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Breaking Dawn: Stephenie Meyer

A Q1: Why does Bella keep the baby? A: because Rosalie all she ever wanted was a baby that was why
she didnt like Bella because she was giving up her life to be a vampire so Edward didnt have to endure
the pain if Bella got hurt. So When Bella got pregnant she called Rosaline when Edward left his phone on
the counter so she Rosaline would have what she always wanted a child. Q2: Why does Bella NOT want
to become Mrs. Isabella Cullen A: because she cares about what everyone else thinks and people think
she is pregnant and she isnt she and Edward are truly in love and she thinks marriage is an unnecessary
C: this relates to the book Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows because in the end of the book there is
a section called nineteen years later where harry and Ginny Wesley have become married and have kids
and Ron and Hermione granger have become married and have children therefore that reminded me of
that part of the book.
T: 1: youre pregnant! Charlie exploded youre pregnant arent you? though the question was clearly
meant for me, he was glaring at Edward now, and I could have sworn I saw his hand twitch toward the
gun No! Of course Im not! I wanted to elbow Edward in the ribs but I knew that would only give me a
bruise. Id told Edward that people would immediately jump to this conclusion what other possible
reason would sane people have for getting married at eighteen? (His answer them had made me role
my eyes, love. Right) P: 14-15
2: getting married though whats the rush he eyed me suspiciously again. The rush was due to the fact
that I was getting closer to nineteen every stinking day, while Edward stayed in his seventeen-year-old
perfection, as he had for over 90 years not that this fact necessitated marriage in my book, but the
wedding was required due to the delicate and tangled compromise Edward and I had made to finally get
to this point, the brink of my transformation from mortal to immortal. These werent things I could
explain to Charlie.P:16
V: 1- Guffaws: He busted into loud guffaws P: 17 definitions: A hearty, boisterous burst of laughter.
2-forseen. Who could have foreseen him response? P: 17 Definition: To see or know beforehand
E: In this section of the novel the wedding is in a day and Bella is coming home from getting gas and she
is going through her thoughts and is remembering when Edward and she told her father Charlie that
they were getting married. In the 2
chapter is when Bella and Edward are laying on her bed and they
are talking about Edwards bachelor party then Edward hears his brothers and says you dont have to call
my brothers apparently Emmett and jasper arent going to let bow out tonight. Then Emmett says if you
dont send Edward out Emmett still invisible in the night hissed menacingly, were coming in to get him!
Go I laughed before they break my house.

My Reflection of Breaking Dawn
By: Carly Geralds

Renesmee Cullen -Renesmee Carlie Cullen
Biographical information: Born September 11, 2006; Forks, Washington
Nicknames: Nessie (nickname given by Jacob Black), Ness (nickname given by Charlie Swan) ,Vanessa Wolfe (alias
given by Bella Swan), Little Nudger (nickname given by Bella Swan), E.J. (named 'Edward Jacob' before birth by
Bella Swan) ,and Beb linda (nickname given by Carmen).
Physical description: Species: Human/vampire hybrid Gender: Female Hair color: Brown Bronze curls Eye color:
Chocolate brown Skin color: Pale
Family information: Edward Cullen (father) Bella Swan (mother) Jacob Black (imprinter) Edward Masen, Sr.
(paternal grandfather) Elizabeth Masen (paternal grandmother) Charlie Swan (maternal grandfather) Rene
Dwyer (maternal grandmother) Phil Dwyer (maternal step-grandfather) Marie Higginbotham (maternal great-
grandmother) Mr. Higginbotham (maternal great-grandfather) Helen Swan (maternal great-grandmother)
Geoffrey Swan (maternal great-grandfather) Carlisle Cullen (adoptive grandfather) Esme Cullen (adoptive
grandmother) Alice Cullen (adoptive aunt) Emmett Cullen (adoptive uncle) Rosalie Hale (adoptive aunt) Jasper Hale
(adoptive uncle)
Special characteristics: Abilities Limited vampire abilities ,Self-control Special abilities ,Tactile thought projection
,Shield penetration ,Affiliation Loyalty ,Olympic Coven ,Black pack ,Uley pack ,and Denali Coven.
"Half mortal, half immortal. Conceived so, and carried by this newborn while she was still human."
Aro on Renesmee's hybrid status.
