8750 Was Jesus' Soul Already Incarnated Before God's Human Manifestation ? ....

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... through Bertha Dudde

Was Jesus soul already incarnated
beore Gods hu!an !aniestation" ....
#i!e ater ti!e $ %ant to re&eal 'y lo&e or you by introducing
you to (no%ledge %hich %ill !a(e you &ery ha))y* because li(e a
bright light it %ill un&eil things to you %hich )re&iously %ere
obscured by dar(ness .... and because your degree o a%areness
%ill be raised again %hich also signiies a !aturing o the soul.
For lo&e al%ays %ill and has to be the oundation or the
con&eyance o 'y Word* $ could not address you i a certain
degree o lo&e %ere not )resent* and thus this lo&e %ill let the
light o realisation shine e&er !ore brightly %ithin you.
+ou are still occu)ied by ,uestions %hich only $ -! able to
ans%er* because only $ (no% the regions you %ish to understand
-ll ele&ated* )re&iously not-fallen s)irits also incarnate on earth
in order to ta(e the )ath through the abyss or the )ur)ose o
attaining the highest goal .... the childshi) to God. -nd or this
)ur)ose they ha&e to li&e on earth in the lesh* they e!body
the!sel&es as a hu!an being and li&e their earthly lie /ust as
e&ery once fallen original s)irit.
#hey* too* ha&e to struggle and resist all te!)tations %ith %hich
they are conronted by 'y ad&ersarys side .... #hus* they !ust
ha&e )assed in truth 0through the abyss in order to then ....
%hen they are recalled .... return as a child o God to 'e* their
eternal Father ....
-nd beings o light ha&e descended at all ti!es in order to hel)
)eo)le %ho* as once allen beings* should achie&e their return to
'e .... #he light beings lo&e is &ery strong and )roound so that
they are al%ays hel)ul and only e&er intend to return 'y lost
children to 'e. -nd $ do not sto) the! i they %ant to descend to
earth in order to bring hel)* %hich is al%ays needed.
But the beings al%ays had co!e ro! 'e* )er!eated by 'y light
o lo&e they %ere li&ing creations o ut!ost )erection %ho* %ith
the sa!e %ill as 'ine* %or( %ith 'e in the s)iritual (ingdo! as
%ell as on earth %hen they descend or the )ur)ose o a !ission.
1o being o light %ill e&er e2clude itsel ro! a !ission o
bringing light to the earthly inhabitants ....
-nd thus the soul .... %hich as the hu!an being Jesus
acco!)lished the act o 3al&ation on earth .... %as also such a
s)irit o light %ho had initially e!erged ro! 'e as a light ray o
lo&e to %hich $ ga&e inde)endent lie .... #his s)irit had acce)ted
a uni,ue !ission because he had realised ro! the start that the
allen beings needed 4i!* because he realised ro! the start that
the irst hu!an being %ould ail and that he thereore as the
0hu!an being Jesus %anted to hel) hu!anity ....
4e %as ro! the start indeed also acti&ely in&ol&ed in the
creation o the !aterial %orld* or 'y %ill and strength lo%ed
into all beings %hich had re!ained loyal to 'e and %hich
thereore %ere acti&e as inde)endent beings in ininity.
#his soul* too* had descended to earth 5this soul* too* had
previously already ser&ed 'e as a s)irit o light6* and it
established the connection bet%een the )eo)le and God* that is*
it ca!e to )eo)le as a s)irit o light and thus enabled 'e 'ysel
to audibly s)ea( to )eo)le through this soul ....
4ence this s)irit o light ser&ed 'e as a co&er* ne&ertheless not
)hysically albeit certainly te!)orarily &isible to )eo)le but not
)er!anently* in as !uch that 4e did not li&e on earth as a
0hu!an being but only %or(ed a!ongst )eo)le a))arently
ha&ing the sa!e )hysical substance* and yet he %as and
re!ained a s)iritual being Which disa))eared again ro! sight o
those %ho! $t hel)ed through instructions and discourses.
7le&ated beings o light indeed e!bodied the!sel&es physically
on earth too* and as re)resentati&es o 'ysel al%ays also
)roclai!ed 'y %ill to )eo)le* or it %as necessary to )ro&ide
the! %ith the inor!ation %hy and or %hat )ur)ose they li&ed
on earth in s)iritual hardshi).
