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September 1997 Vol. 25, No.

I Straight & Levell
Espie "Butch" Joyce
2 AlC News
4 EAA Oshkosh ' 97 AlC Awards
6 ACNolunteers/Trish Dorlac
9 1956 Champion 7EC!Nancie Cummings
10 Vintage Seaplanes !Norm Petersen
12 Mystery PlanelH.G. Frautschy
13 Sowell' s FunkIH.G. Frautschy
18 The Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome's
Nieuport 11 " Bebe"IH.G. Frautschy
20 Stinsoneers Convene at SSF/
John Underwood
23 J3-A Different Strut Fitting/
Norm Petersen
24 Pass ItTo BucklE.E. "Buck" Hilbert
26 What Our Members Are Restoring/
Norm Petersen
Page 13
OliviaL. Phillip JenniferLarsen
JimKoepnick LeeAnnAbrams
President Vice President
Espie"Butch"Joyce GeorgeDaubner
P.O. Box35584 2448LoughLane
Greensboro. NC27425 Hartford.WI 53027
910/393-0344 414/673-5885
Secretary Treasurer
SieveNesse CharlesHarris
2009 HighlandAve. 7215East46thSt .
AlbertLeo.MN56007 Tulsa.OK 74145
507/373-1674 918/622-8400
JohnBerendt GeneMorris
7645EchoPointRd. 115CSteveCourt.R.R.2
CannonFalls. MN55009 Roanoke.TX 76262
507/263-2414 817/491-9110
Phil Coulson RobertC. "Bob" Brauer
28415SpringbrookDr. 9345S.Hoyne
Lawton.MI49065 Chicago.IL60620
55 OokeyAv.
7724ShadyHill Dr.
104290th Lane.NE
IndianapOlis. IN 46278
Minneapolis. MN55434
Jeannie Hill
RobertD."Bob" Lumley
6701 ColonyDr. 1265South 124thSI.
Madison.WI 53717 Brookfield.WI 53005
608/833-1291 414/782-2633
S.H.'Wes"Schmid GeoffRobison
2359LefeberAvenue 1521 E.MacGregorDr.
Wauwatosa.WI 53213 NewHaven.IN46774
414/771-1545 219/493-4724
181 SlobodaAv.
Mansfield.OH 44906
GeneChase E.E. "Buck"Hilbert
2159CartlonRd. P.O.Box424
Oshkosh.WI 54904 Union,IL60180
920/231-5002 815/923-4591
SteveKrog RogerGomoll
930Tara HL E 3238VicarioSI.N
Hartford.WI53027 $I Paul. MN55126
414/966-7627 612/484-2303
30 Vintage Trader/
Membership Infor mation
FRONT COVER . ..This pretty Nieuport 11 "Sebe" wos broughtto Sun 'n Fun '97 by
thevolunteersandstoffof ColePalen'sOldRhinebeckAerodrome. It'sbeingflown
by Gene DeMarco. the Aerodrome's operat ions direct ar/pilot . A replica project
originally started backin the 1930's. it was completed afterextensive rework and
flown in 1991. It is powered by a 80 hp LeRhone rotary engine. which you can
plainlyseewhirlingaroundwiththemassiveoakpropeller. Seethestoryonpage18.
EMphotobyJim Koepnick. shot wi t h a Canon EOS- l n equipped with an 80-200
mmlens. 1/60sec. @1160n100ASAslidefilm.
SACK COVER ...EMMasterArtist JamesDietzhasgraced theEMSportAviation
Art Competition with anotherofhis beautifully rendered oil pai ntings. Currently on
displayin the Hansen Gallery. Jim's "Shooting Star" depictsa fictional aviatrixwith
herCurtiss Jenny. Sorry. it's not for sale. having been painted byJim after being
commissionedbya moderndayaviat rix. YoucancontactJimat2203 13thAv.East.
Copyright 1997 byt heEMAntique/ClassicDivisionInc.Allrightsreserved.
VINTAGEAIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) is published and owned exclusively by the EAA Antique/Classic Division. Inc. of the Experimental
Aircraft Associalion and is published monlhly al EAA Avialion Center. 3000 Poberezny Rd. P.O. Box 3066. Oshkosh. Wisconsin 54903-3066.
Periodicals Postage paidatOsllkosh.Wisconsin 54901 and al mailingoffices.The membershipraleforEAAAntique/Classic Division.$27.00forcurrent EAAmembersfor 12monthperiodofwhich $15.00isforthepublicalionofVINTAGEAIRPLANE. Membershipisopen
POSTMASTER:Send address changes 10 EAAAnlique/Classic Inc., P.O.Box 3066, Oshkosh.WI 54903-3066. FOREIGN AND APO
ADDRESSES- PleaseallowalleasttwomonlhsfordeliveryofVINTAGEAIRPLANE10 foreignand APOaddressesviasurfacemail.
ADVERTISING - Anlique/Classic Division doesnolguaranleeor endorse any productofferedIhrough Iheadvertising. We invileconslruclive
criticismandwelcomeanyreportofinferiormerchandiseobtainedthroughouradvertisingsothatcorrectivemeasurescan be taken.
EDITORIALPOLICY:Readers areencouraged10 submil slories and pholographs. Policyopinionsexpressedin articlesaresolelyIhoseofIhe
authors. Responsibilityforaccuracyinreportingrestsentirelywiththecontributor.Norenumerationismade.
Materialshould besenllo:Edilor,VINTAGEAIRPLANE,P.O. Box3086,Oshkosh.WI 54903-3086. Phone920/426-4800.
by Espie "Butch" Joyce
Oshkosh 1997 is now in the history
books, and the Convention this year was
one of the best. All of the Antique/Classic
volunteers worked together very hard to
make the AlC area a great place to be. The
A/C Red Barn had been really improved
this year, with the addition of a new arch-
way to welcome everyone to our comer of
the Convention. Located at this archway
are two new booths. One is for member-
ship applications and Chapter information.
The other is for those wonderful individu-
als who want to volunteer their time work-
ing on the flight line or anywhere else on
the Antique/Classic Convention grounds.
This archway was constructed well be-
fore Convention over a period of several
months by a number of individuals, and I
want to recognize the three hard core per-
sons who worked hard to make it happen:
Bob Lumley, Bob Brauer, and third (but
not least), Phil Blake for their year-round
service to make the Convention time suc-
There are also a great many of other
very important volunteers who have been
presented within the pages of Vintage Air-
plane by Trisha Dorlac. As I was moving
about on the Convention grounds, I had a
number of people tell me how much they
have enjoyed reading Trish's articles. It
seems that as people come to Oshkosh year
after year, they see individuals doing their
volunteer work, and they wondered where
these people came from, etc. By reading
about these people in Vintage Airplane, it
made them more comfortable to approach
these individuals on a one-on-one basis.
As people have gotten more accustomed
to our parking area extending further to the
south, and with the transportation that is
provided to this area, we heard fewer con-
cerns from those people parked down
south. In 1998 we expect that the show
line we now have will move to the west
(per the FAA), so we will be losing parking
for somewhere around three airplanes per
row. This does cause us some concern, but
we are already working to meet this chal-
lenge. We tried some new ideas at the
Convention this year and they seemed to
work well.
We really had some great airplanes on
hand. All of the judges were having a hard
time as the competition for awards was
very strong this year as restorations are be-
coming better and better. We had some
rare and unusual Antique airplanes; when
they would taxi in, you could just see the
crowd gather around to get a closer look.
Some of the comments you could hear
would be, "I don't think I have ever seen
one of these," or " I did not know there
were any of these around anymore!" The
Classics are just getting better and better as
well, and the support of these aircraft from
suppliers such as Univair is improving as
time goes on.
We had almost 100 more Contemporary
aircraft on the show line this year over last
year's total. One of the most impressive
Contemporary aircraft was the restored
Howard 500, which was picked as the
Grand Champion. There were also a num-
ber of specialty aircraft on hand in the An-
tique/Classic area including the two Mulli-
coupes, one owned by Jim Younkin and the
other by Bud Dake. They were parked on
each side of Mr. Mulligan, looking like a
proud father and his two sons. These air-
craft were parked in front of the Red Bam
where Jim and Bud stood by and carried on
a continuous question and answer session
for the week of Convention. They're two
great looking airplanes!
Parked across from the Mullicoupes was
the Linco Taperwing Waco restored for B.
F. Goodrich Corporation. They sponsored
the rebuild, and also underwrite the opera-
tion of the airplane. This aircraft is flown
by Bob Wagner. He and Pat Horgan of
Goodrich stood by and carried on a ques-
tion and answer session for the week of
Convention, just like Jim and Bud.
The front area of the Red Barn has be-
come a real education center for those at-
tending Oshkosh. If you sat on our porch,
which is open to anyone who would like to
use it, you most likely found this area to be
a welcome relief by midday. If you ven-
tured inside the Red Bam, you found on the
north side of this building some interesting
items to look at in the mini-museum. Then
you could pick up a photo of your aircraft
placed in a participant plaque for you to
carry home as a gift from the Antique/Clas-
sic Division in appreciation of your partici-
pation at Oshkosh '97.
When you went in the south side of the
Red Bam, you found the sales area of this
building. We had some high quality goods
featuring the Antique/Classic theme - we
hope you found something to your liking to
carry home with you. Overall, Oshkosh
this year was a great Convention and that
makes me really proud to be part of this
great event.
Now to pass along some good news, at
least from the state of North Carolina .
Maybe it will be helpful in your home state.
In 1995, the North Carolina legislature rati-
fied House Bill 100 I, providing owners of
antique automobiles with a cap on value for
property tax purposes. This cap is a taxable
value of $500.00. After this had taken
place, through the efforts of Paul Cash, with
the help of General Larry Huggins (Ret.)
and Jim Clevenger, working with Rep. Bob
Hunter and Senator David Hoyle, they were
able to get House Bill 1158 passed. It puts
the cap of $5,000 on any aircraft manufac-
tured before 1954 that meets the provisions
of this Bill. This act is effective for taxes
imposed for taxable years beginning on or
after July I, 1998.
Your One-on-One membership cam-
paign is doing well and with your contin-
ued support it should continue to help your
Division grow. All you have to do is ask a
few people to join us and they, too, can
have FUN!
Let' s all pull in the same direction for
the good of aviation. Remember we are
better together. Join us and have it all! ...
Whataweek! Spectacular,coolweather,
justrightfor campingand walkingthe
flight lineprevailedduringthe annualEAA
Conventionthisyear,with rainshowersfor
the mostpartoccurringovernight. Atotal
of987 showplaneswere registered in the
Antique/Classic and Contemporaryparking
areas. We werecloseto arecordnumber
ofshowplanes(poorflying weatherkept
manyofourmembersfrom the far west
coastfrom gettingthrough),andmanyof
theairplaneswere rare orone-of-akind.
Greg Herrick'scollectionofexcellent,
rareairplanes has grown by two with the
completionofthe Cunningham-Hall PT-6F
and Buhl AirSedan. Bothwereondisplay
to garnerso much attentiondid so in the
beginningjuston sheersizealone,since it
wasa Howard500. DaveCummingsof
Portland,ORbroughtthe big twin-engined
beastto Oshkoshforall to enjoy,andwent
The always hotlycontestedClassic
awardswere toppedoffwithanotherofJoe
Fleeman'sterrific restorations. Afterfin-
few yearsago, Joe likedthe airplaneso
muchhe thoughthe'dliketo haveonehim-
self. So he and hispartner, Ken Brown,
builtone up for themselves, and itwas
stunning. You neverknewa Tri-Pacer
The Antiqueawardwinnerwasalsoa
verycloseshave,withour 1996Reserve
Grand Champion, Tom Wright's
BeechcraftStaggerwing,declaredthe win-
nerofthis year'stop award.
