Implementing Avaya Aura ® Session Manager

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Implementing Avaya Aura

Release 6.3
Issue 2
May 2013

2013 Avaya Inc.

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information in this document is complete and accurate at the time of
printing, Avaya assumes no liability for any errors. Avaya reserves the
right to make changes and corrections to the information in this
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Documentation means information published by Avaya in varying
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Avaya provides a limited warranty on its hardware and Software
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Avaya Support website: Please note that if
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said Avaya reseller and not by Avaya. Software means computer
programs in object code, provided by Avaya or an Avaya Channel
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Avaya grants you a license within the scope of the license types
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applicable license will be a Designated System License. The applicable
number of licenses and units of capacity for which the license is granted
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is specified in the documentation or other materials available to you.
Designated Processor means a single stand-alone computing device.
Server means a Designated Processor that hosts a software
application to be accessed by multiple users.
Concurrent User License
Concurrent User License (CU). End User may install and use the
Software on multiple Designated Processors or one or more Servers,
so long as only the licensed number of Units are accessing and using
the Software at any given time. A Unit means the unit on which Avaya,
at its sole discretion, bases the pricing of its licenses and can be,
without limitation, an agent, port or user, an e-mail or voice mail account
in the name of a person or corporate function (e.g., webmaster or
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Third Party Components mean certain software programs or portions
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Party Components), which contain terms regarding the rights to use
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regarding distributed Linux OS source code (for those Products that
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Preventing Toll Fraud
Toll Fraud is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications
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associated with your system and that, if Toll Fraud occurs, it can result
in substantial additional charges for your telecommunications services.
Avaya Toll Fraud intervention
If you suspect that you are being victimized by Toll Fraud and you need
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2 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013


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Downloading Documentation
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Contact Avaya Support
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For a list of support telephone numbers and contact addresses, go to
the Avaya Support website:, scroll to the
bottom of the page, and select Contact Avaya Support.
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 3

4 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

Chapter 1: Introduction...................................................................................................... 7
Purpose..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Intended audience.................................................................................................................................... 7
Document changes since last issue.......................................................................................................... 7
Related resources..................................................................................................................................... 7
Documentation................................................................................................................................. 7
Training............................................................................................................................................ 8
Avaya Mentor videos........................................................................................................................ 9
Support...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Warranty.................................................................................................................................................... 9
Chapter 2: Session Manager installation overview......................................................... 11
Remote access......................................................................................................................................... 11
OS-level logins for Session Manager........................................................................................................ 12
Upgrades to Session Manager................................................................................................................. 13
Installing Session Manager in a geographic redundancy enabled system............................................... 13
High-level steps for the installation................................................................................................... 14
Geographic Redundancy system verification................................................................................... 15
Chapter 3: Session Manager preinstallation.................................................................... 17
Prerequisites for installing Session Manager............................................................................................ 17
Registering for PLDS................................................................................................................................ 18
Downloading software from PLDS............................................................................................................ 18
Writing the ISO image to a DVD............................................................................................................... 19
Chapter 4: Installing Session Manager............................................................................. 21
Ethernet port labels by server type........................................................................................................... 21
Session Manager installation checklist..................................................................................................... 21
Configuring the laptop for direct connection to the server........................................................................ 23
Disabling proxy servers in Microsoft Internet Explorer.............................................................................. 24
Disabling proxy servers in Mozilla Firefox................................................................................................. 25
Connecting a laptop to the server............................................................................................................. 26
Activating entitlements.............................................................................................................................. 26
Enrolling a password (Enrollment Password)........................................................................................... 27
Authentication files for Session Manager.................................................................................................. 28
Starting the AFS application..................................................................................................................... 29
Creating an authentication file for a Session Manager............................................................................. 29
Installing an authentication file.................................................................................................................. 30
Configuring Session Manager with SMnetSetup...................................................................................... 31
Alarming Configuration.............................................................................................................................. 32
Network Management Systems Destinations................................................................................... 32
Activating and Managing the Session Manager serviceability agent............................................... 33
Chapter 5: Session Manager administration.................................................................... 35
Introduction............................................................................................................................................... 35
Session Manager administration checklist................................................................................................ 35
Adding domain names for Session Manager............................................................................................ 36
Adding Session Manager as a SIP entity.................................................................................................. 36
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 5

Administering Session Manager............................................................................................................... 37
Chapter 6: Testing the installation.................................................................................... 39
Checking the Session Manager service state........................................................................................... 39
Testing the System Manager and Session Manager installation.............................................................. 39
Generating a test alarm............................................................................................................................. 41
Verifying Data Replication to Session Manager........................................................................................ 41
Chapter 7: Session Manager redundancy........................................................................ 43
Configuring Session Manager redundancy on the same System Manager.............................................. 43
Chapter 8: Survivable Remote Session Manager............................................................ 45
Prerequisites............................................................................................................................................. 45
Survivable Remote Session Manager....................................................................................................... 45
Installation overview.................................................................................................................................. 46
Survivable remote installation checklist.................................................................................................... 46
Survivable Remote SAT administration checklist...................................................................................... 49
Adding a Survivable Remote server................................................................................................. 49
Validating gateway recovery rule..................................................................................................... 50
Validating the minimum time of network stability.............................................................................. 50
Survivable Remote Session Manager administration checklist................................................................ 51
Adding a Survivable Remote server as a SIP entity......................................................................... 52
Creating entity links.......................................................................................................................... 52
Checking the connections................................................................................................................ 53
Administering a survivable remote server........................................................................................ 53
Verifying survivable remote information.................................................................................................... 55
Verifying avaya-lsp-fs administration........................................................................................................ 55
Verifying survivable server registration..................................................................................................... 56
Testing calls.............................................................................................................................................. 57
Chapter 9: Troubleshooting............................................................................................... 59
Server has no power................................................................................................................................. 59
Unable to access Service State................................................................................................................ 59
Issues with replica group state.................................................................................................................. 60
Troubleshooting steps...................................................................................................................... 60
Survivable server fails to sync with main server....................................................................................... 61
Branch Session Manager fails to completely install......................................................................... 61
Troubleshooting steps...................................................................................................................... 61
Appendix A: Worksheets.................................................................................................... 63
Session Manager configuration information worksheet............................................................................ 63
Session Manager Entity information worksheet........................................................................................ 64
Survivable Remote configuration information worksheet.......................................................................... 65
Appendix B: Available media............................................................................................. 67
Appendix C: Interoperability with Avaya products.......................................................... 69
Appendix D: Supported hardware and Port Matrix.......................................................... 71
Appendix E: CDR record format........................................................................................ 73
Appendix F: PCN and PSN notifications........................................................................... 79
PCN and PSN notifications....................................................................................................................... 79
Viewing PCNs and PSNs.......................................................................................................................... 79
Signing up for PCNs and PSNs................................................................................................................ 80
Index..................................................................................................................................... 81
6 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

Chapter 1: Introduction
This document contains the installation and initial administration information for Avaya

Session Manager Release 6.3.

Intended audience
The primary audience for this document is anyone who is involved with installing and verifying
Avaya Aura

Session Manager.
Document changes since last issue
No documentation changes have been made to this document since the last issue.
Related resources
The following table contains information about additional Session Manager-related
documentation available on the Avaya support website.
Name of Book Details
Administering Avaya Aura

Session Manager
Describes how to administer Session Manager, using
System Manager.
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 7

Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager
Provides the installation and initial administration
information for Session Manager.
Maintaining and Troubleshooting
Avaya Aura

Session Manager
Contains information for troubleshooting Session
Manager, resolving alarms, and replacing hardware.
Also contains alarm codes and event ID
Administering Avaya Aura

Communication Manager Server

Provides information for administering
Communication Manager as feature server or
evolution server and the associated Session Manager
Implementing Avaya Aura

Communication Manager
Provides information on installing the appropriate
Communication Manager template, including Branch
Session Manager, on the server.
Avaya Aura

Session Manager
using VMware

in the Virtualized
Environment Deployment Guide
Provides information on installation, configuration,
initial administration and troubleshooting for Session
Manager on VMware.
Upgrading Avaya Aura

Describes how to upgrade Session Manager to a new
software release.
Installing Service Packs For Avaya

Session Manager
Describes how to install service packs on Session
Security Design for Avaya Aura

Session Manager
Contains information on making Session Manager
secure on the network.
Avaya Aura

Session Manager
Case Studies
Provides case studies that walk users through
common administration scenarios.
Installing the Avaya S8800 Server
for Avaya Aura

Contains information on installing the S8800 server in
the rack.
Installing the Avaya S8510 Server
Family and Its Components
Contains information on installing the S8510 server in
the rack.
Installing the Dell


R610 Server
Contains information on installing the Dell


R610 server in the rack.

Installing the HP ProLiant DL360
G7 Server
Contains information on installing the HP ProLiant
DL360 G7 server in the rack.
The following courses are available on To search for the
course, in the Search field, enter the course code and click Go .
8 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

Course code Course title
5U00104W Session Manager 6.2 Delta Overview
Avaya Aura

Session Manager Overview

ATU00171OEN Session Manager General Overview
ATC00175OEN Session Manager Rack and Stack
ATU00170OEN Session Manager Technical Overview
ATC01840OEN Survivable Remote Session Manager Administration
Avaya Mentor videos
Avaya Mentor is an Avaya-run channel on YouTube that includes technical content on how to
install, configure, and troubleshoot Avaya products.
Go to and perform one of the following actions:
Enter a key word or key words in the Search Channel to search for a specific product
or topic.
Scroll down Playlists, and click the name of a topic to see the available list of videos
posted on the site.
Visit the Avaya Support website at for the most up-to-date
documentation, product notices, and knowledge articles. You can also search for release
notes, downloads, and resolutions to issues. Use the online service request system to create
a service request. Chat with live agents to get answers to questions, or request an agent to
connect you to a support team if an issue requires additional expertise.
Avaya provides a 90-day limited warranty on Session Manager. See the sales agreement or
other applicable documentation for more information about the terms of the limited warranty.
In addition, see the standard warranty and details about Session Manager support during the
warranty period on the Avaya Support website at under Help &
Policies> Policies & Legal > Maintenance and Warranty Information. See also Help &
Policies > Policies & Legal > License Terms.
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 9

