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MySide is a non-profit magzine How to use it: Reading Selectively or Extensively the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy

which offers a proven-and enjoyable- way deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able
to practice speaking English skills. Here’s Once famous English philosopher to content." Therefore, reading widely is
how it works: 双元音饱满、短元音收腹、咬舌、咬唇、连 Francis Bacon said, "Reading makes a full necessary for a full man.
读略读 man", which means that anyone who In my viewpoint, we should read both
wants to be a full man must keep on selectively and extensively. The two
reading. But books are of various kinds and reading ways have their respective roles in
三最口腔肌肉训练 different contents. Then how to read? our reading. We can read selectively for
最大声 Some people say that we should read specialized knowledge, or read widely for
最快速 selectively. They believe that it is not how general information. Therefore, the
much one reads but what he reads that combination of the two methods is more
really counts. Since we have no enough reasonable.
一口气训练 time to read all kinds of books, we should
MySide focuses on practice. 深吸一口气,在一口气内尽量多遍数重复
read selectively to achieve a high 举一反三
A little practice everyday, you can be a efficiency, reading only those that are
communication expert in one year. The useful to our majors and future works. Only 1. it is not how much one reads but
magzine consisits 3 main parts: by this way can we make full use of our what he reads .
1 article time, and gain more practical knowledge. 2. Only by this way can we make
3 sentence patterns However, others claim that reading full use of our time.
6 words extensively is a better choice. In their 3. I enjoy reading.
It ‘s published weekly, and can be opinions, different books are of different
downloaded every Tuesday at uses. Just like Bacon mentioned, "Histories make men wise;poets witty;
.1. .2. .3. .4.
.6. .5.



A little practice everyday! 6. Could I have a menu, please?

MySide “3”,即三个阶段

练习成就能力 Practice makes perfect.

分享创造知识 Sharing creates knowledge.
5. I'm starving.
4. My order hasn't come yet. .
3. Do you have any local specialties?
第3 期 “1”,即一个理念
2. They believe reading is necessary .
136英语口语俱乐部简介: 1. Jack is a famous English teacher.

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