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2013 Lnergyx norLhern Cape | 03 Llll 07 March 2013 | klmberley | SouLh Afrlca

Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls endorsed by Lhe 8enewable Lnergy LnLrepreneurs lorum (8LLl)

Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls organlzed and presenLed by Lnergy 8lue (Ly) LLd _ Lhe foundlng
parLner of Lnergyx norLhern Cape 2013 CopyrlghL 2013. All 8lghLs 8eserved.

os|t|on yourse|f as a def|n|t|ve stakeho|der |n the renewab|e energy
space and the broader green economy sector


Cutstand|ng brand|ng and market|ng opportun|t|es for forward
th|nk|ng corporate compan|es, SMMLs, government ent|t|es,
mun|c|pa||t|es and other d|verse stakeho|ders

2013 Lnergyx norLhern Cape | 03 Llll 07 March 2013 | klmberley | SouLh Afrlca
Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls endorsed by Lhe 8enewable Lnergy LnLrepreneurs lorum (8LLl)

Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls organlzed and presenLed by Lnergy 8lue (Ly) LLd _ Lhe foundlng
parLner of Lnergyx norLhern Cape 2013 CopyrlghL 2013. All 8lghLs 8eserved.

Lxecut|ve summary

1he South Afr|can renewab|e energy sector |s boom|ng w|th opportun|ty from generat|on
contracts, to refurb|shments, to I pro[ects and so|ar |mp|ementat|ons w|th m||||ons of rands
a|ready |nvested.

It has been sa|d that the renewab|e energy |ndustry, together w|th green |n|t|at|ves w||| be
the |argest |ndustry of the modern day. W|th g|oba| warm|ng becom|ng more understood and
accepted |n the m|nds of the average person, bus|nesses and government are be|ng forced to
change the|r ways to su|t the |mpend|ng |eg|s|at|on surround|ng g|oba| warm|ng.

Lskom has a|so come to the party. W|th |oca| and |nternat|ona| pressure |oom|ng, Lskom has
rea||zed the on|y way to save the day |s to offset the demand by means of |ncent|v|z|ng the
|nsta||at|on of So|ar Water neat|ng. 1h|s |ead them to |aunch the DSM (demand s|de
management) pro[ect wh|ch has created a who|e new buzz |n the bus|ness wor|d.

1he Northern Cape prov|nce has the best so|ar resource |n South Afr|ca, and one of the best |n
the wor|d. South Afr|can ut|||t|es and Is are embrac|ng renewab|e techno|og|es, wh|ch
stands to be the b|ggest opportun|ty |n South Afr|ca and around the cont|nent.

As these pro[ects and deve|opments cont|nue to come to the fore and ga|n momentum |s
your government department, bus|ness, |oca| mun|c|pa||ty and organ|sat|on we|| pos|t|oned
to exp|o|t these opportun|t|es?

Are you |ook|ng to access new energy pro[ects and |n|t|at|ves |n South Afr|ca, source fund|ng
and access opportun|t|es? 1hen you shou|d attend Lnergyk Northern Cape 2014.

2013 Lnergyx norLhern Cape | 03 Llll 07 March 2013 | klmberley | SouLh Afrlca
Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls endorsed by Lhe 8enewable Lnergy LnLrepreneurs lorum (8LLl)

Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls organlzed and presenLed by Lnergy 8lue (Ly) LLd _ Lhe foundlng
parLner of Lnergyx norLhern Cape 2013 CopyrlghL 2013. All 8lghLs 8eserved.