10 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

Chapter 2: Session Manager installation
Avaya Aura

System Manager Release 6.3 manages up to 10 core Session Manager instances. You can
set up and administer the Session Managers concurrently.
You can install the Session Manager 6.3 application on the following servers: HP DL360G7 and Dell R610.
The servers HP DL360G7 or Dell R610 are shipped with all of the required components and software
applications installed. Avaya has issued End of Sale notices for both S8800 and S8510 servers. For details
and effective dates of these End of Sale notices, see the Avaya Support website at http:// This installation document includes references specific to S8800 and S8510 because
the Session Manager 6.3 application can be installed on the S8800 and S8510 servers under some
circumstances such as software re-installation. You can connect the server to the customer network and
the System Manager server using CAT5 Ethernet cables provided by the customer. Remote access to
the server is supported only through the network. The system does not support modem access.
Starting with Session Manager Release 6.0, the PCI hardware version of the SM100 security module is
a software module running on the Session Manager server. The SM100 PCI hardware version is not used.
The software version of the Security Module uses the Eth2 network interface for SIP traffic.
Ensure that customers have the Linux operating system Kickstart DVD and the Session Manager
Software DVD on the site to handle advanced installation issues or catastrophic failure or both.
Download the software from PLDS.
Ensure that System Manager is installed and operating on the customer network before starting the
Session Manager installation.
You can install and configure the Mid-size Enterprise Session Manager using the Midsize Enterprise
Template 6.2. For more information, see Installing and Configuring Avaya Aura

Solution for Midsize

Enterprise on the Avaya Support website.
Remote access
Secure Access Link (SAL) uses the existing Internet connectivity of the customer for remote
support and alarming. All communication from the customer environment is sent by Secure
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). SAL requires upload bandwidth, for example,
from customer to Avaya or Avaya Partner, of at least 90 Kbs with round trip latency no greater
than 150 ms.
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 11

Business Partners without SAL Concentrator must provide their own IP-based connectivity, for
example, B2B VPN connection, to deliver remote services.
OS-level logins for Session Manager
The following is a list of logins which are created during the Session Manager software
craft: An Avaya services login that you can use to gain access to the system remotely
for troubleshooting purposes.
sroot: An Avaya services root permission login that you can use to gain access to the
system remotely for troubleshooting purposes. You cannot gain access to the sroot login
directly from a login prompt except at the server console.
customer: A login that the SMnetSetup script creates. The default name of the
customer login is cust. The customer must ensure the security of this login-in account.
The customer login can run tools on the Session Manager server which do not require
root access.
CDR_User: A restricted shell login for the Call Detail Recording (CDR) feature that collects
call data from the Session Manager server. This login is restricted to sftp access only.
asset: A login created during the installation of the Security Module software. By default,
access to the system using this login is disabled.
spirit: A login created by the Secure Access Link remote alarming and remote access
module for Avaya services.
postgres: A login created by the installation of the Session Manager software
PostgresSQL database system. Access to the system using this login is disabled.
init : An Avaya services login that accesses the system remotely for troubleshooting
inads: An Avaya services login that accesses the system remotely for troubleshooting
rasaccess: An Avaya services login that accesses the system remotely for
troubleshooting purposes.
jboss: A login created for running the management jboss and is not a login account.
wsuser: A login created for running WebSphere and is not a login account.
As of Session Manager 6.2 release, the sroot and craft logins are secured using Access
Security Gateway challenge and response mechanisms in order to prevent unauthorized
access to Session Manager servers by non-Avaya services personnel. Using the customer
login account, you can execute most of the maintenance and troubleshooting commands
and root access is not required for standard maintenance and support purposes. For details,
see PSN.
Session Manager installation overview
12 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

Upgrades to Session Manager
To upgrade to a new software release for Session Manager, see Upgrading Avaya Aura

Session Manager on the Avaya support Web site at

To install service packs for Session Manager, see Installing Service Packs on Avaya Aura

Session Manager on the Avaya support Web site at Branch

Session Manager (BSM) upgrade involves upgrading of the Communication Manager
Survivable Remote templates as outlined in the document Upgrading Avaya Aura

Upgrade System Manager before starting the upgrade process on Session Managers.
Installing Session Manager in a geographic redundancy
enabled system
Before you begin
In a Geographic Redundancy-enabled system, ensure that the two standalone System
Manager servers that you designate as primary and secondary servers are installed and:
Contain the same hardware, HP ProLiant DL360 G7 or Dell


Meet the following requirements:
- Must have the same hardware configuration.
- Must contain the same version of System Manager software that includes the
template, service packs, and patches.
- Must contain the same version of the System Platform software that includes service
- Must be able to communicate with each other over the network.
- Must have synchronized network time.
For System Manager Installation details, see Implementing Avaya Aura

System Manager and

Avaya Aura

System Manager using VMware

in the Virtualized Environment Deployment

For the initial administration related procedures and to understand the overall setup of the
Geographic Redundancy-enabled system, see the chapter Session Manager in a
Upgrades to Session Manager
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 13

geographically redundant System Manager environment in the book Administering Avaya

Session Manager.
High-level steps for the installation
1. Install the primary System Manager with System Manager 6.3 as a standalone
System Manager or upgrade a standalone System Manager to System Manager
2. Install the secondary System Manager.
3. Configure System Managers for the Geographic Redundancy operation.
4. Replicate the primary System Manager data to the secondary System Manager.
5. Install Session Manager 6.3 or upgrade an existing Session Manager to Session
Manager 6.3.
See Session Manager configuration information worksheet in Appendix A:
6. Synchronize System Manager data with the Communication Manager system.
The post installation system updates are as follows:
1. Above mentioned steps enables trust to be established between the System
Manager and Session Manager in the normal manner.
2. The system performs the first set of replications including the FQDN and IP
addresses of both System Managers.
3. Session Manager detects two sets of FQDNs and IP addresses of both System
Managers and automatically reconfigures as per the Geographic Redundancy
4. Session Manager queries both System Manager servers and determines the
5. After the Session Manager automatically reconfigures, the system operates in the
Sunny Day Geographic Redundancy mode.
For installing Session Manager 6.3 and pre-Session Manager 6.3 when the primary System
Manager is off the network and the secondary System Manager is active, you can install
according to the following method:
For Session Manager release 6.3, if installed when the primary is unavailable and the
secondary is active, run the script MASTER_SMGR_IP, where
Session Manager installation overview
14 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

MASTER_SMGR_IP is the secondary System Manager IP address. Next, run the script
For Session Manager of pre-6.3 release, re-configure the Session Manager instances
to be managed by the secondary System Manager by running the following command:
changeMgmtIP. See Maintaining and troubleshooting Avaya Aura

Manager for details.
With this command, you can change the IP address of the System Manager that manages
these Session Manager instances.
Geographic Redundancy system verification
About this task
Perform this verification procedure after the system installation or upgrade.
1. In the secondary System Manager, verify that the primary is running in the Active
2. In the primary System Manager, verify that the secondary is running in the Standby
Installing Session Manager in a geographic redundancy enabled system
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 15

Session Manager installation overview
16 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

Chapter 3: Session Manager preinstallation
Prerequisites for installing Session Manager
Before you install Session Manager, ensure that you meet the following prerequisites:
The System Manager template must be installed and operating. Beginning from Release
6.3, you can install System Manager in the following environment:
- Geographic Redundancy. In this mode, you install System Manager as primary
System Manager server and secondary System Manager server.
- non-Geographic Redundancy. In this mode you install System Manager as
standalone System Manager server.
To install the System Manager template, see Implementing Avaya Aura

Manager on the Avaya support Web site,
License activation code: You must have a license activation code (LAC) before you install
Session Manager. The LAC email recipients are identified during the order placement
Obtain the Virtual FQDN of System Manager.

Network ports: The document Avaya Aura

Session Manager: Port Matrix identifies which

network ports must be open in firewalls. This document is available to Avaya customers,
associates, and business partners who can use the InSite Knowledge Management
Database at
Access to the PLDS Web site: If you do not have access to the Product License Delivery
System (PLDS) Web site, see Avaya Access FAQ for details.
Register for PLDS
Download software from PLDS
Write the ISO image to DVD or CD
The PLDS download ID for the source RPMs ISO image (RHEL source code used by
Session Manager) is SM000000041.
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 17

Registering for PLDS
1. Go to the Avaya Product Licensing and Delivery System (PLDS) Web site at https://
The PLDS Web site redirects you to the Avaya single sign-on (SSO) Web page.
2. Log in to SSO with your SSO ID and password.
The PLDS registration page is displayed.
3. If you are registering:
as an Avaya Partner, enter the Partner Link ID. If you do not know your Partner
Link ID, send an e-mail to
as a customer, enter one of the following:
- Company Sold-To
- Ship-To number
- License authorization code (LAC)
4. Click Submit.
Avaya will send you the PLDS access confirmation within one business day.
Downloading software from PLDS
About this task
You can download product software from also.
1. Type in your Web browser to go to the Avaya PLDS
2. Enter your Login ID and password to log on to the PLDS Web site.
3. On the Home page, select Assets.
4. Select View Downloads.
5. Search for the available downloads using one of the following methods:
Session Manager preinstallation
18 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

By actual download name
By selecting an application type from the drop-down list
By download type
By clicking Search Downloads
6. Click the download icon from the appropriate download.
7. When the system displays the confirmation box, select Click to download your
file now.
8. If you receive an error message, click on the message, install Active X, and continue
with the download.
9. When the system displays the security warning, click Install.
When the installation is complete, PLDS displays the downloads again with a
checkmark next to the downloads that are completed successfully.
Writing the ISO image to a DVD
Before you begin
1. Download any required software from PLDS.
2. Verify that the md5 checksum of the downloaded ISO image matches the md5
checksum that is displayed for the ISO image on the PLDS Web site.
About this task
If you are writing to a DVD, you require a computer or a server that has a DVD writer and a
software that can write ISO images to DVD.
When the ISO image is being written to the DVD, do not run other resource-intensive
applications on the computer. Any application that uses the hard disk intensively can cause
a buffer underrun or other errors, which can render the DVD useless.
Write the ISO image of the installer to a DVD.
Writing the ISO image to a DVD
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 19

Session Manager preinstallation
20 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

