farm
The follo&in' sections #rovide information about the 'eneral characteristics of the front7end &eb server
and a##lication server roles.
9ront=end !eb serer role
The fundamental role of a front7end &eb server is to host &eb #a'es" &eb services" and the 8eb Parts
that are re)uired to #rocess re)uests from users. The &eb server directs these re)uests to the
a##lication server" &hich returns the results to the front7end &eb server.
1e#endin' on farm re)uirements" the front7end &eb server may also be confi'ured to su##ort search in
scenarios &here there are no dedicated search servers.
1istributin' search is not an o#tion for SharePoint 2013" &here only a sin'le search instance is
#ermitted for each content database.
SharePoint 2013 #rovides more flexibility by lettin' you to install different search com#onents" ty#ically
)uery com#onents" on one or more front7end &eb servers. This is o#tion / in the #revious farm
illustration. / third server also im#roves load balancin' and increases front7end &eb server availability.
Three servers on the &eb7tier is called a stretched farm.
Application serer role
-y default" the server that hosts +entral /dministration in a three7tier farm is an a##lication server. 9ou
can add a##lication servers to host services that can be de#loyed to a sin'le server and used by all the
servers in a farm.
Services &ith similar usa'e and #erformance characteristics can be lo'ically 'rou#ed on a server" and if
it is necessary" hosted on multi#le servers if a scale out is re)uired to res#ond to #erformance or
ca#acity re)uirements. .or exam#le" client7related farm services such as 8ord Services and 8ord
Eie&er can be combined into a service 'rou# and hosted on a dedicated server. %n addition" some
services" such as the (ana'ed (etadata service" can be confi'ured as service a##lication that can be
used by other farms.
%n the farm illustration" there are t&o o#tions to add an a##lication server.
%n o#tion - an additional server is confi'ured to host all )ueries for the farm. The )uery com#onent
is removed from the front7end &eb servers.
%n o#tion + an additional server is confi'ured as a dedicated cra&l server" &hich offloads farm
indexin' from the server that hosts +entral /dministration. The front7end &eb servers continue to
host the )uery com#onent for the farm.
%n a three7tier farm that is runnin' enter#rise search" dedicated a##lication servers are ty#ically
confi'ured to host individual enter#rise search com#onents. Servers hostin' a )uery com#onent are
kno&n as )uery servers and servers hostin' a cra&l com#onent are kno&n as index servers. .or more
information" see (ana'e search to#olo'y 2SharePoint Server 20133.
Additional tas:s
-efore you start to install #rere)uisite soft&are" you have to com#lete the follo&in'$
Eerify that the ne& server meets the hard&are and soft&are re)uirements described in *ard&are
and soft&are re)uirements for SharePoint 2013.
Eerify that you have the minimum level of #ermissions that are re)uired to install and confi'ure
SharePoint 2013 on a ne& server. 9ou must be a member of the .arm /dministrators SharePoint
'rou# and the /dministrators 'rou# on the local server to com#lete the #rocedures in this article.
.or more information" see %nitial de#loyment administrative and service accounts in SharePoint
Eerify that you kno& the name of the database server on the farm to &hich you are connectin'" and
the name of the confi'uration database if you are addin' the server by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell
%f you intend to use 8indo&s Po&erShell commands to add the server" verify that you meet the
follo&in' minimum membershi#s$ SharePoint 2013 is installed.
Securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use SharePoint
2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s Po&erShell
#ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
1ocument the location of the SharePoint 2013 binary and lo' files on the existin' farm servers. 8e
recommend that the location of these files on the ne& server ma# to the locations used on the other
servers in the farm. .or more information" see +onfi'ure dia'nostic lo''in' in SharePoint 2013.
%f you chan'e the location of the trace lo' to a non7system drive" chan'e the location on all
the servers in the farm. Existin' or ne& servers cannot lo' data if the location does not
exist. %n addition" you &ill be unable to add ne& servers unless the #ath that you s#ecify
exists on the ne& server. 9ou cannot use a net&ork share for lo''in' #ur#oses.
*nstall prere/uisite soft!are
-efore you can install SharePoint 2013 and add a server to the farm" you must check for and install all
the #rere)uisite soft&are on the ne& server. 9ou do this by usin' the (icrosoft SharePoint Products
Pre#aration Tool" &hich re)uires an %nternet connection to do&nload and confi'ure SharePoint 2013
#rere)uisites. %f you do not have an %nternet connection for the farm servers" you can still use the tool to
determine the soft&are that is re)uired. 9ou &ill have to obtain installable ima'es for the re)uired
soft&are. .or do&nload locations" see /ccess to a##licable soft&are in 5*ard&are and soft&are
re)uirements 2SharePoint 20133.5
/fter you obtain a co#y of the re)uired soft&are" &e recommend that you create an installation
#oint that you can use to store the ima'es. 9ou can use this installation #oint to install future
soft&are u#dates.
.or detailed instructions about ho& to install the #rere)uisites" see Pre#are the farm servers in the
article" %nstall SharePoint 2013 across multi#le servers for a three7tier farm.
*nstall the SharePoint soft!are
/fter you install the #rere)uisites" follo& these ste#s to install SharePoint 2013 on the ne& server. .or
detailed instructions about ho& to install SharePoint 2013" see %nstall SharePoint 2013 on a sin'le
server &ith S:! Server.
&o install SharePoint 2013
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is the Setu# user account.
.or information about the Setu# user account" see %nitial de#loyment administrative and
service accounts in SharePoint 2013.
2. .rom the #roduct media or a file share that contains the SharePoint 2013 Products
installation files" run Setu#.exe.
3. On the Start #a'e" click the link to install SharePoint 2013.
A. 4evie& and acce#t the (icrosoft !icense Terms.
B. On the Serer &ype tab" select 'omplete.
9ou can choose to install only the com#onents that are re)uired for a front7end &eb server.
*o&ever" if you #erform a com#lete installation" you have more flexibility to re7#ur#ose the
server role in the farm in the future.
?. /cce#t the default file location &here SharePoint 2013 &ill be installed or chan'e the
installation #ath in order to suit your re)uirements.
/s a best #ractice" &e recommend that you install SharePoint 2013 on a drive that does not
contain the o#eratin' system.
F. 8hen Setu# finishes" a dialo' box #rom#ts you to run the SharePoint Products
+onfi'uration 8i0ard. 9ou can start the &i0ard immediately or from the 8indo&s
command #rom#t later.
Add the ne! SharePoint serer to the farm
9ou add the ne& server to the farm by usin' one of the follo&in' #rocedures$
To add a ne& SharePoint 2013 server to the farm by usin' the SharePoint Products +onfi'uration
To add a ne& SharePoint 2013 server to the farm by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell
&o add a ne! SharePoint 2013 serer to the farm by using the SharePoint
Products 'onfiguration 2i(ard
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is the Setu# user account.
.or information about the Setu# user account" see %nitial de#loyment administrative and
service accounts in SharePoint 2013.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 Products 'onfiguration 2i(ard.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the ne& server" click Start" #oint to All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013
Products" and then click SharePoint 2013 Products 'onfiguration 2i(ard.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the ne& server" on the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Products 'onfiguration
%f SharePoint 2013 Products 'onfiguration 2i(ard is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Products
'onfiguration 2i(ard.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. On the 2elcome to SharePoint Products #a'e" click )e4t.
A. On the 'onnect to a serer farm #a'e" click 'onnect to an e4isting serer farm@
B. +lick )e4t.
?. On the Specify 'onfiguration Database settings #a'e" ty#e the name of the instance of
S:! Server in the Database serer box" and then click .etriee Database )ames.
F. Select the name of the confi'uration database in the Database name list" and then click
G. On the Specify 9arm Security Settings #a'e" ty#e the name of the farm #ass#hrase in the
Passphrase box" and then click )e4t.
>. On the 'ompleting the SharePoint Products 'onfiguration 2i(ard #a'e" click )e4t.
10. On the server that hosts +entral /dministration" click Manage serers in this farm to verify
that the ne& server is #art of the farm.
9ou can also verify a successful server addition or troubleshoot a failed addition by
examinin' the lo' files. These files are located on the drive on &hich SharePoint 2013 is
installed" in the Q+O((OP4OH4/(.%!ESQL(icrosoft SharedL8eb Server
ExtensionsL1BL!OHS folder. .or more information" see (onitor health in SharePoint 2013.
11. On the Serers in 9arm #a'e" click the name of the ne& server. @se the list of available
services on the Serices on Serer #a'e to start the services that you &ant to run on the
ne& server.
12. +onfi'ure SharePoint 2013 so that the ne& server can accommodate the role for &hich it
&as intended. .or more information" see +onfi'ure the ne& server.
&o add a ne! SharePoint 2013 serer to the farm by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the Start menu" click All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and
then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$4i'ht7click
'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command to connect the
server to a confi'uration database$
Connect(SPCon/-uration3atabase (3atabaseServer R<$DatabaseServer>R (3atabase8ame
R<$RunSettings.ConfigurationDatabaseName>R (Passphrase R<$Passphrase>R
?A-ataase$erver@ is the name of the server that hosts the confi'uration database
?ARun$ettings.+onfiguration-ataase%ame@ is the name of the confi'uration database
?A3assphrase@ is the #ass#hrase for the farm
A. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command to install the
*el# .ile +ollections$
)nstall(SP@elpCollection (All
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command to install the
Security 4esource for SharePoint 2013$
?. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command to install the
basic services$
F. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command to install all
the features$
)nstall(SP+eature (All;.istin-+eatures
G. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command to install
a##lication content$
>. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command to 'et a list of
servers in the farm.
,et(SP+arm W select Servers
9ou can also verify a successful server addition or troubleshoot a failed addition by
examinin' the lo' files. These files are located on the drive on &hich SharePoint 2013 is
installed" in the Q+O((OP4OH4/(.%!ESQL(icrosoft SharedL8eb Server
ExtensionsL1BL!OHS folder. .or more information" see (onitor health in SharePoint 2013.
10. +onfi'ure SharePoint 2013 so that the ne& server can accommodate the role for &hich it
&as intended. .or more information" see +onfi'ure the ne& server.
'onfigure the ne! serer
The ne& server has no real functionality in the farm until you confi'ure the services that are re)uired to
su##ort the role that you #lanned for the ne& server. .or more information" see +onfi'ure services and
service a##lications in SharePoint 2013.

.emoe a serer from a farm in SharePoint
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to remove a &eb server" a##lication server" or database server from a
SharePoint 2013 farm.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
There are three ty#es of servers in a server farm runnin' SharePoint 2013$ &eb servers" a##lication
servers" and database servers. The method that you use to remove a server from a SharePoint farm
varies de#endin' on the ty#e of server that you are removin' from the farm.
%n this article$
4emovin' a &eb server or a##lication server from a SharePoint farm
4emovin' a database server from a SharePoint farm
4emove a database server" &eb server" or a##lication server from a SharePoint farm by usin'
+entral /dministration
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort 2SharePoint 20133
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
.emoing a !eb serer or application serer from a
SharePoint farm
.or information about uninstallation #rocedures that SharePoint 2013 su##orts" see @ninstall
SharePoint 2013.
4emovin' a server that contains a search to#olo'y com#onent can affect future search activities. The
extent of that effect de#ends on the farm search to#olo'y. 8e recommend that you remove or relocate
any search to#olo'y com#onents from a server before removin' the server from the farm.
%f you remove a server that hosts a cra&l com#onent" no index files are lost. *o&ever" you mi'ht reduce
or remove the ca#acity to cra&l content.
9ou can lose index files in the follo&in' situations$
The farm has only one )uery com#onent" and you remove the server that hosts the )uery
9ou have confi'ured the index to be #artitioned and you delete the last )uery com#onent in one of
the #artitions. %n this case" you &ill lose a #ortion of the index.
%n either of these cases" a full cra&l &ill have to be #erformed to re7create the index files.
9ou can de#loy s#ecific techni)ues to build fault tolerance into the search to#olo'y. %f these techni)ues
are follo&ed" the deliberate or un#lanned removal of a server from the to#olo'y can be absorbed
&ithout losin' data and &ithout affectin' the ability to cra&l or serve )ueries. 2*o&ever" #erformance
can still be affected.3 .or more information" see Technical dia'rams 2SharePoint 20133.
(ake sure that the server that you &ant to remove is not runnin' any im#ortant site com#onents. %f
im#ortant services or com#onents 2such as a custom 8eb Part3 are runnin' on the server and are not
available on another server in the farm" removin' the server can dama'e sites in the farm. .or
exam#le" if the server that you &ant to remove is the only a##lication server in the farm that is runnin'
the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service" removin' the server can make any sites that rely on that
service sto# &orkin' correctly.
.emoe a !eb serer or an application serer from a farm by using
'ontrol Panel
9ou can remove a &eb server or an a##lication server from the server farm by uninstallin' SharePoint
2013 from the server throu'h +ontrol Panel. 8hen you uninstall SharePoint 2013 by usin' +ontrol
Panel" you remove the #ro'ram files and other information from the server.
&o remoe a !eb serer or an application serer from a farm by using 'ontrol
1. Eerify that the user account that com#letes this #rocedure has the follo&in' credentials$
The user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the /dministrators 'rou# on the
2. Sto# the services that are runnin' on the server. .or information about ho& to determine
&hich services are runnin' on a s#ecific server and sto##in' services" see Start or Sto# a
service 2SharePoint 20133.
3. On the server that you &ant to remove from the farm" click Start" click 'ontrol Panel" and
then double7click Programs and 9eatures.
A. %n the list of currently installed #ro'rams" click SharePoint 2013" and then click +ninstall.
B. +lick 'ontinue at the confirmation #rom#t to uninstall the #ro'ram.
.emoing a database serer from a SharePoint farm
To remove a database server from a farm &ithout uninstallin' SharePoint and therefore deletin' the
data that &as stored in the database" you must first move any databases that are hosted by that server
to another database server in the farm and then use +entral /dministration to remove the database
server from the farm.
9ou cannot remove a database server if it is the only database server available in the farm" or if it is the
database server that hosts the confi'uration database.
%f you uninstall SharePoint 2013 from the server that is runnin' +entral /dministration" you &ill
be unable to administer the server farm until you confi'ure another server in the farm to host
the +entral /dministration site.
.emoe a database serer% !eb serer% or application
serer from a SharePoint farm by using 'entral
%f a &eb server or a##lication server is no lon'er available" or if uninstallin' SharePoint 2013 from
+ontrol Panel is not #ossible" you can remove the &eb server or a##lication server from the farm by
usin' the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite. 4emovin' a server from the farm by usin' +entral
/dministration does not uninstall SharePoint 2013 from the server" nor does it make any sites on that
server inaccessible. 8e recommend that you use the #rocess described in 4emove a &eb server or an
a##lication server from a farm by usin' +ontrol Panel to uninstall SharePoint 2013 instead of usin'
+entral /dministration to remove the server.
4emovin' the server from the farm by usin' +entral /dministration does not delete this information
from the server. @se the +entral /dministration #rocedure for removin' database servers only" or for
removin' a &eb server or an a##lication server from the farm &hen the server is no lon'er available to
uninstall throu'h +ontrol Panel.
9ou can follo& these ste#s to remove a &eb server" a##lication server" or database server from the
farm. *o&ever" &e recommend that you remove &eb servers and a##lication servers from a farm by
usin' +ontrol Panel" instead of by usin' +entral /dministration. .or information" see To remove a &eb
server or an a##lication server from a farm by usin' +ontrol Panel.
-efore you remove a database server from a farm" make sure that you have moved any databases
stored on that server to a different database server in your farm.
&o remoe a database serer% !eb serer% or application serer from a
SharePoint farm by using 'entral Administration
1. Eerify that the user account that com#letes this #rocedure has the follo&in' credentials$
The user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the .arm /dministrators
SharePoint 'rou#.
The user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the /dministrators 'rou# on the
2. Sto# the services that are runnin' on the server. .or information about ho& to determine
&hich services are runnin' on a s#ecific server and sto##in' services" see Start or Sto# a
service 2SharePoint 20133.
3. On the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite" in the System Settings section" click
Manage serers in this farm.
A. On the Serers in 9arm #a'e" locate the ro& that contains the name of the server that you
&ant to remove" and then click .emoe Serer.
B. %n the &arnin' that a##ears" click O8 to remove the server or click 'ancel to sto# the
The #a'e u#dates" and the server that you removed no lon'er a##ears in the list of servers.
+ninstall SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" SharePoint Server 2013 and SharePoint .oundation 2013 su##ort a limited set of methods
to uninstall.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5 .
9ou remove SharePoint 2013 by uninstallin' it from +ontrol Panel. 8hen you uninstall SharePoint
2013" most files and subfolders in the installation folders are removed. *o&ever" some files are not
removed. /lso"
8eb.confi' files" index files" lo' files" and customi0ations that you mi'ht have are not automatically
removed &hen you uninstall SharePoint 2013.
S:! Server databases are detached but are not removed from the database server.
%f you uninstall a sin'le server that has a built7in database" S:! Server Ex#ress is not removed.
8hen you uninstall SharePoint 2013" all user data remains in the database files.
<efore you begin
-efore you be'in this o#eration" confirm that you have uninstalled all lan'ua'e #acks that are on the
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
+ninstall SharePoint 2013
@se this #rocedure to uninstall SharePoint 2013.
&o uninstall SharePoint 2013
1. Eerify that you are a member of the .arm /dministrators 'rou# or a member of the
/dministrators 'rou# on the local com#uter.
2. On the com#uter that runs SharePoint 2013" lo' on as a local or domain administrator.
3. Start +ontrol Panel.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
+lick Start" and then click 'ontrol Panel.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click 'ontrol Panel.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
A. %n the Programs area" click +ninstall a program.
B. %n the +ninstall or change a program dialo' box" click Microsoft SharePoint Serer 2013.
?. +lick 'hange.
F. On the 'hange your installation of Microsoft SharePoint Serer 2013 #a'e" click .emoe"
and then click 'ontinue.
/ confirmation messa'e a##ears.
G. +lick 7es to remove SharePoint 2013.
/ &arnin' messa'e a##ears.
>. +lick O8 to continue.
/ confirmation messa'e a##ears.
10. +lick O8.
9ou mi'ht be #rom#ted to restart the server.
%f you did not remove the lan'ua'e tem#late #acks before you uninstalled and then reinstalled
SharePoint 2013" you must run .epair from the SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard for
each lan'ua'e tem#late #ack on the server. /fter the re#air o#eration is com#lete" you must
restart the server. .inally" com#lete the lan'ua'e tem#late #ack confi'uration by runnin' the
SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard.
*nstall and configure a irtual enironment for
SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn about #ermissions" accounts" security settin's" and &hat you have to do to #re#are
your 8indo&s Server 200G *y#er7E environment for SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
The follo&in' do&nloadable resources" articles on Techet" and related resources #rovide information
about ho& to #re#are *y#er7E to su##ort a SharePoint 2013 virtual farm.
&ech)et articles about SharePoint 2013 irtuali(ation
!ith 6yper=>
The follo&in' articles about virtuali0ation in SharePoint 2013 are available to vie& online. 8riters
u#date articles on a continuin' basis as ne& information becomes available and as users #rovide

'ontent Proides

@se best #ractice confi'urations
for the SharePoint 2013 virtual
machines and *y#er7E
Provides best #ractice 'uidance
to install and confi'ure virtual
machines for a SharePoint 2013
farm and the *y#er7E
virtuali0ation host com#uter.

Additional resources about 6yper=> installation and
initial configuration
The follo&in' resources about *y#er7E are available from other subCect matter ex#erts.

'ontent Description

Hettin' -usiness 1one
8ith Eirtuali0ation
Eisit the Tech+enter to access
videos" community sites"
documentation" and more.

Eirtuali0ation$ Pre#are to
This Techet (a'a0ine article
#rovides an overvie& of the
#re#aration re)uired to shift
a##lications to a virtual environment.

+se best practice configurations for the
SharePoint 2013 irtual machines and 6yper=
> enironment
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" .ollo& best #ractice recommendations to confi'ure the SharePoint 2013 virtual machines
and the 8indo&s Server 200G *y#er7E infrastructure.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
/fter you create a detailed architecture desi'n and system s#ecifications" you are ready to install and
confi'ure the virtual environment for the SharePoint 2013 farm. To achieve the #erformance and
ca#acity 'oals that you identify in your detailed desi'n and system s#ecifications" you must have a
correctly confi'ured virtual environment. One or more badly confi'ured virtual machines or virtuali0ation
hosts can si'nificantly reduce #erformance.
This article discusses 8indo&s Server 200G *y#er7E technolo'y confi'uration o#tions and their
#otential im#act on the #erformance of the virtuali0ation host com#uter" the virtual machines" and the
SharePoint 2013 farm in 'eneral. ,ey decision #oints and best #ractice confi'urations #rovide 'uidance
&hen you set u# the virtual environment.
/ &ide ran'e of features and installation o#tions are available to set u# and confi'ure a *y#er7
E environment. (easurements focus on testin' and 'uidance on the features and
confi'urations that #rovide )uantifiable benefits and consider the kno&n #erformance
characteristics of server roles in a SharePoint #roducts farm.
%n this article$
%ntroduction and sco#e
4evie& the 'eneral best #ractice 'uidance for virtuali0ation
+onfi'ure the *y#er7E host com#uter
%nstall and confi'ure virtual net&orkin'
+reate and confi'ure the virtual machines
+onfi'ure the memory for the virtual machines
+onfi'ure the #rocessors for the virtual machines
+onfi'ure the controllers and hard disks for the virtual machines
+onfi'ure services and 'eneral settin's
*ntroduction and scope
8e recommend that you use a bottom u# a##roach to confi'ure the *y#er7E environment for the
SharePoint 2013 farm. Start &ith the *y#er7E host com#uter confi'uration and then &ork u# to the
virtual layer to confi'ure the virtual net&ork com#onents and the virtual machines.
-efore you install and confi'ure the *y#er7E environment" &e recommend that you revie& the follo&in'
*ard&are +onsiderations for *y#er7E in 8indo&s Server 200G
4e)uirements and !imits for Eirtual (achines and *y#er7E in 8indo&s Server 200G 42
*y#er7E Hettin' Started Huide
Article scope
Several as#ects about ho& to confi'ure a virtual environment that are not discussed in detail are
documented in se#arate articles. 1etailed information about the follo&in' subCects is out of sco#e for
this article$
-usiness +ontinuity (ana'ement 2hi'h availability and disaster recovery3 for a virtual environment
Securin' a virtual environment 2o#tions and best #ractices3
SharePoint 2013does not su##ort the virtuali0ation chan'es and features in 8indo&s Server
.eie! the general best practice guidance for
8hen you install and confi'ure virtuali0ation for a SharePoint 2013 farm" every confi'uration choice
that you make and im#lement has an effect on all other #arts of the virtual environment. 9our #rimary
'oal is to create intended conse)uences and #ositive effects. To achieve this 'oal you have to
understand the interaction bet&een the virtual and the #hysical" the inherent constraints. 9ou also have
to follo& best #ractice 'uidance &hen you set u# the virtual farm.
The first thin' that you have to do before you install and confi'ure your virtual environment is to make
sure that you install the latest version of the *y#er7E -est Practices /naly0er 2-P/3. 9ou can 'et this
u#date from @#date for -est Practices /naly0er for *9PE47E for 8indo&s Server 200G 42 x?A Edition
9ou can use *y#er7E -est Practices /naly0er to scan a server that is runnin' the *y#er7E role and hel#
identify confi'urations that do not com#ly &ith the best #ractices of (icrosoft for this role. -P/ scans
the confi'uration of the #hysical com#uter" the virtual machines" and other resources" such as virtual
net&orkin' and virtual stora'e. o confi'uration chan'es are made by runnin' the scan.
The scan results dis#lay the follo&in' information$
/ list of issues that you can sort by severity
4ecommended fixes for issues
!inks to instructions
The best #ractices in the follo&in' table ex#lain several as#ects of virtuali0ation and are not necessarily
s#ecific to any virtuali0ation technolo'y.
*y#er7E #artition terminolo'y
*y#er7E #rovides three ty#es of #artitions$ the root #artition" the #arent #artition" and the child
#artition. Each #artition has its resources 2memory and #rocessor3 and #olicies for device use.
The root #artition is the ori'inal #artition and it starts the hy#ervisor. The #arent #artition calls
the hy#ervisor to re)uest the creation of ne& child #artitionsDthe virtual machines.
<est practice guidance for irtuali(ation

<est practice Description
!eave ade)uate memory for the *y#er7E
+alculate the total memory re)uirements for all the
virtual machines on the host and ensure that there is
enou'h available memory to meet *y#er7E #artition
.or SharePoint #roducts virtual machines" &e
recommend A H- of 4/( or more for host
com#uter o#erations.
1o not use the #arent #artition for services
other than *y#er7E.
1o not run additional roles or services on the #arent
#artition. 4un them on the virtual machines instead
because the #arent is differentiated for schedulin'.
1o not store host com#uter system files on
drives that are used for *y#er7E stora'e.
To reduce disk contention" do not store system files 2for
exam#le" Pa'efile.sys3 on hard disks that are dedicated
to storin' virtual machine data.
@se a minimum of t&o #hysical net&ork
.or better net&ork mana'ement and #erformance"
dedicate one ada#ter to virtual machine net&ork traffic
and use the other ada#ter for virtuali0ation host
net&ork traffic.
1o not oversubscribe the +P@ on the
virtuali0ation host com#uter.
4evie& the su##orted ratio of virtual #rocessors #er
lo'ical #rocessor and avoid oversubscribin' the host
com#uter +P@. The o#timum virtual #rocessor$lo'ical
#rocessor ratio is 1$1. .or more information" see
<est practice Description
+onfi'ure the #rocessors for the virtual machines.
1o not cross on7uniform memory access
2@(/3 boundaries.
*y#er7E s#ans @(/ nodes to assi'n #hysical
memory to a virtual machineZ ho&ever" this does
reduce #erformance on the virtual machine. .or more
information" see +onfi'ure the memory for the virtual
1o not use sna#shots in a #roduction
1o not use sna#shots for the virtual machines in a
SharePoint #roducts #roduction environment. 8hen
you create a sna#shot" *y#er7E creates a ne&
secondary drive for the virtual machine. 8rite
o#erations occur on the ne& drive and read o#erations
occur on both drives" &hich has the same net affect as
a differencin' disk. Every sna#shot that you add
reduces disk #erformance further.

'onfigure the 6yper=> host computer
8hen you confi'ure the *y#er7E host com#uter" &e recommend that you consider the follo&in'
confi'uration o#tions and best #ractices$
+lose the o#eratin' system mana'ement &indo&s.
*y#er7E (ana'er and Eirtual (achine +onnection sessions consume resources. .or exam#le"
*y#er7E mana'er causes 8indo&s (ana'ement %nstrumentation 28(%3 activity in the #arent
#artition. 8hen you close the Eirtual (achine +onnection (ana'er" video emulation is disabled"
&hich eliminate this source of resource consum#tion.
/void runnin' #ro'rams such as anti7virus soft&are on the #arent #artition.
4un them on the child #artition if they are re)uired.
@se hard&are that su##orts Second !evel /ddress Translation 2S!/T3.
S!/T is hard&are that is o#timi0ed for virtuali0ation im#roves virtual machine #erformance" and
reduces #rocessin' load on the 8indo&s hy#ervisor. .or more information" see *y#er7E$ !ist of
S!/T7+a#able +P@s for *osts.
%f your hard&are su##orts *y#er7Threadin'" enable it.
*y#er7Threadin' s#lits the +P@ #i#eline in t&o and makes a sin'le core look like t&o cores.
*nstall and configure irtual net!or:ing
*y#er7E #rovides the level of net&orkin' robustness and confi'uration o#tions that you ex#ect to see in
a #hysical net&orkin' environment. There are" of course" some limitations because you are dealin' &ith
virtual devices.
8e recommend that you refer to the follo&in' documentation to #re#are to install and confi'ure virtual
@nderstandin' et&orkin' &ith *y#er7E
*o& does basic net&orkin' &ork in *y#er7E<
*y#er7E$ 8hat are the uses for different ty#es of virtual net&orks<
@nderstandin' *y#er7E E!/s
*y#er7E E!/s Part %%
+onfi'urin' Eirtual et&orks
6yper=> irtual net!or:s
9ou can create and confi'ure a *y#er7E virtual net&ork before you install and confi'ure virtual
machines. %n addition" you can create more than one virtual net&ork on a *y#er7E host com#uter.
9ou cannot create more than one virtual net&ork on a *y#er7E host com#uter if the com#uter is
runnin' a Server +ore installation of 8indo&s Server 200G or 8indo&s Server 200G 42.
*y#er7E #rovides three ty#es of virtual net&orks that you can confi'ure for virtual machines. The
follo&in' table #rovides a summary of these virtual net&orks and their characteristics.
>irtual net!or: types

&ype Description
External Provides a communication link bet&een virtual machines and a
#hysical net&ork by creatin' an association to a #hysical net&ork
ada#ter on the host com#uter. 1edicate one #hysical ada#ter to
this ty#e of net&ork.
.or security #ur#oses you can isolate traffic bet&een virtual
machines and other com#uters on the #hysical net&ork by
clearin' the Allo! management operating system to share
this net!or: adapter settin'. *o&ever" you &ill be unable to
connect to the mana'ement o#eratin' system remotely.
%nternal Provides a communications link bet&een the host com#uter and
the virtual machines. This #rovides a de'ree of isolation from
external net&ork traffic and is ty#ically used in a test environment
&here you &ant to connect to the virtual machines by usin' the
mana'ement o#eratin' system.
Private Provides a communications link bet&een the virtual machines.
They are com#letely isolated from the host com#uter and this ty#e
&ype Description
of virtual net&ork is often used to set isolated test domains.

%n a scenario &here t&o internal 2or #rivate3 virtual net&orks are created in *y#er7E and t&o
virtual machines are created on a se#arate %P subnet" these virtual machines cannot
communicate &ith one another. -ecause the virtual s&itch o#erates at layer 2 of the %SO;OS%
et&ork (odel" you have to have a router to achieve routin' at a hi'her level.
/fter you create your virtual net&ork" you can s#ecify the ran'e of media access control 2(/+3
addresses that are automatically assi'ned to the virtual net&ork ada#ters. *y#er7E enables you to
#rovide static (/+ addresses to a virtual ada#ter to avoid collisions on the net&ork.
Nohn *o&ard6s blo' #ost" *y#er7E$ (/+ /ddress allocation and a##arent net&ork issues (/+
collisions can cause #rovides a very 'ood ex#lanation about (/+ /ddress allocation and
associated net&ork issues.
8indo&s Server 200G 42 adds the o#tion to confi'ure (/+ address s#oofin' 2Enable S#oofin' Of
(/+ /ddresses3 in the virtual net&ork ada#ter settin's. .or more information" see +onfi'ure (/+
/ddress S#oofin' for Eirtual et&ork /da#ters.
>irtual local area net!or:s ,>5A)s-
.rom a #erformance #ers#ective" the ability to create virtual local area net&orks 2E!/s3 can #rovide
si'nificant throu'h#ut 'ains. -ecause virtual machines on the same E!/ can communicate throu'h
the virtual s&itch" net&ork traffic is faster because it does not have to use the #hysical net&ork ada#ter.
/nother benefit of a E!/ confi'uration is the fact that" because it is soft&are7based" a virtual machine
can easily be moved bet&een hosts and still kee#s its net&ork confi'uration.
8hen you enable virtual !/ identification for the mana'ement o#eratin' system" you can assi'n a
E!/ identifier 2%13" &hich is an inte'er that uni)uely identifies a node that belon's to a #articular
E!/. %f you use virtual !/ feature and a E!/ %1" note the follo&in'$
The #hysical ada#ters must su##ort E!/ ta''in' and this feature has to be enabled.
Set the E!/ %1 on either the virtual s&itch or on the virtual machine6s net&ork ada#ter instead of
the #hysical ada#ter.
9ou can assi'n only one E!/ %1 on the virtual s&itch.
)et!or: adapters and irtual net!or: s!itches
*y#er7E #rovides t&o kinds of virtual net&ork ada#ters that you can confi'ure for a virtual machine$ a
net&ork ada#ter and a le'acy net&ork ada#ter.
/ net&ork ada#ter" also kno&n as a synthetic ada#ter" is the #referred o#tion for most virtual
machine confi'urations. The driver for this ada#ter is included &ith the inte'ration services that are
installed &ith the 8indo&s Server 200G 42 'uest o#eratin' system.
/ le'acy ada#ter emulates an %ntel 211A07based P+% .ast Ethernet /da#ter" &hich results in a
lo&er data transfer than the net&ork ada#ter. / le'acy net&ork ada#ter also su##orts net&ork7
based installations because it can boot to the Pre7-oot Execution Environment 2PME3.
@nless you have to use a le'acy ada#ter until you can install the virtual machine driver or have to do a
net&ork boot" &e recommend that you confi'ure a virtual machine &ith a net&ork ada#ter. %f you do
have to use a le'acy ada#ter for a net&ork installation" you can al&ays add a net&ork ada#ter later"
and then delete the le'acy ada#ter.
%+ teamin' is the #rocess of 'rou#in' several #hysical %+s into one lo'ical %+" &hich can be used
for net&ork fault tolerance and transmit load balance. The #rocess of 'rou#in' %+s is called teaming.
Teamin' has t&o #ur#oses$
9ault tolerance@ Teamin' more than one #hysical %+ to a lo'ical %+ maximi0es hi'h availability.
Even if one %+ fails" the net&ork connection does not sto# and continues to o#erate on other
5oad balancing@ -alancin' the net&ork traffic load on a server can enhance the functionality of the
server and the net&ork. !oad balancin' &ithin net&ork interconnect controller 2%+3 teams enables
distributin' traffic amon' the members of a %+ team so that traffic is routed amon' all available
8indo&s Server 200G Service Pack 2 2SP23 and 8indo&s Server 200G 42 have no restrictions
that are associated &ith %+ Teamin' and the .ailover +lusterin' feature. %n 8indo&s Server
200G" the (icrosoft .ailover +luster Eirtual /da#ter is com#atible &ith %+ Teamin' and
enables it to be used on any net&ork interface in a .ailover +luster.
8indo&s Server 200G 42 adds im#ortant ne& ca#abilities that you should use in your *y#er7E
environment if your servers and net&ork hard&are su##ort them. 8e recommend that you investi'ate
the follo&in' net&orkin' o#tions$
!ar'e Send Offload 2!SO3 and +hecksum Offload 2+SO3. The virtual net&orks in *y#er7E su##ort
!SO and +SO. %n addition" if your #hysical net&ork ada#ters su##ort these ca#abilities" the virtual
traffic is offloaded to the #hysical net&ork as necessary. (ost net&ork ada#ters su##ort !SO and
Numbo frames. 8ith 8indo&s Server 200G 42" Cumbo frame im#rovements conver'e to su##ort u#
to ? times the #ayload #er #acket. This increases overall throu'h#ut and reduces +P@ utili0ation for
lar'e file transfers. Physical net&orks and virtual net&orks su##ort Cumbo frames. This includes
s&itches and ada#ters.
.or #hysical net&orks" all intervenin' net&ork hard&are such as s&itches must have Cumbo
frame su##ort enabled also.
T+P chimney. This lets virtual %+s in child #artitions to offload T+P connections to #hysical
ada#ters that su##ort it" &hich reduces +P@ utili0ation and other overhead.
Eirtual machine )ueue 2E(:3. E(: im#roves net&ork throu'h#ut by distributin' net&ork traffic for
multi#le E(s across multi#le #rocessors. This #rocess reduces #rocessor utili0ation by offloadin'
#acket classification to the hard&are and avoidin' both net&ork data co#y and route looku# on
transmit #aths. E(: is com#atible &ith most other task offloads and can coexist &ith lar'e send
offload and Cumbo frames.
'reate and configure the irtual machines
/lthou'h *y#er7E su##orts several 'uest o#eratin' systems" SharePoint 2013 re)uires the ?A7bit
edition of 8indo&s Server 200G 42 Service Pack 1 2SP13 Standard" Enter#rise" or 1ata +enter. .or
more information about su##orted 'uest o#eratin' systems" see /bout Eirtual (achines and Huest
O#eratin' Systems
*y#er7E #rovides many confi'uration o#tions and you can chan'e a confi'uration" the amount of
memory for exam#le" after the virtual machine is runnin' as a SharePoint #roducts farm server. 8ith
the exce#tion of addin' a virtual hard disk drive for a S+S% controller" you have to shut do&n a virtual
machine before you can chan'e its confi'uration.
+onfi'ure each virtual machine accordin' to the re)uirements in +a#acity mana'ement and hi'h
availability in a virtual environment 2SharePoint Server 20103. +onfi'ure the follo&in' for each virtual
The -%OS settin' to set the boot se)uence 2le'acy net&ork ada#ter" +1" %1E" or flo##y disk3
The amount of memory
The number of virtual #rocessors
The ty#e and number of controllers
The ty#e and number of hard disks
The ty#e and number of net&ork ada#ters
%n addition to the #revious confi'urations" you also have the o#tion to confi'ure a 1E1 drive" +O(
#orts" and a virtual flo##y disk.
.rom a SharePoint #roducts #ers#ective" the #rimary confi'uration considerations are the memory"
#rocessor" and hard disks.
'onfigure the memory for the irtual machines
+onfi'ure memory on a virtual machine as you ty#ically do for an a##lication that runs on a #hysical
server. The memory allocation must be sufficient to reasonably handle the load at ordinary and #eak
times. .or SharePoint virtual machines" insufficient memory is the main cause of #erformance issues.
-efore you install and confi'ure the virtual machines on a *y#er7E host com#uter" calculate ho& much
memory is available for the virtual machines. The root #artition must have sufficient memory to #rovide
services such as %;O virtuali0ation and mana'ement to su##ort the child #artitions. .or SharePoint
#roducts" &e recommend that you allo& a minimum of A H- of 4/( for overhead on a *y#er7E
virtuali0ation host com#uter.
/fter you factor in the A H- 4/( reserve for the virtuali0ation host" confi'ure the virtual machines to
use the remainin' memory.
Dynamic memory
8indo&s Server 200G 42 SP1 has the o#tion of confi'urin' dynamic memory 2&ith a minimum value
and maximum value3 for virtual machines.
8e do not su##ort this o#tion for virtual machines that run in a SharePoint 2013 environment. The
reason is that this im#lementation of dynamic memory does not &ork &ith every SharePoint feature. .or
exam#le" 1istributed +ache and Search do not resi0e their caches &hen the allocated memory for a
virtual machine is dynamically chan'ed. This can cause #erformance de'radation" es#ecially &hen
assi'ned memory is reduced.
)on=uniform memory access ,)+MA-
/ very im#ort as#ect of virtual machine memory confi'uration is on7uniform memory access 2@(/3.
@(/ is a memory desi'n that s#eeds u# memory access by #artitionin' #hysical memory so each
#rocessor in a multi7+P@ has its o&n memory. .or exam#le" in a system &ith G cores and 32 H- of
4/(" each core or node has A H- of #hysical memory. %f a virtual machine is confi'ured to use G H- of
4/(" the system has to use memory in another node. -ecause crossin' the @(/ boundary can
reduce virtual #erformance by as much as GQ" it is a best #ractice to confi'ure a virtual machine to use
resources from a sin'le @(/ node. .or more information about @(/" refer to the follo&in' articles$
@nderstandin' on7uniform (emory /ccess
1eterminin' @(/ node boundaries for modern +P@s
@(/ ode -alancin'
'onfigure the processors for the irtual machines
9ou can confi'ure multi#le virtual #rocessors for a virtual machine" u# to a limit of four #rocessors. 9ou
cannot confi'ure more #rocessors #er virtual machine than there are lo'ical 2cores3 #rocessors on the
virtuali0ation host. .or exam#le" 'iven a dual core #hysical server" the limit is t&o virtual #rocessors for
a virtual machine. /lthou'h *y#er7E su##orts u# to ei'ht virtual #rocessors #er core or #er thread" a
confi'uration that exceeds this ratio 2G$13 is kno&n as bein' oversubscribed. .or any virtual machine
that you use in a SharePoint 2013 farm" &e recommend a ratio of 1$1. Oversubscribin' the +P@ on the
virtuali0ation host can decrease #erformance" de#endin' on ho& much the +P@ is oversubscribed. .or
more information" see *y#er7E E( 1ensity" EP$!P 4atio" +ores and Threads
'onfigure the controllers and hard dis:s for the
irtual machines
9ou can use t&o controller o#tions and several hard disk confi'urations for a virtual machine. -efore
you confi'ure stora'e for your virtual machines" read the follo&in' #osts &ritten by Nose -arreto" &ho is
a member of the .ile Server Team at (icrosoft.
Stora'e o#tions for 8indo&s Server 200G *y#er7E
(ore on Stora'e O#tions for 8indo&s Server 200G *y#er7E
9ou can select either %nte'rated 1evice Electronics or S+S% devices on virtual machines" as follo&s$
%1E devices$ *y#er7E uses emulated devices &ith %1E controllers. 9ou can have u# to t&o %1E
controllers &ith t&o disks on each controller. The startu# disk 2also kno&n as the boot disk3 must be
attached to one of the %1E devices. The startu# disk can be either a virtual hard disk or a #hysical
disk. /lthou'h a virtual machine must use an %1E device as the startu# disk to start the 'uest
o#eratin' system" you have many o#tions to choose from &hen you select the #hysical device that
&ill #rovide the stora'e for the %1E device.
S+S% devices$ Each virtual machine su##orts u# to 2B? S+S% disks 2four S+S% controllers &ith each
controller su##ortin' u# to ?A disks3. S+S% controllers use a ty#e of device that &as develo#ed
s#ecifically for use &ith virtual machines and use the virtual machine bus to communicate. The
virtual machine bus must be available &hen the 'uest o#eratin' system is started. Therefore" virtual
hard disks that are attached to S+S% controllers cannot be used as startu# disks.
Physical S+S% devices ty#ically #rovide better %;O #erformance than #hysical %1E devices.
*o&ever" this is not the case for virtuali0ed S+S% and %1E devices in *y#er7E. Su##ort for
hot s&a##able hard disk drives" &hich the *y#er7E im#lementation of S+S% su##orts" is a
better reason for selectin' S+S% drives than #erformance 'ains.
The version of *y#er7E released &ith 8indo&s Server 200G 42 #rovides si'nificant im#rovements in
virtual hard disk #erformance. .or more information" see Eirtual *ard 1isk Performance$ 8indo&s
Server 200G ; 8indo&s Server 200G 42 ; 8indo&s F. .or a summary of virtual machine drive o#tions"
see the 5*o& to choose your *y#er7E and E*1 Stora'e +ontainer .ormat5 section of 5 Eirtual *ard
1isk Performance$ 8indo&s Server 200G ; 8indo&s Server 200G 42 ; 8indo&s F5.
*y#er7E su##orts many stora'e o#tions. .or more information about the stora'e o#tions" see Plannin'
for 1isks and Stora'e.
9ou can use the follo&in' ty#es of #hysical stora'e &ith a server that runs *y#er7E$
Direct=attached storage" 9ou can use Serial /dvanced Technolo'y /ttachment 2S/T/3" external
Serial /dvanced Technolo'y /ttachment 2eS/T/3" Parallel /dvanced Technolo'y /ttachment
2P/T/3" Serial /ttached S+S% 2S/S3" S+S%" @S-" and .ire&ire.
Storage area net!or:s ,SA)s-" 9ou can use %nternet S+S% 2iS+S%3" .ibre +hannel" and S/S
.or more information" see +onfi'urin' Pass7throu'h 1isks in *y#er7E.
There is no 'eneric stora'e solution for every virtual environment. Selectin' the o#timal virtual machine
drive o#tion for your SharePoint 2013 servers re)uires research and extensive testin' to im#lement the
best stora'e solution for your virtual environment. 8hen you #ick a stora'e solution you must consider
access #erformance" stora'e needs" and ho& much memory is used for the advanced cachin' of
virtual hard disk ima'es.
'onfigure serices and general settings
%n a *y#er7E environment" you can s#ecify the confi'uration of virtual net&orkin' and the confi'uration
for each virtual machine. /dditionally" you can confi'ure ho& each virtual machine interacts &ith the
*y#er7E host com#uter" and also the sto# and restart behavior if the runnin' state of the virtual machine
is interru#ted.
*ntegration serices
*y#er7E includes a soft&are #acka'e for su##orted 'uest o#eratin' systems that im#roves inte'ration
bet&een the #hysical com#uter and the virtual machine. This #acka'e is kno&n as inte'ration services.
9ou should verify that the mana'ement o#eratin' system 2&hich runs the *y#er7E role3 and virtual
machines are runnin' the same version of inte'ration services. .or more information" see Eersion
+om#atibility for %nte'ration Services.
.or each virtual machine you can confi'ure the follo&in' inte'ration items bet&een the virtual machine
and the virtuali0ation host com#uter$
O#eratin' system shutdo&n
Time synchroni0ation
1ata exchan'e
-acku# 2volume sna#shot3
1isable the time synchroni0ation for each SharePoint virtual machine. SharePoint 2013
im#lements timer Cobs extensively and the latency durin' time synchroni0ation &ill cause
un#redictable results in the SharePoint environment.
Automatic stop and start
.or each virtual machine you can confi'ure automatic sto# and start behavior if a #hysical com#uter
shuts do&n.
The o#tions for sto# are as follo&s$
Save the virtual machine state.
The current state of the virtual machine is saved. 8hen the virtual machine is started" *y#er7E
attem#ts to restore the virtual machine to the state it &as in.
Turn off the virtual machine.
This is the e)uivalent of #ullin' the #o&er #lu' on a server.
Shut do&n the 'uest 2virtual machine3 o#eratin' system.
This is the e)uivalent of shuttin' do&n a com#uter by usin' the 8indo&s Shut do&n o#tion.
.or a SharePoint #roducts virtual machine" do not confi'ure the virtual machine to save state. Eirtual
machines that start from saved state &ill be out of synchroni0ation &ith the other servers in the farm.
8e recommend that you confi'ure the virtual machine to use a shutdo&n because it minimi0es that
chances that the virtual machine can be corru#ted. 8hen a shutdo&n ha##ens" all timer Cobs that are
runnin' can finish" and there &ill be no synchroni0ation issues &hen the virtual machine restarts.
The o##osite of an automatic sto# is an automatic start. *y#er7E #rovides the follo&in' startu# o#tions
&hen the #hysical server restarts$
1o nothin'.
9ou have to start the virtual machine manually re'ardless of its state &hen the #hysical server shut
/utomatically start if the virtual machine &as runnin' &hen the service sto##ed.
/l&ays start this virtual machine automatically.
*y#er7E starts the virtual machine re'ardless of its state &hen the #hysical server shut do&n.
8e recommend that you select either of the first t&o o#tions. -oth o#tions are acce#table. *o&ever"
the decision is ultimately u# to the %T team that mana'es and maintains the virtual environment.
%n addition to the #revious start o#tions" you can confi'ure a startu# time delay for a virtual machine.
8e recommend that you do this to reduce resource contention on a virtuali0ation host. *o&ever" if your
start o#tion is to do nothin'" this is not an issue.
'onfigure SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !ists articles that describe ho& to confi'ure settin's 2such as services" authentication" and
s#ecific features3 after you install SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
/fter you install SharePoint 2013" you must confi'ure several additional settin's to enable key features
in your farm. The articles in this section #rovide ste#s for confi'urin' these settin's.
&ech)et articles about ho! to configure settings for
the serer farm
The follo&in' articles about ho& to confi'ure settin's for the server farm are available to vie& online.
8riters u#date articles on a continuin' basis as ne& information becomes available and as users
#rovide feedback.

'ontent Description

+onfi'ure authentication
infrastructure in SharePoint 2013
These articles describe ho& to
confi'ure the infrastructure for
user" server7to7server" and a##

+onfi'ure availability and
recovery solutions for SharePoint
!earn about the o#tions for
#rovidin' hi'h availability and
disaster recovery solutions for
SharePoint 2013.

+onfi'ure email inte'ration for a
SharePoint 2013 farm
These articles describe ho& to
confi'ure incomin' and out'oin'
e7mail in the server farm.

+onfi'ure licensin' in
SharePoint Server 2013
!earn about ne& licensin'
functionality and ho& to confi'ure
licensin' in SharePoint Server

+onfi'ure mobile accounts in
SharePoint 2013
!earn ho& to subscribe to S(S
alerts for your mobile device in
SharePoint Server 2013.
'ontent Description

+onfi'ure 4e)uest (ana'er in
SharePoint Server 2013
!earn ho& 4e)uest (ana'er can
route and throttle incomin'
re)uests to hel# im#rove
#erformance and availability.

+onfi'ure services and service
a##lications in SharePoint 2013
These articles describe ho& to
confi'ure services and service

+onfi'ure usa'e and health data
collection 2SharePoint 20133
!earn ho& to confi'ure usa'e
and health data collection.

+onfi'ure -usiness +onnectivity
Services solutions for SharePoint
.ind links to #rocedures to hel#
you install and confi'ure
-usiness +onnectivity Services
for SharePoint 2013 on7#remises
and other scenarios.

+onfi'ure e1iscovery in
SharePoint Server 2013
!earn the ste#s to set u# and
confi'ure e1iscovery in
SharePoint Server 2013 and
Exchan'e Server 2013.

+onfi'ure Exchan'e task
synchroni0ation in SharePoint
Server 2013
+onfi'ure Exchan'e Server 2013
and SharePoint Server 2013 for
task synchroni0ation by usin' the
SharePoint Server 2013 Task
Synchroni0ation feature.

+onfi'ure site mailboxes in
SharePoint Server 2013
+onfi'ure Exchan'e Server 2013
and SharePoint Server 2013 for
team email by usin' the
SharePoint Server 2013 Site
(ailboxes feature.

+onfi'ure social com#utin'
features in SharePoint Server
These articles describe ho& to
confi'ure social com#utin'
features. This includes (y Sites"
+ommunity Sites" and
microblo''in' in SharePoint
Server 2013.

+onfi'ure &eb content
mana'ement solutions in
SharePoint Server 2013
!earn ho& to confi'ure
SharePoint &eb content
mana'ement solutions that use
cross7site collection #ublishin' in
SharePoint Server 2013.
'ontent Description

+onfi'ure &orkflo& in
SharePoint Server 2013
!earn ho& to install and
confi'ure 8orkflo& (ana'er in
SharePoint Server 2013.

Additional resources about ho! to configure settings
for the serer farm
The follo&in' resources about ho& to confi'ure settin's for the server farm are available from other
subCect matter ex#erts.

'ontent Description

%nstallation and
1e#loyment for
SharePoint 2013
4esource +enter
Eisit the 4esource
+enter to access
videos" community
and more.

'onfigure authentication infrastructure in
SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" .ind resources to hel# you confi'ure the infrastructure for user" server7to7server" and a##
authentication in SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
The follo&in' articles on Techet and related resources #rovide information about ho& to confi'ure
authentication infrastructure.
&ech)et articles about ho! to configure
authentication infrastructure
The follo&in' articles about ho& to confi'ure authentication infrastructure in SharePoint 2013 are
available to vie& online. 8riters u#date articles on a continuin' basis as ne& information becomes
available and as users #rovide feedback.

'ontent Description
+onfi'ure forms7based
authentication for a claims7based
&eb a##lication in SharePoint
1escribes the ste#s to confi'ure
forms7based authentication usin'
a !i'ht&ei'ht 1irectory /ccess
Protocol 2!1/P3 membershi#
+onfi'ure S/(!7based claims
authentication &ith /1 .S in
SharePoint 2013
1escribes the ste#s to confi'ure
Security /ssertion (arku#
!an'ua'e 2S/(!37based claims
authentication usin' /ctive
1irectory .ederation Services
2/1 .S3 2.0.
+onfi'ure server7to7server
authentication in SharePoint
These articles describe the ste#s
to confi'ure server7to7server
+onfi'ure a## authentication in
SharePoint Server 2013
1escribes the ste#s to confi'ure
a## authentication for SharePoint

'ontent Description
Server 2013.
+onfi'ure client certificate
authentication for SharePoint
1escribes ho& to confi'ure user
authentication &ith client

'onfigure forms=based authentication for a
claims=based !eb application in SharePoint
+pdated" October 2% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to confi'ure forms7based authentication &ith an !1/P #rovider for a ne&
SharePoint 2013 &eb a##lication.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
This article #rovides 'uidance for confi'urin' forms7based authentication for a SharePoint 2013 &eb
a##lication that uses a !i'ht&ei'ht 1irectory /ccess Protocol 2!1/P3 membershi# #rovider. .orms7
based authentication is an identity mana'ement system that is based on /SP.ET membershi# and
role #rovider authentication. .orms7based authentication in SharePoint 2013 is a claims7based
authentication method. .or more information about the use of forms7based authentication" see the
[%m#lementin' forms7based authentication\ section of Plan for user authentication methods.
The ste#s in this article a##ly to SharePoint Server 2013.
.or a version of these #rocedures that are confi'ured in a standardi0ed test lab" see Test !ab Huide$
1emonstrate forms7based claims authentication for SharePoint Server 2013.
<efore you begin
-efore you be'in this o#eration" you should be familiar &ith the conce#ts in Plan for user authentication
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013
,eyboard shortcuts
Process oerie!
This confi'uration has the follo&in' #hases that must be #erformed in consecutive order$
Phase 1$ +reate a ne& &eb a##lication that uses forms7based authentication &ith +entral
Phase 2$ +onfi'ure the 8eb.+onfi' files for an !1/P membershi# #rovider
8ithin each #hase" the set of #rocedures must also be #erformed in consecutive order.
.or an alternative to creatin' the ne& &eb a##lication by usin' +entral /dministration" see +reate a
ne& &eb a##lication that uses forms7based authentication &ith 8indo&s Po&erShell.
%f you are usin' i.rame7based 8indo&s /0ure autohosted a##s &ithin the &eb a##lication" see
+onfi'ure a forms7based authentication &eb a##lication for 8indo&s /0ure autohosted a##s.
Phase 1" 'reate a ne! !eb application that uses
forms=based authentication !ith 'entral
Perform the ste#s in the follo&in' #rocedure to create a &eb a##lication that uses forms7based
authentication &ith +entral /dministration.
&o create a ne! !eb application that uses forms=based authentication !ith
'entral Administration
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a site collection
2. Start SharePoint 2013 +entral /dministration.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
+lick Start" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and then click SharePoint 2013
'entral Administration.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 'entral Administration.
%f SharePoint 2013 'entral Administration is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 'entral
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. %n +entral /dministration" in the Application Management section" click Manage !eb
A. %n the 'ontribute 'rou# of the ribbon" click )e!.
B. %n the 'laims Authentication &ypes section of the 'reate )e! 2eb Application dialo' box"
select 3nable 9orms <ased Authentication ,9<A-.
?. Ty#e a membershi# #rovider name in ASP@)3& Membership proider name and a role
mana'er name in ASP@)3& .ole manager name.
%n the exam#le 8eb.+onfi' files de#icted in this article" the membershi# #rovider is membership
and the role mana'er is rolemanager.
F. +onfi'ure the other settin's for this ne& &eb a##lication as needed" and then click O8 to
create it.
G. 8hen #rom#ted &ith the Application 'reated dialo' box" click O8.
Phase 2" 'onfigure the 2eb@'onfig files for an 5DAP
membership proider
/fter you successfully create the ne& &eb a##lication" modify the follo&in' 8eb.+onfi' files in every
&eb front7end server in the farm$
To confi'ure the +entral /dministration 8eb.+onfi' file
To confi'ure the Security Token Service 8eb.+onfi' file
To confi'ure the ne& &eb a##lication 8eb.+onfi' file
'onfigure the 'entral Administration 2eb@'onfig file
The follo&in' #rocedure confi'ures the +entral /dministration &eb site to reco'ni0e and use the ne&
forms7based membershi# #rovider and role mana'er.
&o configure the 'entral Administration 2eb@'onfig file
1. +lick Start" #oint to Administratie &ools" and then click *nternet *nformation Serices ,**S-
2. %n the console tree" o#en the server name" and then Sites.
3. 4i'ht7click the SharePoint 'entral Administration 1 site" and then click 34plore.
A. %n the folder &indo&" double7click the 8eb.+onfi' file.
B. %n the SCon/-urationT section" find the Ssystem#*ebT section and add the follo&in'
exam#le entry$
Smembership defaultProviderXRAsp8etS:lMembershipProviderRT
Sadd nameXRmembershipR
typeXRMicrosoft#Ofce#Server#Security#?dapMembershipProvider' Microsoft#Ofce#Server'
EersionX12#0#0#0' CultureXneutral' PublicDeyo%enX51e7bce111e7127cR

userContainerXRO6X6serAccounts'3CXinternal'3CXyourcompany'3CXdistin-uished8ame !of
your userContainer$R
other9e:uired6serAttributesXRsn'-ivenname'cnR QT
SroleMana-er enabledXRtrueR defaultProviderXRAsp8et=indo*so%en9oleProviderR T
Sadd nameXRroleMana-erR
typeXRMicrosoft#Ofce#Server#Security#?dap9oleProvider' Microsoft#Ofce#Server'
EersionX12#0#0#0' CultureXneutral' PublicDeyo%enX51e7bce111e7127cR
-roupContainerXR3CXinternal'3CXyourcompany'3CXdistin-uished8ame !of your
scopeXRSubtreeR QT

%n the #recedin' entry" substitute the follo&in'$
The name of your membershi# #rovider in Sadd nameXRmembershipR.
The fully )ualified domain name 2.:13 of your domain controller 2your !1/P server3 in
The distin'uished name of your user container in
userContainerXRO6X6serAccounts'3CXinternal'3CXyourcompany'3CXdistin-uished8ame !of
your userContainer$R.
The name of your role mana'er in Sadd nameXRroleMana-erR.
The distin'uished name of your 'rou# container in
-roupContainerXR3CXinternal'3CXyourcompany'3CXdistin-uished8ame !of your
/fter you add this entry" save and close the 8eb.+onfi' file.
'onfigure the Security &o:en Serice 2eb@'onfig file
The follo&in' #rocedure confi'ures the Security Token Service to reco'ni0e and use the ne& forms7
based membershi# #rovider and role mana'er.
&o configure the Security &o:en Serice 2eb@'onfig file
1. %n the console tree of %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3 (ana'er" o#en the SharePoint
2eb Serices site.
2. %n the console tree" ri'ht7click Security&o:enSericeApplication" and then click 34plore.
3. %n the folder &indo&" double7click the 8eb.+onfi' file.
A. %n the SCon/-urationT section" create a ne& Ssystem#*ebT section and add the follo&in'
exam#le entry$
Sadd nameXRmembershipR
typeXRMicrosoft#Ofce#Server#Security#?dapMembershipProvider' Microsoft#Ofce#Server'
EersionX12#0#0#0' CultureXneutral' PublicDeyo%enX51e7bce111e7127cR
other9e:uired6serAttributesXRsn'-ivenname'cnR QT
SroleMana-er enabledXRtrueR T
Sadd nameXRrolemana-erR
typeXRMicrosoft#Ofce#Server#Security#?dap9oleProvider' Microsoft#Ofce#Server'
EersionX12#0#0#0' CultureXneutral' PublicDeyo%enX51e7bce111e7127cR
scopeXRSubtreeR QT

%n the #recedin' entry" substitute the follo&in'$
The name of your membershi# #rovider in Sadd nameXRmembershipR.
The .:1 of your domain controller 2your !1/P server3 in serverXRyourserver#comR.
The distin'uished name of your user container in
The name of your role mana'er in Sadd nameXRroleMana-erR.
The distin'uished name of your 'rou# container in
/fter you add this entry" save and close the 8eb.+onfi' file.
'onfigure the ne! !eb application 2eb@'onfig file
The follo&in' #rocedure confi'ures the ne& &eb a##lication to reco'ni0e and use the ne& forms7based
membershi# #rovider and role mana'er.
&o configure the ne! !eb application 2eb@'onfig file
1. %n the console tree of %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3 (ana'er" ri'ht7click the site that
corres#onds to the name of the &eb a##lications that you Cust created" and then click
2. %n the folder &indo&" double7click the 8eb.+onfi' file.
3. %n the SCon/-urationT section" find the Ssystem#*ebT section.
A. .ind the Smembership defaultProviderXRiRT section and add the follo&in' exam#le entry to
the SProvidersT section$
Sadd nameXRmembershipR
typeXRMicrosoft#Ofce#Server#Security#?dapMembershipProvider' Microsoft#Ofce#Server'
EersionX12#0#0#0' CultureXneutral' PublicDeyo%enX51e7bce111e7127cR
other9e:uired6serAttributesXRsn'-ivenname'cnR QT

%n the #recedin' entry" substitute the follo&in'$
The name of your membershi# #rovider in Sadd nameXRmembershipR.
The .:1 of your domain controller 2your !1/P server3 in serverXRyourserver#comR.
The distin'uished name of your user container in
i. .ind the SroleMana-er defaultProviderXRcR enabledXRtrueR
cache9oles)nCoo%ieXRfalseRT section and add the follo&in' exam#le entry to
the SProvidersT section$
Sadd nameXRroleMana-erR
typeXRMicrosoft#Ofce#Server#Security#?dap9oleProvider' Microsoft#Ofce#Server'
EersionX12#0#0#0' CultureXneutral' PublicDeyo%enX51e7bce111e7127cR
scopeXRSubtreeR QT

%n the #recedin' entry" substitute the follo&in'$
The name of your role mana'er in Sadd nameXRroleMana-erR.
The .:1 of your domain controller 2your !1/P server3 in serverXRyourserver#comR.
The distin'uished name of your 'rou# container in
/fter you add the #recedin' entry" save and close the 8eb.+onfi' file.
1o not over&rite any existin' entries in this 8eb.+onfi' file.
'reate a ne! !eb application that uses forms=based
authentication !ith 2indo!s Po!erShell
Perform the follo&in' #rocedure to create a &eb a##lication that uses forms7based authentication &ith
8indo&s Po&erShell.
&o create a ne! !eb application that uses forms=based authentication !ith
2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/dd membershi#s that are re)uired beyond the minimums above.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 Products cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
%n the SharePoint 2013 environment" on the Start menu" click All Programs" click
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
%n the SharePoint 2013 environment" on the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013
Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. .rom the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in'$
[ap X 8e*(SPAuthenticationProvider (8ame <Name> (ASP8;MembershipProvider <Membership
Provider Name> (ASP8;9oleProvider8ame <Role Manager Name>
[*a X 8e*(SP=ebApplication (8ame <Name> (ApplicationPool <ApplicationPool>
(ApplicationPoolAccount <ApplicationPoolAccount> (6rl <URL> (Port <Port>
(AuthenticationProvider [ap
[ap X 8e*(SPAuthenticationProvider (8ame RClaims+ormsR (ASP8;MembershipProvider
RmembershipR (ASP8;9oleProvider8ame Rrolemana-erR
[*a X 8e*(SP=ebApplication (8ame R+CA =eb AppR (ApplicationPool RClaims App PoolR
(ApplicationPoolAccount RinternalUappoolR (6rl http:QQcontoso#com (Port 12&1
(AuthenticationProvider [ap
The value of the ApplicationPoolAccount #arameter must be a mana'ed account on the
A. /fter you successfully create the ne& &eb a##lication" modify the follo&in' 8eb.+onfi'
To confi'ure the +entral /dministration 8eb.+onfi' file
To confi'ure the Security Token Service 8eb.+onfi' file
To confi'ure the ne& &eb a##lication 8eb.+onfi' file
B. /fter you chan'e the 8eb.+onfi' files" create a SP'laimsPrincipal and a site collection" as
sho&n in the follo&in' exam#le$
[cp X 8e*(SPClaimsPrincipal ()dentity Rmembership:SiteO*nerR ()dentityype +orms6ser
[sp X 8e*(SPSite http:QQservername:port (O*nerAlias [cp#;ncode!$ (emplate RSS\0R
.or more information" see e&7SP+laimsPrinci#al.
8e recommend that you use 8indo&s Po&erShell &hen #erformin' command7line
administrative tasks. The Stsadm command7line tool has been de#recated" but is included to
su##ort com#atibility &ith #revious #roduct versions.
'onfigure a forms=based authentication !eb
application for 2indo!s A(ure autohosted apps
To su##ort i.rame7based 8indo&s /0ure autohosted a##s from a SharePoint 2013 &eb a##lication
that is confi'ured for forms7based authentication" you must com#lete the follo&in' #rocedure. .or more
information about a##s for SharePoint" see Overvie& of a##s for SharePoint 2013.
&o configure a forms=based authentication !eb application to support 2indo!s
A(ure autohosted apps
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 Products cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
%n the SharePoint 2013 environment" on the Start menu" click All Programs" click
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
%n the SharePoint 2013 environment" on the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013
Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. .rom the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in'$
[svc X ]Microsoft#SharePoint#Administration#SP=ebService^::ContentService
'onfigure SAM5=based claims authentication
!ith AD 9S in SharePoint 2013
+pdated" October 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to confi'ure Security /ssertion (arku# !an'ua'e 2S/(!37based claims
authentication usin' /ctive 1irectory .ederation Services version 2.0 2/1 .S3.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
The #rocedures in this article describe ho& to confi'ure /1 .S to act as an %dentity Provider Security
Token Service 2%P7STS3 for a SharePoint 2013 &eb a##lication. %n this confi'uration" /1 .S issues
S/(!7based security tokens consistin' of claims so that client com#uters can access &eb a##lications
that use claims7based authentication. 9ou can use an alternative identity #rovider than /1 .S" but it
must su##ort the 8S7.ederation standard.
.or information about &hy you &ould use S/(!7based authentication" see Plan for user authentication
9ou can use /1 .S &ith the 8indo&s Server 2012" 8indo&s Server 200G" or 8indo&s Server 200G 42
o#eratin' systems to build a federated identity mana'ement solution that extends distributed
identification" authentication" and authori0ation services to &eb7based a##lications across or'ani0ation
and #latform boundaries. -y de#loyin' /1 .S" you can extend your or'ani0ation]s existin' identity
mana'ement ca#abilities to the %nternet.
.or a version of these #rocedures that are confi'ured in a standardi0ed test lab" see Test !ab Huide$
1emonstrate S/(!7based +laims /uthentication &ith SharePoint Server 2013.
<efore you begin
-efore you be'in this o#eration" you should be familiar &ith the conce#ts in the follo&in' article$
Plan for user authentication methods
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013
,eyboard shortcuts
Process oerie!
This confi'uration has the follo&in' #hases that must be #erformed in consecutive order$
Phase 1$ %nstall and confi'ure an /1 .S server
Phase 2$ +onfi'ure /1 .S &ith the &eb a##lication as a relyin' #arty
Phase 3$ +onfi'ure SharePoint 2013 to trust /1 .S as an identity #rovider
Phase A$ +onfi'ure &eb a##lications to use claims7based authentication and /1 .S as the trusted
identity #rovider
8ithin each #hase" the set of #rocedures must also be #erformed in consecutive order.
Phase 1" *nstall and configure an AD 9S serer
9ou must install and confi'ure a server that runs /1 .S 2.0. .or more information" see the /1 .S 2.0
1e#loyment Huide 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%d=1>1F233.
Phase 2" 'onfigure AD 9S !ith the !eb application
as a relying party
This #hase has the follo&in' #rocedures$
1. +onfi'ure /1 .S for a relyin' #arty
2. +onfi'ure the claim rule
3. Ex#ort the token si'nin' certificate
'onfigure AD 9S for a relying party
@se the #rocedure in this section to confi'ure a relyin' #arty. The relyin' #arty defines ho& the /1 .S
reco'ni0es the relyin' #arty a##lication and issues claims to it.
&o configure AD 9S for a relying party
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the
/dministrators 'rou# on the local com#uter. .or additional information about accounts and
'rou# membershi#s" see !ocal and 1omain 1efault Hrou#s
2. On the /1 .S server" o#en the /ctive 1irectory .ederation Services 2/1 .S3 2.0
(ana'ement console.
3. %n the navi'ation #ane" ex#and &rust .elationships" and then double7click the .elying
Party &rusts folder.
A. %n the ri'ht #ane" click Add .elying Party &rust.
This o#ens the /ctive 1irectory .ederation Services 2/1 .S3 2.0 confi'uration &i0ard.
B. On the 8elcome to the /dd 4elyin' Party Trust 8i0ard #a'e" click Start.
?. Select 3nter data about the relying party manually" and then click ne4t.
F. Ty#e a relyin' #arty name and then click )e4t.
G. (ake sure Actie Directory 9ederation Serices ,AD 9S- 2@0 Profile is selected" and then
click )e4t.
>. 1o not use an encry#tion certificate. +lick )e4t.
10. +lick to select the 3nable support for the 2S=9ederation Passie protocol check box.
11. %n the 2S=9ederation Passie protocol +.5 field" ty#e the name of the &eb a##lication
@4!" and a##end ?0trust? 2for exam#le" https"??2ebApp)ame?0trust?3. +lick )e4t.
The name of the @4! has to use Secure Sockets !ayer 2SS!3.
12. Ty#e the name of the relyin' #arty trust identifier 2for exam#le"
urn"sharepoint"2ebApp)ame3" and then click Add. +lick )e4t. ote that this &ill be the
realm value &hen you confi'ure a ne& SPTrusted%dentityToken%ssuer in Phase 3.
13. Select Permit all users to access this relying party. +lick )e4t.
1A. On the 4eady to /dd Trust #a'e" there is no action re)uired" click )e4t.
1B. On the .inish #a'e" click 'lose. This o#ens the 4ules Editor (ana'ement console. @se
this console and the next #rocedure to confi'ure the ma##in' of claims from your chosen
directory source to SharePoint 2013.
'onfigure the claim rule
@se the #rocedure in this ste# to send values of a !i'ht&ei'ht 1irectory /ccess Protocol 2!1/P3
attribute as claims and s#ecify ho& the attributes &ill ma# to the out'oin' claim ty#e.
&o configure a claim rule
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the
/dministrators 'rou# on the local com#uter. .or additional information about accounts and
'rou# membershi#s" see !ocal and 1omain 1efault Hrou#s
2. On the *ssuance &ransform .ules tab" click Add .ule.
3. On the Select 4ule Tem#late #a'e" select Send 5DAP Attributes as 'laims. +lick )e4t.
A. On the +onfi'ure 4ule #a'e" ty#e the name of the claim rule in the 'laim rule name field.
B. .rom the Attribute Store dro#7do&n list" select Actie Directory.
?. %n the Mapping of 5DAP attributes to outgoing claim types section" under 5DAP Attribute"
select SAM=Account=)ame.
F. @nder Outgoing 'laim &ype" select 3=Mail Address.
G. @nder 5DAP Attribute" select +ser=Principal=)ame.
>. @nder Outgoing 'laim &ype" select +P).
10. +lick 9inish" and then click O8.
34port the to:en signing certificate
@se the #rocedure in this section to ex#ort the token si'nin' certificate of the /1 .S server &ith &hich
you &ant to establish a trust relationshi#" and then co#y the certificate to a location that SharePoint
2013 can access.
&o e4port a to:en signing certificate
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the
/dministrators 'rou# on the local com#uter. .or additional information about accounts and
'rou# membershi#s" see !ocal and 1omain 1efault Hrou#s
2. On the /1 .S server" o#en the /ctive 1irectory .ederation Services 2/1 .S3 2.0
(ana'ement console.
3. %n the navi'ation #ane" ex#and Serice" and then click the 'ertificates folder.
A. @nder &o:en signing" click the #rimary token certificate as indicated in the Primary column.
B. %n the ri'ht #ane" click >ie! 'ertificate lin:. This dis#lays the #ro#erties of the certificate.
?. +lick the Details tab.
F. +lick 'opy to 9ile. This starts the +ertificate Ex#ort 8i0ard.
G. On the 8elcome to the +ertificate Ex#ort 8i0ard #a'e" click )e4t.
>. On the Ex#ort Private ,ey #a'e" click )o% do not e4port the priate :ey" and then click
10. On the Ex#ort .ile .ormat #a'e" select D3. encoded binary G@D0H ,@'3.-" and then click
11. On the .ile to Ex#ort #a'e" ty#e the name and location of the file that you &ant to ex#ort"
and then click )e4t. .or exam#le" enter '"CAD9S@cer.
12. On the +om#letin' the +ertificate Ex#ort 8i0ard #a'e" click 9inish.
Phase 3" 'onfigure SharePoint 2013 to trust AD 9S
as an identity proider
This #hase has the follo&in' #rocedures$
1. Ex#ortin' multi#le #arent certificates
2. %m#ort a token si'nin' certificate by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell
3. 1efine a uni)ue identifier for claims ma##in' by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell
A. +reate a ne& authentication #rovider
34porting multiple parent certificates
To com#lete the confi'uration of the /1 .S server" co#y the .+E4 file to the com#uter that is runnin'
/1 .S.
The token si'nin' certificate may have one or more #arent certificates in its chain. %f it does" every
certificate in that chain has to be added to the SharePoint 2013 list of trusted root authorities.
To determine &hether one or more #arent certificates exist" follo& these ste#s.
These ste#s should be re#eated until all certificates are ex#orted u# to the root authority
&o e4port multiple parent certificates
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the
/dministrators 'rou# on the local com#uter. .or additional information about accounts and
'rou# membershi#s" see !ocal and 1omain 1efault Hrou#s
2. O#en the /ctive 1irectory .ederation Services 2/1 .S3 2.0 (ana'ement console.
3. %n the navi'ation #ane" ex#and Serice" and then click the 'ertificates folder.
A. @nder &o:en signing" click the #rimary token certificate as indicated in the Primary column.
B. %n the ri'ht #ane" click >ie! 'ertificate lin:. This dis#lays the #ro#erties of the certificate.
?. +lick the 'ertification tab. This dis#lays any other certificate2s3 in the chain.
F. +lick the Details tab.
G. +lick 'opy to 9ile. This starts the +ertificate Ex#ort 8i0ard.
>. On the 8elcome to the +ertificate Ex#ort 8i0ard #a'e" click )e4t.
10. On the Ex#ort Private ,ey #a'e" click )o% do not e4port the priate :ey" and then click
11. On the Ex#ort .ile .ormat #a'e" select D3. encoded binary G@D0H ,@'3.-" and then click
12. On the .ile to Ex#ort #a'e" ty#e the name and location of the file that you &ant to ex#ort"
and then click )e4t. .or exam#le" enter '"CadfsParent@cer.
13. On the +om#letin' the +ertificate Ex#ort 8i0ard #a'e" click 9inish.
*mport a to:en signing certificate by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
@se this section to im#ort the token si'nin' certificates to the trusted root authority list that resides on
the SharePoint Server. This ste# must be re#eated for every token si'nin' certificate in the chain until
the root certification authority is reached.
&o import a to:en signing certificate by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/dd membershi#s that are re)uired beyond the minimums above.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 Products cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
%n the SharePoint 2013 environment" on the Start menu" click All Programs" click
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
%n the SharePoint 2013 environment" on the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013
Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. .rom the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" im#ort the #arent certificate of the token
si'nin' certificate 2that is" the root authority certificate3" as sho&n in the follo&in' syntax$
[root X 8e*(ObIect
8e*(SPrusted9ootAuthority (8ame Ro%en Si-nin- Cert ParentR (Certi/cate [root
A. .rom the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" im#ort the token si'nin' certificate that
&as co#ied from the /1 .S server" as sho&n in the follo&in' syntax$
[cert X 8e*(ObIect
8e*(SPrusted9ootAuthority (8ame Ro%en Si-nin- CertR (Certi/cate [cert
.or additional information about the )e!=SP&rusted.ootAuthority cmdlet" see e&7
Define a uni/ue identifier for claims mapping by using 2indo!s
@se the #rocedure in this section to define a uni)ue identifier for claims ma##in'. Ty#ically" this
information is in the form of an e7mail address and the administrator of the trusted STS &ill have to
#rovide this information because only the o&ner of the STS kno&s &hich claim ty#e &ill be al&ays
uni)ue for each user.
&o define a uni/ue identifier for claims mapping by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
%n the SharePoint 2013 environment" on the Start menu" click All Programs" click
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
%n the SharePoint 2013 environment" on the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013
Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
2. .rom the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" create an identity claim ma##in'" as
sho&n in the follo&in' syntax$
[emailClaimMap X 8e*(SPClaimypeMappin- ()ncomin-Claimype
()ncomin-Claimype3isplay8ame R;mailAddressR (SameAs)ncomin-
3. .rom the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" create the @P claim ma##in' as
sho&n in the follo&in' syntax$
[upnClaimMap X 8e*(SPClaimypeMappin- ()ncomin-Claimype
Rhttp:QQschemas#.mlsoap#or-Q*sQ2002Q02QidentityQclaimsQupnR ()ncomin-Claimype3isplay8ame
R6P8R (SameAs)ncomin-
.or additional information about the )e!=SP'laim&ypeMapping cmdlet" see e&7
'reate a ne! authentication proider
@se the #rocedure in this section to create a ne& SPTrusted%dentityToken%ssuer.
&o create a ne! authentication proider by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
%n the SharePoint 2013 environment" on the Start menu" click All Programs" click
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
%n the SharePoint 2013 environment" on the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013
Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
2. .rom the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" create a ne& authentication #rovider" as
sho&n in the follo&in' syntax.
The [realm variable defines the trusted STS that identifies a s#ecific SharePoint farm and
the [cert variable is the one that &as used from the %m#ort a token si'nin' certificate by
usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell section. The Sign*n+rl #arameter is to the /1 .S server.
[realm X Rurn:sharepoint:<WebAppName>R
[si-n)n69? X Rhttps:QQ<YourADFSServerName>QadfsQlsR
[ap X 8e*(SPrusted)dentityo%en)ssuer (8ame <ProviderName> (3escription
<ProviderDescription> (realm [realm ()mportrustCerti/cate [cert (ClaimsMappin-s
[emailClaimMap'[upnClaimMap (Si-n)n6rl [si-n)n69? ()denti/erClaim
.or additional information about the )e!=SP&rusted*dentity&o:en*ssuer cmdlet" see e&7
Phase 1" 'onfigure !eb applications to use claims=
based authentication and AD 9S as the trusted
identity proider
This #hase has the follo&in' #rocedures$
1. /ssociate an existin' &eb a##lication &ith the /1 .S identity #rovider
2. +reate a ne& &eb a##lication &ith the /1 .S identity #rovider
Associate an e4isting !eb application !ith the AD 9S identity
To confi'ure an existin' &eb a##lication to use S/(! si'n7in" the trusted identity #rovider in the claims
authentication ty#e section must be chan'ed.
&o configure an e4isting !eb application to use the AD 9S identity proider
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the .arm
/dministrators SharePoint 'rou#.
2. %n +entral /dministration" on the home #a'e" click Application Management.
3. On the /##lication (ana'ement #a'e" in the 2eb Applications section" click Manage !eb
A. +lick the a##ro#riate &eb a##lication.
B. .rom the ribbon" click Authentication Proiders.
?. @nder Ione" click the name of the 0one. .or exam#le" 1efault.
F. On the 3dit Authentication #a'e in the 'laims Authentication &ypes section" select &rusted
*dentity proider" and then click the name of your S/(! #rovider 2?3rovider%ame@ from the
e&7SPTrusted%dentityToken%ssuer command3. +lick O8.
G. ext" you must enable SS! for this &eb a##lication. 9ou can do this by addin' an alternate
access ma##in' for the [htt#s$;;\ version of the &eb a##lication]s @4! and then confi'urin'
the &eb site in the %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3 (ana'er console for an htt#s
bindin'. .or more information about ho& to set u# SS! for %%S" see *o& to Setu# SS! on %%S
'reate a ne! !eb application !ith the AD 9S identity proider
8hen creatin' a ne& &eb a##lication to use S/(! si'n7in" you must confi'ure claims authentication for
the /1 .S trusted identity #rovider. See +reate claims7based &eb a##lications in SharePoint 2013 and
do the follo&in'$
%n the Security 'onfiguration section of the e& 8eb /##lication dialo' box" for +se Secure
Soc:ets 5ayer ,SS5-" select 7es.
.or information about ho& to set u# SS! for %%S" see *o& to Setu# SS! on %%S F.0.
%n the 'laims Authentication &ypes section of the e& 8eb /##lication dialo' box" select
&rusted *dentity proider" and then click the name of your S/(! #rovider 2?3rovider%ame@ from
the e&7SPTrusted%dentityToken%ssuer command3.
'onfigure serer=to=serer authentication in
SharePoint 2013
+pdated" October 1$% 2012
Summary" .ind resources to hel# you confi'ure server7to7server authentication for SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
The follo&in' articles on Techet and related resources #rovide information about ho& to confi'ure
server7to7server authentication.
&ech)et articles about ho! to configure serer=to=
serer authentication
The follo&in' articles about ho& to confi'ure server7to7server authentication in SharePoint 2013 are
available to vie& online. 8riters u#date articles on a continuin' basis as ne& information becomes
available and as users #rovide feedback.

'ontent Description

+onfi'ure server7to7server
authentication bet&een
SharePoint 2013 farms
1escribes the ste#s to confi'ure
server7to7server authentication
bet&een t&o SharePoint 2013
+onfi'ure server7to7server
authentication bet&een
SharePoint 2013 and Exchan'e
Server 2013
1escribes the ste#s to confi'ure
server7to7server authentication
bet&een SharePoint 2013 and
Exchan'e Server 2013.
+onfi'ure server7to7server
authentication bet&een
SharePoint 2013 and !ync
Server 2013
1escribes the ste#s to confi'ure
server7to7server authentication
bet&een SharePoint 2013 and
!ync Server 2013.

'onfigure serer=to=serer authentication
bet!een SharePoint 2013 farms
Published" September 1% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to confi'ure server7to7server authentication bet&een SharePoint 2013 farms.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5 $tandard = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
/nterprise = $hare3oint <oundation ()*5
The confi'uration details in this article describe ho& to confi'ure server7to7server authentication
bet&een SharePoint 2013 farms. .or back'round information about server7to7server authentication" see
Plan for server7to7server authentication in SharePoint 2013 Previe&.
8eb a##lications that include server7to7server authentication end#oints for incomin' server7to7
server re)uests" or that make out'oin' server7to7server re)uests must be confi'ured to use
Secure Sockets !ayer 2SS!3. .or information about ho& to create a &eb a##lication to use
SS!" see +reate claims7based &eb a##lications in SharePoint 2013.
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013
,eyboard shortcuts
'onfigure a SharePoint 2013 trust relationship !ith
another farm
To service incomin' server7to7server re)uests from another SharePoint 2013 farm" you must confi'ure
the SharePoint 2013 farm to trust the sendin' farm. @se the 8indo&s Po&erShell )e!=
SP&rustedSecurity&o:en*ssuer cmdlet in SharePoint 2013 to confi'ure the trust relationshi# by
s#ecifyin' the NavaScri#t ObCect otation 2NSO3 metadata end#oint of the sendin' farm.
&o configure a SharePoint 2013 trust relationship !ith another farm
1. Eerify that you are a member of the /dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are
runnin' 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
Securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. %n the SharePoint 2013 environment on the farm that is receivin' server7to7server
re)uests" start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
%n the SharePoint 2013 environment" on the Start menu" click All Programs" click
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
%n the SharePoint 2013 environment" on the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013
Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
8e*(SPrustedSecurityo%en)ssuer _Metadata;ndpoint
Rhttps:QQS@ost8ameTQ>layoutsQ12QmetadataQIsonQ1R _)srustCro%er _8ame RS+riendly8ameTR
?1ost%ame@ is the name and #ort of any SS!7enabled &eb a##lication of the farm that &ill be
sendin' server7to7server re)uests.
?<riendl!%ame@ is a friendly name for the sendin' SharePoint 2013 farm.
A. 4e#eat ste# 3 for all SharePoint 2013 farms that &ill be sendin' server7to7server re)uests.
.or more information" see e&7SPTrustedSecurityToken%ssuer.
The recommended best #ractice for server7to7server authentication is that each server7to7server
a##lication that establishes trust &ith a SharePoint farm must use a different certificate. %n a cross7farm
SharePoint to#olo'y" if you are re)uired to use the same certificate across the farms" you must also set
the name identifier of the SharePoint Security Token Service 2STS3 to be the same across those farms.
The follo&in' #rocedure describes ho& to synchroni0e the STS name identifier across t&o SharePoint
&o synchroni(e the S&S name identifier across SharePoint farms
1. Eerify that you are a member of the /dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are
runnin' 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
Securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. %n the SharePoint 2013 environment on one of the farms" start the SharePoint 2013
(ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
%n the SharePoint 2013 environment" on the Start menu" click All Programs" click
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
%n the SharePoint 2013 environment" on the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013
Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
A. %n the dis#lay of the Het7SPSecurityTokenService+onfi' command" note the value of the
)ame*dentifier field" &hich starts &ith [000000037000070ff17ce007000000000000^\. This
is the name identifier of the SharePoint STS.
B. To set the name identifier of the SharePoint STS in the other SharePoint farm" use the
follo&in' 8indo&s Po&erShell commands on a server in that farm$
[con/- X ,et(SPSecurityo%enServiceCon/-
8here ?+ommon%ameIdentifier@ is the value of the )ame*dentifier field from ste# A.
'onfigure serer=to=serer authentication
bet!een SharePoint 2013 and 34change
Serer 2013
+pdated" October 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to confi'ure server7to7server authentication bet&een SharePoint 2013 and
Exchan'e Server 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5 /nterprise = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
$tandard = $hare3oint <oundation ()*5
Server7to7server authentication enables you to share resources that live on various servers in a
SharePoint farm and access services" such as Exchan'e Server 2013 and !ync Server 2013" &hich are
distributed amon' servers. Server7to7server authentication in SharePoint 2013 also su##orts resource
sharin' and access &ith additional services that are com#liant &ith the server7to7server authentication
The confi'uration details in this article are about ho& to confi'ure server7to7server authentication
bet&een SharePoint 2013 and Exchan'e Server 2013.
8eb a##lications that include server7to7server authentication end#oints for incomin' server7to7
server re)uests" or that make out'oin' server7to7server re)uests must be confi'ured to use
Secure Sockets !ayer 2SS!3. .or information about ho& to create a &eb a##lication to use
SS!" see +reate claims7based &eb a##lications in SharePoint 2013.
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013
,eyboard shortcuts
Process oerie!
This confi'uration has the follo&in' ste#s$
+onfi'ure the SharePoint 2013 server to trust the Exchan'e Server 2013 server
+onfi'ure #ermissions on the SharePoint 2013 server
+onfi'ure the Exchan'e Server 2013 server to trust the SharePoint 2013 server
+om#lete the #rocedures in the order in &hich they are #resented in this article.
&o configure the SharePoint 2013 serer to trust the 34change Serer 2013
1. Eerify that you are a member of the /dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are
runnin' 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
%n the SharePoint 2013 environment" on the Start menu" click All Programs" click
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
%n the SharePoint 2013 environment" on the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013
Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' commands$
8e*(SPrustedSecurityo%en)ssuer _Metadata;ndpoint Rhttps:QQS@ost8ameTQmetadataQIsonQ1R _
)srustCro%er _8ame RS+riendly8ameTR
?1ost%ame@ is the name or address of the Exchan'e Server 2013 server.
?<riendl!%ame@ is a friendly name for the Exchan'e Server 2013 server.
&o configure permissions on the SharePoint 2013 serer
/t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' commands$
[appX,et(SPAppPrincipal (Site http:QQS@ost8ameT (8ame)denti/er [e.chan-e#8ame)d
[siteX,et(SPSite http:QQS@ost8ameT
Set(SPAppPrincipalPermission _AppPrincipal [app _Site [site#9oot=eb _Scope sitesubscription _
9i-ht fullcontrol (;nableApplyOnlyPolicy
?1ost%ame@ is the name or address of the SharePoint 2013 server.
.or more information" see Het7SPTrustedSecurityToken%ssuer" Het7SP/##Princi#al"
and Set7SP/##Princi#alPermission.
&o configure the 34change Serer 2013 serer to trust the SharePoint 2013
1. Start the Exchan'e (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
%n the Exchan'e Server 2013 environment" on the Start menu" click All Programs" click
Microsoft 34change Serer 2013" and then click 34change Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
%n the Exchan'e Server 2013 environment" on the Start screen" click 34change
Management Shell.
%f 34change Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click 34change Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
2. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' commands$
cd c:UNPro-ram +ilesNUMicrosoftUN;.chan-e ServerNUE12UScripts
#UCon/-ure(;nterprisePartnerApplication#ps1 (AuthMetadata6rl
https:QQS@ost8ameTQ>layoutsQ12QmetadataQIsonQ1 (Applicationype SharePoint
?1ost%ame@ is the name and #ort of any SS!7enabled &eb a##lication of the SharePoint farm.
+onfi'ure server7to7server authentication in SharePoint 2013
'onfigure serer=to=serer authentication
bet!een SharePoint 2013 and 5ync Serer
Published" October 2% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to confi'ure server7to7server authentication bet&een SharePoint 2013 and !ync
Server 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5 /nterprise = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
$tandard = $hare3oint <oundation ()*5
Server7to7server authentication enables you to share resources that live on various servers in a
SharePoint farm and access services" such as !ync Server 2013 and Exchan'e Server 2013" &hich are
distributed amon' servers. Server7to7server authentication in SharePoint 2013 also su##orts resource
sharin' and access to additional services that are com#liant &ith the server7to7server authentication
#rotocol. .or more information about the SharePoint server7to7server authentication #rotocol" see
O/uth 2.0 /uthentication Protocol$ SharePoint Profile 2htt#$;;;en7
The confi'uration details in this article ex#lain ho& to confi'ure server7to7server authentication bet&een
SharePoint 2013 and !ync Server 2013.
8eb a##lications that include server7to7server authentication end#oints for incomin' server7to7
server re)uests" or that make out'oin' server7to7server re)uests must be confi'ured to use
Secure Sockets !ayer 2SS!3. .or information about ho& to create a &eb a##lication to use
SS!" see +reate claims7based &eb a##lications in SharePoint 2013.
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013
,eyboard shortcuts
Process oerie!
This confi'uration has the follo&in' ste#s$
+onfi'ure the server that runs SharePoint 2013 to trust the server that runs !ync Server 2013
+onfi'ure the server that runs !ync Server 2013 to trust the server that runs SharePoint 2013
&o configure the SharePoint 2013 serer to trust the 5ync Serer 2013 serer
1. Eerify that you are a member of the /dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are
runnin' 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
%n the SharePoint 2013 environment" on the Start menu" click All Programs" click
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
%n the SharePoint 2013 environment" on the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013
Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen" ri'ht7click 'omputer"
click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' commands$
8e*(SPrustedSecurityo%en)ssuer _Metadata;ndpoint Rhttps:QQ<HostName>QmetadataQIsonQ1R _
)srustCro%er _8ame R<FriendlyName>R
?1ost%ame@ is name or address of the server that runs !ync Server 2013.
?<riendl!%ame@ is a friendly name for the server that runs !ync Server 2013.

&o configure the 5ync Serer 2013 serer to trust the SharePoint 2013 serer
1. %f you have not already done this" assi'n a server7to7server authentication certificate to
!ync Server 2013. .ollo& the instructions in /ssi'nin' a Server7to7Server /uthentication
+ertificate to (icrosoft !ync Server 2013.
2. +onfi'ure the server that runs !ync Server 2013 for a ne& SharePoint #artner a##lication
that corres#onds to the SharePoint farm. .or the instructions in +onfi'urin' an On7Premises
Partner /##lication for (icrosoft !ync Server 2013" chan'e the metadata @4! strin' in the
embedded scri#t from$
?%ame,nd3ort@ is the host name or address and #ort of any SS!7enabled &eb a##lication of
the SharePoint farm.
'onfigure app authentication in SharePoint
Serer 2013
Published" September 1% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to confi'ure a## authentication in SharePoint Server 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5 /nterprise = $hare3oint $erver ()*5 $tandard
8hen you use an a## for SharePoint" an external com#onent of the a## mi'ht &ant to access
SharePoint resources. .or exam#le" a &eb server that is located on the intranet or the %nternet mi'ht try
to access a SharePoint resource. 8hen this occurs" SharePoint has to confirm the follo&in'$
The authentication of the identity of the a## and the user on &hose behalf the a## is actin'.
The authori0ation of the access for both the a## and the user &hose behalf the a## is actin'.
/## authentication is the combination of these t&o confirmations.
This to#ic describes ho& to confi'ure a SharePoint Server 2013 farm for a## authentication by
confi'urin' a trust" by re'isterin' the a## &ith the /##lication (ana'ement service" and by confi'urin'
a## #ermissions.
SharePoint &eb a##lications that include a## authentication end#oints for incomin' re)uests
must be confi'ured to use Secure Sockets !ayer 2SS!3. .or information about ho& to confi'ure
SS! for a ne& &eb a##lication" see +reate claims7based &eb a##lications in SharePoint 2013.
This to#ic does not a##ly to SharePoint .oundation 2013.
Process oerie!
This confi'uration has the follo&in' ste#s that must be #erformed in consecutive order$
1. +onfi'ure the SharePoint Server 2013 a## authentication trust.
2. 4e'ister the a## &ith the /##lication (ana'ement service.
3. +onfi'ure a## #ermissions.
.or information about a##s for SharePoint" see Overvie& of a##s for SharePoint 2013.
-ecause SharePoint Server 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint Server 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
Step 1@ 'onfigure the SharePoint Serer 2013 app
authentication trust
There are t&o &ays to confi'ure an a## authentication trust &ith SharePoint Server 2013$
%f you have an Office 3?B subscri#tion and the a## is also usin' 8indo&s /0ure /ccess +ontrol
Service 2/+S3 for authentication" you confi'ure the SharePoint farm to trust the /+S instance that
corres#onds to your Office 3?B subscri#tion. /+S then acts as a common authentication broker
bet&een the on7#remises SharePoint farm and the a## and as the online security token service
2STS3. /+S 'enerates the context tokens &hen the a## re)uests access to a SharePoint resource.
%n this case" confi'ure SharePoint Server 2013 to trust /+S.
%f you do not have an Office 3?B subscri#tion or if the a## does not use /+S for authentication" you
must confi'ure a server7to7server trust relationshi# bet&een the SharePoint farm and the a##"
kno&n as a hi'h7trust a##. / hi'h7trust a## 'enerates its o&n context tokens &hen it re)uests
access to a SharePoint resource. This must be done for each hi'h7trust a## that a SharePoint farm
must trust. .or exam#le" if multi#le a##s are runnin' on one server and if they all use different
token si'nin' certificates" you must create a se#arate trust &ith each one.
%n this case" confi'ure SharePoint Server 2013 to trust the a##.
'onfigure SharePoint Serer 2013 to trust A'S
@se the follo&in' #rocedure to confi'ure SharePoint Server 2013 to trust /+S.
&o configure a SharePoint Serer 2013 trust relationship !ith A'S
1. Eerify that you are a member of the /dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are
runnin' 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint Server 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
%n the SharePoint 2013 environment" on the Start menu" click All Programs" click
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
%n the SharePoint 2013 environment" on the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013
Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
[8e*(SPrustedSecurityo%en)ssuer _Metadata;ndpoint R<Metadata endpoint URL of ACS>R _
)srustCro%er _8ame RACSR
?&etadata endpoint URL of ,+$@ for SharePoint Server 2013 is
htt#s$;;accounts.accesscontrol.&indo&;metadata;Cson;1;<realm=Icontext%1 #ro#erty of
your Office 3?B subscri#tionJ.
A. ,ee# the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t o#en for the Ste# 2. 4e'ister the a## &ith
the /##lication (ana'ement service.
'onfigure SharePoint Serer 2013 to trust the app
@se the follo&in' #rocedure to confi'ure SharePoint Server 2013 to trust the a##.
&o configure a SharePoint Serer 2013 trust relationship !ith a high=trust app
1. Eerify that you are a member of the /dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are
runnin' 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint Server 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. %n 'entral Administration on the SharePoint Server 2013 server in the farm" on the :uick
!aunch" click System Settings" and then click Manage serices on serer.
3. %n the list of services on the server" make sure that that @ser Profile Service is started.
A. %n 'entral Administration" on the :uick !aunch" click Application Management" and then
click Manage serice applications.
B. %n the list of service a##lications" make sure that that the /## (ana'ement Service and
@ser Profile Service /##lication are started.
?. Obtain a .+E4 version of the si'nin' certificate of the hi'h7trust a## and store it in a
location that can be accessed durin' the rest of this #rocedure.
F. Eerify that you are a member of the /dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are
runnin' 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint Server 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
G. +lick Start menu" click All Programs" click SharePoint 2013 Products" and then click
SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
>. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' commands$
[app)d X R<AppID>R
[sp*eb X ,et(SP=eb R<AppURL>R
[realm X ,et(SPAuthentication9ealm (ServiceConte.t [sp*eb#Site
[certi/cate X 8e*(ObIect
[fullApp)denti/er X [app)d ` N"N ` [realm
8e*(SPrustedSecurityo%en)ssuer (8ame R<FriendlyName>R (Certi/cate [certi/cate
(9e-istered)ssuer8ame [fullApp)denti/er
?,ppI-@ is the client %1 assi'ned to the hi'h7trust a## &hen it &as created.
/ll of the letters in the /##%1 must be in lo&ercase.
?,ppURL@ is the @4! to the hi'h7trust a##]s location on the a## server.
?+/R<ile3ath@ is the #ath of the .+E4 version of the si'nin' certificate of the hi'h7trust a##.
?<riendl!%ame@ is a friendly name that identifies the a##.
10. ,ee# the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t o#en for the next #rocedure.
Step 2@ .egister the app !ith the Application
Management serice
@se the follo&in' #rocedure to re'ister the a## &ith the /##lication (ana'ement service.
&o register the app as a SharePoint app principal
1. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
[appPrincipal X 9e-ister(SPAppPrincipal (8ame)denti/er [fullApp)denti/er (Site [sp*eb
(3isplay8ame R<DisplayName>R
?-ispla!%ame@ is the name of the a## as dis#layed in +entral /dministration.
2. ,ee# the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t o#en for the next #rocedure.
Step 3@ 'onfigure app permissions
@se the follo&in' 8indo&s Po&erShell command to add or chan'e individual a## #ermissions. 4e#eat
this #rocedure for as many times as needed to confi'ure the #ermissions of the a##.
&o configure app permissions
/t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
Set(AppPrincipalPermission (appPrincipal [appPrincipal (site [*eb (ri-ht <Level> (scope <Scope>
?Level@ is 4ead" 8rite" (ana'e" or .ull+ontrol.
?$cope@ is .arm" Site collection" SharePoint Online" 8eb" 1ocuments" !ist" or !ibrary.
.or more information" see Set7SP/##Princi#alPermission
.or more information" see Plan a## #ermissions mana'ement in SharePoint 2013.
'onfigure client certificate authentication for
SharePoint 2013
Published" September 2D% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to confi'ure SharePoint 2013 to su##ort user authentication usin' a client
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5 /nterprise = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
$tandard = $hare3oint <oundation ()*5
+lient certificate authentication enables &eb7based clients to establish their identity to a server by usin'
a di'ital certificate" &hich #rovides additional security for user authentication. SharePoint 2013 does not
#rovide built7in su##ort for client certificate authentication" but client certificate authentication is
available throu'h Security /ssertion (arku# !an'ua'e 2S/(!37based claims authentication. 9ou can
use /ctive 1irectory .ederation Services 2/1 .S3 2.0 as your security token service 2STS3 for S/(!
claims or any third7#arty identity mana'ement system that su##orts standard security #rotocols such as
8S7Trust" 8S7.ederation" and S/(! 1.1.
.or more information about SharePoint 2013 #rotocol re)uirements" see SharePoint .ront7End
+laims7based authentication in SharePoint 2013 allo&s you to use different STSs. %f you confi'ure /1
.S as your STS" SharePoint 2013 can su##ort any identity #rovider or authentication method that /1
.S su##orts" &hich includes client certificate authentication.
.or more information about /1 .S" see /ctive 1irectory .ederation Services Overvie&.
%n the follo&in' fi'ure" SharePoint 2013 is confi'ured as a relyin' #artner for an /1 .S7based STS.
/1 .S can authenticate user accounts for several different ty#es of authentication methods" such as
forms7based authentication" /ctive 1irectory 1omain Services 2/1 1S3" client certificates" and smart
cards. 8hen you confi'ure SharePoint 2013 as a relyin' #artner of /1 .S" SharePoint 2013 trusts the
accounts that /1 .S validates and the authentication methods that /1 .S uses to validate those
accounts. This is ho& SharePoint 2013 su##orts client certificate authentication.
'onfigure client certificate authentication
The follo&in' to#ics ex#lain ho& to confi'ure SharePoint 2013 &ith client certificate authentication or
smart card authentication &hen you use /1 .S as your STS$
1. +onfi'ure /1 .S to su##ort claims7based authentication.
.or more information" see /1 .S 2.0 7 *o& to chan'e the local authentication ty#e
2. +onfi'ure SharePoint 2013 to su##ort S/(!7based claims authentication usin' /1 .S.
.or more information" see +onfi'ure S/(!7based claims authentication &ith /1 .S in SharePoint
3. +reate a &eb a##lication that uses S/(!7based claims authentication.
.or more information" see +reate claims7based &eb a##lications in SharePoint 2013.
These ste#s &ill be similar for a third7#arty STS.
'onfigure aailability and recoery solutions
for SharePoint 2013
Published" October 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn about the o#tions for #rovidin' hi'h availability and disaster recovery solutions for
SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
The follo&in' do&nloadable resources" articles on Techet" video recordin's" and related resources
#rovide information about installin' and confi'urin' hi'h availability and disaster recovery solutions for
a SharePoint 2013 farm.
The articles in this section assume that you are familiar &ith the conce#ts and terms #resented in *i'h
availability and disaster recovery conce#ts in SharePoint 2013 and Plan for hi'h availability and
disaster recovery for SharePoint 2013.
&ech)et articles about installing and configuring
high aailability and disaster recoery solutions
The follo&in' articles about hi'h availability and disaster recovery solutions are available to vie& online.
8riters u#date articles on a continuin' basis as ne& information becomes available and as users
#rovide feedback.

'ontent Description

+onfi'ure S:! Server 2012
/l&aysOn /vailability Hrou#s for
SharePoint 2013
1escribes ho& to install and
confi'ure a S:! Server 2012
/l&aysOn /vailability Hrou# for a
SharePoint farm.

