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Issue 773 July 24, 2014 - July 30, 2014

briefs Board of Education responds

to Paysinger lawsuit Page 2
cover story pages 6-7
Cultural Heritage Commission Chair Maralee Beck
discusses her goals for historic preservation
Historical Charm
briefs Carr raises $74,000 more than Lieu Page 5
briefs Carr raises $74,000
more than Lieu Page 7
briefs CNPA questions why leak
investigation report is not released Page 4
Board of Education responds
to Paysinger lawsuit
Board of Education members responded
to Beverly High principal Carter Paysingers
lawsuit at Tuesdays meeting, while several
Beverly High alumni criticized the board.
Beverly High graduates Steven Fenton,
John Hart, Jill Humphries, Alan Nierob,
Jonathan Prince, Michael Suter, and Brad
Turell addressed the Board of Education.
For better or worse, a painful part of our
districts experience is out of our hands,
Prince said. Its in the hands of the courts,
the lawyers and the judges.
Paysinger filed a lawsuit against the
BHUSD and Board of Education member
Lewis Hall for discrimination and retali-
ation on July 16. The 32-page complaint
included allegations that the BHUSD
publicly disclosed Paysingers confiden-
tial information, refused to investigate and
respond to Paysingers complaints, and
subjected Paysinger to racially discrimina-
tory statements.
I made no racist remark and neither have
my colleagues as claimed in the lawsuit,
Hall said. One can only question what
motivates Paysinger in such a willfully
counterproductive manner that can only
adversely impact our students.
Paysinger filed his first complaint with
You can write us at:
140 South Beverly Drive #201
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
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Issue 772 July 17, 2014 - July 23, 2014
looking back Where were you
during the Apollo 11 moon landing? Page 5
cover stories pages 8-9
But the lowest bidder
isnt selected
Beverly High principal
alleges discrimination
and retaliation
Metro recommends a
$1.636 billion contract
for Purple Line
sues BHUSD,
Lewis Hall
Where were you during the Apollo 11 moon landing?
guest column Mel Spitz on
the Board of Education Page 7
briefs Courier v. Weekly
lawsuit dismissed Page 6
Page 2 Beverly Hills Weekly
Issue 773 July 24, 2014 - July 30, 2014
Beverly Hills Weekly Inc.
Founded: October 7, 1999
Published Thursdays
Delivered in Beverly HilIs, Beverlywood, Los Angeles
Publisher & CEO
Josh E. Gross
Nancy Yeang
Sports Editor
Steven Herbert
Contributing Editor
Rudy Cole
Advertising Representatives
Jasmin Boodaie
Karen Shilyan
Legal Advertising
Mike Saghian
Eiman Matian
Josh Yamini
140 South Beverly Drive #201
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
310.887.0788 phone
310.887.0789 fax
CNPA Member
All staff can be reached at:
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Unsolicited materials will not be returned.
2013 Beverly Hills Weekly Inc.
1 year
are available.
Sent via US Mail
$75 payable in
Adjudicated as a
newspaper of general
circulation for the County
of Los Angeles. Case
# BS065841 of the Los
Angeles Superior Court,
on November 30, 2000.
Beverly Hills
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Celebrity fitness expert Dion Jackson (right) bumped into Beverly Hills resident and legendary actor Sidney Poitier (left)
at a local gas station, inviting him to Walk with the Mayor. State Senator Ted Lieu (D-Torrance) joined the walk this past
Monday. The group meets every Monday morning at 8:30 a.m. in front of the Crescent drive entrance to City Hall.

Read this issue on your smart
phone by scanning the QR code.
All you need is a QR scanner
Channel 10 Commission Schedule
Planning Commission Today at 1:30
p.m., tomorrow at 3:00 p.m., July 28 at
8:00 p.m.
Health and Safety Commission July
28 at 4:00 p.m.
City Council Formal Meeting July 29
at 7:00 p.m. and July 30 at 7:00 p.m.
Beverly Hills View:
Law Professor Michael Higginbotham
July 29 at 6:30 p.m.
Former California Supreme Court Chief
Justice Ronald George July 30 at 6:30
briefs cont. on page 3
the BHUSD on July 14, 2013. The BHUSD
failed to respond within the prescribed
time period regarding the second and
third complaints made on January 30, and
February 10.
Paysinger filed a government tort claim
on April 28, which claims that he has
been harmed by wrongful acts. The District
rejected the claim in a May 13 letter.
On April 28, Paysinger filed one com-
plaint with the California Department of
Fair Employment and Housing and one
with the United States Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission, who trans-
ferred the complaint to the United States
Department of Justice. Paysinger received
the right to sue for both filings.
I dont call it racism, I call it harassment
and hostility in the work place, Nierob
said. If an employee wrote me up two [or]
three times, and they went unanswered or
undealt with [or] insufficiently responded
to, Id be put on leave or fired, not the
An e-mail was sent out to BHUSD parents
and staff on July 21 stating that Paysinger
will remain as Beverly Highs principal.
Some have speculated that the BHUSD
Board of Education intends to place Carter
Paysinger on administrative leave as
[Beverly High] principal for the upcoming
school year, the e-mail stated. This is not
Board members Brian Goldberg, Hall,
and Lisa Korbatov stated their previous
support for Paysinger through their record
of voting to keep Paysinger as Beverly High
principal. All three board members denied
making the alleged discriminatory remarks.
What I can tell you emphatically is I
am not a racist, Goldberg said. But the
fact that I even have to say that means that
I have already lost. I have lost credibility
in this community, I have lost credibility
with my own children, and that will never
be repaired.
Goldberg said at a February 4 Board of
Education meeting that only six members in
the district had access to a confidential draft
report that was leaked to the LA Times.
When parents, students, community
members and staff members raised a com-
plaint about a sports camp that Paysinger
was involved in, I voted to open an investi-
gation into those claims, Goldberg said on
Tuesday. As a board member, when issues
are brought to my attention I have three
options. The first option is to ignore it and
to hope it goes away. The second option is
be involved in the cover up and hope that
nobody finds out. The third option is to
investigate, let that investigation play out,
and take action based on that investigation.
In reality, I only had one option and that
[was] to investigate, find out what the facts
are, and take action based on those facts.
On Goldbergs Facebook page in a thread
of comments relating to Paysingers law-
suit, he wrote, Everyone is denying that
July 24-July 30, 2014 Page 3
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the City of Beverly Hills, at its
meeting to be held on Tuesday, August 5, 2014, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council
Chambers of the City Hall, 455 N. Rexford Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, will
hold a public hearing to consider:
The City of Beverly Hills is required to comply with the Congestion Management
Program (CMP), a state-mandated program administered by the Los Angeles
County Metropolitan Transportation Authority/METRO, the regionally designated
CMP agency. The City Council will consider adoption of a Resolution
acknowledging the Citys conformance with the CMP requirements.
At the public hearing, the City Council will hear and consider all comments.
All interested persons are invited to attend and speak on this matter. Written
comments may also be submitted and should be addressed to the City Council,
c/o City Clerk, 455 N. Rexford Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. The comments
should be received prior to the hearing date.

Please note that if you challenge the Councils action in regards to this matter
in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else
raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence
delivered to the City, either at or prior to the public hearing.
If there are any questions regarding this notice, please contact Bijan Vaziri,
Trafc Engineer, in the Beverly Hills Public Works & Transportation Department
at 310.285.2556, or by email at Copies of the Local
Development Report and associated documents are on le in the Community
Development Department - Transportation and can be reviewed by any
interested person at 455 N. Rexford Drive, Beverly Hills, California 90210.
City Clerk
briefs cont. from page 2
Intersection Closure
Plan ahead to avoid delays.
july 25-28

Plan Ahead During Century Crunch July 2528
The intersection of Century and Aviation boulevards
will be closed near the approach to LAX July 2528.
The closure is prompted by bridge demolition
to make way for a new station on Metro Rails
Crenshaw/LAX line. For detours and alternate
routes, go to
Santa Monica Intersections Closed for Expo Tracks
A series of weekend street closures are underway
in Santa Monica through the end of the month
while crews install tracks for Phase 2 of the Expo
Line. The project extends the current Expo Line to
Santa Monica. For details, go to
Support Crenshaws Local Businesses
You can still enjoy the many dining, shopping and
entertainment choices along Crenshaw Boulevard
as construction of the new Crenshaw/LAX Transit
Project gets underway. For more on the project,
Opportunity for Transit Connection at LAX
The Metro Board of Directors approved a new
light rail station at Aviation/96th St for future
service into Los Angeles International Airport.
This station is planned as a transfer point from
Metro Rail to LAXs People Mover. More at
they leaked the draft report.
Goldberg reportedly said that Paysingers
lawsuit, along with Fentons columns pub-
lished in issues #769 and #770 of Beverly
Hills Weekly, were promotional stunts
for Paysingers memoirs that Fenton co-
authored, and will be released in Nov.
From the moment the book was
announced, Goldberg has played an impor-
tant role in its launch, Fenton told the
Board of Education. [Goldberg] enthusias-
tically [agreed] to be one of the first people
briefs cont. on page 4
Page 4 Beverly Hills Weekly
briefs cont. from page 3
to be interviewed for the book and over the
past two years he has made himself avail-
able to me on a moments notice.
A statement released by Board member
Lisa Korbatov was e-blasted twice by the
Beverly Hills Courier. She read the same
statement at Tuesdays meeting.
Speaking as an individual and not as
a member of the board, I am profoundly
offended by Paysingers deceitful, ground-
less and unsupportable allegations that have
been made against me, Korbatov said. I
question his motive since the complaint
does not seek any specific damages and he
remains as principal.
Korbatov has denied leaking confidential
information discussed in closed session to
the Courier.
Using a newspaper to respond to your
community is not the way you should
be doing business as our representative,
Nierob said.
Suter, son of the late Lyle Suter, a long
time art teacher at Beverly High, created a
petition of support for Paysinger on July 18.
Forty-nine people signed anonymously
because theyre afraid of you and worried
about repercussions of being known for
putting their names on this, Suter told the
Board of Education. A lot of the alumni
have no faith in the board.
As of press time, the petition has 421
signatures and was shared by 715 people on
The five of you are here to represent
[the community]; you answer to us, Nierob
said. Were watching, were paying atten-
tion, and its not just tonight. Youve ignit-
ed this and were going to follow through
and watch everything you do.
CNPA questions why leak
investigation report is not
California Newspaper Publishers
Association staff attorney Scott Merrill
questioned the Board of Educations refusal
to release the investigation results regarding
a leaked classified draft report to the LA
Theyre public people [and] they put
themselves out there as such, Merrill said.
[Theyre] more likely to get disclosure as
opposed to someone who is more private
[who] didnt get elected [and whos] not
putting themselves out there.
The BHUSD retained the law firm of
Rutan & Tucker at their February 18 spe-
cial board meeting to perform an indepen-
dent investigation into a classified draft
document that was leaked to the LA Times,
who reported on the contents of the draft
document on February 3. The Board of
Education voted 4 0 1, with board mem-
ber Lewis Hall abstaining.
BHUSD changed from Rutan & Tucker
to an in-house district lawyer to perform the
independent investigation.
The Board was advised by all counsel
Rojhani donates to
Thank Israeli Soldiers
Beverly Hills attorney Selena
Rojhani has spearheaded donations
to Thank Israeli Soldiers, a non-profit
organization, to provide care pack-
ages to Israeli soldiers as young as
The effect that [care packages
have] on these soldiers is unbeliev-
able, Rojhani said. Not only do
they know theres an individual out
there that cares about them, there
are people outside of Israeli that care
about whats going on in Israeli,
despite the media.
Rojhani was introduced to Thank
Israeli Soldiers through another orga-
nization called Jewish Womans
Renaissance Project (JWRP), which
organizes birth right trips for Jewish
You teach a Jewish woman some-
thing that inspires her and shes going
to inspire a community, Rojhani
JWRP introduced the non-profit organization to show that women can help Israeli
soldiers. Through Thank Israeli Soldiers, care packages, which include flashlights,
clothing, food and other items, can be provided for one soldier or 100 soldiers, with
the lowest donation at $18.00.
It gets really cold in parts of Israel in the winter, and some of these soldiers dont
have enough money to buy boots, Rojhani said. They come from very poor families
[who] raise their kids as best as possible on very little. Israel is a very inexpensive
country and [the average person doesnt] make a lot of money.
Rojhani, a 1991 Beverly High graduate, went to Israel in 2010 and 2011 to deliver
the care packages where she met soldiers as young as 18-years-old.
One of the soldiers said, The most important thing that I can do is keep my men
and women going, to keep them motivated and to make sure that they know that some-
body cares, Rojhani said. These care packages do exactly that.
Selena Rojhani
Dakota to perform on August 7
Four Fabs to perform tonight
The City of Beverly Hills continues its free Concerts on Canon series tonight with
The Beatles tribute band Four Fabs at Beverly Canon Gardens, with two performances
at 6 p.m. and 7:15 p.m.
Located in the Beverly Canon Gardens between Bouchon and The Montage Hotel,
the free series will continue every Thursday through August 14.
Continue the Beatlemania with I Wanna Hold Your Hand playing on July 27 for
Sunday movie nights. Movies will be projected on a large, inflatable screen and will
begin at 8:00 p.m.
For more information call visit or call (310)
285 6890.
Sunday movie night schedule:
August 10 Ferris Buellers Day Off
Thursday concert schedule:
July 31 Joyce Marie Quartet (Jazz/Pop Vocals)
August 7 Dakota (Acoustical Rock)
August 14 The Westside Jazz Ensemble
involved to consolidate the investigation
with the outside firm already familiar with
the issues, the Board of Education and
Superintendent wrote in a PACE e-mail that
was sent to parents and families of BHUSD
students on July 7 to refute statements
made in former Board of Education mem-
ber Steven Fentons columns published in
issues #769 and #770 of the Weekly.
BHUSD general counsel Vincent
Ewings letter to the Weekly regarding the
Boards decision to not disclose the inves-
tigation report, published in last weeks
issue, cites Williams v. Superior Court, a
case that applies to public disclosure of law
enforcement investigatory records: When
an investigation is taking place, a document
may have extraordinary significance to the
investigation and information obtained
for the investigation may reveal identities
of informants, and the astute observer
may be able to tell which clues the police
have checked and which they have not yet
found, Ewing wrote.
Ewing wrote that the public interest
served by not making the records public
outweighs the public interest served by
disclosure of the record, according to
Government Code 6255.
But for high-level public servants, such
as superintendent of schools or elected
officials, usually a disclosure of investiga-
tions or of misconduct is required even if
information were found groundless or com-
pletely untrue, Merrill said.
According to Article 1 Section 3 of the
California Constitution, the people have
the right of access to information concern-
ing the conduct of the peoples business,
and, therefore, the meetings of public bod-
ies and the writings of public officials and
agencies shall be open to public scrutiny,
and should be broadly construed if it
furthers the peoples rights of access and
narrowly construed if it limits the right of
When youre a public official or anyone
that is interpreting the act, they have to
interpret it such that it promotes disclosure,
or it promotes open government, Merrill
The Weekly made a California Public
Records Act request on June 9 regarding
the leak investigation. Superintendent Gary
Woods responded via e-mail, I believe
you will have access to the actual report by
[July 12].
After a follow up e-mail on June 13,
Woods wrote, We are making progress
on having a redacted version of the report
available to the public. We did not agree on
Briefs cont. on page 5
July 24-July 30, 2014 Page 5
briefs cont. from page 4
Planning Commission approves accessory structure for
a Los Angeles main residence
The Planning Commission unanimously approved the construction of a pool house
within Beverly Hills area with the main residential property located in Los Angeles
at the July 18 special meeting.
Outgoing Chair Brian Rosenstein and incoming chair Howard Fisher were absent.
Jay Landers owns the main resident located at 1721 Monte Cielo Court, which
is in the Los Angeles area code, as well as the adjacent property on 1297 Monte
Cielo Drive, which is in the Beverly Hills area. A 10-foot wide strip of land located
between the two properties is owned by the City of Beverly Hills.
According to Landers attorney, Murray Fischer, the owners offered to purchase
the property, but the City had no interest in selling the land.
This property was on the market for a considerable amount of time, Fischer said.
No one could find a way to build a house, let alone obtain access to the property.
According to associate planner Andrew Sahakian, the ten-foot strip of land is
steeply sloped on either side of the property and would require significant hillside
alterations to create access to the property. Though the land would be developed and
the proposed accessory structure is small, the site can only be accessed through a
separate property that is located outside of the City of Beverly Hills.
One property is in Beverly Hills, and one property is outside of Beverly Hills,
were going to be in some ways tying the two together, Commissioner Craig Corman
said. The concern I had was whether the tying arrangement would somehow grant
the privileges to residents in Beverly Hills to the residents in Los Angeles.
Fischer mentioned that utilities that will be used through the accessory structure
would be through Beverly Hills utilities and not through Los Angeles due to the
specific location.
I dont think giving them access to utilities that they will be paying for accounts
as special privileges, Corman said.
Aside from using Beverly Hills utilities, the Landers and any other subsequent
property owner will not be able to have any privileges allowed for Beverly Hills resi-
dents, such as voting in Beverly Hills elections or attending any schools within the
BHUSD. Should the property owners partake in any of those privileges, the approval
for the variance will be voided and the structure will be demolished, according to the
new conditions to allow the construction of the pool house.
Top shaded area is located in Los Angeles, bottom shaded area is located in Beverly
Hills, and the middle shaded area is the 10-foot wide strip of land that belongs to the
City of Beverly Hills
Other conditions included an encroachment permit and an indemnification agree-
ment to indemnify the City of Beverly Hills of any liability that may occur on the
10-foot wide property. According to Fischer, the Landers have no problem with the
This is one instance where a variance is appropriate with the condition attached,
Corman said. It would be very hard to access that property for an actual residence.
the item yet and will be addressing it in the
next few weeks, to which he clarified in a
June 16 e-mail, We are waiting for clear
Board direction on the item.
Ewing responded with two official letters
that stated, the District requires additional
time and any disclosable public records
would be made by June 27, and was extend-
ed a second time to July 11.
Upon inquiry on the status of the public
records act request on July 11, Ewing wrote
in a letter the same day, The Board has
considered releasing the documents and had
decided not to release them.
Its very rare that they would go this long
to not report out, Merrill said. Generally,
its supposed to be 10 days, then they get a
14 day extension [if] they have unusual cir-
cumstances. That still would have ended a
month ago, at least three weeks ago. I think
a lot of times they dont expect anyone to
push back.
According to Government Code 6253
section C, which was cited in Ewings first
two letters, when a request for a copy of
records is made, an agency has 10 days to
respond. Unusual circumstances would
permit an extension of up to 14 days
through written notice. The code goes on to
say that no notice shall specify a date that
would result in an extension of more than
14 days.
Unusual circumstances defined through
the code include collecting requested records
from field facilities or other establishments
that are separate from the office processing
the request, searching for and collecting a
voluminous amount of records, and the
need for consultation and compiling data.
Ewings letter cites Government Code
6254(k) and 54963(b) that the Board of
Education was given the leak investiga-
tion report in closed session, and that the
materials are confidential and exempt from
According to Merrill, there are numerous
items that can be justified as a closed ses-
sion items as opposed to open session items,
such as pending or current litigation. But
once the litigation or investigation is over,
it must be reported to the public.
As soon as your litigation is over the
justification disappears, Merrill said. If it
was resolved or if they dont anticipate any
further litigation then they have to disclose.
If they disciplined [someone], its going to
say in the agenda item that they disciplined
someone. Once they make a decision and
they come out of closed session, then they
have to report out.
Agendized closed session items to date
that were posted since February 18, when
the decision was made to hire Rutan &
Tucker to perform the investigation, lists
litigations that are anticipated and existing,
and items such as a safe and security plan
on March 11 and an extensive description
on a California High School Exit Exam
waiver item on May 13.
A closed session item has not been listed
referring to the leak investigation report,
and no public report was made on the
Boards decision to not release the docu-
The case of the American Federation
of State etc. Employees v. Regents of
University of California states that there are
Briefs cont. on page 7
briefs cont. from page 4
Page 6 Beverly Hills Weekly
We have the luck of
having five exceptionally
competent commissioners
who really take this all
very seriously and put
in the time and effort
and diligence to make
sure that what we are
doing and what we will
be leaving in the legacy
for the city is properly
considered and not
Cultural Heritage
Commission chair
Maralee Beck
Cultural Heritage Commission Chair Maralee Beck
discusses her goals for historic preservation
By Nancy Yeang
You had a career in broadcasting. Tell us
about that.
I had a very lucky career as a broadcast
journalist for more than 20 years. I only
worked in top ten markets, which is unusual.
I started off as the weather girl for a station
in Washington D.C. [and] I was the anchor
at most of the stations that Ive worked
at. If you are a successful reporter you get
moved. Ive worked in sensational cities
[such as] Washington D.C., Chicago [and]
San Francisco.
I covered the Peoples Temple, which was
the mass suicide in Jones Town. The expres-
sion, I drank the Kool-Aid comes from
that; 995 people drank Jim Jones Kool-aid.
He unfortunately was from San Francisco
and most of the people came from [San
Francisco who joined the] Peoples Temple.
I covered the assassination of Harvey Milk
and the [San Francisco] Mayor, [and] then
the outbreak of AIDs. San Francisco became
a very sad place with all of those particular
news events.
Finally, I ran the San Francisco bureau of
Entertainment Tonight and I was there for
about four or five years.
I was a very serious journalist for a num-
ber of years and it was a relief to get to
Entertainment Tonight, but those were those
were very interesting and sometimes not so
pleasant [times].