Born on September 11, 2006, Renesmee Carlie Cullen (pronounced Ruh-nez-may) is the resident vampire/human
hybrid member of the Olympic Coven. She is the biological daughter of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan, and the
imprintee of Jacob Black. Renesmee's biological paternal grandparents are Edward Sr. and Elizabeth Masen, while
on the maternal side; they are Charlie Swan and Rene Dwyer. She is also the adoptive granddaughter of Carlisle
and Esme Cullen and the adoptive niece of Jasper and Rosalie Hale and Alice and Emmett Cullen. Renesmee is
considered to be Edward and Bella's "miracle", because of what it took to keep her and her mother alive through
the pregnancy. She has the special powers to show people what her thoughts by touching them and break through
their mental defenses. Bella initially gets angry and attacks Jacob for giving her daughter the nickname "Nessie" as
well as imprinting on her. Irina of the Denali Coven sees Renesmee and believes she is an immortal child, a human
child who had been turned by a vampire. She informs the Volturi, as immortal children are not permitted to live.
The Volturi reach Forks intent on killing Renesmee and the Cullens. However, the Cullen family members gather
witnesses from around the world to prove that Renesmee is not an immortal child. Alice brings another half-breed,
Nahuel, who explains that half-breeds pose no danger to the vampires. Convinced that Renesmee is not a threat,
the Volturi leave, and Renesmee and her family are left in peace. She is the only hybrid currently known to show
supernatural gifts.
After Edward and Bella are married, they spend their honeymoon on an island the Cullen family owns off the coast
of Rio de Janeiro: Isle Esme, a gift from Carlisle to Esme. At this point, Edward can't deny Bella the human
experience of sex any longer despite his fear of harming her, as they had a deal, and they make love on several
occasions. However, as the honeymoon progresses, Bella begins to experience mood swings, peculiar eating
habits, terrible nightmares and severe morning sickness, which confuses her. After finding tampons in her bag, she
notices that her period is five days late, and a hard, growing, bump protruding from her hips, realizing she is
pregnant. Edward knows that there have been stories of women who died while giving birth to a vampire's child.
Therefore, he leaps into action, as always, only caring about the safety of Bella, and insists that she let Carlisle
remove the abnormally rapid-growing fetus. However, Bella won't allow it.Enlisting Rosalie's help as a bodyguard,
with support from Emmett and Esme, Bella refuses to have an abortion, determined to carry the child, trusting
that Edward will save her by turning her into a vampire after she gives birth and that Carlisle will save the baby if
something goes wrong. Carlisle is also unwilling to disagree with Esme. As the baby continues to grow at an
alarmingly rapid rate, Bella's health deteriorates. She develops an unhealthy pallor; her stomach is bruised in
multiple places from the baby's movements (as it has inherited a vampire's superhuman strength); her ribs and
later her pelvis, are broken. Her body has been rejecting human food, and it is only when Jacob Black bitterly
thinks about the "creature" craving blood, that Edward, with his ability to read thoughts, thinks of a solution. The
Cullens allow Bella to sample some donated human blood from Carlisle's work at the hospital. To Bella's surprise, it
smells and tastes appealing, and revives her, to an extent. Jacob however is not entirely thrilled. Besides the
strength and appetite of the growing baby, evidence of its vampire heritage is apparent in the hard and thick
amniotic sac, endurance resembling the skin of a vampire, making ultrasounds and amniocentesis impossible. Bella
isn't the only suffering individual during the pregnancy; Jacob describes Edward as a "burning man", lifeless and
self-loathing, thinking of the child as a possible case of "Rosemary's Baby": a child born of a demon, the spawn of
the devil. Edward still is not completely convinced that he is not a monster and that he does have a soul
As Bella's pregnancy nears its completion, Edward begins to hear the baby's thoughts; he quickly realizes that the
baby loves Bella, can recognize the sounds of its parents' voices, and can even understand simple conversations.
