5.1 Incremental Build and Test

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1 Incremental Build and Test

Figure 5. Incremental Build and Test.
The incremental build and test approach begins the incremental development in the
coding phase, with the previous phases being monolithic. Examples are given in Deutsch
[4] and Wong [5] among others.
Many developers go some way toward this approach informally, although often without
the complete set of life cycle documentation. Since this is not what is recommended by
the monolithic waterfall model, the developers may feel guilty that they are not
following the model correctly; better results will be obtained from following the
incremental build and test approach intentionally rather than accidentally.
5.2 Evolutionary Delivery

Figure 6. Evolutionary Delivery
Evolutionary delivery as described by Gilb [6] is shown in Figure 6, and is the most
extreme incremental approach, defining the increments from the top of the life cycle.
Gilb's method includes incremental delivery as well as incremental development, and
therefore has useful working facilities available to the customers much earlier than other
life cycle models.
The diagram shown actually does not do justice to the evolutionary delivery method,
however, since there is a higher level process which precedes the incremental steps,
consisting of setting system and business objectives, open architecture design, planning
and quality assurance.
The evolutionary deliveries are made at frequent intervals (possibly as small as a week),
and consist of some function, facility, or organisational change which is useful to the
customer and relatively easy to produce. In fact that ratio is used to determine the order
of the increments.
A major effect of evolutionary delivery is to elicit requests for change, mainly from
users ("that isn't what we want"). However, these change requests may be "folded back"
into the development process at significantly less cost than for monolithic models, for
two reasons. First, change is expected and planned for, so it does not come as an
unwelcome surprise. Secondly, when requirements have been completely detailed and
designed (in the monolithic approach), changes which are requested will affect the work
already invested in the frozen specification. With incremental development, requested
changes which affect those areas which have not yet been completely detailed, do not
result in discarding work already done. Change can be turned to advantage, provided it
is controlled.
5.3 Framework Incremental Life Cycle

Figure 7. Framework Incremental Life Cycle
Just as one extreme being wrong does not imply that the other extreme is right, a
framework incremental approach may be the "best of both worlds", by providing a
compromise between the monolithic waterfall and Gilb's evolutionary delivery. Enough
of the initial requirements specification and architectural design is done so that the
direction and structure of the system produced is clear enough to direct the software
development process. This approach can still give useful products very early in the
development timescale. An example of this type of approach is the specification of the
structure and interfaces for a database, with detailed facilities to be specified later.
A similar method recently described by Hill [7] as a hybrid between "conservative" and
"radical" top-down approaches has been found to work successfully. See also Redmill [8]
and Krzanik [9].
5.4 Phased Development

Figure 8. Phased Development
Phased development has frequently been used in the development of large systems, and
is a step in the right direction. The difference between a very small phase and a large
increment is not distinct. However, phases tend to be large and growing; there is a
tendency to put as much as possible into the current phase. There is also a temptation to
compensate for timescale slippage by bringing forward the later phases to overlap the
earlier ones. This approach can result in severe incompatibility between successive
phase products. The emphasis with incremental development is to include as little as
possible, i.e. as little as would be useful into each increment.
5.5 Prototyping
Prototyping is usually regarded as the building of a small system (or two) before
building the big one. The knowledge gained in either building or using the prototype is
then used in building the "real" system. A good description of the prototyping approach,
combined with risk analysis, is given by Boehm [10].
"Rapid prototyping" is used to describe the building of systems using software tools
such as code generators, report generators, or Fourth Generation Languages (4GL's). A
recent book called "Structured Rapid Prototyping" by Connell and Shafer [11] gives
guidance in the development of systems incrementally.
Prototypes are used to reduce risk in the applications area (a novel design, function or
performance), or to reduce risk in the user interface area. (The users should then
recognise the final system as what they had approved as a prototype.)
However, in a long development timescale, with several years between deliveries of
prototypes, the requirements may change extensively, so that it is difficult to relate new
requirements to the old prototypes. New hardware capacity, newer user interface styles
and graphical capabilities seen on personal computers can make a prototyped user
interface seem very old-fashioned.
