Unit 3 Adam Schiller

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ICT Solutions for Individuals & Society

Unit 3: ICT Solutions for Individuals and Society

Project Overview...............................................................................................................2
Identifying Required Information.....................................................................................3
Information I need.........................................................................................................3
Search Engines..............................................................................................................3
Logical Operators & Advanced Searches.....................................................................7
How organisations now communicate with individuals & society...................................8
How organisations now communicate..........................................................................8
How available information affects society....................................................................9
The effect on those who do not have access to ICT......................................................9
The effect on those who do not want access to ICT......................................................9
Bibliography .................................................................................................................9
Information Accessed from Large Web Sites...................................................................9
Ways of accessing information from large web sites:...............................................9
Identify web sites that I can use to access information relevant to planning a gap
Evidence of accessing information using menus & navigation bars...........................10
Evidence of accessing information using internal search engines..............................10
Database Searches...........................................................................................................10
Local Database............................................................................................................10
Database table relationships....................................................................................10
Database queries......................................................................................................10
Database reports......................................................................................................10
Online Databases.........................................................................................................10
Database table relationships....................................................................................10
Database queries......................................................................................................10
Database reports......................................................................................................10
The six types of data included in my report are:.........................................................11
Evaluation of methods used to find data for my report...............................................11
Searches: Strengths – methods used, results...........................................................11
Searches: Weaknesses – methods used, results.......................................................11
Searches: How I refined my methods to improve the search results.......................11
Searches: What I’d do differently next time...........................................................11
Presentation: Strengths – methods, design..............................................................11
Adam Schiller Campion School 1
ICT Solutions for Individuals & Society

Presentation: Weaknesses – methods, design..........................................................11

Presentation: Refinements – methods, design.........................................................11

Project Overview
For this project we have to collect information about a new potential country, or activity
for the company to visit. As a researcher I have to find out information about my chosen
activity, we have to produce a report to the Managing Director of the company presenting
our proposal for a new activity to them. The adventure travel company is situated in
Northampton and provide gap years to students, giving them the opportunity to visit
numerous countries. Planning a gap year is something really relevant to me considering I
will be able to go on a gap year in two years, I will be able to use my knowledge of ICT
and group tour planning; as I have previously arranged visits to; Reading Festival 2008
and various theme parks across the UK.

The new activity I have chosen is flight training; due to the high taxes in the UK flying
training is quite expensive. At the end of the activity the participating students will have
achieved their Private Pilots Licence and will be a qualified pilot, able to carry non-paying
passengers. Considerations need to be taken about costs, it needs to be viable for students,
obviously if it costs £2000 excess, when the food, travel and accommodation is included
they will pay the extra £1000 to do the flight training at home. This is a strong project as I
personally would be interested in taking part and also members of my class expressed
interest in it also. This activity needs to take place somewhere visually interesting (scenic)
with low taxes and a good exchange rate to the British pound. I have chosen to visit
Hawaii for my gap year as it can offer cheap flight training and is very scenic.

Adam Schiller Campion School 2

ICT Solutions for Individuals & Society

Identifying Required Information

Information I need

• How many hours required for PPL.

• Conversion to UK
• The weather for flying

Search Engines

A search engine is a computer program designed to receive data from keywords that users
input, then produce a list of documents/ web pages as an output. Using a spider, so named
because it crawls the web and returns as many documents as possible, then an indexer
collaborates all the results and people can search through them to find what they want.
Before the days of search engines things were difficult to find online, web search engines
came about as a sort of web directory.

Types of SE here clusterings)

Meta tags are placed into the <head> of the webpage they are not visually seen on the
page, but when a crawler based search engine reads this information it processes it. A few
crawlers still support meta keywords, these are additional keywords which

Adam Schiller Campion School 3

ICT Solutions for Individuals & Society

Meta descriptions are also read but largely ignored by most search engines; Google
generates its own description based on page content.

Some pages that contain either sensitive or admin information can be blocked from being
indexed by crawler based search engines by using robots.txt

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ICT Solutions for Individuals & Society

Adam Schiller Campion School 5

ICT Solutions for Individuals & Society

Basic Search

Search engine Search criteria Number of results Relevance

Google ppl flight training 10,300 10/10
Ask ppl flight training 5,010 6/10
Ixquick ppl flight training 55,517 8/10

Search engine Result 1 Result 2

Google Flight School Hawaii Obtaining a PPL in the U.S.
Flight School Hawaii has 28 Sep 1997 ... IFR
extremely dependable aircraft, and (instrument) flight training
their training program is is also available. If you
unparalleled in its excellence. The have your VFR PPL, give
instructors and staff of Flight ... the schools a call. - Stan
20-Sep-01, 6-Oct-01, ...
Ask Obtaining a PPL in the U.S. eiNET > General Products
IFR (instrument) flight training is also and Services > Transportation
available. If you have your VFR PPL, and Equipment
give the schools a call. They also are
Above It All Accelerated Flight
known locally as Benchmark Flight
Training Hawaii Accelerated
Flight Training In Hawaii!
www.fly-hawaii.com/ reviews...
Ixquick Aviation Flight Training FAA Flight Schools the
Our Aviation Flight Training Licensing largest flightschool
and ... Professional aviation safety FAA Flight Schools Helicopter
training. Flight School Hawaii, Inc. ... Schools Aviation Training
California, we provide complete Schools ... PPL is issued either
training for obtaining your PPL ... according to the FAA (American
licences) or JAR (European ...