'onfigure S;5 Serer 2012 Al!aysOn
Aailability Groups for SharePoint 2013
Published" October 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to create and confi'ure a S:! Server 2012 /l&aysOn /vailability Hrou# for a
SharePoint 2013 farm.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5 /nterprise
This article #rovides the re)uired information and detailed #rocedures to create and confi'ure a S:!
Server 2012 /l&aysOn /vailability Hrou# for a SharePoint 2013 farm.
The ste#s in this article a##ly to both SharePoint .oundation 2013 and SharePoint Server
2013. 8ith both of these #roducts these ste#s are to de#loy a ne& SharePoint farm and do not
cover u#'radin' from S:! Server 200G 42 to S:! Server 2012.
%n this article$
Process overvie&
-efore you be'in
1etailed ste#s to confi'ure an /l&aysOn /vailability Hrou# for SharePoint
@se failover tests to validate the /l&aysOn installation
(onitor the /l&aysOn environment
Process oerie!
8e recommend the follo&in' installation se)uence and key confi'uration ste#s to de#loy a SharePoint
farm that uses an /l&aysOn availability 'rou#$
Select or create a 8indo&s Server failover cluster.
%nstall S:! Server 2012 on each cluster node.
+reate and confi'ure an availability 'rou#.
%nstall and confi'ure SharePoint 2013.
/dd the SharePoint databases to the availability 'rou#.
Test failover for the availability 'rou#.
<efore you begin
/ S:! Server 2012 /l&aysOn /vailability Hrou# is not Cust a combination of database mirrorin' and
database clusterin'. %t is a com#letely ne& hi'h availability and disaster recovery feature that co7exists
&ith existin' hi'h availability and disaster recover o#tions such as mirrorin' and lo' shi##in'.
-efore you be'in de#loyment" revie& the follo&in' information about S:! Server /l&aysOn" the
technolo'ies that su##ort /l&aysOn" and SharePoint 2013$
,no&led'e and skill re)uirements
/l&aysOn /vailability Hrou# conce#ts
*ard&are and soft&are re)uirements
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
8no!ledge and s:ill re/uirements
To im#lement S:! Server /l&aysOn /vailability Hrou#s as a hi'h availability and disaster recovery
solution" several technolo'ies interact and have to be installed and confi'ured correctly. 8e
recommend that the team res#onsible for settin' u# an /l&aysOn environment for SharePoint #roducts
has a &orkin' kno&led'e of" and hands7on skills &ith the follo&in' technolo'ies$
8indo&s Server .ailover +lusterin' 28S.+3 services
S:! Server 2012
SharePoint 2013
S;5 Serer Al!aysOn Aailability Group concepts
/ S:! Server /vailability Hrou# enables you to s#ecify a set of databases that you &ant to fail over
to'ether as a sin'le entity. 8hen an availability 'rou# fails over to a tar'et instance or tar'et server" all
the databases in the 'rou# fail over also. -ecause S:! Server 2012 can host multi#le availability
'rou#s on a sin'le server" you can confi'ure /l&aysOn to fail over to S:! Server instances on different
servers. This reduces the need to have idle hi'h #erformance standby servers to handle the full load of
the #rimary server" &hich is one of the many benefits of usin' availability 'rou#s.
/n availability 'rou# consists of the follo&in' com#onents$
4e#licas" &hich are a discrete set of user databases called availability databases that fail over
to'ether as a sin'le unit. Every availability 'rou# su##orts one #rimary re#lica and u# to four
secondary re#licas.
/ s#ecific instance of S:! Server to host each re#lica and to maintain a local co#y of each
database that belon's to the availability 'rou#.
.eplicas and failoer
The #rimary re#lica makes the availability databases available for read7&rite connections from clients
and sends transaction lo' records for each #rimary database to every secondary re#lica. Each
secondary re#lica a##lies transaction lo' records to its secondary databases.
/ll re#licas can run under asynchronous7commit mode" or u# to three of them can run under
synchronous7commit mode. .or more information about synchronous and asynchronous commit mode"
see /vailability (odes 2/l&aysOn /vailability Hrou#s3.
1atabase issues" such as a database becomin' sus#ect due to a loss of a data file" deletion of
a database" or corru#tion of a transaction lo' do not cause failovers.
4ead the follo&in' articles to learn re)uired and im#ortant conce#ts about S:! Server /l&aysOn
.or details about the benefits of /l&aysOn /vailability Hrou#s and an overvie& of /l&aysOn
/vailability Hrou#s terminolo'y" see /l&aysOn /vailability Hrou#s 2S:! Server3.
.or detailed information about #rere)uisites" see Prere)uisites" 4estrictions" and
4ecommendations for /l&aysOn /vailability Hrou#s 2S:! Server3. This article contains the
follo&in' information$
8indo&s Server system re)uirements and recommendations
S:! Server instance #rere)uisites and restrictions
9ou can install S:! Server 2012 on 8indo&s Server core to im#rove security and
reduce maintenance" but you cannot install SharePoint 2013 on 8indo&s Server core.
.or more information" see Server +ore for 8indo&s Server 200G 42 SServer +ore for
8indo&s Server 200G 42. .or information about server core and 8indo&s Server
2012" see 8indo&s Server %nstallation O#tions.
Prere)uisites and restrictions for usin' a S:! Server .ailover +luster %nstance 2.+%3 to host an
availability re#lica
/vailability 'rou# #rere)uisites and restrictions
/vailability database #rere)uisites and restrictions
2indo!s Serer 9ailoer 'lustering
To create and use S:! Server 2012 /l&aysOn /vailability Hrou#s" you have to install S:! Server 2012
on a 8indo&s Server .ailover +lusterin' 28S.+3 cluster. .or more information" see 8indo&s Server
.ailover +lusterin' 28S.+3 &ith S:! Server.
/lthou'h confi'urin' a 8S.+ cluster is out of the sco#e for this article" you should be a&are of the
follo&in' re)uirements before you install and confi'ure a cluster$
/ll the cluster nodes must be in the same /ctive 1irectory 1omain Services 2/1 1S3 domain.
Each availability re#lica in an availability 'rou# must reside on a different node of the same
8indo&s Server .ailover +lusterin' 28S.+3 cluster.
The cluster creator must have the follo&in' accounts and #ermissions$
*ave a domain account in the domain &here the cluster &ill exist.
*ave local administrator #ermissions on each cluster node.
*ave 'reate 'omputer obJects and .ead All Properties #ermissions in /1 1S. .or more
information" see .ailover +luster Ste#7by7Ste# Huide$ +onfi'urin' /ccounts in /ctive 1irectory
or /ctive 1irectory 1omain Services for 8indo&s Server 2012.
/ very im#ortant as#ect of confi'urin' failover clusterin' and /l&aysOn is determinin' the )uorum
votes that are needed for the cluster nodes.
.ailover clusterin' is based on a votin' al'orithm &here more than one half of the voters" or )uorum"
must be online and able to communicate &ith each other. -ecause a 'iven cluster has a s#ecific
number of nodes and a s#ecific )uorum confi'uration" the cluster service is able to determine &hat
constitutes a )uorum. The cluster service &ill sto# on all the nodes if the number of voters dro#s belo&
the re)uired maCority.
.or more information" see 8S.+ :uorum (odes and Eotin' +onfi'uration 2S:! Server3 and +onfi'ure
+luster :uorum ode8ei'ht Settin's.
SharePoint 9oundation 2013 and SharePoint Serer 2013
Some SharePoint 2013 databases do not su##ort S:! Server /l&aysOn /vailability Hrou#s. 8e
recommend that you revie& the Su##orted hi'h availability and disaster recovery o#tions for
SharePoint databases before you confi'ure an /l&aysOn environment. 9ou should also revie& the
*ard&are and soft&are re)uirements for SharePoint 2013 article.
Detailed steps to configure an Al!aysOn Aailability
Group for SharePoint
The follo&in' illustration sho&s a SharePoint 2013 farm 2SP*/Kfarm3 that uses an availability 'rou#
named SPK/H1. 8e6ll use SP*/Kfarm as reference exam#le in our ste#s to confi'ure /l&aysOn.
Prepare the 2indo!s Serer cluster enironment
Obtain access to or create a three node 8indo&s Server .ailover +lusterin' 28S.+3 cluster that you
can use to install S:! Server 2012 on each cluster node. The follo&in' reference material #rovides
'uidance and detailed ste#s to confi'ure a 8indo&s Server failover cluster$
.ailover +lusters in 8indo&s Server 200G 42.
This #a'e #rovides links to Hettin' Started" 1e#loyment" O#erations" and Troubleshootin' articles
for 8indo&s Server 200G 42.
.ailover +lusterin' Overvie&.
This #a'e #rovides links to Hettin' Started" 1e#loyment" O#erations" and Troubleshootin' articles
for 8indo&s Server 2012.
Prepare the S;5 Serer enironment
-efore you can create an /vailability Hrou# for SharePoint .oundation 2013 or SharePoint Server
2013" you must #re#are the S:! Server 2012 environment. To #re#are the environment" com#lete the
follo&in' tasks$
%nstall the S:! Server #rere)uisites.
%nstall S:! Server.
Enable amed Pi#es.
Enable /l&aysOn.
8hen you #re#are the database server environment you must consider SharePoint 2013 database
re)uirements. 4efer to the follo&in' articles before you install S:! Server$
*ard&are re)uirementsDdatabase servers
%nstall SharePoint 2013
+onfi'ure S:! Server security for SharePoint 2013 environments
Su##ortability re'ardin' S:! collation for SharePoint 1atabases and Tem#1-. 2This 'uidance in
this article also a##lies to SharePoint 2013.3
*nstall S;5 Serer 2012
&o install S;5 Serer 2012
1. %nstall S:! Server 2012 #rere)uisites on each cluster node.
.or more information" see Prere)uisites" 4estrictions" and 4ecommendations for /l&aysOn
/vailability Hrou#s 2S:! Server3.
2. %nstall S:! Server on each cluster node.
.or more information" see %nstallation for S:! Server 2012.
3nable )amed Pipes
amed Pi#es is re)uired for an /l&aysOn /vailability Hrou#. @se the follo&in' #rocedure to enable
amed Pi#es for S:! Server.
&o enable )amed Pipes
1. (ake sure that the lo'on has the re)uired credentials. To chan'e a net&ork confi'uration
for the database en'ine" you must be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role.
2. !o' on to the server that &ill host the #rimary re#lica and start S:! Server (ana'ement
3. Ex#and S;5 Serer )et!or: 'onfiguration and then click Protocols for?instance name@.
A. %n the details #ane" ri'ht7click )amed Pipes and then click 3nable from the list of available
B. %n the console #ane" click S;5 Serer Serices.
?. %n the details #ane" ri'ht7click S;5 Serer , ?instance name@ - and then click .estart" to sto#
and restart S:! Server.
F. 4e#eat the #revious ste#s to enable amed Pi#es for S:! Server on the other cluster
3nable Al!aysOn
/fter you enable amed Pi#es" you must enable /l&aysOn for each of the database servers in the
9ou can enable /l&aysOn by usin' S:! Server (ana'ement Studio" Transact7S:!" or
8indo&s Po&erShell 3.0.
&o enable Al!aysOn
1. (ake sure that your lo'on account has the re)uired #ermissions to create an availability
'rou#. The account must have membershi# in the db0o!ner fixed database role and either
+4E/TE /E/%!/-%!%T9 H4O@P server #ermission" +OT4O! /E/%!/-%!%T9 H4O@P
#ermission" /!TE4 /9 /E/%!/-%!%T9 H4O@P #ermission" or +OT4O! SE4EE4
2. !o' on to the server that &ill host the #rimary re#lica and start S:! Server (ana'ement
3. %n ObCect Ex#lorer" select S;5 Serer Serices" ri'ht7click S;5 Serer ,?instance name@-"
&here ?instance name@ is the name of a local server instance for &hich you &ant to enable
/l&aysOn /vailability Hrou#s" and then click Properties.
A. Select the Al!aysOn 6igh Aailability tab.
B. Select the 3nable Al!aysOn Aailability Groups check box" and then click O8.
?. /lthou'h the chan'e is saved you must manually restart the S:! Server service
2(SS:!SE4EE43 to commit the chan'e. The manual restart enables you to choose a
restart time that is best for your business re)uirements.
F. 4e#eat the #revious ste#s to enable /l&aysOn for S:! Server on the other cluster nodes.
.or more information" see Enable and 1isable /l&aysOn /vailability Hrou#s 2S:! Server3.
'reate and configure the aailability group
1e#endin' on the S:! Server 2012 environment &here you #lan to create the /vailability Hrou#" you
mi'ht have to create a tem#orary database to before you create the /vailability Hrou#.
The #rocess that creates an availability 'rou# re)uires you to #rovide a name for the availability 'rou#
and then select an eli'ible user database on the connected server instance as an availability database.
To be eli'ible to be added to an availability 'rou#" a database must be a user database.
System databases cannot belon' to an availability 'rou#. .or more information" see the
5/vailability 1atabase Prere)uisites and 4estrictions5 section of Prere)uisites" 4estrictions" and
4ecommendations for /l&aysOn /vailability Hrou#s 2S:! Server3 and see +reation and
+onfi'uration of /vailability Hrou#s 2S:! Server3.
%f there no user databases are on the instance of the connected server" &hich is the case in our
exam#le" you need to create one.
@se the follo&in' #rocedure to create a tem#orary user database that &ill be a tem#orary #rimary
re#lica for the 'rou#.
&o create a temporary user database
1. (ake sure that your lo'on account has the correct #ermissions for this task. 9ou re)uire
one of the follo&in' #ermissions in the master database to create the ne& database$
+4E/TE 1/T/-/SE
+4E/TE /9 1/T/-/SE
/!TE4 /9 1/T/-/SE
2. !o' on to the server that &ill host the #rimary re#lica" &hich is SP7S4E1 in our exam#le.
3. Start (ana'ement Studio.
A. %n ObCect Ex#lorer" ri'ht7click Databases and then click )e! Database.
B. %n the e& 1atabase dialo' box" ty#e the Database name"" &hich is 5Tem#orary@ser1-5
for this exam#le.
-ecause this is a tem#orary database that you delete after you create the availability 'rou#" you
can use the default settin's. +lick O8.
-ecause the e& /vailability Hrou# 8i0ard &ill not create an availability 'rou# unless the user
database &as backed u#" you have to back u# the tem#orary database.
?. %n ObCect Ex#lorer ex#and Databases and ri'ht7click the tem#orary database that you Cust
created. Pick &as:s and then choose <ac: +p.
F. %n the <ac: +p Database dialo' box" click O8 to acce#t all the default settin's and create
the back u#.
About replicas and data synchroni(ation
About replicas
Every availability re#lica is assi'ned an initial roleDeither the #rimary role or the secondary role" &hich
the availability databases of that re#lica inherit. The role of a 'iven re#lica determines &hether it hosts
read7&rite databases or read7only databases" the ty#e of failover and &hether it uses synchronous
commit or asynchronous commit.
The follo&in' table sho&s the information that you have to #rovide for each re#lica" either &hen you
first create the availability 'rou#" or &hen you add secondary re#licas.
.eplica configuration re/uirements

.eplica information Description
Serer *nstance 1is#lays the name of the instance of the server that
&ill host the availability re#lica.
*nitial .ole %ndicates the role that the ne& re#lica &ill first
#erform$ Primary or Secondary.
Automatic 9ailoer ,+p to 2- %ndicates the ty#e of failover that the re#lica uses$
automatic or manual.
Synchronous 'ommit ,+p to 3- %ndicates the ty#e of commit that is used for the
.eadable Secondary %ndicates &hether a secondary re#lica can be read.
The confi'uration o#tions are unavailable for read
access" read7only" and read7only intent. .or more
information" see 4eadable Secondary 4e#licas
2/l&aysOn /vailability Hrou#s3.
4eadable secondary re#licas are currently
not su##orted for SharePoint 2013 runtime

8hen you add re#licas to a 'rou#" you &ill also #rovide the end#oint for each re#lica and
confi'ure backu# #references. .or more information" see S#ecify the End#oint @4! 8hen
/ddin' or (odifyin' an /vailability 4e#lica 2S:! Server3 and -acku# on Secondary 4e#licas
2/l&aysOn /vailability Hrou#s3.
Data synchroni(ation
/s #art of the availability 'rou# creation #rocess" you have to make an exact co#y of the data on the
#rimary re#lica and install the co#y on the secondary re#lica. This is the initial data synchroni0ation for
the /vailability Hrou#. .or more information" see Select %nitial 1ata Synchroni0ation Pa'e 2/l&aysOn
/vailability Hrou# 8i0ards3.
/ net&ork share must exist and must be accessed by all the nodes in the /l&aysOn confi'uration to do
the initial data synchroni0ation bet&een all the cluster nodes that host a re#lica. .or more information"
see et&ork Shares Extension and .ile Services.
The follo&in' restrictions exist &hen you use the e& /vailability Hrou# &i0ard to start data
%f the file #aths on the secondary re#lica location differ from the file #aths on the #rimary location"
you have to start data synchroni0ation manually.
%f any secondary database exists on a secondary re#lica" you have to manually delete the
secondary databases before you start data synchroni0ation in the e& /vailability Hrou#. *o&ever"
if you &ant to use existin' secondary databases" exit the e& /vailability Hrou# &i0ard and start
data synchroni0ation manually.
To use the availability 'rou# &i0ard to synchroni0e data" you have to have a backu# share that all
the re#licas can &rite to. 9ou can s#ecify the share by bro&sin' to it or by enterin' its fully )ualified
universal namin' convention 2@+3 #ath name" LLSystemnameLShareameLPathL" in the Specify a
shared net!or: location accessible by all replicas box.
.or each database in the availability 'rou#" the Start Data Synchroni(ation #a'e sho&s the #ro'ress
of the follo&in' o#erations$
+reatin' a full database backu# of the #rimary database on the net&ork share.
+reatin' a full database backu# of the #rimary database on the net&ork share.
4estorin' these backu#s to the secondary re#lica location.
These restore o#erations both use 4ESTO4E 8%T* O4E+OEE49 o#tion and leave the ne&
secondary database in the 4ESTO4%H state.
Noinin' the secondary database to the availability 'rou#.
This ste# #uts the secondary database in the O!%E state and starts data synchroni0ation for this
5ogin replication
SharePoint lo'ins that are created by usin' the same a##roach as in #revious releases of S:! Server
are not re#licated in an availability 'rou#. This occurs because lo'in information is stored in the
(aster1- database" &hich is not re#licated. /lthou'h the farm accounts are created &hen re#licas are
synchroni0ed" lo'in information is not available after a failover.
%f you have already created an availability 'rou# and synchroni0ed the #rimary and secondary re#licas"
the &orkaround is to manually co#y the lo'ins from the #rimary re#lica to the secondary re#licas.
S:! Server 2012 introduces the conce#t of Users with 3asswords for +ontained -ataases. The
database itself stores all the database metadata and user information" and a user &ho is defined in this
database does not have to have a corres#ondin' lo'in. The information in this database is re#licated by
the availability 'rou# and is available after a failover. .or more information" see +ontained 1atabases.
%f you create a ne& SharePoint lo'in to use for an existin' availability 'rou#" make sure to add
the lo'in to the contained database so it is re#licated to each server that is hostin' a S:!
Server instance for the availability 'rou#. .or exam#le" if you create another a##lication #ool for
a 8eb /## and 'ive it a ne& identity 2an a##lication #ool account that you have not used3" then
you need to add that account as a lo'in.
'reate and configure the aailability group
@se the follo&in' #rocedure to create an availability 'rou# on the #rimary re#lica" &hich is SP7S4E1 in
our exam#le.
'reate the aailability group
1. (ake sure that your lo'on account has the re)uired #ermissions to create an availability
'rou#. This re)uires membershi# in the db0o!ner fixed database role and either +4E/TE
/E/%!/-%!%T9 H4O@P server #ermission" +OT4O! /E/%!/-%!%T9 H4O@P #ermission"
/!TE4 /9 /E/%!/-%!%T9 H4O@P #ermission" or +OT4O! SE4EE4 #ermission.
2. !o' on to the server that &ill host the #rimary re#lica and start S:! Server (ana'ement
3. To start the e& /vailability Hrou# 8i0ard" ri'ht7click Al!aysOn 6igh Aailability and then
click )e! Aailability Group 2i(ard.
A. +lick )e4t to advance to the Specify )ame #a'e. Enter SP7/H1 as the name of the ne&
availability 'rou# in the Aailability group name" box.
This name must be$ a valid S:! Server identifier" uni)ue on the 8indo&s Server .ailover
+lusterin' cluster and uni)ue on the domain.
B. On the Select Databases #a'e" all user databases that are eli'ible to become the #rimary
database for the ne& availability 'rou# are listed on the +ser databases on this instance of
S;5 Serer 'rid. Select Tem#orary@ser1-" and then click )e4t.
?. On the Specify .eplicas #a'e" use the follo&in' tabs to confi'ure the re#licas for SP7/H1$
.eplicas" 3ndpoints" and <ac:up Preferences.
F. On the 5istener tab" confi'ure an availability 'rou# listener for our exam#le.
/n availability 'rou# listener is a server name to &hich clients can connect r to access a database
in a #rimary or secondary re#lica of an availability 'rou#. /vailability 'rou# listeners direct incomin'
connections to the #rimary re#lica or to a read7only secondary re#lica. The listener #rovides fast
a##lication failover after an availability 'rou# fails over. .or more information" see /vailability Hrou#
!isteners" +lient +onnectivity" and /##lication .ailover 2S:! Server3.
%ntermittent" unusually hi'h latency mi'ht occur &hen you use availability 'rou#s that have
re#licas that are de#loyed on multi#le subnets.
/s a best #ractice" connections to SharePoint availability 'rou#s in a multi7subnet
environment should confi'ure specifyMultiSubnet9ailoerK&rue to avoid issues caused
by hi'h net&ork latency. .or more information" see Su##ortin' /vailability Hrou# (ulti7
Subnet .ailovers.
9ou cannot directly s#ecify MultiSubnet9ailoerK&rue because a SharePoint client cannot directly
modify a connection strin'. 9ou must use 8indo&s Po&erShell to set this value on the
MultiSubnet9ailoer database #ro#erty. The follo&in' exam#le sho&s ho& to do this.
[dbs X ,et(SP3atabase W FJ[>#MultiSubnet+ailover _ne [trueK
foreach ![db in [dbs$
[db#MultiSubnet+ailover X [true
G. Select the desired confi'uration for each instance in the Selected instances 'rid" and then
click )e4t.
>. +lick 9inish to create the availability 'rou#.
10. The Select *nitial Data Synchroni(ation #a'e lets you select a synchroni0ation #reference
and s#ecify the shared net&ork location that all re#licas can access. .or our environment
acce#t the default" 9ull" &hich #erforms full database and lo' backu#s. +lick )e4t.
11. The >alidation #a'e of the &i0ard dis#lays the results of six checks before it lets you
continue &ith availability 'rou# creation. %f all checks #ass" click )e4t to continue. %f any
tests fail" you cannot continue until you correct the error and then click .e=run >alidation to
run the validation tests a'ain. 8hen all the tests #ass" click )e4t to continue.
12. On the Summary #a'e" verify the confi'uration of the re#lica that you are addin' and then
click 9inish to save it. To chan'e the confi'uration" click Preious to return to #revious
&i0ard #a'es.
*nstall and configure SharePoint 2013
/t this #oint in the #rocess" you can install SharePoint 2013 and create the farm. @se the follo&in'
#rocedure as a 'uide to install and confi'ure SharePoint 2013.
.or detailed installation and confi'uration instructions" see Pre#are for installation of
SharePoint 2013 and %nstall SharePoint 2013.
&o install SharePoint 2013
1. +o#y the SharePoint 2013 #ro'ram files to a local disk on the com#uter &here you #lan to
install SharePoint #roducts or to a net&ork file share.
2. 4un the (icrosoft SharePoint Products Pre#aration Tool to install all the #rere)uisites to
set u# and use SharePoint 2013.
3. 4un Setu# to install binaries" confi'ure security #ermissions" and edit re'istry settin's for
SharePoint 2013.
A. 4un the SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard to install and confi'ure the
confi'uration database" install and confi'ure the content database" and install the
SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite.
8hen you run the confi'uration &i0ard" you have to identify the server that &ill host the
SharePoint databases. On the Specify 'onfiguration Database Settings #a'e" in the
Database serer box" ty#e SP7S4E1 as the name of the com#uter that is runnin' S:!
Add SharePoint databases to the aailability group
To finali0e setu# of /l&aysOn for a SharePoint 2013 farm" add the SharePoint databases to the
availability 'rou# and synchroni0e secondary re#licas to the #rimary re#lica.
Only add the databases that are su##orted for use &ith a S:! Server /l&aysOn /vailability
On the server that hosts the #rimary re#lica" you have to run the /dd 1atabases to /vailability Hrou#
&i0ard to add all the SharePoint databases to the availability 'rou#. The follo&in' #rocedure is the
same as the #rocedure that &e described to create the availability 'rou#.
&o add SharePoint databases to the aailability group
1. !o' on to the server that &ill host the #rimary re#lica and start S:! Server (ana'ement
The account that that you use must be a member of the !ocal /dministrators 'rou# for each server
&here you install SharePoint 2013
%n addition" the account must have at least one of the follo&in' #ermissions$
/!TE4 /E/%!/-%!%T9 H4O@P #ermission on the availability 'rou#
+OT4O! /E/%!/-%!%T9 H4O@P #ermission
/!TE4 /9 /E/%!/-%!%T9 H4O@P #ermission
+OT4O! SE4EE4 #ermission
To Coin a database to availability 'rou# re)uires membershi# in the db0o!ner fixed database
2. %n ObCect Ex#lorer" bro&se to" and if it is necessary ex#and the /vailability Hrou#s.
3. 4i'ht7click the exam#le 'rou#" SP7/H1" and then click Add Database.
A. On the Select Databases #a'e" all user databases that are eli'ible to become the #rimary
database for the ne& availability 'rou# are listed on the +ser databases on this instance of
S;5 Serer 'rid. @se the checkboxes to select all the databases that you &ant to add to
the 'rou#" and then click )e4t.
B. The Select *nitial Data Synchroni(ation #a'e lets you select a synchroni0ation #reference
and s#ecify the shared net&ork location that all re#licas can access. .or our environment
&e6ll acce#t the default" 9ull" &hich #erforms full database and lo' backu#s. +lick )e4t.
?. The >alidation #a'e of the &i0ard dis#lays the results of six checks before it lets you
continue &ith availability 'rou# creation. %f any tests fail" you cannot continue until you
correct the error and then click .e=run >alidation to run the validation tests a'ain. 8hen
all the tests #ass" click )e4t to continue.
F. On the Summary #a'e" verify the confi'uration of the re#lica that you are addin'" and then
click 9inish to kee# it. To chan'e the confi'uration" click Preious to return to #revious
&i0ard #a'es.
1atabases that you add to a SharePoint farm are not automatically added to the availability
'rou#. 9ou must add them by usin' the ste#s described in this article or by usin' scri#ts to
automate the #rocedure.
+se failoer tests to alidate the Al!aysOn
/fter you synchroni0e the SharePoint data &ith the secondary re#licas" the final ste# is to test failover.
9ou must run extensive failover tests to make sure that the behavior of the /l&aysOn environment is as
ex#ected and that you com#letely understand the confi'uration re)uirements and #rocedures related to
S:! Server 2012/vailability Hrou#s. These tests include and are not limited to the follo&in'$
Eerify that all the farm services and features are com#letely functional.
Eerify that SharePoint 2013 data is #reserved and not corru#ted.
Test availability 'rou# failover by usin' either the #lanned manual failover described in Perform a
Planned (anual .ailover of an /vailability Hrou# 2S:! Server3 or the forced manual failover described
in Perform a .orced (anual .ailover of an /vailability Hrou# 2S:! Server3.
9ou can #erform either of the #revious failovers by usin' the .ailover 8i0ard in S:! Server
(ana'ement Studio" Transact7S:!" or 8indo&s Po&erShell in S:! Server 2012.
%n an /ctive7/ctive failover cluster scenario &here there are multi#le SharePoint instances can
fail over to each other you must ensure that each server has enou'h ca#acity to handle the
local &orkload and the &orkload from the failed server.
Monitor the Al!aysOn enironment
9ou have to monitor an /l&aysOn environment for #erformance" health" and ca#acity.
e& #erformance obCects" S:!Server$1atabase 4e#lica and S:!Server$/vailability 4e#lica" are
available to monitor an /l&aysOn environment.
6ealth and capacity
.or 'eneral health monitorin' you can use the /vailability Hrou#s 1ashboard to obtain the health of the
availability 'rou#s in the system. 8e recommend that you refer to the follo&in' #osts on the official
S:! Server /l&aysOn team blo' to fully understand /l&aysOn health monitorin'.
The /l&aysOn *ealth (odel Part 1 77 *ealth (odel /rchitecture
The /l&aysOn *ealth (odel Part 2 77 Extendin' the *ealth (odel
9ou can also use Transact7S:! to monitor availability 'rou#s by usin' the set of catalo' and dynamic
mana'ement vie&s that are #rovided for /l&aysOn /vailability Hrou#s. .or more information" see
(onitor /vailability Hrou#s 2Transact7S:!3.
'onfigure email integration for a SharePoint
2013 farm
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" @se these Techet articles to learn ho& to confi'ure incomin' and out'oin' email for a
SharePoint 2013 farm.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
The follo&in' articles on Techet #rovide information about email inte'ration. /fter you install
SharePoint 2013" you can confi'ure incomin' and out'oin' email. These o#tional settin's are useful if
you &ant to &ork &ith email in the server farm.
&ech)et articles about email integration
The follo&in' articles about email inte'ration are available to vie& online. 8riters u#date articles on a
continuin' basis as ne& information becomes available and as users #rovide feedback.

'ontent Description
+onfi'ure incomin' email for a
SharePoint 2013 farm
This article describes ho& to
confi'ure incomin' email so that
SharePoint 2013 sites acce#t
and archive incomin' email. %t
also describes ho& to confi'ure
incomin' email so that
SharePoint sites can archive
email discussions as they
ha##en" save attachments" and
sho& meetin's that &ere sent
and received by email on site
calendars. %n addition" this article
describes ho& to confi'ure the
SharePoint 1irectory
(ana'ement Service to #rovide
su##ort for email distribution list
creation and mana'ement.
+onfi'ure out'oin' email for a
SharePoint 2013 farm
This article describes ho& to
confi'ure out'oin' email so that

'ontent Description
your Sim#le (ail Transfer
Protocol 2S(TP3 server sends
email alerts to site users and
notifications to site

'onfigure incoming email for a SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to install and confi'ure the S(TP service" #re#are your environment" and
confi'ure incomin' email for a SharePoint 2013 farm.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
This article describes ho& to confi'ure incomin' email for SharePoint 2013. This article also describes
ho& to install and confi'ure the S(TP service that you must use to enable incomin' email.
8hen incomin' email is enabled" SharePoint sites can receive and store email messa'es and
attachments in lists and libraries. This article describes t&o scenarios" one basic and one advanced.
The basic scenario a##lies to a sin'le7server farm environment and is recommended if you &ant to use
default settin's. The advanced scenario a##lies to a sin'le7server farm or a multi#le7server farm and
contains several advanced o#tions from &hich to choose. .or more information" see Plan incomin'
email 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
%n this article$
-efore you be'in
%nstall and confi'ure the S(TP service
+onfi'ure incomin' email in a basic scenario
+onfi'ure incomin' email in an advanced scenario
Pre#are your environment for incomin' email in an advanced scenario
/re attachments missin' from email messa'es that are sent to a SharePoint document library<
<efore you begin
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
-efore you be'in this o#eration" revie& the follo&in' information about #rere)uisites$
9our system is runnin' SharePoint 2013.
9ou have read Plan incomin' email 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
.or the basic scenario" each SharePoint front7end &eb server must be runnin' the Sim#le (ail
Transfer Protocol 2S(TP3 service and the SharePoint .oundation 8eb /##lication service.
.or the advanced scenario" you can use one or more servers in the server farm to run the S(TP
service and to have a valid S(TP server address. /lternatively" you must kno& the name of a
server outside the farm that is runnin' the S(TP service and the location of the email dro# folder.
%f you have not installed and confi'ured the S(TP service and do not choose to use an email dro#
folder" you must com#lete the ste#s in %nstall and confi'ure the S(TP service before you confi'ure
incomin' email.
*nstall and configure the SM&P serice
%ncomin' email for SharePoint 2013 uses the S(TP service. 9ou can use the S(TP service in one of
t&o &ays. 9ou can install the S(TP service on one or more servers in the farm" or administrators can
#rovide an email dro# folder for email that is for&arded from the service on another server. .or more
information about the email dro# folder o#tion" see Plan incomin' email 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
*nstall the SM&P serice
%f you are not usin' a dro# folder for email" the S(TP service must be installed on every front7end &eb
server in the farm that you &ant to confi'ure for incomin' email. To install the S(TP service" use the
/dd .eatures 8i0ard in Server (ana'er. /fter you com#lete the #rocedure" the S(TP service is
installed on the front7end &eb server.
&o install the SM&P serice
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the
/dministrators 'rou# on the front7end &eb server.
2. +lick Start" #oint to Administratie &ools" and then click Serer Manager.
3. %n Server (ana'er" click 9eatures.
A. %n 9eatures Summary" click Add 9eatures to o#en the /dd .eatures 8i0ard.
B. On the Select .eatures #a'e" select SM&P Serer.
?. %n the Add 9eatures 2i(ard dialo' box" click Add .e/uired .oll Serices" and then click
F. On the +onfirm %nstallation Selections #a'e" click *nstall.
G. On the %nstallation 4esults #a'e" ensure that the installation finished successfully" and
then click 'lose.
*nstall **S $@0 Management tools
To mana'e the S(TP service on 8indo&s Server 200G and 8indo&s Server 200G 42" you must use
%nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3 ?.0 (ana'er.
&o install **S $@0 Manager
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' administrative credentials$
9ou must be a member of the /dministrators 'rou# on the front7end &eb server.
2. +lick Start" #oint to Administratie &ools" and then click Serer Manager.
3. %n Server (ana'er" click .oles.
A. %n Application Serer section" click Add .ole Serices.
B. On the Select 4ole Services #a'e" select Management &ools and **S $ Management
compatibility" and then click *nstall.
'onfigure the SM&P serice
/fter you install the S(TP service" you confi'ure it to acce#t email from the mail server for the domain.
9ou can decide to acce#t relayed email from all servers exce#t those that you s#ecifically exclude.
/lternatively" you can block email from all servers exce#t those that you s#ecifically include. 9ou can
include servers individually" in 'rou#s by subnet" or in 'rou#s by domain.
/fter you confi'ure the service" set it to start automatically.
&o configure the SM&P serice
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the
/dministrators 'rou# on the front7end &eb server.
2. +lick Start" #oint to Administratie &ools" and then click *nternet *nformation Serices ,**S-
$@0 Manager.
3. %n %%S (ana'er" ex#and the server name that contains the S(TP server that you &ant to
A. 4i'ht7click the S(TP virtual server that you &ant to confi'ure" and then click Start.
B. 4i'ht7click the S(TP virtual server that you &ant to confi'ure" and then click Properties.
?. On the Access tab" in the Access control area" click Authentication.
F. %n the Authentication dialo' box" verify that Anonymous access is selected.
G. +lick O8.
>. On the Access tab" in the .elay restrictions area" click .elay.
10. To enable relayin' from any server" click All e4cept the list belo!.
11. To acce#t relayin' from one or more s#ecific servers" follo& these ste#s$
a3 +lick Only the list belo!.
b3 +lick Add" and then add servers one at a time by %P address" or in 'rou#s by usin'
a subnet or domain.
c3 +lick O8 to close the 'omputer dialo' box.
12. +lick O8 to close the .elay .estrictions dialo' box.
13. +lick O8 to close the Properties dialo' box.
&o set the SM&P serice to start automatically
1. +lick Start" #oint to Administratie &ools" and then click Serices.
2. %n Services" ri'ht7click Simple Mail &ransfer Protocol ,SM&P-" and then select Properties.
3. %n the Simple Mail &ransfer Protocol ,SM&P- Properties dialo' box" on the General tab" in
the Startup type list" select Automatic.
A. +lick O8.
'onfigure incoming email in a basic scenario
9ou can use the follo&in' #rocedure to confi'ure incomin' email in a basic scenario by selectin' the
Automatic settin's mode and usin' the default settin's. /fter you com#lete the #rocedure" users can
send email to lists and libraries.
&o configure incoming email in a basic scenario
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the
/dministrators 'rou# on the server that is runnin' the SharePoint +entral /dministration
2. %n +entral /dministration" click System Settings.
3. On the System Settin's #a'e" in the 3=Mail and &e4t Messages ,SMS- section" click
'onfigure incoming e=mail settings.
A. %f you &ant to enable sites on this server to receive email" on the +onfi'ure %ncomin' E7
(ail Settin's #a'e" in the 3nable *ncoming 3=Mail section" click 7es.
B. Select the Automatic settin's mode.
?. %n the *ncoming 3=Mail Serer Display Address section" in the 3=mail serer display address
box" ty#e a dis#lay name for the email server" for exam#le"
F. @se the default settin's for all other sections" and then click O8.
/fter you confi'ure incomin' email" users &ho have (ana'e !ists #ermissions can confi'ure emailV
enabled lists and document libraries.
'onfigure incoming email in an adanced scenario
9ou can use the follo&in' #rocedure to confi'ure incomin' email in an advanced scenario by selectin'
the Adanced settin's mode and additional o#tions that you &ant to use for your incomin' email
environment. /fter you com#lete the #rocedure" users can send email to lists and libraries.
9ou can also use the Automatic settin's mode in an advanced scenario. %n the Automatic settin's
mode" you can select to receive email that has been routed throu'h a safe7email server a##lication. %n
the Adanced settin's mode" you can instead s#ecify a dro# folder. .or more information" see Plan
incomin' email 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
Several of these ste#s mention #rere)uisite #rocedures that are documented in Pre#are your
environment for incomin' email in an advanced scenario later in this article.
&o configure incoming email in an adanced scenario
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the
/dministrators 'rou# on the server that is runnin' the SharePoint +entral /dministration
2. %n +entral /dministration" click System Settings.
3. On the System Settin's #a'e" in the 3=Mail and &e4t Messages ,SMS- section" click
'onfigure incoming e=mail settings.
A. %f you &ant to enable sites on this server to receive email" on the +onfi'ure %ncomin' E7
mail Settin's #a'e" in the 3nable *ncoming 3=Mail section" click 7es.
B. Select the Adanced settin's mode.
9ou can s#ecify a dro# folder instead of usin' an S(TP server.
9ou can also select the Automatic settin's mode and select &hether to use 1irectory
(ana'ement Service and &hether to acce#t email from all email servers or from several
s#ecified email servers. .or more information" see Plan incomin' email 2SharePoint 2013
?. %f you &ant to connect to 1irectory (ana'ement Service" in the Directory Management
Serice section" click 7es.
%f you select this o#tion" you must first confi'ure /ctive 1irectory 1omain Services 2/1 1S3. %f you
use Exchan'e Server" you must also confi'ure the 1S (ana'er and add an S(TP connector. .or
more information" see +onfi'ure /1 1S to be used &ith 1irectory (ana'ement Service" +onfi'ure
1S (ana'er" and /dd an S(TP connector in (icrosoft Exchan'e Server 2010 later in this article.
a3 %n the Actie Directory container !here ne! distribution groups and contacts !ill be
created box" ty#e the name of the container in the format O+K+ontainer%ame%
D'Kdomain% D'Kcom" &here +ontainer%ame is the name of the O@ in /1 1S" domain
is the second7level domain" and com is the to#7level domain.
The a##lication #ool identity account for +entral /dministration must be dele'ated the
'reate% delete% and manage user accounts task for the container. /ccess is confi'ured in
the #ro#erties for the O@ in /1 1S.
b3 %n the SM&P mail serer for incoming mail box" ty#e the name of the S(TP mail
server. The server name must match the .:1 in the / resource record entry for
the mail server in 1S (ana'er.
c3 To acce#t messa'es only from authenticated users" click 7es for Accept messages
from authenticated users only. Other&ise" click )o.
d3 To enable users to create distribution 'rou#s from SharePoint sites" click 7es for
Allo! creation of distribution groups from SharePoint sites. Other&ise" click )o.
e3 @nder Distribution group re/uest approal settings" select the actions that &ill
re)uire a##roval. /ctions include the follo&in'$
'reate ne! distribution group
'hange distribution group e=mail address
'hange distribution group title and description
Delete distribution group
F. %f you &ant to use a remote 1irectory (ana'ement Service" select +se remote and
com#lete the remainder of this ste#. Other&ise" click )o and #roceed to ste# G.
%f you select this o#tion and you are usin' Exchan'e Server" you must confi'ure the 1S (ana'er
and add an S(TP connector. .or more information" see +onfi'ure 1S (ana'er and /dd an
S(TP connector in (icrosoft Exchan'e Server 2010 later in this article. The /1 1S has most likely
already been confi'ured" so you do not need to do this.
a3 %n the Directory Management Serice +.5 box" ty#e the @4! of the 1irectory
(ana'ement Service that you &ant to use. The @4! is ty#ically in the follo&in'
format$ htt#$;;server:adminport;KvtiKbin;SharePointEmail8S.asmx.
b3 %n the SM&P mail serer for incoming mail box" ty#e the name of the S(TP mail
server. The server name must match the .:1 in the / resource record entry for
the mail server in 1S (ana'er on the domain server.
c3 To acce#t messa'es from authenticated users only" click 7es for Accept messages
from authenticated users only. Other&ise" click )o.
d3 To allo& creation of distribution 'rou#s from SharePoint sites" click 7es for Allo!
creation of distribution groups from SharePoint sites. Other&ise" click )o.
G. %n the *ncoming 3=Mail Serer Display Address section" in the 3=mail serer display address
box" ty#e a dis#lay name for the email server 2for exam#le" mail.fabrikam.com3. 9ou
ty#ically use this o#tion to'ether &ith the 1irectory (ana'ement Service.
9ou can s#ecify the email server address that is dis#layed &hen users create an incomin'
email address for a list or 'rou#. @se this settin' to'ether &ith 1irectory (ana'ement
Service to #rovide an email server address that is easy to remember.
>. %n the 3=Mail Drop 9older section" in the 3=mail drop folder box" ty#e the name of the folder
from &hich the 8indo&s SharePoint Services Timer service retrieves incomin' email from
the S(TP service. This o#tion is available only if you selected Adanced settin's mode. %f
you select this o#tion" ensure that you confi'ure the necessary #ermissions to the email
dro# folder. .or more information" see +onfi'ure #ermissions to the email dro# folder later in
this article.
%t is useful to have a dedicated email dro# folder if the default email dro# folder is full or almost full.
Ensure that the lo'on account for the SharePoint Timer service has (odify #ermissions on the
email dro# folder. .or more information" see To confi'ure email dro# folder #ermissions for the
lo'on account for the SharePoint Timer service later in this article.
10. %n the Safe 3=Mail Serers section" select &hether you &ant to acce#t email from all email
servers or from s#ecific email servers.
This o#tion is available only if you selected Automatic settin's mode.
11. +lick O8.
/fter you confi'ure incomin' email" site administrators can confi'ure emailVenabled lists and document
%f you selected 1irectory (ana'ement Service" contact addresses that are created for document
libraries a##ear automatically in /ctive 1irectory @sers and +om#uters. The addresses are dis#layed in
the O@ of /1 1S for SharePoint 2013 and must be mana'ed by the administrator of /1 1S. The
/1 1S administrator can add more email addresses for each contact. .or more information about
/1 1S" see @sin' /ctive 1irectory Service in the Techet !ibrary.
/lternatively" you can confi'ure the com#uter runnin' Exchan'e Server by addin' a ne& Exchan'e
Server Hlobal reci#ient #olicy. The #olicy automatically adds external addresses that use the second7
level domain name and not the subdomain or host name for SharePoint 2013. .or more information
about ho& to mana'e Exchan'e Server" see 4eci#ient +onfi'uration ode in the Exchan'e Server
Technical !ibrary.
Prepare your enironment for incoming email in an
adanced scenario
-efore you confi'ure incomin' email in an advanced scenario" you need to #erform additional
#rocedures de#endin' on ho& you &ant your incomin' email environment to &ork.
%f you &ant to use 1irectory (ana'ement Service" you must first confi'ure /1 1S" and if you use
Exchan'e Server" you must also confi'ure the 1S (ana'er and add an S(TP connector.
%f you &ant to use a s#ecific email dro# folder" ensure that you confi'ure the necessary #ermissions to
the email dro# folder.
%n this section$
+onfi'ure /1 1S to be used &ith 1irectory (ana'ement Service
+onfi'ure 1S (ana'er
/dd an S(TP connector in (icrosoft Exchan'e Server 2010
+onfi'ure #ermissions to the email dro# folder
'onfigure AD DS to be used !ith Directory Management Serice
%f you #lan to use 1irectory (ana'ement Service" you should first create an or'ani0ational unit 2O@3
and make the necessary confi'urations in /1 1S.
To use 1irectory (ana'ement Service on a SharePoint farm" you must confi'ure the a##lication #ool
identity account for the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite to have the 'reate% delete% and
manage user accounts user ri'ht to the container that you s#ecify in /1 1S. The #referred &ay to do
this is by assi'nin' the ri'ht to the a##lication #ool identity account for the SharePoint +entral
/dministration &ebsite. /n /1 1S administrator must set u# the O@ and assi'n the 'reate% delete%
and manage user accounts ri'ht to the container. The advanta'e of usin' 1irectory (ana'ement
Service on a remote server farm is that you do not have to assi'n ri'hts to the O@ for multi#le farm
service accounts.
The follo&in' #rocedures are #erformed on a domain controller that runs 8indo&s Server 200G &ith
1S (ana'er. %n some de#loyments" these a##lications mi'ht run on multi#le servers in the same
&o create an O+ in AD DS
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the 1omain
/dministrators 'rou# or a dele'ated authority for domain administration on the domain
controller that is runnin' 1S (ana'er.
2. +lick Start" #oint to Administratie &ools" and then click Actie Directory +sers and
3. %n /ctive 1irectory @sers and +om#uters" ri'ht7click the folder for the second7level domain
that contains your server farm" #oint to )e!" and then click Organi(ational +nit.
A. Ty#e the name of the O@" and then click O8.
/fter you create the O@" you must dele'ate the 'reate% delete% and manage user accounts ri'ht
to the container of the O@ to mana'e the user accounts.
&o delegate the right to the application pool identity account for 'entral
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the 1omain
/dministrators 'rou# or the Enter#rise /dministrators 'rou# in /1 1S" or a dele'ated
authority for domain administration.
2. %n /ctive 1irectory @sers and +om#uters" find the O@ that you created.
3. 4i'ht7click the O@" and then click Delegate control.
A. On the 8elcome #a'e of the 1ele'ation of +ontrol 8i0ard" click )e4t.
B. On the @sers and Hrou#s #a'e" click Add" and then ty#e the name of the a##lication #ool
identity account that the +entral /dministration uses.
?. %n the Select +sers% 'omputers% and Groups dialo' box" click O8.
F. On the @sers or Hrou#s #a'e of the 1ele'ation of +ontrol 8i0ard" click )e4t.
G. On the Tasks to 1ele'ate #a'e of the 1ele'ation of +ontrol 8i0ard" select the 'reate%
delete% and manage user accounts check box" and then click )e4t.
>. On the last #a'e of the 1ele'ation of +ontrol 8i0ard" click 9inish to exit the &i0ard.
To create and delete child obCects" you must also dele'ate 'reate all 'hild ObJects and Delete all
'hild ObJects control of the O@ to the a##lication #ool identity account for +entral /dministration. /fter
you com#lete this #rocedure" the a##lication #ool identity account for +entral /dministration has 'reate
all 'hild ObJects and Delete all 'hild ObJects control on the O@" and you can enable incomin' email.
&o delegate 'reate all 'hild ObJects and Delete all 'hild ObJects control of the
O+ to the application pool identity account for 'entral Administration
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the 1omain
/dministrators 'rou# or the Enter#rise /dministrators 'rou# in /1 1S" or a dele'ated
authority for domain administration.
2. 4i'ht7click the O@" and then click Delegate control.
3. %n the 1ele'ation of +ontrol 8i0ard" click )e4t.
A. +lick Add" and then ty#e the name of the a##lication #ool identity account for +entral
B. +lick O8.
?. +lick )e4t.
F. On the Tasks to 1ele'ate #a'e of the 1ele'ation of +ontrol 8i0ard" select 'reate a
custom tas: to delegate" and then click )e4t.
G. +lick &his folder% e4isting obJects in this folder% and creation of ne! obJects in this folder"
and then click )e4t.
>. %n the Permissions section" select 'reate all 'hild ObJects and Delete all 'hild ObJects.
10. +lick )e4t.
11. On the last #a'e of the 1ele'ation of +ontrol 8i0ard" click 9inish to exit the &i0ard.
1ele'atin' 'reate all 'hild ObJects and Delete all 'hild ObJects control of the O@ to the a##lication
#ool identity account for +entral /dministration enables administrators to enable email for a list. /fter
these controls have been dele'ated" administrators cannot disable email for the list or document library
because the +entral /dministration account tries to delete the contact from the &hole O@ instead of
from the list.
To avoid this #roblem" you must add Delete Subtree #ermissions for the a##lication #ool identity
account for +entral /dministration. @se the follo&in' #rocedure to add these #ermissions. /fter this
#rocedure is com#lete" you can disable incomin' email for a list.
&o add Delete Subtree permissions for the application pool identity account for
'entral Administration
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the 1omain
/dministrators 'rou# or the Enter#rise /dministrators 'rou# in /1 1S" or a dele'ated
authority for domain administration.
2. %n /ctive 1irectory @sers and +om#uters" click the >ie! menu" and then click Adanced
3. 4i'ht7click the O@" and then click Properties.
A. %n the Properties dialo' box" click the Security tab" and then click Adanced.
B. %n the Permission 3ntries area" double7click the a##lication #ool identity account for
+entral /dministration.
%f the a##lication #ool identity account is listed more than once" select the first one.
?. %n the Permissions area" select Allo!" for Delete Subtree.
F. +lick O8 to close the Permissions dialo' box.
G. +lick O8 to close the Properties dialo' box.
>. +lick O8 to close /ctive 1irectory @sers and +om#uters.
/fter you add these #ermissions" you must restart %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3 for the farm.
.or more information" see /ctive 1irectory @sers" +om#uters" and Hrou#s in the Techet !ibrary.
'onfigure D)S Manager
%f you are usin' Exchan'e Server and are routin' email internally in your or'ani0ation" you must create
a host 2/3 resource record in 1S (ana'er to associate 1S domain names of com#uters 2or hosts3 to
their %P addresses. 9our or'ani0ation mi'ht already have a confi'ured 1S (ana'er and an / resource
record. %f not" then use the follo&in' #rocedure.
&o create an A resource record for a subdomain
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the
/dministrators 'rou# on the local com#uter.
2. %n 1S (ana'er" select the for&ard looku# 0one for the domain that contains the
subdomain for SharePoint 2013.
3. 4i'ht7click the 0one" and then click )e! 6ost ,A or AAAA-.
A. %n the )e! 6ost dialo' box" in the )ame text box" ty#e the host or subdomain name for
SharePoint 2013.
B. %n the 9ully /ualified domain name ,9;D)- text box" ty#e the .:1 for the server that is
runnin' SharePoint 2013. This is ty#ically in the format
?. Ensure that the domains that are listed under the S(TP server in %%S match the .:1 of
the server that receives email. %f they do not match" you must create a local domain. .or
instructions" see To create a local domain later in this article.
F. %n the *P address text box" ty#e the %P address to &hich you &ant the .:1 to resolve.
G. +lick Add 6ost.
>. %n the messa'e that confirms the creation of the host record" click O8.
10. %n the )e! 6ost dialo' box" click Done.
The / resource record no& a##ears in 1S (ana'er.
%f you use the 3=mail serer display address o#tion and if the email address to &hich you are sendin'
email messa'es is not the same as your server name" you must create a local domain.
&o create a local domain
1. +lick Start" #oint to Administratie &ools" and then click *nternet *nformation Serices ,**S-
$@0 Manager.
2. %n %%S (ana'er" ex#and the S(TP server.
3. 4i'ht7click Domains" and on the Action menu" #oint to )e!" and then click Domain.
A. %n the )e! SM&P Domain 2i(ard dialo' box" select Alias" and then click )e4t.
B. %n the Domain )ame area" in the )ame box" ty#e the address of the mail that is to be
received by this domain.
This address must be the same as the one that you s#ecified in ste# A in To create an / resource
record for a subdomain" and in ste# ?b in To confi'ure incomin' email in an advanced scenario.
?. +lick 9inish.
F. %n the messa'e that confirms the creation of the host record" click O8.
G. 4estart the S(TP server so that all email messa'es that are still in the :ueue folder move
to the 1ro# folder. The messa'es are then sent by the 8indo&s SharePoint Services
Timer service to their destination list or library.
%f you are routin' email from outside your or'ani0ation to an S(TP server" you must use an (M
record. .or more information" see /dd a mail exchan'er 2(M3 resource record to a 0one in the
8indo&s Server Technical !ibrary.
Add an SM&P connector in Microsoft 34change Serer 2010
/n S(TP connector 'ives you more control over the messa'e flo& in your or'ani0ation. Other reasons
to use an S(TP connector are to set delivery restrictions or to s#ecify a s#ecific address s#ace. %f you
use Exchan'e Server to route incomin' email to SharePoint lists and libraries" you must have an S(TP
connector so that all mail that is sent to the SharePoint domain uses the servers that are runnin' the
S(TP service.
@se the follo&in' #rocedure to add an S(TP connector in Exchan'e Server. /fter you com#lete the
#rocedure" the S(TP connector ensures that incomin' email messa'es are sent to the correct list and
library in the farm.
&o add an SM&P connector in 34change Serer
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the
/dministrators 'rou# on the server that is runnin' Exchan'e Server.
2. %n Exchan'e (ana'ement +onsole" ex#and the Or'ani0ation +onfi'uration 'rou#" ri'ht7
click 6ub &ransport" #oint to )e! Send 'onnector.
The )e! Send 'onnector &i0ard a##ears.
3. On the %ntroduction #a'e" do the follo&in' and then click )e4t$
a3 %n the )ame box" ty#e a name for the S(TP connector.
b3 %n the Select the intended use for this Send connector box" select the 'ustom usa'e
ty#e for the connector.
A. On the /ddress S#ace #a'e" click Add" and then click SM&P Address Space.
B. %n the SM&P Address Space dialo' box" do the follo&in'$
a3 %n the Address box" ty#e an email domain for the connector.
b3 %n the 'ost box" assi'n an a##ro#riate cost. -y default" the cost is 1.
?. +lick O8 to return to the /ddress S#ace #a'e" and then click )e4t.
F. On the et&ork settin's #a'e" select +se domain name system ,D)S- BMGB records to
route mail automatically" and then click )e4t.
G. On the Source Server #a'e" click )e4t.
The Source server #a'e only a##ears on *ub Trans#ort servers. -y default" the *ub Trans#ort
server that you are currently &orkin' on is listed as a source server.
>. On the e& +onnector #a'e" revie& your o#tions and then click )e! to create the ne&
send connector.
10. On the +om#letion #a'e" ensure that the send connector &as created" and then click
%n the *ub Trans#ort #ane" you can see that the send connector has been enabled automatically.
.or more information" see +reate an S(TP Send +onnector in the Exchan'e Server Technical !ibrary.
'onfigure permissions to the email drop folder
9ou can s#ecify a #articular email dro# folder" &hich enables SharePoint 2013 to retrieve incomin'
email from a net&ork share on another server. 9ou can use this o#tion if you do not &ant to use an
S(TP service. *o&ever" the dra&back of usin' this o#tion is that SharePoint 2013 cannot detect
confi'uration chan'es on the remote email server that is deliverin' email to the dro# folder. The result
is that SharePoint 2013 cannot retrieve email if the location of the email messa'es has chan'ed.
*o&ever" this feature is useful if the default email dro# folder is full or almost full.
%f you s#ecified an email dro# folder" you must ensure that the a##lication #ool identity accounts for
+entral /dministration and for the &eb a##lication have the re)uired #ermissions to the email dro#
'onfigure email drop folder permissions for the application pool
identity account for a !eb application
%f your de#loyment uses different a##lication #ool identity accounts for +entral /dministration and for
one or more &eb a##lications" each a##lication #ool identity account must have #ermissions to the
email dro# folder. %f the a##lication #ool identity account for the &eb a##lication does not have the
re)uired #ermissions" email &ill not be delivered to document libraries on that &eb a##lication.
%n most cases" &hen you confi'ure incomin' email and select an email dro# folder" #ermissions are
added for the follo&in' &orker #rocess 'rou#s$
8SSK/dminK8PH" &hich includes the a##lication #ool identity account for +entral /dministration
and the lo'on account for the SharePoint Timer service" and has .ull +ontrol #ermissions.
8SSK8PH" &hich includes the a##lication #ool accounts for &eb a##lications" and has 4ead _
Execute" !ist .older +ontents" and 4ead #ermissions.
%n some cases" these 'rou#s mi'ht not be confi'ured automatically for the email dro# folder. .or
exam#le" if +entral /dministration is runnin' as the et&ork Service account" the 'rou#s or accounts
that are needed for incomin' email &ill not be added &hen the email dro# folder is created. +heck to
determine &hether these 'rou#s have been added automatically to the email dro# folder. %f the 'rou#s
have not been added automatically" you can add them or add the s#ecific accounts that are re)uired.
&o configure email drop folder permissions for the application pool identity
account for a !eb application
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the
/dministrators 'rou# on the server that contains the email dro# folder.
2. %n 8indo&s Ex#lorer" ri'ht7click the dro# folder" click Properties" and then click the Security
3. On the Security tab" under the Group or user names box" click 3dit.
A. %n the Permissions for 2indo!s 34plorer dialo' box" click Add.
B. %n the Select +sers% 'omputers% or Groups dialo' box" in the 3nter the obJect names to
select box" ty#e the name of the &orker #rocess 'rou# or a##lication #ool identity account
for the &eb a##lication" and then click O8.
This account is listed on the *dentity tab of the Properties dialo' box for the a##lication #ool in %%S.
?. %n the Permissions for User or 0roup box" next to Modify" select Allo!.
F. +lick O8.
'onfigure email drop folder permissions for the logon account for
the SharePoint &imer serice
Ensure that the lo'on account for the 8indo&s SharePoint Services Timer service has (odify
#ermissions on the email dro# folder. %f the lo'on account for the service does not have (odify
#ermissions" emailVenabled document libraries &ill receive du#licate email messa'es.
&o configure email drop folder permissions for the logon account for the
SharePoint &imer serice
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the
/dministrators 'rou# on the server that contains the email dro# folder.
2. %n 8indo&s Ex#lorer" ri'ht7click the dro# folder" click Properties" and then click the Security
3. On the Security tab" under the Group or user names box" click 3dit.
A. %n the Permissions for 2indo!s 34plorer dialo' box" click Add.
B. %n the Select +sers% 'omputers% or Groups dialo' box" in the 3nter the obJect names to
select box" ty#e the name of the lo'on account for the SharePoint Timer service" and then
click O8.
This account is listed on the 5og On tab of the Properties dialo' box for the service in the Services
?. %n the Permissions for User or 0roup box" next to Modify" select Allo!.
F. +lick O8.
Are attachments missing from email messages that
are sent to a SharePoint document libraryA
%f attachments are missin' from email messa'es that are sent to a SharePoint document library" it mi'ht
be because you associated the document library &ith an email address. 8hen you do this" 1irectory
(ana'ement Service may not add the follo&in' t&o attributes to the user associated &ith the email
internet 3ncoding K 1310L20
mAP*.ecipient K false
9ou must use /ctive 1irectory Service %nterfaces 2/1S%3 to manually add these t&o missin' attributes.
On servers that are runnin' 8indo&s Server 200G or 8indo&s Server 200G 42" /1S% Edit is installed
&hen you confi'ure a server as a domain controller by installin' the /1 1S role. 9ou can also install
8indo&s Server 200G 4emote Server /dministration Tools 24S/T3 on domain member servers or
stand7alone servers. .or more information" see %nstallin' or 4emovin' the 4emote Server
/dministration Tools Pack in the 8indo&s Server Technical !ibrary.
&o add attributes by using ADS* 3dit
1. +lick Start" and then click .un.
2. %n the .un dialo' box" ty#e Adsiedit@msc" and then click O8.
3. %n the /1S% Edit &indo&" ex#and ADS* 3dit" ex#and Domain MDomain)ameN" ex#and
D'KDomain)ame% D'Kcom" and then ex#and ')K+sers.
A. 4i'ht7click the user name to &hich you &ant to add the missin' attributes" and then click
B. %n the Properties dialo' box" double7click *nternet 3ncoding on the Attribute 3ditor tab.
?. %n the *nteger Attribute 3ditor dialo' box" ty#e 1310L20 in the >alue box" and then click O8.
F. %n the Properties dialo' box" double7click mAP*.ecipient on the Attribute 3ditor tab.
G. %n the <oolean Attribute 3ditor dialo' box" click 9alse" and then click O8 t&o times.
'onfigure outgoing email for a SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to install and confi'ure the S(TP service and confi'ure out'oin' email for a
SharePoint 2013 farm.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
This article describes ho& to confi'ure out'oin' email for a farm or for a s#ecific &eb a##lication for
SharePoint 2013. This article also describes ho& to install and confi'ure the S(TP service that you
must use to enable out'oin' email.
/fter you have installed SharePoint 2013 and com#leted the initial confi'uration of your server farm"
you can confi'ure out'oin' email. 1oin' so enables users to create alerts to track such site items as
lists" libraries" and documents. %n addition" site administrators can receive administrative messa'es
about site administrator issues" such as the information that site o&ners have exceeded their s#ecified
stora'e s#ace. .or more information" see Plan out'oin' email 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
To confi'ure out'oin' email for a s#ecific &eb a##lication" first confi'ure the default out'oin' email for
all &eb a##lications in the farm. %f you confi'ure the out'oin' email for a s#ecific &eb a##lication" that
confi'uration &ill override the default confi'uration for all &eb a##lications in the farm.
9ou cannot confi'ure out'oin' email by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell.
%n this article$
-efore you be'in
To install the S(TP service
To install %%S ?.0 (ana'ement tools
To confi'ure the S(TP service
To set the S(TP service to start automatically
To confi'ure out'oin' email for a farm by usin' +entral /dministration
To confi'ure out'oin' email for a s#ecific &eb a##lication by usin' +entral /dministration
<efore you begin
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
-efore you be'in this o#eration" revie& the follo&in' information about #rere)uisites$
9our com#uter is runnin' SharePoint 2013.
One or more servers in the server farm are runnin' the Sim#le (ail Transfer Protocol 2S(TP3
service and have a valid S(TP server address. /lternatively" you must kno& the name of a server
outside the farm that is runnin' the S(TP service.
%f you have not installed and confi'ured the S(TP service" before you confi'ure out'oin' email you
must com#lete the ste#s in$
%nstall and confi'ure the S(TP service
*nstall and configure the SM&P serice
-efore you can enable out'oin' email" you must determine &hich S(TP server to use. This S(TP
server must be confi'ured to allo& anonymous S(TP email submissions. The S(TP server can be a
server in the farm or outside the farm.
%f your or'ani0ation does not allo& anonymous S(TP email messa'es to be sent by usin'
Exchan'e Server" you can use a local S(TP server in the SharePoint farm that acce#ts
anonymous email messa'es. The local S(TP server automatically authenticates the messa'es
and then for&ards them to the com#uter that]s runnin' Exchan'e Server.
*nstall the SM&P serice
To install the S(TP service" use the /dd .eatures 8i0ard in Server (ana'er. The &i0ard creates a
default S(TP confi'uration. 9ou can customi0e this default S(TP confi'uration to meet the
re)uirements of your or'ani0ation.
%f you already have the S(TP service installed on a server" ski# to +onfi'ure the S(TP service later in
this article.
&o install the SM&P serice
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the
/dministrators 'rou# on the front7end &eb server.
2. +lick Start" #oint to Administratie &ools" and then click Serer Manager.
3. %n Server (ana'er" click 9eatures.
A. %n 9eatures Summary" click Add 9eatures to o#en the /dd .eatures 8i0ard.
B. On the Select .eatures #a'e" select SM&P Serer.
?. %n the Add 9eatures 2i(ard dialo' box" click Add .e/uired .oll Serices" and then click
F. On the +onfirm %nstallation Selections #a'e" click *nstall.
G. On the %nstallation 4esults #a'e" ensure that the installation is com#lete" and then click
'onfigure the SM&P serice
/fter you install the S(TP service" you confi'ure it to send email messa'es from servers in the farm.
9ou can decide to send relayed email messa'es to all servers exce#t those that you s#ecifically
exclude. /lternatively" you can block messa'es to all servers exce#t those that you s#ecifically include.
9ou can include servers individually or in 'rou#s by subnet or domain.
%f you enable anonymous access and relayed email messa'es" you increase the #ossibility that the
S(TP server &ill be used to relay unsolicited commercial email messa'es 2s#am3. %t is im#ortant to
limit this #ossibility by carefully confi'urin' mail servers to hel# #rotect a'ainst s#am. One &ay that you
can do this is by limitin' relayed email messa'es to a list of s#ecific servers or to a domain" and by
#reventin' relayed email messa'es from all other servers.
To mana'e the S(TP service on 8indo&s Server 200G" you must use %nternet %nformation
Services 2%%S3 ?.0 (ana'er. Ensure that you install %%S ?.0 (ana'ement tools in Server
&o install **S $@0 Management tools
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the
/dministrators 'rou# on the front7end &eb server.
2. +lick Start" #oint to Administratie &ools" and then click Serer Manager.
3. %n Server (ana'er" click .oles.
A. %n the Application Serer section" click Add .ole Serices.
B. On the Select 4ole Services #a'e" select Management &ools and **S $ Management
compatibility" and then click *nstall.
&o configure the SM&P serice
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the
/dministrators 'rou# on the front7end &eb server.
2. +lick Start" #oint to Administratie &ools" and then click *nternet *nformation Serices ,**S-
$@0 Manager.
3. %n %%S (ana'er" ex#and the server name that contains the S(TP server that you &ant to
A. 4i'ht7click the S(TP virtual server that you &ant to confi'ure" and then click Start.
B. 4i'ht7click the S(TP virtual server that you &ant to confi'ure" and then click Properties.
?. On the Access tab" in the Access control area" click Authentication.
F. %n the Authentication dialo' box" verify that Anonymous access is selected.
G. +lick O8.
>. On the Access tab" in the .elay restrictions area" click .elay.
10. To enable relayed email messa'es to any server" click All e4cept the list belo!.
11. To acce#t relayed email messa'es from one or more s#ecific servers" follo& these ste#s$
a3 +lick Only the list belo!.
b3 +lick Add" and then add servers one at a time by %P address" or in 'rou#s by usin'
a subnet or domain.
c3 +lick O8 to close the 'omputer dialo' box.
12. +lick O8 to close the .elay .estrictions dialo' box.
13. +lick O8 to close the Properties dialo' box.
Ensure that the S(TP service is runnin' and set to start automatically. To do this" use the follo&in'
&o set the SM&P serice to start automatically
1. +lick Start" #oint to Administratie &ools" and then click Serices.
2. %n Serices" ri'ht7click Simple Mail &ransfer Protocol ,SM&P-" and then select Properties.
3. %n the Simple Mail &ransfer Protocol ,SM&P- Properties dialo' box" on the General tab" in
the Startup type list" select Automatic.
A. +lick O8.
'onfigure outgoing email for a farm
9ou can confi'ure out'oin' email for a farm by usin' the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite.
@se the follo&in' #rocedures to confi'ure out'oin' email. /fter you com#lete the #rocedures" users can
track chan'es and u#dates to individual site collections. %n addition" site administrators can" for
exam#le" receive notices &hen users re)uest access to a site.
&o configure outgoing email for a farm by using 'entral Administration
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the .arm
/dministrators 'rou# on the server that is runnin' the SharePoint +entral /dministration
2. %n +entral /dministration" click System Settings.
3. On the System Settin's #a'e" in the 3=Mail and &e4t Messages ,SMS- section" click
'onfigure outgoing e=mail settings.
A. On the Out'oin' E7(ail Settin's #a'e" in the Mail Settings section" ty#e the S(TP server
name for out'oin' email 2for exam#le" mail.exam#le.com3 in the Outbound SM&P serer
B. %n the 9rom address box" ty#e the email address as you &ant it to be dis#layed to email
?. %n the .eply=to address box" ty#e the email address to &hich you &ant email reci#ients to
F. %n the 'haracter set list" select the character set that is a##ro#riate for your lan'ua'e.
G. +lick O8.
'onfigure outgoing email for a specific !eb
9ou can confi'ure out'oin' email for a s#ecific &eb a##lication by usin' the +entral /dministration
&ebsite. @se the follo&in' #rocedures to confi'ure out'oin' email.
To confi'ure out'oin' email for a s#ecific &eb a##lication" first confi'ure the default out'oin'
email for all &eb a##lications in the farm. %f you confi'ure the out'oin' email for a s#ecific &eb
a##lication" that confi'uration &ill override the default confi'uration for all &eb a##lications in
the farm.
&o configure outgoing email for a specific !eb application by using 'entral
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the .arm
/dministrators 'rou# on the server that is runnin' the SharePoint +entral /dministration
2. %n +entral /dministration" in the Application Management section" click Manage !eb
3. On the 8eb /##lications (ana'ement #a'e" select a &eb a##lication" and then in the
General Settings 'rou# on the ribbon" click Outgoing 3=mail.
A. On the 8eb /##lication Out'oin' E7(ail Settin's #a'e" in the Mail Settings section" ty#e
the name of the S(TP server for out'oin' email 2for exam#le" mail.fabrikam.com3 in the
Outbound SM&P serer box.
B. %n the 9rom address box" ty#e the email address 2for exam#le" the site administrator alias3
as you &ant it to be dis#layed to email reci#ients.
?. %n the .eply=to address box" ty#e the email address 2for exam#le" a hel# desk alias3 to
&hich you &ant email reci#ients to re#ly.
F. %n the 'haracter set list" click the character set that is a##ro#riate for your lan'ua'e.
G. +lick O8.
'onfigure serices and serice applications in
SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" %ntroduces articles that describe ho& to confi'ure services for SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
%n SharePoint 2013" you can confi'ure individual services inde#endently" and you can im#lement only
the services that your or'ani0ation needs.
1e#loyed services are named service applications. / service a##lication #rovides a resource that you
can share across sites in a farm or sometimes across multi#le farms" and users can access them
throu'h a hostin' &eb a##lication. Service a##lications are associated to &eb a##lications by service
application connections.
.or more information about service a##lications and services" see Technical dia'rams 2SharePoint
2013 Previe&3. %f you #lan to use Office 8eb /##s" you must install and confi'ure them to &ork &ith
SharePoint 2013. .or more information" see Office 8eb /##s overvie& 2@sed &ith SharePoint 2013
Previe& Products3.
The follo&in' articles on Techet and related resources #rovide information about ho& to confi'ure
services for SharePoint 2013.
&ech)et articles about ho! to configure serices for
SharePoint 2013
The follo&in' articles about ho& to confi'ure services for SharePoint 2013 are available to vie& online.
8riters u#date articles on a continuin' basis as ne& information becomes available and as users
#rovide feedback.

+onfi'ure Excel Services in SharePoint Server
1e#loy Excel Services to a SharePoint Server
2013 farm by creatin' an Excel Services service
a##lication by usin' +entral /dministration.
+onfi'ure a -usiness %ntelli'ence +enter in
SharePoint Server 2013
+reate a -usiness %ntelli'ence +enter in
SharePoint Server 2013 by usin' the -usiness
%ntelli'ence +enter enter#rise tem#late and
creatin' a ne& site collection.
+reate and confi'ure (achine Translation services
in SharePoint Server 2013
The (achine Translation Service in SharePoint
2013 lets users automatically translate documents.
This to#ic describes ho& to create a (achine
Translation Service /##lication and confi'ure the
(achine Translation Service by usin' +entral
/dministration" or 8indo&s Po&erShell.
+onfi'ure PerformancePoint Services 2SharePoint
Server 20133
+onfi'ure PerformancePoint Services in
SharePoint Server 2013 before you make it
available to users
+reate and confi'ure a Search service a##lication
in SharePoint Server 2013
This article describes ho& to create and confi'ure
a SharePoint Search service a##lication so that
you can cra&l content and #rovide search results
to users.
(ana'e the search to#olo'y in SharePoint 2013 !earn ho& to retrieve" clone" add" move" remove
and activate search com#onents in the search
to#olo'y usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell. @se these
#rocedures to scale out or scale do&n the search
to#olo'y of the Search service a##lication
+reate a Search +enter site in SharePoint Server
This article describes ho& to create a SharePoint
Search +enter site and 'rant site access to users.
1e#loy #eo#le search in SharePoint Server 2013 !earn ho& to set u# SharePoint #eo#le search so
that users can find #eo#le in the or'ani0ation and
the documents that they have authored.
+onfi'ure result sources for search in SharePoint
Server 2013
!earn ho& to create and mana'e result sources for
SharePoint Search service a##lications" and for
SharePoint sites and site collections.
+onfi'ure the Secure Store Service in SharePoint
This article describes the SharePoint 2013Secure
Store Service o#erations that solution desi'ners
can use to create tar'et a##lications that ma# user
and 'rou# credentials to the credentials of external
data sources.
/dminister the @ser Profile service in SharePoint
Server 2013
!earn ho& to confi'ure and administer the @ser
Profile service and @ser Profile Synchroni0ation
Eisio Hra#hics Service administration in
SharePoint Server 2013
!earn ho& to create" confi'ure" list" or delete Eisio
Services service a##lications by usin' +entral
/dministration or 8indo&s Po&erShell.
Share service a##lications across farms in
SharePoint 2013
1escribes the #rocess and cautions that are
involved in sharin' service a##lications across

Additional resources about ho! to configure
serices for SharePoint 2013
The follo&in' resources about ho& to confi'ure services for SharePoint 2013 are available from other
subCect matter ex#erts.

'ontent Description

%nstallation and 1e#loyment
for SharePoint 2013
4esource +enter
Eisit the 4esource +enter to
access videos" +ommunity
Sites" documentation" and

'onfigure the Secure Store Serice in
SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" +onfi'ure stora'e of authori0ation credentials in Secure Store Service on a SharePoint
Server 2013 farm. / video demonstration is included.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
This article describes ho& to confi'ure the Secure Store Service on a SharePoint Server 2013 farm.
Secure Store has im#ortant #lannin' considerations associated &ith it. -e sure to read Plan the Secure
Store service 2SharePoint Server 20103 before you be'in the #rocedures in this article.
%n this article$
+onfi'ure Secure Store
8ork &ith encry#tion keys
Store credentials in Secure Store
+reate a tar'et a##lication
Set credentials for a tar'et a##lication
Enable the audit lo'
Eideo demonstration
'onfigure Secure Store
To confi'ure Secure Store" you #erform the follo&in' ste#s$
1. 4e'ister a mana'ed account in SharePoint Server 2013 to run the Secure Store
a##lication #ool.
2. Start the Secure Store Service on an a##lication server in the farm.
3. +reate a Secure Store Service service a##lication.
To run the a##lication #ool" you must have a standard domain account. o s#ecific #ermissions are
re)uired for this account. Once the account has been created in /ctive 1irectory" follo& these ste#s to
re'ister it &ith SharePoint Server 2013.
&o register a managed account
1. On the SharePoint +entral /dministration 8eb site home #a'e" in the left navi'ation" click
2. On the Security #a'e" in the General Security section" click 'onfigure managed accounts.
3. On the (ana'ed /ccounts #a'e" click .egister Managed Account.
A. %n the +ser name box" ty#e the name of the account.
B. %n the Pass!ord box" ty#e the #ass&ord for the +ontosoLExcel/##Pool account.
?. %f you &ant SharePoint Server 2013 to handle chan'in' the #ass&ord for the account"
select the 3nable automatic pass!ord change box and s#ecify the #ass&ord chan'e
#arameters that you &ant to use.
F. +lick O8.
Once you have confi'ured the re'istered account" you must start the Secure Store Service on an
a##lication server in the farm. -ecause Secure Store deals &ith sensitive information" &e recommend
that you use a se#arate a##lication server Cust for the Secure Store Service for better security.
&o start the Secure Store Serice
1. On the +entral /dministration home #a'e" in the System Settings section" click Manage
serices on serer.
2. /bove the Serice list" click the Serer dro#7do&n list" and then click 'hange Serer.
3. Select the a##lication server &here you &ant to run the Secure Store Service.
A. %n the Serice list" click Start next to Secure Store Serice.
Once the service is started" you must create a Secure Store Service service a##lication. @se the
follo&in' #rocedure to create the service a##lication.
&o create a Secure Store Serice serice application
1. On the +entral /dministration home #a'e" in the Application Management section" click
Manage serice applications.
2. On the (ana'e Service /##lications #a'e" click )e!" and then click Secure Store Serice.
3. %n the Serice Application )ame box" ty#e a name for the service a##lication 2for exam#le"
Secure Store Serice3.
A. %n the Database Serer box" ty#e the instance of S:! Server &here you &ant to create the
Secure Store database.
-ecause the Secure Store database contains sensitive information" &e recommend that
you de#loy the Secure Store database to a different instance of S:! Server from the rest of
SharePoint Server 2013.
B. Select the 'reate ne! application pool o#tion and ty#e a name for the a##lication #ool in
the text box.
?. Select the 'onfigurable o#tion" and" from the dro#7do&n list" select the account for &hich
you created the mana'ed account earlier.
F. +lick O8.
The Secure Store Service has no& been confi'ured. The next ste# is to 'enerate an encry#tion key for
encry#tin' the Secure Store database.
2or: !ith encryption :eys
-efore usin' the Secure Store Service" you must 'enerate an encry#tion key. The key is used to
encry#t and decry#t the credentials that are stored in the Secure Store Service database.
Generate an encryption :ey
The first time that you access the Secure Store service a##lication" your only o#tion is to 'enerate a
ne& encry#tion key. Once the key has been 'enerated" the rest of the Secure Store functionality
becomes available.
&o generate a ne! encryption :ey
1. On the +entral /dministration home #a'e" in the Application Management section" click
Manage serice applications.
2. +lick the Secure Store service a##lication.
3. %n the 8ey Management 'rou#" click Generate )e! 8ey.
A. On the Henerate e& ,ey #a'e" ty#e a #ass #hrase strin' in the Pass Phrase box" and
ty#e the same strin' in the 'onfirm Pass Phrase box. This #ass #hrase is used to encry#t
the Secure Store database.
/ #ass #hrase strin' must be at least ei'ht characters and must have at least three of the
follo&in' four elements$
@##ercase characters
!o&ercase characters
/ny of the follo&in' s#ecial characters
[X 5 Y R Q _ 6 2 3 ` U " 7 . ; $ Z I = J < ^ S L T a K b O c P d
The #ass #hrase that you enter is not stored. (ake sure that you &rite this do&n and
store it in a safe #lace. 9ou must have it to refresh the key" such as &hen you add a
ne& a##lication server to the server farm.
B. +lick O8.
.or security #recautions or as #art of re'ular maintenance you may decide to 'enerate a ne&
encry#tion key and force the Secure Store Service to be re7encry#ted based on the ne& key. 9ou can
use this same #rocedure to do this.
9ou should back u# the database of the Secure Store Service a##lication before 'eneratin' a
ne& key.
.efresh the encryption :ey
4efreshin' the encry#tion key #ro#a'ates the key to all the a##lication servers in the farm. 9ou may be
re)uired to refresh the encry#tion key if any of the follo&in' thin's are true$
9ou add a ne& a##lication server to the server farm.
9ou restore a #reviously backed u# Secure Store Service database and have since chan'ed the
encry#tion key.
9ou receive an 5@nable to 'et master key5 error messa'e.
9ou have u#'raded your farm from SharePoint Server 2010.
&o refresh the encryption :ey
1. On the +entral /dministration home #a'e" in the Application Management section" click
Manage serice applications.
2. +lick the Secure Store service a##lication.
3. %n the 8ey Management 'rou#" click .efresh 8ey.
A. %n the Pass Phrase box" ty#e the #ass #hrase that you first used to 'enerate the
encry#tion key.
This #hrase is either the #ass #hrase that you used &hen you initiali0ed the Secure Store Service
service a##lication or one that you used &hen you created a ne& key by usin' the Generate a )e!
8ey command.
B. +lick O8.
Store credentials in Secure Store
Storin' credentials in Secure Store is accom#lished by usin' a Secure Store target application. / tar'et
a##lication ma#s the credentials of a user" 'rou#" or claim to a set of encry#ted credentials stored in the
Secure Store database. /fter a tar'et a##lication is created" you can associate it &ith an external
content ty#e or a##lication model" or use it &ith a business intelli'ence service a##lication such as
Excel Services or Eisio Services to #rovide access to an external data source. 8hen a SharePoint
Server 2013 service a##lication calls the tar'et a##lication" Secure Store confirms that the user makin'
the re)uest is an authori0ed user of the tar'et a##lication and then retrieves the encry#ted credentials.
The credentials are then used on the user6s behalf by the SharePoint Server 2013 service a##lication.
To create a tar'et a##lication" you must do the follo&in'$
1. +reate the tar'et a##lication itself" s#ecifyin' the ty#e of credentials that you &ant to store
in the Secure Store database" the administrators for the tar'et a##lication" and the
credential o&ners.
2. S#ecify the credentials that you &ant to store.
'reate a target application
Tar'et a##lications are confi'ured on the Secure Store Service /##lication #a'e in +entral
/dministration. @se the follo&in' #rocedure to create a tar'et a##lication.
&o create a target application
1. On the +entral /dministration home #a'e" in the Application Management section" click
Manage serice applications.
2. +lick the Secure Store service a##lication.
3. %n the Manage &arget Applications 'rou#" click )e!.
A. %n the &arget Application *D box" ty#e a text strin'.
This is the uni)ue strin' that you &ill use externally to identify this tar'et a##lication.
B. %n the Display )ame box" ty#e a text strin' that &ill be used to dis#lay the identifier of the
tar'et a##lication in the user interface.
?. %n the 'ontact 3mail box" ty#e the e7mail address of the #rimary contact for this tar'et
This can be any le'itimate e7mail address and does not have to be the identity of an administrator
of the Secure Store Service a##lication.
F. 8hen you create a tar'et a##lication of ty#e %ndividual 2see belo&3" you can im#lement a
custom 8eb #a'e that lets users add individual credentials for the destination data
source. This re)uires custom code to #ass the credentials to the tar'et a##lication. %f you
did this" ty#e the full @4! of this #a'e in the &arget Application Page +.5 field. There are
three o#tions$
+se default page$ /ny 8eb sites that use the tar'et a##lication to access external data &ill
have an individual si'n7u# #a'e that &as added automatically. The @4! of this #a'e &ill be
Tar'et/##%d=ITar'et/##lication%1J" &here ITar'et/##lication%1J is the strin' ty#ed in the
&arget Application *D box. -y #ublici0in' the location of this #a'e" you can enable users to
add their credentials for the external data source.
+se custom page$ 9ou #rovide a custom 8eb #a'e that lets users #rovide individual
credentials. Ty#e the @4! of the custom #a'e in this field.
)one$ There is no si'n7u# #a'e. %ndividual credentials are added only by a Secure Store
Service administrator &ho is usin' the Secure Store Service a##lication.
G. %n the &arget Application &ype dro#7do&n list" choose the tar'et a##lication ty#e$ Group" for
'rou# credentials" or *ndiidual" if each user is to be ma##ed to a uni)ue set of credentials
on the external data source.
There are t&o #rimary ty#es for creatin' a tar'et a##lication$
Hrou#" for ma##in' all the members of one or more 'rou#s to a sin'le set of credentials on the
external data source.
%ndividual" for ma##in' each user to a uni)ue set of credentials on the external data source.
>. +lick )e4t.
10. @se the Specify the credential fields for your Secure Store &arget Application #a'e to
confi'ure the various fields &hich may be re)uired to #rovide credentials to the external
data source. -y default" t&o fields are listed$ 2indo!s +ser )ame and 2indo!s Pass!ord.
To add an additional field for su##lyin' credentials to the external data source" on the Specify the
credential fields for your Secure Store &arget Application #a'e" click Add 9ield.
-y default" the ty#e of the ne& field is Generic. The follo&in' field ty#es are available$
Generic Ealues that do not fit in any of the other cate'ories.
+ser )ame / user account that identifies the user.
Pass!ord / secret &ord or #hrase.
P*) / #ersonal identification number.
8ey / #arameter that determines the functional out#ut of a
cry#to'ra#hic al'orithm or ci#her.
2indo!s +ser )ame / 8indo&s user account that identifies the user.
2indo!s Pass!ord / secret &ord or #hrase for a 8indo&s account.
'ertificate / certificate.
'ertificate Pass!ord The #ass&ord for the certificate.
To chan'e the ty#e of a ne& or existin' field" click the arro& that a##ears next to the ty#e of the
field" and then select the ne& ty#e of field.
Every field that you add &ill be re)uired to have data &hen you set the credentials for
this tar'et a##lication.
9ou can chan'e the name that a user sees &hen interactin' &ith a field. %n the 9ield )ame
column of the Specify the credential fields for your Secure Store &arget Application #a'e"
chan'e a field name by selectin' the current text and ty#in' ne& text.
8hen a field is masked" each character that a user ty#es is not dis#layed but is re#laced &ith a
mask character such as the asterisk 5`5. To mask a field" click the check box for that field in the
Mas:ed column of the #a'e.
To delete a field" click the delete icon for that field in the Delete column of the #a'e.
8hen you have finished editin' the credential fields" click )e4t.
11. %n the Specify the membership settings #a'e" in the &arget Application Administrators 9ield"
list all users &ho have access to mana'e the tar'et a##lication settin's.
12. %f the tar'et a##lication ty#e is 'rou#" in the Members field" list the user 'rou#s to ma# to a
set of credentials for this tar'et a##lication.
13. +lick O8 to com#lete confi'urin' the tar'et a##lication.
Set credentials for a target application
/fter creatin' a tar'et a##lication" an administrator of that tar'et a##lication can set credentials for it.
These credentials are used by the callin' a##lication to #rovide access to an external data source. %f
the tar'et a##lication is of ty#e %ndividual" you can also enable users to su##ly their o&n credentials.
&o set credentials for a target application
1. On the +entral /dministration home #a'e" in the Application Management section" click
Manage serice applications.
2. +lick the Secure Store service a##lication.
3. %n the tar'et a##lication list" #oint at the tar'et a##lication for &hich you &ant to set
credentials" click the arro& that a##ears" and then" in the menu" click Set credentials.
%f the tar'et a##lication is of ty#e Hrou#" ty#e the credentials for the external data source.
1e#endin' on the information that is re)uired by the external data source" the fields for settin'
credentials &ill vary.
%f the tar'et a##lication is of ty#e %ndividual" ty#e the user name of the individual &ho &ill be
ma##ed to this set of credentials on the external data source" and ty#e the credentials for the
external data source. 1e#endin' on the information that is re)uired by the external data source" the
fields for settin' credentials &ill vary.
A. +lick O8.
Once you have set the credentials for the tar'et a##lication" it is ready to be used by a SharePoint
Server 2013 service such as -usiness +onnectivity Services or Excel Services.
3nable the audit log
/udit entries for the Secure Store service are stored in the Secure Store Service database. -y default"
the audit lo' file is disabled.
/n audit lo' entry stores information about a Secure Store Service action" such as &hen it &as
#erformed" &hether it succeeded" &hy it failed if it didn6t succeed" the Secure Store Service user &ho
#erformed it" and o#tionally the Secure Store Service user on &hose behalf it &as #erformed.
Therefore" a valid reason to enable an audit lo' file is to troubleshoot an authentication issue.
&o enable the audit log by using 'entral Administration
1. On the +entral /dministration home #a'e" in the Application Management section" click
Manage serice applications.
2. Select the Secure Store service a##lication. 2That is" select the service a##lication" but do
not click the link to 'o to the Secure Store Service a##lication settin's #a'e.3
3. On the ribbon" click Properties.
A. .rom the 3nable Audit section" click to select the Audit log enabled box.
B. To chan'e the number of days that entries &ill be #ur'ed from the audit lo' file" s#ecify a
number in days in the Days +ntil Purge field. The default value is 30 days.
?. +lick O8.
>ideo demonstration
This video sho&s the ste#s necessary to confi'ure a Secure Store service a##lication.
This video uses SharePoint Server 2010. Tar'et a##lications function in the same &ay in
SharePoint Server 2013.
>ideo" 6o! target applications are used in Secure Store

'reate and configure a Search serice
application in SharePoint Serer 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to create and confi'ure a SharePoint Search service a##lication so that you can
cra&l content and #rovide search results to users.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
<efore you begin
%f you used the .arm +onfi'uration 8i0ard after you installed SharePoint Server 2013" a Search service
a##lication mi'ht have been created at that time. To verify &hether a Search service a##lication exists"
you can click Manage serice applications in the Application Management section on the +entral
/dministration home #a'e. .or the remainder of this article" it is assumed that a Search service
a##lication does not exist yet" and that therefore you must create one.
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
6o! to create and configure a SharePoint Search
serice application
8hen you de#loy and confi'ure a Search service a##lication" you #erform the follo&in' main tasks$
1. 'reate accounts D +ertain domain user accounts are re)uired s#ecifically for a Search
service a##lication.
2. 'reate a Search serice application D / Search service a##lication #rovides enter#rise
search features and functionality.
3. 'onfigure the Search serice application D -asic confi'uration of a Search service
a##lication includes confi'urin' a default content access account" an email contact" and
content sources.
A. 'onfigure the Search serice application topology D 9ou can de#loy search com#onents
on different servers in the farm. 9ou can also s#ecify &hich instance of S:! Server is used
to host the search7related databases.
Step 1" 'reate accounts that are re/uired for a
SharePoint Search serice application
The follo&in' table lists the accounts that are re)uired &hen a Search service a##lication is created.

Account Description )otes
Search service 8indo&s user credentials for
the SharePoint Server Search
service" &hich is a 8indo&s
This settin' a##lies to all Search
service a##lications in the farm. 9ou
can chan'e this account at any time by
clickin' 'onfigure serice accounts
in the Security section on the +entral
/dministration home #a'e.
Search /dmin 8eb
Service a##lication #ool
Search :uery and Site
Settin's 8eb Service
a##lication #ool
8indo&s user credentials .or each of these accounts" you can
use the same credentials that you
s#ecified for the Search service. Or"
you can assi'n different credentials to
each account accordin' to the #rinci#le
of least7#rivile'e administration.
1efault content access 8indo&s user credentials for
the Search service a##lication
to use to access content &hen
8e recommend that you s#ecify a
se#arate account for the default
content access account accordin' to
the #rinci#le of least7#rivile'e

The accounts that you use for the Search service" the Search /dmin 8eb Service a##lication #ool" and
the Search :uery and Site Settin's 8eb Service a##lication #ool must be re'istered as mana'ed
accounts in SharePoint Server 2013 so that they are available &hen you create the Search service
a##lication. @se the follo&in' #rocedure to re'ister each of these accounts as a mana'ed account.
&o register a managed account
1. On the +entral /dministration home #a'e" in the :uick !aunch" click Security.
2. On the Security #a'e" in the General Security section" click 'onfigure managed accounts.
3. On the (ana'ed /ccounts #a'e" click .egister Managed Account.
A. On the 4e'ister (ana'ed /ccount #a'e" in the Account .egistration section" ty#e the user
name and #ass&ord that you &ant to use as credentials for the service account.
B. %f you &ant SharePoint Server 2013 to mana'e #ass&ord chan'es for this account" select
the 3nable automatic pass!ord change check box and confi'ure the #arameters for
automatic #ass&ord chan'e.
?. +lick O8.
Step 2" 'reate a SharePoint Search serice
Each Search service a##lication has a se#arate content index. 9ou can create multi#le Search service
a##lications if you &ant to have different content indexes for different sets of content. .or exam#le" if
you &ant to se're'ate sensitive content 2such as em#loyee benefits information3 into a se#arate
content index" you can create a se#arate Search service a##lication to corres#ond to that set of
@se the follo&in' #rocedure to create a Search service a##lication.
&o create a Search serice application
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the .arm
/dministrators 'rou# for the farm for &hich you &ant to create the service a##lication.
2. On the +entral /dministration home #a'e" in the Application Management section" click
Manage serice applications.
3. On the (ana'e Service /##lications #a'e" on the ribbon" click )e!" and then click Search
Serice Application.
A. On the +reate e& Search Service /##lication #a'e" do the follo&in'$
a3 /cce#t the default value for Serice Application name" or ty#e a ne& name for the
Search service a##lication.
b3 %n the Search Serice Account list" select the mana'ed account that you re'istered
in the #revious #rocedure to run the Search service.
c3 %n the Application Pool for Search Admin 2eb Serice section" do the follo&in'$
i. Select the 'reate ne! application pool o#tion" and then s#ecify a name for the
a##lication #ool in the Application pool name text box.
ii. %n the Select a security account for this application pool section" select the
'onfigurable o#tion" and then from the list select the account that you re'istered to
run the a##lication #ool for the Search /dmin 8eb Service.
d3 %n the Application Pool for Search ;uery and Site Settings 2eb Serice section" do
the follo&in'$
i. +hoose the 'reate ne! application pool o#tion" and then s#ecify a name for the
a##lication #ool in the Application pool name text box.
ii. %n the Select a security account for this application pool section" select the
'onfigurable o#tion" and then from the list select the account that you re'istered to
run the a##lication #ool for the Search :uery and Site Settin's 8eb Service.
B. +lick O8.
Step 3" 'onfigure the SharePoint Search serice
9ou confi'ure a Search service a##lication on the Search /dministration #a'e for that service
a##lication. @se the follo&in' #rocedure to 'o to the Search /dministration #a'e for a #articular Search
service a##lication.
&o go to the Search Administration page
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is an administrator for the
Search service a##lication that you &ant to confi'ure.
2. On the home #a'e of the +entral /dministration &ebsite" in the Application Management
section" click Manage serice applications.
3. On the (ana'e Service /##lications #a'e" click the Search service a##lication that you
&ant to confi'ure.
On the Search /dministration #a'e" confi'ure the settin's as described in the follo&in' sections$
S#ecify the default content access account
S#ecify the contact email address
+reate content sources
Specify the default content access account
8hen you create a Search service a##lication" the account that you s#ecify for the Search service is
automatically confi'ured as the default content access account. The cra&ler uses this account to cra&l
content that does not have an associated cra&l rule that s#ecifies a different account. .or the default
content access account" &e recommend that you s#ecify a domain user account that has read access
to as much of the content that you &ant to cra&l as #ossible. 9ou can chan'e the default content
access account at any time.
%f you have to cra&l certain content by usin' a different account" you can create a cra&l rule and s#ecify
a different account for cra&lin'. .or information about ho& to create a cra&l rule" see (ana'e cra&l
rules 2SharePoint Server 2013 Previe&3.
@se the follo&in' #rocedure to s#ecify the default content access account.
&o specify the default content access account
1. On the Search /dministration #a'e" in the System Status section" click the link in the
Default content access account ro&.
2. %n the Default 'ontent Access Account dialo' box" in the Account box" ty#e the account
that you created for content access in the form domainBuser name.
3. Ty#e the #ass&ord for this account in the Pass!ord and 'onfirm Pass!ord boxes.
A. +lick O8.
Specify the contact email address
The Search service &rites the contact email address to the lo's of cra&led servers. The default contact
email address" someone^" is a #laceholder. 8e recommend that you chan'e this to an
account that an external administrator can contact &hen a cra&l mi'ht be contributin' to a #roblem
such as a decrease in #erformance on a server that the search system is cra&lin'.
@se the follo&in' #rocedure to s#ecify the contact email address.
&o specify the contact email address
1. On the Search /dministration #a'e" in the System Status section" click the link for the
'ontact e=mail address.
2. %n the Search 3=mail Setting dialo' box" in the 3=mail Address box" ty#e the email address
that you &ant to a##ear in the lo's of servers that are cra&led by the search system.
3. +lick O8.
'reate content sources in a SharePoint Search serice application
+ra&lin' re)uires at least one content source. / content source is a set of o#tions that you use to
s#ecify the ty#e of content to cra&l" the startin' @4!s to cra&l" and &hen and ho& dee# to cra&l. 8hen
a Search service a##lication is created" a content source named 5!ocal SharePoint sites5 is
automatically created and confi'ured for cra&lin' all SharePoint sites in the local server farm. 9ou can
create content sources to s#ecify other content to cra&l and ho& the system &ill cra&l that content. .or
more information" see /dd" edit" or delete a content source 2SharePoint Server 2013 Previe&3.
*o&ever" you do not have to create other content sources if you do not &ant to cra&l content other than
the SharePoint sites in the local farm.
%f you choose the Standalone installation o#tion &hen you install SharePoint Server 2013" a full cra&l
of all SharePoint sites in the farm is automatically #erformed after installation and an incremental cra&l
is scheduled to occur every 20 minutes after that. %f you choose the Serer 9arm installation o#tion
&hen you install SharePoint Server 2013" no cra&ls are automatically scheduled or #erformed.
Step 1" 'onfigure the SharePoint Search serice
application topology
8hen you create a Search service a##lication" the SharePoint Server Search service is started on the
a##lication server that is hostin' the +entral /dministration &ebsite" and search com#onents are
de#loyed to that server. %f you have more than one a##lication server in your farm" you can de#loy
additional search com#onents on other a##lication servers" de#endin' on your re)uirements. 9ou can
de#loy multi#le instances of certain com#onents. .or more information" see (ana'e search to#olo'y
2SharePoint Server 2013 Previe&3.

'reate a Search 'enter site in SharePoint
Serer 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to create a SharePoint Search +enter site and 'rant site access to users.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
The article does not a##ly to SharePoint Online" because in that environment a Search +enter
site is automatically available at ?host>name@;search;.
/ Search +enter site" or Search +enter" #rovides an interface for users to submit search )ueries and
vie& search results. / Search +enter site is the to#7level site of a site collection that a farm
administrator creates by usin' the Enter#rise Search +enter tem#late or the -asic Search +enter
<efore you begin
1e#endin' on the kind of installation that you #erformed and the site collection tem#late that you
selected at that time" the farm mi'ht already have a Search +enter site. To check this" bro&se to the
to#7level site for the site collection that you created durin' installation. %n either case" you can create a
Search +enter site and 'rant users access to it by usin' the #rocedures in this article. /fter you create
the Search +enter site" the site collection administrator or site o&ner mi'ht &ant to add features and
functionality so that the site #rovides a richer interface than the search box that a##ears by default on
each SharePoint site.
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
&o create a SharePoint Search 'enter site
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the .arm
/dministrators 'rou#.
2. On the home #a'e of the +entral /dministration &ebsite" in the Application Management
section" click 'reate site collections.
3. On the +reate Site +ollection #a'e" do the follo&in'$
a3 %n the 2eb Application section" select a &eb a##lication to contain the ne& site
collection. To use a &eb a##lication other than the one that is dis#layed" click the
&eb a##lication that is dis#layed" and then click 'hange 2eb Application.
b3 %n the &itle and Description section" in the &itle box" ty#e the name for the ne&
Search +enter site. O#tionally" ty#e a descri#tion in the Description box.
c3 %n the 2eb Site Address section" for the #art of the @4! immediately after the &eb
a##lication address" select ?sites?" or select a mana'ed #ath that &as #reviously
defined" and then ty#e the final #art of the @4!.
ote the address of the ne& Search +enter for future reference.
d3 %n the &emplate Selection section" do the follo&in'$
i. %n the Select the e4perience ersion dro#7do&n list" select 2013 to create a Search
+enter site that #rovides the SharePoint Server 2013 user ex#erience" or select
2010 to create a Search +enter site that #rovides the SharePoint 2010 Products
user ex#erience.
ii. %n the Select a template subsection" click the 3nterprise tab" and then do one of the
%f you are usin' SharePoint .oundation 2013" select the <asic Search 'enter tem#late.
Other&ise" if you are usin' SharePoint Server 2013" select the 3nterprise Search 'enter
e3 %n the Primary Site 'ollection Administrator section" in the +ser name box" ty#e the
user name of the #rimary site collection administrator for this site collection in the
form domainBuser name.
f3 2O#tional3 %n the Secondary Site 'ollection Administrator section" ty#e the user
name of a secondary site collection administrator in the form domainBuser name.
'3 %n the ;uota &emplate section" select )o ;uota.
/ Search +enter site is not intended to be a data re#ository. Therefore" you do not have to
select a )uota tem#late.
h3 +lick O8.
A. On the To#7!evel Site Successfully +reated #a'e" click the link to the Search +enter site
that you created.
/fter you create the Search +enter site" you must 'rant site access to users so that they can #erform
search )ueries and vie& search results. @se the follo&in' #rocedure to 'rant site access to users.
&o grant access to the SharePoint Search 'enter
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the O&ners
'rou# on the Search +enter site.
2. %n a &eb bro&ser" 'o to the Search +enter site.
3. O#en the Site menu by clickin' the 'ear icon in the u##er7ri'ht #ortion of the #a'e" and
then click Site Permissions.
A. %n the Shared !ith dialo' box" click *nite people.
B. %n the Share OSearch'enter)ameP dialo' box" in the 3nter users separated !ith semicolons
text box" ty#e the names of the 8indo&s user 'rou#s and 8indo&s users to &hom you
&ant to 'rant #ermissions for submittin' )ueries and vie&in' search results in the Search
.or exam#le" to 'rant access to the Search +enter to all 8indo&s users" ty#e )&
AuthorityCauthenticated users.
?. +lick Sho! options.
F. +lear the Send an email initation check box.
G. %n the Select a group or permission leel dro#7do&n list" select OSearch'enter)ameP
>isitors M.eadN.
>. +lick Share.

Deploy people search in SharePoint Serer
Published" October 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to set u# SharePoint #eo#le search so that users can find #eo#le in the
or'ani0ation and the documents that they have authored.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
%n this article$
-efore you be'in
Peo#le search #rere)uisites
Set u# #eo#le search
/dd data for #eo#le search
+ra&l the #rofile store
<efore you begin
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint 2013
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
People search prere/uisites
Peo#le search has the follo&in' #rere)uisites$
/ Search service a##lication must be runnin' in the farm. .or more information" see +reate and
confi'ure a Search service a##lication in SharePoint Server 2013. The farm must also have a
Search +enter that uses the Enter#rise Search +enter tem#late. .or more information" see +reate
a Search +enter site in SharePoint Server 2013.
/ (ana'ed (etadata service a##lication must be runnin' in the farm. .or more information" see
Overvie& of mana'ed metadata service a##lications in SharePoint Server 2013.
@ser #rofile synchroni0ation must be confi'ured in the farm. %f this has not been done yet" at a
minimum you must com#lete the follo&in' #rocedures that are described in Synchroni0e user and
'rou# #rofiles in SharePoint Server 2013$
Phase 0$ +onfi'ure the farm
Phase 1$ Start the @ser Profile synchroni0ation service
.or more information" see Overvie& of #rofile synchroni0ation in SharePoint Server 2013 and Plan
#rofile synchroni0ation for SharePoint Server 2013.
The follo&in' sections describe ho& to de#loy and #rovide data for #eo#le search.
Set up people search
To set u# #eo#le search" you must confi'ure (y Sites settin's and confi'ure cra&lin'.
'onfigure My Sites settings
9ou confi'ure (y Sites for a @ser Profile service a##lication to s#ecify the (y Site *ost location and
other settin's. .or more information" see Plan for (y Sites in SharePoint Server 2013 and +onfi'ure
(y Site settin's for the @ser Profile service a##lication.
/fter you confi'ure (y Sites settin's" the next ste# is to confi'ure cra&lin'.
'onfigure cra!ling
8hen you confi'ure (y Sites" the default content access account for search is automatically 'iven
.etriee People Data for Search 'ra!lers #ermissions in the @ser Profile service a##lication. %f you
&ant to use a different content access account to cra&l the #rofile store" you must make sure that the
account has #ermissions to cra&l the #rofile store. @se the follo&in' #rocedure to 'rant access to the
#rofile store for a different account.
&o grant access to an account to cra!l the profile store
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is an administrator for the
Search service a##lication.
2. Start SharePoint 2013 +entral /dministration.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
+lick Start" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and then click SharePoint 2013
'entral Administration.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 'entral Administration.
%f SharePoint 2013 'entral Administration is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 'entral
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. %n +entral /dministration" in the Application Management section" click Manage serice
A. On the Manage Serice Applications #a'e" click the ro& that contains the @ser Profile
service a##lication" and then in the ribbon" click Administrators.
B. %n the Administrators for +ser Profile Serice Application dialo' box" in the &o add an
account box" ty#e a user account in the form domainBuser name.
?. +lick Add.
F. %n the Permissions list" select the .etriee People Data for Search 'ra!lers check box.
G. +lick O8.
/fter you 'ive the account access to cra&l the #rofile store" you must create a cra&l rule to s#ecify that
you &ant to use that account &hen you cra&l the #rofile store. @se the follo&in' #rocedure to create a
cra&l rule for this #ur#ose.
&o create a cra!l rule to authenticate to the +ser Profile serice application
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is an administrator for the
Search service a##lication.
2. %n +entral /dministration" in the Application Management section" click Manage serice
3. On the Manage Serice Applications #a'e" click the Search service a##lication for &hich
you &ant to create a cra&l rule.
A. On the Search Administration #a'e" in the :uick !aunch" in the 'ra!ling section" click
'ra!l .ules.
B. On the Manage 'ra!l .ules #a'e" click )e! 'ra!l .ule.
?. %n the Path section" in the Path box" ty#e the start address for the @ser Profile service
a##lication in the form sps5:99?hostname@" &here ?hostname@ is the @4! for the 8eb
a##lication &here you de#loyed the (y Sites site collection.
F. +lick +se regular e4pression synta4 for matching this rule if you &ant to use re'ular
ex#ression syntax in the #ath.
G. %n the 'ra!l 'onfiguration section" select *nclude all items in this path.
>. %n the Specify Authentication section" select Specify a different content access account.
10. %n the Account box that a##ears" ty#e the user account to &hich you 'ave access to the
#rofile store in the form domainBuser name.
11. Ty#e the #ass&ord for the account that you s#ecified in the Pass!ord and 'onfirm
Pass!ord boxes.
12. +lear the Do not allo! <asic Authentication check box only if you &ant to allo& the user
account credentials to be sent as #laintext.
9ou should not clear the Do not allo! <asic Authentication check box unless you are
usin' SS! to encry#t the &ebsite traffic. .or more information" see Plan for user
authentication methods in SharePoint 2013.
13. +lick O8.
.or more information" see (ana'e cra&l rules.
8hen you confi'ure (y Sites" the startin' @4! to cra&l the #rofile store 2sps5:99?hostname@3 is
automatically added to the default content source. 8e recommend that you remove the @4! of the
#rofile store from the default content source and then create a se#arate content source to cra&l only the
#rofile store. This allo&s you to cra&l the #rofile store on a different schedule from other cra&ls.
@se the follo&in' #rocedure to remove the @4! of the #rofile store from the default content source.
&o remoe the profile store +.5 from the default content source
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is an administrator for the
Search service a##lication.
2. %n +entral /dministration" in the Application Management section" click Manage serice
3. On the Manage Serice Applications #a'e" click Search Serice Application.
A. On the Search Administration #a'e" in the :uick !aunch" in the 'ra!ling section" click
'ontent Sources.
B. On the Manage 'ontent Sources #a'e" click the link to the default content source 25ocal
SharePoint sites3.
?. %n the Start Addresses section" remove the @4! for the #rofile store 2sps5:99?hostname@"
&here ?hostname@ is the @4! for the &eb a##lication &here you de#loyed the (y Sites
site collection3.
F. +lick O8.
@se the follo&in' #rocedure to create a content source that s#ecifies ho& to cra&l the #rofile store.
&o create a content source that specifies ho! to cra!l the profile store
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is an administrator for the
Search service a##lication.
2. %n +entral /dministration" in the Application Management section" click Manage serice
3. On the Manage Serice Applications #a'e" click Search Serice Application.
A. On the Search Administration #a'e" in the :uick !aunch" in the 'ra!ling section" click
'ontent Sources.
B. On the Manage 'ontent Sources #a'e" click )e! 'ontent Source.
?. On the Add 'ontent Source #a'e" in the )ame section" ty#e a name for this content
F. %n the 'ontent Source &ype section" ensure that SharePoint Sites is selected.
G. %n the Start Addresses section" ty#e the start address in the form sps5:99?hostname@" &here
?hostname@ is the @4! for the &eb a##lication &here you de#loyed the (y Sites site
>. %n the 'ra!l Settings section" leave the default value of 'ra!l eerything under the host
name for each start address.
10. %n the 'ra!l Schedules section" do the follo&in'$
Select 3nable 'ontinuous 'ra!ls or 3nable *ncremental 'ra!ls.
/ continuous cra&l automatically #rovides maximum freshness for the content source &ithout
an incremental cra&l schedule. .or more information" see (ana'e continuous cra&ls in
SharePoint 2013.
%f you select 3nable *ncremental 'ra!ls" create an incremental cra&l schedule.
O#tionally create a schedule for full cra&ls.
11. %f you selected 3nable *ncremental 'ra!ls" in the 'ontent Source Priority section" select
the #riority for this content source.
The 'ontent Source Priority section does not a##ear &hen you s#ecify the content
source ty#e as SharePoint Sites and you select 3nable 'ontinuous 'ra!ls.
12. +lick O8.
Add data for people search
To 'et the best results from #eo#le search" you should add as much information as you can by addin'
user #rofiles to the #rofile store and addin' information to (y Sites.
Add user profiles to the profile store
-efore you can obtain meanin'ful #eo#le search results" you must add user #rofiles to the @ser Profile
service a##lication. 9ou can do this in the follo&in' &ays$
%m#ort user #rofiles from the directory service. .or more information" see the follo&in' articles$
Plan for #rofile synchroni0ation 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3
Synchroni0e user and 'rou# #rofiles in SharePoint Server 2013
+onfi'ure #rofile synchroni0ation by usin' SharePoint /ctive 1irectory %m#ort in SharePoint
Server 2013
+onfi'ure #rofile synchroni0ation usin' a !i'ht&ei'ht 1irectory %nterchan'e .ormat 2!1%.3 file
in SharePoint 2013
/dd user #rofiles manually.
Synchroni0e &ith an external data source by usin' the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service. .or
more information" see Phase 3$ +onfi'ure connections and im#ort data from business systems in
the article Synchroni0e user and 'rou# #rofiles in SharePoint Server 2013.
.or a test environment" &e recommend that you do not synchroni0e the #rofile store to a
directory service or other external data source that is in a #roduction environment. %nstead"
create a co#y of the directory service and synchroni0e the co#y &ith the #rofile store.
@se the follo&in' #rocedure to vie& the user #rofiles in the @ser Profile service a##lication.
&o ie! a list of user profiles in the +ser Profile serice application
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is an administrator for the
@ser Profile service a##lication.
2. %n +entral /dministration" in the Application Management section" click Manage serice
3. On the Manage Serice Applications #a'e" click the @ser Profile service a##lication.
A. On the Manage Profile Serice #a'e" in the People section" click Manage +ser Profiles.
B. On the Manage +ser Profiles #a'e" in the 9ind profiles box" ty#e the name of the domain of
&hich the users are members.
1o not ty#e the fully )ualified domain name. .or exam#le" if users are members of the domain" ty#e 'ontoso in the 9ind profiles box.
?. +lick 9ind.
Add information to My Sites
(y Sites kee# information in the @ser Profile service a##lication databases. The @ser Profile service
a##lication stores much of the information that a##ears in results for #eo#le search. Peo#le search
results become more useful as users add more information to their (y Sites.
The first time that a user accesses their (y Site" also kno&n as their #ersonal site" a (y Site is created
for them and a #rofile is automatically added to the @ser Profile service a##lication.
To add information to a user6s (y Site" lo' on as a user for &hom a user #rofile &as created in the @ser
Profile service a##lication" and then 'o to that user]s (y Site. %n the user]s (y Site" you can #rovide
information about the user]s ex#ertise and interests. To see ho& the information that you added affects
the #eo#le search results that a##ear" #erform a cra&l of the #rofile store" and then search on the user6s
'ra!l the profile store
9ou are no& ready to cra&l the #rofile store. .or information about ho& to start the cra&l" see Start"
#ause" resume" or sto# cra&ls in SharePoint 2013.
8e recommend that you cra&l the #rofile store and &ait about t&o hours after the cra&l finishes
before you start the first cra&l of the default content source 2that is" local SharePoint sites3.
/fter the cra&l of the #rofile store finishes" the search system 'enerates a list to standardi0e
#eo#le6s names. This is so that &hen a #erson6s name has different forms in search results" the
results are dis#layed in a sin'le 'rou# corres#ondin' to one name. .or exam#le" all documents
authored by /nne 8eiler or /. 8eiler or alias /nne8 can be dis#layed in the search results in a
result block that is labeled 51ocuments by /nne 8eiler5. Similarly" all documents authored by
any of those identities can be dis#layed under the headin' 5/nne 8eiler5 in the refinement
#anel if 5/uthor5 is one of the cate'ories there.
.or information about ho& to vie& the status of a cra&l" see Start" #ause" resume" or sto# a
'onfigure result sources for search in
SharePoint Serer 2013
Published" October 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to create and mana'e result sources for SharePoint Search service a##lications"
and for SharePoint sites and site collections.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
Result sources limit searches to certain content or to a subset of search results. SharePoint Server
2013 #rovides 1? #re7defined result sources. The #re7confi'ured default result source is 5ocal
SharePoint .esults. 9ou can s#ecify a different result source as the default. .or more information" see
@nderstandin' result sources.
%n this article$
-efore you be'in
+reate a result source
Set a result source as default
<efore you begin
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint 2013
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
'reate a result source
9ou can create a result source for a Search service a##lication" a site collection" or a site. The follo&in'
table sho&s the #ermissions that are re)uired to create a result source at each level" and &here the
result source can be used.
5eels and permissions for result sources

2hen you create a result
source at this leel
7ou must hae this permission &he result source can be used in
Search service a##lication Search service a##lication
/ll site collections in &eb
a##lications that consume the
Search service a##lication
Site collection Site collection administrator /ll sites in the site collection
Site Site o&ner The site

&o create a result source
1. 1e#endin' on the level at &hich you &ant to create the result source" do one of the
To create a result source for a Search service a##lication$
Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is an administrator on the Search
service a##lication.
%n +entral /dministration" in the Application Management section" click Manage serice
+lick the Search service a##lication for &hich you &ant to create a result source.
On the Search Administration #a'e for the Search service a##lication" on the :uick !aunch"
in the ;ueries and .esults section" click .esult Sources.
To create a result source for a site collection$
Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is an administrator for the site
On the Settings menu for the site collection" click Site Settings.
On the Site Settings #a'e" in the Site 'ollection Administration section" click Search .esult
To create a result source for a site$
Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the O&ners 'rou# for
the site.
On the Settings menu for the site" click Site Settings.
On the Site Settings #a'e" in the Search section" click .esult Sources.
2. On the Manage .esult Sources #a'e" click )e! .esult Source.
3. On the Add .esult Source #a'e" in the General *nformation section" do the follo&in'$
a3 %n the )ame box" ty#e a name for the result source.
b3 %n the Description box" ty#e a descri#tion of the result source.
A. %n the Protocol section" select one of the follo&in' #rotocols for retrievin' search results$
5ocal SharePoint" the default #rotocol" #rovides results from the search index for this Search
service a##lication.
.emote SharePoint #rovides results from the index of a search service in another farm.
OpenSearch #rovides results from a search en'ine that uses the O#enSearch 1.0;1.1 #rotocol.
34change #rovides results from (icrosoft Exchan'e Server. +lick +se AutoDiscoer to have
the search system find an Exchan'e Server end#oint automatically" or ty#e the @4! of the
Exchan'e &eb service to retrieve results from D for exam#le"
ote$ The Exchan'e 8eb Services (ana'ed /P% must be installed on the com#uter on
&hich the search service is runnin'. .or more information" see O#tional soft&are in
*ard&are and soft&are re)uirements for SharePoint 2013.
B. %n the &ype section" select SharePoint Search .esults to search the &hole index" or People
Search .esults to enable )uery #rocessin' that is s#ecific to #eo#le search.
?. %n the ;uery &ransform field" do one of the follo&in'$
!eave the default )uery transform 2search&erms3 as is. %n this case" the )uery &ill be
unchan'ed since the #revious transform.
Ty#e a different )uery transform in the text box.
@se the :uery -uilder to confi'ure a )uery transform by doin' the follo&in'$
+lick 5aunch ;uery <uilder.
%n the <uild 7our ;uery dialo' box" o#tionally build the )uery by s#ecifyin' filters" sortin'" and
testin' on the tabs as sho&n in the follo&in' tables.
On the <AS*'S tab
8ey!ord filter 9ou can use key&ord filters to add #re7defined )uery
variables to the )uery transform. 9ou can select #re7
defined )uery variables from the dro#7do&n list" and
then add them to the )uery by clickin' Add
:ey!ord filter.
Property filter 9ou can use #ro#erty filters to )uery the content of
mana'ed #ro#erties that are set to Cuer!ale in the
search schema.
9ou can select mana'ed #ro#erties from the
Property filter dro#7do&n list. +lick Add property
filter to add the filter to the )uery.
On the SO.&*)G tab
Sort results %n the Sort by menu" you can select a mana'ed #ro#erty
from the list of mana'ed #ro#erties that are set as
sortable in the search schema" and then select
Descending or Ascending. To sort by relevance" that is"
to use a rankin' model" select .an:. 9ou can click Add
sort leel to s#ecify a #ro#erty for a secondary level of
sortin' for search results.
.an:ing Model %f you selected Ran# from the Sort by list" you can select
the rankin' model to use for sortin'.
Dynamic ordering 9ou can click Add dynamic ordering rule to s#ecify
additional rankin' by addin' rules that chan'e the order
of results &ithin the result block &hen certain conditions
are satisfied.
On the &3S& tab
;uery te4t 9ou can vie& the final )uery text" &hich is based on
the ori'inal )uery tem#late" the a##licable )uery
rules" and the variable values.
+lick Sho! more to dis#lay the o#tions in the
follo&in' ro&s of this table.
;uery template 9ou can vie& the )uery as it is defined in the
<AS*'S tab or in the text box in the ;uery
transform section on the /dd 4esult Source #a'e.
;uery template ariables 9ou can test the )uery tem#late by s#ecifyin' values
for the )uery variables.
F. On the Add .esult Source #a'e" in the 'redentials *nformation section" select the
authentication ty#e that you &ant for users to connect to the result source.
Set a result source as default
9ou can set any result source as the default result source. S#ecifyin' a result source as default can
make it easier to edit the )uery in Search 8eb Parts. .or exam#le" &hen you add a +ontent Search
8eb Part to a #a'e" the 8eb Part automatically uses the default result source. .or more information"
see +onfi'ure Search 8eb Parts in SharePoint Server 2013.
&o set a result source as default
1. Perform the a##ro#riate #rocedures in the follo&in' list de#endin' on the level at &hich
the result source &as confi'ured.
%f the result source &as created at the Search service a##lication level" do the follo&in'$
Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is an administrator for the Search
service a##lication.
%n +entral /dministration" in the Application Management section" click Manage serice
+lick the Search service a##lication for &hich you &ant to set the result source as default.
On the Search Administration #a'e" in the ;ueries and .esults section" click .esult
%f the result source is at the site collection level" do the follo&in'$
Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is an administrator for the site
collection administrator.
On the Settings menu for the site collection" click Site Settings.
On the Site Settings #a'e" in the Site 'ollection Administration section" click Search .esult
%f the result source is at the site level" do the follo&in'$
Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the O&ners 'rou# for
the site.
On the Settings menu for the site" click Site Settings.
On the Site Settings #a'e" in the Search section" click .esult Sources.
2. On the Manage .esult Sources #a'e" #oint to the result source that you &ant to set as
default" click the arro& that a##ears" and then click Set as Default.