Congratulationstoall pilotsand restor-
ers! We'llcertainlyhavemoreon manyof
theseairplanesin future issuesofVintage
At the Antique/ Classic corner, big
changes tookplace, thanks to the volunteer
effortsby BobLumley,BobBrauerand
manyothervolunteers. A newpairofIn-
formation andVolunteerboothswere built
thispastyear, and theywereplacedflank-
ingthe newlypavedwalkwayto the A/C
RedBarn. "Aviationthemed" flags line
thewalkway,welcomingyou into the Bam,
where youcouldcheckon the latesthap-
peningsin the NC area, orshop in the Red
Bamstorefor NC merchandise.
Onthe comer,extendingoverthe walk-
way is a newarch, welcomingall to the
NC areawiththe words"PreservingAvia-
tion History...ForFuture Generations."
Takingit all in couldbe achallenge!
the MUllicoupes.
all ofthe volunteerswhoput inhundreds
ofhoursofworkso weall couldenjoya
smoothrunning fly-in.
the expandedTypeClub tent, with 28
clubsattendingandgiving information
to memberswho wantto know more
therewereapairofJ-2 Cubsonthefield,
includingthe Stewartfamily'sairplane
from Erie, PA. You'll have to waituntil
nextmonth to hearthe detailson that
airplane! TheotherprettyJ-2, acopper
Compiled by H.C. Frautschy
andbluecolorscheme, wasregistered
therewere26 Aeroncasthat flew in en
masse from Hartford, WI.
the livebroadcast by CNNfrom the An-
tique/Classicarea, featuring PeterSher-
win'sWacoSRE, ArtKnowles' Com-
mand Aire and Densel Williams'
Aeronca SuperChief.
the beautiful WacoATOBudKilbey had
beenworkingon foryearswascom-
pletedby Ted Davis for Bud'sson,
the Linco Aces WacoTaperwing re-
Griffin,GA forB.F. Goodrich.
Formembersandvolunteers, it wasa
Convention to remember,so planon being
herenextyear. ThedatesforEAAOshkosh
'98areJuly29- August4.
Sure, the summeris overanda little
snapis in theair,butthere'splentyof good
fly-ins to attend. You don'twantto miss
the40thAnnualTulsaRegional Fly-In in
September 19-20. Call CharlieHarrisat
918/622-8400for information.
Forthoseofyououtwest, theCopper-
stateFly-in, Mesa, AZis approaching, Oc-
tober9-12. Call BobHasson, 5201228-
5480formore information.
Also, in thehill countryof centralTexas,
thereis theSouthwestRegional Fly-In,inKer-
rville,TX. CallStuMcCurdy,512.388-7399.
Formore fly-ins, take a lookattheFly-
In Calendaron page29.
(Left) Members visiting Antique/Classic cor-
ner this year were greeted with a few
changes. In the lower left of t he photo, you
can see the two new Information and
Volunteer booths built this past spring, and
the new welcoming arch over the newly
paved Red Barn walkway. If you' re a volun-
teer, that small building to the far right is the
Volunteer break shack, were you can get a
lemonade to drink and a snack to munch
on. The volunteers who take care of such
an essenti al area of the Antique/ Classic
area are featured in thi s month' s Volunteer
article, starting on page 6.
(Above) The Grand Champion Antique, Tom
Wright' s Beech 0-175 5taggerwing.
(Above) The Grand Champion Classic, Joe Fleeman
and Ken Brown's Piper PA-22 Tri-Pacer.
TopAle AwardWinnners
(Right) The Grand Champi on
Contemporary, Dave Cummings'
Howard 500.
In electionsheld duringEAAOshkosh
'97,the following wereelected:
Vice President- GeorgeDaubner
Treasurer- CharlesHarris
R.J. "Dobby"Lickteig
The414 areacode has beenshrunkto
includeonlythe Milwaukeemetroarea.
As aresult, thelocal areacodefor Oshkosh
isnow920. Thatchangeis effectiveim-
mediately. Callsmade to EAA Headquar-
tersusingthe414areacodewill go through
until October25, 1997 atwhich timethe
Throughthe effortsofvolunteersand
staffalike, the costofEAAmembershi p
has remainedconstantfor membersfor
over7years. Becomingmore efficientand
costeffective in businesspractices does
have it s limitations, and inflation inex-
orably marches on. Duringthese pas t
seven years, a numberofinitiativesand
programshavebeenaddedwhi le holding
the lineoncosts, includingthe FlightAdvi-
sorsand Flying Startprograms. Time
seemsto have its price, though, and the
costsofdoing business,outsideservices
and the like have increased to the point
whereaduesincrease isrequired.
BeginningJanuary 1, 1998,EAA'sannual
membershipdueswill increaseto $40.00per
year. International EAA membershipswill
increaseto $52.00. Youthmembershipsfor
thoseunderage 19 will cost$23.00. Re-
newal noticesmailedin Septemberfor mem-
bershipsscheduledto expireinJanuary 1998
will reflectthe newduesrates.
File this one underthe heading"Ican't
believetheyevenneeda law forthat!."
In oneofthosestoriesyoucan'thelp
but laugh about, excepttheyusedto bese-
rious, the newTaxpayerReliefActrecently
relieffrom the 10%passengertickettax for
It seemsthatin 1993 anIRS inspector
decided thatskydi ving centerswhoflew
largeraircraftsuch as a DC-3 foruse as
jumpplaneswould have to collectthe pas-
sengertax from eachskydiver,sincethey
wereflyingonan"airliner." The U.S.Para-
chutingAssociationprotested,andhappil y,
Congressand the IRS agreedto specifically
excludeskydiversfrom thetax. In afitof
commonsense,eventhe IRS commissioner
agreed thatsigningon to the newinterpreta-
tionofthe lawwasa"nobrainer."
He wasquoted as sayingsomethingto
theeffectof"Theydon'tevenfinish the
flight- theyjumpouthalfway,"as he
agreedto the newlaw. ...
Antique/Classic Awards
Thomas Vright, RU55ell. KY
1944 E:>eechcraftJtaggerving.(li40t)
JtephenDyerandJim Dyer.E:>righton. CO
1944 E:>eechcraftJtaggerving(liC9290M)
MarkKilbeyJouth E:>end. II'i
1930VacoATO (1'i11211)
Greg Merrick.Jackson. VY
1929 E:>uhVport Airsedan (I'iC8451)
Tim Talen.Jpringfield. OR
1939JtinsonMV75 (I'iC22548)
P.>ROliZE. AGE. RUliliE.R-UP:
Geo R. Mindall. tnglewood. FL
1937 Fairchild 24GT(1'iC19173)
Roy Redman.Faribault. MI'i
1940VacoUPF-7 (1'i30143)
Greg Merrick.Jackson. VY
1938Cunningham-Mall PT-6F(1'iC444)
Kent andJandyP.>lankenburg. Groveland. CA
PeterJhervin.Jt.Louis. MO
Continental Airlines. MickoryCreek.TX
Villiam Rme.Jouth P.>arrington.IL
1944 Grumman Gome(1'i600Zt)
\.1\.1-11 MILITARYTRAlliE.R/LlAJlOIiRUliliE.R-UP:
Dennis E:>lunt. Rockford. IL
1943Fairchild PT-23 (1'i60418)
John Friling. Lombard. IL
JtephenJohnson. E:>loomington.IL
1943E:>eechcraft Dl7JJtaggerving(I'iC17985)
\.1\.1-11 E.RA RUliliE.R-UP:
David fagman.Lawrence. tV
CurtDrumm. Manitowoc. VI
1943E:>oeingJtearman (I'iC1 0661'i)
JamesE:>ennett. CrescentCity.FL
1943Moward DGA-15P(1'i1335M)
Loel Crawford.LaFollett. TI'i
1941 VacoUPF-7 (1'iC32084)
Tom Flock.Rockville. II'i
1941 VacoUPF-7 (1'i32029)
Jim M055.Graham. VA
1938 MG2Jpeciai(1'i222MG)
Kenneth E:>rownlJoe Fleeman. Lawrenceburg.T I'i
Piper PA-22Tri-Pacer.1'i2848P
J. F.Fisher III.Jenoia.GA
PiperPA-12 (1'i7885M)
CLAffI(0- 80I=IP):
LarryJohnson. Anoka. MI'i
Aeronca Chief(I'iC9756t)
CLAffII (81-150I=IP):
DVogernese. tauClaire. VI Alan andJackieJowell. tvergreen.CO
1943Fairchild PT-23(1'i60629) Funk F2E:> (I'iC16251'i)
CLAJJIII (1511=lP&UP):
ValerieandjimJlocum,Mosco, T/'I
Ce55na 195b(/'I2158C)
jamesbutler, batesville,AR
ClifTOMCLAJJ (81-150 I=lP):
MarkandjudyOhlinger, Akron, OH
ClifTOMCLAffC (1511=lP&UP):
Garyblack,Vero beach, FL
bellanca Cruisemmter(/'I524A)
Kenneth Kinne,Jisters,OR
Ce55na 195 (/'I2171C)
Best of Type
7bCM, Richard Charette, Wadsworth, IL,(/'184405)
DuaneHuff, Lawrenceville, GA (/'I3420t)

Richard Komn,Jan Francisco,CA(/'I5204C)
jeffPlantz, Madison, WI, (/'174424)
Cessna 120/140:
140ADavid Lowe,Jacremento,KY, (/'I9499A)
Cessna 170/180:
170, William Goebel, Hurst,TX, (/'114645)
Cessna 190/195:
195b,CharlesWebb, Ft.Worth, TX (/'I195CW)
415C,Jhawnjennings, Columbus, 1/'1 (/'I3530H)
8Ajamesb.Zazas, Carthage,/'IC(/'145504)
/'Iavion:/'Iavion A.