This new knowledge quickly wins over Edward's affection (Jacob Black states that Edward cannot hate anyone who
loves Bella). After listening to its parents, the baby understands what hurts her mother and tries to avoid injuring
her further. Bella is convinced that the baby is a boy and calls it "EJ" (which is short for "Edward Jacob"). However,
she does admit that she may be wrong and the baby could turn out to be a girl. She decides that "Renesmee
Carlie" would be what she would call her baby, should it be a girl (with the latter being a portmanteau of Charlie
and Carlisle, the grandfathers' names). The pregnancy continues its rapid progression, and Bella goes into violent
labor even sooner than anticipated when the placenta is unexpectedly detached. Carlisle and Esme, who originally
planned to be there for delivery the next day, are out hunting, so Edward, Rosalie, Jacob, and Alice help to deliver
the baby by C-section. Although Edward wants to wait for the morphine to spread and ease Bella's pain, Bella
commands him to perform the C-section without delay, thrashing and screaming that "He can't breathe! Rosalie
starts the C-section but, due to the amount of blood involved, loses control, forcing Jacob and Alice to tackle and
drag her from the room. Edward continues with the C-section in Rose's place, eventually using his teeth to bite
through the hard amniotic sac. Bella is severely injured during the birth due to the baby's violent thrashing,
breaking many ribs, losing a lot of blood, and eventually snapping her spine, which requires Jacob to provide CPR
to keep her breathing. After delivering the baby, Edward declares that it is a girl, despite Bella's previous certainty
that it was a boy, naming her Renesmee. As Bella holds her, Renesmee's vampire heritage becomes apparent when
she bites Bella, showing her inherited sharp teeth and natural desire for human blood. As Bella loses consciousness
again due to her injuries, Edward hands the baby to Rosalie, injects his venom into Bella's heart and bites her in
several places, maximizing her odds of survival. After every bite, he runs his tongue over the wound and heals it,
trapping the venom into her bloodstream and preserving her already low blood supply. Despite Jacob's CPR
support and Edward's venom, Bella's heart stops beating. Believing Bella is beyond saving, Jacob follows
Renesmee, intent on killing her in revenge. Still with Bella, Edward provides CPR himself which, combined with the
venom, eventually results in Bella's heart recovering, and her conversion into a vampire.
After Birth:
"A very talented family. A mind reader for a father, a shield for a mother, and then whatever this extraordinary
child has bewitched us with. I wonder if there is a name for what she does, or if it is the norm for a vampire hybrid.
As if such a thing could ever be considered normal. A vampire hybrid indeed!" Eleazar on Renesmee and her
Rosalie holding Renesmee:
Jacob Black, previously determined to destroy the monster which he believed to have killed Bella, imprints on
Renesmee the moment they look into each other's eyes. Because of this, Renesmee becomes the key to a
permanent truce between the werewolves and the Cullens; by the absolute pack law, the object of a wolf's
imprinting cannot be harmed by other wolves, and there is no exception to this rule. After Bella's transformation
and recovery is complete, Edward takes her out hunting, telling her that she needs to be in control before she can
meet her daughter, who is half-human and has her own blood. When they return, Jacob tests Bella's control by
standing in front of her, and after that is secured, Renesmee and Bella finally meet face-to-face. Meanwhile, Bella
finds out about Jacob's imprinting on her daughter and angrily confronts him for it. She lunges at him when she
also finds out that he has nicknamed her "Nessie", a nickname derived from the Loch Ness Monster, adding to her
Jacob imprints on Renesmee:
Bella realizes that Renesmee is gifted with the ability to show people her thoughts by touching them, when she
shows her the very first picture of her human face. The Cullens are preparing to leave for Alaska when Jacob
suddenly tells Charlie about the supernatural world, as he wishes to keep Renesmee in Forks and knows that
Charlie is the main reason that they are leaving. By telling Charlie about the world having supernatural forces and
that Bella has changed (without specifying anything), he does a huge favor for Bella, the Cullens and himself.
Renesmee meets Charlie for the first time when he comes to see Bella, and they both grow incredibly fond of each
other. In the upcoming months, Renesmee grows at an exceptional pace, mentally and physically, forming full
sentences one week after her birth and learning to walk after three weeks. Since no one is certain of her
development, the Cullens plan on making a trip to South America to study the legends that involve her species.