How did you end up coming back to
Beverly Hills?
I worked my way back. I got moved to
San Francisco, and then from San Francisco
when I ran the bureau for Entertainment
Tonight I got moved to Los Angeles in 1986.

How did you become involved in the
Beverly Hills Education Foundation?
I believe strongly in public education for
everyone. I think that our schools are one of
our biggest assets [in] the City of Beverly
Hills [and] I think that California has such
a great system all the way through the
University system.
I was always involved in the childrens
schools and in education. I was a longtime
member of WASC committees, which were
the assessment committees, and I was the
head of the site council at Hawthorne and
I was on the Board of the Beverly Hills
Education Foundation for a long time. I had
the privilege of being the president and chair
of the board.
I feel so strongly that education is every-
bodys ticket to a better life. In fact most of
the charitable involvements that Ive had
over my lifetime have involved one way or
another children and childrens education.

How did you become interested in
historical preservation?
After I was a broadcaster for so many
years and traveling around, it became very
difficult to be on the road and raise two
children. I was lucky enough to be able to go
into a family business for a number of years
[and] when we sold the family business I was
able to devote more time to my volunteer
Early on I had begun volunteering at the
Virginia Robinson Gardens. It is a county
park in the middle of Beverly Hills but its
owned by the county of Los Angeles. They
give childrens tours to third graders in
schools across LA county. When my son was
in second grade and I was still working for
Entertainment Tonight, I trained to become
a docent to give children tours because those
[were] once a month and I had enough time
to do that.
I volunteered at the Robinson Garden
which turned out to be not only my entire
horticulture of education but also the begin-
ning of my preservation knowledge.
The Virginia Robinson Gardens [was the
first] housing estate [in Beverly Hills] that
was built in 1911. Mrs. Robinson owns the
department stores. The construction going on
right now on Wilshire Boulevard is where
Robinson Department store was [which is
currently being demolished], right across the
street from El Rodeo,
She and her husband settled in Beverly
Hills in 1911, built this house and the gar-
den to go with it, and then 70 odd years
later she donated it to the county of Los
Angeles as a public garden.
The work of the volunteer group there
had been to restore and preserve this 1911
beau art building and thats when I began to
learn about preservation.
I always knew the citys history was
important, but here I
was volunteering at a
facility that is a liv-
ing breathing example
of why the past is so
important to inform
the future. We take
kids on tours and tell
them about [Mrs.
Robinsons] life and
that she wanted peo-
ple to understand what
life was like in the
turn of the last century
in Los Angeles.

How did you get
brought on to the
Cultural Heritage
Now were fast for-
warding 20+ years of
my working for the
Robinson Gardens and
understanding how
much goes into pres-
ervation. The Cultural
Heritage Commission
is brand new; were
only two years old. When there were post-
ings for commissioners and [I was] watch-
ing landmarks right and left go down in the
City of Beverly Hills I thought I might be
one of the right people at the right time to
be taking on these tasks.

In 2008, the Los Angeles Conservancy
gave the City of Beverly Hills a D for
its historic preservation program.
Because we had none.

This year in March, Beverly Hills
received an A+ rating. Tell us about
what the commission has done to
help improve Beverly Hills rating,
considering the commission only started
two years ago.
The commission has been instrumental
in landmarking 23 properties in the City
of Beverly Hills that are now local historic
landmarks, but will be preserved for every-
one to see and learn from.
In addition we have begun the very
important work of trying to educate the
residents of Beverly
Hills as to why pres-
ervation is important.
We want to be able
to proudly show our
town. Beverly Hills
of course is a world
famous city and
tourist destination.
When people come
to our town, obvi-
ously they want to
see stars if they can,
but they also want
to see where it hap-
pened. If you dont
keep places like the
Beverly Hills Hotel
intact, people cant
experience so much
of the glamour and
the excitement of
what happened at
the Polo Lounge. If
it were a completely
redone place with-
out any sense of its
charm or its history,
that would be very
The electric fountain on the corner of
Wilshire and Santa Monica Boulevard reso-
nates with so many people because Jack
Benny always said that he had his vault
underneath the fountain. When he had his
radio and television show he was always
going down to the vault underneath the
Electric Fountain. When visitors come here
they want to see that.
[When] Lucille Ball went on the assem-
bly line and made candy for one of her
shows, [it was at] the candy store Edelweiss
on a Canon Drive.
The Annenberg Center is just the most
beautiful example of repurposing a famous
building. Thats a WTA project from the
1930s with the Euros intact and they love
that gorgeous lobby and that gorgeous
building and added a fabulous new theatre.
The whole point of preservation is not to
keep things in mothballs. Its to conserve
what you can of the past to inform the

What is the commission currently
working on?
Were in the midst of completing a sur-
vey of areas of the city that were too young
to have been included in previous surveys.
For example, Trousdale didnt begin build-
ing until 1955 so a lot of those buildings
are just reaching the threshold of 49 years.
[Buildings] have to be of a certain age
unless there is overwhelming significance
or artistic merit. The survey will make it a
little bit easier for people to know whether
Andy Safir, Maralee Beck, Erika Starr Safir, and Zachary Beck Safir
July 24-July 30, 2014 Page 7
briefs cont. from page 6
their properties, public buildings, or private
homes are actually [designed] by significant
architects [and] it will make it easier for
people to know if they should be thinking
about preservation or not with their homes.
I think we have 157 examples of buildings
by master architects in the City of Beverly
Hills. Were tiny and we have all of these
fabulous buildings. We cant save them all
of course and you dont want to save them
all. But you do want to try to consider why
they have their merits and are worth preserv-
We are also trying to educate the public
about why this is important because not
everybody either thinks or realizes that it is.
We will be partnering with other preserva-
tion organizations to have some more work-
shops and information sessions. We have
one tentatively scheduled for November.
[This week] the California Preservation
Foundation [held a] two day workshop in
Beverly Hills [and] they have not done that
in the past. We feel that they have chosen
Beverly Hills partly because of our A+ rat-
ing from the LA Conservancy and partly
because of the work that weve done in the
last couple of years of making sure that
Beverly Hills is able to keep much of its
wonderful past.
Were developing a smart phone app that
will very soon be ready so that people can
take a tour of the Business Triangle and a
couple of other [places]. There [will be] a
short tour, a medium tour, and a long tour.
You can use your smart phone to give you
the history of the buildings youre looking
We are also working with [director]
Phil Savenick who has been doing the
Centennial videos. This is not in relation
to his Centennial videos, [but] this is the
work that the Cultural Heritage Commission
has been doing and [Phil] and I have gone
through some of the properties together to
make some history [videos].
We have taken a very active stand and
were working as fast as we can to make
some of these things that were doing acces-
sible to the public.

In the Weeklys cover story with outgoing
chair Richard Waldow in issued #720,
he said, The controversy over Beverly
Vistas demolition galvanized a lot of
people in the community and made
us aware of the need for a workable,
reasonable preservation ordinance that
would allow our city to preserve its
architectural and historic treasures while
still meeting our modern day needs.
What has the commission done to
preserve historical architecture and still
maintain, modern day needs?
Part of it is education. If a building is land-
marked, it doesnt mean you cant remodel
whats inside. There are tremendous ways
of preserving pieces of architectural history
without making it impossible to have mod-
ern day conveniences.
The Virginia Robinson Gardens is a won-
derful example. It [was] landmarked by the
National Trust as well as the State Landmark
Board [before Beverly Hills landmarked it].
There are certain things that [were] done to
the Robinson Gardens that are absolutely
in keeping with the way it was when it
was built. Theres a brand new catering
kitchen and handicapped access bathrooms
for people, and theyre working on putting
in air conditioning, which certainly didnt
exist in 1911.
It doesnt mean you cant change things,
it just means you have to change things with
permission and with some guidance from the
planning department, and some attention as
to what are the standards set by the Secretary
of the Interior Rules.

The nomination for the 805 Linden Drive
residence designed by Master Architect
Wallace Neff sparked some controversy
since the owners were uninterested in
having their property be designated
as a local landmark. How does the
commission balance the property
owners desires with the commissions
Its definitely something that is decided
on a case-by-case basis and it is very impor-
tant for the commission to understand the
property owners point of view as well as
to explain the intent of the nomination.
Theres a lot of dialogue and research that
goes into it.
Our commission does a great deal of
due diligence about the issues. Its not just
feelings that go on, there is list of objective
standards. The property owners objections
always need to be considered and if you look
at the record of what weve done with 805
Linden, we have continued to have dialogue
with them for a very long time to discuss the
validity of their objections. Much the way
the Planning Commission has discussions,
arguments and documentations on propos-
als, the Cultural Heritage Commission does
the same. It has taken a great deal of time
[but] we want to be as patient as we can
because there is a newness about our propos-
als that might require more patience and lis-
tening as property owners learn about them.
But again we are talking about preserv-
ing the faade, the front of 805 Linden, its
placement on the lot and the various heights
and differences of the pieces of the building.
Were not telling them they cant do almost
whatever they will need to do throughout the
house. We are just talking about the front of
the house.
Our street was laid out by [landscape
architect] Wilbur Cook. It was part of the
City Beautiful Movement [which Design
Review Commission Chair John Wyka talk-
ed about in Issue #770].
[Wyka] is absolutely right. Beverly Hills
isnt built on straight, perpendicular grid.
The streets are built with a curve, there
was an intention behind the curve. Every
street now has different trees so that the
streets are distinguishable by the trees. Its
one of the reasons why the Design Review
Commission has such headaches with all
kinds of fencing and changing of median
There is a lot to be considered to keep the
feel of the City Beautiful [Movement] and
if you drive by 805 Linden, you will have
no problem seeing why [with] the way it is
cited on that particular piece of property. It
was the first house built in the 800 block of
Linden [and] it set the palette for what has
become one of the more beautiful blocks
in our city. What the Cultural Heritage
Commission is trying to do, [by] fully using
the ordinance, is to maintain that exterior
faade that continues to make the street site
Now whether it gets landmarked or not is
up to the City Council. One of the privileges
of being on a commission [is that] we are
there to advise the City Council of what our
beliefs are and [what] our study is, but its
ultimately their decision. However, almost
anybody driving by [or] walking by can
see what it is that is being illustrated by
the beauty of how these houses inform one
another with their placement on that street.
Thats a difficult thing to convey without
seeing [it] but thats the beauty of design
and architecture and everything else, is how
somebodys genius allows your eye to catch
the value.

Tell us more about your family.
My husband, Andy Safir, is an economist.
Both our children, Zachary Beck Safir and
Erika Starr Safir, are proud [Beverly High]
graduates. I went to Hawthorne [and] we
sent the kids to Hawthorne and Beverly
Zachary was one of the editors
of Highlights, went to Yale, and got his
law and business degrees from Columbia
University. He is an investment banker.
Erika went to Trinity College in Hartford,
Connecticut, and [works as] an advertise-
ment account executive.
[Andys], who is a native New Yorker,
father Marshall Safir, who was also a New
Yorker, mother when she was widowed,
move him out to Beverly Hills for a couple
of years and put her three sons in the Beverly
Hills public school system. My husbands
uncles, New York Times columnist William
Safire and Leonard Safir. They were also
was proud graduates of the Beverly Hills
school system. They went to Beverly Vista.