1e&ertheless* a distinction has to be !ade bet%een the earthly
lie o a being o light as a human being and the a))earance o
a s)irit o light through %ho! $ co!!unicated 'ysel. $n that
case the s)irit o light %as not My &isible e2ternal co&er .... as
%as the case %ith the hu!an being Jesus .... but he only ser&ed
'e to )roclai! 'y Word to )eo)le in a natural !anner* or $
could also ha&e addressed )eo)le ro! abo&e but then they
%ould ha&e lost their reedo! o %ill ....
#hus $ al%ays a&ailed 'ysel o an e2ternal or! %hich could
either be a )hysical or a s)iritual hu!an being. 4o%e&er* the
or!er li&ed his lie on earth as a human being* %hereas the
latter %as only te!)orarily &isible to )eo)le because they
urgently re,uired 'y Word.
8onse,uently* i it is said that Jesus soul had re)eatedly
incarnated before 'y hu!an !aniestation you should only e&er
assu!e a spiritual a))earance %hen $ 'ysel .... lo&e ....
%anted to e2)ress 'ysel to you hu!ans and thus $ chose a
s)iritual co&er or 'ysel in order to !aniest 'ysel to )eo)le.
Whereas an e!bodi!ent o Jesus soul in the lesh before 'y
hu!an !aniestation has not ta(en )lace* although $ %as also
able to e2)ress 'ysel in the Word through a hu!an being i he
thus had descended to earth ro! the (ingdo! o light.
Jesus soul had been chosen to enable 'y hu!an !aniestation
on earth* and this soul %as truly the !ost ele&ated s)irit o light
Who* as irst9born 3on* had e!erged ro! 'e .... that is* ro!
'y strength and the %ill o the one %ho! 'y greater than great
lo&e had e2ternalised as irst9created being.
$ 'ysel* as the 7ternal s)irit God* !aniested 'ysel only in
Jesus* in this highest soul o light .... But it had already ser&ed
'e as a s)irit o light )re&iously in order to enable 'e to s)ea( to
)eo)le* %ho ne&ertheless had a high degree o !aturity %hich
enabled 'e to send the! such beings o light through %hich $
'ysel could address the! directly.
But the act that untold beings o light had also been e!bodied
as hu!an beings )rior to this %ho li(e%ise u)held )eo)les
contact to 'e* %ho brought 'y Word to the!* %ho* in a !anner
o s)ea(ing* li&ed on earth as a !outh)iece or 'e* should be
acce)ted as truth but should not lead to !isguided notions*
because Jesus soul %as chosen or 'y hu!an !aniestation*
since it had oered itsel ro! the start or this act o co!)assion
in the a%areness o the irst hu!an beings ailure ....
$t is %rong to say that $ as 0God ha&e already incarnated se&eral
ti!es .... For 'y hu!an !aniestation in Jesus is and re!ains a
uni,ue action* %hich hu!anity is unable and e&en the %orld o
light only barely able to gras)* the li(es o %hich has ne&er
beore and %ill ne&er be e&idenced again ater%ards.
For Jesus %as not one o many but 4e %as the One Who %as to
beco!e or you hu!ans and or all beings in the (ingdo! o light
the &isible God* Who! $ ha&e chosen or 'ysel as co&er %hich
shall re!ain eternally &isible ....
-nd this being had an e2ce)tional status* or 4is lo&e .... as the
irst s)irit e!anated by 'y and :uciers lo&e .... %as so
i!!easurably )roound that only 4e could be considered or 'y
hu!an !aniestation and thus a )re&ious )rocess as a hu!an
being on this earth %as out o the ,uestion %hich* ho%e&er* does
not e2clude that 4e* too* too( )art in creating the !aterial %orld*
or 4e (ne% about 'y )lan o return and 4e al%ays unreser&edly
acce)ted 'y %ill and as a being %ith an abundance o light and
strength %as also able to acco!)lish it.
#his being %as so de&oted to 'e that it enabled the co!)lete
usion %ith 'e* that 4e and $ had to be one* because $ in 4i!
and 4e in 'e absorbed each other co!)letely* and this %ill
thereore un&eil the secret o 'y hu!an !aniestation in Jesus
the !o!ent the being has attained the degree o light again that
gi&es hi! brightest realisation ....
;ublished by riends o ne% re&elations o God < $nor!ation*
do%nload o all translated re&elations* the!e9boo(lets at.


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