Pete, Kelli and ClayHeins,Arcanum,OH (/'I75PM)
Howard brandon, Murray,KY (/'I7158H)
Dan trnst,Maplewood,M/'I (/'15301M)
William Cumberland,Woodbine,MD (/'I7403K)
108-3,josephjacobi,Mexico, MO(/'IC6521M)
Virgil Vetter, Plattsburg, MO(/'178184)
Taylorcraft: 12D,
jamesZangger, CedarRapids, IA (/'194953)
Robertbone,Ft. Wayne, 1/'1 (/'14173)

Grumman Mallard, William R. Rose,
/'10. PacificManagementCorp., Dave Cummings,
Portland, OR
1956Ce55na 172 (/'I6910A)
Darwin Terpstra, Phoenix, AZ
johnVan Lieshout,Toronto,Ont., Canada
1958 Ce55na 172 (CF-DGf)
ClifTOMCLAJJII (161-230hp):
Paul Fulierton,Jt.Ignace, MI
1959 PiperPA-24 180(/'I6014P)
ClifTOMCLAffIII (231 andUp):
JummitAviation, Middletown,Dt
1957beech tHV(/'I57PF)
Outstanding in Type
Don Gaynor, tnglewood,FL
1959 bonanza(/'I5337t)
Ronald Hyde, Kenedy, TX
1959 t-185-9700(/'I317MH)
Cessna 150:/'lone
Cessna 170/172/175:
JheldonJoldwisch,bensenville, IL
1959 175 (/'I6702t)
Cessna 180/182/210:
DaveJeymour, Plano,TX
1959 Ce55na 182b(/'17161t)
Dean Calian/HowardJchenck,Jouthlake,TX
1958 310/Riley Rocket(/'I6644b)
19597tC Mike Foote, Olathe,IV (/'I8539t)
PiperPA-18- /'lone
1956PA-22 (/'I4408A)Doug Galioway,Jandusky, OH
1960PA-24 (/'I47028P)RobertMcGraw, Chalfont,PA
1959 Apache(/'I4150P)jamesCraycraft,Amherts, OH
Limited Production:
1956Chipmunk(/'118048) William R. Rose,
When I think of hospitality and relax-
ation at Oshkosh, I think about the "Little
Volunteer Building" behind the Red Barn.
The greatest thing about this place is not
just that volunteers in the Antique Classic
division can go there for food and drink. It
is not just that it is a great place in the dead
of summer with its wonderful air condi-
tioner. .. something I have not yet convinced
my husband is a necessity in our tent. The
best thing about our little place is that this
is the place to visit and relax with other
volunteers, especially Lorraine Eberle, Sue
Eichman, and Lorraine Schram. These fine
ladies are the three primary workers in this
building. There are others who fill in from
time to time and their work is greatly ap-
preciated as well. These ladies make sure
this "rest area" is operational practically all
day every day during the convention. Not
only do they make sure that we have coffee
first thing in the morning, they also keep us
supplied with cold drinks and sandwiches
from Operation Thirst. As if that were not
enough, I think they plant extra rows in
their gardens earmarked "Oshkosh" as
they also bring in their own fresh vegeta-
bles, wonderful home-baked goodies, and
other assorted treats designed to spoil us!
Judi Wyrembeck is the "Volunteer Host-
ess" chairman and has been a full time vol-
unteer for about fi fteen years. She is a co-
chairman at EAA Convention Headquarters
and works during the Convention distribut-
ing vehicle passes and handling complaints
and requests. She has been the Chairman
of this classy hangout we volunteers like to
frequent since its first year. She prepares
the volunteer lounge ahead of time, clean-
ing and hanging up pictures and banners.
Art Morgan approached Judi more than ten
years ago when he came up with the idea of
a place for the volunteers to sit and rest, get
away from the crowds and heat, and enjoy
Patricia "Trish" Dorlac
Lorraine Eberle, Lorraine Schramm and Sue
Eichman help feed the volunteers by running
lil the Antique/Classic "Little Volunteer Building"
during the Convention. What a deal - you can
ospend time volunteering for the Division, and
_______.:;:.(;lL.o;.....u.. I get a free lunch in air-conditioned comfort!
Seaplane judges and longtime volunteers Bill Schlapman and Owen Russell enjoy a
break and a snack in the comfort of the Volunteer Break shack.
a cold drink and food before returning to
their duties. Like everything else at
Oshkosh, this became a team effort for the
Antique Classic volunteers. Buck Hilbert
donated the air conditioner and refrigerator.
Bob Lumley did the carpeting and many
others helped with cleaning the building.
Formerly the Flight Line Operations build-
ing, there was some work required to trans-
form it into the cozy place we have now!
The benches were added and cushions were
donated by the University of Wisconsin at
Oshkosh! Stan Gomoll did the electrical
wiring and Bob Lumley put in the sink and
built the countertops. Judi says that the
biggest challenge was trying to get the win-
dow covering applied, but with much per-
severance, this was done as well!
I love learning about the way things
have come about at Oshkosh. One person,
or a group of people have a vision and
everyone pitches in to make it reality.
gain greater respect and admiration for the
men and women who have donated years
of their life to our division to make it better
for all of us. I am so proud to be a part of
it. I am also very grateful that I can enjoy
these wonderful benefits when I volun-
Judi , Sue and Lorraine each told me
how much they enjoy being a part of the
convention every year because of the peo-
Mark Boles, Kyle Cooper, Eric Presten and Walter Bowe relax
while watching the EAA aviation world go by. Stan Thomas
(inset) demonstrates how relaxing a visit to "Sally's Woods"
can be at the end of the Convention day!
pie! They are well placed as "volunteer
hostesses." Every person I have ever met
working in this building is outgoing and
friendly, willing to listen and visit with all
of us! This building has been a place for
people to gather themselves if there is an
emergency and even became an unofficial
first aid station one of the very hot years.
People were taken in to cool down and re-
lax because of the building' s proximity.
This group of volunteers happily slipped
into the role of nurse very
well! Judi can personally tes-
tify to the medical expertise of
this group! One year she in-
jured herself and hobbled to
the Volunteer center. She was
cared for by the volunteers, including Jean-
nie Hill who iced her injury while Karl
Swigley called for an ambulance , Don
Toeppen helped her into it, and George
York directed traffic so she could be taken
to the hospital! Talk about cooperation! I
become more convinced every time I visit
with someone about our volunteers that
there are none like them!! What an awe-
some group of people!
Lorraine Eberle was originally recruited
off the golf course to sew flags for the Con-
vention. She started out cutting but was
quickly recruited by the folks who work on
the flower and plant displays around the
convention. Judi asked her to work in the
volunteer building and she has been there
ever since. Besides her work during the
Convention, Lorraine is a docent at the mu-
seum, still does the flowers, and helps dec-
orate the EAA museum every year for
Christmas. Some of the job benefits she
enjoys include driving around in the John
Deere "green machine" ... it reminds her
of growing up on the farm . . . and being
with all the people every year. Sue Eich-
man was a student of Lorraine's, and later
taught with her! Now they both work at
Sally Ryan (left) watches as (right to left)
Max Barbee, Bob Ziegenhals and Logan
Boles get the portable grills ready for
cooking fresh trout for the masses in the
"Oaken Alley."
Here, Sally and Brian
stand behind Walt and
Trish Dorlac, active
Antique/Classic volun-
teers from Enid, OK.
The Division lost Brian
just prior to Convention
in an aircraft accident
in Europe, but with the
help of her many
Antique/Classic friends,
Sally continues the tra-
ditions started with her
late husband.
With Sally' s tent anchoring the corner,
the open air " kitchen" and a variety of
tents fill in the shade that bisects the
AlC camping area. Sally's Woods and
the service she unselvishly gives to all
who ask, most of whom are volunteers,
has become a beloved fixture in the
Antique/Classic area during the annual
EAA Convention.
(Below) Longtime camp host and
friend, Brian Ryan, Sally's husband,
pauses for a moment during cleanup at
his last Oshkosh in 1996. Friends from
all over the world have camped sur-
rounded by the hospitality Sally and
Brian gave to each.
the Museum, with the flowers, and in the
vo lunteer building. Lorraine Schram is
from Madison and has been a part of this
group for many years as well!. Next time
you are enjoying the company of these won-
derful ladies, let them know how much we
appreciate them!
SALLY RYAN is another great reason to
keep coming back to Oshkosh! For 27 years
she has been located in the same spot at
Oshkosh, affectionately referred to by many
as Sally's Oaken Alley. Because of the ex-
tended hours many of us work on the f1 ight
line, Sally's has become the late night hang
out for those of us who are hungry for food
or great company. Both of these needs are
taken care of in the Oaken Alley! Although
Sally is not an "official" chairman, she has
been the chief cook for 27 years. Her hus-
band Brian has been the supervisor of clean
up until this year when he died in an air-
plane crash shortly before Oshkosh, leaving
us to mourn his loss. Although he is not
here with us, we all feel his presence.
Sally usually arrives two weeks ahead
of time to get things organized ... if you stop
by, you can easily see why this might take
two weeks! She makes a run home for
food about midway through the week to
pick up more of the wonderful things she
has prepared in advance. Some nights she
might feed 50 people! Many of us who re-
side with Sally make frequent stops for
snacks all day long! This is a place where
you really feel as if you are at home. The
easy chair has been replaced with lawn
chairs and picnic benches, the refrigerator
is an ice chest, and the lights flicker and'
smell like citronella, but the atmosphere
cannot be beat. I have spoke to many peo-
ple who have been welcomed into Sally's
Alley and the comment I hear most often is
how Sally makes everyone feel at home
and as if she has known them a long time.
What a great gift. Sally has created a
place that we can call our home away from
home! We think you are great, Sally! ...
N4J8JC, SN 409
. by .
Nancle Cummmgs
The two place tandem tail wheel aircraft, the 7EC, was first
built by Aeronca; however, N4383C was built by CHAMPION
AIRCRAFT Corporation of Oceola, Wisconsin in 1956. In all, a
total of 776 7ECs were built, with 96 built by Aeronca and the re-
mainder by Champion. N4383C was SIN 409. The 7EC was de-
signed as the first of the Champion "7" series with an electrical
system. The airplane was equipped at the factory with a 90 hp
Continental engine, a radio and auxiliary fuel tanks. The 7EC was
called the Champion, the Traveler and the Champion Deluxe. The
7EC was the predecessor to the tandem two place aerobatic air-
craft, the 7ECA, commonly referred to as the CIT ABRIA.
Production on N4383C was completed on April 26, 1956 in
Osceola, Wisconsin. The airplane spent her first year of life, 1956,
as a training aircraft in Quartz Hill , California at the Ritter Flying
Service. N4383C's first owner was Mr. Hank Coffin. During this
first year, N4383C was flown about 850 hours.
In 1957, N4383C was purchased by Mr. Ken Johnson of Braw-
ley, California who owned an agricultural flying service. The
Johnson family owned N4383C from 1957 through 1992, using the
aircraft solely for pleasure with 4383C being flown by the daugh-
ter, Denise, and also by Ken Johnson's wife. The aircraft was also
frequently used to over fly many of the clients' fields to check out
their condition. While in the ownership of the Johnsons, the cur-
rent restoration of N4383C was begun in 1984. The aircraft was
completely recovered using Stits fabric, finished in white paint, a
new light gray headliner installed, a new McCauley 7345 cruise
propeller installed, and the engine overhauled. The recover was
done at the Salton Sea Airport and the engi ne overhaul by Kuhn
Aeromotive. The aircraft was maintained as original from the fac-
tory with no additions or modifications to the airframe or power-
plant. A pull-to-engage type crank starter is used to start the en-
gine. The 7EC, the first of the Champ series to have an electrical
system, was fitted with Grimes navigation lights; the present ones
are original and functional. During these 36 years, about 750 more
hours were put on N4383C's airframe and powerplant.
In 1992, N4383C was purchased by Mr. Les Deline of San
Diego, California who had restored many antique biplanes previ-
ously, especially Stearmans and Travel Airs. During this time,
1992-1994, N4383C was repainted white with the cowling done in
Nashville Fleet orange and the fuselage trimmed in blue stripes,
with the numbers on the wings in blue. The original paint scheme
used by the factory was straw and red. The pilot and passenger
seat upholstery was replaced, a new radio (Val Com) and transpon-
der (Narco AT50) installed (as the airplane was being operated out
of a field with a tower), and the original wheel pants were in-
stalled, trimmed in blue to match the wings.