What are you goals as chair this year?
We want to get the results of the survey
out to people so that they can have a little
more security about whether their property
will be affected by the Cultural Heritage
Ordinance or not.
We would like to make it simpler for
people purchasing those houses in the future
to know whether [or not] they are actually
part of what the inventory of what cultural
preservation will be looking at.
We have considered over 35 properties
by master architects that havent risen to the
level of what we would consider landmark
Not only do we have a definite process,
but we have the luck of having five excep-
tionally competent commissioners who real-
ly take this all very seriously and put in the
time and effort and diligence to make sure
that what we are doing and what we will be
leaving in the legacy for the city is properly
considered and not arbitrary.
competing societal concerns prevention
of secrecy in government and protection of
individual privacy.
Taking that point into consideration, the
case states that records for public officers
and employees are generally considered
as highly confidential, but if the charges
are found true, or discipline is imposed, the
strong public policy against disclosure van-
ishes; this is true even where the sanction is
a private reproval. In such cases a member of
the public is entitled to information about the
complaint, the discipline, and the informa-
tion upon which it was based.
Carr raises $74,000
more than Lieu in recent
fundraising cycle
Republican Congressional candidate Elan
Carrs campaign announced on July 17 that
he had raised $74,000 more than his oppo-
nent California State Senator Ted Lieu (D
Torrance), according to a press release.
For the cycle from May 15 to June 30, Carr
raised $434,873, while Lieu reported raising
$359,915. Carr ended the period with more
cash on hand than Lieu with $245,822, and
Lieu ended the cycle with $204,438.
Its this kind of broad support that puts us
in such a great position to win in November,
Carr said in the press release. Washington
and Sacramento have completely lost touch
with reality and we need to representa-
tives who will
fight for true
a c c ount a bi l -
ity while work-
ing to advance
Ac c o r d i n g
to the Federal
E l e c t i o n
website, total
cont ri but i ons
for Lieus cam-
paign as of June 30 is $1,205,627, and
total contributions for Carrs campaign is
Ted Lieu has significantly overall out-
raised his Republican opponent, Lieus
c a m p a i g n
manager Jeff
Gozo said.
In June,
Ted Lieu not
only spent
time serving
his country
on Air Force
R e s e r v e
Duty but he
was also in
Sacr ament o
voting for an
on-time balanced budget that significantly
reinvested in education.
--Briefs compiled by Nancy Yeang
Elan Carr
Ted Lieu
briefs cont. from page 5
Page 8 Beverly Hills Weekly
Architectural Commission sends 8600 Wilshire back for
The Architectural Commission sent a five-story multi use building proposed to be built
on 8600 Wilshire Boulevard, at the cross street of Stanley Drive, for restudy to address
concerns presented by the commission.
The project was previously approved in 2007. The new owners of the project, Palisades
Capital Partners, re-designed the project with the same parameters of the originally
approved project.
What [the previous approvals] called for were a very massive box to be on Wilshire,
David Orenstein of Palisades Capital Partners said. We decided to create a de-massing
of the property. Our intention is to create something thats not only unique to this part of
Beverly Hills [and] this part of Wilshire, but [that] its respectful to the commercial side and
respectful to the residential side.
The partner architect for the project, Ma Yansong, designed a five-story building, using
the first floor as commercial space, and the rest of the floors as residential space. The two
floors above the commercial space would have a green wall that would be on the exterior
of the residential portion of the building.
As dramatic and as stunning as that is, were heading into one of the worst droughts
weve ever had, Vice Chair Andrea Apatow said. If [you have] 15,000 square feet of
panels and each [panel] takes 1.5 gallons a week, thats a lot of water.
According to the landscape architect Dean Helm, maintenance would occur about twice a
month to trim or replace plants, and once a week to observe the greenery. The wall landscap-
ing that will eventually be chosen will have a plant life of about seven to eight years. Helm
said that the project plans to reuse water that collects in the irrigation system they will put
in place to regulate the greenery system.
The residential units that will be on the upper floors of the structure will have translucent
glass walls and a few transparent windows that will project a glow from the lights inside
the building.
Were looking for a soft look, Architect Ashok Vanmali said. If you do that with stan-
dard glass it would look like a standard glass building.
From the street side view from Wilshire, the project will be seen as a five-story building
with the commercial units as the first floor. From Wilshire to Charleville Boulevard, the
building will transition from a larger scale to a smaller scale, where two and three story
residential units will be seen from the residential neighborhood.
Yansong included an inner courtyard for potential residents to incorporate a garden-like
feel of Beverly Hills into the project. Commissioner Michelle Kaye said that from the view
8600 Wilshire view of commercial and residential space
on Wilshire, the roofline was
relatively uniform in the roof
pitches when compared to the
view of the roofline from the
inner courtyard.
When youre on the inside
garden court, theres height
differentials all through [the
roofline and] it looks more
organic, Kaye said.
Peteris asked the architects
about the maintenance of the
translucent glass from the roof
to the outside of the units, and
how the crews were going to
be able to access the units.
It would be nice to understand the system because we didnt, Peteris said.
Vanmali said that specific details concerning access for crews to maintain the building and
how maintenance will be able to upkeep the building still needed to be planned out.
The project will come back to the Architectural Commission at a future date with more
details and solutions to the concerns the commission had.
Its going to be one heck of a maintenance project, Apatow said.
8600 Wilshire courtyard view
July 24-July 30, 2014 Page 9
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Page 10 Beverly Hills Weekly
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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014171846. The following person(s) is/are do-
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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014171847. The following person(s) is/are
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ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Karapet Margaryan, owner. This
statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/25/2014. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14 1115
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014171848. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: AYALAS DAYCARE. 5901 Costello Ave. Van Nuys, CA 91401. AYALA
HIETNER. 5901 Costello Ave. Van Nuys, CA 91401. This business is conducted by: An indi-
vidual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names
listed here on: N/A. Signed: Ayala Hietner, owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk
of Los Angeles County on: 06/25/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve
years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/03/14, 07/10/14,
07/17/14, 7/24/14 1116
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014171969. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: LIBRE LOGISTICS. 1323 E Broadway 208 Glendale, CA 91205. SAMVEL
MOVSISYAN. 1323 E Broadway 208 Glendale, CA 91205. This business is conducted by: An
individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or
names listed here on: 06/25/14. Signed: Samvel Movsisyan, owner. This statement is led with
the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/25/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name state-
ment expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new cti-
tious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights
of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/03/14,
07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14 1117
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014172259. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: ORYANS BELLT. 20754 Vose St. Winnetka, CA 91306. RYAN BELL. 20754
Vose St. Winnetka, CA 91306. This business is conducted by: An individual. Registrant has be-
gun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: 06/25/14.
Signed: Ryan Bell, owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on: 06/25/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was
led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led
prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a
ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law
(see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14 1118
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014172443. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: NEW AGE HEALING. 7521 Topanga Canyon Blvd. Canoga Park, CA 91303.
PEACHES C. STEVENS. 7521 Topanga Canyon Blvd. Canoga Park, CA 91303. This business
is conducted by: An individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious
business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Peaches Crystal Stevens, owner. This
statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/25/2014. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14 1119
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014172470. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: TOTAL WELLNESS CENTER FOR HEALING ARTS. 125 E Glenoaks
Blvd. Suite 105 Glendale, CA 91207. KARINE BADIVIAN. 125 East Glenoaks Blvd. Suite 105
Glendale, CA 91207. This business is conducted by: An individual. Registrant has begun to
transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed:
Karine Badivian, owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on: 06/25/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was
led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led
prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a
ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law
(see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14 1120
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014173185. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: S.A.H MOBILE CARWASH. 10259 Tujunga Canyon Blvd. #207 Tujunga, CA
91042. SEVANA CHAHAR MAHALI. 10259 Tujunga Canyon Blvd. #207 Tujunga, CA 91042.
This business is conducted by: An individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under
the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Sevana Chahar Mahali,
owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/26/2014.
NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the
ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that
date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious
business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see
Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14 1121
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014173186. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: SPEAK TO A PI. 10145 Sepulveda Blvd. Mission Hills, CA 91345. UNIVERSAL
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. 10145 Sepulveda Blvd. Mission Hills, CA 91345. This busi-
ness is conducted by: A corporation. Registrant has begun to transact business under the cti-
tious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Universal Professional Services,
Inc, CEO. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/26/2014.
NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the
ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that
date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious
business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see
Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14 1122
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014173793. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: AMALIAS SHERMAN OAKS. 4523 Sepulveda Blvd Sherman Oaks, CA 91403.
AMALIAS GRILL, INC. 11856 Balboa Blvd. #164 Granada Hills, CA 91344 California. This busi-
ness is conducted by: A corporation. Registrant has begun to transact business under the cti-
tious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Milbet Del Cid, President, Amalias
Grill Inc. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/26/2014.
NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the
ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that
date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious
business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see
Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14 1123
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014173889. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: ZOIS-GROUP. 1201 N. Pacic Ave. #202, Glendale, CA 91202. KRISTINA
ZOIS. 1201 N. Pacic Ave. #202, Glendale, CA 91202. This business is conducted by: An
Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or
names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Kristina Zois, Owner. This statement is led with the County
Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/26/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires
ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/03/14, 07/10/14,
07/17/14, 7/24/14 1124
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014173900. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: CALIFUCKINFORNIA. 1201 N. Pacic Ave. #202, Glendale, CA 91202. DION
ROSTAMIAN. 8484 Wilshire Blvd. #515 Beverly Hills, CA 91202. This business is conducted
by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name
or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Dion Rostamian, Owner. This statement is led with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/26/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement
expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious
business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not
of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights
of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/03/14,
07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14 1125
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014173900. The following person(s) is/are do-
Pacic Ave. #202, Glendale, CA 91202. DION ROSTAMIAN. 8484 Wilshire Blvd. #515 Beverly
Hills, CA 91202. This business is conducted by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to trans-
act business under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Dion
Rostamian, Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on:
06/26/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was
led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led
prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a
ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law
(see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14 1125
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014173974. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: C1 APPLIANCE INSTALLATION. 1860 Hidden Hollow Ct. #102 Simi Valley, CA
93063. COREY STONE. 2415 Meralda Ave. Simi Valley, CA 93063. This business is conducted
by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name
or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Corey Stone, Owner. This statement is led with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/26/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement
expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious
business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not
of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights
of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/03/14,
07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14 1126
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014174421. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: MORE WEIGHT. 1400 North Hayworth #10 West Hollywood, CA 90046.
PRAIRIE VILLAGE, INC. 1400 North Hayworth #10 West Hollywood, CA 90046. This business
is conducted by: A Corporation. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious
business name or names listed here on: 2/20/13. Signed: Mark Mallouk, President, Prairie
Village, Inc. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/27/2014.
NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the
ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that
date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious
business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see
Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14 1127
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014175311. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: SANTA MONICA STAR SMOG AUTO REPAIR. 6375 Santa Monica Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90038. ROBERT KOBRAMASIHI. 7918 Amestoy Ave. Hollywood, CA 90038.
This business is conducted by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under
the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Robet Kobramasihi, Owner.
This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/27/2014. NOTICE -
This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14 1128
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014175279. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: VAPEVO. 13845 Osborne St. Arleta, CA 91331. JPL HOLDINGS, LLC. 13845
Osborne St. Arleta, CA 91331. This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company.
Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed
here on: N/A. Signed: Zachary Lopez, Manager, JPL Holdings LLC. This statement is led with
the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/27/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name state-
ment expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new cti-
tious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights
of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/03/14,
07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14 1129
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014174700. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: POOKER DOG PRESS. 217 E. Alameda Ave. #301 Burbank, CA 91502.
JONATHAN KRAUT. 217 E. Alameda Ave. #301 Burbank, CA 91502. This business is conducted
by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name
or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Jonathan Kraut, Owner. This statement is led with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/27/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement
expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious
business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not
of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights
of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/03/14,
07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14 1130
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014158792. The following person(s) is/are do-
ASR BUSINESS SOLTUIONS. 14010 Chadron Ave. Hawthorn, CA 90250. ANTHONY
RAMIREZ. 14010 Chadron Ave. Hawthorn, CA 90250. This business is conducted by: An
Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or
names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Anthony Ramirez, Owner. This statement is led with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/11/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement
expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious
business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not
of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights
of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/03/14,
07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14 1131
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014166657. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: FLORALIA; FLOWER CHILD. 2125 San Ysidro Dr. Beverly Hills, CA 90210.
SHEELA SHOUHED. 2125 San Ysidro Dr. Beverly Hills, CA 90210. This business is conducted
by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name
or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Sheela Shouhed, Owner. This statement is led with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/19/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement
expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious
business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not
of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights
of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/10/14,
07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1132
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014161491. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: DONNA BELLA BOUTIQUE. 7010 Hazeltine Ave. Van Nuys, CA 91405. JACK
DERMEKERDITCHIAN. 7010 Hazeltine Ave. Van Nuys, CA 91405. This business is conducted
by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name
or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Jack Dermekerditchian, Owner. This statement is led
with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/13/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name
statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A
new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this state-
ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation
of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P)
07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1133
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014162608. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: NONCHA. 3391 Blair Dr., CA 90068. LOTTE VAN DER VEER. 3391 Blair
Dr., CA 90068. This business is conducted by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to trans-
act business under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Lotte
Van Der Veer, Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on:
06/16/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was
led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led
prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a
ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law
(see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1134
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014172909. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: AND1 SERVICES. 32 Walbert Ln. Ladera Ranch, CA 92694. NORBERT
DEOGRACIAS; AIKEN DEOGRACIAS. 32 Walbert Ln. Ladera Ranch, CA 92694. This business
is conducted by: A general partnership. Registrant has begun to transact business under the
ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Norbert Deogracias, Partner. This
statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/25/2014. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1135
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014171936. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: CIYA. 13940 Leadwell St. Van Nuys, CA 91405. CONFEDERATION OF
INSPIRED YOUNG ATHLETES, INC. 13940 Leadwell St. Van Nuys, CA 91405. This business
is conducted by: A corporation. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious
business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Elina Julfayan, President. This statement
is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/25/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious
name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk.
A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this state-
ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation
of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P)
07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1136
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014158445. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: TALK LIFE COUNSELING. 1305 Euclid Ave. #1 Pasadena, CA 91101. MARK
REID MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPIST, LLC. 1305 Euclid Ave. #1 Pasadena, CA 91101.
This business is conducted by: A corporation. Registrant has begun to transact business under
the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Mark Reid, President. This
statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/11/2014. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014172789. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: FIX YOUR BUSINESS CREDIT CONSULTING. 8306 Wilshire Blvd. #353
Beverly Hills, CA 90211. AI#ON: 201414310152. GET GOOD CREDIT.COM LLC. 8306 Wilshire
Blvd. #353 Beverly Hills, CA 90211. This business is conducted by: A limited liability company.
Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed
here on: 05/19/14. Signed: Sandra Ruiz, Managing Member, Get Good This state-
ment is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/25/2014. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14 1098
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014154802. The following person(s) is/are do-
Lankershim Blvd #F-307 North Hollywood, CA 91601. AI#ON: C2385226. TIME IN DESTINY,
INC. 4821 Lankershim Blvd #F-307 North Hollywood, CA 91601. This business is conducted by:
A corporation. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or
names listed here on: 01/01/14. Signed: Donna Zamora, secretary, Time In Destiny, INC. This
statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/06/2014. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14 1099
Angela Ila Bailey
799 E. Pine St. Compton, CA 90221
(310) 764- 5115
Case Number: T5017679
June 27, 2014
200 W. Compton
Compton, CA 90220
PETITION OF: Angela Ila Bailey
Petitioner: Angela Ila Bailey for a decree changing names as follows:Present name:
Proposed name:
2. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this
court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name
should not be granted.
Date: August 5, 2014 Time: 8:30 am Dept: B
Room: 906
3.A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four
successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of
general circulation, printed in this county, Beverly Hills Weekly.
Date: June 27, 2014 Signed: Judge William Barry, Judge of the Superior Court
Published: 07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 07/24/14
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014174697. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: NEWWORLD ENTERPRISES; NEPHILIAM SERVICES. 269 S. Beverly Drive
#281 Beverly Hills, CA 90212. RONNIE ROY CHEVALIER. 269 S. Beverly Drive #281 Beverly
Hills, CA 90212. This business is conducted by: An individual. Registrant has begun to trans-
act business under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Ronnie
Roy Chevalier, owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on:
06/27/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was
led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led
prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a
ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law
(see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14 1100
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014174699. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: SYNPHINYUM; TTYONE. 269 South Beverly Drive #1511 Beverly Hills, CA
90212. SANTIAGO MANES. 2934 Beverly Glen Circle #454 Los Angeles, CA 90077. This
business is conducted by: an individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the
ctitious business name or names listed here on: 01/01/14. Signed: Santiago Manes, owner.
This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/27/2014. NOTICE -
This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14 1101
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014174698. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: COMFI- COUTURE. 945 N. Alfred St. #101 Los Angeles, CA 90069. KLARA
HAMORI. 945 N. Alfred St. #101 Los Angeles, CA 90069. This business is conducted by: An
individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or
names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Klara Hamori, owner. This statement is led with the County
Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/27/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires
ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/03/14, 07/10/14,
07/17/14, 7/24/14 1102
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014166048. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: Y K TRANSPORT; Y K TRANSPORTING. 4366 Ocean View Blvd #2 Montrose,
CA 91020. YERVAND KOVALIAN. 4366 Ocean View Blvd #2 Montrose, CA 91020. This busi-
ness is conducted by: An individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the
ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Yervand Kovalian, owner. This
statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/19/2014. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14 1103
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014168890. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: J J TILE. 1933 Glenoaks Blvd. #124 San Fernando, CA 91340. JEFFREY
MICHAEL JENNEY. 1933 Glenoaks Blvd. #124 San Fernando, CA 91340. This business is con-
ducted by: An individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business
name or names listed here on: 06/16/14. Signed: Jeffrey M. Jenney, owner. This statement is
led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/23/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious
name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk.
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July 24-July 30, 2014 Page 11
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1137
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014158058. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: SUMMER & SAGE. 1976 S. La Cienega Blvd. #354, CA 90034. SUMMER
SINCLAIR-MENKEE. La Cienega Blvd. #354, CA 90034. This business is conducted by: An
individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or
names listed here on: 05/01/2014. Signed: Summer Sinclair-Menkee, Owner. This statement
is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/11/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious
name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk.
A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this state-
ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation
of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P)
07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1138
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014165761. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: EXCLUSIVE RECORDS; XCLUSIVE RECORDS. 22336 Cantara St. Canoga
Park, CA 91304. ERIK MICHAEL HOEL. 22336 Cantara St. Canoga Park, CA 91304. This
business is conducted by: An individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the
ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Erik Michael Hoel, Owner. This
statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/18/2014. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1139
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014175416. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: SAJE ENTERTREATMENT; SALE PROMOTIONS. 8800 Henna Ave. West
Hills, CA 91304. HILTON BLOCK. 8800 Henna Ave. West Hills, CA 91304. This business is con-
ducted by: An individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business
name or names listed here on: 6/27/14. Signed: Hilton Block, President/Owner. This statement
is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/27/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious
name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk.
A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this state-
ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation
of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P)
07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1140
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014170401. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: ROAD RUNNER MESSENGER. 9025 Wilshire Blvd. Penthouse Floor Beverly
Hills, CA 90211. MEHRDAD DERAKHSHANDEH. 9025 Wilshire Blvd. Penthouse Floor Beverly
Hills, CA 90211. This business is conducted by: An individual. Registrant has begun to transact
business under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Mehrdad
Derakhshandeh, Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on: 06/24/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was
led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led
prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a
ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law
(see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1141
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014175728. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: ALECARE NURSES. 11458 Burbank Blvd. #23 North Hollywood, CA 91601.
ALEXANDRA ARBELAEZ. 11458 Burbank Blvd. #23 North Hollywood, CA 91601. This busi-
ness is conducted by: An individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the cti-
tious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Alexandra Arbelaez, Owner. This
statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/30/2014. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1142
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014175727. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: WHITE OUT TRADING. 1100 E. Pico Blvd. L.A, CA 90021. BEST BRANDS
INTERNATIONAL TRADING, LLC. 1100 E. Pico Blvd. L.A, CA 90021. This business is con-
ducted by: A Limited Liability Company. Registrant has begun to transact business under the
ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Jacklin Makabi, Manager, Best
Brands International Trading, LLC. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles
County on: 06/30/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the
date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement
must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in
this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state,
or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1143
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014177478. The following person(s) is/are
#322 LA, CA 90014. MICHAEL SAGHIAN. 650 S. Hill St. #322 LA, CA 90014. This business is
conducted by: an Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious busi-
ness name or names listed here on: 07/03/07. Signed: Michael Saghian, Owner. This statement
is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/01/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious
name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk.
A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this state-
ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation
of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P)
07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1144
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014175809. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: SHOUSHAN SOLEIL. 703 E. Broadway Glendale, CA 91205. SUZAN
TENEKEDSYAN. 1301 Oakridge Dr. Glendale, CA 91205. This business is conducted by: an
Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or
names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Suzan Tenekedsyan, Owner. This statement is led with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/30/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement
expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious
business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not
of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights
of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/10/14,
07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1145
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014177183. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: ITRANS. 3112 Harmony Pl. La Crescenta, CA 91214. VARDUHI MIRZOYAN.
3112 Harmony Pl. La Crescenta, CA 91214. This business is conducted by: an Individual.
Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed
here on: N/A. Signed: Varduhi Mirzoyan, Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk
of Los Angeles County on: 07/01/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve
years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/10/14, 07/17/14,
7/24/14, 7/31/14 1146
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014177277. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: BALBOA SUB SHOP. 8634 Balboa Blvd. Northridge, CA 91325. MICHAEL
ALLEN. 7630 Jellilo Ave. Northridge, CA 91325. This business is conducted by: an Individual.
Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed
here on: 07/01/14. Signed: Michael Allen, Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk
of Los Angeles County on: 07/01/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve
years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/10/14, 07/17/14,
7/24/14, 7/31/14 1147
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014177375. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: A&H TRANSPORTATION. 6939 Greeley St #107 Tujunga, CA 91042. HOUSE
OF RAGZ LLC. 6939 Greeley St #107 Tujunga, CA 91042. This business is conducted by: a
Limited Liability Company. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious busi-
ness name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Oganes Darbinyan, Member, House of Ragz
LLC. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/01/2014.
NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the
ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that
date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious
business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see
Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1148
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014178396. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: NUR LIMOUSINE SERVICE. 5716 W. Manchester Ave. #4 LA, CA 90045. NUR
LIMOUSINE SERVICE LLC LLC. 5716 W. Manchester Ave. #4 LA, CA 90045. This business is
conducted by: a Limited Liability Company. Registrant has begun to transact business under the
ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Issa Barsha, Managing Member,
Nur Limousine Service LLC. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on: 07/02/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was
led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led
prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a
ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law
(see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1149
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014178397. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: ALL STAR TRANSPORT. 408 Porter St. #3 Glendale, CA 91205. SEVAN
POGOSYAN. 408 Porter St. #3 Glendale, CA 91205. This business is conducted by: an
Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or
names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Sevan Pogosyan, Owner. This statement is led with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/02/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement
expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious
business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not
of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights
of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/10/14,
07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1150
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014178909. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: FRONTIER DOORS AND WINDOWS. 21426 Sherman Way. Canoga Park,
CA 91303. AMERICAN RELIABLE WINDOWS & DOORS. 16735 Saticoy Street. Van Nuys, CA
91406. This business is conducted by: a Corporation. Registrant has begun to transact business
under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Parto Berookhim,
Secretary, American Reliable Windows & Doors. This statement is led with the County Clerk
of Los Angeles County on: 07/02/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve
years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/10/14, 07/17/14,
7/24/14, 7/31/14 1151
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014179148. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: THE BALLOON SPECIALIST. 6610 Balboa Blvd. #3 Lake Balboa, CA 91406.
LISA ACEVEDO. 6610 Balboa Blvd. #3 Lake Balboa, CA 91406. This business is conducted by:
an Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or
names listed here on: Feb. 2004. Signed: Lisa Acevedo, Owner. This statement is led with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/02/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement
expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious
business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not
of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights
of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/10/14,
07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1152
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014179232. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: ROUMANS MINI MARKET. 10991 Santa Monica Blvd. LA, CA 90025. TRINITY
OIL GROUP, INC. 10991 Santa Monica Blvd. LA, CA 90025. This business is conducted by: a
Corporation. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or
names listed here on: 2008. Signed: Roumani Mousa, President, Trinity Oil Group, Inc. This
statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/02/2014. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1153
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014179231. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: 76 ROUMANS MINI MARKET. 685 H. St. Chula Vista, CA 91910. TRINITY
OIL GROUP, INC. 10991 Santa Monica Blvd. LA, CA 90025. This business is conducted by:
a Corporation. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name
or names listed here on: 2010. Signed: Roumani Mousa, President, Trinity Oil Group, Inc. This
statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/02/2014. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1154
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014179512. The following person(s) is/
are doing business as: DC TRANS. 371 E. Santa Anita Ave. Burbank, CA 91502. KARLO
KHACHTOORIANS. 371 E. Santa Anita Ave. Burbank, CA 91502. This business is conducted
by: an Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name
or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Karlo Khachtoorians, Owner. This statement is led with
the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/03/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name state-
ment expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new cti-
tious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights
of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/10/14,
07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1155
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014179513. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: ARLIANA TRANS LLC. 7439 Woodman Ave. #10 Van Nuys, CA 91405.
ARLIANA LLC. 7439 Woodman Ave. #10 Van Nuys, CA 91405. This business is conducted by:
a Limited Liability Company. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious busi-
ness name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Hakob Ghazaryan, President, Arliana LLC.
This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/03/2014. NOTICE
- This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1156
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014179516. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: RESEDA 241 PIZZA. 6118 Reseda Blvd. Tarzana, CA 91335. FATEMEH
ROSTAMA. 5452 Corteen Pl. #2 Valley Village, CA 91607. AMINEH BAGAN. 6118 Reseda Blvd.
Tarzana, CA 91335. This business is conducted by: Copartners. Registrant has begun to trans-
act business under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Fatemeh
Rostama/ Amineh Bagan, Partner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles
County on: 07/03/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the
date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement
must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in
this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state,
or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1157
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014180123. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: LILYS FUTURE. 3240 Foot Hills Dr. #3 Thousand Oaks, CA 91361; 32074
Waterside Lane Westlake Village, CA 91361. VALENE ANN KOBABE PITTELLO. 32074
Waterside Lane Westlake Village, CA 91361. This business is conducted by: an Individual.
Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed
here on: 07/03/14. Signed: Valene Ann Kobabe Pittello, Owner, Valene Ann Kobabe Pittello. This
statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/03/2014. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1158
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014180513. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: CORBIN LAWNMOWER SHOP, INC. 8659 Corbin Ave. Winnetka, CA 91306.
AI #ON: C 3676753. CORBIN LAWNMOWER SHOP, INC. 8659 Corbin Ave. Winnetka, CA
91306. This business is conducted by: a Corporation. Registrant has begun to transact busi-
ness under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Francisco S.
Aizaga, President, Corbin Lawnmower Shop, INC. This statement is led with the County Clerk
of Los Angeles County on: 07/03/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve
years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/10/14, 07/17/14,
7/24/14, 7/31/14 1159
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014180526. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: NOBLE WATERPLOOFING A COAWINGS. 17349 Saticoy Street Northridge,
CA 91325. CARLOS AJTOJIE RODRYGJEZ. 17349 Saticoy Street Northridge, CA 91325. This
business is conducted by: an Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the
ctitious business name or names listed here on: 07/01/07. Signed: Carlos Avjonie Rodrigjez,
Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/03/2014.
NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the
ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that
date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious
business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see
Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1160
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014177689. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as MUSIC LESSONS LOS ANGELES. 11024 Magnolia Blvd #D North Hollywood,
CA 91601. VANESSA REMY BRYAN. 5315 Harmony Ave. #203 North Hollywood, CA 91601.
This business is conducted by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under
the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Vanessa Remy Bryan, Owner.
This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/1/2014. NOTICE -
This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1161
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014176096. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as BRADYPUS. 1832 Michel Torena St. Los Angeles, CA 90026. BRANDON
BARNHART JONES. 1832 Michel Torena St. Los Angeles, CA 90026. This business is con-
ducted by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business
name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Brandon Barnhart Jones, Owner. This statement
is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/30/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious
name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk.
A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this state-
ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation
of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P)
07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1162
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014180529. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as AVIATION LINK INTERNATIONAL. 299 W. Foothill Blvd. Upland, CA 91781.
IBRAHIM M. GHOULI. 10759 Wystone Ave. Porter Beach, CA 91326. This business is con-
ducted by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business
name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Ibrahim M. Ghouli, Owner. This statement is led
with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/3/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name
statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A
new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this state-
ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation
of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P)
07/10/14, 07/17/14, 7/24/14, 7/31/14 1163
File No. 2014170297
Date Filed: 06/24/2014
Name of Business: R.A.H MOBILE CARWASH. 1231 Allen Ave. Glendale, CA 91201.
Registered Owner: RAYMOUND HESHMATI; ANDRE HESHMATI. 1231 Allen Ave Glendale,
CA 91201; 10259 Tujunga Canyon Blvd. #207 Tujunga, CA 91042.
Current File #: 2014087493
Date: 06/26/14, 07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14 1161
File No. 2013136407
Date Filed: 07/01/2013
Name of Business: BALBOA SUB SHOP. 8634 Balboa Blvd. Northridge, CA 91325.
Registered Owner: MICHAEL BOULHANIAN. 17068 Knapp St. Northridge, CA 91325.
Current File #: 2014177277
Date: 06/26/14, 07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14 1164
Madison Alexandra Stingray
1275 Beverly Estates Dr.
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 721- 4454
Case Number: SS024476
June 27, 2014
1725 Main St.
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Petitioner: MADISON ALEXANDRA STINGRAY for a decree changing names as follows:
Present name:
Proposed name:
2. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this
court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name
should not be granted.
Date: August 15, 2014 Time: 8:30 am Dept: K
Room: A203
3.A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four
successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of
general circulation, printed in this county, Beverly Hills Weekly.
Date: June 19, 2014 Signed: Judge Gerald Rosenberg, Judge of the Superior Court
Published: 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 7/31/14 1165
Tiffany Capers- Jones
19031 Gault St. D 214
Reseda, CA 91335
(818) 401-7411
Case Number: LS025551
June 26, 2014
6230 Sylmar Ave.
Van Nuys, CA 91401
Petitioner: TIFFANY CAPERS-JONES for a decree changing names as follows:
Present name:
Proposed name:
2. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this
court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name
should not be granted.
Date: August 20, 2014 Time: 8:30 am Dept: NW-D
Room: 420
3.A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four
successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of
general circulation, printed in this county, Beverly Hills Weekly.
Date: June 26, 2014 Signed: Judge Richard H. Kirschner, Judge of the Superior
Published: 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 7/31/14 1166
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014171258. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: VAMP. 9903 Santa Monica Bl. #988, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 MEGAN
GOZINI. 519 N Linden Dr Beverly Hills, CA 90210. This business is conducted by: An Individual.
Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed
here on: 6/1/2014. Signed: Megan Gozini, Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk
of Los Angeles County on: 06/24/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve
years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14,
07/31/14, 08/07/14 1164
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014154677. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: REVEAL-YOUR CITY. 5333 Bellingham Avenue #6, Valley Village, CA.
GABRIEL BENITEZ. 5333 Bellingham Avenue #6, Valley Village, CA. This business is con-
ducted by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business
name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Gabriel S, Benitez, Owner. This statement is led
with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/06/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name
statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A
new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this state-
ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation
of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P)
07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1165
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014167619. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: PRIVATE BEVERLY HILLS. 9663 Santa Monica Blvd Suite #836. Beverly
Hills, CA 90210. DEEGEE LLC. 9663 Santa Monica Blvd Suite #836. Beverly Hills, CA 90210.
This business is conducted by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business
under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Denise Moreno,
Manager, Deegee LLC. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on: 06/20/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was
led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led
prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a
ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law
(see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1166
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014166673. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: ML COMPUTER SERVICES. 3023 Durfee Avenue #H, El Monte, CA 91732.
MARAT LIKHTIN. 3023 Durfee Avenue #H, El Monte, CA 91732. This business is conducted by:
An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or
names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Marat Likhtin, Owner, ML Computer Services. This statement
is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/19/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious
name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk.
A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this state-
ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation
of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P)
07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1167
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014166672. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: LM COMPUTERS. 7300 Florence Avenue #2, Downey, CA 90240. MARAT
LIKHTIN. 7300 Florence Avenue #2, Downey, CA 90240. This business is conducted by: An
Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or
names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Marat Likhtin, Owner, LM Computers. This statement is led
with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/19/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name
statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A
new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this state-
ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation
of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P)
07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1168
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014172074. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: KJ PROJECT MANAGEMENT. 16642 Donmetz Street, Granada Hills, CA,
91344. JOEY VENAI GULRAJANI. 16642 Donmetz Street, Granada Hills, CA, 91344 This busi-
ness is conducted by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the cti-
tious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Joey Venai Gulrajani, Owner. This
statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/25/2014. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1169
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014182921. The following person(s) is/are doing
P.E.S GROUP. 11684 Ventura Boulevard #154, Studio City, CA 91604. GABRIEL BENITEZ.
5333 Bellingham Avenue #6, Valley Village, CA. This business is conducted by: An Individual.
Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed
here on: N/A. Signed: Gabriel S, Benitez, Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk
of Los Angeles County on: 06/06/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve
years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14,
07/31/14, 08/07/14 1170
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014149802. The following person(s) is/
are doing business as: AJ ASSOCIATES. 19609 Sherman Way #100, Reseda, CA 91335.
MOHAMMAD ANWAR KHAN. 19609 Sherman Way #100, Reseda, CA 91335. MOHAMMAD
JUNAID KHAN. 19609 Sherman Way #100, Reseda, CA 91335. This business is conducted
by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name
or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Mohammad Anwar Khan, Partner. This statement is led
with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/03/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name
statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A
new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this state-
ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation
of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P)
07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1171
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014166674. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: MARATS COMPUTER REPAIR. 9075 Cedros Ave. #26, Panorama City, CA
91402. MARAT LIKHTIN. 9075 Cedros Ave. #26, Panorama City, CA 91402. This business is
conducted by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious busi-
ness name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Marat Likhtin, Partner. This statement is led
with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/19/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name
statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A
new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this state-
ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation
of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P)
07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1172
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014167792. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: PENCHANT CONSULTING. 8259 Blackburn Ave., Los Angeles, CA
90048. PENCHANT ENTERTAINMENT, LLC. 8259 Blackburn Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90048.
This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company. Registrant has begun to transact
business under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Penchant
Entertainment, LLC Partner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on: 06/20/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was
led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led
prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a
ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law
(see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1173
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014184330. The following person(s) is/
are doing business as: THE GREEN CONDOR SKATEBOARD CO. 7225 Western Ave. Los
Angeles, CA 90047; 4859 W. Slauson Ave. #491 Los Angeles, CA 90056. KEITH HENDERSON
BERTRAND. 4859 W. Slauson Ave. #491 Los Angeles, CA 90056. This business is conducted
by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name
or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Keith Bertrand, Owner. This statement is led with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/09/14. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement
expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious
business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not
of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights
of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14,
07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1174
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014183592. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: PEOPLE IN SUPPORT OF PEOPLE. 2731 S. Budlong Ave. #11 Los Angeles,
CA 90007. DOROTHY BRIDGES. 2731 S. Budlong Ave. #11 Los Angeles, CA 90007. This
business is conducted by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the
ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Dorothy Bridges, Owner. This
statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/08/14. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1175
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014183593. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: SAND BLASTER; SANDBLASTER.COM. 8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd. S #110
#159 Los Angeles, CA 90045. MONDAY WILKINSON. 8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd. S #110 #159
Los Angeles, CA 90045. JOEL DOMINICK. 21051 Lassen St. Chatsworth, CA 91311. This busi-
ness is conducted by: A general partnership. Registrant has begun to transact business under
the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Monday Wilkinson, Partner.
This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/08/14. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1176
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014183257. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: YOUNG FELLAZ ENTERPRISE. 8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Ste 110 #787 Los
Angeles, CA 90045. KEWON PRESTON. 8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Ste 110 #787 Los Angeles,
CA 90045. This business is conducted by: An individual. Registrant has begun to transact busi-
ness under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Travis Kewon
Preston, Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on:
07/08/14. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led
on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior
to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a cti-
tious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see
Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1177
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014181204. The following person(s) is/
are doing business as: ANGELIC WISDOM. 1132 S. Highland Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90019.
JEANETTE MARSHALL. 1132 S. Highland Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90019. This business is con-
ducted by: An individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business
name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Jeanette Marshall, Owner. This statement is led
with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/07/14. NOTICE - This ctitious name state-
ment expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new cti-
tious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights
of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14,
07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1178
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014166979. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: SHOW ME CAMPAIGN. 6380 Wilshire Blvd. 15th Fl. Los Angeles, CA 90048.
SOCIAL IMPACT FUND. 6380 Wilshire Blvd. 15th Fl. Los Angeles, CA 90048. This business is
conducted by: A corporation. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious busi-
ness name or names listed here on: 06/01/14. Signed: Craig R. Cichy, Fiscal Sponsor/ Managing
Director, Social Impact Fund. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles
County on: 07/19/14. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date
it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must
be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this
state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or
common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1179
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014185991. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: PUN FOODS. 1800 Oak Street Unit 341 Torrance, CA 90501. AI #NO
201414110051. PATTERSON VENTURE GROUP LLC. 1800 Oak Street Unit 341 Torrance,
CA 90501. This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company. Registrant has begun
to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed:
Aimee Patterson, President, Patterson Venture Group. This statement is led with the County
Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/10/14. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve
years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14,
07/31/14, 08/07/14 1180
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014180816. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: SEANSAM TEXTILES. 205 S. Oakhurst Dr. Beverly Hills, CA 90212. FARSHID
MOGHTADER. 205 S. Oakhurst Dr. Beverly Hills, CA 90212. This business is conducted by:
An individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or
names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Farshid Moghtader, Owner. This statement is led with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/07/14. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement
expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious
business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not
of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights
of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14,
07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1181
File No. 2014115296
Date Filed: 04/29/2014
Name of Business: FIT-TACTIX. 3628 San Fernando Rd. Glendale, CA 91204.
Registered Owner: SHARAYAHYA. 3628 San Fernando Rd. Glendale, CA 91204.
Current File #: 2014182747
Date: 07/08/2014
Published: 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1175
Gregory L. Brinlee
8568 Burton Way #205
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(310) 721- 4454
Case Number: SS024505
July 09, 2014
1725 Main St.
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Petitioner: GREGORY L. BRINLEE for a decree changing names as follows:
Present name:
Proposed name:
2. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this
court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name
should not be granted.
Date: September 5, 2014 Time: 8:30 am Dept: K
Room: A203
3.A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four
successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of
general circulation, printed in this county, Beverly Hills Weekly.
Date: July 9, 2014 Signed: Judge Gerald Rosenberg, Judge of the Superior Court
Published: 07/10/14, 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 7/31/14 1176
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014182757. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: FATIM BAHH. 450 S. Kenmore Ave. Apt #209. Los Angeles, CA, 90020.
FATOUMATA BAUGOWRA. 450 S. Kenmore Ave. Apt #209. Los Angeles, CA, 90020. This busi-
ness is conducted by: An individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the cti-
tious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Fatoumata Baugowra, Owner. This
statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/08/14. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1182
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014182756. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: OFFSTAGETECH. 6841 Whitsett Ave., Apt #101. North Hollywood, CA, 91605.
JOHN LUBBERS. 6841 Whitsett Ave., Apt #101. North Hollywood, CA, 91605. This business
is conducted by: An individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious
business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: John Lubbers, Business Development
Manager/Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on:
07/08/14. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led
on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior
to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a cti-
tious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see
Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1183
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014187247 The following person(s) is/are doing
LOS ANGELES CA 90035. This business is conducted by: An individual. Registrant has begun
to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed:
Edmond Moghadam, President/Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los
Angeles County on: 07/11/14. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from
the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name state-
ment must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under
federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14,
08/07/14 1184
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014174707 The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: HOPES HEALTHY VENDING. 11818 Vanowen St. #2 North Hollywood, CA
91605. HOPE RAGGIO. 11818 Vanowen St. #2 North Hollywood, CA 91605. This business
is conducted by: An individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious
business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Hope Raggio, Owner. This statement is
led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/27/14. NOTICE - This ctitious name
statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A
new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this state-
ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation
of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P)
07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1185
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014177467 The following person(s) is/are doing
CA 90703. HELLO WORLD SPEECH THERAPY,INC.12231 Glen Creek Road Cerritos, CA
90703. This business is conducted by: A corporation. Registrant has begun to transact business
under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Bernadette J Rivera,
President, HELLO WORLD SPEECH THERAPY, INC. This statement is led with the County
Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/01/14. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve
years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14,
07/31/14, 08/07/14 1186
Page 12 Beverly Hills Weekly
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 20141777469 The following person(s) is/are do-
8055 Chastain Ave. Reseda, CA 91335. MAC OR PC REPAIR,INC; APPLE DEALS. 8055
Chastain Ave. Reseda, CA 91335 . This business is conducted by: A Corporation. Registrant
has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed here on:
N/A. Signed :Alfonso L. Suarez , President, Mac Or Pc Repair, Inc. This statement is led with
the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 06/27/14. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement
expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious
business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not
of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights
of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14,
07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1187
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014180755 The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: WIRELESS REPAIR EXTREME 18919 Soledad Canyon Rd Santa Clarita,
Ca 91351. MYNOR QUINTANA; JULIO HERRERA.18919 Soledad Canyon Rd Santa Clarita,
Ca 91351 . This business is conducted by: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP has begun to trans-
act business under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Mynor
Quintana, Partner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on:
07/07/14. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led
on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior
to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a cti-
tious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see
Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1188
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014180756 The following person(s) is/are doing
business as: K&S APPLIANCE REPAIR. 5460 Sierra Vista Ave. #301 La CA 90038 KARAPET
SARGSYAN. 5460 Sierra Vista Ave. #301 La CA 90038. This business is conducted by: An
individual has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed
here on: N/A. Signed: Karapet Sargsyan, Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of
Los Angeles County on: 07/07/14. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years
from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name
statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under
federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14,
08/07/14 1189
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014180758 The following person(s) is/are doing
business as: SWIFT APPLIANCE REPAIR. 1441 Huntington Dr. #220 S. Pasadena, CA 91030.
VACHE MANUKYAN. 1441 Huntington Dr. #220 S. Pasadena, CA. This business is conducted
by: An individual has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names
listed here on: N/A. Signed: . Vache Manukyan , Owner. This statement is led with the County
Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/07/14. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve
years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14,
07/31/14, 08/07/14 1190
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014180757 The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: EXCEL REPAIR SERVICE. 1626 N. Wilcox Ave. #219 Hollywood, CA 90028.
GOR ILBEKYANTS 1626 N. Wilcox Ave. #219 Hollywood, CA 90028 . This business is con-
ducted by: An individual has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name
or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Gor Ilbekyants , Owner. This statement is led with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/07/14. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement
expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious
business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not
of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights
of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14,
07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1191
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014180955 The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: HOUSES JL GENERAL CONTRACTOR, INC. 6705 Woodman Ave. #4 Van
Nuys, CA 91401. HOUSES JL GENERAL CONTRACTOR, INC. 6705 Woodman Ave. #4 Van
Nuys, CA 91401. This business is conducted by: A Corporation has begun to transact business
under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Juan Lopez , President.
This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/07/14. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1192
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014182473 The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: ENCINO INSURANCE TOW. 18405 Eddie St. #1 Reseda CA 9132. TAMATHA
HIKE 18405 Eddie St. #1 Reseda CA 9132 . This business is conducted by: AN Individual has
begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A.
Signed: Tamatha Hike , Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles
County on: 07/08/14. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date
it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must
be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this
state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or
common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1193
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014182474 The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: O.S.C DESIGN. 14416 Victory Blvd. #112 Van Nuys CA 91401. OVSANA
GRIGORYAN 1680 N. Wilton Pl. #23 Los Angeles, CA 90028. This business is conducted by:
AN Individual has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names
listed here on: N/A. Signed: Ovsana Grigoryan , Owner. This statement is led with the County
Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/08/14. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve
years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14,
07/31/14, 08/07/14 1194
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014182649 The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: SAFEGAURDS CO 163 W. Ash Ave. Unit E Burbank, CA 91502. INNOVATIVE
LAYOUT LLC 163 W. Ash Ave. Unit E Burbank, CA 91502. This business is conducted by: A
Limited Liability Company has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name
or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Marlon Barillan , Manager. This statement is led with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/08/14. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement
expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious
business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not
of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights
of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14,
07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1195
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014182720 The following person(s) is/are doing
business as: SC POOL & SPA SERVICES 18143 Sundowner Way #963 Canyon County, CA
91387. STEVE COTARKOS 18143 Sundowner Way #963 Canyon County, CA 91387 . This busi-
ness is conducted by: An individual has begun to transact business under the ctitious business
name or names listed here on: 07/01/2014. Signed: Steve Cotarkos , Owner. This statement is
led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/08/14. NOTICE - This ctitious name
statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A
new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this state-
ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation
of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P)
07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1196
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014187268 The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: DISCOUNT TIRE CENTERS, K.A.G. 18295 Soledad Canyon Rd. Canyon
Country. CA 91387; 21010 Devonshire St. Chatsworth, CA 91311. LEGAL-ACT SERVICES,
INC. 21010 Devonshire St. Chatsworth, CA 91311 . This business is conducted by: A
Corporation has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed
here on: 06/21/2013. Signed: Steve Cotarkos , Owner. This statement is led with the County
Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/11/14. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve
years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14,
07/31/14, 08/07/14 1197
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014187250The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: SKYLINE TRUCKING 6637 Morella Ave. N. Hollywood CA 91606. TIGRAN
SEMERJYAN 6637 Morella Ave. N. Hollywood CA 91606. This business is conducted by: An
individual has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed
here on: N/A. Signed: Tigran Semerjyan, Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of
Los Angeles County on: 07/11/14. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years
from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name
statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under
federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14,
08/07/14 1198
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014187251 The following person(s) is/
are doing business as:RED HORSE TRANS 325 Milford St. #5 Glendale, CA 91203. RUBIK
KHACHIKYAN 325 Milford St. #5 Glendale, CA 91203 . This business is conducted by: An
individual has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed
here on: N/A. Signed: Rubik Khachikyan, Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk
of Los Angeles County on: 07/11/14. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years
from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name
statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under
federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14,
08/07/14 1199
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014182907 The following person(s) is/are doing
business as: MENS HEALTH AND WELLNESS 5807 Topanga Canyon Blvd. #A310 Woodland
Hills, Ca. 91367. PAUL MARINO JR. 5807 Topanga Canyon Blvd. #A310 Woodland Hills, Ca.
91367 This business is conducted by: An Individual has begun to transact business under the
ctitious business name or names listed here on: 07/08/2014. Signed: Paul Marino Jr., Owner.
This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/08/14. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1200
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014184110 The following person(s) is/are doing
business as: GB REPAIR 6466 Gilson Ave. N. Hollywood, CA 91606. GEVORK BOYADZHYAN
6466 Gilson Ave. N. Hollywood, CA 91606. This business is conducted by: An Individual has
begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A.
Signed: Gevork Boyadzhyan, Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los
Angeles County on: 07/08/14. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from
the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name state-
ment must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under
federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14,
08/07/14 1201
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014184109 The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: TROSE KREW CO. 2118 Wilshire Blvd. #228 Santa Monica, CA 90403.
MVMNT RETAIL GROUP 2118 Wilshire Blvd. #228 Santa Monica, CA 90403 . This business
is conducted by: A Corporation has begun to transact business under the ctitious business
name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Julian Hakim, President, Mvmnt Retail Group. This
statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/09/2014. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1202
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014184108 The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: LOS ANGELES PERFORMANCE CENTER 1404 Third Street Promenade,
Santa Monica, CA 90401. PROMENADE CONSERVATORY INC. 1404 Third Street Promenade,
Santa Monica, CA 90401. This business is conducted by: A Corporation has begun to transact
business under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Jonathan
Kraut, C.O.O, Promenade Conservatory Inc. This statement is led with the County Clerk of
Los Angeles County on: 07/09/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years
from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name
statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under
federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14,
08/07/14 1203
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014184230 The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: SEDONA APARTMENST 12230 Viewcrest Rd. Studio City, CA 91604;
PARTNERSHIP 12230 Viewcrest Rd. Studio City, CA 91604 . This business is conducted by:
A Limited Partnership has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or
names listed here on: 2007. Signed: Irwin Spector, General Partner. This statement is led
with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/09/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name
statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A
new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this state-
ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation
of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P)
07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1204
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014184107 The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: GS SPEED LINE 1133 Concord St. #A Glendale, CA 91202. GURGEN
STEPANYAN 1133 Concord St. #A Glendale, CA 91202 . This business is conducted by: An
Individual has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed
here on: 07/09/2009. Signed: Gurgen Stepanyan, Owner. This statement is led with the County
Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/09/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires
ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14,
07/31/14, 08/07/14 1205
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014185626 The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: HOLLYWOOD INSURANCE TOW 18405 Eddy St. Northridge, CA 91325 .
TAMATHA HIKE 18405 Eddy St. Northridge, CA 91325 This business is conducted by: An
Individual has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed
here on: N/A. Signed: Tamatha Hike , Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk
of Los Angeles County on: 07/10/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve
years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14,
07/31/14, 08/07/14 1206
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014185625 The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: THEE MACHINE; TADEHG.12231 Moorpark St. #5 Studio City, CA 91604.
TADEH GEVORGIAN 12231 Moorpark St. #5 Studio City, CA 91604 This business is conducted
by: An Individual has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names
listed here on: N/A. Signed: Tadeh Gevorgian , Owner. This statement is led with the County
Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/10/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires
ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14,
07/31/14, 08/07/14 1207
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 201487907 The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: MOORE OPTOMETRY. 14434 Hamlin St. #1 Van Nuys, CA 91401. DR. J
SOLOMON MOORE, O.D & ASSOCIATES, INC. 14434 Hamlin St. #1 Van Nuys, CA 91401.
This business is conducted by: An Individual has begun to transact business under the c-
titious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: J. Solomon Moore, President,
Dr. J Solomon Moore, O.D & Associates, Inc.. This statement is led with the County Clerk
of Los Angeles County on: 07/11/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve
years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14,
07/31/14, 08/07/14 1208
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014183217. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: CERTIFIED INTERPRETERS & TRANSLATORS; CIT. 22121 Calredon St
#632 Woodland Hills, CA 91367. FARIBA S. ERSHADI. 23831 Berdon St. Woodland Hills, CA
91367; EFTEKHAR A. ROWHANIZADEH. 23341 Schoenborn St. West Hills, CA 91304. This
business is conducted by: A general partnership has begun to transact business under the
ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Fariba S. Ershadi, Partner. This
statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/8/2014. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1209
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014181545. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: ELBE STUDIO. 20541 Northridge Rd. Chatsworth, CA 91331. ELENA
BERMAN. 20541 Northridge Rd. Chatsworth, CA 91331. This business is conducted by: An
Individual has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed
here on: N/A. Signed: Elena Berman, Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk
of Los Angeles County on: 07/1/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve
years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/17/14, 07/24/14,
07/31/14, 08/07/14 1210
Benjamin Orellana
5523 Denny Ave. #12
North Hollywood, CA 91601
(818) 235- 8466
Case Number: ES017985
July 7, 2014
300 E. Olive Ave.
Burbank, CA 91502
PETITION OF: A minor, Benjamin Orellana, by and through his guardian ad litem, Maribel
Petitioner: Benjamin Orellana & Maribel Medina for a decree changing names as follows:
Present name:
Proposed name:
2. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this
court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name
should not be granted.
Date: August 29, 2014 Time: 8:30 am Dept: B
3.A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four
successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of
general circulation, printed in this county, Beverly Hills Weekly.
Date: July 7, 2014 Signed: Judge Mary Thornton House, Judge of the Superior
Published: 07/17/14, 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14 1211
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 201485653. The following person(s) is/are doing
business as: AROOTINSTOWING. 456 Myrtle St. #1 Glendale, CA 91203. ANDRE MAHMUDI.
456 Myrtle St. #1 Glendale, CA 91203. This business is conducted by: An Individual. Registrant
has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A.
Signed: Andre Mahmudi, Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles
County on: 07/10/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the
date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement
must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in
this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state,
or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1212
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014186143. The following person(s) is/
are doing business as: ASAP RETROFITTERS. 17815 Prairie St. Northridge, CA 91325.
Northridge, CA 91325. This business is conducted by: A corporation. Registrant has begun
to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: July 1997.
Signed: Basem Khader, President, Southern California Investments & Developments, INC. This
statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/10/2014. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1213
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014187246. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: THE BUG SOLUTION. 7300 Lennox Ave #K-19 Van Nuys, CA 91405. RENE
VILLACORTA. 7300 Lennox Ave #K-19 Van Nuys, CA 91405. This business is conducted by:
An individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name
or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Rene Villacorta, Owner. This statement is led with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/11/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement
expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious
business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not
of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights
of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14,
07/31/14, 08/07/14,0 8/14/14 1214
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014187249. The following person(s) is/are do-
10625 Valley Spring Ln. #101 North Hollywood, CA 91602. VINCENT COFFEY. 10625 Valley
Spring Ln. #101 North Hollywood, CA 91602. This business is conducted by: An individual.
Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed
here on: N/A. Signed: Vincent Coffey, Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of
Los Angeles County on: 07/11/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve
years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14,
08/07/14, 08/14/14 1215
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014187307. The following person(s) is/
CLEANING. 13973 Simshaw Ave. Sylmar, CA 91342; 15230 Roxford St. #25, Sylmar, CA 91342.
MIGUEL AGUILAR. 13973 Simshaw Ave. Sylmar, CA 91342. This business is conducted by:
An individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name
or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Miguel Aguilar, Owner. This statement is led with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 02/01/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement
expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious
business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not
of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights
of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14,
07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1216
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014187649. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: PROTOCOL SUPERVISEDVISITATION SERVICES. 22647 Ventura Blvd #108,
Woodland Hills, CA 91364. IRINA DANKON. 22647 Ventura Blvd. #108, Woodland Hills, CA
91364. This business is conducted by: An individual. Registrant has begun to transact business
under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Miguel Aguilar, Owner.
This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/11/2014. NOTICE -
This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1217
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014186906. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: AET ENTERPRISES. 8671 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 611, Beverly Hills, CA 90211.
FARROKH TEHRANI; HOMA TEHRANI. 1049 Yale St. Santa Monica, CA 90403. This business
is conducted by: A married couple. Registrant has begun to transact business under the cti-
tious business name or names listed here on: 02/2012. Signed: Farrokh Tehrani, Owner. This
statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/10/2014. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1218
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014187401. The following person(s) is/
are doing business as: PIZZA NAPOLI. 3525 West 8th Street #208 Los Angeles, CA 90005.
GIOVANNI SATTA. 426 S. Barrington Ave. #6 Los Angeles, CA 90049. This business is con-
ducted by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business
name or names listed here on: 7/15/14. Signed: Giovanni Sata, Owner. This statement is led
with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/11/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name
statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A
new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this state-
ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation
of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P)
07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1219
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014195210. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: OR DAVID. 417 S. Arnaz Dr. #205 Los Angeles, CA 90048. ABRAHAM S.
COHEN. 417 S. Arnaz Dr. #205 Los Angeles, CA 90048. This business is conducted by: An
Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or
names listed here on: January 2005. Signed: Abraham S. Cohen, Owner. This statement is led
with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/18/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name
statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A
new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this state-
ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation
of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P)
07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1220
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014187883. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: MURANO SHADES; JOSH MURANO. 817 San Julian St #303 Los Angeles,
CA 90014. JOSHUA DADBIN. 443 S. Oakhurst Dr. #307 Beverly Hills, CA 90212.This business
is conducted by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious
business name or names listed here on: 7/11/2014. Signed: Joshua Dadbin, Owner. This state-
ment is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/11/2014. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1221
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014195245. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: RK USA; RK LIMO. 9777 Wilshire Blvd. #517 Beverly Hills, CA 90212. RIKUO
CORPORATION.9777 Wilshire Blvd. #517 Beverly Hills, CA 90212.This business is conducted
by: A Corporation. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name
or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Terri Sasaki, Secretary, Rikuo Corporation. This state-
ment is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/18/2014. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1222
File No. 2014195280
Date Filed: 07/18/2014
Name of Business: ART OF TQ. 1511 Leighton Ave.
Registered Owner: TARIKU SHIFERAW. 8655 Bedford Ave. #187 Los Angeles, CA 90045.
Current File #: 2012186151
Date: 09/17/2014
Published: 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1223
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014194495. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: CONFIDENCE INSURANCE AGENCY & R & SERVICES 8611 South
Crenshaw Blvd. #210 Inglewood CA 90305 . ASONDOH RICHARDTANGWA 3431 Club Dr. #1
LA CA 90064.This business is conducted by: An individual. Registrant has begun to transact
business under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Asondoh
Richard Tangwa, Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on: 07/18/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was
led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led
prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a
ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law
(see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1224
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014183097. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as:JIBIS GLOBAL LTD 8128 Mason Ave. Winnetka, CA 91306; P.O Box 6338 North
Hollywood CA 91603. GRACE VELASQUEZ 5229 Riverton Ave. #3 N. Hollywood CA 91601.
This business is conducted by: An individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under
the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Grace- Velasquez, Owner.
This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/08/2014. NOTICE -
This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1225
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014191176. The following person(s) is/
SOLUTIONS; GLOCAL MEDIA; GLOCAL VIDEOS 17533 Chatsworth St. Granada Hills CA
91344. INTERNATIONAL BROTHERS TRADUING INC. 23638 Lyons Ave. #171 Newhall CA
91321. This business is conducted by: A Corporation. Registrant has begun to transact business
under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Andranik Tamamian,
President. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/08/2014.
NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the
ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that
date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious
business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see
Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1226
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014190811. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: IVEY LINGBERG PRODUCTION 18339 Collins St. #5 Tarzana CA 91356.
IVANNA LINGBERG 18339 Collins St. #5 Tarzana CA 91356 . This business is conducted by:
An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or
names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Ivanna Lingberg, Owner. This statement is led with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/15/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement
expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious
business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not
of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights
of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14,
07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1227
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014190975. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: AFFORDABLE RENT-A-CAR 7544 Reseda Blvd. Unit B Reseda CA 91335.
RESEDA AUTO BODY INC. 7544 Reseda Blvd. Unit B Reseda CA 91335. This business is
conducted by: A Corporation. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious
business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed:Mohssen Salami, President, Reseda Auto
Body, Inc. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/15/2014.
NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the
ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that
date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious
business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see
Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1228
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014191166. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: VORONIN CAR SERVICES 13404 Moorpark St. #4 Sherman Oaks, CA 91923.
ALEKSANDER VORNIN 13404 Moorpark St. #4 Sherman Oaks, CA 91923 . This business
is conducted by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious
business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Aleksander Vornin, Owner,Vornin Car
Services. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/15/2014.
NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the
ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that
date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious
business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see
Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1229
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014192260. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: CERTIFIED INTERPRETERS & TRANSLATORS; CIT 22121 Clarendon
St. #632 Woodland Hills CA 91367. EFTEKHAR A. ROWHANIZADEH 23341 Schoenborn
St.West Hills CA 91304. ALBERT BAKHSHIZADEH 6920 Stanford Ave. Los angeles CA 90001.
This business is conducted by: A General Partnership. Registrant has begun to transact busi-
ness under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Eftekhar A.
Rowhanizadeh, President. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on: 07/16/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was
led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led
prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a
ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law
(see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1230
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014191722. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: OPTIMAL HEALTHCARE CENTER 1700 Cesar Chavez STE 3450 Los
Angeles, CA 90033. MARTHA E. RIVERA MD INC 1700 CESAR CHAVEZ STE 3450 Los
Angeles, CA 90033. This business is conducted by: A Corporation. Registrant has begun
to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed:
Martha E. Rivera MD, President, Martha E. Rivera MD INC. This statement is led with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/16/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement
expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious
business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not
of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights
of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14,
07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1231
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014191869. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as : NORTHERNWOOD PRODUCT DISTRIBUTORS 11904 Andasol Ave.
Granada Hills, CA 91344. STEVEN LONG 11904 Andasol Ave. Granada Hills, CA 91344 . This
business is conducted by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the
ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Steven Long, Owner. This state-
ment is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/16/2014. NOTICE - This
ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1232
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014191870. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: LOAN AMERICA FUNDING. 6100 Topanga Canyon Blvd #2120 Woodland
Hills, CA 91367. BEST CAPITAL FUNDING. 6930 Owensmouth Ave. #102 Canoga Park, CA
91303. This business is conducted by: A Corporation. Registrant has begun to transact busi-
ness under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Michael Yates,
President, Best Capital Funding. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles
County on: 07/16/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the
date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement
must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in
this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state,
or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1233
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014192147. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: G DART INVESTMENT 5402 Fallbrook Ave Woodland Hills, CA 91367.
GALINA SHEUCHENKO 5402 Fallbrook Ave Woodland Hills, CA 91367. This business is con-
ducted by :An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious busi-
ness name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Galina Sheuchenko, Owner. This statement
is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/16/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious
name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk.
A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this state-
ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation
of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P)
07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1234
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014192492. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: PSYCHIC DIANE 669 Lankershim Blvd. # A North Hollywood, CA 91606.
DIANE UWNAWICH; LARRY WAYNE 669 Lankershim Blvd. # A North Hollywood, CA 91606 .
This business is conducted by:A General Partnership. Registrant has begun to transact busi-
ness under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Diane Uwnawich,
Partner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/16/2014.
NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the
ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that
date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious
business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see
Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1235
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014192689. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as : R&M WATERPROOFING & COATINGS 11250 De Garmo Ave. Pacoima,
CA 91331. ROSA EVVIRA RODRIGUEZ 11250 De Garmo Ave. Pacoima, CA 91331 . This
business is conducted by:An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the
ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Rosa Elvira Rodriguez, Owner.
This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/16/2014. NOTICE -
This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the
county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling
of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name
in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et
seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1236
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014192949. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: JOYTI INTERNATIONAL ( USA) 9224 Willis Ave. Panorama City 91402
AFROSA SHAHEEN 9224 Willis Ave. Panorama City 91402 . This business is conducted by
:An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or
names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Afrosa Shaheen, Owner/President. This statement is led
with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/16/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name
statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A
new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this state-
ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation
of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P)
07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1237
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014192948. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: MASTER WOOD COATINGS & SUPPLIES 18819 Napa St. Northridge, CA
91324. SCORPIO LACQUERS INC. 19126 Vanowen St. Reseda, CA 91335. This business is
conducted by : A Corporation. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious
business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Leonel S. Villatoro, Owner/President.
Scorpio Lacquers Inc. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on:
07/17/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was
led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led
prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a
ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law
(see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1238
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014194847. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: GM TRANS 14185 Nordhoff St. Panorama City, CA 91402. JOSE L. MACHADO
14185 Nordhoff St. Panorama City, CA 91402 . This business is conducted by :An Individual.
Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed
here on: N/A. Signed: Jose L. Machato, Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk
of Los Angeles County on: 07/18/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve
years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14,
08/07/14, 8/14/14 1239
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014194924. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: DR. ROLAND YAKUBOV, D.D.S, DENTAL CORPORATION 2036 Lincoln
13351-D Riverside Dr. #272 Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 . This business is conducted by :A
Corporation. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name
or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Roland Yakubov, President, Dr. Roland Yakubov, D.D.S
Dental Corporation. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on:
07/18/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was
led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led
prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a
ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law
(see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1240
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014195047. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: EVER UPWARD 6124 Capistrano Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91367. PERNELL
MARSH 6124 Capistrano Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91367. This business is conducted by :An
Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or
names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Pernell Marsh, Owner. This statement is led with the County
Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/18/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires
ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14,
08/07/14, 8/14/14 1241
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014195083. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: A & W PARTY RENTAL 40573 166TH Street E Lancaster, CA 93535.
ANTONIA COLIN De. GARCIA 40573 166TH Street E Lancaster, CA 93535; REYNA FLORES
5942 Tujunga Ave. #6 North Hollywood, CA 91601. This business is conducted by: A General
Partnership. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or
names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Reyna Flores, Owner/ Partner. This statement is led with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/18/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement
expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious
business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not
of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights
of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14,
07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1242
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014194947. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: EL TROPICAL 13405 Van Nuys Blvd #B Van Nuys, CA 91331. SALVADOR
GOMEZ 6841 Woodley Ave. Van Nuys, CA 91406. This business is conducted by: An Individual.
Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed
here on: N/A. Signed: SALVADOR GOMEZ, Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk
of Los Angeles County on: 07/18/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve
years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14,
08/07/14, 8/14/14 1243
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014195407. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: VIP MOBILE SPA 23670 Park Anolorra, Calabasas, CA 91302.YANA STRAWN
23670 Park Anolorra, Calabasas, CA 91302. This business is conducted by: An Individual.
Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed
here on: N/A. Signed: Yana Strawn, Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los
July 24-July 30, 2014 Page 13
Angeles County on: 07/18/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years
from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name
statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under
federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14,
8/14/14 1244
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014195408. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: ART MOVING 23670 Park Anolorra, Calabasas, CA 91302. VADIM STRAWN
23670 Park Anolorra, Calabasas, CA 91302. This business is conducted by: An Individual.
Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed
here on: N/A. Signed: Vadim Strawn, Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los
Angeles County on: 07/18/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years
from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name
statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under
federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14,
8/14/14 1245
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014195422. The following person(s) is/are do-
20832 Roscoe Blvd. #102 Canoga Park, CA 91306. MICHELLE G. TAN 21900 Roscoe Blvd. #6
Canoga Park, CA 91306. This business is conducted by: An Individual. Registrant has begun
to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed:
Michelle G. Tan , Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on: 07/18/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the date it was
led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement must be led
prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a
ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state, or common law
(see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1246
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014195275. The following person(s) is/are
doing business as: M & Y CLEANING SERVICES. 20655 Sherman Way #22 Winnetka, CA
91306. MYNOR RODOLFO HERNANDEZ VELASQUEZ. 20655 Sherman Way #22 Winnetka,
CA 91306. This business is conducted by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact busi-
ness under the ctitious business name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Mynor Rodolfo
Hernadez Velasquez , Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk of Los Angeles
County on: 07/18/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve years from the
date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business name statement
must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in
this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal state,
or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1247
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014196431. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: 2COOL ENT. 1110 W81st Street Los Angeles, CA 90044. SERVANTO SMITH.
1110 W 81st Street Los Angeles, CA 90044. This business is conducted by: An Individual.
Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or names listed
here on: N/A. Signed: Servanto Smith, Owner. This statement is led with the County Clerk
of Los Angeles County on: 07/21/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement expires ve
years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14, 07/31/14,
08/07/14, 8/14/14 1248
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014196430. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: HIT HOUSE RECORDING STUDIO. 1110 W 81st Street Los Angeles, CA
90044. SERVANTO SMITH. 1110 W 81st Street Los Angeles, CA 90044. This business is con-
ducted by: An Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business
name or names listed here on: N/A. Signed: Servanto Smith, Owner. This statement is led
with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/21/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name
statement expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A
new ctitious business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this state-
ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation
of the rights of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P)
07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1249
Pia Anderson
21832 Lopez St. Woodland Hills, CA 91364
(310) 922-1634