It is not always possible to predict in advance of development whether a prototype will
be thrown away, incorporated or built upon. Prototypes are classified in terms of their
use into experimental, exploratory, or evolutionary prototypes. (Floyd [12]) Prototypes
can also be classified in terms of their relationship to the life cycle as Throw-Away,
Incorporated, or Incremental,. (Ince and Hekmatpour [13]).
5.5.1 Throw-Away Prototype

Figure 9. Throw-Away Prototype
If the prototype is written with the intention of throwing it away, then it is unlikely (and
unnecessary) for it to be developed to the same standards as a "real" development. This
type of prototyping is sometimes called "quick and dirty". The prototype can be
discarded as soon as development of the large system begins (the first bin in the
diagram), or it can be kept and possibly used by the customer until the large system is
actually delivered and finished (the second bin). There is a tendency for users to become
fond of a well-used prototype and be reluctant to throw it away.
A throw-away prototype can be used as an animated requirements specification; if the
prototype looks and interacts in a way which is liked and approved by the customer, then
the final system can be tested to ensure that it looks and behaves in the same way.
5.5.2 Incorporated Prototype

Figure 10. Incorporated Prototype
Part or all of the prototype can be incorporated into the final system software product,
either code, design, or requirements. If a prototype has any possibility of becoming
incorporated, the software engineering discipline and standards applied to its
development should be consistent with the desired quality of the final product.
5.5.3 Incremental Prototype
An incremental prototype is the development of the system in a series of prototypes
which are integrated together to become the final system. This therefore looks the same
as the Evolutionary approach shown in Figure 6, but possibly without incremental
delivery or the higher level of overall objectives, open architecture and planning of
Gilb's approach.
5.6 Tool-intensive Incremental Development

Figure 11. Tool-Intensive Incremental Development
Software development tools are becoming capable of automating "higher up" the life
cycle, i.e. code can now be generated directly from detailed design specifications. At the
same time, requirements are being specified in increasingly more formal notations.
These two trends give the possibility of eventually automating the entire life cycle.
Semi-formal specification methods such as SSADM, Jackson, Yourdon and others may
eventually be automated. Mathematically based formal methods such as VDM, Z, and
OBJ are rigourous enough to automate now. There is already a commercial tool (ObjEx)
[14] which automates specifications written in OBJ.
Although current approaches suffer from severe performance limitations, future
hardware and software development will continue to ameliorate performance problems.
Ultimately we are left with only two phases: specifying requirements and testing. If this
happens, it would not be sensible to specify all requirements before getting something
working, and software development will naturally follow an incremental cycle.
There is a large body of research in the area of incremental development as described in
Graham [1] for a comprehensive overview, Gilb [6] for historical development and
general inspiration, Ince and Hekmatpour [13] on prototyping, Agresti [15] for
discussion of new paradigms, and Law and Longworth [16] for strategic considerations.
Guidance for implementing incremental development and delivery can be found in
Deutsch [4] for incremental build and test, Gilb [6] for evolutionary delivery, Connell &
Shafer [11] for tool-intensive (4GL) development. An interactive incremental
development methodology called "STEPS" (Software Technology for Evolutionary
Participative System Development) is given in Floyd, Reisen and Schmidt [2]. Michael
Jackson has recently launched an incremental development methodology called "ISE"
(Incremental Software Engineering) [17].
Reported experience in the use of incremental development is scarce. The design of a
prototype for a large system is described in Harker [18]. Other references have been
given in Graham [1].
It is interesting to note three instances of successful use in other papers included in this
publication: Warboys [19] on the success of CADES, Chatters [20] on the fault-free
factory approach, and Malcolm [21] on the first on-time delivery in ten years, albeit in a
project which was probably already doomed (due to the loss of user confidence).
Willmott [22] also felt that incremental re-development of an air traffic control system
would be safer than one-time replacement.
The successful IBM "Cleanroom" approach [23], described at an earlier CSR conference,
is also an incremental approach.