'reate and configure Machine &ranslation
serices in SharePoint Serer 2013
+pdated" October 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to create a ne& SharePoint (achine Translation service a##lication and ho& to
confi'ure the (achine Translation Service.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
The (achine Translation Service in SharePoint Server 2013 lets users automatically translate
documents. 9ou can create a (achine Translation service a##lication and confi'ure the (achine
Translation Service by usin' +entral /dministration" or 8indo&s Po&erShell. +onfi'urin' the (achine
Translation Service consists of the follo&in' ste#s$
1. +reate a (achine Translation service a##lication.
2. +onfi'ure the (achine Translation Service.
<efore you begin
-efore you #erform these o#erations" revie& the follo&in' information about #rere)uisites$
The /## (ana'ement service a##lication must be started in +entral /dministration. .or more
information" see +onfi'ure an environment for a##s for SharePoint 2013.
9ou must confi'ure server7to7server authentication and a## authentication. .or more information"
see +onfi'ure server7to7server authentication in SharePoint 2013 and +onfi'ure a## authentication
in SharePoint Server 2013.
There must be a @ser Profile service a##lication #roxy in the default #roxy 'rou# for the farm" and
the @ser Profile service a##lication must be started and confi'ured by usin' +entral /dministration
or by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell. .or more information" see +reate" edit" or delete a @ser Profile
service a##lication 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
The server from &hich machine translations &ill be run must be able to connect to the %nternet.
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%d=2A?B023
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 1B Products 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<
,eyboard shortcuts 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%1=2A?B0A3
Touch 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%d=2A?B0?3
'reate a SharePoint Machine &ranslation serice
9ou can create a ne& (achine Translation Service a##lication by usin' either +entral /dministration or
8indo&s Po&erShell.
&o create a Machine &ranslation serice application by using 'entral
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the .arm
/dministrators SharePoint 'rou# and the /dministrators 'rou# on the com#uter that is
runnin' +entral /dministration.
2. On the +entral /dministration home #a'e" in the Application Management section" click
Manage serice applications.
3. On the ribbon" click )e!" and then click Machine &ranslation Serice.
A. %n the 'reate )e! Machine &ranslation Serice Application #ane" in the )ame section" ty#e
a name for the service a##lication.
B. %n the Application Pool section" do one of the follo&in'$
+lick +se e4isting application pool" and then select the a##lication #ool that you &ant to use
from the dro#7do&n list.
+lick 'reate a ne! application pool" ty#e the name of the ne& a##lication #ool" and then
under Select a security account for this application pool do one of the follo&in'$
+lick Predefined to use a #redefined security account" and then select the security account
from the dro#7do&n list.
+lick 'onfigurable to s#ecify a ne& security account to be used for an existin' a##lication
#ool. 9ou can create a ne& account by clickin' the .egister ne! managed account link.
The account that is used by the a##lication #ool must also have .ull +ontrol #ermissions to the
@ser Profile service a##lication. %f you create a ne& a##lication #ool and a ne& account" make
sure that you add the account to the list of accounts that can use the @ser Profile Service
/##lication" and 'rant .ull +ontrol #ermissions to the account. .or more information" see
4estrict or enable access to a service a##lication 2SharePoint Server 20103.
?. %n the Partitioned Mode section" select .un in partitioned mode only if you &ill be #rovidin'
hostin' services for other sites" and the sites usin' it have site subscri#tions.
F. %n the Add to Default Pro4y 5ist section" select Add this serice applicationQs pro4y to the
farmQs default pro4y list. %f you have multi#le 8eb a##lications" and &ant them to use
different sets of services" clear this check box.
G. %n the Database section" s#ecify the database server" database name" and authentication
method for the ne& service a##lication as described in the follo&in' table. The database is
used to hold the &ork items for the (achine Translation service.
Database section properties
*tem Action
Database Serer Ty#e the name of the database server and S:! Server
2012 instance that you &ant to use in the format
$erver%ameBInstance. 9ou can also use the default entry.
Database )ame Ty#e the name of the database.
The database name must be a uni)ue name.
Database Authentication Select the authentication that you &ant to use by doin' one
of the follo&in'$
%f you &ant to use 8indo&s authentication" leave this
o#tion selected. 8e recommend this o#tion because
8indo&s authentication automatically encry#ts the
#ass&ord &hen it connects to S:! Server.
%f you &ant to use S:! authentication" click S;5
authentication. %n the Account box" ty#e the name of
the account that you &ant the service a##lication to use
to authenticate to the S:! Server database" and then
ty#e the #ass&ord in the Pass!ord box.
%n S:! authentication" an unencry#ted #ass&ord is
sent to S:! Server. 8e recommend that you use
S:! authentication only if you force #rotocol
encry#tion to S:! Server or encry#t net&ork traffic
by usin' %Psec.
>. +lick O8.
10. Start the (achine Translation Service. .or more information" see 5Startin' or sto##in' a
service5 in (ana'e services on the server 2SharePoint Server 20103.
&o create a Machine &ranslation serice application by using 2indo!s
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
8e*(SPranslationServiceApplication (8ame R<ServiceApplicationName>R (3atabase8ame
R<DatabaseName>R (3atabaseServer R<DatabaseServer>R (ApplicationPool
R<ApplicationPoolName>R (3efault
?$ervice,pplication%ame@ is name of the ne& (achine Translation Service a##lication.
?-ataase%ame@ is the name of the database that &ill host the (achine Translation Service
lo's. To create a ne& database" #rovide a ne& name.
The database name must be a uni)ue name.
?-ataase$erver@ is the name of the database server that &ill hold the &ork items for the
(achine Translation Service.
?,pplication3ool%ame@ is the name of an existin' a##lication #ool in &hich the ne& (achine
Translation Service should run.
The account that is used by the a##lication #ool must also have .ull +ontrol
#ermissions to the @ser Profile service a##lication. %f you create a ne& a##lication #ool
and a ne& account" make sure that you add the account to the list of accounts that can
use the @ser Profile service a##lication" and 'rant it .ull +ontrol #ermissions. .or more
information" see 4estrict or enable access to a service a##lication 2SharePoint Server
8e*(SPranslationServiceApplication (8ame RMachine ranslation Service ApplicationR
(3atabase8ame RMachineranslation3CR (3atabaseServer RContoso3CServerR
(ApplicationPool RContosoAppPoolR (3efault
?. Start the (achine Translation Service. .or more information" see 5Startin' or sto##in' a
service5 in (ana'e services on the server 2SharePoint Server 20103.
.or more information" see e&7SPTranslationService/##lication.
'onfigure the Machine &ranslation Serice
9ou can confi'ure the (achine Translation Service by usin' either +entral /dministration or 8indo&s
+han'in' the default settin's for the (achine Translation Service can #otentially affect server
#erformance. .or exam#le" increasin' item si0e limits can result in the translation Cob takin'
lon'er to run" and increasin' the number of #rocesses &ill consume more resources on the
server. -e sure to carefully consider any #ossible server effects before you chan'e these
&o configure the Machine &ranslation Serice by using 'entral Administration
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the .arm
/dministrators 'rou# in SharePoint Server 2013.
2. On the +entral /dministration home #a'e" in the Application Management section" click
Manage serice applications.
3. On the (ana'e Service /##lications #a'e" click the link that corres#onds to the name of
the (achine Translation service a##lication.
A. On the (achine Translation Service #a'e" in the 3nabled 9ile 34tensions section" clear the
check box for any file name extensions that you &ant to disable. -y default" all file name
extensions are enabled.
B. %n the *tem Si(e 5imits section" do the follo&in'$
%n the Ma4imum file si(e for binary files in 8<@ Microsoft 2ord documents are binary files
box" ty#e the maximum file si0e 21007B2A2GG3" in ,-" for binary files. The default is B1200. .iles
that exceed this limit &ill not be translated.
%n the Ma4imum file si(e for te4t files in 8<@ Plain=te4t% 6&M5% and G5*99 documents are
te4t files box" ty#e the maximum file si0e 210071B3?03" in ,-" for text files. The default is B120.
.iles that exceed this limit &ill not be translated.
%n the Ma4imum character count for Microsoft 2ord documents box" ty#e the maximum
character count 2100007100000003 for 8ord documents. The default is B00000.
?. %n the Online &ranslation 'onnection section" do one of the follo&in'$
+lick +se default internet settings. This is the default.
+lick +se the pro4y specified" and ty#e a &eb #roxy server and #ort number.
%f you chan'e this settin'" you must sto# and restart the (achine Translation Service
after you confi'ure it.
F. %n the &ranslation Processes section" ty#e the number of translation #rocesses 217B3. The
default is 1.
%f you chan'e this settin'" you must sto# and restart the (achine Translation Service after
you confi'ure it.
G. %n the &ranslation &hroughput section" do the follo&in'$
%n the 9re/uency !ith !hich to start translations ,minutes- box" ty#e the fre)uency &ith
&hich 'rou#s of translations are started" in minutes 217B>3. The default is 1B.
%n the )umber of translations to start ,per translation process- box" ty#e the number of
translations 21710003 #er #rocess. This number re#resents the number of translations started
#er #rocess every time translations are started. The default is 200.
>. %n the Ma4imum &ranslation Attempts section" ty#e the maximum number of times 217103 a
translation is tried before its status is set to 9ailed. The default is 2.
10. %n the Ma4imum Synchronous &ranslation .e/uests section" ty#e the maximum number of
synchronous translation re)uests 2073003. The default is 10.
9ou can also set this value to 0 so that no synchronous Cobs are acce#ted.
11. %n the &ranslation ;uota section" do the follo&in'$
%n the Ma4imum number of items !hich can be /ueued in a 21=hour period section" do one
of the follo&in'$
+lick )o limit. This is the default.
+lick 5imit per 21 hours" and then ty#e the maximum number of items 2100710000003 that
can be )ueued in a 2A7hour #eriod.
%n the Ma4imum number of items !hich can be /ueued in a 21=hour period per site
subscription section" do one of the follo&in'$
+lick )o limit. This is the default.
+lick 5imit per 21 hours" and then ty#e the maximum number of items 2100710000003 that
can be )ueued in a 2A7hour #eriod #er site subscri#tion.
This settin' a##lies only if you &ill be #rovidin' hostin' services for other sites" and the sites
usin' it have site subscri#tions.
12. %n the 'ompleted #ob 34piration &ime section" do one of the follo&in'$
+lick Days" and then ty#e the number of days 21710003 com#leted Cobs are ke#t in the Cob
history lo'. The default is F.
+lick )o e4piration.
13. %n the .ecycled &hreshold section" ty#e the number of documents 21710003 to be
converted before the conversion #rocess is restarted. The default is 100.
%f you chan'e this settin'" you must sto# and restart the (achine Translation Service after
you confi'ure it.
1A. %n the Office HL=2003 Document Scanning section" s#ecify &hether to disable security
scannin' for Office >F72003 documents. Only enable this settin' if you trust the
documents that &ill be converted. The default is )o.
1B. +lick O8.
1?. %f you chan'ed any settin's that re)uire you to restart the (achine Translation Service"
restart the service no&. .or more information" see 5Startin' or sto##in' a service5 in
(ana'e services on the server 2SharePoint Server 20103.
&o configure the Machine &ranslation Serice by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
Set(SPranslationServiceApplication ()dentity R<ServiceApplicationName>R
(;nableAll+ile;.tensions (6se3efaultlnternetSettin-s (imerHob+re:uency <TimerJobFrequency>
(Ma.imumranslationAttempts <MaximumTranslationAttempts> (Hob;.piration3ays
<JobExpirationDays> (Ma.imumSyncranslation9e:uests
<MaximumSyncTranslationRequests> (9ecycleProcesshreshold <RecycleProcessThreshold>
(3isableCinary+ileScan <DisableBinaryFileScan>
?$ervice,pplication%ame@ is name of the (achine Translation service a##lication.
?TimerDo<reCuenc!@ is the fre)uency" in minutes 217B>3" &ith &hich 'rou#s of translations are
?&aximumTranslation,ttempts@ is the maximum number of times 217103 a translation is tried
before its status is set to 9ailed.
?Do/xpiration-a!s@ is the number of days 21710003 com#leted Cobs are ke#t in the Cob history
?&aximum$!ncTranslationReCuests@ is the maximum number of synchronous translation
re)uests 2073003.
?Rec!cle3rocessThreshold@ is the number of documents 21710003 to be converted before the
conversion #rocess is restarted.
?-isale.inar!<ile$can@ is either 0 2false3 or 1 2true3.
Set(SPranslationServiceApplication ()dentity RMachine ranslation Service ApplicationR
(;nableAll+ile;.tensions (6se3efaultlnternetSettin-s (imerHob+re:uency &0
(Ma.imumranslationAttempts & (Hob;.piration3ays 11 (Ma.imumSyncranslation9e:uests
20 (9ecycleProcesshreshold &00 (3isableCinary+ileScan 1
+han'es to any of the follo&in' #arameters &ill re)uire that you restart the (achine
Translation Service$ DeepAliveimeout" Ma.imumranslationime"
otalActiveProcesses" 9ecycleProcesshreshold" =ebPro.yAddress"
MachineranslationAddress" 6se3efault)nternetSettin-s.
?. %f you chan'ed any settin's that re)uire you to restart the (achine Translation Service"
restart the service no&. .or more information" see 5Startin' or sto##in' a service5 in
(ana'e services on the server 2SharePoint Server 20103.
.or more information" see Set7SPTranslationService/##lication.
The (icrosoft Translator *ub is an extension of (icrosoft Translator" and allo&s you to build automatic
lan'ua'e translation systems that inte'rate &ith your &ebsite. /fter you build a custom system" the
&est System #a'e on the ProJects tab in the (icrosoft Translator *ub dis#lays a cate'ory %1. 9ou can
confi'ure the (achine Translation Service to use the custom translation system by #assin' the
cate'ory %1 in the MachineranslationCate-ory #arameter. .or more information about the (icrosoft
Translator *ub" see htt#$;;
Additional steps
%f the account that is used by the a##lication #ool that &as assi'ned to the (achine Translation service
a##lication differs from the one used by the @ser Profile service a##lication" you must add it to the list of
accounts that can use the @ser Profile service a##lication" and 'rant it .ull +ontrol #ermissions. .or
more information" see 4estrict or enable access to a service a##lication 2SharePoint Server 20103.
'onfigure .e/uest Manager in SharePoint
Serer 2013
Published" October 2% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& 4e)uest (ana'er in SharePoint Server 2013 can route and throttle incomin'
re)uests to hel# im#rove #erformance and availability.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
4e)uest (ana'er is functionality in SharePoint Server 2013 that enables administrators to mana'e
incomin' re)uests and determine ho& SharePoint Server 2013 routes these re)uests.
%n this article$
Setu# and 1e#loyment
4e)uest 4outin'
(onitorin' and maintenance
4e)uest (ana'er uses confi'ured rules to #erform the follo&in' tasks &hen it encounters re)uests$
1eny #otentially harmful re)uests from enterin' a SharePoint farm.
4oute 'ood re)uests to an available server.
(anually o#timi0e #erformance.
%nformation that administrators or an automated #rocess #rovide to 4e)uest (ana'er determine the
effectiveness of routed re)uests.
To learn about ho& to use #erformance data to #lan and mana'e the ca#acity of a SharePoint Server
2013 environment" see +a#acity mana'ement and si0in' overvie& for SharePoint Server 2013
The follo&in' table describes #ossible scenarios and resolutions that 4e)uest (ana'er can address.

Area Scenario .esolution
.eliability and
4outin' ne& re)uests to &eb
front end &ith lo&
#erformance can increase
latency and cause timeouts.
4e)uest (ana'er can route to front7end &eb
servers that have better #erformance" kee#in'
lo& #erformance front7end &eb servers
4e)uests from users and bots
have e)ual #riority.
Prioriti0e re)uests by throttlin' re)uests from
bots to instead serve re)uests from end7users3.
accountability% and
capacity planning
SharePoint Server fails or
'enerally res#onds slo&ly" but
it]s difficult to identify the
cause of a failure or
4e)uest (ana'er can send all re)uests of a
s#ecific ty#e" for exam#le" Search" @ser
Profiles" or Office 8eb /##s" to s#ecific
com#uters. 8hen a com#uter is failin' or slo&"
4e)uest (ana'er can locate the #roblem.
/ll front7end &eb servers
must be able to handle the
re)uests because they could
be sent to any front7end &eb
4e)uest (ana'er can send multi#le or sin'le
re)uests to front7end &eb servers that are
desi'nated to handle them.
Scaling limits *ard&are scalin' limited by
load balancer
4e)uest (ana'er can #erform a##lication
routin' and scale out as needed so that a load
balancer can )uickly balance loads at the
net&ork level.

Setup and Deployment
4e)uest (ana'er6s task is to decide t&o thin's$ a SharePoint farm &ill acce#t a re)uest" and if the
ans&er is 5yes5" to &hich front7end &eb server SharePoint Server &ill send it. The three maCor
functional com#onents of 4e)uest (ana'er are 4e)uest 4outin'" 4e)uest Throttlin' and Prioriti0in'"
and 4e)uest !oad -alancin'. These com#onents determine ho& to handle re)uests. 4e)uest (ana'er
mana'es all re)uests on a #er7&eb7a##lication basis. -ecause 4e)uest (ana'er is #art of the
SharePoint Server 2013 %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3 module" it only affects re)uests that %%S
8hen a ne& re)uest is received" 4e)uest (ana'er is the first code that runs in a SharePoint farm.
/lthou'h 4e)uest (ana'er is installed durin' setu# of SharePoint Server on a front7end &eb server"
the 4e)uest (ana'ement service is not enabled. 9ou can use the Start7SPService%nstance and Sto#7
SPService%nstance cmdlets to start and sto# the 4e)uest (ana'ement service instance res#ectively or
the Manage serices on serer #a'e on the the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite. 9ou can
use the .outing3nabled or &hrottling3nabled #arameters of the Set7
SP4e)uest(ana'ementSettin's 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlet to chan'e #ro#erties of 4e)uest
There is no user interface to confi'ure #ro#erties of 4e)uest (ana'er. The 8indo&s
Po&erShell cmdlet is the only &ay to #erform this task.
4e)uest (ana'er has t&o su##orted de#loyment modes$ Dedicated and *ntegrated.
Dedicated mode
.i'ure 1 sho&s a dedicated mode de#loyment.
9igure 1" Dedicated mode
/ set of front7end &eb servers is dedicated to mana'in' re)uests exclusively. The front7end &eb
servers that are dedicated to 4e)uest (ana'er are in their o&n farm that is located bet&een the
hard&are load balancers 2*!-s3 and the SharePoint farm. The *!-s send all re)uests to the 4e)uest
(ana'er front7end &eb servers. 4e)uest (ana'er that runs on these front7end &eb servers decides to
&hich SharePoint front7end &eb servers it &ill send the re)uests and then routes the re)uests.
1e#endin' on the routin' and throttlin' rules" 4e)uest (ana'er mi'ht i'nore some re)uests &ithout
sendin' them to another server. The SharePoint front7end &eb servers do their normal tasks in
#rocessin' re)uests and then send res#onses back throu'h the front7end &eb servers that run 4e)uest
(ana'er and to the clients.
ote that all farms are set u# as SharePoint farms. /ll front7end &eb servers in .i'ure 1 are SharePoint
front7end &eb servers" each of &hich can do the same &ork as any other. The difference bet&een the
farms is that the 4e)uest (ana'er front7end &eb servers have 4e)uest (ana'er enabled.
1edicated mode is 'ood for lar'er7scale de#loyments &hen #hysical com#uters are readily available.
The ability to create a se#arate farm for 4e)uest mana'er #rovides t&o benefits$ 4e)uest (ana'er
and SharePoint #rocesses do not com#ete for resources and you can scale out one &ithout havin' to
also scale out the other. This allo&s you to have more control over the #erformance of each role.
4e)uest (ana'er and SharePoint #rocesses do not com#ete for resources.
9ou can scale out each farm se#arately" &hich #rovides more control over the #erformance of each
*ntegrated mode
.i'ure 2 sho&s an inte'rated mode de#loyment.
9igure 2" *ntegrated mode
%n an inte'rated mode de#loyment" all
SharePoint front7end &eb servers run 4e)uest (ana'er. *ard&are load balancers send re)uests to all
front7end &eb servers. 8hen a front7end &eb server receives a re)uest" 4e)uest (ana'er decides
ho& to handle it$ .
/llo& it to be #rocessed locally.
4oute it to a different front7end &eb server.
1eny the re)uest.
%nte'rated mode is 'ood for small7scale de#loyments &hen many #hysical com#uters are not readily
available. This mode lets 4e)uest (ana'er and the rest of SharePoint Server to run on all com#uters.
This mode is common for on7#remises de#loyments.
4e)uest (ana'er has t&o confi'urable #arts$ General settings and Decision information. Heneral
settin's are #arameters that make 4e)uest (ana'er ready to use" such as enablin' or disablin'
4e)uest 4outin' and 4e)uest Throttlin' and Prioriti0in'. 1ecision information is all of the information
that is used durin' the routin' and throttlin' #rocesses" such as routin' and throttlin' rules.
9ou confi'ure 4e)uest (ana'er on a farm and functionality occurs at a &eb a##lication level.
General settings
-y default" re)uest routin' and re)uest throttlin' and #rioriti0in' are enabled. 9ou use the Set7
SP4e)uest(ana'ementSettin's cmdlet to chan'e the #ro#erties of re)uest routin'" re)uest throttlin'
and #rioriti0in'" and select a routin' &ei'ht scheme.
The table describes the confi'uration situation and 8indo&s Po&erShell syntax to use.
2indo!s Po!erShell e4amples to enable routing and throttling

Situation 2indo!s Po!erShell synta4
Enable routin' and throttlin'
for all &eb a##lications
,et(SP=ebApplication W Set(SP9e:uestMana-ementSettin-s _
9outin-;nabled [true _hrottlin-;nabled [true
Enable routin' &ith static
&ei'htin' for all &eb
,et(SP=ebApplication W ,et(SP9e:uestMana-ementSettin-s W Set(
SP9e:uestMana-ementSettin-s _9outin-;nabled [true _
hrottlin-;nabled [false _9outin-=ei-htScheme Static

%n some situations" multi#le front7end &eb servers &ill be suitable destinations for a #articular re)uest.
%n this case" by default" SharePoint Server selects one server randomly and uniformly.
One routin' &ei'ht scheme is static-weighted routing. %n this scheme" static &ei'hts are associated &ith
front7end &eb servers so that 4e)uest (ana'er al&ays favors a hi'her static &ei'ht durin' the
selection #rocess. This scheme is useful to 'ive added &ei'ht to more #o&erful front7end &eb servers
and #roduce less strain on less #o&erful ones. Each front7end &eb server &ill have a static &ei'ht
associated &ith it. The values of the &ei'hts are any inte'er value" &here 1 is the default. / value less
than 1 re#resents lo&er &ei'ht" and 'reater than 1 re#resents hi'her &ei'ht.
/nother &ei'htin' scheme is health-weighted. %n health7&ei'hted routin'" front7end &eb servers that
have health scores closer to 0ero &ill be favored" and fe&er re)uests &ill be sent to front7end &eb
servers that have a hi'her health score values. The health &ei'hts run from 0 to 10" &here 0 is the
healthiest and therefore &ill 'et the most re)uests. -y default" all front7end &eb servers are set to
healthy" and therefore" &ill have e)ual &ei'hts. SharePoint6s health score based monitorin' system
assi'ns &ei'ht to server and send a health score value as a header in the res#onse to a re)uest.
4e)uest (ana'er uses same health score and stores it in local memory.
Decision information
1ecision information a##lies to routin' tar'ets" routin' rules" and throttlin' rules.
.outing targets
4e)uest routin' determines the routin' tar'ets that are available &hen a routin' #ool is selected for a
re)uest. The sco#e of routin' tar'ets is currently for front7end &eb servers only" but 4e)uest (ana'er]s
desi'n does not exclude routin' to a##lication servers" too. / list of front7end &eb servers in a farm is
automatically maintained by usin' the confi'uration database. /n administrator &ho &ants to chan'e
that list" ty#ically in dedicated mode" has to use the a##ro#riate routin' cmdlets to 'et" add" set" and
remove routin' tar'ets.
The follo&in' table describes the various routin' tar'et tasks and the associated 8indo&s Po&erShell
syntax to use.
2indo!s Po!erShell e4amples routing target tas:s

&as: 2indo!s Po!erShell synta4
4eturn a list of routin' tar'ets for all available
&eb a##lications.
,et(SP=ebApplication W ,et(
SP9e:uestMana-ementSettin-s W ,et(
SP9outin-Machine)nfo _Availability Available
/dd a ne& routin' tar'et for a s#ecified &eb
%%S lo' files &ill contain all *TTP
re)uests. .or additional information
about %%S lo''in'" see %%S !o''in'
[*ebX,et(SP=ebApplication ()dentity S69? of *eb
[rmX,et(SP9e:uestMana-ementSettin-s ()dentity
Add(SP9outin-Machine)nfo _
9e:uestMana-ementSettin-s [rm (8ame
SMachine8ameT (Availability Available
I@4! of &eb a##licationJ is the @4! of the &eb
a##lication to &hich you6re addin' a ne& routin'
&as: 2indo!s Po!erShell synta4
I(achineameJis the name of the server that
hosts the &eb a##lication.
Edit an existin' routin' tar'et]s availability and
static &ei'ht for a s#ecified &eb a##lication
[*ebX,et(SP=ebApplication ()dentity S69? of *eb
[rmX,et(SP9e:uestMana-ementSettin-s ()dentity
(9e:uestMana-ementSettin-s [rm (8ame
Set(SP9outin-Machine)nfo ()dentity [m (Availability
I@4! of &eb a##licationJ is the @4! of the &eb
a##lication for &hich you6re editin' an existin'
routin' tar'et]s availability and static &ei'ht.
4emove a routin' tar'et from a s#ecified &eb
9ou cannot remove front7end &eb
servers that are in the farm. %nstead"
you can use the Aailability #arameter
of the Set7SP4outin'(achine%nfo
cmdlet to make them unavailable.
[*ebX,et(SP=ebApplication ()dentity S69? of *eb
[rmX,et(SP9e:uestMana-ementSettin-s ()dentity
(9e:uestMana-ementSettin-s [rm (8ame
9emove(SP9outin-Machine)nfo ()dentity [M
I@4! of &eb a##licationJ is the @4! of the &eb
a##lication from &hich you6re removin' a routin'

.outing and throttling rules
4e)uest routin' and re)uest throttlin' and #rioriti0in' are decision al'orithms that use rules to #rescribe
many actions. The rules determine ho& 4e)uest (ana'er handles re)uests.
4ules are se#arated into t&o cate'ories" routing rules and throttling rules" &hich are used in re)uest
routin' and re)uest throttlin' and #rioriti0in'" res#ectively. 4outin' rules match criteria and route to a
machine #ool. Throttlin' rules match criteria and throttle based on kno&n health score of a com#uter.
.e/uest .outing
4e)uest #rocessin' is all o#erations that occur se)uentially from the time that 4e)uest (ana'er
receives a ne& re)uest to the time that 4e)uest (ana'er sends a res#onse to the client.
4e)uest #rocessin' is divided into the com#onents$
re)uest routin'
incomin' re)uest handler
re)uest throttlin' and #rioriti0in'
re)uest load balancin'
*ncoming re/uest handler
The role of the incomin' re)uest handler is to determine &hether 4e)uest (ana'er should #rocess a
re)uest. %f re)uest throttlin' and #rioriti0in' is disabled and the 4e)uest (ana'er )ueue is em#ty"
4e)uest (ana'er directs the re)uest to SharePoint Server that is runnin' on the current front7end &eb
server. %f re)uest throttlin' and #rioriti0in' is enabled" re)uest throttlin' and #rioriti0in' determines
&hether the re)uest should be allo&ed or denied on the current front7end &eb server.
The #rocesses ste#s of the incomin' re)uest handler are as follo&s$
1. 4e)uest is determined if it should be throttled or routed
2. .or routed re)uests" load balance al'orithm is run
3. 4e)uest routed to load balancer end#oint
4e)uest routin' and 4e)uest throttlin' and #rioriti0in' only run if it is enabled and is routed once #er
farm. 4e)uest load balancer only runs if a re)uest has been determined as routable. The out'oin'
re)uest handler only runs if the re)uest has to be sent to a different front7end &eb server. The role of
the out'oin' re)uest handler is to send the re)uest to the selected front7end &eb server" &ait for a
res#onse" and send the res#onse back to the source.
.e/uest routing
The role of re)uest routin' is to select a front7end &eb server to route a re)uest. -y usin' no routin'
rules that are defined" the routin' scheme is as easy as randomly selectin' an available front7end &eb
The al'orithm of re)uest routin' is defined by t&o #arts$ re)uest7rule matchin' and front7end &eb
server selection.
.e/uest rule matching
Every rule has one or more match criteria" &hich consist of three thin's$ match #ro#erty" match ty#e"
and match value.
The follo&in' table describes the different ty#es of match #ro#erties and match ty#es$

Match property Match type
*ostname 4e'Ex
@4! E)uals
Port number Starts &ith
(%(E Ty#e Ends &ith

.or exam#le" an administrator &ould use the follo&in' match criteria to match htt#$;;contoso re)uests$
(atch Pro#erty=@4!Z (atch value= htt#$;;contosoZ (atch ty#e=4e'Ex
9ront=end !eb serer selection
The front7end &eb server selection uses all routin' rules" &hether they match or do not match a 'iven
re)uest. 4ules that match have machine #ools" a re)uest sends load balanced to any machine in any
matchin' rule]s machine #ool. %f a re)uest does not match any re)uest" it sends load balanced to any
available routin' tar'et.
.e/uest routing and prioriti(ing
.or routin' re)uests that use the health7based monitorin' system" the role of re)uest routin' and
#rioriti0in' is to reduce the routin' #ool to com#uters that have a 'ood health score to #rocess
re)uests. %f re)uest routin' is enabled" the routin' #ool is &hichever front7end &eb server is selected. %f
re)uest routin' is disabled" the routin' #ool only contains the current front7end &eb server.
4e)uest routin' and #rioriti0in' can be divided into t&o #arts$ re)uest7rule matchin' and front7end &eb
server filterin'. 4e)uest7rule matchin' ha##ens exactly like in re)uest routin'. .ront7end &eb server
filterin' uses the health threshold #arameter from the throttlin' rules in combination &ith front7end &eb
server health data to determine &hether the front7end &eb servers in the selected routin' #ool can
#rocess the 'iven re)uest.
The front7end &eb server filterin' #rocess follo&s these ste#s$
1. The routin' #ool is either the current front7end &eb server or one or more front7end &eb
servers that re)uest routin' selects.
2. /ll matchin' rules are checked to find the smallest health threshold value.
3. 4emove front7end &eb servers in the routin' #ool that have health scores 'reater than or
e)ual to the smallest health threshold value.
.or exam#le" re)uest routin' is disabled and the current front7end &eb server has a health score of F
and a rule [-lock Oneote\ &ithout a health threshold 2that is" health threshold = 03 is created.
The routin' #ool is the current front7end &eb server that has a health threshold e)ual to 0ero 203. So"
the smallest threshold that the front7end &eb server can serve is 0ero. -ecause the current front7end
&eb server has health score of F" 4e)uest (ana'er denies and removes the re)uest.
.e/uest load balancing
The role of re)uest load balancin' is to select a sin'le tar'et to &hich to send the re)uest. 4e)uest
load balancin' uses the routin' &ei'ht schemes to select the tar'et. /ll routin' tar'ets be'in &ith a
&ei'ht of 1. %f static &ei'htin' is enabled" re)uest load balancin' uses the static &ei'hts set of each
routin' tar'et to adCust the &ei'hts and the value can be valid inte'er number. %f health &ei'htin' is
enabled" re)uest load balancin' uses health information to add &ei'ht to healthier tar'ets and remove
&ei'ht from less healthy tar'ets.
Monitoring and maintenance
(onitorin' and lo''in' are keys to mana'in' re)uests from 4e)uest (ana'er.
The rules that matched.
The rules that did not match.
The final decision of the re)uest.
1ecisions mi'ht include useful information such as the follo&in'.
8as the re)uest denied<
8hich front7end &eb server &as selected and from &hich routin' #oolJ
1id the re)uest succeed or fail and &hy<
*o& lon' did each #art" routin'" throttlin'" and &aitin' for front7end &eb server to res#ond"
/n administrator can use this information to adCust the routin' and throttlin' rule sets to o#timi0e the
system and correct #roblems. To hel# you monitor and evaluate your farm6s #erformance" you can
create a #erformance monitor lo' file and add the follo&in' SharePoint .oundation 4e)uest (ana'er
Performance counters$

'ounter name Description
'onnections 'urrent The total number of connections that are currently
o#en by 4e)uest (ana'er.
'onnections .eused ? Sec The number of connections #er second that are
reused &hen the same client connection makes
another re)uest &ithout closin' the connection.
.outed .e/uests ? Sec The number of routed re)uests #er second. The
instance determines the a##lication #ool and
server for &hich this counter tracks.
&hrottled .e/uests ? Sec The number of throttled re)uests #er second.
9ailed .e/uests ? Sec The number of failed re)uests #er second.
Aerage Processing &ime The time to #rocess the re)uest that is" the time to
'ounter name Description
evaluate all the rules and determine a routin'
5ast Ping 5atency The last #in' latency 2that is" 4e)uest (ana'er6s
P%H feature3 and the instance determine &hich
a##lication #ool and machine tar'et.
'onnection 3ndpoints 'urrent The total number of end#oints that are connected
for all active connections.
.outed .e/uests 'urrent The number of unfinished routed re)uests. The
instance determines &hich a##lication #ool and
machine tar'et.

/lon' &ith creatin' a #erformance monitor lo' file" the verbose lo''in' level can be enabled by usin'
the follo&in' 8indo&s Po&erShell syntax$
Set(SP?o-?evel O9e:uest Mana-ementP _raceSeverity Eerbose

'onfigure <usiness 'onnectiity Serices
solutions for SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" .ind links to #rocedures to hel# you install and confi'ure SharePoint 2013 -usiness
+onnectivity Services 2-+S3 for the on7#remises and cloud7only solutions" and other scenarios.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
This article is your startin' #lace for the #rocedures to install common (icrosoft -usiness +onnectivity
Services scenarios for SharePoint 2013. The -usiness +onnectivity Services solution that you de#loy
&ill most likely look different from the solutions #resented here" but you can model your installation on
these exam#les. /lso" you can select the individual #rocedures from here to build your o&n #rocedural
documents for your -usiness +onnectivity Services solution scenario.
About <usiness 'onnectiity Serices installation
Every -usiness +onnectivity Services solution is uni)ue because each business has uni)ue data
inte'ration #roblems that it solves &ith -usiness +onnectivity Services. The solutions can ran'e from
somethin' sim#le and strai'htfor&ard that a #o&er user or %T #rofessional 2&ho has the a##ro#riate
#ermissions3 can #erform by themselves" to com#lex solutions that re)uire develo#er" %T #rofessional"
and end7user solution develo#ment involvement. This 'uide #resents the confi'uration #rocedures in
common scenarios.
On=premises /ll the -usiness +onnectivity Services com#onents are under your or'ani0ations
control behind your fire&all.
-efore you be'in &ith any -usiness +onnectivity Services scenario confi'uration" make sure that you
have read -usiness +onnectivity Services Overvie& 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3 and com#leted the
ste#s in Plan a -usiness +onnectivity Services solution 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
On=premises deployment
The #rocedures in 1e#loy a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises solution in SharePoint 2013
sho& you ho& to de#loy a solution that involves the follo&in'$
/ -usiness +onnectivity Services infrastructure that is on your cor#orate net&ork.
%nformation &orkers &ho access the -usiness +onnectivity Services solution are on your cor#orate
External content that is surfaced in SharePoint as an external list.
External content that is synchroni0ed into Outlook for offline use.
/ccessin' external data that is in S:! Server database on your cor#orate net&ork.
SharePoint 1esi'ner 2013 to create the external content ty#e for the S:! Server data source.
The Secure Store Service to mana'e ma##in' of user credentials to 'rou# credentials for
accessin' the external systems.
Deploy a <usiness 'onnectiity Serices on=
premises solution in SharePoint 2013
+pdated" October 1$% 2012
Summary" *o& to install -usiness +onnectivity Services 2-+S3 to access an on7#remises S:! Server
external data source" surface external data in SharePoint lists" and take external data offline in Outlook.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
The follo&in' scenario sho&s you ho& to create a no7code business solution in (icrosoft -usiness
+onnectivity Services 2-+S3 by usin' the S:! Server /dventure8orks sam#le database. 9ou learn
ho& to$
+onfi'ure the accounts" and 'rou#s that you need to securely access the external data source.
+onfi'ure the #ermission on the external data source" the external content ty#e and the external
+reate and confi'ure an external content ty#e.
+reate an external list that makes the external data available to users.
+onnect the external list to Outlook to make the external data available &hen the user is offline.
This article includes the overvie&" roadma#" and any conce#tual information that is needed.
2hat these procedures help you deploy
-usiness +onnectivity Services is a centrali0ed infrastructure in SharePoint 2013 and Office 2013 that
enables you to inte'rate data that is not in SharePoint #roducts and Office 2013 into SharePoint
#roducts and Office 2013. -+S im#lementations take many different forms" includin' the on7#remises
form. These #rocedures sho& you ho& to install and confi'ure -+S to inte'rate data from an on7
#remises S:! data source into a SharePoint #roducts external list and into Outlook. .or the #ur#oses
of buildin' out this scenario" &e use the /dventure8orks sam#le S:! database. The solution looks as
sho&n in the follo&in' fi'ure.

1. / user 'oes to an external list on a SharePoint site. The external list creates a re)uest for
data by usin' the user]s 8indo&s credentials.
2. The re)uest is sent to the -1+ runtime in the SharePoint farm.
3. The -1+ runtime accesses the external content ty#e for the list 2in the -1+ (etadata
Store3 to see ho& to access the external system and &hich o#erations can be #erformed.
-y usin' either the user]s credentials or the credentials from the Secure Store 2as defined
in the external content ty#e3" the -1+ runtime #asses the re)uest to a connector that can
handle the re)uest" in this case the S:! connector.
A. The S:! connector accesses the external data source and retrieves the data" and a##lies
any formattin' and filterin' as s#ecified in the external content ty#e. The data is #assed
back throu'h the re)uest chain to the list &here the user can interact &ith it.
B. The user &ants to take this data on a #ortable com#uter in Outlook so the user can use
the 'onnect to Outloo: feature on the external list to take the data offline.
?. The +lick Once installation runs and installs the re)uired -1+ model on the client. This
lets the -1+ +lient7Side 4untime access the external data directly.
F. Outlook then connects to the external data by usin' the confi'uration in the -1+ model
and synchroni0es it into an Outlook SharePoint external list" formatted as a contacts list.
G. The user can then interact &ith the contact data" and any chan'es that the user makes
can be &ritten back to the external data source either by an on7demand synch or by
&aitin' six hours for the automated synchroni0ation.
6o! to use these procedures and a roadmap of the
The ste#s to com#letely de#loy this scenario are #resented in smaller #rocedures. Some of the
#rocedures are on Techet" some are on" and some are on (S1. Each #rocedure is
numbered indicatin' its #osition in the overall se)uence. /t the be'innin' and end of each #rocedure"
links direct you to the #recedin' and follo&in' ste#s. The follo&in' list contains links to all of the
#rocedures" in #ro#er order" for your reference. 9ou must follo& them in se)uence to build out the
scenario. 9ou can also use these #rocedures individually to build out your o&n uni)ue scenarios. 8hen
you are assemblin' individual #rocedures to build out your o&n scenarios" be sure to test the entire set
of #rocedures" in order" in a lab settin' before you attem#t them in #roduction.
1. Prere)uisites for de#loyin' a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises solution in SharePoint
2. +reate database lo'ins for a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises solution in SharePoint
3. Start the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service for a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises
solution in SharePoint 2013
A. +reate the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service a##lication in SharePoint 2013
B. Set #ermissions on the -+S (etadata Store for a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises
solution in SharePoint 2013
?. +onfi'ure the Secure Store Service for a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises solution in
SharePoint 2013
F. +reate an external content ty#e for a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises solution in
SharePoint 2013
G. +onfi'ure #ermission on an external content ty#e for a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises
solution in SharePoint 2013
>. +reate an external list for a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises solution in SharePoint
10. (ana'e user #ermissions on an external list for a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises
solution in SharePoint 2013
11. +onnect an external list to Outlook for a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises solution in
SharePoint 2013
12. Eerify offline access and synchroni0ation of external data in Outlook for a -usiness +onnectivity
Services on7#remises solution in SharePoint 2013
Prere/uisites for deploying a <usiness
'onnectiity Serices on=premises solution
in SharePoint 2013
Published" October 1$% 2012
Summary" *o& to #re#are your environment to install -usiness +onnectivity Services 2-+S3 in an on7
#remises confi'uration in SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5 = $hare3oint <oundation ()*5
-efore you start your installation of the on7#remises (icrosoft -usiness +onnectivity Services 2-+S3
scenario" you must have these soft&are and infrastructure re)uirements in #lace.
This is Step 1 in the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises scenario de#loyment
.or a list of all the #rocedures in order" see 1e#loy a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises
solution in SharePoint 2013.
On=premises scenario prere/uisites
/ fully functional SharePoint 2013 server farm &ith a 8eb /##lication and site collection
/ fully functionin' instance of S:! Server 200G &ith Service Pack 1 2SP13 and +umulative @#date
2 or S:! Server 200G 42
SharePoint 1esi'ner 2013
Outlook 2013 client
9ou have an account that has #ermissions to administer the <usiness Data 'onnectiity Serice
9ou have an account that has #ermissions to administer the Secure Store Service service
1o&nload the /dventure8orks sam#le database from +ode#lex do&nloads for S:! Server. This
database must be installed and functionin' on your S:! Server
+reate an /ctive 1irectory directory Service 2/1 1S3 security 'rou# and add the users &ho &ill be
usin' this -+S solution" for exam#le create a 'rou# that is named /dventure8orks-+S@sers
The /dventure8orks sam#le database is develo#ed and #ublished by (icrosoft. The /dventure8orks
sam#le database is #re#o#ulated &ith a lar'e )uantity of fictitious data from a fictitious com#any"
/dventure8orks +ycles. 8e are usin' the /dventure8orks sam#le database here so &e have a
concrete exam#le for illustratin' the installation and confi'uration of the on7#remises -+S scenario.
%f you have #roblems attachin' the database file by usin' the /ttach command" in the /ttach
databases dialo' box" and remove the reference to the lo' file in the bottom #ane before you
click O,.
Preparing the enironment
6o! to do!nload and install the Adenture2or:s sample database
1. .rom a bro&ser" 'o to /dventure8orks sam#le database and do&nload the
/dventure8orks200G42K1ata.mdf file.
2. %nstall the /dventure 8orks200G42 sam#le database by follo&in' the #rocedures in the
[4eadme for /dventure8orks 200G 42 Sam#le 1atabase\ section of the S:! Server
Sam#les 4eadme 2en7@S3 #a'e.
!ink to Step 2+reate database lo'ins for a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises
solution in SharePoint 2013 of the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises scenario
de#loyment #rocedures.
'reate database logins for a <usiness
'onnectiity Serices on=premises solution
in SharePoint 2013
Published" October 1$% 2012
Summary" *o& to #re#are the S:! Server lo'ins for -usiness +onnectivity Services 2-+S3 on7
#remises scenario de#loyment in SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
(icrosoft -usiness +onnectivity Services 2-+S3 re)uires an account that it can use to access the
external data source. The account must have the necessary #ermissions on the external data source to
#erform all the o#erations that your -+S solution mi'ht re)uire. .or ease of confi'uration and on'oin'
mana'ement" you can ma# a 'rou# of SharePoint #roducts users to a sin'le shared account on the
external data source.
%n this #rocedure" you create a S:! Server lo'in and then assi'n that lo'in to a user account on the
/dventure8orks sam#le database. 9ou &ill use Secure Store Service services to ma# a 'rou# of
SharePoint 2013 users to the sin'le shared account in a later #rocedure.
This is Step 2 in the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises scenario de#loyment
!ink to Step 1Prere)uisites for de#loyin' a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises solution in
SharePoint 2013 of the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises scenario de#loyment
.or a list of all the #rocedures in order" see 1e#loy a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises
solution in SharePoint 2013
'reate a S;5 Serer login
1. Start S:! Server (ana'ement Studio.
2. %n the ObJect 34plorer" ex#and the Idatabase server nameJ" ex#and Security" and then
ex#and 5ogins.
3. 4i'ht7click 5ogins" and then click )e! 5ogin
A. %n the 5ogin )ame box" enter SharePointGroupAccount.
B. Select S;5 Serer authentication" and then enter and confirm a #ass&ord.
?. %n the Default database box" select Adenture2or:s200R.2" and then click O8.
'reate a S;5 Serer user on the Adenture2or:s database
1. %n the ObJect 34plorer" ex#and Databases" ex#and Adenture2or:s200R.2" ex#and
Security" and then ex#and +sers.
2. 4i'ht7click +sers" and then click )e! +ser.
3. @nder the 5ogin )ame" &ith the +ser name box #re7selected" in the first box" enter
A. %n the second box" click <ro!se" in the Select 5ogin dialo' box" click <ro!se" select the
S:! Server account" SharePointGroupAccount" and then click O8 t&ice.
B. @nder Database .ole membershi#" select db0o!ner.
?. +lick O8.
F. +lose S:! Server (ana'ement Studio.
!ink to Step 3Start the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service for a -usiness +onnectivity
Services on7#remises solution in SharePoint 2013 of the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7
Premises scenario de#loyment #rocedures.
Start the <usiness Data 'onnectiity serice for
a <usiness 'onnectiity Serices on=
premises solution in SharePoint 2013
Published" October 1$% 2012
Summary" *o& to start the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service for a SharePoint 2013 server farm.
The -usiness 1ata +onnectivity Service must be runnin' for you to create any -+S based business
solution. @se this #rocedure to start or sto# the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity Service
This is Step 3 in the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises scenario de#loyment
!ink to Step 2+reate database lo'ins for a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises solution in
SharePoint 2013 of the -usiness +onnectivity Services
.or a list of all the #rocedures in order" see 1e#loy a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises
solution in SharePoint 2013
Start the <usiness Data 'onnectiity serice
1. O#en the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite for the server farm that contains your
-+S solution.
2. On the :uick !aunch" click System Settings.
3. On the System Settings #a'e" under Serers" click Manage serices on serer.
A. +heck the value in the Serer field. %f the server name sho&n there is not the server that
you &ant runnin' the <usiness Data 'onnectiity Serice on" click on the do&n arro&" click
'hange Serer and select the correct server.
B. %f necessary" next to -usiness 1ata +onnectivity Service" under the Action column" click
%f you need to sto# the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity Service after startin' it" next to -usiness
1ata +onnectivity Service in the Action column click Stop.
!ink to Step 1+reate the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service a##lication in SharePoint 2013 of
the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises de#loyment #rocedures
'reate the <usiness Data 'onnectiity serice
application in SharePoint 2013
Published" October 1$% 2012
Summary" *o& to create the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service a##lication for SharePoint 2013 for a
-usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises confi'uration.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5 = $hare3oint <oundation ()*5
(icrosoft -usiness +onnectivity Services is a SharePoint 2013 service a##lication. 9ou must create it if
it &as not created durin' your farms initial confi'uration.
This is Step 1 in the -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises scenario de#loyment
!ink to Step 3Start the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service for a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7
#remises solution in SharePoint 2013 of the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises scenario
de#loyment #rocedures.
.or a list of all the #rocedures in order" see 1e#loy a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises
solution in SharePoint 2013
'reate a ne! <usiness Data 'onnectiity Serices serice
1. O#en the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite for your farm &ith a .arm
administrator account. This must be the farm in &hich you started the <usiness Data
'onnectiity Serice in the Start the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service for a -usiness
+onnectivity Services on7#remises solution in SharePoint 2013 #rocedure.
2. On the :uick start" click" Application Management.
3. On the Application Management page under Serice Applications" click Manage serice
A. %f an instance of the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity Service /##lication that you &ill use for
this solution is already there" you can ski# the rest of this #rocedure. %f not" follo& the rest
of this #rocedure to create one.
B. On the S3.>*'3 APP5*'A&*O)S tab" click )e! and click <usiness Data 'onnectiity
?. +onfi'ure the settin' in the 'reate )e! <usiness Data 'onnectiity Serice Application
confi'uration #a'e as follo&s$
a3 %n the Serice Application )ame box enter the name you &ant the service to a##ear
as on the Manage Serice Applications #a'e. This -+S service a##lication can be
used by multi#le -+S solutions.
b3 %n the Database area" leave the #re#o#ulated values for Database Serer" Database
)ame" and Database authentication" &hich is 2indo!s authentication
,recommended- unless you have s#ecific desi'n needs to chan'e them.
c3 %f you have S:! Server database mirrorin' confi'ured and you &ant to include the
-usiness 1ata +onnectivity Service database in mirrorin'" #rovide the name of the
failover database server in the 9ailoer Database Serer box.
d3 %f you have not already created a ne& a##lication #ool for your service a##lications"
enter a name for a ne& a##lication #ool in the Application pool name box" for
exam#le" [SharePointService/##s\. 9ou can use this a##lication #ool for all your
service a##lications. .or more information on #lannin'" creatin' and confi'urin'
service a##lications" see (ana'e service a##lications in SharePoint 2013.
e3 Select the account that you confi'ured in the Prere)uisites for de#loyin' a -usiness
+onnectivity Services on7#remises solution in SharePoint 2013 #rocedure as the
SharePoint #roducts a##lication services account in the 'onfigurable dro# do&n.
F. +lick O, to create the ne& -usiness 1ata +onnectivity Service /##lication and click O,
G. Select the ro& that the <usiness Data 'onnectiity Serice Application is in" not the #roxy
>. +lick Administrators in the Operations area and add any accounts that you &ant to be able
to administer the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service a##lication 'rantin' them full control.
8hen these individuals o#en +entral /dministration they &ill only be able to administer the
-usiness 1ata +onnectivity service a##lication.
!ink to Step DSet #ermissions on the -+S (etadata Store for a -usiness +onnectivity
Services on7#remises solution in SharePoint 2013 of the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7
Premises scenario de#loyment #rocedures.
Set permissions on the <'S Metadata Store for
a <usiness 'onnectiity Serices on=
premises solution in SharePoint 2013
Published" October 1$% 2012
Summary" *o& to confi'ure #ermissions on the -usiness +onnectivity Services 2-+S3 (etadata Store
for SharePoint 2013 for an on7#remises confi'uration.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5 = $hare3oint <oundation ()*5
The -+S (etadata Store holds external content ty#es" external systems and -1+ model definitions for
the -+S Service /##lication. %n this #rocedure you confi'ure administrative #ermissions on the
(etadata Store and everythin' that it &ill contain.
This is Step D in the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises scenario de#loyment
!ink to Step 1+reate the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service a##lication in SharePoint 2013 of the
-usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises scenario de#loyment #rocedures.
.or a list of all the #rocedures in order" see 1e#loy a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises
solution in SharePoint 2013
Set permissions on the <usiness 'onnectiity Serices Metadata
1. O#en the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite &ith either a .arm administrator
account or an account that has been dele'ated #ermissions to administer the -usiness
1ata +onnectivity Service /##lications.
2. On the :uick !aunch" click Application Management.
3. On the Application Management #a'e" under Serice Applications" click Manage serice
A. %n the list of services" select the ro& of the <usiness Data 'onnectiity Serice Application
that you created in +reate the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service a##lication in SharePoint 2013
and then click Manage and then Set Metadata Store Permissions.
B. Enter the .arm /dministrator account and any other dele'ate administrators if you have
them and then click Add.
?. .or each account or 'rou# that you added that is an administrator of the -usiness 1ata
+onnectivity Service /##lication" select the 3dit" 34ecute" Selectable *n 'lients" and Set
Permissions checkboxes.
F. Select the Propagate permissions to all <D' Models% 34ternal Systems and 34ternal
'ontent &ypes in the <D' Metadata Store@ Doing so !ill oer!rite e4isting permissions
checkbox. .or more information on settin' #ermissions on the -1+ (etadata Store" see
Overvie& of -usiness +onnectivity Services security tasks in SharePoint 2013.
G. +lick O8.
Edit is a hi'hly #rivile'ed #ermission that is re)uired to create or modify external content ty#es
in the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity metadata store. Execute #ermission is re)uired to )uery the
external content ty#e.
!ink to Step $+onfi'ure the Secure Store Service for a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7
#remises solution in SharePoint 2013 of the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises
scenario de#loyment #rocedures.

'onfigure the Secure Store Serice for a
<usiness 'onnectiity Serices on=premises
solution in SharePoint 2013
Published" October 1$% 2012
Summary" !ink to a confi'uration of the Secure Store Services for a -usiness +onnectivity Services
2-+S3 on7#remises solution in SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5 = $hare3oint <oundation ()*5
The Secure Store Service stores the credentials that (icrosoft -usiness +onnectivity Services uses to
access the /dventure8orks external data source and #erforms credential ma##in' bet&een your users
accounts and the credentials used to access the external data source.
This is Step $ in the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises scenario de#loyment
!ink to Step DSet #ermissions on the -+S (etadata Store for a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7
#remises solution in SharePoint 2013 of the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises scenario
de#loyment #rocedures.
.or a list of all the #rocedures in order" see 1e#loy a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises
solution in SharePoint 2013
Parameters for configuring the Secure Store Serice
for a Microsoft <usiness 'onnectiity Serices
on=premises configuration
%n this #rocedure you #erform all the ste#s in +onfi'ure the Secure Store Services in SharePoint 2013
Previe& article. 9ou must #erform the ste#s in the +onfi'ure the Secure Store Services in SharePoint
2013 article &ith these #arameters from start to finish.
'onfigure Secure Store Serice for on=premises <usiness
'onnectiity Serices
1. Perform all the ste#s in +onfi'ure the Secure Store Services in SharePoint 2013 Previe& &ith
the follo&in' #arameters.
2. O#en the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite for the server farm that your Secure
Store Service is in &ith an account that has .arm /dministrator #ermissions.
3. %n the +onfi'ure the Secure Store Services in SharePoint 2013 Previe& article" #erform all
#rocedures in the +onfi'ure Secure Store section &ith these #arameters
a3 .or the .egister Managed Account" +ser name ty#e in the name of the service
account that you created in the Prere)uisites for de#loyin' a -usiness +onnectivity
Services on7#remises solution in SharePoint 2013 #rocedure.
b3 1o not select the 3nable automatic pass!ord change box.
A. Perform the [To start the Secure Store Service\ #rocedure
B. Perform the [To create a Secure Store Service a##lication5 #rocedures usin' these
a3 %n the Serice Application )ame box enter the name you &ant the service to a##ear
as on the Manage Serice Applications #a'e.
b3 %n the Database area" leave the #re#o#ulated values for Database Serer" Database
)ame" and Database authentication" &hich is 2indo!s authentication
,recommended- unless you have s#ecific desi'n needs to chan'e them.
c3 %f you have S:! Server database mirrorin' confi'ured and you &ant to include the
Secure Store Service in mirrorin'" #rovide the name of the failover database server
in the 9ailoer Database Serer box.
d3 .or the 'onfigurable dro#do&n" select the account that you re'istered as a
mana'ed account earlier in this #rocedure.
?. Perform the ste#s in the 8ork &ith encry#tion keys section &ith these #arameters$
a3 1on]t #erform the #rocedures in the [4efresh the encry#tion key\ sub7section
F. 4ead the Store credentials in Secure Store section and #erform the +reate a tar'et a##lication
#rocedure usin' these #arameters.
a3 %n the &arget Application *D box ty#e in a strin' for the tar'et a##licationZ this is not
the dis#lay name. .or exam#le ty#e in A2&argetApp*D.
b3 %n the Display )ame box" enter the dis#lay name you &ant" for exam#le Adenture
2or:s &arget Application *D.
c3 %n the &arget Application &ype dro#do&n" select Group 2&hich indicates the ma##in'
of many credentials to one credential3. %n this case" the &arget Application Page +.5
is not needed and automatically selects to )one.
d3 On the 'reate )e! Secure Store &arget Application #a'e" under 9ield )ame" chan'e
2indo!s +ser )ame to S;5 +ser )ame" and 2indo!s Pass!ord to S;5 Pass!ord.
e3 @nder 9ield &ype chan'e 2indo!s +ser )ame to +ser )ame and chan'e 2indo!s
Pass!ord to Pass!ord.
f3 %n the &arget Application Administrators add the accounts that you &ant to be
administrators of the Tar'et /##lication. ote that the .arm /dministrator has
access by default.
'3 %n the Members box" add the names of the users &hom you &ant to allo& access to
the external data source. .or this exam#le use the Adenture2or:s<'S+sers
security 'rou# you created in Prere)uisites for de#loyin' a -usiness +onnectivity
Services on7#remises solution in SharePoint 2013.
G. Perform the ste#s in the Set credentials for a tar'et a##lication #rocedure usin' these
a3 %n the S;5 +ser )ame box" ty#e Adenture2or:s+ser &hich is the name S:!
Server account you created in +reate database lo'ins for a -usiness +onnectivity
Services on7#remises solution in SharePoint 2013.
b3 %n the S;5 Pass!ord" and 'onfirm S;5 Pass!ord boxes ty#e the #ass&ord for that
account" &hich is actually the #ass&ord for the SharePointHrou#/ccount account
that you created in +reate database lo'ins for a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7
#remises solution in SharePoint 2013.
!ink to Step L+reate an external content ty#e for a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7
#remises solution in SharePoint 2013 of the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises
scenario de#loyment #rocedures.
'reate an e4ternal content type for a <usiness
'onnectiity Serices on=premises solution
in SharePoint 2013
Published" October 1$% 2012
Summary" *o& to create and confi'ure an external content ty#e for the -usiness +onnectivity
Services 2-+S3 on7#remises scenario de#loyment in SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to:
These #rocedures &alk you throu'h buildin' an external content ty#e for -usiness +onnectivity
Services usin' SharePoint 1esi'ner 2013 &ithout &ritin' any code. 9ou &ill learn ho& to discover a
S:! Server database" connect to the database table" and then return the re)uired data. 9ou &ill create
an external content ty#e named +ustomers that is based on the +ustomer vie& in the /dventure8orks
sam#le database. This article uses the #rocedures in *o& to$ +reate external content ty#es for S:!
Server in SharePoint 2013 Previe&. 9ou must o#en that article and #erform the ste#s there usin' the
#arameters 'iven in the matchin' sections of this article.
The sections in this article match the sections in the 6o! to" 'reate e4ternal content types
for S;5 Serer in Sharepoint 2013.
This is Step L in the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises scenario de#loyment
!ink to Step $+onfi'ure the Secure Store Service for a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7
#remises solution in SharePoint 2013 of the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises scenario
de#loyment #rocedures.
.or a list of all the #rocedures in order" see 1e#loy a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises
solution in SharePoint 2013
'reate and configure an e4ternal content type !ith
SharePoint Designer 2013
Define general information
1. O#en *o& to$ +reate external content ty#es for S:! Server in SharePoint 2013 Previe&
2. +reate a ne& external content ty#e named A2customers &ith a dis#lay name of
Adenture2or:s 'ustomers.
Define general and Office behaiors
1. Set the Office *tem &ype to 'ontact. The Office %tem Ty#e determines the Outlook behavior
you &ant to attach to the external content ty#e. %n this case" this /8+ustomer external
content ty#e behaves like a native +ontact %tem in Outlook.
2. %n the Offline Sync for 34ternal 5ist checkbox" make sure 3nabled is selected" &hich is the
%f you disable this o#tion" then the SharePoint +onnect to Outlook ribbon command is not
available for an external list.
'reate a connection to the e4ternal data
1. /dd a connection usin' S:! Server as the External 1ata Source Ty#e.
2. %n the Set the 1atabase Server box" enter IThe name of the database serverJ and in the
Set the Database )ame box" enter Adenture2or:s200R.2. O#tionally" in the )ame box"
enter Adenture2or:s Sample Database@
3. Select 'onnect !ith *mpersonated 'ustom *dentity.
A. %n the Secure Store Application *D box" enter A2&argetApp*D.
%f you are #rom#ted to enter a user name and #ass&ord for A2&argetApp*D it may be
because &hen you created the SharePointHrou#/ccount S:! lo'in" you did not uncheck the
+ser must change pass!ord at ne4t login o#tion. To fix this" you must chan'e the #ass&ord
via S:! )uery A?;9 ?O,)8 S?o-in8ameT =)@ PASS=O93 X aSori-inalpass*ordTb
Select a table% ie!% or routine and Define Operation
1. %n the Adenture2or:s Sample Database select the *ndiidual'ustomer vie& and ri'ht
click 'reate All Operations.
+reate /ll O#erations is a convenient &ay to define all basic methods of o#erations 2'reate"
.ead" .ead 5ist" +pdate" and Delete3.
/l&ays read carefully the messa'es in the 3rrors and 2arnings #ane. They #rovide useful
information to confirm your actions or troubleshoot any issues.
Add columns
1. %n the Parameters 'onfiguration dialo' box" by default all columns are selected. To remove
unnecessary columns" clear the checkboxes next to the follo&in' columns$ Suffi4 and
2. .or the <usiness3ntity*D select the Map to *dentifier value.
@ncheck the .e/uired box to #revent it from bein' u#dated but select the .ead Only
checkbox" &hich is needed to retrieve items so you can u#date other fields.
Map Outloo: fields and set up the e4ternal item pic:er control
1. .or the 9irst)ame" 5ast)ame" 3mailAddress" and Phone)umber fields" do the follo&in'$
2. +lick and hi'hli'ht the field.
3. @nder #ro#erties" in the Office property dro#do&n" select the a##ro#riate matchin' field$
9irst)ame to 9irst )ame ,9irst)ame-" 5ast)ame to 5ast )ame ,5ast)ame-" and
Phone)umber to Primary &elephone Phone )umber ,Primary&elephonePhone)umber-"
3mailAddress to 3mailAddress1 ,3mail1Address-.
@nma##ed fields" de#endin' on the number" are dis#layed as extended #ro#erties. .or t&o
to five fields they are listed as AdJoining meanin' that they are a##ended to the form
re'ion at the bottom of an Outlook form6s default #a'e. .or six or more fields they are listed
as Separate and are added as a ne& #a'e to an Outlook.
A. .or the follo&in' fields" <usiness3ntity*D" 9irst)ame" 5ast)ame" and 3mailAddress click
and hi'hli'ht the field" and then under Properties" click Sho! in Pic:er.
Define filters
1. +reate a 'omparison filter named <y.egion" use 'ountry.egion)ame for the value.
2. @nder Properties" next to Default >alue" enter 'anada.
3. +reate 5imit filter named A25imit" use <usiness3ntity*D for the 9ilter 9ield
A. Set the default value to 200
+lick the 3rrors and 2arnings #ane and make sure there are no more errors or &arnin's.
Set the &itle field for an e4ternal list and complete the e4ternal
content type
1. Set <usiness3ntity*D as the &itle and save the external content ty#e.
!ink to Step R+onfi'ure #ermission on an external content ty#e for a -usiness +onnectivity
Services on7#remises solution in SharePoint 2013 of the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7
Premises scenario de#loyment #rocedures.
'onfigure permission on an e4ternal content
type for a <usiness 'onnectiity Serices on=
premises solution in SharePoint 2013
Published" October 1$% 2012
Summary" +onfi'ure #ermission on an external content ty#e for a -usiness +onnectivity Services
2-+S3 on7#remises scenario de#loyment in SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5 = $hare3oint <oundation ()*5
To confi'ure user access and #ermissions to the external content ty#e$
This is Step R in the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises scenario de#loyment
!ink to Step L+reate an external content ty#e for a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises
solution in SharePoint 2013 of the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises scenario
de#loyment #rocedures.
.or a list of all the #rocedures in order" see 1e#loy a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises
solution in SharePoint 2013
Set up permissions to the e4ternal content type
1. O#en the +entral /dministration #a'e for your site.
2. On the :uick !aunch" click Application Management.
3. On the Application Management #a'e" under Serice Applications" click Manage serice
A. %n the list of services" click your -usiness 1ata +onnectivity 2-1+3 Service.
B. +lick A2'ustomers.
?. On the ribbon" click Set ObJect Permissions.
F. Enter the user accounts to &hich you &ant to 'rant #ermissions" and then click Add. .or
this exam#le" you &ould add the security 'rou# that &as created in Prere)uisites for
de#loyin' a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises solution in SharePoint
G. Select the user accounts that you Cust added" and then select 34ecute check boxe.
>. Select the Propagate permissions to all <D' Models% 34ternal Systems and 34ternal
'ontent &ypes in the <D' Metadata Store check box to over&rite existin' #ermissions.
10. +lick O8.
The external content ty#e is no& available for use in SharePoint and Office #roducts to the a##ro#riate
!ink to Step H+reate an external list for a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises solution
in SharePoint 2013 of the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises scenario de#loyment
'reate an e4ternal list for a <usiness
'onnectiity Serices on=premises solution
in SharePoint 2013
Published" October 1$% 2012
Summary" +reate an external list" set its #ermissions and confi'ure a vie& for a -usiness +onnectivity
Services 2-+S3 on7#remises scenario de#loyment in SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to:
/n external list is a key buildin' block for SharePoint solutions based on external data. 9ou can read
and &rite external data &ith the familiar ex#erience of usin' a SharePoint list. /n external list looks and
behaves a lot like a native list" but there are some differences in behavior. .or exam#le" you can create
vie&s and use calculated values &ith formulas" but not attach files or track versions. .or this exercise"
you create the external list in the bro&ser because that is a common a##roach. This article uses the
#rocedures in +reate an external list on 9ou must o#en that article and #erform the ste#s
there usin' the #arameters 'iven in the matchin' sections of this article.
This is Step H in the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises scenario de#loyment
!ink to Step R+onfi'ure #ermission on an external content ty#e for a -usiness +onnectivity
Services on7#remises solution in SharePoint 2013 of the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7
Premises scenario de#loyment #rocedures.
.or a list of all the #rocedures in order" see 1e#loy a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises
solution in SharePoint 2013
'reate an e4ternal list
1. O#en +reate an external list
2. +reate an external list named Adenture2or:s'ustomers usin' the A2'ustomers external
content ty#e.
'reate a ie! of an e4ternal list
1. +reate a vie& for the external list Adenture2or:s'ustomers. .or this exam#le use
<y.egionData Source 9ilter.
2. (ake it the default vie&" and select your o&n Sort" 9ilter" and 5imit values.
!ink to Step 10(ana'e user #ermissions on an external list for a -usiness +onnectivity
Services on7#remises solution in SharePoint 2013 of the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7
Premises scenario de#loyment #rocedures.
Manage user permissions on an e4ternal list for
a <usiness 'onnectiity Serices on=
premises solution in SharePoint 2013
Published" October 1$% 2012
Summary" *o& to confi'ure #ermissions on external lists for a -usiness +onnectivity Services 2-+S3
on7#remises scenario de#loyment in SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to:
Once you or an a##ro#riate user has created the external list" it]s im#ortant to make sure that you set
a##ro#riate #ermissions for other users. %f the subsite that contains the external list inherits #ermissions
from its #arent site" then you may inadvertently 'ive #ermission to ina##ro#riate users. %n this exam#le"
#ermissions are 'iven to the Adenture2or:s<'S+sers 'rou#.
This is Step 10 in the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises scenario de#loyment
!ink to Step H+reate an external list for a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises solution in
SharePoint 2013 of the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises scenario de#loyment
.or a list of all the #rocedures in order" see 1e#loy a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises
solution in SharePoint 2013
Manage user permissions to the e4ternal list
1. On the 5ist tab" in the Settings 'rou#" click 5ist Settings.
2. @nder Permissions and Management" click Permissions for this list...
3. /##ly #ermissions to the list as you have #lanned them.
The follo&in' table summari0es the default external list #ermissions for SharePoint user 'rou#s$

)ame Permission leels
Excel Services Eie&ers Eie& Only
ISite ameJ (embers Edit
ISite ameJ O&ners .ull +ontrol
ISite ameJ Eisitors 4ead
)ame Permission leels

!ink to Step 11+onnect an external list to Outlook for a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7
#remises solution in SharePoint 2013 of the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises
scenario de#loyment #rocedures.
'onnect an e4ternal list to Outloo: for a
<usiness 'onnectiity Serices on=premises
solution in SharePoint 2013
Published" October 1$% 2012
Summary" +reate a connection bet&een an external list and Outlook in a -usiness +onnectivity
Services 2-+S3 on7#remises scenario de#loyment in SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to:
The external list contains customer data ma##ed to Outlook contacts for &hich you enabled Offline
Sync for 34ternal 5ist% so you can connect the list &ith Outlook 2013. Once connected" you can vie&"
edit" and #rint the data usin' the familiar Outlook user interface. This article mirrors the #rocedures in
+onnect an external list to Outlook on 4efer to that article for more information on
connectin' an external list to Outlook.
This is Step 11 in the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises scenario de#loyment
!ink to Step 10(ana'e user #ermissions on an external list for a -usiness +onnectivity Services
on7#remises solution in SharePoint 2013 of the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises
scenario de#loyment #rocedures.
.or a list of all the #rocedures in order" see 1e#loy a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises
solution in SharePoint 2013.
Synchroni(e the e4ternal list !ith Outloo:
1. O#en the SharePoint 2013 site that contains the external list. %n the ribbon" on the 5ist tab"
in the 'onnect S 34port 'rou#" click 'onnect to Outloo:.
2. %n the Microsoft Office 'ustomi(ation *nstaller dialo' box" click *nstall.The installation
should take a minute or t&o.
3. Once the installation is com#lete" click 'lose.
5in: to
Step 12Eerify offline access and synchroni0ation of external data in Outlook for a -usiness +onnectivity
Services on7#remises solution in SharePoint 2013 of the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises
scenario de#loyment #rocedures.
>erify offline access and synchroni(ation of
e4ternal data in Outloo: for a <usiness
'onnectiity Serices on=premises solution
in SharePoint 2013
Summary" *o& to &ork offline &ith external data in Outlook for a -usiness 1ata +onnectivity 2-+S3
on7#remises scenario de#loyment in SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to:
This is Step 12 in the On7Premises scenario de#loyment #rocedures. This is the last ste# in
the installation #rocedures for this scenario
!ink to Step 11+onnect an external list to Outlook for a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7
#remises solution in SharePoint 2013 +reate an external list for a -usiness +onnectivity Services
on7#remises solution in SharePoint 2013 of the -usiness +onnectivity Services On7Premises
scenario de#loyment #rocedures.
.or a list of all the #rocedures in order" see 1e#loy a -usiness +onnectivity Services on7#remises
solution in SharePoint 2013
+pdate customer data offline and refresh it online
1. To take Outlook 2013 offline" click Send?.eceie" and in the Preferences 'rou#" click 2or:
2. (ake a chan'e or t&o to one of the /dventure8orks customers.
3. To brin' Outlook 2013 back online" click Send?.eceie" and in the Preferences 'rou#" click
2or: Online.
A. To synchroni0e the data" on the navi'ation #ane" ri'ht7click the O&eam Site )ameP
A2'ustomers external list and then click Sync no!
'onfigure eDiscoery in SharePoint Serer
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn the ste#s to set u# and confi'ure e1iscovery in SharePoint Server 2013 and
Exchan'e Server 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
This article identifies the ste#s that are re)uired to confi'ure e1iscovery in SharePoint Server 2013.
8hen you com#lete the ste#s that are listed in this article" users &ill be able to create and &ork &ith
e1iscovery cases.
-efore you confi'ure e1iscovery" you should understand the conce#ts that are #resented in the article
Overvie& of e1iscovery and %n7Place *olds 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3" and you should have
com#leted the #lannin' #rocess that is described in the article Plan for e1iscovery.
The tasks that you must #erform to confi'ure e1iscovery are the follo&in'$
+onfi'ure communication bet&een SharePoint Server 2013 and Exchan'e Server 2013.
+onfi'ure Search to cra&l all discoverable content.
Hrant #ermissions.
+reate an e1iscovery +enter.
'onfigure communication bet!een SharePoint
Serer 2013 and 34change Serer 2013
%f you &ill use a SharePoint e1iscovery +enter to discover content in Exchan'e Server" you must
confi'ure SharePoint Server 2013 and Exchan'e Server to interact.
To discover content in Exchan'e Server from a SharePoint e1iscovery +enter" you must be
runnin' Exchan'e Server 2013.
Perform the follo&in' ste#s$
1. Ensure that the Exchan'e 8eb Service mana'ed /P% is installed on every front7end
server that is runnin' SharePoint Server 2013. .or more information about the Exchan'e
8eb Service mana'ed /P%" see *ard&are and soft&are re)uirements 2SharePoint 2013
2. +onfi'ure a trust relationshi# bet&een SharePoint Server 2013 and Exchan'e Server. .or
information about ho& to confi'ure the trust relationshi#" see +onfi'ure server7to7server
authentication in SharePoint 2013.
3. %f you &ant content from !ync Server 2013 to be discoverable" confi'ure !ync Server 2013
to archive to Exchan'e Server 2013. .or information about ho& to confi'ure !ync Server
2013 archivin'" see (icrosoft !ync Server 2013 /rchivin' 1e#loyment Huide.
A. Perform the e1iscovery confi'uration ste#s for Exchan'e. .or information about ho& to
confi'ure Exchan'e Server 2013 for e1iscovery" see +onfi'ure Exchan'e for SharePoint
e1iscovery +enter.
'onfigure Search to cra!l all discoerable content
+ontent is only discoverable if it is cra&led and indexed by the Search service a##lication that is
associated &ith the &eb a##lication that the e1iscovery +enter is in. 9ou should have identified this
Search service a##lication &hen you #lanned for e1iscovery. To confi'ure the Search service
a##lication to cra&l the a##ro#riate content" follo& these ste#s$
1. %f content in Exchan'e Server 2013 must be discoverable" add Exchan'e Server 2013 as
a result source. .or information about ho& to confi'ure a result source" see +onfi'ure result
sources for search in SharePoint Server 2013.
2. Ensure that all &ebsites that contain discoverable content are bein' cra&led. .or
information about ho& to confi'ure a location to be cra&led" see /dd" edit" or delete a
content source 2SharePoint Server 20103.
3. Ensure that all file shares that contain discoverable content are bein' cra&led. .or
information about ho& to confi'ure a location to be cra&led" see /dd" edit" or delete a
content source 2SharePoint Server 20103.
Grant permissions
The article Plan for e1iscovery recommends that you create a security 'rou# to contain all users of the
e1iscovery +enter. /fter you create the security 'rou#" 'rant the security 'rou# #ermissions to access
all discoverable content.
The article Plan for e1iscovery ex#lains the different &ays of 'rantin' #ermissions to
discoverable content. 9ou should have chosen to 'rant #ermissions at the &eb a##lication level
or at the site collection level.
1. %f you &ill 'rant #ermissions at the &eb a##lication level" create a user #olicy that 'ives the
security 'rou# full read #ermissions for each &eb a##lication that contains discoverable
content. .or information about ho& to create a #olicy for a &eb a##lication" see (ana'e
#ermission #olicies for a 8eb a##lication 2SharePoint Server 20103.
8hen you chan'e #ermissions at the &eb a##lication level" Search re7cra&ls all of the
content in the &eb a##lication.
2. %f you &ill 'rant #ermissions at the site collection level" make the security 'rou# a site
collection administrator for each site collection that contains discoverable content. .or
information about ho& to add a site collection administrator" see /dd or chan'e a site
collection administrator.
/ site collection administrator must add the security 'rou# as an additional site collection
administrator by usin' the Site Settings menu. 9ou cannot use +entral /dministration to
make a security 'rou# a site collection administrator
3. Ensure that the security 'rou# has #ermissions to access all file shares and other
&ebsites that contain discoverable content.
A. %f you &ill use a SharePoint e1iscovery +enter to discover content in Exchan'e Server"
'rant the security 'rou# #ermissions to access Exchan'e Server mailboxes. .or
information about ho& to 'rant #ermissions in Exchan'e" see +onfi'ure Exchan'e for
SharePoint e1iscovery +enter.
B. Hrant the security 'rou# #ermissions to vie& the cra&l lo'. .or information about ho& to
'rant #ermissions to access the cra&l lo'" see Set7
'reate an eDiscoery center
/n e1iscovery +enter is a site collection from &hich users can create and mana'e e1iscovery cases.
To create an e1iscovery +enter" follo& the #rocedure in the article +reate a site collection 2SharePoint
2013 Previe&3" and choose the eDiscoery 'enter site collection ty#e from the 3nterprise tab. -e
a&are that an e1iscovery +enter must be in a &eb a##lication that su##orts claims authentication.

'onfigure site mailbo4es in SharePoint Serer
Published" #uly 31% 2012
Summary" +onfi'ure Exchan'e Server 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013 for team email by usin' the
SharePoint Server 2013 Site (ailboxes feature.
,pplies to: /xchange $erver ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
This article describes ho& to confi'ure Site (ailboxes in SharePoint Server 2013 and Exchan'e Server
2013. Site (ailboxes feature #rovides SharePoint Server 2013 users &ith team email on a SharePoint
site. Site (ailboxes also #rovides links to SharePoint document libraries in Outlook 2013" enablin'
users to share files and email messa'es &ith other members of a team that are &orkin' on a Coint
<efore you begin
-efore you be'in this o#eration" revie& the follo&in' information about #rere)uisites$
Site (ailboxes re)uires Exchan'e Server 2013.
/ny #revious version of Exchan'e 8eb Services 2E8S3 &ill need to be uninstalled from the
SharePoint servers.
9ou may need to determine if a #revious version of E8S is installed. %f so" #lease run the
+heck7Site(ailbox+onfi' scri#t referenced belo&. 9our version should be 1B.0.B1?.2B or
Site (ailboxes feature re)uires that user #rofile synchroni0ation be confi'ured in the farm. .or
information about confi'urin' user #rofile synchroni0ation" see Plan user #rofiles and identities
2SharePoint Server 2013 Previe&3" and (ana'e user #rofile synchroni0ation in SharePoint 2013
Server Previe&.
Site (ailboxes feature re)uires that the a## mana'ement service a##lication be confi'ured in the
farm. .or information about confi'urin' the a## mana'ement service a##lication" see e&7
Secure Sockets !ayer 2SS!3 confi'ured for the 1efault Wone is a re)uirement for &eb a##lications
that are de#loyed in scenarios that su##ort server7to7server authentication and a## authentication.
This is such a scenario. /s a #rere)uisite for confi'urin' Site (ailboxes" the com#uter that is
runnin' SharePoint Server must have SS! confi'ured. .or more information" see +reate claims7
based &eb a##lications in SharePoint 2013 and follo& the ste#s for creatin' an SS! site collection
and server certificate.
9ou may need to im#ort the Exchan'e Server SS! certificate from Exchan'e 2013 to
SharePoint 2013" and from SharePoint 2013 to Exchan'e 2013. This is only necessary if
the certificate is not trusted for the /P% end#oints 2such as a Self7SS! +ertificate in a lab
To im#ort an untrusted SS! certificate to a ne& server$
O#en %nternet Ex#lorer and navi'ate to Outlook 8eb /## Previe& 2if on SharePoint3 or the SS!
SharePoint site 2if on Exchan'e3$ htt#s$;;IExServerameJ;o&a or htt#s$;;ISPK.:1J.
/cce#t to trust the certificate by clickin' 'ontinue to !ebsite.
+lick 'ertificate 3rror info in %nternet Ex#lorer next to the /ddress bar" and then click >ie!
Select *nstall 'ertificate and then select Place all certificates in the follo!ing store.
Select the checkbox to sho& #hysical stores.
%nstall the certificate to Trusted 4oot +ertification /uthorities J !ocal +om#uter.
%n order to #erform these #rocedures" you must be a member of the SharePoint and Exchan'e
Server administrator 'rou#s and have an o#erational Exchan'e Server &ith end7user mailboxes.
/ SharePoint backu# solution &ill not incor#orate Exchan'e site mailboxes. /n Exchan'e
administrator &ill need to ensure timely backu#s of site mailboxes are takin' #lace.
@sers &ho access files in a SharePoint document library from a Site (ailbox must have the
document library confi'ured as a trusted site in their bro&ser or a &arnin' &ill a##ear that asks the
user if she or he &ants to trust the file.
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
'onfigure SharePoint for Site Mailbo4es in
SharePoint Serer 2013
The first ste# in confi'urin' Site (ailboxes is to install the Exchan'e Server 8eb Services /P% on each
&eb front7end 28.E3 server in the SharePoint Server 2013 farm.
*nstall 34change 2eb Serices AP* on SharePoint Serer
1. 1o&nload 32SManagedAP*@msi from the (icrosoft 1o&nload +enter
2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%d=2BG30B3 and save it to a folder on each 8.E
2. O#en a command &indo& as administrator and navi'ate to the folder &here you saved
3. 4un the follo&in' command$ Qi ;*sMana-edApi#msi
A. 4eset %%S from the command line by ty#in' **S.eset.
3stablish OAuth &rust and Serice Permissions on
SharePoint Serer 2013
The next ste# is to co#y the follo&in' t&o scri#ts. The first should be saved as Set7
Site(ailbox+onfi'.#s1 and the second should be saved as +heck7Site(ailbox+onfi'.#s1.
\ Set(SiteMailbo.Con/- helps con/-ure Site for a SharePoint farm
\ #3;SC9)P)O8
\ ;stablishes trust *ith an ;.chan-e Server' sets Site Mailbo. settin-s and enables Site
for a farm#
\ #PA9AM;;9 ;.chan-eSiteMailbo.3omain
\ he +B38 of the ;.chan-e Or-ani0ation *here Site *ill be created
\ #PA9AM;;9 ;.chan-eAutodiscover3omain
\ ]Optional^ he +B38 of an ;.chan-e Autodiscover Eirtual 3irectory
\ #PA9AM;;9 =ebApplication6rl
\ ]Optional^ he 69? of a speci/c *eb application to con/-ure# )f not speci/ed all =eb Applications
*ill be con/-ured
\ #PA9AM;;9 +orce
\ ]Optional^ )ndicate that the script should i-nore any con/-uration issues and enable Site
[script:current3irectory X Split(Path [My)nvocation#MyCommand#Path
if![=ebApplication6rl (ne [86?? (and [=ebApplication6rl (ne RR$
[*ebapps X ,et(SP=ebApplication [=ebApplication6rl
[*ebapps X ,et(SP=ebApplication
if![*ebapps (e: [86??$
if![=ebApplication6rl (ne [86??$
=rite(=arnin- R8o =eb Application +ound at [![=ebApplication6rl$# Please create a *eb
application and re(run Set(SiteMailbo.Con/-R
=rite(=arnin- R8o =eb Applications +ound# Please create a *eb application and re(run Set(

[root=eb X [86??
foreach![*ebapp in [*ebapps$
if![root=eb (e: [86??$
[root=eb X ,et(SP=eb [*ebApp#6rl (;A SilentlyContinue
if![root=eb (e: [86??$
=rite(=arnin- R6nable to /nd a root site collection# Please create a root site collection on a *eb
application and re(run Set(SiteMailbo.Con/-R
[e.chan-eServer X [;.chan-eAutodiscover3omain
if![e.chan-eServer (e: [86?? (or [e.chan-eServer (e: RR$
[e.chan-eServer X Rautodiscover#[![;.chan-eSiteMailbo.3omain$R
=rite(@ost R;stablishin- rust *ith ;.chan-e Server: [![e.chan-eServer$R
[metadata;ndpoint X Rhttps:QQ[![e.chan-eServer$QautodiscoverQmetadataQIsonQ1R
[e.chan-e X ,et(SPrustedSecurityo%en)ssuer W =here(ObIect J [>#Metadata;ndpoint (e:
[metadata;ndpoint K
if![e.chan-e (e: [86??$
[e.chan-e X 8e*(SPrustedSecurityo%en)ssuer (8ame [e.chan-eServer (Metadata;ndPoint
if![e.chan-e (e: [86??$
=rite(=arnin- R6nable to establish trust *ith ;.chan-e Server [![e.chan-eServer$# ;nsure that [
![metadata;ndpoint$ is accessible#R
if![;.chan-eAutodiscover3omain (e: [86?? (or [;.chan-eAutodiscover3omain (e: RR$
=rite(=arnin- R)f [![metadata;ndpoint$ does not you may specify an alternate +B38
usin- ;.chan-eAutodiscover3omain#R
=rite(@ost R,rantin- Permissions to ;.chan-e Server: [![e.chan-eServer$R
[appPrincipal X ,et(SPAppPrincipal (Site [root=eb#6rl (8ame)denti/er [e.chan-e#8ame)d
Set(SPAppPrincipalPermission (AppPrincipal [appPrincipal (Site [root=eb (Scope SiteSubscription
(9i-ht +ullControl (;nableAppOnlyPolicy
=rite(@ost REerifyin- Site Mailbo. Con/-urationR
[*arnin-s X Y [script:current3irectoryUChec%(SiteMailbo.Con/-#ps1 (9eturn=arnin-State
if![*arnin-s (and (not [+orce$
=rite(=arnin- RPre(re:uisites not satis/ed# Stoppin- Set(SiteMailbo.Con/-# 6se (+orce to overrideR
=rite(=arnin- RPre(re:uisites not satis/ed# (+orce used to overrideR
foreach![*ebapp in [*ebapps$
=rite(@ost RCon/-urin- =eb Application: [![*ebapp#6rl$R
=rite(@ost RSettin- ;.chan-e Site Mailbo. 3omain to [![;.chan-eSiteMailbo.3omain$R
[*ebapp#Properties]R;.chan-eeamMailbo.3omainR^ X [;.chan-eSiteMailbo.3omain

if![;.chan-eAutodiscover3omain (ne [86?? (and [;.chan-eAutodiscover3omain (ne RR$
=rite(@ost RSettin- ;.chan-e Autodiscover 3omain to [![;.chan-eAutodiscover3omain$R
[*ebapp#Properties]R;.chan-eAutodiscover3omainR^ X [;.chan-eAutodiscover3omainZ
[feature X ,et(SP+eature CollaborationMailbo.+arm (+arm (;rrorAction )-nore
if![feature (e: [86??$
=rite(@ost R;nablin- Site for +armR
;nable(SP+eature CollaborationMailbo.+arm
=rite(@ost RSite already enabled for +armR
Add(PSSnapin Microsoft#SharePoint#Po*ershell
[any=arnin-s X [false
=rite(@ost RStep 1: Chec%in- for ;.chan-e =eb ServicesR
[assm X ]System#9eMection#Assembly^::?oad!RMicrosoft#;.chan-e#=ebServices' EersionX12#0#0#0'
CultureXneutral' PublicDeyo%enX&1bf&<24ad&41e&2R$
=rite(@ost (+ore-round ,reen R+ound ;.chan-e =eb Services in ,lobal Assembly CacheR
=rite(@ost R;.chan-e =eb Services Eersion: [
=rite(=arnin- R6nable to /nd ;.chan-e =eb Services in ,lobal Assembly CacheR
[any=arnin-s X [true
=rite(=arnin- R6nable to /nd ;.chan-e =eb Services in ,lobal Assembly CacheR
[any=arnin-s X [true
=rite(@ost RStep 2: Chec%in- for https *eb applicationR
[*ebapps X ,et(SP=ebApplication (;A SilentlyContinue
[root=eb X [86??
if![*ebapps (ne [86??$
[ssl=ebApp;.ists X [false
foreach![*ebapp in [*ebapps$
if![root=eb (e: [86??$
[root=eb X ,et(SP=eb [*ebApp#6rl (;A SilentlyContinue
if!(not [*ebapp#6rl#Starts=ith!Rhttps:QQR$$
=rite(=arnin- R=eb Application at [![*ebapp#6rl$ does not use @PS# Site *ill
not *or% on this =eb Application#R
[ssl=ebApp;.ists X [true
=rite(@ost (+ore-round ,reen R+ound =eb Application at [![*ebapp#6rl$ that uses @PSR
if!(not [ssl=ebApp;.ists$
=rite(=arnin- RAt least one =eb Application must be con/-ured for @PS in the default 0one#R
[any=arnin-s X [true
=rite(=arnin- R8o =eb Applications +ound# Please create a *eb application and re(run Chec%(
[any=arnin-s X [true
return [any=arnin-s
if![root=eb (e: [86??$
=rite(=arnin- R6nable to /nd any Sites# Please create a root site collection on a *eb application
and re(run Chec%(SiteMailbo.Con/-R
[any=arnin-s X [true
return [any=arnin-s
\ ,et App Permissions Mana-ement ObIects
[appPrincipalMana-er X ]Microsoft#SharePoint#SPAppPrincipalMana-er^::,etMana-er![root=eb$
[appPrincipalPermissionsMana-er X 8e*(ObIect (ype8ame
Microsoft#SharePoint#SPAppPrincipalPermissionsMana-er (Ar-ument?ist [root=eb
=rite(@ost RStep &: Chec%in- for trusted ;.chan-e ServersR
[trusted)ssuers X ,et(SPrustedSecurityo%en)ssuer
[trusted)ssuer@osts X "!$
if![trusted)ssuers (ne [86??$
[foundrusted)ssuer X [false
foreach![trusted)ssuer in [trusted)ssuers$
[foundrusted)ssuer X [true
[uri X 8e*(ObIect (ype8ame System#6ri (Ar-ument?ist [trusted)ssuer#Metadata;ndPoint

=rite(@ost (+ore-round ,reen R+ound trusted ;.chan-e Server at [![uri#@ost$R
[appPrincipal8ame X
[appPrincipal X
ernal' [appPrincipal8ame$Z

if![appPrincipal (ne [86??$
[isEalidAppPrincipal X [trueZ

l$ (e: ]Microsoft#SharePoint#SPAppPrincipalPermissionDind^::+ullControl$
=rite(@ost (+ore-round ,reen R;.chan-e Server at [![uri#@ost$ has +ull Control

=rite(=arnin- R;.chan-e Server at [![uri#@ost$ does not have +ull Control
[isEalidAppPrincipal X [falseZ
[any=arnin-s X [true
=rite(@ost (+ore-round ,reen R;.chan-e Server at [![uri#@ost$ has App Only
=rite(=arnin- R;.chan-e Server at [![uri#@ost$ does not have App Only PermissionsR
[isEalidAppPrincipal X [falseZ
[any=arnin-s X [true

[trusted)ssuer@osts `X [uri#@ost
=rite(=arnin- R6nable to -et App Principal for [![uri#@ost$# 6nable to chec% permissions
for this ;.chan-e ServerR
[any=arnin-s X [true
=rite(=arnin- R+ound trusted ;.chan-e Server at [![uri#@ost$ but it is not a Self )ssuerR
[any=arnin-s X [true
if!(not [foundrusted)ssuer$
=rite(=arnin- R6nable to /nd any trusted ;.chan-e ServersR
[any=arnin-s X [true
=rite(=arnin- R6nable to /nd any trusted ;.chan-e ServersR
[any=arnin-s X [true
=rite(@ost RStep 1: 9eport current Site Mailbo. Con/-urationR
if![*ebapps (ne [86??$
foreach![*ebapp in [*ebapps$
=rite(@ost R=eb Application Site Mailbo. Con/-uration: [![*ebapp#6rl$R
=rite(@ost R;.chan-e Site Mailbo. 3omain: [

if![*ebapp#Properties]R;.chan-eAutodiscover3omainR^ (ne [86??$
=rite(@ost R;.chan-e Autodiscover 3omain: [
=rite(@ost Rrusted ;.chan-e Services: [!]Strin-^::Hoin!R' R' [trusted)ssuer@osts$$R
[feature X ,et(SP+eature CollaborationMailbo.+arm (+arm (;rrorAction )-nore
if![feature (e: [86??$
=rite(@ost (+ore-roundColor 9ed RSite are 8O enabled for +armR
=rite(@ost (+ore-roundColor ,reen RSite are enabled for +armR
return [any=arnin-s
Save the t&o .#s1 files to the same folder on a SharePoint 2013 8.E server" as one scri#t calls the
other durin' execution. %n a SharePoint Po&erShell &indo& 2ri'ht7click and 4un /s /dministrator to
o#en3" navi'ate to the folder containin' the .#s1 files and run the Set7Site(ailbox+onfi'.#s1 scri#t. This
&ill allo& users to retrieve and install the Exchan'e metadata" 'ivin' the Exchan'e service #rinci#al full
control #ermissions to SharePoint site subscri#tion" enable the site mailbox feature in the SharePoint
environment and o#tionally set the Exchan'e site mailbox tar'et domain" if 1S for the domain has not
been confi'ured for /uto1iscover. The +heck7Site(ailbox+onfi'.#s1 is called as #art of the Set7
Site(ailbox+onfi' scri#t" and &ill confirm the confi'uration has been successful 2it can also be run
The format should be as follo&s$
.LSet7Site(ailbox+onfi'.#s1 I1omainJ IExchan'e ServerJ S@4!T S.:1 of the Exchan'e
/uto1iscovery virtual directoryT
8here I1omainJ &ill e)ual the .:1 of the domain your Exchan'e is in" and IExchan'e ServerJ is
the Exchan'e you intend to connect to. These are re)uired #arameters.
O#tional #arameters are S@4!T" &hich &ould be a s#ecific @4! you may be confi'urin' 2ty#ically used
in an environment &ith SS! and non7SS! &eb a##lications3" &hile S.:1 of the Exchan'e
/uto1iscovery virtual directoryT may need to be confi'ured if 1S /uto1iscovery is not enabled or
#ro#erly confi'ured.
Exam#le$ .LSet7Site(ailbox+onfi'.#s1 exchan'
htt#s$;; htt#s$;;exchan';autodiscover;metadata;Cson;1%f &hile runnin'
the scri#t you encounter an error" #lease refer to the Troubleshootin' section belo& for 'uidance.
'onfigure 34change Serer 2013 for Site Mailbo4es
The final ste# is to establish O/uth trust" and service #ermissions" on the Exchan'e server.
3stablish OAuth &rust and Serice Permission on 34change
1. On your Exchan'e Server o#en the Exchan'e 8indo&s Po&erShell &indo& as
/dministrator and chan'e to the 5+$LPro'ram .ilesL(icrosoftLExchan'e
ServerLE1BLScri#ts5 directory.
2. 4un the follo&in' command$
#UCon/-ure(;nterprisePartnerApplication#ps1 (Applicationype Sharepoint (AuthMetadata6rl
8here ISPK.:1J is the @4! to the SharePoint SS! root site collection you &ish to confi'ure.
Please revie& the follo&in' if issues are encountered.
&able of 3rror 'odes for .eference 2hen .unning 'onfiguration
'hec:list Script

3rror 'ode 3rror )otes
0 oError 4evie& Prere)uisites.
1 Exchan'e+lientot/vailable E8S client &as not found on
the SharePoint 8.E. 4un the
+heck scri#t and ensure the
entries are #ro#erly in the H/+Z
you may need to reinstall the
E8S client.
2 @nsu##ortedEersion E8S client version is
incom#atible &ith SharePoint.
4un the +heck scri#t to ensure
the version meets minimum
re)uirements. /lternatively" the
Exchan'e server may be 2010
or earlier.
3 %nvalid@ser The Team(ailbox1omain
#arameter is not a valid .:1
or S(TP address.
A @nauthori0ed@ser The scri#t received a A01 from
the Exchan'e Server" revie&
the Exchan'e setu# ste#s.
B Server-usy Exchan'e timed out durin'
/uto1iscovery. %t should be
intermittent" #lease retry" but if it
is #ersistent" follo&7u# &ith the
Exchan'e /dministrator.
? @4!ot/vailable /uto1iscovery failed to return a
@4! for E+P;O8/" &hich
means ty#ically that the E8S
client version is incom#atible
&ith SharePoint. %t may also
mean Site (ailboxes are not
enabled on Exchan'e" &hich
&ould re)uire follo&7u# &ith the
3rror 'ode 3rror )otes
Exchan'e /dministrator.
F O/uthotSu##orted @nsuccessful in 'eneratin' an
O/uth token on behalf of
SharePoint. This is ty#ically
caused by claims7based
authentication bein' disabled
on the SharePoint &eb
G O/uthExce#tion /n error occurred durin' the
O/uth handshake bet&een
SharePoint and Exchan'e. This
is ty#ically caused by server to
server confi'uration issues"
such as a realm value
mismatch on either side"
certificate issues for Exchan'e
or SharePoint" etc. 4evie&
certificates and attem#t to
establish or reestablish trust.
> %nvalid/utodiscover1omain The /uto1iscover domain
#ro#erty is not set to a valid
10 @nkno&nError /n unkno&n error condition has
occurred. 4un the +heck scri#t
and confirm that a valid" trusted
instance of SharePoint is
available" revie& #rere)uisites"
confirm /uto1iscover has been
set7u# #ro#erly &ith the
Exchan'e /dministrator.
101 O/uthotSu##ortedOver*tt# %f this error is thro&n" your &eb
a##lication]s default 0one is not
set to SS!" and
/llo&Oauthover*tt# is also set
to false. 4un the +heck scri#t
to ensure that any &eb
a##lication you intend to host
site mailboxes are set &ith SS!
in the default 0one" as outlined
in the #rere)uisites.
102 /ssociatedO&nersHrou#ull One or both of the default
O&ners and (embers 'rou#s
for the site have been deleted.
3rror 'ode 3rror )otes
Each of these t&o default
'rou#s are re)uired to exist on
any site &here users install site
mailboxes. / site administrator
should be able to direct a site
o&ner to recreated these
re)uired 'rou#s.
103 Exchan'eTeam(ailbox1omainotSet The
#ro#erty has not been set.
10A Exchan'e/##Princi#alot.ound o Exchan'e a## #rinci#als
&ere found to be trusted.
Ty#ically" this means the e&7
ste# &as missed. 4un the
+heck scri#t and ensure that
the a## #rinci#al @4!2s3
out#utted are the correct
10B Exchan'e/##Princi#al(issin'Permissions The Exchan'e a## #rinci#al
bein' connected to doesn]t
have the ri'ht #ermissions on
the SharePoint farm. 4un the
+heck scri#t and ensure that
the Exchan'e a## #rinci#al has
the re)uired #ermissions on the

'onfigure 34change tas: synchroni(ation in
SharePoint Serer 2013
Published" August 21% 2012
Summary" +onfi'ure Exchan'e Server 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013 for task synchroni0ation by
usin' the SharePoint Server 2013 Task Synchroni0ation feature.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5 /nterprise
This article describes ho& to confi'ure Task Synchroni0ation in SharePoint Server 2013 and Exchan'e
Server 2013. Task Synchroni0ation allo&s users to synchroni0e SharePoint Server 2013 and ProCect
Server tasks &ith Exchan'e Server and have them a##ear in Outlook 2013.
<efore you begin
-efore you be'in this o#eration" revie& the follo&in' information about #rere)uisites$
Task Synchroni0ation re)uires that user #rofile synchroni0ation be confi'ured in the farm. .or
information about confi'urin' user #rofile synchroni0ation" see Plan user #rofiles and identities
2SharePoint Server 2013 Previe&3" and (ana'e user #rofile synchroni0ation in SharePoint 2013
Server Previe&.
Task Synchroni0ation re)uires that the &ork mana'ement service a##lication be confi'ured in the
farm. .or information about creatin' the &ork mana'ement service a##lication" see e&7
Task Synchroni0ation re)uires Exchan'e Server 2013.
Secure Sockets !ayer 2SS!3 is a re)uirement for &eb a##lications that are de#loyed in scenarios
that su##ort server7to7server authentication and a## authentication. This is such a scenario. /s a
#rere)uisite for confi'urin' Task Synchroni0ation" the com#uter that is runnin' SharePoint Server
must have SS! confi'ured. .or more information" see +reate claims7based &eb a##lications in
SharePoint 2013 and follo& the ste#s for creatin' an SS! site collection and server certificate.
9ou may need to im#ort the SS! certificate from the SharePoint Server 2013 &eb
a##lication. This is only necessary if the certificate is not trusted for the /P% end#oints 2such
as a Self7SS! +ertificate in a lab environment3.
To im#ort the untrusted SS! certificate from SharePoint Server 2013$
O#en %nternet Ex#lorer on the Exchan'e server and navi'ate to the SS! SharePoint site
htt#s$;;ISPK.:1J" &here ISPK.:1J is the @4! to the SS! site.
/cce#t to trust the certificate by clickin' 'ontinue to !ebsite.
+lick 'ertificate 3rror info in %nternet Ex#lorer next to the /ddress bar" and then click >ie!
Select *nstall 'ertificate and then select Place all certificates in the follo!ing store.
Select the checkbox to sho& #hysical stores.
%nstall the certificate to Trusted 4oot +ertification /uthorities J !ocal +om#uter.
%n order to #erform these #rocedures" you must be a member of the SharePoint and Exchan'e
Server administrator 'rou#s and have an o#erational Exchan'e Server &ith end7user mailboxes.
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
'onfigure SharePoint for &as: Synchroni(ation in
SharePoint Serer 2013
The first ste# in confi'urin' Task Synchroni0ation is to install the Exchan'e Server 8eb Services /P%
on each &eb front7end server in the SharePoint Server 2013 farm.
*nstall 34change 2eb Serices AP* on SharePoint Serer
1. 1o&nload 32SManagedAP*@msi from the (icrosoft 1o&nload +enter
2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%d=2BG30B3 and save it to a folder on the a##lication
2. O#en a command &indo& as administrator and navi'ate to the folder &here you saved
3. 4un the follo&in' command$ Qi ;*sMana-edApi#msi
A. 4eset %%S from the command line by ty#in' **S.eset.
'onfigure 34change Serer 2013 for &as:
The next ste# is to establish O/uth trust and service #ermission on Exchan'e Server.
3stablish OAuth &rust and Serice Permission on 34change
1. On the Exchan'e server" o#en 8indo&s Po&erShell and chan'e to the 5+$LPro'ram
.ilesL(icrosoftLExchan'e ServerLE1BLScri#ts5 directory.
2. 4un the follo&in' scri#t$
#UCon/-ure(;nterprisePartnerApplication#ps1 (Applicationype Sharepoint (AuthMetadata6rl
8here ISPK.:1J is the @4! to the root site collection.