Adam Schiller Campion School 6

ICT Solutions for Individuals & Society

Logical Operators & Advanced Searches

These are s0me of the s3arches I can d0 using my knowledge of logical operators:

Google hawaii "flying Hawaii Flight Adventure offers aircraft

flight adventures that you control…,
training" -africa flying training,
Ask.com hawaii "flying The Commercial Aviation Program’s
mission is to serve Hawaii, ... Since
http://uk.ask.com/?o=312&l=dir training" -africa 1930, Galvin Flying Services has offered
flying training in Seattle, ...
Ixquick hawaii "flying Galvin Flying Services, Inc., with over 75
years of flight training experience, is
http://ixquick.com/ training" -africa partnered with HCC to provide all flight
services and training in Hawaii.

These allow me to refine my search down, searching for specific items, the above searches
tell Google to only return results where the exact phrase flying training has been found, it
also then removes any results that contain the keyword Africa. This is useful as there is a
lot of cheap “flying training” in Africa, but I don’t want to go there so –africa cancels out
all the results.

If I want to search a specific site for content, I can modify my Google query, so that it
searches a website or a domain by attaching the prefix site:[URL here] without brackets
and the search term before or after it. For example I want to search the site
http://www.gapyear.com/ for flight training I would type into Google: flight training

Goggle has an inbuilt feature so that you don’t need to remember how to do all the
advanced searches, using the advanced search page link on the Google homepage you can
access the advanced search form. Although not all advanced operators are included on that
page it is very user-friendly.

Adam Schiller Campion School 7

ICT Solutions for Individuals & Society

How organisations now communicate with individuals & society

How organisations now communicate

Communication technology has revolutionised the way in which businesses communicate,

with the fast expanse of the internet over the last decade. Access has become more readily
available to individuals, not only large multi-national companies and military
organisations. The actual hardware used to provide communication has been a focus point
for innovation, smaller and faster devices have meant more information can now be shared
then ever before.

Businesses can now communicate more efficiently, internally and externally now emails
are commonly used for internal communication within large businesses. This saves time
and also provides a digital copy of any requests, which can be replied to and followed up.
Emails are convenient as they can be picked up on a range of devices and at any time, this
allows businesses be mobile and individuals to work at various locations of there
choosing. Currently though the mobile telephone network has a larger coverage than
internet availability for both wireless and wired. Although there are satellites which can be
used to access the internet, they are usually are rather expensive making them unviable,
also network speeds vary due to the delay of transmission. So mobile phones obviously
remain the clear choice for mobile usage, this could change in the near future though.
Logistics companies and small businesses that are constantly on the move can benefit
from using mobile phones as communication can still be maintained on the phone. For
companies that remain in one central area of operations, fixed telephone networks are
typically installed as these are cheaper then using the mobile phone networks. Fixed
telephones do not give the re-readability of email but do provide instant responses, as it
requires the other used to be on the phone also. Fax machines used to be commonly used
to send data, using the existing telephone network these had an advantage over traditional
post, due to the speed of delivery. But faxes have been replaced by email, giving the
receiver flexibility whether to produce a hard copy, saving paper and company costs.

Many companies have taken advantage of VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol)
technology, where calls are routed over the internet as apposed to over a telephone line.
Costs can be lowered as VOIP can use already established communication infrastructures
to make calls. Although quality can be varied as packets are lost or delayed, conversely if
a dedicated bandwidth line is being used and an end to end connection is being used, this
may not be noticed. Quality is a big selling point on VOIP services, that and cost, Skype is
one of the main market leaders in VOIP giving users free calls to each other. VOIP can
save a company vast amounts of money that would usually be spent on telephone calls.
Skype can also provide video-conferencing, saving time and money which would have to
be spent on travel expenses, also creating a face to face visual environment in which to
conduct business in.

Adam Schiller Campion School 8

ICT Solutions for Individuals & Society

Electronic information has also changed the way businesses reach their target audience
and provide services and even sell products. Web sites can be used to promote and sell
products which would traditionally have to be sold face to face. This provides ease of use
for consumers and businesses, capital can be saved as staff don’t need to be employed and
consumers can shop from anywhere they have internet access. Many businesses have
embraced the ‘web 2.0’ social networking devices and used them as a way of
communicating with potential customers, using them as marketing tools and advertising
mediums. Using these social networking platforms as free advertising, allows businesses
to reach it’s consumers without paying expensive advertising/printing costs usually
entailed in advertising, while also reaching a potentially global audience.

How available information affects society

Information is provided to anyone who wants it, it is easily accessible anywhere in the
world, whether in books or on the internet.

The effect on those who do not have access to ICT

The effect on those who do not want access to ICT

Communication technology has come a long way from the fax machine


Information Accessed from Large Web Sites

Ways of accessing information from large web sites:

• Search Engines
• Interactive sitemaps
• Hyperlinks
• Forms
• Navigation bars
• Cache
• Internal search engines

Adam Schiller Campion School 9

ICT Solutions for Individuals & Society

Identify web sites that I can use to access information relevant to

planning a gap year:

Evidence of accessing information using menus & navigation bars

Evidence of accessing information using internal search engines

Database Searches

Local Database

Database table relationships

Database queries
-show logical operators, consider using aggregate queries where appropriate (ask teacher)

Database reports

Online Databases

Database table relationships

Database queries
-show logical operators, consider using aggregate queries where appropriate (ask teacher)

Database reports





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ICT Solutions for Individuals & Society


The six types of data included in my report are:


Evaluation of methods used to find data for my report

Searches: Strengths – methods used, results

Searches: Weaknesses – methods used, results

Searches: How I refined my methods to improve the search results

Searches: What I’d do differently next time

Presentation: Strengths – methods, design

Presentation: Weaknesses – methods, design

Presentation: Refinements – methods, design


How search engines work

Available from: http://www.howstuffworks.com/search-engine.htm
[accessed 5th December 2008]
Adam Schiller Campion School 11
ICT Solutions for Individuals & Society

9th December ^

Adam Schiller Campion School 12


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