The Volturi:
While Bella, Jacob and Renesmee are in the woods hunting together, they are spotted by Irina, a member of the
Denali Coven, who is mad at the Cullens for not avenging her mate's death. Irina sees Renesmee from a distance
and assumes her to be an immortal child, a human child transformed into a vampire. By the Volturi's laws, such
children are not allowed to exist because of their inability to control themselves, and Irina, whose mother had
been killed for creating one, reports to the Volturi about her. Irina is not aware, however, that Renesmee is a
vampire/human hybrid, growing and learning. The Volturi make the decision to come to Forks, and destroy the
child and the entire Cullen family. Alice sees this in a vision and tells the Cullens they need to gather witnesses to
testify that Renesmee is a half-vampire and that she is able to control her instincts; she leaves a clue for Bella to
locate a lawyer named J. Jenks to help Renesmee escape in case the Volturi do end them, and then flees with
Jasper without so much as a goodbye. In the next month, the Cullens gather many friends to help them testify that
the child is not an immortal child. Renesmee wins over many with her gift and sweetness, and makes many new
friends. To spend her first Christmas, Bella, Edward and Jacob take her to Charlie's house to celebrate, and she
receives an MP3 player from Edward, a golden locket inscribed with the words "plus que ma propre vie" ("more
than my own life" in French) from Bella, and a hand-woven charm bracelet (the Quileute equivalent of a promise
ring) from Jacob. Knowing that the Volturi will stop at nothing to not only destroy, but acquire half of her family,
Bella pleads Renesmee to leave with Jacob when the time comes. When the Volturi and their witnesses arrive, the
Cullens and their witnesses prove to them that the child is a hybrid between vampires and humans. Aro is very
intrigued with Renesmee's existence, but is determined to achieve his secret ambitions - to add Alice, Edward,
Bella and some of the other gifted vampires into his collection. He and Caius come up with multiple schemes to
provoke a battle between the Volturi and the Cullens. The deal to let her live is set when Alice and Jasper show up
near the end of the trial with a mature half-vampire like Renesmee, one the Volturi have never known of. Said
hybrid, Nahuel, informs the Volturi of his past, his age and his diet. This persuades Aro to no longer see Renesmee
as a threat, and, more importantly, threatened by Bella's gift, and leave in disgrace. The Cullens are safe again, and
Renesmee is able to stay with her family. Nahuel states that Renesmee will probably reach complete physical
maturity around seven years after her birth, at which point she will stop aging and live to an unknown extent of
Renesmee's flashforward image:
Since Jacob has imprinted on her, he has acted as a brother to her. It is likely that Jacob's feelings will become
romantic when Renesmee comes of age. As happened to Nahuel, when she stops maturing at the age of seven, she
will look like a seventeen year old teenager and cease to age for at least many centuries, should everything well for
the Cullens.
"Her tiny face was so absolutely perfect that it stunned me. She was even more beautiful than her father.
Unbelievable. Impossible."Bella upon seeing Renesmee for the first time
Renesmee is depicted as being immensely beautiful; even more gorgeous than Rosalie and Edward. She has
inherited both of her parents' exceptionally good looks, having the facial features of her father Edward (high
cheekbones, straight nose, strong jawline, and full lips), as well as his unusual bronze hair color (brown in the
movie), with her eyes being chocolate brown, just like her mother Bella's were when she was still human.
However, she has also inherited curly hair from her grandfather, Charlie Swan, portrayed as ringlets that fall past
her waist. She has pale skin, which has a blush to it because her heart pumps blood, though it beats faster than a
normal human heart, and has had perfect shiny square teeth since her birth. Unlike her family, Renesmee's skin
glows slightly in the sunshine like back-lit alabaster rather than sparkle like diamonds. Due to the blood flowing in
her veins and her heart beating, she has pink rosy cheeks, shell-pink lips, pale lavender eyelids, and pink palms. Her
scent is a balance of both vampire and human, with enough vampire scent to keep it from being too appetizing to
vampires; she also has a dimpled smile as opposed to her father's crooked smile.
"She is special, that little one. Hard to resist."Tanya on Renesmee
Renesmee is depicted as a kind, overwhelmingly intelligent, and fun-loving child. She has a competitive streak that
prompts her to accept Jacob's hunting challenge, which keeps her motivated to drink animal blood. As a vampire's
mind is highly superior to a human's, Renesmee's mind gets into high gear even before she was born; she finds out
that her movements in the womb have been hurting her mother, and tries to stop. She also likes to hear the voices
of her parents, and shows affection towards Jacob. After she was born, she learns the vampire laws and limitations
very quickly and understands their consequences. She can memorize perfectly anything she sees or experiences,
and understands people without much problem. Bella comments that she is already more intelligent than most
adults, and has better control over her thirst than any of them. She likes to read books and listen to music,
something she shares with her parents. She likes to hear Bella reading bedtime stories, but hates hearing the same
ones twice, expecting therefore to hear new ones. Renesmee is fascinated by everyone in her surroundings,
despite their being different species. She has also shown a selfless side, such as when she blamed herself for
causing trouble for her family merely by existing, or when she takes Kate's advice to help her mother, despite
Bella's protests. She mostly prefers not to speak out loud and instead use her power to communicate with others,
because she finds words hard to describe her feelings. However, she will speak if she has to or if she is not able to
touch someone to show them her thoughts.
Special traits:
"How much is she like you? How much like me? Or like I was anyway."