Chapter 4: Installing Session Manager
About this task
To install Session Manager, perform the following steps:
Enter networking and related information. For more information, see Worksheets on page 63.
Install the Session Manager server.
Administer Session Manager.
Test the installation.
You can install the Session Manager application on the HP DL360G7 and Dell R610 servers. These
servers are shipped with all of the required components and software applications.
Ethernet port labels by server type
Server Eth0 (Management Interface) Eth2 (Security Module)
S8800 1 3
HP DL360 G7 1 3
Dell R610 Gb1 Gb3
S8510 GB1 GB3
Session Manager installation checklist
You need a copy of this checklist for each Session Manager that you will install.
The customer must have the Linux operating system Kickstart DVD and the Session Manager
Software CD on the site to address advanced installation issues and catastrophic failures. The
software is available for download from PLDS. See the section Session Manager
Preinstallation for details.
Session Manager and System Manager host names might contain letters, numbers, and
hyphens. You cannot enter underscores.
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 21

# Installation action Link to installation description
1 Complete the Session Manager
configuration information worksheet
and verify that the information is
Session Manager configuration
information worksheet on page 63
2 Complete the Session Manager entity
information worksheet and verify that
the information is correct.
Session Manager Entity information
worksheet on page 64
3 Configure the laptop for direct
connection to the server which is
required for the initial configuration.
Configuring the laptop for direct
connection to the server on page
4 Disable proxy servers.
If using Internet Explorer, see
Disabling proxy servers in Microsoft
Internet Explorer on page 24
If using Firefox, see Disabling proxy
servers in Mozilla Firefox on
page 25
5 Install the Session Manager server.
If you are installing an Avaya S8800
server, see Installing the Avaya
S8800 Server for Avaya Aura

Communication Manager (03

If you are installing an Avaya S8510
server, see Installing the Avaya
S8510 Server Family and Its
Components (03602918)
If you are installing a Dell R610
server, see Installing the Dell


R610 Server,
If you are installing an HP DL360
G7 server, see Installing the HP
DL360 G7 Server, 03-603799
6 Connect the laptop to the server. Connecting a laptop to the server on
page 26
7 Install the license file. Activating entitlements on page 26
8 Log in to System Manager associated
with Session Manager.
9 Establish the Session Manager
enrollment password on System
Enrolling a password (Enrollment
Password) on page 27
Installing Session Manager
22 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

# Installation action Link to installation description
10 Create and install an authentication
file for Session Manager.
Authentication files for Session
Manager on page 28
11 Configure Session Manager using
the SMnetSetup command.
Configuring Session Manager with
SMnetSetup on page 31
12 Ping the System Manager from the
Session Manager server to ensure
that the Session Manager is
connected to your network.
In case of Geo-Redundant System
Manager, make sure that Session
Manager can ping both System
Managers. If the Primary System
Manager is down, make sure that the
secondary System Manager is up.
13 Administer Session Manager. Session Manager administration
checklist on page 35
14 Configure the Alarming setup. Activating and Managing the Session
Manager serviceability agent on
page 33
15 Test the installation. Checking the Session Manager
service state on page 39
Change the service state of the newly installed Session Manager to Accept New Service
using Session Manager Dashboard.
Use SMnetSetup to change the DNS configuration. The command SMnetSetup can be
run safely without interrupting service.
Do not restart SIP server instead restart the Session Manager server.
Configuring the laptop for direct connection to the server
About this task
Before you connect the laptop to the server, you must manually configure the following:
Configuring the laptop for direct connection to the server
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 23

IP address
Subnet mask
Default gateway
1. Make a note of the changes you make on your laptop for restoring to the standard
2. The following procedure is for Windows XP. The procedure may differ for other
versions of Windows.
1. To configure the laptop to connect to the server, right-click My Network Places.
2. Click Properties.
3. In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, in the General tab, click
4. Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) from the list of items.
5. Click Properties.
6. In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box, under the General tab,
select Use the following IP address.
Do not click the Alternate Configuration tab.
7. In the IP address field, enter
8. In the Subnet mask field, enter
9. In the Default gateway field, enter
10. Click OK.
Disabling proxy servers in Microsoft Internet Explorer
About this task
To connect directly to the services port, disable the proxy servers in Internet Explorer.
1. Start Internet Explorer.
Installing Session Manager
24 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

2. Select Tools > Internet Options.
3. Click the Connections tab.
4. Click LAN Settings.
5. Clear the Use a proxy server for your LAN option.
To reenable the proxy server, select the Use a proxy server for your LAN option
6. Click OK to close each dialog box.
Disabling proxy servers in Mozilla Firefox
About this task
To connect directly to the services port, disable the proxy servers in Firefox.
This procedure is for Firefox on a Windows-based computer. The steps can vary slightly if
you are running Linux or another operating system on your laptop.
1. Start Firefox.
2. Select Tools > Options.
3. Select the Advanced option.
4. Click the Network tab.
5. Click Settings.
6. Select the No proxy option.
To reenable the proxy server, select the appropriate option again.
7. Click OK to close each dialog box.
Disabling proxy servers in Mozilla Firefox
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 25

Connecting a laptop to the server
Before you begin
Ensure that you have an SSH client application, such as PuTTY, installed on your
Configure the IP settings of the laptop for direct connection to the server. See the earlier
Disable the use of proxy servers. See the earlier topics.
The remote services laptop is only for SSH access to Session Manager. Session Manager
does not support Web access.
1. Connect the laptop to the services port Eth1 with a standard or crossover Ethernet
cable. See Ethernet port labels by server type on page 21 for the services port label
on a particular server.
2. Start an SSH client application, that is PuTTY, session.
3. In the Host Name (or IP Address) field, enter
The system assigns the IP address to the services port.
4. Verify that the protocol is SSH.
5. Verify that the Port is 22.
6. Click Open.
When you connect to the server for the first time, the system displays the PuTTY
Security Alert window.
7. Click Yes to accept the server host key and display the PuTTY window.
8. Log in using craft on Session Manager or admin on System Platform or System
9. To close PuTTY, enter exit.
Activating entitlements
When entitlements are activated, PLDS sends an Activation Record to the registered customer
email address. This email contains the entitlement details and the license file. To use the
Installing Session Manager
26 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

license file, you must install the license on the System Manager server, which is the License
Host WebLM server.
Before you begin
To install a license on a server, you must have license activation codes (LAC) and the Host ID
of the System Manager server, which is the WebLM server.
1. Enter in the address bar of your Web browser to
access the Avaya PLDS Web site.
2. Enter your Login ID and password to log on to the PLDS Web site.
3. Enter LAC, which you have received through an email, in the LAC(s) field in the
Quick Activation section.
4. Enter the host information.
5. Click Next to validate the registration detail.
6. Enter System Manager or other WebLM server information.
The Host ID is the MAC address from the machine hosting the WebLM server. For
more information on how to obtain MAC address, click Help.
7. Enter the number of licenses you want to activate.
8. Read and accept the Avaya Legal Agreement.
9. Send a confirmation email:
a. Enter any additional certificate recipient email addresses in the E-mail to:
b. (Optional) Enter Comments.
c. Click Finish.
10. Click View Activation Record and verify the information.
Enrolling a password (Enrollment Password)
About this task
When you enroll a password, the System Manager and Session Manager servers form a bond
of trust. You need the Trust Management Enrollment Password to install and configure the
Session Manager software.
1. On the System Manager Web console, in the Services column, click Security >
Certificates > Enrollment Password.
Enrolling a password (Enrollment Password)
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 27

2. If a password already exists and the Time Remaining is not 0, skip the remaining
steps. The enrollment password is already valid. Make note of the password
displayed on the screen for future reference.
3. In the Password expires in box, select a value from the drop-down menu for the
time when the password should expire.
4. If a password already exists, copy the password to the Password box.
5. If a password does not exist, do one of the following:
Click Generate to use a randomly generated string as a password.
Enter a password in the Password field and click Commit.
Make note of the password displayed on the screen for future reference.
The system updates the time displayed next to the Time remaining label with
the value selected in the Password expires in field.
Authentication files for Session Manager
Beginning with Session Manager 6.2, you must create and install an authentication file.
The authentication file contains Access Security Gateway (ASG) keys and the server certificate
for Session Manager. With the ASG keys, Avaya Services can securely gain access to the
customer system.
A default authentication file is installed with Session Manager. However, replace the default
file with a unique file. Authentication File System (AFS) creates unique authentication files.
AFS is an online application available at HTTP://RFA.AVAYA.COM.
AFS authentication files have a plain text XML header with encrypted authentication data and
an encrypted server certificate. Each authentication file contains an authentication file ID
(AFID) to identify the file. You need this AFID to create a new authentication file for an upgrade
or to replace the current authentication file on the server.
You must install the unique authentication file. Failure to install the unique authentication
file results in receiving an alarm that re-transmits once a day until you install this file.
Related Topics
Installing Session Manager
28 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

Starting the AFS application on page 29
Creating an authentication file for a Session Manager on page 29
Installing an authentication file on page 30
Starting the AFS application
Before you begin
AFS is available only to Avaya service personnel and Avaya Partners. If you are a customer
and need an authentication file, contact Avaya or your authorized Avaya Partner.
You must have a login ID and password to start the AFS application. You can sign up for a
login at
About this task
1. Type in your Web browser.
2. Enter your login information and click Submit.
3. Click Start the AFS Application.
A security message is displayed.
4. Click I agree.
The AFS application starts.
Creating an authentication file for a Session Manager
About this task
To acquire an authentication file, use one of the following options:
Download the authentication file directly from AFS.
Receive the authentication file in an email.
1. Log in to AFS.
2. In the Product field, select SM Session Manager.
3. In the Release field, select the release number of the software and then click
Starting the AFS application
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 29

4. Select New System, and then click Next.
5. If you want to download the authentication file directly from AFS to your computer:
a. Click Download file to my PC.
b. Click Save in the File Download dialog box.
c. Select the location where you want to save the authentication file, and then click
d. Click Close in the Download complete dialog box to complete the
After the authentication file is created, AFS displays a confirmation message that
contains the system type, release, and authentication file ID (AFID).
6. To receive the authentication file in an e-mail message:
a. Enter the e-mail address in the Email Address field.
b. Click Download file via email.
AFS sends the e-mail message that includes the authentication file as an
attachment and the AFID, system type, and release in the message text.
c. Save the authentication file to a location on the computer of the e-mail
After the authentication file is created, AFS displays a confirmation message
that contains the system type, release, and authentication file ID (AFID).
7. To view the header information in the authentication file, go to the location where
you saved the file and open the file with WordPad.
The header includes the AFID, product name and release number, and the date
and time that the authentication file was generated.
Installing an authentication file
1. Log in as craft or customer to a console on the Session Manager server or use
SSH for remote login.
2. Type echo $HOME.
3. Using WinSCP or some other file transfer program, transfer the authentication file
to the Session Manager server into the directory represented by $HOME.
4. Load the authentication file manually using loadpwd command as shown below:
loadpwd -l <path to the auth file>.
Installing Session Manager
30 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

