Worksheet 1 Vector Calculus

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Document 1103(a):Worksheet 1- ector Ca!cu!us

"uest#ons re$u#r#n% &#''erent#at#on:
"uest#on 1:
The position vectors r(t) are given below in terms of t. Find the velocity and acceleration vectors:
(a) r(t) = 2t # +1t
(b) r(t) = !t
# #($t%t
) (
"uest#on 2:
The position vector of a particle & is given by
(2 ) (" ) t t i t j + + '
where t is the time elapsed in seconds.
(i) From what point does the particle & begin to move(
(ii) )hat is the initial velocity and direction of movement(
(iii) *fter 2 seconds where is & and what is the velocity and direction of
"uest#on 3:
* particle moves so that its displacement after +t, seconds is
2 "
( " 2 1) ( 2 -) t t i t t j + + + + +
.escribe the position and velocity of the particle after one second has elapsed.
"uest#on ):
*n ob/ect is pro/ected so that its position at any time t seconds is given by:
r = 2t # + ("t%$t
) ( (meas0red in metres)
(a) the initial point of pro/ection of the ob/ect.
(b) the displacement after 2 seconds and the distance from the starting point at this time.
(c) the speed at the initial pro/ection and the angle of pro/ection
(d) the speed after 2 seconds
(e) the acceleration vector and the magnit0de of acceleration.
(f) the time ta1en to hit the gro0nd
(g) the hori2ontal distance travelled
(h) the ma3im0m height reached
(i) the cartesian e40ation for the path of the ob/ect
"uest#on *:
*n ob/ect is pro/ected so that its position at any time t seconds is given by:
r = !t # + (-%$t
) ( (meas0red in metres)
(a) From what position is the ob/ect pro/ected
(b) 5alc0late the speed of pro/ection
(c) *t what angle to the hori2ontal is it pro/ected(
(d) 6how that the acceleration is constant.
"uest#on +:
* particle moves with a displacement vector at any time t seconds given by:
" (2 ") r t i t j = +
. *
second particle has displacement vector given by
( !) ( 1) r t i t j = + +
at any time t seconds.
(a) show that the two particles collide .
(b) find the time and place of the collision
"uest#ons #n,o!,#n% -nte%rat#on
2"78-218.doc &age 1
"uest#on .:
*n ob/ect moves in a straight line so that its acceleration at t seconds is given by:
a = ("%!t) #
9nitially the ob/ect has a speed of 2m:s in the # direction and is $ metres from a fi3ed point ;.
(a) 5alc0late its velocity and position after t seconds.
(b) )here and when is the body at rest.
"uest#on /:
The acceleration of a particle at any time t (seconds) is given by:
a (t) 0 2t # - " (
The initial velocity is given by:
, 0 %! # 1- (
(a) Find an e3pression for the velocity of the particle at any time t.
(b) )hen is the velocity 2ero(
(c ) )hat is the magnit0de of its acceleration at this time(
"uest#on 2:
The velocities of two particles & and < are given by

2 2t and " $ + + = =
# ( # ( ,
*t t = ' the positions of the particles are

$ - and = =
# ( # r
(a) Find the position of each particle at any time +t=
(b) )here and when do the particles collide(
(c ) 5alc0late the 5artesian path of each particle
2"78-218.doc &age2

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