In 1994, N4383C was purchased by Nancie Cummings of Mi-
ami , Florida (a fisheries biologist and student pilot with about 32
hours of time) for the purpose of completing her Private License.
The aircraft was flown from California to its present home in Mi-
ami by Nancie and an instructor, Mr. Pete Mason of Santa Paula,
California. During 1996, new Hooker Sport Shoulder Harnesses
and seat belt restraints, blue with orange trim, were installed on the
passenger and pilot seats, interior side panels removed and re-
painted original gray as from the factory, passenger and pilot seat
frames removed, sanded, primed and repainted flat black, interior
floors were removed and varnished, and the glare shield removed
and recovered in a flat black upholstery material. Baffles were re-
moved and replaced new, and the original heater that had been re-
moved was replaced new (it does get chilly in Miami). Since
N4383C moved from her original home in southern California to
south Florida in 1994, about 350 hours have been put on the air-
frame and powerplant. During Apri l of this year, N4383C reached
the 2000 TT hour mark on the airframe while on a cross-country
from Richards Field in Miami to Winter Haven on the west coast
of Florida.
N4383C burns a little more than five gallons of fuel per hour (I
usually flight plan for 5.5) with the 90 hp engine and cruises at
about 95-100 mph, although on a good calm day, if trimmed up,
one can get close to 105 mph. There are also many of those days
when we see the tractors just pass the little Champ with a big
smi le. Today N4383C spends her days in a big hangar keeping
company with lots of other Aeronca Champs, Piper J-3 and J-5
Cubs, a Cessna 170, a Ryan PT-22, and even a clipped wing
Monocoupe, just waiting to fly above the little grass strip at
Richard' s Field in Homestead, Florida. ...
Vintage Seaplanes
by Norm Petersen
ambassador, Buck Hil bert, recent ly
spent some time in Alaska and among
hjs many adventures was a trip around
the world's busiest seaplane base at
Anchorage. The base is made up of
Lake Hood and Lake Spenard wit h a
large, man-made canal between. This
barbell -shaped seaplane base is home
to the world's largest collection of sea-
planes and aircraft movements are di-
rected by the Anchorage control tower,
as the entire seaplane base is wit hin
Coming in for a landing at the Anchorage Seaplane Base is a DeHaviliand Beaver,
the control area.
N62197, SIN 56-0419, registered to Richard Guttis of Wasilla, Alaska. This Beaver uses
The waiting list for a spot to park a the two-bladed propeller and has the flaps and ailerons well down for landing. You can
seaplane is very lengthy, with esti- easily see the canoe paddle mounted on the right hand float - a floatplane pilot's best
mated waiting time presently being 12
friend. Note the ropes hanging from the floats and the wing struts for dock handlers to
to 20 years!
Climbing onto the step for takeoff is this
DeHavilland of Canada DHC-2 Beaver,
N340KA, SIN 1127, registered to Ketchum
Air Service, Inc,. Anchorage, AK. The pilot
is just about ready to roll the Beaver
forward on the step as the bow wave has
moved aft , almost to the poi nt where
forward pressure on the yoke will put the
floats on the step. Note the flaps are
deployed for takeoff (about 20 degrees) and
the ailerons are "drooped" about ten
degrees to help the takeoff. This Beaver
has a three-bladed propeller and the
baggage compartment mod with the long
window. There are presently 253 Beavers
on the U.S. register of which about 105 are
registered in Alaska.
On t he shore of the lake, this nice
looking Grumman G-44 Widgeon with
original 200 hp Ranger six-cylinder, in-
li ne engines and controllable Hartzell
props is being washed. In addition to
the fancy polished spinners, the
Wi dgeon features a one-piece
wi ndshield and a George Pappas
designed anti- splash rail around the
nose. The FAA records indicate there
are still about 26 Widgeons with the
original Ranger engines out of a total of
71 still on the register. It would be
interesting to know the origin of the
really large airplane float on the lot next
door on the extreme right of the photo.
It is difficult to imagine the number of sets of floats that are used in the Anchorage area. These float
racks are nearly full and the picture was taken when most floats were in service on their respective
These photos, taken in 1936, were sent in by Holland Redfield of Cutchogue, NY, who owned this Waco QCF-2, NC11469,
SIN 3554, mounted on a set of Edo L-2260 floats. According to Juptner Volume 5, this particular QCF-2 was the prototype
airplane beefed up for Edo L-2260 floats and went into service in the upstate New York lake region. When these pictures
were taken, Holland (whose nickname was Dutch) had only a few flights under his belt and learned later about retracting
the water rudders! (See aerial photo.)
The photo of the same Waco QCF-2 on
wheels was taken when the plane was
chartered from Holland to photograph a
flood in lower New York State. One can see
from the picture it was a lousy day for flying
and Holland was sweating out the return of
the two company pilots attired in coveralls
and his precious Waco. Note the deluxe
appointments - Grimes navigation lights,
Townend ring cowling on the Continental A-
70 engine of 165 hp and the beautiful metal
wheel pants.
A very special "thank you" is extended to "Dutch" Redfield for contributing the beautiful photos. Besides authoring
two fine books on aviation, he was a Senior Check Pilot on the Boeing 747 for Pan American Airlines before retirement
twenty years back. His interest in aviation is as keen as it was when he started flying at the age of 19.
The June Mystery Plane brought back a lot
of memories for many readers, especially those
of you from the South. One of our first re-
sponses was from the far northwest, our regular
participant Ralph Nortell of Spokane, WA:
"In the u.s. Civil Aircraft Register for Jan.
I, 1964, NR2950 is listed as: Huff-Daland "Pe-
trel, ' SIN 54, mamljactured in 1925. As ofJune,
1946, the owner was listed as Delta Airlines,
1nc., Dusting Division, Monroe, LA. Probably
originally jitted with a 200 hp Wright J-4 radial,
the photo shows NR2950 with the improved 220
hp J-5 installed.
"As early as 1922, experiments had be-
gun using airplanes for dusting boll-weevil
infested col/on areas of the south. The
HuffDaland Aero Corp., Ogdensburg, NY
is acknowledged to be the first aircraft
mamljacturer to show interest in the com-
mercial jield ofaerial crop dusting, a jield
that was almost unlimited at the time. 1n
the robust 'Duster' biplane of 1924, HufJ-
Daland had a very suitable airplane for
crop dusting. But a dependable engine
had to be found to provide enough power
for the necessary maneuverability and
safety. After various motors were tried, it
was decided that the Wright ' Whirlwind' J-
4 200 hp radial was best for the job. After
months of service under less than favor-
able conditions, the J-4s were reported to
be pel/arming well with a minimum of
"Two versions of the 'Petrel ' were pro-
duced along with the 'Duster' in 1924. Th e
Duster and the Petrel Mod. 4 had tapered
wings, while the Petrel Mod. 5 had straight
wings. The tail assembly incorporated a
small verticaljin with balanced rudder. So,
the large rudder with no jin must be a later
modification on the Petrel.
"In 1926, the HufJ-Dalandjirm became the
Keystone Aircraft Corp., Bristol, PA. The Huff-
Daland dusting operations continued on, even-
tually extending into South America . ..
From Larry Beidleman of Granada Hill s,
CA we can add this:
.. . . . The logo on the side ofthe fuselage
gives the whole mystery away. It is a most
famous symbol. It is a large triangle with a
face illustrated in the center. The face is
bearded, wearing a winged helmet and the
mouth is blowing blasts of wind - or dust.
The words lettered on the left side ofthe tri-
angle are 'Delta Air.' The word 'Corpora-
tion ' is lettered on the right side leg. Across
This month's Mystery Plane is from the
coll ection of Boardman C. Reed,
Brownsvill e, CA. R.S. "Stan" Staples took
the photo at Callies Flyers Airport in south-
ern California back in 1928. Answers need
to be here at EAA HQ no later than October
25, 1997 so they can be included in the De-
cember issue of Vintage Airplane.
George Townson, Willingboro, NJ sent us these two shots of our June Mystery Plane,
the Huff-Daland "Puffer", which he took one afternoon in 1938 in Homestead, Flo The
Dusters were flown all over the South, and later, in a effort to keep the company busy
during the "off season," operations were expanded into Mexico and South America.
George took the photos while in Florida when he was dusting with a Pitcairn PCA-2
autogiro. He is an indispensible resource when it comes to autogiros, and Pitcairns
in particular, having
worked for Pitcairn,
Kellett and Piasecki
among others. His ex-
pertise with regard to
rotary wing flight made
it possible for him to
author one of the best
books written on the
subject, "Autogiro -
The Story of the Wind-
mill Plane."
the base leg of the triangle are the words
'Monroe, LA . ' Afamous logo indeed. ..
".. . The Delta Laboratory in Tallulah,
LA was influential in convincing HufFDa-
land to from the HuffDaland Crop Dusting
Co. in Monroe, LA That started their air-
craft development that lasted into the 1940s. "
Ray Dyson, Vero Beach, FL, pointed out
that Delta maintained its dusting di vision un-
til 1966, long after it had become a major ai r-
line. Brian Baker of Farmington, NM men-
tioned in his note that he wrote his Master's
thesis on earl y developments in agricultural
aviation, and he continues to collect material
on the subject for a book on the subject. You
can write him at 1522 Santiago Av., Farm-
ington, NM 87401.
Brian Bristol, Inver Grove Heights, MN,
Continued on page 28
by H.G. Frautschy
Michael Sowell keeps the Funk shining for his dad. He's
pretty sure the Funk is his, just ask him!
Restorations of certain airplanes seem to get completed in
bunches. In the past, Piper Cubs had their fling, and Super Cruisers,
and lately, the Aeronca Chief has been high on the lists of nice
restorations. Now, the Funk series of two-place cabin monoplanes
seems to be getting its due. Just a couple of years ago we saw,
among others, Orlo Maxfield' s beautiful Funk restoration. Now,
added to the fleet of great looking Funks we have Alan Sowell's
EAA Oshkosh Class Il (81-ISO hp) Champion Funk F2B.
This particular Funk F2BC started out its aviation career as one of
the darlings of the Funk factory - it was the factory demonstrator.
One of the last Customaires to come off the factory line, it is SIN
40S , and they went up to about No. 438 . The Customaire was the
most deluxe model Funk built, and according to Joseph Juptner in
"U.S. Civil Aircraft," it sold for $400 more than the standard Cessna
140 of 1947.
With a Continental C-8S-12F spinning a wood prop at 2,3S0 rpm,
you could expect a Funk to zip along at lOS mph. The Funk's looks
belie its speed. Too many have judged their rather portly appearance
incorrectly, and they expect them to perform slovenly. But the little
monoplane with the big airplane feel has a maximum speed in level
flight of 117 mph, and can climb around 800 fpm at sea level. Per-
formance like that has meant those who are fortunate enough to al-
ready have Funks have developed a reverence for the aircraft that
borders on being positively zealous! These guys and gals really love
their Funks, and they're happy to tell you all about them, provided
you don' t point and laugh at its "chubby" belly.
