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Engl i sh 2012

Sampler Control Unit SCU-5600

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SCU-5600 Operation Manual
1 Introduction to Sampler Control Unit SCU-5600 ................................................3
1.1 Sampling sequence ................................................................................6
1.2 SCU-5600 parameters ...........................................................................8
1.3 Using SCU-5600 .....................................................................................8
1.4 Emergency stop buttons .........................................................................8
2 SCU-5600 remote control ....................................................................................9
2.1 Courier xi control.....................................................................................9
2.1.1 Description of the SCU-5600 sampling sequence .................................. 10
2.1.2 Defining parameters in association to Courier xi control ........................ 11
3 Operator controls .............................................................................................. 14
3.1 Home.................................................................................................... 15
3.2 Alarms .................................................................................................. 17
3.3 Sequence control .................................................................................. 18
4 Configuration tools............................................................................................ 20
4.1 Timing .................................................................................................. 20
4.2 Presets ................................................................................................. 22
4.3 Device parameters ................................................................................ 23
5 Maintenance tools ............................................................................................. 25
5.1 Settings ................................................................................................ 25
5.2 Inputs ................................................................................................... 27
5.3 Outputs ................................................................................................. 28
5.4 Trends .................................................................................................. 29
6 Approvals and version history.......................................................................... 30

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SCU-5600 Operation Manual
1 Introduction to Sampler Control Unit SCU-5600
This manual contains instructions on how to operate and configure Sampler Control Unit
SCU-5600. The document is valid for SCU-5600 program version 1.1.
Figures 1-2 present typical installations of stand-alone sampling systems with SCU-
In figure 1 MSA (Metallurgical Sampler Assembly) is the primary sampler and LMC 80 is
the secondary sampler. The MSA Sampler operation is based on a combination of static
cutter stages and moving cross cutter stage that produces the sample for the secondary
sampler LMC 80. The number of cutter stages, like number of samplers, depends on
the process flow rate the bigger the process flow rate is the more cutter stages are
needed to produce a suitable amount of sample.
In figure 2 Linear Moving Cutter sampler LMC is used as a primary sampler for taking a
sample. When process flow rate is small enough secondary sampler is not needed.
The SCU-5600 controls the operation of primary and secondary samplers based on
user defined, preset control sequence. After each sampling samplers and sample line
are flushed in order to prevent samplers from getting dirty and sample line from

Figure 1. Typical installation of SCU-5600 with MSA primary sampler, LMC secondary sampler
and two VBS 5140.2 (Valve Box Set)

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Figure 2. Typical installation of SCU-5600 with LMC 80 sampler and VBS 5140.2.
Depending on the defined device configuration and presets, layout of the SCU-5600
displays can vary. As in Figure 2 type of installation secondary sampler does not exist
and all the fields and buttons concerning secondary sampling are hidden on SCU-5600

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SCU-5600 main components
SCU-5600 consists of the following components:
Electrical box
Installation base
Main switch
Emergency stop buttons

1 Electrical box
2 PLC + I/O
3 Profibus DP
4 DC Power
5 Operator panel
6 Emergency stop
7 Mains switch
8 Installation base
Figure 3. SCU-5600 main components
El ectri cal box
The electrical box conforms to IP57 / NEMA 4X environmental standards. The electrical
box consists of:
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) with flash memory containing the necessary
programs for the station.
Profibus DP/DP coupler interface for connecting SCU-5600 to the automation
Digital input and output modules for cylinder and valve control and other I/O.
Analog input module (for future use).

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Terminals, for example, for power connection, I/O signal cables and grounding.
Power-line surge arresters, fuses and 100-240VAC to 24VDC instrument power
Operator panel with 6 touch-screen.
Installation base
The installation base is a stand-alone which is designed to ease the installation of the
SCU-5600. The installation base is attached to the electrical box. If necessary, the
installation base can be detached from the electrical box.
Furthermore, the installation base can be used as a cover protecting the instrument,
communications and power cables entering the SCU-5600 electrical box.
Mai n switch
The main switch is located on front of the SCU-5600.
Emergency stop buttons
One emergency stop button is located on side of the SCU-5600 and another one next to
primary sampler.
1.1 Sampling sequence
Sampling sequence and its tasks are described in figure 4 and 5. Depending on the
defined device configuration and parameters, the sampling sequence can vary. Time
parameters T1-T5 are described in chapter 4.1 Timing.

Figure 4. Sampling sequence with two samplers.