Next steps
Use the displaypwd command to display information about the currently loaded
authentication file.
Configuring Session Manager with SMnetSetup
About this task
Session Manager is shipped with the following configuration:
System Name: avaya-asm
DNS Domain: localdomain
DNS Server:
1. Connect Ethernet Ports by using cables to the customer Local Area Network
according to the server type. See Ethernet port labels by server type on page 21
for the port labels for the different servers.
2. Connect the laptop to the server, or connect a monitor and USB keyboard to the
3. Login to the Session Manager as craft.
4. Enter the command SMnetSetup
5. For the information required by SMnetSetup, see Session Manager configuration
information worksheet on page 63.
a. Enter the Session Manager server hostname.
b. Enter the Session Manager IP address (Mgmt).
c. Enter the Netmask.
d. Enter the Gateway IP address.
e. Enter the Network Domain.
f. Enter the Primary DNS server IP address.
g. Enter the Secondary DNS (if applicable).
h. Enter the Tertiary DNS (if applicable).
i. Configure the local time zone.
j. When prompted for Disable NTP?, enter no.
k. Enter the NTP server.
l. Enter the Secondary NTP server (if applicable).
m. Enter the Tertiary NTP server (if applicable).
Configuring Session Manager with SMnetSetup
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 31

n. At the prompt, press Enter.
o. When prompted, create a customer account with a password.
p. Enter the Primary System Manager IP Address.
SMnetSetup automatically configures the System Manager related
configurations. In case when System Manager is unreachable, then enter the
following information.
q. Enter y if System Manager is setup with Geographic Redundancy.
r. Enter the Primary System Manager FQDN.
s. Enter the Secondary System Manager IP address (if necessary).
t. Enter the Secondary System Manager FQDN (if necessary).
u. Enter the virtual System Manager FQDN.
v. Verify your settings.
w. Enter the enrollment password.
6. At this point, the system configures automatically. The configuration takes
approximately 15 minutes to complete.
Alarming Configuration
Network Management Systems Destinations
The Session Manager serviceability agent can send SNMPv2c/v3 traps or Informs for alarms
to multiple destinations such as:
SAL Gateway (mandatory)
System Manager Trap Listener
Third-party NMS
Avaya SIG server
SAL Gateway is a mandatory trap destination for traps sent to Avaya Services for system
maintenance. SAL Gateway converts the traps to alarms and forwards the alarms to the Avaya
Data Centre for ticketing purposes. Therefore, after you install or upgrade from release earlier
than 6.2 to Session Manager Release 6.2 or later, you must configure the serviceability agent
with the SAL Gateway as a trap destination. The serviceability agent configuration is performed
using System Manager Web Console. You must also configure Session Manager as a
managed device on the SAL Gateway. Optionally, you can configure any third-party Network
Management Systems (NMS) as a trap destination. Based on customer requirements, Avaya
technicians can also configure Avaya SIG server as another trap destination.
Installing Session Manager
32 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

For upgrades from Release 6.2 or later, the configuration of the serviceability agent persists
through the Session Manager upgrade.
Activating and Managing the Session Manager serviceability agent
About this task
Activating and managing the Session Manager serviceability agent is performed using the
System Manager web console. To add an NMS destination, you must create a target profile
for the NMS destination and then attach the target profile to a serviceability agent. For more
information on activating agents and attaching target profiles, see Chapter 7, SNMP Support
for Session Manager in the Maintaining and Troubleshooting Avaya Aura

Session Manager
For the Geographic Redundant system setup, administer both System Manager instances as
targets for the alarming.
Alarming Configuration
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 33

Installing Session Manager
34 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

Chapter 5: Session Manager administration
After the Session Manager installation, perform the following basic administrative steps at the
customer site:
1. Add SIP Domains.
2. Add Session Manager as SIP entities.
3. Administer Session Manager instances. Configure the following:
a. Routing settings
b. Security default settings
c. User account setup
For a complete description of Session Manager administration, including administration of a
Geographic Redundant system, see Administering Avaya Aura

Session Manager.
Session Manager administration checklist
Use the following checklist for the initial administration of a newly-installed Session
# Administration action Link to administration action
1 Log into the System Manager
associated with this Session
2 Add Domain Names. Adding domain names for Session
Manager on page 36
3 Add the installed Session Manager as
a SIP Entity.
Adding Session Manager as a SIP
entity on page 36
4 Administer the Session Manager. Administering Session Manager on
page 37
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 35

Adding domain names for Session Manager
1. On the System Manager Web console, click Elements > > Routing > Domains.
2. Click New.
3. In the Name field, enter the Network Domain Name of Session Manager.
4. In the Type field, click SIP.
5. (Optional) Enter a description in the Notes field.
6. Click Commit.
Adding Session Manager as a SIP entity
1. On the System Manager Web console, Elements > Routing > SIP Entities.
2. Select New
3. In the Name field, enter the name of Session Manager.
4. In the FQDN or IP Address field, enter the IP address of the Session Manager
Security Module. This IP address is not the management IP address.
5. In the Type field, set the type to Session Manager.
6. In the Port section of the screen, click Add to add all port, protocol, and default
domain entries for each port and protocol on which the Session Manager will listen
for SIP traffic. Add Failover ports if the SIP entity is a failover group member. See
Failover Groups section in the Administering Avaya Aura

Session Manager,
03-603324 book for details.
7. Click Commit.
Session Manager administration
36 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

Administering Session Manager
1. On the System Manager Web console, Elements > Session Manager > Session
Manager Administration.
2. In the Session Manager Instances, select New.
3. In the SIP Entity Name field, enter the name of Session Manager.
4. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description for Session Manager .
5. In the Management Access Point Host Name/IP field, enter the IP address of the
host on which the Session Manager is installed.
6. In the Network Mask field, enter the network mask of the Session Manager Security
7. In the Default Gateway field, enter the default gateway of the Session Manager
Security Module.
8. Ensure that the Enable Monitoring box is checked by default.
For more information regarding SIP monitoring, see Administering Avaya Aura

Session Manager.
9. Click Commit.
NOTE: After you administer the Session Manager instance, the configuration
changes may take several minutes to replicate to the Session Manager servers.
Wait a few minutes before you continue with validation of the configuration.
Administering Session Manager
Implementing Avaya Aura

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Session Manager administration
38 Implementing Avaya Aura

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Chapter 6: Testing the installation
Checking the Session Manager service state
1. Log in to the System Manager as an administrator using the admin login.
2. In Elements, select Session Manager .
The service state for the new Session Manager must be Deny New Service.
3. If the system displays dashes as Service State for the installed Session Manager,
see Unable to access Service State on page 59 for troubleshooting information.
Testing the System Manager and Session Manager
About this task
Perform the following steps to verify System Manager and Session Manager are installed and
configured properly, and that the servers and applications are communicating.
1. On System Manager Web Console, select Elements > Session Manager >
System Tools > Maintenance Tests
2. Select System Manager from the Select Target drop-down list.
3. Click Execute All Tests.
4. Verify all tests display Success.
5. On System Manager Web Console, select Elements > Session Manager >
System Status > Security Module Status.
6. Verify the status is Up for all Session Managers.
7. Verify the IP address is correct.
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 39

8. If the status is Down, reset the security module:
Select the appropriate Session Manager from the table.
Click Reset.
Session Manager cannot process calls while the security module is being
9. On System Manager Web Console, select Elements > Session Manager.
10. On the Session Manager Dashboard page, verify that the installed software
versions of all Session Managers are the same.
Perform this step after all the Session Manager instances in the network are
11. Verify that all Session Manager servers are in the Accept New Service state under
Service State.
12. On System Manager Web Console, select Elements > Session Manager >
System Tools > Maintenance Tests.
13. Select the appropriate Session Manager instance.
14. Select Execute All Tests.
15. Verify that all tests ran successfully.
16. Check the replication status of the Session Managers:
a. On System Manager Web Console, select Services > Replication.
The Synchronization Status must be green and the status should be
b. If the status is not Synchronized, select the check box next to
SessionManagers (type Replica Node) and click View Replica Nodes to
determine which Session Manager is not synchronized with System Manager.
17. Verify that there are no active alarms for Session Manager. To view alarms on the
System Manager web console, in Services, select Events > Alarms.
18. If System Manager and customer NMS are configured to forward alarms, generate
a test alarm to verify forwarding of alarms. See Generating a test alarm on
page 41.
You can also use Session Manager Dashboard to verify that the installed Session
Manager is ready for service.
19. For Geographic Redundant systems, verify the following:
Ping the vFQDN of the System Managers to make sure connectivity is good.
Testing the installation
40 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

Using System Manager Data Replication Service, verify that the Session
Manager is in the DRS node list and is synchronized.
Using System Manager Inventory, verify that the managed elements in the
managed by column show the correct value of the managing System
Generating a test alarm
About this task
The command generates a test alarm and sends the alarm to the
targets assigned to the serviceability agent. These targets may include:
SAL Gateway (alarm is forwarded to ADC)
System Manager Trap Listener
Third-party NMS
Avaya SIG server
1. To generate a test alarm, enter the Session Manager CLI command
2. Verify that the System Manager received the test alarm message:
a. On the System Manager Web Console, select Services > Events > Alarms.
b. Verify the following text is displayed under the Description column: Test alarm
for testing only, no recovery action necessary.
3. If the serviceability agent is configured with other targets, verify the other targets
also received the test alarm.
Verifying Data Replication to Session Manager
1. On the System Manager Web console, click Services > Replication.
2. Verify that the status for the appropriate replica group is Synchronized.
Generating a test alarm
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 41

3. If the replica group is not in a Synchronized, Queued for Repair, or Repairing
state, refer to Branch Session Manager fails to completely install on page 61.
For more information, see Unable to access Service State on page 59.
Testing the installation
42 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