7.1 Suitability
Large systems are particularly suitable for incremental development. Monolithic
development is suitable only for small systems of short duration, where the requirements
are well known at the beginning of development and unlikely to change, according to
Krzanik [9], and for commercial packages such as a database package, operating system,
or word processor, according to Connell and Shafer [11]. Gilb maintains that any system
can be developed using evolutionary delivery. [6]
Deciding which form of incremental development to use should be based on the risk
factors for the particular system to be developed. If the system requirements are very
uncertain and highly likely to change, then prototyping may be suitable. If the system
architecture is critical, e.g. a database, then the framework model may be suitable. If
development funding is uncertain, then evolutionary delivery may be most suitable.
Incremental development is quite feasible for fixed-price contracts, but may well be
easier without incremental delivery.
7.2 Partitioning the System into Increments
Deciding how the system can be divided up into self-contained functional increments,
particularly for incremental delivery to users, can be difficult when incremental
techniques are initially tried. (Deciding how best to partition a system for development
is never easy anyway.) There are a number of good design methodologies for producing
a loosely coupled architecture of non-overlapping functions (which is good design
practice in any case); incremental development does not require any particular or
specific design technique. The involvement of outside consultants with knowledge and
experience of incremental development can be very helpful in the initial stages.
The initial difficulties experienced in designing increments are often due to thinking
about the system in ways which are quite different to the monolithic approach.
Monolithic thinking is directed toward completing all requirements first, but incremental
thinking takes a small requirement subset toward implementation first.
The objectives which drive the partitioning process are to keep the increments as small
as possible, provided they will provide a useful function to the users. The temptation to
continually increase the functionality within each increment should be resisted. It is also
essential to retain control over the content of each increment, and prevent developers
from incorporating other "good changes at the same time", which then becomes
undisciplined and uncontrolled.
7.3 Prioritising and Scheduling
The scheduling and sequencing of development is based on three aspects: first, any parts
of the system which must be in place before functional increments can be implemented
should be completed first, but only the minimum needed.
Second, the broad strategy for the next series of increments should be defined.
Alternatives include the development of the most critical increments first to minimise
risk, the development of interface increments first to test control, or the development of
functional threads first to achieve a working partial product. The latter is needed as early
as possible in order to use incremental delivery effectively.
Within the broad strategy, there will be a choice of increments among equal priority.
The third scheduling aspect is based on a ratio of two things: the user benefits and the
development cost. The user benefits for the selection of proposed increments should be
analysed and prioritised by the user organisation, if that is feasible. The development
costings should be estimated by the developer organisation.
This ratio of benefit over cost determines the scheduling priority. This is technically
called "the juiciest bit" (Gilb, [6]) Thus an increment with a high perceived benefit with
high cost may be developed before one for a low cost and low perceived benefit, but
those with both high benefit and low cost will be earliest.
The increments to be prioritised will not stay fixed for long, but need to be re-analysed
in the context of recently delivered increments; error correction increments may take
precedence over other planned increments, for example.
In this section, various problems related to incremental development and delivery are
outlined. Possible solutions are suggested where appropriate. Further discussion,
particularly of management problems, can be found in Redmill [8].
There are many aspects of software development which are not affected by incremental
development or delivery, such as the need for good management, quality assurance,
configuration management, and the training of staff in software engineering principles.
Additional training is needed, however, when departing from development techniques
which are widely accepted, even when extensive benefits can be gained.
8.1 Hardware Related Problems
8.1.1 Risk of inadequate choice
The choice of hardware for a system to be developed incrementally will be based on
intentionally incomplete specifications, with the risk that an inadequate choice will be
made. In fact monolithically developed systems often make the wrong choice of
hardware as well, but the risk is increased in incremental development. A hardware
upgrade may be a possible solution.
8.1.2 Response times
If a small number of increments have been delivered on the target hardware, response
times should be extremely good at first, but will gradually deteriorate with increasing
functionality, to the disappointment and frustration of users. To overcome this, it is
possible to "simulate the final user environment", i.e. put in slowing-down code to be
removed during system tuning. If response times are severely affected by a single
increment, this can be an aid to identifying system bottlenecks, which can be difficult to
localise with a slow system which has been developed monolithically.
