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Ma Malakat Aymanukum

By Free-Minds.Org (e-mail:

The Quran had ome as a light and !eaon for mankind" to #regulate# soial relations and to
giude the !elie$eing men % &omen &ith the follo&ing $erses:
'Tell the !elie$ing men that they shall su!due their eyes" and to maintain their hastity. This is
(urer for them....' ()*:+,)
'And tell the !elie$ing &omen to su!due their eyes" and maintain their hastity. They shall not
re$eal any (arts of their !odies" e-e(t that &hih is neessary....' ()*:+.)
'O (ro(het" tell your &i$es" your daughters" and the &i$es of the !elie$ers that they shall
lengthen their garments...' (++:/0)
'1ou shall enourage those of you &ho are single to get married...' ()*:+))
'Those &ho annot afford to get married shall maintain morality until 2O3 (ro$ides for them
from 4is grae...' ()*:++)
'The adulteress and the adulterer you shall &hi( eah of them a hundred lashes...' ()*:))
The a!o$e $erses are 5ust a #sam(le# of the moral la&s &hih regulate human soial !eha$iour.
1et" &ith all these lear $erses" &e are AMA673 as ho& todays setarian Muslims ha$e
turned 2O3#s system into one &hih not only #allo&s# multi(le se- (artners" !ut atually
789O:;A27< forniation and se- out of &ed-lok=.
>n todays setarianism" &e see that men ha$e the follo&ing liene:
To ha$e se- &ith A<-MA81 &omen as (ossi!le if they are #sla$es# or #&ar-a(ti$es#.
This !las(hemy to&ards 2O3 and 4is messenger has made a mokery of the true teahings
of the Quran and has made #in-$alid# all the $erses &hih &ere re$ealed to regulate human
Ara! % Muslim men think that 2O3 has gi$en them suh a (ri$eladge !eause 4e kno&s
that they are #men# and thus need to ha$e thier se-ual desires filfilled !y more than one
>t is also #ironi# that these setarians make fun of the ?est and all them #infadels# for ha$ing
se- &ith &omen outside &ed-lok. The #hy(oray# of the situation is that they ha$e more se-
&ith more &omen under the @>7 that 2O3#s (erfet system authoriAed this.
'They ommit a gross sin" then say" '?e found our (arents doing this" and 2O3 has
ommanded us to do it.' <ay" '2O3 ne$er ad$oates sin. Are you saying a!out 2O3 &hat
you do not kno&B' (C:)D)
>n this artile" &e &ill adress the issue of #Ma Malakat Aymanukum# (those &hom your right
hands (ossess) &hom &e &ill E;OF7 does not mean ser$ants or &ar a(ti$es.
'Those &ho listen to the utterane so as to follo& the B7<T of its goodness thereofG those are
the ones &hom The 2O3 has guided and those are the (eo(le of understanding' (Quran

.. ?hat is the #liene# gi$en for #Ma Malakat Aymanukum#B.
'And they maintain their hastity. Only &ith their s(ouses O; those &hom thier #right hand
(osseses# (Ma Malakat Aymanuhum)" do they ha$e se-ual relationsG they are not to !e
!lamed.' ()+:/-H)
This is really the fundamental issue" that the Quran in the a!o$e $erse (and other $erses)
A@@O?< a man to ha$e se-ual relations &ith a ertain ategory of &omen...But 5ust e-atly
?4O are these (eo(le &ith &hom se-ual relations is allo&ed=.

). Are these (eo(le #ser$ants# &ho &ork in our homes" and &hom &e an ha$e se- &ithB
@et us first see &hat the &ord used for ser$ants in the Quran.
The &ord used for ser$ants in the Ara!i language and in the Quran is #A!d#. 4ere are a fe&
$erses from the Quran &here #A!d# is used:
'And marry those among you &ho are single and those &ho are fit among your ser$ants
(>!adikum) and your female ser$antsG if they are (oor" The 2O3 &ill make them free from
&ant out of 4is graeG and The 2O3 is Am(le-gi$ing" Ino&ing.' (Quran )*:+))
'>f Thou dost (unish them" they are thy ser$ants (>!adak)G if Thou dost forgi$e them" thou art
the 7-alted in (o&er" the ?ise.' (Quran /:..D)
'Ferily those &hom ye all u(on !esides The 2O3 are ser$ants (>!adun) like unto you: all
u(on them" and let them listen to your (rayer" if ye are truthful=' (Quran C:.0*)
And in the follo&ing $erse" 2O3 has for!idden messengers to ha$e (eo(le ser$e them instead
of 4im:
'>t is not meet for a mortal that The 2O3 should gi$e him the Book and the &isdom and
Ero(hethood" then he should say to men: Be my ser$ants(>!aad) rather than The 2O3#sG !ut
rather: Be ser$ants of the @ord !eause of your teahing the Book and your reading it.'
(Quran +:C0)
<o" if the Quran learly has a &ord for #ser$ants#" then that rules out #Ma Malakat Aymankum#.