Alan's Funk F2B, NCI62SN, is one of the classy models, a Cus-
tomaire that was completed in the Coffeyville, KS Funk factory on
January IS, 1947, just a few short months before the bottom fell out
of the post-war light plane market. For several months, it stayed at
the factory, being used by the factory pilots to give demonstration
rides. Eventually, it was bought by the Chicago area Funk distribu-
tor. On the way there, Flying magazine did a feature article on the
airplane written by Max Karant, Flying's "Check Pilot" at that time.
He seemed to really enjoy his S90 mile flight in the Funk. " It is un-
fortunate that no more than 308 Funks have been built since the
brothers started business in Akron, later moving to Coffeyville. This
extremely rugged, very safe, conventional light plane should be bet-
ter known," he is quoted as writing.
Flying's article would be something that would prove invaluable
later on. Can you imagine how neat it would be to find out that the
airplane you're restoring was depicted in photos splashed all over the
pages of a major magazine? What luck!
NC1625N was flown by Flying magazine columnist Max Karant from the
Coffeyville, KS factory to the Chicago Funk distributor, Ray Barber, and
was written up in a flying review in the April, 1947 issue of the
Alan Sowell demonstrates the plug-in landing light
included with the Funk. If you planned on flying at
night, you could plug a pair of these in and see
where you were landing, and then when you were
done, pull them out and put them in the baggage
compartment. A clever electrical plug connected
when you pushed the mount tube in and locked it in
place with a twist.
The backlit instrument panel and dual yoke controls are
complimented by wool upholstery and a new headliner.
Unfortunately, those could be tough times for light plane dealers,
and the Chicago area Funk dealer, Ray Barber, wound giving the air-
plane to his bank, and the LaSalle National Bank got to try to sell the
airplane. A fellow from Washington, D.C. bought the yellow and
maroon Funk. He didn't keep it too long, and by the 1950s it was
registered with the McKenzie family and later their Resort Air Ser-
vice. It stayed in the family well into the early 1980s, when Alan
saw the plane sitting in the back of the hangar. For years it sat in the
hangar in Southern Pines, North Carolina, and Alan finally got up
the gumption to ask for a ride the next time he saw the owner. She
gave the young Alan a ride, and he really liked it.
Keeping his eye on it, the Funk was sold to another member of
the owner's fam ily, but it sti ll didn't see much time in the air. Alan
was a frequent visitor, so he kept looking after the tired looking
Funk, and when he saw the owner one day, he gave him the standard
" ... if you ever think of sell ing it, would you please give me a call?"
The steerable Funk tail wheel can become
full swivel for ground handling by pulling
request. Alan didn' t let it just drop with that one request. He was
the locking pin and lowering the yoke. earnest in his pursuit, and sure enough, after six months of "would
you consider .. . ," the owner called one Sunday night and asked
ifhe was still interested.
The next day, he went out, bought it the next day and rinsed
about an inch of accumulated dirt off of it. A check of the en-
gine, new fuel and a good solid prime and the Continental was
off and running, and running well. Happily, the Funk was in
good shape, good enough that Alan flew it for the next seven
years. He had a ton of fun with the airplane, but as the years
passed, it was obvious the time was getting near when the Funk
would need a restoration. The covering was a rather heavy Ra-
zorbackjob, and while it was holding up well, the wood formers
underneath were not holding up their part of the structural bar-
gain. It was time to do a rebuild.
The Funk was stripped of the fiberglass covering, and a close
inspection of the wood revealed plenty of work to be done. In
fact, except for the wing spars, all of the wood in the airplane has
been replaced, including the wing ribs. Getting to see the air-
plane uncovered gave Alan a real appreciation for the ingenuity
built into the Funk, not to mention its strength. The sheet metal
was also due for some work. The nose bowl and lower cowling
were good, and could be reused, and so were the fairings for the
tail. A new set of cowl doors were made, and the crowning
touch, an original pair of Funk wheel pants. In fact, as is typical
of many restorations that result in very accurate airplanes, the
more Alan researched, the more he realized he had a very origi-
nal airplane on his hands. He even had a pair of original Funk
landing li ghts that can be plugged into sockets bolted to the for-
ward spar.
The interior of the Funk was also a lot of fun. The airplane
originally came with a wool interior, complete with sunburst
style stitching on the seat back cushion. Alan took great pains to
be sure and have the original style cotton batting used to stuff the
cushions as well, so they would have the same appearance as
they did in 1947. Foam rubber, while easier to work with, can
give an overstuffed look to the cushions. A new headliner, glass
and a couple of new instruments helped finish it off. Thi s air-
plane is Alan's first airplane and his first restoration, and for his
efforts, he was awarded the Best Restored Classic (0-100 hp) tro-
phy at Sun 'n Fun '97, and later the previously mentioned Classic
Jim Koepnick
The Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome's
Nieuport 11 "Debe"
by H.C. Frautschy
The Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome
and Museum are located in
Rhinebeck, NY, north of New
York City in the Hudson river val-
ley. For information you can call
914/758-8610. Weekend air shows
are held from mid-June through
mid-October, and the Museum is
open from May 15 -October 31.
Saturday shows feature the Pio-
neer and Lindbergh era aircraft,
Sunday's show stars the airplanes
of WW I. It's one of the neatest
places in the world to sit and enjoy
the sights and sounds of early avi-
ation, so if you live in the North-
east or are planning a vacation in
that area, I'd put it in your
itinerary. New grading for the
spectator viewing area means
there isn' t a bad seat in the house,
and a newl y reworked runway
gives the pilots quite a bit more
room. It's certainly gratifying to
see so many people are working to
keep the heritage and vision of
Cole Palen alive and well in
One of the neat-
est surprises for at-
tendees of Sun 'n
Fun this past Spring
was the display put
on by Cole Palen' s
Old Rhinebeck
Aerodrome. As part
of their program to
reach more people
with the excitement
the Aerodrome and
Museum have to of-
fer, they've taken a
couple of airplanes
and displays "on the
road" for the first
time in many years.
Aerodrome opera-
tions director/pilot
small feat , and there
were many volun-
teers who made it
happen. Larry Potter
and John Barker
drove the airplanes
south from New
York in a rented Ry-
der truck, where me-
chanic Tim Moore,
Gene and local (Zell-
wood, FL) mechan-
The cockpit of the Nieuport is spartan,
ics and restorers Jim
everything you need is there. In the far
and Kevin Kimball
right are both instruments, a tachometer
assembled the air-
and a altimeter. The two silver tubes
planes and put them
extending from the tee in the center are
on display. Manning
the engine air intake tubes, and the fuel
the display tent were
tank can be seen just above it. Engine
controls are on the far left.
Aerodrome Director
Gene DeMarco and a few volunteers
brought a Fokker DR. I Triplane replica
and a Nieuport II replica to the Fly-In, and
they took the time and made the effort to
fly the Nieuport for our photo staff. It was
the first time a rotary-engined airplane had
flown at Sun 'n Fun, and Gene's flight in
the airplane had everybody spell bound.
The whoosh of the whirling engine as it
spun in concert with the big oak propeller
as it flew by made more than one "fly- in-
ner" stop and drop his jaw in amazement!
Getting the biplane to Florida was no
Jim Hare, Museum
staff member Karen Suchar, volunteer Lon-
nie Sue Johnson and Rotary Ramblings
newsletter editor Lori Robishaw. Through-
out the week they spoke with EAA mem-
bers and the public about the Aerodrome
and the unusual aircraft you can see fly
during their weekend shows, as well as in
the museum.
In addition to all of that effort, the team
was able, though the courtesy of the U.S.
Air Force, to participate in the 50th An-
niversary celebration at Nellis AFB in
Nevada after Sun 'n Fun. This time, the
The markings of the Nieuport are those of Victor Chapman, an American volunteer who flew
for France during WW I as one of the first seven members of the famed Lafayette Escadrille.
A local native of the Rhinebeck area, he was the first American killed in aerial combat in WW I.
Ryder truck wasn't needed, as the Air
Force brought the airplanes to Las Vegas in
a C-5! The airplanes were able to be left
almost completely assembled (the rudders
were removed) while in the belly of the big
cargo plane. Both airplanes were flown
during the Saturday show, off asphalt, no
mean feat battling a crosswind with a fixed
tail skid and no brakes! All the Aerodrome
staff and volunteers expressed their appre-
ciation to the Air Force personnel at AF
HQ, and McDill , Nellis and Stewart Air
Force bases for their invitation and help to
show the public what Cole Palen had been
presenting for over 40 years - the extraordi-
nary aircraft and people who flew the early
airplanes of early aviation.
The Nieuport replica flown at the Aero-
drome was originally a 1930's era home-
built project that Cole picked up as he col-
lected items for the Aerodrome. It was first
built to have a LeBlond radial engine for
power, but when Gordon and Kay Bain-
bridge started work on it in 1989, they built
a new fuselage out of square steel tubing,
braced with wire. (The original Nieuport
II fuselage was built out of wood.) Cole
and Andy Keefer had done some work on
the project in Florida in 1984, Andy work-
ing on the wings in particular. Later, Gor-
don and Kay reworked those wings as the
entire airplane came together, including a
new landing gear, an 80 hp LeRhone and
an engine mount. All the instruments (both
of them!) are original, and so are the wheels
(no brakes!) and the cowl.
The Aerodrome staff decided to use the
aircraft markings of Victor Chapman, the
first American to die in aerial combat in
WW I. Chapman was one of the original
seven members of what was to become
known as the "Lafayette Escadrille." His
family still owns the estate where he grew
up on the Hudson River, not far from the
Rhinebeck Aerodrome. Originally an
American serving in the French Foreign
Legion as a machine gunner, he later was
able to transfer to a aviation section as an
observer, and later, in the fall of 1915, he
started pilot training. Awarded his wings
and posted to the newly-formed Escadrille
N.124, he started flying his Nieuport II
"Bebe." His brief but brave career came to
an end on June 23, 1916 when he was shot
down when confronted by five enemy
planes. The Aerodrome's Nieuport will fly
as a tribute to their local hero, and in honor
of all those who flew for France as the
Lafayette Flying Corps.
By the way, if you happen to have any
spare LeRhone parts, the Aerodrome staff
would certainly like to hear from you - they
are in need of a crankshaft for an 80 hp Le
Rhone, as well as other spares. Call Gene
DeMarco at the number listed at the begin-
ning of this article if you can help. ...
(Above) Gene DeMarco, the Old
Rhinebeck Aerodrome' s operations
director/pilot, after his photo flight. You
can see the castor oil streaming back
from the 80 hp LeRhone rotary engine.
The engine is lubricated with castor oil
in a "fu" loss" system - whatever oil is
pumped into the engine will either be
burned or slung off the engine as it
With the rotary turning 1250 rpm, the Nieuport 11 "Bebe" takes off from the grass and
sand runway at Lakeland. Gene' s flight demonstrations were captivating for most
people in the crowd, many of whom had never seen a rotary engine running.
Brian Launder's1937SR9E,NC17144. ItwastheGrandChampion!
by John Underwood
The Southwest Stinson Club's four day
(May 1-4) "Aerodrome Reunion" at Stin-
son Municipal Airport, San Antonio, may
have been something of a disappointment
to its organizers this year. They were pre-
pared to feed, clothe (with massive stocks
ofT-shirts) and otherwise cater to 500 Stin-
soneers, but only about 50 aircraft showed
up. There were 200 registered attendees.