1he on|y kenewab|e Lnergy space and the broader
Green Lconomy sector event |n the centra| reg|on
(Northern Cape, North West and the Iree State)

Lnergyx norLhern Cape provldes a plaLform where 8enewable Lnergy and Creen Lconomy
lnlLlaLlves can be explored, key governmenL and prlvaLe lnlLlaLlves can be presenLed, and
buslnesses and governmenL can galn valuable lnslghL lnLo Lhe renewable energy space and Lhe
broader Creen Lconomy secLor

It |s the on|y event of |ts k|nd |n the centra| reg|on LhaL brlngs LogeLher sLakeholders from
buslness, governmenL and dlverse sLakeholders ln Lhe 8enewable Lnergy space and Lhe broader
Creen Lconomy secLor all eager Lo flnd new sLraLegles for rolllng ouL renewable energy secLor
lnlLlaLlves ln Lhe norLhern Cape, norLh WesL and lree SLaLe provlnces

Why the Lnergyk Northern Cape?
8ecause of Lhe opporLunlLles presenLed by Lhe uCL, 8LLl, Lskom uSM rebaLe, L1MS, SWP
8ollouL program, ls, CS, and oLhers, Lhere are wonderful new buslness opporLunlLles for
enLrepreneurs ln Lhe norLhern Cape, norLh WesL and lree SLaLe provlnces

1he Lnergyk Northern Cape advantage
Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls Lhe place where ser|ous bus|ness and stakeho|der contacts
are made and buslness geLs done
1haL ls aLLended by key dec|s|on makers and lnfluencers ln Lhe renewable energy space
and Lhe broader Creen Lconomy secLor
lLs supporLed by an extens|ve market|ng campa|gn
lL's Lhe on|y event of |ts k|nd |n the centra| reg|on
lull endorsemenL by Lhe kenewab|e Lnergy Lntrepreneurs Iorum (kLLI)

Slmply puL . . . a markeLlng and brandlng soluLlon LhaL generaLes neLwork opporLunlLles and
new buslness as well as dr|ve the kenewab|e Lnergy ] Green Lconomy agenda |n the Northern
Cape, North West prov|nces

2013 Lnergyx norLhern Cape | 03 Llll 07 March 2013 | klmberley | SouLh Afrlca
Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls endorsed by Lhe 8enewable Lnergy LnLrepreneurs lorum (8LLl)

Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls organlzed and presenLed by Lnergy 8lue (Ly) LLd _ Lhe foundlng
parLner of Lnergyx norLhern Cape 2013 CopyrlghL 2013. All 8lghLs 8eserved.

1he Lvent

Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls a Lhree-day 8enewable Lnergy & Creen Lconomy evenL LhaL feaLures
SLMlnA8S, AnLLS, WC8kSPCS 8LSLn1A1lCnS, an LxPl8l1lCn SACL and much much
more . . . . .

Sponsorshlp packages are Lallored Lo lnclude prlme poslLlonlng as a speaker aL Lhe evenL, Lo
presenL a sesslon, please Lake Llme Lo examlne our dlverse sponsorshlp packages

8e part of the d|verse stakeho|ders and key |ndustry p|ayers who are dr|v|ng the renewab|e
energy space and the broader green economy sector agenda |n the Northern Cape, Iree State
and the North West prov|nces

Who shou|d sponsor the Lnergyk Northern Cape event?
lorward Lhlnklng sLakeholders who need Lo poslLlon Lhelr brand Lo key dlverse sLakeholders ln
Lhe renewable energy secLor, Lhey lnclude buL noL llmlLed Lo:
Corporate compan|es
Government Departments
D|str|ct & Loca| Mun|c|pa||t|es
Government Agenc|es
Sma|| and Med|um Lnterpr|ses
. . . any oLher organlzaLlon lnLeresLed ln poslLlonlng lLs brand Lo Lhe renewable energy secLor

2013 Lnergyx norLhern Cape | 03 Llll 07 March 2013 | klmberley | SouLh Afrlca
Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls endorsed by Lhe 8enewable Lnergy LnLrepreneurs lorum (8LLl)

Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls organlzed and presenLed by Lnergy 8lue (Ly) LLd _ Lhe foundlng
parLner of Lnergyx norLhern Cape 2013 CopyrlghL 2013. All 8lghLs 8eserved.

