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The Christian worldview, coming from the Biblical teaching, creates a framework though which

Christians interpret the surrounding world and their interactions with it. This descriptive model
of the world, is composed by varying other informational outlets. More specifically it poses
ethical, praxeological, epistemological and etiological questions and their respective answers.
This all-encompassing guidebook denotes and define what is wrong or right, the theory of
actions, where are we and what we are, as well as the deconstruction and analysis of the
beginning and making of the world.

One of the many aspect of Christian theological inclinations, is the genesis process of the world
as well as its functioning as an organism. This, the natural world, was created by God as a vessel
for humans to enjoy, live and reproduce while keeping a strict relationship with God. This
intimate connection with the Creator, makes humans happier, sinless and in touch with their
inner spirituality, it draws them near to God. Even though God keeps his work a mystery, and
reveals Himself in the most subtle way, humans should and must understand his presence, power
and will in his magnificent creations. In the verse For since the creation of the world Gods
invisible qualitieshis eternal power and divine naturehave been clearly seen, being
understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. (Romans 1:20) it is
made clear that the line between the religious and the irreligious man lies in his understanding of
the immense work of God, which is omnipresent and clearly discernable.

The human identity can be morphed by the actions that men and women take part in, something
that is shown in Romans 1-8 through the impersonation of the Romans as the sinful and the Jews
as the people of God. God gave lustful, sinful desires to the same pagans and romans that
deliberately ignored the signs of the existence of the creator, in turn worshiping animals, objects
and fake Gods. These self-destroying and soul crunching desires, pushed the romans to deviate
morally and bodily, through deprived sexual practices. They readily accepted lies instead of the
truth, they put blind eyes on the will of god, and thus Even their women exchanged natural
sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations
with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with
other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. (Romans 1:26-29). Greed,
wickedness and evil reigned brining destruction, corruption and immorality throughout the
roman world. Murder, malice and insolence brought by haters of God, brought disobeying
children, and the degradation of the human soul.

These modulated traits of humanity, have a butterfly effect on the human relationships and
connections. The gossiping and talking behind the back, hate and murder all stem from the basic
insolence of the human soul, intrepid enough to leave the warm appreciation of God, and venture
into sin. To this day this effect can be seen through the huge number of marriages ending in
divorce, through the rise of sexual perversion, immoral behavior, corruption and all things evil
that inhabit our planet and pollute our existence. Drug abuse as well as deviant general behavior
is rampant, breaking down the very fabric on which our society was built on. All this is a
deviation from the normal, God-given route of spiritual loving and enlightenment.

These passages from the Bible, tell a cautionary tale in the prospect of the romans and the Jews,
representing the God-less and the God-followers, who lived in the same districts but had
completely different cultural evolution up to that point. The romans indulged in the sins of the
flesh, while the Jews readily and devoutly kept their relationship with God. The difference was
obvious as the romans degraded their bodies, cities and society until their eyes were opened with
the tale of Jesus Christ, the son of God, who had sacrificed himself for the sins of humans, who
were too blind to recognize the perfection of Gods work. To this day depravity and sin, till
engulf our society bringing instability and the mark of all that is evil, like a Luciferian seal,
merging in with the very soul of our human social construct.
As a conclusion it is obvious that God has given to humans the greatest gifts of all, and then has
absolved them from sin by sacrificing his own son to our misbehavior. This along with the
perfection of our world, the immense beauty and thin balance of our existence. In this spectrum,
all that is sinful and all that puts humans away from what God reserved from them is blasphemic
and crime towards God. In the same light it has to be said that not understanding and
appreciating the work of the creator opens up the gates to sin. If sin is taken upon ourselves, our
society will crumble, and the effects of such pretentious behavior will spread more and more
through the world.

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