The Rise of ASEAN 1

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See important disclosures, including any required research certifications, beginning on page 3

This is an introductory note to a
series of reports in which we
examine whether investors
enthusiasm for the ASEAN
economies is justified or not.

One of the most interesting
investment phenomena this year is
the broad-based outperformance of
the ASEAN equity markets relative
to China. The seven ASEAN markets
have outperformed the Shanghai
Stock Exchange Composite (SSEC)
index in the year-to-date (YTD) by a
combined average of 2,278bps. This
outperformance has been quite
consistent. With the exception of
Vietnam and Laos, the other five
ASEAN markets (namely, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore,
and Thailand) have outperformed
the SSEC over the past one, two,
three, four, five and six years.

One could argue that the
outperformance was probably driven
more by the weakness of the China
market than the strength of the
ASEAN markets. But a comparison of
the ASEAN indices with the S&P
500 index shows that the majority of
the former markets (including the
Jakarta Stock Exchange [JSX], Stock
Exchange of Thailand [SET], Kuala
Lumpur Composite Index [KLCI],
and Philippines Composite Index
[PCOMP]) have outperformed the
latter for most of the past six years.
Moreover, the magnitude of
outperformance has increased over
time. Clearly, the ASEAN equity
markets have performed remarkably
well since early 2007, even in a
global context.

Another, broader explanation is
differences in valuation (namely,
multiple expansion or contraction).
This seems to hold true for Chinese
stocks, as declines in the SSEC were
accompanied by declines in its P/E
ratio. But the P/E ratios of the
Straits Times Index (STI), JSX, SET
and KLCI have also dropped (say,
from 2009 levels), despite
significant rises in these indices over
the same period. In other words,
stock price rises in these markets
were accompanied by even larger
rises in corporate earnings.

It seems to us that the
outperformance of the ASEAN
markets reflects not only investors
high expectations of the ASEAN
economies, but also fundamental
improvements in these economies.
Investors seem to be sold on the
secular rise of the ASEAN
economies, including the possibility
that they will ultimately replace
China as the worlds factory.

Is such enthusiasm justified? Are the
rallies in the ASEAN stock markets
sustainable, or are they bubbles in the
making? What are the fundamental
drivers of the ASEAN economies in
the coming decade? What are the
risks? In our forthcoming reports we
will examine the fundamentals of the
ASEAN economies and seek to answer
these questions.

Stock market performance through to 31 October 2012 (%) P/E ratios (x)

from Jan-12 Jan-11 Jan-10 Jan-09 Jan-08 Jan-07
China SSEC -4.6 -27.5 -36.9 10.0 -60.7 -23.8
US S&P 500 12.3 12.3 7.4 56.3 -3.8 -0.3
Singapore STI 13.0 -6.1 4.9 66.1 -12.3 2.2
Indonesia JSX 14.2 16.7 71.7 202.7 58.4 136.9
Thailand SET 25.3 24.6 76.8 171.3 51.4 97.0
Malaysia KLCI 10.5 9.1 31.5 87.1 15.8 49.8
Philippines PCOMP 23.4 28.7 77.7 174.7 49.8 82.2
Vietnam HCMC 10.5 -19.9 -21.5 23.1 -58.1 -48.3
Laos LSX 18.8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Source: CEIC, Daiwa Source: CEIC, Daiwa
Dec-09 Dec-11 Sep-12
6 November 2012

The rise of ASEAN economies (1)


ASEAN stock markets have
outperformed China
significantly since early 2007
Most also outperformed the
S&P 500 in the same period
The outperformance seems to
be supported by fundamentals

Economy / ASEAN
Mingchun Sun
(852) 2773 8751
Christie Chien
(852) 2848 4482
Economy / ASEAN
6 November 2012
- 2 -

Stock indices: JSX and PCOMP vs. S&P 500 and SSEC Stock indices: KLCI and SET vs. S&P 500 and SSEC

Source: CEIC, Daiwa Source: CEIC, Daiwa

Stock indices: STI and HCMC vs. S&P 500 and SSEC Stock market indices: as of 31 October 2012 (3 Jan 2007=100)

Source: CEIC, Daiwa Source: CEIC, Daiwa

Stock market capitalisation Stock market capitalisation as % of GDP

Source: CEIC, Daiwa Source: CEIC, Daiwa

1/4/2007 1/4/2008 1/4/2009 1/4/2010 1/4/2011 1/4/2012
Index 3 Jan
1/4/2007 1/4/2008 1/4/2009 1/4/2010 1/4/2011 1/4/2012
Index 3 Jan
1/4/2007 1/4/2008 1/4/2009 1/4/2010 1/4/2011 1/4/2012
Index 3 Jan
Index (3 Jan
China Singapore Malaysia Indonesia Thailand Philippines Vietnam
Oct-07 Oct-12
China Singapore Malaysia Indonesia Thailand Philippines Vietnam
% of GDP
2007 2011
Economy / ASEAN
6 November 2012
- 3 -


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6 November 2012
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