Who w||| attend?

1he Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls an ldeal meeLlng place for forward Lhlnklng enLrepreneurs and
sLakeholders ln Lhe renewable energy / green economy secLor from key governmenL personnel
Lo enLerprlslng buslness people ln Lhe secLor

Learn abouL upcomlng renewable energy pro[ecLs ln SouLh Afrlca
undersLand how Lo recoup producLlon cosLs by generaLlng your own energy
Learn how Lo promoLe energy opporLunlLles LhaL underpln economlc growLh
Learn how Lo use energy Lradlng Lo develop a provlnclal elecLrlclLy markeL
ulscover how Lo aLLracL lnvesLmenL and secure fundlng for your energy pro[ecL
uebaLe how provlnclal lnLegraLlon can meeL growlng green energy demands
Learn from and meeL wlLh sLakeholders ln Lhe renewable energy secLor
Ln[oy dlverse and Loplcal sub[ecLs on Lhe renewable energy lndusLry
Lngage and neLwork wlLh renewable energy secLor sLakeholders
Learn Lo caplLallze on renewable energy secLor opporLunlLles ln norLhern Cape

A|ready phenomena| part|c|pat|on and |nterest has been expressed from the kenewab|e
Lnergy space and the broader Green Lconomy sector stakeho|ders _ We expect attendance of
1 000 de|egates as we|| as 2S Lxh|b|tors at the 201S ed|t|on of Lnergyk Northern Cape

2013 Lnergyx norLhern Cape | 03 Llll 07 March 2013 | klmberley | SouLh Afrlca
Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls endorsed by Lhe 8enewable Lnergy LnLrepreneurs lorum (8LLl)

Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls organlzed and presenLed by Lnergy 8lue (Ly) LLd _ Lhe foundlng
parLner of Lnergyx norLhern Cape 2013 CopyrlghL 2013. All 8lghLs 8eserved.

Sponsorsh|p 8enef|ts

1o achleve varlous 2013 sponsorshlp levels and Lo demonsLraLe your supporL for Lhe 8enewable
Lnergy space and Lhe broader Creen Lconomy secLor, your organlzaLlon can comblne a varleLy
of sponsorshlp and promoLlonal opporLunlLles aL Lnergyx norLhern Cape. As your LoLal
lnvesLmenL lncreases you recelve addlLlonal beneflLs based on Lhe sponsorshlp level you

We wlll work wlLh you Lo cusLomlze a package LhaL helps you reach your LargeL audlence,
promoLe your organlzaLlon, leave a lasLlng lmpresslon, and generaLe exposure LhaL esLabllshes
your buslness as a markeL leader. Sponsorshlp sLrengLhens your poslLlon ln Lhe conLlnuously
changlng 8enewable Lnergy space and Lhe broader Creen Lconomy secLor

1LkAWA11 SCNSCkSnI (DIAMCND SCNSCk) - k200 000.00 (|nc|. VA1) - one on|y

1erawaLL sponsors recelve Lop bllllng on all Lnergyx norLhern Cape promoLlon,
markeLlng and brandlng
Cpenlng remarks recognlLlon aL Lhe general sesslon of Lhe Lnergyx norLhern Cape
1hree (3) compllmenLary delegaLe reglsLraLlons for full conference and soclal funcLlons
Lxcluslve use of Lhe 'execuLlve board room' aL Lhe venue for buslness meeLlngs wlLh
Lxcluslve brandlng of Lhe 'execuLlve board room'
Cne presenLaLlon sloL aL Lhe Lnergyx norLhern Cape, lf requlred
Cne (1) 3x3m LxhlblLlon SLand wlLh 2 people mannlng Lhe sLand as per Lhe exhlblLlon
Cne page adverLlsemenL (colour) ln Lhe Lnergyx norLhern Cape gulde
1wo banners ln Lhe reglsLraLlon area
?our corporaLe logo dlsplayed on Lhe welcome sllde and prlnLed maLerlals
?ou may provlde promoLlonal maLerlal or glfLs for Lhe delegaLe bags
8ecognlLlon of your LerawaLL sponsorshlp on Lhe Lnergyx norLhern Cape webslLe and on
markeLlng maLerlals