"It seems a fairly even divide."Bella and Edward discussing Renesmee's traits
Renesmee, often called "Nessie" for short, is a vampire-human hybrid, and therefore shares traits from both
species. Similar to Alice's inability to see the future of werewolves, because she had never been one herself, Alice
also cannot see Renesmee or her kind. This is something that annoys her as much as her inability to see the
wolves. She is immensely beautiful, and her body temperature is slightly higher than a human's. Renesmee has a
rapidly beating heart and veins filled with her own blood. Her hardened skin glows faintly rather than sparkle like
diamonds upon exposure to sunlight, which allows her to blend in the human society much more easily than
vampires. Unlike the rest of her vampire family, she is also able to sleep, and unlike Nahuel, she is not venomous, a
trait that she shares with the other female hybrids (Nahuel's half-sisters). Her scent is a mixture of human and
vampire. Her attractive traits and kind nature draw people (vampire or human) to her. Tanya once commented her
on as being a "special little one, hard to resist".
"Suuuure you're not thirsty, Nessie. You're just afraid I'll catch the biggest one again!"Jacob Black to Renesmee
while hunting
Renesmee can survive on either human food or blood. She doesn't like human food much and will rarely eat it. She
doesn't mind drinking animal blood in order to conform to the Olympic Coven lifestyle and due to her love of
humans. However, like most vampires, she prefers human blood and sees the donated blood that Bella drank
while pregnant as an acceptable compromise. Given the difficulties involved in acquiring enough donated blood
and in order to encourage Renesmee to drink animal blood, Jacob Black would start a friendly hunting competition
between them for the biggest prey, which keeps Renesmee motivated.
Rapid growth:
As a baby, Renesmee grows at an outstanding rate; this information caused great worry to the Cullens as they
were unable to tell her future and most of them worried that she would have short living years. This worry comes
to an end when Nahuel, another vampire-human hybrid, arrives in Forks and explains about his and his half-sisters'
experience on the matter. It is implied that Renesmee's growth will slow down until it ceases at the age of seven,
making her look like a seventeen or so year-old woman. She may very well live for centurys minimum, if not more.
Her physical growth is greatly outstripped by her mental development.
Powers and abilities: Being half-vampire, Renesmee displays the same supernatural senses and capabilities of
vampires; such as heightened senses, inhuman physical strength and speed, though not as potent as true
vampires. As a three month old, she can already leap 15 feet into the air. Her skin is also almost as impenetrable as
that of vampires, but no one has tested this idea. She is born with sharp teeth that allow her to bite through skin
and drink blood, but is not venomous. Whether by chance inheritance or gender difference is unknown, but it has
been pointed that Nahuel is the only half-vampire known to possess vampire venom.
"It's an interesting twist. Like she's doing the exact opposite of what you can."Carlisle on Nessie's opposite gift of
her father's
As the offspring of two gifted vampires, Renesmee has inherited the exact opposite versions of her parents'
powers; while Edward can read people's minds from a distance; she can place her own thoughts and images (even
feelings) into their minds upon physical contact. This power works effectively in communication. While she was a
newborn, her thoughts mostly manifested pictures, but as she grew, she starts projecting words into others'
minds. This is first shown when she argues with Bella about running away with Jacob. Also, she can unconsciously
use this power when she is asleep, allowing people to see what she is dreaming about; and while Bella acts as a
mental shield that blocks psychic powers from her mind, Nessie can penetrate her mental defenses, the only
person capable of doing so. It is yet unknown how this opposition came to be.
Renesmee is the biological daughter of Bella Cullen (ne Swan) and Edward Cullen, as well as the biological
granddaughter of Charlie Swan, Rene Dwyer, Edward Sr. and Elizabeth Masen and step-granddaughter of Phil
Dwyer and great granddaughter of Marie Higginbotham, and Geoffrey and Helen Swan. She is also the adoptive
granddaughter of Carlisle and Esme Cullen, and the adoptive niece to Rosalie and Jasper Hale, and Alice and
Emmett Cullen. Rene and Phil are the only ones who are unaware of her existence.
Bella Swan
"I love you too... more than my own life."Bella, to Renesmee
Renesmee's mother: Bella Swan
Bella Cullen (ne Swan) is Renesmee's mother.
After Bella finds out that she is pregnant, she acquires a deep love for her daughter, mistakenly believing her
unborn baby is a boy. Even when everyone, except Rosalie, tries to convince her to abort the baby, she refuses
because she loves it. Once Edward discovers that he can hear the baby's thoughts and it can understand their
voices, Renesmee does everything she can to keep from hurting the mother she loves deeply. After the
conception, deadly birth, transformation and first hunt, Renesmee and Bella finally meet for the first time.