Prim. Sampler
flushing T5 T2
Delay time


Sec. Sampler

sampling T3

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Figure 5. Sampling sequence with one sampler.
Samplers and sampler line are flushed immediately after sampling sequence start or
stop command as presented in figures 6 and 7.

Figure 6. Initializing sequence with two samplers. Primary sampling starts after delay time T1
from start command.

Figure 7. Shut down sequence with two samplers.

Stop command
Start command
Delay time


Prim. Sampler
Sec. Sampler

Prim. Sampler
Delay time

Sec. Sampler

Sampl ing sequence continues
like in Figure 4.

Prim. Sampler
T2 T4
Delay time



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1.2 SCU-5600 parameters
SCU-5600 has three types of parameters, which have to be defined to run the sampling
and flushing sequences properly.
Operator controls (Chapter 3)
- The user can monitor sampling sequence and use the basic controls such as
run mode and sampling sequence control. Password is not required.
Configuration tools (Chapter 4)
- The user can configure the sampling sequence. Password is required.
Maintenance tools (Chapter 5)
- The user can specify device parameters, test I/O and monitor the cylinders
condition if cylinder limit switches exists. Password is required.
1.3 Using SCU-5600
SCU-5600 is a touch-screen. Use finger or pointing device when working with the panel.
The intended action takes place immediately. The keyboard is shown when for example
setting values for the parameters. Type the value and press enter to confirm the setting.
Do not use any pointing device with sharp or abrasive edges. Since the touch-screen
is made of durable plastics material, scratches may eventually make the surface
opaque and unreadable.
1.4 Emergency stop buttons
Installation includes two emergency stop buttons. One emergency stop button is located
on side of the SCU-5600 and another one next to primary sampler.
Pushing emergency stop button turns off pressure from the primary and secondary
sampler cylinders. This functionality is based on hard wiring between SCU-5600 and
VBS (Valve Box Set).
Emergency stop has to be reset in order to enable start sampling sequence again.
Emergency stop reset procedure is described below.
1. Release pushed emergency stop buttons.
2. Push emergency stop reset button which is located inside SCU-5600 box.

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2 SCU-5600 remote control
Remote connection type can be either I/O or Profibus DP. Detailed information about
parameterization is presented in chapters 4.2 Presets and 3.3 Sequence control.
I/O Connecti on
I/O Module #.
Channel #
Signal description Val ues SCU-5600
1.0 Start sampling
sequence with pulse
Start =pulse Input
1.1 Stop sampling
sequence with pulse
Stop =pulse Input
2.3 Start/Stop sampling
sequence with
continuous signal
Start =1, Stop =0 Input
4.4 Sampler OK for remote
1 =OK Output
4.5 Sampling is running 1 =Running Output
4.7 General alarm 1 =Alarm Output
Profibus DP connection
The Profibus DP/DP coupler connects SCU-5600 to the Profibus DP Master controller
of the automation system. It is required to configure the DP/DP coupler as a slave
module on the DP Master controller. Use the GSD file (si018070.gse) for configuration.
For more information about the connection details, refer to SCU-5600 Connection to
Automation System.
2.1 Courier xi control
Courier xi control of SCU-5600 is considered as I/O remote connection. The principle is
that Courier xi sends a sampling request to SCU-5600 (Start/Stop=1). The request from
the Courier xi initiates a sampling sequence. As a result of the sampling sequence the
sample is delivered to Courier xi slurry multiplexer at the moment analyzer needs it for
After initiated the timing of the sampling sequence is purely maintained by the SCU-
5600, so Courier xi does not control it. In case Courier xi does not have enough sample
for the measurement it will report an event No flow for the process sample and will
continue to measurement of the next process sample.
There are two monitoring feedback signals from SCU-5600 to Courier xi, which are
utilized for failure purposes. Those are Sampler OK for remote control (1=OK) and