'onfigure social computing features in
SharePoint Serer 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to confi'ure social com#utin' features in SharePoint 2013" includin' (y Sites"
+ommunity Sites" and microblo''in'.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
SharePoint Server 2013 im#lements features that make enter#rise social com#utin' and collaboration
easier. Social net&orkin' tools" such as (y Sites" and social content technolo'ies" such as microblo's"
are exam#les of social com#utin' features. These features enable users to easily ca#ture and share
the kno&led'e and ex#ertise that is needed to do their &ork. This sharin' of information encoura'es
collaboration" im#roves innovation" and tar'ets relevant content to the #eo#le &ho have to see it. 9ou
can ada#t content to each user &hile enablin' administrators to set #olicies to #rotect #rivacy.
&ech)et articles about configuring social computing
The follo&in' articles about ho& to confi'ure social com#utin' features in SharePoint Server 2013 are
available to vie& online. 8riters u#date articles on a continuin' basis as ne& information becomes
available and as users #rovide feedback.

'ontent Description

+onfi'ure (y Sites in SharePoint
Server 2013
!earn ho& to set u# (y Sites in
SharePoint Server 2013.

+reate and confi'ure communities in
SharePoint Server 2013
!earn ho& to set u# +ommunity Sites
in SharePoint Server 2013.

+onfi'ure microblo''in' in
SharePoint Server 2013
!earn ho& to confi'ure microblo''in'
in SharePoint Server 2013.

Enable or disable #ersonal and social
features for users or 'rou#s in
SharePoint Server 2013
!earn ho& to confi'ure user
#ermissions for #ersonal and social
features in SharePoint Server 2013.

Additional resources about configuring social
computing features
The follo&in' resources about ho& to confi'ure social com#utin' features in SharePoint Server 2013
are available from other subCect matter ex#erts.

'ontent Description

8hat6s e& in
SharePoint 2013
4esource +enter
Eisit the 4esource
+enter to access
videos" community
and more.

'onfigure My Sites in SharePoint Serer 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to set u# and confi'ure (y Sites in SharePoint Server 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
This article describes ho& to set u# (y Sites in SharePoint Server 2013. !ike other tasks in SharePoint
Server" there are multi#le &ays to com#lete a task. This article #rovides ordered tasks &ith
#rere)uisites and #rocedures to hel# you set u# (y Sites in your enter#rise.
-efore you set u# (y Sites" ensure that you understand the conce#ts and terminolo'y in (y Sites
overvie& 2SharePoint Server 20103 and Plan for (y Sites 2SharePoint Server 20103.
8e recommend that you #erform all of the #rocedures in the order listed for best results" althou'h not
all of them are re)uired.
%n this article$
+reate a (y Site host site collection
/dd a &ildcard inclusion mana'ed #ath to the &eb a##lication
+onnect the &eb a##lication to service a##lications
Enable self7service site creation for the &eb a##lication
+onfi'ure (y Site settin's for the @ser Profile service a##lication
Enable the @ser Profile Service /##lication 7 /ctivity .eed Nob
ext ste#s
-ecause (y Sites have de#endencies on other service a##lications and features in SharePoint Server
2013" ensure that you meet the #rere)uisites in this section before you #erform the #rocedures in this
(y Sites are hosted by a &eb a##lication and rely on a @ser Profile service a##lication. -oth
are described in this section. (y Sites also re)uires a mana'ed metadata service a##lication.
8e recommend that you also have a Search service a##lication to use &ith (y Sites" but this is
not re)uired. 8ithout the Search service a##lication" some (y Sites functionality is affected.
.or more information" see 4elated service a##lications in Plan for (y Sites 2SharePoint 2013
2eb application
/lthou'h you can use an existin' &eb a##lication" for o#timal #erformance and security" &e
recommend that you create the (y Site host site collection in a dedicated &eb a##lication. .or more
information" see +reate a 8eb a##lication 2SharePoint Server 20103.
%f a (y Site host site collection &as created durin' initial de#loyment and confi'uration" &e
recommend that you do not use it because it &as created in the default &eb a##lication. 1elete
this site collection" and create a ne& &eb a##lication that is dedicated to hostin' (y Sites.
Then create a ne& (y Site host site collection in the dedicated &eb a##lication.
+ser Profile serice application and profile synchroni(ation
Ensure you have a @ser Profile service a##lication that you &ant to use for (y Sites. %f you do not"
follo& the ste#s in +reate" edit" or delete a @ser Profile service a##lication 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3
to create one.
/lthou'h the 'reate )e! +ser Profile serice application dialo' box re)uests information in
the My Site 6ost +.5 and Personal Site 5ocation sections" for this task" remove any default
values and leave those fields blank &hen you create the @ser Profile service a##lication.
/dditionally" you can select any of the o#tions in Site )aming 9ormat. These settin's &ill be
confi'ured se#arately later in this task.
O#tionally" confi'ure #rofile synchroni0ation if you &ant to synchroni0e user and 'rou# #rofile
information that is stored in the SharePoint Server 2013 #rofile database &ith #rofile information that is
stored in a directory service or business system. .or more information" see Plan for #rofile
synchroni0ation 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
'reate a My Site host site collection
The (y Site host site collection is a site collection that uses the Enter#rise site tem#late named My Site
6ost. This site collection must be created in the &eb a##lication that you &ant to host (y Sites.
Henerally" this site collection can be created at the root #ath of the &eb a##lication" althou'h it can be
created as an ex#licit inclusion mana'ed #ath dee#er in the @4! as lon' as there is a site collection
created at the &eb a##lication root. .or more information about ho& to select the #ath for the (y Site
host collection" see (y Sites architecture in Plan for (y Sites 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
&o create a My Site host site collection
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' administrative credentials$
To create a (y Site host site collection" you must be a member of the .arm /dministrators
'rou# on the com#uter runnin' the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite or a service
a##lication administrator for the services related to (y Sites. %f you are a service a##lication
administrator" you must also have #ermission to create site collections in the &eb a##lication
that you dedicate to host (y Sites.
2. %n +entral /dministration" click Application Management" and then click 'reate site
3. On the 'reate Site 'ollection #a'e" in the 2eb Application section" ensure that the
selected &eb a##lication is the &eb a##lication that you &ant to host (y Sites. %f it is not"
ex#and the list" and then click 'hange 2eb Application. %n the Select 2eb Application
dialo' box" select a different &eb a##lication.
A. %n the &itle and Description section" ty#e a title and descri#tion for the site collection.
B. %n the 2eb Site Address section" select the @4! &here you &ant this site collection
created. Henerally" you should use the default #ath 2&hich is dis#layed as ? in the user
interface3" &hich is the root of the &eb a##lication. .or more information about this #ath"
see (y Sites architecture in Plan for (y Sites 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
?. %n the &emplate Selection section" in the Select e4perience ersion list" select 2013. Then"
on the 3nterprise tab" click My Site 6ost.
F. %n the Primary Site 'ollection Administrator section" and o#tionally in the Secondary Site
'ollection Administrator section" ty#e an account in the format domainBusername to s#ecify
an administrator for the site collection.
G. O#tionally" in the ;uota &emplate section" select a )uota tem#late for the (y Site host site
collection. This )uota tem#late does not affect the individual site collections that users
create for their (y Sites. .or more information" see Plannin' for stora'e re)uirements in Plan
for (y Sites 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
>. +lick O8. +o#y this site collection @4! for later reference.
Add a !ildcard inclusion managed path to the !eb
The &ildcard inclusion mana'ed #ath is the #ath under &hich se#arate site collections are created for a
user6s (y Site. +reation of the site collection occurs the first time that a user vie&s the user]s (y Site.
This functionality is available only &hen self7service site creation is also enabled. Enablin' self7service
site creation is discussed later in this article. .or more information about mana'ed #aths" see 1efine
mana'ed #aths 2SharePoint Server 20103.
&o add a !ildcard inclusion managed path to the !eb application
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' administrative credentials$
To add mana'ed #aths" you must be a member of the .arm /dministrators 'rou# on the
com#uter runnin' the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite.
2. %n +entral /dministration" click Application Management" and then click Manage 2eb
3. On the 2eb Applications Management #a'e" select the &eb a##lication that you created to
host (y Sites.
A. On the 2eb Applications tab" in the Manage 'rou#" click Managed Paths.
B. %n the Define Managed Paths dialo' box" in the Add a )e! Path section" in the Path box"
ty#e the #ath that you &ant to a##end to the @4! names#ace" and then select 2ildcard
inclusion. .or exam#le" if your &eb a##lication @4! is htt#$;;; and you
&ant users6 individual site collections created under a #ath named 5#ersonal5" ty#e
personal in the Path box. Se#arate (y Sites site collections &ill be created for each user
under htt#$;;;#ersonal;.
?. +lick Add Path" and then click O8.
F. +o#y this mana'ed #ath for later reference.
'onnect the !eb application to serice applications
The &eb a##lication that hosts (y Sites must be connected to service a##lications in SharePoint
Server 2013. The @ser Profile service a##lication is re)uired for (y Sites. The mana'ed metadata
service a##lication and Search service a##lication are hi'hly recommended. .or more information" see
(y Sites architecture in Plan for (y Sites 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
/dditionally" if you have other SharePoint sites from &hich you &ant users to be able to access their (y
Site and About Me links from the u##er7ri'ht corner menu" connect the &eb a##lications of those sites
to the @ser Profile service a##lication.
&o connect the !eb application to serice applications
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' administrative credentials$
To connect a &eb a##lication to a service a##lication" you must be a member of the .arm
/dministrators 'rou# on the com#uter runnin' the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite.
2. %n +entral /dministration" in the Application Management section" click Manage 2eb
3. On the 2eb Applications Management #a'e" select the &eb a##lication that you created to
host (y Sites.
A. On the 2eb Applications tab" in the Manage 'rou#" click Serice 'onnections.
B. %n the 'onfigure Serice Application Associations dialo' box" in the 3dit the follo!ing
group of connections list" select default if the default 'rou# contains the service
a##lications that you &ant to connect to the &eb a##lication.
%f you choose M'ustomN" select any service a##lications to &hich you &ant to connect the &eb
a##lication" includin' the @ser Profile service a##lication" the mana'ed metadata service
a##lication" and the Search service a##lication.
?. +lick O8.
3nable self=serice site creation for the !eb
Self7service site creation enables the automatic creation of a se#arate site collection for users &hen
they first vie& their (y Site.
&o enable self=serice site creation for the !eb application
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' administrative credentials$
To enable self7service site creation" you must be a member of the .arm /dministrators 'rou#
on the com#uter runnin' the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite.
2. %n +entral /dministration" in the Application Management section" click Manage 2eb
3. On the 2eb Applications #a'e" select the &eb a##lication that you created to host (y
A. On the 2eb Applications tab" in the Security 'rou#" click Self=Serice Site 'reation.
B. %n the Self=Serice Site 'reation Management dialo' box" in Site 'ollections" select On.
O#tionally" in ;uota template to apply" select a )uota tem#late.
?. %n Start a Site" choose one of the follo&in' o#tions$
a3 Prompt users to create a team site under so users can create team sites from their
(y Site to use site feeds.
b3 <e hidden from users if you do not &ant users to create team sites from their (y
Sites to use site feeds.
F. +lick O8 to finish.
Perform these additional ste#s to confi'ure #ermissions for users to create team sites from their (y
Sites to use site feeds.
1. %n the Policy 'rou#" click Permission Policy@
2. On Manage Permission Policy 5eels dialo' box" click Add Permission Policy 5eel@
3. Ty#e a name for the #ermission #olicy.
A. @nder Permissions" in Site Permissions" select the Grant o#tion for 'reate Subsites =
'reate subsites such as team sites% Meeting 2or:space sites% and Document 2or:space
B. +lick Sae.
?. %n the Policy 'rou#" click +ser Policy.
F. On Policy for 2eb Application dialo' box" click Add +sers.
G. On Add +sers" in Iones select ,All Iones-" then click )e4t.
>. %n 'hoose +sers" enter the user names of the users that you &ant to create team sites
from their (y Site to use site feeds. %f all users can create team sites from their (y Site to
use site feeds" click the <ro!se icon. %n Select People and Groups" click All +sers" then
click 3eryone. +lick Add" and then click O8.
10. %n the 'hoose Permissions section" select the name of the Permission Policy created
11. +lick 9inish" and then click O8.
'onfigure My Site settings for the +ser Profile
serice application
/fter you have a (y Site host site collection and &ildcard inclusion mana'ed #ath confi'ured for (y
Sites" you can u#date the (y Sites settin's in the @ser Profile service a##lication. (ost of these
settin's are confi'ured durin' initial de#loyment and only chan'e infre)uently durin' maintenance
o#erations after&ard.
&o configure My Site settings for the +ser Profile serice application
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' administrative credentials$
To confi'ure (y Site settin's for the @ser Profile service a##lication" you must be a member of
the .arm /dministrators 'rou# on the com#uter runnin' the SharePoint +entral /dministration
&ebsite or a service a##lication administrator for the @ser Profile service a##lication.
2. %n +entral /dministration" in the Application Management section" click Manage serice
3. +lick the @ser Profile service a##lication that you connected to the &eb a##lication hostin'
(y Sites earlier in this task.
A. On the Manage Profile Serice #a'e" in the My Site Settings section" click Setup My Sites.
B. On the My Sites Settings #a'e" in the Preferred Search 'enter section" s#ecify settin's for
the search center to direct users to &hen they search for #eo#le or documents from their
About Me #rofile #a'e. %f you do not have a search center set u# yet" you can ski# this ste#
and com#lete it later. .or more information" see Search service a##lication in Plan for (y Sites
2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
?. %n the My Site 6ost section" ty#e the @4! of the (y Site host site collection that you
created earlier in this task.
F. O#tionally" in the My Site 6ost +.5 in Actie Directory section" ty#e the @4! of the (y Site
host site collection that is returned to client and mobile #hone a##lications that uses
Exchan'e /uto 1iscovery. 8hen a user is usin' a client or mobile #hone a##lication"
credentials are #assed in the form of an email address and #ass&ord. Exchan'e /uto
1iscover then finds other re)uired settin's" such as S(TP server name" and sends this to
the client or mobile #hone a##lication. +lient and mobile #hone a##lications use Exchan'e
/uto 1iscovery to find a user6s SharePoint Server 2013(y Site based on the (y Site host
@4! stored in /ctive 1irectory 1omain Services 2/1 1S3.
G. %n the Personal Site 5ocation section" ty#e the &ildcard inclusion mana'ed #ath you
confi'ured earlier in this task. -y default" personal is #re#o#ulated in the box. *o&ever" if
you chose a different #ath for your &ildcard inclusion mana'ed #ath" re#lace personal &ith
your #ath.
>. %n the Site )aming 9ormat section" select a namin' format for the (y Sites site collections
that &ill be created &hen users vie& their (y Sites for the first time. .or more information
about these formats" see (y Sites architecture in Plan for (y Sites 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
10. %n the 5anguage Options section" s#ecify &hether users can select a #referred lan'ua'e
for their (y Site. The available lan'ua'es corres#ond to the lan'ua'e #acks installed in
the farm. /ll servers in a farm must have the same lan'ua'e #acks. .or more information
about multilin'ual sites" see Plan for multilin'ual sites 2SharePoint Server 20103. .or more
information about lan'ua'e #acks" see /bout lan'ua'e %1s and lan'ua'e #acks in %nstall or
uninstall lan'ua'e #acks for SharePoint 2013.
11. %n the .ead Permission 5eel section" s#ecify the users or 'rou#s that can vie& other
users] (y Sites &hen they are created. -y default" this includes all authenticated users.
*o&ever" you can select a more s#ecific 'rou# or users de#endin' on the needs of your
12. %n the Security &rimming Options section" s#ecify ho& system 'enerated #osts are
checked for #ermissions before they are dis#layed in feeds and on the &ags and )otes
13. %n the )e!sfeed section" enable system 'enerated #osts to the feed on (y Sites by
selectin' 3nable actiities in My Site ne!sfeeds. This o#tion is selected by default. This is
im#ortant in hosted environments &here tenants can share the same @ser Profile service
but have different re)uirements on &hether they can enable ne&sfeeds for their users.
8hen u#'radin' from a SharePoint Server 2010 server farm that uses the ne&sfeed and ta's and
notes" you enable these le'acy features on your SharePoint Server 2013 server farm by selectin'
3nable SharePoint 2010 actiity migration.
1A. %n the 3=mail )otifications section" s#ecify an email address to use as the sender email
address for (y Site email notifications. This account does not have to be a real monitored
email address. %f you &ant to receive notifications for ne&sfeed activities" such as re#lies
to your #osts or &hen someone follo&s you" select 3nable ne!sfeed email notifications.
9ou must add the %P address of the farm6s outbound S(TP server to the safe list in
Exchan'e Server 2013 to #revent (y Site email notifications from bein' sent to the Nunk
folder. .or more information about safe lists in Exchan'e Server 2013" see @nderstandin'
+onnection .ilterin' in the Exchan'e Server Technical !ibrary.
1B. %n the My Site 'leanup section" s#ecify a ne& o&ner of a (y Site if the existin' (y Site
user is removed from the #rofile database. .or exam#le" if a user leaves the com#any and
is no lon'er in the #rofile database" the user]s (y Site &ill be deleted to'ether &ith any
content. *o&ever" before it is deleted" a ne& o&ner can recover any im#ortant content.
Select 3nable access delegation for the (y Site cleanu# Cob to first attem#t to assi'n
o&nershi# of the (y Site to the user]s mana'er. %f no mana'er is found" the (y Site is
assi'ned to the user s#ecified in Secondary O!ner. The ne& o&ner has t&o &eeks to
retrieve content from the (y Site before it is deleted.
1?. %n the Priacy Settings section" select Ma:e My Sites Public to make all users6 (y Sites
#ublic. This o#tion is not selected by default.
8hen a user6s (y Site is #ublic" the user6s list of follo&ers" the user6s list of #eo#le they are
follo&in'" and all activities 2includin' ne& follo& notifications" social ta''in' and ratin' of
content" birthdays" Cob title chan'es" &ork#lace anniversary" u#datin' /sk (e /bout"
#ostin' on a note board" and ne& blo' #osts3 &ill be #ublic. /ny #olicies set &ithin People
and Priacy on the Manage Policies #a'e is overridden.
1F. +lick O8.
.or more information about additional timer Cobs for (y Sites" see Plannin' for Cobs and schedules in
Plan for (y Sites 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
3nable the +ser Profile Serice Application = Actiity
9eed #ob
The +ser Profile Serice Application = Actiity 9eed #ob creates system 'enerated #osts in the
feeds for the follo&in' events$
.ollo&in' a ta'
Ta''in' an item
-irthday celebration
Nob title chan'e
8ork#lace anniversary
@#dates to /sk (e /bout
Postin' on a note board
/fter you confi'ure (y Sites" enable the +ser Profile Serice Application = Actiity 9eed #ob so that
users receive system 'enerated #osts in the )e!sfeed on their (y Sites.
There are other timer Cobs related to (y Sites that you mi'ht &ant to revie& and chan'e default settin's
for. .or more information about Cobs related to (y Sites functionality" see Plannin' for Cobs and
schedules in Plan for (y Sites 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
&o enable the +ser Profile Serice Application = Actiity 9eed #ob
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' administrative credentials$
To confi'ure timer Cobs" you must be a member of the .arm /dministrators 'rou# on the
com#uter runnin' the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite.
2. %n +entral /dministration" click Monitoring" and then click .eie! Job definitions.
3. On the #ob Definitions #a'e" in the >ie! list" select Serice. The Serice list a##ears.
%f the Serice list does not dis#lay +ser Profile Serice" in Serice" click )o selection" then
click 'hange Serice. On the Select Serice #a'e" use the arro&s in the u##er7ri'ht corner to
locate +ser Profile Serice" and then click it. The #ob Definitions #a'e u#dates &ith the @ser
Profile service Cobs.
A. +lick the activity feed Cob for the @ser Profile service a##lication that you created in
Prere)uisites earlier in this article. The Cob name is in the format User>3rofile>service>name 7
Actiity 9eed #ob" &here User>3rofile>service>name is the name that you s#ecified for your
@ser Profile service a##lication.
B. On the 3dit &imer #ob #a'e" in the .ecurring Schedule section" select the interval that you
&ant the Cob to run. /vailable intervals are Minutes" 6ourly" Daily" 2ee:ly" and Monthly.
Selectin' a shorter interval" such as Minutes or 6ourly" ensures that activities a##ear on
users6 (y Site ne&sfeeds more fre)uently. *o&ever" it increases load on the system
de#endin' on ho& many activities are available. Selectin' a lon'er interval" such as Daily"
2ee:ly" or Monthly" reduces the number of times the Cob runs and #rocesses feeds.
*o&ever" it also means that users receive less fre)uent u#dates to activities in their
?. +lick 3nable.
F. O#tionally" click .un )o! to run the Cob immediately &ithout &aitin' for the next scheduled
)e4t steps
/fter you confi'ure (y Sites by usin' the #rocedures in this article" consider &hether you re)uire the
follo&in' o#tional #rocedures$
+onfi'ure trusted (y Site host locations
+onfi'ure links to Office client a##lications
/dd #ersonali0ation site links on (y Sites
Start related services
+onfi'ure microblo''in'
'onfigure trusted My Site host locations
&rusted My Site 6ost 5ocations is an o#tional feature that #revents a user from creatin' more than
one (y Site in an or'ani0ation &ith multi#le @ser Profile service a##lications. .or more information" see
/dd or delete a trusted (y Site host location 2SharePoint Server 20103.
'onfigure lin:s to Office client applications
@sers] (y Sites are convenient locations for users to save files that they &ork on in Office client
a##lications" such as 8ord" Excel" and Po&erPoint. /fter you confi'ure an environment for (y Sites"
you can add a link to the 9aorite 5in:s section that users see &hen they save documents in the Sae
As dialo' box in Office client a##lications. @sers can then select their (y Site and save files to the
Documents library available on their (y Site. .or more information" see /dd or delete links to Office
client a##lications 2SharePoint Server 20103.
Add personali(ation site lin:s on My Sites
%f your or'ani0ation &ants to #rovide im#ortant information to users" it can do so by addin'
#ersonali0ation site links to a user6s (y Site. .or more information" see /dd or delete #ersonali0ation
site links on (y Sites.
Start related serices
%f the related services for (y Sites have not been started yet" start them so that (y Sites functionality is
available in your environment. .or more information" see (ana'e services on the server 2SharePoint
Server 20103.
'onfigure microblogging
Settin' u# (y Sites is the first ste# in confi'urin' microblo' features in SharePoint Server 2013. .or
more information about ho& to confi'ure microblo''in' features in SharePoint Server 2013" see
+onfi'ure microblo''in' in SharePoint Server 2013.
'reate and configure communities in
SharePoint Serer 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to create +ommunity Sites and +ommunity Portals in SharePoint Server 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
9ou can create +ommunity Sites and +ommunity Portals in SharePoint Server 2013. +ommunity Sites
#rovide a discussion forum ex#erience in the SharePoint environment. The +ommunity Portal #rovides
a directory of +ommunity Sites for users to bro&se and search for communities of interest. -efore you
create +ommunity Sites and +ommunity Portals" understand the conce#ts and #lannin' #rocess in
+ommunities overvie& 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3 and Plan for +ommunities 2SharePoint 2013
The ste#s in this article a##ly to SharePoint Server 2013.
%n this article$
-efore you be'in
+reate a +ommunity Site
+reate a +ommunity Portal
/dditional ste#s
<efore you begin
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 1B Products
,eyboard shortcuts
-efore you be'in this o#eration" revie& the follo&in' information about #rere)uisites$
Eerify that you have met the re)uirements in Phase 3$ Plan the solution in Plan for +ommunities
2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
'reate a 'ommunity Site
@se the follo&in' #rocedure to create a +ommunity Site at the site collection level in SharePoint Server
&o create a 'ommunity Site
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' administrative credentials$
To create a site collection by usin' the +ommunity Site tem#late" you must be a member of the
.arm /dministrators 'rou# on the com#uter runnin' the SharePoint +entral /dministration
&ebsite or a service a##lication administrator. %f you are a service a##lication administrator" you
must also have #ermission to create site collections in the &eb a##lication in &hich you create
the +ommunity Site.
2. %n +entral /dministration" click Application Management" and then click 'reate site
3. On the 'reate Site 'ollection #a'e" in the 2eb Application section" ensure that the
selected &eb a##lication is the &eb a##lication in &hich you &ant to create the
+ommunity Site. %f it is not" ex#and the list" and then click 'hange 2eb Application. %n the
Select 2eb Application dialo' box" select a different &eb a##lication.
A. %n the &itle and Description section" ty#e a title and descri#tion for the site collection.
B. %n the 2eb Site Address section" select the @4! &here you &ant this site collection
?. %n the &emplate Selection section" in the Select e4perience ersion list" select 2013. Then"
on the 'ollaboration tab" click 'ommunity Site.
F. %n the Primary Site 'ollection Administrator section" and o#tionally in the Secondary Site
'ollection Administrator section" ty#e an account in the format domainBusername to s#ecify
an administrator for the site collection.
G. O#tionally" in the ;uota &emplate section" select a )uota tem#late.
>. +lick O8.
10. >erification" /fter the site collection is created successfully" click the link to o#en the
+ommunity Site.
'reate a 'ommunity Portal
@se the follo&in' #rocedure to create a +ommunity Portal in SharePoint Server 2013. +ommunity
Portals can be created at only the site collection level.
&o create a 'ommunity Portal
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' administrative credentials$
To create a site collection by usin' the +ommunity Portal tem#late" you must be a member of
the .arm /dministrators 'rou# on the com#uter runnin' the SharePoint +entral /dministration
&ebsite or a service a##lication administrator. %f you are a service a##lication administrator" you
must also have #ermission to create site collections in the &eb a##lication in &hich you create
the +ommunity Portal.
2. %n +entral /dministration" click Application Management" and then click 'reate site
3. On the 'reate Site 'ollection #a'e" in the 2eb Application section" ensure that the
selected &eb a##lication is the &eb a##lication in &hich you &ant to create the
+ommunity Portal. %f it is not" ex#and the list" and then click 'hange 2eb Application. %n
the Select 2eb Application dialo' box" select a different &eb a##lication.
A. %n the &itle and Description section" ty#e a title and descri#tion for the site collection.
B. %n the 2eb Site Address section" select the @4! &here you &ant this site collection
?. %n the &emplate Selection section" in the Select e4perience ersion list" select 2013. Then"
on the 3nterprise tab" click 'ommunity Portal.
F. %n the Primary Site 'ollection Administrator section" and o#tionally in the Secondary Site
'ollection Administrator section" ty#e an account in the format domainBusername to s#ecify
an administrator for the site collection.
G. O#tionally" in the ;uota &emplate section" select a )uota tem#late.
>. +lick O8.
10. >erification" /fter the site collection is created successfully" click the link to o#en the
+ommunity Portal.
Additional steps
/fter you have created a +ommunity Site or a +ommunity Portal" consider the follo&in' additional ste#s
to com#lete the confi'uration$
+reate additional +ommunity Sites as needed. 9ou mi'ht create them at the site collection level" as
in this #rocedure" or create them at the site level de#endin' on &hat you determined durin' the
#lannin' #hase.
+onfi'ure #ermissions for your +ommunity Sites to make them #rivate" closed" or o#en. .or more
information" see +ommunity ty#es in Plan for +ommunities 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
+ustomi0e the +ommunity Site. %n #articular" u#date the icon" title" and descri#tion of the site so
that the +ommunity Portal dis#lays distinct information for each +ommunity Site.
4un a search cra&l so that it indexes the ne& site or sites" and #o#ulates the +ommunity Portal
&ith +ommunity Sites. o communities a##ear on the #ortal until you run a cra&l. +onfi'ure the
incremental cra&l schedule so that the +ommunity Portal continues to dis#lay any ne& +ommunity
Sites" and so that members can search &ithin communities and the #ortal.
'onfigure microblogging in SharePoint Serer
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" @se these Techet articles to learn ho& to confi'ure microblo''in' in SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
The follo&in' articles on Techet #rovide information about microblo''in' in SharePoint 2013. -efore
you confi'ure microblo''in'" make sure that you have com#leted the ste#s in +onfi'ure (y Sites in
SharePoint Server 2013.
&ech)et articles about microblogging
The follo&in' articles about microblo''in' are available to vie& online. 8riters u#date articles on a
continuin' basis as ne& information becomes available and as users #rovide feedback.

'ontent Description

+onfi'ure .ollo&in' settin's in
SharePoint Server 2013
!earn ho& to confi'ure .ollo&in'
settin's for (y Sites in
SharePoint 2013.

(ana'e .eed +ache and !ast
(odified Time +ache
re#o#ulation in SharePoint
Server 2013
!earn ho& to mana'e
re#o#ulation of the .eed +ache
and !ast (odified Time +ache in
SharePoint 2013.

(ana'e the 1istributed +ache
service in SharePoint Server
!earn ho& to confi'ure and
mana'e the 1istributed +ache
service in SharePoint 2013.

'onfigure 9ollo!ing settings in SharePoint
Serer 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to confi'ure .ollo&in' settin's for (y Sites in SharePoint Server 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
%n SharePoint Server 2013" following is a user7initiated action that indicates the user6s interest in a
s#ecific document" #erson" site" or ta'. 8hen users follo& an item" ne& activities about that item
a##ear in the users] ne&sfeeds on their (y Sites. @sers vie& all their follo&ed items from their (y
'onfigure 9ollo!ing settings for My Sites
@se this #rocedure to confi'ure .ollo&in' settin's for (y Sites.
@sin' lo&er limits can sli'htly im#rove #erformance. /lso" by usin' lo&er limits" users &ill follo&
hi'her #riority documents" #eo#le" or sites.
&o configure 9ollo!ing settings for My Sites
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' administrative credentials$
To confi'ure .ollo&in' settin's for the @ser Profile service a##lication" you must be a member
of the .arm /dministrators 'rou# on the com#uter runnin' the SharePoint +entral
/dministration &ebsite or a service a##lication administrator for the @ser Profile service
2. %n +entral /dministration" in the Application Management section" in the Serice
Applications 'rou#" click Manage serice applications.
3. %n the list of service a##lications" select the @ser Profile service a##lication.
A. %n the Operations 'rou#" click Manage.
B. On the Manage Profile Serice #a'e" in the My Sites Settings section" click Manage
?. %n the Ma4imum number of follo!ed people box" ty#e the maximum number of #eo#le that
a user can follo& from the user]s (y Site.
F. %n the Ma4imum number of follo!ed documents box" ty#e the maximum number of
documents that a user can follo& from the user]s (y Site.
G. %n the Ma4imum number of follo!ed sites box" ty#e the maximum number of sites that a
user can follo& from the user]s (y Site.
>. +lick O8@

Manage 9eed 'ache and 5ast Modified &ime
'ache repopulation in SharePoint Serer
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to mana'e re#o#ulation of the .eed +ache and !ast (odified Time +ache in
SharePoint Server 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
SharePoint Server 2013 feeds re)uire the .eed +ache and !ast (odified Time +ache. The .eed
+ache maintains recent conversations and activities of entities. The !ast (odified Time +ache
maintains the last modified time for all items in the .eed +ache. The 1istributed +ache service
mana'es both the .eed +ache and the !ast (odified Time +ache.
System events" such as a server shuttin' do&n unex#ectedly or a variation in electrical su##ly to the
server" can affect the 1istributed +ache service. /dditionally" an administrator &ho #erforms
maintenance and o#erational tasks can take an a##lication server that runs the 1istributed +ache
service offline. This results in the resettin' and em#tyin' of the .eed +ache and the !ast (odified Time
+ache. %n this situation" re#o#ulation of the recent conversations and activities of entities occurs.
4e#o#ulation occurs in t&o sta'es$
1. !oad last modified time information for recent conversations and activities.
2. !oad recent conversations and activities.
%n the case of #lanned maintenance and o#erations" an administrator can #reserve cache data
by usin' the 'raceful shutdo&n #rocedure. .or more information" see Perform a 'raceful
shutdo&n of the 1istributed +ache service in (ana'e the 1istributed +ache service in
SharePoint Server 2013.
To mana'e the re#o#ulation #rocess" SharePoint Server 2013 includes the 9eed 'ache .epopulation
#ob timer Cob. 8hen the 9eed 'ache .epopulation #ob timer Cob runs" it first checks &hether the
.eed +ache and !ast (odified Time +ache are em#ty. %f they are em#ty" it starts re#o#ulatin' the last
modified time information for recent conversations and activities in the !ast (odified Time +ache. /fter
the timer Cob finishes the !ast (odified Time +ache re#o#ulation" the .eed +ache is #o#ulated &ith
recent conversations and activities the next time any user accesses a feed in SharePoint Server 2013.
%n this article$
4e#o#ulate the !ast (odified Time +ache by usin' timer Cobs in +entral /dministration
4e#o#ulate the .eed +ache and !ast (odified Time +ache by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets
.epopulate the 5ast Modified &ime 'ache by using
timer Jobs in 'entral Administration
The +ser Profile Serice Application = 9eed 'ache .epopulation #ob re#o#ulates the !ast (odified
Time +ache if the 1istributed +ache service resets and becomes em#ty. /lso" after you confi'ure (y
Sites" users &ill not see #osts a##earin' in their consolidated ne&sfeed if the +ser Profile Serice
Application = 9eed 'ache .epopulation #ob timer Cob is not confi'ured to run. -y default" the +ser
Profile Serice Application = 9eed 'ache .epopulation #ob timer Cob is confi'ured to run every B
@se this #rocedure to confi'ure the +ser Profile Serice Application = 9eed 'ache .epopulation
#ob timer Cob to monitor the .eed +ache and !ast (odified Time +ache for re#o#ulation.
1o not chan'e the default settin's of this timer Cob if you #lan to use social features in
SharePoint Server 2013. 1o not disable this timer Cob. %f this timer Cob is disabled and a
re#o#ulation is re)uired" it &ill re7enable itself and run.
&o configure the +ser Profile Serice Application = 9eed 'ache .epopulation
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' administrative credentials$
To confi'ure timer Cobs" you must be a member of the .arm /dministrators 'rou# on the
com#uter runnin' the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite.
2. %n +entral /dministration" on the Monitoring #a'e" click .eie! Job definitions.
3. On the #ob Definitions #a'e" in the >ie! list" select All.
A. @se the arro&s at the bottom of the #a'e to locate the feed cache re#o#ulation Cob for the
@ser Profile service a##lication on your server farm. The Cob name is in the format
User>3rofile>service>name 7 9eed 'ache .epopulation #ob" &here User>3rofile>service>name
is the name that you s#ecified for the @ser Profile service a##lication.
B. On the 3dit &imer #ob #a'e" in the .ecurring Schedule section" select the interval that you
&ant the Cob to run. /vailable intervals are Minutes" 6ourly" Daily" 2ee:ly" and Monthly.
Selectin' a shorter interval" such as Minutes or 6ourly" ensures that checks for an em#ty
cache is #erformed more fre)uently. Selectin' a lon'er interval" such as Daily" 2ee:ly" or
Monthly" reduces the number of times the Cob runs. *o&ever" it also means that
#erformin' cache re#o#ulation checks are done fe&er times. 8e recommend that this
timer Cob runs on shorter intervals.
?. +lick 3nable.
F. O#tionally" click .un )o! to run the Cob immediately &ithout &aitin' for the next scheduled
.epopulate the 9eed 'ache and 5ast Modified &ime
'ache by using 2indo!s Po!erShell cmdlets
9ou can use 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets to #erform the re#o#ulation of the .eed +ache and the !ast
(odified Time +ache. To #erform re#o#ulation" &e recommend that you confi'ure the +ser Profile
Serice Application = 9eed 'ache .epopulation #ob timer Cob as described above. This is because
the timer Cob first checks to see &hether the cache is em#ty and then re#o#ulates the cache as
necessary" &hereas the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets force a re#o#ulation of the cache. *o&ever" in
some instances" usin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets is the only &ay to re#o#ulate the cache. These
instances include the follo&in'$
/fter attachin' a ne& content database and the cache is not re#o#ulatin'.
/fter restorin' a content database.
The follo&in' cmdlets are available to force re#o#ulation of the .eed +ache and the !ast (odified Time
@#date7SP4e#o#ulate(icroblo'!(T+ache. This cmdlet must be run first.

Manage the Distributed 'ache serice in
SharePoint Serer 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to confi'ure and mana'e the 1istributed +ache service in SharePoint Server
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
To #erform mana'ement and o#erational tasks on the 1istributed +ache service in SharePoint Server
2013" an administrator must #erform s#ecific" ordered #rocedures. This article describes ho& to
conduct several mana'ement and o#erational tasks on the 1istributed +ache service.
%n this article$
Start and sto# the 1istributed +ache service
+han'e the memory allocation of the 1istributed +ache service
/dd or remove a server in a 1istributed +ache cluster
Perform a 'raceful shutdo&n of the 1istributed +ache service
+han'e the service account
The 1istributed +ache service can end u# in a nonfunctionin' or unrecoverable state if you do
not follo& the #rocedures that are listed in this article. %n extreme scenarios" you mi'ht have to
rebuild the server farm. The 1istributed +ache de#ends on 8indo&s Server /##.abric as a
#rere)uisite. 1o not administer the App9abric 'aching Serice from the Serices &indo& in
Administratie &ools in 'ontrol Panel. 1o not use the a##lications in the folder named
App9abric for 2indo!s Serer on the Start menu.
Start and stop the Distributed 'ache serice
/n administrator that #erforms maintenance and o#erational tasks mi'ht need to start and sto# the
1istributed +ache service. Some of these tasks include the follo&in'$
+han'in' the default confi'uration of the server farm at installation time. The 1istributed +ache
service is started on all SharePoint servers at installation time. /n administrator mi'ht &ant to sto#
the 1istributed +ache service on some servers in the farm.
@#datin' the server and there is only one 1istributed +ache server in the SharePoint Server 2013
Sto##in' the cache results in #artial data loss. The .eed +ache de#ends on the 1istributed +ache
service. Ta's and document activities are saved only to the .eed +ache. Ta's and document activities
are not #ersisted to content databases. 8hen the 1istributed +ache service is sto##ed" ta's and
document activities are lost. 8hen the 1istributed +ache service is started" re#o#ulation occurs &hen
the feed cache re#o#ulation timer Cob runs. .or more information" see (ana'e .eed +ache and !ast
(odified Time +ache re#o#ulation in SharePoint Server 2013. One &ay to maintain the ta's and
document activities is to use the method described in Perform a 'raceful shutdo&n of the 1istributed
+ache service later in this article. 8hen the 'raceful shutdo&n of the 1istributed +ache service method
is used" all cache data is moved from one server to another server before the 1istributed +ache service
is sto##ed.
%f your cache hosts are #art of a cache cluster" do not start or sto# the 1istributed +ache
service as described here. %nstead" see /dd or remove a server in a 1istributed +ache cluster
later in this article.
&o start and stop the Distributed 'ache serice by using 'entral Administration
1. %n +entral /dministration" click Application Management@
2. %n Serice Applications" click Manage Serices on Serer.
3. On the Serices on Serer #a'e" locate the Distributed 'ache service.
A. %f the 1istributed +ache service is started and you &ant to sto# the service" under Action"
click Stop. %f the 1istributed +ache service is sto##ed and you &ant to start the service"
under Action" click Start.
&o start the Distributed 'ache serice by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
/t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" run the follo&in' command$
[instance8ame XRSP3istributedCacheService 8ameXApp+abricCachin-ServiceR
[service)nstance X ,et(SPService)nstance W F J![>#service#tostrin-!$$ (e: [instance8ame (and
![>#server#name$ (e: [env:computernameK
&o stop the Distributed 'ache serice by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
/t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" run the follo&in' command$
[instance8ame XRSP3istributedCacheService 8ameXApp+abricCachin-ServiceR
[service)nstance X ,et(SPService)nstance W F J![>#service#tostrin-!$$ (e: [instance8ame (and
![>#server#name$ (e: [env:computernameK
'hange the memory allocation of the Distributed
'ache serice
8hen SharePoint Server 2013 is installed" it assi'ns the 1istributed +ache service 10 #ercent of the
total #hysical memory on the server. The 1istributed +ache service uses half of the memory allocation
for data stora'e 2also kno&n as cache si0e3" and the other half of the memory allocation is used for
memory mana'ement overhead. 8hen the cached data 'ro&s" the 1istributed +ache service uses the
entire 10 #ercent of the allocated memory.
The follo&in' scenarios describe &hen an administrator should increase the memory allocation for the
1istributed +ache$
8hen you add #hysical memory to a server. %n this case" the 1istributed +ache does not
recalculate the 10 #ercent memory allocation to include the ne& total #hysical memory.
8hen you have a dedicated 1istributed +ache server. @se the follo&in' method to calculate ho&
much memory can be assi'ned to the 1istributed +ache service$
1. 1etermine the total #hysical memory on the server. .or this exam#le" &e &ill use
1? H- as the total #hysical memory available on the server.
1. 4eserve 2 H- of memory for other #rocesses and services that are runnin' on the
cache host. .or exam#le" 1? H- V 2 H- = 1A H-. This remainin' memory is allocated
to the 1istributed +ache service.
2. Take half of the remainin' memory" and convert it to (-. .or exam#le" 1A H-;2 =
F H- or F000 (-. This is the cache si0e of the 1istributed +ache service.
3. @se the follo&in' #rocedure to u#date the memory allocation accordin'ly.
'hange the memory allocation of the Distributed 'ache by using
2indo!s Po!erShell
@se this #rocedure to reconfi'ure the memory allocation for the 1istributed +ache service.
1. Sto# the 1istributed +ache service on all cache hosts that are #art of the cache cluster. To
sto# the 1istributed +ache service" on all cache hosts" at the 8indo&s Po&erShell
command #rom#t" run the follo&in' command$
[instance8ame XRSP3istributedCacheService 8ameXApp+abricCachin-ServiceR
[service)nstance X ,et(SPService)nstance W F J![>#service#tostrin-!$$ (e: [instance8ame (and
![>#server#name$ (e: [env:computernameK
2. 4econfi'ure the cache si0e of the 1istributed +ache service on the server that is bein'
added or u#'raded. On that server only" at the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t"
run the follo&in' command$
Set(Cache@ostCon/- (@ostname Hostname (cacheport Cacheport (cachesi0e Cachesize
1ostname is the .:1 of the a##lication server bein' reconfi'ured that runs the 1istributed
+ache service.
+acheport is e)ual to the #ort number of the 1istributed +ache 2222333.
+achesiEe is the cache si0e6s memory allocation assi'nment in (-. %n the #revious exam#le"
the cache si0e &as calculated at F000 (- for a server &ith 1? H- of total #hysical memory.
3. 4estart the 1istributed +ache service. On all servers" at the 8indo&s Po&erShell
command #rom#t" run the follo&in' command$
Add or remoe a serer in a Distributed 'ache
/n administrator can add or remove a server to a cache cluster" or mi'ht &ant to remove a server from
the cache cluster" #erform some o#erational or maintenance tasks on the server" and then reCoin or add
the server to the cache cluster. 8hen removin' the server" the 1istributed +ache service is sto##ed"
then unre'istered from the server. @nre'isterin' the 1istributed +ache service means that an
administrator &ill not see the 1istributed +ache service listed on the Serices on Serer #a'e in
+entral /dministration. Similarly" &hen a server is added" the 1istributed +ache service is re'istered
and then is started on the server. 4e'isterin' the 1istributed +ache service means that an
administrator &ill see the 1istributed +ache service listed on the Serices on Serer #a'e in +entral
@se the follo&in' #rocedures to add and remove a server from a cache cluster. These 8indo&s
Po&erShell cmdlets are run on the server bein' added or removed.
Add a serer to the cache cluster and starting the Distributed 'ache
serice by using a 2indo!s Po!erShell
/t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" run the follo&in' command$
.emoe a serer from the cache cluster by using a 2indo!s
/t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" run the follo&in' command$
This #rocedure &ill sto# the cache service and non#ersisted cached data &ill be lost. %f you
&ant to kee# the cached data" use the 'raceful shutdo&n #rocedure that is described in the
next section" and then run the .emoe=SPDistributed'acheSerice*nstanceOn5ocalSerer
cmdlet. The .emoe=SPDistributed'acheSerice*nstanceOn5ocalSerer cmdlet involves
sto##in' and disablin' the underlyin' /##.abric +achin' service. 1o not restart the /##.abric
+achin' service other than by runnin' the Add=
SPDistributed'acheSerice*nstanceOn5ocalSerer cmdlet.
Perform a graceful shutdo!n of the Distributed
'ache serice
%n a SharePoint Server 2013 farm" a cache cluster exists &hen several cache hosts run the 1istributed
+ache service. %n a SharePoint Server 2013 farm" one cache exists" and the cache s#ans the cache
cluster. /n administrator can take a cache host out of the cluster to #erform o#erational or maintenance
tasks on the server" such as a##lyin' u#dates to the server. To #revent data loss associated &ith the
removal of the cache host from the cache cluster" an administrator must first run the 'raceful shutdo&n
#rocedure before removin' the cache host from the cache cluster. The 'raceful shutdo&n #rocedure is
run on the cache host bein' removed from the cache cluster. This cache host stores a #ortion of the
cached data. The 'raceful shutdo&n #rocedure transfers all cached data from the cache host on &hich
the 'raceful shutdo&n #rocedure is bein' run on to another cache host in the farm. The transfer
#rocess takes 1B minutes or more to run de#endin' on ho& many items exist in the cache. 8hen the
transfer #rocess is com#lete" removin' the cache host by usin' the .emoe=
SPDistributed'acheSerice*nstanceOn5ocalSerer cmdlet does not result in any data loss.
&o perform a graceful shutdo!n of the Distributed 'ache by using 2indo!s
/t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" run the follo&in' command$
To reCoin or add the server to the cache cluster" run the Add=
SPDistributed'acheSerice*nstanceOn5ocalSerer cmdlet.
'hange the serice account
8hen the server farm is first confi'ured" the server farm account is set as the service account of the
/##.abric +achin' service. The 1istributed +ache service de#ends on the /##.abric +achin' service.
To chan'e the service account of the /##.abric +achin' service to a mana'ed account$
1. +reate a mana'ed account. .or more information" see +onfi'ure automatic #ass&ord chan'e
2SharePoint Server 20103.
2. Set the (ana'ed account as the service account on the /##.abric +achin' service. /t the
8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" run the follo&in' command$
[farm X ,et(SP+arm
[cacheService X [farm#Services W *here J[>#8ame (e: RApp+abricCachin-ServiceRK
[accnt X ,et(SPMana-edAccount ()dentity domain_name\user_name
[cacheService#Process)dentity#Current)dentityype X RSpeci/c6serR
[cacheService#Process)dentity#Mana-edAccount X [accnt
8here -omain>nameBuser>name is the domain name and user name of the mana'ed account.
3nable or disable personal and social features
for users or groups in SharePoint Serer 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to confi'ure user #ermissions for #ersonal and social features in SharePoint
Server 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
.arm /dministrators or service administrators of a @ser Profile service a##lication control &ho can
create (y Sites" and use #ersonal and social features. .or exam#le" you mi'ht &ant a subset of users
in an or'ani0ation to be able to create (y Sites" so you enable the 'reate Personal Site #ermission for
those users. .or more information" see @ser Profile service a##lication overvie& 2SharePoint 2013
-efore you decide &hich #ermission to 'rant users or 'rou#s of users" first revie& the
#ermission descri#tions and ho& the combination of these #ermissions affects the (y Site user
ex#erience. .or more information" see Plan users and user #ermissions in Plan for (y Sites
2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
-efore you #erform this #rocedure" confirm the follo&in'$
/ @ser Profile service a##lication is runnin' in the farm. .or more information" see +reate" edit" or
delete a @ser Profile service a##lication 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
3nable users or groups to use personal and social
@se this #rocedure to confi'ure the user #ermissions for #ersonal and social features.
&o enable users or groups to use personal and social features
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' administrative credentials$
To use the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite to enable users or 'rou#s to use
#ersonal and social features" you must be a member of the .arm /dministrators 'rou#" or you
must have been dele'ated #ermission to administer the @ser Profile service a##lication that is
runnin' in the farm. .or more information" see /ssi'n administration of a @ser Profile service
a##lication 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
2. %n +entral /dministration" in the Application Management section" click Manage serice
3. %n the list of service a##lications" click +ser Profile Serice Application.
A. On the Manage Profile Serice" +ser Profile Serice Application #a'e" in the People 'rou#"
click Manage +ser Permissions.
B. On the Permissions for +ser Profile Serice Application #a'e" ty#e or select a user or
'rou# account" and then click Add.
?. %n the Permissions for box" check the feature or features that you &ant the user or 'rou# to
be able to use" and then click O8.
'onfigure !eb content management solutions
in SharePoint Serer 2013
+pdated" October 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to install and confi'ure SharePoint &eb content mana'ement solutions that use
cross7site collection #ublishin'.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
&he articles that are listed in the follo!ing table
describe ho! to set up cross=site publishing
features in a SharePoint Serer 2013

'ontent Description
+onfi'ure cross7site #ublishin' in
SharePoint Server 2013
!earn ho& to create site
collections for cross7site
#ublishin'" activate the +ross7
Site +ollection Publishin'
feature" create and mana'e term
sets for ta''in' content on
authorin' sites" create catalo'
content by usin' SharePoint lists"
share a library or list as a
catalo'" and confi'ure search
settin's for cross7site #ublishin'.
+onnect a #ublishin' site to a
catalo' in SharePoint Server
!earn ho& to connect a
#ublishin' site to a library or list
that is shared as a catalo'.
+onfi'ure Search 8eb Parts in
SharePoint Server 2013
!earn ho& to confi'ure the
follo&in' 8eb Parts that use
search technolo'y in a #ublishin'

'ontent Description
+ontent Search 8eb Part
4efinement Panel 8eb Part
Taxonomy 4efinement Panel
8eb Part
4ecommended %tems 8eb
+onfi'ure refiners and faceted
navi'ation in SharePoint Server
!earn ho& to ma# a cra&led
#ro#erty to a refinable mana'ed
#ro#erty" enable a mana'ed
#ro#erty as a refiner" and
confi'ure faceted navi'ation.
+onfi'ure result sources for &eb
content mana'ement in
SharePoint Server 2013
!earn ho& to create and mana'e
result sources for SharePoint
Search service a##lications" and
for SharePoint sites and site
+onfi'ure recommendations and
usa'e event ty#es in SharePoint
Server 2013
!earn ho& to create custom
usa'e event ty#es" ho& to add
code to record usa'e events" and
ho& to influence ho&
recommendations are sho&n on
a #a'e.

'onfigure cross=site publishing in SharePoint
Serer 2013
+pdated" October 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn to create and ta' catalo' content in authorin' sites and confi'ure search settin's for
cross7site #ublishin' in SharePoint Server 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
-efore you confi'ure cross7site #ublishin'" make sure that you understand the conce#ts and
terminolo'y in Plan for cross7site #ublishin' in SharePoint 2013 Previe&.
%n this article$
-efore you be'in
+reate site collections for cross7site #ublishin'
/ctivate the +ross7Site +ollection Publishin' feature
+reate and mana'e term sets for ta''in' content on authorin' sites
+reate catalo' content by usin' SharePoint lists
Share a library or list as a catalo'
(ake a term set available to other site collections
+onfi'ure search for cross7site #ublishin'
<efore you begin
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
'reate site collections for cross=site publishing
%n a cross7site collection #ublishin' scenario &here content is reused across site collections" you must
have at least t&o site collections" one for authorin' content and one for #ublishin' content. -efore you
create the site collections" revie& the follo&in' information$
5Plan site collections and site structure for SharePoint authorin' sites5 in Plan SharePoint authorin'
sites for cross7site #ublishin' 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
5Plan site collections and site structure for SharePoint #ublishin' sites5 in Plan SharePoint
#ublishin' sites for cross7site #ublishin' 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
.or information about ho& to create a site collection by usin' either +entral /dministration or 8indo&s
Po&erShell" see +reate a site collection 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
Actiate the 'ross=Site 'ollection Publishing feature
-efore you can use cross7site collection #ublishin' to reuse content across site collections" you have to
activate the +ross7Site +ollection Publishin' feature on the authorin' site collection.
%f you used the Product +atalo' Site +ollection tem#late to create the authorin' site collection"
you do not have to do this o#eration. -y default" the +ross7Site +ollection #ublishin' feature is
active &hen you create a site collection by usin' the Product +atalo' Site +ollection tem#late.
&o actiate the 'ross=Site 'ollection Publishing feature
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a site collection administrator
on the authorin' site collection.
2. On the to#7level site of the authorin' site collection" on the Settings menu" click Site
3. On the Site Settings #a'e" in the Site 'ollection Administration section" click Site collection
A. On the Site 'ollection 9eatures #a'e" next to 'ross=Site 'ollection Publishing" click
'reate content for authoring sites
-efore you create content for authorin' sites" revie& 5Plan term sets for ta''in' content on authorin'
sites5 and 5Plan catalo' content for authorin' sites5 in Plan SharePoint authorin' sites for cross7site
#ublishin' 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
'reate and manage term sets for tagging content on authoring sites
9ou create and mana'e term sets by usin' the Term Store (ana'ement Tool. .or information about
ho& to create and mana'e term sets" see the follo&in' articles$
Set u# a ne& term set
+reate and mana'e terms in a term set
/fter you have created a term set" you have to make it available for ta''in' content. %f you used the
Product +atalo' Site +ollection tem#late to create the authorin' site collection" and you have created a
term set in this site collection" you do not have to do this o#eration. -y default" ne& term sets created in
the Product +atalo' site collection are available for ta''in' content.
&o ma:e a term set aailable for tagging content
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the O&ners
SharePoint 'rou# on the authorin' site that contains the catalo'.
2. On the authorin' site" on the Settings menu" click Site Settings.
3. On the Site Settings #a'e" in the Site Administration section" click &erm store management.
A. %n the &AGO)OM7 &3.M S&O.3 section" click the term set that you &ant to make available
for ta''in'.
B. +lick the *)&3D3D +S3 tab" and then select Aailable for &agging.
?. +lick Sae.
'reate catalog content by using SharePoint lists
8hen you create catalo' content by usin' SharePoint lists" &e recommend that you create site
columns for the lists in &hich you &ant to maintain your catalo' content. This is because mana'ed
#ro#erties are automatically created for site columns" and you can use these mana'ed #ro#erties &hen
definin' )ueries for you catalo' content on a #ublishin' site. %f you have several lists" &e recommend
that you create a site content ty#e for each list" and then associate the a##ro#riate site columns to this
site content ty#e. %f you &ant to use mana'ed navi'ation to dis#lay catalo' content on a #ublishin' site"
you also have to create at least one term set as described in +reate and mana'e term sets for ta''in'
content on authorin' sites. The ta''in' term set must be tied to a site column that is a (ana'ed
(etadata data ty#e.
.or information about ho& to create site content ty#es and site columns" see the follo&in' articles$
+reate or customi0e a content ty#e
+reate a site column
+reate a mana'ed metadata column
%f you have lar'e amounts of data in external business systems D for exam#le" an E4P
system D consider im#ortin' this data into one or more SharePoint lists. SharePoint Server 2013 does
not have a solution for im#ortin' list content. *o&ever" you can develo# custom im#ort tools D for
exam#le" by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell. .or a set of exam#le 8indo&s Po&erShell scri#ts that you
can use to im#ort list content for cross7site #ublishin'" see %m#ort list content to Products list for
SharePoint 2013 Previe&. The exam#le scri#ts im#ort content only to a site collection that &as created
by usin' the Product +atalo' Site +ollection tem#late.
Share a library or list as a catalog
-efore you share a library or list as a catalo'" verify that the +ross7Site +ollection Publishin' feature is
activated for the site collection. %f you used the Product +atalo' Site +ollection tem#late to create the
site collection" the +ross7Site +ollection Publishin' feature is already active. .or all other ty#es of site
collections" you must activate the +ross7Site +ollection Publishin' feature before you can continue &ith
the follo&in' ste#s. .or more information" see /ctivate the +ross7Site +ollection Publishin' feature
earlier in this article.
-y default" anonymous access is enabled &hen you share a library or list as a catalo'. %f you have
connected a #ublishin' site to the catalo'" and you don6t &ant anonymous users to be able to vie& and
search content that &as added to the search index from this catalo'" you should disable anonymous
%n addition to enablin' anonymous access for a catalo'" you must enable anonymous access
for the &eb a##lication and #ublishin' site so that anonymous users can search and vie& the
content. .or more information" see +reate claims7based &eb a##lications in SharePoint 2013.
&o share a library or list as a catalog
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the O&ners 'rou#
on the site that contains the library or list that you &ant to share.
2. -ro&se to the library or list that you &ant to share" and then do one of the follo&in'$
To share a library" click the 5*<.A.7 tab" and then" on the ribbon" in the Settings 'rou#" click
5ibrary Settings.
To share a list" click the 5*S& tab" and then" on the ribbon" in the Settings 'rou#" click 5ist
3. On the Settings #a'e" in the General Settings section" click 'atalog Settings.
A. On the 'atalog Settings #a'e" in the 'atalog Sharing section" select the 3nable this library
as a catalog check box.
B. %n the Anonymous Access section" if you &ant don6t &ant anonymous users to vie& and
search this content" click Disable anonymous access.
?. %n the 'atalog *tem +.5 9ields section" in the Aailable fields box" select u# to five fields
that uni)uely identify an item in the library or list" and then click Add.
/fter you connect a #ublishin' site to this catalo'" the fields that you s#ecified as catalo' item @4!
fields a##ear as #art of the friendly @4!. 2See the exam#le that follo&s this #rocedure.3
F. %n the )aigation 6ierarchy section" select the column that is associated &ith the term set
that you &ant to use as a navi'ation term set for catalo' #a'es. /fter you connect a
#ublishin' site to this library or list to sho& catalo' content" the value of the column that
you selected a##ears as #art of the friendly @4! 2see the exam#le that follo&s this
9ou only have to make a selection in this section if you &ant to use mana'ed navi'ation to
dis#lay catalo' content on a #ublishin' site.
G. +lick O8.
/fter you share a library or list as a catalo'" the content source that contains the catalo'
must be cra&led. 9ou don6t have to start a full cra&l. This is because an incremental cra&l
or a continuous cra&l also adds the content to the search index. .or more information" see
Start" #ause" resume" or sto# cra&ls in SharePoint 2013 Previe&.
%n this exam#le" let6s say that you have a list that contains data for different electronic #roducts. The
follo&in' items &ere s#ecified &hen the list &as shared as catalo'$
Electronic #roducts
+ar audio
Each item in the shared list is associated &ith a value from this term set in the %tem +ate'ory (ana'ed
(etadata site column. .or more information about (ana'ed (etadata columns" see +reate a (ana'ed
(etadata column.
The follo&in' table describes ho& site columns and their corres#ondin' values in the #revious list are
combined to create friendly @4!s for catalo' content &hen you connect a #ublishin' site collection to
this list.

Product title *tem
9riendly +.5 to an item !hen the catalog is
connected to a publishing site
Prose&are B08 +ar
+ar audio 1010101 IsiteJ;audio;car7audio;1010101
+ontoso AH- Portable
(P3 Player (AB0
(P3 A020102 IsiteJ;audio;m#3;A020102
!a#to#G.> E0G>0
!a#to#s F030>0? IsiteJ;com#uters;la#to#s;F030>0?
88% 1eskto# P+2.33
1eskto#s F030>0? IsiteJ;com#uters;deskto#s;3030G02

Ma:e a term set aailable to other site collections
/fter you create a term set on the authorin' site collection" you have to make it available to #ublishin'
site collections. 9ou can make a term set available to all site collections or to s#ecific site collections.
&o ma:e a term set aailable to all site collections
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the O&ners
SharePoint 'rou# on the authorin' site that contains the catalo'.
2. On the authorin' site" on the Settings menu" click Site Settings.
3. On the Site Settings #a'e" in the Site Administration section" click &erm store management.
%f the user that #erforms this #rocedure is already a member of the Term Store
/dministrators 'rou#" you can ski# to ste# F.
A. %n the &erm Store Management &ool" verify that Managed Metadata Serice is selected.
B. %n the &erm Store Administrator section" ty#e one or more user names.
?. +lick Sae.
F. 4i'ht7click Managed Metadata Serice" and then select )e! Group.
G. Ty#e the name of the 'lobal term set that you &ant to create" and then #ress 3nter.
>. 4efresh the #a'e.
10. 4i'ht7click the term set that you &ant to make available to all site collections" and then
click Moe &erm Set.
11. %n the &erm Set Moe dialo' box" click the 'lobal term set that you &ant to move the term
set to" and then click O8.
12. 4efresh the #a'e.
&o ma:e a term set aailable to specific site collections
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the O&ners
SharePoint 'rou# on the authorin' site that contains the catalo'.
2. On the authorin' site" on the Settings menu" click Site Settings.
3. On the Site Settings #a'e" in the Site Administration section" click &erm store management.
A. %n the &erm Store Management &ool" click the 'rou# that contains all term sets &ithin the
site collection.
B. %n the Site 'ollection Access section" ty#e the @4!s of the site collections to &hich you
&ant to make the term set available D for exam#le" htt#$;;IsiteJ;sites;#roducts.
?. +lick Sae.
'onfigure search for cross=site publishing
-ecause cross7site #ublishin' de#ends on search" you have to create a content source and mana'e
cra&lin' for SharePoint cross7site #ublishin' sites.
/ content source s#ecifies &hat" &hen" and ho& content should be cra&led. 8hen a Search service
a##lication is created" a content source named !ocal SharePoint sites is created and is automatically
confi'ured to cra&l all SharePoint sites in the local server farm. 9ou can create additional content
sources to s#ecify other content to cra&l and define ho& SharePoint should cra&l that content. 9ou do
not have to create a se#arate content source for catalo' content in order to make content available to
other site collections. *o&ever" it is easier to maintain cra&l schedules &hen you have se#arate content
sources for the different content that you &ant users to vie& and search.
The ability to enable continuous crawls is a ne& cra&l schedule o#tion in SharePoint 2013. 8hen you
enable continuous cra&ls" any chan'es that are made to content &ithin the s#ecified content source is
#icked u# automatically by the cra&ler and added to the search index. / continuous cra&l starts at set
intervals. The default interval is 1B minutes" but you can set continuous cra&ls to occur at shorter
intervals by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell.
.or information about ho& to create a ne& content source and mana'e cra&lin' in +entral
/dministration" see the follo&in' articles$
/dd" edit" or delete a content source in SharePoint 2013 Previe&
Start" #ause" resume" or sto# cra&ls in SharePoint 2013 Previe&
(ana'e continuous cra&ls in SharePoint 2013 Previe&
.einde4 catalog content
Some actions D for exam#le" doin' search schema mana'ement to enable refiners D re)uire a full
reindex of the content source that contains the catalo' for the chan'es to be added to the search index.
/ site collection administrator can inde#endently of the Search service a##lication administrator indicate
that a catalo' should be fully reindexed durin' the next scheduled cra&l of the catalo'.
&o reinde4 catalog content
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the Site collection
administrators 'rou# on the site that contains the catalo'.
2. -ro&se to the catalo'" and then do one of the follo&in'$
%f you &ant to #erform a full cra&l of a catalo' in a library" click the 5*<.A.7 tab" and then" on
the ribbon" in the Settings 'rou#" click 5ibrary Settings.
%f you &ant to #erform a full cra&l of a catalo' in a list" click the 5*S& tab" and then" on the
ribbon" in the Settings 'rou#" click 5ist Settings.
3. On the Settings #a'e" in the General Settings section" click Adanced settings.
A. On the Adanced Settings #a'e" in the .einde4 5ist section" click .einde4 5ist" and then
click .einde4 5ist to confirm that you &ant the catalo' to be reindexed durin' the next
scheduled cra&l.
B. +lick O8.
The full reindex of the catalo' &ill be #erformed durin' the next scheduled cra&l.
'onnect a publishing site to a catalog in
SharePoint Serer 2013
Published" October 2% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to connect a #ublishin' site collection to a library or list that is shared as a
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
To sho& content from a library or list that is shared as a catalo'" you must connect the #ublishin' site
collection to the catalo'. 8hen you connect a #ublishin' site collection to a catalo'" the follo&in'
The catalo' content is inte'rated into the #ublishin' site collection.
The term set used by the catalo' is inte'rated into the term set of the #ublishin' site collection.
/ cate'ory #a'e and an item details #a'e are created for the catalo' #a'es.
.riendly @4! is created for the item details #a'e.
/ result source is created for the catalo'.
%n this article$
-efore you be'in
+onnect a #ublishin' site to a catalo'
<efore you begin
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
-efore you connect the #ublishin' site collection to a catalo'" revie& the information in Plan cate'ory
#a'es and item detail #a'es. /lso verify the follo&in'$
The #ublishin' site that you connect to a catalo' uses mana'ed navi'ation. -y default" site
collections that are created by usin' the Publishin' Portal Site +ollection tem#late use mana'ed
The library or list &as shared as a catalo'" as described in Share a library or list as a catalo'.
/ full cra&l of the content source that contains the catalo' &as #erformed" as described in
+onfi'ure search for cross7site #ublishin'.
The term set that is used by the catalo' is available to the #ublishin' site collection" as described in
(ake a term set available to other site collections.
'onnect a publishing site to a catalog
&o connect a publishing site to a catalog
1. Eerify that the user account that com#letes this #rocedure is a member of the O&ners
SharePoint 'rou# on the #ublishin' site collection.
2. On the #ublishin' site collection" on the Settings menu" click Site Settings.
3. On the Site Settings #a'e" in the Site Administration section" click Manage catalog
A. On the Manage catalog connections #a'e" click 'onnect to a catalog. / list of available
catalo's a##ears. ote that only catalo's that have been cra&led &ill a##ear.
B. On the line that contains the catalo' that you &ant to connect to" click 'onnect. 9ou can
also search for a s#ecific catalo' by ty#in' the catalo' name in the search field.
?. On the 'atalog Source Settings #a'e" in the 'onnection *ntegration section" do one of the
To make catalo' content available to the #ublishin' site and inte'rate the catalo' ta''in' term
set into the #ublishin' site navi'ation term set" select *ntegrate the catalog into my site.
8hen you select this o#tion" use the follo&in' ste#s to s#ecify at &hich level the term sets
should be inte'rated" s#ecify the @4! for the catalo' item details #a'e" and select cate'ory
#a'es and catalo' item #a'es.
To make the catalo' content available to the #ublishin' site" select 'onnect% but do not
integrate the catalog. 9ou should select this o#tion if you &ant to use content from the library
to create individual catalo' item #a'es.
Either o#tion creates a result source for the catalo'.
F. %n the )aigation 6ierarchy section" s#ecify the term from &hich the catalo' ta''in' term
set should be inte'rated into the #ublishin' site navi'ation term set. The catalo'
navi'ation column that you #reviously confi'ured in Share a library or list as a catalo'
a##ears by default. The fields in this section are o#tional. Therefore" if you don6t chan'e
the fields in this section" the catalo' ta''in' term set &ill be inte'rated from the root term.
%f you &ant to inte'rate the catalo' ta''in' term set from a different term" do the follo&in'$
ext to the .oot term of hierarchy box" click <ro!se for a alid choice.
%n the Select" Add &erms dialo' box" click the term that corres#onds to the level from &hich
you &ant to inte'rate the catalo' ta''in' term set" click Select" and then click O8.
To inte'rate the root term that is the #arent of the selected term in the #ublishin' site navi'ation
term set" select the *nclude root term in site naigation check box.
/ll items in the catalo' must be ta''ed &ith a term from the s#ecified catalo' ta''in'
term set. %f this is not done" site navi'ation &ill not &ork as intended for all items.
G. %n the )aigation Position section" s#ecify the term in the #ublishin' site navi'ation term
set &here the catalo' ta''in' term set should be inte'rated. 1o one of the follo&in'$
To inte'rate the catalo' ta''in' term set to the root term of the #ublishin' site navi'ation term
set" click Add to naigation root.
To inte'rate the catalo' ta''in' term set to a term belo& the root term of the #ublishin' site
navi'ation term set" click Select an alternate location in site naigation" and then do the
+lick <ro!se for a alid choice to dis#lay the #ublishin' site navi'ation term set.
%n the Select" Add &erms dialo' box" click the term that corres#onds to the level from
&hich you &ant to inte'rate the catalo' ta''in' term set" click Select" and then click O8.
>. %f you &ant chan'es to the catalo' ta''in' term set to be u#dated on the #ublishin' site" in
the )aigation Pinning section" select the Pin terms to site naigation check box. -y
default" this o#tion is selected. %f you clear this check box" chan'es made to the catalo'
ta''in' term set are not reflected on the #ublishin' site navi'ation.
10. %n the 'atalog *tem +.5 <ehaior section" s#ecify &hat you &ant the @4! of the catalo'
item to do by selectin' one of the follo&in' o#tions$
To #oint the @4! of the catalo' item to an item details #a'e" select Ma:e +.5s relatie to this
site. 8hen you select this o#tion" you have to s#ecify a catalo' item @4! format as described
in the next ste#. This also means that the content that you can dis#lay on the item details #a'e
has to come from the search index.
To have the catalo' item @4! #oint to the item in the source catalo'" select Ma:e +.5s point
to source catalog. 8hen you select this o#tion" you do not have to s#ecify a catalo' item @4!
format. ote that &hen you select this o#tion" anonymous users are not able to access and
vie& the item in the source catalo'.
11. %n the 'atalog *tem +.5 9ormat section" select &hich #ro#erties the @4! of the item details
#a'e should contain by doin' one of the follo&in'$
To use the field that you s#ecified as Primary ,ey the &hen you shared the library or list as a
catalo' as described in Share a library or list as a catalo'" select +se the default +.5 format
proided by the catalog source. -y default" this o#tion is already selected.
/ll items in the catalo' must have values for the s#ecified field. Site navi'ation &ill not
&ork as intended for items &ith missin' values.
To manually define a format for the @4!" select Manually define a +.5 format" and then ty#e
in a @4!. 9ou should select this o#tion only if you have created an item details #a'e and the
items in your catalo' are not ta''ed &ith a term from a catalo' ta''in' term set. Ty#e the @4!
in the follo&in' format$ ;?<older of item details page@9?%ame of item details<
?&anaged propert! name@=S&anaged propert! valueT D for exam#le"
To construct a custom @4! based on catalo' #ro#erties" select 'onstruct a +.5 format from
catalog properties" and then do the follo&in'$
%n the Aailable 9ields list" select u# to five fields" and then click Add.
.ields of site column ty#e umber &ill not create a valid @4!. /ll items in the catalo' must
have values for the s#ecified fields. Site navi'ation &ill not &ork as intended for items &ith
missin' values.
12. %n the 'ategory Page section" do one of the follo&in'$
To have SharePoint Server 2013 automatically create a ne& +ate'ory #a'e for your catalo'
content" click 'reate a ne! page" and then select a master #a'e. The #a'e &ill be added to
the Pa'es library &ith the name +ategor!-?catalog tagging term set name@. The #a'e &ill not
be #ublished automatically.
To use a +ate'ory #a'e that &as already created" select +se an e4isting page" and then
s#ecify the location of the #a'e.
13. %n the *tem Page section" do one of the follo&in'$
To have SharePoint Server 2013 automatically create a ne& %tem #a'e for your catalo'
content" click 'reate a ne! page" and then select a master #a'e. The #a'e &ill be added to
the Pa'es library &ith the name +atalogItem-?catalog tagging term set name@. The #a'e &ill
not be #ublished automatically.
To use an already created %tem #a'e" select +se an e4isting page" and s#ecify the location of
this #a'e.
1A. +lick O8.

'onfigure Search 2eb Parts in SharePoint
Serer 2013
Published" October 2% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to confi'ure the different 8eb Parts that use search technolo'y in a #ublishin'
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
8eb Parts that use search technolo'y to sho& content in a #ublishin' environment 2referred to in this
article as Search 8eb Parts3 sho& content that &as cra&led and added to the search index" as
described in 5@nderstandin' ho& content is added to and mana'ed in the search index5 in Overvie& of
cross7site #ublishin' in SharePoint 2013 Previe&. These 8eb Parts have )ueries defined in them" and
&hen users bro&se to a #a'e that contains a 8eb Part that uses search technolo'y" the 8eb Part
issues the )uery automatically. The )uery result is then dis#layed in the 8eb Part. 9ou can modify the
)uery in the search 8eb Part to fit your content needs.
%n this article$
-efore you be'in
/dd a +ontent Search 8eb Part to a #a'e
+onfi'ure the )uery for a +ontent Search 8eb Part
+onfi'ure the dis#lay tem#lates for the +ontent Search 8eb Part
/dd a 4efinement 8eb Part to a #a'e
+onfi'ure the 4efinement 8eb Part
1is#lay refiner counts in a 4efinement 8eb Part
+han'e the refiner dis#lay name
+onfi'ure the dis#lay tem#lates for the 4efinement 8eb Part
/dd a Taxonomy 4efinement Panel 8eb Part to a #a'e
+onfi'ure the Taxonomy 4efinement Panel 8eb Part
/dd a 4ecommended %tems 8eb Part to a #a'e
+onfi'ure the 4ecommended %tems 8eb Part
+onfi'ure the dis#lay tem#lates for the 4ecommended %tems 8eb Part
<efore you begin
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
There are many Search 8eb Parts available in SharePoint Server 2013. These 8eb Parts have
#redefined )ueries" such as &hat ty#e of content to search for" &here to search for content" and ho& to
sho& content. .or information about different Search 8eb Parts" see 5Plan to add search 8eb Parts to
#a'es5 in Plan SharePoint #ublishin' sites for cross7site #ublishin' 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3. (any of
the Search 8eb Parts use result sources and have Cuer! rules that are a##lied to them. 4esult sources
narro& the sco#e of search results that are retrieved. / )uery rule is a set of conditions that &ill cause
the )uery to be chan'ed in a s#ecific &ay. .or more information about result sources and )uery rules"
see Plan result sources and )uery rules.
To customi0e ho& search results a##ear in Search 8eb Parts D for exam#le" to sho& an ima'e
follo&ed by a title in bold to the ri'ht of the ima'e D you modify displa! templates. The t&o ty#es of
dis#lay tem#lates that are most relevant to Search 8eb Parts are control dis#lay tem#lates and item
dis#lay tem#lates.
Add a 'ontent Search 2eb Part to a page
&o add a 'ontent Search 2eb Part to a page
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the 1esi'ners
SharePoint 'rou# on the #ublishin' site collection.
2. -ro&se to the #a'e &here you &ant to add the 8eb Part.
3. +lick the Settings menu" and then click 3dit page.
A. %n the 8eb Part Wone &here you &ant to add the 8eb Part" click Add a 2eb Part.
B. %n the 'ategories list" click 'ontent .ollup.
?. %n the Parts list" click 'ontent Search" and then click Add.
'onfigure the /uery for a 'ontent Search 2eb Part
9ou can use the +ontent Search 8eb Part in :uick (ode and create a )uery by selectin' o#tions from
a list of existin' result sources" or you can s&itch to /dvanced (ode to create your o&n custom )uery
by usin' ,ey&ord :uery !an'ua'e 2,:!3. @se the /dvanced (ode only if you kno& ,:! and the
functionality that is enabled for the mana'ed #ro#erties.
&o configure the /uery for a 'ontent Search 2eb Part
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the 1esi'ners
SharePoint 'rou# on the #ublishin' site collection.
2. -ro&se to the #a'e that contains the +ontent Search 8eb Part that you &ant to confi'ure.
3. +lick the Settings menu" and then click 3dit Page.
A. %n the 8eb Part" click the 'ontent Search 2eb Part Menu arro&" and then click 3dit 2eb
B. %n the 8eb Part tool #ane" in the Properties section" in the Search 'riteria section" click
'hange /uery.
?. On the <AS*'S tab" do one of the follo&in'$
To define your )uery by usin' :uick (ode" select o#tions as described in the follo&in' table$
;uic: Mode ,default-
Select a /uery Select a result source to s#ecify &hich content
should be searched. %f you have shared a
document library or list as catalo'" the catalo'
result source &ill be dis#layed in this dro#7do&n
list. -y default" this is set to .ecently changed
items ,System-@
.estrict results by app Select an o#tion from the list to restrict results to a
s#ecific site" library" list" or @4!. -y default" this is
set to 'urrent site.
.estrict by tag 9ou can limit results to content that is ta''ed &ith
a term from a term set.
Select one of the follo&in' o#tions$

restrict by
any tag
Search results &ill not be limited
based on ta's 2default3.
term of
Search results &ill be limited to
content that is ta''ed &ith the term
of the current #a'e. The current ta'
is dis#layed as the last #art of the
friendly @4!. This o#tion is only
meanin'ful for sites that use
mana'ed navi'ation.
by current
and child
Search results &ill be limited to
content that is ta''ed &ith the term
of the current #a'e 2dis#layed as the
last #art of the friendly @4!3" and
content that is ta''ed &ith sub7
terms of the current #a'e. This
o#tion is only meanin'ful for sites
that use mana'ed navi'ation.
%n a cross7site #ublishin'
scenario" this selection &ill
only &ork &hen the result
source selected in the
Select a /uery section is
the catalo' result source
that is created &hen a
#ublishin' site is connected
to a catalo'.
on this tag
Search results &ill be limited to
content that is ta''ed &ith the ta'
that you ty#e inside the box.

To create your o&n )uery by usin' ,ey&ord :uery !an'ua'e 2,:!3" click S!itch to
Adanced Mode. .or information about ,:!" see ,ey&ord :uery !an'ua'e 2,:!3 syntax
reference. 8hen you confi'ure the )uery in /dvanced (ode" you can also use Cuer! variales.
:uery variables are #laceholders for values that chan'e dynamically de#endin' on the context
of the #a'e &hen the #a'e that contains the +ontent Search 8eb Part is bein' dis#layed. The
correct information is inserted dynamically from the context the )uery is sent to the index.
Exam#les of )uery variables are O@ser.ameP" &hich re#resents the name of the user &ho is
vie&in' the #a'e" or Osearch-ox:ueryP" &hich re#resents the )uery that a user ty#ed in a
search box. Select o#tions as described in the follo&in' table$
Adanced Mode
Select a /uery Select a result source to s#ecify &hich content should
be searched.
1efault result source is !ocal SharePoint 4esults
8ey!ord filter 9ou can use key&ord filters to add )uery variables to
your )uery. See :uery variables in SharePoint Server
2013 for a list of available )uery variables.
9ou can select #re7defined )uery variables from the
dro#7do&n list" and then add them to the )uery by
clickin' Add :ey!ord filter.
Property filter 9ou can use #ro#erty filters to )uery the content of
mana'ed #ro#erties that are set to )ueryable in the
search schema.
9ou can select mana'ed #ro#erties from the Property
filter dro#7do&n list. +lick Add property filter to add
the filter to the )uery.
;uery te4t Ty#e your )uery by usin' ,ey&ord :uery !an'ua'e
2,:!3" or use the 8ey!ord filter and Property filter
lists to build the )uery.
The key&ord )uery can consist of free7text key&ords"
#ro#erty filters" or o#erators. @se braces to enclose
)uery variables. The )uery variables &ill be re#laced
&ith an actual value &hen the )uery is run.
,ey&ord )ueries have a maximum len'th of 2"0AG
F. The .39*)3.S tab lists the mana'ed #ro#erties that are enabled as refiners in the search
schema. 9ou can s#ecify that the search results returned in the +ontent Search 8eb Part
should be limited to one or more values from the refiners. +lick a refiner in the list" and
then click Apply to add it to the )uery.
+lick Sho! more if you &ant to define 'rou#in' of results. @nder Group results" you can s#ecify
that the results should be 'rou#ed based on one or more mana'ed #ro#erties. This is useful &hen
you are dis#layin' several variants for a 'iven item" and &ant to 'rou# them under a sin'le result.
G. On the SO.&*)G tab" you can s#ecify ho& search results should be sorted.
This tab is available only if you use Adanced Mode. %f you use ;uic: Mode" you can define
sortin' o#tions in the result source.
%n the Sort by dro#7do&n list" select a mana'ed #ro#erty from the list of mana'ed #ro#erties that
are set as sortable in the search schema" and then select Descending or Ascending. .or
exam#le" to sort by relevance 2that is" to use a rankin' model3 select .an:.
To add more sortin' levels" click Add sort leel.
%f you selected .an: from the Sort by list" you can select &hich rankin' model to use for sortin' in
the .an:ing Model list.
@nder Dynamic ordering" you can s#ecify additional rankin' by addin' rules that &ill chan'e the
order of results &hen certain conditions a##ly. +lick Add dynamic ordering rule" and then s#ecify
conditional rules.
>. On the S3&&*)GS tab" s#ecify the settin's that are listed in the follo&in' table.
;uery .ules Select &hether to use :uery 4ules or not.
+.5 .e!riting Select if the @4! re&rite to the item details #a'e should continue
to be relative for each catalo' item as defined &hen you set u#
the catalo' connection. %f you select DonFt re!rite +.5s" the
@4!s for catalo' items are #ointed directly to the library item of
the connected catalo'.
5oading <ehaior Select &hen the search results returned by the +ontent Search
8eb Part a##ear on the &eb #a'e. The default o#tion is Sync
option" *ssue /uery from the serer. -y usin' this loadin'
behavior" )ueries are issued from the server" and the search
results are included in the #a'e res#onse that is sent back from
SharePoint. %f you select Async option" *ssue /uery from the
bro!ser" the )ueries &ill be issued from the end7users bro&ser
after the com#lete #a'e is received. This o#tion may be
considered for secondary content on a #a'e D for exam#le
4ecommendations or Po#ular %tems.
Priority Select the level that best describes the relative im#ortance of
content that is dis#layed by this 8eb Part in relation to other
Search 8eb Parts. %f SharePoint Server 2013 is runnin' under
heavy load" the )ueries &ill be run accordin' to their #riority.
10. On the &3S& tab" you can #revie& the )uery that is sent by the +ontent Search 8eb Part.
;uery te4t Sho&s the final )uery that &ill be run by the +ontent Search
8eb Part. %t is based on the ori'inal )uery tem#late &here
dynamic variables are substituted &ith current values. Other
chan'es to the )uery may have to be made as #art of )uery
+lick Sho! more to dis#lay additional information.
;uery template Sho&s the content of the )uery tem#late that is a##lied
to the )uery.
.efined by Sho&s the refiners a##lied to the )uery as defined on
the .39*)3.S tab.
Grouped by Sho&s the mana'ed #ro#erty on &hich search results
should be 'rou#ed as defined on the .39*)3.S tab.
Applied /uery rules Sho&s &hich )uery rules are a##lied to the )uery.
The ;uery template ariables section sho&s the )uery variables that &ill be a##lied to the )uery"
and the values of the variables that a##ly to the current #a'e. 9ou can ty#e other values to test the
effect they &ill have on the )uery. +lick the &est ;uery button to #revie& the search results.
9ou can also test ho& the )uery &orks for different user se'ment terms. +lick Add user segment
term to add terms to be added to the )uery. +lick the &est /uery button to #revie& the search
;uery te4t
Sho&s the final )uery that &ill be run by the +ontent Search 8eb Part. %t is based on
the ori'inal )uery tem#late &here dynamic variables are substituted &ith current
values. Other chan'es to the )uery may have to be made as #art of )uery rules.
'onfigure the display templates for the 'ontent
Search 2eb Part
8hen you connect a #ublishin' site to a catalo'" the default control dis#lay tem#late for the +ontent
Search 8eb Part on your cate'ory #a'e is !ist &ith Pa'in' 2named +ontrolK!ist8ithPa'in' in the
(aster Pa'e Hallery3.
The default item dis#lay tem#late for the +ontent Search 8eb Part is Picture on to#" 3 lines on bottom
2named %temKPicture3!ines in the (aster Pa'e Hallery3. %f you &ant to use other dis#lay tem#lates on
your cate'ory #a'e" you can chan'e them by chan'in' the settin's for the +ontent Search 8eb Part.
Add a .efinement 2eb Part to a page
9ou can add refiners to a #a'e to narro& the items that are sho&n in a +ontent Search 8eb Part" and
hel# users )uickly bro&se to s#ecific content. 4efiners are based on mana'ed #ro#erties from the
search index. To dis#lay refiners on a #a'e" you must first enable the mana'ed #ro#erty that you &ant
to use as a refiner" and then add a 4efinement 8eb Part to the #a'e &here you &ant the refiners to
a##ear. 9ou can confi'ure the 4efinement 8eb Part for t&o ty#es of refiners$ Stand=alone refiners
and .efiners for faceted naigation. .or more information about the different refiner ty#es" see Plan
refiners and faceted navi'ation in Plan search for SharePoint cross7site #ublishin' sites 2SharePoint
2013 Previe&3.
-efore you be'in this #rocedure" verify the follo&in'$
The mana'ed #ro#erties that you &ant to use as refiners are enabled as refinable mana'ed
#ro#erties described in 5Enable a mana'ed #ro#erty as refiner5 in +onfi'ure refiners and faceted
navi'ation in SharePoint Server 2013.
9ou have done a full cra&l of the content source that contains the mana'ed #ro#erties that are
enabled as refiners as described in Start" #ause" resume" or sto# cra&ls in SharePoint 2013
%f you are usin' refiners for faceted navi'ation" you have confi'ured the refiners as described in
5+onfi'ure refiners for faceted navi'ation5 in +onfi'ure refiners and faceted navi'ation in
SharePoint Server 2013.
&o add a .efinement 2eb Part to a page
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the 1esi'ners
SharePoint 'rou# on the #ublishin' site collection.
2. -ro&se to the #a'e &here you &ant to add the 8eb Part.
3. +lick the Settings menu" and then click 3dit Page.
A. %n the 8eb Part Wone &here you &ant to add the 8eb Part" click Add a 2eb Part.
B. %n the 'ategories list" select Search.
?. %n the Parts list" select .efinement" and then click Add.
'onfigure the .efinement 2eb Part
&o configure the .efinement Part
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the 1esi'ners
SharePoint 'rou# on the #ublishin' site collection.
2. -ro&se to the #a'e that contains the 4efinement 8eb Part that you &ant to confi'ure.
3. +lick the Settings menu" and then click 3dit Page.
A. %n the 8eb Part" click the .efinement 2eb Part Menu arro&" and then click 3dit 2eb Part.
B. 9ou can confi'ure the 8eb Part for stand7alone refiners or for refiners for faceted
navi'ation by usin' the follo&in' #rocedures"
To confi'ure the 8eb Part for stand7alone refiners$
a3 %n the 8eb Part tool #ane" in the Properties for Search .efinement section" verify
that the 'hoose .efiners in this 2eb Part is selected.
b3 +lick 'hoose .efinersT
c3 On the .efinement configuration #a'e" from the Aailable refiners section" use the
buttons to select &hich refiners should be added to the term set" and also in &hich
order that they should be dis#layed. %f you have s#ecified an alias for a refinable
mana'ed #ro#erty" this alias is dis#layed in the 'onfiguration for section.
d3 %n the 'onfiguration for section" set the confi'uration for ho& every refiner a##ears.
%f you have a sin'le lan'ua'e site" you can chan'e the refiner dis#lay name in the Display
name section. .or multilin'ual sites" you have to chan'e the refiner dis#lay lan'ua'e as
described in +han'e the refiner dis#lay name.
To confi'ure the 8eb Part for refiners for faceted navi'ation$
a3 %n the 8eb Part tool #ane" in the Properties for Search .efinement section" select
the o#tion +se the refinement configuration defined in the Managed )aigation term
'hange the refiner display name
8hen you add a 4efinement 8eb Part" the name of the mana'ed #ro#erty that is enabled as a refiner
&ill be used as dis#lay name for the refiner. %n many cases" the mana'ed #ro#erty name is not user7
friendly D for exam#le" 4efinableStrin'00 or +olorO8STEMT. 9ou can chan'e the dis#lay name of the
refiner by chan'in' a Cava scri#t file in the master #a'e 'allery.
&o change the refiner display name
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the 1esi'ners
SharePoint 'rou# on the #ublishin' site collection.
2. On the Settings menu" click Site Settings.
3. On the Site Settings #a'e" in the 2eb Designer Galleries section" click Master pages and
page layouts.
A. On the Master Page Gallery #a'e" click Display &emplates.
B. On the Display &emplates #a'e" click 5anguage 9iles.
?. On the 5anguage 9iles #a'e" click the folder that contains the lan'ua'e that you &ant to
chan'e the refiner dis#lay name for.
F. O#en the 'ustomStrings@Js file.
G. /dd one line to the file for each mana'ed #ro#erty that is enabled as a refiner for &hich
you &ant to chan'e the dis#lay name byusin' the follo&in' syntax$
Rrf>9e/nementitle>Mana-edProperty8ameR: RSample 9e/nement itle for
.or exam#le" you can add the follo&in' line to chan'e the dis#lay name for the mana'ed #ro#erty
4efinable%nt00 to Price$
Rrf>9e/nementitle>9e/nable)nt00R: RPriceR.
Display refiner counts in a .efinement 2eb Part
8hen you add a 4efinement 8eb Part to a #a'e" by default" the 8eb Part &ill not sho& refiner
counts D that is" the number of items for each refiner value. .or exam#le" if you have enabled the
mana'ed #ro#erty +olor as a refiner" the refiner values &ill only sho& colors such as 4ed" Hreen" and
-lue. 9ou can add refiner counts by chan'in' a value in an *T(! file so that the refiner values are
sho&n as 4ed 2103" Hreen 2123" and -lue 2G3.
&o add refiner counts to the .efinement 2eb Part
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the 1esi'ners
SharePoint 'rou# on the #ublishin' site collection.
2. On the Settings menu" click Site Settings.
3. On the Site Settings #a'e" in the 2eb Designer Galleries section" click Master pages and
page layouts.
A. On the Master Page Gallery #a'e" click Display &emplates.
B. On the Display &emplates #a'e" click 9ilters.
?. O#en the 9ilter0Default@html file.
F. +han'e the value for Sho!'ounts to true.
'onfigure the display templates for the .efinement
2eb Part
The dis#lay tem#lates for the 4efinement 8eb Part can be found in the (aster Pa'e Hallery.
&o configure display templates for the .efinement 2eb Part
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the 1esi'ners
SharePoint 'rou# on the #ublishin' site collection.
2. On the Settings menu" click Site Settings.
3. On the Site Settings #a'e" in the 2eb Designer Galleries section" click Master pages and
page layouts.
A. On the Master Page Gallery #a'e" click Display &emplates.
B. On the Display &emplates #a'e" click 9ilters.
9ou can chan'e the dis#lay tem#late that is used by each refiner by selectin' a dis#lay tem#late from a
list in the Display template section on the 4efinement confi'uration #a'e. 8hen you add a .ilter
dis#lay tem#late to the master #a'e 'allery" it is added to the list.
Add a &a4onomy .efinement Panel 2eb Part to a
-efore you be'in this #rocedure" verify the follo&in'$
The mana'ed #ro#erties that you &ant to use as refiners are enabled as refinable as described in
Enable a mana'ed #ro#erty as refiner 2SharePoint 2013 Preive&3.
9ou have done a full cra&l of the content source that contains the mana'ed #ro#erties that are
enabled as refiners as described in Start" #ause" resume" or sto# cra&ls in SharePoint 2013
%f you are usin' refiners for faceted navi'ation" you have confi'ured the refiners as described in
+onfi'ure refiners for faceted navi'ation 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
&o add a &a4onomy .efinement Panel 2eb Part to a page
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the 1esi'ners
SharePoint 'rou# on the #ublishin' site collection.
2. -ro&se to the #a'e &here you &ant to add the 8eb Part.
3. +lick the Settings menu" and then click 3dit Page.
A. %n the 8eb Part Wone &here you &ant to add the 8eb Part" click Add a 2eb Part.
B. %n the 'ategories list" select Search.
?. %n the Parts" select &a4onomy .efinement Panel" and then click Add.
'onfigure the &a4onomy .efinement Panel 2eb Part
&o configure the &a4onomy .efinement Panel 2eb Part
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the 1esi'ners
SharePoint 'rou# on the #ublishin' site collection.
2. -ro&se to the #a'e &here you have the Taxonomy 4efinement Panel 8eb Part that you
&ant to confi'ure.
3. On the Settings menu" click 3dit Page.
A. %n the 8eb Part" click the &a4onomy .efinement Panel 2eb Part Menu arro&" and then click
3dit 2eb Part.
B. %n the 8eb Part tool #ane" in the Properties section" in the ;uery section" on the
.efinement &arget menu" select the 8eb Part you &ant to associate &ith the Taxonomy
4efinement Panel 8eb Part.
?. %n the 8eb Part tool #ane" in the Properties section" in the ;uery section" on the .efiner
menu" select the mana'ed #ro#erty that you have s#ecified for (ana'ed avi'ation.
Add a .ecommended *tems 2eb Part to a page
9ou can use the 4ecommended %tems 8eb Part to sho& content recommendations based ho& users
have #reviously interacted &ith the site. .or exam#le" you can add this 8eb Part to a +atalo' %tem
#a'e. %f a user vie&s a s#ecific item" this 8eb Part &ill dis#lay other items that users have #reviously
vie&ed" such as 5@sers &ho vie&ed this item also vie&ed these items.\ .or more information about
recommendations" see Plan usa'e analytics" usa'e events and recommendations in Plan search for
SharePoint cross7site #ublishin' sites 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
&o add a .ecommended *tems 2eb Part to a page
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the 1esi'ners
SharePoint 'rou# on the #ublishin' site collection.
2. -ro&se to the #a'e &here you &ant to add the 8eb Part.
3. +lick the Settin's menu" and then click 3dit Page.
A. %n the 8eb Part Wone &here you &ant to add the 8eb Part" click Add a 2eb Part.
B. %n the 'ategories list" click Search=Drien 'ontent.
?. %n the Parts list" click .ecommended *tems" and then click Add.
'onfigure the .ecommended *tems 2eb Part
&o configure the /uery for a .ecommended *tems 2eb Part
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the 1esi'ners
SharePoint 'rou# on the #ublishin' site collection.
2. -ro&se to the #a'e &here you have the 4ecommended %tems 8eb Part that you &ant to
3. On the Settings menu" click 3dit Page.
A. %n the 8eb Part" click the .ecommended *tems 2eb Part Menu arro&" and then click 3dit
2eb Part.
B. %n the 8eb Part tool #ane" in the Properties section" in the Search 'riteria section" click
'hange /uery.
?. On the <AS*'S tab" define your )uery by selectin' o#tions described in the follo&in' table.
Get recommended
items for
.rom the dro#7do&n list" select from &hich value recommendations
should be dis#layed. %n a catalo' scenario" this &ill often be A to:en
from a +.5. %f you select this o#tion" you &ill also have to select &hich
@4! token you &ant to obtain recommendations for.
.or exam#le" let6s say that you &ant to obtain recommendations for
items in your catalo'. 9ou have a catalo' item #a'e &here you dis#lay
your catalo' items" and the item number is #art of your friendly @4! D
for exam#le" &&&.contoso;audio;m#3;A010101. 2A010101 re#resents
the item number.3 8hen you &ant to obtain recommendations for a
token from the @4!" you should select O@4!Token.1P 2A0101013 from
the second dro#7do&n list.
4estrict results by a## @se this dro#7do&n list to s#ecify a sco#e for the search results.
4estrict results by content
@se this dro#7do&n list to limit the search results to a s#ecific content
%f there are too fe&
recommended items
%f you don]t have much usa'e data D for exam#le" if your site is fairly
ne&" or if the items do not have recommendations to dis#lay D this
8eb Part &ill not dis#lay any search results. %n order for the 8eb Part
to dis#lay recommendations even thou'h not enou'h user data has
cumulated" you can select the o#tion to Select a /uery to fill in !ith
additional results.
F. The .39*)3.S tab lists the mana'ed #ro#erties that are set as refiner7enabled in the
search schema. 9ou can s#ecify that the search results returned in the 4ecommended
%tems Search 8eb Part should be limited to one or more values from the refiners. +lick a
refiner in the list" and then click Apply to add it to the )uery.
+lick Sho! more if you &ant to define 'rou#in' of results. @nder Group results" you can s#ecify
that the results should be 'rou#ed based on one or more mana'ed #ro#erties.
G. On the S3&&*)GS tab" s#ecify the follo&in'$
;uery .ules
Select &hether to use :uery 4ules or not.
@4! 4e&ritin' Select if the @4! re&rite to the item details #a'e should continue
to be relative for each catalo' item as defined &hen you set u# the
catalo' connection. %f you select DonFt re!rite +.5s" the @4!s
for your catalo' items are #ointed directly to the library item of the
connected catalo'.
!oadin' -ehavior Select &hen the search results returned by the 4ecommended
%tems 8eb Part should be dis#layed on the &eb #a'e. The default
o#tion is Display the page and !eb party simultaneously. -y
usin' this loadin' behavior" )ueries are issued from the server"
and the search results are included in the #a'e res#onse that is
sent back from SharePoint. %f you select Display the page and
!eb part independently" the )ueries &ill be issued from the end7
users bro&ser after the com#lete #a'e is received. This o#tion
may be considered for secondary content on a #a'e D for
exam#le" 4ecommendations or Po#ular %tems
Priority Select the level that best describes the relative im#ortance of
content that is dis#layed by this 8eb Part in relation to other
Search 8eb Parts. %f SharePoint Server 2013 is runnin' under
heavy load" the )ueries &ill be run accordin' to their #riority.
>. On the &3S& tab" you can #revie& the )uery that is sent by the 4ecommended %tems 8eb
;uery te4t
Sho&s the content of the )uery tem#late that is a##lied to the )uery.
+lick Sho! more to dis#lay additional information the )uery is
.efined by
Sho&s the refiners a##lied to the )uery as defined in the
.39*)3.S tab.
Hrou#ed by Sho&s the mana'ed #ro#erty on &hich search results
should be 'rou#ed as defined in the .39*)3.S tab.
/##lied )uery rules Sho&s &hich )uery rules are a##lied to the )uery.
%n the ;uery template ariables section" the selections that you made on the -/S%+ tab are
dis#layed. %n addition" you can ty#e additional values for testin' as outlined in the follo&in' table.
+lick the &est /uery button to #revie& the search results.
Sho&s the token you selected &hen s#ecifyin' for
&hich value recommendations should be dis#layed.
OSco#eP` Sho&s the sco#e that you selected for the search
O+ontentTy#e%1P` Sho&s the content ty#e that you selected for the
search results.
9ou can also test ho& the )uery &orks for different user se'ment terms. +lick Add user segment
term for testing to add terms to be added to the )uery. +lick the &est /uery button to #revie& the
search results.
;uery te4t
Sho&s the final )uery that &ill be run by the
4ecommended %tems 8eb Part. %t is based on the
ori'inal )uery tem#late &here dynamic variables
are substituted &ith current values. Other chan'es
to the )uery may have be made as #art of )uery
'onfigure the display templates for the
.ecommended *tems 2eb Part
The default control dis#lay tem#late for the 4ecommended %tems Search 8eb Part is !ist 2kno&n as
+ontrolK!ist in the (aster Pa'e Hallery3.
The default item dis#lay tem#late for the 4ecommended %tems 8eb Part is 4ecommended %tems$
Picture on to#" 3 lines 2kno&n as %temK4ecommendations+lick!o''in' in the (aster Pa'e Hallery3.
8hen a user clicks a link that is dis#layed in the 4ecommended %tems 8eb Part" the default dis#lay
tem#late lo's a 4ecommendations +licked usa'e event.
'onfigure refiners and faceted naigation in
SharePoint Serer 2013
Published" October 2% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to ma# a cra&led #ro#erty to a refinable mana'ed #ro#erty" enable a mana'ed
#ro#erty as a refiner and confi'ure refiners for faceted navi'ation.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
9ou can add refiners to a #a'e to hel# users )uickly bro&se to s#ecific content. 4efiners are based on
mana'ed #ro#erties from the search index. To use mana'ed #ro#erties as refiners" the mana'ed
#ro#erties must be enabled as refiners.
<aceted navigation is the #rocess of bro&sin' for content by filterin' on refiners that are tied to
cate'ory #a'es. .aceted navi'ation allo&s you to s#ecify different refiners for cate'ory #a'es" even
&hen the underlyin' #a'e dis#layin' the cate'ories is the same. .or information about cate'ory #a'es"
see 5+ate'ory #a'es and catalo' item #a'es5 in Overvie& of cross7site #ublishin' in SharePoint Server
2013 Previe&.
9ou can a##ly faceted navi'ation only to #ublishin' sites that use mana'ed navi'ation. 9ou
confi'ure the refiners that are used in faceted navi'ation on the term set on the authorin' site
%n this to#ic$
-efore you be'in
(a# a cra&led #ro#erty to a refinable mana'ed #ro#erty in SharePoint site collection administration
Enable a mana'ed #ro#erty as a refiner in SharePoint +entral /dministration
Enable a term set for faceted navi'ation
/dd refiners to a term set
Set intervals for refiner values
<efore you begin
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
4evie& the information in 5Plan refiners and faceted navi'ation5 in Plan search for SharePoint cross7
site #ublishin' sites 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
3nable a managed property as refiner
To use a mana'ed #ro#erty as refiner" the mana'ed #ro#erty must be enabled as refiner. Search
service a##lication administrators can do this in +entral /dministration as described in Enable a
mana'ed #ro#erty as a refiner in SharePoint +entral /dministration later in this article.
Site collection administrators can confi'ure refiners because the search schema has many mana'ed
#ro#erties that are enabled as refiners by default. These mana'ed #ro#erties are listed in the follo&in'
table. -efore site collection administrators can use these mana'ed #ro#erties as refiners on their &eb
#a'es" they must ma# the a##ro#riate cra&led #ro#erty to the mana'ed #ro#erty that is enabled as a
refiner. To make it easier to &ork &ith these #ro#erties &hen doin' additional refiner confi'uration in
Term Store (ana'ement" you can s#ecify a user7friendly alias name for the mana'ed #ro#erty.
Managed properties that are enabled as refiners by default

Managed property name Data type for mapping
4efinable1ate00 7 4efinable1ate1> Ealues contain dates
4efinable1ecimal00 7 4efinable1ecimal0> Ealues contain numbers &ith
maximum three decimals
4efinable1ouble00 7 4efinable1ouble0> Ealues contain numbers &ith more
than three decimals
4efinable%nt00 7 4efinable%ntA> Ealues are &hole numbers
4efinableStrin'00 7 4efinableStrin'>> Ealues are strin's