Renesmee has an unbreakably close bond to Bella, and she even loved Bella from the womb, as discovered by
Edward in Bella's final day of pregnancy. Fearing that Alice foresaw the Cullens losing against the Volturi, Bella
secretly prepares legal documents for Renesmee and Jacob so that they may escape. Convinced that she and
Edward would not survive the encounter, Bella also gives Renesmee a golden locket for Christmas as a memento
with a photo of Bella, Edward, and Renesmee inside along with the engraved French inscription of "plus que ma
propre vie", meaning "more than my own life. Bella, Edward and the unborn Renesmee. By inheriting her
mother's power and flipping it to a different use, she is able to break through Bella's shield to show her what she is
thinking about. Aside from this power, she has also inherited Bella's chocolate brown eyes. After the confrontation
with the Volturi is resolved peacefully, Renesmee continues to live with her parents in a small cottage not too far
away from the Cullen house, and Bella finally begins to call her "Nessie" after months of repelling the nickname.

Edward Cullen
"I'm her father. Not her creator - her biological father."Edward, to the Denalis about Renesmee
Renesmee's father: Edward Cullen
Edward Cullen is Renesmee's father. During their honeymoon, Edward and Bella unknowingly conceived
Renesmee. When they realized this, Edward was far from happy. Fearing that he would lose Bella, Edward became
desperate to get rid of the baby. At first, Edward asked Carlisle to remove the baby, so it wouldn't kill Bella first,
but Bella refused to have an abortion under any circumstances. As Bella's pregnancy continued, an unborn
Renesmee kept hurting her and Edward's hatred of his child continued. However, during the final days of the
pregnancy, the unborn Renesmee developed to the point where she had a mind that her father could read.
Edward heard that Renesmee already loved her parents, understood that she was only accidentally hurting her
mother, and was now trying not to hurt Bella anymore. After hearing all this, Edward's hatred vanished and was
replaced with immense love for his daughter. When Bella went into labor, Edward was the one who delivered
Renesmee, as Rosalie lost control by the overwhelming bloodlust. She has spent considerably more time with her
father than her mother, as Bella had to recuperate from her vampire transformation. She says dozens of times that
she loves her "momma and daddy" very much, even crying when she found out that Edward and Bella would have
to leave her and shared a very close goodbye with Edward before facing the Volturi. Renesmee loves Edward and
Edward loves Renesmee at same length as Edward and Bella love each other. Since Edward can read minds,
Renesmee does not need physical contact to communicate with him like she does with everyone else. Because the
nickname "Nessie" appears in everyone's thoughts, it attaches to him very quickly.
Jacob Black
"The gravity of the earth no longer tied me to the place where I stood."
"It was the baby girl in the blonde vampire's arms that held me here now."
"Renesmee."Jacob, upon imprinting on Renesmee
Renesmee's imprinter and soul mate: Jacob Black
Jacob Black is the shape-shifter who has imprinted on Renesmee. He was originally in love with Renesmee's
mother, Bella. After unsuccessfully trying to take Bella from her vampire boyfriend Edward, Jacob fell into a state
of depression caused by a broken heart. Soon after this, Bella became pregnant with her and Edward's baby. Jacob
was repulsed because he saw the baby the same way he saw Edward: a monster. Jacob made his hatred for the
baby clear on multiple occasions, including when he became angry at Bella for saying that the baby reminded her
of him. Bella nearly died giving birth to the baby, who she named Renesmee. During Bella's transformation into a
vampire, Jacob believed that she had died, and attempted to kill Renesmee for revenge. But when he made eye
contact Renesmee, he imprinted on her. He then realized why he and Bella were pulled toward each other during
her pregnancy: because Renesmee was a significant (due to the similarities between her and her mother as a
human) part of Bella and that makes her his object of imprint. Bella and Jacob's closeness caused by Renesmee.
Renesmee loves Jacob as much as she loves her parents. Jacob's imprinting on Renesmee helps end the warring
tension between the Cullens and the werewolves, because while she is imprinted on, she becomes untouchable to
the other wolves due to pack law whereas, the person a wolf imprinted upon was not to be harmed by other tribe
members. Jacob is the one who nicknamed her "Nessie". As part of the imprint, he would do anything for her and
visit her every single day. While Renesmee is a child, Jacob is near her to protect her, nurture her, and be her best
friend. Because of the inevitable hardships of being away from her, he abandons his initial plan of living the rest of
his life as a wolf and dedicates to protecting Renesmee. His desire to please Renesmee makes his own opinions
secondary. On Christmas night, Jacob gives Renesmee a handmade bracelet, which is the Quileute version of a
promise ring. Edward is annoyed by the gift, but Bella has learned to accept his devotion. When her maturity
completes, Jacob's feelings are expected to become romantic in response to Renesmee's own feelings.