+. >s this &ord used for &ar-a(ti$esB
This is the E;>M7 argument used !y the setarians. That #Ma Malakat Aymanukum# are #&ar
a(ti$es# &hom they ha$e a(tured and thus an sell and trade in them" and an ha$e se- &ith
them as they &ish.
The &ord in the Quran for #9a(ti$es# is #Asra#.
4ere are a fe& $erses using this &ord onsistently:
'And 4e dro$e do&n those of the follo&ers of the Book &ho !aked them from their
fortresses and 4e ast a&e into their heartsG some you killed and you took a(ti$e (Asartum)
another (art.' (Quran ++:)H)
'And they feed" for the lo$e of The 2O3" the indigent" the or(han" and the a(ti$e (Aserun).'
(Quran CH:D)
'After this it is ye" the same (eo(le" &ho slay among yoursel$es" and !anish a (arty of you
from their homesG assist against them" in guilt and ranorG and if they ome to you as a(ti$es
(Asra)" ye ransom them" though it &as not la&ful for you to !anish them...' (Quran ):D/)
?ell" unfortunately for the setarians" there is already a &ord for #9a(ti$es# and it is 8OT #Ma
Malakat Aymanunkum#=.

*. 4o& does one ha$e #se-# &ith Ma Malakat AymanukumB.
8o& that &e ha$e elimintaed #<er$ants# % #9a(ti$es#" !elo& is a lue that may lead us to the
orret nature of this relationshi(:
'Those among you &ho annot afford to ?73 !elie$ing &omen" then from the !elie$ing
young girls from among those &hom #your right hands (osses# (Ma Malakat Aymanukum).
2O3 kno&s !est a!out your !elief" and you are eJual to one another" as far as !elief is
onerned. ?73 them &ith (ermission from their guardians" and !efore you marry them (ay
them their due do&ry eJuita!ly. They shall maintain moral !eha$ior" !y not ommitting
adultery" or ha$ing seret lo$ers. One they are taken in ?73@O9I" if they ommit adultery"
their (unishment shall !e half of that for the &omen. This is for those among you &ho fear
sinG !ut it is !etter for you that you (ratie self-restraint. 2O3 is Forgi$er" Most Meriful.'
(Quran *:)/)
4old on a minute=. 4as not anyone seen this $erse !eforeB.
>n the learest (ossi!le &ords" 2O3 is telling us that those &ho &ish to #ha$e se-# &ith these
&omen (Ma Malakat Aymanukum) M:<T marry them=.
>n-fat" the Quran lays out some rules for suh a marriage:
.. 9onent of their (arentsKguardiansG
). Eaying them their do&ry.
This does not Juite sound like the #5um(-on-them# &hen you feel like teahings that ha$e !een
s(read !y the setarians=.
This talks a!out a MA;;>A27 &ith its rules and regulations...

/. ?ho are these (eo(leB
Eerha(s no& &e an get to the heart of the matter: #?ho are these (eo(le#B.
9lue L .: These (eo(le an !e @>F>82 in our 4omes=.
'O you &ho !elie$e" (ermission must !e reJuested !y those #&hom your oaths (osses#
(Malakat Aymanukum) and the hildren &ho ha$e not attained (u!erty. This is to !e done in
three instanes-!efore the 3a&n Erayer" at noon &hen you hange your lothes to rest" and
after the 8ight Erayer. These are three (ri$ate times for you. At other times" it is not &rong for
you or them to mingle &ith one another. 2O3 thus larifies the re$elations for you. 2O3 is
Omnisient" Most ?ise.' ()*:/D)
9lue L ): These (eo(le are 37E783A8T os us finanialy=.
'4e ites for you herein an e-am(le from among yoursel$es: 3o you ha$e from amongst
those &hom #your oaths (osseses# (Ma Malakat Aymanukum) as (artners to the (ro$isions ?e
ha$e (ro$ided for youB. To the le$el &here you fear them as you fear yoursel$esB. ?e thus
e-(lain the re$elations for (eo(le &ho understand.' (+,:)D) - <ee also *:+H
9lue L +: They are an #7-e(tion# to regular marriage restritions.
'Also (rohi!ited are the &omen &ho are already married" e-e(t those &hom your oaths
(osses# (Ma Malakat Aymanukum). These are 2O3#s ommandments to you...' (*:)*)
.. The term #Ma Malakat Aymanukum# refers to females only (*:)*)G
). These are females &ho are li$ing in a man#s #houshold# ()*:/D)G
+. These are females &ho are #de(endant# on us finanially (*:+H)G
*. These are females &ho ha$e family or guardians (*:)/)G
/. These are females &ho are the #7-e(tion# to marrying a married &oman (*:)*).
Our understanding is that #Ma Malakat Aymanukum# are &ido&ed &omen &ho may !e li$ing
under the roof and finanial su((ort of a man (her family" or the !rother or relati$e of the
deeased) and thus are desri!ed !y the term #&hat your OAT4< (osses# (i.e. due to the
Marriage to suh &omen is allo&ed in the Quran under slightly different terms % onditions
than other &omen.

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