Chapter 7: Session Manager redundancy
Session Manager uses the active-active approach where two instances are simultaneously active.
Session Manager routes request to either instance, and a failure of one of the Session Manager instances
does not interrupt service. Active-active redundancy requires Session Manager instances to be
interconnected over an IP network with sufficient bandwidth and low latency to synchronize runtime
Configuring Session Manager redundancy on the same
System Manager
About this task
In the following configuration example, SM-1 is one Session Manager instance and SM-2 is
the active backup.
Route-through failover relies on Communication Manager look-ahead routing to choose
alternate routes. The route pattern form adds the secondary or failover trunk group
If you use Local Host Name Resolution load balancing, you do not need additional
administration if you reuse the same Port IDs and IP addresses, such as C-LANs or procr, for
the added SM-2 trunk groups..
1. Add SM-2 as the backup Session Manager server.
2. On SM-2, create the entity links that exist on SM-1. For example, VP-1.
3. For route-through failover, add an entity link SM-1 to SM-2.
4. Add the trunk setup on your device, such as Communication Manager and Voice
Portal. For example, if you have a Communication Manager signaling group to
SM-1, you must add a Communication Manager signaling group to SM-2.
All other administration is accessible to SM-2 automatically. You do not need to
perform additional dial plan administration.
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 43

Session Manager redundancy
44 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

Chapter 8: Survivable Remote Session
This section describes how to install, configure, and administer a Communication Manager with a
Survivable Remote Session Manager (also called as Branch Session Manager).
Install and administer System Manager and the core Session Manager and ensure both
are operational.
Install and administer the main Communication Manager server
Ensure that the main Communication Manager is administered as a SIP entity on Session
Survivable Remote Session Manager
With the Survivable Remote Session Manager, you can enable Survivable Remote Server-
style survival capabilities for a customer with SIP phones in a branch. The Survivable Remote
Session Manager supports a total WAN outage in the branch when all the devices in the branch
network have lost connectivity to all of the devices in the core network.
Survivable Remote sites include a Session Manager and a Communication Manager. The
Communication Manager is configured either as a feature server or an evolution server. SIP
phones simultaneously register to the primary Session Manager, secondary Session Manager,
and the Survivable Remote Session Manager. During a WAN outage, SIP phones failover to
the Survivable Remote Session Manager and the Survivable Remote Communication
Manager provides feature functionality.
When the Survivable Remote Session Manager is active in survivability mode, the
administrative changes made in System Manager takes effect as long as the Survivable
Remote Session Manager has network connectivity to the System Manager.
When a Survivable Remote Session Manager is installed, there is no SIP routing. The server
functions as a traditional Survivable Remote Server. You can activate Survivable Remote
Session Manager if the customer decides to add SIP at a later time.
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 45

You can install and configure Survivable Remote Session Manager on System Platform using
Communication Manager Survivable Remote templates.
Installation overview
Perform the following steps for installation and administration:
Administer the Survivable Remote Server on the main Communication Manager server.
Install the necessary hardware and equipment for the survivable server.
Install System Platform on the survivable server.
Install and configure the Communication Manager Survivable Remote template on the
survivable server.
Administer the Survivable Remote Server using System Manager.
The Communication Manager Survivable Remote templates include the following applications:
Communication Manager
Branch Session Manager
Utility Services
The Simplex Survivable Remote is installed on Avaya S8800, HP ProLiant DL360 G7, or


R610 Server. You can install Simplex Survivable Remote on an Avaya

S8510 server with 8-GB memory as an upgrade only. Embedded Survivable Remote is
installed on Avaya S8300D server in a G250, G350, G430, G450, or G700 Gateway.
Survivable remote installation checklist
Survivable remote installation and administration requires using more than one document. The
following table contains the procedures for installing, configuring, administering, and testing
the Survivable Remote Server and the documents to use for different procedures.
Complete the following procedures, which are not part of the checklist, on the core
Communication Manager and Session Manager servers:
Install, obtain the license, and configure the main Communication Manager either as a
feature server or evolution server, and ensure that the server is operational.
Administer the main Communication Manager as a SIP Entity on System Manager.
Survivable Remote Session Manager
46 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

Before you install the survivable remote, ensure that you add all Branch Session
Managers to the DNS or to the /etc/hosts file on System Manager.
Ensure that you synchronize the date and time with System Manager and System
Platform. A clock shift can cause certificate and DRS replication problems.
# Task Book or link to use Notes
1 Complete the
Survivable Remote
information worksheet
and verify the
information is correct.
Survivable Remote
configuration information
worksheet on page 65
2 Administer the
Survivable Remote
Server on the main
Survivable Remote SAT
checklist on page 49
3 Install the Survivable
Remote Session
If you are installing an
Avaya S8800 server, see
Installing the Avaya
S8800 Server for Avaya

Manager, 03-603444
If you are installing an
Avaya S8510 server, see
Upgrading to Avaya Aura

Manager, 03603560
Ensure that the
S8510 server has
8GB of memory
and a
Migration kit.
If you are installing an HP
ProLiant DL360 G7
server, see Installing the
HP ProLiant DL360 G7
Server (03-603799)
If you are installing a


server, see Installing the


Server (03-603739)
Survivable remote installation checklist
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 47

# Task Book or link to use Notes
If you are installing an
Avaya S8300D server,
Quick Start for
Hardware Installation:
Avaya G250 Gateway,
Quick Start for
Hardware Installation:
Avaya G350 Gateway,
Quick Start for
Hardware Installation:
Avaya G430 Gateway,
Quick Start for
Hardware Installation:
Avaya G450 Gateway,
Quick Start for
Hardware Installation:
Avaya G700 Gateway,
See the book that
matches your
particular Gxxx
4 Install System Platform
on the server.
Implementing Avaya Aura

Manager, 03-603558
5 Install the appropriate
Manager template
using the System
Platform Web console.
Implementing Avaya Aura

Manager, 03-603558
When you
perform this step,
you install Branch
6 Configure the
Implementing Avaya

Manager, 03-603558
Configure Server
Role and Network
7 Administer, verify, and
test the Survivable
Remote Server using
System Manager.
Survivable Remote
Session Manager
checklist on page 51
Survivable Remote Session Manager
48 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

Survivable Remote SAT administration checklist
Configure the Processor Ethernet IP address (procr) for the main Communication
Manager using the add ip-interface procr SAT command or using the Communication
Manager Web interface.
If applicable, add the gateway using the add media-gateway x SAT command.
If applicable, update the mgc lists of the gateways with the IP addresses of both the main
Communication Manager server Processor Ethernet IP address, that is the first entry, and
the Survivable Remote Processor Ethernet IP address, that is the second entry.
Ensure that System Manager and Session Manager are already active in an existing SIP
routing deployment.
Ensure that at least one SIP signaling group uses procr as the near-end node name.
Administration Link
Log in to the Communication
Manager server.
Administer the survivable
processor configuration
Adding a Survivable Remote
server on page 49.
If a gateway is part of the enterprise,
validate the Recovery Rule.
Validating Gateway recovery
rule on page 50
If a gateway is part of the enterprise,
verify the Minimum time of network
Validating the minimum time of
network stability on page 50.
Adding a Survivable Remote server
1. Type add survivable-processor node-name, where node-name is the
name of the remote server, and press Enter. For example, add survivable-
processor lsp6.
The system displays the SURVIVABLE PROCESSOR screen.
2. In the Type field, type lsp for an LSP or a Survivable Remote server.
Survivable Remote SAT administration checklist
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 49

3. Ensure that the value of the Cluster ID/MID field matches with the value of the MID
number field.
The MID number field is on the Server Role page of the Server Maintenance
section on the Communication Manager System Management Interface Web
4. Save the changes.
Validating gateway recovery rule
1. Type change media-gateway x, where x is the gateway number, and press
The system displays the MEDIA GATEWAY x screen.
2. In the Recovery Rule field, type the recovery rule number associated with the
gateway or type none to disable the recovery rule.
The value none indicates that the system does not accept any automatic fallback
You can apply a single rule to all gateways, or each gateway can have its own rule
and any permutation in between. You can administer the recovery rule by using the
system-parameters mg-recovery-rule command.
3. Save the changes.
Validating the minimum time of network stability
About this task
Use this procedure to set the minimum time of network stability to three minutes. With the three-
minute timer, the gateway can failback to the Communication Manager feature server or
evolution server when it becomes available. The three-minute timer also prevents unnecessary
failback and failover when the network is unreliable.
1. Type change system-parameters mg-recovery-rule n, where n is the rule
number, and press Enter. For example, change system-parameters mg-
recovery-rule 1.
Survivable Remote Session Manager
50 Implementing Avaya Aura

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2. In the Minimum time of network stability field, type 3.
3. Save the changes.
Survivable Remote Session Manager administration
The following checklist contains the steps to administer a survivable remote Session Manager
server using System Manager.
Administration Link
Log in to the System Manager Web
Add the Survivable Remote
Session Manager server as a SIP
Adding a Survivable Remote
server as a SIP entity on
page 52.
Create Entity Links between the
Survivable Remote Session
Manager server and
Communication Manager.
Creating entity links on page 52.
Verify the connections between
Communication Manager and the
survivable remote Session
Manager server.
Checking the connections on
page 53.
Administer the Survivable Remote
Session Manager server.
Administering a survivable remote
server on page 53.
Verify the survivable remote server
information in the /etc/hosts file on
the System Manager server.
Verifying survivable remote
information on page 55.
Verify the avaya-lsp-fs information. Verifying avaya-lsp-fs
administration on page 55
Verify the registration. Verifying survivable remote
information on page 55.
Test Communication Manager with
the Survivable Remote Session
Manager server.
Testing calls on page 57.
Survivable Remote Session Manager administration checklist
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Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 51