Case Number: LS025265
July 11, 2014
6230 Sylmar Ave.
Van Nuys, CA 91401
PETITION OF: Ankhamen Delerme
Petitioner: Pia Anderson for a decree changing names as follows:
Present name:
Proposed name:
2. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this
court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name
should not be granted.
Date: August 8, 2014 Time: 8:30 am Dept: Q
3.A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four
successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of
general circulation, printed in this county, Beverly Hills Weekly.
Date: July 11, 2014 Signed: Richard H. Hirschner, Judge of the Superior Court
Published: 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1250
Ardy Pirnia
12221 Gorham Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90049
(310) 739-6779
Case Number: PS016251
June 26, 2014
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, County of Los Angeles North Valley District
Chatsworth Courthouse
9425 Peneld Avenue, Room 1200
Chatsworth, CA 91311
PETITION OF: Vahan Klian
Petitioner: Haik Tashchyan for a decree changing names as follows:
Present name:
Haik Tashchyan
Proposed name:
Haik Klian
2. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this
court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name
should not be granted.
Date: August 21, 2014 Time: 8:30 am Dept: F49
3.A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four
successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of
general circulation, printed in this county, Beverly Hills Weekly.
Date: June 26, 2014 Signed: Ann I. Jones, Judge of the Superior Court
Published: 07/24/14, 07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1251
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: 2014186840. The following person(s) is/are do-
ing business as: ASTRA HEALING. 26698 Country Creek Ln. Calabasas, CA 91302. ALINA
SHALEY. 26698 Country Creek Ln. Calabasas, CA 91302. This business is conducted by: An
Individual. Registrant has begun to transact business under the ctitious business name or
names listed here on: 09/09/08. Signed: Alina Shaley, Owner. This statement is led with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 07/10/2014. NOTICE - This ctitious name statement
expires ve years from the date it was led on, in the ofce of the county clerk. A new ctitious
business name statement must be led prior to that date. The ling of this statement does not
of itself authorize the use in this state of a ctitious business name in violation of the rights
of another under federal state, or common law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P) 07/24/14,
07/31/14, 08/07/14, 8/14/14 1249
AL Order No.: 730-1400276-70 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT
CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the high-
est bidder for cash, cashiers check drawn on a state
or national bank, check drawn by state or federal credit
union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings
and loan association, or savings association, or savings
bank specied in Section 5102 to the Financial Code and
authorized to do business in this state, will be held by
duly appointed trustee. The sale will be made, but without
covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding
title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remain-
ing principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of
Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided
in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed
of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of
the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial
publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to
be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day
THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. Trustor(s): Patrick Laughlin
Recorded: 8/4/2003 as Instrument No. 03 2222388 of
Ofcial Records in the ofce of the Recorder of LOS
ANGELES County, California; Date of Sale: 7/31/2014
at 9:00 A.M. Place of Sale: Behind the fountain located
in Civic Center Plaza, 400 Civic Center Plaza Pomona,
CA 91766 Amount of unpaid balance and other charges:
$155,777.91 The purported property address is: 1209 N
Legal Description: Please be advised that the legal de-
scription set forth on the Deed of Trust is in error. The
legal description of the property secured by the Deed of
Trust is more properly set forth and made part of Exhibit
A as attached hereto. Assessors Parcel No.: 5554-026-
098 The land referred to in this report is sitauted in the
city of west hollywood, county of los angeles, state of cali-
fornia, and is described as follows: A condominium com-
prised of: Parcel 1: Unit No. 3 as shown and dened in the
condominium plan recorded october 9, 1980 as instru-
ment No. 80-997697, ofcial records of the county of los
angeles, california. Parcel 2: An undivided 2.34 percent
interest as tenant in common in and to lot 1 of tract No.
35779, in the county of los angeles, state of california, as
per map recorded in book 952, pages 4 and 5 of maps,
in the ofce of the county recorder of said county. Except
units 1 to 9, 101 to 104, 201 to 211, 301 to 311, and 401
to 406, inclusive, as shown and dened on the condo-
minium plan above mentioned. Excepting all oil, gas, min-
erals and other hydrocarbon substances below a depth
of 500 feet, without rights of surface entry, as reserved in
instruments of records. Parcel 3: An exclusive easement
and right of use appurtenant to parcels 1 and 2, for park-
ing purposes, over parking space(s) 20 and 21, as shown
and dened in the condominium plan above mentioned.
Parcel 4: An exclusive easement and right of use ap-
purtenant to parcels 1 and 2, for storage purposes, over
storage space(s) 85 as shown and dened in the condo-
minium plan above mentioned. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL
BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property
lien, you should understand that there are risks involved
in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a
lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a
trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free
and clear ownership of the property. You should also be
aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior
lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are
or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to
the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear
title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the
existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may
exist on this property by contacting the county recorders
ofce or a title insurance company, either of which may
charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either
of these resources, you should be aware that the same
lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust
on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The
sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed
one or more times by the mortgagee, beneciary, trustee,
or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California
Civil Code. The law requires that information about trust-
ee sale postponements be made available to you and to
the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale.
If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been post-
poned, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date
for the sale of this property, you may call 714-573-1965
for information regarding the trustees sale or visit this
Internet Web site , using the
le number assigned to this foreclosure by the Trustee:
CA-14-609620-AL . Information about postponements
that are very short in duration or that occur close in time
to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reected in
the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The
best way to verify postponement information is to attend
the scheduled sale. The undersigned Trustee disclaims
any liability for any incorrectness of the property address
or other common designation, if any, shown herein. If no
street address or other common designation is shown,
directions to the location of the property may be obtained
by sending a written request to the beneciary within 10
days of the date of rst publication of this Notice of Sale.
If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the
successful bidders sole and exclusive remedy shall be
the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the success-
ful bidder shall have no further recourse. If the sale is set
aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be
entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser
shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the
Mortgagee, or the Mortgagees Attorney. If you have pre-
viously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may
have been released of personal liability for this loan in
which case this letter is intended to exercise the note
holders rights against the real property only. As required
by law, you are hereby notied that a negative credit re-
port reecting on your credit record may be submitted
to a credit report agency if you fail to fulll the terms of
your credit obligations. QUALITY MAY BE CONSIDERED
USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Date: Quality Loan Service
Corporation 2141 5th Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 619-
645-7711 For NON SALE information only Sale Line:
714-573-1965 Or Login to:
Reinstatement Line: (866) 645-7711 Ext 5318 Quality
Loan Service Corp. TS No.: CA-14-609620-AL IDSPub
#0067620 7/10/2014 7/17/2014 7/24/2014
CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, in the City of POMONA, County
SERVICE CORPORATION, a California corporation, as
duly appointed Trustee under that certain Deed of Trust
WOMAN, as Trustors, recorded on 11/28/2007, as
Instrument No. 20072612538, of Ofcial Records in the
ofce of the Recorder of LOS ANGELES County, State of
CALIFORNIA, under the power of sale therein contained,
BIDDER, for cash, or cashiers check (payable at the
time of sale in lawful money of the United States) without
warranty express or implied as to title, use, possession
or encumbrances, all right, title and interest conveyed to
and now held by it as such Trustee, in and to the follow-
ing described property situated in the aforesaid County
and State, to-wit: TAX PARCEL NO. 5555-003-122 From
information which the Trustee deems reliable, but for
which Trustee makes no representation or warranty, the
street address or other common designation of the above
described property is purported to be 1110 HACIENDA
Said property is being sold for the purpose of paying the
obligations secured by said Deed of Trust, including fees
and expenses of sale. The total amount of the unpaid
principal balance, interest thereon, together with reason-
ably estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time
of the initial publication of the Notice of Trustees Sale is
are considering bidding on this property lien, you should
understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a
trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the
property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction
does not automatically entitle you to free and clear own-
ership of the property. You should also be aware that the
lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the
highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsi-
ble for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned
off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You
are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and
size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property
by contacting the county recorders ofce or a title insur-
ance company, either of which may charge you a fee for
this information. If you consult either of these resources,
you should be aware that the same lender may hold
more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property.
NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown
on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more
times by the mortgagee, beneciary, trustee, or a court,
pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code.
The law requires that information about trustee sale post-
ponements be made available to you and to the public, as
a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to
learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and,
if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale
of this property, you may call 800-542-2550 for informa-
tion regarding the trustees sale or visit this Internet Web
site, using the le number assigned to
this case. Information about postponements that are very
short in duration or that occur close in time to the sched-
uled sale may not immediately be reected in the tele-
phone information or on the Internet Web site. The best
way to verify postponement information is to attend the
scheduled sale. In compliance with California Civil Code
2923.5(c), the mortgagee, trustee, beneciary, or autho-
rized agent declares: that it has contacted the borrower(s)
to assess their nancial situation and to explore options
to avoid foreclosure; or that it has made efforts to contact
the borrower(s) to assess their nancial situation and to
explore options to avoid foreclosure by one or more of
the following methods: by telephone, by United States
mail; either 1st class or certied; by overnight delivery;
by personal delivery; by e-mail; by face to face meet-
ing or the borrower has surrendered the property to the
mortgagee, trustee, beneciary, or authorized agent and
that the compliance with Civil Code Section 2923.5 was
made at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of this
Notice of Sale. Dated: 7/1/2014 REGIONAL SERVICES
200 IRVINE, CA 92602 Telephone Number: (800) 542-
2550 Sale Information: (714) 730-2727 or http://www. Federal Law requires us to notify you that
we are acting as a debt collector. If you are currently in
a bankruptcy or have received a discharge in bankruptcy
as to this obligation, this communication is intended for
informational purposes only and is not an attempt to col-
lect a debt in violation of the automatic stay or the dis-
charge injunction. A-4469707 07/10/2014, 07/17/2014,
OCEAN AVENUE WHOLESALE, a California corpora-
tion; MICHAEL SHUMER; and DOES 1 through 20, in-
ited corporation
NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide
against you without your being heard unless you respond
within 30 days. Read the information below.
You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and
legal papers are served on you to le a written response
at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A
letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written re-
sponse must be in proper legal form if you want the court
to hear your case. There may be a court form that you
can use for your response. You can nd these court forms
and more information at the California Courts Online Self-
Help Center (, your county
law library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot
pay the ling fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form.
If you do not le your response on time, you may lose the
case by default, and your wages, money, and property
may be taken without further warning from the court.
There are other legal requirements. You may want to
call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attor-
ney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If
you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free
legal services from a nonprot legal services program.
You can locate these nonprot groups at the California
Legal Services Web site (, the
California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.courtin-, or by contacting your local court or
county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory
lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or ar-
bitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The
courts lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the
case. AVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no responde den-
tro de 30 das, la corte puede decidir en su contra sin
escuchar su versin. Lea la informacin a continuacin.
Tiene 30 DAS DE CALENDARIO despus de que le
entreguen esta citacin y papeles legales para presentar
una respuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer que se
entregue una copia al demandante. Una carta o una lla-
mada telefnica no lo protegen. Su respuesta por escrito
tiene que estar en formato legal correcto si desea que
procesen su caso en la corte. Es posible que haya un for-
mulario que usted pueda usar para su respuesta. Puede
encontrar estos formularios de la corte y ms informacin
en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California (www., en la biblioteca de leyes de su condado
o en la corte que le quede ms cerca. Si no puede pagar
la cuota de presentacin, pida al secretario de la corte
que le d un formulario de exencin de pago de cuotas.
Si no presenta su respuesta a tiempo, puede perder el
caso por incumplimiento y la corte le podr quitar su
sueldo, dinero y bienes sin ms advertencia.
Hay otros requisitos legales. Es recomendable que
llame a un abogado inmediatamente. Si no conoce a un
abogado, puede llamar a un servicio de remisin a abo-
gados. Si no puede pagar a un abogado, es posible que
cumpla con los requisitos para obtener servicios legales
gratuitos de un programa de servicios legales sin nes de
lucro. Puede encontrar estos grupos sin nes de lucro en
el sitio web de California Legal Services, (www.lawhelp-, en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes
de California, ( o ponindose en
contacto con la corte o el colegio de abogados locales.
AVISO: Por ley, la corte tiene derecho a reclamar las cuo-
tas y los costos exentos por imponer un gravamen sobre
cualquier recuperacin de $10,000 ms de valor reci-
bida mediante un acuerdo o una concesin de arbitraje
en un caso de derecho civil. Tiene que pagar el gravamen
de la corte antes de que la corte pueda desechar el caso.
The name and address of the court is:
(El nombre y direccin de la corte es):
(Nmero del Caso):
County of Los Angeles, Unltd. Juris.
1725 Main Street West District
Santa Monica, CA 90401
The name, address, and telephone number of plaintiffs
attorney, or plaintiff without an attorney, is:
(El nombre, la direccin y el nmero de telfono del abo-
gado del demandante, o del demandante que no tiene
abogado, es):
Keith A. Jones, Esq. (SBN 120592) Tel (619)462-6220
9001 Grossmont Blvd., Suite 604
La Mesa, CA 91941
DATE: April 8, 2014
Clerk, by Nelly Valles
APN: 4337-006-063 TS No: CA05000366-14-1-ST TO
September 24, 2012. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO
2014 at 09:00 AM, behind the fountain located in Civic
Center Plaza, 400 Civic Center Plaza, Pomona CA
91766, MTC Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps, as the duly
Appointed Trustee, under and pursuant to the power of
sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust Recorded on
October 4, 2012 as Instrument No. 20121499520 of of-
cial records in the Ofce of the Recorder of Los Angeles
County, California, executed by JOHN DAVID ROGERS,
A SINGLE MAN, as Trustor(s), in favor of MORTGAGE
nominee for EVERBANK as Beneciary, WILL SELL AT
ful money of the United States, all payable at the time
of sale, that certain property situated in said County,
California describing the land therein as: SEE EXHIBIT
EXHIBIT A All that certain real property situated in the
County of Los Angeles, State of California, described
as follows: A Condominium comprised of: PARCEL 1:
A) An undivided 1/16th interest in and to Lot 1 of Tract
No. 37390, in the City of West Hollywood, County of
Los Angeles, State of California, as per Map recorded
in Book 953, Pages 94 and 95 of Maps, in the Ofce
of the County Recorder of said County. Except there-
from Units 101A to 108A and 201A to 208A inclusive,
as dened and delineated on a Condominium Plan re-
Page 14 Beverly Hills Weekly
corded October 26, 1981 as Instrument No. 81-1052264
of Ofcial Records and as amended May 24, 1989 as
Instrument No. 89-844093 of Ofcial Records. B) Unit
108A as dened and delineated on the Condominium
Plan recorded October 26, 1981 as Instrument No. 81-
1052264 of Ofcial Records and as amended May 24,
1989 as Instrument No. 89-844093 of Ofcial Records.
PARCEL 2: An exclusive easement, appurtenant to
Parcel 1 above, for all uses and purposes of a Parking
Area over and across that portion of Lot 1 of said Tract
No. 37390, dened as Exclusive Use Common Area 15G
and 16G, as dened and delineated on the Condominium
Plan recorded October 26, 1981 as Instrument No. 81-
1052264of Ofcial Records and as amended May 24,
1989 as Instrument No. 89-844093 of Ofcial Records.
The property heretofore described is being sold as is.
The street address and other common designation, if any,
of the real property described above is purported to be:
90069 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for
any incorrectness of the street address and other com-
mon designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be
made without covenant or warranty, express or implied,
regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the
remaining principal sum of the Note(s) secured by said
Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said
Note(s), advances if any, under the terms of the Deed
of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the
Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust.
The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obliga-
tions secured by the property to be sold and reasonable
estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of
the initial publication of this Notice of Trustees Sale is
estimated to be $393,904.44 (Estimated). However, pre-
payment premiums, accrued interest and advances will
increase this gure prior to sale. Beneciarys bid at said
sale may include all or part of said amount. In addition to
cash, the Trustee will accept a cashiers check drawn on a
state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal
credit union or a check drawn by a state or federal sav-
ings and loan association, savings association or savings
bank specied in Section 5102 of the California Financial
Code and authorized to do business in California, or other
such funds as may be acceptable to the Trustee. In the
event tender other than cash is accepted, the Trustee
may withhold the issuance of the Trustees Deed Upon
Sale until funds become available to the payee or en-
dorsee as a matter of right. The property offered for sale
excludes all funds held on account by the property re-
ceiver, if applicable. If the Trustee is unable to convey title
for any reason, the successful bidders sole and exclusive
remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee
and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse.
Notice to Potential Bidders If you are considering bidding
on this property lien, you should understand that there
are risks involved in bidding at a Trustee auction. You will
be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the
highest bid at a Trustee auction does not automatically
entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property.
You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned
off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder
at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying
off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before
you can receive clear title to the property. You are en-
couraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size
of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by
contacting the county recorders ofce or a title insurance
company, either of which may charge you a fee for this
information. If you consult either of these resources, you
should be aware that the same Lender may hold more
than one mortgage or Deed of Trust on the property.
Notice to Property Owner The sale date shown on this
Notice of Sale may be postponed one or more times by
the Mortgagee, Beneciary, Trustee, or a court, pursuant
to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law
requires that information about Trustee Sale postpone-
ments be made available to you and to the public, as a
courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to
learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if
applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of
this property, you may call Priority Posting and Publishing
at 714-573-1965 for information regarding the Trustees
Sale or visit the Internet Web site address listed below
for information regarding the sale of this property, using
the le number assigned to this case, CA05000366-14-
1-ST. Information about postponements that are very
short in duration or that occur close in time to the sched-
uled sale may not immediately be reected in the tele-
phone information or on the Internet Web site. The best
way to verify postponement information is to attend the
scheduled sale. Date: July 8, 2014 MTC Financial Inc.
dba Trustee Corps TS No. CA05000366-14-1-ST 17100
Gillette Ave Irvine, CA 92614 949-252-8300 Joseph
Barragan, Authorized Signatory SALE INFORMATION
PLEASE CALL: Priority Posting and Publishing at 714-
573-1965 MTC Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps MAY
7/24, 07/31/2014
FILE NO. 2014 186675
LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 county of: LOS ANGELES.
Registered Owner(s): JOHN YOUNG HONG, 13262 ALTA
VISTA WAY, SYLMAR, CA 91342. This Business is be-
ing conducted by a/an: INDIVIDUAL. The date registrant
commenced to transact business under the ctitious busi-
ness name or names listed above on: 7/10/2014.
I declare that all the information in this statement is true
and correct. (A registrant who declares true any material
matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and
Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false
is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a ne not to
exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).
This statement was led with the County Clerk of LOS
ANGELES County on JUL 10 2014 expires on JUL 10
Notice- In accordance with Subdivision (a) of Section
17920 a ctitious name statement generally expires at
the end of ve years from the date it was led in the of-
ce of the county clerk. Except as provided in Subdivision
(b) of Section 17920 where it expires 40 days after any
change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant
to Section 17913 other than a change in the residence
address of the registered owner. A new ctitious business
name statement must be led before either expiration.
The ling of this statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in
violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or
common law (see Section 14411 et seq., Business and
Professions Code).
LA1435496 BEVERLY HILLS WEEKLY 7/17,24,31 8/7
CASE NO. 4679-4
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the South Coast Air
Quality Management District Hearing Board will hold a
public hearing at 9:00 a.m. on TUESDAY, AUGUST 26,
2014 in the Hearing Board Room, District Headquarters,
21865 Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, California, to consider
the granting of a regular variance from Rule 1470 of the
South Coast Air Quality Management District Rules and
Regulations and the adoption of a nal compliance date
for an Internal Combustion Engine, Emergency Electric
Generator- Diesel at VENOCO, INC., 9865 WEST
90212. Rule 1470 establishes requirements for stationary
diesel-fueled internal combustion and other compression
ignition engines. Petitioner anticipates excess emissions
of Particulate Matter (PM) as a result of this variance.
The exact nature and extent of these estimated excess
emissions, as well as other potential pollutants, are to be
determined by the Hearing Board.
A copy of the petition is available for inspection at the
ofce of the Clerk of the Board, 21865 Copley Drive,
Diamond Bar, California.
Interested persons may attend and submit oral or written
statements at the hearing. Bring eight (8) copies of any
exhibits you wish to present at the hearing.
Interested persons wishing to attend the hearing should
notify the Clerk of the Board, (909) 396-2500, in order to
be notied of any changes regarding the scheduling of
the hearing.
This notice and related documents are available in alter-
native formats to assist persons with disabilities. Further,
disability-related accommodations, including aids or ser-
vices, are available to individuals who want to attend or
participate in the hearing. Please direct any requests to
the Clerk of the Board as soon as possible at 909-396-
2500 (for TTY, 909-396-3560), or by e-mail at clerkof-
DATED: July 22, 2014
BY Altheresa Rothschild
Deputy Clerk Transcriber
100- Announcements
Americans or 158 million
U.S. Adults read content
from newspaper media each
week? Discover the Power
of Newspaper Advertising.
For a free brochure call 916-
288-6011 or email cecelia@ (Cal-SCAN)