8e recommend that you use only the mana'ed #ro#erties that are enabled as refiners by
default &hen you #erform the #rocedure in the follo&in' section.
Map a cra!led property to a refinable managed property in
SharePoint site collection administration
&o map a cra!led property to a refinable managed property
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure has the follo&in' credentials$
The user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a site collection administrator on the
#ublishin' site collection.
2. On the #ublishin' site collection" on the Settings menu" click Site settings.
3. On the Site Settings #a'e" in the Site 'ollection Administration section" click Search
A. On the Managed Properties #a'e" in the Managed property filter box" ty#e the name of a
refinable mana'ed #ro#erty D for exam#le" 4efinableStrin'00 D and then click the arro&.
B. %n the Property )ame column" click the refinable mana'ed #ro#erty that you &ant to edit.
?. To s#ecify an alias of the refinable mana'ed #ro#erty to use &hen you confi'ure refiners
for faceted navi'ation" on the 3dit Managed Property #a'e" ty#e a user7friendly name in
the Alias box.
F. %n the Mappings to cra!led properties section" click Add a Mapping.
G. %n the 'ra!led property selection dialo' box" find the cra&led #ro#erty that you &ant to
ma# to the refinable mana'ed #ro#erty in the list" or search for it by ty#in' the name of the
cra&led #ro#erty in the box" and then clickin' 9ind.
8hen you search for a cra&led #ro#erty" you may find t&o cra&led #ro#erties that
re#resent the same content. .or exam#le" a site column of ty#e text named +olor &ill
durin' cra&l discover t&o cra&led #ro#erties$ ows>+olor and ows>C>T/FT>+olor. +ra&led
#ro#erties that be'in &ith either ows>r?four letter code@" ows>C?four letter code@ or
ows>taxId are automatically created cra&led #ro#erties. 8hen you select a cra&led
#ro#erty to ma# to a refinable mana'ed #ro#erty" make sure that you don6t ma# the
automatically created cra&led #ro#erty. 9ou should al&ays ma# the cra&led #ro#erty that
be'ins &ith ows>.
.or information about automatically created cra&led #ro#erties" see /bout automatically
created mana'ed #ro#erties 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
>. +lick O8.
10. On the 3dit Managed Property #a'e" click O8.
To confi'ure refiners in 8eb Parts or in Term Store (ana'ement" you must start a full cra&l of
the content source that contains the refinable mana'ed #ro#erties. .or more information" see
Start" #ause" resume" or sto# cra&ls in SharePoint 2013 Previe&.
3nable a managed property as a refiner in SharePoint 'entral
/ll automatically created mana'ed #ro#erties use the text data ty#e. Therefore" you should only
enable an automatically created mana'ed #ro#erty as a refiner if the site column used to create
the mana'ed #ro#erty also uses the text data ty#e. .or exam#le" if the site column uses an
inte'er or date data ty#e" you must create a ne& mana'ed #ro#erty" ma# the cra&led #ro#erty
value to this ne& mana'ed #ro#erty" and then enable it as a refiner.
8hen you select a cra&led #ro#erty to ma# to a mana'ed #ro#erty" make sure that you don]t
ma# the automatically created cra&led #ro#erty. The name of the automatically created cra&led
#ro#erty starts &ith either o!s0rOfour letter codeP0" o!s0/Ofour letter codeP0" or
o!s0ta4*d0. The name of the cra&led #ro#erty that you should use in the ma##in' starts &ith
.or information about ho& to create a ne& mana'ed #ro#erty" see To add a mana'ed #ro#erty. .or
more information about automatically created cra&led #ro#erties" see /bout automatically created
mana'ed #ro#erties 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3.
&o enable a managed property as a refiner
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is an administrator of the Search
service a##lication.
2. %n +entral /dministration" in the Application Management section" click Manage serice
3. On the Manage Serice Applications #a'e" click Search Serice Application.
A. +lick the Search service a##lication.
B. On the Managed Properties #a'e" in the Managed property filter box" ty#e the name of the
mana'ed #ro#erty that you &ant to enable as refiner" and then click the arro&.
?. %n the Property )ame column" click the mana'ed #ro#erty that you &ant to edit.
F. On the 3dit Managed Property #a'e" in the .efinable section" select either 7es X actie or
7es X latent. %f you select 7es = latent" you can s&itch the refiner to active later &ithout
havin' to do a full cra&l.
G. +lick O8.
To confi'ure refiners in 8eb Parts or in Term Store (ana'ement" a full cra&l of the content
source that contains the refinable mana'ed #ro#erties must be com#leted. /dministrators of
the Search service a##lication can com#lete a full cra&l as described in Start" #ause" resume"
or sto# cra&ls in SharePoint 2013 Previe&. Site collection administrators can initiate a full cra&l
by s#ecifyin' that the catalo' that contains the refinable mana'ed #ro#erties should be
reindexed durin' the next scheduled cra&l.
'onfigure refiners for faceted naigation
-efore you start the #rocedures in this section" verify the follo&in'$
On the authorin' site" a library or list is shared as a catalo'" as described in 5Share a library or list
as a catalo'5 in +onfi'ure cross7site #ublishin' in SharePoint Server 2013.
The re)uired mana'ed #ro#erties are enabled as refiners" as described in Enable a mana'ed
#ro#erty as refiner.
/ full cra&l &as com#leted for the content source that contains the refinable mana'ed #ro#erties"
as described in Start" #ause" resume" or sto# cra&ls in SharePoint 2013 Previe&.
3nable a term set for faceted naigation
To confi'ure refiners for faceted navi'ation" you must first enable the relevant term set for faceted
navi'ation. This #rocedure is #erformed on the authorin' site collection.
&o enable a term set for faceted naigation
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the 1esi'ners
SharePoint 'rou# on the authorin' site collection.
2. On the authorin' site collection" on the Settings menu" click Site settings.
3. On the Site Settings #a'e" in the Site Administration section" click &erm store management.
A. %n the &AGO)OM7 &3.M S&O.3 section" click to select the term set that you &ant to
enable for faceted navi'ation.
B. +lick the *)&3)D3D +S3 tab" and then select +se this &erm Set for 9aceted )aigation.
?. +lick Sae.
Add refiners to a term set
8hen confi'urin' refiners for faceted navi'ation" you can add refiners to all terms in a term set or to
s#ecific terms in a term set. This #rocedure is #erformed on the authorin' site collection.
&o add refiners to all terms in a term set
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the 1esi'ners
SharePoint 'rou# on the authorin' site collection.
2. On the authorin' site collection" on the Settings menu" click Site settings.
3. On the Site Settings #a'e" in the Site Administration section" click &erm store management.
A. %n the &AGO)OM7 &3.M S&O.3 section" click the term set that you have enabled for
faceted navi'ation.
B. +lick the 9A'3&3D )A>*GA&*O) tab" and then click 'ustomi(e refiners@@@.
?. On the .efinement 'onfiguration #a'e" in the Aailable refiners section" use the buttons to
select &hich refiners should be added to the term set" and also to s#ecify the order in
&hich you &ant the refiners to a##ear. %f you have s#ecified an alias for a refinable
mana'ed #ro#erty" this alias is dis#layed in the 'onfiguration section.
F. %n the 'onfiguration for section" s#ecify ho& you &ant each refiner to a##ear.
G. +lick O8 to close the .efinement 'onfiguration #a'e" and then click Sae.
&o add refiners to specific terms in a term set
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the 1esi'ners
SharePoint 'rou# on the authorin' site collection.
2. On the authorin' site collection" on the Settings menu" click Site settings.
3. On the Site Settings #a'e" in the Site Administration section" click &erm store management.
A. %n the &AGO)OM7 &3.M S&O.3 section" click the term set that you have enabled for
faceted navi'ation" and then click the term to &hich you &ant to add term7s#ecific refiners.
B. +lick the 9A'3&3D )A>*GA&*O) tab" and then click Stop inheritingT.
?. +lick 9A'3&3D )A>*GA&*O) tab" and then click 'ustomi(e refiners@@@.
F. On the .efinement 'onfiguration #a'e" in the Aailable refiners section" use the buttons to
select &hich refiners should be added to the term set" and also to s#ecify the order in
&hich you &ant the refiners to a##ear. %f you have s#ecified an alias for a refinable
mana'ed #ro#erty" this alias is dis#layed in the 'onfiguration section.
G. %n the 'onfiguration for section" s#ecify ho& you &ant each refiner to a##ear.
>. +lick O8 to close the .efinement 'onfiguration #a'e" and then click Sae.
Set interals for refiner alues
.or refiners that contain numeric values" you can #resent the numeric values &ithin different intervals.
.or exam#le" if you &ant end7users to be able to refine based on #rice" it &ould be useful to s#ecify
different #rice intervals instead of sho&in' all available #rices as se#arate refiners. This #rocedure is
#erformed in your authorin' site collection.
&o set interals for refiner alues
1. /dd refiners to a term set as described in /dd refiners to a term set in this to#ic.
2. On the .efinement 'onfiguration #a'e" in the Selected refiners section" click the refiner
that you &ant to set intervals for.
3. %n the 'onfiguration for section" for *nterals" select 'ustom" and then ty#e the intervals in
the &hresholds box.
A. +lick O8 to close the .efinement 'onfiguration #a'e" and then click Sae.
Additional steps
To sho& refiners on a #a'e" you must add a 4efinement Panel 8eb Part to the #a'e &here you &ant
the refiners to a##ear. .or more information" see +onfi'ure Search 8eb Parts in SharePoint Server

'onfigure result sources for !eb content
management in SharePoint Serer 2013
Published" October 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to create and mana'e result sources for SharePoint Search service a##lications"
and for SharePoint sites and site collections.
,pplies to:
Result sources limit searches to certain content or to a subset of search results. SharePoint Server
2013 #rovides 1? #re7defined result sources. The #re7confi'ured default result source is 5ocal
SharePoint .esults. 9ou can s#ecify a different result source as the default. %n addition to the #re7
confi'ured result sources" SharePoint Server 2013 automatically creates a result source &hen you
connect a #ublishin' site to a catalo'" and adds it to the result sources in the #ublishin' site. This result
source limits search results to the @4! of the catalo'. .or more information about result sources" see
5Plan result sources and )uery rules5 in Plan search for cross7site #ublishin' sites in SharePoint Server
2013 Previe&.
%n this article$
-efore you be'in
+reate a result source
Set a result source as default
<efore you begin
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint 2013
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
8e recommend that you set u# the #ublishin' site" inte'rate a catalo'" and confi'ure cate'ory and
catalo' item #a'es before you be'in to create result sources. This is because you can then more easily
test and verify ho& the different result sources a##ly to the different Search 8eb Parts that you have on
the site.
'reate a result source
9ou can create a result source for a Search service a##lication" a site collection" or a site. The follo&in'
table sho&s the #ermissions that are re)uired to create a result source at each level" and &here the
result source can be used.
5eels and permissions for result sources

2hen you create a result
source at this leel
7ou must hae this permission &he result source can be used in
Search service a##lication Search service a##lication
/ll site collections in &eb
a##lications that consume the
Search service a##lication
Site collection Site collection administrator /ll sites in the site collection
Site Site o&ner The site

&o create a result source
1. 1e#endin' on the level at &hich you &ant to create the result source" do one of the
To create a result source for a Search service a##lication$
Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is an administrator on the Search
service a##lication.
%n +entral /dministration" in the Application Management section" click Manage serice
+lick the Search service a##lication for &hich you &ant to create a result source.
On the Search Administration #a'e for the Search service a##lication" on the :uick !aunch"
in the ;ueries and .esults section" click .esult Sources.
To create a result source for a site collection$
Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a site collection administrator on the
#ublishin' site collection.
On the #ublishin' site collection" on the Settings menu" click Site Settings.
On the Site Settings #a'e" in the Site 'ollection Administration section" click Search .esult
To create a result source for a site$
Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the O&ners 'rou# on
the #ublishin' site.
On the #ublishin' site" on the Settings menu" click Site Settings.
On the Site Settings #a'e" in the Search section" click .esult Sources.
2. On the Manage .esult Sources #a'e" click )e! .esult Source.
3. On the Add .esult Source #a'e" in the General *nformation section" do the follo&in'$
a3 %n the )ame box" ty#e a name for the result source.
b3 %n the Description box" ty#e a descri#tion of the result source.
A. %n the Protocol section" select one of the follo&in' #rotocols for retrievin' search results$
5ocal SharePoint" the default #rotocol" #rovides results from the search index for this Search
service a##lication.
.emote SharePoint #rovides results from the index of a search service in another farm.
OpenSearch #rovides results from a search en'ine that uses the O#enSearch 1.0;1.1 #rotocol.
34change #rovides results from (icrosoft Exchan'e Server. +lick +se AutoDiscoer to have
the search system find an Exchan'e Server end#oint automatically" or ty#e the @4! of the
Exchan'e &eb service to retrieve results from D for exam#le"
ote$ The Exchan'e 8eb Services (ana'ed /P% must be installed on the com#uter on
&hich the search service is runnin'. .or more information" see O#tional soft&are in
*ard&are and soft&are re)uirements for SharePoint 2013.
B. %n the &ype section" select SharePoint Search .esults to search the &hole index" or People
Search .esults to enable )uery #rocessin' that is s#ecific to #eo#le search.
?. %n the ;uery &ransform field" do one of the follo&in'$
!eave the default )uery transform 2search&erms3 as is. %n this case" the )uery &ill be
unchan'ed since the #revious transform.
Ty#e a different )uery transform in the text box.
@se the :uery -uilder to confi'ure a )uery transform by doin' the follo&in'$
+lick 5aunch ;uery <uilder.
%n the <uild 7our ;uery dialo' box" o#tionally build the )uery by s#ecifyin' filters" sortin'" and
testin' on the tabs as sho&n in the follo&in' tables.
On the <AS*'S tab
8ey!ord filter 9ou can use key&ord filters to add #re7defined )uery
variables to the )uery transform. 9ou can select #re7
defined )uery variables from the dro#7do&n list" and
then add them to the )uery by clickin' Add :ey!ord
.or an overvie& of )uery variables" see :uery
variables in SharePoint Server 2013.
Property filter 9ou can use #ro#erty filters to )uery the content of
mana'ed #ro#erties that are set to Cuer!ale in the
search schema.
9ou can select mana'ed #ro#erties from the Property
filter dro#7do&n list. +lick Add property filter to add
the filter to the )uery.
On the SO.&*)G tab
Sort results %n the Sort by menu" you can select a mana'ed #ro#erty
from the list of mana'ed #ro#erties that are set as
sortable in the search schema" and then select
Descending or Ascending. To sort by relevance" that is"
to use a rankin' model" select .an:. 9ou can click Add
sort leel to s#ecify a #ro#erty for a secondary level of
sortin' for search results.
.an:ing Model %f you selected Ran# from the Sort by list" you can select
the rankin' model to use for sortin'.
Dynamic ordering 9ou can click Add dynamic ordering rule to s#ecify
additional rankin' by addin' rules that chan'e the order
of results &ithin the result block &hen certain conditions
are satisfied.
On the &3S& tab
;uery te4t 9ou can vie& the final )uery text" &hich is based on
the ori'inal )uery tem#late" the a##licable )uery
rules" and the variable values.
+lick Sho! more to dis#lay the o#tions in the
follo&in' ro&s of this table.
;uery template 9ou can vie& the )uery as it is defined in the
<AS*'S tab or in the text box in the ;uery
transform section on the /dd 4esult Source #a'e.
;uery template ariables 9ou can test the )uery tem#late by s#ecifyin' values
for the )uery variables.
F. On the Add .esult Source #a'e" in the 'redentials *nformation section" select the
authentication ty#e that you &ant for users to connect to the result source.
Set a result source as default
9ou can set any result source as the default result source. S#ecifyin' a result source as default can
make it easier to edit the )uery in Search 8eb Parts. .or exam#le" &hen you add a +ontent Search
8eb Part to a #a'e" the 8eb Part automatically uses the default result source. .or more information"
see +onfi'ure Search 8eb Parts in SharePoint Server 2013.
&o set a result source as default
1. Perform the a##ro#riate #rocedures in the follo&in' list de#endin' on the level at &hich
the result source &as confi'ured.
%f the result source &as created at the Search service a##lication level" do the follo&in'$
Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is an administrator for the Search
service a##lication.
%n +entral /dministration" in the Application Management section" click Manage serice
+lick the Search service a##lication for &hich you &ant to set the result source as default.
On the Search Administration #a'e" in the ;ueries and .esults section" click .esult
%f the result source is at the site collection level" do the follo&in'$
Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a site collection administrator on the
#ublishin' site collection.
On the #ublishin' site collection" on the Settings menu" click Site Settings.
On the Site Settings #a'e" in the Site 'ollection Administration section" click Search .esult
%f the result source is at the site level" do the follo&in'$
Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a member of the O&ners 'rou# on
the #ublishin' site.
On the #ublishin' site" on the Settings menu" click Site Settings.
On the Site Settings #a'e" in the Search section" click .esult Sources.
2. On the Manage .esult Sources #a'e" #oint to the result source that you &ant to set as
default" click the arro& that a##ears" and then click Set as Default.
'onfigure recommendations and usage eent
types in SharePoint Serer 2013
Published" October 1$% 2011
,pplies to:
@sa'e events enable you to track ho& users interact &ith items on your site. %tems can be documents"
sites" or catalo' items. 8hen a user interacts &ith an item on your site" SharePoint Server 2013
'enerates a usage event for this action. .or exam#le" if you &ant to monitor ho& often a catalo' item is
vie&ed from a mobile #hone" you can track this activity.
This article describes ho& to create custom usa'e event ty#es" and ho& to add code to record custom
usa'e events so that they can be #rocessed by the analytics #rocessin' com#onent.
9ou can use the data that is 'enerated by usa'e events to sho& recommendations or #o#ular items on
your site. This article also ex#lains ho& to influence ho& recommendations are sho&n by chan'in' the
level of im#ortance for a s#ecific usa'e event ty#e. .or more information" see 5Plan usa'e analytics"
usa'e events and recommendations5 in Plan search for cross7site #ublishin' sites in SharePoint Server
2013 Previe&.
9ou can vie& the statistics for all usa'e event ty#es in Po#ularity Trends and (ost Po#ular %tems
re#orts. .or more information" see Eie& usa'e re#orts.
%n this article$
-efore you be'in
+reate a custom usa'e event ty#e
4ecord a custom usa'e event
4ecord a default usa'e event
+han'e the level of im#ortance of a usa'e event ty#e
+han'e the 4ecent time #eriod for a usa'e event ty#e
Enable and disable the lo''in' of usa'e events of anonymous users
<efore you begin
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
'reate a custom usage eent type
There are three default usa'e event ty#es in SharePoint 2013. 9ou can create u# to t&elve custom
usa'e event ty#es by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell.
&o create a custom usage eent type
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/dd membershi#s that are re)uired beyond the minimums above.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the Start menu" click All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and
then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
\ o -et a site at the root site collection level:
[Site X ,et(SPSite Rhttp:QQlocalhostR
\ o -et a site belo* the root site collection level:
[Site X ,et(SPSite Rhttp:QQlocalhostQsitesQSSite8ameTR
\ o create a custom usa-e event type:
[SSP X ,et(SP;nterpriseSearchServiceApplicationPro.y
[;vent,uid X ],uid^::8e*,uid!$
[;vent8ame X RS;ventype8ameTR
[tenantCon/- X [SSP#,etAnalyticsenantCon/-uration!],uid^::;mpty$
[ne*;ventype X [tenantCon/-#9e-ister;ventype![;vent,uid' [;vent8ame' RR$
ISiteameJ is the name of the site for &hich you &ant to create a custom usa'e event.
IEventTy#eameJ is the name of the ne& custom usa'e event ty#e that you &ant to create D
for exam#le" .u!/ventT!pe.
This #rocedure creates a random H@%1 for the usa'e event ty#e. @se this H@%1 &hen you add
code to record the custom usa'e event" as described in 4ecord a custom usa'e event.
%t can take u# to three hours for a custom usa'e event ty#e to become available in the
system. *o&ever" to s#eed u# the #rocess" you can alternatively restart the SharePoint
Timer Service.
8e recommend that you use 8indo&s Po&erShell &hen #erformin' command7line
administrative tasks. The Stsadm command7line tool has been de#recated" but is included to
su##ort com#atibility &ith #revious #roduct versions.
.ecord a custom usage eent
/fter you have created a custom usa'e event ty#e" as described in +reate a custom usa'e event ty#e"
you have to add code to the #lace &here the event occurs D for exam#le" &hen a #a'e loads" or &hen
a user clicks a link or a button. This data is then sent to the analytics #rocessin' com#onent" &here it is
recorded and #rocessed.
%f you are usin' cross7site #ublishin'" &here you sho& catalo' content on a #ublishin' site" you must
record the usa'e event on the @4! of the indexed item" and override some site settin's. .or exam#le" if
you have a catalo' in an authorin' site that you have #ublished on a #ublishin' site" &hen a user
interacts &ith a catalo' item on the #ublishin' site" this usa'e event must be recorded on the item in the
authorin' site. .urthermore" the code that you add to record the usa'e event must override the Site%d
and the 8eb%d of the #ublishin' site" and be re#laced &ith the Site%d and the 8eb%d of the authorin'
&o add code to record a custom usage eent
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/dd membershi#s that are re)uired beyond the minimums above.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the Start menu" click All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and
then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
\ o vie* ,6)3s for all usa-e event types:
[SSP X ,et(SP;nterpriseSearchServiceApplicationPro.y
[SSP#,etAnalytics;ventype3e/nitions!],uid^::;mpty' &$ W ft
A. %n an *T(! editor" o#en the file &here the custom usa'e event should be lo''ed D for
exam#le" a dis#lay tem#late for a +ontent Search 8eb Part" and add the follo&in' code$
*indo*#?o-SCustom6sa-e;ventypeTo;ventStore X function!url$
var spClientConte.t X SP#ClientConte.t#-et>current!$Z
var event,uid X ne* SP#,uid!RS,6)3TR$Z
SP#Analytics#Analytics6sa-e;ntry#lo-AnalyticsApp;vent!spClientConte.t' event,uid' url$Z
spClientConte.t#e.ecuteBueryAsync!null' +unction#create3ele-ate!this' function!sender' e$
J alert!R+ailed to lo- event for item: R ` document#69? ` R due to: R ` e#-et>messa-e!$$ K$$Z
I+ustom@sa'eEventTy#eJ is the name of the custom event D for exam#le" .u!/ventT!pe.
IH@%1J is the numeric %1 of the usa'e event ty#e D for exam#le" Ge6)77G5-65cf-G7f-aa6-
B. %n an *T(! editor" o#en the file that refers to the custom usa'e event" and add the
follo&in' code$
\ he e.ample belo* sho*s ho* a custom usa-e event type is referred to *hen a button is
Sbutton onclic%XR?o-SCustom6sa-e;ventypeTo;ventStore!NS69?TN$RTSQbuttonT
I+ustom@sa'eEventTy#eJ is the name of the custom event ty#e.
I@4!J is the full @4! of the item to &hich the usa'e event should be lo''ed D for exam#le"
&o add code to record a custom usage eent and oerride site settings
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/dd membershi#s that are re)uired beyond the minimums above.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the Start menu" click All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and
then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
\ o vie* ,6)3s for all usa-e event types:
[SSP X ,et(SP;nterpriseSearchServiceApplicationPro.y
[SSP#,etAnalytics;ventype3e/nitions!],uid^::;mpty' &$ W ft
A. %n an *T(! editor" o#en the file &here the custom usa'e event should be lo''ed D for
exam#le" a dis#lay tem#late for a +ontent Search 8eb Part. The follo&in' exam#le sho&s
ho& to override the current Site%d" 8eb%d and @ser%d.
*indo*#?o-SCustom6sa-e;ventypeTo;ventStore X function!url' site)d,uid' *eb)d,uid'
var spClientConte.t X SP#ClientConte.t#-et>current!$Z
var event,uid X ne* SP#,uid!RS,6)3TR$Z
SP#Analytics#Analytics6sa-e;ntry#lo-AnalyticsApp;vent2!spClientConte.t' event,uid' url'
*eb)d,uid' site)d,uid' sp6ser$Z
spClientConte.t#e.ecuteBueryAsync!null' +unction#create3ele-ate!this' function!sender' e$
J alert!R+ailed to lo- event for item: R ` document#69? ` R due to: R ` e#-et>messa-e!$$ K$$Z
I+ustom@sa'eEventTy#eJ is the name of the custom event ty#e D for exam#le"
IH@%1J is the numeric %1 of the usa'e event ty#e D for exam#le" Ge6)77G5-65cf-G7f-aa6-
B. %n an *T(! editor" o#en the file that refers to the custom usa'e event ty#e" and add the
follo&in' code$
\ he e.ample belo* sho*s ho* a custom usa-e event type is referred to *hen the RCuydR
button is clic%ed:
Sbutton onclic%XR?o-SCustom6sa-e;ventypeTo;ventStore!NS69?TN' ne* SP#,uid!NJSSite)d
,6)3TKN$' ne* SP#,uid!NJS=eb)d -uidKTN$' NS6ser8ameTN$RTCuydSQbuttonT
I+ustom@sa'eEventTy#eJ is the name of the custom event ty#e D for exam#le"
I@4!J is the @4! found in the mana'ed #ro#erty 4riginal3ath.
ISite%d H@%1J is the H@%1 in the mana'ed #ro#erty $iteI-.
I8eb%d H@%1J is the H@%1 in the mana'ed #ro#erty 8eId.
I@serameJ can D for exam#le" be a cookie %1 that is used to identify users on a site that has
anonymous users.
8e recommend that you use 8indo&s Po&erShell &hen #erformin' command7line
administrative tasks. The Stsadm command7line tool has been de#recated" but is included to
su##ort com#atibility &ith #revious #roduct versions.
.ecord a default usage eent
%f you &ant to add code that refers to a default usa'e event ty#e D for exam#le" vie&s" you have to add
code to the #lace &here the event occurs.
%f you are usin' cross7site #ublishin'" &hich sho&s catalo' content on a #ublishin' site" you must
record the usa'e event on the @4! of the indexed item" and override some site settin's. .or exam#le" if
you have a catalo' in an authorin' site that you have #ublished on a #ublishin' site" &hen a user
interacts &ith a catalo' item on the #ublishin' site" this usa'e event must be recorded on the item in the
authorin' site. .urthermore" the code that you add to record the usa'e event must override the Site%d
and 8eb%d of the #ublishin' site" and be re#laced &ith the Site%d and 8eb%d of the authorin' site.
&o add code to record a default usage eent
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/dd membershi#s that are re)uired beyond the minimums above.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the Start menu" click All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and
then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
\ o vie* ;ventype)d for all usa-e event types:
[SSP X ,et(SP;nterpriseSearchServiceApplicationPro.y
[SSP#,etAnalytics;ventype3e/nitions!],uid^::;mpty' &$ W ft
A. %n an *T(! editor" o#en the file &here the custom usa'e event should be lo''ed D for
exam#le" a dis#lay tem#late for a +ontent Search 8eb Part" and add the follo&in' code$
*indo*#?o-S3efault6sa-e;ventypeTo;ventStore X function!url$
var spClientConte.t X SP#ClientConte.t#-et>current!$Z
SP#Analytics#Analytics6sa-e;ntry#lo-Analytics;vent!spClientConte.t' S;ventype)dT' url$Z
spClientConte.t#e.ecuteBueryAsync!null' +unction#create3ele-ate!this' function!sender' e$
J alert!R+ailed to lo- event for item: R ` document#69? ` R due to: R ` e#-et>messa-e!$$ K$$Z
I1efault@sa'eEventTy#eJ is the name of the default usa'e event ty#e D for exam#le" 2iews.
IEventTy#e%dJ is the numeric %1 of the usa'e event ty#e D for exam#le" *.
B. %n an *T(! editor" o#en the file that refers to the default usa'e event" and add the
follo&in' code$
\ he e.ample belo* sho*s ho* a default usa-e event type is referred to on a pa-e load:
Sbody onloadXP?o-S3efault6sa-e;ventypeTo;ventStore!NS69?TN$PT
I1efault@sa'eEventTy#eJ is the name of the default usa'e event ty#e D for exam#le" 2iews.
I@4!J is the full @4! of the item to &hich the usa'e event should be lo''ed" D for exam#le"
?. Save the file.
&o add code to record a default usage eent and oerride site settings
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/dd membershi#s that are re)uired beyond the minimums above.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the Start menu" click All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and
then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
\ o vie* ;ventype)d for all usa-e event types:
[SSP X ,et(SP;nterpriseSearchServiceApplicationPro.y
[SSP#,etAnalytics;ventype3e/nitions!],uid^::;mpty' &$ W ft
A. %n an *T(! editor" o#en the file &here the custom usa'e event should be lo''ed D for
exam#le" a dis#lay tem#late for a +ontent Search 8eb Part. The exam#le belo& sho&s
ho& to override the current Site%d" the 8eb%d and the @ser%d.
*indo*#?o-S3efault6sa-e;ventypeTo;ventStore X function!url' site)d,uid' *eb)d,uid'
var spClientConte.t X SP#ClientConte.t#-et>current!$Z
SP#Analytics#Analytics6sa-e;ntry#lo-Analytics;vent!spClientConte.t' S;ventype)dT' url'
*eb)d,uid' site)d,uid' sp6ser$Z
spClientConte.t#e.ecuteBueryAsync!null' +unction#create3ele-ate!this' function!sender' e$
J alert!R+ailed to lo- event for item: R ` document#69? ` R due to: R ` e#-et>messa-e!$$ K$$Z
I1efault@sa'eEventTy#eJ is the name of the default event ty#e D for exam#le" 2iews.
IEventTy#e%dJ is the numeric %1 of the usa'e event ty#e D for exam#le" *.
B. %n an *T(! editor" o#en the file that refers to the default usa'e event ty#e" and add the
follo&in' code$
\ he e.ample belo* sho*s ho* a default usa-e event type is referred to on a pa-e load:
Sbody onloadXP?o-S3efault6sa-e;ventypeTo;ventStore!NS69?TN' ne* SP#,uid!NJSSite)d
,6)3TKN$' ne* SP#,uid!NJS=eb)d ,6)3TKN$' NS6ser8ameTN$PT
I1efault@sa'eEventTy#eJ is the name of the default event ty#e D for exam#le" 2iews.
I@4!J is the @4! in the mana'ed #ro#erty 4riginal3ath.
ISite%d H@%1J is the H@%1 in the mana'ed #ro#erty $iteI-.
I8eb%d H@%1J is the H@%1 in the mana'ed #ro#erty 8eId.
I@serameJI@serameJ can D for exam#le" be a cookie %1 that is used to identify users on
a site that has anonymous users
8e recommend that you use 8indo&s Po&erShell &hen #erformin' command7line
administrative tasks. The Stsadm command7line tool has been de#recated" but is included to
su##ort com#atibility &ith #revious #roduct versions.
'hange the leel of importance of a usage eent type
The usa'e event ty#e #ro#erty" .ecommendation2eight" is a numeric value that sho&s the level of
im#ortance of a usa'e event ty#e com#ared to other usa'e event ty#es that are used in the
recommendations calculation. The default 2iews usa'e event ty#e has a #reconfi'ured
4ecommendation8ei'ht value of 1. The other default usa'e event ty#es" Recommendations displa!ed"
and Recommendations clic#ed" and all custom usa'e event ty#es" have a 4ecommendation8ei'ht
value of 0. To increase the im#ortance of a usa'e event ty#e in the recommendations calculation"
chan'e the value of the 4ecommendation8ei'ht #arameter. The hi'hest level of im#ortance available
is 10.
&o change the leel of importance of a usage eent type
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/dd membershi#s that are re)uired beyond the minimums above.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the Start menu" click All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and
then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
\ o vie* ;ventype)d for all usa-e event types:
[SSP X ,et(SP;nterpriseSearchServiceApplicationPro.y
[SSP#,etAnalytics;ventype3e/nitions!],uid^::;mpty' &$ W ft
\ o -et a usa-e event type:
[tenantCon/- X [SSP#,etAnalyticsenantCon/-uration!],uid^::;mpty$
[event X [tenantCon/-#;ventype3e/nitions W *here(obIect J [>#;ventype)d (e:
S;ventype)dT K
\ o chan-e the importance level of a usa-e event type:
[event#9ecommendation=ei-ht X S9ecommendation=ei-ht8umberT
\ o verify the chan-ed importance level for the usa-e event type:
[tenantCon/- X [SSP#,etAnalyticsenantCon/-uration!],uid^::;mpty$
[event X [tenantCon/-#;ventype3e/nitions W *here(obIect J [>#;ventype)d (e:
S;ventype)dT K
IEventTy#e%dJ is the numeric %1 of the usa'e event ty#e for &hich you &ant to chan'e the
&ei'ht D for exam#le" (76.
I4ecommendation8ei'htumberJ is the level of im#ortance that you &ant to a##ly to the user
event ty#e D for exam#le" G.
8e recommend that you use 8indo&s Po&erShell &hen #erformin' command7line
administrative tasks. The Stsadm command7line tool has been de#recated" but is included to
su##ort com#atibility &ith #revious #roduct versions.
'hange the .ecent time period for a usage eent
The usa'e event ty#e #ro#erty .ecentPopularity&imeframe is a numeric value that defines the
.ecent time #eriod in the Most Popular *tems re#ort. The (ost Po#ular %tems re#ort sho&s the most
#o#ular items #er usa'e event ty#e for all items in a library or list D for exam#le" the most vie&ed items
in a library or list. The re#ort can be sorted by the time #eriods .ecent or 3er. -y default" the 4ecent
time #eriod is set to the last 1A days for each usa'e event. 9ou can chan'e this to a time #eriod
bet&een one and 1A days.
&o change the .ecent time period for a usage eent type
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/dd membershi#s that are re)uired beyond the minimums above.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the Start menu" click All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and
then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
\ o vie* ;ventype)d for all usa-e event types:
[SSP X ,et(SP;nterpriseSearchServiceApplicationPro.y
[SSP#,etAnalytics;ventype3e/nitions!],uid^::;mpty' &$ W ft
\ o -et a usa-e event type:
[tenantCon/- X [SSP#,etAnalyticsenantCon/-uration!],uid^::;mpty$
[event X [tenantCon/-#;ventype3e/nitions W *here(obIect J [>#;ventype)d (e:
S;ventype)dT K
\ o chan-e the 9ecent time span for a usa-e event type:
[event#9ecentPopularityime+rame X Sime+rameT
\ o verify the chan-ed 9ecent time frame for the usa-e event type:
[tenantCon/- X [SSP#,etAnalyticsenantCon/-uration!],uid^::;mpty$
[event X [tenantCon/-#;ventype3e/nitions W *here(obIect J [>#;ventype)d (e:
S;ventype)dT K
IEventTy#e%dJ is the numeric %1 of the usa'e event ty#e for &hich you &ant to chan'e the
.ecent time frame D for exam#le" (76.
ITime.rameJ is the ne& .ecent time frame that you &ant to a##ly to the user event ty#e D for
exam#le" J.
The system u#dates any chan'es to the 4ecent time #eriod only after the @sa'e
/nalytics Timer Nob has run.
8e recommend that you use 8indo&s Po&erShell &hen #erformin' command7line
administrative tasks. The Stsadm command7line tool has been de#recated" but is included to
su##ort com#atibility &ith #revious #roduct versions.
3nable and disable the logging of usage eents of
anonymous users
@sers that are bro&sin' the contents of a site &ithout bein' connected to an account are kno&n as
anonymous users. Only the 2iews event ty#e is enabled for the lo''in' of anonymous users. -y
default" the lo''in' of custom usa'e events is disabled for anonymous users.
&o enable the logging of usage eents of anonymous users
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/dd membershi#s that are re)uired beyond the minimums above.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the Start menu" click All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and
then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
\ o vie* ;ventype)d for all usa-e event types:
[SSP X ,et(SP;nterpriseSearchServiceApplicationPro.y
[SSP#,etAnalytics;ventype3e/nitions!],uid^::;mpty' &$ W ft
\ o -et a usa-e event type:
[tenantCon/- X [SSP#,etAnalyticsenantCon/-uration!],uid^::;mpty$
[event X [tenantCon/-#;ventype3e/nitions W *here(obIect J [>#;ventype)d (e:
S;ventype)dT K
\ o enable the lo--in- of anonymous users:
[event#Options X ]Microsoft#Ofce#Server#Search#Analytics#;ventOptions^::Allo*Anonymous=rite
\ o verify that the lo--in- of anonymous users has been enabled' i#e# that the Options property
is set to Allo*Anonymous=rite:
[tenantCon/- X [SSP#,etAnalyticsenantCon/-uration!],uid^::;mpty$
[event X [tenantCon/-#;ventype3e/nitions W *here(obIect J [>#;ventype)d (e:
S;ventype)dT K
IEventTy#e%dJ is the numeric %1 of the usa'e event ty#e that you &ant to enable for the
lo''in' of anonymous users D for exam#le" (76.
&o disable the logging of usage eents of anonymous users
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/dd membershi#s that are re)uired beyond the minimums above.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the Start menu" click All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and
then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
\ o vie* ;ventype)d for all usa-e event types:
[SSP X ,et(SP;nterpriseSearchServiceApplicationPro.y
[SSP#,etAnalytics;ventype3e/nitions!],uid^::;mpty' &$ W ft
\ o -et a usa-e event type:
[tenantCon/- X [SSP#,etAnalyticsenantCon/-uration!],uid^::;mpty$
[event X [tenantCon/-#;ventype3e/nitions W *here(obIect J [>#;ventype)d (e:
S;ventype)dT K
\ o disable the lo--in- of anonymous users:
[event#Options X ]Microsoft#Ofce#Server#Search#Analytics#;ventOptions^::8one
\ o verify that lo--in- of anonymous users has been disabled' i#e# that the Options property is
set to 8one:
[tenantCon/- X [SSP#,etAnalyticsenantCon/-uration!],ui
IEventTy#e%dJ is the numeric %1 of the usa'e event ty#e that you &ant to disable for the
lo''in' of anonymous users D for exam#le" (76.
.or the default usa'e event ty#e 2iews" you cannot disable the lo''in' of anonymous
8e recommend that you use 8indo&s Po&erShell &hen #erformin' command7line
administrative tasks. The Stsadm command7line tool has been de#recated" but is included to
su##ort com#atibility &ith #revious #roduct versions.
'onfigure !or:flo! in SharePoint Serer 2013
Published" September 11% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to install and confi'ure the SharePoint 2013 8orkflo& #latform in SharePoint
Server 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
This section describes ho& to confi'ure &orkflo& in SharePoint Server 2013.
%n this section$
%nstallin' and confi'urin' &orkflo& for SharePoint Server 2013 This article describes ho& to install
and confi'ure the SharePoint 2013 8orkflo& #latform to &ork &ith SharePoint Server.
%nstallin' 8orkflo& (ana'er certificates in SharePoint Server 2013 Secure Socket !ayer 2SS!3
certificates are used to #rovide encry#ted communication bet&een SharePoint Server 2013 and
8orkflo& (ana'er. This article describes ho& to install the SS! certificates.

*nstalling and configuring !or:flo! for
SharePoint Serer 2013
+pdated" October 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to install and confi'ure &orkflo& in SharePoint Server 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
This article contains the information and #rocedures re)uired to confi'ure &orkflo& in SharePoint
Server 2013.
%n this article$
-efore you be'in
%nstall and confi'ure SharePoint Server 2013
%nstall and confi'ure 8orkflo& (ana'er
+onfi'ure 8orkflo& (ana'er to &ork &ith the SharePoint Server 2013 farm
Ealidate the installation
4elated to#ics
The ste#s in this article a##ly to SharePoint Server 2013. The SharePoint 2013 8orkflo&
#latform is not su##orted in SharePoint .oundation 2013.
/ ne& o#tion exists &hen you build a &orkflo& for SharePoint Server 2013. This o#tion is called
Platform &ype. The fi'ure sho&s the Platform &ype o#tion &hen you are creatin' a ne& &orkflo& by
usin' SharePoint 1esi'ner 2013.
9igure" SharePoint 2013 includes three !or:flo! platform options@

The only #latform available &hen you first install SharePoint Server 2013 is the SharePoint 2010
8orkflo& #latform. The SharePoint 2013 8orkflo& #latform and the ProCect Server #latform re)uire
additional ste#s. The three &orkflo& #latforms are outlined in the follo&in' table.
2or:flo! Platform types aailable in SharePoint Serer 2013

Platform &ype Platform 9rame!or: .e/uirements
SharePoint 2010 2or:flo! 8indo&s 8orkflo&
.oundation 3
%nstalls automatically &ith SharePoint
2013 Products.
SharePoint 2013 2or:flo! 8indo&s 8orkflo&
.oundation A
4e)uires SharePoint Server 2013 and
8orkflo& (ana'er.
8orkflo& (ana'er must be
do&nloaded and installed
se#arately from SharePoint
Server 2013. %t does not install
automatically &hen you install
SharePoint Server 2013.
SharePoint 2013 2or:flo!
X ProJect Serer
8indo&s 8orkflo&
.oundation A
4e)uires SharePoint Server 2013"
8orkflo& (ana'er" and ProCect Server
Platform &ype Platform 9rame!or: .e/uirements

To learn more about &orkflo& develo#ment &ith SharePoint 1esi'ner 2013 and other as#ects of
&orkflo&" see the 8orkflo& in SharePoint 2013 4esource +enter.
<efore you begin
-efore you be'in installation" make sure that you have met all hard&are and soft&are re)uirements for
both SharePoint Server 2013 and 8orkflo& (ana'er. .or more information" see *ard&are and
soft&are re)uirements 2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3 and Plannin' your 8orkflo& (ana'er 1e#loyment.
The ste#s in this article a##ly to SharePoint Server 2013. The SharePoint 2013 8orkflo&
#latform is not su##orted in SharePoint .oundation 2013.
*nstall and configure SharePoint Serer 2013
9ou must install and confi'ure SharePoint Server 2013. To do so" see %nstall and de#loy SharePoint
The SharePoint 2010 8orkflo& #latform installs automatically &hen you install SharePoint
Server 2013. The SharePoint 2013 8orkflo& #latform re)uires 8orkflo& (ana'er and must be
installed se#arately and then confi'ured to &ork &ith your SharePoint Server 2013 farm.
*nstall and configure 2or:flo! Manager
9ou must install and confi'ure 8orkflo& (ana'er. To do so" see %nstallin' and +onfi'urin' 8orkflo&.
'onfigure 2or:flo! Manager to !or: !ith the
SharePoint Serer 2013 farm
9ou must consider the follo&in' t&o key factors before confi'urin' 8orkflo& (ana'er to &ork &ith
SharePoint Server 2013.
%s 8orkflo& (ana'er installed on a server that is part of the SharePoint farm<
8ill communication bet&een 8orkflo& (ana'er and SharePoint Server 2013 use 6&&P or
These factors translate into four scenarios. Each scenario confi'ures a SharePoint Server 2013 farm to
communicate and function &ith the 8orkflo& (ana'er farm. .ollo& the scenario that matches your

1$ 8orkflo& (ana'er is installed on a server that
is #art of the SharePoint 2013 farm.
+ommunication takes #lace by usin' *TTP.
2$ 8orkflo& (ana'er is installed on a server that is
#art of the SharePoint 2013 farm. +ommunication
takes #lace by usin' *TTPS.
3$ 8orkflo& (ana'er is installed on a server that
is OT #art of the SharePoint 2013 farm.
+ommunication takes #lace by usin' *TTP.
A$ 8orkflo& (ana'er is installed on a server that is
OT #art of the SharePoint 2013 farm.
+ommunication takes #lace by usin' *TTPS.

.or security reasons" &e recommend *TTPS for a #roduction environment.
&o configure 2or:flo! Manager on a serer that is part of the SharePoint 2013
farm and on !hich communication ta:es place by using 6&&P
1. !o' on to the com#uter in the SharePoint Server 2013 farm &here 8orkflo& (ana'er &as
2. O#en the SharePoint (ana'ement Shell as an administrator. This is accom#lished by
ri'ht7clickin' the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell and choosin' .un as administrator.
3. 4un the .egister=SP2or:flo!Serice cmdlet.
9e-ister(SP=or%Mo*Service _SPSite Rhttp:QQmyserverQmysitecollectionR _=or%Mo*@ost6ri
Rhttp:QQ*or%Mo*#e.ample#com:12271R _Allo*OAuth@ttp
&o configure 2or:flo! Manager on a serer that is part of the SharePoint 2013
farm and on !hich communication ta:es place by using 6&&PS
1. 1etermine if you need to install 8orkflo& (ana'er certificates in SharePoint.
@nder some circumstances" you have to obtain and install 8orkflo& (ana'er certificates. %f your
installation re)uires that you obtain and install these certificates" you must com#lete that ste#
before continuin'. To learn &hether you need to install certificates" and for instructions" see
%nstallin' 8orkflo& (ana'er certificates in SharePoint Server 2013.
2. !o' into the com#uter in the SharePoint Server 2013 farm &here 8orkflo& (ana'er &as
3. O#en the SharePoint (ana'ement Shell as an administrator. This is accom#lished by
ri'ht7clickin' the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell and choosin' .un as administrator.
A. 4un the .egister=SP2or:flo!Serice cmdlet.
9e-ister(SP=or%Mo*Service _SPSite Rhttps:QQmyserverQmysitecollectionR _=or%Mo*@ost6ri
&o configure 2or:flo! Manager on a serer that is )O& part of the SharePoint
2013 farm and on !hich communication ta:es place by using 6&&P
1. !o' on to each 8eb .ront End 28.E3 server in the SharePoint Server 2013 farm.
2. %nstall the 8orkflo& (ana'er +lient on each 8.E server in the SharePoint farm.
-efore you can run the &orkflo& #airin' cmdlet" you must install 8orkflo& (ana'er +lient on each
of the 8.E servers in the SharePoint farm.
9ou can do&nload and install the 8orkflo& (ana'er +lient here$ htt#$;;';f&link;#;<
3. O#en the SharePoint (ana'ement Shell as an administrator. This is accom#lished by
ri'ht7clickin' the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell command and choosin' .un as
A. 4un the .egister=SP2or:flo!Serice cmdlet. The cmdlet should be run only once and can
be run from any of the 8.E servers in the SharePoint farm. 34ample$
9e-ister(SP=or%Mo*Service _SPSite Rhttp:QQmyserverQmysitecollectionR _=or%Mo*@ost6ri
Rhttp:QQ*or%Mo*#e.ample#com:12271R _Allo*OAuth@ttp
9ou must install the 8orkflo& (ana'er +lient on each 8eb .ront End 28.E3 server in the
SharePoint farm before you run the #airin' cmdlet.
&o configure 2or:flo! Manager on a serer that is )O& part of the SharePoint
2013 farm and on !hich communication ta:es place by using 6&&PS
1. 1etermine &hether you need to install 8orkflo& (ana'er certificates in SharePoint 2013.
@nder some circumstances" you have to obtain and install 8orkflo& (ana'er certificates. %f your
installation re)uires that you obtain and install these certificates" you must com#lete that ste#
before continuin'. To learn &hether you need to install certificates" and for instructions" see
%nstallin' 8orkflo& (ana'er certificates in SharePoint Server 2013.
2. !o' on to each 8eb .ront End 28.E3 server in the SharePoint Server 2013 farm.
3. %nstall the 8orkflo& (ana'er +lient on each 8.E server in the SharePoint farm.
-efore you can run the &orkflo& #airin' cmdlet" you must install 8orkflo& (ana'er +lient on each
of the 8.E servers in the SharePoint farm.
9ou can do&nload and install the 8orkflo& (ana'er +lient here$ htt#$;;';f&link;#;<
A. O#en the SharePoint (ana'ement Shell as an administrator. This is accom#lished by
ri'ht7clickin' the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell command and choosin' .un as
B. 4un the .egister=SP2or:flo!Serice cmdlet. 34ample$
9e-ister(SP=or%Mo*Service _SPSite Rhttps:QQmyserverQmysitecollectionR _=or%Mo*@ost6ri
9ou must install the 8orkflo& (ana'er +lient on each 8eb .ront End 28.E3 server in the
SharePoint farm before you run the #airin' cmdlet.
>alidate the installation
@se these ste#s to validate that you have successfully installed and confi'ured the re)uired
&o alidate the installation
1. /dd a user to your SharePoint site" and 'rant the user Site 1esi'ner #ermissions.
2. %nstall SharePoint 1esi'ner 2013 and create a &orkflo& based on the SharePoint 2013
8orkflo& #latform. .or more information" see +reatin' a &orkflo& by usin' SharePoint
1esi'ner 2013 and the SharePoint 2013 8orkflo& #latform.
3. 4un this &orkflo& from the SharePoint user interface.
.or security reasons" the Setu# account cannot be used to create a &orkflo& based on the SharePoint
2013 8orkflo& #latform. %f you try to create a &orkflo& based on the SharePoint 2013 8orkflo&
#latform by usin' SharePoint 1esi'ner 2013" you receive a &arnin' that the list of &orkflo& actions do
not exist" and the &orkflo& is not created.
The user &ho de#loys and runs a &orkflo& must be added to the @ser Profile service. +heck the @ser
Profile service a##lication #a'e in +entral /dministration to confirm that the user you are usin' to
validate &orkflo& installation is in the @ser Profile service.
9ou can determine &hich #orts SharePoint Server 2013 and 8orkflo& (ana'er are usin' for both
*TTP and *TTPS by usin' %%S (ana'er as sho&n in the fi'ure.
9igure" +se **S Manager to ie! the ports used by 2or:flo! Manager

8orkflo& (ana'er communicates by usin' T+P;%P or amed Pi#es. (ake sure that the a##ro#riate
communication #rotocol is enabled on the S:! Server instance that hosts the 8orkflo& (ana'er
The S:! -ro&ser Service must be runnin' on the S:! Server instance that hosts the 8orkflo&
(ana'er databases.
The System /ccount cannot be used to develo# a &orkflo&.
To troubleshoot 8orkflo& (ana'er" see Troubleshootin' 8orkflo& (ana'ement and Execution.
To troubleshoot SharePoint Server 2013" see Troubleshootin' SharePoint 2013.
%nstallation and 1e#loyment for SharePoint 2013 4esource +enter
8hat6s e& in SharePoint 2013 4esource +enter
8orkflo& 4esource +enter

*nstalling 2or:flo! Manager certificates in
SharePoint Serer 2013
Published" September 11% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to confi'ure SS! certificates for encry#ted communication bet&een 8orkflo&
(ana'er and SharePoint Server 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
Secure Socket !ayer 2SS!3 is an encry#ted communication #rotocol &hich uses encry#tion certificates.
8orkflo& (ana'er and SharePoint Server 2013 can communicate in a secure manor usin' SS!. This
article describes the ste#s re)uired to setu# and confi'ure SS! certificates.
'onfiguration steps
The follo&in' sections #rovide instructions for confi'urin' SS! communication &ith 8orkflo& (ana'er
and SharePoint Server 2013.
3nable SS5
Enable Secure Sockets !ayer 2SS!3 in %%S (ana'er. .or 'uidance on com#letin' the confi'uration" see
the follo&in'$
+onfi'urin' SS! in %%S (ana'er
*o& to Set @# SS! on %%S F
*nstall 2or:flo! Manager certificates in SharePoint
@nder some circumstances" you must obtain and install 8orkflo& (ana'er 5issuer5 certificates on
SharePoint Server 2013. *ere are the circumstances &here you must install 8orkflo& (ana'er
1. %f SS! is enabled either on SharePoint Server 2013 2&hich is not the default3 or on
8orkflo& (ana'er 2&hich is the default3" /1
2. %f SharePoint Server 2013 and 8orkflo& (ana'er do not share a +ertificate /uthority"
3. %f 8orkflo& (ana'er is confi'ured to 'enerate self7si'ned certificates 2&hich is the
Product trial" &orkflo& develo#ment" and troubleshootin' are easier if SS! is not enabled.
*o&ever" communication bet&een SharePoint Server 2013 and 8orkflo& (ana'er is not
encry#ted if SS! is not enabled. .or this reason" SS! should be enabled for #roduction
&o obtain and e4port certificates from the 2or:flo! Manager serer
1. On a com#uter that has 8orkflo& (ana'er installed" choose **S Manager" Sites. 4i'ht7click
2or:flo! Management Site" and then choose 3dit <indings.
2. +hoose the https #ort" and then choose 3dit. +hoose the >ie! button in the SS5
'ertificate section.
3. To ex#ort the issuer certificate" do the follo&in'$
a3 %n the 'ertificate &indo&" choose the 'ertification path tab.
b3 Select root certification path and choose >ie!.
c3 On the Details tab" choose 34port 'ertificate" and take the default o#tions in the
ex#ort &i0ard.
d3 Hive the ex#orted certificate file a friendly name.
&o install certificates on SharePoint Serer 2013
1. +o#y the issuer certificate to your SharePoint Server 2013 com#uter.
2. /dd the certificates to the 8indo&s +ertificate store.
3. .or each certificate" do the follo&in'$
a3 1ouble7click the file to o#en and vie& the certificate.
b3 On the certificate" choose the *nstall 'ertificate button to start the installation
c3 %n the &i0ard" choose Place all certificates in the follo!ing store" and then choose
&rusted .oot 'ertification Authorities.
A. /dd the certificates to SharePoint Server by 'oin' to the SharePoint (ana'ement shell
and runnin' the )e!=SP&rusted.ootAuthority cmdlet. 1o this for each certificate file.
'reate a !eb application in SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" SharePoint 2013 &eb a##lications isolate content for s#ecific ty#es of users &ithin your site
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5 = $hare3oint <oundation ()*5
The follo&in' do&nloadable resources" articles on Techet" and related resources #rovide information
about ho& to create &eb a##lications.
/ SharePoint 2013 &eb a##lication is com#osed of an %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3 &eb site that
acts as a lo'ical unit for the site collections that you create. -efore you can create a site collection" you
must first create a 8eb a##lication. Each &eb a##lication is re#resented by a different %%S &eb site &ith
a uni)ue or shared a##lication #ool. 9ou can assi'n each &eb a##lication a uni)ue domain name. This
hel#s #revent cross7site scri#tin' attacks. 8hen you create a ne& &eb a##lication" you also create a
ne& content database and define the authentication method used to connect to the database. %n
addition" you define an authentication method to be used by the %%S 8eb site in SharePoint 2013.
&ech)et articles about ho! to create !eb
The follo&in' articles about ho& to create &eb a##lications are available to vie& online. 8riters u#date
articles on a continuin' basis as ne& information becomes available and as users #rovide feedback.

'ontent Description
+reate &eb a##lications that use
classic mode authentication in
SharePoint 2013
Ex#lains ho& to create a &eb
a##lication that uses classic
mode 28indo&s7classic3
authentication in SharePoint
+reate claims7based &eb
a##lications in SharePoint 2013
%llustrates ho& to create
SharePoint 2013 &eb
a##lications that use claims7
based authentication or classic7
mode authentication.

'ontent Description
+onfi'ure basic authentication
for a claims7based &eb
a##lication in SharePoint 2013
Ex#lains ho& to confi'ure basic
authentication for a &eb
a##lication that uses claims7
based authentication in
SharePoint 2013.
+onfi'ure di'est authentication
for a claims7based &eb
a##lication in SharePoint 2013
Ex#lains ho& to confi'ure di'est
authentication for a &eb
a##lication that uses claims7
based authentication in
SharePoint 2013.

'reate !eb applications that use classic mode
authentication in SharePoint 2013
+pdated" October 2% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to create a &eb a##lication that uses classic mode 28indo&s7classic3
authentication in SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
%n SharePoint 2013" claims7based authentication is the default and #referred method of user
authentication and is re)uired to take advanta'e of server7to7server authentication and a##
authentication. %n +entral /dministration" you can only confi'ure claims7based authentication &hen you
mana'e &eb a##lications. 9ou can also use 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets. The use of classic mode
authentication" also kno&n as 8indo&s classic authentication" is discoura'ed in SharePoint 2013 and
you can only create or confi'ure &eb a##lications for classic mode authentication &ith 8indo&s
Po&erShell cmdlets.
Office 8eb /##s can be used only by SharePoint 2013 &eb a##lications that use claims7based
authentication. Office 8eb /##s renderin' and editin' &ill not &ork on SharePoint 2013 &eb
a##lications that use classic mode authentication. %f you mi'rate SharePoint 2010 &eb
a##lications that use classic mode authentication to SharePoint 2013" you must mi'rate them
to claims7based authentication to allo& them to &ork &ith Office 8eb /##s. .or more
information" see @se Office 8eb /##s &ith SharePoint 2013.
To use 8indo&s claims7based authentication instead 2recommended3" see +reate claims7based &eb
a##lications in SharePoint 2013. To convert a &eb a##lication that uses classic mode to use claims7
based authentication" see (i'rate from classic7mode to claims7based authentication in SharePoint
The ste#s in this article a##ly to both SharePoint .oundation 2013 and SharePoint Server
<efore you begin
-efore you #erform this #rocedure" confirm the follo&in'$
9our system is runnin' SharePoint 2013.
9ou have determined the desi'n of your lo'ical architecture.
.or more information" see !o'ical architecture com#onents.
9ou have #lanned authentication for your &eb a##lication.
.or more information" see Plan for user authentication methods.
%f you use Secure Sockets !ayer 2SS!3" you must associate the SS! certificate &ith the &eb
a##lication6s %%S &ebsite after the %%S &ebsite is created. .or more information about ho& to set u#
SS!" see *o& to Setu# SS! on %%S F.0 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%d=1GFGGF3. SS! is
re)uired by default for &eb a##lications that are used in server7to7server authentication and a##
authentication scenarios.
9ou understand host7named site collections.
.or more information" see *ost7named site collections #lannin'.
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013
,eyboard shortcuts
'reate a !eb application that uses classic mode
authentication !ith 2indo!s Po!erShell
Perform the follo&in' #rocedure to use 8indo&s Po&erShell to create a &eb a##lication that uses
classic mode authentication.
&o create a !eb application that uses classic mode authentication !ith
2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/dd membershi#s that are re)uired beyond the minimums above.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 Products cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the Start menu" click All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and
then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
8e*(SP=ebApplication (8ame <Name> (ApplicationPool <ApplicationPool>
(AuthenticationMethod <WindowsAuthType> (ApplicationPoolAccount
<ApplicationPoolAccount> (Port <Port> (69? <URL>
?%ame@ is the name of the ne& &eb a##lication.
?,pplication3ool@ is the name of the a##lication #ool.
? 8indows,uthT!pe @ is either [T!(\ or [,erberos\. ,erberos is recommended.
?,pplication3ool,ccount@ is the user account that this a##lication #ool &ill run as.
?3ort@ is the #ort on &hich the &eb a##lication &ill be created in %%S.
?URL@ is the #ublic @4! for the &eb a##lication.
8e*(SP=ebApplication (8ame RContoso )nternet SiteR (ApplicationPool RContosoAppPoolR
(AuthenticationMethod RDerberosR (ApplicationPoolAccount !,et(SPMana-edAccount
RCO8OSOUIdoeR$ (Port <0 (69? Rhttps:QQ***#contoso#comR
.or more information" see e&7SP8eb/##lication.
8e recommend that you use 8indo&s Po&erShell &hen #erformin' command7line
administrative tasks. The Stsadm command7line tool has been de#recated" but is included to
su##ort com#atibility &ith #revious #roduct versions.
/fter this #rocedure is com#lete" you can create one or more site collections for this &eb a##lication.
.or more information" see +reate a site collection.
/fter you successfully create the &eb a##lication" &hen you o#en the +entral /dministration #a'e" you
see a health rule &arnin' that indicates that one or more &eb a##lications is enabled &ith classic
authentication mode. This is a reflection of our recommendation to use claims7based authentication
instead of classic mode authentication.
'reate claims=based !eb applications in
SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" %llustrates ho& to create SharePoint 2013 &eb a##lications that use claims7based
authentication or classic7mode authentication.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
+laims7based authentication is a re)uirement to enable the advanced functionality of SharePoint 2013.
This article ex#lains ho& to use either +entral /dministration or 8indo&s Po&erShell to create a
SharePoint 2013 &eb a##lication that uses claims7based authentication. +laims7based authentication is
a re)uirement for &eb a##lications that are de#loyed in scenarios that su##ort server7to7server
authentication and a## authentication. *o&ever" this article also #rovides 'uidance for usin' 8indo&s
Po&erShell to create classic7mode &eb a##lications if you have a s#ecific scenario that cannot su##ort
claims7based authentication. -e a&are that classic7mode authentication is de#recated in this release"
and it &ill not be available in the next version. .or more information" see Plan for server7to7server
authentication in SharePoint 2013
Secure Sockets !ayer 2SS!3 is a re)uirement for &eb a##lications that are de#loyed in
scenarios that su##ort server7to7server authentication and a## authentication.
9ou can create a &eb a##lication by usin' the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite or 8indo&s
Po&erShell. 9ou ty#ically use 8indo&s Po&erShell to create a &eb a##lication. %f you &ant to automate
the task of creatin' a &eb a##lication" &hich is common in enter#rises" use 8indo&s Po&erShell. /fter
you com#lete the #rocedure" you can create one or several site collections.
%n this article$
+reate a claims7based &eb a##lication by usin' +entral /dministration
+reate a claims7based &eb a##lication by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell
+reate a classic7mode &eb a##lication by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell
The ste#s in this article a##ly to both SharePoint .oundation 2013 and SharePoint Server
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint Products
,eyboard shortcuts
'reate a claims=based !eb application by using
'entral Administration
@se the #rocedure described in this section to create a ne& claims7based SharePoint 2013 &eb
a##lication usin' the +entral /dministration.
&o create a claims=based !eb application by using 'entral Administration
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' administrative credentials$
To create a &eb a##lication" you must be a member of the .arm /dministrators SharePoint
2. Start SharePoint 2013 +entral /dministration.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
+lick Start" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and then click SharePoint 2013
'entral Administration.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 'entral Administration.
%f SharePoint 2013 'entral Administration is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 'entral
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. On the +entral /dministration *ome #a'e" click Application Management.
A. On the Application Management #a'e" in the 2eb Applications section" click Manage !eb
B. %n the 'ontribute 'rou# of the ribbon" click )e!.
?. On the 'reate )e! 2eb Application #a'e" in the **S 2eb Site section" you can confi'ure
the settin's for your ne& &eb a##lication by selectin' one of the follo&in' t&o o#tions$
+lick +se an e4isting **S !eb site" and then select the &eb site on &hich to install your ne&
&eb a##lication.
+lick 'reate a ne! **S !eb site" and then ty#e the name of the &eb site in the )ame box.
%n the Port box" ty#e the #ort number you &ant to use to access the &eb a##lication. %f you are
usin' an existin' &eb site" this field contains the current #ort number.
The default #ort number for *TTP access is G0" and the default #ort number for *TTPS
access is AA3.
O#tional$ %n the **S 2eb Site section" in the 6ost 6eader box" ty#e the host name 2for
exam#le" &&&.contoso.com3 that you &ant to use to access the &eb a##lication.
9ou do not need to #o#ulate this field unless you &ant to confi'ure t&o or more %%S &eb
sites that share the same #ort number on the same server" and 1S has been
confi'ured to route re)uests to the same server.
%n the Path box" ty#e the #ath to the %%S &eb site home directory on the server. %f you are
creatin' a ne& &eb site" this field contains a su''ested #ath. %f you are usin' an existin' &eb
site" this field contains the current #ath of that &eb site.
F. %n the Security 'onfiguration section" choose &hether or not to Allo! Anonymous access
and &hether or not to +se Secure Soc:ets 5ayer ,SS5-.
Secure Sockets !ayer 2SS!3 is a re)uirement for &eb a##lications that are de#loyed in
scenarios that su##ort server7to7server authentication and a## authentication. %n 'eneral"
&e stron'ly recommend usin' SS! for &eb a##lications.
%n the Security 'onfiguration section" click 7es or )o for the Allo! Anonymous o#tions. %f
you choose to 7es" visitors can use the com#uter7s#ecific anonymous access account 2that is"
%%SK%@S4S3 to access the &eb site.
%f you &ant users to be able to access any site content anonymously" you must enable
anonymous access for the entire &eb a##lication 0one before you enable anonymous
access at the SharePoint site level. !ater" site o&ners can confi'ure anonymous
access for their sites. %f you do not enable anonymous access at the &eb a##lication
level" site o&ners cannot enable anonymous access at the site level.
%n the Security 'onfiguration section" click 7es or )o for the +se Secure Soc:ets 5ayer
,SS5- o#tions. %f you choose 7es" you must re)uest and install an SS! certificate to confi'ure
SS!. .or more information about ho& to set u# SS!" see *o& to Setu# SS! on %%S F.0.
G. %n the 'laims Authentication &ypes section" select the authentication method that you &ant
to use for the &eb a##lication.
To enable 8indo&s authentication" select 3nable 2indo!s Authentication and" in the dro#7
do&n menu" select )&5M or )egotiate ,8erberos-. 8e recommend usin' e'otiate
%f you do not &ant to use %nte'rated 8indo&s authentication" clear *ntegrated 2indo!s
%f you do not select 8indo&s /uthentication for at least one 0one of this &eb
a##lication" cra&lin' for this &eb a##lication &ill be disabled.
%f you &ant users6 credentials to be sent over a net&ork in a nonencry#ted form" select <asic
authentication ,credentials are sent in clear te4t-.
9ou can select basic authentication or inte'rated 8indo&s authentication" or both. %f
you select both" SharePoint 2013 offers both authentication ty#es to the client &eb
bro&ser. The client &eb bro&ser then determines &hich ty#e of authentication to use. %f
you only select -asic authentication" ensure that SS! is enabled. Other&ise" a
malicious user can interce#t credentials.
To enable forms7based authentication" select 3nable 9orms <ased Authentication ,9<A-"
and then enter the ASP@)3& Membership proider name and the ASP@)3& .ole manager
%f you select this o#tion" ensure that SS! is enabled. Other&ise" a malicious user can
interce#t credentials.
%f you have set u# Trusted %dentity Provider authentication by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell" the
&rusted *dentity proider check box is selected.
>. %n the Sign *n Page +.5 section" choose one of the follo&in' o#tions to si'n into
SharePoint 2013$
Select Default Sign *n Page +.5 to redirect users to a default si'n7in &eb site for claims7
based authentication.
Select 'ustom Sign *n page +.5 and then ty#e the si'n7in @4! to redirect users to a
customi0ed si'n7in &eb site for claims7based authentication.
10. %n the Public +.5 section" ty#e the @4! for the domain name for all sites that users &ill
access in this &eb a##lication. This @4! &ill be used as the base @4! in links that are
sho&n on #a'es &ithin the &eb a##lication. The default @4! is the current server name
and #ort" and it is automatically u#dated to reflect the current SS!" host header" and #ort
number settin's on the #a'e. %f you de#loy SharePoint 2013 behind a load balancer or
#roxy server" then this @4! may need to be different than the SS!" host header" and #ort
settin's on this #a'e.
The Ione value is automatically set to Default for a ne& &eb a##lication. 9ou can chan'e the 0one
&hen you extend a &eb a##lication.
11. %n the Application Pool section" do one of the follo&in'$
+lick +se e4isting application pool" and then select the a##lication #ool that you &ant to use
from the dro#7do&n menu.
+lick 'reate a ne! application pool" and then ty#e the name of the ne& a##lication #ool" or
kee# the default name.
+lick Predefined to use a #redefined security account for this a##lication #ool" and then select
the security account from the dro#7do&n menu.
+lick 'onfigurable to s#ecify a ne& security account to be used for an existin' a##lication
To create a ne& account" click the .egister ne! managed account link.
12. %n the Database )ame and Authentication section" choose the database server" database
name" and authentication method for your ne& &eb a##lication" as described in the
follo&in' table.
Database Serer Ty#e the name of the database server and S:! Server instance
you &ant to use in the format I$/R2/R%,&/LinstanceJ. 9ou
can also use the default entry.
Database )ame Ty#e the name of the database" or use the default entry.
Database Authentication Select the database authentication to use by doin' one of the
To use 8indo&s authentication" leave this o#tion selected.
8e recommend this o#tion because 8indo&s authentication
automatically encry#ts the #ass&ord &hen it connects to
S:! Server.
To use S:! authentication" click S;5 authentication. %n the
Account box" ty#e the name of the account that you &ant
the &eb a##lication to use to authenticate to the S:! Server
database" and then ty#e the #ass&ord in the Pass!ord box.
S:! authentication sends the S:! authentication
#ass&ord to S:! Server in an unencry#ted format.
8e recommend that you only use S:!
authentication if you force #rotocol encry#tion to
S:! Server to encry#t your net&ork traffic by usin'
13. %f you use database mirrorin'" in the 9ailoer Serer section" in the 9ailoer Database
Serer box" ty#e the name of a s#ecific failover database server that you &ant to associate
&ith a content database
1A. %n the Serice Application 'onnections section" select the service a##lication connections
that &ill be available to the &eb a##lication. %n the dro#7do&n menu" click default or
McustomN. 9ou use the McustomN o#tion to choose the service a##lication connections that
you &ant to use for the &eb a##lication.
1B. %n the 'ustomer 34perience *mproement Program section" click 7es or )o.
1?. +lick O8 to create the ne& &eb a##lication.
'reate a claims=based !eb application by using
2indo!s Po!erShell
@se the #rocedure in this section to create a ne& claims7based SharePoint 2013 &eb a##lication usin'
8indo&s Po&erShell.
&o create a claims=based !eb application by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
9ou must read aboutKExecutionKPolicies.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 1B Products cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see Permissions and /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. To create a claims7based authentication #rovider" from the 8indo&s Po&erShell command
#rom#t" ty#e the follo&in'$
[ap X 8e*(SPAuthenticationProvider
3. To create a claims7based &eb a##lication" from the 8indo&s Po&erShell command
#rom#t" ty#e the follo&in'$
8e*(SP=ebApplication (8ame S8ameT
(ApplicationPool SApplicationPoolT
(ApplicationPoolAccount SApplicationPoolAccountT
(69? S69?T (Port SPortT (AuthenticationProvider [ap
?%ame@ is the name of the ne& &eb a##lication that uses claims7based authentication.
?,pplication3ool@ is the name of the a##lication #ool.
?,pplication3ool,ccount@ is the user account that this a##lication #ool &ill run as.
?URL@ is the #ublic @4! for this &eb a##lication.
?3ort@ is the #ort on &hich the &eb a##lication &ill be created in %%S.
.or more information" see e&7SP8eb/##lication.
The follo&in' exam#le creates an htt#s claims7based &eb a##lication" usin' the current user
credentials and the current machine name$
[*a6rl X Rhttps:QQR ` [env:Computer8ame
[siteAdmin X [env:userdomain ` RUR ` [env:usernameZ
Create=indo*s=ebApp (url [*a6rl (title R=inClaims)nboundR (site>admin [siteAdmin
(app>pool>name R=ebAppPool1R (app>pool>account [siteAdmin (use>claims _use>sslZ
/fter you have created the &eb site" you must confi'ure SS! in %%S for this ne&ly
created &eb site. .or more information about ho& to set u# SS!" see *o& to Setu#
SS! on %%S F.0.
%f you &ant your &eb a##lication to use *TTP" do not use the _use>ssl #arameter" and
use the htt# scheme for the _url #arameter.
'reate a classic=mode !eb application by using
2indo!s Po!erShell
@se the #rocedure in this section to create a ne& classic7mode SharePoint 2013 &eb a##lication usin'
8indo&s Po&erShell.
&o create a classic=mode !eb application by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
9ou must read aboutKExecutionKPolicies.
2. .rom the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in'$
8e*(SP=ebApplication _8ame S8ameT
_ApplicationPool SApplicationPoolT
(AuthenticationMethod S=indo*sAuthypeT
_ApplicationPoolAccount SApplicationPoolAccountT
(Port SPortT (69? S69?T
?%ame@ is the name of the ne& &eb a##lication that uses classic7mode authentication.
?,pplication3ool@ is the name of the a##lication #ool.
?8indows,uthT!pe@ is either [T!(\ or [,erberos\. ,erberos is recommended.
?,pplication3ool,ccount@ is the user account that this a##lication #ool &ill run as.
?3ort@ is the #ort on &hich the &eb a##lication &ill be created in %%S.
?URL@ is the #ublic @4! for the &eb a##lication.
.or more information" see e&7SP8eb/##lication.
/fter you successfully create the &eb a##lication" &hen you o#en the +entral
/dministration #a'e" you see a health rule &arnin' that indicates that one or more &eb
a##lications is enabled &ith classic authentication mode. This is a reflection of our
recommendation to use claims7based authentication instead of classic mode
'onfigure basic authentication for a claims=
based !eb application in SharePoint 2013
Published" September 2D% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to confi'ure basic authentication for a &eb a##lication that uses claims7based
authentication in SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5 /nterprise = $hare3oint <oundation
()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5 $tandard
9ou can confi'ure basic authentication for one or more 0ones in a SharePoint 2013 claims7based &eb
a##lication. / &eb a##lication is an %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3 &eb site that SharePoint 2013
creates and uses. Wones re#resent different lo'ical #aths for 'ainin' access to the net&ork services
that are available &ithin the same &eb a##lication. 8ithin each &eb a##lication" you can create u# to
five 0ones. / different &eb site in %%S re#resents each 0one. @se 0ones to enforce different access and
#olicy conditions for lar'e 'rou#s of users. To confi'ure basic authentication for one or more 0ones in a
SharePoint 2013 &eb a##lication" use %%S (ana'er console" instead of SharePoint +entral
<efore you begin
-efore you #erform this #rocedure" confirm the follo&in'$
9our system is runnin' SharePoint 2013.
-asic authentication re)uires #reviously assi'ned 8indo&s account credentials for user access.
9ou understand basic authentication for &eb traffic.
-asic authentication enables a &eb bro&ser to #rovide credentials &hen the bro&ser makes a
re)uest durin' an *TTP transaction. -ecause user credentials are not encry#ted for net&ork
transmission but are sent over the net&ork in #laintext" &e do not recommend that you use basic
authentication over an unsecured *TTP connection. To use basic authentication" you should enable
Secure Sockets !ayer 2SS!3 encry#tion for the &eb siteZ other&ise" the credentials can be
interce#ted by a malicious user.
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %%S" administrators and users de#end on the
accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide. SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility
features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%d=2A?B023
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 1B Products 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<
,eyboard shortcuts 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%1=2A?B0A3
Touch 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%d=2A?B0?3
'onfigure **S to enable basic authentication
@se the %%S (ana'er console to confi'ure %%S to enable basic authentication for one or more of the
follo&in' 0ones for a claims7based &eb a##lication$
The 1efault 0one is the 0one that is first created &hen a &eb a##lication is created. The other 0ones
are created by extendin' a &eb a##lication. .or more information" see Extend a claims7based &eb
&o configure **S to enable basic authentication
1. Eerify that you a member of the /dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are
confi'urin' %%S.
2. +lick Start" #oint to Administratie &ools" and then click *nternet *nformation Serices ,**S-
Manager to start %%S (ana'er console.
3. Ex#and Sites in the console tree" and then click the %%S &eb site that corres#onds to the
&eb a##lication 0one on &hich you &ant to confi'ure basic authentication.
A. %n 9eatures >ie!" in **S" double7click Authentication.
B. %n 9eatures >ie!" in Authentication" ri'ht7click <asic Authentication" and then click 3nable.
?. 4i'ht7click <asic Authentication" and then click 3dit.
F. %n the 3dit <asic Authentication Settings dialo' box" in the Default domain text box" ty#e
the a##ro#riate default domain.
The default domain is the name of a domain a'ainst &hich you &ant users to be authenticated
&hen they do not #rovide a domain name.
G. %n the .ealm text box" ty#e the a##ro#riate realm" and then click O8.
The realm is a 1S domain name or an %P address that &ill use the credentials that are
authenticated a'ainst your internal 8indo&s domain. +onfi'urin' a realm name for basic
authentication is o#tional.
The &eb site is no& confi'ured to use basic authentication.
9ou can also confi'ure basic authentication &hen you create a &eb a##lication in SharePoint +entral
/dministration by selectin' <asic authentication ,pass!ord is sent in clear te4t- in the 'laims
Authentication &ypes section of the 'reate )e! 2eb Application dialo' box. .or more information"
see +reate claims7based &eb a##lications in SharePoint 2013.
%n the 'laims Authentication &ypes section of the 'reate )e! 2eb Application dialo' box"
you can select *ntegrated 2indo!s authentication" <asic authentication ,pass!ord is
sent in clear te4t-" or both. %f you select both" SharePoint 2013 &ill offer both authentication
ty#es to the client &eb bro&ser. The client &eb bro&ser then determines the ty#e of
authentication to use. %f you only select <asic authentication ,pass!ord is sent in clear
te4t-" make sure that you enable SS! for this &eb a##lication.
'onfigure digest authentication for a claims=
based !eb application in SharePoint 2013
Published" September 2D% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to confi'ure di'est authentication for a &eb a##lication that uses claims7based
authentication in SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5 /nterprise = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
$tandard = $hare3oint <oundation ()*5
9ou can confi'ure di'est authentication for one or more 0ones in a SharePoint 2013 claims7based &eb
a##lication. / &eb a##lication is an %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3 &eb site that SharePoint 2013
creates and uses. Wones re#resent different lo'ical #aths for 'ainin' access to the same &eb
a##lication. 8ithin each &eb a##lication" you can create u# to five 0ones. / different &eb site in %%S
re#resents each 0one. @se 0ones to enforce different access and #olicy conditions for lar'e 'rou#s of
users. To confi'ure di'est authentication for one or more 0ones in a SharePoint 2013 &eb a##lication"
use %%S (ana'er console" instead of SharePoint +entral /dministration.
@nlike basic authentication" di'est authentication encry#ts user credentials to increase security. @ser
credentials are sent as an (1B messa'e di'est in &hich the ori'inal user name and #ass&ord cannot
be determined. 1i'est authentication uses a challen'e;res#onse #rotocol that re)uires the
authentication re)uestor to #resent valid credentials in res#onse to a challen'e from the server. To
authenticate a'ainst the server" the client has to su##ly an (1B messa'e di'est in a res#onse that
contains a shared secret #ass&ord strin'. The (1B (essa'e71i'est /l'orithm is described in 4.+
1321. .or access to 4.+ 1321" see The %nternet En'ineerin' Task .orce
<efore you begin
-efore you #erform this #rocedure" confirm the follo&in'$
9our system is runnin' SharePoint 2013.
The user and %%S server must be members of" or trusted by" the same domain.
@sers must have a valid 8indo&s user account stored in /ctive 1irectory 1omain Services 2/1
1S3 on the domain controller.
The domain must use a 8indo&s Server 200G or 8indo&s Server 200G 42 domain controller.
9ou understand di'est authentication for &eb traffic.
.or more information" see 8hat is 1i'est /uthentication< 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %%S" administrators and users de#end on the
accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide. SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility
features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%d=2A?B023
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 1B Products 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<
,eyboard shortcuts 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%1=2A?B0A3
Touch 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%d=2A?B0?3
'onfigure **S to enable digest authentication
@se %%S (ana'er console to confi'ure %%S to enable di'est authentication for one or more of the
follo&in' 0ones for a claims7based &eb a##lication$
The 1efault 0one is the 0one that is first created &hen a &eb a##lication is created. The other 0ones
are created by extendin' a &eb a##lication. .or more information" see Extend a claims7based &eb
&o configure **S to enable digest authentication
1. Eerify that you are a member of the /dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are
confi'urin' %%S.
2. +lick Start" #oint to Administratie &ools" and then click *nternet *nformation Serices ,**S-
Manager to start %%S (ana'er console.
3. Ex#and Sites in the console tree" and then click the %%S &eb site that corres#onds to the
&eb a##lication 0one on &hich you &ant to confi'ure di'est authentication.
A. %n 9eatures >ie!" in **S" double7click Authentication.
B. %n 9eatures >ie!" in Authentication" ri'ht7click Digest Authentication" and then click 3nable.
?. 4i'ht7click Digest Authentication" and then click 3dit.
F. %n the 3dit Digest Authentication Settings dialo' box" in the .ealm text box" ty#e the
a##ro#riate realm" and then click O8.
The realm is a 1S domain name or an %P address that &ill use the credentials that have been
authenticated a'ainst your internal 8indo&s domain. 9ou must confi'ure a realm name for di'est
The &eb site is no& confi'ured to use di'est authentication.
*nstall and manage solutions for SharePoint
Published" October 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to install solutions or com#onents that &ere customi0ed by develo#er or &eb
desi'ners to a SharePoint 2013 environment.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5 = $hare3oint <oundation ()*5
The #rocess to install custom site elements and solution #acka'es in SharePoint 2010 Products and
SharePoint 2013 has not chan'ed si'nificantly. 1etailed content about ho& to install custom elements
is available in the SharePoint Server 2010 technical library in the follo&in' section 1e#loy
customi0ations 7 overvie& 2SharePoint Server 20103. To install solution #acka'es" you can use a ne&
#arameter" 'ompatibility5eel" to install the solution to the latest version directories" or to use only the
current version tracked in the cab file. .or more information" see %nstall7SPSolution.
To add functionality to SharePoint sites in SharePoint 2013" you can use a##s for SharePoint. .or more
information about a##s for SharePoint" see %nstall and mana'e a##s for SharePoint 2013.
&ech)et articles about ho! to install and manage
The follo&in' articles about ho& to install and mana'e solutions are available to vie& online. 8riters
u#date articles on a continuin' basis as ne& information becomes available and as users #rovide

'ontent Description
1e#loy customi0ations 7 overvie&
2SharePoint Server 20103
Overvie& article and detailed
content about ho& to install
custom elements for SharePoint
Server 2010. /##lies to both
SharePoint 2010 Products and
SharePoint 2013.
Sandboxed solutions administration
2SharePoint Server 20103
+ontent about ho& to mana'e
sandboxed solutions for
SharePoint Server 2010. /##lies
to both SharePoint 2010

'ontent Description
Products and SharePoint 2013.
.eatures and solutions cmdlets in
SharePoint 2013
!ist 8indo&s Po&erShell
cmdlets that hel# you mana'e
features and solutions in a
SharePoint 2013 farm.

Additional resources about ho! to install and
manage solutions
The follo&in' resources about ho& to install and mana'e solutions are available from other subCect
matter ex#erts.

'ontent Description

SharePoint 2013 Tech
Eisit the Tech+enter to
access videos" community
sites" documentation" and

SharePoint develo#er
.ind resources for buildin'
solutions on SharePoint
2013. This includes ho&7to
articles" code sam#les" and
the SharePoint S1,.

To the SharePoint
Het the Point
4ead draft content" learn
about ne& content" and Coin
the conversation at this %T
#ro content team blo'.
!earn ho& to 'et the most
out of SharePoint sites by
readin' this blo'.

*nstall and manage apps for SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" The follo&in' resources #rovide information about a##s for SharePoint" the SharePoint
Store" and the /## +atalo' and ho& to install" mana'e" and monitor a##s.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
$tandard = $hare3oint $erver ()*5 /nterprise
Do!nloadable resources about apps for SharePoint
1o&nload the follo&in' content for information about a##s for SharePoint.

'ontent Description

SharePoint 2013$ /## Overvie&
for %T Pro model
(odel #oster describin' a##s
from an %T Pro #ers#ective.

&ech)et articles about apps for SharePoint
The follo&in' articles about a##s are available to vie& online. 8riters u#date articles on a continuin'
basis as ne& information becomes available and as users #rovide feedback.

Overvie& of a##s for SharePoint 2013 4ead an overvie& of a##s for SharePoint from an
%T Pro #ers#ective.
Plan for a##s for SharePoint 2013 @nderstand &hat you need to #lan for before you
su##ort a##s for SharePoint.
Plan for a## authentication in SharePoint 2013
!earn ho& to #lan for a## authentication in
SharePoint 2013.
Plan a## #ermissions mana'ement in SharePoint /## #ermissions mana'ement enforces security
2013 and #rovides the additional functionality that a##s
enable on SharePoint 2013 sites.
+onfi'ure an environment for a##s for SharePoint
.ollo& these ste#s to confi'ure your environment
to su##ort a##s for SharePoint.
+onfi'ure a## authentication in SharePoint Server
!earn ho& to confi'ure a## authentication in
SharePoint 2013.
(ana'e the /## +atalo' in SharePoint 2013 .ollo& these ste#s to confi'ure and mana'e the
/## +atalo' and confi'ure SharePoint Store rules.
/dd a##s for SharePoint to a SharePoint 2013 site !earn ho& to install an a## for SharePoint from the
/## +atalo' or SharePoint Store.
4emove an a## for SharePoint from a SharePoint
2013 site
!earn ho& to remove an a## for SharePoint from a
site collection.
(onitor a##s for SharePoint for SharePoint Server
.ollo& these ste#s to s#ecify &hich a##s for
SharePoint to monitor" and then monitor the a##s.
(onitor and mana'e a## licenses in SharePoint
Server 2013
!earn ho& SharePoint farm administrators assi'n"
monitor" and mana'e the a## for SharePoint
licenses in SharePoint Server 2013.

Additional resources about apps for SharePoint
The follo&in' resources about a##s for SharePointare available from other subCect matter ex#erts.

'ontent Description
%nstallation and 1e#loyment for
SharePoint 2013 4esource +enter
Eisit the 4esource +enter to access
videos" community sites"
documentation" and more.
'ontent on MSD)

/##s for SharePoint overvie&
+ritical as#ects of the a## for
SharePoint 2013 architecture
and develo#ment landsca#e
-uild a##s for SharePoint
SharePoint develo#er center
/rticles about a##s for SharePoint in
the SharePoint Server 2013 Soft&are
1evelo#ment ,it


Oerie! of apps for SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" The a##s for SharePoint are a #o&erful" easy &ay to add functionality to a SharePoint site.
@nderstand ho& they &ork" ho& they are inte'rated &ith SharePoint sites" and ho& they are isolated
from your site content.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
$tandard = $hare3oint $erver ()*5 /nterprise
The a##s for SharePoint #rovide a ne& method to deliver s#ecific information or functionality to a
SharePoint site. /n a## for SharePoint is a small" easy7to7use" stand7alone a## that solves a s#ecific
end7user or business need. Site o&ners can discover and do&nload a##s for SharePoint from a #ublic
SharePoint Store or from their or'ani0ation6s internal /## +atalo' and install them on their SharePoint
sites. These a##s for SharePoint inte'rate the best of the &eb &ith SharePoint 2013. They do not
re#lace SharePoint features and solution #acka'es" &hich customi0e or enhance SharePoint sites.
@nlike features and solutions" &hich farm or site collection administrators have to install" a##s for
SharePoint are stand7alone a##lications that o&ners of sites can add to their SharePoint sites. The
a##s for SharePoint have a sim#le lifecycle 7 they can be installed" u#'raded" and uninstalled by site
The follo&in' are exam#les of a##s for SharePoint that site o&ners could add to their sites$
/n a## that #rovides event #lannin' tools.
/n a## that #rovides a sho##in' cart ex#erience for a site.
/n a## that sends a note of reco'nition for 'ood &ork 2kudos3 to someone in the or'ani0ation.
(icrosoft &ill host and control a #ublic SharePoint Store" &here develo#ers &ill be able to #ublish and
sell their custom a##s for SharePoint. End users and %T #rofessionals &ill be able to obtain these
custom a##s for #ersonal or cor#orate use. This SharePoint Store &ill handle the end7to7end ac)uisition
ex#erience from discovery to #urchase" u#'rades" and u#dates.
+om#any7develo#ed and a##roved a##s can also be de#loyed to an or'ani0ation6s internal /##
+atalo' hosted on SharePoint 2013 or SharePoint Online. This controls the visibility of a##s &ithin
This article a##lies to both SharePoint .oundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013.
2here are apps for SharePoint hostedA
There are several o#tions for hostin' a##s for SharePoint.
*osted in the cloud 28indo&s /0ure autohosted3
*osted in a SharePoint environment
Several combinations of these o#tions.
1e#endin' on the hostin' o#tion" the a## can contain different elements and take advanta'e of
different com#onents.
*llustration of hosting options for apps for SharePoint

o matter the hostin' o#tion for the a##" if you &ant users to be able to install and use a##s for
SharePoint in your environment" you &ill have to confi'ure your environment to su##ort them.
.or more information about hostin' o#tions" see the SharePoint 2013 develo#er documentation.
6o! are apps for SharePoint and SharePoint sites
Site o&ners can add a##s for SharePoint to their sites. %f an a## contains SharePoint com#onents"
those com#onents are stored in a sub&eb of the site that is automatically created &hen you install the
a##. /##s have their o&n" isolated @4!s" &hich are se#arate from the @4! for the site that contains the
a##. %f the a## is a Provider7hosted or 8indo&s /0ure autohosted a##" the a## com#onents are stored
in those locations. .or exam#le" in the follo&in' dia'ram" /##1 contains custom business lo'ic and is
stored on an external server 7 it is an 8indo&s /0ure autohosted a## and does not store content in a
sub&eb of the site. /##2 is a SharePoint hosted a## &ith only SharePoint com#onents. /##26s content
is stored in a sub&eb of the site on &hich it is installed.
*llustration of relationship bet!een apps for SharePoint and SharePoint sites

2hat is the +.5 for an app for SharePointA
-y default" a##s are de#loyed to their o&n &eb site in a s#ecial" isolated domain name" instead of in the
same domain name as your farm. Processes run under that domain name and do not affect the
SharePoint sites. This difference in domain names #rovides a layer of isolation for the a##s. The use of
a different domain name from the SharePoint sites #revents cross7site scri#tin' bet&een the a##s and
sites and unauthori0ed access to users6 data.
Each installation of an a## has a uni)ue @4! in your environment. 9ou determine the tem#late for that
@4! 2by s#ecifyin' a domain name and an a## #refix3" and then a## @4!s are automatically 'enerated
based on that tem#late. Paths for the a##s are based on the @4! for the site &here they are installed.
8hen you install an a## to a site" a sub&eb of that site is created to host the a## content. The sub&eb
for the a## is hierarchically belo& the site collection" but has an isolated uni)ue host header instead of
bein' under the site6s @4!. The follo&in' dia'ram sho&s the relationshi# bet&een the site6s @4! and
the a##6s @4!$
*llustration of +.5 for an app for SharePoint

%n this dia'ram" the (ain SharePoint Site is the site on &hich the user installed the a##. The /##1
SharePoint Site is a sub&eb of the (ain site that contains the a## and its com#onents. The @4! for the
/##1 SharePoint site is based on that of the (ain SharePoint site. *o&ever" it is in a different domain"
has a #refix7a##hash at the be'innin'" and has an a## name at the end for the sub&eb name. The
#refix7a##hash #art of the @4! is desi'ned to su##ort multi7tenant environments. %n a multi7tenant
environment" each tenant has its name that is combined &ith the a##hash to #rovide a uni)ue domain
name for the a##. %f you are not in a multi7tenant environment" you can use the same a## #refix for all
+se and benefits of apps for SharePoint
The a##s for SharePoint allo& users to add )uick functionality to their site &ithout your intervention.
@nlike tem#lates" features" and solutions" &hich an %T administrator must de#loy" site o&ners can add
a##s for SharePoint to their sites or remove them. -ecause a##s for SharePoint are limited in sco#e to
a sub&eb and have an isolated @4!" they do not interact &ith the rest of your farm or o#en your
environment to cross7site scri#tin' risks.
9our or'ani0ation can develo# its o&n a##s for SharePoint. 9ou can make a##s for SharePoint
available from the SharePoint Store" and you can make these a##s available in the /## +atalo' so that
users kno& &hich a##s for SharePoint are a##roved for use in your environment. @sers can easily
u#date a##s for SharePoint &ith ne& versions &hen they become available.
*mpacts of apps for SharePoint
Su##ortin' a##s for SharePoint in your environment does re)uire a confi'uration chan'e to your
environment. There are t&o main considerations$
.e/uirements for supporting apps for SharePoint 9ou must be runnin' the Subscri#tion
Settin's and /## (ana'ement service a##lications to use a##s for SharePoint. 9ou must create
the 1S domain to contain the @4!s for a##s for SharePoint in your environment.
Plan for capacity Each a## for SharePoint that is installed creates a sub&eb under the site on
&hich it is installed &ith its o&n @4!. This means that environments that contain many a##s for
SharePoint &ill have many additional sub&ebs. -e sure to consider this &hen #lannin' for ca#acity
for your farm.
.or more information about these and other considerations" see Plan for a##s for SharePoint 2013 and
+onfi'ure an environment for a##s for SharePoint 2013.
Plan for apps for SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" 1etermine your environment6s a## for SharePoint #olicy" &hether to use the /## +atalo'"
the @4!s to use for a##s for SharePoint" and the settin's to confi'ure for a##s for SharePoint in your
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
The a##s for SharePoint #rovide a ne& method to deliver s#ecific information or functionality to a
SharePoint site. /n a## for SharePoint is a small" easy7to7use" stand7alone #roductivity a## that solves
a s#ecific end7user need. -efore you allo& users to install a##s in a SharePoint environment" you must
#lan ho& you &ant to su##ort them. 9ou have to determine your or'ani0ation6s #olicy around a##s for
SharePoint" #lan your confi'uration settin's" and determine ho& to mana'e and monitor the a##s. This
article ex#lains key decisions and hel#s you understand the choices to make as you #lan to su##ort
a##s for SharePoint.
%n this article$
Hovernance$ determine the a## for SharePoint #olicy for your or'ani0ation
Plan a## confi'uration settin's
Plan /## +atalo'
Plan to monitor a##s
Plan for a## licenses
.or more conce#tual information about a##s for SharePoint" see Overvie& of a##s for SharePoint
Goernance" determine the app for SharePoint policy
for your organi(ation
The first decision about a##s for SharePoint is the extent to &hich you &ant to use them in your
or'ani0ation and the #olicy for usin' them. The follo&in' )uestions can hel# you frame your discussion
about your #olicy$
1o you &ant users to be able to install and use a##s for SharePoint<
%f so" kee# readin' and sha#in' your #olicy.
%f not" then you can use settin's in the SharePoint Store to control &hether users can 'et a##s
from the SharePoint Store. 9ou cannot block users from vie&in' the SharePoint Store.
*o&ever" you can #revent them from #urchasin' or do&nloadin' a##s for SharePoint. %f you
choose to #revent users from 'ettin' a##s for SharePoint from the SharePoint Store" you
should create a #olicy statement and notify users to advise users that you have chosen not to
su##ort a##s for SharePoint. Other&ise" the only notification to users &ill be an error &hen they
try to install an a## for SharePoint.
1o you &ant to restrict or control the a##s for SharePoint that users can install and use<
%f so" you can do one or both of the follo&in'$
Set u# an /## +atalo' to #rovide a set of a##s for SharePoint that users can install and use.
@se the /## 4e)uest feature to control the #urchasin' and licensin' of a##s for SharePoint.
%n &hich environments do you &ant a##s for SharePoint to be available< .or exam#le" intranet"
extranet" or %nternet environments<
9ou should decide &hich environments are a##ro#riate for usin' a##s for SharePoint and confi'ure
the settin's for a##s for SharePoint only in those farms or for those &eb a##lications.
1o you &ant to control &ho can #urchase a##s for SharePoint<
o ex#licit settin' #revents a user from #urchasin' an a## for SharePoint. *o&ever" you can create
a re)uest #rocess that re)uires users to submit a re)uest that your or'ani0ation revie&s to ensure
that a##ro#riate #ersons make #urchases.
1o you &ant to control &ho can install a##s for SharePoint<
/ user must have the (ana'e 8eb site and +reate Subsites #ermissions to install an a## for
SharePoint. -y default" these #ermissions are available only to users &ho have the .ull +ontrol
#ermission level or &ho are in the Site O&ners 'rou#.
1o you &ant to control &hich hostin' o#tions can be used for a##s for SharePoint in your
9ou cannot ex#licitly s#ecify the hostin' o#tions 2Provider7hosted" 8indo&s /0ure autohosted" or
SharePoint hosted3 that are available. The creator of an a## determines ho& it is hosted based on
&hat the a## contains or does. *o&ever" you can choose a s#ecific hostin' o#tion for a##s for
SharePoint that you #rovide for your o&n or'ani0ation in the /## +atalo'.
*o& many and &hich a##s for SharePoint do you &ant to monitor<
9ou must ex#licitly select the a##s for SharePoint to monitor for a farm.
The ability to monitor a##s for SharePoint is not available for SharePoint .oundation 2013.
Plan app configuration settings
-efore you use a##s for SharePoint in your environment" you have to confi'ure your environment to
su##ort them. %f you don]t confi'ure your environment" users &ho try to install and use a##s for
SharePoint receive error messa'es. .or all a##s for SharePoint" you must set u# a 1omain ame
Services 21S3 domain name to #rovide a host name for the installed a##s. -y usin' a se#arate
domain name" a##s for SharePoint are se#arated from SharePoint sites to #revent unauthori0ed
access to user data and to reduce the likelihood of cross7site scri#tin' attacks. @sin' se#arate @4!s for
a##s for SharePoint and SharePoint sites is called app isolation. 9ou also need a 1S record so that
the domain name can 'et correctly resolved. 9ou can create one of t&o of the follo&in' ty#es of 1S
records for a## for SharePoint @4!s$
/ &ildcard +anonical ame 2+/(E3 record that #oints to the host domain assi'ned to the
SharePoint farm.
/n / record to #oint to the %P address for the SharePoint farm.
+hoose the ty#e of record to #oint from the a## domain to the SharePoint farm domain.
*llustration of a type of record that points from the app domain to a SharePoint farm domain

%n addition to settin' u# the 1S domain to su##ort a##s in your environment" you also have to
confi'ure the follo&in'$
SS! +ertificates 2if they are re)uired3
%f you are usin' SS! to hel# secure traffic" you must create a &ildcard certificate to use for all a##
@4!s. 8ildcard certificates cost about the same as five individual certificates. So" you can )uickly
Custify the cost of a &ildcard if you ex#ect to use more than five instances of a##s for SharePoint in
your environment.
Each instance of an a## for SharePoint that is installed has its o&n @4!. Therefore" if you
only have one a## for SharePoint in your environment" but the a## is installed on six
different sites" then you &ill have six different a## @4!s.
The Subscri#tion Settin's and /## (ana'ement service a##lications
These services su##ort a##s in your environment by storin' the data needed to run a##s in the
farm. The Subscri#tion Settin's service stores the tenant name and the /## (ana'ement Service
stores a## licenses" a## #rinci#als" a## users" a## re'istrations" and so on.
The a## @4!s to use
Each a## has a uni)ue @4! in your environment. 9ou determine the tem#late for that @4!" and
then a## @4!s are automatically 'enerated by usin' the #refix and domain that you s#ecify. .or
exam#le" prefix7,pphash.+ontoso/;sites;&eb1;appname.
The +onfi'ure an environment for a##s for SharePoint 2013 article ex#lains ho& to confi'ure these
Determine the domain name to use
Each a## for SharePoint has a uni)ue @4!" &hich is made u# of the a## domain and a #refix for that
domain that consists of a tenant name and an /##hash. The format is as follo&s$ prefix7
, The ,pphash is an arbitrarily7assi'ned uni)ue identifier for each a## for
The exam#les in this section use an %nternet7style domain name for clarity. This does not im#ly
that you must ex#ose your a##s to the %nternet or that your @4!s must use this format. ote
that for actual hostin' environments you must still or'ani0e a 1S routin' strate'y &ithin your
intranet and o#tionally confi'ure your fire&all.
8hen you choose the domain name and #refixes to use for your environment" consider the follo&in'$
'onsider using a uni/ue domain name% not a subdomain
To hel# im#rove security" the domain name that you choose should not be a subdomain of the root
domain name that hosts other a##lications 2other than SharePoint sites3. This is because other
a##lications that run under that host name mi'ht contain sensitive information stored in cookies that
mi'ht not be #rotected. +ode can set or read cookies across different domains that are under the
same domain. / malicious develo#er could use code in an a## for SharePoint to set or read
information in a cookie on the root domain from the a## for SharePoint subdomain. %f a malicious
a## accessed that cookie information" then you could have an information leak. SharePoint sites
have #rotections a'ainst this issue. *o&ever" it is still a 'ood idea to use a domain for a##s that is
se#arate from your other domains. .or exam#le" if the SharePoint sites are at" do not
use / %nstead use a uni)ue name such as +ontoso7/ This is not to say
that you should never use a subdomain if you have business reasons to do this. *o&ever" consider
all #otential security risks.
9or single tenant enironments% use the same prefi4 for all apps
%f your environment is only used for your o&n or'ani0ation and does not host SharePoint sites for
other or'ani0ations" you confi'ure a #refix that all a## for SharePoint @4!s in your environment
use. .or exam#le" you can set the #refix to a &ord like default so that each a## for SharePoint has
a @4! such as default7,pphash.+ontoso7/
9or multi=tenancy enironments% use uni/ue prefi4es for each tenantQs apps
%f your environment has multi#le tenants 2in other &ords" you host SharePoint sites for multi#le
clients3" you must be able to identify the @4!s that each tenant or client in your environment uses.
So" you set the @4! #refix to indicate the client6s name or the client6s site6s name. .or exam#le"
su##ose that /. 1atum +or#oration hosts SharePoint sites for .abrikam and .ourth +offee under
the hostin' domain 2for exam#le" .abrikam./ and
.ourth+offee./datum.com3. 9ou should set the #refix for your hosted sites so that they are created
as .abrikam7,pphash./datam/ and .ourth+offee7,pphash./datam/
%f you are in a multi7tenancy environment" you must use 8indo&s Po&erShell to confi'ure
the @4! and #refix.
8eep prefi4es short and simple
Prefixes must be less than AG characters and cannot contain s#ecial characters or dashes.
All +.5s !ill be in the default (one
9ou cannot use multi#le 0ones in alternate access ma##in' for a##s for SharePoint. -y default" all
a##s for SharePoint are in the intranet 0one.
Plan App 'atalog
%f you decide to #rovide trusted a##s for SharePoint for users to install" you can confi'ure the /##
+atalo' to contain those a##s for SharePoint. The /## +atalo' is a s#ecial site that contains the a##s
for SharePoint that users can install. 9ou can have multi#le /## +atalo's in your farm" one for each
8eb a##lication in your farm. To confi'ure the /## +atalo' for a 8eb a##lication" you Cust have to
su##ly the names of the site collection administrators &ho you &ant to use for the /## +atalo' site.
/fter you create the /## +atalo'" the site collection administrators can u#load a##s for SharePoint to it.
To #lan /## +atalo' settin's" determine the follo&in'$
8hich &eb a##lications &ill need an /## +atalo'.
This 'oes to'ether &ith your decisions about your #olicy for su##ortin' a##s for SharePoint in the
SharePoint environment. %f you have different ty#es of sites 2intranet" extranet" %nternet3 on different
&eb a##lications in your farm" you can determine &hether you &ant an /## +atalo' for each of
those &eb a##lications.
9ou can also share an /## +atalo' site across &eb a##lications in a farm. To do this" you confi'ure
the /## +atalo' for one &eb a##lication" and then confi'ure the /## +atalo' settin's for another
&eb a##lication to use the same @4!.
8ho to add as the site collection administrators for the /## +atalo'.
The /## +atalo' is a site inside a &eb a##lication that can only be accessed from a link in +entral
/dministration or directly by usin' the @4!.
Plan to monitor apps
This section a##lies only to SharePoint Server 2013.
The (onitor /##s #a'e in SharePoint on7#remises only lists a##s that the .arm administrator adds.
The maximum number of a##s that can be monitored is limited to 100. /##s that exceed the threshold
re)uire a farm administrator to remove existin' a##s from the list. The first B0 a##s a##ear in the
monitorin' a##s list so the administrator must filter the a##s to monitor the rest of the a##s.
The a##s for SharePoint monitorin' data is stored in the S:! Server @sa'e database as
Plan for app licenses
SharePoint 2013 does not enforce a## licenses. 1evelo#ers &ho build a##s must add code that
retrieves license information and then addresses users. SharePoint 2013 #rovides the stora'e and
to'ether &ith SharePoint Store &eb services the a## license rene&al. SharePoint Store handles
#ayments for the licenses" issues the correct licenses" and #rovides the #rocess to verify license
inte'rity. ote that licensin' only &orks for a##s that are distributed throu'h the SharePoint Store. /##s
that you #urchase from another source and a##s that you develo# internally must im#lement their o&n
licensin' mechanisms. SharePoint 2013 su##orts the follo&in' a## licenses formats$

5icense &ype Duration +ser 5imit
.ree Per#etual @nlimited
Trial 30" ?0" 120 1ays" or @nlimited umber #er user or @nlimited
Paid #er user Per#etual umber #er user
Paid unlimited users 2site
Per#etual @nlimited

Plan app permissions management in
SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" /## #ermissions mana'ement enforces security and enables the additional functionality
that a##s #rovide on SharePoint 2013 sites.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
$tandard = $hare3oint $erver ()*5 /nterprise
The #ur#ose of a## #ermissions mana'ement is to mana'e the ability of a##s to access and use
internal SharePoint 2013 resources and #erform tasks on behalf of users. .or a## authentication"
SharePoint 2013 relies on a trusted token service named the 8indo&s /0ure /ccess +ontrol Service
2/+S3 to issue time7 and sco#e7limited access tokens for a##s. %n SharePoint 2013" the /+S acts as
the a## identity #rovider. The a## authentication #rocess verifies a claim that an a## makes and
asserts that the a## can act on behalf of an authenticated SharePoint 2013 user. The authori0ation
#rocess verifies that an authenticated a## has #ermission to access a s#ecified resource and #erform a
defined function. 9ou can confi'ure SharePoint 2013 to #rocess a## #ermissions and enable anyone
&ho enters an anonymous &eb site" for exam#le" to vie& and fill out a form that re)uests additional
information about a #roduct or service. 9ou can also allo& a SharePoint 2013 site o&ner" or a user &ith
elevated #ermissions" to #urchase and install an a## that a defined set of internal SharePoint 2013
users can access. .or exam#le" a site o&ner can #urchase and install an ex#ense re#ort a## for a
&ork'rou#" and the members of the &ork'rou# can use the a## to access data in SharePoint 2013
document libraries and 'enerate ex#ense re#orts. .or more information about a##s" see Overvie& of
a##s for SharePoint 2013.
%n this article$
/## #ermission re)uest sco#es
/## #ermission re)uests
/## authori0ation #olicies
To #lan the mana'ement of SharePoint 2013 a## #ermissions" you have to determine the s#ecific
SharePoint 2013 resources that the a## &ill need to access" and &here those resources reside. 9ou
also have to determine the minimum #ermission level that &ill be re)uired to enable the a## to function
correctly. %n addition" you have to determine the a##ro#riate a## authori0ation #olicy to ensure that the
a## functions correctly and com#lies &ith s#ecified authori0ation re)uirements.
SharePoint 2013 a##s #rovide a &ide variety of #o&erful tools and enhanced functionality that can
increase the usefulness of your SharePoint 2013 de#loyment. 8hen you decide to su##ort the
im#lementation of SharePoint 2013 a##s &ithin your de#loyment" you need to determine &ho &ill be
installin' the a##s and &ho &ill be usin' them. 9ou also need to determine the a##ro#riate sco#e and
#ermission levels for each a##" based on ho& the a## is intended to be used.
This article ex#lains ho& to decide &hich sco#e" #ermission level" and authori0ation #olicy to use for
the various ty#es of SharePoint 2013 a##s you #lan to de#loy" de#endin' on ho& the a## is 'oin' to be
used and &ho is 'oin' to use the a##. This article does not ex#lain ho& to create or confi'ure
SharePoint 2013 a##s.
App permission re/uest scopes
SharePoint 2013 a##s use a## #ermission re)uest sco#es and #ermission re)uests to s#ecify the level
at &hich the a## is intended to run" and the #ermission level that is assi'ned to the a##. The a##
#ermission re)uest sco#e indicates the location &ithin the SharePoint 2013 hierarchy &here a
#ermission re)uest &ill a##ly. SharePoint 2013 su##orts the follo&in' #ermission re)uest sco#es$
SPSite 1efines the a## #ermission re)uest sco#e as a SharePoint 2013 site collection.
SP2eb 1efines the a## #ermission re)uest sco#e as a SharePoint 2013 &eb site.
SP5ist 1efines the a## #ermission re)uest sco#e as a SharePoint 2013 list.
&enancy 1efines the a## #ermission re)uest sco#e as a SharePoint 2013 tenancy.
%f an a## is 'ranted #ermission to one sco#e" the #ermission also a##lies to the children of that sco#e.
.or exam#le" if an a## is 'ranted #ermission to a &eb site by usin' the SP8eb sco#e" the a## is also
'ranted #ermission to each list 2SP!ist sco#e3 that is contained &ithin the SP8eb sco#e and all list
items &ithin each list. -ecause #ermission re)uests are made &ithout information about the to#olo'y of
the site collection &here the a## is installed" the sco#e is ex#ressed as a ty#e rather than as the @4! of
a s#ecific instance. These sco#e ty#es are ex#ressed as @4%s. +ontent database related #ermissions
are or'ani0ed under this @4%$ http"??sharepoint?content. The follo&in' table #rovides an @4% exam#le
for each a## #ermission re)uest sco#e.