Adding a Survivable Remote server as a SIP entity
1. Log on to the System Manager Web interface.
2. Click Elements > Routing.
3. In the navigation pane on the left side of the page, click Routing > SIP Entities.
4. Click New.
5. In the FQDN or IP Address field, type the IP address of the security module of the
Survivable Remote Session Manager server.
6. In the Type field, select Session Manager.
7. Click Commit.
Creating entity links
About this task
When applicable, create the entity links between the following:
Each Session Manager server and Communication Manager feature server or evolution
Survivable Remote Session Manager server and Communication Manager feature server
or evolution server.
If you use separate entities and entity links, such as for an feature server and trunk gateway
configuration, you must administer two entity links for each entity on the Survivable Remote
server. However, if you use only one entity and entity link, such as for an evolution server
configuration, you must administer only one entity link on the Survivable Remote server.
1. Log on to the System Manager Web interface.
2. Click Elements > Routing.
3. In the navigation pane on the left side of the page, click Routing > Entity Links.
4. Click New.
5. In the Name field, type a descriptive name for the entity link.
6. In the SIP Entity 1 field, select the Survivable Remote Session Manager server.
7. In the Protocol field, select tls.
Survivable Remote Session Manager
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8. In the Port field, type 5061.
9. In the SIP Entity 2 field, select the Communication Manager server.
10. In the Port field, type 5061.
11. In the Connection policy list box, select Trusted.
12. (Optional) In the Notes field, type a short description about the entity link.
13. Click Commit.
Checking the connections
1. Check the Survivable Remote Session Manager SIP Entity Link status:
a. On System Manager Web console, in Elements, select Session Manager >
System Status > SIP Entity Monitoring.
b. Select the Survivable Remote Session Manager name from the list in the table
SIP Entities Status for All Monitoring Session Manager Instances.
c. Verify that the Link Status is Up for the Survivable Remote Session
2. Check the Session Manager Dashboard:
a. On System Manager Web console, under Elements , select Session
Manager .
b. On the Session Manager Dashboard page, click the Entity Monitoring column.
For Survivable Remote Session Manager, the status is (---).
The Session Manager Entity Link Connection Status page opens.
c. Verify the entity monitoring status of Survivable Remote Session Manager.
Administering a survivable remote server
Before you begin
Ensure that the SIP entity that you want to add is created. For a Session Manager SIP entity,
ensure that the listen ports are administered on the SIP entity form. Endpoints use these listen
ports to connect to the survivable remote server and to map different ports to different domains.
For details regarding administration of listen ports, see Administering Avaya Aura

Survivable Remote Session Manager administration checklist
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 53

1. Using the System Manager web interface, in Elements, select Session Manager
> Session Manager Administration.
2. Click New in the Branch Session Manager Instances section.
3. In the General section:
a. Select the survivable remote SIP entity from the SIP Entity Name drop-down
b. (Optional) In the Description field, add a comment.
c. In the Management Access Point Host Name/IP field, add the IP address of
the host on which the management agent is running. This IP address is not the
Security Module IP address.
d. Select the Communication Manager server from the Main CM for LSP drop-
down menu.
e. Select Enable for Direct Routing to Endpoints from the drop-down list if it is
not enabled already.
f. If applicable, select Adaptation for Trunk Gateway from the drop-down
You can use the default adaptation, which is the adaptation used for the trunk
gateway entity that this survivable remote server subtends. You can also
specify a different adaptation here. When you specify a different adaptation, the
system overrides the default adaptation. If you administer two entities, one for
a feature server and one for a trunk gateway, then the adaptation applies only
to the trunk gateway entity. If you use a single entity, then the adaptation applies
to application-sequenced and trunk-gateway routed calls.
4. In the Security Module section:
a. The SIP Entity IP Address field is automatically populated with the IP address
of the SIP entity.
b. In the Network Mask field, enter the value for the network mask.
c. In the Default Gateway field, enter the applicable IP address.
d. For the Speed & Duplex field, select Auto from the drop-down menu.
For details about other fields, see Administering Avaya Aura

5. Click Commit.
Survivable Remote Session Manager
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Verifying survivable remote information
About this task
Verify the survivable remote server information.
1. Log in to the System Platform Web console.
2. Select Server Management > Network Configuration.
3. Verify the following information:
Default Gateway
Subnet Mask located in the Netmask column and avpublic row in the
Domain-0 area of the form.
Hostnames: Ensure that Branch Session Manager Hostname is in FQDN
IP Addresses
For details about other fields, see Administering Avaya Aura

System Platform.
4. Log out of the System Platform Web console.
Verifying avaya-lsp-fs administration
About this task
This topic is related to verification of the avaya-lsp-fs value. If the avaya-lsp-fs entry is
missing, the Survivable Remote Session Manager will not initialize properly. The cause might
be an administration error.
1. On the System Manager Web console, click Elements > Session Manager .
2. Locate the appropriate Survivable Remote Session Manager instance in the
3. On the Session Manager Dashboard page, in the Entity Monitoring column, click
the associated entry of the server .
4. On the Session Manager Entity Link Connection Status screen:
Verifying survivable remote information
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a. Verify that there is a SIP Entity with the name avaya-lsp-fs.
b. Verify that the port and transport protocol information is correct.
The state is deny for this avaya-lsp-fs link when the Survivable Remote
Session Manager is inactive. This link is the same for Communication Manager
Evolution Servers as well as Communication Manager Feature Servers.
5. If the avaya-lsp-fs entry is missing, Survivable Remote Session Manager did not
initialize properly.
a. On the System Manager Web console, verify the following:
one or two entity links from the Survivable Remote Session Manager to
the core Communication Manager are administered correctly.
entity links from the Survivable Remote Session Manager to the core
Session Managers, that are controllers for the users on the branch, are
administered correctly.
b. Verify that the same port and transport are used as administered between the
primary Session Manager and the core Communication Manager.
c. Verify that all users that are administered with this survivability server have
application sequencing to a Communication Manager entity. This
Communication Manager entity represents the main Communication Manager
that is administered on the Branch Session Manager page.
Verifying survivable server registration
Before you begin
Log in to a Communication Manager SAT session.
About this task
If you installed a Survivable Core or Survivable Remote template on the server, verify that the
template is registered with the main server. This task could take several minutes to
1. Enter list survivable-processor to open the Survivable Processor
2. Verify that the Reg field is set to y, indicating that the survivable server has
registered with the main server.
3. Verify that the Translations Updated field shows the current time and date,
indicating that the translations have been pushed down to the survivable server.
Survivable Remote Session Manager
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Testing calls
Test calls between the Survivable Remote Session Manager server and the main
Communication Manager server.
1. Place a phone call from one SIP extension to another and stay online.
2. To test the survivable remote functionality, disconnect Session Manager and main
Communication Manager from the network.
3. Validate that the connections failover.
4. Re-establish the network connections to Session Manager and the main
Communication Manager server.
Testing calls
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Survivable Remote Session Manager
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Chapter 9: Troubleshooting
The following sections describe troubleshooting steps for errors that may occur during installation or
administration of the Session Manager server or the Survivable Remote Session Manager server.
Server has no power
Ensure that:
1. You plug the power cord to the server and into a non-switched outlet or
uninterrupted power supply (UPS).
2. You install the power supply bay and check that the bay is seated securely, if the
server has a single power supply.
3. You plug the UPS into a non-switched outlet.
4. The outlet has power.
5. The light emitting diodes (LED) of the server have the power supply. Check whether
the alternate current (AC) LED and the direct current (DC) LED are both lit during
normal operation.
Unable to access Service State
About this task
In the Session Manager Dashboard page, check the Service State of the Session Manager.
If the Service State shows an unknown value, then proceed with the following troubleshooting
1. Check the cable for Eth0 and Eth2. See Ethernet port labels by server type on
page 21 for the correct port labels.
2. Create an SSH session to the System Manager IP address (not the Dom0 or Cdom)
using the customer account specified during the template install.
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3. Create an SSH session to the Session Manager with the Management Interface IP
address using the craft or customer login.
4. Enter the command ./SMnetSetup
For the information required by SMnetSetup, see Session Manager configuration
information worksheet on page 63.
Issues with replica group state
Troubleshooting steps
About this task
Perform the following troubleshooting steps if the replica group state is not Synchronized,
Queued for Repair, or Repairing, or if the replica group is stuck in the Starting state.
1. Log in to the System Manager Web interface.
2. Under the Services column, select Replication.
3. Select the appropriate Replica Group for the Session Manager server.
4. Click on View Replica Nodes.
5. Verify information in the /etc/hosts file of the System Manager:
a. Log in to the CLI of the System Manager..
b. Verify that the /etc/hosts file has the IP address, FQDN, and hostnames of
itself and all of the associated Session Managers (applicable only if DNS is not
used for host resolution of an IP address).
c. Make corrections as needed.
6. Use the smconfig command to verify the basic data entry values of Session
7. Enter initTM. The command should complete within 10 minutes. If it does not
complete within that time, continue with the next step.
8. Verify that the system date and time on the Session Manager server is in sync with
the system date and time on the System Manager virtual machine. Trust certificate
initialization can fail if the clocks differ by more than a few seconds.
9. Verify the information on the Network Configuration page on the System Platform
Web Console (Server Management > Network Configuration).
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10. On System Manager, check to see if Session Manager is synchronized.
Survivable server fails to sync with main server
Branch Session Manager fails to completely install
CM_SurvRemote and CM_SurvRemoteEmbed templates include Branch Session Manager.
After the template installation is finished, allow 20 additional minutes for the Branch Session
Manager virtual machine to install and initialize. The Virtual Machine Management page on
the System Platform Web console should list the Branch Session Managers application state
as Running. If not, follow these troubleshooting steps.
Troubleshooting steps
1. Within the survivable remote server:
a. Access the Communication Manager System Management Interface.
b. In the navigation pane, click Server Configuration > Server Role.
c. Verify that the This Server is field is set to a local survivable processor (LSP)
and the other fields are filled out correctly.
If you change any of the configuration settings, click Restart CM to restart
Communication Manager.
2. Within the main server:
a. Start a SAT session.
b. Enter list survivable-processor.
c. Verify that the following fields are set correctly:
Reg: y. If set to n, then the survivable remote server has not registered
with the main server.
Act: n
Translation Updated: Shows a timestamp.
Survivable server fails to sync with main server
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Troubleshooting steps
About this task
Perform the following troubleshooting steps if the replica group state is not Synchronized,
Queued for Repair, or Repairing, or if the replica group is stuck in the Starting state.
1. Log in to the System Manager Web interface.
2. Under the Services column, select Replication.
3. Select the appropriate Replica Group for the Session Manager server.
4. Click on View Replica Nodes.
5. Verify information in the /etc/hosts file of the System Manager:
a. Log in to the CLI of the System Manager..
b. Verify that the /etc/hosts file has the IP address, FQDN, and hostnames of
itself and all of the associated Session Managers (applicable only if DNS is not
used for host resolution of an IP address).
c. Make corrections as needed.
6. Use the smconfig command to verify the basic data entry values of Session
7. Enter initTM. The command should complete within 10 minutes. If it does not
complete within that time, continue with the next step.
8. Verify that the system date and time on the Session Manager server is in sync with
the system date and time on the System Manager virtual machine. Trust certificate
initialization can fail if the clocks differ by more than a few seconds.
9. Verify the information on the Network Configuration page on the System Platform
Web Console (Server Management > Network Configuration).
10. On System Manager, check to see if Session Manager is synchronized.
62 Implementing Avaya Aura