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General Alarm (1=Alarm). In case one of those indicates a failure Courier xi will set the
process sample line into failure state and measurements of that sample line are
Checking Ext fail
In this chapter the signal names are expressed by the names as they are used in
Courier xi control.
Before issuing a sample start command Courier xi checks the status of SCU-5600
controller. This is checking the status of Ext sample delivery fail signal.
SCU-5600 returns Ext sample delivery fail 1 (Notice! Inverted in Courier xi
configuration) when configured into Sampler in Remote Control I/O state. In case the
condition is not true Courier xi will return PSDL name Ext sync error event and
sampling is canceled.
Waiting Ext sample running
Purpose of this step is to monitor that primary samplers operate properly and provide
sample flow for X-Ray measurement.
SCU-5600 returns Ext sample delivery fail 1 (Notice! Inverted in Courier xi
configuration) when configured into Sampler in remote control I/O state and Ext.
sample delivery alarm 0 when Emergency Shut Off valve of the SCU-5600 is not
In case a failure of Ext sample delivery fail signal is detected Courier xi will return
PSDL name ext fail event. In case a failure of Ext sample delivery alarm signal is
detected Courier xi will return PSDL name ext alarm event.
Mai ntaining the process sample flow and stopping the measurement
The status of Ext sample delivery fail and Ext. sample delivery alarm signals are
In case a failure of Ext sample delivery fail signal is detected Courier xi will return
PSDL name ext fail event. In case a failure of Ext sample delivery alarm signal is
detected Courier xi will return PSDL name ext alarm event.
2.1.1 Description of the SCU-5600 sampling sequence
The sampling sequence of SCU-5600, when both primary sampler and secondary
sampler are used, is shown in figure 8. The sequence for only one sampler is shown in
figure 9. Each step of the sequence can be parameterized for site specific requirements.
For parameters of SCU-5600 refer later in this manual. Courier xi parameters are
described in this chapter of the manual.

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When Courier xi indicates an active start signal the sequence of SCU-5600 starts with
flushing of the primary sampler and secondary sampler. This also primes the sample
delivery line for the slurry sample flow. Primary sampling starts after delay time T1
from Courier xi active start signal. Prewash is completed before Primary sampling in
case it utilized. Duration of flushes, delays and prewash has to be set so that they are
completed in a period of delay time T1.

Figure 8. Sampling sequence with two samplers. Primary sampling starts after delay time T1
from start command.

Figure 9. Sampling sequence with one sampler. Primary sampling starts after delay time T1
from start command.
Duration of flushes, delays and prewash has to be set so that they are completed in a
period of delay time T1.
2.1.2 Defining parameters in association to Courier xi control
Parameter set up princi pals
When defining the timing parameters either at SCU-5600 or at Courier xi one must be
aware of the delivery time required for sample transportation from process sampler to
Courier xi slurry multiplexer. This must be timed at the plant as the sample
transportation time is site specific.
T5 T5
Prim. Sampler
Delay time


Sec. Sampler

Prim. Sampler
Sec. Sampler

Start command from
Courier xi
Stop command from
Courier xi
Prim. Sampler
Delay time


Prim. Sampler
Start command from
Courier xi
Stop command from
Courier xi

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When determine that time rather set it too long than too short as failure may result in not
having process sample for X-Ray measurement when needed.
Define the number On/Off cycles for the process sampler (both primary and secondary
sampler) cutter high enough so that it will cover the time of Courier xi X-Ray
measurement as well. You do not need to worry about setting it too long as SCU-5600
will stop the sampling sequence anyway at the moment Courier xi drops Start/Stop
signal to Start/Stop=0.
PSF parameter definition sheet
The concerned sample line must be defined as controlled. The ID for the parameter is
[p PSF: controlled_by] and that must be set to value 2.
We must define which Process Sample Delivery Line (PSDL) is used for the Process
Sample Flow (PSF). The ID for the parameter is [p PSF: PSDL_Nbr]. The value of the
parameter is the number of the used PSDL.
We must define that starting time of externally controlled sampling ie. start of SCU-5600
sequence to initiate (Start/Stop=1) early enough, so that the slurry is ready at the
slurry multiplexer for the X-Ray measurement at moment it starts.
For this purpose we use two parameters at PSDL parameter definition sheet. The IDs
for the parameter are [p PSF: sd_ext_start-time] and [p PSF: sd_ext_ready_est-
ti me]. Both parameters can be set to the same value. Practically the parameter value
can be calculated by summing up the time used for the steps shown under:
T1 +Sample transportation time to slurry multiplexer.
Duration of flushes, delays and prewash has to be set so that they are completed in a
period of delay time T1. See figure 8.
You do not need to define the time how long (Start/Stop) signal stays active (1) as
Courier xi will automatically drop it to 0 (Start/Stop=0) after X-ray measurement has
been completed.
After Courier xi stops the measurement (Start/Stop=0) the sampling control still keeps
the process sample flow resource reserved until the time defined in parameter [p PSF:
sd_ext_stop_delay] of Courier xi configuration is passed.
The parameter value can be calculated by summing up the time used for the steps
shown under:
Primary sampling flushing +T5 +Secondary sampler flushing.