paper-generated content is
so valuable its taken and
repeated, condensed, broad-
cast, tweeted, discussed,
posted, copied, edited, and
emailed countless times
throughout the day by oth-
ers? Discover the Power of
Newspaper Advertising. For
a free brochure call 916-288-
6011 or email cecelia@cnpa.
com (Cal-SCAN)
not only does newspaper
media reach a HUGE Audi-
ence, they also reach an
Discover the Power of
Newspaper Advertising. For
a free brochure call 916-288-
6011 or email cecelia@cnpa.
com (Cal-SCAN)


CRUZ Parts, Helmets, Tires,
Saddlebags, Seats & More.
Selling without Reserve. Ship-
ping or Local Pickup. BID

115- Cemetery/
Southern Californias
Cemetery Plot Broker
Call Toll Free
(888) 918-8808
Savings up to 50% off!

Forest Lawn Glendale. 2

side by side slots in Acacia
Garden. Glendale, For-
est Lawn. $6,000.00 each
EVEN. Plots not sold
separately. Extremely low
price, great value. Call
Ralph (818)890-1020 or
cell: (818)472-0569.

Forest Lawn Hollywood

Hills. Companion Garden
Crypt/ #1731-AB. Court
of Remembrance Section.
Double vault included. For
more information, call col-
lect (918) 512-8174

Forest Lawn Cypress,

Eternal Peace Section, 2
side-by-side plots, priced
$8k, asking $4k each (949)

Forest Lawn Glendale.

Double Lot Block 2854
Harmony Section. $6,000
Call (562) 972-0798 for
more details

To place your ad, call

100-199 Announcements
105-General Services
110-Funeral Directors
130-Legal Notices
135-Beauty Aids
140-Health Aids
145-Lost Items
150-Found Items
155-School and Classes
160-Adult Entertainment
171-Elderly Care
200-299 Services
206-Appliance Repair
208-Asphalt Paving
210-Bath Tub Repair/Reglazing
212-Bookkeeping Services
214-Brush Clearing
216-Car Alarms
217-Culinary Service
222-Carpet Installation
224-Computer Repair
225-Computer Tech Support
242-Garage Doors
248-Internet Services
250-Iron Work
255-Legal Services
260-Music Instruction
264-Pet Sitting
267-Piano Tuning
272-Security Services
274-Stained Glass
278-Tree Service
282-TV/VCR/DVD Repair
284-Video Systems
288-Word Processing
300-399 Rentals
300-House Furnished
302-House Unfurnished
304-Apartments Furnished
306-For Rent
309-Recreational For Rent
312-Rentals to Share
316-Garages Storage
318-Office Space
322-Resort Property
325-For Lease
400-499 Real Estate
400-Homes For Sale
401-Real Estate
406-Mobile Homes
408-Income Property
410-Lots For Sale
414-Resort Property
416-Lakeshore Property
418-Oceanfront Property
420-Out-of-State Property
422-Real Estate Exchange
424-Real Estate Wanted
500-599 Employment
500-Employment Opportunities
501-Help Wanted
505-Work at Home
510-Employment Agencies
515-Business Services
516-Business Opportunities
520-Jobs Wanted
521-Personal Shopper
600-799 Merchandise
600-Garage Sales
610-For Sale
615-Business For Sale
710-Medical Supplies
715-Coins & Stamps
730-Musical Instruments
735-Office Furniture
800-899 Financial
800-Real Estate Loans
801-Financial Services
802-Money to Loan
804-Money Wanted
806-Mortgage & Trust
900-999 Transportation
900-Autos For Sale
905-Trucks & Vans
930-Auto Leasing
945-Personal Watercraft
950-Marine Supplies
955-Autos Wanted
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned intends to
sell the personal property described below to enforce
a lien imposed on said property pursuant to sections
21700-21716 of the business & professions code, sec-
tion 2326 of the UCC section 535 of the penal code and
provisions of the civil code.

The undersigned will sell on the 31st day of August
2014, at 11:00 A.M. on the premises where said property
has been stored and which are located at Beverly Hills
Storage 221 S. Beverly Dr. in the city of Beverly Hills,
County of Los Angeles, State of California. (Entrance
and parking is through the alley west of Beverly Drive)
Purchases must be paid for at the time of purchase in
cash only. All purchased storage units with the items
contained herein are sold on an as-is basis and must
be removed at the time of the sale. Sale is subject to
cancellation in the event of settlement between Beverly
Hills Storage Co. and obligated party.
Dated At Los Angeles, CA by
Robert Simanian/ Manager
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned intends to sell the personal property described below to
enforce a lien imposed on said property pursuant to sections 21700-21716 of the business &
professions code, section 2326 of the UCC section 535 of the penal code and provisions of the civil

The undersigned will sell on the 31st day of August 2014, at 11:00 A.M. on the premises where said
property has been stored and which are located at Beverly Hills Storage 221 S. Beverly Dr. in the city
of Beverly Hills, County of Los Angeles, State of California. (Entrance and parking is through the alley
west of Beverly Drive)

Niknam Elias Nik personal goods
Christopher David 215 N Personal goods $1,150
Paul Ebelina T Personal goods $1,900
Arthur Balagula 2I
Goods $693
doina Tangreanu 512 N Personal goods $1,450
investments art/
Dan Tepper
313 N personal goods
Etika Mesulama 508 N Personal goods $950
Marie L Korn 613 1/2 Personal goods $1,070
Sonnya Halloway
2 L
Goods $1,440

Purchases must be paid for at the time of purchase in cash only. All purchased storage units with the
items contained herein are sold on an as-is basis and must be removed at the time of the sale. Sale
is subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between Beverly Hills Storage Co. and obligated
Dated At Los Angeles, CA
Robert Simanian/
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned intends to sell the personal property described below to
enforce a lien imposed on said property pursuant to sections 21700-21716 of the business &
professions code, section 2326 of the UCC section 535 of the penal code and provisions of the civil

The undersigned will sell on the 31st day of August 2014, at 11:00 A.M. on the premises where said
property has been stored and which are located at Beverly Hills Storage 221 S. Beverly Dr. in the city
of Beverly Hills, County of Los Angeles, State of California. (Entrance and parking is through the alley
west of Beverly Drive)

Niknam Elias Nik personal goods
Christopher David 215 N Personal goods $1,150
Paul Ebelina T Personal goods $1,900
Arthur Balagula 2I
Goods $693
doina Tangreanu 512 N Personal goods $1,450
investments art/
Dan Tepper
313 N personal goods
Etika Mesulama 508 N Personal goods $950
Marie L Korn 613 1/2 Personal goods $1,070
Sonnya Halloway
2 L
Goods $1,440

Purchases must be paid for at the time of purchase in cash only. All purchased storage units with the
items contained herein are sold on an as-is basis and must be removed at the time of the sale. Sale
is subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between Beverly Hills Storage Co. and obligated
Dated At Los Angeles, CA
Robert Simanian/
July 24-July 30, 2014 Page 15
Rancho Palos Verdes .
One Cemetery Plot. Grace
Lawn Section . Asking
$8,500 obo (816) 604-7323

Green Hills Rancho Palos

Verdes. Eventide Terrace
Plot 85 Space B. One plot,
2 interments. Retails for
$11,500, Asking $8,000 or
best offer. (310) 291-8314

Hillside Memorial Park,

Canaan section. On Hill-
side, single lot 2 Privileges.
Will split Transfer $500.
$15,000.00. (949) 400-

Home of Peace Cemetery,

Whittier CA. Court of King
David. G-C-A Crypts #101
A&B $8,000 OBO. Jack
(213) 280-5417

Inglewood Park Cemetery,

2 side-by-side burial plots
located in Holly Garden
$4,000 each. PRICE
NEGOTIABLE (661) 910-

Mt Sinai Memorial Park

. Single Plot on Gentle
Slope. $5950 OBO. Cem-
etery price: $8,400. (435)


RIAL PARK. Single Burial
Plot Convertible to Double
in Pacifc View Memorial
Park. Cedar Lawn Jewish
Section, Corona del Mar.
Asking $10,500 OBO.
Contract includes opening
and closing. Please call
(949) 854-3808.

Rose Hills Memorial Park.

Three cemetery plots are
available. Each plot is
discounted to $2900. If
interested call (530) 873-

Rare, prime location, 4 side

by side cemetery plots in
the terrace of faith section
in Rose Hills. $13,000.
(909) 938-6722.

RIAL PARK. 2 Beautiful
Plots at Westminster Me-
morial Park worth $8,795
each. Make a reasonable
offer. Please call (562)627-

Westminster Memorial
Park. Two side-by-side
plots in the very desir-
able Garden Of The Good
Shepard area: Section 28,
Lot 883, Spaces 3 & 4. If
one could still purchase
plots in this older, estab-
lished section of West-
minster Memorial, they
would sell for $17,530.
Our family would be happy
to consider ANY/ALL
OFFERS. Please call (801)

125- Personals
NOW! No paid opera-
tors, just real people like
you. Browse greetings,
exchange messages and
connect live. Try it free.
Call now (800) 945-3392.
140-Health Aids
Safe Step Walk-In Tub
- Alert for Seniors. Bath-
room falls can be fatal. Ap-
proved by Arthritis Foun-
dation. Therapeutic Jets.
Less Than 4 Inch Step-In.
Wide Door. Anti-Slip
Floors. American Made.
Installation Included. Call
800-799-4811 for $750
Off. (Cal-SCAN)

MEDS / Viagra - Cialis
Levitra / USA Pharmacies
/ Telemedicine Physicians
/ Overnight Shipping
Available / Trusted Since
1998 / 800-951-6337 /
5% using code: CAL14 /
Coupon exp. 12.31.2014 /

Canada Drug Center is

your choice for safe and
affordable medications.
Our licensed Canadian
mail order pharmacy will
provide you with savings
of up to 75 percent on all
your medication needs.
Call today 1-800-273-0209
for $10.00 off your frst
prescription and free ship-
ping. (Cal-SCAN)


LOSS! Phentrazine 37.5,
a once daily appetite sup-
pressant, boosts energy and
burns fat. 60 day supply
- only $59.95! To order,
call 1-800-561-9814 (CalS-
I am a caregiver to the
elderly. 20 years of experi-
ence, good references.
Reliable, honest & kind. I
dont drive, so live-in only.
5-7 days/wk. Tessie (818)

Gentle, live-in care provid-

ers available. Male couple.
One European trained
physical therapist with
Masters degree, skilled in
the art of patient care. One
MBA adept in the adminis-
trative needs required with
Drs/Ins/SS/Medicare. Both
caring and compassion-
ate. Excellent cooks. (310)
222- Carpet Cleaning
JJ carpet cleaning- Two
rooms for $55.00 steam
cleaning, deep cleaning,
odor control. Call Jorje at
(323) 388-6296 or (562)
236- Electrical
Panel upgrades, Trouble
shooting, Any electrical
problems, Recess lighting,
Install new breakers, Land-
scaping lighting, Custom
lighting design, Trustwor-
thy, reliable and on budget
(310) 930-0484
241- Flooring
A-1 Flooring. Hardwood
Floors, Repairs, Carpentry
and Drywall services. I
have 30 years of experi-
ence! Free estimates. (310)
415-7194 or (310) 371-
9747 Lic#262771
DISH TV Retailer. Start-
ing at $19.99/month (for
12 mos.) & High Speed
Internet starting at $14.95/
month (where available.)
SAVE! Ask About SAME
DAY Installation! CALL
Now! (800) 357-0810 (Cal-

DirectTV 2 Year Savings

Event! Over 140 chan-
nels only $29.99 a month.
Only DirecTV gives you
2 YEARS of savings and
a FREE Genie upgrade!
Call 1-800-291-0350 (Cal-

263- Pets
DOGS. Born May 26.
2014. Three males and
three females! Sire: Ameri-
can Kennel. $1,800. (626)

Diva Dogz Mobile Pet

Professional dog & cat
grooming at your home or
$5 off frst time customers
Convenient, no plug-ins to
your home necessary
(661) 312-9229


Raised, Hand Delivered.
Best health guarantee. (262)

4 Beautiful French Bull-

dogs for sale. Starting from
$2000 to $5000. Up to date
on shots. Have all of their
papers. Full-blooded AKC.
Call Jesse at (818)257-
278-Tree Service
Tree trimming, removals,
stump grinding. Licensed
contractor #684741 (Up-
dated & correct license
number). Bonded and in-
sured. Free estimates. (818)

Albertos Gardening
Services. We do hedging
and trim bushes. Front and
back yard services. Weekly
or twice a month services.
Alberto (323) 842-9786
280- Tutoring
Spanish and French profes-
sor for scholars. All Ages.
Call Luisa (310) 999-1305
Elementary and middle
school tutor in all subjects
from BHHS scholars grad-
uate. For more information
call (310) 500-0846
410-Lots for Sale
PER MONTH! Secluded
northern AZ wilderness
at cool-clear 6,200 elev.
Quiet & peaceful with
sweeping overlook views
from prime cabin sites
along evergreen wooded
ridge top. Rock forma-
tions and grassy meadows
below. Prime groundwater
area/ garden loam soil/
near small town services
and national forest lakes.
RVs ok, $22,500. $2,250
down, Guaranteed seller
fnancing. Photo brochure,
maps weather & area info
1st United 800.966.6690
501- Help Wanted
Customer service and sales
representative needed.
Email etiquette and good
verbal skills required.
Profession in QuickBooks.
Send resume to alconlight-

ATTN: Drivers! 60 Years
of Stability. Up to 50 cpm
+ Quality Hometime.
$1000 weekly. CDL-A
Required. 877-258-8782. (Cal-

Drivers : CDL-A Train and

Work for Us! Professional,
focused CDL training
available. Choose Compa-
ny Driver, Owner Operator,
Lease Operator or Lease
Trainer. (877) 369-7126
www.CentralTruckDriving- (Cal-SCAN)

Truck Drivers - Obtain

Class A CDL in 2 weeks.
Company Sponsored Train-
ing. Also Hiring Recent
Truck School Graduates,
Experienced Drivers. Must
be 21 or Older. Call: (866)
275-2349 (Cal-SCAN)
OWN YOUR own Medi-
cal Alert Company. Be the
1st and only Distributor
in your area! Unlimited $
return. Small investment
required. Call toll free
1-844-225-1200. (CalS-
517-Wanted to Buy
BOOKS: Pre-1975, sports,
non-sports cards, original
art & movie memorabilia
lector/Investor, paying
cash! Call MIKE: 800-273-
0312 mikecarbo@gmail.
com (Cal-SCAN)

520- Jobs Wanted

Part-time assistant avail-
able for rent trade ex-
change. In home concierge,
all aspects of home man-
agement. Contact Kathryn
(310) 592-3090 gk77999@

A-LIST caregiver/com-
panion/personal assistant,
when only the best is
required. Well organized,
reliable, and trustworthy.
All around great cook. Call
(213) 807-3316
801-Financial Services
Are you in BIG trouble
with the IRS? Stop wage &
bank levies, liens & audits,
unfled tax returns, pay-
roll issues, & resolve tax
debt FAST. Seen on CNN.
A BBB. Call 1-800-761-
5395. (Cal-SCAN)

Do you owe over $10,000

to the IRS or State in back
taxes? Get tax relief now!
Call BlueTax, the nations
full service tax solution
frm. 800-393-6403. (Cal-

Is Your Identity Protected?

It is our promise to provide
the most comprehensive
identity theft prevention
and response products
available! Call Today for
1-800-908-5194. (Cal-

Reduce Your Past Tax Bill

by as much as 75 Percent.
Stop Levies, Liens and
Wage Garnishments. Call
The Tax DR Now to see if
you Qualify. 1-800-498-
1067. (Cal-SCAN)

BLIND. Free 3 Day Vaca-
tion, Tax Deductible, Free
Towing, All Paperwork
Taken Care Of. 800-731-
5042. (Cal-SCAN)
DBA with
310 887-0788
Beverly Hills
Page 16 Beverly Hills Weekly



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