Studio Team Expectations

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Front Lobby Behavior-

Children are not permitted to run around the reception area and bathrooms. It is disturbing to the
other parents as well as distracting for the teachers and students. Please do not allow your children to
walk on chairs or benches, hang on railings or play in the bathroom or offices. We ask that your children
have respect for other peoples property as well as the studios and to behave here as you would like
them to in your own home. Please no gum chewing and we are a water only studio!
Dress Code-
Dancers work harder and stay more focused when properly dressed for class. We know and appreciate
the fact that dancewear is an investment; therefore we offer a practical, long-lasting, and reasonably
priced product line that is fashionable and durable.
Classroom Behavior-
Students are expected to be respectful and attentive in class to teachers and their fellow classmates. No
hanging on barres, climbing on mats, playing with props or putting hands on mirrors is permitted. Polite
behavior and good manners should be displayed throughout the class and lobby. Foul language or
actions are not permitted.
Students should not gossip or make their own groups and should work in unison as a class toward a
common goal. Good attitude, good grooming, good attendance, and practice at home are expected
from each student. WE are a private studio and reserve the right to dismiss any student who disregards
studio policy, shows inappropriate behavior, or upsets the harmony of the school.
Regular attendance is necessary to maintain steady progress in the class. Poor attendance will result in
poor training. Absences and tardiness can have a negative effect on the entire class. Please make sure
to be on time; it is disrupting to a class when a student comes in after the lesson is in progress or needs
to leave early.
There is absolutely no missing class the week before competition or your child will not be able to
perform. If for any reason your child misses a competition unexcused, they will be removed from the
team and will not be allowed to tryout again the next year. Full payment of costumes, fees and
outstanding balances will still be due.
Three unexcused absences will result in dismissal from the team. Two no-dresses will equal one
unexcused absence. (Correct team top, pants, unitard, shoes & hair pulled back)

Enforcing the policies-
To make sure that we record and resolve any issues, each classroom is stocked with forms that allow
teachers to document any disregard for studio policies and guidelines. The office manager then
contacts the student and parents to make them aware of a situation, we then come up with a plan for
resolving it.
Usually a phone call is all it takes. Most parents are grateful for the call. We tell them that they are
paying us for a service to teach dance and that we cant teach their children unless they cooperate with
our guidelines. Most parents appreciate that we care enough to notice and take the time to rectify the
We Shall:
1. Arrive to class on time.
2. Not chew gym.
3. Not wear dance shoes outside and will carry dance shoes in a dance bag.
4. Wear a clean and neat uniform for each class.
5. Label all dance shoes and dance gear with our full names.
6. Keep our dance gear in the cubbies and keep the studio neat.
7. Keep our cell phones on silent and place them in the phone box.
8. Have our hair secured off our face and neck before class.
9. Use a deodorant daily and wear minimal jewelry for class.
10. Keep good conduct and quiet voices in the lobby.
11. Go to the bathroom before class.
12. Keep our hands off the mirrors.
13. Speak respectfully to the teachers and to one another.
14. Shall be supportive & cheer on our fellow teammates.
15. Shall not create drama, belittle or talk about fellow dancers.
16. Not make unnecessary conversation or noise while in class.
17. Not hang on the dance barres, climb on tumbling mats or play with props.
18. Not sit down during class unless instructed by the teacher.
19. Not miss class except for valid reasons.
20. Practice at home and be prepared for class even if absent the week prior.
21. Work well and in unison with other dancers in class.
22. Use proper language and show good sportsmanship at all times.
23. Wait inside for our ride.
24. Bring home all notices and give them to our parents.
25. Act in a manner of a young lady or gentleman at all times.
26. Respect our art, our instructors and our fellow dancers.
27. Shall smile, learn and have fun in each class!!!

Please sign and return bottom portion to your instructor.
I ___________________________________ have read and agree to follow and abide by these
guidelines for the 2014-2015 Just Dance Studio competition season.
______________________________________ _____________________________________
Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature

1. Get your child to class on time every week since regular attendance is necessary for good
2. Use proper entrance and exits into the studio and not block traffic in the parking lot.
3. Be prompt in picking up your child after class.
4. Label dance shoes and gear with students full name. Please do not allow your child to wear
dance shoes outside. A dance bag is required for all gear.
5. Make sure that your child is properly outfitted for class each week in the studio uniform.
6. Email or text absences.
7. Encourage practice at home.
8. Remember that you are responsible for supervising siblings; keep them safe and under control
in the lobby.
9. Remember that while class is in session, the dance room doors should remain closed.
10. Remember that if you wish to speak to your childs teacher, they have an obligation to start
their next class on time but will gladly call you at the end of their day.
11. Students and parents should be respectful in the lobby area, using their inside voice and
keeping voices down.
12. Remind students to clean up after themselves and respect studio property.
13. Keep students jewelry and valuables at home.
14. Check your childs dance bag for notices and check your email for updates.
15. Check the lost and found box frequently.
16. Pay accounts on time. Late fees are issued on overdue accounts.
17. Avoid being a gossip that may spread misinformation. If you need to discuss a situation, please
call the owners to arrange a mutually convenient meeting time.
18. Dont compare your child to other dancers or discuss such comparisons with other parents.
19. Trust your childs teachers evaluations since they are professional dance educators and only
have your childs best interest at heart.
20. Review our studio policies with your children to help them understand why it is important for
everyone to follow the studio rules.
21. Please remember that we value your patronage and support and want to thank you for choosing
us for your childs dance education! JDS UGHH!!!

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