Rosalie Cullen
"Do you have a backup plan? What if he's a she?"
"Um, I kicked a few things around. Playing with Rene and Esme. I was thinking... Ruh-nez-may."
"R-e-n-e-s-m-e-e. Too weird?"
"No, I like it. It's beautiful. And one of a kind, so that fits."Rosalie and Bella discussing Renesmee's name
Renesmee's adoptive aunt: Rosalie Cullen
Rosalie Cullen is Renesmee's adoptive aunt. Rosalie has always wanted to have children, but is unable to fulfill this
desire as a vampire since her body can no longer undergo changes. When Bella became pregnant, she came to her
aid, protecting her from the rest of their family, who wish to abort the baby. Rosalie took the baby downstairs
while Edward injected his venom into an agonizing, almost dead Bella. After Renesmee's birth, she took care of her
while Bella was becoming a vampire. Rosalie is very protective of Renesmee. Even though Bella survives, Rosalie
still treats Renesmee as her own child, and now accepts Bella as a sister because she knows that she was willing to
give up her life for her baby, the same choice Rosalie would have made. Renesmee enjoys Rosalie combing her
hair, which she admits during a silent conversation with Bella.
Alice Cullen
"She's going to be the most spoiled half-vampire in existence."Alice on Renesmee
Renesmee's adoptive aunt: Alice Cullen
Alice Cullen is Renesmee's other adoptive aunt. Before she was born, Alice hated her niece for causing
overwhelming pain to Bella's body and blocking her vision, but learns to love her after she was born. She and
Rosalie enjoy dressing her up to make a baby album that looks years old rather than weeks. Although Alice loves
her niece, she is distraught by the fact that she cannot see her future and everything that involves her, even before
she was born. She points out that trying to see a future that involved her causes an unusual kind of headache.
When Alice and Jasper left the family before the confrontation with the Volturi, Renesmee expresses how much
she likes her aunt, a liking that she shares with her mother. Alice and Jasper return just in time with their witnesses
to save their family and prevent a fight with the Volturi.
Carlisle Cullen
Renesmee's adoptive paternal grandfather: Carlisle Cullen
Carlisle Cullen is Renesmee's adoptive paternal grandfather. He initially wanted to abort Renesmee when Bella was
pregnant with her, but Esme's decision to side with Bella affected his choice. After she is born, they grow fairly
close as he comes to love his new granddaughter. He keeps track of her growth rate every day to calculate her
maturity process. He also occasionally feeds her with donated human blood, but does his very best to shift her diet
to animal blood and, sometimes, human food.
Esme Cullen
Renesmee's adoptive paternal grandmother: Esme Cullen
Esme Cullen is Renesmee's adoptive paternal grandmother. While Bella was pregnant with Renesmee, Esme sided
with Rosalie and Emmett to protect them both, because she understood Bella's desire to have children and
believed that she should be able to make her own choices in the matter. She also prepared an extra room in the
cottage that Bella and Edward live in, which later became the baby's bedroom. Before Bella's transformation was
complete, she cradled the baby to sleep, sharing the experience with Rosalie and Jacob. Like the way she
welcomes everyone into the family, she quickly adapts to Renesmee's birth and grows fond of her new
granddaughter and vice versa.
Charlie Swan
"Prettiest baby I ever saw, including you, kid. Sorry, but it's true."Charlie to Bella on Renesmee
Renesmee's maternal grandfather: Charlie Swan
Charlie Swan is Renesmee's maternal grandfather. The Cullens initially intended to let Charlie believe that she is an
adoptive child to Bella and Edward, "orphaned after his brother's death", but he figures out the truth from her
chocolate brown eyes, which she inherited from him, but decides to stick with the public story to protect her and
Bella. He grows extremely fond of her after their first encounter, but Bella wouldn't let him hold Renesmee until
she fell asleep as she was attracted to his blood. Bella also mentions that she has inherited her curly hair from him.
By December, they have grown very close. Charlie always visits the Cullens, though Bella, Edward and Renesmee
occasionally visit him. Renesmee wholeheartedly accepts her parents' prohibition from biting, talking out loud, and
using her power in Charlie's presence in order to help him cope as easily as possible, though she can accidentally
startle him by doing something too advanced for an infant.
Emmett Cullen
Renesmee's adoptive uncle: Emmett Cullen
Emmett Cullen is Renesmee's adoptive uncle. He quickly adapts to her unexpected birth like the rest of his family
and calls her "Nessie. He was one of the family members who defended Renesmee's safety when Bella was still
pregnant with her, but only because Rosalie and Esme were on her side. Though he seemingly shares the weakest
link to his niece, he does indeed care for her enough to willingly miss out on a fighting opportunity for her safety,
as proven when he proposes the idea of gathering witnesses to testify in their favor against the Volturi, which will
very likely prevent a fight.