Undoubtedly, weather kept many away
who would have otherwise flown in, and,
as a consequence, a whole lot of food was
passed on to the needy and homeless shel-
ters. Not everybody was kept away, for
there was even a pilot who flew in from
Alaska. Gene McMillan of Kodiak was
present with his Stinson, and Kent Travis
flew in from Portland, OR. From overseas,
Heinz Bitterman of Germany was on hand,
but since he flew in using an Airbus, he
wasn't eligible for the "longest distance
flown" award presented by the Stinson Greg Herrick'svenerableSM- 6000B,NC11153. Nowbackin Anoka,MNforatotal
Flight of the Order of Daedalians. Fortu- restoration,including areturntoafabriccoveredfuselage,itwasjudgedthe Best
nately, there was plenty of enthusiasm on
behalf of the participants who did attend, as
all of the polo and T-shirts were sold out! and wine to me. It was also a marvelous To some of us that word is almost sacred.
From this writer's point of view, it was opportunity to rap with and pick the brains Hey, when you ask the man who owns one,
a big success. The local weather was great. of a whole lot of friendly folk - kindred be prepared for a long discourse.
The airplanes that participated, including spirits - who get charged up and turned on Stinson Municipal Airport is large
the only active L-l Vigilant, were as bread by the mere mention of the Stinson name. enough to accommodate all the Stinsons
domiciled on thi s planet. It dates from
1915 and the FAA identifier code, SSF, re-
flects upon it s beginnings, namely, the
Stinson School of Flying. Incidentally, the
idea of manufacturing Stinson airplanes
germinated at SSF. It may well have been
the dream of the visionary Emma Stinson,
who managed the business, than that of
her brood - Katherine, Eddie, Marjorie
and Jack.
SSF is on the banks of the San Antonio
River which meanders north and south. It
is adjacent to the Old Mission Cemetery,
very likely the place where Eddie is said to
have scrounged up an ornate coffin bolt to
make temporary repairs to his disabled
plane. One can easily imagine the young
rascal abandoning his tasks as one of his
mother's grease monkeys and slipping off
to wile away a sultry afternoon fishing
along the shaded riverbank.
It was a distinct pleasure to meet and
spend an evening, hosted by Col. Bill Stew-
art, USAF Ret. , with one of the few direct
descendants of the "Flying Stinsons. "
Mary Stinson Burton, the granddaughter of
Jack Stinson, was on hand with her hus-
band, Frank. Both are physicians. Mary
has a brother who flies, so the tradition
Mary's father was Eddie Stinson's name-
sake and nephew, Edward A. Stinson, 111, a
Korean War fighter pilot well remembered
for having parachuted into the sea near Yon-
dok in the early days of that struggle.
Ground fire had brought his F-51 down dur-
ing a strafing mission. He was back in the
air in another F -51 that same afternoon,
pounding the North Korean tanks that had
occasioned his morning dip in the sea.
Jack Stinson, the youngest and least vis-
ible of the famous siblings, co-produced
the Stinson Greyhound biplane with Eddie
at Dayton in 1920. It was a good airplane
but a financial bust; only a few were sold.
Jack later formed the Stinson School of
A viation at Detroit which operated a fleet
of Waco lOs. Branches were established at
Cleveland, Chicago and Cincinnati on the
eve of the Great Depression. An engineer
and inventor, as well as a flying instructor,
Jack once had Igor Sikorsky for a pupil.
Greg Herrick brought the most venera-
ble, and by far the largest, aircraft bearing
the Stinson label. His SM-6000B,
NC 11153, built in 1931, spent its first year
plying the airways for E. L. Cord's Century
Airlines out of Chicago. Three seasons
with American followed and two with
Chicago & Southern. Thereafter it was in
the business of barnstorming and hauling
freight , which included airlifting horses in
the High Sierras.
With only a few hours experience in the
trimotor, one can imagine the level of anxi-
ety that prevai led in the cockpit after one of
the outboards quit over inhospitable terrain
on the trip south. Something in the carbu-
retor came adrift. It could easily have re-
sulted in a fi re, but the crew was able to get
Dave Smith' s 1941 L-1 F Vigilant, NL1 ZS, is the only L- 1 active.
John A. Gronemeyer' s L-SE- 1. John bought it as teenager in 1980. He intends to
keep it the rest of his natural life. N7618B.
Richard and Shirley Martin' s AT-19 (V77) in Royal Navy colors. It was picked as the
Best Military Stinson.
back on the ground safely and the problem
was soon resolved.
Marcia Gietz and Chuck Gruby were the
chief organizers of the event, with help
from EAA Chapter 35, the National St in-
son Club and the Antique Airplane Associ-
ation, and sponsors Univair and the South-
west Stinson Cl ub (their web s ite is at:
http: // swsc.html).It
was good to chat wit h former USN Red
Ripper-cum-Blue Ange l Jonsey Paul, an
old Stinson hand, even though he was un-
(Left) Here's the "Best Custom 108
Voyager", NC108WW. Familiar to
Vintage readers, it belongs to the
Bill Whiting family.
(Right) William Gross of
McAllen, TX V-77, painted red
with a charcoal stripe was
the winner of the People' s
Choice Award.
able to conduct his program due to recent
surgery. 10nsey was honored with the An-
tique Airplane Association's Lifetime
Achievement award for his years of dedica-
tion to the historical preservation of Stin-
son information and aircraft.
The Brooks AFB Officers Club was
made available for the Saturday ni ght din-
ner/dance, thanks to Col. Bill Stewart who
also rounded up several fellow Daedalians
to provide ground transportation. Bill is
an all -aro und good fellow who did his
tours in B- 17s and B-29s. He's a Stinson
buff, too, and has traced the clan back to
the Civil War.
25 speakers gave 24 forums and work-
shops on everything from Stinson history
to rebuilding an oleo strut. Lindsey Sam-
mons, who was an AAF pilot in the Pacific
theatre during WW II, showed film footage
of Stinson L-5's, including the " Guinea
Short Lines."
There are still historical photographic
prints available, printed on Kodak acid-free
paper. These prints feature early scenes of
the Stinsons . Each are pr iced at $4.50.
There are also tote bags avail able for $5.50,
and videotape copies of "This Island Earth"
a 1955 color sci-fi flick starring Rex Rea-
son and l effMorrow (who?), which can be
bought for $13.00. The movie's real star is
a brand new small -tai l Sti nson 108, used as
the vehicle of choice for a couple of Earth-
lings as they attempt escape from ali ens.
You may recall seeing a short clip of the
movie in the Steve Speilberg movie "E.T. "
(It's be ing shown on TV in t he movie.)
Lots of cheesy 1950's sci-fi special effects,
and good interior and exteri or detail shots
of the Sti nson too! You can get more in-
for mat ion bye-mail from Marcia Gietz, or gietzm.mbr@ or you can write her at Standby
Power Inc., 2358 Bolsover St. , Houston,
TX 77005-2648. Please send an SASE for
your reply. ....
Norm Petersen
Scottie Ogden' s J-3
Cub mounted on
Federal A1500 skis
ready to go flying. The
"M. F. Corporation"
strut modification has
worked perfectly on
this airplane since
A Different Strut Fitting

A chance remark during a recent Air Academy session at
Oshkosh by one of the longtime instructors, Hugh McKenna (EAA
24415, AlC 9910), of Oswego, NY, produced this interesting story
of a wing strut modification on a Piper J-3 Cub that has stood the
test of time. Always one to keep his eyes open and his ears tuned,
Hugh stumbled onto the fact that at one time, many years ago, a
"fix" had been developed to restore the lower ends of steel lift
struts on 1-3 Cubs to comply with AD 52-7-3.
Being well aware of the wholesale discarding of all sorts of
Piper wing struts under the present shower of "AD's" relating to
rust and corrosion in the lower ends of the struts, Hugh decided to
investigate this simple solution from 45 years ago.
Contact was made with Walter "Scottie" Ogden (EAA 389465)
of Lake Ariel , PA, who has been actively flying his Piper J-3C-65,
NC98568, SIN 18787, since May 16, 1953, with a set of modified
struts. The lift struts on Scottie's Cub were modified by sawing
off the lower four inches of each strut (which included the strut
threaded barrel) and installing new steel strut ends that are
threaded for the clevis on one end. The other end goes into the
strut, where it is secured by bolts through the strut and fitting. The
main strut uses four 114 inch bolts (AN-4) in double shear and the
rear strut uses four 3116 (AN-3) bolts in double shear. (See en-
closed photos.)
The entire kit for repairing one airplane was sold by the M. F.
Corporation of Lafayette, Indiana, and was approved by the CAA.
The repair was handled by a Form 337 and required a Conformity
Inspection by a CAA Inspector.
Scottie's Form 337 says, "The Lift Strut Fitting provided by the
M. F. Corporation, Lafayette, Ind. for compliance with A.D. 52-7-
3, has been fabricated in conformity with C.A.A. Approval Data
on file in the Third Region Office, 185 N. Wabash Avenue,
Chicago, Illinois. The completed installation must be inspected by
a representative of the C.A.A. before the aircraft is released for
flight." The Form 337 is signed by G. A. Barone, A & E 7198-
40,20 I Dunmore St., Throop, PA, and dated 5116/53. The Con-
formity Inspection is signed by Paul Marsonueve (sic), D.A.M.I.
No. 351.
The "fly in the ointment" in this whole affair is the composition
of the Lift Strut Fittings. No record can be located (so far) of the
M. F. Corporation of Lafayette, IN, from over forty years ago and
View looking aft shows the slight taper in the billet used in the
the FAA is reluctant to dig through their files to locate the original
larger front strut.
paper work for the fittings . It is unknown if the steel fittings are
made from 4 130 chromoly steel, cold roll ed steel, or some other
type of steel. The "AN" bolts are standard items and the threaded has given over 130 Young Eagle flights in the 1-3 Cub during the
clevises are standard items, so the only m issing link is the steel fit- last four years. The fact that the lower ends of the struts are open
ting. Any suggestions? to the wind and don't collect moisture means the "fix" works very
Walter "Scottie" Ogden, who has been flying with the converted well. The number of Piper struts thrown out in just the last ten
struts for 43 years, reports they have worked extremely well and he years is enough to make many oldtime aviators sit down and cry. ..
Modified strut ends looking forward. Note the four AN-3 bolts
in the rear strut and the four AN-4 bolts in the front strut with
the strut ends left open for air to circulate. The solid steel
billets from the modification kit are drilled at the time of
installation. This set has served well for 44 years since
Here's a view of the
Jim Koepnick's m,lItllp!e-eJtpCll8UllW phot.._1iY-
by E.E. "Buck" Hilbert
EAA #21 Ale #5
P.O. Box 424, Union, IL 60180
I guess it's ti me.
Time to write again about propellers and
hand propping.
What I said in an article in the March
1990 iss ue holds true today, more than
ever. 1990 doesn' t seem that long ago, but
there are a lot of new, younger pilots out
there today and recent "taildragger" con-
verts who just haven't been indoctrinated.
At the local airport a while back, I hap-
pened to look out the window and saw a
young man trying to prop his dad's 1-3,
Hell ' s Angels style . He was winding up
like a big league pitcher and swinging his
leg way up almost to the height of the pro-
peller, and putting all he had into it. I
dashed out the door and put a stop to the
whole thing while we had a session on the
proper way to "Armstrong" start a 1-3. I
apologized to the FBO after it was over.
