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Program Reflection Part 3

ictoria Ramire!
Fre"no Pacific #ni$er"it%
The feeling one get" 'hen the% are not e()ected to achie$e a goal or "ucceed at a certain
"*ill or ta"* can +e a daunting one, It-" a feeling that can hinder a dream or e$en cru"h a "oul, No
one e$er 'ant" to +e e(cluded. left +ehind and/or gi$en u) on, No one 'ant" to +e made to feel
that the% are com)letel% different from their )eer". "o different that the% are not gi$en the "ame
o))ortunitie". choice" or e()ectation", No one 'ant" to feel thi" 'a% and that i" e(actl% 'h%
accommodation or modification )roduce" great +enefit"0 it clo"e" the ga) +et'een the"e feeling",
It allo'" children to ha$e the "ame or at lea"t a $er% "imilar learning e()erience regardle"" of
their a+ilitie" or di"a+ilitie" and the +enefit" are numerou" not onl% for children 'ith di"a+ilitie"
+ut for children 'ithout di"a+ilitie". a" 'ell,
Accommodation )ro$ide" man% "ocial ad$antage" for di"a+led children, Thi" form of
inclu"ion allo'" children 'ith di"a+ilitie" to +e "ociall% integrated 'ith children 'ithout
di"a+ilitie". o)ening u) man% o))ortunitie" for ne' friend"hi)" to +e de$elo)ed, Thi" i" one of
the great +enefit" of accommodation +ecau"e it o)en" u) the door to relation"hi)" and friend"hi)"
that other'i"e could not +e formed, Al"o )eer" can act a" role model" for children 'ith
di"a+ilitie". e(hi+iting and )re"enting "ocial "*ill" that can hel) them throughout life, Therefore
the"e relation"hi)" and "ocial interaction" are "ignificant e()erience" that 'ill not onl% +enefit
children 'ith di"a+ilitie" during their "chool career" +ut could al"o hel) them gro' u) into
"ociall% e1ui))ed adult",
The"e "ocial interaction" are not onl% +eneficial for children 'ith di"a+ilitie" +ut the% are
al"o great e()erience" for non2di"a+led children. a" 'ell, 3hen the cla""room i" filled 'ith a
di$er"e "tudent )o)ulation children learn to a))reciate difference" and "imilaritie", Therefore.
inclu"ion hel)" clo"e that ga) +et'een 4")ecial5 need" and normalit% and )roduce" a unit%
among"t "tudent". in 'hich e$er%one i" included and a))reciated regardle"" of a+ilit% and/or
di"a+ilit%, Non2di"a+led "tudent" that e()erience inclu"ion e()erience di$er"it% and thi" hel)"
them learn a re")ect for all indi$idual". 'hich i" an im)ortant life le""on "ince our "ociet% i"
made u) of "uch a di$er"e grou) of indi$idual",
6tudent" 'ith di"a+ilitie" al"o +enefit academicall% in a learning en$ironment that
incor)orate" accommodation and modification into the curriculum, Thi" i" )ro+a+l% the mo"t
a"tounding +enefit of accommodation +ecau"e one ma% a""ume that children 'ith di"a+ilitie"
'ould fall +ehind greatl% 'hen integrated 'ith non2di"a+led children, 7ut actuall%. in a 'ell2
de"igned inclu"ion en$ironment teacher" u"e accommodation "trategie" in order to hel) children
'ith di"a+ilitie" "ucceed academicall% 8Perle". &9:&;, Therefore. the"e "tudent" e()erience
higher e()ectation" and greater o))ortunitie" for "ucce"", In addition to the higher e()ectation"
and the greater learning o))ortunitie" gi$en to children e()eriencing accommodation. the"e
children 'ith di"a+ilitie" are al"o e()o"ed to a greater amount of )eer learning e()erience".
'hich allo'" them to interact 'ith their non2di"a+led cla""mate" that could )o""i+l% +e academic
role model",
6tudent" 'ithout di"a+ilitie" ma% al"o +enefit academicall% from an inclu"i$e learning
en$ironment +ecau"e it encourage" the ma"ter% of "*ill" and acti$itie" +% )racticing and teaching
other". therefore )ro$iding them 'ith greater o))ortunitie" to )artici)ate in )eer teaching and
learning e()erience",
6ome other +enefit" that children 'ith di"a+ilitie" ma% e()erience from inclu"ion include
the follo'ing: increa"ed achie$ement" of IEP goal". increa"ed "*ill ac1ui"ition and
generali!ation. increa"ed )arent )artici)ation and an increa"e in "chool and "taff colla+oration",
All of the"e +enefit" are "ignificant to a child-" learning e()erience. ho'e$er I +elie$e the mo"t
im)ortant +enefit of accommodation i" that it create" an inclu"i$e en$ironment that 'elcome"
and a))reciate" indi$idualit%. gi$ing each child an e1ual o))ortunit% for "ucce"",
Perle". >, 8&9:&;, Inclu"ion for ")ecial education: ad$antage" and +enefit", Bright Hub
Education. Retrie$ed from htt)://''',+righthu+education,com/")ecial2ed2inclu"ion2

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