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PSDL parameter definition sheet
We must define the used Process Sample Delivery Line (PSDL) to be externally
controlled. The ID for the parameter is [p PSDL: Type] and that must be set to value
1 ie. external control.
For proper operation monitoring purpose we will define the Sampler OK for remote
control (1=OK) and General Alarm (1=Alarm) status signals to be used by Courier xi.
The IDs for the parameter are
[p PSDL: Ext_fail_li_in_use] and [p PSDL: Ext_al rm_li_in_use]. Both parameters
are set to value 1.
Vi rtual I/O and Physical I/O parameter definition sheets
You must define which physical inputs and output is used for I/O signals at Courier xi.
That will be done according the to the wiring plan of the associated project engineering.
SCU-5600 signal Sampler in remote control I/O ie. Ext sample delivery fail must
be inverted at Courier xi configuration as otherwise Courier xi will understand it as
failure state.
I/O signals used by Courier xi control
The control signal are described in table below.
Courier xi
Use of the signal Courier xi
Sampler OK
for remote
Signal is indication to Courier xi
control that SCU-5600 is
properly configured for remote
I/O control state.
This signal will become active
in case there is active alarm at
Start/Stop Start/Stop Courier xi indicates active
Start/Stop=1 when it starts the
SCU-5600 sequence. Courier xi
indicates not active
Start/Stop=0 when no more
sample is needed for X-ray

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3 Operator controls
The user can monitor the sampling and flushing sequences. Furthermore, the user can
use the basic controls concerning run mode (remote/local) and sampling sequence
control. Password is not required when using these controls. Operator controls consist
of the following displays:
Sequence control
Depending on the defined device parameterization and presets, layout of the displays
can vary.
The home display is a starting point when using SCU-5600. The SCU-5600 status is
shown on the top of the display. The alarm icon and Error field are shown when an
alarm occurs. It is possible to move the alarm icon to the other location on the display
by dragging it.

Figure 10. Status indications

1 2 3

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Shows the current mode. Possible modes:
Remote (PB) (Remote control via Profibus)
Remote (I/O) (Remote control via I/O)

Shows the current status. Possible statuses:
The Error status indicates that there is an active error. The
active error is highlighted with red background.
The Stopped status indicates that the sampling sequence has
been stopped.
The Running status indicates that the sampling is on-going.
The Waiting status indicates that the sampling sequence is
waiting for the next sampling or flushing is on-going.

The alarm icon is visible, when an alarm exists.
Active alarm(s), not acknowledged: Icon is blinking.
Active alarm(s), acknowledged: Icon is not blinking.
3.1 Home
To access the Home display, click the Home button. The home display shows the
state of sampling and flushing sequences. For example, the user can view the
remaining time before next sampling and time delays between tasks.

Figure 11. Home display

1 2 5 6 9 11 10

12 3 4 7 8

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Remaining time before the next primary sampling.
Remaining primary sampler cutter movements.

Time delay between the starting point of the primary sampling
and the starting point of the secondary sampling. The field is
not visible, if the option Secondary Sampler has not been
selected on Device Parameters display.
Remaining secondary sampler cutter movements. The field is
not visible, if the option Secondary Sampler is not selected on
Device Parameters display.

Time delay between the ending point of the sampling and the
starting point of the primary sampler flush.
Remaining water pulses.

Time delay between the ending point of the primary sampler
flush and the starting point of the secondary sampler flush. The
field is not visible, if the option Secondary Sampler has not
been selected on Device Parameters display.
Remaining water pulses.

Time delay between the spray flush water pulses. The field is
not visible, if the option Spray has not been selected on
Device Parameters display.
Remaining water pulses.

Spray flush is stopped and lock symbol is displayed if the
sampling is on-going and Spray with own time AND No spray
with sampling timeare selected on Presets display.

Slurry level in the MSA Sampler mixing and flow control box.
The field is not visible, if the option Level Sensor has not been
selected on Device Parameters display.

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3.2 Alarms
The alarm icon is shown, when an alarm occurs. Alarm icon disappears when all alarms
are acknowledged and causes of the alarms do not exist anymore. It is possible to
move the alarm icon to the other location on the display by dragging it.

Figure 12. Alarm icon

Figure 13. Alarms display

1 Date and time of alarm generation and description of the cause of
the alarm.
Active alarm, not acknowledged: Blinking background.
Active alarm, acknowledged: Background is not blinking.

2 Acknowledges the selected alarm. Select alarm by clicking alarm
line on alarm display.

1 2

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3.3 Sequence control
To access the Sequence Control display, click the Seq. Ctrl button.

