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EDSC 304

UNIT: From RNA to Proteins: The Process of Translation

Lesson 3



Now that we have completed the webercise activity in Lesson 2, you will explore one of the web articles
further to create a graphic organizer in Lesson 3. This graphic organizer is the final activity to solidify major
ideas and concepts before you display your comprehensive knowledge in summative assessment.

A graphic organizer is a visual way to organize and categorize information into meaningful relationships. This
graphic organize activity will visually help you to meet the following California Content Standards and Student
Learning Objectives of this unit.

California Content Standards: Student Learning Objectives:
CA Content Standard(s):
HS-LS1-1: Construct an explanation based on
evidence for how the structure of DNA determines
the structure of proteins which carry out the
essential functions of life through systems of
specialized cells.

Common Core Standard(s):
WHST.9-12.9: Draw information from informational
texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
1. Identify 3 key components of translation and
describe how they are functionally related to each

2. Name the 3 stages of translation and list the main
events taking place at each stage.

3. Decode a given mRNA sequence into its tRNA and
amino acid counterparts using the genetic code.

Below, you will find a timeline for this activity, the sites and programs you will need to complete the
assignment, as well as a step-by-step instruction guide and assessment rubric.

Timeline: LESSON 3

Programs/Sites Accessed:
-Website article: The Information in DNA Determines Cellular Function via Translation
-Microsoft Word (SmartArt)
-TodaysMeet: Questions you have about the who, what, when, how, and where of translation?

-Students will work in groups of three (3)
-Even though this is a collaborative activity, students are still required to submit individual graphic
-Graphic organizers must be color coded using at least 3 different colors

I. After the instruction reviews the project syllabus, students will divide into groups of three (3) and
begin reading and analyzing text from assigned website article to answer the following questions:
A. Who performs the major roles in translation?
B. What do these major players do?
C. When do these events take place?
D. How do these events take place?
E. Where do these events take place?
1. Students do not need to organize information at this point, but should jot down
information to organize at a later step.

II. For homework, students should continue to gather information if they did not complete the
assignment during class
A. Using Microsoft Word SmartArt, students will create graphic organizers using headings: Who,
What, How, When, and Where
1. Students in the same group must use the same graphic organizer, but each will
produce their own work to submit
2. Graphic organizers must:
a. Include the 5 concepts (who, what, how, when, where)
b. Include at least 3 key players
c. Use color as a means to differentiate between key players

III. On the second day, students will resume in groups to review and edit graphic organizers from other
groups. Two groups will switch graphic organizers and discuss methods of improvement
A. When peer-revising, students should refer to project rubric and look for:
1. Ease of visibility: Is the graphic organizer easy to follow? Can another graphic
organizer be used to make it easier to follow?
2. Correct Information Content: Is correct information from the article included?
3. Format: Did the graphic organizer meet all the syllabus requirements?
DAY 1: Introduction: Instructor will
review project syllabus and students
will have the remainder of the
period to view article and retrieve
DAY 2: Graphic Organizer
Production: Students will work in
groups of 3 to generate and edit
graphic organizer in Microsoft Word
DAY 3: Review & Discussion: Groups
will present graphic organizers and
teacher will facilitate class discussion
using student-generated questions
IV. Students will then resume into their original groups to discuss changes that were recommended
and decide whether they need to edit/revise. Incomplete graphic organizers are to be completed for

V. On the last day, students will spend the beginning of the class preparing to present their graphic
organizer to the class. During presentations, students will be asked to come up with a question they
have using the 5 questions (Who, What, When, How, Where) and submit them to TodaysMeet. The
teacher will pick several questions to discuss at the end of all presentations to conclude the project.

Grading Rubric:
The assignment will be worth a total of 12 points. Students will be graded on a point system according to the
following rubric:

3 2 1
Choice of graphic
organize is easy to follow
and visually appealing.
The flow of the graphic
organize complements
the information it seeks
to convey either by use of
arrows, bubbles, or
connecting lines, etc. to
Choice of graphic
organizer displays the
relationships of concepts
using connecting images,
but could be improved by
the choice of organizer or
the format to make the
overall graphic organizer
visually appealing.
Choice of graphic
organizer is difficult to
follow and relationships
between concepts are
unclear due to absence of
connection images such
as arrows, bubbles, lines.
Information Content
The graphic organizer
contains 3 or more key
roles and their correct
information in each of
the 5 categories.
The graphic organizer
contains at least 3 key
roles and mostly contains
correct information in
each of the 5 categories.
Although some minor
information is incorrect,
no information is missing.
The graphic organizer
does not contain at least
3 key roles and most
information in the 5
categories is missing or
The graphic organizer
contains 5 categories of
(who, what, when, how,
where) and is color coded
by key roles.
The graphic organizer
contains 5 categories, but
no color was used to
differentiate between the
key players.
The graphic organizer
does not contain the 5
required categories and
little or no color is used
to differentiate the key
Submitted engaging and
beyond surface level
question during
presentations of graphic
Submitted questions
during or after graphic
organizer, but was not
stimulating cause for
Did not submit question
during presentations or
question submitted did
not pertain to the topic.


Name: Sample Biology Student
HIERARCHY CHART: The Process of Translation

TodaysMeet Question: How fast can a ribosome read a sequence of mRNA?

contains genetic
read the mRNA
carries amino acids
to ribosomes
when constructed
from DNA blueprint
by scanning 3
nucleotide pairs
by matching the
correct anticodon
from the nucleus
into the cytoplasm
in the cytoplasm
in the cytoplasm

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