2013 Lnergyx norLhern Cape | 03 Llll 07 March 2013 | klmberley | SouLh Afrlca
Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls endorsed by Lhe 8enewable Lnergy LnLrepreneurs lorum (8LLl)

Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls organlzed and presenLed by Lnergy 8lue (Ly) LLd _ Lhe foundlng
parLner of Lnergyx norLhern Cape 2013 CopyrlghL 2013. All 8lghLs 8eserved.

GIGAWA11 SCNSCkSnI (LA1INUM SCNSCkSnI) - k1S0.000.00 (|nc|. VA1)

ClgawaLL sponsors recelve secondary logo poslLlon on all Lnergyx norLhern Cape
1wo (2) compllmenLary delegaLe reglsLraLlons for full conference and soclal funcLlons
Cne presenLaLlon sloL aL Lnergyx norLhern Cape, lf requlred
Cne (1) 3x3m LxhlblLlon SLand wlLh 2 people mannlng Lhe sLand as per Lhe exhlblLlon
Cne page adverLlsemenL (colour) ln Lhe Lnergyx norLhern Cape gulde
1wo banners ln Lhe reglsLraLlon area
?our corporaLe logo dlsplayed on Lhe welcome sllde and prlnLed maLerlals
?ou may provlde promoLlonal maLerlal or glfLs for Lhe delegaLe bags
8ecognlLlon of your glgawaLL sponsorshlp on Lhe Lnergyx norLhern Cape webslLe and on
markeLlng maLerlals

MLGAWA11 SCNSCkSnI (GCLD SCNSCk) - k100 000.00 (|nc|. VA1)

Cne (1) compllmenLary delegaLe reglsLraLlons for full conference and soclal funcLlons
Cne (1) company banner ln Lhe reglsLraLlon area
Cne (1) 3x3m LxhlblLlon SLand wlLh 2 people mannlng Lhe sLand as per Lhe exhlblLlon
lncludes sponsorshlp of Lhe name Lags wlLh your logo on Lhe Lag and lanyards
Palf page adverLlsemenL (colour) ln Lhe Lnergyx norLhern Cape gulde
?our corporaLe logo dlsplayed on Lhe welcome sllde and prlnLed maLerlals
?ou may provlde promoLlonal maLerlal or glfLs for Lhe delegaLe bags
8ecognlLlon of your megawaLL sponsorshlp on Lhe Lnergyx norLhern Cape webslLe and
on markeLlng maLerlals

March 201S - k S0 000.00 (|nc|. VA1)

Cne (1) compllmenLary delegaLe reglsLraLlons for full conference and soclal funcLlons
Cne (1) company banner ln Lhe reglsLraLlon area
Lxcluslve brandlng aL Lhe welcome cockLall parLy
CpporLunlLy Lo welcome delegaLes aL Lhe welcome cockLall parLy (3 mlnuLes maxlmum)
?our corporaLe logo dlsplayed on Lhe welcome sllde and prlnLed maLerlals
8ecognlLlon as a sponsor durlng Lhe Lnergyx norLhern Cape

2013 Lnergyx norLhern Cape | 03 Llll 07 March 2013 | klmberley | SouLh Afrlca
Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls endorsed by Lhe 8enewable Lnergy LnLrepreneurs lorum (8LLl)

Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls organlzed and presenLed by Lnergy 8lue (Ly) LLd _ Lhe foundlng
parLner of Lnergyx norLhern Cape 2013 CopyrlghL 2013. All 8lghLs 8eserved.