Figure 14. Sequence Control display

To change the run mode, click the corresponding button in the
Run Mode field.

1 In the Remote mode sampling sequence can be Started/Stopped
only through the remote connection.
2 In the Local mode sampling sequence can be Started/Stopped
only locally through SCU-5600. Remote controls are disabled.
3 Sampling sequence must be in Stopped mode before accessing
to the Maintenance mode.
In Maintenance mode remote controls are disabled. Password is
required when accessing to the maintenance mode.

4 To start or stop the sampling sequence, click the button in the
Sampling Sequence field. The text in the button indicates the
current state of sequence.
1 2 3 4

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5 Sampling sequence must be in Stopped mode before changing
sampling mode. To set the sampling mode to constant or random,
click the button in the Sampling Sequencefield. The text in the
button indicates the current sampling mode.
If the sampling mode is set to constant, the time between two
samples is constant.
If the sampling mode is set to random, the sample is taken
randomly within the set time frame. (Timing Display / Prim.
Sampler Delay T1).

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4 Confi guration tools
The user can configure the sampling sequence and device settings. Configuration tools
consist of the following displays:
Device Parameters
Password is required when configuring SCU-5600.
4.1 Ti ming
Sampling sequence timing can be defined in the Timing display. To access the Timing
1. Click Seq. Ctrl.
2. Click the button with number signs (###).
3. Type the password.
4. Click Enter.
5. Click Settings.
6. Click Timing.
Depending on the defined device parameterization and presets, layout of the Timing
display can vary.

Figure 15. Timing display

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Pause time between two tasks.
The number of cylinder or flushing valve movements
during one task. For example:
By setting the Primary Sampler Count to 1, the primary
sampler cylinder moves to work position and back to
the home position during primary sampling task.
By setting the Primary Sampler Flush Count to 1, the
primary sampler flush valve is opened and closed only
one time during the flushing period.
Cylinder time in work position during one movement.
Flushing valve time in open position during one flush pulse.
Cylinder time in home position during one movement.
Flushing valve time in close position during one flush pulse
Primary Sampler Delay (T1)
Time delay between two primary sampling.
Primary Sampler Flush Delay
Time delay between the ending point of the sampling and
the starting point of the primary sampler flush.
Prewash Delay (T2)
Time delay between the ending point of the prewash and
the starting point of the primary sampling.
Secondary Sampler Delay (T3)
Time delay between the starting point of the primary
sampling and the starting point of the secondary sampling.
Secondary Sampler Flush
Delay (T5)
Time delay between the ending point of the primary
sampler flush and the starting point of the secondary
sampler flush.
Spray delay (T6)
Set the time delay between two spray flushes.
If the Spray with Own Time option has been selected on
the Presets display, this parameter is shown. For more
information about spray wash settings see chapter 3.2

Duration of flushes, delays and prewash has to be set so that they are completed in a
period of delay time T1.

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4.2 Presets
Different presets can be taken into use in the preset display. To access the Presets
1. Click Seq. Ctrl.
2. Click the button with number signs (###).
3. Type the password.
4. Click Enter.
5. Click Settings.
6. Click Timing.
7. Click Presets.
Depending on the defined device parameterization layout of the Presets display can

Figure 16. Presets display
Remote Control
If remote control is in use, select the check box to take the
option into use.
Prewash in Use
Select the check box to take the prewash into use.
Spray with Prim. Sampl.
The spray flush is started at the same time with the primary
sample flushing. The spray flush is done based on
parameters Count, On and Off defined in the Timing
Spray with Own Time
The spray flush is done at constant time intervals. Time
interval can be defined in Timing display field Spray

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No Spray with Sampling Time
If the No spray wit sampling timecheck box is selected,
the spray wash is stopped when sampling is on-going.
Link Mode
Define the type of the remote connection. The connection
type can be I/O or Profibus.
Start Signal
Define whether the start signal is continuous or pulse.
4.3 Devi ce parameters
Device selections are done in the Device Parameters display. To access the Device
Parameters display:
1. Click Seq. Ctrl.
2. Click the button with number signs (###).
3. Type the password.
4. Click Enter.
5. Click Settings.
6. Click Timing.
7. Click Presets.
8. Click Device.