He graciously allowed that it had to be
done and he was glad I'd done it.
An awareness of this so-called problem
didn't really sink in until EAA Oshkosh
'97. H.G. and I flew down to Hartford,
Wisconsin to participate in the Aeronca ar-
rival flight up to Wittman Field. There
were 29 Aeroncas in the flock and thinking
back, our Sedan was about the only one
that had a starter. The assortment of pre-
and postwar Chiefs, Champs, Defenders
and the like were an invigorating sight.
There were some really pretty ones, some
utility vehicles and not a "tramp" in the
bunch. I must have fallen in love at least
20 of the 29 times.
Time to depart. The lineup was com-
plete, the briefing was over, and it was,
"Man your planes and start those engines!"
I ran around and tried to help as many as I
could by offering my services as an "Arm-
strong" starter. I got a couple going and then
turned around to see a young man doing it all
wrong. Fuel was dripping and this young fel-
low was propping in a way that told me he
was just a little too overcautious.
The "old instructor" in me took over.
We had a lesson in propping right then
and there. It was also apparent that the
man in the left seat wasn't too fami liar
with his airplane either, since it was a re-
cent restoration. His questions and his
handling of the throttle were an indication
of that. I tried to explain in a few words
how that "Strom baby" carburetor worked,
but we reall y didn't have time right then
to go through the whole lecture. Much to
his credit, he looked me up at Antique &
Classic's Red Barn later and we went
through the whole explanation.
The explanation of the old Stromberg
NAS carburetors goes something like this.
There couldn't be a more simple carburetor
in existence. These old "pots" are so sim-
ple even I can understand them, and that's
a challenge for an illiterate like me who has
to have his four-year-o ld granddaughter
program his VCR.
One of the first things one needs to un-
derstand is that there is NO accelerator
pump. You can pump the throttle all day
long and it accomplishes absolutely noth-
ing. You cannot "flood" your engine by
pumping the throttle.
Most of the A65 and A 75 Continentals
equipped with these "pots" have primers.
They dump almost raw fuel into the induc-
tion spider where it gets sucked up into the
cylinder only when the engine is turned over.
It's there for cold days, or cold starts, and it
makes starting easier. The excess fuel will
dribble out the carburetor air box. You'll
tend to see any excess fuel drain and dribble
after engine shut down when
the vaporized fuel in the spi -
der and intake tubes returns
to liquid form. We can mini-
mize this if you follow my
suggested procedure.
On the initial start, fuel
on, carburetor heat cold,
throttle closed and switch off.
Make sure a qualified or
properly briefed person is at
the controls. That' s the best
way to ensure nothing nasty
will happen. A far di stant
second is propping it your-
self with no one in the cock-
pit. In fact , you'd better
check your insurance - some
policies will not cover a
hand propping accident with
no one at the controls.
If you're the only one
there, and you' ve got to prop
it, TIE IT DOWN! One
more time - BE SURE IT IS
TAIL! We still, to thi s very
day, get stories about air-
planes loose in the tiedown
area wreaking havoc with
people and airframes be-
cause people don't believe
in tying the tail down! A
fence post , tiedown ring,
tractor or just about any-
thing will do, as long as it is
heavier than the airplane!
Wa lk up to the prop.
Take a good look at it.
Pause for a second and pon-
der about the consequences
of how injury and mayhem
can and will happen if you let
a moment's inattention happen. Treat that
chopper with respect. Always handle it
like it's going to hurt, kill or even worse,
maim you.
Don't be afraid of it, treat it with respect
and you'll have no problem.
Clear the area. No spectators or inter-
ested observers in back of you or within
range. Give the job at hand your absolute
attention. NO idle chit chat, NO distrac-
tions! You have a task to accomplish here,
so do it right.
You don't want anyone or anything in
your way. If that engine fires inadvertently
and your escape route is blocked, some-
body is gonna get hurt . That spectator will
have footprints right up one side of him
and down the other ifhe' s in my way.
Using both hands , and preferably with
gloves on, grasp the prop about one-third
of the way out from the hub. Usually just
inside of where the decal is or used to be.
Pull the prop through as you step back
away from its plane of rotation. Just pull it.
Don't snap it or try to flip it. Listen while
you're doing this. With the throttle closed,
the engine will suck fuel through the idle
If you prefer, many lightplanes can be propped "seaplane
style" from behind the prop. Propping a Cub works this
way real well, since the door is in front of the struts, and it
folds down out of the way, giving easy access to the
cockpit controls. In addi t ion to being tied down at t he
tail , you can see Buck' s foot wedged in against the right
tire and chock as he pulls the prop through. Most of you
will spot our mistake when you look closely at the left t ire
- yep, that chock managed to get kicked out of place - it
should be snug under the tire.
passages and you'll hear a squishy-squishy
sound from the area of the air filter. When
it sounds a little like it has a runny nose,
then it's ready.
Now the time had come. Call for
"switch on" and brakes "on." Grab the
prop and pull against the brakes to make
sure they are holding. Now we are ready.
We don' t have to snap or flip the prop.
Why? Because the impulse coupling on
the magneto retards the spark and is set to
kick out above 400 rpm. If you flip it so
fast as to cancel the impulse, it could very
easily kick back; you don't want that!
Use both hands and pull the prop past
compression as you step away from the
plane of rotation. It will start and it'll run,
and it'll idle all day long with the throttle
closed. It isn't necessary to run it at a high
rpm; all that does is blast friendships away.
Use some courtesy to the people behind
and around you.
If the engine balks when you open the
throttle to taxi, it ' s cold. Pumping the
throttle will have the opposite effect from
what your desires are . If it starts to die,
Continued on page 29
----------------------------by NormPetersen
A Busy Man - John Rice
This photo of veteran antiquer John
Rice (EAA 49726, NC 1152) of Willmar,
Minnesota, shown working on the engine
in his current project, a Fairchild 24W-
41 A with a 220 Continental up front , was
sent in by longtime EAAer, Pat Curry
(EAA 37023) of Willmar. John, who is
best remembered for his 15-year Waco
HRE project (See March 1985 SPORT
A VIA nON) has been busy restoring this
beautiful Fairchild 24W-41 A, NC58180,
SIN W4IA-800, for the past few years.
The original 145 hp Warner is being re-
placed with a 220 hp Continental W-670
swinging a McCauley propeller which
should make the "24" a real mover. John
always does top-notch work, which makes
us all anxious to see the Fairchild when
it 's finished. All the best to John Rice
and his lovely wife, Mary Jane , who is
also a pilot of many years experience.
John Mark's Turbine Otter on Wipline Amphibs
This beautiful photo of John Mark' s Turbine Otter, N64411, SIN 427, mounted on a set ofWipline 8000 amphibi-
ous floats, was taken at the Vette Seaplane Base by noted photographer, William Dougherty (EAA 444961) of Nor-
ristown, PA. Converted to a Turbine Otter with a 750 shp P & W PT-6 turbine, the big freighter will haul a really
substantial load of fishermen and gear. In addition to this brightly painted workhorse (it's orange with a white
stripe), John Mark (EAA 9866, NC 935) has two Canadian registered turbine Otters and a reciprocating Otter in
Canada, that operate between his Wilderness North fishing camps in the Albany River chain in Ontario.
Jack Haggerty's Brunner-Winkle Bird
This red and cream biplane was built by
the Brunner-Winkle Aircraft Corporation
of Glendale, Brooklyn, NY in 1929. Orig-
inally powered with an OX-5 engine, it
was converted to a 100 hp Kinner K-5 in
1936, becoming a Bird BK. In 1962, the
Continental W-670N of 220 hp was in-
stalled. A total restoration was completed
in 1984 by longtime EAAer, Marcellus
Foose (EAA 396), with help from the in-
structors and students of Willowbrook HS
and Lewis University near Chicago. This
B-W Bird, N9739, SIN 1002, is the oldest
Bird flying out of approximately 220 that
were built. Currently the pride and joy of
lack and Karen Haggerty (EAA 284080,
AlC 18650) of Skaneateles, NY, the pretty
old biplane is operated from a 1200 foot
grass strip and regularly makes the ten-
hour jaunt to Oshkosh.
I say, old chap!"
This pristine 1936 DeHavilland Hornet
Moth with the pretty DH hubcaps and Dun-
lop tires is owned by David Wells of Great
Offley, England, the tall, smiling gentle-
man in the photo. The two men in jackets,
lerry Cutsforth (EAA 243453) on the left
and George Meade (EAA 26579, A/ C
8070) on the right are from AlC Chapter II
in Milwaukee and were enjoying a trip
through England and its many aviation mu-
seums. David, whom they met last year at
the A/C picnic in Oshkosh, graciously es-
corted them around the area and had Dr.
Mark Miller (the shorter gentleman with
the necktie) take them for a ride in the Hor-
net Moth. lerry and George enjoyed the
flight so much they presented David with
an Antique/ Classic Chapter 11 hat and
made him an honorary member of the chap-
ter. (The photo was taken at the presenta-
tion.) Dr. Miller is restoring a DeHavilland
Rapide with his father and currently flies
an Auster which is hangared at Duxford.
Pete Larson's Luscombe on floats
A rare machine indeed is this Lus-
combe 8F, N2149B, SIN 6576, owned and
flown by Pete Larson (EAA 372833) of
Sheboygan, WI, that features a 150 hp Ly-
coming installed under a Larson Industries
STC and using a 72 X 53 metal prop. The
Luscombe is mounted on a set of metal
Baumann 1420 floats, the first ever in-
stalled on a Luscombe. With a 1420 pound
gross weight, the seaplane gets off very
quickly and cruises at 115 mph on 7.5 gph.
The pretty matching paint scheme in white,
dark blue and gold accent really perks up
the airplane and the floats. Pete has logged
over 700 float hours on the pretty Lus-
combe so far and admits it is a dandy ma-
chine for Wisconsin in the summertime.
Thanks to Leon Perry(shown in the
cockpit),aretired Deltapilotand aero-
restorationbytheDelta crew. You can
clearlysee aportionofthelogofeatur-
ing a giant blowing a cloud of dust
Continued on from page 12
pointed out in his letter that Delta founder
C.E. Woolman left the agricultural extension
service to be a part of Huff-Daland dusters in
Macon, GA, and then Monroe, LA.
Gus Voltz, Jr., Alexandria, LA reminded
us of one interesting feature of the Huff- Da-
land duster - it's lack of wing brace wires.
The wing structure was built up with deep
full length spars, with both wings stressed as
cantilever structures. More than one reader
also mentioned the similarity of construction
to that of the Fokker D. VII , including the
"elephant ears" ailerons.
According to an article in the "Delta Di-
gest," February, 1968,24 Huff-Dalands were
built in 1924, and one of those 24 was re-
stored and presented to the Smithsonian's Air
and Space Museum, January 18, 1967. The
old duster was rebuilt in Delta shops by Delta
employees under the direction of lead me-
chanic Gene Berry.
Other correct answers were received from:
Francis Rourke, Bartlesville, OK; Buddy
Wehman, Summerville, SC; Lennart Johns-
son, Eldsberga, Sweden; Ed Peck, Louisville,
KY; Earl Swaney, Fresno, CA; Robert
Kaelin, Riverhead, NY; Joe Woolslayer,
Tulsa, OK; Kaz Grevera, Sunnyvale, CA;
Gid Townsend, Ocala, FL; Vic Smith,
Uxbridge, Middlesex, United Kingdom; Al-
bert Aplin, Miami , FL; Charley Hayes, New
Lenox, IL; Richard S. Allen, Lewiston, ID ....