Jasper Cullen
Renesmee's adoptive uncle: Jasper Cullen
Jasper Cullen is Renesmee's adoptive uncle. While Bella was pregnant with Renesmee, Jasper was forced to sit on
the sidelines, only acting as Bella's bodyguard from Sam's wolf pack. When Bella was newly turned to a vampire,
Jasper was always near Bella's side to prevent her from losing control, but he was also concerned for Renesmee's
safety. On one occasion, he mistook Bella's thirst to wanting Renesmee's blood and immobilized her while giving
the baby to Edward. This indicates that he has grown a sense of caring for both Nessie and Bella. It is unknown
how close Renesmee is to her uncle after her birth since they never shared a moment together. Seeing as they are
members of the same family, it is suggested that they do care for each other.
"May I hold you, beb Linda?"Carmen to Renesmee
Carmen is a member of the Denali Coven. She becomes interested in Renesmee as soon as they meet. When
Edward explained that she was half-human, Carmen is the only one in her coven to show any belief in the story at
all. To show her the truth, Renesmee uses her power to show Carmen her story from birth to the moment they
met, and convinced her completely that her half-breed lineage was truth. After she was convinced of this fact, she
helps convince her mate, Eleazar, to believe the truth, along with Tanya and Kate. Carmen is so attached to
Renesmee that she is willing to testify in the Cullens' favor, and do everything in her power to protect her. Carmen
is almost always at her side to entertain her and occasionally murmurs Spanish to her as a form of comfort.
"We shall be great friends, my Nessie."Zafrina to Renesmee
Zafrina is a vampire member of the Amazon Coven. She meets Renesmee when Alice sends her and her "sister",
Senna, to Forks in hopes to help her family testify against the Volturi about a false accusation. To keep Renesmee
entertained, Zafrina often shows her pretty pictures with her "gift", which is to project vivid illusions. Renesmee
likes her entertainment so much that she becomes very attached to her, and vice versa. Although Renesmee likes
Zafrina, Bella finds her intimidating and prefers to keep them at a distance. During her stay in Forks, she distracts
Renesmee with her "pictures" to keep her entertained. By the end of Breaking Dawn, Zafrina makes Bella promise
to bring Renesmee to South America sometime in the future, and promises Renesmee that they will be great
Nahuel is one of the few human/vampire hybrids in the world. When the Volturi come to destroy Renesmee and
her family, Alice and Jasper find Nahuel in South America and bring him back to Forks to present evidence that
hybrids are not a threat to the world of vampires. Prior to meeting the Cullens, Nahuel lived believing he was
inherently evil because of accidentally killing his mother during his birth and thirsting for human blood. After
seeing Renesmee's family, he realizes what his parents could have been if they were like Bella and Edward.
Because of this, he comes to understand that his existence isn't simply evil and begins to forgive himself. At the
end of Breaking Dawn, Edward mentions that Jacob may have quite competition when Nessie comes of age,
implying that Nahuel might come to them again in the future.
Rene Dwyer
Renesmee's maternal grandmother: Rene Dwyer
Rene Dwyer is Renesmee's maternal grandmother. She is being kept in the dark about her granddaughter's
existence due to her drastic differences and physical and mental development that surpass normal children. Bella
wants to introduce her daughter to Rene, but is unsure that she would be able to handle the truth; it is therefore
unknown if Rene or her husband, Phil, will ever meet her.
"Her name is Renesmee. Like Rene and Esme put together."Bella Cullen
Renesmee's name derives from an amalgamation of the names of Bella's mother, Rene, and her adoptive mother-
in-law, Esme. Her middle name, "Carlie", is a portmanteau of Bella's father-in-law, Carlisle, and Charlie, Bella's
biological father. Her full name is Renesmee Carlie Cullen. Jacob Black gives her the nickname "Nessie" because he
thinks her full name is a "mouthful". At first, Bella refuses to use this nickname because of the obvious allusion to
the Loch-Ness Monster, but by the end of the book she eventually warms to it. The nickname and Jacob's
imprinting on her newborn made Bella furious enough to attempt to attack him. Luckily for him, and to
Renesmee's relief (as she later tells Bella), Seth Clearwater, Jacob's friend and right hand, jumped in the way,
breaking his shoulder and collar bone in the process (which Bella quickly apologizes for after calming down).

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