Scope +.*
SPSite htt#$;;share#oint;content;sitecollection;
SP8eb htt#$;;share#oint;content;sitecollection;&eb
SP!ist htt#$;;share#oint;content;sitecollection;&eb;list
Tenancy htt#$;;Ishare#ointserverJ;IcontentJ;ItenantJ;

App permission re/uests
/## #ermission re)uests are collections of #ermissions that enable a##s to #erform s#ecific tasks.
SharePoint 2013 includes four a## #ermission re)uest levels.
The follo&in' table lists the four a## #ermission re)uests that you can assi'n to a SharePoint 2013

Permission re/uest Description Permissions included
4ead7Only Enables a##s to vie& #a'es"
list items" and do&nload
Eie& %tems
O#en %tems
Eie& Eersions
+reate /lerts
@se Self7Service Site +reation
Eie& Pa'es
8rite Enables a##s to vie&" add"
u#date" and delete items in
existin' lists and document
4ead7Only #ermissions" #lus$
/dd %tems
Edit %tems
1elete %tems
1elete Eersions
-ro&se 1irectories
Edit Personal @ser %nformation
(ana'e Personal Eie&s
/dd;4emove Personal 8eb Parts
@#date Personal 8eb Parts
(ana'e Enables a##s to vie&" add"
u#date" delete" a##rove" and
customi0e items or #a'es
&ithin a &eb site.
8rite #ermissions" #lus$
(ana'e !ists
/dd and +ustomi0e Pa'es
/##ly Themes and -orders
/##ly Style Sheets
.ull +ontrol Enables a##s to have full
control &ithin the s#ecified
/ll #ermissions

There are im#ortant security im#lications &hen you assi'n a #ermission re)uest level to a SharePoint
2013 a##. The #ermission re)uest level must be ade)uate to allo& the a## to function correctly and
com#lete every as#ect of the task it is desi'ned to #erform. *o&ever" it is also im#ortant to make sure
that the assi'ned #ermission re)uest level does not exceed the minimum re)uirements to com#lete the
task. .or exam#le" the 4ead7Only a## #ermission re)uest level is ade)uate for a SharePoint 2013 a##
that is 'atherin' and renderin' data in res#onse to a )uery. *o&ever" the 8rite a## #ermission re)uest
level &ill be re)uired for a SharePoint 2013 a## that is intended to add ne& data or u#date existin' data
in a SharePoint 2013 library.
App authori(ation policies
%n addition to determinin' the a## #ermission re)uest sco#e and the a## #ermission re)uest level for
each a## you de#loy" you must also determine &hich a## authori0ation #olicy is a##ro#riate.
SharePoint 2013 #rovides the follo&in' a## authori0ation #olicies$
+ser and app policy 8hen you assi'n the user and app #olicy to a SharePoint 2013 a##" the
content database authori0ation checks succeed only if both the current user and the a## have
sufficient #ermissions to #erform the actions that the a## is desi'ned to #erform. The user and app
#olicy is re)uired &hen a SharePoint 2013 site has an embedded %.4/(E that links to a
SharePoint Store a##" and the a## calls back to SharePoint 2013 to access SharePoint 2013
resources on behalf of the user. .or exam#le" this is a re)uirement &hen a SharePoint Store a##
that does not run &ithin SharePoint 2013 needs to act on behalf of a user to access the user6s
App=only policy 8hen you assi'n the app=only #olicy to a SharePoint 2013 a##" the content
database authori0ation checks succeed if the a## has sufficient #ermissions to #erform the actions
that the a## is desi'ned to #erform" &hether or not the current user 2if there is a current user3 has
the same #ermissions. The app=only #olicy is re)uired &hen the a## is not actin' on behalf of a
+ser=only policy 8hen you assi'n the user=only #olicy" the content database authori0ation
checks succeed if the user has sufficient #ermissions to #erform the action that the a## is desi'ned
to #erform. The user=only #olicy is re)uired &hen a user is accessin' their o&n resources.
'onfigure an enironment for apps for
SharePoint 2013
+pdated" October 1$% 2012
Summary" +onfi'ure domain names" service a##lications" and @4!s for a##s for SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
$tandard = $hare3oint $erver ()*5 /nterprise
To enable users to install and use a##s for SharePoint in their sites" you must confi'ure your
environment to su##ort them. This article describes ho& to confi'ure your environment to su##ort a##s.
@se the Plan for a##s for SharePoint 2013 article to revie& o#tions and determine the values to use for
confi'uration settin's in this article.
The ste#s in this article a##ly to both SharePoint .oundation 2013 and SharePoint Server
The follo&in' illustration summari0es the ste#s to take to confi'ure an environment for a##s for
Oerie! of ho! to configure an enironment for apps for SharePoint

These confi'uration ste#s result in exam#le a## @4!s such as the follo&in'$
This article contains instructions for com#letin' these ste#s.
<efore you begin
9ou must #urchase a domain name from a domain name #rovider for your a##s" for exam#le"
9ou must be a member of the .arm /dministrators 'rou# to #erform the ste#s in this article. .or
some ste#s" you must also be a local administrator on the domain controller.
+onfirm that the SharePoint /dministration 2s#admin3 and SharePoint Timer 2s#timer3 services are
To verify this" click Start" #oint to Administratie &ools" and then click Serices. %n the Services
list" verify that the SharePoint Administration and SharePoint &imer services are runnin'.
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
'onfigure the domain names in D)S ,all hosting
9ou must confi'ure a ne& name in 1omain ame Services 21S3 to host the a##s. To hel# im#rove
security" the domain name should not be a subdomain of the domain that hosts the SharePoint sites.
.or exam#le" if the SharePoint sites are at" consider +ontoso/ instead of
/ as the domain name. .or more information" see Plan for a##s for SharePoint 2013.
8hen an a## is #rovisioned" it #rovisions a uni)ue 1S domain name 2for exam#le" /##s7
*(5G76JI,.+-/<.+ontoso/" &here *(5G76JI,.+-/< is a uni)ue identifier for the a##3. 9ou
need a &ildcard +anonical ame 2+/(E3 entry for your 1S domain to su##ort these uni)ue names.
1e#endin' on your confi'uration 2for exam#le" if you are usin' 8%S for&ard looku#3" you mi'ht have
to create a ne& for&ard looku# 0one first" or you can start &ith a &ildcard +/(E entry in the same
0one as the SharePoint site domain. %n the follo&in' #rocedures" you create a for&ard looku# 0one" and
then create a &ildcard alias record for the 1S domain name that allo&s for individual a##s to create
uni)ue domain names &ithin your a## domain. %n these #rocedures" &e use 1S (ana'er for
8indo&s Server 200G 42. .or more information about 1S server in 8indo&s Server 200G 42" see
1S Server. %f you have a different ty#e of 1S server" follo& the #rocedures in the documentation for
that server ty#e.
&o create a for!ard loo:up (one for the app domain name
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a local administrator on the
domain controller.
2. +lick Start" #oint to Administratie &ools" and then click D)S.
3. %n 1S (ana'er" ri'ht7click 9or!ard 5oo:up Iones" and then click )e! IoneT.
A. %n the e& Wone 8i0ard" click )e4t.
B. %n the Wone Ty#e #a'e" acce#t the default of Primary (one" and then click )e4t.
?. %n the /ctive 1irectory Wone 4e#lication Sco#e #a'e" select the a##ro#riate re#lication
method for your environment 2the default is &o all D)S serers in this domain3" and then
click )e4t.
F. %n the Wone ame #a'e" in the Ione name box ty#e the name for your ne& a## domain
name 2for exam#le" +ontoso/##s.com3" and then click )e4t.
&he )e! Ione 2i(ard sho!s the ne! domain name for apps@

G. On the 1ynamic @#date #a'e" select the a##ro#riate ty#e of dynamic u#dates for your
environment 2the default is Do not allo! dynamic updates3" and then click )e4t.
>. On the +om#letin' the e& Wone 8i0ard #a'e" revie& the settin's" and then click 9inish.
.or more information about ho& to create a for&ard looku# 0one" see /dd a .or&ard !ooku# Wone.
9ou have no& created a for&ard looku# 0one 2and a domain name3 to use for a##s in your
&o create a !ildcard Alias ,')AM3- record for the ne! domain name
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a local administrator on the
domain controller.
2. %n 1S (ana'er" under .or&ard !ooku# Wones" ri'ht7click the ne& a## domain name"
and then click )e! Alias ,')AM3-.
3. %n the e& 4esource 4ecord dialo' box" in the Alias name ,uses parent domain if left
blan:- box" ty#e W.
The .ully )ualified domain name 2.:13 box dis#lays `. follo&ed by the domain name that you
created for a##s. .or exam#le" `.+ontoso/ or `.+ontoso7/
A. ext to the 9ully /ualified domain name ,9;D)- for target host box" ty#e the .:1 of the
server that hosts the SharePoint sites.
.or exam#le"
a3 ext to the 9ully /ualified domain name ,9;D)- for target host box" click <ro!se
and navi'ate to the .or&ard !ooku# Wone for the domain that hosts the SharePoint
.or exam#le"
b3 /nd then navi'ate to the record that #oints to the server that hosts the SharePoint
.or exam#le" SharePoint.
)e! .esource .ecord dialog bo4 sho!s the !ildcard alias for the app domain and
the 9;D) of the serer that hosts the SharePoint sites@

B. +lick O8.
.or more information about ho& to create a &ildcard alias record in 1S (ana'er" see /dd an /lias
2+/(E3 4esource 4ecord to a Wone.
9ou can verify the ne& domain name and alias by #in'in' them.
&o erify the ne! domain name
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a local administrator on the
domain controller.
2. +lick Start" and then click 'ommand Prompt.
3. /t the command #rom#t" ty#e ping follo&ed by a subdomain of the domain that you
created" and then #ress 3)&3..
.or exam#le" ping Apps=1231D$LRA<'D39@contosoapps@com
%f the #in' command returns the correct %P address" then your &ildcard for the domain name &as
confi'ured successfully.
'reate a ne! !ildcard SS5 certificate
%f you are usin' Secure Sockets !ayer 2SS!3 for the SharePoint sites in your environment" or if you use
any a##s that use data external to the SharePoint sites" you should use SS! for your a##s. To use SS!"
you create an SS! certificate for your a## domain 2for exam#le" +ontoso/##s.com3.
The domain should be added in the form of a &ildcard 2for exam#le" `.+ontoso/##s.com3. 9ou need a
&ildcard certificate instead of individual certificates because each installed a## has its o&n subdomain.
'onfigure the Subscription Settings and App
Management serice applications
/##s rely on the /## (ana'ement and (icrosoft SharePoint .oundation Subscri#tion Settin's service
a##lications. These service a##lications use the multi7tenancy features to #rovide a## #ermissions and
create the subdomains for a##s. Therefore" even if you are not hostin' multi#le tenants" you must still
establish a name for the default tenant for your environment 2any SharePoint site that is not associated
&ith a tenant &ill be in the default tenant3.
9ou can use the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite to set the default tenant name 2also
kno& as the a## #refix3 for non7hostin' environments. 9ou must use 8indo&s Po&erShell to
confi'ure tenant names for hostin' environments. 9ou #erform the ste#s to set the a## #refix in
the next section" +onfi'ure the a## @4!s to use.
To confi'ure these services" you first start the services in +entral /dministration. /fter the services are
started" you use 8indo&s Po&erShell to create the Subscri#tion Settin's service a##lication" and then
use either 8indo&s Po&erShell or +entral /dministration to create the /## (ana'ement service
&o start the Subscription Settings and App Management serices in 'entral
1. Eerify that you are a member of the farm administrators 'rou# in +entral /dministration.
2. %n SharePoint 2013 +entral /dministration" click System Settings.
3. On the System Settin's #a'e" under Servers" click Manage serices on serer.
A. On the Services on Server #a'e" next to /## (ana'ement Service" click Start.
B. On the Services on Server #a'e" next to (icrosoft SharePoint .oundation Subscri#tion
Settin's Service" click Start.
?. Eerify that the /## (ana'ement and (icrosoft SharePoint .oundation Subscri#tion
Settin's services are runnin'. The follo&in' illustration sho&s the Services on Server
#a'e &here you can verify that the /## (ana'ement and Subscri#tion Settin's services
are runnin'.
Serices on Serer sho!ing the App Management and Subscription Settings serices

&o configure the Subscription Settings serice application by using 2indo!s
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 1B Products cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. .irst you must establish the a##lication #ool" run as account" and database settin's for the
services. @se a farm account for the SP(ana'ed/ccount 2&hich &ill be used for the
a##lication #ool runas account3.
/t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' commands" and #ress 3)&3.
after each one to create the a##lication #ool$
[account X ,et(SPMana-edAccount R<farm account>R
\ ,ets the name of the +arm administrators account and sets it to the variable [account for later
?farm account@ is the name of the .arm administrators account in the SharePoint farm.
[appPoolSubSvc X 8e*(SPServiceApplicationPool (8ame Settin-sServiceAppPool (Account
\ Creates an application pool for the Subscription Settin-s service application#
\ 6ses the +arm administrators account as the security account for the application pool#
\ Stores the application pool as a variable for later use#
?. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' commands" and #ress
3)&3. after each one to create the ne& service a##lication and #roxy$
[appSubSvc X 8e*(SPSubscriptionSettin-sServiceApplication _ApplicationPool [appPoolSubSvc _
8ame Settin-sServiceApp _3atabase8ame <SettingsServiceDB>
\ Creates the Subscription Settin-s service application' usin- the variable to associate it *ith
the application pool that *as created earlier#
\ Stores the ne* service application as a variable for later use#
?$ettings$ervice-.@ is the name of the Subscri#tion Settin's service database.
[pro.ySubSvc X 8e*(SPSubscriptionSettin-sServiceApplicationPro.y _ServiceApplication
\ Creates a pro.y for the Subscription Settin-s service application#
.or more information" see Het7SP(ana'ed/ccount" e&7SPService/##licationPool" e&7
SPSubscri#tionSettin'sService/##lication" e&7SPSubscri#tionSettin'sService/##licationProxy.
9ou can use either 8indo&s Po&erShell or +entral /dministration to create and confi'ure the /##
(ana'ement service a##lication. The follo&in' #rocedures #rovide the ste#s for each method.
&o configure the App Management serice application by using 2indo!s
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 1B Products cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. .irst you must establish the a##lication #ool" run as account" and database settin's for the
services. @se a farm account for the SP(ana'ed/ccount 2&hich &ill be used for the
a##lication #ool runas account3.
/t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' commands" and #ress 3)&3.
after each one to create the a##lication #ool$
[account X ,et(SPMana-edAccount R<farm account>R
\ ,ets the name of the +arm administrators account and sets it to the variable [account for later
?farm account@ is the name of the .arm administrators account in the SharePoint farm.
[appPoolAppSvc X 8e*(SPServiceApplicationPool (8ame AppServiceAppPool (Account
\ Creates an application pool for the Application Mana-ement service application#
\ 6ses the +arm administrators account as the security account for the application pool#
\ Stores the application pool as a variable for later use#
?. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' commands" and #ress
3)&3. after each one to create the ne& service a##lication and #roxy$
[appAppSvc X 8e*(SPAppMana-ementServiceApplication (ApplicationPool [appPoolAppSvc
(8ame AppServiceApp (3atabase8ame <AppServiceDB>
\ Creates the Application Mana-ement service application' usin- the variable to associate it *ith
the application pool that *as created earlier#
\ Stores the ne* service application as a variable for later use#
?,pp$ervice-.@ is the name of the /## (ana'ement service database.
[pro.yAppSvc X 8e*(SPAppMana-ementServiceApplicationPro.y (ServiceApplication
\ Creates a pro.y for the Application Mana-ement service application#
.or more information" see Het7SP(ana'ed/ccount" e&7SPService/##licationPool" e&7
SP/##(ana'ementService/##lication and e&7SP/##(ana'ementService/##licationProxy.
&o create the App Management serice application in 'entral Administration
1. %n SharePoint 2013 +entral /dministration" on the /##lication (ana'ement #a'e" click
Manage serice applications.
2. On the ribbon" click )e!" and then click App Management Serice.
3. %n the e& /## (ana'ement Service /##lication #a'e" in the Serice Application )ame
box" ty#e the name for the service a##lication.
A. %n the 1atabase section" in the Database Serer box" ty#e the instance of S:! Server
&here you &ant to store the database" or use the default server.
B. %n the Database )ame box" ty#e a database name" or use the default name.
The database name must be uni)ue.
?. @nder 1atabase authentication" select the authentication that you &ant to use by doin'
one of the follo&in'$
%f you &ant to use 8indo&s authentication" leave this o#tion selected. 8e recommend this
o#tion because 8indo&s authentication automatically encry#ts the #ass&ord &hen it connects
to S:! Server.
%f you &ant to use S:! authentication" click S;5 authentication. %n the Account box" ty#e the
name of the account that you &ant the service a##lication to use to authenticate to the S:!
Server database" and then ty#e the #ass&ord in the Pass!ord box.
%n S:! authentication" an unencry#ted #ass&ord is sent to S:! Server. 8e
recommend that you use S:! authentication only if you force #rotocol encry#tion to
S:! Server or encry#t net&ork traffic by usin' %Psec.
F. %n the .ailover 1atabase Server section" if you &ant to use a failover database server"
s#ecify the server name.
G. %n the /##lication Pool section" do one of the follo&in'$
+lick +se e4isting application pool" and then select the a##lication #ool that you &ant to use
from the dro#7do&n list.
+lick 'reate a ne! application pool" ty#e the name of the ne& a##lication #ool" and then
under Select a security account for this application pool do one of the follo&in'$
+lick Predefined to use a #redefined security account" and then select the security account
from the dro#7do&n list.
+lick 'onfigurable to s#ecify a ne& security account to be used for an existin' a##lication
#ool. 9ou can create a ne& account by clickin' the .egister ne! managed account link.
>. %n the +reate /## (ana'ement Service /##lication Proxy section" leave the 'reate App
Management Serice Application Pro4y and add it to the default pro4y group check box
10. +lick O8.
The follo&in' illustration sho&s the /## (ana'ement service a##lication and #roxy that &ere
Manage Serice Applications page sho!ing the App Management serice application and
o& you
must start the service on the server.
11. %n SharePoint 2013 +entral /dministration" click System Settings.
12. On the System Settin's #a'e" under Servers" click Manage serices on serer.
13. On the Services on Server #a'e" next to /## (ana'ement Service" click Start.
'onfigure the app +.5s to use
%n this section" you create the a## domain #refix and the tenant name to use for a##s in your
environment. The a## @4! #oints to your a## domain and a #refix that determines ho& each a## is
named. %f you host multi#le tenants in your environment" you must use 8indo&s Po&erShell to
confi'ure the a## @4!s.
@se the follo&in' #rocedure to confi'ure a## @4!s for non7hostin' 2sin'le tenant3 environments by
usin' +entral /dministration.
&o configure app +.5s
1. %n +entral /dministration" click Apps.
2. On the /##s #a'e" click 'onfigure App +.5s.
3. %n the App domain box" ty#e the isolated domain that you created for hostin' a##s.
.or exam#le" +ontoso/ or +ontoso7/
A. %n the App prefi4 box" ty#e a name to use for the @4! #refix for a##s.
.or exam#le" you could use [a##s\ as the #refix so that you &ould see a @4! for each a## such as
[a##s7*(5G76JI,.+-/<.+ontoso/\. The follo&in' illustration sho&s the +onfi'ure /##
@4!s #a'e after you have filled in the /## domain and #refix.
&he 'onfigure App +.5s page in 'entral Administration sho!s the App domain and App

B. +lick O8.
@se the follo&in' #rocedure to confi'ure a## @4!s for multi7tenant hostin' environments.
&o configure app +.5s by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 1B Products cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' commands and #ress
3)&3. after each one$
Set(SPApp3omain <appDomain>
Set(SPAppSiteSubscription8ame (8ame RappR (Con/rm:[false
?app-omain@ is the domain name that you created.
.or more information" see Set7SP/##SiteSubscri#tioname and Set7SP/##1omain.
'onfigure the *nternet=facing endpoints feature
The SharePoint Store contains a##s for SharePoint intended for use &ith sites that re)uire %nternet7
facin' end#oints. -y default" these a##s are not available 2'reyed out and cannot be #urchased3
because they are incom#atible &ith most sites. *o&ever" if you have a site that uses %nternet7facin'
end#oints" and &ant to be able to use these a##s" you can turn on the %nternet7facin' end#oints feature
to sho& these a##s in the SharePoint Store. 9ou turn this feature on at the &eb a##lication level in
+entral /dministration.
&o configure *nternet=facing endpoints for apps
1. %n +entral /dministration" click Application Management.
2. On the /##lication (ana'ement #a'e" click Manage 2eb applications.
3. On the (ana'e 8eb /##lications #a'e" select the &eb a##lication that you &ant to
A. On the 4ibbon" click Manage 9eatures.
B. %n the feature list" next to Apps that re/uire accessible internet facing endpoints" click
?. +lick O8.
Manage the App 'atalog in SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" 9ou can confi'ure and mana'e an /## +atalo' for SharePoint environments to control
access to available a##s.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
9ou can store a##s for SharePoint and Office a##s for your or'ani0ation]s internal use in an /##
+atalo' site. This article contains an overvie& of the /## +atalo' site and sho&s ho& to confi'ure the
/## +atalo' for a &eb a##lication.
%n this article$
-efore you be'in
+onfi'ure the /## +atalo' site for a &eb a##lication
+onfi'ure a## re)uests and SharePoint Store settin's
/dd a##s to the /## +atalo'
4emove a##s from the /## +atalo'
<efore you begin
-efore you be'in$
-efore you confi'ure and use the /## +atalo'" a member of the .arm /dministrators 'rou# must
confi'ure the environment to su##ort a##s for SharePoint. .or more information" see +onfi'ure an
environment for a##s for SharePoint 2013.
9ou must be a member of the .arm /dministrators 'rou# to #erform the ste#s in this article.
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
'onfigure the App 'atalog site for a !eb application
The /## +atalo' site is a s#ecial site collection on a &eb a##lication. -ecause each &eb a##lication
can have an /## +atalo' site" a farm can have more than one /## +atalo' site.
8hen you create an /## +atalo' site" you 'et t&o libraries for a##s$
/##s for SharePoint
/##s for Office
-ecause an /## +atalo' is sco#ed to a &eb a##lication" all a##s that you &ant to make available for a
&eb a##lication have to be in the /## +atalo' site collection for that &eb a##lication. 9ou create the
/## +atalo' site collection from SharePoint +entral /dministration.
&o create an App 'atalog site collection for a !eb application
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the .arm
administrators 'rou#.
2. %n +entral /dministration" on the /##s #a'e" in the App Management section" click Manage
App 'atalog.
%f no /## +atalo' exists for the farm" the 2eb Application #a'e o#ens" so you can select a &eb
3. On the 2eb Application #a'e" select the &eb a##lication for &hich you &ant to create a
A. %n the /## +atalo' Site section" select 'reate a ne! app catalog site" and then click O8.
B. On the +reate /## +atalo' #a'e" in the &itle box" ty#e a title for the /## +atalo' site.
?. %n the Description box" ty#e the descri#tion for the site.
F. %n the +.5 box" fill in the @4! to use for the site.
G. %n the Primary Site +ollection /dministrator section" in the +ser )ame box" ty#e the user
&ho &ill mana'e the catalo'.
Only one user name can be entered. Security 'rou#s are not allo&ed.
>. %n the End @sers section" in the +sers?Groups box" ty#e the names of the users or 'rou#s
that you &ant to be able to bro&se the catalo'.
/dded users or 'rou#s have read access to the /## +atalo' site. 9ou can add multi#le user names
and security 'rou#s. @sers must be added as End @sers to be able to bro&se the /## +atalo' from
their site collections.
10. %n the Select a /uota template list box" select the )uota tem#late to use for the site.
11. +lick O8.
&o use an e4isting App 'atalog site collection for a different !eb application
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the .arm
administrators 'rou#.
2. %n +entral /dministration" on the /##s #a'e" in the App Management section" click Manage
App 'atalog.
3. On the (ana'e /## +atalo' #a'e" next to 8eb /##lication" click the do&n arro& and click
'hange 2eb Application.
A. %n the Select 2eb Application box" select the &eb a##lication for &hich you &ant to create
a catalo'.
B. %n the /## +atalo' section" select 3nter a +.5 for an e4isting app catalog site.
?. %n the @4! box" ty#e the @4! to the /## +atalo' site" and then click O8.
&o ie! an App 'atalog site collection from 'entral Administration
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the .arm
administrators 'rou# and has 4ead #ermission to the /## +atalo' site.
2. %n +entral /dministration" on the /##s #a'e" in the App Management section" click Manage
App 'atalog.
3. On the (ana'e /## +atalo' #a'e" verify that the &eb a##lication that is selected is the
&eb a##lication you &ant to mana'e.
%f you &ant to s&itch to a different &eb a##lication" click the do&n arro& next to the 8eb a##lication
@4! to chan'e to a different &eb a##lication.
A. @nder Site +.5 click the link to o#en the /## +atalo' for that &eb a##lication.
'onfigure app re/uests and SharePoint Store
.arm administrators can determine &hether users can #urchase a##s from the SharePoint Store. This
settin' is at the &eb a##lication sco#e. %f users cannot #urchase a##s" they can still bro&se the
SharePoint Store" and re)uest an a##. .arm administrators and the /## +atalo' site o&ner can vie&
and res#ond to a## re)uests.
&o configure SharePoint Store settings
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the .arm
/dministrators 'rou#.
2. %n +entral /dministration" on the /##s #a'e" in the SharePoint and Office Store section"
click 'onfigure Store Settings.
3. On the SharePoint Store Settin's #a'e" verify that the selected &eb a##lication is the &eb
a##lication that you &ant to confi'ure.
%f you &ant to s&itch to a different &eb a##lication" click the do&n arro& next to the &eb a##lication
@4! to chan'e to a different &eb a##lication.
A. To allo& or #revent #urchases" select an o#tion for Should end users be able to get apps
from the SharePoint StoreA
Select 7es to allo& users to #urchase a##s.
Select )o to #revent #urchases but allo& users to re)uest a##s.
B. To allo& or #revent a##s for Office from the Office Store to be started &hen a user o#ens a
document in the bro&ser" select an o#tion for Should apps for Office from the store be able
to start !hen documents are opened in the bro!serA
Select 7es to allo& a##s for Office from the Office Store to start.
Select )o to #revent a##s for Office from the Office Store from startin'.
?. +lick O8.
8hen users re)uest an a## for SharePoint from the SharePoint Store" users can re)uest a s#ecific
number of licenses and #rovide a Custification for the #urchase of the a## for SharePoint. Submitted
re)uests are added to the App .e/uests list in the /## +atalo' of the &eb a##lication that contains a
user]s site collection. The a## re)uest includes the follo&in' fields$
.e/uested by The user name of the #erson re)uestin' the a## for SharePoint.
&itle The title of the a## for SharePoint.
Seats and Site 5icense The number of licenses the user re)uested for that a## for SharePoint.
#ustification The reason &hy the a## for SharePoint &ould be useful for the or'ani0ation.
Status -y default" the status is set to e& for ne& re)uests. The #erson &ho revie&s the re)uest
can chan'e the status to Pendin'" /##roved" 1eclined" 8ithdra&n" +losed as /##roved" or +losed
as 1eclined.
>ie! App Details / link to the a## details #a'e in the SharePoint Store.
Approer 'omments The #erson &ho revie&s the re)uest can add comments for the re)uestor.
&o ie! and manage app re/uests from the SharePoint Store Settings page
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the .arm
/dministrators 'rou# and is a member of the site O&ners or 1esi'ners 'rou# for the /##
2. %n +entral /dministration" on the /##s #a'e" in the SharePoint and Office Store section"
click 'onfigure Store Settings.
3. On the SharePoint Store Settin's #a'e" verify that the selected &eb a##lication is the &eb
a##lication that you &ant to confi'ure.
%f you &ant to s&itch to a different &eb a##lication" click the do&n arro& next to the &eb a##lication
@4! to chan'e to a different &eb a##lication.
A. %n the App .e/uests section" click 'lic: here to ie! app re/uests.
The /## 4e)uests list in the /## +atalo' site o#ens.
B. Select a re)uest in the list" and then click the 3dit button.
?. 4evie& the details of the re)uest.
/t this time" the >ie! app details link in the re)uest details o#ens the SharePoint Store
home #a'e" instead of the details #a'e for the a##. Search for the a## in the SharePoint
Store to find more information about the a##.
F. +han'e the Status to the a##ro#riate value 7 Approed if you &ant to user to be able to
#urchase the a##" or Declined if you do not &ant to allo& the #urchase.
G. /dd comments in the Approer 'omments box" and then click Sae.
To vie& a re)uest" re)uestors can 'o to the /dd an /## #a'e in their site collection" and then click
7our .e/uests.
&o ie! and manage app re/uests from the App 'atalog site
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the site
O&ners or 1esi'ners 'rou# for the /## +atalo'.
2. On the /## +atalo' site" click the App .e/uests list.
3. Select a re)uest in the list" and then click the 3dit button.
A. 4evie& the details of the re)uest.
/t this time" the >ie! app details link in the re)uest details o#ens the SharePoint Store
home #a'e" instead of the details #a'e for the a##. Search for the a## in the SharePoint
Store to find more information about the a##.
B. +han'e the Status to the a##ro#riate value 7 Approed if you &ant to user to be able to
#urchase the a##" or Declined if you do not &ant to allo& the a## to be #urchased.
?. /dd any comments in the Approer 'omments box" and then click Sae.
To vie& a re)uest" re)uestors can 'o to the /dd an /## #a'e in their site collection" and then click
7our .e/uests.
Add apps to the App 'atalog
/fter you have confi'ured the /## +atalo'" you can add a##s that users can then install to their
SharePoint sites or use in their Office documents.
&o add an app to the App 'atalog
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the site
O&ners or 1esi'ners 'rou# for the /## +atalo'.
2. On the /## +atalo' site" click the Apps for SharePoint list.
On the Apps for SharePoint #a'e" click ne! item.
3. %n the 'hoose a file box" click <ro!se" and then locate the folder that contains the a## that
you &ant to u#load.
9ou can also click +pload files using 2indo!s 34plorer instead to dra' and dro# an
a## for SharePoint into the /## +atalo'.
A. Select the a##" and then click Open.
B. +lick O8 to u#load the a##.
?. %n the %tem details box" verify the ame" Title" Short 1escri#tion" %con @4!" and other
settin's for the a##.
-e sure that the 3nabled check box is selected so that users can see the a## in their sites.
9ou can select the 9eatured check box to list the a## in the .eatured content vie& of the /##
F. +lick Sae.
9ou can also cate'ori0e a##s in the /## +atalo'. To add cate'ories" edit the +ate'ory field for the /##
+atalo' list and add the cate'ory names you &ant to use.
9ou can #revie& ho& the a## &ill a##ear to users.
.emoe apps from the App 'atalog
%f you no lon'er &ant to offer a #articular a## to your users" you can remove it from the /## +atalo'.
4emoval does not uninstall or remove the a## from sites to &hich it has been added. %t merely removes
the a## from the /## +atalo'" and users cannot add the a## to other sites.
&o remoe an app from the App 'atalog
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the site
O&ners or 1esi'ners 'rou# for the /## +atalo'.
2. On the /## +atalo' site" click the Apps for SharePoint list.
3. On the Apps for SharePoint #a'e" select the a## that you &ant to remove.
A. %n the ribbon" on the 9iles tab" click Delete Document to remove the a##.
B. %n the dialo' box" click O8 to confirm that you &ant to send the item to the site 4ecycle
The a## is removed.
Add apps for SharePoint to a SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" Site o&ners can add a##s for SharePoint to SharePoint sites so that they and other users
of the site can use the a##.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
$tandard = $hare3oint $erver ()*5 /nterprise
Site o&ners can add a##s for SharePoint from the SharePoint Store or an /## +atalo' to their sites.
/ddin' an a## installs an instance of that a## to the site. %n addition" several lists" libraries" and other
SharePoint com#onents" &hich are also called a##s in SharePoint 2013" are available to add to a site.
<efore you begin
-efore you be'in this o#eration" revie& the follo&in' information about #rere)uisites and #ermissions$
-efore a user can add an a## for SharePoint" a member of the .arm /dministrators 'rou# must
confi'ure the environment to su##ort a##s for SharePoint. .or more information" see +onfi'ure an
environment for a##s for SharePoint 2013.
/ user must have the (ana'e 8eb site and +reate Subsites #ermissions to add an a## for
SharePoint. -y default" these #ermissions are available only to users &ho have the .ull +ontrol
#ermission level or &ho are in the site O&ners 'rou#.
8hen a user adds an a## for SharePoint" the a## re)uests #ermissions that it needs to function
2for exam#le" access to Search" or to create a list3. @sers &ho do not have those #ermissions are
informed that they do not have sufficient #ermissions and the a## cannot be added. The user can
contact a site or farm administrator to see if the administrator can add the a##.
/ user lo''ed in to a site as the system account cannot install an a##. The system account cannot
im#ort a## licenses because that could result in #erformance #roblems.
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint 2013
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013
,eyboard shortcuts
Add apps for SharePoint to SharePoint sites
Site o&ners can add a##s for SharePoint from the follo&in' sources to their sites$
from the list of a##s already available for a site 2default a##s" such as standard lists and libraries"
and a##s that have been #urchased already3.
from the /## +atalo'.
from the SharePoint Store.
The follo&in' #rocedures #rovide ste#s for addin' a##s from these sources.
&o add an app from the list of aailable apps in a site
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the site
O&ners 'rou#.
2. On the home #a'e" under Get started !ith your site" click Add lists% libraries% and other
%f the Het started &ith your site control does not a##ear on the home #a'e" click the Settings icon"
and click >ie! Site 'ontents" and then on the Site 'ontents #a'e" click Add an App.
3. %n the 9our /##s list" click the a## you &ant to add.
A. .ollo& the instructions to Trust the a## 2if it is a custom com#onent3 or ame the a## 2if it
is a SharePoint com#onent3.
The a## for SharePoint is added and a##ears in the Apps section of your Site +ontents list.
&o add an app from an App 'atalog
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the site
O&ners 'rou#.
2. On the home #a'e" under Get started !ith your site" click Add lists% libraries% and other
%f the Het started &ith your site control does not a##ear on the home #a'e" click the Settin's icon"
and click >ie! Site 'ontents" and then on the Site +ontents #a'e" click Add an App.
3. +lick 9rom%ame.
8here %ame is the name of your or'ani0ation6s /## +atalo'. .or exam#le" 5.rom +ontoso5.
/##s marked as .eatured in the /## +atalo' &ill also a##ear in the main list of /##s.
A. +lick the a## you &ant to add.
B. %n the Hrant Permission to an /## dialo' box" if you trust the a##" click Allo! Access.
The a## for SharePoint is added and a##ears in /##s section of your Site +ontents list.
&o add an app from the SharePoint Store
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the site
O&ners 'rou#.
2. On the home #a'e" under Get started !ith your site" click Add lists% libraries% and other
%f the Het started &ith your site control does not a##ear on the home #a'e" click the Settin's icon"
and click >ie! Site 'ontents" and then on the Site +ontents #a'e" click Add an App.
3. +lick SharePoint Store.
A. -ro&se the SharePoint Store to find an a## that you &ant.
B. +lick the a## you &ant to add.
?. +lick 1etails" and then click <uy *t.
F. .ollo& the ste#s to lo' in and #urchase the a##" if re)uired.
G. %n the Grant Permission to an App dialo' box" if you trust the a##" click Allo! Access.
The a## for SharePoint is added and a##ears in the /##s section of your Site +ontents list.
9ou can also install an a## by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell. .irst" you im#ort the a## #acka'e from the
file system" and then install it to the site collection. The follo&in' #rocedure contains a scri#t to #erform
these ste#s.
&o install an app by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
Site O&ners 'rou# on the site collection to &hich you &ant to install the a##.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the Start menu" click All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and
then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command to im#ort the
a## and then #ress 3)&3.$
[spapp X )mport(SPAppPac%a-e (Path Path to app (Site URL (Source Source
\ )mports the app and sets a variable that you can use to identify the app *hen you install it in
the ne.t step#
3ath to app is the #ath to the a## you &ant to im#ort on the file system.
URL is @4! for the site collection to &hich you &ant to im#ort the a##.
$ource is one of the follo&in'$ (arket#lace" +or#orate+atalo'" 1evelo#erSite" ObCect(odel"
4emoteObCect(odel" or %nvalidSource.
A. /t the )uestion Are you sure you !ant to perform this actionA" ty#e 7 to im#ort the a##.
The a## is im#orted and information about the a##" includin' the /sset %1" version strin'" and
Product %1 is dis#layed.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command to add the a##
to a site and then #ress 3)&3.$
)nstall(SPApp (=eb URL ()dentity [spapp
\ )nstalls the app to the sub*eb you specify#
\ 6ses the [spapp variable you set previously to identify that app you *ant to install#
URL is @4! for the site or sub&eb to &hich you &ant to install the a##.
.or more information" see %m#ort7SP/##Packa'e and %nstall7SP/##.
.emoe an app for SharePoint from a
SharePoint 2013 site
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" 8hen administrators remove a##s for SharePoint from SharePoint sites" the a##s are
uninstalled and functionality is no lon'er available to users.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
$tandard = $hare3oint $erver ()*5 /nterprise
%n this article$
-efore you be'in
4emove an a## from a SharePoint site
<efore you begin
-efore you be'in this o#eration" revie& the follo&in' information about #ermissions$
/ user must have the (ana'e 8eb site #ermission to remove an a## for SharePoint. -y default"
this #ermission is only available to users &ith the .ull +ontrol #ermission level or &ho are in the site
O&ners 'rou#.
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%d=2A?B023
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 1B Products 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<
,eyboard shortcuts 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%1=2A?B0A3
Touch 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%d=2A?B0?3
.emoe an app from a SharePoint site
Site o&ners can remove a##s for SharePoint from their sites. The follo&in' #rocedures #rovide ste#s
for removin' 2or uninstallin'3 an a##. 8hen you remove an a##" the data for that a## &ill no lon'er be
&o remoe an app from a SharePoint site
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the Site
o&ners 'rou#.
2. On the site" on the Settings menu" click >ie! Site 'ontents.
3. %n the Apps section" #oint to the a## that you &ant to remove" click T" and then click
A. +lick O8 to confirm that you &ant to remove the a##.
-efore you use the follo&in' #rocedure" be sure to 'et the title for the a## that you &ant to remove.
&o remoe an app by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
Site O&ners 'rou# on the site collection to &hich you &ant to install the a##.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 1B Products cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' commands" and #ress
3)&3. after each one$
[instances X ,et(SPApp)nstance (=eb <URL>
\ ,ets all apps installed to the subsite you specify#
[instance X [instances W *here J[>#itle (e: N<App_Title>NK
\ Sets the [instance variable to the app *ith the title you supply#
6ninstall(SPApp)nstance ()dentity [instance
\ 6ninstalls the app from the subsite#
?URL@ is the #ath site collection or subsite that contains the a##.
?,pp>Title@ is the title of the a## you &ant to remove.
?. /t the )uestion Are you sure you !ant to perform this actionA" ty#e 7 to uninstall the a##.
.or more information" see Het7SP/##%nstance" @ninstall7SP/##%nstance.
Monitor apps for SharePoint for SharePoint
Serer 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& administrators and site o&ners can monitor the health and usa'e details for a##s
for SharePoint in SharePoint Server 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5 $tandard = $hare3oint $erver ()*5 /nterprise
9ou can use the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite to add and remove a##s for SharePoint and
check details and errors.
The ste#s in this article a##ly to SharePoint Server 2013 only.
/## monitorin' is not available in SharePoint .oundation 2013.
/## monitorin' is not su##orted for SharePoint Server 2013 on7#remise" multi7tenancy
%n this article$
-efore you be'in
Selectin' a##s to monitor in +entral /dministration
To add an a## to the monitor a##s list
To remove an a## from the monitor a##s list
(onitorin' a## details in +entral /dministration
To vie& the a## usa'e details in (onitored /##s
To vie& the a## error details in (onitored /##s
(onitorin' a## details in a SharePoint site
To vie& the a## usa'e details in a SharePoint site
<efore you begin
-efore you can monitor a##s" a member of the .arm /dministrators 'rou# must confi'ure the
environment to su##ort a##s for SharePoint. .or more information" see +onfi'ure an environment for
a##s for SharePoint 2013.
9ou must be a member of the .arm /dministrators 'rou# or the site O&ners 'rou# to #erform the ste#s
in this article.
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
Selecting apps to monitor in 'entral Administration
The (onitored /##s #a'e dis#lays the a##s for SharePoint that a .arm /dministrator monitors. Each
a## for SharePoint that is listed on this #a'e includes details to hel# an administrator monitor
#erformance. .or exam#le" each a## for SharePoint #rovides the follo&in' #ro#erties$ ame" Status"
Source" !icenses in @se" !icenses Purchased" %nstall !ocations" and 4untime Errors. / .arm
/dministrator chooses to add" remove" and monitor a##s for SharePoint.
The Monitor Apps #a'e re)uires the follo&in' search analytics and usa'e file im#ort timer Cobs
to be active$
E+( analytics timer Cob name$ @sa'e /nalytics timer Cob for Search Service
@sa'e 1- timer Cob name$ (icrosoft SharePoint .oundation @sa'e 1ata %m#ort
.or more information" see Timer Cob reference 2SharePoint 20133
&o add an app to the monitor apps list
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the .arm
/dministrators SharePoint 'rou#.
2. %n +entral /dministration" click General Application Settings.
3. On the Heneral /##lication Settin's #a'e" in the Apps section" click Monitor Apps.
A. On the (onitored /##s #a'e" in the Action 'rou# of the ribbon" click Add App.
%f the /## +atalo' is not already created" or if the /## (ana'ement Service a##lication and
a## domain settin's are not confi'ured correctly the /dd /## dialo' may create an error.
B. Select the checkbox for the a## that you &ant to monitor" or ty#e a name in the Search for
app name box" and then click the Search icon.
?. On the search results #a'e" select the a## that you &ant to monitor.
/##s that you add to the (onitored /##s list #reviously are not dis#layed in the search
F. +lick Add App.
The a## no& a##ears in the list of monitored a##s.
&o remoe an app from the monitor apps list
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the .arm
/dministrators SharePoint 'rou#.
2. On the (onitored /##s #a'e" select the checkbox next to the a## that you &ant to
3. %n the Manage 'rou# of the ribbon" click .emoe App.
Monitoring app details in 'entral Administration
This section ex#lains ho& farm administrators can monitor and understand the a##s for SharePoint
details. There are multi#le &ays that an administrator can vie& the error and usa'e details for a##s for
SharePoint. -y selectin' an a## in the (onitored /##s #a'e" an administrator can use the ribbon to
access the error or usa'e details for that a##. /n administrator can also click an a## in the list on the
(onitored /##s #a'e to o#en the a## details #a'e and access the same error or usa'e details.
The a## usa'e and a## error details data that is in the a## monitorin' #a'es can be delayed for u# to
2> hours. The a## details de#end on the &hen the E+( analytics timer Cob is scheduled to run. 8hen
the timer Cob runs" it collects events for the #revious day. .or exam#le" if the timer Cob is scheduled to
run at B /.(." then the most recent events that are collected are from 11$B> P.(. the #revious day. Wn
event that occurs at 12$01 /.(. &ill not a##ear in the a## details #a'es until u# to 2> hours later.
ote that if you vie& the a## error details #a'e for a s#ecific instance of an a##" the number of errors
for the a## is synchroni0ed &ith the error messa'es in the list. This occurs because the number of
errors a##ears in the a## error details #a'e instead of the events that are #rocessed by the E+(
analytics timer Cob.
&o ie! the app usage details in Monitored Apps
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the .arm
/dministrators SharePoint 'rou#.
2. On the (onitored /##s #a'e" click the a## that you &ant to vie&.
/ ne& #a'e o#ens and dis#lays detailed information about the a##" such as the follo&in'$ licensin'"
errors" installations" and usa'e.
The administrator can also select an a## in the monitored a##s list and in the App Details
'rou# of the ribbon" click >ie! Details.
3. %n the +sage section" click Days" Months" or 7ears to chan'e the chart to those time
&o ie! the app error details in Monitored Apps
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the .arm
/dministrators SharePoint 'rou#.
2. On the (onitored /##s #a'e" click the number in the 4untime Errors column for the a##
you &ant to vie&.
The administrator can also select an a## in the monitored a##s list and in the /## 1etails
'rou# of the ribbon" click >ie! 3rrors.
3. The /## (onitorin' 1etails dialo' a##ears &ith information about each error for that a##.
9ou can use the +orrelation %1 to find the errors in the error lo'.
A. +lick the @4! in the !ocation column to vie& more error details for this a##.
B. On the /## (onitorin' 1etails #a'e" click the number next to .untime 3rrors.
?. The /## (onitorin' 1etails dialo' a##ears and includes a list of all 4untime Errors for this
a##" the time each error occurred" and the +orrelation %1.
The a## error list can hel# you determine if you &ant to remove the a## because there are
too many errors or if the a## is &orkin' as it should.
Monitoring app details in a SharePoint site
This section ex#lains ho& site o&ners can monitor and understand the usa'e of a##s for SharePoint. /
site o&ner can vie& the error and usa'e details for a##s for SharePoint by selectin' an a## in the Site
+ontents #a'e and then clickin' (onitor in the a## dialo' box.
-e a&are that in the a## details #a'e" the error dialo' box can sho& more errors than are
counted. The errors are counted every 2A hours" but the error messa'es are #rocessed more
often. /s a result" the error dialo' box can sho& error messa'es that are 'enerated in the
current day before the count is u#dated at the end of the day.
&o ie! the app usage details in a SharePoint site
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the site
O&ners 'rou#.
2. On the Site +ontents #a'e" in the )uick launch #ane" click Apps.
/ ne& #a'e o#ens and dis#lays all of the a##s that are installed on this site.
3. On the /##s #a'e click the icon next to the a## you &ant to monitor and then click Details
in the callout.
The /## 1etails #a'e a##ears for the selected a## and the site o&ner can see the details for
licenses" errors %nstalls and usa'e.
A. %n the 3rrors section" click the number next to %nstall Errors" 4untime Errors" or @#'rade
Errors to see the error details.
.or exam#le" click the number next to 4untime Errors and the 4untime Errors dialo' a##ears. This
includes a list of all 4untime Errors for this a##" the time each error occurred" and the +orrelation
This a## error list can hel# you determine if you &ant to remove the a## because there are too
many errors or if the a## is &orkin' as it should.
The a## errors that a##ear in this list have occurred &ithin the #revious four days.
B. %n the +sage section" click Days" Months" or 7ears to chan'e the chart to those time
The chart dis#lays t&o bars for each time #eriod that re#resents the number of times the a## has
been launched and the number of s#ecific users that use this a## each day.
%f the a## uses connections to external data sources throu'h -usiness +onnectivity
Services" a 'ra#h that sho&s the number of calls made to the external data sources is also
sho&n. 1ates that a##ear in the @sa'e and -+S +alls 'ra#hs are in +oordinated @niversal
Time 2@T+3.
Monitor and manage app licenses in SharePoint
Serer 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& SharePoint farm administrators assi'n" monitor" and mana'e the a## for
SharePoint licenses in SharePoint Server 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5 $tandard = $hare3oint $erver ()*5 /nterprise
9ou can use the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite to monitor and mana'e licenses for the
a##s for SharePoint. !icenses for a##s for SharePoint are di'ital sets of verifiable information that state
the user ri'hts for a a## for SharePoint. /ll a##s that are distributed throu'h the SharePoint Store are
the only a##s that have built7in licenses that SharePoint Server 2013 reco'ni0es.
(embers of the .arm /dministrators 'rou# mana'e licenses for a##s and can also assi'n license
mana'ers for others to mana'e a## for SharePoint licenses.
The ste#s in this article a##ly to SharePoint Server 2013 only.
<efore you begin
-efore you can monitor and mana'e a## licenses you must confi'ure your environment to su##ort
a##s for SharePoint. 9ou must be a member of the .arm /dministrators 'rou# to #erform these ste#s.
.or more information" see +onfi'ure an environment for a##s for SharePoint 2013.
8e su##ort only one /## (ana'ement Service /##lication #er farm. This hel#s ensure that the
a## license feature functions correctly.
-efore you be'in this o#eration" revie& the follo&in' information about &hat SharePoint Server 2013
does and does not #rovide for a##s for SharePoint licensin'$
SharePoint Server 2013 #rovides$
Storefront to obtain a##s
Stora'e and rene&al of a## for SharePoint licenses
@ser %nterface 2@%3 to assi'n users to s#ecific a## for SharePoint licenses
/P%s for develo#ers to )uery for license information
SharePoint Server 2013 does not enforce a## for SharePoint licenses.
1evelo#ers must add code in their a##s for SharePoint to retrieve license information and react
/ll a## for SharePoint licenses are bound to a s#ecific SharePoint Server 2013 de#loyment but can
be transferred to a different SharePoint Server 2013 de#loyment three times.
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
Monitoring and managing app licenses
/ farm administrator or a license mana'er can check the licenses for all a##s for SharePoint on the /##
!icenses #a'e. %t is im#ortant to track the number of licenses that are available for each a## for
SharePoint so that users do not exceed this number. /n administrator can assi'n additional users to a
a## for SharePoint license" #urchase additional licenses for an a##" and also add mana'ers to a
license. .or more information about ho& to monitor a##s for SharePoint see" (onitor a##s for
SharePoint for SharePoint Server 2013.
&o ie! app license details
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the .arm
/dministrators SharePoint 'rou# or a license mana'er.
2. %n +entral /dministration" click Apps.
3. On the Apps #a'e" in the Store section" click Manage App 5icenses.
A. On the Manage App 5icenses #a'e" click an a## for SharePoint in the list to vie& the
license details.
The Manage App 5icense #a'e sho&s detailed licensin' information. This includes the name of
the a##" the develo#er" and current license details.
B. %n the to# section" click the dro#7do&n arro& in the dialo' box to see #urchase details for
the selected a## for SharePoint.
The a## details include the follo&in' information$
umber of licenses available for users
!icense ty#e
/## #urchaser name
?. /t the end of the dialo' box" a farm administrator can vie& the a## details.
+lick >ie! in Store to see the a## details.
%n the People !ith a 5icense ,number of licenses aailable-section" the number of
available licenses and a list of the #eo#le &ho currently have licenses for this /## are
%n the 5icense Managers section" all a## mana'ers are listed.
&o add users to the app license
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the .arm
/dministrators SharePoint 'rou#.
2. On the Manage App 5icenses #a'e" click an a## for SharePoint for &hich you &ant to add
3. %n the People !ith a 5icense section" click assign people.
A. %n the dialo' box that a##ears belo&" enter the user name that you &ant to add and then"
click Add +ser.
The user name is added to the list at the bottom of this section and the number of available licenses
for this a## is refreshed for the selected a## for SharePoint.
&o purchase more app licenses
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the .arm
/dministrators SharePoint 'rou#.
2. On the Manage App 5icenses #a'e" click an a## for SharePoint for &hich you &ant to
#urchase more licenses.
3. %n the People !ith a 5icense section" click buy more licenses.
A. The SharePoint Store o#ens &ith the s#ecific a## sho&in' the details &ith links to
#urchase additional licenses. +hoose the number of /##s you &ant to #urchase and then
click O8.
&o remoe app licenses
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the .arm
/dministrators SharePoint 'rou#.
2. On the Manage App 5icenses #a'e" click an a## for SharePoint for &hich you &ant to
remove licenses.
3. %n the to# section" under the a## for SharePoint name" at the end of the dialo' box" click
.emoe this 5icense.
A. >erification" O#tionally" include ste#s that users should #erform to verify that the o#eration
&as successful.
&o recoer app licenses
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the .arm
/dministrators SharePoint 'rou#.
2. On the Manage App 5icenses #a'e" click an a## for SharePoint for &hich you &ant to
recover licenses.
3. %n the to# section" under the a## name" at the end of the dialo' box" click .ecoer 5icense.
The a## for SharePoint details sho& any chan'es the administrator has made.
&o add a license manager
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the .arm
/dministrators SharePoint 'rou#.
2. On the Manage App 5icense #a'e" in the 5icense Managers section" click add manager.
-elo& the !icense (ana'ers section" the ne& /## mana'er a##ears in the list.
+pgrade to SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to #lan" #re#are" and #erform an u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
The follo&in' do&nloadable resources" articles on Techet" video recordin's" and related resources
#rovide information about #erformin' an u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
Do!nloadable resources about upgrade
1o&nload the follo&in' content for information about u#'rade.

'ontent Description

SharePoint 2013 Products
Previe& 7 @#'rade Process
1escribes the ste#s in the
#rocess for a database7attach

SharePoint 2013 Products
Previe& 7 Test 9our @#'rade
Process model
See a visual dis#lay of
information about ho& to test the
u#'rade #rocess.

SharePoint 2013 Products
Previe& @#'rade 8orksheet
@se this &orksheet to record
information about your
environment &hile you test

&ech)et articles about upgrade
The follo&in' articles about u#'rade are available to vie& online. 8riters u#date articles on a
continuin' basis as ne& information becomes available and as users #rovide feedback.

Het started &ith u#'rades to SharePoint 2013 .ind resources to hel# you understand ho& to
u#'rade databases and site collections from
SharePoint 2010 Products to SharePoint 2013.
Plan for u#'rade to SharePoint 2013 .ind resources about ho& to #lan to u#'rade from
SharePoint 2010 Products to SharePoint 2013.
Test and troubleshoot an u#'rade to SharePoint
.ind resources about ho& to test and troubleshoot
an u#'rade from SharePoint 2010 Products to
SharePoint 2013.
@#'rade databases from SharePoint 2010 to
SharePoint 2013
.ind resources to hel# you #erform the ste#s to
u#'rade databases from SharePoint 2010
Products to SharePoint 2013.
@#'rade site collections to SharePoint 2013 .ind out ho& to u#'rade a site collection to
SharePoint 2013.

Additional resources about upgrade
The follo&in' resources about u#'rade are available from other subCect matter ex#erts.

'ontent Description

@#'rade and
4esource +enter
for SharePoint
2013 Products
Eisit the 4esource
+enter to find
information about
u#'rades to
SharePoint 2013.

+a#abilities and
features in
SharePoint 2013
4esource +enter
Eisit the 4esource
+enter to learn
about &hat]s ne&
in SharePoint

Get started !ith upgrades to SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" .ind resources to hel# you understand ho& to u#'rade databases and site collections from
SharePoint 2010 Products to SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
The first ste# in any u#'rade #rocess is to learn about the #rocess itself so that you can #lan and
#re#are a##ro#riately. These articles hel# you understand ho& the #rocess of u#'radin' from
SharePoint 2010 Products to SharePoint 2013 &orks. These articles also include overvie&s of ho& to
u#'rade service a##lications.
The follo&in' do&nloadable resources" articles on Techet" video recordin's" and related resources
#rovide information about understandin' u#'rade for SharePoint 2013.
Do!nloadable resources about upgrade to
SharePoint 2013
1o&nload the follo&in' content for information about u#'rade.

'ontent Description

SharePoint 2013 Products
Previe& 7 @#'rade Process
1escribes the ste#s in the
#rocess for a database attach

&ech)et articles about understanding upgrade
The follo&in' articles about understandin' u#'rade are available to vie& online. 8riters u#date articles
on a continuin' basis as ne& information becomes available and as users #rovide feedback.

'ontent Description

8hat6s ne& in SharePoint 2013
.ind out about ne& re)uirements"
a##roaches" and features that are
available for u#'radin' to SharePoint

Overvie& of the u#'rade
#rocess to SharePoint 2013
Het a visual overvie& of the ste#s
involved in #erformin' an u#'rade.

Services u#'rade overvie& for
SharePoint Server 2013
SharePoint 2010 Products included
several service a##lications" some of
&hich have databases that can be
u#'raded &hen you u#'rade to
SharePoint 2013. .ind out &hich
service a##lication databases can be
u#'raded and &hat ste#s that you
must take before" durin'" and after
u#'rade for your service a##lications.

@#'rade farms that share
services 2#arent and child
farms3 to SharePoint 2013
%n SharePoint Server 2010" it &as
#ossible to confi'ure #arent farms and
child farms to share services. %n such
an environment" the #arent farm hosts
one or more service a##lications from
&hich one or more child farms
consume services. !earn ho& to
a##roach u#'radin' these
environments to SharePoint Server

-est #ractices for u#'radin' to
SharePoint 2013
Het off to the ri'ht start 7 revie& these
best #ractices for testin' and
#erformin' an u#'rade to SharePoint

4evie& su##orted editions and
#roducts for u#'radin' to
SharePoint 2013
@nderstand the re)uirements for
u#'rade. /nd if you are #lannin' to
chan'e S,@s or #roducts durin'
u#'rade" understand &hich u#'rade
#aths are su##orted.

Additional resources about upgrade to SharePoint
The follo&in' resources about u#'rade to SharePoint 2013 are available from other subCect matter

'ontent Description

@#'rade and
mi'ration for
SharePoint 2013
%T Pros 4esource
Eisit the 4esource
+enter to access
videos" community
and more.

2hatQs ne! in SharePoint 2013 upgrade
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" SharePoint 2013 includes ne& u#'rade features" such as u#'rade for service a##lications"
a site health checker" and u#'rade for site collections.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
SharePoint 2013 does not su##ort in7#lace u#'rade for an existin' environment. 9ou must use the
database7attach u#'rade method to u#'rade your databases to a ne& environment that is based on
SharePoint 2013. /lso" to #rovide more flexibility to farm administrators and site administrators" the
u#'rade #rocess has chan'ed to se#arate u#'rade of the soft&are and databases from u#'rade of the
*n=place upgrade of the farm is not supported
/n u#'rade to SharePoint Server 2010 or SharePoint .oundation 2010 #rovides an o#tion to install the
ne& version over the earlier version on the same hard&are. This is called an in7#lace u#'rade. 1urin'
this #rocess" the com#lete installation" that includes databases and sites" is u#'raded in a fixed order.
/lthou'h this is a sim#le method" in7#lace u#'rade #resents #roblems in #erformance and control for a
farm administrator. There &as no &ay to control the order in &hich content is u#'raded" and a failure in
a #articular site collection could sto# the &hole #rocess.
The database7attach u#'rade method offers more flexibility" more control" and a better success rate. To
use a database attach u#'rade" you com#lete the follo&in' tasks$
1. +reate and confi'ure a ne& farm that is se#arate from the old farm
2. +o#y the content and services databases to the ne& farm
3. @#'rade the data and sites
9ou can u#'rade the content databases in any order and u#'rade several databases at the same time
to s#eed u# the overall #rocess.
.or more information" see Overvie& of the u#'rade #rocess to SharePoint 2013.
Database=attach upgrade is aailable for some
serice application databases
.or the SharePoint 2013" you can use the database attach u#'rade method to u#'rade the follo&in'
service a##lication databases$
-usiness 1ata +onnectivity
This service a##lication is available for both SharePoint Server 2013 and SharePoint .oundation
(ana'ed (etadata
This service a##lication is available only for SharePoint Server 2013.
This service a##lication is available only for SharePoint Server 2013.
Secure Store
This service a##lication is available only for SharePoint Server 2013.
@ser Profile 2Profile" Social" and Sync databases3
This service a##lication is available only for SharePoint Server 2013.
Search administration
This service a##lication is available only for SharePoint Server 2013.
.or more information" see Services u#'rade overvie& for SharePoint Server 2013.
Deferred site collection upgrade
%n SharePoint 2010 Products" farm administrators use either the in7#lace u#'rade #rocess to u#'rade
sites immediately" or the command line to u#'rade all sites at the same time or individually. %n
SharePoint 2013" farm administrators can no& allo& site collection o&ners to u#'rade their sites to the
ne& user interface on their o&n timeline. The commands for u#'radin' a site collection are on the Site
Settin's #a'e in the Site +ollection /dministration section. There are also 8indo&s Po&erShell
cmdlets to u#'rade site collections to the ne& user interface. .or more information" see Plan for site
collection u#'rades in SharePoint 2013" @#'rade a site collection to SharePoint 2013and (ana'e site
collection u#'rades to SharePoint 2013.
Site collection health chec:er
Site collection o&ners or administrators can use a site collection health checker to detect any #otential
issues &ith their site collections and address them before they u#'rade sites to the ne& version. The
checker is available after u#'rade also to detect any health issues on an on'oin' basis. ote that some
issues can be re#aired automatically" but others re)uire manual ste#s to re#air. 1urin' a site collection
u#'rade" if the checker finds issues that can be re#aired automatically" they are re#aired at that time.
.or more information" see 4un site collection health checks in SharePoint 2013.
+pgrade ealuation site collections
%n SharePoint 2013" the u#'rade of the soft&are and data &as se#arated from the u#'rade of the site.
This means that the sites can truly remain runnin' in SharePoint 2010 mode until a site o&ner or
administrator ex#licitly u#'rades the site to the ne& user interface. Site collection o&ners can re)uest
an evaluation site" &hich is a se#arate co#y of the site" to revie& the ne& interface and functionality.
/fter they have revie&ed the site and made necessary chan'es in their ori'inal site" they can then
u#'rade their sites to the ne& version. Evaluation sites are set to automatically ex#ire and be deleted.
.or more information" see Plan for u#'rade evaluation sites" +reate an u#'rade evaluation site
2O#tional3" and (ana'e site collection u#'rades to SharePoint 2013.
)otifications for life=cycle eents
/n email messa'e and a status bar notification in a site collection notifies site collection o&ners &hen
an u#'rade is available. Site collection o&ners can create an evaluation site from email and control the
ex#iration and deletion of that site by usin' email also. / status bar notification in the site collection also
informs all users if a site is in read7only mode. .or more information" see Plan settin's for u#'rade
notifications" self7service u#'rade" and site collection creation and (ana'e site collection u#'rades to
SharePoint 2013.
&hrottles for site collection upgrade
To make sure that site collection u#'rades do not cause an outa'e on your farm" there are throttles built
in at the &eb a##lication" database" and content level. This means that even if 100 site collection
o&ners decide to u#'rade their site collections at the same time" only some are run at the same time"
and the rest are #ut into a )ueue to run later. .or more information" see Plan site collection u#'rade
throttlin' and )ueues and (ana'e site collection u#'rades to SharePoint 2013.
&rue YSharePoint 2010Z instead of isual upgrade
Eisual u#'rade in SharePoint 2010 Products lets site o&ners and administrators see &hat their site
&ould be like in the ne& user interface. *o&ever" it is not a true #revie& because the site itself has
already been u#'raded to the ne& functionality. +onse)uently" some 8eb Parts or other elements do
not dis#lay correctly.
SharePoint 2013 can host sites in both SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013 modes. The installation
contains both SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013 versions of the follo&in' ty#es of elements$
.eatures" site tem#lates" site definitions" and 8eb Parts
The directories on the file system are du#licated in both the 1A and 1B #aths" for exam#le$
8eb Server Extensions;1A;TE(P!/TE;.eatures
8eb Server Extensions;1B;TE(P!/TE;.eatures
%%S su##ort directories$
K!ayouts" K!ayouts;1B
K+ontrolTem#lates" K+ontrolTem#lates;1B
Solution de#loyment" &hich lets le'acy solutions &ork in 2010 mode
ote that existin' SharePoint 2010 Products solutions can be de#loyed to SharePoint 2013 and
continue to function for 2010 sites" usually &ithout re)uirin' any chan'es.
-ecause of these directories" you can continue hostin' unu#'raded sites in an u#'raded environment
until all site collections are ready to u#'rade. .or more information" see /bout site collection modes.
5og files no! in +5S format
The format of the u#'rade" u#'rade error" and site u#'rade lo' files no& com#ly &ith the @nified
!o''in' System 2@!S3 conventions for easier revie&. .or more information" see Eerify database
u#'rades in SharePoint 2013.
Oerie! of the upgrade process to SharePoint
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn about the #rocess of u#'radin' databases" service a##lications" (y Sites" and site
collections to SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
To u#'rade from SharePoint 2010 Products to SharePoint 2013" you use the database7attach method
to u#'rade. %n the database7attach method" you first create and confi'ure a SharePoint 2013 farm.
Then you co#y the content and service a##lication databases from the SharePoint 2010 Products farm"
and then attach and u#'rade the databases. This u#'rades the data to the ne& version. Site o&ners
can then u#'rade individual site collections.
9igure" &he se/uence of upgrade stages

This article hel#s you understand the u#'rade se)uence so that you can #lan an u#'rade #roCect. To
'et detailed ste#s for an u#'rade" see @#'rade databases from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013
and @#'rade site collections to SharePoint 2013.
This article a##lies to both SharePoint .oundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013" exce#t
for information about ho& to u#'rade (y Sites and s#ecific service a##lications that are only in
SharePoint Server 2013.
'reate the SharePoint 2013 farm
The first sta'e in the u#'rade #rocess creates the ne& SharePoint 2013 farm$
1. / server farm administrator installs SharePoint 2013 to a ne& farm. The administrator
confi'ures farm settin's and tests the environment.
2. / server farm administrator sets the SharePoint 2010 Products farm to read7only so that
users can continue to access the old farm &hile u#'rade is in #ro'ress on the ne& farm.
9igure" 'reate ne! farm% set old farm to read=only

'opy the SharePoint 2010 Products databases
The second sta'e in the u#'rade #rocess co#ies the databases to the ne& environment. 9ou use S:!
Server (ana'ement Studio for these tasks.
1. 8ith the farm and databases in read7only mode" a server farm administrator backs u# the
content and service a##lication databases from the S:! Server instance on the
SharePoint 2010 Products farm.
2. The server farm administrator restores a co#y of the databases to the S:! Server
instance on the SharePoint 2013 farm and sets the databases to read7&rite on the ne&
9igure" +se S;5 Serer tools to copy databases

+pgrade SharePoint 2010 Products databases and
serice applications
The third sta'e in the u#'rade #rocess u#'rades the databases and service a##lications.
1. / server farm administrator confi'ures the service a##lications for the ne& farm. The
follo&in' service a##lications have databases that you can u#'rade durin' this #rocess$
SharePoint Server 2010 and SharePoint .oundation 2010
-usiness 1ata +onnectivity service a##lication
SharePoint Server 2010 only
(ana'ed (etadata service a##lication
PerformancePoint Services service a##lication
Search service a##lication
Secure Store Service a##lication
@ser Profile service a##lication
2. / server farm administrator creates a &eb a##lication on the SharePoint 2013 farm for
each &eb a##lication on the SharePoint 2010 Products farm.
9igure" 'reate !eb applications for upgrade

3. / server farm administrator installs all server7side customi0ations.
9igure" 'opy customi(ations to the ne! farm

A. / server farm administrator then attaches the content databases to the ne& farm and
u#'rades the content databases for those &eb a##lications.
9igure" +pgrade the databases by using 2indo!s Po!erShell

B. / server farm administrator confirms that the u#'rade is successful.
+pgrade SharePoint 2010 Products site collections
The final sta'e in the u#'rade #rocess is to u#'rade the site collections. %n SharePoint 2013" site
o&ners are in char'e of u#'radin' their sites. The u#'rade #rocess for (y Sites is sli'htly different from
for other ty#es of site collections.
+pgrade My Sites
This section a##lies to SharePoint Server 2013 only.
/ server farm administrator u#'rades the (y Site host and then individual users can u#'rade their (y
Sites or the farm administrator can u#'rade them by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell. The follo&in'
illustration sho&s four sta'es for the (y Site host and (y Sites durin' the u#'rade #rocess.
9igure" Stages in upgrading My Sites

1. The (y Site host has not been u#'raded. (y Sites cannot be u#'raded yet.
2. / server farm administrator has u#'raded the (y Site host. o (y Sites have been
3. Some users have u#'raded their (y Sites.
A. /ll (y Sites have been u#'raded.
/ server farm administrator can choose to force an u#'rade of (y Sites &ithout &aitin' for
users to u#'rade them. .or details and ste#s" read @#'rade site collections to SharePoint
+pgrade other SharePoint 2010 Products site collections
O&ners of all other site collections can start to u#'rade their sites as soon as they see a notification on
their site6s home #a'e that the ne& version is available. The follo&in' illustration sho&s four sta'es for
a site collection durin' the u#'rade #rocess.
Stages in upgrading site collections

1. The site o&ner runs the site collection health checks to determine readiness for u#'rade.
The site o&ner addresses issues before they continue &ith the next ste#.
2. O#tionally" the site o&ner re)uests an u#'rade evaluation site collection. / timer Cob runs
to create the site collection and the site o&ner receives an email messa'e &hen the
evaluation site collection is ready. The site o&ner #revie&s the ne& user interface. /fter
several days or &eeks" the evaluation site collection ex#ires and is deleted by a timer Cob.
/ server farm administrator can determine the len'th of time before ex#iration.
3. 8hen the site o&ner is ready" the site o&ner starts the u#'rade #rocess. The site
collection health checks are run a'ain automatically. The site o&ner must address issues
before u#'radin'. %f health checks return no issues" the u#'rade starts.
A. 8hen u#'rade is com#lete" the site o&ner sees the @#'rade Status #a'e that contains
the status and a link to the u#'rade lo's. The site o&ner revie&s the site to make sure that
everythin' &orks correctly.
/ server farm administrator can also force s#ecific site collections to be u#'raded &ithout
&aitin' for the site o&ners to u#'rade them. .or details and ste#s" read @#'rade site
collections to SharePoint 2013.
Serices upgrade oerie! for SharePoint
Serer 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" +reate a #lan to u#'rade data for service a##lications &hen you u#'rade from SharePoint
Server 2010 to SharePoint Server 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint $erver ()*5
The u#'rade #rocess for SharePoint Server 2013 uses the database attach u#'rade method. 8hen
you move your databases to a ne& farm and u#'rade the content" you must create your services
infrastructure in the ne& farm" and confi'ure the services a##ro#riately for your ne& farm and ne&
version. The follo&in' service a##lications have databases that can be u#'raded &hen you u#'rade
from SharePoint Server 2010 to SharePoint Server 2013$
-usiness 1ata +onnectivity service a##lication
(ana'ed (etadata service a##lication
PerformancePoint Services service a##lication
Search service a##lication
Secure Store Service a##lication
@ser Profile service a##lication
/ttachin' and u#'radin' these databases confi'ures these service a##lications. Settin's for other
services &ill have to be reconfi'ured &hen you u#'rade.
The content in this article about the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service a##lication a##lies to
both SharePoint .oundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. Other services are available
only in SharePoint Server 2013.
Database attach upgrade !ith serices
9ou must create the service a##lications on your ne& farm before you u#'rade your content databases.
The ste#s included in the installation 'uide above describe ho& to use the .arm +onfi'uration 8i0ard
to enable all service a##lications. Some service a##lications can be u#'raded by usin' a service
a##lication database u#'rade. %f you &ant to u#'rade these service a##lications by u#'radin' the
service a##lication databases" you should not use the .arm +onfi'uration 8i0ard to confi'ure these
service a##lications &hen you set u# your ne& farm.
The follo&in' service a##lications can be u#'raded by #erformin' a services database u#'rade$
<usiness Data 'onnectiity serice
The -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service uses a database to store information about external data.
This database must be u#'raded as #art of a services database attach u#'rade. This service
a##lication is also available in SharePoint .oundation 2013.
Managed Metadata serice
The (ana'ed (etadata service uses a database to store metadata information. This database
must be u#'raded as #art of a services database attach u#'rade. 9ou must attach and u#'rade the
database for this service and for the @ser Profile service before you can u#'rade any (y Sites.
PerformancePoint serices
PerformancePoint Services use a database to store information. This database must be u#'raded
as #art of a services database attach u#'rade.
%n SharePoint Server 2010" the Search service a##lication /dministration database contains
settin's for the Search service a##lication such as content sources" cra&l rules" start addresses"
server name ma##in'" and federated locations. 9ou can u#'rade a Search service a##lication
/dministration database from SharePoint Server 2010 to SharePoint Server 2013 by usin' a
database attach a##roach.
9ou cannot use the database attach a##roach to u#'rade any other search databases" such as
cra&l databases or #ro#erty databases. 2These databases are re7created &hen you #erform a full
cra&l in the ne& farm.3 /lso" the u#'rade #rocess does not #reserve or u#'rade lo'ical
com#onents of the SharePoint Server 2010 farm to#olo'y. /fter you #erform the u#'rade" you must
manually re7create a to#olo'y as a##ro#riate for the re)uirements of the or'ani0ation.
Secure Store serice
The Secure Store Service uses a database to store information. This database must be u#'raded
as #art of a services database attach u#'rade. 9ou have to u#'rade the data for this service
a##lication so that any connections from Excel Services /##lication and -usiness +onnectivity
Services can &ork &ith existin' #ass&ords.
+ser Profile serice
The @ser Profile service uses databases to store #rofile" social" and sync information. These
databases must be u#'raded as #art of a services database attach u#'rade. 9ou have to attach
and u#'rade the databases for this service and for the (ana'ed (etadata service before you can
u#'rade any (y Sites.
(y Sites are not available in SharePoint .oundation 2010 or SharePoint .oundation 2013.
S#ecifically" the follo&in' service a##lication databases can be u#'raded$

Serice application Default database name
-usiness 1ata +onnectivity -1+KServiceK1-KI-
(ana'ed (etadata (ana'ed (etadata ServiceKI-
Serice application Default database name
PerformancePoint PerformancePoint Service /##licationKI-
Search /dministration SearchKServiceK/##licationK1-KI-
Secure Store SecureKStoreKServiceK1-KI-
@ser Profile$ Profile and Social
@ser Profile Service /##licationKProfile1-KI-
@ser Profile Service /##licationKSocial1-KI-
@ser Profile Service /##licationKSync1-KI-

The ste#s to u#'rade these service a##lication databases are included in /ttach databases and
u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
'onsiderations for specific serices
The follo&in' services in SharePoint Server 2013 also re)uire additional ste#s to enable and confi'ure
&hen you u#'rade$
34cel Serices
9ou can enable this service by usin' the .arm +onfi'uration 8i0ard" but you must make sure that
you re7create all trusted data connections. .or more information" see (ana'e Excel Services
Trusted 1ata Providers.
*nfoPath 9orms Serice
This service is not #art of the .arm +onfi'uration 8i0ard. %f you &ant to use this service" you can
use the 'onfigure *nfoPath 9orms Serices link on the General Application Settings #a'e in
SharePoint +entral /dministration to confi'ure it. %f you &ant to continue usin' form tem#lates from
your #revious environment" you can ex#ort any administrator7de#loyed form tem#lates 2.xsn files3
and data connection files 2.udcx files3 from your SharePoint Server 2010 environment" and then
im#ort them to your ne& SharePoint Server 2013 environment by usin' the 34port=
SP*nfoPathAdministration9iles 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlet. %f the @4! of the ne& server differs
from the @4! of the #revious server" you can run the +pdate=SP*nfoPathAdmin9ile+rl 8indo&s
Po&erShell cmdlet to u#date links that are used in the u#'raded form tem#lates. .or more
information" see +onfi'ure %nfoPath .orms Services 2SharePoint Server 20103.
Office 2eb Apps
%f you installed Office 8eb /##s &ith SharePoint 2010 Products" Office 8eb /##s &ill not be
available after you u#'rade to SharePoint 2013 Products. 9ou must de#loy Office 8eb /##s Server
and then connect SharePoint 2013 Products it to after the content databases are u#'raded. 9ou do
not have to &ait until the site collections are u#'raded because Office 8eb /##s Server su##orts
both the 2010 and 2013 site collection modes in SharePoint 2013 Products. .or more information"
see Office 8eb /##s.
+pgrade farms that share serices ,parent and
child farms- to SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" @nderstand ho& to u#'rade environments that include services farms to SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
Some services in SharePoint 2010 Products can be shared across multi#le farms. / services farm
hosts services such as -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service" Search" and @ser Profiles that other farms
consume. 8hen you u#'rade to SharePoint 2013" you first u#'rade the services farm" and then
u#'rade the farms that consume those services. This article describes ho& to u#'rade farms that share
-efore you be'in" make sure that you have revie&ed the overall u#'rade #rocess described in
Overvie& of the u#'rade #rocess to SharePoint 2013.
This article a##lies to both SharePoint Server 2013 and SharePoint .oundation 2013. *o&ever"
only the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service is available in SharePoint .oundation 2013. The
other services are available only in SharePoint Server 2013.
Process for upgrading farms that share serices
To u#'rade farms that share services" you follo& these ste#s$
1@ Starting status" serices farm and content farm running SharePoint 2010 Products
%n your SharePoint 2010 Products environment" you have one or more content farms that use services
from a services farm. The services farm #rovides cross7farm services and Enter#rise Search indexes
the content on the content farm.
Pre=upgrade state" 2010 content and serices farms

2@ 'reate the SharePoint 2013 serices farm
+reate a ne& farm to host the service a##lications" and install and confi'ure SharePoint 2013.
'reate 2013 Serices farm

3@ +pgrade the Search serice application and optionally inde4 the content in the SharePoint
2010 Products content farm
@#'rade the Search service a##lication administration database and run a search cra&l a'ainst the
SharePoint 2010 Products content farm to create the index.
+pgrade the Search serice application

1@ +pgrade the other serice applications@
@#'rade the databases for the other service a##lications.
+pgrade other serice applications

D@ S!itch the serices connection to SharePoint 2013 serices farm
+han'e the SharePoint 2010 Products content farm to consume services from the SharePoint 2013
services farm and retire the SharePoint 2010 Products services farm.
S!itch connection to 2013 serices farm

$@ 'reate SharePoint 2013 content farm
+reate a ne& farm to host content" and install and confi'ure SharePoint 2013.
'reate 2013 content farm
L@ +pgrade and inde4 the 2013 content
@#'rade the data in the SharePoint 2013 content farm. +onfi'ure it to consume services from the
SharePoint 2013 services farm. %ndex the SharePoint 2013 content farm.
+pgrade and inde4 the 2013 content farm

R@ .etire the SharePoint 2010 Products content farm
o& that the SharePoint 2013 content farm uses services from a SharePoint 2013 services farm" you
can retire the SharePoint 2010 Products content farm.
.etire 2010 content farm

%f more than one content farm uses services from the SharePoint 2010 Products services farm" re#eat
ste#s B throu'h F for the remainin' content farms until all farms are u#'raded and are usin' services
from SharePoint 2013. Exce#t for the order of ste#s in this #rocess" the #rocess to create and u#'rade
each farm follo&s the database7attach u#'rade ste#s outlined in /ttach databases and u#'rade to
SharePoint 2013. This #rocess does not ex#lain ho& to u#'rade site collections. .or more information
about ho& to u#'rade sites" see @#'rade site collections to SharePoint 2013.
<est practices for upgrading to SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" @nderstand ho& to 'et the most out of testin' u#'rade and ho& to 'uarantee a smooth
u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
To increase your chances of a successful and faster u#'rade to SharePoint 2013" follo& these best
#ractices to test and com#lete an u#'rade.
<est practices for testing upgrade
To understand your environment before you u#'rade it" and to #lan for the time that an u#'rade &ill
re)uire" you should try one or more trial u#'rades. The 'oal of testin' u#'rade is to find and fix issues
and develo# confidence in the outcome before the real u#'rade. To develo# an accurate trial of the
u#'rade #rocess from SharePoint 2010 Products to SharePoint 2013" follo& these best #ractices$
1. ,no& &hat is in your environment. 1o a full survey first.
1ocument the hard&are and soft&are in your environment" &here server7side customi0ations are
installed and used" and the settin's that you need. This hel#s you #lan the trial environment and
also hel#s you recover if u#'rade fails. / &orksheet is available to record information about your
environment. 1o&nload the &orksheet at SharePoint 2013 Products Previe& @#'rade 8orksheet.
2. (ake your test environment as similar as #ossible to your real environment.
%f #ossible" use the same kind of hard&are and use the same settin's" the same @4!s" and so on
to confi'ure it. (inimi0e the differences bet&een your test environment and your real environment.
/s you introduce more differences" you are likely to s#end time resolvin' unrelated issues to make
sure that they &ill not occur durin' the actual u#'rade.
3. @se real data.
@se co#ies of your actual databases to run the tests. 8hen you use real data" you can identify
trouble areas and also determine u#'rade #erformance. 9ou can also measure ho& lon' different
u#'rade se)uences and actions take on different kinds of data. %f you cannot test all the data" test a
re#resentative subset of the data. (ake sure that you find issues &ith the different kinds and si0es
of sites" lists" libraries" and customi0ations that are #resent in your environment. %f you cannot test
all data because of stora'e concerns" try 'oin' over the data in several #asses" removin' the old
trial co#ies before 'oin' on to the next batch.
A. 4un multi#le tests.
/ sin'le test can tell you &hether you &ill encounter bi' #roblems. (ulti#le tests &ill hel# you find
all the issues that you mi'ht face and hel# you estimate a more accurate timeline for the #rocess.
-y runnin' multi#le tests" you can determine the follo&in'$
The u#'rade a##roaches that &ill &ork best for your environment
The do&ntime miti'ation techni)ues that you should #lan to use
*o& the #rocess or #erformance may chan'e after you address the issues that you uncovered
in your first tests
9our final test #ass can hel# you validate &hether you have addressed the errors and are ready
to u#'rade your #roduction environment.
B. 1o not i'nore errors or &arnin's.
Even thou'h a &arnin' is not an error" a &arnin' could lead to #roblems in the u#'rade #rocess.
4esolve errors" but also investi'ate &arnin's to make sure that you kno& the results that a &arnin'
mi'ht #roduce.
?. Test the u#'raded environment" not Cust the u#'rade #rocess.
+heck your service a##lications and run a search cra&l and revie& the lo' files.
.or more information about ho& to test u#'rade" see @se a trial u#'rade to SharePoint 2013 to find
#otential issues and the SharePoint 2013 Products Previe& 7 Test 9our @#'rade Process model.
<est practices for upgrading to SharePoint 2013
To 'uarantee a smooth u#'rade from SharePoint 2010 Products to SharePoint 2013" follo& these best
1. Ensure that the environment is fully functionin' before you be'in to u#'rade.
/n u#'rade does not solve #roblems that already exist in your environment. Therefore" make sure
that the environment is fully functionin' before you start to u#'rade. .or exam#le" if you are not
usin' &eb a##lications" unextend them before you u#'rade. %f you &ant to delete a &eb a##lication
in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3" unextend the &eb a##lication before you delete it. Other&ise"
SharePoint 2013 &ill try to u#'rade the &eb a##lication even thou'h it does not exist" and the
u#'rade &ill fail. %f you find and solve #roblems beforehand" you are more likely to meet the
estimated u#'rade schedule.
2. Perform a trial u#'rade on a test farm first.
+o#y your databases to a test environment and #erform a trial u#'rade. Examine the results to
determine the follo&in'$
8hether the service a##lication data &as u#'raded as ex#ected
The a##earance of u#'raded sites
The time to allo& for #ost7u#'rade troubleshootin'
The time to allo& for the u#'rade #rocess
Try a full search indexin' cra&l. .or more information" see @se a trial u#'rade to SharePoint
2013 to find #otential issues.
3. Plan for ca#acity.
Ensure that you have enou'h disk" #rocessor" and memory ca#acity to handle u#'rade
re)uirements. .or more information about system re)uirements" see System re)uirements
2SharePoint 2013 Previe&3. .or more information about ho& to #lan the disk s#ace that is re)uired
for u#'rade" see Plan for #erformance durin' u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
A. +lean u# before you u#'rade
%ssues in your environment can affect the success of u#'rade" and unnecessary or very lar'e
amounts of data can affect u#'rade #erformance for both databases and site collections. %f you
don6t need somethin' in your environment" consider removin' it before u#'rade. %f there are issues
detected" try to resolve them before you start to u#'rade. .or more information" see +lean u# an
environment before an u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
B. -ack u# your databases.
Perform a full backu# of your databases before you u#'rade. That &ay" you can try u#'rade a'ain if
it fails.
?. O#timi0e your environment before u#'rade.
-e sure to o#timi0e your SharePoint 2010 Products environment to meet any limits or restrictions"
either from your business or 'overnance needs or from the SharePoint 2013 boundaries and limits
before u#'rade. This &ill hel# reduce errors durin' the u#'rade #rocess and #revent broken lists or
sites after u#'rade. .or more information about limits in the #roduct" see SharePoint Server 2010
+a#acity (ana'ement$ Soft&are -oundaries and !imits. .or more information about lar'e lists and
ho& to address the lo&er limit on site collections" see +lean u# an environment before an u#'rade
to SharePoint 2013.
F. 2O#tional3 Set the ori'inal databases to read7only if you &ant to kee# your ori'inal
environment available &hile you u#'rade.
%f you ex#ect a lon' outa'e #eriod &hile you u#'rade" you can set the databases in the ori'inal
environment to read7only. @sers can continue to access the data but cannot chan'e it. .or more
information" see /ttach databases and u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
G. /fter u#'rade" revie& the @#'rade Status #a'e and u#'rade lo's to determine &hether
you must address issues. Then revie& the u#'raded sites.
The @#'rade Status #a'e re#orts on the u#'rade #ro'ress" and the u#'rade lo's list any errors or
&arnin's that occurred durin' the u#'rade #rocess. Eerify all the sites and test them before you
consider the u#'rade finished. .or more information" see Eerify database u#'rades in SharePoint
2013 and 4evie& site collections u#'raded to SharePoint 2013.
>. 1efer u#'rade for site collections until you can 'et u#dated customi0ations to su##ort
2013 mode.
%f you &ait until the customi0ations are available" you can com#lete the initial u#'rade of database
and services &ithout si'nificantly affectin' use of the existin' sites in 2010 mode.
.eie! supported editions and products for
upgrading to SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" @nderstand the editions or versions of SharePoint 2010 Products that you can u#'rade to
s#ecific editions or versions of SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
$tandard = $hare3oint $erver ()*5 /nterprise
8hen you #lan an u#'rade #rocess" make sure that you verify that the intended u#'rade #ath is
su##orted. This article describes the editions and #roducts that are su##orted and unsu##orted to
u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
@#'rade from a #re7release version of SharePoint 2013 to the release version of SharePoint
2013 is not su##orted.
Pre7release versions are intended for testin' only and should not be used in #roduction
environments. @#'radin' from one #re7release version to another is also not su##orted.
Supported topologies
.or SharePoint 2013" the only u#'rade method is the database7attach u#'rade method. -ecause this
method u#'rades the databases instead of installin' in #lace over an existin' environment" you can
attach the databases from a stand7alone installation to server farm 2+om#lete3 installation if you &ant to
ex#and your environment.
9igure" +pgrade to either stand=alone or serer farm ,'omplete- topologies

-efore you create your ne& SharePoint 2013 environment and attach and u#'rade the databases"
determine the ty#e and si0e of the environment that you need.
Physical topology guidance
The S:! Server to#olo'y D in addition to net&ork" #hysical stora'e" and cachin' considerations D can
si'nificantly affect system #erformance. To learn more about ho& to ma# your solution desi'n to the
farm si0e and hard&are that &ill su##ort your business 'oals" see Performance and ca#acity
mana'ement. .or more information about re)uirements" see System re)uirements 2SharePoint 2013
Supported editions for upgrade
The follo&in' table lists the editions available for SharePoint Server 2010 and the su##orted and
unsu##orted endin' editions &hen you u#'rade to SharePoint Server 2013.

Starting edition Supported ending edition +nsupported ending edition
SharePoint Server 2010"
Standard edition
SharePoint Server 2013"
Standard edition
SharePoint Server 2013" Enter#rise
Starting edition Supported ending edition +nsupported ending edition
9ou can convert to Enter#rise
edition after u#'rade.
SharePoint Server 2010"
Enter#rise Edition
SharePoint Server 2013"
Enter#rise edition
SharePoint Server 2013" Standard
SharePoint Server 2010" Trial
SharePoint Server 2013" Trial
SharePoint Server 2013" full
9ou can convert to the full #roduct
after u#'rade.

Supported cross=product upgrades
The follo&in' table lists &hich (icrosoft server #roducts can be u#'raded to SharePoint .oundation
2013 or SharePoint Server 2013.

Starting product Supported ending products +nsupported ending product
SharePoint .oundation 2010 SharePoint .oundation 2013
SharePoint Server 2013
SharePoint .oundation 2013 SharePoint Server 2013
SharePoint Server 2010 SharePoint Server 2013 SharePoint .oundation 2013
SharePoint Server 2013 SharePoint Server 2013 SharePoint .oundation 2013
Search Server 2010 SharePoint Server 2013 or
Search Server 2013
SharePoint .oundation 2013
ProCect Server 2010 &ith
SharePoint Server 2010"
Enter#rise Edition
ProCect Server 2013 &ith
SharePoint Server 2013"
Enter#rise Edition

Plan for upgrade to SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" .ind resources about ho& to #lan to u#'rade from SharePoint 2010 Products to SharePoint
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
%n order to have a successful u#'rade to SharePoint 2013" you must #lan for the u#'rade. This section
contains articles that hel# you #lan and #re#are for u#'radin' from SharePoint 2010 Products to
SharePoint 2013.
To understand ho& the u#'rade #rocess &orks" see the articles in Het started &ith u#'rades to
SharePoint 2013.
The follo&in' do&nloadable resources" articles on Techet" video recordin's" and related resources
#rovide information about ho& to #lan for u#'rade.
&ech)et articles about ho! to plan for upgrade
The follo&in' articles about ho& to #lan for u#'rade are available to vie& online. 8riters u#date articles
on a continuin' basis as ne& information becomes available and as users #rovide feedback.

1etermine strate'y for u#'rade to SharePoint
@nderstand ho& to minimi0e do&ntime and #lan
for s#ecial cases durin' an u#'rade to SharePoint
+reate a #lan for current customi0ations durin'
u#'rade to SharePoint 2013
!earn ho& to identify and evaluate the
customi0ations in your environment" and determine
&hether you &ill u#'rade them" and ho&.
Plan for site collection u#'rades in SharePoint
Plan to u#'rade site collections to SharePoint
2013. Plan for u#'rade evaluation sites"
notifications" and throttlin'.
Plan for #erformance durin' u#'rade to
SharePoint 2013
@nderstand u#'rade #erformance and ho& to #lan
for the s#ace and time that is re)uired to u#'rade
to SharePoint 2013.
+reate a communication #lan for the u#'rade to +reate a #lan to coordinate and communicate &ith
SharePoint 2013 the u#'rade team" site o&ners and users" and
+lean u# an environment before an u#'rade to
SharePoint 2013
(ake sure that your environment is in a healthy
state" and delete unnecessary items before you
u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.

Additional resources about ho! to plan for upgrade
to SharePoint 2013
The follo&in' resources about ho& to #lan for u#'rade to SharePoint 2013 are available from other
subCect matter ex#erts.

'ontent Description

@#'rade and
(i'ration in
SharePoint 2013
4esource +enter
Eisit the 4esource
+enter to access
videos" community
and more.

Determine strategy for upgrade to SharePoint
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" @nderstand ho& to minimi0e do&ntime and #lan for s#ecial cases durin' an u#'rade to
SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
8hen you u#'rade your environment to SharePoint 2013" you &ant to limit ho& much do&ntime that
users ex#erience. 9ou mi'ht also have a s#ecial case that you must address durin' u#'rade. This
article describes ho& to minimi0e do&ntime and &ork &ith these s#ecial cases.
%n addition to the information in this article" make sure that you read 4evie& su##orted editions and
#roducts for u#'radin' to SharePoint 2013 to understand exactly &hich u#'rade situations are valid
and lead to successful u#'rades.
6o! to minimi(e do!ntime during upgrade
The follo&in' table lists the techni)ues that you can use durin' u#'rade to reduce the time that users
cannot access their content or to #otentially increase u#'rade #erformance.
.ead=only databases 9ou can use read7only databases to continue to #rovide read7only access
to content durin' the u#'rade #rocess. .or this a##roach" you set the databases to read7only on
the ori'inal farm &hile the u#'rade is in #ro'ress on another farm. This method reduces #erceived
do&ntime for users. /lso" if you encounter a #roblem &ith u#'rade" you can restore the read7only
farm to read7&rite and restore access to users &hile you re&ork your #lans before you try u#'rade
Parallel database upgrades 9ou can attach and u#'rade multi#le databases at a time to s#eed
u# the u#'rade #rocess overall. The maximum number of #arallel u#'rades de#ends on your
hard&are. This results in faster overall u#'rade times for your environment. *o&ever" you must
monitor the #ro'ress and your servers to make sure that the #erformance is acce#table" and for
lar'e databases" #arallel u#'rades can be slo&er than sin'le u#'rades.
.or more information about u#'rade #erformance" see Plan for #erformance durin' u#'rade to
SharePoint 2013 and @se a trial u#'rade to SharePoint 2013 to find #otential issues.
The instructions for usin' these techni)ues are included in /ttach databases and u#'rade to
SharePoint 2013.
Special cases
9ou mi'ht have other re)uirements or additional 'oals that you &ant to achieve &hen you #erform an
u#'rade. The follo&in' table lists s#ecial cases and describes ho& to a##roach u#'rade for each case.

'ase +pgrade approach
@#'radin' an environment that uses forms7based
/dditional ste#s are re)uired to u#'rade &hen you
are usin' forms7based authentication. .or more
information" see +onfi'ure forms7based
authentication for a claims7based &eb a##lication
in SharePoint 2013.
@#'radin' very lar'e databases< %n 'eneral" very lar'e databases D es#ecially
databases that have a lar'e number or lar'e si0e
of document versions inside them D take lon'er to
u#'rade than smaller databases. *o&ever" the
com#lexity of the data determines ho& lon' it takes
to u#'rade" not the si0e of the database itself. %f
the u#'rade #rocess times out" it is usually
because of connection issues. .or more
information about ho& lon' u#'rade mi'ht take for
your environment" see Plan for #erformance durin'
u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
@#'radin' from the server #roducts in the Office
200F release<
@se a database attach u#'rade method to u#'rade
to SharePoint 2010 Products" and then u#'rade to
SharePoint 2013.
@#'radin' from SharePoint .oundation 2010 to
SharePoint Server 2013<
/ttach and u#'rade the content databases from
SharePoint .oundation 2010 to SharePoint Server
+han'in' lan'ua'es< 9ou have t&o choices" de#endin' on &hether a
sin'le site or your &hole environment is chan'in'
To chan'e the multi#le user interface 2(@%3
lan'ua'e for a s#ecific site" u#'rade in the
same lan'ua'e" and then install the ne&
lan'ua'e #ack and chan'e to that lan'ua'e.
9ou must have the a##ro#riate
lan'ua'e #acks installed to u#'rade
any sites based on a locali0ed site
definition. %f you do not have the ne&
lan'ua'e #ack" the sites &ill not be
'ase +pgrade approach
available. 8ait for the ne& lan'ua'e
#acks to be released before you try to
u#'rade those sites.
To chan'e the installation lan'ua'e for your
environment" set u# your ne& environment in
the ne& lan'ua'e" and then attach and
u#'rade your databases in the ne& lan'ua'e.

'reate a plan for current customi(ations during
upgrade to SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" %dentify all customi0ations in your environment and determine &hat to chan'e or remove as
you u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
%f you have extensively customi0ed your sites based on SharePoint 2010 Products" you must determine
ho& you &ant to handle your customi0ations &hen you u#'rade to SharePoint 2013. 9our a##roach &ill
vary based on the extent of the customi0ations" the kind of customi0ation" the com#lexity of your site"
and your 'oals for u#'radin'. -efore you u#'rade" you must identify and then evaluate the
customi0ations in your environment and determine &hether you &ill u#'rade them" and ho&.
*dentify customi(ations in your enironment
/s #art of an u#'rade testin' #rocess" you should create an inventory of the server7side customi0ations
in your environment 2solutions" features" 8eb Parts" event handlers" master #a'es" #a'e layouts" +SS
files" and so on3. .or more information about ho& to identify customi0ations" see @se a trial u#'rade to
SharePoint 2013 to find #otential issues.
9ou can use the @#'rade Plannin' &orksheet to list s#ecific customi0ations and then record the results
of your evaluation in the next section.
3aluate the customi(ations
/fter you have identified the customi0ations" think about the #otential u#'rade effect of each one. The
follo&in' table describes ty#es of customi0ations and the kind of effect they can have durin' u#'rade.

'ategory of customi(ation &ypes of customi(ations Potential effect on upgrade
Eisually7affectin' (aster #a'es
8eb Pa'es
8eb Parts
+ustom NavaScri#t
Should not affect database
.or site u#'rades$ likely to
&ork &ell in 2010 mode" but
need chan'es to &ork in
2013 mode.
'ategory of customi(ation &ypes of customi(ations Potential effect on upgrade
+ustom +SS files Test carefully in both modes.
1ata structure affectin' +ontent ty#es
!ist ty#es
8eb tem#lates
Site definitions
+an affect database
u#'rade if content or list
ty#e names conflict &ith ne&
content or list ty#es in the
#roduct" or if tem#lates or
definitions are missin'.
on7visually affectin' 8eb services
8indo&s services
*TTP handler
*TTP module
(i'ht not be com#atible &ith
SharePoint 2013. Test
carefully to determine effect.
-e #re#ared to remove or

o& that you kno& &hat customi0ations that you have" and &hat ty#e that they are" you can decide
&hat to do about them. The follo&in' )uestions can hel# you evaluate the customi0ations$
%s the customi0ation still valuable<
1oes it serve a useful business need<
%s it &idely de#loyed and used<
1oes it do somethin' that you cannot do &ith standard features in the #roduct<
%s the customi0ation &ell7desi'ned<
%s it built on su##orted" #redefined site definitions<
1oes it follo& best #ractices for customi0ations<
%s it a su##orted kind of customi0ation" or does it introduce risk into your environment<
/s you evaluate every customi0ation" you can also think about your overall a##roach for
customi0ations. 9ou can choose from amon' these o#tions$
1. 8eep the customi(ations% donQt upgrade the sites 9ou can continue to run the site in 2010
mode in the u#'raded environment. /lthou'h you can use this a##roach to kee# the same
functionality" you &ill be unable to take advanta'e of the features and ca#abilities that are
available in the ne& version. @se this a##roach only tem#orarily 7 eventually you must
address the issue 2such as before an u#'rade to the next version of the #roduct3.
2. .eplace or redo the customi(ations %f you &ant to use ne& functionality" #lan to redesi'n
your sites" or are si'nificantly chan'in' the information architecture" the u#'rade is your
o##ortunity to start over &ith ne& features" a ne& look" or a ne& or'ani0ation. 8hen you
re#lace or redo customi0ations" you can take advanta'e of the ne& ca#abilities" chan'e
your desi'n sli'htly if you &ant" or move to a more mana'eable desi'n.
3. Discard the customi(ations 4e#lace the customi0ations by usin' default functionality. 9ou
can reset #a'es to the default site definitions and remove any 8eb Parts or features that
you no lon'er &ant to su##ort. %n fact" the site collection health7checker checks for
un'hosted #a'es and can reset the #a'es to the default versions. %f you decide to discard
any customi0ations" you must fix any issues that result from removin' the customi0ations
in the sites that used them. 9ou can use your customi0ations inventory to determine &hich
sites re)uire this kind of attention before or after u#'rade.
'onsiderations for specific customi(ations
%n addition to your overall decision about ho& to treat customi0ations in your environment durin'
u#'rade" you must examine s#ecific ty#es of customi0ations to determine &hether you must #erform
any additional actions to make them &ork in the u#'raded environment.
The follo&in' table lists some common customi0ations and a recommendation for addressin' that kind
of customi0ation.

'ustomi(ation type .ecommendation
Site definition (i'rate sites to a su##orted" #redefined site definition" then a##ly
custom features by usin' solution de#loyment.
9ou can also continue to use a custom site definition. 9ou do not have
to create a ne& site definition that is based on SharePoint 2013.
*o&ever" if you must #erform custom u#'rade actions for the
definition" you mi'ht have to create an u#'rade definition file for that
site definition. .or more information" see @#'rade 1efinition .iles
2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%d=1G233>3 on (S1.
5.abulous A05 a##lication
(icrosoft is not creatin' ne& versions of these tem#lates.
Environments that contain sites based on these tem#lates can be
u#'raded as lon' as the tem#lates are installed. -ut there mi'ht be
issues &hen you try to u#'rade the site collections. (ake sure that
you test each site before you u#'rade the #roduction environment.
.or more information" see Troubleshoot database u#'rade issues in
SharePoint 2013.
.eature Evaluate" then redesi'n or rede#loy if it is necessary.
8orkflo&s and server controls 1e#ends on the solution. +ontact the vendor to discover &hether
there is an u#dated solution. %f a &orkflo& is com#atible &ith the ne&
version" rede#loy.
Event handler (ost event handlers &ill continue to &ork &ithout chan'es. *o&ever"
if the code for the event handler makes calls to /P%s &hich &ere
de#recated" you &ill have to re&rite it" and then rede#loy it as a
(ana'ed #aths 4e7create inclusions to make sure that you can access all site
'ustomi(ation type .ecommendation
2inclusions;exclusions3 collections under those #aths.
Exclusions &ere not used in SharePoint 2010 Products. %f you had
any remainin' from an earlier version" they do not have to be re7
Themes 4e7create your themes follo&in' the SharePoint 2013 themin'
'uidance" or select a ne& theme available in SharePoint 2013.
(aster #a'es and +SS files 4e&ork to accommodate the ne& user ex#erience.
NavaScri#t Test to determine &hether any actions are re)uired. %n some cases"
you mi'ht have to adCust the scri#ts to &ork &ith the ne& #a'e model.
Eerify that it &orks in both 2010 and 2013 modes.
Search #rovider or security
Test to determine &hether any actions are re)uired.
8eb Parts Test to determine &hether any actions are re)uired. 9ou mi'ht have
to adCust the 8eb Parts to &ork &ith strict M*(T! mode.
Test to verify that there have not been chan'es to any obCect models
or 8eb services that you call from the 8eb Part.
%f a 8eb Part is located on a #a'e but not in a 8eb Part Wone 2so that
it is" basically" *T(! code embedded directly in a #a'e3" it &ill not
&ork if you reset the #a'e to the default tem#late. There is a site
collection health rule that &ill identify files in this status inside a site
collection. There is a link from that rule to the #a'e &here they can
reset to tem#late.
Services Test to determine &hether any actions are re)uired. 4edesi'n or
adCust code" as needed.
/uthentication #roviders Test to determine &hether any actions are re)uired. 4ede#loy the
#rovider &ith the same #rovider name 2exactly. This includes the letter
case3 on a test farm and make sure that it &orks correctly.
+ustom search solutions that
use S:! syntax
4e&ork to use .:! syntax and ,:! syntax.
+ustom search solutions in SharePoint Server 2013 do not su##ort
S:! syntax. Search in SharePoint Server 2013 su##orts .:! syntax
and ,:! syntax for custom search solutions. 9ou cannot use S:!
syntax in custom search solutions usin' any technolo'ies. This
includes the )uery server obCect model" the client obCect model" and
the Search 4EST service. +ustom search solutions that use S:!
syntax &ith the index server obCect model and the :uery &eb service
that &ere created in SharePoint Server 2010 &ill not &ork &hen you
u#'rade them to SharePoint Server 2013. :ueries submitted via
these a##lications &ill return an error. .or more information about
'ustomi(ation type .ecommendation
ho& to use .:! syntax and ,:! syntax" see ,ey&ord :uery
!an'ua'e 2,:!3 syntax reference and ./ST :uery !an'ua'e 2.:!3
syntax reference.

8hile you are revie&in' customi0ations in your environment" you should also make sure that the
environment is not usin' any features or elements that are de#recated. .or exam#le" 8eb /nalytics
from SharePoint 2010 Products are not available in SharePoint 2013 and you should turn them off
before u#'radin'. /lso" S:! Server Search )ueries are not available in SharePoint 2013. .or more
information" see +han'es from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013.
Some methods of de#loyin' customi0ations mi'ht re)uire additional ste#s in SharePoint 2013. The
follo&in' table lists methods of de#loyin' customi0ations and any issues that you mi'ht encounter.

Deployment method .ecommendation
+ustomi0ations de#loyed as (S% files +ontact the vendor for u#dated files. (ost likely" you
&ill have to 'et a re#lacement file com#atible &ith
SharePoint 2013.
(anually de#loyed features" files" or chan'es 9ou can re7de#loy them to the e)uivalent directory in
SharePoint 2013. *o&ever" consider #acka'in' them
into a de#loyable solution #acka'e for easier
Sandbox solutions o s#ecial ste#s. Sandbox solutions are u#'raded
&ith the content databases.
Solution #acka'es 4ede#loy to SharePoint 2013. (ake sure that you
de#loy it to the a##ro#riate directory 2;1A or ;1B3"
de#endin' on the version.
ote that you can no lon'er add #artial trust solution
#acka'es to the Lbin directory. /ny files de#loyed to
the Lbin directory must be full trust. -e sure to test
any such solutions to make sure that de#loyin' them
in full trust does not introduce security vulnerabilities.
/lso" u#date any de#loyment scri#ts to make sure
that they s#ecify the correct trust level.
.or more information" see %nstall7SPSolution.
/dministrator7de#loyed form tem#lates 9ou must extract them from SharePoint Server 2010
and rede#loy them to SharePoint Server 2013. .or
more information" see Services u#'rade overvie& for
SharePoint Server 2013.