Ifyoulovetheairplanesofyesteryear, chancesare
youknowotherpeoplewh'Q lovethemtoo. HelptheAn-
TheEAAAntique/ClassicDivision is aperson'sbestre-
Recruitjustonenewmemberand receivea
stylish capfeaturingtheAntique/Classic
Recruittwonewmembers- inadditiontothe
cap,~ e t an"ATC Jacketpatchandafree
Sign up three newmembersandyou'll also
receivea FREE oneyearA/CDivision
Use thenewmemberapplicationform
enclosedwithin this issueofVintageAirplane
tosign upyournewmember.
Pass it to Buck - Continued from page 25
CLOSE the throttle and let the idle jet sys-
tem do its job. Pull the carburetor heat on.
That will have the effect of enriching the
mixture, and try increasing the rpm again.
The idle system on these pots will carry
the engine up to about 1100 rpm. At that
point, or close to it, the throttle plate, but-
terfly, or whatever you want to call it, will
be partly open and the main or high speed
jet will begin to function. Once it supple-
ments the idle mixture, the engine will ac-
celerate. Somewhere around 1300 rpm the
idle jet will cease to do anything. This is
normal and you'll never know or care
when it takes place.
Back to the start. If it is flooded and it
doesn't start, you've overdone the squish,
squish. Fuel will be dribbling out the bottom
of the box, and we'll have to start over again.
Switch OFF, throttle wide open, pull the
engine through in the normal direction of ro-
tation. Itmay take eight or ten blades to
clear the excess fuel out of the system. Treat
that prop like the engine could start at any
time. What if your mag switch is faulty?
Then start over again.
No prime, switch off, throttle closed,
pull it through and listen for the squish. If
it 's squishy, have the guy at the controls
crack the throttle just about a sixteenth of
an inch, call for the switch on, check the
brakes again and prop it. It'll go.
How about when you're all done ?
Here's what you should do for shut down.
I adopted a procedure for shutting down
these old engines years ago that I learned
from an old Army aviator. The carburetor
we are talking about, the old NAS
Stromberg, will not draw fuel through the
main or high speed jet unless the engine is
turning faster than 1100 rpm or so.
So why not take advantage of this char-
acteristic? Do it this way and assure your-
self that when it is shut down, there isn't
any chance that it will accidentally start or
kick if someone touches the prop.
As I taxi in, I turn the fuel selector off.
As I park, I hold the brakes and run the en-
gine up to about 1000 rpm. I then turn the
switch off, and as the engine spools down,
open the throttle all the way - wide open
- and leave it there.
Now, if someone happened to be in the
cockpit playing pilot and turned the switch
on or forgot to turn it off, and someone
else grabs the prop to reposition it or play
around, the engine will never start. It
can't! It's out of gas, and it won't get any
cause you can't prop it fast enough to
siphon any through that main jet.
Look up that March of '90 article if you
have access to it for more examples of how
not to do it, but you've got what it takes to do
it safely right between your ears; use your
common sense and procedures like these, and
you'll do fine. meanwhile, "Armstrong
starter" Buck says, over to you.
rr 3'ck .r
The following list of coming events is furnished to our readers as a matter of information
only and does not constitute approval, sponsorship, involvement, control or direction of
any event (fly-in, seminars, fl y market, etc.) listed. Please send the information to
f AA, Aft: Golda Cox, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Information should be
received four months prior to the event date.
OCTOBER9-12 - MESA, AZ- Copperstate
Fly-In. Call Bob Hasson, 520/228-5480.
Southeast Regional Fly-In. Call Harold
"Bubba" Hamiter, 334/765-9109.
East Coast EAA Fly-In. Call Andrew
Alvarez, 302/738-8883.
Southwest Regiona l Fly-In. Call Stu
McCurdy, 512/388-7399.
Poplar Grove Airport (C77) 14th
Annual Stinson Reunion. Info: Suzette
Selig, 9 S. 324 Aero Drive, Naperville,
IL 60564, phone 630/904-6964.
SEPT. 13 - ZANESVILLE, OH - Riverside
Airport. Arthritis Foundation and EAA
Chapter 425Second Annual Hog Roast
11 a.m.-6 p.m. Fly-In, Drive-In. EAA
Chapter 425 hats to the first 25 PIC.
Please register. Info: Don Wahl
Fiftieth Anniversary Cub Fly-In. Co-
sponored by EAA Chapter 1046 and
Ponca City Aviation Boosters Club.
Group Fly-out to EAA NC Chapter 10
Fly-In in Bartlesville, OK on September
19. Info: Merle Helt 405/762-7580.
Creve Coeur Field. Monocoupe
Madness III. Monocoupes, Darts, Velie
Motorcars, owners and enthusiasts
invited. For info: Monocoupe Club,
6154 River Forest Dr. , Manassas, VA
20712. Call 703-590-2375 for info.
Frank Phillips Field. 40th Annual Tulsa
Regional Fly-In. For info call Charlie
Harris, 918/622-8400.
SEPTEMBER 19-21 - SELMA, CA - 15th
annual West Coast Travel Air Fly- In.
Old fashioned fly-in where aviators do
what comes naturally. Flying events,
memorabilia auction, great food. Info:
Jerry Impellezzeri, 408/3 56-3407 or
Bob Lock 209/638-4235.
- EAA Chapter 1094 3rd annual Fall Fly-
In. Coincides with the 28th annual
Hopkins County Fall Festival and World
Champion Stew Contest. Info:
908/885-5525 or 903/439-3212.
John's Landing Air Field. 6th annual EM
NC Chapter 22 Fall Fly-In breakfast and
lunch both days. Hog roast Sat. , Free
participation plaques. Info: call Virginia at
Chapter 241 Fly-In, Drive-In Breakfast, 7
a.m.-Noon. Info: Alan Abell (847)888-2919.
Fly- I n sponsored by EAA
Antique/ Cl assic Chapter 3. EAA
fellowship; vintage films; major
speaker; awards in all categories. Info:
R. Bottom Jr. Fax 757-8873-3059.
Range Airport. (FRG) Flea market, Fly-
In and open house. 10:00 a.m. - 3:00
p.m. Exit 295off of Interstate 70. Info:
303/261-9100 or 1-800-654-9136.
OCTOBER 4- 5 - SUSSEX, NJ. Sussex
Airport. Annual Quad-Chapter Fly-In
sponsored by EAA Chapters 891, 238,
73 and NC #7. Good food, good fun
and lots of good old airplanes. Contact
Konrad Kundi g, 201 361-8789,
OCTOBER 5 - TOMAH, WI - Bloyer
Field. EAA Chapter 935 10th Annual
Fly-In breakfast. Static Displays, food,
craft market, radio controlled planes, 7
am - 4 pm. Info: call 608/372-3125.
EAA Chapter 186 hosts the EAA B-17.
Fly-In Sat. and Sun., pancake breakfast
Sunday morning. For info, call
Alexander French, 703/ 354-6950.
Towanda Airport (N27) Fly-In
Breakfast. All you can eat, including
100% pure maple syrup! 7 a.m. -
1p.m . For info, call Carl Lafy,
Membership in the Experimental Aircraft
Association,$35 foroneyear, including 12
is availableforan additional$10annually. Junior
Membership (under 19years ofage) is available
at$20annually. Allmajorcreditcardsaccepted
Current EAA members may join the Antique/
Classic Division and receive VINTAGE AIR-
azine and one year membership in the EAA
Antique/Classic Division is available for $37 per
Current EAA membersmayjoin the International
AerobaticClub, Inc. Divisionandreceive SPORT
AEROBATICS magazine for an additional$40
zineandoneyearmembershipin the lACDivision
is available for $50 peryear (SPORTAVIATION
Current EAA members may join the EAA
Warbirds ofAmerica Division and receive WAR-
BIRDSmagazineforanadditional$35 peryear.
EAA Membership, WARBIRDS magazine and
one yearmembership in the Warbirds Division is
available for $45 peryear (SPORT AVIAnON
CurrentEAA membersmayreceiveEAA EXPER-
IMENTER magazine for an additional$20 per
magazine is available for $30 peryear (SPORT
Please submityourremittance with a check or
draft drawn on a United States bank payable in
United States dollars. Add $13 postage for
SPORTAVIATION magazine and/or$6postage
P.O. box3086
Oshkosh, WI54903-3086
Something to buy, sell or trade? An inexpensive ad in the Vintage Trader
may be just the answer to obtaining that elusive part. AO per word, $7.00
minimum charge. Send your ad and payment to: Vintage Trader, fAA Aviation
Center, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086, or fax your ad and your
credit card number to 920/426-4828. Ads must be received by the 20th of the
month for insertion in the issue the second month following (e.g., October
20th for the December issue.)
Seeking bidsfor rare 1944 DH89AMkIV Rapide
with overhauled Gypsy 6 Series III engines.
Aircraft disassembled and in need of extensive
restoration. Organization lookingtosell aircraftto
collectorwhowill return ittoflying status. Please
contact the EAA Aviation Museum Director at
920/ 426-4842.
1947 Cessna 120 - Excellent shape, always
hangared Moore Cty. Airport, Pinehurst , NC.
TSOH 1013 ACTT 2089, Owner 910/295-6912.
Award winning 1929 Waco-10-ASO, 3-place,
open cockpit, Grand Champion, red & cream
biplane, originally owned by Firestone; also flew
as mail plane for Erie Isle Airways. For brochure
&video, callTom 770/478-2310. (1000)
1935 Waco YKC-S, 115 hrs. since complete
rebuild in 1990. BestAntique Cabin S& F1992.
Diana cream & red , modern panel , always
hangared. Bestoffer,Andy,770/ 927-9150.
facture, STC- PMA-d, 4130 chromoly tubing
t hroughout , also complete fuselage repair .
Pres.), 7093 Dry Creek Road, Belgrade, Montana
59714,406/388-6069,FAX 406/388-0170. Repair
station No. QK5R148N. (0274)
FREE CATALOG - Aviation books and videos.
Howto, building and restoration tips,historic,fly-
ingand entertainmenttitles. Callforafreecata-
log. EAA,1-800-843-3612.
1920's "Johnson" strut mount airspeed, $385;
1930' s Pioneer Brass 2" Venturi, $135; 1930's
Kollsman "bubbleface" compass, $395; 1930's
Consolidated tachometer, $195; 1940's Aeronca
non-sensitive altimeter, $125; 1920' s aircraft
"ACCA" yearbooks, $135 each; 1930's aircraft
"ACCA" yearbooks, $125 each; 1940's aircraft
"ACCA" yearbooks, $75each; 1940'sRangerC-5
engine, $975. 01' Jon Aldrich, POB-9, Big
Oakflat,CA95305,209/ 962-6121.
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WanttobuysignaturesOttoTimm, Pioneerpilots,
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DivisionChiefTrainingCaptain, retired.)
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As a member , you already know what being an Antique/Classic m m r is all about, or do you? As a member, you get:
Ask your friends who share your enthusism to join.,
See the insert in the center of this mon issue.
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