8.1.3 Development hardware
If the target hardware is delivered with the early increments, additional hardware may be
needed to continue the development of the system. This problem is normally postponed
until the maintenance phase of monolithic development, but needs to be faced earlier in
incremental delivery.
8.1.4 Embedded systems hardware
The parallel development of hardware for embedded systems may constrain the
definition of the increments.
8.2 Life Cycle Problems
Incremental development is not an alternative to applying life cycle discipline; the
phases of the life cycle still need to be followed in the right order and with all of the
associated controls. Each increment is a small life cycle in its own right.
8.2.1 Requirements specification
Requirements still need to be specified for the limited area which comprises an
increment, and need to be frozen while the increment is developed (icecubes instead of
icebergs). This enables planning, estimation and scheduling to be done in the small. The
Requirements Specification is needed to define the boundaries of the system and of the
8.2.2 Design
Design is needed in order to preserve a coherent structure to the software system
throughout the changes which will occur during incremental development. The overall
design should be defined in the first increment, but each increment should also be
designed, and the design must work towards preserving the integrity of the overall
architecture. This requires effort, as Lehman and Belady point out in their second law of
program evolution [24]. The difficulty of providing a good overall design without a full
definition of requirements should not be underestimated.
8.2.3 Testing
Testing is needed to ensure that each increment fulfils its requirement, and has not
adversely affected the rest of the system. With incremental delivery, more extensive
regression testing will probably be needed, since any change to the system results in a
changed system. All tests should be run again to ensure that there are no adverse side-
effects of the change.
There are additional considerations for a system which is tested extensively using a
purpose-built simulator or test harness. If the production software is developed
incrementally, the test software needs to be ready for use early in the development
timescale, and so may also need to be developed incrementally. This will have an effect
on the scheduling of effort between the software product and the test software. Note that
the test software needs to be tested as well, before it can be relied upon to test the
production software.
Redmill has found that there is a tendency for users to perform thorough acceptance
testing only for the first increment with the testing of subsequent increments being
skimped. [8]
8.2.4 Other life cycle products
Documentation, user manuals, training, and quality control procedures should not be
skimped in the excitement of having something working. They are still needed in order
to retain control over the development process. A good configuration management
system is essential for keeping track of increments in various stages of completion.
Although working code may be produced quickly, the extra documentation required for
additional releases may be seen as a greater overhead than with monolithic development.
8.3 Management Problems
8.3.1 Living with uncertainty
It is unsettling to live with uncertainty; this is one reason why developers prefer to
specify complete requirements before beginning to design a system. However,
incremental development requires a certain level of uncertainty to be tolerated within the
context of controlled development. There are levels of uncertainty with monolithic
development as well, but we tend to hide them from ourselves by attempting to resolve
specification uncertainties on paper.
8.3.2 Team coordination
The coordination of teams of people working on different parts of the system, and being
in different life cycle phases at once, presents a challenge to management. Corrections
found in the use of a delivered increment have to be incorporated into the system as part
of an increment further "down-stream". Configuration management is essential.
8.3.3 System releases
Releasing a system to a large user base incrementally is even more of a challenge, and
may prove very difficult even with a good configuration management system.
8.3.4 Scheduling and prioritising
The scheduling and prioritising of increments is a process which is constantly being
altered by the results of earlier incremental deliveries; management must be prepared to
spend effort in supporting this continuing process.
8.3.5 Balance between original specification and desired changes
Development may tend to proceed in two directions at once; pulled toward the original
specification by the developers (who can easily become "locked in" to local goals), and
pushed toward new changes by the users. Management needs to keep the balance
between these two. The requests for change should not be allowed to "hijack" the
original system objectives, but some change must be allowed or the benefit of
incremental delivery will be lost. Changes need to be controlled at a strategic level, in
order to take the widest view of the system objectives into account.