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Appendix A: Worksheets
The following worksheets contain the information that you need for administering Session Manager and
Session Manager related entities using System Manager.
Do NOT use underscores in any of the Name fields. Names may only contain letters, numbers, and
hyphens. System host names cannot contain underscore characters according to Internet standards
RFC 952.
Session Manager configuration information worksheet
Make one copy of the Session Manager configuration information worksheet for each Session
Manager that you install.
Field Information to enter
Session Manager server host name (short name)
Session Manager IP address (Mgmt) - Eth 0 IP
address (management interface for Session
Manager on the customer network)
Netmask (Network Mask Eth0)
Gateway IP address (for Eth0)
Network Domain (that is.,
Primary DNS server IP address
Secondary DNS (if applicable)
Tertiary DNS (if applicable)
DNS Search Domains (separated with a space)
System Manager Virtual IP address
System Manager Virtual FQDN
Primary System Manager IP Address
Primary System Manager FQDN
Secondary System Manager IP Address (optional)
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Field Information to enter
Secondary System Manager FQDN (optional)
Local time zone
NTP server
Secondary NTP server (if applicable)
Tertiary NTP server (if applicable)
Customer Linux Login (default is cust)
Enrollment Password: Set up in the Security
section of System Manager.
Ensure that the enrollment password is active.
Session Manager Entity information worksheet
You can use the Session Manager Entity information worksheet for administering SIP entities,
such as Session Manager, Communication Manager, or other SIP entity (for example, Modular
Messaging and Voice Portal). The information mentioned might not apply to every type of
entity .
For each Session Manager or Communication Manager SIP entity that you administer using
System Manager, you require the following information:
Use this information to administer SIP Entities and Entity Links.
Field Information to Enter
Entity Name
Entity Type (For example, Session Manager
and Communication Manager)
Location Name
Management IP Address (that is, SAT)
Port (For example, 5060, 5061)
Transport (For example, UDP, TCP, or TLS)
Session Manager Security Module IP
Session Manager Security Module Network
64 Implementing Avaya Aura

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Field Information to Enter
Session Manager Security Module Default
Node Name
IP Address
Signaling Group # Tunk Group #
Survivable Remote configuration information worksheet
Make one copy of the Survivable Remote configuration information worksheet for each
Survivable Remote server that you install.
Field Information to enter
Communication Manager IP address
Communication Manager Hostname
Utility Server IP address
Utility Server Hostname
SIP Entity IP Address
BSM IP address (Admin IP)
Customer Login
Customer Login Password
DHCP parameters (optional)
DNS search string
System Manager Virtual IP address
System Manager Virtual FQDN
Primary System Manager IP Address
Primary System Manager FQDN
Survivable Remote configuration information worksheet
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Field Information to enter
Secondary System Manager IP Address
Secondary System Manager FQDN
Enrollment Password: Set up in the
Security section of System Manager.
Ensure that the enrollment password is
The product IDs are set on SAL gateway for a BSM managed element.
Additional configuration data will be required during System Platform installation. See
System Platform documentation at the Avaya Support website for details.
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Appendix B: Available media
Avaya provides the following media for Release 6.3:
Session Manager Release 6.3 software DVD: Comcode 700504625.
Session Manager Release 6.3 Linux 6.2 operating system kickstart DVD: Comcode 700504700.
Session Manager Release 6.3 Linux 6.2 kickstart upgrade DVD: Comcode 700504701.
Session Manager Release 6.3 ISO image: asm-6.3.*installer.iso.
Session Manager Release 6.3 Linux 6.2 OS upgrade ISO image: csp-6.2-*upgrade.iso.
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Available media
68 Implementing Avaya Aura

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Appendix C: Interoperability with Avaya
For compatibility information of different Avaya products that are supported with the various releases of
Session Manager, see the following link:
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Interoperability with Avaya products
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Appendix D: Supported hardware and Port
The various releases of Session Manager support the following servers:
Releases Servers
R1.1 S8510
R5.2 S8510, S8800
R6.0 S8510, S8800
R6.1 S8510, S8800, Dell R610 or an HP DL360 G7 server
R6.2 S8510, S8800, Dell R610 or an HP DL360 G7 server
R6.3 S8510, S8800, Dell R610 or an HP DL360 G7 server
Avaya Aura Session Manager Port Matrix documents located at
contain information on the ports and protocols used by Session Manager.
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Supported hardware and Port Matrix
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Appendix E: CDR record format
Session Manager generates CDR data files that contain the following two types of data records:
Date records
Call detail records
Date record
The date record is a timestamp in the CDR data file. Using the date record, the CDR processing application
refers all call records to the new date. The date record synchronizes the CDR adjunct time and date
processing with the starting time and date of the information in the CDR data file. A single CDR data file
can hold multiple date records, even if there is no change in date. The Session Manager CDR system
provides date information to the CDR data file:
Once a day at midnight
When the date or time is manually changed on the server
When a new CDR data file is created
To avoid inconsistencies between the date record and the following call records, the server may generate
a new CDR data file just before midnight with all the completed calls at that time, regardless of the schedule
at which CDR files are to be created. In the following table, the call records contain the time the call ended
and the duration of the call. The remaining calls ending after midnight are reported in the next CDR file,
which uses a new date record. Date records are 13 characters long. The format of the date record is as
Table 1: Date Record
Position Description
1-2 Hour (leading 0s added if needed)
3 Colon (:)
4-5 Minute (leading 0s added if needed)
6 Blank
7-8 Month (leading 0s added if needed)
9 Slash ( / )
10-11 Day (leading 0s added if needed)
12 Carriage Return
13 Line Feed
For example, a CDR date record can be of the following format:
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21:32 04/16<CR><LF>
Call detail record
For releases earlier than Session Manager 6.1, each call detail record contains 106 characters. The CDR
format is as follows:
Table 2: Call detail record for releases earlier than 6.1
Position Description
1-2 Time of day in hours
3-4 Time of day in minutes
5 Duration in hours
6-7 Duration in minutes
8 Duration in tenths of minutes
9 Condition code
10-17 Space
18-32 Dialed number
33-42 Calling number
43-48 Space
49-55 Terminating SIP Entity
56-57 Space
58-64 Originating SIP Entity
65-73 Space
74 Feature flag
75-92 Space
93 Bearer Capability Class
95 Resource flag
96-104 Space
105 Carriage return
106 Line feed
For Session Manager releases 6.1 and 6.2, each call detail record contains 108 characters. The CDR
format is as follows:
CDR record format
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Table 3: Call detail record for Releases 6.1 and 6.2
Position Description
1-2 Time of day-hours
3-4 Time of day-minutes
5 Duration-hours
6-7 Duration-minutes
8 Duration-tenths of minutes
9 Condition code
10-17 Space
18-32 Dialed number
33-42 Calling number
43-48 Space
49-55 Terminating SIP Entity
56-57 Space
58-64 Originating SIP Entity
65-73 Space
74 Feature flag
75-92 Space
93 BCC
95 Resource flag
96-104 Space
105-106 Bandwidth
107 Carriage return
108 Line feed
For Session Manager release 6.2, each call detail record contains 228 characters. The CDR format is as
Table 4: Call detail record for Release 6.2
Position Description
1-2 Time of day-hours
3-4 Time of day-minutes
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5 Duration-hours
6-7 Duration-minutes
8 Duration-tenths of minutes
9 Condition code
10-17 Space
18-32 Dialed number
33-42 Calling number
43-48 Space
49-55 Terminating SIP Entity
56-57 Space
58-64 Originating SIP Entity
65-73 Space
74 Feature flag
75-92 Space
93 BCC
95 Resource flag
96-104 Space
105-106 Bandwidth
107-108 Space
109-144 Av-GSID
145-170 Space (Reserved for Future use)
171-185 Calling Party IP
186-211 Space (Reserved for Future use)
212-226 Called Party IP
227 Carriage return
228 Line feed
Field description:
Time of day (4 digits): The time at which the call ended with two digit hours and two digit for minutes.
Duration (4 digits): The duration of the call, which the system records in hours (0 to 9), minutes (00 to
59), and tenth of a minute (0 to 9). The system rounds off the duration of the call in increments of 6-
seconds. For example, the system records the duration of a 5-second call as 0000.
CDR record format
76 Implementing Avaya Aura

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This field reports 9999 if the call was in progress when a time change was made on the system, and the
call duration can no longer be determined. The field reports 9599 for calls that last for more than 10 hours.
For more information, see condition code 4.
Bandwidth (2 digits with a maximum value of 99): The highest bandwidth used by the call, rounded to
the nearest multiple of 64k (64,000), for example:
0 means < 32Kbps
1 means 64Kbps ( 32Kbps)
2 means 128Kbps ( 32Kbps)
16 means 1024Kbps ( 32Kbps): This covers 1Mbps (1,000,000bps)
31 means 1984Kbps ( 32Kbps): This covers 2Mbps (2,000,000bps)
32 means 2048Kbps ( 32 Kbps)
94 means 6016Kbps ( 32 Kbps): This covers 6Mbps (6,000,000bps)
96 means 6144Kbps ( 32 Kbps)
99 means 6304Kbps or greater single-digit values are recorded with a leading blank, for example, 3
and not 03.
Condition Code (1 alphanumeric character): Indicates the type of call that the call record describes, as
listed in the following table. For example, condition code 9 indicates a tandem call. The two condition
codes in the following table are only condition codes used in the first release of Session Manager. Several
other condition codes, still defined as one alphanumeric character, will be added in later releases and will
identify additional condition characteristics of the completed call.
Table 5: Condition Code with description
Code Description
4 Identifies a call of extremely long duration, such as a call that lasts
for 10 or more hours. When a call exceeds 10 hours, the system
creates a call record with this condition code and a duration of 9
hours, 59 minutes, and 1/9 tenths of a minute. The system creates
a similar call record with this condition code after each succeeding
10-hour period. When the call terminates, the system creates a final
call record with the appropriate condition code identifying the type of
9 Identifies a tandem call. This condition code is used for calls that
complete normally through Session Manager and is also used for an
incoming call.
A Identifies an outgoing call from a SIP phone.
When the administrator sets up the trunks in Communication Manager to communicate with Session
Manager, the administrator must turn off CDR on the change signaling group Communication Manager
SAT screen for the IMS trunks. Otherwise, the Communication Manager CDR captures two or more
Implementing Avaya Aura