Figure 17. Device Parameters display

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Spray Valve (Prim. Sampler)
If primary sampler has spray flushing valve, select the
check box to take the option into use.
Secondary Sampler
If secondary sampler exists and it is controlled by SCU-
5600, select the check box to take option into use.
Dam Plate Auto Ctrl
If dam plate has automatic control possibility, select the
check box to take the option into use.
Air Pressure Sensor
If instrument air line has air pressure sensor, select the
check box to take the option into use.
Water Pressure Sensor
If flushing water line has water pressure sensor, select the
check box to take the option into use.
Slurry High Limit Switch
If primary sampler has a slurry high level switch, select the
check box to take the option into use.
Slurry Low Limit Switch
If primary sampler has a slurry low level switch, select the
check box to take the option into use.
Slurry level Sensor
If primary sampler has a level sensor, select the check box
to take the option into use.
Prim. Cyl. Limit Switches
If primary sampler has cylinder movement switches, select
the check box to take the option into use.
Sec. Cyl. Limit Switches
If secondary sampler has cylinder movement limit
switches, select the check box to take the option into use.
Sec. Sampl. Flush Valve
If secondary sampler has a flushing valve, select the check
box to take the option into use.

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5 Maintenance tools
Maintenance tools consist of the following displays:
Password is required when accessing the displays.
5.1 Settings
To access the Settings display:
1. Click Seq. Ctrl .
2. Click the button with number signs (###).
3. Type the password.
4. Click Enter.
5. Click Settings.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 18. Settings display

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1 System date and time. If the remote connection mode
Profibus is in use, system clock is updated according to
the automation system clock.

2 Diagnostics for the slurry level. For example, every time
the slurry level exceeds the high level limit, the time runs
until the slurry level is below the high level limit. The
Pcs field shows how many times the slurry level has
exceeded the high level limit. The green symbol next to
the text indicates the current slurry level. Time runs in
Norm.field always when the slurry level is between the

3 Clicking Reset Counters button resets the slurry level
diagnostic counters and timers. Last reset time is shown
above the reset button.
4 The slurry level diagnostics are automatically reset after
the set time has elapsed. Last reset time is shown above
the Reset Counters button. If the value 0 is set to Auto
Reset field, the counters are not automatically reset.

5 The system time can be set, if the remote connection
mode Profibus is not in use.

Set date and time manually by first entering correct
values Time- and Date- fields and then put Set button
to confirm the change.

6 Accessing the Inputs and Outputs displays.

7 Showing the version information of logic program and
panel software.

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5.2 Inputs
To access the Inputs display:
1. Click Seq. Ctrl.
2. Click the button with three number signs (###).
3. Type the password.
4. Click Enter.
5. Click Settings.
6. Click Inputs.
The Inputs display can be used for monitoring inputs. If the green symbol is shown next
to the text, the input is ON. If the black symbol is shown next to the text, the input is
OFF. If the text color is grey, the input is not in use.

Figure 19. Inputs display

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5.3 Outputs
To access the Outputs display:
1. Click Seq. Ctrl.
2. Click the button with three number signs (###).
3. Type the password.
4. Click Enter.
5. Click Settings.
6. Click Outputs.
The Outputs display can be used for manually testing the outputs. If the text color is
grey, the output is not in use. Clicking the button change the state of the output.
In order to tests outputs manually, SCU-5600 has to be in the maintenance mode (See
Chapter 2.3 Sequence Control).

Figure 20. Outputs display

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SCU-5600 Operation Manual
5.4 Trends
To access the Trend display:
1. Click Seq. Ctrl.
2. Click the button with three number signs (###).
3. Type the password.
4. Click Enter.
5. Click Settings.
6. Click Trends.
In order to access Trends display, primary or secondary sampler limit switches has to
be installed and selected via the Device Parameterization display.
The Trends display can be used for monitoring the condition of the cylinders. The time
fields show how long it took the cylinder moved between two positions. The Work time
fields show the last cylinder movement time from home to the work position. The
Home time fields show the last cylinder movement time from work to the home
Furthermore, the Count field it is shown how many times the cylinder has been moved
since last reset.
Graphs record the movement times for cylinders between positions. The graphs show
100 previous movements. To reset the diagnostic information, click the Reset button.

Figure 21. Trends display

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SCU-5600 Operation Manual
6 Approval s and versi on history
Approved by (Initials):
Original __X____ / Translation ______
Translation approved by (Initials): -
Issue Date Description of change Approved by
1.0 10/2/2012 First issue Samuli Paloranta
1.1 24/2/2012 Figure 4 updated Samuli Paloranta
1.2 6/3/2012 Figure 3 updated Samuli Paloranta
1.3 14/3/2012 Courier xi controls added
Figures 5, 6 and 7 added
Samuli Paloranta








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