8.3.6 Organisational cultural change
Changing the way a large organisation develops software is not easy and cannot be done
overnight. Effort is needed in introducing incremental development ideas, to assess and
then convince of the benefits. Effort is also needed to ensure that the concepts are being
implemented correctly; for example, the temptation to merge increments together in
order to meet a timescale should be resisted. Without continuing pressure, attitudes and
habits will revert to the earlier ideas, even if the new words are used.
The development organisation may find strong resistance even from those departments
which stand to gain from incremental development or delivery, for example contracts,
quality assurance, and higher management.
8.4 Financial/Contractual Problems
8.4.1 Contracts
Contracts for the development of software systems are generally based on a statement of
requirements, under the assumption that development will proceed monolithically. There
is no reason why incremental development or even delivery cannot proceed from a
"completed", i.e. frozen, Requirements Specification. However, many of the benefits of
the incremental approach will be lost if user and developer knowledge were prohibited
from being incorporated into the development process.
To allow the format of the contract to determine the development strategy appears to be
putting the cart before the horse; surely the contract should be the servant of
development, not its master. However, a new contractual approach may also involve
significant organisational culture changes.
8.4.2 Competitive tendering
Competitive tenders using an incremental approach as opposed to a fully specified
requirement may not enable the purchaser to evaluate like with like. The unspoken basis
for pre-specifying the full requirement is the assumption that the requirements can be
fully known in advance, which is rarely completely true.
A working prototype may be more convincing to a potential customer than a 250-page
document, however.
8.4.3 Estimation
Estimation of system development effort is even more difficult when you don't know
what you are going to build. Estimation methods and tools are the wrong way around for
incremental development; they tell how long for a known (guessed) size, whereas an
incremental estimate wants to know what functionality (size) can be achieved with
known effort.
8.4.4 Management accountability
Accountability to higher management may be distorted by incremental development.
Effort will be spent on the original specification, corrections and change requests. If
management are tracking only effort on the original specifications, they may not have a
true picture of the system being produced. On the other hand, incremental development
may be the means of forcing out into the open what is really happening, which can be
hidden in monolithic development.
8.4.5 De-stabilised development environment
If a developer is funded for only a small number of increments rather than for a full
development, this may lead to a de-stabilised development environment, i.e. insufficient
commitment to the project from the developer because of the uncertain future of the
project. This may produce an inadequate product, a new search for a more suitable
developer, with delays and additional expense. However, it is preferable for the
purchaser to discover the limitations of the supplier after only a few increments than
after a lengthy monolithic development.
If a contract is awarded before a full specification is produced, the buyer may become
"locked in" to an unsuitable supplier. It may well be cost-effective to fund more than one
developer to produce an early increment, particularly for a large system.
8.5 User-Developer Relationship Problems
8.5.1 User expectations
Users need to be involved in the process of setting goals and requirements for each
increment, and need a thorough understanding of what is to be achieved by each one;
their expectations can become somewhat inflated if they are not kept in touch with
realistic proposals. User perceptions of what is easy and difficult to achieve are
notoriously inaccurate.
The advantages of incremental development are given separately to those of incremental
delivery. Incremental development without delivery gives advantages to the developers,
and incremental delivery gives advantages to the users.
9.1 Improved Team Morale
Success breeds success; if the team can see the end product actually working, it is a
great boost to morale and can lead to greater productivity.
9.2 Early Solution of Implementation Problems
Problems which are discovered during implementation can be put right before the rest of
the system is built according to the same (faulty) assumptions. Testing the software early
in development leads to improved quality of the finished product.
9.3 Reduced Risk of Disaster
If you are going to have a disaster, it is much cheaper to have an incremental one; you
will have lost only thousands or tens of thousands rather than millions.
9.4 Improved Maintenance
The maintenance of incrementally developed systems is easier than monolithically
developed systems because a maintenance environment is started early on in
development. Good maintenance is continuous controlled change, and so is incremental
development. Increments which are not designed to be easy to change will not survive
the incremental development process.