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call records for each call. and can cause an error to occur. An automated method to easily merge
Communication Manager and Session Manager CDR records does not exist.
Dialed Number (15 digits): The 15 most significant digits of the numeric user portion of the request
Calling Number (10 digits): The 10 right-most significant digits of the numeric user portion identifying the
calling number, taken from the P-Asserted-Identity header (if not available, from the Contact header and,
if not available, from the From header).
Terminating SIP Entity (7 alphanumeric characters): The last seven characters of the outbound SIP
Entity administered on the Session Manager server.
Originating SIP Entity (7 alphanumeric characters): The last seven characters of the inbound SIP
Feature Flag (1 numeric digit): Set to 4 in the first Session Manager release, and identifies a voice call
with network answer supervision.
Bearer Capability Class (1 alphanumeric character): Set to M in the first Session Manager release,
indicating multimedia call.
MA-UUI (1 numeric digit): Set to the digit 0 in the first Session Manager release, indicating no message
associated user-to-user signaling.
Resource Flag (1 numeric digit): Set to the digit 0 in the first Session Manager release, indicating a circuit-
switched call without using a conversion device. In Session Manager 6.1 and later, the Resource Flag is
set to 4 whenever a call has a video session during the lifetime of the call.
Space (0x20), Carriage Return (0x0d), Line Feed (0x0a): The corresponding ASCII characters.
The Session Manager CDR feature supports SFTP for the secure transfer of CDR data files. The CDR
adjunct must use the same protocol as Session Manager to access and retrieve the CDR data files from
the servers.
Av-GSID (Avaya-Global-Session-ID): On receiving an initial SIP request (out of dialog), Session
Manager creates and stores a globally unique identifier (Av-GSID token). Session Manager inserts the
identifier in the Av-Global-Session-ID header in the request. If the incoming request already contains an
Av-Global-Session-ID header, Session Manager overwrites the header. The exception to the overwriting
rule is when the request arrives from another Session Manager, a sequenced application, or a trusted SIP
entity. The Av-Global-Session-ID is present in the initial request that comes back from the sequenced
application. The Av-global identifier (GSID token) in the Avaya-Global-Session-ID header is a 128-bit
unique integer in time and space. Session Manager follows one of the RFC 4122 (Universally Unique
Identifier) recommended algorithms to generate the GSID token. The GSID is a 36 character sequence
comprised of digits 0-9; a-f; A-F;-.
Calling Party IP and Called Party IP: These fields have a default width of 15 characters to contain 15
character IPv4 addresses. Any IP address populated into these fields is right-justified with any extra
characters located on the left side of the address. The extra character locations are populated with
characters having an ASCII value of 32 decimal or 0x20 hex (the space character). The format for IPv4
addresses is aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd, whereaaa, bbb, ccc and ddd are 1-3 character decimal numbers with
values that range between 0 and 255. Each of these three-digit numbers is separated by a period character
(ASCII 46 or 0x2E hex). If you reduce the size of the field and the full IP address does not fit, the field is
truncated from the left side, so that the low-order parts of the IP address appear.
CDR record format
78 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

Appendix F: PCN and PSN notifications
PCN and PSN notifications
Avaya issues a product-change notice (PCN) in case of any software update. For example, a
PCN must accompany a service pack or a patch that needs to be applied universally. Avaya
issues product-support notice (PSN) when there is no patch, service pack, or release fix, but
the business unit or services need to alert Avaya Direct, Business Partners, and customers of
a problem or a change in a product. A PSN can also be used to provide a workaround for a
known problem, steps to recover logs, or steps to recover software. Both these notices alert
you to important issues that directly impact Avaya products.
Viewing PCNs and PSNs
About this task
To view PCNs and PSNs, perform the following steps:
1. Go to the Avaya Support website at
If the Avaya Support website displays the login page, enter your SSO login
2. On the top of the page, click DOWNLOADS & DOCUMENTS.
3. On the Downloads & Documents page, in the Enter Your Product Here field, enter
the name of the product.
4. In the Choose Release field, select the specific release from the drop-down list.
5. Select Documents as the content type.
6. Select the appropriate filters as per your search requirement. For example, if you
select Product Support Notices, the system displays only PSNs in the documents
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 79

You can apply multiple filters to search for the required documents.
Signing up for PCNs and PSNs
About this task
Manually viewing PCNs and PSNs is helpful, but you can also sign up for receiving notifications
of new PCNs and PSNs. Signing up for notifications alerts you to specific issues you must be
aware of. These notifications also alert you when new product documentation, new product
patches, or new services packs are available. The Avaya E-Notifications process manages
this proactive notification system .
To sign up for notifications:
1. Go to the Avaya Support Web Tips and Troubleshooting: eNotifications
Management page at
2. Set up e-notifications. For detailed information, see the How to set up your E-
Notifications procedure.
PCN and PSN notifications
80 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

about .......................................................................... 32
access, remote ........................................................... 11
activating entitlements ................................................27
Adding a Survivable Remote server ........................... 49
Adding a Survivable Remote server as a SIP entity ...52
adding NMS Destination .............................................33
adding SIP Entity, Session Manager .......................... 36
administration, survivable remote ...............................51
AFS ............................................................................ 29
starting ................................................................. 29
alarm test ....................................................................41
Avaya courses ..............................................................8
Avaya Mentor videos ....................................................9
Avaya products ...........................................................69
CDR ............................................................................73
format ...................................................................73
checking connections ................................................. 53
checking Session Manager service state ................... 39
checklist, Session Manager installation, .....................21
Communication Manager server administration 49, 50, 52
Validating the minimum time of network stability . 50
Adding a Survivable Remote server .................... 49
Adding a Survivable Remote server as a SIP entity
................................................................. 52
Creating entity links ..............................................52
configuration, redundancy .......................................... 43
connecting laptop to server ........................................ 26
creating Authentication File ........................................ 29
Creating entity links .................................................... 52
document changes .......................................................7
document purpose ....................................................... 7
downloading software .................................................18
DVD ............................................................................19
writing ISO image .................................................19
enrollment password .................................................. 27
procedure .............................................................27
Enrollment password .................................................. 27
procedure .............................................................27
entitlements ................................................................ 27
activating ..............................................................27
entity link administration ............................................. 52
Ethernet port labels .................................................... 21
Firefox ........................................................................ 25
disabling proxy servers ........................................ 25
Gateway recovery rule ............................................... 50
geographic redundancy ..............................................13
high-level installation steps ........................................ 11
Initial Administration ................................................... 35
Initial Session Manager administration ................. 36, 37
installation overview ................................................... 11
installing an authentication file ................................... 30
installing Session Manager ................................... 13, 21
intended audience ........................................................7
Internet Explorer .........................................................24
disabling proxy servers ........................................ 24
interoperability ............................................................ 69
IP settings ...................................................................23
configuring on laptop ............................................23
ISO image .................................................................. 19
writing to DVD ...................................................... 19
laptop ..........................................................................23
configuring to connect to server ...........................23
legal notice ................................................................... 2
logins installed ............................................................12
Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013 81

media ..........................................................................67
Network Management Systems Destinations .............32
network stability .......................................................... 50
NMS destinations ....................................................... 32
PCN ............................................................................79
PCN notification ..........................................................79
PCNs .......................................................................... 79
PLDS .......................................................................... 18
downloading software .......................................... 18
port matrix .................................................................. 71
prerequisites before installation ..................................17
proxy servers ........................................................ 24, 25
disabling in Firefox ............................................... 25
disabling in Internet Explorer ............................... 24
PSN ............................................................................ 79
PSN notification ..........................................................79
PSNs .......................................................................... 79
purpose of document ................................................... 7
redundancy .................................................................43
redundancy configuration ........................................... 43
registering ...................................................................18
related documents ........................................................7
related resources ......................................................... 9
Avaya Mentor videos ............................................. 9
remote access ............................................................ 11
replication verification ................................................. 41
SAT administration, survivable remote .......................49
service pack upgrades ............................................... 13
Session Manager administration checklist ................. 35
Session Manager information worksheet ................... 63
Session Manager installation checklist .......................21
Session Manager installation procedures .................. 21
signing up for PCNs and PSNs .................................. 80
SIP Entity information worksheet ............................... 64
SMnetSetup ................................................................31
software upgrades ......................................................13
support ......................................................................... 9
contact ................................................................... 9
supported hardware ................................................... 71
survivable remote ....................................................... 53
administering ........................................................53
Survivable remote ...................................................... 45
survivable remote administration ................................51
Survivable Remote information worksheet ................. 65
survivable remote installation checklist ...................... 46
survivable remote SAT administration ........................49
Survivable Remote server .......................................... 49
Survivable remote Session Manager ......................... 45
Survivable Remote SIP entity administration ............. 52
survivable server ........................................................ 56
registration ........................................................... 56
testing .........................................................................39
installation test for System/Session Managers .... 39
training ......................................................................... 8
troubleshooting ..................................................... 59, 61
Session Manager fails to install ........................... 61
survivable server fails to sync with main ..............61
troubleshooting - cannot access service state ........... 59
troubleshooting - server has no power ....................... 59
trust management ...................................................... 27
enrollment password ............................................27
Validating gateway recovery rule ............................... 50
Validating the minimum time of network stability ........50
verify alarm configuration ........................................... 41
verify avaya-lsp-fs ...................................................... 55
verify survivable remote information ...........................55
videos ...........................................................................9
Avaya Mentor .........................................................9
warranty ....................................................................... 9
worksheet, Session Manager information .................. 63
worksheet, SIP Entity information .............................. 64
worksheet, Survivable Remote information ................ 65
worksheets ................................................................. 63
82 Implementing Avaya Aura

Session Manager Release 6.3 May 2013

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