SCNSCk CI 1nL kLLI NL1WCkkING 8kAAI A1 1nL LknAA GULS1 nCUSL _ Ir|day 06 March
201S - k 30 000.00 (|nc|. VA1)

Cne (1) compllmenLary delegaLe reglsLraLlons for full conference and soclal funcLlons
Cne (1) company banner ln Lhe reglsLraLlon area
Lxcluslve brandlng aL Lhe 8LLl neLworklng 88AAl
CpporLunlLy Lo welcome delegaLes aL Lhe 8LLl neLworklng 88AAl (3 mlnuLes maxlmum)
?our corporaLe logo dlsplayed on Lhe welcome sllde and prlnLed maLerlals
8ecognlLlon as a sponsor durlng Lhe Lnergyx norLhern Cape

DLLLGA1L 8AG SCNSCk - k 10 000.00 (|nc|. VA1)
Supply Lhe delegaLe bags wlLh your logo _ bags Lo be approved by Lnergyx norLhern
?our corporaLe logo dlsplayed on Lhe welcome sllde and prlnLed maLerlals
8ecognlLlon as a sponsor durlng Lhe Lnergyx norLhern Cape

kILCWA11 SCNSCkSnI (GLNLkAL SCNSCk) - 10 000.00 (|nc|. VA1)

?our company logo dlsplayed on Lhe welcome sllde and prlnLed maLerlals
8ecognlLlon of your kllowaLL sponsorshlp on Lhe Lnergyx norLhern Cape webslLe and on
markeLlng maLerlals
?ou may provlde promoLlonal maLerlal or glfLs for Lhe delegaLe bags
8ecognlLlon as a sponsor durlng Lnergyx norLhern Cape

MLMCk S1ICk SCNSCk - k 6 000.00 (|nc|. VA1)

Supply of 4ClC (mlnlmum) branded memory sLlcks Lo be approved by Lnergyx norLhern
?our corporaLe logo dlsplayed on Lhe welcome sllde and prlnLed maLerlals
8ecognlLlon as a sponsor durlng Lhe Lnergyx norLhern Cape

2013 Lnergyx norLhern Cape | 03 Llll 07 March 2013 | klmberley | SouLh Afrlca
Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls endorsed by Lhe 8enewable Lnergy LnLrepreneurs lorum (8LLl)

Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls organlzed and presenLed by Lnergy 8lue (Ly) LLd _ Lhe foundlng
parLner of Lnergyx norLhern Cape 2013 CopyrlghL 2013. All 8lghLs 8eserved.

Lxh|b|t|on Space

Cpt|on A

kaw Space Cn|y - brlng your own cusLom made sLand
LlsLlng on all evenL markeLlng maLerlals

Cpt|on 8

She|| Scheme Stand - allowlng for lndlvldual deslgn ln Lhe booLh and placemenL of graphlcs and
posLers. 1hls opLlon lncludes !" $ " %&'(( %)&'*' +,)-,.'/

Slde and rear walls (shell scheme)
2x 100 waLL spoLllghLs
2x chalrs and 1x Lable
1x elecLrlcal ouLleL
1lled CarpeLlng & Walllng
lascla board wlLh company name
LlsLlng on all evenLs markeLlng maLerlals

Cpt|on C

ackage Stands - pre order your des|gner stands. lncrease Lhe lmpacL of your shell scheme
sLand. Arrlve on slLe and make sure lL ls all done for you

Cpt|on D

8us|ness 2one Stand|ng |nc|ud|ng event passes - Lake buslness zone space !'01&'2 %&'(( %)&'*'
%1,34 "# 2,5 %+,)' 63(7) and recelve evenL passes Lo aLLend selecLlve speclal program evenLs

2013 Lnergyx norLhern Cape | 03 Llll 07 March 2013 | klmberley | SouLh Afrlca
Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls endorsed by Lhe 8enewable Lnergy LnLrepreneurs lorum (8LLl)

Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls organlzed and presenLed by Lnergy 8lue (Ly) LLd _ Lhe foundlng
parLner of Lnergyx norLhern Cape 2013 CopyrlghL 2013. All 8lghLs 8eserved.