9.5 Control of Over-engineering or Gold-plating
If best-value increments are developed first, that leaves the worst-value increments until
last, where their true cost can be seen. Additions to specifications are often agreed for
political reasons at the beginning of a project; if the benefits to end users drive the
production schedule, the political enhancements may well be quietly forgotten.
9.6 Measurement of Productivity
In monolithic development, productivity is measured in terms of lines of code produced
per day, or pages of documentation. If parts of the system are working, "product"-ivity
can be measured in terms of the actual product.
9.7 Estimation Feedback
Estimates are produced in the large, for the whole system, but also in the small for the
increments. If the first increment's actual effort is out by a factor of two, for example, it
is possible that the global estimates are also out by the same factor. In monolithic
development for a project taking say 6 years, you may not find out how inaccurate your
estimates are until 4 years have elapsed; with incremental development you will find out
much earlier, say after 2 months.
The feedback from incremental estimation can either modify or confirm both the global
estimates and the estimates for subsequent increments. Either way management has
better information sooner than with monolithic development.
9.8 Smoother Staffing Requirements
With monolithic development, the project will need teams of analysts, followed by
teams of designers, coders, and testers in sequence. With incremental development the
need for specialised teams is distributed throughout the development process.
The benefits of incremental development for developers are significant, but the greatest
benefits come from both incremental development and delivery to users.
10.1 Useful Product Early
Seeing something working which will actually benefit their needs is the greatest reward
for users. Users may well be worried about their decision to invest in a software system
and may remember hearing tales of disaster in related areas. Having something which
can bring business or operational benefits early in the development process gives them
the beginning of a return on their investment without having to wait years for anything
10.2 Increased Confidence in Developer
The users' confidence in their developer is greatly enhanced by having something
working early; actually this applies whether the increment is delivered or not. An
improved working relationship results from better morale.
10.3 Better Quality Software
The software which is produced benefits from the developers' increasing knowledge
being "folded" back into the developing product.
10.4 Longer Useful Life
The system will have a longer useful life, because it will be easy to maintain, having
been subject to a great deal of controlled change throughout development. Products
which can evolve easily to satisfy changing business needs last longer and are more
cost-effective than those which are so difficult to change that they are abandoned and
10.5 More Flexible Options
If a project does suffer from cost or time overruns, some later increments can be
eliminated, and the most useful parts of the system will still be produced within the
original financial constraints.
10.6 Something Useful if Cancelled
If a monolithic project is cancelled, the only things produced are piles of paper
(requirements, design documents, etc.). If an incremental project is cancelled, the
increments already produced form a working product of some sort.
10.7 Increased User Acceptance
If users actually have some say in the way the system is developed, their sense of
"ownership" is improved, which leads to better acceptance of the system by the user
10.8 Increased System Assimilation
The assimilation of a major new system into working practices can be traumatic for the
user organisation. People are resistant to change, but they resist large changes more than
small ones. Most problems of system use stem from people problems rather than
technical ones. Incremental delivery allows small areas of the organisational procedures
to be altered at any one time; when the problems are overcome, those areas are then
established, so the system has a foothold in the organisation. This also increases the
sense of system "ownership".
10.9 Increased Understanding of Requirements
Incremental delivery gives the users something real. Their first reaction is "this is not
what I want", but now they have a much better idea of what they do want, and can
progress toward their true requirements.
10.10 System can Meet Real Need, not Frozen Need
The increasing user knowledge gained during development can be "folded" back into the
development process, so that the eventual system is much closer to what is really needed
at the end, rather than what was thought to be wanted at the beginning.
A summary of the effects of incremental development and delivery is shown in Figure
11 below.

Figure 11. Effect of incremental development and delivery.
Incremental development moves the final product from the initial specification, System
A, towards System B, what the developer would have produced with hindsight.
Incremental delivery cannot occur without incremental development, so it is not possible
to move from System A to C.
Incremental development and delivery moves the final product from System A towards
System D, the system which is wanted at the end of development.
Monolithic development confines the system to System A, the frozen specification.
Neither user nor developer knowledge can be incorporated into the software system

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