The follo&in' kinds of customi0ations are not su##orted. %f you have any of these customi0ations in
your environment" you must re#lace them by usin' a su##orted kind of customi0ation before you can
u#'rade. Other&ise" you mi'ht ex#erience u#'rade issues that cannot be fixed$
Predefined files" features" or site definitions that &ere chan'ed.
Some #redefined file ty#es D such as document icons or actions D can be carried for&ard
in a su##ortable &ay" althou'h this does not occur automatically. 1o not co#y over the old
version files as that can cause other issues" instead" make the same chan'es to the ne&
version file (odifications to other #redefined files" such as server7side /SPM #a'es" &ill be
lost durin' u#'rade if you reset to the site tem#late or if you don6t make the same chan'es
in the ne& version files. 1e#endin' on the files that &ere chan'ed and the extend of these
chan'es" the u#'rade ex#erience can vary si'nificantly.
SharePoint databases that &ere chan'ed" either by directly chan'in' data or chan'in' the schema.
This includes addin' or removin' tri''ers" tables" vie&s" or indexes.
%f you have any of these kinds of customi0ations" remove them and re#lace them &ith su##orted
customi0ations before you attem#t to u#'rade. This is a best #ractice for hel#in' to make sure that not
only your current u#'rade &ill &ork" but any future u#'rades &ill 'o more smoothly. +han'in'
#redefined files and databases &ill remain unsu##orted.
3nsure that future customi(ations follo! best
Ensure that your environment #erforms &ell and follo&s best #ractices. 1e#loy only those
customi0ations that follo& the best #ractices as described on the follo&in' #a'e on (S1$ 1evelo#er
-est Practices 4esource +enter .
-est #ractices for u#'radin' to SharePoint 2013
Plan for site collection upgrades in SharePoint
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" Ex#lains ho& #lan to u#'rade site collections to SharePoint 2013 and ho& to #lan for
u#'rade evaluation sites" notifications" and throttlin' in SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
8hen you u#'rade from SharePoint 2010 Products to SharePoint 2013" site collections are not
u#'raded &hen you u#'rade the content databases to a ne& version. The u#'rade #rocess is s#lit to
allo& site collection administrators to decide &hen to u#'rade their site collections. .or a visual
overvie& of the u#'rade #rocess" see Overvie& of the u#'rade #rocess to SharePoint 2013.
Server farm administrators can control settin's for u#'radin' site collections" such as settin's for
u#'rade evaluation site collections" notifications" and u#'rade throttlin'. This article hel#s you #lan the
settin's to use to controllin' the u#'rade of a site collection.
Determine the site collections that farm
administrators should upgrade
-y default" site collection administrators are in char'e of &hen they u#'rade their site collections" and
they #erform the u#'rade themselves. *o&ever" under certain circumstances a farm administrator
should #robably #erform the u#'rade. .or exam#le" for sites that meet the follo&in' characteristics" the
u#'rade team at the farm level should #erform tests before u#'rade" and #otentially u#'rade the site
Extremely im#ortant sites
%f a site is very im#ortant to your business" farm administrators should carefully test it before they
u#'rade it" and then u#'rade it themselves to make sure that the site collection is available for
users as )uickly as #ossible.
Eery lar'e sites
-y default" if a site collection administrator starts to u#'rade a site that is lar'er than 10 (- or &ith
more than 10 subsites" the site is added to the u#'rade )ueue" instead of bein' u#'raded
immediately. .or very lar'e site collections 2lar'er than 10 H-3" &e recommend that you have a
farm administrator u#'rade the site collections instead of allo&in' the site collection administrators
to start the u#'rade. This &ay" the farm administrators can test these sites and then monitor the
#ro'ress of the u#'rade.
*i'hly7customi0ed sites
+arefully test sites that are based on custom site definitions or that have many other customi0ations
before you u#'rade them. %f there are issues &ith server7side customi0ations" then farm
administrators should address them" test a'ain" and then #erform the u#'rade so that they can
troubleshoot any issues that occur. %f there are issues &ith the desi'n of a site" a desi'ner and site
collection administrator can address them.
.arm administrators can u#'rade sites by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell. .or more information" see
@#'rade a site collection to SharePoint 2013.
Plan settings for upgrade notifications% self=serice
upgrade% and site collection creation
8hen a site collection is available to u#'rade" a status bar on a site indicates that site collection
administrators can u#'rade it. They can choose to u#'rade the site collection then" or be reminded
.arm administrators can determine &hether to allo& site collection administrators to u#'rade their sites
at all. 9ou can set a #ro#erty to #revent the site collection administrators from startin' to u#'rade" &hich
also turns off the notification in the status bar. Then you can #erform the u#'rades yourself by usin'
8indo&s Po&erShell. %f you choose to u#'rade some sites centrally" you should have a #lan to decide
&hen each site &ill be u#'raded and &ho &ill verify the site after u#'rade.
/lthou'h administrators can u#'rade all site collections immediately" &e do not recommend this" for the
follo&in' reasons$
9ou &ould risk that some sites &ould have unforeseen issues that you6d have to address. This
could create or #rolon' an outa'e.
/ hi'h volume of issues could arrive at your hel#desk or troubleshootin' #rocess &hen users start
to &ork &ith u#'raded sites at the same time.
9ou can control settin's for site collection u#'rade and site creation. 9ou can determine the follo&in'$
8hether the site collection administrator can u#'rade the site collection.
8hich mode 22010 or 2013" or both3 can be used &hen a user creates a site collection.
.or exam#le" you mi'ht &ant users to kee# creatin' 2010 mode sites for a &hile" until most of site
collections are u#'raded" or you mi'ht &ant to force ne& sites to be created in 2013 mode so that
you don6t have to u#'rade them later.
Properties that control site collection upgrade and site creation

Property Description
SPSite./llo&SelfService@#'rade 1etermines &hether an u#'rade notification can be set
for a site collection.
Property Description
1efault is true 7 notifications are set automatically.
%f set to false" the u#'rade notification &ill not a##ear
on the status bar.
SP8eb/##lication.+om#atibility4an'e 1etermines in &hich modes a site collection can be
created. .or exam#le" 2010 mode 21A3 or 2013 mode
21B3. The follo&in' ran'es are available$
Old>ersions @se this ran'e to enable users to
create only 2010 mode sites.
)e!>ersion @se this ran'e to enable users to
create only 2013 mode sites.
All>ersions @se this ran'e to enable users to
create either 2010 or 2013 mode sites.
9ou can use these ran'es or set your ran'e by usin'
the )e!=ObJect command to set the
Microsoft@Shareoint@SP'ompatibility.ange #ro#erty.

.or more information about ho& to set these #ro#erties" see (ana'e site collection u#'rades to
SharePoint 2013.
9ou can also control settin's u#'rade notifications. 9ou can determine the follo&in'$
8hether to add a link to more information from the +pgrading no! status bar.
*o& many days to &ait before remindin' a site collection administrator about u#'rade if they
choose .emind me later on the status bar.
%f a user clicks .emind me later" the current date is added to the number that is set for the
@#'rade4eminder1elay and the notification is hidden until that ne& date occurs. .or exam#le" if
the settin' is 30" then the notification &ill a##ear 30 days from the current date.
The follo&in' #ro#erties control site collection u#'rade notifications$
Properties that control upgrade notifications

Property Description
SP8eb/##lication.@#'rade(aintenance!ink /dds another link to
the upgrading no!
status messa'e so
that users can follo&
it" and find more
Property Description
1efault is em#ty.
SP8eb/##lication.@#'rade4eminder1elay Sets the number of
days to sus#end the
u#'rade notification in
the status bar after a
user clicks .emind
me later.
1efault is 30 days.
%f set to 0" then the
u#'rade notification is
not removed from the
status bar and the
notification cannot be
set to .emind me

.or more information about ho& to set these #ro#erties" see (ana'e site collection u#'rades to
SharePoint 2013.
Plan for upgrade ealuation sites
Site collection administrators can re)uest a #revie& of their site collection. This #revie& site is called an
upgrade evaluation site collection. /n u#'rade evaluation site collection enables site collection
administrators to see their site]s content in a ne&" se#arate co#y of the site that is runnin' on the
SharePoint 2013. @nlike visual u#'rade in SharePoint Server 2010" the u#'rade evaluation site
collection is a com#lete co#y of the site collection. %t is se#arate from the ori'inal and has its o&n @4!.
/ctions that the site collection administrators #erform in the u#'rade evaluation site collection do not
affect the ori'inal site. -oth the ori'inal site and the u#'rade evaluation site are available for search"
and timer Cobs that run for all site collections also run on the u#'rade evaluation sites.
8hen a site collection administrator re)uests an evaluation site collection" the re)uest is added to a
timer Cob 2kno&n as 5+reate @#'rade Evaluation Site +ollections53 &hich runs one time #er day. This
timer Cob creates a full co#y of the site collection at a uni)ue @4!. @#'rade evaluation site collections
are set to ex#ire automatically and be deleted. The default time for ex#iration is 30 days" &hich can be
confi'ured by settin' a value for the &eb a##lication or by chan'in' a value on the evaluation site
collection itself.
.arm administrators can choose to #revent users from creatin' u#'rade evaluation sites by settin' the
SPSite@Allo!SelfSerice+pgrade3aluation #ro#erty for a site collection.
Timer Cobs create and delete u#'rade evaluation sites. The follo&in' timer Cobs are used$
&imer Jobs for upgrade ealuation site collections

#ob name Description 2hen run
+reate @#'rade Evaluation Site
+ollections 2Cob7create7u#'rade7
+reates u#'rade evaluation sites. 4uns daily" bet&een 1$00
and 1$30 /(
1elete @#'rade Evaluation Site
1eletes ex#ired u#'rade evaluation
sites and sends notifications for sites
near their ex#iration date.
4uns daily" bet&een 1$00
and 1$30 /(
@#'rade site collections 2Cob7
@#'rades site collections in the
)ueue for a content database.
4uns every 1 minute

9ou can decide &hen and ho& often these timer Cobs run" and you can also run them manually.
6o! the upgrade ealuation site collections are created
The +reate @#'rade Evaluation Site +ollections Cob timer collects the list of site collections that &ere
)ueued for evaluation sites" and then co#ies the sites to ne& @4!s and Site %1s. %t also adds the sites
to the u#'rade )ueue so that they &ill be #icked u# by the @#'rade Site +ollections timer Cob later. To
create the co#y of the site$
1. %f you have an Enter#rise version of S:! Server" the +reate @#'rade Evaluation Site
+ollections Cob timer takes a sna#shot of the database and reads the data from the
sna#shot to a destination database 2&ith the source database bein' the default tar'et3.
This doesn]t affect the read7only status of the source site throu'hout the &hole #rocess.
2. .or other versions of S:! Server that do not have sna#shot ca#abilities" the +reate
@#'rade Evaluation Site +ollections Cob timer backs u# a site collection and restores it to a
ne& @4!. This makes the source site read7only for the &hole duration of the #rocess.
The @#'rade Site +ollections Cob collects the list of site collections that &ere )ueued for u#'rade and
then u#'rades the )ueued sites from oldest to ne&est. The recently added evaluation site is then
u#'raded 2or at least u#'rade is tried3.
Plan site collection upgrade throttling and /ueues
To make sure that site collection u#'rades do not cause an outa'e on your farm" there are throttles built
in at the &eb a##lication" database" and content level. This means that even if 100 site collection
administrators decide to u#'rade their site collections at the same time" only some are run at the same
time" and the rest are #ut into a )ueue to run later.
Site collection u#'rades are throttled$
&hrottle leels for site collection upgrade

5eel Ma4imum number of
site collections that
can be upgraded at a
Property that controls the throttle setting
8eb a##lication 1efault is B #er &eb
a##lication instance.
/dditional re)uests
are )ueued.
+ontent database 1efault is 10 #er
content database.
/dditional re)uests
are )ueued.
+ontent of a site
collection 2si0e and
number of sub&ebs3
1efault is that a site
that is more than 10
(-" or has more
than 10 sub&ebs"
cannot be u#'raded
in a self7service
manner by the site
administrator" but
must be u#'raded
by the farm
+sageStorage5imit and Sub!eb'ount5imit

The follo&in' illustration sho&s the relationshi# bet&een the &eb a##lication and content database
u#'rade throttle limits.
+pgrade throttles and the site upgrade /ueue for !eb applications and content databases

%n this illustration" the content database contains fifteen sites" and all sites &ere re)uested to start
1. -ecause of the &eb a##lication throttle limit" only five sites can start to u#'rade for &eb
a##lication 1 7 instance 1 on 8eb server 1.
2. /n additional five sites start to u#'rade on &eb a##lication 1 7 instance 2 on 8eb server 2.
3. -ecause of the content database throttle" five sites are sent to the u#'rade )ueue to &ait
their turn.
9ou can use the default throttlin' settin's" or you can s#ecify your o&n values for ho& many site
collections can be u#'raded at the same time. .arm administrators can also override throttle settin's
&hen they u#'rade a site by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell. Exercise caution &hen you chan'e these
values and make sure that you verify the settin's that you &ant to use in a test environment before you
im#lement them in #roduction. %f you increase throttlin' too much" you could create #erformance
#roblems in your environment. .or exam#le" too many #arallel u#'rades could affect site renderin'. .or
information about ho& to chan'e these settin's" see (ana'e site collection u#'rades to SharePoint
About site collection modes
%n order to make it #ossible to u#'rade site collections se#arately from u#'radin' content databases"
SharePoint 2013 introduces the conce#t of site collection 5modes5 2also kno&n as compatiilit! levels3.
Site collections are in 2010 mode in the ne& environment until they are s#ecifically u#'raded to 2013
mode. 9ou can create ne& site collections in either mode. /lthou'h farm administrators can confi'ure
this settin'" the default settin' is to create sites in 2010 mode3. 8hen a site collection is in 2010 mode"
the user interface resembles the SharePoint 2010 Products interface" and only features that &ere
available in SharePoint 2010 Products are enabled. %n 2013 mode" the interface and features are
u#dated to SharePoint 2013.
9ou have to make sure that the solution #acka'es" features" and other custom com#onents are
available for both site modes. .or more information" see +reate a #lan for current customi0ations durin'
u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
&rain site collection administrators
%t is im#ortant to train users about ho& to u#'rade their site collections and ho& to revie& their sites in
an u#'rade evaluation site collection. Educated users are #re#ared and kno& &hat to ex#ect" &hich &ill
minimi0e hel#desk su##ort and frustrations.
%nform users about chan'es and ne& features. /lso" let them kno& about #ossible issues that they can
ex#ect. .or instance" they mi'ht have issues &ith customi0ations" such as #a'es that do not dis#lay
correctly. .or information about 'eneral u#'rade issues" see 4evie& site collections u#'raded to
SharePoint 2013 and Troubleshoot site collection u#'rade issues in SharePoint 2013.
Ex#lain to site collection administrators that their u#'rade evaluation sites are co#ies" and any chan'es
they make there &ill not #ersist in their u#'raded sites. There is also a notification bar in the #revie&
site that indicates that it is a co#y.
-y default" site collection administrators control u#'rade for their sites. They can use u#'rade
evaluation site collections to #revie& the ne& user interface and features. This 'ives them time to make
sure that everythin' &orks correctly" and they can address any issues in their ori'inal site before
u#'radin' it. 8hen site collection administrators are ready" they can u#'rade their sites.
8e recommend that you have a #lan and set a time limit for ho& lon' to allo& site collection
administrators to #ost#one u#'rade of their sites. .or exam#le" each site collection administrator may
be 'iven >0 days to &ork &ith his or her site collection administrators to evaluate and then u#'rade
their sites. This time limit makes sure that users are 'iven a reasonable time to become familiar &ith the
ne& user interface and to resolve any issues in their sites. Ensure that you communicate the time limit
to the users" and that they kno& that you can force throu'h an u#'rade of all sites. /lso" you can use a
8indo&s Po&erShell command to check the com#atibility level for sites in a content database so that
you can see ho& many sites are in 2010 mode and ho& many are in 2013 mode. .or more information"
see (ana'e site collection u#'rades to SharePoint 2013.
%t is im#ortant to tell site collection administrators that as lon' as sites use the 2010 mode" ne& features
&ill not be available. *o&ever" as soon as sites are u#'raded to the ne& version" a##lication features
automatically a##ear.
Plan for performance during upgrade to
SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" @nderstand u#'rade #erformance and ho& to #lan for the s#ace and time that is re)uired to
u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
/n im#ortant #art of #lannin' an u#'rade from SharePoint 2010 Products to SharePoint 2013 is
determinin' ho& lon' the u#'rade #rocess &ill take and ho& much stora'e s#ace &ill be re)uired.
Every environment is uni)ue and includes different hard&are ca#abilities and different database and
site characteristics. The s#ace and the len'th of time re)uired to run an u#'rade &ill vary 'reatly
de#endin' on your environment. The best &ay to estimate these factors is to #erform one or more trial
u#'rades" and then revie& the s#ace and time that it took. .or more information about ho& to #erform a
trial u#'rade" see @se a trial u#'rade to SharePoint 2013 to find #otential issues.
About upgrade performance for SharePoint 2013
One of the main reasons that database u#'rade and site collection u#'rade are no& se#arate actions
for SharePoint 2013 is to 'ive you more control over u#'rade #erformance.
6o! upgrade !or:s for SharePoint 2010 Products
1urin' an u#'rade to SharePoint 2010 Products" &hen the database &as u#'raded" all of the site
collections in that database &ere also u#'raded. That meant that for certain ste#s" such as
activatin' features or u#datin' the :uick !aunch control" the u#'rade #rocess needed to #erform
the ste# re#eatedly for each site collection in a database before the database u#'rade &as
+pgrade process for SharePoint 2010 Products

6o! upgrade !or:s for SharePoint 2013
8hen you u#'rade to SharePoint 2013" the database u#'rade no lon'er starts these site7s#ecific
ste#s. Therefore" the database u#'rade sta'e is much faster. Some tests have found that a
database can be u#'raded to SharePoint 2013 in t&o7thirds of the time that it took to u#'rade the
same data to SharePoint 2010 Products. These site7s#ecific ste#s must still be #erformed.
*o&ever" they are #erformed only &hen the site collection is u#'raded" and then only for that site.
-ecause each site collection is u#'raded inde#endently" you can mana'e the #erformance effect of
those u#'rades on your environment.
+pgrade process for SharePoint 2013 Products

.or SharePoint 2013" you can control the #erformance effect of site collection u#'rades by controllin'
ho& many sites can be u#'raded at a time. There is a site collection u#'rade )ueue that maintains a
list of site collections currently re)uested to be u#'raded. /nd there are throttles on the content
database and &eb a##lication levels to control ho& many site collection u#'rades can occur at a time.
.or more information about these controls" see Plan for site collection u#'rades in SharePoint 2013
and (ana'e site collection u#'rades to SharePoint 2013.
%n addition to #lannin' for #erformance durin' u#'rade" you must also #lan for the #erformance of your
#roduction environment after u#'rade. Test your #lanned environment to make sure that you can
su##ort your environment by usin' the hard&are that you have #lanned.
3stimate the space that you must hae for the
/s the databases are u#'raded" they ex#and tem#orarily. /lso" many transactions occur &hile the
u#'rade #rocess runs. Therefore" you must make sure that the lo' files have room to ex#and to
accommodate the chan'es that are occurrin'. Therefore" you have to #lan for 'ro&th in both the
databases and the lo' files.
Database gro!th
-ecause of the chan'es in table structures in the ne& version" the databases 'ro& tem#orarily &hile
the data is reor'ani0ed. This s#ace can be recovered after u#'rade" but you should make sure that
there is room for the databases to 'ro& u# to B0 #ercent lar'er than their current si0es durin' u#'rade
2be a&are that after u#'rade" you can reduce the database a'ain to recover much of this s#ace3.
9ou should also make sure that there is room on your database servers for your databases to 'ro&
over time &ith ty#ical use. To check ho& lar'e your databases currently are" use Enter#rise (ana'er in
S:! Server.
&ransaction log gro!th
%n addition to database s#ace" you must also have room for the transaction lo' files for the databases.
These lo' files must 'ro& )uickly to accommodate the number of chan'es occurrin' in the databases
%n very lar'e environments" there is a #ossibility that the default 'ro&th rate for the transaction lo' files
210 #ercent3 is not enou'h to kee# u# &ith the u#'rade #rocess. This can cause a time7out. /'ain" a
trial u#'rade is the best &ay to determine &hether the transaction lo' files can kee# u# &ith the
u#'rade #rocess. %f your environment is very lar'e" or if the #rocess timed out durin' a trial u#'rade"
consider ex#andin' the S:! Server transaction lo' files beforehand to make sure that you have room
for the number of transactions that must be #rocessed. .or more information about ho& to ex#and the
S:! Server transaction lo's" see Ex#andin' a 1atabase 2S:! Server 200G 423.
3stimate ho! long the upgrade !ill ta:e
8ith your disk s#ace estimates in hand" and some testin' done" you can no& calculate a rou'h
estimate of ho& lon' the actual u#'rade #rocess &ill take. @#'rade times vary &idely amon'
environments. The #erformance for an u#'rade de#ends 'reatly on the hard&are bein' used" the
com#lexity of the sites" and the #articular characteristics of your im#lementation. .or exam#le" if you
have many lar'e document libraries" these may take lon'er to u#'rade than a sim#ler site.
.actors that influence #erformance for u#'rade are described in the follo&in' list.
3nironment factors The follo&in' factors can affect the #erformance for both database and site
collection u#'rade$
Simultaneous u#'rades
S:! Server disk in#ut;out#ut #er second
S:! Server database to disk layout
S:! Server tem#orary database o#timi0ations
S:! Server +P@ and memory characteristics
8eb server +P@ and memory characteristics
et&ork band&idth and latency
Database factors The follo&in' factors can affect the #erformance of database u#'rade. The
number of$
Site collections
4o&s#an &ithin lists
1ocument versions 2number and si0e3
Plus the overall database si0e itself.
Site collection factors The follo&in' factors can affect the #erformance of site collection u#'rade.
The number of$
/ctivated u#'radin' features
1ocument versions 2number and si0e3
*o& your data is structured can affect ho& lon' it takes to u#'rade it. .or exam#le" 10"000 lists &ith 10
items each &ill have a lon'er u#'rade time than 10 lists &ith 10"000 items. The actions re)uired to
u#'rade the list infrastructure must be #erformed for each list" re'ardless of the number of items.
Therefore" more lists e)uals more actions. The same 'oes for most of the items under database factors
or site collection factors.
The structure of your hard&are can also have a bi' effect on #erformance. Henerally" the database
server #erformance is more im#ortant than &eb server #erformance" but under#o&ered hard&are or
connectivity issues at either tier can si'nificantly affect u#'rade #erformance. 8eb servers have a
si'nificant #art to #lay in database u#'rade #erformance" mainly by issuin' the commands to make
data and structural chan'es in the databases. The database servers have to #rocess those chan'es
and &ork &ith a lar'e set of data for every command. 8eb server #erformance becomes a bi''er issue
durin' site collection u#'rade" &hen the u#'rade #rocess iterates several actions for each site
collection 2&hich mi'ht occur for multi#le site collections at a time3. Site collection u#'rade also affects
the database server as each action must occur in S:! Server.
The best &ay to estimate overall time is to do a trial u#'rade of the data" and then revie& the u#'rade
lo' files. The lo' files contain the duration for an u#'rade D look for Total Ela#sed Time at the bottom
of the u#'rade lo' file. @se this time to estimate the duration for your full set of content. 9ou can also
use the lo' files to check your #ro'ress durin' the u#'rade #rocess. The u#'rade.lo' file is located at
Q+O((OP4OH4/(.%!ESQL(icrosoft SharedL&eb server extensionsL1BL!OHS.
To determine durations from the lo's" examine$
The times s#ent in each u#'rade se)uence #er lo'.
The times s#ent #er u#'rade action instance #er lo'.
The minimum" maximum" and avera'e times.
(ake sure that you se#arate out the database u#'rade times from time that is s#ent u#'radin' site
collections for accurate #lannin'. Perform multi#le trial u#'rades to 'uarantee more accurate data.
Then collate the data from multi#le tests to determine likely #erformance #er se)uence" action" and
database. 9ou can use the Get=SP+pgradeActions cmdlet in 8indo&s Po&erShell to see ho& many
actions occur for the farm. .or more information" see Het7SP@#'rade/ctions.
The estimate you arrive at based on your trial u#'rade is for the actual u#'rade #rocess for the data. %t
does not include all of the ste#s that you have to #erform before and after this ste#" &hich can take
more time than the u#'rade of the data itself. 8hen estimatin' ho& lon' the u#'rade &ill take" in
addition to the time that is re)uired for data to be #rocessed" you must also estimate ho& lon' the
activities durin' the u#'rade #hases &ill take.
+onsider the follo&in' factors$
'reating custom elements @#'radin' 8eb Parts or re7doin' custom tem#lates to take
advanta'e of ne& features &ill take some time. The #rocess of creatin' custom elements should
be'in early" durin' the evaluation #hase of your #roCect.
<ac:ing up the databases 9ou must #erform a full backu# D not a differential backu# D of your
databases for a database7attach u#'rade. .or lar'e environments" this ste# can take si'nificant
time. %n #articular" if you are backin' u# to a net&ork location" net&ork latency issues can slo& this
#rocess do&n.
'reating serice applications and configuring serices +reatin' service a##lications and
confi'urin' services does not take lon'. *o&ever" if you must contact a database administrator to
create the databases for you before you create service a##lications" you mi'ht need a day or t&o of
lead time.
.unning a search cra!l on all content .or lar'e sites" this ste# can take more than 2A hours.
@nless you run a cra&l" searches cannot return results because the index is not u#'raded.
>erifying the enironment after upgrade .or lar'e environments" it can take a &hile to verify the
environment and check the site collections to make sure that they are in a 'ood state before you
allo& users access to them. .or more information" see Eerify database u#'rades in SharePoint
.or site collection u#'rade" consider the follo&in' factors$
>erifying sites and ma:ing changes /llo& enou'h time for users to validate their sites after the
u#'rade. This may take several days. .or more information" see 4evie& site collections u#'raded
to SharePoint 2013.
/dditional factors in your environment can also contribute to lon'er u#'rade times. They include the
>ery large document libraries / document library &ith more than 2B0"000 documents all in the
root of the document library 2instead of in folders3 &ill take a lon' time to u#'rade" and the u#'rade
mi'ht not be successful. .ollo&in' the 'uidelines for usin' folders to break u# lar'e document
libraries can hel# you mana'e the library si0e. .or exam#le" if you rearran'e the same document
library so that the 2B0"000 documents are divided into 12B folders" it should u#'rade more easily.
>ery large databases 1atabases lar'er than 100 H- can take a lon' time to u#'rade.
%f you have content databases that are lar'er than 100 H- and include mixed site ty#es 2such as
(y Sites and team sites to'ether &ith #ublished sites3" &e recommend that you divide them u# into
smaller databases that contain a consistent ty#e of data before you run the u#'rade.
(y Sites are available only &ith SharePoint Server" not SharePoint .oundation.
9ou can use the Moe=SPSite8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlet to move sites bet&een databases. .or
more information" see (ove7SPSite.
-e sure that you are follo&in' the ca#acity #lannin' 'uidelines from the #revious and ne& versions
before you attem#t the u#'rade. %f you have exceeded the 'uidelines for best #erformance" the
u#'rade #rocess mi'ht take lon'er" or it mi'ht fail 2for exam#le" the #rocess mi'ht time out
re#eatedly on the same lar'e document library3. %f your de#loyment does not meet the
recommended ca#acity 'uidelines" consider &hether you have to do some &ork to meet those
'uidelines before you try the u#'rade. /'ain" a trial u#'rade can hel# you &ith that decision.
2ide lists ,lists !ith many columns-
8ide lists are lists &ith more columns than fit in a sin'le ro&s#an in the content database. These
lists can take lon'er to #rocess durin' u#'rade" or mi'ht not u#'rade. .or more information" see
+lean u# an environment before an u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
Sites !ith many sub!ebs
Site collections that contain hundreds or thousands of sub&ebs &ill take much lon'er to #rocess
durin' site collection u#'rade. .or exam#le" a site collection &ith thousands of sub&ebs mi'ht take
many hours instead of many minutes" or lon'er" to u#'rade.
'ommunications re/uirements
9ou have to notify the users and your team of the u#'rade schedule" and 'ive them time to do their
tasks. .or more information" see +reate a communication #lan for the u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
Managing system center alerts and alarms
9ou have to monitor system #erformance durin' u#'rade" but you &ill not have to monitor s#ecific
features. Pause any unnecessary alarms and alerts from (icrosoft Systems +enter O#erations
(ana'er or (icrosoft O#erations (ana'er" and then turn them on a'ain after u#'rade.
&urning S;5 Serer mirroring and log shipping ,or Al!aysOn Aailability Groups- on?off
9ou should turn off mirrorin' and lo' shi##in' before you u#'rade" and then turn them on a'ain
after you are sure that your environment is runnin' correctly after the u#'rade. 8e recommend that
you do not run mirrorin' or lo' shi##in' durin' u#'rade" because this creates additional load on the
servers that are runnin' S:! Server and also &astes resources mirrorin' or shi##in' tem#orary
This also a##lies to /l&aysOn /vailability Hrou#s in S:! Server 2012.
Test the u#'rade #rocess to discover ho& lon' it may take" then create a schedule for the u#'rade
o#erations and test that to determine your timeline. 9ou should include the time that that is re)uired to
do the #re7u#'rade and #ost7u#'rade ste#s in your o#erations timeline$ %f it takes B hours to back u#
your databases" you must include that time in your timeline. /lso include buffer time in case you have to
restore or recover D you should determine both your #lanned outa'e 2realistic case3 and your
emer'ency outa'e 2&orst case3 timelines.
3nironment performance after upgrade
/fter you com#lete an u#'rade" the environment &ill likely ex#erience some la' in #erformance as it
&orks throu'h the chan'es. (ake sure that you confirm the actual #erformance a'ainst your ex#ected
#erformance after u#'rade to make sure that your ne& farm is #erformin' &ithin acce#table bounds.
+heck S:! Server res#onsiveness$ is the disk )ueue len'th too lon'< /re +P@ and memory usa'e too
hi'h< /lso look for &eb and a##lication server res#onsiveness$ is the number of re)uests #er second
24PS3 acce#table< 8hat about #a'e load time 2initial and secondary #a'e re)uests3. 4evie& your
overall environment #erformance and make adCustments as needed.
'reate a communication plan for the upgrade to
SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" +ommunicate timelines" re)uirements" and ho& to obtain hel# &ith site o&ners and users
durin' u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
%t is im#ortant that you communicate &ith users durin' the u#'rade #rocess from SharePoint 2010
Products to SharePoint 2013. Site users have to kno& &hat to ex#ect &hen they visit their sites a'ain
after you have u#'raded the environment. Site o&ners have to kno& ho& they can hel# #re#are for
u#'rade and &hat they have to do to u#'rade their site collections in SharePoint 2013 and (y Sites in
SharePoint Server 2013. -oth site users and site o&ners have to kno& &hen the u#'rade &ill occur. /s
#art of the #lannin' #rocess" determine the follo&in'$
8ho are the members of the u#'rade team" &hat other stakeholders are involved" and &ho &ill be
affected by the u#'rade<
8hat information must the u#'rade team have" and &hen<
8hat information must site users and other stakeholders have" and &hen<
This article describes ho& to create a communication #lan so that the u#'rade team" stakeholders" and
users kno& &hat to ex#ect before" durin'" and after the u#'rade.
2ho is a member of the upgrade teamA
.or small de#loyments in &hich sites &ere not customi0ed extensively" the u#'rade team mi'ht consist
of only one #erson. .or lar'er de#loyments" on the other hand" several #eo#le &ith different roles can
be re)uired" as described in the follo&in' list$
Serer administrators Server administrators #erform most of the u#'rade tasks. There must be
at least one server administrator on the u#'rade team because runnin' the Setu# &i0ard re)uires
someone &ho is a member of the /dministrators 'rou# on each front7end &eb server.
.arm administrators mi'ht not be local administrators for the server.
Database administrators %f you have a se#arate database administration team" you must
coordinate &ith them to schedule the u#'rade and #erform the u#'rade.
Serer security teams 9ou must coordinate &ith your security teams" such as the /ctive
1irectory 1omain Services 2/1 1S3 team" to verify accounts and #ermissions or to take advanta'e
of the ne& #olicy settin's that you can a##ly for SharePoint 2013.
)et!or: teams 9ou must coordinate &ith the net&ork teams" es#ecially if you must s&itch 1S
to #oint to your ne& farm" or add the ne& servers to the net&ork infrastructure.
'lient deployment team +ommunicate &ith client de#loyment teams to coordinate de#loyments
of ne& client and server a##lications. +lient de#loyment mi'ht have to occur before you u#'rade" or
it mi'ht be an o#tion for users after their sites are u#'raded.
Serices administrators 9ou must communicate &ith the administrators for service a##lications"
such as the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service" to make sure that they are ready for the u#'rade
and they can revie& or reconfi'ure the a##ro#riate settin's in the ne& version.
*& or application 6elpdes: leadership and personnel %f you have a hel#desk for your com#any"
make sure that they kno& about the timin' for the u#'rade and are #re#ared for )uestions after
u#'rade. *el#desk should be a key stakeholder for #lannin' and testin' so that they can be
understand the #otential chan'es from an u#'rade and the effect that it &ill have on users.
Site collection o!ners 9ou must notify site collection o&ners &hen the u#'rade #rocess is about
to occur. 8arn them about any issues that you find &hen you run the #re7u#'rade checker or &hen
you u#'rade their sites. 9ou must also communicate &ith site collection o&ners about their role in
u#'rade. Site collection o&ners can u#'rade their o&n sites in SharePoint 2013. Site collection
o&ners can run health checks and revie& u#'rade evaluation sites before they u#'rade their sites.
Site designers and deelopers and third=party solution proiders %f you have custom
tem#lates" 8eb Parts" 8eb services" or other custom elements that are associated &ith your sites"
you must &ork &ith the associated site desi'ners and develo#ers or third7#arty solution #roviders.
-ecause custom elements can fail or #erform differently in an u#'raded environment" you have to
make sure that desi'ners or develo#ers can create ne& versions of these custom elements or
verify that these elements &ere u#'raded correctly. -ecause their &ork can have a bi' influence on
the u#'rade schedule" &ork &ith these stakeholders early in the #rocess. .or more information
about #otential issues &ith custom elements" see @se a trial u#'rade to SharePoint 2013 to find
#otential issues.
Site users /lthou'h you do not have to include site users in makin' decisions about the u#'rade
#rocess" you must tell site users &hen it &ill occur and &hat they should ex#ect.
Sponsors and other sta:eholders Other #eo#le in your or'ani0ation mi'ht be involved in the
u#'rade #lannin' #rocess. (ake sure that you include them in your communication #lan
/n u#'rade team can include one or more members in each role" de#endin' on your
2hen and !hat to communicate to the upgrade team
%n 'eneral" the server administrators and service a##lication administrators set the timeline for u#'rade"
and site o&ners are notified only &hen the #rocess is about to be'in. *o&ever" because team members
have their o&n tasks to #erform at #articular #oints in the overall u#'rade #rocess" it is very im#ortant
that you have a solid #lan to communicate the #ro'ress of the u#'rade to all team members so that
everyone kno&s &hen it is time to #erform their #articular tasks.
The &hole u#'rade team must &ork to'ether to determine the dates and times to #erform the u#'rade.
8e recommend that you choose an u#'rade &indo& to occur &hen site usa'e is lo&est. .or small
sin'le7server de#loyments" u#'rade may be com#leted in less than a day. !ar'er de#loyments can take
more time" u# to a &eekend. There is no &ay to determine the #recise len'th of time that &ill be
re)uired to u#'rade any #articular site collection. -ecause of this" it is very im#ortant to communicate
&ith other team members involved in the u#'rade #rocess in addition to users. The day or days that
you choose for u#'radin' should be far enou'h in the future that the u#'rade team has enou'h time to
com#lete all of the #reliminary ste#s. 8hen you #lan the timeline" make sure that you schedule time to
validate the u#'raded sites and time to im#lement any chan'es or do any &ork to re7brand sites.
%t is im#ortant to communicate &ith site o&ners" desi'ners" and develo#ers at the follo&in' #oints
durin' the u#'rade #rocess$
-efore the trial u#'rade so that they kno& the 'eneral timeline and their roles in the #rocess.
/fter you #erform a trial u#'rade to find issues. .or exam#le" issues such as customi0ed site
tem#lates or custom 8eb Parts should be re#orted to the a##ro#riate site o&ner" desi'ner" or
develo#er before you schedule the u#'rade" to 'ive them time to investi'ate the issues and take
#reliminary ste#s. Or a develo#er mi'ht decide that it &ould be #rudent to rebuild a 8eb Part
before the u#'rade occurs. /nd site o&ners mi'ht &ant to note any customi0ations that &ere done
to their sites" such as site tem#lates and chan'es to core /ctive Server Pa'e Extension 2/SPM3
/fter the environment is u#'raded so that they can revie& the sites and make any chan'es that are
8hen you are ready for them to u#'rade their site collections.
2hen and !hat to communicate to site users
%t is e)ually im#ortant to communicate &ith the users of the sites to tell them about the follo&in' issues$
2hen the enironment !ill be upgraded %n #articular" you must also inform them if their sites
&ill be unavailable durin' the u#'rade.
2hen their sites !ill upgraded Site collection o&ners should communicate to their site users
about the timeline for u#'radin' the site collection. %f you" as a server farm administrator" are
u#'radin' a site" you should communicate &hen that &ill occur.
6o! the upgrade might affect them and !hat they should :no! about the ne!
enironment .or exam#le" the site &ill look different and function sli'htly differently in the ne&
user interface. 9ou can also #oint them to available content" such as 8hat6s e& articles or trainin'
materials" to learn about the ne& version. .or more information about feature chan'es" see 8hat6s
ne& in SharePoint Server 1B -eta.
6o! to obtain help %f they find an issue &ith their site after u#'rade" ho& can they obtain hel# in
addressin' it<
9ou can use the ne& system status bar in the site collections to notify users of these items. .or more
information about ho& to set notifications for the status bar" see Plan settin's for u#'rade notifications"
self7service u#'rade" and site collection creation in the article Plan for site collection u#'rades in
SharePoint 2013.
'lean up an enironment before an upgrade to
SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" (ake sure that your environment is in a healthy state" and delete unnecessary items before
you u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
-efore you start to u#'rade from SharePoint 2010 Products to SharePoint 2013" you should make sure
that your environment is functionin' in a healthy state and that you clean u# any content that you do not
have to u#'rade. 9ou can also take the time to remove or rearran'e content so that you &ill have the
structure that you &ant after you #erform the u#'rade.
*tems to clean up
(any of these items can be removed or re#aired by usin' Stsadm command7line tool or 8indo&s
Po&erShell cmdlets.
To use the Stsadm command7line tool" you must be a member of the /dministrators 'rou# on
the local com#uter.
To use 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets in the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell" you must
have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
Delete unused or underused site collections and sub!ebs
9ou do not &ant to u#'rade content that you do not have to kee#. %f it &as unused for a lon' time and is
not needed in the future" back it u#" and then delete it to free stora'e and administrative resources"
im#rove u#'rade #erformance" and reduce u#'rade risk. -e sure to communicate &ith site o&ners or
or'ani0ational contacts re'ardin' the site status D you &ant to make sure that the site is not needed
before you delete it 2for exam#le" you do not &ant to delete sites that are re)uired for com#liance" such
as emer'ency #rocedures" even thou'h they may not be fre)uently u#dated3.
.or more information about ho& to delete site collections and sub&ebs" see the follo&in' articles$
'hec: large lists ,lists !ith lots of data-
-y default" lar'e list )uery throttlin' is turned on in SharePoint 2010 Products. This behavior has not
chan'ed in SharePoint 2013. %f a list is very lar'e" and users use a vie& or #erform a )uery that
exceeds the limit or throttlin' threshold" the vie& or )uery &ill not be #ermitted. %f you are u#'radin'
content from the server #roducts in the Office 200F release" check any lar'e lists and have the site
o&ner or list o&ner address the issue. .or exam#le" they can create indexed columns &ith filtered
vie&s" or'ani0e items into folders" set an item limit on the #a'e for a lar'e vie&" or use an external list.
.or more information about lar'e list throttlin' and ho& to address issues &ith lar'e lists" see (ana'e
lists and libraries &ith many items on Office Online.
Delete e4cess columns from !ide lists ,lists !ith too many columns-
or remoe !ide lists
8ide lists are lists &ith more columns than fit in a sin'le ro&s#an in the content database. 1urin'
u#'rade" the underlyin' stora'e in the database is chan'ed to a s#arse table structure" and a very &ide
list can cause u#'rade to fail. @se the &est=SP'ontentDatabase command in 8indo&s Po&erShell to
look for &ide lists in the content databases and then remove excess columns" or remove the &ide list
before you u#'rade.
.or more information about maximum column si0es in a list" see +olumn limits.
'onsider moing site collections into separate databases
%f you have B"000 or more site collections in a database" consider breakin' them out into multi#le
databases. %n SharePoint 2010 Products" there &as a default &arnin' at >"000 site collections and a
hard limit at 1B"000 site collections. %n SharePoint 2013" these values chan'e to 2"000 site collections
for the &arnin' and B"000 site collections for the limit. To avoid errors durin' u#'rade or broken sites
after u#'rade" &e recommend that you move some site collections into se#arate databases. %f you have
multi#le content databases" you can also s#eed u# an u#'rade #rocess by u#'radin' multi#le
databases in #arallel.
.or more information about site collection limits" see +ontent database limits. .or more information
about ho& to move site collections to a ne& database" see (ove site collections bet&een databases in
SharePoint 2013.
.emoe e4traneous document ersions
!ar'e numbers of document versions can slo& do&n an u#'rade si'nificantly. %f you do not have to
kee# multi#le versions" you can have users delete them manually or use the obCect model to find and
remove them. .or more information about ho& to #ro'rammatically remove extraneous versions" see
Eersions 8eb Service on (S1.
.emoe unused templates% features% and 2eb Parts
.irst" verify that no sites are usin' the tem#late" feature" or 8eb Part. 9ou can use the Stsadm =o
3numAll2ebs o#eration &ith the 7includefeatures and 7include!ebparts #arameters to identify
these customi0ations in your environment. This o#eration identifies 8eb Parts" features" event
handlers" and setu# files that are bein' used in your environment. The 3numAll2ebs command also
s#ecifies &hich files are used by &hich sites. +han'es &ere made to the 3numAll2ebs command in
the .ebruary 2011 +umulative u#date to make it return both site collection and &eb7level features. .or
more information" and to 'et the cumulative u#date" see 1escri#tion of the SharePoint .oundation 2010
cumulative u#date #acka'e 2SharePoint .oundation server7#acka'e3$ (arch 3" 2011.
9ou can remove a feature durin' site collection u#'rade. Sim#le features can also be removed by
de#recatin' them in the tem#late. 9ou can use feature u#'rade to remove more com#lex features. .or
more information" see @#'radin' .eatures and .eature @#'rade Overvie& on (S1.
.or more information about ho& to identify customi0ations in your environment" see @se a trial u#'rade
to SharePoint 2013 to find #otential issues. %f customi0ations are not bein' used" delete them. .or more
information about ho& to mana'e these kinds of customi0ations" see .eatures and Tem#lates and
Solutions and 8eb Part Packa'es on (S1.
.emoe Po!erPoint <roadcast sites
These sites and site tem#lates are not available in SharePoint 2013 because the Office 8eb /##s
Server are no& installed se#arately from the SharePoint 2013 environment. Sites based on these
tem#lates &ill not &ork in SharePoint 2013. 4emove these ty#es of sites before you u#'rade.
9ou can use the Get=SPSite8indo&s Po&erShell command to'ether &ith the follo&in' o#tions to find
these sites$
,et(SPSite W =here(ObIectJ[>#9oot=eb#emplate (e: RPo*erPointCroadcast\0RK
This &ill return all sites that use that tem#late.
9ou can also use the Get=SPSite and .emoe=SPSite8indo&s Po&erShell commands to'ether &ith
the follo&in' o#tions to remove these sites$
,et(SPSite W =here(ObIectJ[>#9oot=eb#emplate (e: RPo*erPointCroadcast\0RK W 9emove(SPSite
-e sure to back u# these sites before you remove them. .or more information" see Het7SPSite and
9inish >isual +pgrades in SharePoint 2010 Products
1urin' an u#'rade from the server #roducts in the Office 200F release to SharePoint 2010 Products"
you could allo& site o&ners to use Eisual @#'rade to kee# sites in the old ex#erience on the u#'raded
environment. 8hen you u#'rade to SharePoint 2013" all sites that are still in the old ex#erience in
SharePoint 2010 Products are automatically u#'raded to the 2010 ex#erience. %f you &ant the
o##ortunity to address any issues and revie& the sites before they are s&itched to the ne& ex#erience"
u#'rade them to the ne& ex#erience in your SharePoint 2010 Products environment and revie& them
before you u#'rade them to SharePoint 2013. 8e recommend that you finish visual u#'rades before
you u#'rade to SharePoint 2013. .inishin' visual u#'rades before you u#'rade #rovides the follo&in'
9ou can address issues &hile you still have the server #roducts in the Office 200F release
com#onents available.
9ou can have users be involved in revie&in' and fixin' issues in their sites.
9ou can roll back to the old ex#erience tem#orarily if it is necessary. 9ou cannot roll back &hen you
are in the SharePoint 2013 ex#erience.
9ou avoid addin' #otential errors to the u#'rade #rocess. The fe&er o#erations occurrin' durin'
u#'rade" the better. Tryin' to troubleshoot errors is more difficult &hen you have more #rocesses
involved. /nd users mi'ht think that u#'rade has caused an issue &hen it6s really the ex#erience
chan'in' to the ne& version. %f you have an issue &ith ho& the site interface is dis#layin'" ho& &ill
you kno& &hether it is an old issue from the site that &as forced throu'h visual u#'rade" a #roblem
&ith the 2010 mode in SharePoint 2013" or a #roblem &ith a ne& +SS file<
To check for sites in the old ex#erience" on the SharePoint 2010 Products environment" you can use
the Get=SPSite 8indo&s Po&erShell command.
&o chec: for and upgrade sites still in the old e4perience in the SharePoint 2010
Products enironment by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2010 Management Shell.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command to return all
site collections that are in or have sub&ebs in the old ex#erience$
,et(SPSite W +or;ach(ObIectJ[>#,etEisual9eport!$K
?. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command to u#'rade
those sites to the ne& ex#erience$
,et(SPSite W +or;ach(ObIectJ[>#Eisual6p-rade=ebs!$K
.or more information" see Het7SPSite and (ana'e visual u#'rade 2SharePoint Server 20103.
.epair data issues
(ake sure that you re#air all issues in your databases or site content before you u#'rade. %n #articular"
check the follo&in' items$
'hec: databases for corrupted data
+lean u# your databases to remove any or#haned sites or other corru#ted data" such as a
corru#ted list. +onsider defra'mentin' if you have removed sites or subsites from the database. .or
more information" see$
1atabasere#air$ Stsadm o#eration
.orcedeletelist$ Stsadm o#eration
'hec: databases for duplicate or orphaned site collections
(ake sure that site collections exist in only one content database. Occasionally" site collections can
leave behind du#licate or or#haned references in old content databases if they are moved to ne&
databases" or if a co#y of a database &as attached to the farm" or if there &as an error &hen a site
collection &as #rovisioned. %f a site collection is referenced in more than one content database or
there is more than one instance of the site collection in a content database" it can cause issues
&hen you u#'rade by usin' the database attach u#'rade method. %f you u#'rade a du#licate
version of the site collection first" the site ma# in your confi'uration database mi'ht end u# #ointin'
to that version of the site instead of the current version.
-efore you u#'rade" use the 3numall!ebs o#eration in stsadm command7line tool to discover
&hich sites are in &hich content databases and com#are the results. /lso" examine each site
collection in the results and check &hether it is listed as missin' in the site ma#. -ein' listed as
missin' indicates that it is an or#haned site. .or more information" see Enumall&ebs$ Stsadm
o#eration. %f you find du#licate or or#haned sites" you can use the .emoe=SPSite cmdlet in
8indo&s Po&erShell to remove the du#licate or or#haned sites from the database.
.or more information" see 4emove7SPSite.
'hec: ariations
%n #ublishin' environments" check for any variations that must be fixed. .or more information" see
Eariationsfixu#tool$ Stsadm o#eration.
6o! to ma:e structural changes
To make structural chan'es to your environment" such as movin' site collections or chan'in' ho& your
databases are allocated" you can use the follo&in' methods$
Moe=SPSite @se this to move site collections bet&een databases. %f a database is very lar'e or
contains lots of site collections" you can move sites to address this to make u#'rade more efficient.
/lso" you can move all collaboration sites into one database and all (y Sites into another to make
the u#'rade administration easier for those different sets of sites. 9ou can also use this o#eration to
divide lar'e databases if they contain multi#le site collections. This can also hel# increase u#'rade
.or more information" see (ove7SPSite.
34port=SP2eb and *mport=SP2eb @se this method to move sub&ebs or site collections inside a
farm or bet&een farms. .or more information" see Ex#ort7SP8eb and %m#ort7SP8eb.
&est and troubleshoot an upgrade to SharePoint
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" .ind resources about ho& to test and troubleshoot an u#'rade from SharePoint 2010
Products to SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
-efore you u#'rade from SharePoint 2010 Products to SharePoint 2013" you should take time to test
an u#'rade #rocess and understand the issues that you mi'ht face in an actual u#'rade. /fter you
#erform a test u#'rade" or after you u#'rade your actual databases" you mi'ht find issues that have to
be addressed. /fter you address issues" you can restart the u#'rade to try a'ain.
The follo&in' do&nloadable resources" articles on Techet" video recordin's" and related resources
#rovide information about ho& to test and troubleshoot u#'rade.
Do!nloadable resources about ho! to test and
troubleshoot upgrade
1o&nload the follo&in' content for information about ho& to test and troubleshoot u#'rade.

'ontent Description

SharePoint 2013 Products
Previe& 7 Test 9our @#'rade
Process model
See a visual dis#lay of
information about ho& to test the
u#'rade #rocess.

SharePoint 2013 Products
Previe& @#'rade 8orksheet
@se this &orksheet to record
information about your
environment &hile you test

&ech)et articles about ho! to test and troubleshoot
The follo&in' articles about ho& to test and troubleshoot u#'rade are available to vie& online. 8riters
u#date articles on a continuin' basis as ne& information becomes available and as users #rovide

@se a trial u#'rade to SharePoint 2013 to find
#otential issues
.ind out ho& to #lan for success by testin'
u#'rade by usin' your actual data in either a
#hysical or virtual environment.
Troubleshoot database u#'rade issues in
SharePoint 2013
.ollo& these recommendations to troubleshoot any
issues that occur durin' database7attach u#'rade.
9ou can also look u# common issues and discover
ho& to address them.
Troubleshoot site collection u#'rade issues in
SharePoint 2013
.ollo& these recommendations to troubleshoot any
issues that occur durin' a site collection u#'rade.
9ou can also look u# common issues and discover
ho& to address them.
4estart a database7attach u#'rade or a site
collection u#'rade to SharePoint 2013
%f you encounter errors durin' u#'rade" you can
address them by usin' the troubleshootin' article"
and then use this article to restart or resume

Additional resources about ho! to test and
troubleshoot upgrade
The follo&in' resources about ho& to test and troubleshoot u#'rade are available from other subCect
matter ex#erts.

'ontent Description
@#'rade and (i'ration 4esource
+enter for SharePoint 2013
Eisit the 4esource +enter to find
additional information about u#'rades to
SharePoint 2013.

+se a trial upgrade to SharePoint 2013 to find
potential issues
+pdated" October 1$% 2012
Summary" Pre#are for u#'rade to SharePoint 2013 by testin' the u#'rade #rocess on co#ies of real
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
-efore you start an u#'rade from SharePoint 2010 Products to SharePoint 2013" you should test the
u#'rade #rocess to make sure that you kno& exactly &hat you have to do to have a successful
u#'rade. / trial u#'rade to test the #rocess can reveal the follo&in' issues$
8hether an u#'rade #lan &ill &ork or if you must make adCustments.
The customi0ations that are in your environment so that you can #lan to deal &ith them durin'
8hether you should u#'rade your hard&are to make an u#'rade run more efficiently and more
The timin' for u#'rade" or ho& lon' u#'rade &ill take for your environment.
8hat you must #lan for" o#erationally D for exam#le" resources to have available.
%n addition" you can use the trial u#'rade to become familiar &ith the u#'rade tools and the #rocess
itself so that you kno& &hat to ex#ect &hen you #erform the actual #rocess. Throu'h testin'" you can
discover the follo&in' issues$
8hat does the u#'rade user interface look like< *o& do you kno& &hen you have finished one
#hase and are movin' throu'h another<
8here are the lo' files" and ho& do you read them< 8hat information do they #rovide<
8hether you must adCust any scri#ts or commands that are used durin' the u#'rade #rocess"
es#ecially if you are relyin' on any scri#ts that &ere used in u#'radin' to SharePoint 2010
8hether you have the ri'ht #lan to address any outa'es.
This article describes basic ste#s for testin' u#'rade" and it 'ives recommendations for revie&in' the
results and adCustin' an u#'rade #lan based on &hat you learn durin' the tests.
%n addition" the follo&in' resources can be hel#ful &hen you test the u#'rade #rocess$
SharePoint 2013 @#'rade 8orksheet
1o&nload the SharePoint 2013 Products Previe& @#'rade 8orksheet and use it to record
information about your environment &hile you test u#'rade.
SharePoint 2013 7 Test 9our @#'rade Process model
1o&nload the SharePoint 2013 Products Previe& 7 Test 9our @#'rade Process model #oster to see
a visual dis#lay of information about ho& to test the u#'rade #rocess.
See best #ractices for testin' the u#'rade #rocess in -est #ractices for u#'radin' to SharePoint
Set up a test enironment
9ou can use either virtual or #hysical hard&are to test the u#'rade #rocess. Every environment is
uni)ue. Therefore" there are no 'eneral 'uidelines for ho& lon' u#'rade &ill take or ho& difficult a
#articular customi0ation &ill be to u#'rade. The best &ay to 'au'e ho& u#'rade &ill 'o is to #erform a
series of trial u#'rades.
*ere are some thin's to consider &hen you create your test environment$
(ake your test farm as similar as #ossible to your real farm D for exam#le" hard&are" soft&are"
and available s#ace.
@se the same @4!s in your test farm as in your real farm. Other&ise" you &ill &aste time
dia'nosin' issues that relate to the @4!s that &ill not occur in the real u#'rade. 9ou can do this by
usin' the same @4!s and testin' only from com#uters that have host file chan'es.
@se the different com#uter names for your &eb and a##lication servers.
This &ill #revent /ctive 1irectory 1omain Services 2/1 1S3 conflicts.
@se se#arate servers that run S:! Server for your test farm
%f you are usin' the same servers that run S:! Server for your test and #roduction farm" you can
affect the #erformance of your #roduction farm &hile you run your tests. 8e recommend that you
use different S:! Server com#uters 2not Cust instances3 for your #roduction and test farms.
@se the same database names in your test environment.
That &ay" you can validate any scri#ts that you use to mana'e your environment. /'ain" make sure
that you use se#arate servers that are runnin' S:! Server or you risk affectin' your #roduction
-e sure that you transfer all the settin's and customi0ations to the test environment. The section
%dentify and install customi0ations #rovides information about collectin' this information.
(ake sure that actions that you take in the test environment do not affect the live environment. -e
cautious &ith the follo&in'$
External data connections
Even thou'h you are &orkin' &ith a co#y of the environment" the link to the data source is real.
+han'es that you make to the data in the test environment affect the #roduction environment.
4unnin' commands a'ainst a live database still in #roduction
(ake sure that you use co#ies of your databases for testin'" not a live version in your #roduction
environment. .or exam#le" if you run &est=SP'ontentDatabase a'ainst a live database" instead of
a co#y" you mi'ht affect #erformance on your #roduction environment.
+sing a irtual test enironment
8hen you test by usin' a virtuali0ed environment" you do not have to have lots of hard&are. 9ou can
re#licate your environment by usin' Cust t&o servers that are runnin' *y#er7E. One server has ima'es
for the front7end &eb servers and a##lication servers" and the other server has ima'es for the database
*o&ever" virtual environments mi'ht not have the same #erformance metrics as #hysical environments.
%f your #roduction environment is #hysical" you must consider this difference &hen you calculate the
time that is re)uired to u#'rade your #roduction environment. Henerally" you can 'et better
#erformance estimates if you use a #hysical server for S:! Server. (ake sure that it has similar
#erformance s#ecifications to your server that runs S:! Server in your #roduction environment.
Distribution of serers in a irtual test enironment

+sing a physical test enironment
8hen you test by usin' a #hysical environment" you must re#licate your #ro#osed #roduction server
farm environment as closely as #ossible. %f you sim#lify the number of front7end &eb servers"
a##lication servers" or database servers too much" you &ill not have an accurate estimate of ho& lon'
the u#'rade #rocess &ill take. 9ou may not account for com#lications that arise from interactions
bet&een servers in the same role 2such as S:! Server transactions3. %f you have multi#le servers in a
role in your #ro#osed #roduction farm" use at least t&o servers for that role in the test farm to test for
such issues.
Distribution of serers in a physical test enironment

*dentify and install customi(ations
To have an accurate test #rocess" you must find all the customi0ations in your current environment and
co#y them to the test environment. .or more information about the ty#es of customi0ations that you
have to identify" see +reate a #lan for current customi0ations durin' u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
@se the Stsadm Xo enumall!ebs o#eration on all content databases in your SharePoint 2010
Products environment to identify s#ecific customi0ations in subsites. This o#eration lists an %1 for
each site collection and subsite in your environment and the tem#lates that the site relies on. .or
more information" see Enumall&ebs$ Stsadm o#eration.
@se a tool such as 8in1iff 2a tool that is #rovided &ith most (icrosoft o#eratin' systems3 to
com#are your #roduction environment servers &ith your test farm servers. 9ou can use this tool to
see &hich files exist on your servers and the differences bet&een them.
+heck the &eb.confi' files for any chan'es" and look in the Safe+ontrols element to find any
custom controls.
@se the SharePoint 1ia'nostics Tool 2SP1ia'3 to find de#loyed solutions. .or more information"
see SharePoint 1ia'nostics Tool 2SP1ia'3.
+reate a list of all customi0ations that you find. %dentify the source of the customi0ations" if it is
#ossible. .or exam#le" are there third7#arty add7ins or tem#lates that &ere customi0ed in7house<
/fter you identify the source" you can then check for u#dated or u#'raded versions of the
customi0ations. 1o&nload the SharePoint 2013 Products Previe& @#'rade 8orksheet and record
information about your environment" based on your research on your customi0ations.
8hom do you contact about customi0ations that you did not create<
+ontact (icrosoft if you have #roblems &ith a tem#late that you do&nloaded from the (icrosoft
+ontact your third7#arty solution vendor if you have #roblems &ith a tem#late or com#onent
that they su##lied you for the earlier version. /n u#'raded version may be available.
/fter you identify all the customi0ations" co#y them to the a##ro#riate servers in your test farm. Ensure
that the follo&in' customi0ations are de#loyed$
Solutions 7 by default le'acy solutions are de#loyed to the ;1A directories. @se the
'ompatibility5eel #arameter &hen you install the solutions to de#loy them to the ;1B directories.
.or more information" see %nstall7SPSolution.
+ustom (aster Pa'es
+ustom NavaScri#t
+ustom +SS files 2includin' those for themes3
+ustom &orkflo& actions 2must be included in actions file3
+onfirm lar'e list )uery throttlin' settin's to make sure that lar'e lists are dis#layed as ex#ected.
8hen you test customi0ations" use the follo&in' 'uidance$
+heck for visual chan'es.
+heck for behavioral chan'es.
Test in both 2010 and 2013 mode site collections.
!ook for any lan'ua'e or resource loadin' issues.
This is an issue that can occur &hen customi0ations exist in 2010 mode and ne& customi0ations
re#lace them in 2013 mode. -ecause there is only one 'lobal directory for lan'ua'e resources"
there can be an issue loadin' the correct file. (ake sure that re#lacement 2013 customi0ations
include the 2010 resources so that the customi0ations can continue to &ork correctly in both
Ealidate that u#'rade did not affect customi0ations. Ensure that customi0ations do not block site
collection u#'rade.
9ou can use the &est=SP'ontentDatabase 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlet before you attach a database
to SharePoint 2013 to determine &hether any customi0ations are missin' from the environment. 4un
this command for each database after you restore the databases to your database server but before
you run the u#'rade. ote that this cmdlet runs silently D it &ill not return any out#ut unless there is an
issue found.
'opy real data to the test enironment and upgrade
9ou cannot achieve your testin' 'oals unless you use your actual data. @se the (icrosoft S:! Server
backu# and restore tools to create a co#y of your content and services databases.
There is no better &ay to tell &hat may occur durin' u#'rade than to #erform the test on a co#y of all
the data. *o&ever" this mi'ht not al&ays be a realistic o#tion for initial testin'. 9ou can test in #hases
by testin' one database at a time 2if the databases are lar'e3 so that you can make sure that you test
&hatever is uni)ue about that dataset. Or" you can assemble a subset of data from re#resentative sites
in your environment. %f you &ant to first test by usin' a subset of your data" be sure that the subset has
the follo&in' characteristics$
The data subset contains sites that are ty#ical of the sites that you su##ort in your environment.
The si0e and com#lexity of the data subset closely resembles the actual si0e and com#lexity of
your environment.
Testin' a subset of your data does not #roduce a valid benchmark for ho& lon' it &ill take to
#rocess the &hole volume of data for your environment.
/fter you co#y the data" take a first #ass throu'h the u#'rade #rocess to see &hat ha##ens. This is Cust
the #reliminary round. .ollo& the ste#s in /ttach databases and u#'rade to SharePoint 2013 to try the
database attach u#'rade #rocess.
8hen you test the u#'rade #rocess" make sure that you test services that are shared across farms.
+onsider all states" such as the follo&in'$
/ SharePoint Server 2010 farm connected to a SharePoint Server 2013 services farm.
/ SharePoint Server 2013 farm connected to a SharePoint Server 2013 services farm.
1ifferent version farms for different services.
@se the test environment to find any security" confi'uration" com#atibility" and #erformance issues for
service a##lications.
.eie! results after you upgrade databases
/fter your test u#'rade has finished" you can revie& the results and revisit your #lans. !ook at the lo'
files" look at the u#'raded sites" and revie& your customi0ations. *o& did u#'rade &ork for your
environment< 8hat did you discover< 8hat do you have to rethink about the u#'rade #lan<
.eie! the log files
4evie& the u#'rade lo' file and the u#'rade error lo' file 2'enerated &hen you run the u#'rade3. The
u#'rade lo' file 2.lo'3 and the u#'rade error lo' file 2.err3 are located at Q+O((OP4OH4/(.%!ES
QL(icrosoft SharedL8eb server extensionsL1BL!OHS. The lo' files are named in the follo&in' format$
@#'rade7""""&&---11&&$$-$$$.lo'" &here """"&&-- is the date and 11&&$$-$$$ is the
time 2hours in 2A7hour clock format" minutes" seconds" and milliseconds3.
The format of the lo' files com#lies &ith the @nified !o''in' System 2@!S3 conventions. To revie& the
lo' files to find and troubleshoot issues" start at the to# of the files. Errors or &arnin's may be re#eated
if they occur for several site collections in the environment" or if they block the u#'rade #rocess
com#letely. .or exam#le" if you cannot connect to the confi'uration database" the u#'rade #rocess &ill
try 2and fail3 several times and these tries &ill be listed in the lo' file.
.eie! sites in 2010 mode
Eerify that the site collections that &ere not u#'raded &ork as ex#ected in 2010 mode. Sites should
look and behave as they did in SharePoint 2010 Products. Some chan'es are ex#ected. .or exam#le"
Office 8eb /##s and the &eb analytics features have chan'ed in SharePoint Server 2013 and sites
that used these features &ill be affected. .or information about s#ecific thin's to look for" see 4evie&
site collections u#'raded to SharePoint 2013.
.un upgrade again% if it is necessary
%f you have to" you can restart the u#'rade #rocess for a database by usin' the +pgrade=
SP'ontentDatabase 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlet. .or more information about this cmdlet" see
@#'rade7SP+ontent1atabase. .or more information" see 4estart a database7attach u#'rade or a site
collection u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
+pgrade site collections and My Sites
/fter you have tested and validated u#'rade for the content and services databases" you can test the
u#'rade #rocess for site collections. .ollo& the ste#s in @#'rade site collections to SharePoint 2013 to
test the site collection u#'rade #rocess. %f you have (y Sites in your environment" see Overvie& of the
u#'rade #rocess to SharePoint 2013 for more information about the #rocess of u#'radin' them.
+ontent about (y Sites a##lies only to SharePoint Server 2013.
.eie! results after you upgrade site collections
4evie& u#'raded sites visually to identify any issues that have to be addressed before you run the
u#'rade #rocess on your #roduction environment. .or more information about s#ecific thin's to look for"
see 4evie& site collections u#'raded to SharePoint 2013.
4evie& the site collection u#'rade lo' files to check for any issues" startin' from the to# do&n. +heck
the summary section near the end of the lo' file to see a count of issues and the actual u#'rade status
2if there is no status" that means that the u#'rade #rocess failed and site u#'rade must be retried3. The
site collection lo' files are stored both in the site collection itself 2in the Kcatalo's;@#'rade document
library3" and on the file system. The file system lo' file has more information if you &ant details about
issues. The file system version of the site u#'rade lo' file is located at Q+O((OP4OH4/(.%!ES
QL(icrosoft SharedL8eb server extensionsL1BL!OHS. The lo' files are named in the follo&in' format$
Site@#'rade7""""&&---11&&$$-$$$.lo'" &here """"&&-- is the date and 11&&$$-$$$ is
the time 2hours in 2A7hour clock format" minutes" seconds" and milliseconds3.
AdJust your plans and test again
4e#eat the testin' #rocess until you are sure that you have found all the issues that you may face and
that you kno& ho& to deal &ith them. 9our 'oal is to kno& &hat your #lan is if it is A$00 P.(. on Sunday"
you have to be back online (onday mornin'" and it is not 'oin' &ell. %s there a #oint of no return< Test
your fallback #lan and make sure that it &orks before you be'in your real u#'rade.
&roubleshoot database upgrade issues in
SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to address #roblems that may occur after you u#'rade a database to SharePoint
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
Even after you test the u#'rade #rocess to identify #otential issues" you mi'ht ex#erience unex#ected
issues durin' an u#'rade from SharePoint 2010 Products to SharePoint 2013. %f you ex#erience issues
after u#'rade" the sooner you detect and fix them" the better the end7user ex#erience &ill be.
This article includes a list of common issues and describes 'eneral #rinci#les to hel# you identify and
address u#'rade issues. /fter you identify and address the issues" you can resume u#'rade. .or more
information about ho& to resume u#'rade" see 4estart a database7attach u#'rade or a site collection
u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
General principles to identify issues
+heck the u#'rade status to see &here u#'rade sto##ed 2if it did sto#3" and check lo' files to find errors
or &arnin's. ext" address the issues that you find before you resume the u#'rade.
9irst% chec: upgrade status and log files
@#'rade status indicators and lo' files indicate &hat &ent &ron' durin' the u#'rade #rocess. 8e
recommend that you carefully revie& all the errors that &ere lo''ed in the u#'rade lo' files. 8arnin's
mi'ht not al&ays indicate an issue" but you should revie& them all to determine &hether any of them
are likely to cause even more issues.
1. 4evie& the @#'rade Status #a'e in the SharePoint +entral /dministration &ebsite.
.or more information about ho& to check u#'rade status" see Eerify database u#'rades in
SharePoint 2013.
2. 4evie& the follo&in' lo' files$
The u#'rade error lo' file and the u#'rade lo' file 2&hich contains more detailed information
than the u#'rade error lo' file3.
@!S or trace lo' files.
These files are stored in the Q+O((OP4OH4/(.%!ESQL(icrosoft SharedL8eb Server
ExtensionsL1BL!OHS folder and are named $ervernameK""""&&--7&&$$.lo'.
The a##lication event lo' file.
This file can be vie&ed by usin' the Event Eie&er.
.or more information about the u#'rade lo' files" see Eerify database u#'rades in SharePoint
2013. .or more information about the trace lo' file" see Trace !o's on (S1.
&hen% address issues in order
Some issues have more effect than others. .or exam#le" a missin' server7side file can cause many
seemin'ly unrelated errors at the site level.
/ddress issues in the follo&in' order$
1. (issin' server7side files or customi0ations" such as features or 8eb Parts.
-e sure to install all server7side customi0ations" such as features" 8eb Parts" and so on. -e sure to
install customi0ations to the correct location in your ne& farm. .or exam#le" additional style sheets
that you must have for SharePoint 2010 Products should be installed in the ;1A #ath" not the ne& ;
1B #ath so that site collections that you have not u#'raded can use them. /lso" make sure that that
you transfer all uni)ue settin's from the 8eb.confi' files for each &eb a##lication to the ne&
2. +onfi'uration issues in the server farm" &eb a##lication" or service a##lications" such as
mana'ed #aths or service a##lications that are not started.
3. /dditional issues that you discover on a site7by7site basis" startin' &ith hi'h7#rofile or very
im#ortant sites.
/s you identify and fix the to#7level issues" you can try to run u#'rade a'ain to see &hether any issues
that occurred later in the u#'rade #rocess have also been fixed.
'ommon issues
+heck to see &hether any of the follo&in' issues cause an u#'rade error or &arnin'.
;" * !ant to upgrade from a pre=release ersion of SharePoint 2013
A" @#'rade from a #re7release version of SharePoint 2013 to the release version of SharePoint
2013 is not su##orted.
Pre7release versions are intended for testin' only and should not be used in #roduction
environments. @#'radin' from one #re7release version to another is also not su##orted.
;" &he log says * hae missing templates% features% or other serer=
side customi(ations
A" %dentify all server7side customi0ations and install them before you u#'rade
One common error durin' u#'rade is missin' server7side files D either files that &ere installed &ith
SharePoint 2010 Products or customi0ed files. 8hen you #re#ared for u#'rade" you should have
created an inventory of the server7side customi0ations 2such as site definitions" tem#lates" features"
8eb Parts" assemblies3 that your sites re)uired. +heck this inventory to make sure that all the files that
are needed for your customi0ations are installed in your ne& environment.
9ou can use the test=spcontentdatabase8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlet before you u#'rade the
database to identify missin' files. 9ou can also use the enumall!ebs o#eration in Stsadm.exe to
identify server7side customi0ations that are bein' used.
%n the u#'rade lo' files" you may see errors such as the follo&in'$
E44O4 .ound 4eference +ount &eb2s3 usin' missin' &eb tem#late Site Tem#late %dentifier 2lcid$
Site Tem#late !an'ua'e +ode3 in +ontent1atabase +ontent 1atabase ame.
E44O4 .ound a missin' feature %d = K<eature IdentifierL
8/4%H .ile KRelative <ile 3athL is referenced KReference +ountL times in the database" but is
not installed on the current farm.
8/4%H 8ebPart class K8e 3art IdentifierL is referenced KReference +ountL times in the
database" but is not installed on the current farm.
8/4%H /ssembly K,sseml! 3athL is referenced in the database" but is not installed on the
current farm.
8/4%H .eature could not be u#'raded. Exce#tion$ .eature definition id M<eature IdentifierM could
not be found.
%f you can obtain a missin' server7side file or de#endency" install it" and then run u#'rade a'ain for the
affected sites. %f the file or de#endency 2such as a 8eb Part3 &as de#recated" you have to investi'ate
&hether you &ant to rebuild the site" #a'e" or 8eb Part to use a different tem#late" feature" or 8eb
Part. %f you can redo the customi0ation by usin' de#endencies that &ere not de#recated" you can run
u#'rade a'ain for the affected sites. %f you cannot remove the de#endency" you cannot u#'rade the
/fter you install the missin' file or de#endency" use the test=SP'ontentDatabase 8indo&s
Po&erShell cmdlet on a test server to determine &hether any other files for that database are missin'.
%f you only run u#'rade a'ain" the error mi'ht not a##ear in the lo' files" even thou'h it mi'ht still be
;" &he log file says that something is not right !ith my farm% !eb
application% or serice application configuration settings
A" Eerify your farm and &eb a##lication settin's.
A" +reate and start missin' service a##lications
A" Eerify that mana'ed #aths 2included #aths3 are confi'ured correctly for each &eb a##lication.
%n the u#'rade lo' files" you may see errors such as the follo&in'$
E44O4 Tem#late Template Id$ SPSite %d=$ite Id could not be accessed due to exce#tion. Ski##in'
SP8eb %d=8e Id for tem#late u#'rade. Exce#tion$ System.%O..ileot.oundExce#tion$ The site
&ith the id $ite Id could not be found.
This error indicates that a mana'ed #ath is missin'. /dd the mana'ed #ath for the site collection
into the &eb a##lication and restart u#'rade for the content database that contains this site
;" * see errors and !arnings during upgrade about connectiity or
A" Eerify your #o&er connections and connection to the net&ork and to S:! Server. !oss of
connectivity to data sources can cause errors. %f your servers cannot connect to the databases"
they cannot be u#'raded.
A" +lean u# or#haned sites" lists" and other database corru#tions before you try u#'rade a'ain. .or
more information about ho& to clean u# data issues" see +lean u# an environment before an
u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
%n the u#'rade lo' files" you may see errors such as the follo&in'$
8/4%H The or#haned sites could cause u#'rade failures.
E44O4 1atabase K+ontent -ataase %ameL contains a site 2%d = K$ite +ollection IdentifierL" @rl
= K$ite +ollection URLL3 that is not found in the site ma#.
.ix any or#haned items or database corru#tions" and then run u#'rade a'ain.
;" * ran out of dis: space
A" .ree some s#ace" or increase the si0e of the transaction lo' file before you resume u#'rade. %f
you run out of s#ace 2for exam#le" for transaction lo' files on your database servers3" u#'rade
cannot continue.
.or more information" see (ana'in' the Si0e of the Transaction !o' .ile.
;" * see an error about authentication
A" (ake sure that the &eb a##lication is usin' the ri'ht authentication method.
/ mismatch in authentication methods can cause #roblems &hen you u#'rade. The follo&in' resources
can hel# if you have a mismatch bet&een authentication methods$
'lassic=to=claims authentication
(ake sure that the &eb a##lications that you created in SharePoint 2013 use the same
authentication method that &as used in SharePoint 2010 Products. +laims7based authentication is
the default authentication method for &eb a##lications in SharePoint 2013. %f the &eb a##lication
&as usin' classic mode" you can either u#date it to claims before you u#'rade the database" or
create the &eb a##lication in classic mode and then mi'rate it to claims. .or more information
about ho& to chan'e to claims authentication in SharePoint 2010 Products" see (i'rate from
classic7mode to claims7based authentication in SharePoint 2013. .or more information about ho&
to create a &eb a##lication that uses classic mode" and then mi'ratin' to claims" see +reate &eb
a##lications that use classic mode authentication in SharePoint 2013 and (i'rate from classic7
mode to claims7based authentication in SharePoint 2013
9orms=based authentication
/dditional ste#s are necessary if you are u#'radin' an environment that uses forms7based
authentication. .ollo& the ste#s in +onfi'ure forms7based authentication for a claims7based &eb
a##lication in SharePoint 2013 to u#'rade forms7based authentication #roviders.
;" S;5 Serer says * donQt hae permissions
A" %f you receive an error about an unkno&n account" or if a database is not u#'raded" check the
#ermissions for the database. %n #articular" bet&een instances of S:! Server" make sure that you
verify that security is confi'ured correctly. +heck that the lo'in accounts that you use have the
a##ro#riate fixed roles and #ermissions on the databases" and that they &ill still be valid if you
u#'rade across domains.
A" (ake sure the account that you use to attach the databases is a member of the db0o!ner fixed
database role for the databases that you &ant to u#'rade.
;" A database !ill not upgrade
A" Eerify that the database is not set to read7only. 9ou cannot u#'rade a database that is set to
read7only. (ake sure that you set the databases to read7&rite before you attach and u#'rade the
;" * changed a database name during restore% but * cannot find the
files that hae that name
A" 8hen you rename a database at restore time" you must also rename the database and lo' file
names in the file system 2the (1. and !1. files3 so that they match.
;" * cannot bac: up the Search serice application Administration
A" -efore you can back u# the Search service a##lication /dministration database" you must sto#
the Search service on your SharePoint Server 2010 farm. To sto# the Search service" on the
ori'inal farm" on the Start menu" click Administratie &ools" and then click Serices. 4i'ht7click
SharePoint Serer Search 11" and then click Stop. -e sure to start the service a'ain after you
back u# the database.
;" &rusted connections are not !or:ing for 34cel Serices after
A" 9ou must manually create all trusted data connections for Excel Services after u#'rade.
;" My !or:flo!s are no longer associated correctly
A" Eerify that the 8orkflo& /uto +leanu# timer Cob is turned off. %f you had disabled the 8orkflo&
/uto +leanu# timer Cob in your SharePoint 2010 Products environment" make sure that you disable
this timer Cob in the ne& environment also. %f this timer Cob is enabled in the ne& environment and
disabled in the SharePoint 2010 Products environment" you mi'ht lose &orkflo& associations &hen
you u#'rade.
&roubleshoot site collection upgrade issues in
SharePoint 2013
+pdated" October 2% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to address #roblems that may occur after you u#'rade a site to SharePoint
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
8hen you u#'rade a site collection to SharePoint 2013" errors can occasionally occur. This article
hel#s you understand those errors and address them.
.or more information about ho& to revie& @% issues in sites" see 4evie& site collections u#'raded to
SharePoint 2013.
'hec: upgrade status and log files
@#'rade status indicators and lo' files should 'ive you an indication of &hat &ent &ron' durin' the
u#'rade #rocess. 8e recommend that you carefully revie& all the errors in the u#'rade lo' files.
8arnin's mi'ht not al&ays indicate an issue" but you should revie& them all to determine &hether any
of them are likely to cause even more issues.
1. 4evie& the u#'rade status #a'e for your site collection.
On the Site Settings #a'e for the site collection" in the Site 'ollection Administration section"
click Site collection upgrade. On the Site 'ollection +pgrade #a'e" click .eie! Site
'ollection +pgrade Status.
2. 4evie& the site collection u#'rade lo' files. 9ou can revie& the site collection u#'rade
lo's from the follo&in' locations$
9or site collection administrators" There are also lo' files for site collection u#'rade stored
inside the site collection itself" in the (aintenance !o's catalo' at
2htt#$;;ISiteameJ;Kcatalo's;(aintenance!o's;9999((117**((SS7SSS.txt " &here
""""&&-- is the date and 11&&$$-$$$ is the time 2hours in 2A7hour clock format"
minutes" seconds" and milliseconds3.
9or farm administrators" The site collection u#'rade lo' file and the u#'rade error lo' file are
located at Q+O((OP4OH4/(.%!ESQL(icrosoft SharedL8eb server extensionsL1BL!OHS.
The lo's are named in the follo&in' format$ Site@#'rade7""""&&---11&&$$-$$$.lo'"
&here """"&&-- is the date and 11&&$$-$$$ is the time 2hours in 2A7hour clock format"
minutes" seconds" and milliseconds3. These file system lo's have more information if you &ant
details about issues.
'ommon issues
+heck to see &hether any of the follo&in' issues are causin' an u#'rade error or &arnin' or a #roblem
in your site.
;" * donQt see a +* control on the page that used to be there
A" 4eset the #a'e to the default version 2that is" re'host it3.
(akin' chan'es to the site @% can cause #roblems in site u#'rades. %f a #a'e &as customi0ed to #lace
a @% control in a non7standard location" you can reset the #a'e to the default version to recover the
To reset the #a'e" you can use the .eset to site definition link under Site Actions on the Site
Settin's #a'e or use the .eset to &emplate command in SharePoint 1esi'ner.
;" &he ie! on a large list is not !or:ing any longer
A" +reate indexed columns" folders" or ne& vie&s for lar'e lists. 9ou mi'ht have to add the
indexed column to your existin' vie&s.
%f a list is very lar'e" and users use a vie& or #erform a )uery that exceeds the limit or throttlin'
threshold" the vie& or )uery &ill not be #ermitted. 9ou can create indexed columns &ith filtered vie&s"
or'ani0e items into folders" set an item limit on the #a'e for a lar'e vie&" or use an external list. .or
more information about lar'e list throttlin' and ho& to address issues &ith lar'e lists" see (ana'e lists
and libraries &ith many items on Office Online.
;" * see an error about a duplicate content type name
A" 4ename content ty#es or fields that conflict &ith default names.
Occasionally" custom elements 2such as a content ty#e3 may have a name that conflicts &ith a name in
the ne& version.
%n the u#'rade lo' files" you may see an error such as the follo&in'$
.ailed to activate site collection features on site Site @rl. Exce#tion$ / du#licate content ty#e name
NnameN &as found.
This error indicates that a third7#arty content ty#e &as added to the s#ecified site in SharePoint
Server 2010. 1urin' u#'rade to SharePoint Server 2013 its name conflicted &ith the default content
ty#e by the same name. 4ename the third7#arty content ty#e in the s#ecified site to a different
name and run u#'rade a'ain. ote that either renamin' or removin' a content ty#e can cause any
customi0ations de#endent on that content ty#e to sto# &orkin'.
;" My site loo:s ugly% doesnQt behae as e4pected% or * see script
A" Either edit the #a'e or reset the #a'e to the default version" or remove or re#lace the custom
/ #roblem &ith custom or inline NavaScri#t or +SS files can cause these issues.
;" 'ustom content in my site disappeared or doesnQt !or:
A" +han'e the master #a'e" or chan'e the content so that it doesn6t re)uire s#ecific 0ones.
The master #a'e mi'ht have different 0one layouts and the content mi'ht no lon'er reference it
correctly. /s a last resort" you can also reset the #a'e to the default version. *o&ever" if you reset
the #a'e" you mi'ht lose 0one s#ecific content.
;" * receie an error that says a control or page cannot render
A" 1o one of the follo&in'$
%f a 8eb Part &as added that is not installed" contact the farm administrator to have it installed.
%f is a 8eb Part that is no lon'er available or not su##orted" then use the 8eb Part
maintenance vie& to remove the 8eb Part from the #a'e 2remove" do not Cust close the 8eb
%f a #a'e &as directly edited" either edit it a'ain to remove the control or 8eb Part or reset the
#a'e to the default version.
/ 8eb Part or other control mi'ht have been added to the #a'e that is not installed or is no
lon'er su##orted. Either a 8eb Part &as added to a 0one or the #a'e &as directly edited to
add a control or 8eb Part reference directly inline 2#ossibly on a master #a'e3.
;" * receie an error that * cannot create a subsite based on a site
template because the site template uses the 2010 e4perience
ersion and my site collection is in the 2013 e4perience ersion
A" 4ecreate the site tem#late in the 2013 ex#erience.
To recreate the site tem#late" create a ne& subsite based on the 2013 ex#erience" customi0e it
a'ain to match the tem#late that you had" and then save the customi0ed subsite as a tem#late 2on
the Site Settings #a'e" click Sae site as template3.
.estart a database=attach upgrade or a site
collection upgrade to SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to restart a database7attach u#'rade or a site collection u#'rade to SharePoint
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
%n some cases" you mi'ht have to restart u#'rade to finish a database7attach u#'rade from SharePoint
2010 Products to SharePoint 2013. .or exam#le$ if a tem#late or lan'ua'e #ack is missin' from the
environment" or if you lose the connection to S:! Server" you &ill have to resolve the issue and then
restart u#'rade. 9ou mi'ht also need to retry or restart a site collection u#'rade if it &as unable to
One fre)uent cause of failures durin' u#'rade is that the environment is missin' customi0ed
features" solutions" or other elements. -e sure that any custom elements that you must have
are installed on your front7end &eb servers before you start the u#'rade #rocess. 9ou can use
the test=spcontentdatabase8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlet to identify any custom elements that
your sites mi'ht be usin'. .or more information" see %dentify and install customi0ations in the
article 5@se a trial u#'rade to find #otential issues.5
.estart upgrade for a database by using 2indo!s
%f the u#'rade ran into issues durin' the database7attach u#'rade" you can restart the u#'rade #rocess
for the database after you have addressed the issue by usin' a 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlet.
&o restart upgrade for a database by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t 2PS +$LJ3" ty#e the follo&in' command$
up-rade(spcontentdatabase <Name>
%ame is the database name that you &ant to u#'rade.
9ou can also use the =id #arameter and #rovide the database H@%1 instead of a database
name. 9ou can run the follo&in' cmdlet to find the H@%1 for a content database$
,et(SPContent3atabase ()dentity <content_database_name>
.or more information" see @#'rade7SP+ontent1atabase and Het7SP+ontent1atabase.
.estart upgrade for a site collection
%f u#'rade ran into issues durin' a site collection u#'rade" you can restart the u#'rade #rocess for the
site collection after you have addressed the issue. 9ou can use either the Site Settin's #a'e or a
8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlet to restart u#'rade for a site collection.
&o restart upgrade for a site collection
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a site collection administrator.
2. On the Site Settin's #a'e for the site collection" in the Site 'ollection Administration
section" click Site collection upgrade.
3. On the Site +ollection @#'rade #a'e" click +pgrade this Site 'ollection.
This o#tion starts to u#'rade your site collection. / box o#ens to verify that you &ant to start the
A. +lick *Fm ready to start the actual u#'rade.
The site collection health checks are run automatically in re#air mode before the u#'rade
starts. The results from the health checks are included in the u#'rade lo' for the site
collection. %f there is an error" you must address it before you can continue to u#'rade.
The u#'rade starts" and the +pgrade status #a'e for the site collection is dis#layed. This #a'e
automatically u#dates &hile the u#'rade is in #ro'ress and dis#lays information about the #rocess"
such as the follo&in'$
Errors or &arnin's
8hen the u#'rade started
8here you can find the u#'rade lo' file
/fter the u#'rade is com#lete" the +pgrade status #a'e is dis#layed in the ne& user interface
&ith the messa'e" @#'rade +om#leted Successfully.
B. +lick 5etFs see the ne! site to 'o to the home #a'e.
.arm administrators can restart u#'rade by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell.
&o restart upgrade for a site collection by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
Windows PowerShell
6p-rade(SPSite <http://site> (Eersion6p-rade ](6nthrottled^
?http:99site@ is the @4! for the site collection.
/dd the o#tion =+nthrottled o#tion to ski# the site collection u#'rade )ueue and start the
u#'rade immediately.
.or more information" see @#'rade7SPSite.
+pgrade databases from SharePoint 2010 to
SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" .ind resources to hel# you #erform the ste#s to u#'rade databases from SharePoint 2010
Products to SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
/fter you learn about the u#'rade #rocess" #lan for your u#'rade" and test your u#'rade #rocess by
follo&in' the ste#s in the articles in Test and troubleshoot an u#'rade to SharePoint 2013" you are
ready to #erform a database7attach u#'rade to SharePoint 2013. .ollo& the ste#s in this section for
both a trial u#'rade and your actual u#'rade for your #roduction farm.
The follo&in' do&nloadable resources" articles on Techet" video recordin's" and related resources
#rovide information about u#'radin' databases to SharePoint 2013.
Do!nloadable resources about upgrading databases
1o&nload the follo&in' content for information about u#'radin' databases.

'ontent Description

SharePoint 2013 Products
Previe& 7 @#'rade Process
1escribes the ste#s in the
#rocess for a database7attach

&ech)et articles about upgrading databases
The follo&in' articles about ho& to u#'rade databases are available to vie& online. 8riters u#date
articles on a continuin' basis as ne& information becomes available and as users #rovide feedback.

'ontent Description

+hecklist for database7attach
u#'rade 2SharePoint 20133
@se this checklist to make sure that
you follo& all necessary ste#s as you
#re#are for u#'rade" #erform the
u#'rade" and #erform #ost7u#'rade

/ttach databases and u#'rade to
SharePoint 2013
.ollo& these ste#s to confi'ure a
ne& SharePoint 2013 environment"
and then attach and u#'rade content
and service a##lication databases.

Eerify database u#'rades in
SharePoint 2013
Eerify that the u#'rade for your
databases has succeeded and that
you are ready to be'in to u#'rade

(i'rate from classic7mode to claims7
based authentication in SharePoint
+onvert SharePoint 2010 Products
or SharePoint 2013classic7mode &eb
a##lications to claims7based
authentication or create ne& claims7
based &eb a##lications in
SharePoint 2013.

+onfi'ure forms7based
authentication for a claims7based
&eb a##lication in SharePoint 2013
!earn ho& to confi'ure forms7based
authentication &ith an !1/P #rovider
for a ne& SharePoint 2013 &eb

Additional resources about upgrade
The follo&in' resources about u#'rade to SharePoint 2013 are available from other subCect matter

'ontent Description

@#'rade and
4esource +enter
for SharePoint
2013 Products
Eisit the 4esource
+enter to find
information about
u#'rades to
SharePoint 2013.
'ontent Description

8hat]s e& in
SharePoint 2013
4esource +enter
Eisit the 4esource
+enter to learn
about &hat]s ne&
in SharePoint

'hec:list for database=attach upgrade
,SharePoint 2013-
+pdated" October 1$% 2012
Summary" @se this checklist as you u#'rade from SharePoint 2010 Products to SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
This checklist hel#s you confirm that you follo& all the ste#s that you must follo& as you #re#are for
u#'rade" #erform the u#'rade" and #erform #ost7u#'rade ste#s. This checklist a##lies only to u#'rade
of the content and service a##lication databases. %t does not a##ly to u#'rade of (y Sites or other site
collections. .or more information" see @#'rade site collections to SharePoint 2013.
%n this article$
Pre#are for u#'rade
+om#lete the database attach u#'rade
+om#lete #ost7u#'rade ste#s
Some ste#s include notes about ho& lon' that ste# mi'ht take. These rou'h estimates only 'ive you a
relative idea of the duration of the ste#. To discover ho& much time each ste# &ill take for your
environment" &e recommend that you #erform trial u#'rades in a test environment. .or more
information" see @se a trial u#'rade to SharePoint 2013 to find #otential issues and Plan for
#erformance durin' u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
The ste#s in this article a##ly to both SharePoint .oundation 2013 and SharePoint Server
2013" exce#t for the ste#s about ho& to u#'rade the service a##lications" &hich a##ly mostly to
SharePoint Server 2013 2the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service a##lication a##lies to both3.
Prepare for upgrade
.ollo& these ste#s in order before you start an u#'rade to SharePoint 2013$
Pre=upgrade steps

Step )otes
S T 'reate an inentory of serer=side customi(ations in
the enironment
+om#lete this ste# for the &hole
environment. +heck each &eb server
to make sure that you don6t miss any
Step )otes
+reate an inventory of the server7side customi0ations in
your environment 2solutions" features" 8eb Parts" event
handlers" master #a'es" #a'e layouts" +SS files" and so
on3. 4ecord all customi0ations needed for your
environment in the u#'rade &orksheet.
1etailed ste#s$ %dentify and install customi0ations in the
5@se a trial u#'rade to find #otential issues5 article.
customi0ations. ,ee# the inventory u#
to date as you #re#are for the
S T 'lean up your enironment
-efore you be'in to u#'rade" make sure that your
environment is functionin' in a healthy state and that you
clean u# any content that you do not have to u#'rade.
+lean u# any or#haned sites or data" address any lar'e
lists and lar'e /+!s" remove extraneous document
versions" and remove any unused tem#lates" features
and 8eb Parts.
1etailed ste#s$ +lean u# an environment before an
u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
+om#lete this ste# one time for the
&hole environment.
This #rocess mi'ht take days or &eeks
to finish.
S T &est the upgrade process
Try out u#'rade in a test environment to find any issues
and determine ho& lon' your actual u#'rade mi'ht take.
1etailed ste#s$ @se a trial u#'rade to SharePoint 2013
to find #otential issues
Perform this ste# multi#le times" until
you are #re#ared to #erform the actual

'omplete the database attach upgrade
.ollo& these ste#s in order &hile you u#'rade the content and service a##lication databases for your
1etailed ste#s$ /ttach databases and u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
Prepare the ne! enironment

Step )otes
S T *nstall and configure SharePoint 2013 and any language pac:s
%nstall the #rere)uisite soft&are" and then install and confi'ure
+om#lete these ste#s on
each server in your farm.
Step )otes
SharePoint 2013. This ste# mi'ht take one
hour or more" de#endin'
on the number of servers
are in your environment.
S T 'onfigure serice applications
Enable and confi'ure the services that you need in your ne&
1o not confi'ure the follo&in' service a##lications 7 you &ill confi'ure
them &hile you u#'rade their databases later in the #rocess$
-usiness 1ata +onnectivity service
(ana'ed (etadata service
PerformancePoint services
Secure Store service
@ser Profile service
+om#lete this ste# one
time for the &hole
S T 'onfigure general farm settings
4ea##ly any 'eneral farm settin's that you must have from your
#revious farm D such as blocked file ty#es" e7mail settin'" and )uota
settin's D and add users or 'rou#s to the .arm /dministrators 'rou#.
+onfi'ure ne& settin's such as usa'e and health data collection"
dia'nostic lo''in'" and mobile accounts.
%f you had disabled the 8orkflo& /uto +leanu# timer Cob in
your SharePoint 2013 environment" make sure that you
disable this timer Cob in your ne& environment also. %f this
timer Cob is enabled in the ne& environment and disabled in
the #revious version environment" you mi'ht lose &orkflo&
associations &hen you u#'rade. .or more information about
this timer Cob" see 1isable #reservation of &orkflo& history
2SharePoint Server 20103.
+om#lete this ste# one
time for the &hole

<ac: up and restore databases

Step )otes
S T .ecord the passphrase for the Secure Store serice
The Secure Store service a##lication uses a #ass#hrase
to encry#t information. 9ou must record this #ass#hrase
so that you can use it in the ne& environment.
+om#lete this ste# one time for each
Secure Store service a##lication in
the environment.
S T Set the preious ersion databases to be read=only
%f you &ant your ori'inal environment to remain available
to users in a read7only state" set the databases to read7
only before you back them u#.
+om#lete this ste# for each content
database in your environment.
1e#endin' on your or'ani0ation" you
mi'ht need a database administrator
to com#lete this ste#.
S T <ac: up databases
-ack u# all the content databases and the follo&in'
service a##lication databases before you be'in the
database attach u#'rade #rocess$
-usiness 1ata +onnectivity
(ana'ed (etadata
Search /dministration
Secure Store
@ser Profile$ Profile" Social" and Sync databases
+om#lete this ste# for each content
database and su##orted service
a##lication database in your
This ste# can take an hour" several
hours" or lon'er" de#endin' on your
dataset and your environment.
1e#endin' on your or'ani0ation" you
mi'ht need a database administrator
to com#lete this ste#.
S T 34port the encryption :ey for the +ser Profile serice
The @ser Profile Service service a##lication re)uires an
encry#tion key that is stored se#arately from the database
and is needed if you &ant to u#'rade the @ser Profile
Sync database.
+om#lete this ste# one time for each
@ser Profile service a##lication in the
S T .estore a bac:up copy of the databases
4estore the databases from the backu#.
+om#lete this ste# for each content
database and su##orted service
a##lication database in your
This ste# can take an hour or lon'er"
de#endin' on your dataset and your
Step )otes
1e#endin' on your or'ani0ation" you
mi'ht need a database administrator
to com#lete this ste#.
S T Set the restored databases to be read=!rite
-efore you can attach and u#'rade the databases that you
co#ied to the ne& environment" you must set them to
+om#lete this ste# for each content
database and su##orted service
a##lication database in your
1e#endin' on your or'ani0ation" you
mi'ht need a database administrator
to com#lete this ste#.

+pgrade serice application databases

Step )otes
S T Start the serice application instances
Start the follo&in' service instances from +entral /dministration$
-usiness 1ata +onnectivity service
(ana'ed (etadata service
PerformancePoint services
Secure Store service
@ser Profile service
Start the instance of the Search service a##lication by usin'
8indo&s Po&erShell.
+om#lete this ste# one time
for the &hole environment.
S T +pgrade the Secure Store serice application
@se 8indo&s Po&erShell to create the ne& service a##lication
and u#'rade the database" create a #roxy and add it to the default
#roxy 'rou#" and then restore the #ass#hrase from the #revious
+om#lete this ste# one time
for each Secure Store
service a##lication in the
#revious environment.
S T +pgrade the <usiness Data 'onnectiity serice application
@se 8indo&s Po&erShell to create the ne& service a##lication
and u#'rade the database. 9ou do not have to create a #roxy for
the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service a##lication.
+om#lete this ste# one time
for each -usiness 1ata
+onnectivity service service
a##lication in the #revious
Step )otes
The -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service a##lication is
available in both SharePoint .oundation 2013 and
SharePoint Server 2013.
S T +pgrade the Managed Metadata serice application
@se 8indo&s Po&erShell to create the ne& service a##lication
and u#'rade the database" and then create a #roxy and add it to
the default #roxy 'rou#. 9ou must u#'rade the (ana'ed (etadata
service a##lication before you can u#'rade the @ser Profile
service a##lication.
+om#lete this ste# one time
for each (ana'ed (etadata
service a##lication in the
#revious environment.
S T +pgrade the +ser Profile serice application
@se 8indo&s Po&erShell to create the ne& service a##lication
and u#'rade the database" and then create a #roxy and add it to
the default #roxy 'rou#. /fter you have created the @ser Profile
service a##lication" you must im#ort the (icrosoft %dentity
%nte'ration Server ,ey 2(%%S3 encry#tion key. .inally" you can start
the @ser Profile Synchroni0ation service.
+om#lete this ste# one time
for each @ser Profile service
a##lication in the #revious
S T +pgrade the PerformancePoint Serices serice application
@se 8indo&s Po&erShell to create the ne& service a##lication
and u#'rade the database" and then create a #roxy and add it to
the default #roxy 'rou#.
+om#lete this ste# one time
for each PerformancePoint
Services service a##lication
in the #revious environment.
S T +pgrade the Search serice application
@se 8indo&s Po&erShell to create the ne& service a##lication
and u#'rade the database" and then create a #roxy and add it to
the default #roxy 'rou#.
This ste# a##lies to only SharePoint Server 2013.
/lthou'h SharePoint .oundation 2013 includes search
functionality" it is not the same Search service a##lication
that is in SharePoint Server 2013 and it cannot be
+om#lete this ste# one time
for each Search service
a##lication in the #revious
S T >erify that all of the ne! pro4ies are in the default pro4y
@se the Get=SPSericeApplicationPro4yGroup cmdlet to verify
+om#lete this ste# one time
for the &hole environment.
Step )otes
that all of the service a##lication #roxies are in the default #roxy

'reate !eb applications

Step )otes
S T 'reate and configure !eb applications
+reate a &eb a##lication for each &eb a##lication that existed in the old
+om#lete this ste# one
time for the &hole
S T .eapply serer=side customi(ations
(anually transfer all server7side customi0ations to your ne& farm. 4efer
to the inventory that you created in the u#'rade &orksheet to make sure
that you install all com#onents that your sites de#end on to &ork
correctly. 8hen you install solutions" make sure that you add it to the
a##ro#riate #ath 2;1A or ;1B3. %f you &ant a solution to be available to
both #aths" install it t&o times" and the second time use the
'ompatibility5eel #arameter &hen you install it" and it &ill be installed
to the ;1B #ath.
(ake sure that you
rea##ly customi0ations
to all &eb servers in the
S T >erify custom components
@se the &est=SP'ontentDatabase 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlet to
verify that you have all the custom com#onents that you need for that
+om#lete this ste# for
each content database
in your environment.
4unnin' the cmdlet
takes only a fe&
minutes" but addressin'
issues mi'ht take

Attach and upgrade content databases

Step )otes
S T Attach a content database to a !eb application
/ttach the content database that contains the root site
collection first. .or (y Sites" attach the content database that
contains the (y Site host before attachin' databases that
contain the (y Sites.
9ou must #erform this action from the command line. @se the
Mount=SP'ontentDatabase8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlet.
+om#lete this ste# for one
content database in your
This ste# mi'ht take
several minutes or several
hours" de#endin' on your
dataset and hard&are on
the &eb servers" database
servers" and stora'e
S T >erify upgrade for the first database
Eerify that u#'rade succeeded for the first database" and
revie& the site to see &hether there are any issues.
1etailed ste#s$ Eerify database u#'rades in SharePoint 2013.
+om#lete this ste# for the
content database that you
Cust attached.
S T Attach remaining databases
/ttach and u#'rade the remainin' content databases in your
environment. 9ou must com#lete this action from the
command line.
+om#lete this ste# for each
of the remainin' content
databases in your
This ste# mi'ht take
several minutes or several
hours" de#endin' on your
dataset" &hether you are
u#'radin' multi#le
databases in #arallel" and
the hard&are on the &eb
servers" database servers"
and stora'e subsystem.
S T Monitor upgrade progress
@se the @#'rade Status #a'e in the SharePoint +entral
/dministration &ebsite to monitor #ro'ress as your databases
are u#'raded.
1etailed ste#s$ Eerify database u#'rades in SharePoint 2013.
+om#lete this ste# for each
content database that you
This ste# mi'ht take
several minutes" an hour"
several hours" or days"
de#endin' on your content.
Step )otes
S T >erify upgrade for the remaining database
Eerify that u#'rade succeeded for the remainin' databases.
1etailed ste#s$ Eerify database u#'rades in SharePoint 2013.
+om#lete this ste# for each
of the remainin' content
databases in your
This ste# mi'ht take
several minutes" an hour"
several hours" or days"
de#endin' on your content.

'omplete post=upgrade steps
.ollo& these ste#s in order after you #erform a database7attach u#'rade.
Post upgrade steps for database attach upgrade

Step )otes
S T >erify that site collections are
!or:ing as e4pecting in 2010
4evie& the site collections and
make sure that they &ork in 2010
mode before you be'in to
u#'rade any site collections. 9ou
can use a similar revie& list as
the one #rovided for u#'raded
sites in +hecklists for revie&in'
u#'raded sites
+om#lete this ste# one time for
your &hole environment.
S T Migrate user accounts to
claims authentication% if it is
-y default" ne& &eb a##lications
in SharePoint 2013 use claims
authentication. %f you &ere usin'
classic authentication in the
#revious environment" you must
mi'rate the users to claims
authentication. .or more
information" see (i'rate from
+om#lete this ste# one time for
every &eb a##lication that has
chan'ed authentication methods.
Step )otes
classic7mode to claims7based
authentication in SharePoint
S T +pdate lin:s that are used in
any upgraded *nfoPath form
.or a database7attach u#'rade"
you ex#orted and im#orted all
%nfoPath form tem#lates in your
environment &hen you created
the ne& environment. /fter
u#'rade" you can no& u#date
the links that are used in those
u#'raded form tem#lates to #oint
to the correct @4!s by usin' a
8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlet.
.or more information" see
+onfi'ure %nfoPath .orms
Services 2SharePoint Server
+om#lete this ste# one time for
your &hole environment.
S T 'onfigure your Search
The architecture for the Search
service has chan'ed for
SharePoint Server 2013. Plan
and confi'ure your Search
to#olo'y to suit your environment
and the ne& architecture. .or
more information" see Scale
search for #erformance and
availability 2SharePoint Server
20133 and (ana'e search
to#olo'y 2SharePoint Server
+om#lete this ste# one time for
your &hole environment.
S T Start a full cra!l
/fter all content is u#'raded and
all settin's are confi'ured" you
can start a full search cra&l of
your content. .or more
information" see Start" #ause"
resume" or sto# a cra&l
+om#lete this ste# one time for
your &hole environment.
/ full cra&l can take several
hours or days to com#lete"
de#endin' on ho& much content
is in your environment.
Step )otes
2SharePoint Server 20133.
S T <ac: up your farm
-ack u# your farm so that you
have a current backu# of your
u#'raded environment before
you start to u#'rade site
collections. .or more
information" see -ack u# a farm
in SharePoint 2013.
+om#lete this ste# one time for
your &hole environment.

