Project Idea: Day-Care and Crèche Services - Objective: A Competent Business Through A Compassionate Action

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Project Idea: Day-care and Crche services

Objective : A competent business through a compassionate action

Background : The facet of the African womanhood that represented the lady of the house
image is fast fading as they are seeking avenues of regular remuneration or investing their
entrepreneurial instincts. This trend has greatly fuelled the need for convenience services of
late. Infant care units and crche services demand significant priority among the same. These
services have gained tremendous momentum in the recent past, across the world, on account of
its widely acknowledged contribution to the intellectual development of the kids at an early
age. Adding flavour to the aspect, these services can be operated with minimal investment.
Crche services mainly cater to the kids of the pre-kindergarten age where they are provided
care from a comprehensive perspective and provided with pre-school education as well.

1. Rapid urbanization The urban population of Africa has bypassed that of India and is in
the immediate vicinity of Chinas figures. Urbanization is the most conducive
atmosphere for convenience service to bloom and blossom.
2. Increasing participation of African mothers in the workforce - African women are
steadily climbing the upper rungs of education and have subsequently displayed more of
their professional dimension in the recent past. Financial self-sufficiency is part and
parcel of their aspirations now. Moreover, present economic scenario places great
weight on two working parents for a better standard of living.
3. High birth rate The population rate of Africa hasnt shown any signs of disengagement
from the accelerator pedal so far. It is growing at a rate throwing alert symbols in
comparison to that of the rest of the world. In business terms and on a lighter vein, a
steady source of raw materials is guaranteed!
4. Springing admiration for preschool learning As observed from the great emphasis
placed by the West on preschool learning (that occupied a place in Obamas pre-election
campaign as well!), the world is accepting and acknowledging the need of childcare
centres, so is Africa.
5. A guard against child abuse Unauthorized babysitting and caretakers are in no way a
reprieve to the reasonable fears of the working parents, mainly in context of the
disparagingly high rate of child abuse and violence in Africa.
1. Regulatory Compliance Many African countries have geared up their rules in context
of rising rates of child abuse. The laws of the land should be analysed and be strictly
complied with before taking the first step.
2. Suitable location A clean and hygienic environment is a prerequisite for the business
as kids display great sensitivity and vulnerability towards diseases.
3. Reliable Staff Local population, adept and trustworthy, can be hired for the purpose
and this avenue of employment shall promote the goodwill of the business as well.
4. Competent Curriculum- A curriculum at par with international standards should be
developed and administered.
Path Ahead
There are praiseworthy organizations and Nongovernmental organizations in the world that are
committed to child care. They can embark on the business of childcare by offering a networked
and consolidated concern across Africa. As a mission with foresightful intent and noble impact,
the enterprise shall for sure attract lenient consideration and subsidies from the governments.
The mission, if implemented, shall not only ameliorate the economy through women
employment but also through building up a future generation with prosperous prospects.
An example of this kind has been Children of the world India (CWI) headquartered in
Pondicherry, a subsidiary of enfantedumaunde France, who has been offering child care services
to migrant construction workers of Chennai in partnership with HIRCO developments..

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