Lndorsed by the kenewab|e Lnergy Lntrepreneurs
Iorum (kLLI) _ 8u||d|ng Lntrepreneurs for the
kenewab|e Lnergy space and the broader Green
Lconomy sector |n South Afr|ca

1he 8enewable Lnergy LnLrepreneurs lorum (8LLl) ls a SecLlon 21 Company, a represenLaLlve
forum for emerglng 8LACk enLrepreneurs ln Lhe 8epubllc of SouLh Afrlca who are acLlvely
lnvolved ln Lhe 8enewable Lnergy space and Lhe broader Creen Lconomy secLor wlLh speclal
emphasls on Lhe norLhern Cape provlnce

1he 8enewable Lnergy LnLrepreneurs lorum (8LLl) prldes lLself as Lhe 'volce of emerglng
8LACk enLerprlses ln Lhe 8enewable Lnergy space and Lhe broader Creen Lconomy secLor' and
wlll ensure LhaL Lhls volce ls heard where lL maLLers and Lhe lL proLecL Lhe lnLeresLs of emerglng
8LACk buslness ln Lhe 8enewable Lnergy space and Lhe broader Creen Lconomy secLor, aL
local, reglonal, provlnclal and naLlonal levels

About Lnergyk 201S Northern Cape Iound|ng artner

Lnergy 8lue (Ly) LLd ls an lnnovaLlve renewable energy company LhaL provldes alLernaLlve
energy soluLlons dlrecLly Lo households, corporaLe companles, small medlum enLerprlses and
dlverse governmenL and publlc enLlLles

Lnergy 8lue (Ly) seeks alLernaLlves Lo convenLlonal energy sources. WheLher Lhey alm Lo
lncrease energy lndependence, hedge agalnsL rlslng fuel cosLs, cuL carbon emlsslons, lnLroduces
new green energy Lechnologles as well as provldes Lralnlng and developmenL ln Lhe green

Cur producLs and servlces lncludes SCLAk INS1ALLA1ICNS & MAIN1LNANCL: we lnsLall and
malnLaln solar panels and solar waLer heaLers. GkLLN kL1kCII1S: we reLroflL corporaLe offlces,
governmenL bulldlngs, communlLy households wlLh energy savlng llghLs and deslgn more
energy efflclenL llghLlng sysLems. LNLkG AUDI1S: we offer energy audlLlng servlces Lo a
varleLy of cllenLs ln an efforL Lo reduce Lhelr energy consumpLlon and cuL carbon emlsslons.
GkLLN LNLkG CCNSUL1ANC: we parLner wlLh dlverse governmenL and corporaLe enLlLles Lo
provlde renewable energy alLernaLlves, underpln clean-Lech skllls developmenL programs,
promoLe renewable energy developmenL lnlLlaLlves and lnLroduce clean-Lech Lechnologles Lo
low-lncome communlLles

2013 Lnergyx norLhern Cape | 03 Llll 07 March 2013 | klmberley | SouLh Afrlca
Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls endorsed by Lhe 8enewable Lnergy LnLrepreneurs lorum (8LLl)

Lnergyx norLhern Cape ls organlzed and presenLed by Lnergy 8lue (Ly) LLd _ Lhe foundlng
parLner of Lnergyx norLhern Cape 2013 CopyrlghL 2013. All 8lghLs 8eserved.


Should you have any suggesLlons or changes Lo a package LhaL may beLLer sulL your
organlzaLlon needs and markeLlng sLraLegy we could be happy Lo dlscuss Lhese wlLh you

Contact Deta||s

Motheo Seleke

076 853 1214 (mobile)

084 480 6197 (hotline) (email)

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