Attach databases and upgrade to SharePoint
+pdated" October 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to u#'rade content and service a##lication databases from SharePoint 2010
Products to SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
8hen you use the database7attach u#'rade a##roach to u#'rade from SharePoint 2010 Products to
SharePoint 2013" you u#'rade the content databases and several service a##lication databases. 9ou
do not u#'rade the confi'uration database for your farm.
This article describes ho& to set u# your ne& environment and #erform a database7attach u#'rade.
This article does not #rovide ste#s for ho& to u#'rade a site collection. .or ste#s to u#'rade a site
collection" see @#'rade site collections to SharePoint 2013.
.or an overvie& of the &hole u#'rade #rocess" see Overvie& of the u#'rade #rocess to SharePoint
2013. .or an overvie& of ho& to u#'rade services" see Services u#'rade overvie& for SharePoint
Server 2013.
/lthou'h this article a##lies to both SharePoint .oundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013"
the sections about ho& to u#'rade service a##lications a##ly to SharePoint Server 2013. 2The
exce#tion is the section about ho& to u#'rade the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service
a##lication &hich a##lies to SharePoint .oundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 20133.
This article is about 3B #rinted #a'es.
<efore you begin
-efore you start to u#'rade" you must collect information and settin's about your existin' environment.
9ou have to kno& &hat is in your SharePoint 2010 Products environment before you can start to build
your SharePoint 2013 environment. Hather information such as the follo&in'$
/lternate access ma##in's
/uthentication #roviders and authentication modes that are bein' used
:uota tem#lates
(ana'ed #aths
Self7service site mana'ement settin's
%ncomin' and out'oin' e7mail settin's
-efore you create the ne& environment for a database7attach u#'rade" revie& the follo&in' information
about #ermissions" hard&are re)uirements" and soft&are re)uirements.
*ard&are and soft&are re)uirements 2SharePoint 20133
%nitial de#loyment administrative and service accounts in SharePoint 2013
-efore you attach and u#'rade databases" revie& the follo&in' information about #ermissions"
hard&are re)uirements" and soft&are re)uirements. .ollo& the s#ecified ste#s to install or confi'ure
#rere)uisite soft&are or to chan'e settin's.
Ensure that the account that you use to attach the databases is a member of the db0o!ner fixed
database role for the content databases that you &ant to u#'rade.
+heck for and re#air all database consistency errors.
.or more information" see 1atabase maintenance for SharePoint Server 2010.
9ou also have to turn off or remove services or com#onents in the SharePoint 2010 Products
environment that could cause errors in the u#'rade #rocess. The follo&in' services or com#onents
should be removed or sto##ed before you back u# your databases$
2eb Analytics The architecture for the 8eb /nalytics service a##lication is different in SharePoint
2010 Products. The #resence of SharePoint Server 2010 8eb /nalytics information in your content
databases could cause an error durin' u#'rade. Sto# the 8eb /nalytics service a##lication before
you back u# the content databases. .eatures and 8eb Parts from 8eb /nalytics in SharePoint
Server 2010 &ill not exist in SharePoint Server 2013" even for a site collection in 2010 mode.
4emove any 8eb /nalytics 8eb Parts or features from SharePoint Server 2010site collections
before u#'rade.
.or more information about this chan'e to 8eb /nalytics" see +han'es from SharePoint 2010 to
SharePoint 2013.
Po!erPoint <roadcast Sites The Office 8eb /##s have chan'ed into a se#arate server #roduct"
Office 8eb /##s Server" &hich can serve multi#le SharePoint farms for vie&in' and editin'
documents. -ecause of this chan'e" Po&erPoint -roadcast sites cannot be u#'raded to
SharePoint Server 2013. .or more information about ho& to install and use Office 8eb /##s
Server &ith SharePoint 2013" see 1e#loy Office 8eb /##s 2%nstalled on SharePoint 2010
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 1B Products
,eyboard shortcuts
-ack to to#
*nstall SharePoint 2013 in a ne! enironment
-efore you can u#'rade your databases" you must use SharePoint 2013 to confi'ure a ne& server or
server farm. The first ste# in creatin' your ne& environment is to install SharePoint Server 2013 or
SharePoint .oundation 2013 and confi'ure your ne& server or server farm. 9ou must do the follo&in'$
1. 4un the (icrosoft SharePoint Products Pre#aration Tool to install all re)uired soft&are.
2. 4un Setu# to install the #roduct.
3. %nstall all lan'ua'e #acks that you &ant in your environment.
.or more information about ho& to install available lan'ua'e #acks" see %nstall or uninstall
lan'ua'e #acks for SharePoint 2013.
A. 4un the SharePoint Products +onfi'uration 8i0ard to confi'ure your server or servers.
Some service a##lications can be u#'raded by usin' a service a##lication database
u#'rade. %f you &ant to u#'rade these service a##lications by u#'radin' the service
a##lication databases" do not use the .arm +onfi'uration 8i0ard to confi'ure these service
a##lications &hen you set u# your ne& farm.
.or ste#7by7ste# instructions for these tasks" see %nstall SharePoint 2013.
-ack to to#
'onfigure serice applications and farm settings
9ou must create the service a##lications on your ne& farm before you u#'rade your content databases.
The ste#s in %nstall SharePoint 2013 describe ho& to use the .arm +onfi'uration 8i0ard to enable all
service a##lications.
9ou can u#'rade the follo&in' service a##lications by #erformin' a services database u#'rade$
-usiness 1ata +onnectivity service
(ana'ed (etadata service
PerformancePoint services
Secure Store service
@ser Profile service
.or an overvie& of ho& to u#'rade these service a##lications" see Services u#'rade overvie& for
SharePoint Server 2013. The ste#s that you must follo& to u#'rade these service a##lication
databases are included in the @#'rade service a##lication databases section.
The follo&in' services in SharePoint Server 2013 also re)uire additional ste#s to enable and confi'ure
&hen you u#'rade$
34cel Serices
9ou can use the .arm +onfi'uration 8i0ard to enable this service" but you must make sure that
you create all trusted data connections a'ain. .or more information" see +onfi'ure Excel Services
in SharePoint.
*nfoPath 9orms Serice
This service is not #art of the .arm +onfi'uration 8i0ard. To use this service" use the 'onfigure
*nfoPath 9orms Serices link on the General Application Settings #a'e in +entral
/dministration to confi'ure it. To continue to use form tem#lates from your #revious environment"
ex#ort all administrator7de#loyed form tem#lates 2.xsn files3 and data connection files 2.udcx files3
from your SharePoint Server 2010 environment" and then im#ort them to your ne& SharePoint
Server 2013 environment. .or more information" see +onfi'ure %nfoPath .orms Services
2SharePoint Server 20103
Office 2eb Apps
Office 8eb /##s Server is a ne& stand7alone server #roduct that delivers Office 8eb /##s
functionality on your #rivate net&ork. 9ou install and mana'ed it se#arately from SharePoint Server
2013. %t cannot be installed on the same server or virtual machine instance as SharePoint 2013. .or
more information" see 1e#loy Office 8eb /##s Server 2013.
The next ste# in creatin' the ne& environment is to a##ly 'eneral farm settin's. 9ou must manually
rea##ly confi'uration settin's from your SharePoint 2010 Products farm" such as the follo&in'$
%ncomin' and out'oin' e7mail settin's
.or more information" see +onfi'ure incomin' email for a SharePoint 2013 farm and +onfi'ure
out'oin' email for a SharePoint 2013 farm.
/ll farmVlevel security and #ermission settin's" such as addin' user or 'rou# accounts to the .arm
/dministrators 'rou#
-locked file ty#es
.or more information" see (ana'e blocked file ty#es 2SharePoint 20133.
/nd you must confi'ure all ne& farm7level settin's that you &ant to use" such as the follo&in'$
@sa'e and health data collection
.or more information" see +onfi'ure usa'e and health data collection 2SharePoint 20133.
1ia'nostic lo''in'
.or more information" see +onfi'ure dia'nostic lo''in' 2SharePoint 20133.
Settin's and schedules for timer Cobs
%f you had disabled the 8orkflo& /uto +leanu# timer Cob in your SharePoint 2010 Products
environment" make sure that you disable this timer Cob in your ne& environment also. %f this
timer Cob is enabled in the ne& environment and disabled in the SharePoint 2010 Products
environment" you mi'ht lose &orkflo& associations &hen you u#'rade. .or more information
about this timer Cob" see 1isable #reservation of &orkflo& history 2SharePoint Server 20103.
9ou &ill create &eb a##lications later in the #rocess" after you u#'rade the service a##lication
databases. .or more information" see +reate &eb a##lications.
-ack to to#
.ecord the passphrase for the Secure Store serice
The Secure Store service a##lication uses a #ass#hrase to encry#t information. 9ou have to kno& &hat
this #ass#hrase is so that you can use it in the ne& environment. Other&ise" you &ill not have access to
the information in the Secure Store. %f you do not kno& the #ass#hrase" you can refresh the key" and
then back u# the Secure Store database. .or more information" see 8orkin' &ith encry#tion keys.
Set the preious ersion databases to be read=only
To maintain user access to your ori'inal environment" set the SharePoint 2010 Products databases to
read7only before you back u# the databases. Even if you don]t &ant to maintain access over the lon'
term" set the databases to read7only to make sure that you ca#ture all the data in the backu# so that
you restore and u#'rade the current state of the environment &ithout allo&in' additional chan'es to be
made. %f the databases are set to read7only" users can continue to vie& content. *o&ever" they &ill be
unable to add or chan'e content.
9ou cannot u#'rade a database that is set to read7only. (ake sure that you set the databases
to read7&rite before you attach and u#'rade the databases. .or more information about ho& to
set the databases to read7&rite" see the ste#s in the Set the databases to read7&rite section.
&o set a database to read=only in S;5 Serer 200D% S;5 Serer 200R% or S;5
Serer 200R .2
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the db0o!ner
fixed database role for the databases.
2. %n S:! Server (ana'ement Studio" in ObCect Ex#lorer" connect to an instance of the
1atabase En'ine" ex#and the server" and then ex#and Databases.
3. .ind the database that you &ant to confi'ure to be read7only" ri'ht7click the database" and
then click Properties.
A. %n the Database Properties dialo' box" in the Select a page section" click Options.
B. %n the details #ane" under Other options" in the State section" next to Database .ead=Only"
click the arro&" and then select &rue.
9ou can use Transact7S:! to confi'ure the .3AD0O)57 database availability o#tion. .or more
information about ho& to use the S3& clause of the A5&3. DA&A<AS3 statement" see Settin'
1atabase O#tions.
-ack to to#
<ac: up the SharePoint 2010 Products databases by
using S;5 Serer tools
9ou back u# the databases in S:! Server (ana'ement Studio. / backu# co#y of the database
'uarantees that you have the data in a safe state if you must enable the ori'inal farm a'ain and is
re)uired for a database7attach u#'rade. 4e#eat the #rocedure for the follo&in' databases in the
SharePoint 2010 Products server farm$
/ll content databases 2default database name$ 8SSK+ontentKI-
The follo&in' service a##lication databases$
Serice application
Default database name
-usiness 1ata +onnectivity -1+KServiceK1-KI-
(ana'ed (etadata (ana'ed (etadata ServiceKI-
PerformancePoint PerformancePoint Service /##licationKI-
Search /dministration SearchKServiceK/##licationK1-KI-
Secure Store SecureKStoreKServiceK1-KI-
@ser Profile$ Profile" Social" and
Sync databases
@ser Profile Service /##licationKProfile1-KI-
@ser Profile Service /##licationKSocial1-KI-
@ser Profile Service /##licationKSync1-KI-
The -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service a##lication is available in both SharePoint .oundation
2010 and SharePoint Server 2010. The other service a##lications are available only in SharePoint
Server 2010. /lthou'h SharePoint .oundation 2010 includes search functionality" it is not the same
Search service a##lication that is in SharePoint Server 2010 and it cannot be u#'raded.
9ou do not have to back u# the confi'uration or admin content databases" because you recreated these
databases &hen you set u# the SharePoint 2013 server farm. @#'radin' the confi'uration or admin
content databases and the +entral /dministration site collection is not su##orted.
/fter you com#lete this #rocedure" you &ill have created backu#s of the read7only content databases.
&o bac: up a database in S;5 Serer 200D% S;5 Serer 200R% or S;5 Serer
200R .2
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the db0o!ner
fixed database role for the databases.
2. %n (ana'ement Studio" in ObCect Ex#lorer" connect to an instance of the 1atabase
En'ine" ex#and the server" and then ex#and Databases.
3. 4i'ht7click the database that you &ant to back u#" #oint to &as:s" and then click <ac: +p.
The <ac: +p Database dialo' box a##ears.
A. %n the Source area" in the Database box" verify the database name.
B. %n the <ac:up type box" select 9ull.
?. @nder <ac:up component" select Database.
F. %n the <ac:up set area" in the )ame box" either acce#t the backu# set name that is
su''ested or ty#e a different name for the backu# set.
G. %n the Destination area" s#ecify the ty#e of backu# destination by selectin' Dis: or &ape"
and then s#ecify a destination. To create a different destination" click Add.
>. +lick O8 to start the backu# #rocess.
4e#eat the #revious #rocedure to back u# all the content and a##ro#riate service a##lication databases
that SharePoint 2010 Products uses in your environment.
-efore you can back u# the Search service a##lication /dministration database" you must sto#
the Search service on your SharePoint Server 2010 farm. To sto# the Search service" on the
ori'inal farm" on the Start menu" click Administratie &ools" and then click Serices. 4i'ht7
click SharePoint Serer Search 11" and then click Stop. -e sure to start the service a'ain
after you back u# the database.
-ack to to#
34port the encryption :ey for the +ser Profile serice
The @ser Profile Service service a##lication re)uires an encry#tion key that is stored se#arately from
the database and is needed if you &ant to u#'rade the @ser Profile Sync database. 9ou must ex#ort
the (icrosoft %dentity %nte'ration Server ,ey 2(%%S3 encry#tion key from your SharePoint Server 2010
environment. 9ou &ill im#ort this ex#orted key to the SharePoint Server 2013 environment after you
u#'rade the @ser Profile service a##lication databases. -y default" the key is located on the server that
is runnin' SharePoint Server 2010 and that is hostin' the (icrosoft .orefront %dentity (ana'er services
in the follo&in' directory$ Iroot director! driveJLPro'ram .ilesL(icrosoft Office
ServersL1A.0LSynchroni0ation ServiceL-in.
&o e4port the encryption :ey for the +ser Profile serice application
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the command.
2. O#en the +ommand Prom#t &indo&" and then chan'e to the follo&in' folder$
QPro'ram .ilesQL(icrosoft Office ServersL1A.0LSynchroni0ation ServiceL-inL
3. To ex#ort the key" ty#e the follo&in' at the command #rom#t" and then #ress ETE4$
A. %n the (icrosoft %dentity %nte'ration Server ,ey (ana'ement @tility &i0ard" verify that
34port :ey set is selected" and then click )e4t.
B. %n the Account )ame box" ty#e the account name for the farm administrator.
?. %n the Pass!ord box" ty#e the #ass&ord for the farm administrator.
F. %n the Domain box" ty#e the domain that contains the farm administrator account" and then
click )e4t.
G. %n the Specify e4port file name and location box" ty#e or click bro&se to select the #ath and
file name to use for the ex#orted key" and then click )e4t.
The key is ex#orted as a file that has a .-% file name extension.
>. Eerify the information" and then click 9inish.
/ messa'e a##ears indicatin' that the key &as successfully ex#orted.
10. +lick 'lose to close the (icrosoft %dentity %nte'ration Server ,ey (ana'ement @tility.
.or more information" see -ack u# a @ser Profile Service a##lication 2SharePoint Server 20103.
-ack to to#
.estore a bac:up copy of the database
/fter you confi'ure the ne& SharePoint 2013 server farm" you can restore the backu# co#ies of the
databases to S:! Server 200G 42. Start &ith one database" and then verify that the restoration has
&orked before you restore the other databases.
-e sure to kee# a co#y of your ori'inal backu#s in reserve" Cust in case u#'rade fails and you
have to troubleshoot and try a'ain.
&o restore a bac:up copy of a database in S;5 Serer 200R .2
1. Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the db0o!ner
fixed database role for the databases.
2. /fter you connect to the a##ro#riate instance of the S:! Server 200G 1atabase En'ine"
in ObCect Ex#lorer" ex#and the server name.
3. 4i'ht7click Databases" and then click .estore Database.
The .estore Database dialo' box a##ears.
A. %n the .estore Database dialo' box" on the General #a'e" ty#e the name of the database to
be restored in the &o database list.
8hen you ty#e the name for the restored database" you do not have to use the ori'inal
name. %f you &ant to chan'e the database name from a name &ith a lon' H@%1 to a
shorter" more friendly name" this is an o##ortunity to make that chan'e. -e sure to also
chan'e the database and lo' file names in the file system 2the (1. and !1. files3 so that
they match.
B. %n the &o a point in time text box" kee# the default ,Most recent possible-.
?. To s#ecify the source and location of the backu# sets to restore" click 9rom deice" and
then use the bro&se button to select the backu# file.
F. %n the Specify <ac:up dialo' box" in the <ac:up media box" be sure that 9ile is selected.
G. %n the <ac:up location area" click Add.
>. %n the 5ocate <ac:up 9ile dialo' box" select the file that you &ant to restore" click O8" and
then" in the Specify <ac:up dialo' box" click O8.
10. %n the .estore Database dialo' box" under Select the bac:up sets to restore 'rid" select the
.estore check box next to the most recent full backu#.
11. %n the .estore Database dialo' box" on the Options #a'e" under .estore options" select the
Oer!rite the e4isting database check box.
12. +lick O8 to start the restore #rocess.
-ack to to#
Set the databases to read=!rite
9ou must also set the databases back to read7&rite on your SharePoint 2013 farm before you attach
and u#'rade them.
&o set a database to read=!rite in S;5 Serer
1. %n S:! Server (ana'ement Studio" in ObCect Ex#lorer" connect to an instance of the
1atabase En'ine" ex#and the server" and then ex#and Databases.
2. Select the database that you &ant to confi'ure to be read7&rite" ri'ht7click the database"
and then click Properties.
3. %n the Database Properties dialo' box" in the Select a page section" click Options.
A. %n the details #ane" under Other options" in the State section" next to Database .ead=Only"
click the arro&" and then select 9alse.
-ack to to#
About upgrading the serice application databases
To u#'rade a service a##lication database" you create a ne& service a##lication and #rovide the name
of the existin' database to use for the ne& service a##lication. /s the service a##lication is created" the
database is u#'raded. This #rocess has several ste#s.
1. Start the service instances
The first ste# is to start service instances for the five service a##lications that you can u#'rade$ the
-usiness 1ata +onnectivity service" (ana'ed (etadata 8eb Service" PerformancePoint Services
service" Secure Store service" @ser Profile service" and Search service. (ost of these service
instances can be started from +entral /dministration. *o&ever the SharePoint Server Search
service instance must be started by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell.
2. +reate the service a##lications and u#'rade the databases
/fter you have started the service instances" the next ste# is to create the service a##lications and
u#'rade the databases. 9ou must use 8indo&s Po&erShell to restore the service a##lication
3. +reate #roxies for the service a##lications
/fter you have u#'raded the service a##lication databases" you create the #roxies for the service
a##lications and add them to the default #roxy 'rou#. 9ou must create #roxies for the follo&in'
service a##lications$
(ana'ed (etadata service a##lication
Search service a##lication
Secure Store service a##lication
PerformancePoint Services service a##lication
@ser Profile service a##lication
The -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service a##lication automatically creates a #roxy and assi'ns
it to the default #roxy 'rou# &hen you create the service a##lication.
A. Eerify that the #roxies are in the default 'rou#
The follo&in' sections #rovide #rocedures to com#lete these ste#s.
The -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service a##lication is available in both SharePoint .oundation
2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. The other service a##lications are available only in
SharePoint Server 2013. /lthou'h SharePoint .oundation 2013 includes search functionality" it
is not the same Search service a##lication that is in SharePoint Server 2013 and it cannot be
-ack to to#
Start the serice instances
The follo&in' #rocedures start the service instances.
&o start serice application instances from 'entral Administration
1. Start SharePoint 2013 +entral /dministration.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
+lick Start" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and then click SharePoint 2013
'entral Administration.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 'entral Administration.
%f SharePoint 2013 'entral Administration is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 'entral
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
2. %n SharePoint 2013 +entral /dministration" on the Application Management #a'e" in the
Serice Applications section" click Manage Serices on Serer.
3. ext to the <usiness Data 'onnectiity serice" click Start.
A. ext to the Managed Metadata 2eb Serice" click Start.
B. ext to the PerformancePoint Serices serice" click Start.
?. ext to the Secure Store Serice" click Start.
F. ext to the +ser Profile Serice" click Start.
The Search service instance must be started by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell because you cannot start it
from +entral /dministration unless a Search Service a##lication already exists.
&o start the Search serice instance by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the Start menu" click All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and
then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. To start the Search service instance" at the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e
the follo&in' commands and #ress 3)&3. after each one$
[Search)nst X ,et(SP;nterpriseSearchService)nstance
\ Stores the identity for the Search service instance on this server as a variable
Start(SPService)nstance [Search)nst
\ Starts the service instance
.or more information" see Het7SPEnter#riseSearchService%nstance and Start7SPService%nstance.
-ack to to#
+pgrade the Secure Store serice application
To u#'rade the Secure Store service a##lication" you create the ne& service a##lication and u#'rade
the database" create a #roxy and add it to the default #roxy 'rou#" and then restore the #ass#hrase
from the #revious environment.
&o upgrade the Secure Store serice application by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the Start menu" click All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and
then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. To store the a##lication #ool for a #articular service a##lication as a variable" at the
8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
Windows PowerShell
[applicationPool X ,et(SPServiceApplicationPool ()dentity NSharePoint Web Services defaultN
$hare3oint 8e $ervices default is the name of the service a##lication #ool that &ill contain
the ne& service a##lications.
This cmdlet sets the service a##lication #ool as a variable that you can use a'ain in the
cmdlets that follo&. %f you have multi#le a##lication #ools and have to use a different a##lication
#ool for a #articular service a##lication" you can re#eat this ste# to 'et the a##ro#riate
a##lication #ool before you create the service a##lication.
A. To u#'rade the Secure Store service a##lication" at the 8indo&s Po&erShell command
#rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
Windows PowerShell
[sss X 8e*(SPSecureStoreServiceApplication (8ame NSecure StoreN (ApplicationPool
[applicationPool (3atabase8ame NSecureStore_Upgrade_DBN (Auditin-;nabled
$ecure$tore is the name that you &ant to 'ive the ne& Secure Store service a##lication.
$ecure$tore>Upgrade>-. is the name of the service a##lication database that you &ant to
This command sets a variable" Rsss" that you use &hen you create the #roxy later.
.or more information" see e&7SPSecureStore/##lication.
/fter you create the Secure Store service a##lication and u#'rade the database" you have to
refresh the encry#tion key. .or information about ho& to refresh the encry#tion key" see
4efresh the encry#tion key.
B. Ty#e the follo&in' command to create a #roxy for the Secure Store service a##lication$
Windows PowerShell
8e*(SPSecureStoreServiceApplicationPro.y (8ame ProxyName (ServiceApplication [sss
3rox!%ame is the #roxy name that you &ant to use.
Rsss is the variable that you set earlier to identify the ne& Secure Store service a##lication.
%f you do not use the variable Rsss" then you must use an %1 to identify the Secure
Store service a##lication instead of a name. %f you have to find the %1" you can run the
Get=SPSericeApplication cmdlet to return a list of all service a##lication %1s.
-efault3rox!0roup adds the Secure Store service a##lication #roxy to the default #roxy 'rou#
for the local farm.
.or more information" see e&7SPSecureStoreService/##licationProxy.
?. Ty#e the follo&in' command to restore the #ass#hrase for the Secure Store service
6pdate(SPSecureStoreApplicationServerDey (Passphrase <Passphrase>
?3assphrase@ is the Pass#hrase for the Secure Store service a##lication from your #revious
.or more information" see @#date7SPSecureStore/##licationServer,ey.
-ack to to#
+pgrade the <usiness Data 'onnectiity serice
To u#'rade the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service a##lication" you create the ne& service a##lication
and u#'rade the database. 9ou do not have to create a #roxy for the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity
service a##lication. The -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service a##lication automatically creates a #roxy
and assi'ns it to the default #roxy 'rou# &hen you create the service a##lication.
The -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service a##lication is available in both SharePoint .oundation
2013 and SharePoint Server 2013.
&o upgrade the <usiness Data 'onnectiity serice application by using
2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the Start menu" click All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and
then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. To store the a##lication #ool for a #articular service a##lication as a variable" at the
8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
Windows PowerShell
[applicationPool X ,et(SPServiceApplicationPool ()dentity NSharePoint Web Services defaultN
$hare3oint 8e $ervices default is the name of the service a##lication #ool that &ill contain
the ne& service a##lications.
This cmdlet sets the service a##lication #ool as a variable that you can use a'ain in the
cmdlets that follo&. %f you have multi#le a##lication #ools and have to use a different a##lication
#ool for a #articular service a##lication" you can re#eat this ste# to 'et the a##ro#riate
a##lication #ool before you create the service a##lication.
A. To u#'rade the -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service a##lication" at the 8indo&s
Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
Windows PowerShell
8e*(SPCusiness3ataCatalo-ServiceApplication (8ame NBDC ServiceN (ApplicationPool
[applicationPool (3atabase8ame NBDC_Service_DBN
.-+ $ervice is the name that you &ant to 'ive the ne& -usiness 1ata +onnectivity service
.-+>$ervice>-. is name of the service a##lication database that you &ant to u#'rade.
.or more information" see e&7SP-usiness1ata+atalo'Service/##lication.
-ack to to#
+pgrade the Managed Metadata serice application
To u#'rade the (ana'ed (etadata service a##lication" you create the ne& service a##lication and
u#'rade the database" and then create a #roxy and add it to the default #roxy 'rou#. 9ou must u#'rade
the (ana'ed (etadata service a##lication before you can u#'rade the @ser Profile service a##lication.
&o upgrade the Managed Metadata serice application by using 2indo!s
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the Start menu" click All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and
then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. To store the a##lication #ool for a #articular service a##lication as a variable" at the
8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
Windows PowerShell
[applicationPool X ,et(SPServiceApplicationPool ()dentity NSharePoint Web Services defaultN
$hare3oint 8e $ervices default is the name of the service a##lication #ool that &ill contain
the ne& service a##lications.
This cmdlet sets the service a##lication #ool as a variable that you can use a'ain in the
cmdlets that follo&. %f you have multi#le a##lication #ools and have to use a different a##lication
#ool for a #articular service a##lication" you can re#eat this ste# to 'et the a##ro#riate
a##lication #ool before you create the service a##lication.
A. To u#'rade the (ana'ed (etadata service a##lication" at the 8indo&s Po&erShell
command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
Windows PowerShell
[mms X 8e*(SPMetadataServiceApplication (8ame NManaged Metadata Service ApplicationN
(ApplicationPool [applicationPool (3atabase8ame NManaged Metadata Service_DBN
&anaged &etadata $ervice ,pplication is the name that you &ant to 'ive the ne& (ana'ed
(etadata service a##lication.
&anaged &etadata $ervice>-. is name of the service a##lication database that you &ant to
This command sets a variable" Rmms" that you use &hen you create the #roxy later.
.or more information" see e&7SP(etadataService/##lication.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command to create a
#roxy for the (ana'ed (etadata service a##lication$
Windows PowerShell
8e*(SPMetadataServiceApplicationPro.y (8ame ProxyName (ServiceApplication [mmd
3rox!%ame is the #roxy name that you &ant to use.
Rmmd is the variable that you set earlier to identify the ne& (ana'ed (etadata service
-efault3rox!0roup adds the (ana'ed (etadata service a##lication #roxy to the default #roxy
'rou# for the local farm.
.or more information" see e&7SP(etadataService/##licationProxy.
-ack to to#
+pgrade the +ser Profile serice application
To u#'rade the @ser Profile service a##lication" you create the ne& service a##lication and u#'rade the
database" and then create a #roxy and add it to the default #roxy 'rou#. /fter you have created the
@ser Profile Service service a##lication" you must im#ort the (icrosoft %dentity %nte'ration Server ,ey
2(%%S3 encry#tion key. .inally" you can start the @ser Profile Synchroni0ation service.
9ou must u#'rade the (ana'ed (etadata service a##lication before you can u#'rade the @ser
Profile service a##lication.
&o upgrade the +ser Profile serice application by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the Start menu" click All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and
then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. To store the a##lication #ool for a #articular service a##lication as a variable" at the
8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
Windows PowerShell
[applicationPool X ,et(SPServiceApplicationPool ()dentity NSharePoint Web Services defaultN
$hare3oint 8e $ervices default is the name of the service a##lication #ool that &ill contain
the ne& service a##lications.
This cmdlet sets the service a##lication #ool as a variable that you can use a'ain in the
cmdlets that follo&. %f you have multi#le a##lication #ools and have to use a different a##lication
#ool for a #articular service a##lication" you can re#eat this ste# to 'et the a##ro#riate
a##lication #ool before you create the service a##lication.
A. To u#'rade the @ser Profile service a##lication" at the 8indo&s Po&erShell command
#rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
Windows PowerShell
[upa X 8e*(SPPro/leServiceApplication (8ame NUser Profile Service ApplicationN
(ApplicationPool [applicationPool (Pro/le3C8ame NUser Profile Service
Application_ProfileDBN (Social3C8ame NUser Profile Service Application_SocialDBN
(Pro/leSync3C8ame NUser Profile Service Application_SyncDBN
User 3rofile $ervice ,pplication is the name that you &ant to 'ive the ne& @ser Profile service
User 3rofile $ervice ,pplication>3rofile-. is name of the @ser Profile service a##lication
Profile database that you &ant to u#'rade.
User 3rofile $ervice ,pplication>$ocial-. is name of the @ser Profile service a##lication Social
database that you &ant to u#'rade.
User 3rofile $ervice ,pplication>$!nc-. is name of the @ser Profile service a##lication Sync
database that you &ant to u#'rade.
This command sets a variable" Ru#a" that you use &hen you create the #roxy later.
.or more information" see e&7SPProfileService/##lication.
B. Ty#e the follo&in' command to create a #roxy for the @ser Profile service a##lication$
Windows PowerShell
8e*(SPPro/leServiceApplicationPro.y (8ame ProxyName (ServiceApplication
ServiceApplicationID (3efaultPro.y,roup
3rox!%ame is the #roxy name that you &ant to use.
Ru#a is the variable that you set earlier to identify the ne& @ser Profile service a##lication.
$ervice,pplicationI- is %1 of the @ser Profile service a##lication that you created earlier.
%f you do not use the variable Ru#a" then you must use an %1 to identify the @ser Profile
service a##lication instead of a name. %f you have to find the %1" you can run the Get=
SPSericeApplication cmdlet to return a list of all service a##lication %1s.
-efault3rox!0roup adds the @ser Profile service a##lication #roxy to the default #roxy 'rou#
for the local farm.
.or more information" see e&7SPProfileService/##licationProxy.
/fter you have created the @ser Profile Service service a##lication" you must im#ort the (icrosoft
%dentity %nte'ration Server ,ey 2(%%S3 encry#tion key. %m#ort this key to the follo&in' directory$ Iroot
director! driveJLPro'ram .ilesL(icrosoft Office ServersL1B.0LSynchroni0ation ServiceL-in.
&o import the encryption :ey for +ser Profile serice application
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the command.
2. O#en the +ommand Prom#t &indo&" and then chan'e to the follo&in' folder$
QPro'ram .ilesQL(icrosoft Office ServersL1B.0LSynchroni0ation ServiceL-inL
3. To im#ort the key" ty#e the follo&in' at the command #rom#t" and then #ress ETE4$
miis%mu#e.e Qi Path J0;17;142(<25;(1055(<231(;4AC32&14&4;K
3ath is the #ath and file name for the key that you &ant to im#ort.
9ou mi'ht also have to enter a user name and #ass&ord. These are the credentials for the farm
.or more information" see %nstall a soft&are u#date 2SharePoint Server 20103.
/fter you have im#orted the encry#tion key" you can start the @ser Profile Synchroni0ation service.
Start the +ser Profile Synchroni(ation serice
1. Start SharePoint 2013 +entral /dministration.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
+lick Start" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and then click SharePoint 2013
'entral Administration.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 'entral Administration.
%f SharePoint 2013 'entral Administration is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 'entral
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
2. %n +entral /dministration" on the System Settings #a'e" under Servers click Manage
serices on Serer.
3. ext to the @ser Profile Synchroni0ation Service" click Start.
A. %n the Select the +ser Profile Application section" select the @ser Profile service a##lication
that you u#'raded.
B. %n the Serice Account )ame and Pass!ord section" ty#e the account name and #ass&ord
to use for the @ser Profile Synchroni0ation service.
-ack to to#
+pgrade the PerformancePoint Serices serice
To u#'rade the PerformancePoint Services service a##lication" you create the ne& service a##lication
and u#'rade the database" and then create a #roxy and add it to the default #roxy 'rou#.
&o upgrade the PerformancePoint Serices serice application by using
2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the Start menu" click All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and
then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. To store the a##lication #ool for a #articular service a##lication as a variable" at the
8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
Windows PowerShell
[applicationPool X ,et(SPServiceApplicationPool ()dentity NSharePoint Web Services defaultN
$hare3oint 8e $ervices default is the name of the service a##lication #ool that &ill contain
the ne& service a##lications.
This cmdlet sets the service a##lication #ool as a variable that you can use a'ain in the
cmdlets that follo&. %f you have multi#le a##lication #ools and have to use a different a##lication
#ool for a #articular service a##lication" you can re#eat this ste# to 'et the a##ro#riate
a##lication #ool before you create the service a##lication.
A. To u#'rade the PerformancePoint Services service a##lication" at the 8indo&s
Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
Windows PowerShell
[pps X 8e*(SPPerformancePointServiceApplication (8ame NPerformancePoint ServiceN
(ApplicationPool [applicationPool (3atabase8ame NPerformancePoint Service
3erformance3oint $ervice is the name that you &ant to 'ive the ne& PerformancePoint
Services service a##lication.
3erformance3oint $ervice ,pplication>-. is name of the PerformancePoint Services service
a##lication database that you &ant to u#'rade.
This command sets a variable" R##s" that you use &hen you create the #roxy later.
.or more information" see e&7SPProfileService/##lication.
B. Ty#e the follo&in' command to create a #roxy for the PerformancePoint Services service
Windows PowerShell
8e*(SPPerformancePointServiceApplicationPro.y (8ame ProxyName (ServiceApplication
ServiceAplicationNameorID (3efault
3rox!%ame is the #roxy name that you &ant to use.
R##s is the variable that you set earlier to identify the ne& PerformancePoint Services service
-efault adds the PerformancePoint Services service a##lication #roxy to the default #roxy
'rou# for the local farm.
.or more information" see e&7SPPerformancePointService/##licationProxy.
-ack to to#
+pgrade the Search serice application
To u#'rade the Search service a##lication" you create the ne& service a##lication and u#'rade the
database" and then create a #roxy and add it to the default #roxy 'rou#.
This section a##lies to only SharePoint Server 2013. /lthou'h SharePoint .oundation 2013
includes search functionality" it is not the same Search service a##lication that is in SharePoint
Server 2013 and it cannot be u#'raded.
&o upgrade the Search serice application by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the Start menu" click All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and
then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. To store the a##lication #ool for a #articular service a##lication as a variable" at the
8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
Windows PowerShell
[applicationPool X ,et(SPServiceApplicationPool ()dentity NSharePoint Web Services defaultN
$hare3oint 8e $ervices default is the name of the service a##lication #ool that &ill contain
the ne& service a##lications.
This cmdlet sets the service a##lication #ool as a variable that you can use a'ain in the
cmdlets that follo&. %f you have multi#le a##lication #ools and have to use a different a##lication
#ool for a #articular service a##lication" you can re#eat this ste# to 'et the a##ro#riate
a##lication #ool before you create the service a##lication.
A. To u#'rade the Search service a##lication" at the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t"
ty#e the follo&in' command$
[search)nst X ,et(SP;nterpriseSearchService)nstance (local
\ ,ets the Search service instance and sets a variable to use in the ne.t command
9estore(SP;nterpriseSearchServiceApplication (8ame N<SearchServiceApplicationName>N
(applicationpool [applicationPool (databasename N<SearchServiceApplicationDBName>N
(databaseserver <ServerName> (AdminSearchService)nstance [search)nst
$earch$ervice,pplication%ame is the name of the Search service a##lication.
,pp3ool%ame is the a##lication #ool name.
$earch$ervice,pplication-.%ame is the name of the Search service a##lication /dministration
database that you &ant to u#'rade.
,dmin$earch$erviceInstanceI- is the %1 for the Search Service a##lication instance.
/ Search service a##lication u#'rade mi'ht fail because of an issue that occurs durin'
u#'rade" such as net&ork or S:! Server latency. %f an error messa'e a##ears durin'
the Search service a##lication u#'rade" do the follo&in'$
a3 1elete the Search /dministration database that you &ere tryin' to u#'rade.
b3 @sin' the backu# co#y that you made of the Search /dministration database"
re#eat the follo&in' #rocedures in this article for the Search service a##lication
i. 4estore a backu# co#y of the database
ii. Set the databases to read7&rite
c3 @#'rade the Search service a##lication by ty#in' the command a'ain at the
8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t.
.or more information" see 4estore7SPEnter#riseSearchService/##lication.
9ou must follo& several ste#s to create the Search service a##lication #roxy and add it to
the default #roxy 'rou#. 9ou must com#lete se#arate actions to find the %1 for the Search
service a##lication" create the ne& #roxy" 'et the #roxy %1" and then add the #roxy to the
default #roxy 'rou#.
B. Ty#e the follo&in' command to 'et the %1 for the Search service a##lication and store it as
a variable$
Windows PowerShell
[ssa X ,et(SP;nterpriseSearchServiceApplication
.or more information" see Het7SPEnter#riseSearchService/##lication.
?. Ty#e the follo&in' command to create a #roxy for the Search service a##lication$
Windows PowerShell
8e*(SP;nterpriseSearchServiceApplicationPro.y (8ame ProxyName (SearchApplication [ssa
3rox!%ame is the #roxy name that you &ant to use.
Rssa is the variable that you set earlier to identify the ne& Search service a##lication.
.or more information" see e&7SPEnter#riseSearchService/##licationProxy.
F. Ty#e the follo&in' command to 'et the Search service a##lication #roxy %1 for the #roxy
you Cust created and set it as the variable Rssa#$
Windows PowerShell
[ssap X ,et(SP;nterpriseSearchServiceApplicationPro.y
.or more information" see Het7SPEnter#riseSearchService/##licationProxy.
G. Ty#e the follo&in' command to add the Search service a##lication #roxy to the default
#roxy 'rou#$
Windows PowerShell
Add(SPServiceApplicationPro.y,roupMember _member [ssap (identity R R
Rssa# is the variable that you set earlier to identify the %1 for the #roxy you Cust created for the
Search service a##lication.
9ou use an em#ty identity #arameter 25 53 to add it to the default 'rou#.
.or more information" see /dd7SPService/##licationProxyHrou#(ember.
-ack to to#
>erify that all of the ne! pro4ies are in the default
pro4y group
@se the follo&in' #rocedure to verify that the ste#s to create the #roxies and add them to the default
#roxy 'rou# &orked.
&o erify that all of the ne! pro4ies are in the default pro4y group by using
2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the Start menu" click All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and
then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' commands$
[p- X ,et(SPServiceApplicationPro.y,roup ()dentity R R
R#' is a variable you set to re#resent the default #roxy 'rou#.
9ou use an em#ty identity #arameter 25 53 to s#ecify the default #roxy 'rou#.
This returns a list of all #roxies in the default #roxy 'rou#" their dis#lay names" ty#e names" and
.or more information" see Het7SPService/##licationProxyHrou#.
o& that the service a##lications are u#'raded" you can start the #rocess to u#'rade the content
databases. The first ste# in that #rocess is to create the &eb a##lications that are needed for each
content database.
-ack to to#
'reate !eb applications
+reate a &eb a##lication for each &eb a##lication that existed in the SharePoint 2010 Products
environment. .or each &eb a##lication" do the follo&in'$
@se the same @4! and confi'ure alternate7access ma##in' settin's.
%f you use a different @4!" Office a##lications mi'ht not be redirected correctly to the ne& @4!s
and all bookmarks to the old @4!s &ill not &ork.
@se the same authentication method.
.or exam#le" if you use 8indo&s +lassic authentication in your old environment" and you &ant to
continue to use it" then you must create a &eb a##lication that uses 8indo&s +lassic
authentication. -ecause claims7based authentication is no& the default o#tion for SharePoint 2013"
you must use 8indo&s Po&erShell to create a &eb a##lication that uses 8indo&s +lassic
authentication. .or more information" see +reate &eb a##lications that use classic mode
authentication in SharePoint 2013 and +reate claims7based &eb a##lications in SharePoint 2013.
/lternatively" you can mi'rate to claims authentication. .or more information" see (i'rate from
classic7mode to claims7based authentication in SharePoint 2013.
4ecreate included #aths.
4ecreate )uota tem#lates.
+onfi'ure email settin's for the &eb a##lication.
.or more information" see +onfi'ure email inte'ration for a SharePoint 2013 farm.
Enable self7service site creation for any &eb a##lication that used it in the #revious environment.
4ecreate any self7service site creation settin's.
+reate the mana'ed #ath for the (y Sites 2;#ersonal3 on the &eb a##lication that hosts (y Sites.
(y Sites are available in SharePoint Server only.
4ecreate any &eb a##lication #olicies or other &eb a##lication settin's that you had confi'ured in
the #revious environment.
-ack to to#
.eapply customi(ations
One fre)uent cause of failures durin' u#'rade is that the ne& environment does not have customi0ed
features" solutions" or other elements. (ake sure that all custom elements from the SharePoint 2010
Products environment are installed on your front7end &eb servers before you u#'rade any content
%n this ste#" you manually transfer all customi0ations to your ne& farm. (ake sure to install any
com#onents that your sites de#end on to &ork correctly" such as the follo&in'$
+ustom site definitions
+ustom style sheets" such as cascadin' style sheets" and ima'es
+ustom 8eb Parts
+ustom 8eb services
+ustom features and solutions
+ustom assemblies
8eb.confi' chan'es 2such as security3
Ensure that you transfer all uni)ue settin's from the 8eb.confi' files for each &eb a##lication to the
ne& servers.
/dministrator7a##roved form tem#lates 2.xsn files3 and data connection files 2.udcx files3 for
%nfoPath. %nfoPath is available in SharePoint Server 2010 only.
/ny other com#onents or files on &hich your sites de#end.
SharePoint 2013 can host sites in both SharePoint 2010 Products and SharePoint 2013 modes. The
installation for SharePoint 2013 contains both SharePoint 2010 Products and SharePoint 2013 versions
of many elements. The directories on the file system are du#licated in both the 1A and 1B #aths" for
8eb Server Extensions;1A;TE(P!/TE;.eatures
8eb Server Extensions;1B;TE(P!/TE;.eatures
There are also t&o versions of the %%S su##ort directories$ K!ayouts" K!ayouts;1B and
K+ontrolTem#lates" K+ontrolTem#lates;1B.
-e sure to install customi0ations to the correct location in your ne& farm. .or exam#le" additional style
sheets for SharePoint 2010 Products should be installed in the ;1A #ath" not the ne& ;1B #ath so that
site collections that you haven]t u#'raded can use them. %f you &ant a solution to be available to both
#aths" install it t&o times" and the second time use the 'ompatibility5eel #arameter &hen you install
it" and it &ill be installed to the ;1B #ath. .or more information" see %nstall7SPSolution.
.or more information about ho& to u#date customi0ations for use in SharePoint 2013" see 4ede#loyin'
+ustomi0ations and Solutions in SharePoint .oundation 2010 and SharePoint Server 2010. .or more
information about ho& to de#loy customi0ations to your environment" see %nstall and mana'e solutions
for SharePoint 2013.
-ack to to#
>erify custom components
To make sure that you have identified all custom com#onents for your environment" use the Stsadm =o
enumall!ebs o#eration in the SharePoint 2010 Products environment and use the includefeatures
and include!ebparts #arameters. This o#eration can re#ort the tem#lates" features" 8eb Parts" and
other custom elements that are used for each site. .or more information about ho& to use the
enumall!ebs o#eration" see Enumall&ebs$ Stsadm o#eration 2Office SharePoint Server3 and +lean u#
an environment before an u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
9ou can also use the Get=SP2eb 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlet in your SharePoint 2010 Products
environment to see tem#late that are associated &ith each site and then verify that the tem#late is
installed in your SharePoint 2013 environment. .or more information about this o#eration" see Het7
-efore you attach the content databases to the &eb a##lications" use the &est=
SP'ontentDatabase 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlet to verify that you have all the custom com#onents
that you must have for that database.
&o erify custom components are aailable by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the Start menu" click All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and
then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
Windows PowerShell
est(SPContent3atabase (8ame DatabaseName (=ebApplication URL
-ataase%ame is the name of the database that you &ant to test.
URL is the @4! for the &eb a##lication that &ill host the sites.
.or more information" see Test7SP+ontent1atabase.
-ack to to#
Attach a content database to a !eb application and
upgrade the database
8hen you attach a content database" you u#'rade the database and add the site collections in that
database to the &eb a##lication that you s#ecify. *o&ever" for SharePoint 2013" the #rocess does not
u#'rade the site collections.
8hen you attach a content database" include the root site for the &eb a##lication in the first content
database that you attach. %n other &ords" before you continue" examine the root of the &eb a##lication
in the SharePoint 2010 Products server farm to determine the first site collection. /fter you attach the
database that contains the root site" attach the other content databases for the &eb a##lication in any
order. 9ou do not have to create any site collections to store the content before you attach the
database. This #rocess attaches the content databases and the site collections inside that database.
(ake sure that you do not add ne& site collections until you have restored all the content databases.
Each site collection in a content database has a H@%1 that is re'istered in the confi'uration
database and associated &ith the site collection. Therefore" you cannot add the same site
collection t&o times to the farm" even in se#arate &eb a##lications. /lthou'h you can
successfully attach the database in this situation" you &ill be unable to bro&se to the site
%f you must have a co#y of a site collection in the same farm" first attach the database that
contains the site collection to a se#arate farm" and then use the <ac:up=SPSite and .estore=
SPSite 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets to co#y the site collection to the other farm. The backu#
and restore #rocess creates a ne& H@%1 for the site collection. .or more information about
these cmdlets" see -acku#7SPSite and 4estore7SPSite.
.or (y Sites" attach the content database that contains the (y Site host before attachin' databases
that contain the (y Sites.
-y default" &hen you created the &eb a##lications in the ne& SharePoint 2013 environment" a content
database &as created for each &eb a##lication. 9ou can i'nore these default databases until after you
have attached your SharePoint 2010 Products databases" and then you can delete the default
%f you are movin' the content databases across domains or forests or to another environment
that has different service accounts" make sure that the #ermissions for the service accounts are
still correct before you attach the databases.
9ou must use the Mount=SP'ontentDatabase cmdlet to attach a content database to a &eb
a##lication. @sin' the SharePoint +entral /dministration #a'es to attach a content database is not
su##orted for u#'radin'.
Ensure that the account that you use to attach the databases is a member of the db0o!ner fixed
database role for the content databases that you &ant to u#'rade.
One fre)uent cause of failures durin' u#'rade is that the environment is missin' customi0ed
features" solutions" or other elements. -e sure that all custom elements from the SharePoint
2010 Productsenvironment are installed on your front7end &eb servers in the SharePoint 2013
environment before you start the u#'rade #rocess. @se the test=spcontentdatabase 8indo&s
Po&erShell cmdlet to identify custom elements that your sites mi'ht be missin'.
&o attach a content database to a !eb application by using 2indo!s
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the Start menu" click All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and
then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
Windows PowerShell
Mount(SPContent3atabase (8ame DatabaseName (3atabaseServer ServerName (=ebApplication
-ataase%ame is the name of the database that you &ant to u#'rade.
$erver%ame is server on &hich the database is stored.
URL is the @4! for the &eb a##lication that &ill host the sites.
.or more information" see (ount7SP+ontent1atabase.
To u#'rade from SharePoint .oundation 2010 to SharePoint Server 2013" attach the
SharePoint .oundation 2010 content databases directly to the SharePoint Server 2013
environment. Nust follo& the same ste#s in this article" only use the SharePoint .oundation
2010 databases and a SharePoint Server 2013 farm. The u#'rade #rocess &ill u#'rade the
version and the #roduct at the same time.
-ack to to#
>erification" >erify upgrade for the first database
/fter you attach a database" you can use the +pgrade Status #a'e in +entral /dministration to check
the status of u#'rade on your databases. /fter the u#'rade #rocess is com#lete" you can revie& the
u#'rade lo' file to see &hether u#'rade #roduced issues. 9ou can use a 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlet
to check the u#'rade status for all the content databases. .or more information about verifyin' and
troubleshootin' u#'rade" see Eerify database u#'rades in SharePoint 2013 and Troubleshoot database
u#'rade issues in SharePoint 2013.
&o ie! the +pgrade Status page
Eerify that the user account that is #erformin' this #rocedure is a member of the db0o!ner fixed
database role for the databases.
%n +entral /dministration" click +pgrade and Migration" and then click 'hec: upgrade status.
&o ie! the upgrade log file
The u#'rade error lo' file and the u#'rade lo' file are located at Q+O((OP4OH4/(.%!ES
QL(icrosoft SharedL&eb server extensionsL1BL!OHS. The u#'rade lo' file contains more detailed
information than the u#'rade error lo'. -e sure to check the summary at the bottom of the lo' files
for information about the overall status and a count of the &arnin's and errors in the file.
The lo's are text files named in the follo&in' format$
""""&&-- is the date
11&&$$-$$$ is the time 2hours in 2A7hour clock format" minutes" seconds" and milliseconds3
/n exam#le for an u#'rade error lo' is @#'rade72012010B713212?73FA7error.lo'" and an
exam#le for an u#'rade lo' is @#'rade72012010B713212?73FA.lo'.
The format of the u#'rade lo' for SharePoint 2013 is based on the same structure as
The u#'rade lo' file includes the name of the content database bein' u#'raded.
&o ie! upgrade status for all databases by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. Start the SharePoint 2013 (ana'ement Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 200G 42$
On the Start menu" click All Programs" click Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products" and
then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or 8indo&s Server 2012$
On the Start screen" click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
%f SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is not on the Start screen$
4i'ht7click 'omputer" click All apps" and then click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
.or more information about ho& to interact &ith 8indo&s Server 2012" see +ommon
(ana'ement Tasks and avi'ation in 8indo&s Server 2012.
3. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
Windows PowerShell
,et(SPContent3atabase W ft 8ame' 8eeds6p-rade)ncludeChildren
This cmdlet returns a table7style list of databases in your farm and indicates &hether the database
needs an u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
-ack to to#
Attach the remaining databases
/fter you restore the first content database and verify success" you can continue to restore and
u#'rade other databases. 9ou can #erform #arallel database attach u#'rades to u#'rade more than
one database at a time. @se se#arate +ommand Prom#t &indo&s to run multi#le u#'rades. %t is
recommended that you se#arate the start time for each ne& database u#'rade session by several
minutes to #revent issues &ith tem#orary locks set for the &eb a##lication durin' attachment.
Other&ise you mi'ht receive an error on the u#'rade session. The &ait time to clear tem#orary locks
varies de#endin' on the number of site collections" or the s#eed of the database server hard&are.
-ack to to#
>erification" >erify upgrade for additional databases
/fter you u#'rade all additional databases" vie& the @#'rade Status #a'e to monitor #ro'ress and
verify that the u#'rade #rocess is com#lete. 4evie& the lo' file to identify any other issues.
-ack to to#
)e4t steps
/fter you u#'rade the databases" you mi'ht &ant to #erform additional ste#s to make sure that your
farm is ready for use. .or exam#le$
Eerify that site collections are &orkin' as ex#ectin' in 2010 mode.
Eisually revie& site collections. 9ou can use a similar revie& list as the one #rovided for u#'raded
sites in +hecklists for revie&in' u#'raded sites.
(i'rate user accounts to claims authentication" if it is necessary.
-y default" ne& &eb a##lications in SharePoint 2013 use claims authentication. %f you &ere usin'
classic authentication in the #revious environment" you must mi'rate the users to claims
authentication. .or more information" see (i'rate from classic7mode to claims7based authentication
in SharePoint 2013.
@#date links that are used in any u#'raded %nfoPath form tem#lates.
.or a database7attach u#'rade" you ex#orted and im#orted all %nfoPath form tem#lates in your
environment &hen you created the ne& environment. /fter u#'rade" you can no& u#date the links
that are used in those u#'raded form tem#lates to #oint to the correct @4!s by usin' a 8indo&s
Po&erShell cmdlet.
.or more information" see +onfi'ure %nfoPath .orms Services 2SharePoint Server 20103.
%nfoPath is available in SharePoint Server only.
+onfi'ure your Search to#olo'y
The architecture for the Search service has chan'ed for SharePoint Server 2013. Plan and
confi'ure your Search to#olo'y to suit your environment and the ne& architecture. .or more
information" see Scale search for #erformance and availability 2SharePoint Server 20133 and
(ana'e search to#olo'y 2SharePoint Server 20133.
Perform a full cra&l
.or more information" see Start" #ause" resume" or sto# a cra&l 2SharePoint Server 20133.
-ack u# your farm
.or more information" see -ack u# a farm in SharePoint 2013.
/lthou'h SharePoint .oundation 2013 includes search functionality" it is not the same Search
service a##lication that is in SharePoint Server 2013. These ste#s a##ly only to SharePoint Server
/fter your farm is ready" you can enable access to users" and then start to u#'rade site collections. .or
information about ho& to u#'rade site collections" see @#'rade site collections to SharePoint 2013.
>erify database upgrades in SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& to verify &hen a database7attach u#'rade to SharePoint 2013 has finished" and
identify any #roblems that may have occurred.
/fter you u#'rade databases to SharePoint 2013" you must verify that the content &as successfully
u#'raded to the ne& version. 9ou can verify the status of the database7attach u#'rade 2is it still in
#ro'ress" or has it been com#leted successfully or &ith errors or failures<3 to see &hether issues
remain for you to address. 8hen you follo& these ste#s as #art of a trial u#'rade" you can use them to
identify customi0ations that have to be re&orked before you attem#t to u#'rade your #roduction
environment. 8hen you u#'rade your #roduction environment" it is even more im#ortant that you kno&
&hether the u#'rade has com#leted and &hat issues remain to be addressed.
%n some cases" you mi'ht have to restart u#'rade to finish u#'radin' your databases. .or more
information about ho& to restart u#'rade" see 4estart a database7attach u#'rade or a site collection
u#'rade to SharePoint 2013. .or information about ho& to restart a site collection u#'rade" see
(ana'e site collection u#'rades to SharePoint 2013.
>erify upgrade status for databases
9ou can use the follo&in' methods to verify u#'rade$
@se the @#'rade Status #a'e in +entral /dministration
This #a'e lists all farm" service" or content database u#'rades and their statuses. This includes a
count of errors or &arnin's.
4evie& the lo' files to look for errors or &arnin's
%f u#'rade &as not successfully com#leted" you can vie& the lo' files to find the issues" address
them" and then restart the u#'rade #rocess.
.eie! the log files for database attach upgrade
To verify that u#'rade has succeeded" you can revie& the follo&in' lo' and error files$
The u#'rade lo' file and the u#'rade error lo' file.
4evie& the u#'rade lo' file and the u#'rade error lo' file 2'enerated &hen you run the u#'rade3.
The u#'rade lo' file and the u#'rade error lo' file are located at Q+O((OP4OH4/(.%!ES
QL(icrosoft SharedL8eb server extensionsL1BL!OHS. The lo's are named in the follo&in' format$
@#'rade7""""&&---11&&$$-$$$.lo'" &here """"&&-- is the date and 11&&$$-$$$ is
the time 2hours in 2A7hour clock format" minutes" seconds" and milliseconds3. The u#'rade error lo'
file combines all errors and &arnin's in a shorter file and is named @#'rade7""""&&---
The format of the lo' files com#lies &ith the @nified !o''in' System 2@!S3 conventions. To revie&
the lo' files to find and troubleshoot issues" start at the to# of the files. Errors or &arnin's may be
re#eated if they occur for several site collections in the environment" or if they block the u#'rade
#rocess com#letely. .or exam#le" if you cannot connect to the confi'uration database" the u#'rade
#rocess &ill try 2and fail3 several times and these tries &ill be listed in the lo' file.
%f you find blockin' issues in the lo' file" you can resolve the issues and then restart u#'rade to
continue &ith the #rocess.
'hec: upgrade status for databases
The @#'rade Status #a'e lists the u#'rade sessions and 'ives details about the status of each
session D &hether it succeeded or failed" and ho& many errors or &arnin's occurred for each server.
The @#'rade Status #a'e also includes information about the lo' and error files for the u#'rade
#rocess and su''ests remedies for issues that mi'ht have occurred.
&o ie! upgrade status in SharePoint 'entral Administration
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' administrative credentials$
To use SharePoint +entral /dministration" you must be a member of the .arm /dministrators
2. On the +entral /dministration home #a'e" in the +pgrade and Migration section" click
'hec: upgrade status.
>alidate the upgraded enironment
/fter you determine &hether u#'rade &as com#leted successfully" validate your environment. 4evie&
the follo&in' items$
Service a##lications
/re they confi'ured correctly<
/re the service a##lication #roxies confi'ured the &ay that you &ant<
1o you have to create ne& connections bet&een farms<
Site collections
/re sites that &ere not u#'raded &orkin' as ex#ected in 2010 mode<
/re all features associated &ith the sites &orkin'<
4un a cra&l" and revie& the lo' files.
4un search )ueries" and verify that the )ueries &ork as ex#ected and #rovide a##ro#riate
results. T&enty7four hours later" vie& the )uery re#orts and look for issues.
Search for #eo#le and #rofiles.
+heck any Search customi0ations to make sure that they &ork as ex#ected.
Migrate from classic=mode to claims=based
authentication in SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" +onvert SharePoint 2010 Products or SharePoint 2013 classic7mode &eb a##lications to
claims7based authentication or create ne& claims7based &eb a##lications in SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
+laims7based authentication is an essential com#onent to enable the advanced functionality of
SharePoint 2013. To move classic7mode &eb a##lications from SharePoint 2010 Products to
SharePoint 2013" you can convert them to claims7based &eb a##lications &ithin SharePoint 2010
Products" and then mi'rate them to SharePoint 2013. The #rocedures in this article illustrate various
su##orted scenarios.
The 8indo&s Po&erShell'onert=SP2ebApplication cmdlet in SharePoint 2013 converts classic7
mode &eb a##lications to claims7based &eb a##lications.
/fter you convert a &eb a##lication to claims7based authentication" you cannot revert it to
classic7mode authentication.
'onert SharePoint 2010 Products classic=mode !eb
applications to claims=based authentication in
SharePoint 2010 Products and then upgrade to
SharePoint 2013
%n SharePoint 2010 Products" com#lete the follo&in' #rocedure to convert an existin' &eb a##lication
to claims7based authentication. /fter you convert the &eb a##lication to claims7based authentication"
com#lete the additional ste# to mi'rate the &eb a##lication to SharePoint 2013. To com#lete this
#rocedure" you need the follo&in' information$
The @4! of the &eb a##lication that you are convertin'$ http:99!our8e,ppUrl
/ user account to set as a site administrator$ !our-omainB!ourUser
&o conert a SharePoint 2010 Products !eb application to claims=based
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
9ou must read aboutKExecutionKPolicies 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%d=1>30B03.
/dd membershi#s that are re)uired beyond the minimums above.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 1B Products cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see Permissions and /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. .rom the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' to set the s#ecified
user account as an administrator for the site$
[=ebApp8ame X Rhttp:QQ<yourWebAppUrl>R
[*a X -et(SP=ebApplication [=ebApp8ame
[*a#6seClaimsAuthentication X [true
?!our8e,ppUrl@ is the @4! of the &eb a##lication.
3. .rom the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' to confi'ure the #olicy
to enable the user to have full access$
Windows PowerShell
[account X Ryour3omainUyour6serR
[account X !8e*(SPClaimsPrincipal (identity [account (identitytype 1$#o;ncodedStrin-!$
[*a X -et(SP=ebApplication [=ebApp8ame
[0p X [*a#eonePolicies!R3efaultR$
[p X [0p#Add![account'RPSPolicyR$
.or more information" see Het7SP8eb/##lication.
A. .rom the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' to #erform user
B. /fter user mi'ration com#letes" ty#e the follo&in' from the 8indo&s Po&erShell
command #rom#t to #erform #rovisionin'$
Windows PowerShell
.or more information" see e&7SP+laimsPrinci#al.
8e recommend that you use 8indo&s Po&erShell &hen #erformin' command7line
administrative tasks. The Stsadm command7line tool has been de#recated" but is included
to su##ort com#atibility &ith #revious #roduct versions.
/fter you com#lete the #revious #rocedures" you mi'ht ex#erience one or more of the follo&in' issues$
@sers &ho submit valid credentials &hen accessin' the mi'rated &eb a##lication mi'ht be notified
that they do not have #ermissions. %f this occurs" the portalsuperuseraccount #ro#erty and the
portalsuperreaderaccount #ro#erty of the &eb a##lication &ere #robably confi'ured #rior to
mi'ration. %f this is the case" u#date the portalsuperuseraccount #ro#erty and the
portalsuperreaderaccount #ro#erty to use the ne& claims7based account name. /fter mi'ration"
you can find the ne& claims7based account name in the &eb a##lication #olicy for the mi'rated &eb
%f existin' alerts are not invoked after mi'ration" you mi'ht have to delete and recreate the alerts.
%f Search cra&l does not function on the &eb a##lication after mi'ration" make sure that the Search
cra&l account lists the ne& converted account name. %f the ne& converted account name is not
listed" you must manually create a ne& #olicy for the cra&l account.
&o migrate a claims=based SharePoint 2010 Products !eb application to
SharePoint 2013
1. %n SharePoint 2013" create a claims7based &eb a##lication. .or more information" see
+reate claims7based &eb a##lications in SharePoint 2013.
2. /ttach the t&o existin' SharePoint 2010 Products content databases to the ne&ly created
SharePoint 2013 claims7based &eb a##lication. .or more information" see /ttach or detach
content databases in SharePoint 2013.
8hen you attach the SharePoint 2010 Products content databases to the SharePoint 2013
claims7based &eb a##lication" the databases &ill be u#'raded to the SharePoint 2013
database format. 9ou have to verify that the content databases &ork correctly after you
attach them.
'onert SharePoint 2010 Products classic=mode !eb
applications to SharePoint 2013 claims=based
!eb applications
%n SharePoint 2013" com#lete the follo&in' #rocedure to convert an existin' SharePoint 2010 Products
classic7mode &eb a##lication to a SharePoint 2013 &eb a##lication that uses claims7based
&o conert a SharePoint 2010 Products classic=mode !eb application to a
SharePoint 2013 claims=based authentication
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
9ou must read aboutKExecutionKPolicies 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%d=1>30B03.
/dd membershi#s that are re)uired beyond the minimums above.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 1B Products cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see Permissions and /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. %n the SharePoint 2013 environment" on the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. +han'e to the directory &here you saved the file.
?. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
8e*(SP=ebApplication _name RClassicAuthAppR _Port 100 _ApplicationPool
RClassicAuthAppPoolR _ApplicationPoolAccount !,et(SPMana-edAccount
?domainname@L?user@ is the domain to &hich the server belon's and the name of the user
F. /ttach the t&o existin' SharePoint 2010 Products content databases to the ne&
SharePoint 2013 classic7mode &eb a##lication. .or more information" see /ttach or detach
content databases in SharePoint 2013.
8hen you attach the SharePoint 2010 Products content databases to the SharePoint 2013
classic7mode &eb a##lication" the databases are u#'raded to the SharePoint 2013
database format. 9ou have to verify that the content databases &ork correctly after you
have attached them.
G. .rom the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in'$
Convert(SP=ebApplication _)dentity <yourWebAppUrl> _o Claims
(9etainPermissions ] (+orce^
?!our8e,ppUrl@ is the @4! of the &eb a##lication.
'onert=SP2ebApplication converts the &eb a##lication to claims7based
authentication. 9ou have to verify that the users can access the &eb a##lication after
you have converted it.
>. %f necessary" attach a third SharePoint 2010 Products content database to the ne&
SharePoint 2013 classic7mode &eb a##lication" and verify that the content database
&orkin' correctly after you have attached it.
10. .rom the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in'$
Convert(SP=ebApplication _)dentity yourWebAppUrl _o Claims
(9etainPermissions ] (+orce^
Eerify that users can access the &eb a##lication after you have converted it to claims7based
.or more information" see e&7SP8eb/##lication" Het7SP(ana'ed/ccount" and +onvert7
8e recommend that you use 8indo&s Po&erShell &hen #erformin' command7line
administrative tasks. The Stsadm command7line tool has been de#recated" but is included to
su##ort com#atibility &ith #revious #roduct versions.
'onert SharePoint 2013 classic=mode !eb
applications to claims=based !eb applications
%n SharePoint 2013" com#lete the follo&in' #rocedures to first create a classic7mode 8eb a##lication"
and then convert it to claims7based authentication.
&o create a classic=mode 2eb application in SharePoint 2013
Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
9ou must read aboutKExecutionKPolicies 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%d=1>30B03.
/dd membershi#s that are re)uired beyond the minimums above.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 1B Products cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see Permissions and /dd7SPShell/dmin.
.rom the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in'$
8e*(SP=ebApplication _8ame S8ameT
_ApplicationPool SApplicationPoolT
(AuthenticationMethod S=indo*sAuthypeT
_ApplicationPoolAccount SApplicationPoolAccountT
(Port SPortT (69? S69?T
?%ame@ is the name of the ne& &eb a##lication that uses classic7mode authentication.
?,pplication3ool@ is the name of the a##lication #ool.
?8indows,uthT!pe@ is either [T!(\ or [,erberos\. ,erberos is recommended.
?,pplication3ool,ccount@ is the user account that this a##lication #ool &ill run as.
?3ort@ is the #ort on &hich the &eb a##lication &ill be created in %%S.
?URL@ is the #ublic @4! for the &eb a##lication.
.or more information" see e&7SP8eb/##lication.
/fter you successfully create the &eb a##lication" &hen you o#en the +entral
/dministration #a'e" you see a health rule &arnin' that indicates that one or more &eb
a##lications is enabled &ith classic authentication mode. This is a reflection of our
recommendation to use claims7based authentication instead of classic mode
&o conert a SharePoint 2013 classic=mode !eb application to claims=based
.rom the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in'$
Convert(SP=ebApplication ()dentity Rhttp:QQ <servername>:portR (o Claims
_9etainPermissions ](+orce^
?servername@ is the name of the server.
Eerify that users can access the &eb a##lication after you have converted it to claims7based
.or more information" see e&7SP8eb/##lication" Het7SP(ana'ed/ccount" and +onvert7
8e recommend that you use 8indo&s Po&erShell &hen #erformin' command7line
administrative tasks. The Stsadm command7line tool has been de#recated" but is included to
su##ort com#atibility &ith #revious #roduct versions.
Migrate SharePoint 2010 Products classic=mode !eb
applications to SharePoint 2013 classic=mode
!eb applications
%n SharePoint 2013" com#lete the follo&in' #rocedure to create a classic7mode &eb a##lication" and
then mi'rate an existin' SharePoint 2010 Products classic7mode 8eb a##lication to SharePoint 2013.
&o migrate a SharePoint 2010 Products classic=mode !eb application to
SharePoint 2013
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
9ou must read aboutKExecutionKPolicies 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%d=1>30B03.
/dd membershi#s that are re)uired beyond the minimums above.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 1B Products cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see Permissions and /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. .rom the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in'$
8e*(SP=ebApplication _name RClassicAuthAppR _Port 100 _ApplicationPool
RClassicAuthAppPoolR _ApplicationPoolAccount !,et(SPMana-edAccount
?domainname@L?user@ is the domain to &hich the server belon's and the name of the user
3. /ttach the t&o existin' SharePoint 2010 Products content databases to the ne&
SharePoint 2013 classic7mode &eb a##lication. Eerify that the content databases &ork
correctly after you have attached them. .or more information" see /ttach or detach content
databases in SharePoint 2013.
/fter mi'ration has successfully com#leted" you mi'ht find a user &ho has not been mi'rated
listed in the @!S lo'. 1etermine if the user still exists in your /ctive 1irectory domain" and then$
%f the user does not exist in your /ctive 1irectory domain" assi'n someone else as the site
o&ner and desi'nate the user as deleted in the @ser%nfo table. To desi'nate a user as deleted"
chan'e the tp0deleted value in the @ser%nfo table for that user to 1.
%f the user does exist in your /ctive 1irectory domain" run the mi'ration #rocedure a'ain.
.or more information" see e&7SP8eb/##lication and Het7SP(ana'ed/ccount.
8e recommend that you use 8indo&s Po&erShell &hen #erformin' command7line
administrative tasks. The Stsadm command7line tool has been de#recated" but is included to
su##ort com#atibility &ith #revious #roduct versions.
+pgrade site collections to SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" .ind out ho& to u#'rade a site collection to SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
The follo&in' do&nloadable resources" articles on Techet" video recordin's" and related resources
#rovide information about u#'radin' site collections to SharePoint 2013.
Do!nloadable resources ho! to upgrade site
1o&nload the follo&in' content for information about ho& to u#'rade site collections.

'ontent Description

SharePoint 2013 Products
Previe& 7 @#'rade Process
1escribes the ste#s in the
#rocess for a database7attach

&ech)et articles about ho! to upgrade site
The follo&in' articles about ho& to u#'rade site collections are available to vie& online. 8riters u#date
articles on a continuin' basis as ne& information becomes available and as users #rovide feedback.

4un site collection health checks in
SharePoint 2013
4un the site collection health checks to verify your site is
runnin' &ell. +heck each site before you u#'rade to
SharePoint 2013.
@#'rade a site collection to SharePoint 2013 Site collection administrators can #revie& a co#y of their
sites in SharePoint 2013 mode" and then u#'rade their
4evie& site collections u#'raded to
SharePoint 2013
4evie& site collections after you have u#'raded them to
SharePoint 2013.
(ana'e site collection u#'rades to
SharePoint 2013
.arm administrators mana'e the u#'rade )ueue and
throttlin' settin's and u#'rade site collections to
SharePoint 2013.

Additional resources about ho! to upgrade to
SharePoint 2013
The follo&in' resources about u#'rade to SharePoint 2013 are available from other subCect matter

'ontent Description

@#'rade and (i'ration
4esource +enter for SharePoint
2013 Products
Eisit the 4esource
+enter to find
additional information
about u#'rades to
SharePoint 2013.

8hat]s e& in SharePoint 2013
Products 4esource +enter
Eisit the 4esource
+enter to learn about
&hat]s ne& in
SharePoint 2013.

@#'rade to SharePoint 2013

.un site collection health chec:s in SharePoint
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" 4un the site collection health checks on each site to find issues before you u#'rade to
SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
SharePoint 2013 includes a set of rules that you can run a'ainst a site collection to verify that it is
&orkin' as ex#ected. These rules are #art of the site collection health checks. 9ou can run the health
checks from the Site Settin's #a'e or by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell.
%f you are u#'radin' a site collection to SharePoint 2013" the first ste# in the #rocess is to run the health
+pgrade step 1" .un site collection health chec:s

.or a visual overvie& of the entire u#'rade #rocess" see Overvie& of the u#'rade #rocess to
SharePoint 2013.
9ou run the health checks manually to #re#are for an u#'rade. %n addition" the health checks are run
automatically in re#air mode &hen you start to u#'rade a site collection. 9ou can also run the health
checks at any time to verify that a site is &orkin' as ex#ected. The site collection #re7u#'rade health
checks examine a site collection and list #otential u#'rade issues" such as missin' or unsu##orted
elements. .or exam#le" the results itemi0e customi0ed files so that you can identify the custom file and
reset it to the default tem#late in the site definition" if you &ant. /fter you run the checks" a re#ort lists
#otential issues. The re#ort also has information about ho& to address the issues.
The site collection health checker includes the follo&in' rules$
Site collection health chec: rules

.ule name Description .ule *D
'ustomi(ed 9iles This rule checks for any files
that &ere customi0ed 2or
un'hosted3 in the site
collection or subsites. 8hen
run in re#air mode" it can
reset the #a'e to the default
2re'host the file3.
Missing Galleries This rule checks for all
default 'alleries and re#orts
if any are missin' from the
site collection or subsites.
Missing Site &emplates This rule checks to make
sure that the tem#late the
site is based on is available
and re#orts if any elements
are missin'.
+nsupported 5anguage Pac:
This rule checks to make
sure that the lan'ua'e
#acks that are used by the
site collection exist and are
referenced correctly by the
site collection.
+nsupported M+* .eferences This rule checks to make
sure that the multi7user
interface elements that are
used by the site collection
exist and are referenced
correctly by the site

<efore you begin
This is the first ste# in u#'radin' a site collection. -efore you u#'rade a site collection" you must have
already confi'ured the environment that uses SharePoint 2013 and u#'raded the databases. .or more
information about these ste#s" see /ttach databases and u#'rade to SharePoint 2013.
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
.un the site collection pre=upgrade health chec:s by
using Site Settings
Site collection o&ners can run the site collection health checks from the Site Settings #a'e in their site
&o run the pre=upgrade chec:s for a site collection
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a site collection administrator.
2. On the Site Settings #a'e for the site collection" in the Site 'ollection Administration
section" click Site collection health chec:s.
3. On the .un site collection health chec:s #a'e" click Start chec:s.
/ re#ort lists all checked issues and issues that you should resolve.
A. 4esolve all issues" and then click &ry it again to verify that you fixed them.
.un the site collection pre=upgrade health chec:s by
using 2indo!s Po!erShell
.arm administrators can use the follo&in' 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets to run the site collection health
checks and to re#air issues$ &est=SPSite .epair=SPSite.
&o run the site collection health chec:s in test mode by using 2indo!s
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
Either a site collection administrator or be 'ranted full read 2for test mode3 for the &eb
a##lication by #olicy. .or more information about #ermission #olicies for &eb a##lications" see
(ana'e #ermission #olicies for a &eb a##lication 2SharePoint Server 20103.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
est(SPSite ()dentity <SiteURL> ](9ule <RuleID>^
?$iteURL@ is @4! for the site collection you &ant to check.
?RuleI-@ is %1 for a s#ecific rule that you &ant to run.
&o run the site collection health chec:s in repair mode by using 2indo!s
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
Either a site collection administrator or be 'ranted full control 2for re#air mode3 for the &eb
a##lication by #olicy. .or more information about #ermission #olicies for &eb a##lications" see
(ana'e #ermission #olicies for a &eb a##lication 2SharePoint Server 20103.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
9epair(SPSite ()dentity <SiteURL> ](9ule <RuleID>^
?$iteURL@ is @4! for the site collection you &ant to re#air.
?RuleI-@ is %1 for a s#ecific rule that you &ant to run.
Additional steps
%f you are #erformin' an u#'rade to SharePoint 2013" you can start the site collection u#'rade after you
have addressed all issues from the health checks. 9ou can create an u#'rade evaluation site to try the
ne& user interface for your site" or you can u#'rade your site collection directly. To learn about ho& to
create evaluation site collections or u#'rade a site collection" see @#'rade a site collection to
SharePoint 2013.
+pgrade a site collection to SharePoint 2013
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& site collection administrators can #revie& a co#y of their sites in SharePoint
2013 mode" and then u#'rade their sites.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
/fter a server farm administrator has u#'raded the databases" site collection administrators can
u#'rade individual site collections. 8hen site collection administrators first bro&se to their sites after
the database has been u#'raded" a notification bar at the to# of the site indicates that their sites can be
u#'raded. The choices are to Start no! or .emind me later. Start no! be'ins the site collection
u#'rade #rocess.
To u#'rade a site collection" site collection administrators com#lete the follo&in' ste#s$
1. 4un the site collection health checks to verify the site is ready to u#'rade. .or more
information" see 4un site collection health checks in SharePoint 2013.
2. +reate an u#'rade evaluation site to #revie& the differences bet&een versions. 2O#tional3
3. @#'rade the site collection.
A. Eerify that u#'rade &as successful and the site &orks as ex#ected. .or more information"
see 4evie& site collections u#'raded to SharePoint 2013.
This article discusses the second and third ste#s" and includes #rocedures for #erformin' these tasks
from Site Settin's. .or information about usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets to u#'rade sites from the
command line" see (ana'e site collection u#'rades to SharePoint 2013.
+pgrade step 2" .e/uest ealuation site collection and Step 3" +pgrade the site

.or a visual overvie& of the u#'rade #rocess" includin' site collection u#'rade" see Overvie& of the
u#'rade #rocess to SharePoint 2013. .or more information about ho& farm administrators can control
site collection u#'rades" see (ana'e site collection u#'rades to SharePoint 2013. .or more conce#tual
information about site u#'rade" includin' ho& to #lan for u#'rade" see Plan for site collection u#'rades
in SharePoint 2013.
%f you u#'rade from SharePoint Server 2010 to SharePoint Server 2013" there are s#ecial
considerations for (y Sites. 2(y Sites are not available in SharePoint .oundation 2013.3 (ake
sure that you u#'rade the (y Site *ost site collection before you allo& users to access their
individual (y Sites in SharePoint Server 2013. This makes sure that the server soft&are and
database chan'es are com#lete so that users can u#'rade their individual (y Sites
/ user can u#'rade his or her (y Site by follo&in' the ste#s to u#'rade a site collection later in
this article" or a farm administrator can u#'rade (y Sites by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell.
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%d=2A?B023
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 1B Products 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<
,eyboard shortcuts 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%1=2A?B0A3
Touch 2htt#$;;';f&link;#;<!ink%d=2A?B0?3
'reate an upgrade ealuation site ,Optional-
/s a site collection administrator" you can re)uest a #revie& of your site collectionZ this is called an
u#'rade evaluation site collection. /n u#'rade evaluation site collection enables you to see your site]s
content in a ne&" se#arate co#y of the site that is runnin' on the SharePoint 2013. @nlike visual
u#'rade in SharePoint Server 2010" the u#'rade evaluation site collection is a com#lete co#y of the site
collection" se#arate from the ori'inal. /ctions that you take in the u#'rade evaluation do not affect the
ori'inal site.
8hen you re)uest an evaluation site collection" the re)uest is added to a Timer Cob 2named 5+reate
@#'rade Evaluation Site +ollections53 &hich runs once a day. 9ou &ill receive an e7mail messa'e &hen
the u#'rade evaluation site is available. This mi'ht take u# to 2A hours. The messa'e includes a link to
the evaluation site. @#'rade evaluation site collections are set to automatically ex#ire 2after 30 days by
default3. %f yours ex#ires before you have finished evaluatin' the chan'es" you can re)uest another
u#'rade evaluation site collection.
&o re/uest an upgrade ealuation site collection
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a site collection administrator.
2. On the Site Settin's #a'e for the site collection" in the Site 'ollection Administration
section" click Site collection upgrade.
3. On the Ste# u# to SharePoint 2013 #a'e" click &ry a demo upgrade.
This o#tion starts the #rocess of 'eneratin' an u#'rade evaluation site collection.
A. %n the +reate @#'rade Evaluation Site +ollection box" click 'reate +pgrade 3aluation Site
/ box o#ens and informs you that a demo site re)uest &as received.
B. +lick 'lose to close the box.
9ou &ill receive an e7mail messa'e &hen the u#'rade evaluation is available. The e7mail messa'e
&ill contain a link to the site collection. 4evie& the site and confirm that your site collection &ill look
and behave as ex#ected in the ne& user interface.
/fter you have revie&ed the u#'rade evaluation and made any necessary chan'es in your ori'inal site
based on your evaluation" you can u#'rade your site collection.
.arm administrators can use 8indo&s Po&erShell to re)uest an u#'rade evaluation site collection. .or
more information" see (ana'e site collection u#'rades to SharePoint 2013.
+pgrade a site collection
/fter you run the #re7u#'rade checks and o#tionally revie& an u#'rade evaluation site collection" you
can u#'rade your site collection to SharePoint 2013.
&o upgrade a site collection
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a site collection administrator.
2. On the Site Settin's #a'e for the site collection" in the Site 'ollection Administration
section" click Site collection upgrade.
3. On the Site +ollection @#'rade #a'e" click +pgrade this Site 'ollection.
This o#tion starts the #rocess of u#'radin' your site collection. / box o#ens to verify that you &ant
to start the #rocess.
A. +lick *Fm ready to start the actual u#'rade.
The site collection health checks are run automatically in re#air mode before the u#'rade
starts. The results from the health checks are included in the u#'rade lo' for the site
collection. %f there is an error" you must address it before you can continue to u#'rade.
The u#'rade starts" and the +pgrade status #a'e for the site collection is dis#layed. This #a'e
automatically u#dates &hile the u#'rade is in #ro'ress and dis#lays information about the #rocess"
such as the follo&in'$
Errors or &arnin's
8hen the u#'rade started
8here you can find the u#'rade lo' file
/fter the u#'rade is com#lete" the +pgrade status #a'e is dis#layed in the ne& user interface
&ith the messa'e" @#'rade +om#leted Successfully.
B. +lick 5etFs see the ne! site to 'o to the home #a'e.
.arm administrators can use 8indo&s Po&erShell to u#'rade a site collection. .or more information"
see (ana'e site collection u#'rades to SharePoint 2013.
To verify that u#'rade has succeeded" check the +pgrade status #a'e for the site collection.
>ie! upgrade status in Site Settings
Site collection administrators can vie& the +pgrade Status #a'e in Site Settin's to verify that u#'rade
has succeeded for a site collection.
&o ie! upgrade status in Site Settings
1. Eerify that the user account that #erforms this #rocedure is a site collection administrator.
2. On the Site Settings #a'e for the site collection" in the Site 'ollection Administration
section" click Site collection upgrade.
3. On the Site 'ollection +pgrade #a'e" click .eie! Site 'ollection +pgrade Status.
The +pgrade Status #a'e for the site collection is dis#layed.
.arm administrators can use 8indo&s Po&erShell to vie& site collection u#'rade status. .or more
information" see (ana'e site collection u#'rades to SharePoint 2013.
Additional steps
ext" revie& your u#'raded site collection to be sure that everythin' is &orkin' as ex#ected. .or more
information see 4evie& site collections u#'raded to SharePoint 2013.
.eie! site collections upgraded to SharePoint
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn &hat to look for &hen you revie& site collections after you u#'rade to SharePoint
2013 and find ti#s to address issues.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
@se these ste#s in your test environment to identify any issues before you u#'rade your #roduction
environment. /nd revie& your u#'raded sites to fix any issues after you have u#'raded a site
8hen you #erform tests before u#'radin' your environment$
-e'in by validatin' hi'h7im#act or hi'h7#rofile sites" and then move on to lo&er7#riority sites. /s
#art of the #lannin' #rocess" you should have identified &hich sites are hi'h7im#act and hi'h7#rofile
and re)uire immediate attention" and &hich can &ait a bit lon'er.
To verify basic functionality" create a ne& site collection by usin' a re#resentative set of lists"
libraries" 8eb Parts" and so on. 4evie& the ne& site to make sure that the common" basic
elements of your sites are &orkin'.
%f #a'es do not render" you can check the Site Settings #a'e by 'oin' directly to the @4! 2htt#$;;
siteurl;Klayouts;settin' %f the Site Settings #a'e &orks and the u#'rade has succeeded"
there mi'ht be issues &ith the master #a'e or home #a'e. %f the Site Settings #a'e does not &ork"
'o to the site collection u#'rade lo' file to see &hether you can 'et more information about the
9ou can revie& the site collection u#'rade lo's from the follo&in' locations$
9or site collection administrators" There are also lo' files for site collection u#'rade stored
inside the site collection itself" in the (aintenance !o's catalo' at
2htt#$;;ISiteameJ;Kcatalo's;(aintenance!o's;9999((117**((SS7SSS.txt " &here
""""&&-- is the date and 11&&$$-$$$ is the time 2hours in 2A7hour clock format" minutes"
seconds" and milliseconds3.
9or farm administrators" The site collection u#'rade lo' file and the u#'rade error lo' file are
located at Q+O((OP4OH4/(.%!ESQL(icrosoft SharedL8eb server extensionsL1BL!OHS. The
lo's are named in the follo&in' format$ Site@#'rade7""""&&---11&&$$-$$$.lo'" &here
""""&&-- is the date and 11&&$$-$$$ is the time 2hours in 2A7hour clock format" minutes"
seconds" and milliseconds3. These file system lo's have more information if you &ant details about
@se the follo&in' checklists to revie& your u#'raded sites and look for issues for either trial u#'rades
or u#'rades in a #roduction environment.
'hec:lists for reie!ing upgraded sites
2eb Parts
The follo&in' table lists issues &ith 8eb Parts that can occur after u#'rade and ho& to address them.
To test your 8eb Parts )uickly" you can build a ne& 8eb Part #a'e that contains all the custom
8eb Parts before you test an u#'rade" and then revie& the #a'e for any missin' or broken
8eb Parts after the trial u#'rade.

2hat to chec: 2hat to do if there is a problem
1o all the 8eb Parts from your ori'inal site
a##ear in your u#'raded site<
%f a 8eb Part 0one exists in a customi0ed
2unghosted3 #a'e" but not in the site definition" the
8eb Parts from that 8eb Part 0one may have been
moved into the bottom 0one on the #a'e durin' the
Either in Edit (ode for the #a'e in the bro&ser or in
SharePoint 1esi'ner 2013" look for missin' 8eb
Parts in the bottom 0one or other 0ones" or check
&hether the 8eb Parts &ere closed. .or more
information about ho& to &ork &ith 8eb Parts and
8eb Part 0ones in SharePoint 1esi'ner 2013" see
the SharePoint 1esi'ner *el# system.
/re there any broken 8eb Parts #a'es and are
the 8eb Parts dis#layed correctly 2in the correct
0one" location" and si0e3<
Either in Edit (ode for the #a'e in the bro&ser or in
SharePoint 1esi'ner 2013" dra' the 8eb Part into
the correct 0one or modify the 8eb Part #ro#erties to
correct any si0in' or #ositionin' #roblems.
/re there any extra or missin' 8eb Parts< O#en the #a'e either in Edit (ode for the #a'e in the
bro&ser or in SharePoint 1esi'ner 2013. %f you see
additional 8eb Parts on your #a'e" look for closed or
inactive 8eb Parts on the ori'inal version of the
#a'e. 8ere the closed or inactive 8eb Parts o#ened
by the u#'rade #rocess< %f so" you can modify the
8eb Part #ro#erties to close these 8eb Parts.
%f 8eb Parts are missin'" look for errors in
SharePoint 1esi'ner 2013 such as 5Error 4enderin'
+ontrol5 or 5(issin' /ssembly.5 These errors indicate
that the 8eb Part &as not installed or &as confi'ured
incorrectly for the ne& environment and must be
reinstalled or reconfi'ured.
1o the 8eb Parts &ork correctly< O#en the #a'e either in Edit (ode for the #a'e in the
2hat to chec: 2hat to do if there is a problem
bro&ser or in SharePoint 1esi'ner 2013" and look for
errors that indicate that a com#onent or service is
missin'. (ake sure that any com#onents or services
that the 8eb Parts rely on exist in the u#'raded site.
Particularly for the database attach u#'rade
a##roach" you must make sure that you have
installed all the com#onents or services that you
must have for your 8eb Parts" and that you have
confi'ured them correctly 2for exam#le" you have
confi'ured the 8eb.confi' Safe +ontrols list3.
@#date and rede#loy any 8eb Parts that exist but no
lon'er function correctly.
/re any 8eb Parts #a'es still checked out< %f you check out a #a'e to make chan'es" make sure
that you check in the #a'e a'ain.
/re your Excel 8eb /ccess 8eb Parts &orkin'
correctly< 1id you create your connections a'ain
correctly< /re external data sources still
Eerify all connections and external data sources.

%f you have #roblems &ith a 8eb Part" a##end AcontentsK1 to the end of the @4! syntax
2htt#$;; siteurl;<contentsK13" and then #ress ETE4. This o#ens the 8eb Part
(aintenance #a'e &here you can remove and re#air the broken 8eb Part.
5arge lists
-y default" lar'e list )uery throttlin' is turned on in SharePoint 2013. %f a list is very lar'e" and users use
a vie& or #erform a )uery that exceeds the limit or throttlin' threshold" the vie& or )uery &ill not be
#ermitted. +heck any lar'e lists in your environment and have the site administrator or list o&ner
address the issue. .or exam#le" they can create indexed columns &ith filtered vie&s" or'ani0e items
into folders" set an item limit on the #a'e for a lar'e vie&" or use an external list. .or more information
about lar'e list throttlin' and ho& to address issues &ith lar'e lists" see (ana'e lists and libraries &ith
many items on Office Online.
Styles and appearance
The follo&in' table lists common issues &ith the style and a##earance of your &eb site after u#'rade
and ho& to address them.
(ost of the issues in this section can be resolved by correctin' the links to an item.

2hat to chec: 2hat to do if there is a problem
/re all the ima'es on your #a'es dis#layed
Eerify or fix the links to the ima'es.
/re the a##ro#riate cascadin' style sheet colors and
styles used in the a##ro#riate locations<
Eerify or fix the links to the cascadin' style sheet
file. Eerify the link on the master #a'e.
Theme choices are different in SharePoint 2013 V
&hich theme do you &ant to use<
9our site6s home #a'e" or other #a'es on your
site" may look different after the site is
u#'raded. 9ou may have to re7create or revise a
theme and rea##ly it.
1o you have any NavaScri#t controls that are not
Eerify or fix the links to the controls.
/re your #a'es dis#layed correctly in the bro&ser< Eerify that any *T(! on the #a'e is in strict
M*T(! mode.
/re any scri#t errors dis#layed on any #a'es< Eerify the scri#ts and links" and verify that any
*T(! is in strict M*T(! mode.

'ustomi(ed ,unghosted- pages
+ustomi0ed 2also kno&n as un'hosted3 #a'es are #a'es that &ere edited and are no& uni)ue versions
of the #a'es for the site" instead of the default tem#late #a'es. The follo&in' table lists issues &ith
customi0ed #a'es that can occur after u#'rade and ho& to address them.

2hat to chec: 2hat to do if there is a problem
/re your customi0ations still in #lace< 1etermine &hether you have only one issue or a
lar'er #roblem &ith the &hole #a'e.
%f you added a brand7ne& #a'e to your ori'inal site
2for exam#le" if you re#laced &ith a
different file instead of chan'in' the existin' file3" the ne& #a'e has no association
&ith the site definition. Therefore" it mi'ht not
resemble the other #a'es on the u#'raded site D
nor can it be reset to resemble them. %f you &ant
your customi0ed #a'e to have the same
a##earance and behavior as the other #a'es on
your site" consider creatin' a brand7ne& #a'e that
2hat to chec: 2hat to do if there is a problem
is based on the site definition and then transferrin'
your customi0ations to that ne& #a'e.
+an you still access the editin' controls on the
%f you customi0ed the editin' controls 2for exam#le"
the Site /ctions link or the Edit Pa'e link in
SharePoint 2010 Products3" check &hether they
still a##ear. %f they don6t a##ear" you can re#lace
them &ith the editin' controls of the ne& version by
resettin' the #a'e to the default version.
@se the .eset to &emplate command in
SharePoint 1esi'ner to reset the #a'e to the
default version 2also kno&n as reghosting3. /fter
you have restored the default #a'e" you can then
rea##ly your customi0ations in the bro&ser by
a##lyin' a different master #a'e" or by rea##lyin'
the customi0ations in SharePoint 1esi'ner.
/re your customi0ations still a##ro#riate in the
ne& environment" or do you &ant to u#date to the
ne& functionality and look<
%f you &ant the ne& functionality and features" you
must reset any customi0ed #a'es to use the
tem#late. 4esettin' the #a'e basically discards the
customi0ations and attaches your #a'e to the
a##ro#riate master #a'e. /ny customi0ations that
you &ant can then be transferred to the master
#a'e instead of bein' stored in individual #a'es.
@se the .eset to &emplate command in
SharePoint 1esi'ner to reset the #a'e to the
default version 2that is" re'host it3. /fter you have
restored the default #a'e" you can then rea##ly
your customi0ations in the bro&ser by a##lyin' a
different master #a'e" or by rea##lyin' the
customi0ations in SharePoint 1esi'ner.
/re any #a'es still checked out< %f you check out a #a'e to make chan'es" make
sure that you check in the #a'e a'ain.

Manage site collection upgrades to SharePoint
Published" #uly 1$% 2012
Summary" !earn ho& farm administrators can mana'e the u#'rade )ueue and throttlin' settin's and
u#'rade site collections to SharePoint 2013.
,pplies to: $hare3oint <oundation ()*5 = $hare3oint $erver ()*5
Even thou'h site collection administrators can no& u#'rade their o&n sites to SharePoint 2013" server
farm administrators can still control &hen and &hether a site collection is u#'raded by mana'in' the
u#'rade )ueue. 9ou can also vie& and mana'e the u#'rade throttlin' settin's for a &eb a##lication or
content database to mana'e your farm6s #erformance for site collection u#'rades.
<efore you begin to upgrade site collections to
SharePoint 2013
.arm administrators can control settin's for site collection u#'rade" such as notifications" throttlin'" and
the u#'rade )ueue" and can u#'rade site collections by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell. -efore you chan'e
these settin's or u#'rade a site collection" you should understand the settin's and the im#lications for
makin' chan'es. .or more information about the settin's for site collection u#'rade" see Plan for site
collection u#'rades in SharePoint 2013. .or information about ho& to u#'rade a site collection from the
Site Settin's #a'e" see @#'rade a site collection to SharePoint 2013.
-ecause SharePoint 2013 runs as &ebsites in %nternet %nformation Services 2%%S3"
administrators and users de#end on the accessibility features that bro&sers #rovide.
SharePoint 2013 su##orts the accessibility features of su##orted bro&sers. .or more
information" see the follo&in' resources$
Plan bro&ser su##ort
/ccessibility for SharePoint Products
/ccessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
,eyboard shortcuts
'ontrol upgrade notifications and self=serice
8hen a site collection is available to u#'rade" site collection administrators see a status bar on their
sites indicatin' that they can u#'rade them. They can choose to u#'rade the site collection then or be
reminded later. 9ou can control settin's for these notifications and control &hether site collection
administrators can u#'rade their site collections. .or more information about these #ro#erties" see Plan
settin's for u#'rade notifications" self7service u#'rade" and site collection creation.
&o ie! the upgrade notification and self=serice upgrade settings by using
2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' commands to vie& the
u#'rade notification settin's for a &eb a##lication$
[*aX,et(SP=ebApplication <URL>
?URL@ is @4! for the &eb a##lication that you &ant to check.
This command returns the @#'rade reminder delay settin' for the s#ecified &eb a##lication.
?. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command to vie& the
self7service u#'rade settin' for a site collection$
[siteX,et(SPSite <URL>
?URL@ is @4! for the site collection that you &ant to affect.
.or more information" see Het7SP8eb/##lication and Het7SPSite.
&o change the upgrade notification and self=serice upgrade settings for a !eb
application by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command to chan'e the
u#'rade notification settin's for a &eb a##lication$
[*aX,et(SP=ebApplication <URL>
?URL@ is @4! for the &eb a##lication that you &ant to affect.
?2alue@ is the numeric value that you &ant to set for the delay 2for exam#le" 10 for 10 days3.
?Lin#URL@ is a link &here the user can find more information.
?. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command to chan'e the
self7service u#'rade settin' for a site collection$
[siteX,et(SPSite <URL>
?URL@ is @4! for the site collection that you &ant to affect.
?2alue@ is either 6true6 to allo& site collection administrators to u#'rade the site" or 6false6 to not
sho& them the notification and not allo& them to u#'rade.
.or more information" see Het7SP8eb/##lication and Het7SPSite.
'ontrol the compatibility range for site creation
9ou can control &hich mode 22010 or 2013" or both3 can be used &hen a user creates a site collection.
The +om#atibility4an'e #ro#erty on a &eb a##lication controls the site modes available for a &eb
a##lication. 9ou can vie& or chan'e the settin's for +om#atibility4an'e by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell.
&o ie! the compatibility range for site creation modes for a !eb application by
using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' commands to vie& the
com#atibility ran'e settin's for a &eb a##lication$
[*aX,et(SP=ebApplication <URL>
\ Stores the *eb application at that 69? as a variable
\ 9eturns the Compatibility9an-e for the speci/ed *eb application
?URL@ is @4! for the &eb a##lication that you &ant to check.
This command returns the com#atibility ran'e for the s#ecified &eb a##lication. .or exam#le$
Ma.Compatibility?evel MinCompatibility?evel 3efaultCompatibility?evel Sin-ular
((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((
12 11 12 +alse
?. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' commands to vie& the
maximum" minimum" and default settin's for a s#ecific ran'e$
Range%ame is one of the follo&in' values$ Old>ersions" )e!>ersion" All>ersions.
This command returns the com#atibility ran'e for the s#ecified value. .or exam#le" for
Ma.Compatibility?evel MinCompatibility?evel 3efaultCompatibility?evel Sin-ular
((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((
12 12 12 rue
.or more information" see Het7SP8eb/##lication.
&o change compatibility range for site creation modes for a !eb application by
using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command to chan'e the
com#atibility ran'e settin's to a s#ecific ran'e$
[*aX,et(SP=ebApplication <URL>
\ Stores the *eb application at that 69? as a variable
[*a#Compatibility9an-e X ]Microsoft#SharePoint#SPCompatibility9an-e^::<RangeName>
\ Speci/es *hich ran-e to use
\ 6pdates the Compatibility9an-e settin- to use only the ran-e you speci/ed
\ 9eturns the ne* Compatibility9an-e for the *eb application
?URL@ is @4! for the &eb a##lication that you &ant to chan'e.
Range%ame is one of the follo&in' values$ Old>ersions" )e!>ersion" All>ersions.
?. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command to chan'e the
values for the +om#atibility4an'e manually$
[*aX,et(SP=ebApplication <URL>
\ Stores the *eb application at that 69? as a variable
[ran-e X 8e*(ObIect Microsoft#SharePoint#SPCompatibility9an-e!<Integer>'<Integer>$
\ Creates a ne* compatibility ran-e from <Integer> to <Integer>
[*a#Compatibility9an-e X [ran-e
\ Speci/es *hich ran-e to use
\6pdates the Compatibility9an-e settin- to use only the ran-e you speci/ed *ith [ran-e
\ 9eturns the ne* Compatibility9an-e for the *eb application
?URL@ is @4! for the &eb a##lication that you &ant to chan'e.
Integer is a number to use as the minimum or maximum value. .or exam#le" 21A"1B3 &ould set
the (in+om#atibility!evel to 1A 220103 and the (ax+om#atibility!evel to 1B 220133. The
1efault+om#atibility!evel is automatically set to the lo&er of the (ax+om#atibility!evel and the
current maCor version 2for exam#le" 1B3.
This command sets and then returns the ran'e that you s#ecified. .or exam#le$
Ma.Compatibility?evel MinCompatibility?evel 3efaultCompatibility?evel Sin-ular
((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((
12 11 12 +alse
.or more information" see Het7SP8eb/##lication.
'ontrol the /ueue for upgrades of sites to
SharePoint 2013
Every site that is set to u#'rade is added to the )ueue" even if it is #rocessed immediately. / site is
removed from the )ueue after it is u#'raded" or if it has encountered an error that must be addressed
by a site collection or server administrator. %f an unex#ected failure occurs durin' the #rocess 2such as
a #o&er outa'e or service interru#tion3" the site remains in the )ueue and the timer service &ill try the
u#'rade a'ain automatically. Server farm administrators can mana'e the )ueue to remove a site from
the )ueue" add a site to the )ueue" or u#'rade a site manually.
Server farm administrators can mana'e the )ueue to do the follo&in'$
1etermine site collections that are in the u#'rade )ueue.
Each &eb a##lication has its o&n u#'rade )ueue. 9ou can sho& the sites that are in the )ueue for
a s#ecific content database associated &ith that &eb a##lication.
See all sites that are currently bein' u#'raded.
9ou can vie& the )ueue and filter it to sho& only the sites that are currently bein' u#'raded for a
s#ecific content database.
/dd a site collection to the u#'rade )ueue.
%f you &ant to u#'rade a site collection" you can add it to the )ueue.
4emove a site collection from the u#'rade )ueue.
9ou can remove a site collection from the u#'rade )ueue. Sto# the timer Cob" remove the site from
the )ueue" and then restart the timer Cob to resume u#'rade for the remainin' sites in the )ueue.
9ou cannot remove a site collection from the )ueue if it is currently bein' u#'raded.
The follo&in' #rocedure contains ste#s to vie& and mana'e the site collection u#'rade )ueue.
&o manage the upgrade /ueue by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. To vie& all site collections in the )ueue for a content database" at the 8indo&s
Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
,et(SPSite6p-radeSession)nfo (Content3atabase <DatabaseName> (Sho*)nPro-ress
(Sho*Completed (Sho*+ailed Wft
?-ataase%ame@ is name of the database that you &ant to check. 9ou can also use the H@%1
for the database instead of the name.
.or more information" see Het7SPSite@#'radeSession%nfo.
?. To see all sites that are currently bein' u#'raded" at the 8indo&s Po&erShell command
#rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
,et(SPSite6p-radeSession)nfo (Content3atabase <DatabaseName> (Sho*)nPro-ress
?-ataase%ame@ is name of the database that you &ant to check. 9ou can also use the H@%1
for the database instead of the name.
.or more information" see Het7SPSite@#'radeSession%nfo.
F. To see &hether a #articular site is in the )ueue" at the 8indo&s Po&erShell command
#rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
,et(SPSite6p-radeSession)nfo (Site <http://site>
?http:99site@ is @4! for the site collection you &ant to add to the u#'rade )ueue.
.or more information" see Het7SPSite@#'radeSession%nfo.
G. To add a site collection to the u#'rade )ueue" at the 8indo&s Po&erShell command
#rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
6p-rade(SPSite <http://site> (Eersion6p-rade (BueueOnly
?http:99site@ is @4! for the site collection you &ant to add to the u#'rade )ueue.
.or more information" see @#'rade7SPSite.
>. To remove a site collection from the u#'rade )ueue" at the 8indo&s Po&erShell
command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
9emove(SPSite6p-radeSession)nfo ()dentity <URL>
?URL@ is @4! for the site collection you &ant to add to the u#'rade )ueue.
.or more information" see 4emove7SPSite@#'radeSession%nfo.
'ontrol site throttle settings for upgrade to
SharePoint 2013
9ou can vie& and chan'e the u#'rade throttle settin's for a content database and &eb a##lication by
vie&in' and settin' the SP'ontentDatabase@'oncurrentSite+pgradeSession5imit and
SP2ebApplication@Site+pgrade&hrottleSettings #ro#erties. .or descri#tions of the #ro#erties that
control throttle levels and the default values" see Plan for site collection u#'rades in SharePoint 2013.
.or more information about &eb a##lication #ro#erties" see SP8eb/##lication Pro#erties. .or more
information about content database #ro#erties" see SP+ontent1atabase Pro#erties.
The follo&in' #rocedure #rovides ste#s to vie& u#'rade throttlin' settin's for a &eb a##lication.
&o ie! the upgrade throttle settings for a !eb application by using 2indo!s
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
[*a X ,et(SP=ebApplication <URL>
?URL@ is @4! for the &eb a##lication that you &ant to check.
This command returns the set of throttlin' settin's for the s#ecified &eb a##lication. .or
AppPoolConcurrent6p-radeSession?imit : 2
6sa-eStora-e?imit : 10
Sub*ebCount?imit : 10
8ame :
ype8ame :
3isplay8ame :
)d : ca54dda0(5020(1c4b(a124(02715da&7f<a
Status : Online
Parent : SP=ebApplication 8ameXSharePoint ( <0
Eersion : <222
Properties : JK
+arm : SP+arm 8ameXSharePoint>Con/-6p-radedPersistedProperties
: JK
.or more information" see Het7SP8eb/##lication.
9ou can chan'e the u#'rade throttle settin's for a &eb a##lication. The follo&in' #rocedure #rovides
ste#s to chan'e the u#'rade throttlin' settin's for a &eb a##lication.
&o change the upgrade throttle settings for a !eb application by using 2indo!s
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
[*aX,et(SP=ebApplication <URL>
?URL@ is @4! for the &eb a##lications that you &ant to affect.
2alue is the numeric value that you &ant to set for that limit 2for exam#le" G3.
This command chan'es the throttlin' settin's for a &eb a##lication to the value that you su##ly.
.or more information" see Set7SP8eb/##lication.
The follo&in' #rocedure #rovides ste#s to vie& u#'rade throttlin' settin's for a content database.
&o ie! the throttle settings for a content database by using 2indo!s
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
[db X ,et(SPContent3atabase <DatabaseName>
\ Stores the database name as a variable to use in the ne.t command
\ 9eturns the value for the limit for that database
?-ataase%ame@ is name of the database that you &ant to check. 9ou can also use the H@%1
for the database instead of the name.
This command returns the set of throttlin' settin's for the s#ecified content database.
.or more information" see Het7SP+ontent1atabase.
9ou can chan'e the u#'rade throttle settin's for a content database. The follo&in' #rocedure #rovides
ste#s to chan'e the u#'rade throttlin' settin's for a content database.
&o change the throttle settings for a content database by using 2indo!s
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' commands$
[db X Set(SPContent3atabase <DatabaseName>
\ Stores the database name as a variable to use in the ne.t command
\ Chan-es the limit to the value you specify#
?-ataase%ame@ is name of the database that you &ant to affect. 9ou can also use the H@%1
for the database instead of the name.
?value@ is a numeric value to set the #ro#erty to" such as >.
This command chan'es the throttlin' settin's for the s#ecified content database to the value
that you su##ly.
.or more information" see Set7SP+ontent1atabase.
'reate upgrade ealuation site collections by using
2indo!s Po!erShell
Site collection administrators can re)uest a #revie& of their site collection. This #revie& site is called an
u#'rade evaluation site collection. .arm administrators can re)uest an u#'rade evaluation site
collection by usin' 8indo&s Po&erShell.
&o re/uest an upgrade ealuation site collection by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
Either a site collection administrator or be 'ranted full control 2for re#air mode3 for the &eb
a##lication by #olicy. .or more information about #ermission #olicies for &eb a##lications" see
(ana'e #ermission #olicies for a 8eb a##lication 2SharePoint Server 20103.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
9e:uest(SP6p-rade;valuationSiteCollection (identity URL to site
URL to site is the @4! to a site collection in 2010 mode.
.or more information" see 4e)uest7SP@#'radeEvaluationSite.
+pgrade site collections by using 2indo!s
9ou can u#'rade a sin'le site collection or all site collections in a s#ecific database by usin' 8indo&s
&o upgrade a single site collection in a database by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
Windows PowerShell
6p-rade(SPSite <http://site> (Eersion6p-rade ](6nthrottled^
?http:99site@ is the @4! for the site collection.
/dd the o#tion =+nthrottled o#tion to ski# the site collection u#'rade )ueue and start the
u#'rade immediately.
This cmdlet u#'rades the s#ecific site collection to 2013 mode. .or more information" see @#'rade7
To u#'rade all site collections in a database" use 8indo&s Po&erShell. *o&ever" because sites can
continue to run in 2010 mode in the SharePoint 2013 environment" this is not a necessary #rocedure for
most environments. %f you do choose to u#'rade all site collections immediately" site collection o&ners
do not have an o##ortunity to use an u#'rade evaluation site to #revie& the ne& user interface or
chan'e their ori'inal site before u#'radin'. 8e do not recommend that you u#'rade all site collections
immediately as #art of your initial u#'rade. *o&ever" you mi'ht &ant to u#'rade all site collections after
some time has #assed and all customi0ations &ere verified in 2013 mode.
&o upgrade all site collections in a database by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
Windows PowerShell
,et(SPSite (Content3atabase <DBName> (?imit All W 6p-rade(SPSite (Eersion6p-rade (BueueOnly
?-.%ame@ is the name of the content database for &hich you &ant to u#'rade all site
The =;ueueOnly #arameter adds the site collections to the u#'rade )ueue. This allo&s the
timer Cob to #erform #arallel u#'rades &hen it is #ossible and can save time. The sites are
u#'raded in the order in &hich they are added to the )ueue.
This cmdlet u#'rades all site collections in the s#ecific content database to 2013 mode.
>ie! upgrade status by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
9ou can vie& u#'rade status for all databases" for a sin'le site collection" or for all site collections.
&o ie! upgrade status for a single site collection by using 2indo!s
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
,et(SPSite6p-radeSession)nfo (Site <http://site>
?http:99site@ is the @4! of the site collection.
This cmdlet returns the u#'rade status for the s#ecified site collection to'ether &ith information
about the u#'rade session and a link to the lo' files for more information. .or more information"
see Het7SPSite@#'radeSession%nfo.
?. Or" you can use the follo&in' command to vie& the information about a s#ecific site
collection u#'rade$
[sc X ,et(SPSite <http://site>
\ Sets a variable for the site collection
\ 9eturns the compatibility level for the site collection !either 11 or 12 for 2010 or 201& mode$
\ 9eturns the up-rade information for the site collection
?http:99site@ is the @4! of the site collection.
This command returns the com#atibility level and u#'rade information 2such as a #ointer to the
lo' file3 for the s#ecified site collection. %f the com#atibility level is 51B"5 then it has been
u#'raded to 2013 mode. .or more information" see Het7SPSite.
&o ie! upgrade status for a single database by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
Windows PowerShell
,et(SPSite6p-radeSession)nfo _Content3atabase <DatabaseName> (Sho*)nPro-ress
(Sho*Completed (Sho*+ailed
?-ataase%ame@ is the name of the database that you &ant to check.
This cmdlet returns any site collections that have an u#'rade in #ro'ress" com#leted" or failed
and lists their status" #lus a link to the lo' files for more information. 9ou can use only one
#arameter to find only in #ro'ress" com#leted" or failed u#'rades. .or more information" see
&o ie! upgrade status for all site collections by using 2indo!s Po!erShell
1. Eerify that you have the follo&in' membershi#s$
securityadmin fixed server role on the S:! Server instance.
db0o!ner fixed database role on all databases that are to be u#dated.
/dministrators 'rou# on the server on &hich you are runnin' the 8indo&s Po&erShell cmdlets.
/n administrator can use the Add=SPShellAdmin cmdlet to 'rant #ermissions to use
SharePoint 2013 cmdlets.
%f you do not have #ermissions" contact your Setu# administrator or S:! Server
administrator to re)uest #ermissions. .or additional information about 8indo&s
Po&erShell #ermissions" see /dd7SPShell/dmin.
2. On the Start menu" click All Programs.
3. +lick Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products.
A. +lick SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
B. /t the 8indo&s Po&erShell command #rom#t" ty#e the follo&in' command$
,et(SPSite (?imit All
This cmdlet returns the @4! for all site collections in the environment and the com#atibility level 21A or
1B3 for each site collection.

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